Airplane Study Guide PA-28-180 1972 Piper Cherokee Attitude Aviators

(Use this study guide in conjunction with the airplane’s POH)

Pitot static questions 1. Where are the static ports located? The Pitot static system on this plane is a combined single instrument mounted underneath the left wing. The is obviously on the front, and the static port is located on the back. 2. What instruments are they connected to? VSI, , indicator 3. If your static ports become clogged inflight, what indication would you get on the instruments? IAS indicates lower in a climb from point of static blockage, IAS indicates higher descending, VSI stays at 0, and Altimeter freezes at level of blockage 4. What action would you take to correct that? You should activate pitot/static heat the event it has iced over and can be melted. If pitot heat does not resolve problem, you can smash the glass covering on the VSI instrument so the closed system obtains ambient air from inside the cabin. Cabinet pressure is slightly lower than outside ambient air, so altitudes should be adjusted higher by approximately 50-80’ 5. If your pitot tube became clogged, what indication would you get on your while in a climb? It would act like an altimeter, when you climb would increase because pitot blocked w lower altitude air and static port air gets less dense, resulting in a reading that falsely shows higher airspeed.

Environmental 1. How do you turn on the heater? Controls for heat and defrost are located on the far right side of the instrument panel 2. What type of heater? Heat for passengers and the cabin is provided by a heater shroud that is attached to the exhaust system by wrapping around the mufflers to exchange engine exhaust heat with cabin air. 3. Where does it get its fuel from? This heat system does not use fuel. It transfers heat from the exhaust into the shroud and uses that hot air to warm the cabin and passengers. 4. Will the heater work on the ground? There is no fan with this heat system, so heat on the ground is limited until airflow causes the warm air to circulate through cabin. 5. How do you get fresh air into the cabin? Open vents 6. Where does it come from? Outside through the wings and a small opening at the top of the vertical stabilizer. 7. Does this airplane have an external power receptacle? YES. It’s located adjacent to the baggage door and is used for cabin pre-heat and engine heater.

Ice protection 1. Does this have any ice protection measures? Yes 2. What are they? Pitot heat and carb heat and windshield defroster 3. Can this airplane be flown in icing conditions? No. The ice protection measures are not designed for flight in icing conditions. 4. Does the pitot-static heat work on the ground? Yes 5. Do you have windshield Heat? Defroster only

Control Systems 1. How are the flight controls connected to the control yoke? Cables 2. Describe the Ailerons on this airplane. Ailerons control the airplanes movement along the longitudinal axis of flight. The ailerons on this airplane are constructed with differential action, meaning one side doesn’t change at the same rate as the other, which tends to reduce adverse yaw in turning maneuvers, and also reduces the amount of coordination required in normal turns. 3. Do you have aileron trim? No 4. Do you have rudder trim on this airplane? YES. Rudder trim allows for adjustments if you need to modify your fuselage alignment along your direction of flight. The control for rudder trim is below the throttle quadrant. 5. Does this airplane have flaps? If so, How do the flaps operate? YES. They are manually operated by a lever between the left and right seat. They are spring loaded to return to the up position. Single lever works both left and right wing flaps. Flaps must be fully retracted for the to be used as a step boarding and exiting the airplane. It will not support the weight of a person if not in the fully retracted position. 6. How many positions do the flaps have in this airplane? 3 POSITIONS. 10 degrees, 25 degrees, and 40 degrees. 7. Does this airplane have an Elevator to control pitch? NO. This airplane design incorporates what is called a Flying Tail (or Stabilator), with a trim tab mounted on the trailing edge off the stabilator to reduce the control system forces. This stabilator provides extra stability and controllability with less size, , and weight than conventional tail surfaces.

Power Plant and Oil System 1. What type of engine does the PA-28-180 have? Lycoming 0-360-A4A, Four cylinder, direct drive, horizontally opposed engine. The engine has a starter, 60 amp 12 volt alternator, shielded ignition, vacuum pump drive, fuel pump, and a dry automotive type carburetor air filter. 2. What is the rated horsepower of this engine? 180 horsepower @ 2700RPMs. 3. How many cylinders? 4 4. How many spark plugs does the engine have? 8, 2 per cylinder 5. Where do the spark plugs get their power from? 2 engine driven Magnetos 6. What are the normal power settings on this airplane? 2350-2400 RPMs 7. What are the power settings on this plane when performing slow flight? Bring RPMs below 2000 while configuring for slow flight. As you approach slow flight speed of approx 65mph, bring RPMs back up to approximately 2000-2100 to maintain airspeed without gaining or losing altitude. 8. What are the max Cruise power settings on this airplane? 2450-2500 RPMs 9. How is the engine cooled? Air 10. Does this plane have an external power receptacle? Yes – for cabin preheat and engine heater 11. What are the engine RPM limitations? 2700rpm 12. Oil temperature and pressure? Review Instrument Display and Keep within Green Limits 13. How much oil does this engine hold? Total of 8 quarts (minimum operable at 2 qts per POH), but should be kept at or above 6 qts during preflight checks. 14. Exhaust Gas Temperature? Probe is INOP

Fuel System 1. What type of fuel does this airplane use? Aviation grade (min octane) 100/130. 100LL 2. What is the total fuel capacity of this airplane? 2 25-gallon leading edge wing tanks. 3. How much of the total fuel is usable? There are a total of 50 gallons, but only 48 are usable (1 gallon un-usable each tank) 4. How many fuel tanks are on this airplane? 2 5. Does this fuel system use fuel pumps? If so, how many? Yes. There is an engine driven fuel pump which operates when engine is running, and an electrical Auxiliary fuel pump which is provided in the event of a failure of the engine driven pump. The electric pump should be ON for takeoffs, landings, and when switching tanks. The Electric Fuel Pump switch is located on the switch panel above the throttle quadrant. 6. Describe the fuel selector valve handles and how they work. The fuel selector is located on the left side panel, just forward of the pilot’s seat. There are 3 options: OFF, LEFT, and RIGHT. The button on the selector must be depressed and held while the handle is moved to the OFF position. 7. Describe the fuel Quantity and Fuel Pressure Gauges. There is a fuel quantity gauge for each tank and fuel pressure gauge for the entire fuel system. These gauges are located in a group on the left side of the instrument panel. The pressure gauge measures pressure in the fuel lines on the engine side of the fuel pumps. 8. How many fuel drains does this airplane have and where are they located? There are 3 drains on the Cherokee. Each tank has one located at the bottom, inboard rear corner. The gascolator also has a drain. All three drains should be sumped, to check for sediments and water before every flight and after fueling up the airplane.

Propeller 1. What type of propeller is this Cherokee 180? Sensinch , 2 blade, fixed pitch. Made from a one-piece alloy forging

Landing gear 1. What type of landing gear does this airplane have? This airplane has fixed, non-retractable landing gear. The three gears (2 mains and 1 nose wheel) use a Cleveland 6.00 x 6 wheel. 2. Explain the type of brakes this airplane has? The 2 mains have Cleveland single brake disc, hydraulicly operated brake assemblies. The standard brake system for the Cherokee consists of a hand lever below the throttle quadrant. The brake system on N15804 also includes optional toe brakes for the left seat. Toe brakes are not present on the right seat of N15804, although they can be added, although not required because of the existing handbrake. 3. How is this airplane steered on the ground? The nose wheel can be steered through an overall 44 degree arc using the rudder pedals present in both the right and left seats of N15804. 4. Does this airplane have rudder trim? Yes. A spring device is incorporated into the rudder pedal torque tube assembly to aid in rudder centering. It is also used to provide rudder trim adjustments via the dial knob below the throttle quadrant. 5. Does the nose gear steering system have a shimmy dampener? If so, what does it do? YES. It is located on the nose gear, but inside of the cowling out of normal sight. The purpose of the shimmy dampener is to reduce the shutter or shimmy of the nose wheel during accelerations and decelerations. 6. What type of struts does this airplane have? All 3 struts are the Air-Oil type, with normal extension being between 3.25 and 4.5 inches for the mains, and more than that for the nose gear 7. What should you do if one of your landing gears has a flat strut? DO NOT Taxi

Electrical System 1. Describe the electrical system of N15804. The electrical system has a 12 volt 60amp alternator, battery, voltage regulator, overvoltage relay, and master switch relay. 2. Where is the battery located? The battery is located in the fuselage behind the baggage compartment. 3. Where are the Voltage Regulator and Overvoltage Relays located? Both are located on the forward left side of the fuselage, behind the instrument panel. 4. Explain how the alternator system works? Alternator systems are considered to have advantages over generator systems in both operation and maintenance. They also provide full electrical power output at lower engine RPMs, which is great for radios and other electrical equipment. Because Alternator output is available at all times, the battery is charging during a greater percentage of its time of use…keeping battery life strong. 5. Explain the “Master Switch” in this airplane. This term is used in the POH to indicate both sides of the split toggle switch: The battery side “BATT” and the alternator side “ALT”, which can be selected simultaneously to OFF or ON as desired 6. Describe what the Ammeter gauge is telling you. Unlike generator systems, the ammeter does NOT indicate battery discharge. Instead, it shows the amount of load placed on the alternator to keep the battery charged. If all the electrical equipment in the airplane is OFF (not including Master Switch), the ammeter will show the amount of charging current demanded by the battery. As you turn on additional electrical equipment, such as radios, the current will INCREASE to a higher total appearing on the ammeter. This new higher total includes the battery. The maximum continuous load for night flight, with radios ON, is about 30 amps. This 30 amps, plus another approx. 2 amps for full battery charge, will show on the ammeter.

If no output on the ammeter is showing, reduce the electrical load by turning OFF electrical equipment. Check both 5 amp field breaker and 60 amp output breaker and reset if they are open. If neither of these are open, turn off the “ALT” switch for 30 seconds to reset the overvoltage relay. If after you turn “ALT” back on the ammeter continues to show no output, maintain minimum electrical load (because you are running on available battery) and terminate flight as soon as practical. 7. What type of circuit breakers are used in this airplane? All circuit breakers are the push-to-reset type 8. If the battery switch is positioned to off, will the alternators continue operating? YES. They will show a load on the Ammeter equivalent to the electrical demand of the “Master Switch” and all electrical equipment that is ON in thee airplane. The amount of the Ammeter load will NOT include the approximately 2 additional amps of load to continuous charge the battery. 9. Does this airplane have an ELT? If so, where is it? YES. It is located in the fuselage, behind the baggage compartment.

Airplane V-Speeds

Best Glide – 85MPH Vs – 61MPH (full flaps/Dirty) Vso – 68MPH (no flaps/Clean) Vx – 74MPH Vy – 85MPH Enroute Climb – 100MPH Vfe – 115MPH Va – 127 (@gross weight) Vno – 140MPH Vne – 148MPH

Airplane Weights

Empty Weight – 1499.65lbs Max Gross Weight – 2450lbs Useful Load – 950.35lbs

Performance Data

Rate of Climb (ft per minute) 725 Service Ceiling 14,150 Absolute Ceiling 16,500 Cruising Range (75% power, leaned best economy, no reserves or climb allowance) 686 Optimum Cruise Range (55% power, 10k ft, leaned best economy, no reserves or climb) 706 Ground Run (Sea Lvl, Max effort, 25 flaps) (ft) 720 Takeoff over 50-ft obstacle Sea Lvl std (max effort 25 flaps) (ft) 1625 Landing Roll Sea Lvl std (flaps down) (ft) 635* Landing Roll Sea Lvl std (ft) 1185* NOTE: * Value applies only for conditions indicated on density altitude chart

Other Study Questions 1. What are the adverse effects of departing over gross weight? Increased TO roll, reduced climb rate, increased stress on aircraft 2. What are the adverse effects of CGI out of limits? Reduced pitch stability 3. What are the adverse effects of Exceeding maneuver speed in rough air? Overstress on aircraft 4. Determine the following based on today's flight: a. Weight and Balance Calculation

b. takeoff distance

c. climb performance

d. Cruise power setting

e. Fuel consumption range and endurance

f. Landing distance