300 Series, Ball- Actions, Post Moves Adam Walsh, Shenandoah University Head Men's Coach

300 Series 3 sets of:

7 spots x 5 shots inside the arc 7 spots x 5 shots outside the arc 20 elbow to elbow jumpers

This totals 270 shots. You then shoot 3 spots-10 shots or finish with 30 Free Throws.

It is very simple to record this or any similar workout. You can write it on a sheet of notebook paper and make an addition to the manual so that you can see how you shot over the summer. You should do this for you, not just for us, so that you can follow your own progress over the summer months.

Ball-Screen Actions These actions can be worked on from multiple ball-screen angles on the wings at line extended and at the guard spots at free throw lane extended. Also, tweak angles to work off of flat high ball screens in the middle 1/3 lane. 1. Elbow Jump Shots immediately attacking off ball screen. 2. Shooting 3s behind the ball screen when the defender goes under. 3. Dragging the Post defender on a hard hedge and then re-attacking to a . 4. Denying or turning down Ball Screen to 15’ Jump Shot. 5. Denying Ball Screen with a between the legs-crossover to finish at the rim with either power finish, finger roll, floater, Euro, or same foot/same hand. 6. Denying Ball Screen to a short corner step back Jump Shot. 7. Split/Snake the BS defender into floater, Euro, step back, or two-foot fade in paint.

Post Moves Specific post moves that you can get repetitions in on both blocks. Post move footwork and in general pivoting work is good for all basketball players to practice. Face up work specifically can be taken out to the perimeter based off of how you receive passes. 1. Strong hand hook. 2. Weak hand hook. 3. Drop Steps. 4. Up and under Middle, finish baseline. 5. Dribble middle, finish baseline. 6. Face up, Jump Shot. 7. Face up into jab middle, finish baseline.