2.3 Road Assessment

Distance Matrix Travel Time Matrix Road Security Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits Road Class and Surface Conditions

Roads are the dominant mode of transportation in Cambodia, accounting for 65% of freight movement and 87% of passenger’s traffic. Cambodia considers to develop two expressways in order to serve the growing extent of economy and trade. The project should start by 2020. The first line will lead from the capital to the coastal Preah Sihanouk province with a total length of 230 km. The second one will lead from Phnom Penh to City, with a total length of 213 km.

Relating to the road transport, there are three competent authorities for the management of roads infrastructure:

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) is the competent authority for the transport sector in the Kingdom of Cambodia and manages the expressways, national roads, provincial roads. Under the MPWT there are two main Directorates related to national and provincial road transport.

The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) is the competent authority to manage rural roads and other roads as assigned by the Royal Government.

The sub-national administration is the competent authority to manage roads within the capital, cities, provincial urban through the assignment of duties from the MPWT and the MRD and approved by the Royal Government.

For further details, please go to www.mpwt.gov.kh and www.mrd.gov.kh.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)

Page 1 Phnom Penh Ban Lung Preah Viehar Poi Pet

291 516 314 230 122 419 410 Phnom Penh

291 610 173 512 413 342 119 Battambang

516 610 448 734 444 400 600 Ban Lung

314 173 448 544 427 232 156 Siem Reap

230 512 734 544 352 631 640 Sihanoukville

122 413 444 427 352 534 532 Svay Rieng

419 342 400 232 631 534 317 Preah Viehar

410 119 600 156 640 532 317 Poi Pet

Additional distances can be found here: Cambodia Distance Matrix .

Travel Time Matrix

Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (hours)

Phnom Penh Battambang Ban Lung Siem Reap Sihanoukville Svay Rieng Preah Viehar Poi Pet

4 11 5 4 3 6 7-8 Phnom Penh

4 15 2 8 7 10 3 Battambang

11 15 16 15 14 17 19 Ban Lung

5 2 16 9 8 4 2 Siem Reap

4 8 15 9 7 10 12 Sihanoukville

3 7 14 8 7 9 11 Svay Rieng

6 10 17 4 10 9 14 Preah Viehar

7-8 3 19 3 11 11 14 Poi Pet

Road Security

As of November 2014, the number of deaths related to traffic accidents is on the rise. The main reason of accidents is over speed driving and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

Axle load limits Cambodia

a. Maximum weight on the sustaining axle

Single Axle with 4 wheels 6mt

Single Axle with 4 wheels 10mt

Twin Axles with 8 wheels 19mt

Triple Axles adjacent to each other’s twelve wheels 24mt

b. Permitted maximum total weight

Truck with 2 Axles 16mt

Truck with 3 Axles 25mt

Page 2 Truck with 4 Axles 30mt

c. Limitation of permitted maximum total weight of automobile with trailers

Trailers with 4 Axles 35mt

Trailers with 5 Axles onwards 40mt

d. Limitation of permitted maximum weight of automobile with semi-trailers

Semi-trailers with 4 Axles 35mt

Semi-trailers with 5 Axles onwards 40mt

All vehicle axle loads as specified below shall bear a pressure on the road of no more than 5kg/cm2.

Road Class and Surface Conditions

The road network of 55,043 km is classified as follows:

Paved: 7,202.91 km (Portland cement concrete, Asphalt concrete, Double Bituminous Surface treatment)

Unpaved: 47,840.15 km (2014)

Classification Description

Expressway 2 lines, 443 km (planned)

National Roads 10,907.77 km, with 1,287 bridges (33,353 m)

Provincial Roads 155 lines, 4,407.22 km, with 904 bridges (16,309 m)

Rural Roads 236 lines, 39,728 km

City/Urban/ streets 13,355 lines

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