March, 1995 Arecibo Incoherent Times An unofficial quasi-scientific inquiry at the Arecibo Observatory No. 7 Editor: Qihou Zhou, [email protected], phone:809-878-2612, fax:809-878-1861

Estimation of Backscattering Cross-Section for the Arecibo 430 MHz ISR

Qihou Zhou

One question that has always haunted me is whether the Arecibo ISR can really pick up a pin point at a distance of 300 km. Other people have told me yes. I know also from experience and pride that Arecibo ISR is indeed very very sensitive. But, I am still skeptical, doubtful,... until I have made my own measurements and calculations.

First, the experiment: High voltage=88 kv; Calibration=97 ; RF Pulse width and gate width= 8 us; no coding. fof2 from Ramey digisonde reads 5.5 MHz at the time of experiment; -region peak appears to be at about 225 km; F-region peak signal temperature is 110 K, slightly higher than the calibration. The experiment was conducted at about 9 pm so that ion temperature can be assumed to be equal to electron temperature.

Second, the number crunching: Electron density at 5.5 MHz = 3.8x105/cm3 = 3.8x1011/m3; Total volume illuminated by radar at one range gate = 1.2π0.332 km3=4x108m3 (assuming an 1/6o 3 dB full beam width); Total number of electrons illuminated at one range gate = 1.5x1020; Effective IS cross-section per electron = 0.5*10-28 m2; Therefore, the total effective scattering cross-section is 7x10-9 m2 to have a signal of 110 K at 225 km.

The effective scattering cross-section for a signal temperature of Ts at range can be generalized as:

σ × –32 1  4 eff = 2.5 10 ------ sr m2K

Assuming that the detectable signal temperature is 10 K, at a range of 100 km, the minimum detectable effective cross-section is 2.5x10-11 m2, which is much smaller than the point of the pin my grandma used!

1 A very sensitive IS radar is not necessarily good unless its gain at sidelobes can be effectively sup- pressed. Since the effective scattering cross section of a Stealth is a well guarded secret, it cannot be terribly wrong to assume that a Boeing 747 has a effective scattering cross-section of 1000 m2. For a Boeing flying at a distance of 150 km, the signal temperature would be 7x1013 K if we could point the Arecibo radar sideways. I have never remember seeing an obvious aircraft echo at 150 Km (and trust me, I have seen lots of ISR profiles). It seems to be reasonable to assume that a Boeing 150 km away at cruising altitude can only be blamed as a 10 K nuisance. The relative gain at horizon with respect to the beam center is therefore about 10-13, i.., -130 dB. Experience tells us this is only good enough that we don’t have to worry about interferences generated by passive targets for F-region studies.

--- P.. Feb. 1997

The effective scattering cross-section is not the physical cross-section of a target. For a target whose size is smaller than the probing wavelength, Reileigh scattering has to be taken into consid- eration. With this into consideration, the size of the physical target is somewhat smaller than 1 cm at 100 km.