Colby Free Press Friday, January 6, 2006 Page 5 Receptionist refuses to forget woman’s childhood nickname tos and phone calls are enough for alize it any further and go on — CONFUSED IN COLUM- DEAR ABBY: I am a 48-year- her. She is very involved with her with your lives. Trust me on that! BIA, MO. old woman who was known by my friends, card games, weight-loss DEAR ABBY: I have six good DEAR CONFUSED: When nickname, “Pudge,” while I was in programs, Red Hat Society, etc. friends who live together. When you identify yourself, I would high school because so many other Abigail Van Buren She is only 72 and healthy and they answer the phone, I never think that the response would be, girls had the same common name. wealthy. know who I’m talking to. I always “Oh, hi, Vanessa! It’s ‘Julie.’ After high school, I went back to Dear Abby I am very hurt that she makes no say, “This is Vanessa,” but they How are you?” However, since my given name, and I have care- • effort at all to see us. We can’t af- never reply by volunteering their that’s not the response you’re fully told all my old friends that, ford to fly six of us there even once names. getting, it’s certainly not pre- while my nickname was cute for a a year to visit. Have you any sug- Is it reasonable to expect them to sumptuous to ask, “... and who is 15-year-old, it no longer suited me. ceptionist, and your request has We have traveled by road or by gestions? I think she is being self- identify themselves? I have con- this?” Most of them have made the been ignored, your next step plane four or five times over the ish, but don’t know how to fix the sidered asking them to, but never Or, “With whom am I having change out of respect for me. should be to address your com- last five years to Minnesota to visit problem, and my husband is very have. I’m not sure if it would be the pleasure?” That’s what I’d What should I tell my doctor’s plaint to the doctor. Tell him how his relatives. However, my in-laws hurt by it. presumptuous or not. do. receptionist, who did not know me annoying it is that she continues have made only one attempt to — FORGOTTEN IN IDAHO before, but insists on using my to address you by a nickname come to visit us. My father-in-law DEAR FORGOTTEN: You nickname? I have told her I prefer you’d prefer to forget, and even has since passed away. We flew to can’t change another person; my given name, but she refuses to puts it on your mail. And be sure Minnesota for his funeral. you can only change the way you Card Shower use it. I don’t want to hurt her feel- to let him know that you expect We have attempted many times react to that person. Your ings, but I think she should address him to put a stop to it, because if to coax my mother-in-law to come mother-in-law appears to be self- for me as I introduced myself. I see this he doesn’t, you will take your to Idaho to visit us and the four ish and self-centered, but much Ernest Schielke doctor four times a year, so I see her business elsewhere. That should grandkids we have had over the last as you would like to, you can’t often. She also uses the nickname “cure” the problem. five years, but she claims she’s change her. Continue to send her on mail sent to my home. The best DEAR ABBY: I have been hap- afraid of flying. When we sug- cards, photos and updates on her 90th Birthday she has ever done is to it pily married for five years to a gested taking a bus, she came up grandchildren’s progress. How- ~ January 12, 2006 ~ with “Mrs.” What should I do? wonderful man I met on the with another excuse. ever, you and your husband will — NO NICKNAME, PLEASE Internet. He moved here to Idaho We invited his mother to Idaho be less hurt and disappointed if Cards may be sent to: DEAR N.N.P.: Because you after our marriage. (He’s from for and again she re- you accept the fact that his 1260 W. 3rd, Colby, KS 67701 have already spoken to the re- Minnesota). fused, saying e-mail, Internet pho- mother is flawed, do not person- Some NBC affiliates refuse to air show Worship in the church NEW YORK (AP) — Television waves and leaders in the community, stations in at least three states, in- we don’t believe it’s in the best in- of your choice this cluding , are refusing to terests of our community to air a pro- broadcast a new NBC series about an gram that a large number of our Episcopal who abuses pain- viewers find deeply offensive,” the weekend. killers, has a gay son, a promiscuous station said in a news release. straight son, a daughter who deals The series stars Aidan Quinn as the marijuana, and a wife who drinks too Rev. Daniel Webster, who discusses much. his many troubles in regular chats Conservative Christian groups with a robe-wearing, bearded Jesus. have condemned the depiction of The American Family Association, Jesus as blasphemous, accusing the in Tupelo, Miss., and Focus on the writers of portraying Christ as toler- Family, the Colorado Springs group ant of sin in talks with the priest. led by James Dobson, are asking NBC affiliates KARK in Little supporters to lobby their local NBC Rock, Ark., and WTWO in Terre affiliate to drop the show. Haute, Ind., said sensitivity to view- In a statement Thursday, NBC ers led them not to air “The Book of said, “We’re confident that once au- Daniel,” which debuts Friday. In diences view this quality drama Little Rock, the WB affiliate has ar- themselves, they’ll appreciate this ranged to show the drama instead. thought-provoking examination of “If my action causes people in our one American family.” community to pay more attention to But the American Family Asso- what they watch on television, I have ciation said the series was another accomplished my mission,” Duane sign of NBC’s “anti-Christian big- Lammers, WTWO’s general man- otry.” Bill Donohue, president of the ager, said in a statement on his Catholic League, an anti-defamation station’s Web site. group, called the series the “work of Also refusing to air the program an embittered ex-Catholic homo- was KSNW in Wichita and satellite sexual.” stations KSNG in Garden City, The show’s creator and executive KSNC in Great Bend and KSNK in producer, Jack Kenny, said he drew Oberlin. The Kansas stations are on the emotionally guarded family owned by . of his male partner for the series. He Over the past several days, station said his goal was to depict how “hu- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rev. Carol Rahn, 515 W. 4th, 462-6342, Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Worship, 11:00 a.m. September through May; officials said viewers and area reli- mor and grace” help a flawed man Worship 9:30 a.m. June through Labor Day. gious leaders had contacted them struggle with his faith and family. He with concerns about the program. said the writers never meant to mock “As broadcasters using public air- religion or Jesus. Schedule of church services

ASCENSION-ON-THE-PRAIRIE EPISCOPAL, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rev. Carol FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, (Disciples of Rev. Don Martin, College Drive & Wheatridge Rahn, 515 W. 4th, 462-6342, Sunday School Christ), Pastor Bradley L. Herndon, 385 W. 3rd - Seamless Rain Gutter Rd., 462-3041, Holy , 9:00 a.m. every 9:15 a.m., Worship, 11:00 a.m. September 460-2718, Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00 Sunday. Evening Prayer, 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, through May; Worship 9:30 a.m. June through a.m.; Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. E-mail: September through May. Christian Education for Labor Day. [email protected] Youth, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September WESLEYAN CHURCH, 320 W. Pine - 462-8391, TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Rev. John L. through May Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship Schmidt, East 5th & Country Club, 462-3497, COLLEGE DRIVE ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 10:40 a.m., Sunday Evening Cell groups at 6:00 Services, Sat., 5:30 p.m., Sunday; Sunday Pastor, Jeremy Gundling, 245 W. College Dr. - p.m., Wednesday Youth Ministries, Kids Club- School and Adult Bible Class 9:15 a.m.; Ser- 462-8234, Early Service - 8:00 a.m.; Sunday house 7 p.m. vices,10:30 a.m. ; Lutheran Hour on KXXX at 10 School 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. a.m.; KGCR at 2 p.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- BEREAN CHURCH, 1000 S. Franklin, 460-2763, DAY SAINTS, 1145 S. Franklin - 460-6605, OUR SAVIORS LUTHERAN CHURCH, Brewster, FREE estimates; Sunday School 9:30 a.m., President Dave Geldmacher, 846-7740; Calvin Sunday worship 9:00 a.m.; 2nd Sunday of the month at 8:00 a.m. 22 colors available Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Awana Clubs, Haverfield, 1st counselor, 672-4165; Matt Siding, Soffit, Fascia Wednesday, 7 p.m., Middle & High School, Christensen, 2nd counselor, 460-0146. Sacra- PLEASANT HOME CHURCH, Pastor, Charlie Wednesday, 7 p.m. @ the Colby Armory ment meeting 10 a.m., Sunday School and Pri- Busch, 694-2242, 3190 Road 70, Edson, Wor- mary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood, Relief Society, YM/ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Pastor Bradley L. ship, 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Installed by Ron Lucke YW, 12:10 p.m.; Family History Center open to Herndon, Grant & Webster Street, 462-2867, Evening service, 6:00 p.m. public, 7-9 p.m. Thursdays or by appointment. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday School LEVANT COMMUNITY CHURCH, 205 1st St., Call 462-3571. Burlington CO 9:15 a.m., Evening Worship 6:30 p.m., Wednes- Pastor Jerry Vincent, 586-2376, Sunday School cell day Bible 7:30 p.m. COLBY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Rev. (classes for 3 years & up and 3 adult classes) 9:30 James Mardock, pastor, 950 S. Franklin, 462- a.m., Morning worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday COLLEGE VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH, (SBC), 719-349-8840 6521, Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 and Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Pastor Tom Huffman, 1185 Wheatridge Rd. at 719-346-8840 11:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m., Fellowship coffee 9:30 College Drive, 460-7144, Sunday Bible Study WINONA METHODIST CHURCH, Rev. Michael a.m., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., KXXX broad- 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship services, 10:45 a.m. Eurit, Sunday School, 10:30 a.m., Morning Wor- casts 11:00 worship. ship 9:30 a.m. (CDT) MINGO BIBLE CHURCH, 420 Main Mingo, 785- colby-umc/ 462-2992: An independent community church REDEEMING LOVE CHURCH, 345 N. Franklin, BREWSTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, served by Village Missions Pastor Chris Shubert. Apostle W.G. and Rev. Orvella Romine, Equip- PO Box 250, Brewster. Pastor Dorine Chambers, Sunday School: 9:30AM - all ages. Sunday Ser- ping Service, Sunday, 10 a.m., Sunday worship, 785-462-6044, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Morn- ing Worship, 10:45 a.m. 5 vices: 10:45AM. Sunday Nights: 1st Sunday of 11 a.m., Thursday, RLM Training Center (Bible the month: potluck following morning service - School), 6 p.m. THE SHEPHERD’S STAFF, REXFORD, Mr. Bob no evening service; 2nd Sunday: services at Leach, Director, 687-2565 CHURCH OF CHRIST, 510 E. 4th, Jay Kelley, 6:30 PM; 3rd Sunday: informal fellowship - bring minister, Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m., Sunday REXFORD COMMUNITY CHURCH, Rexford, a snack to share!; 4th and 5th Sunday: services Worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday Eve. Worship 6:00 Pastor Lane Purcell, 687-3305, Sunday School at 6:30 p.m. p.m., Wednesday, Bible Study 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, 462-2179, Fa- BREWSTER COMMUNITY CHURCH, Mike ther Dana Clark, Pastor, Saturday Eve. COLBY EVANGELISM CENTER, Rev. Robert Pinkelman, Pastor, Brewster - 694-2720, Sunday 1/17/06 - 2/14/06 Tuesday Evenings 5:30 p.m., Sunday Masses 8:00 & 10:00 a.m., Cooper, 815 West 3rd - 462-2062, Sunday School (all ages) 9:30 a.m., Worship Service Confessions will be heard Saturday 4:30-5:05 School 9:45; Sunday service 10:00 and 6:30 10:30 a.m., Bible Study 7:00 p.m., Wed. morn- 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. p.m. and from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and 9:25-9:40 a.m. p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m.; Friday ings 6:30 a.m. - Men’s Bible Study, Wed. 7:00 on Sunday. Youth Power Hour at 7:00 p.m. p.m. - Children’s Ministries (Royal Rangers/ Colby Community College; Bedker Hall Room 702 This feature is sponsored by these business firms and individuals Missionettes), Wed. 7:15 p.m. - Intercessory & Prayer, Thurs. 4:00 p.m. - Women’s Bible Study as a contribution to the religious life of the community. 785-462-3984 To become a sponsor, call Crystal Rucker, COLBY OF COLBY & HAYS Jasmine Crotinger or Cindy Davis at 462-3963. Darryl G. Henry We appreciate the businesses and individuals who LUMBER Investment Representative have been faithful contributors to this space. Bud Van Horn and Staff 485 N. Court Ave. 1185 Zelfer Ave. • Colby, KS 1760 W. 4th 462-2181 Colby, KS 67701 785-462-8605 COLBY PHOTO 1195 S. Range Wednesday is double print day. 460-2000 Call 462-3963 or stop by Mark & Aradath Beringer 155 W. 5th • Colby 155 W. 5th St., Colby 420 N. Franklin, 462-8169 462-3963