Analysis Report

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Fingerprint Identification Basic Information….……………………….3 SITRI Fingerprint Analysis Report…………….....…………….…..……15

Fingerprint Identification Development Road Map Table….....4 Letv Max2 Fingerprint Analysis Report…………………………………16

Fingerprint Sensor Introduction……………………………….……………5 Fingerprint Module Package and Die Information

Fingerprint Sensor Main Classification……………..……………………5 iPhone6+ Fingerprint Analysis Report………………………………….23

Optical Fingerprint Sensor Introduction Fingerprint Package and Process Analysis

Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor Introduction iPhone6s Fingerprint Analysis Report……………..…………………..45

Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor Introduction Fingerprint Die Package and Process Analysis

RF Fingerprint Sensor Introduction MX4 Pro Fingerprint Analysis Report….……………………. 77

Thermal Fingerprint Sensor Introduction Fingerprint Die Package / Process / Circuit Analysis

Pressure Fingerprint Sensor Introduction Mate 7 Fingerprint Analysis Report……….……………. 107

MEMS Fingerprint Sensor Introduction Fingerprint Die Package / Process / Circuit Analysis

Fingerprint Identification Main Company in the World…...…..13 Microarray Fingerprint Analysis Report……….………………….…156

Fingerprint Identification Application on Smart Phone…….....14 Fingerprint Package and Process Analysis

© 2016 by SITRI, all rights reserved. SITRI Fingerprint Sensor Analysis Report