Newsletter of the Haida Nation March 2011 Need Wood? Vancouver Reporting Getting Wood for Smokehouses and by Sandra Greene, Vancouver CHN Representative

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Newsletter of the Haida Nation March 2011 Need Wood? Vancouver Reporting Getting Wood for Smokehouses and by Sandra Greene, Vancouver CHN Representative Gwaii Haanas Eileen Hayles, Lisa Kendall, Superintendent OM Emergency SKG Emergency receives cultural Coordinator Coordinator award. pg 6 pg 8 pg 3 HAIDANewsletter of the Haida Nation LAAS March 2011 Photo: Allan Wilson Shania Williams with Silas Brown at the Junior Basketball dinner send-off. See page 10. Haida Laas - Newsletter of the Haida Nation March 2011 Need Wood? Vancouver Reporting Getting wood for smokehouses and by Sandra Greene, Vancouver CHN Representative. decks is now simpler, and the wait time Vancouver Haidas were honoured to be atre Room, downstairs at the Friendship for applications to be approved will be host city for the Haida Language Gath- Centre – everyone is welcome. We are greatly reduced. ering held on February 5 and 6, 2011 at also starting cedar-weaving get-togeth- ers – if anyone is interested in any of A new and improved process is now the Wosk Centre, right downtown and these activities, please talk to me. in place for people requesting wood easily accessible to everyone. under the Haida Gwaii Cultural Wood There was a really good turnout of Urban Feast Date Change Spring Session Access program. The new system has people from Alaska, Massett, Skidegate, The date for the Urban Feast has been HAIDA LAAS (formerly referred to as the Second Quarterly) Process Coordinator, Percy Crosby, Seattle and Vancouver. Updates on what changed and will now be on May 14, NEWS of the HAIDA NATION forward applications requesting less is happening with Haida language in all 2011 from noon until 9:00 pm at the published by the than twenty-six cubic metres directly to of the communities were given and there Vancouver Friendship Centre. • Council of the Haida Nation April 28 & 29 the CHN and the Ministry of Forests, are a great many things happening. What Lands and Natural Resource Opera- makes me proudest is seeing the young Managing Editor 10am – 4:30pm tions (formerly the Ministry of Forests) people so into learning our language. HaiCo wants to Simon Davies for approval. This change bypasses the At one point we sat in a circle and told Know what you Business Administrator Skidegate Community Hall board process; the HGCWA will now stories, some in Haida and some about Amanda Reid-Stevens meet only to discuss projects looking for what it means to be Haida. It is good to Think! Writers more than twenty-six cubic metres. sometimes hear our language used in a The Haida Enterprise Corporation Florence Lockyer - Old Massett Laas Parnell - Skidegate The cut off at twenty-six cubic metres casual way too! (HaiCo) is working on creating a was agreed upon because that amount is At the same time that the gather- website and is seeking your input. The [email protected] Marine Map Ready usually enough wood for small domes- ing was going on, Hobiyee was being website is being designed to communi- p.250.559.8755 tic and cultural uses – things like poles, celebrated at the Joe Mathias Centre in cate regularly with the nation on HaiCo for Pick-up boxes, woodsheds, decks and siding. Squamish and a few of us went out there activities and businesses. Council of the Haida Nation The Council of the Haida Nation is pleased to Larger projects, such as longhouses, after the Saturday session. It was great Please take a few moments to share Administrator announce that the Ocean & Way of Life marine obviously require more wood and these to see the Rainbow Creek Dancers par- your thoughts and opinions. This survey Box 589, Old Massett Haida Gwaii map and companion document are available requests will go to the full board for ticipating along with many other cultural should take 10-15 minutes to complete. V0T 1M0 for pick-up at a location near you! approval. groups in this Nisga’a New Year’s cel- Survey Link: https://coppermoon.wu- p.250.626.5252 ebration. f.250.626.3403 This free map shows some of the informa- Cultural Wood Access Permit applica- 1.888.638.7778 tion collected as part of the Haida Marine tions can by picked up at CHN offices in A reminder to Vancouver Haidas that To thank you for your time, your [email protected] Traditional Knowledge Study. The companion Old Massett and Skidegate. • we have language and culture gatherings name will be entered in a draw for an document describes the project and Haida ma- every Sunday at 2:00 pm in the The- iPod and other prizes! • Council of the Haida Nation rine cultural use in more detail. President Box 98, Queen Charlotte • Old Massett: CHN Haida Fisheries Program Haida Gwaii office (379 Eagle Avenue) V0T 1S0 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PEOPLE & p.250.559.4468 • Skidegate: CHN/Haida Fisheries Program f.250.559.8951 office (133 Front Street) or the CHN Com- WHY THEY ENJOY THEIR WORK? 1.877.559.4468 munications/Haida Laas office (148 Front [email protected] Street) Haida Laas is looking for a youth (18+) interested in writing about people working For further information, please contact the for the Council of the Haida Nation and Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and MARCH 2011 Haida Fisheries Program in Old Massett at 626-3302 or Skidegate at 559-8945. • Haida Heritage Site. Working with the Haida Laas editor, the successful candidate will produce ten Did you know? employee profiles of approximately 1000 words each – five for each organization – and be paid $500 per profile. This is a great opportunity for a self-motivated youth, Did you know that under the section Rights & Freedoms of the Haida interested in writing, to develop skills and learn why people enjoy their work! Nation’s Constitution, Article 3.S2 (f) states that: The official program reports : haida laas • • • links : diplomacy : agreements government : working groups languages of the Haida Nation shall be Haida and English. For more information, please call 250.559.8755, or to apply, send a resumé - it’s all good - See page 14 for this issue’s Haida phrases. and sample of your writing to [email protected]. Applications must be in by April 15, 2011. 2 3 Haida Laas - Newsletter of the Haida Nation March 2011 Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site Next Steps Gladstone Receives Cultural Award NaiKun Wind Receives Federal Approval The NaiKun Wind energy proposal, has That is not to say there were no con- joint research project with the Area “A” Ernie Gladstone, Field Unit Super- received the long awaited environmental cerns. Attached to the 2009 provincial Crab Association to study crab mobility intendent for Gwaii Haanas has been approval from the federal government report were more than 100 mitigation in Hecate Strait. awarded the George Wright Society’s directives dealing with various aspects HARVESTING CONTRACT Cultural Resource Achievement Award. NaiKun was awarded a provincial Among other issues, the directives of the project, all of which have been ac- SUPERVISOR WANTED Presented at the 2011 George Wright environmental certificate in December, cover accidents and risks, marine safety 2009. Since then, the federal govern- cepted by NaiKun Wind. and scouring around the towers. Taan Forest is currently seeking Society Conference on Parks, Pro- ment has continued reviewing other Some of the directives in Appendix-3, In an independent process, the Coun- an experienced Harvesting Con- tected Areas and Cultural Sites in New issues such as fish habitat and the crab Table of Commitments and Assuranc- cil of the Haida Nation contracted Dr. tract Supervisor for our operations Orleans, Louisiana, the award recog- nizes Mr. Gladstone’s leadership on fishery, which they consider within their es, include putting a marine-mammal Tom Gunton of Simon Fraser University on TFL 60 and the Haida Tenure. the Canada-Haida Nation Archipelago jurisdiction. After more than two years monitoring program in place through the to study the proposed project and pro- Reporting to the Operations Management Board – one of the most Photo: Haida Laas of deliberation, the conclusion made design, construction and operation of the vide an impartial review to the nation. Manager, you will be responsible successful cooperative management by Fisheries and Oceans, Transport proposed wind farm; determining with That report is expected within the next for the supervision of contract arrangements in the world. Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Environment Canada and the Canadian month. Once it has been received and Prince Rupert Port Authority and the Wildlife Service, whether there is a need distributed the question of establishing harvesting, road construction and “Effective leadership is a key part of Canadian Environmental Assessment for follow-up and monitoring of ma- a business partnership with NaiKun will sorting crews. any success,” said Dave Harmon, Ex- Gwaii Haanas Field Unit Superintendent, Agency was that there would be “no sig- rine birds, and implementing an Adap- go to a “general vote” of the nation. The position requires a highly ecutive Director of the George Wright Ernie Gladstone. nificant adverse environmental effects”. tive Management Plan; and, inititating a motivated individual who has an Society. “Ernie and all those involved A motion by the House of Assembly excellent safety record, a good in the management of Gwaii Haanas opportunities for employment and tour- requires that the vote take place (see working knowledge of occupation- have played a critical role in the success ism to support the local community,” HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY resolution this page) and the question al health and safety regulations, of both heritage sites’ management and said Mr. Gladstone. RESOLUTION R4: on the ballot will be whether the Haida Nation goes into a business partnership and a willingness to work with we are pleased to be able to offer this Guujaaw, President of the Haida Na- with NaiKun Wind.
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