Our Creator God gave Adam life and a command. Adam broke God’s command and , , and Satan entered creation with bondage and power. We all sin, judgment is upon us, and we need a Savior from our sin. God sent His Eternal Son to be in human flesh and reverse earth’s bondage to sin, death, and Satan. Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man born of the virgin Mary. Jesus laid aside some of His privileges as God and made Himself in dependence upon His Father. Jesus lived sinless, died sinless, and as the God-man became victorious over sin, death, and Satan. God has a process for us to be removed from sin, death, and Satan. This process begins with our being convicted of sin, and the realization of our need for right standing with God. We should cooperate with God and turn to Him in humbleness and dependence upon Him. We cannot create our own right standing with God. Jesus died sinless and arose so that by our believing in Him we may join Him in death and resurrection. When we believe in Jesus, call upon Him for salvation, and confess Him as LORD, we are born again. “Born again” is a birth of the Spirit of God in us. Sin removal begins, is a lifelong process, and is complete at physical death for the born again believer. During this earthly process, God produces right actions within us. The describes this process: I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by my faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 By joining Jesus in union with His death and resurrection, we die to sin’s dominion and have new birth to a new life in Christ. God promises to complete His work in us and present us sinless and righteous in Christ. We are never totally free of the presence of sin in this life, but we live in the joy and anticipation of a future earth where God lives in our presence and there is no sin, no death, and no desire to sin.

God the Father sent His Son and sin nailed Him to a cross. Jesus willingly went to the cross, because He knew His death would condemn sin. No one before had ever died who was sinless. Because of the sinless death of Jesus, has given to the Second Adam all power, authority, and judgement over all creation to remove sin and death. The Lamb of God came to take away the sin of the world. But our sin removal has a condition. We must individually believe that the resurrected Jesus is able and willing to remove our sin. To start the process we must believe the promise. Jesus promises that if you believe, He will give you new birth. Jesus will give you the indwelling Holy Spirit with power over sin. Sin removal is a process in the born again believer, but God promises to complete the work that He began in you.

The greatest thing we can do for another person is to tell them about the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and invite them to believe in Jesus for sin removal.