Singapore Market Focus Monthly Strategy

Refer to important disclosures at the end of this report DBS Group Research . Equity 4 Jun 2018 STI : 3,427.51 A temporary slumber Analyst Kee Yan YEO, CMT +65 6682 3706  June key events – FED rate hike, OPEC debate on production revival [email protected]  Quiet June, STI 3400 limits downside, activity to pick up in early July Janice Chua +65 6682 3692  Five STI component stocks to accumulate in June – Wilmar, Genting, [email protected] SIA, Yangzijiang and HPH Trust (tactical buy call) Key Indices  Flight to safety underpins yield play in near term Current % Chng STI Index 3,427.51 0.0% Key events FED and OPEC meetings. The FED is likely to hike rates by FS Small Cap Index 377.36 -0.3% USD/SGD Curncy 1.35 0.6% 25bps to 2% this month. Consensus expects a total of three rate hikes Daily Volume (m) 2,209 this year (previously 3-4) on latest Eurozone uncertainty, trade war Daily Turnover (S$m) 1,323 concerns and a FED that is more tolerant of inflation overshoot. Daily Turnover (US$m) 982 Meanwhile, OPEC members will debate on exiting a supply cut Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P. agreement at the 22 June meeting after Saudi Arabia and Russia proposed a revival in oil production. Market Key Data (%) EPS Gth Div Yield 2017 9.4 4.1 Quiet June, 3400 limits downside. STI’s May decline is in line with our 2018F 16.4 4.0 view that the 2-mth period from May-June should be net negative in a 2019F 10.2 4.1 World Cup year. Expect trading activity to quieten further this month with the June school holidays and mid-month World Cup tournament, (x) PER EV/EBITDA picking up again in early July. However, we do not see much downside 2017 16.8 15.7 for the STI following May’s tumble. Support at 3415 or slightly below, 2018F 14.4 14.9 2019F 13.1 13.7

pegged to 12.76x (-0.5SD) 12-mth fwd PE.

Five STI component stocks to accumulate in June. We like outperforming stocks that are up when the rest are mostly down. These are , SIA and Genting Singapore. All three outperformers are also in our Singapore Model Portfolio. Next, we look at the other end of STOCKS 12-mth the performance and with a reasonable assumption that the selling Price Mkt Cap Target Performance (%) pressure has eased, and value has emerged. These are Yangzijiang and S$ US$m S$ 3 mth 12 mth Rating HPH Trust. Wilmar 3.25 15,371 3.65 2.2 (8.2) BUY Genting Singapore 1.25 11,256 1.49 8.7 5.9 BUY Flight to safety underpins yield play in near term. The US 10-yr Treasury 11.42 10,096 13.70 4.0 14.1 BUY yield is off the mid-May high of 3.11%. Technically, the yield trend has Yangzijiang 1.03 3,056 1.82 (27.0) (18.9) BUY (23.9) (33.3) turned rangebound from 2.7% to 2.95% in the short-term and this HPHT (US$) 0.27 2,352 0.38 BUY UMS Holdings 0.90 359 1.37 (22.2) (7.9) BUY should lend some support to yield stocks. With interest rates still looking APAC Realty 0.95 251 1.32 (19.9) N.A BUY to trend higher till end-2019, yield stocks with net cash or zero debt are HL Finance 2.71 904 3.20 0.4 3.0 BUY UMS, APAC Reality, HL Finance, Yangzijiang and SIA Engineering. SIA Engineering 3.19 2,667 3.92 (2.7) (18.4) BUY Source: DBSVI, DBS Bank, Bloomberg Finance L.P. Closing price as of 1 Jun 2018

ed: TH / sa: YM, PY, CS Market Focus

A temporary slumber

June Market Outlook

Zabivaka arrives early FSTE ST Indices performance for May

. STI tumbled 5.1% m-o-m as Italy’s political turmoil rekindles fear of exit from Eurozone, lack of positive catalyst post ‘ex- dividend season’ and sparse buyers ahead of June World Cup and school holiday . Financials (UOB, OCBC), consumer goods (Thai Beverage, Golden Agri) and Telecom (, Starhub) underperformed the most . Consumer services (Genting Singapore, SIA, ComfortDelgro) outperformed, the only positive sector in May

Source: DBS Bank

June Key events Key events in June

. FOMC meeting - FED likely to hike rates by 25bps to 2%, Date Event Comment consensus now expects a total of three rate hikes this year Consensus expects a 25-bp (previously 3-4) due to latest Eurozone uncertainty, trade war 14- FOMC hike in FED funds rate to concerns and a more dovish FED Jun meeting 2% with just another one . Start of FIFA World Cup - Expect trading activity to quieten more by year-end throughout June, picking up again in early July Start of . OPEC meeting – Possibility of OPEC and its allies exiting a Expect trading activity to 14- FIFA supply cut agreement will be debated. Saudi Arabia and Russia quieten throughout June, Jun World propose a revival in oil production while members Venezuela picking up again in early July Cup and Iran will likely object Saudi Arabia and Russia recently announced a new policy to revive oil production due to lost 174th exports from Iran in the face 22- OPEC of renewed US sanctions Jun meeting and falling output in Venezuela. Member countries Iran and Venezuela are likely to object Source: DBS Bank

Bonds rally on flight to safety, ‘tolerant’ FED US and MAS 10-yr yields fell in final 2 weeks of May

. Flight to safety on trade war worries and political uncertainty in Italy that could see a re-election and its exit from Eurozone . FED signals its tolerance to inflation ‘overshooting’ above 2% without raising rates aggressively . US 10-yr yield down 24bps to 2.87%, MAS 10-yr yield down 11bps to 2.57% in the last two weeks of May . Near-term technical action - US 10-yr yield to trade from 2.70 to 2.95 . Respite for yield plays and S-REITs Source: DBS Bank

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June likely a quiet month, to pick up in July Value of shares traded on (S$mil)

. STI’s May decline in line with our view that the 2-mth period from May-June should be net negative with subdued trading activity due to World Cup . Daily average value of shares traded on Singapore exchange down 10.2% in May to S$1,207mil compared to of S$1,344m YTD . Expect trading activity to quieten further this month as World Cup tournament and June school holiday starts . Trading activity to pick up from beginning July

Source: DBS Bank

“Rectangle pattern” continues for now, support at 3400 limits STI (Daily) downside

. Our earlier view for a ‘rectangle’ rather than a triangle consolidation (refer to Wired Daily dated 20 April) turning out to be true . YE objective remains 3850 . STI support at 3415 or slightly below, pegged to 12.76x (- 0.5SD) 12-mth fwd PE

Source: DBS Bank

Strategy 1. Yangzijiang – Our analyst yells out that the stock’s recent sell-down was due to overblown concerns on forex and Five STI component stocks to accumulate in June steel cost pressure, as well as a slow sector recovery. It is While the World Cup and June school holidays are likely to now trading at a rock-bottom valuation divert attention from the stock market, the good news is that of 0.7x P/BV, attractive 5% yield and higher ROE of 8-9% post May’s tumble, downside for the STI should be rather vs peers’ 4-5%. It also has a solid balance sheet, sitting on limited given that the Singapore market now trades at near net cash of 76 Scts/share (including financial assets), 12.76x (-0.5SD) 12-mth fwd PE that is seen as attractive. representing ~52% of NTA as opposed to shipyard peers that are mostly heavily indebted. Echoing this view and We look at STI component stocks to accumulate in anticipation putting it into action, Yangzijiang bought 5m shares at the of a relatively quiet month of June. ‘bottom’ price of $0.90/share and said it is ready to Firstly, we like outperforming stocks that are up when the rest conduct ongoing share buybacks. are mostly down. Our criteria are (1) positive m-o-m May price performance, (2) >10% upside to TP, and (3) BUY 2. HPH Trust (tactical buy call) – The stock got slammed recommendation. The stocks that fit are Wilmar International, down because of its removal from MSCI Singapore Index. SIA and Genting Singapore. All three outperformers are also in The one-off massive selling exhaustion that coincided with our Singapore Model Portfolio. the ‘cut-out’ date has passed. Fundamentally, it is still the same company. Meanwhile, shares of other listed Chinese Next, we look at the other end of the performance spectrum port operators such as Cosco Shipping Ports and China for bargain-hunting opportunities. But that alone is not Merchants Port were up 8.9% and 1.35% m-o-m enough. There must also be a reasonable assumption that the respectively. This further reinforces our view that HPH selling pressure has eased, and that value has emerged. These Trust’s weak performance last month is likely one-off due stocks are Yangzijiang and HPH Trust: to the MSCI Index removal. HPH Trust now trades at

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FY18F yield of 9.6%, making it the highest yielding large- Flight to safety underpins yield play in near term cap stock in Singapore. Technically, we see a price US 10-yr yields are off mid-May highs of 3.11% on political recovery towards $0.32. uncertainty in Italy, rekindling of trade war concerns and a FED that is more tolerant of inflation. Technically, we see US 10-yr STI Component Stocks yield capped below 3%, ranging from 2.7% to 2.95% in the Company Price 31 Target Target May short term. MAS 10-yr yield is also down from May’s high of May Price Return m-o-m 2.68%. Yield stocks could be underpinned as bond yields turn change (%) sideways. May's best performers Wilmar 3.240 3.65 13% 1.55% With interest rates looking to trend higher till end-2019, we SIA 11.280 13.70 21% 3.68% look at yield stocks with (1) net cash or zero debt, (2) FY18F Genting 1.260 1.49 18% 7.69% yield >4%, (3) BUY recommendation, and (4) >15% upside to May's worst performers TP. These are UMS, APAC Reality, HL Finance, Yangzijiang and HPH Trust (US$) 0.275 0.38 38% -17.91% SIA Engineering. Yangzijiang 0.965 1.82 89% -14.04% Source: DBS Bank, Bloomberg Finance L.P. Yield stocks in net cash

Price Target Div Net Debt Target P/BV Company 31 Price Yield / Equity Return 17 (x) May ($) 18 (%) 18

UMS Holdings 0.920 1.37 48% 6.5 cash 2.3 APAC Realty 0.895 1.32 48% 5.7 cash 2.4 HL Finance 2.710 3.20 18% 5.1 - 0.7 Yangzijiang 0.965 1.82 89% 4.9 cash 0.7 SIA Engineering 3.170 3.92 24% 4.4 cash 2.4 Source: DBS Bank, Bloomberg Finance L.P.

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Significant Reports

Date Report Title Sub Title


9-May-18 Regional Oil and Gas A shot in the arm for oil

Singapore 3-May-18 Singapore Monthly Strategy Take a break, enjoy the game 7-May-18 Singapore Property / REITs The time is now 7-May-18 Singtel 4Q18F preview; negatives in the price Singapore Digital 15-May-18 Cherrypicking Pro-active Leaders and Fast-Followers Transformation 16-May-18 Singapore Property Room to Upgrade 31-May-18 Singapore REITs Spring is here

Source: DBS Bank

Revisions to recommendations

Stock Name Current Previous Change Date

Best World International FULLY VALUED BUY 15-May-18

Silverlake Axis Equity Explorer NOT RATED - 23-May-18

Source: DBS Bank

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DBSVI, DBS Bank recommendations are based an Absolute Total Return* Rating system, defined as follows: STRONG BUY (>20% total return over the next 3 months, with identifiable share price catalysts within this time frame) BUY (>15% total return over the next 12 months for small caps, >10% for large caps) HOLD (-10% to +15% total return over the next 12 months for small caps, -10% to +10% for large caps) FULLY VALUED (negative total return i.e. > -10% over the next 12 months) SELL (negative total return of > -20% over the next 3 months, with identifiable catalysts within this time frame) Share price appreciation + dividends

Completed Date: 4 Jun 2018 08:51:09 (SGT) Dissemination Date: 4 Jun 2018 09:17:42 (SGT)

Sources for all charts and tables are DBSVI, DBS Bank unless otherwise specified.

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