Copyright 8 1995 by the Society of America

Environmental Programming of Heritable Epigenetic Changes in Paramutant r- Expression Using Temperatureand Light at a Specific Stage of Early Development in Seedlings

Bernard C. Mikula Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio 43512 Manuscript received April 21, 1994 Accepted for publication May 12, 1995

ABSTRACT Different heritable expression-states wereprogrammed into R fromR/R-lst heterozygotes under different temperature conditions applied during a developmental period in which flowering is induced. At maturity, R- expressions in test crosses of male gametes derivedfrom R/R-lst seedlings raised 15 days in 32" and continuous light conditions differed significantly from those of sib seedlings raisedfor 15 days in 22" and continuous light conditions and shifted to six 12-hr light-dark cycles, days 16-21. This experiment provides the first evidencein higher organisms that environmental conditions, applied at a specific stage of development cause a heritable change in a specific allele expression. My earlier evidence required a statistical analysis for demonstrating heritable change; I present photographic evidence of this environmental effect on four R alleles.

ARAMUTATION (BRINK1956) provides a sensitive controlled before or during tassel differentiation. I re- P genetic system where heritable quantitative varia- ported in a previous paper (MIKULA1967) that when tion in the expression of a single gene can be followed R is exposed to a paramutagenic allele (R-st),the envi- from generation to generation. BRINK showed that ronmental conditions canpromote significant heritable when the R allele (dark kernel pigmentation) is made change inR-allele expression. R alleles from plantsthat heterozygous with its allele, R-st (stippled pigment pat- as seedlings were raisedat 21" and LL conditions (con- tern), the R allele produces significantly less pigment tinuous light) during the third and fourth week of seed- after removal from a heterozygote withR-st. The change ling development, whencompared in testcross progeny, in R-allele expression is heritable; furthermore, all R conditioned significantly less pigment in test crossesat alleles (100%) upon removal from this R/R-st heterozy- maturity than Ralleles of plants matured from seedlings gous combination are changed, and the change is di- grown at the same temperature in LD (12-hr lightdark rected at the R locus only. Later studies(MIKULA 1961; cycles) conditions for this same period. The identifica- MCWHIRTERand BRINK 1962; COOPER 1964; STYLESand tion of acritical developmental period leading to BRINK1966) showedthat if the R allelewas maintained changes in R expression suggested that experimental with R-st alleles for several generations, paramutation control of paramutation was possible. Three other ob of the R allele was additive. This additive effecton theR servations reinforced this inference: the level of para- allele was followed in male gametesfor five generations mutation could be correlated with the number of LD (STYLESand BRINK 1966). FEDOROFF (1989), while .kycles in the third week of seedling development; pre- studying the ontogenetic expression of the transposon liminary tests showed a polarity ofparamutant R allele Spm (SupP-essm-Mutatm),reported evidence that an in- expression in which early pollen samples from the up active Spm, by association over severalgenerations with per branches of single tassels showed more paramuta- an active Spm, can become progressively more active. tion than samples taken from lower branches of the The R alleles and cryptic Spm elements in maize repre- same tassel; and incremental changes in paramutant sent genetic systems whose can be incre- R expression from generation to generation (MIKULA mentallyprogrammed by previousassociation with 1961) showedthat small changes inthe level ofparamu- other genetic elementsduring development (FEDOROFF tation couldbe detected and amplified fromgeneration and BANKS 1988). to generation. Paramutation (BRINKet aL 1968; DOONERet al. 1991) Further, it was found that tassel initiation in the was considered to be the result of changes accumulated W22 inbred could be delayed under continuous light in the R gene throughout somatic development. Coo conditions. It then became possible to askthe following PER (1964) and SASTRY et al. (1965) reported variation questions: how early in the life of the seedling could in paramutation from gametes sampledfrom different tassel determination take place; did temperature and tassel branches reflected a mosaicism developmentally light play a role; how many lightdark cycles were re-

Genetics 140 1379-1387 (August, 1995) 1380 Mikula B. C. quired fortassel determination; could thelevel ofpara- Scoring procedures: A sample of 50 kernels from each test- mutation be correlatedwith programmed environmen- cross ear was scored by matching each kernel against a set of standard kernels ranging from 0 (colorless) to20 (completely tal conditions applied in early seedling development; pigmented). Pooled means and standard deviations for each could paramutation be inhibited or driven toward the environmental treatment are reported in Figure 6. completely colorless level; when during early develop- ment is the seedling most responsive to environmental RESULTS variables of temperature and light; and could the level of paramutation in four new R accessions be correlated Extensive preliminary testing showed no tassels were with environmental conditions administered to young initiated in inbred W22 under LL conditions. This seedlings? made it possible to determine the number of LD cycles essential for tassel initiation. Tassel initiation was deter- MATERIALS AND METHODS mined 1 week after LD treatments, however plants re- mained in the inhibitory LL conditions until six to eight Seed stocks: Environmental programming strategy for the first 3 weeks of seedling development was based on work with plants could be assayed for the presence of tassel pri- the Rand R-st alleles in inbred W22 background provided by mordia. The presence of tassel primordia was deter- JERRY KERMICLE, University of Wisconsin. The effect of the mined by dissecting away the leaves surrounding the environment on paramutant R-allele expression,first re- terminal meristem, under magnification. The presence ported in inbred W22 (MIKULA1967), required a statistical of an elongated terminal meristem and the presence analysis for its evaluation. In an effort to find more responsive R alleles, new R allele accessions that had not undergone a of branch primordia were observed when tassel initia- high degree of inbreeding and selection were screened for tion had taken place. Figure l shows that tassels could dark kernel pigment expression. The four newR-g alleles be induced with six LD cycles applied days 16-21 at from New Mexico and Arizona, 221, 229, Z1, 269, supplied 22" or a week earlier with only four LD cycles applied by Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tucson, AZ, are reported as GI, days 11- 15 at 26". The results in Figure 1, based on the G3, G4, and G5, respectively in this document. The new R-g accessions condition, in r/r/R endosperm, a uniformly dark presence or absence of tassel primordia in seedlings of pigmentation, comparable to that of the W22 R-r gene. All the W22 inbred foreach combination of environmental four R-g lines were crossed to a R-kt (light stipple with few conditions, provided a model system that made it possi- very fine spots) known to causeintermediate levels of paramu- ble to test whether paramutation could be influenced tation of the R allele. For convenience, the R-g will be by combinations of temperature and light variables ap referred to simply as R, eliminating the lower case designa- tion,-g, signifjmg lackof plant color. The R-kt allele, in W22 plied at a time seedlings were undergoing thetransition background, was supplied by the Maize Genetics Coop., Uni- from vegetative to floral phase of meristematic activity. versity of Illinois. The testcross ears of RR-lst heterozygotes of alleles Growth chamber conditions: Seeds from single ears of the G1, G3, G4, and G5, in Figure 2, A and B, show that a R/R-kt heterozygotes, representing the four different R al- difference in the amount of pigment for all four new leles, were germinated on white, moist facial tissue pads in stainless steel, glasscovered pans. Continuous light was sup R alleles can be observed in response to early environ- plied by 14 200-W VHO cool white fluorescent tubes supple- mental conditions. Seedlings raised in 31" LL condi- mented by 12 60-W incandescent bulbs. In 3 or 4 days, when tions for the first 3 weeks in the left column of both coleoptiles were largeenough to handle safely, seedlings were photographs show kernels with less pigment than those transplanted to soil conditions in plastic pots. Seedlings were raised in 22" LD conditions during the same period. started 50-60 cm distant from the light source and grew to- The paramutagenic allele, R-lst, present in half of the ward the light for the remaining 2- or %week periods they were held in the controlled environment conditions. Average kernels on each ear, has a too light to be light intensiq during this early stageof seedling development visible in the photographs; thus, it is possible to com- was 35 W/m . Dark conditions were obtained by placing the pare, visually, the environmental contribution to the seedlings into light-tight boxes. For eachenvironmental treat- paramutation of the R alleles. R/r seeds representing ment, eight seedlings were used. Under continuous light con- median pigment values from each of the columns of ditions, after 14 days at 22" or 7 days earlier at the higher temperature, 32", seedings developed necrotic conditions in testcross ears pictured in Figure 2, A and B, were youngest leaf tips. The deterioration of youngest leaves pro- planted directly in the field in 1991. The differences gressed with time, especially at the higher temperature and observed in the test crosses of the treated generation, was reminiscent of calcium deficiency symptoms. Most plants 1990, were carried over in the test crosses of 1991, Fig- survived this stress and recovered after dark treatment. ure 3, A and B, with no further environmental treat- Field operations: Seedlings weretransferred to the field at the end of the growth chamber treatments. At maturity, plants ments. that were subjected to different environmental conditions as The R allele designated G4 (Figure 2B, upper ears), seedlings were mated to r/r (W22 X W23) females grown that showed the most reduction in R-allele expression under field conditions. Test-crossed ears were evaluated on in response to early environmental treatments of seed- the basis of their kernel pigmentation. Pollinations were per- lings in 1990, was selected for shorter exposure periods formed by sampling pollen over 7 days; the test crosses from the last pollen sample (of each plant) were usedfor the photo- at elevated temperatures in 1991. Test crosses of &X/ graphs. R-lst from seedlings given LL conditions for 15 days at Programmed Heritable Programmed Change 1381

Number of UgM-Dark Cycles Required for TW in the more highly paramutated R genes (KERMICLE Indudon of Inked W22 1963), a greater contrast is observed in the years after seedling treatment, Figures 3 and 5. This higher con- PartA22O trast in the year after the seedling treatment gives em- phasis to the heritable nature of the change in R-allele Age of Seedling. (in bye) Durlng L:D Cycle0 expression. 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 The G4 allele was retested in 1992 to identify more precisely whenLL and LD conditions at 32 and 22" can influence paramutation. Figure 6 presents a schematic 6 cycles 6 -3 diagram showing the times LL and LD conditions were applied to program the epigenetic change in paramu- 3 3-3 -3CYCks tant R-allele expression. Seedling treatments under 32" 6 cycles LL conditions (Figure 6, line c) were terminated a week earlier than seedlings started in the22" LL environment ...... (line a); both received natural LD conditions when transplanted to the field. LD cycles were applied days 16-21 at 22" (Figure 6, line b) or in days 11-15 at 32" Part 826 O (line d) before seedlings were transplanted to thefield. Age of Seediinga (In bye) During L:D Cycb The differences observed in the photographsof Figure were replicated in 1992 and are presented testcross 8 9 1011 12 13 1415 16 17 4 as pigment scores in Figure 6 (lines b and c);a difference of 10 scoring units was found. Significant differences 6 cycles in paramutation can be related to 5- or May intervals in seedling development when lines b-d are compared c-1 - 5 in Figure 6. These changes in the level of paramutation 2 4 presented in Figure 6 can be correlated with tempera- ture and light conditions applied during the develop 3 3 mental interval sensitive to floral induction in Figure 4 1. Plants that were kept under LL conditions before being transplanted to field conditions have two more -Tdlnduced -Td not induced nodes and many more tassel branches than those given LD conditions in the last 6 days of programmed envi- FIGURE 1.-Developmental periods, in days,where re- ronmental conditions. This observation supports the peated LD cycles induced tassels in seedlings. (A) Summariza- conclusion that tassels weredetermined in the periodic tion of seven experiments performed in 22"; (B) summariza- (LDcontrolled) environment. tion of eight experiments performed at 26". Numbers at the end of each line refer to the number of LD cycles applied in each experiment. Seedlings were grown in continuous light DISCUSSION except for the periods covered by the lines. Tassel induction was confirmed a week after the last LD treatment. The developmental events unfolding in thecorn seedling were considered a biological clock, genetically 32" are shown in the left column of ears of Figure 4. R- driven internally, and regulated externally by LD cycles. allele expressions in the right column of testcross ears Denying the plant its external regulatory, lightdark cy- of Figure 4 are from seedlings raised in 22" and treated cles in a constant temperature environment, was ex- with LL conditions through day 15, then subjected to pected to perturbthe internal developmental clock LD conditions, days 16-21. Seeds (R/r) from 1991 test- mechanism (a developmental disequilibrium) such that cross ears, representative of each of the columns in paramutation might be affected. Continuous light kept Figure 4 were planted directly in the field in 1992 with the seedlings vegetativewith the terminal meristems no environmentaltreatment of seedlings. Figure 5 periodically initiating new leaf primordia. This made it shows the differences observed in 1991 were main- possible to show (Figure 1) when tassel determination tained in 1992. In fact, in 1992 a greater contrast can takes place at 22 and 26" and by inference at higher be observed between paramutated R-allele expressions temperatures. It was possible to correlate the presence from plants whichreceived 32 and 22" the previous of tassel primordia and number of leaf primordia in year.Reversion has beenreported (KERMICLE 1963; seedlings with the results observed in similarly treated SmEs and BRINK1966) to take place in paramutated seedlings that had been transferred to field conditions R alleles after removal from the heterozygote with para- for maturation after environmental treatments. Seed- mutagenic allele R-st. Because less reversion takes place lings from LL conditions, when compared at maturity 1382



FIGURE 2.-A comparison of the effect of early seedling environments on testcross expressionsof four different R alleles, GI, C3, G4, CS, heterozygous with R-kt Seedlings were given either 31" LL or 22" LD conditions during the first 3 weeks of their development. Testcross ears from the 31" conditions are in the left column of A and B those from 22" are to the right. Fifty percent of the kernels on each of the ears represent the R-kt allele whose spots are notvisible in the photographs; the remaining 50% of the kernels carry the paramutant R alleles. The difference between the amount of kernel pigment in the left and right columns of each photograph represents the environmental influence on paramutant R-allele pigment expression that occurred in the first three 3 of development. with plants ofthe same age giventhe appropriate num- held 15 days in 32" LL conditions were compared with ber of LD cycles to induce tassels, matured later, were those of sibling plants given 22" LL conditions days 1- taller and showed increased node numbers related to 15, followed by LD conditions, days 16-21 (Figure 4). the number of days under continuous light. Figure 5 shows the differences noted in Figure 4, the The experimental design in my early work (MIKULA previous year, were maintained the following year. In 1967) could only implicatethe third and fourthweek of Figures 1-6 only a limited numberof variables involv- seedling development in the controlof paramutation. ing time, temperature and light were explored. The Figure 1A shows that at 22" tassels were determined by objective in this preliminary workwas to find combina- the end of the third week when six LD cycles were tions of light and temperaturevariables that couldshow applied, days 16-21. When the temperaturewas raised conclusively that specific environmental conditions, at a to 26", four LD cycles, days11 - 15, tassel determination specific stage of development, influence paramutation. occurred a week earlier (Figure 1B). Subsequent tests Given the number of potential variables: age of seed- showed that seedlings, though stressed, could survive ling, plant to plant developmental heterogeneity, day continuous light and 31" for %week test periods. This length, lightquality-intensityduration, LD cycling com- made it possible to compare paramutation from plants binations, temperature cycling, heat shocks, together raised as seedlings in 31" LL conditions comparedwith with the constraints of limited growth chamber space those from 22" LD conditions. The photographic evi- and one growing season a year, many combinations of dence of Figure2, A and B, with the fournew R alleles, variables remain unexplored. Nevertheless, a significant confirms the results previouslyreported (MIKULA1967) increase in paramutationwas achieved early in develop- that significant differences in paramutation could be ment and implicated a 5day period of development. induced in seedlings in the 3 first weeks of development To program seedlings within the2- or %week period, and that the differences were heritable (Figure3, A and seeds were germinated in continuous light and trans- B) .An even greater level of paramutation was program- planted to soil when coleoptiles and roots were large mable in <3 weeks if R-allele expressions of seedlings enough to handle safely. This guaranteed that coleop Programm ed Heritable Change 1383 Change Heritable Programmed


FIGURE 3.-The carry-over, in 1991, of the influence of early temperature and light conditions on four paramutant R-allele expressions induced in two Merent environments the previous year, 1990. R/r seeds of each of the alleles in Figure 2, A and B, were planted directly in the field. The left columns of testcross ears, in each photograph above, represent R alleles from plants that, for 3 weeks as seedlings, received 31"LL conditions in 1990. The right columns represent R alleles from plantsthat, for 3 weeks as seedlings, received 22" LD conditions in 1990. tiles remained in continuous light until LD cycles were making it possible for tassel determination with four employed in the second or third week. Because in soil LD cycles at the end of a l4Aay period at 26" (Figure conditions coleoptileemergence may take 7 days, accel- 1B). All four newly introduced R alleles (Figures 2-5) eration of seedling development was achieved under showed a significant response totemperature and light the continuous light of growth chamber conditions conditions appliedat the early stagesof seedling devel-

'" '" W FIGURE 4.-Test crosses show- 1 ing environmental enhancement of paramutation(repression of pigmentexpression) that took place in the first 2 weeks of seed- ling development. The G4 allele from Figure 2B (top), heterozy- gouswith R-kt, was retestedin 1991. Seedlings that received 32" LL for days 1-15 produced, at maturity, the test crosses in the left column. Sib seedlings raised in 22" LL conditions days 1-15, then subjected to LD cycles days 16-21, are represented in the test crosses in the right column. 1384 B. C. Mikula

FIGURE 5.-Test of of differences observed in Figure 4. The R/r seeds from testcross ears of 1991 in Figure 4 were planted the following year, 1992. 1 The differences observed in 1991 persist in the test crosses of 1992 without further temperature treat- ment and in the absence of the 1 paramutagenic R-lst allele.


opment. The G# allele (Figures 4 and 5) was the most weeks of development with the same temperature (Fig- responsive to the two different temperatures; seedlings ure 6, lines andc d) . Thus, the period of seedling devel- held in LL conditions for 15 days at 32" when compared opment most sensitive for increasing the level paramu- with those from LL conditions for 21 days at 22", at tation was found in the last 5 days of the first 2 weeks maturity, produced test crosses whose scores were sig- of seedling developmentat 32", under LL conditions. At nificantly different (Figure6, lines c and a,respec- 32", the developmental interval inwhich LD conditions tively).Significantly different levelsof paramutation were applied (Figure 6, line d), corresponds with the were also achieved within the last 5 days of the first 2 time tassels weredetermined in 26" LD conditions (Fig- ure 1). EARLY SEEDLINO TREATMENTS When the scores 3.2 and 10.7 in Figure 6, lines c and d, are compared, light appears to be the variable that Aga of Plant In Days TM&lWE contributed the higher levelof paramutations (least pigmentation) in testcrosses at maturity.However, 123456789101112131415161718192021 Sam Uno when the lights were turned off for dark cycles it was inferred the absence of radiant energy fromthe growth chamber lights lowered plant temperatures; therefore, temperature cannot beexcluded from comparisons 22OLL 22" LD < >- 13.4 f21 b based solely on lines c and d in Figure 6. Unpublished experiments show that, given the same continuous light 32OLL conditions, more paramutation was found from plants < > 3.2 f 1.5 C which as seedlings were held2 weeks in 22" then shifted 32OLL 32OLD to 32" for the third week compared with those that were < /../ > 10.7 f 25 d continued in 22" for the third week. It is concluded, therefore, temperature is the more important variable at this stage of development. However, the effect of FIGURE 6.-The environmental programming schedule for light cannot be entirely discounted becausecontinuous 2- and 3-week-old seedlings which were started in LL condi- tions. LD treatments that induce tassel formation were ap light servesto delay tassel determination and could plied the last 5 days in 32" (days 11-15) and in the last 6 thereby enhance the effect of temperature through days in 22" (days 16-21). Seedlings were removed to field some developmental disequilibrium. conditions after each treatment. Testcross scores of matured In the early literature on paramutation, MCWHIRTER plants reported on the right show the magnitude of change and BRINK(1962) reported that 67 R-sc mutants from in R-allele expression. Each of the four scores are pooled means and standard deviations from six different plants. All R-st were found to produce anallelic continuum of seeds used came from the same R/R-lst ear carrying the & strong to weak paramutagenic action on the R-r allele. accession. When the effects of 32 and 22" conditions on paramu- Programm ed Heritable Change Heritable Programmed 1385 tant R-allele expression are compared, the same R-kt velopmental conditions at the time of tassel determina- allele can be both strongly and weakly paramutagenic tion. Proposed models for paramutation-like events depending on the seedlings' early environment. Test- must account for thesignal receptor, thecellular events cross pigment scores in Figure 6, lines b and c, show a in the time interval to gametogenesis as well as the lag- separation of 10 scoring units. It may be inferred that time involving R-allele expression in the earliest of the the strongly and weakly paramutagenic alleles reported 17 cell divisions of the aleurone of test crosses where by MCWHIRTERand BRINK (1962) represent mutants the paramutatedR allele is normally expressed. A corol- whose paramutagenicity differ in temperature sensitivity. lary of this line of reasoning requires a consideration To determine precisely when paramutation takes that clonal patterns resulting from transposable ele- place, more work needs to be done exploring combina- ments leaving a locus might also be determined within tions of variables as well as the timing of their applica- this same developmental interval. A transposable ele- tion on developing meristems. BRINKet al. (1968) sug- ment has been associated with Rst (ASHMAN 1970; WIL gested, on the basis ofa survey of variousparamutation- LIAMS et al. 1984) though as yet none has been reported like phenomena in Pisum, Malva and Oenothera, that to be associated with the R allele, a transcriptional acti- paramutation could take place gradually throughout vator (LUDWIGet aL 1989; ROBBINSet al. 1991). somatic development. My experiments cannot ruleout The paramutation behavior of the R allele reported that some paramutation takes place during the early above and the programmable Spm (FEDOROFF1989) vegetative phase of development; however, the results share common characteristics. Both show: expressions in Figure 6, lines c and d, show that a significant amount correlated with methylation (M. ALLEMAN and J. L. KER- of paramutation was achieved within the 5 days in which MICLE, unpublished data, reported in PATTERSONet al. tassels were determined, Figure 1B. The most economi- 1993); dependence for changes in expression on the cal hypothesis for paramutation of the R allele, a tran- presence of a trans-acting element, R-st, in the nucleus scriptional activator, would be to assume the allele is (ASHMAN 1970; WILLIAMSet al. 1984); different expres- turned on throughout seedling development and can sion states which can be correlated with developmental be turnedoff late in development under paramutagenic regulation in different regions of the main stem and conditions, during the developmental transition from different tassels of the same plant (COOPER1964; SAS vegetative to floral tissue in the meristem. TRY et al. 1965); and incremental change from genera- It is clear paramutation in the new R accessions re- tion togeneration (MIKULA 1961; MCWHIRTERand sponds to environmental conditions applied early in BRINK1962). The ability to program and monitor high- seedling development as was first reported for inbred frequency incremental change in a , W22. Whether the new R alleles respond more or less from generation to generation, is unique to the para- than the highly inbred R-rallele first reported (MIKULA mutated R allele. FEDOROFFand BANKS(1988) inferred 1967) no longer seems relevant because the level of from their data thatdevelopmental events in the plant, paramutation shows a sensitive dependence on early together with a transacting Spm could incrementally developmental conditions. The conditions that influ- program increased responsiveness of an inactive Spm, ence paramutation of the R allele take place many cell ultimately resulting in changes in the methylation of the divisions before gametogenesis. The result is a clonal promoter of Spm in subsequent generations(FEDOROFF mosaic of cells observed in the test crosses of treated 1989). Because, as reported above, light and tempera- plants. The size of the clones of cells can be associated ture conditions, applied at a specific stage of develop- in Figures 2-5 with the initial conditions that deter- ment, can be implicated in the controlof paramutation mined the switching of the meristem from the vegeta- at the r locus, and, because the similarity of paramuta- tive tothe reproductive state. The smallest clonal tion at the r locus and transactivation of Spm has been patches of cells are found in those testcross ears of noted ( JORGENSEN 1993; MATZKE and MATZKE 1993), plants that as seedlings were given the stress conditions the role of environment for incrementally program- of 32" and continuous light before removal to natural ming epigenetic change at a specific stage of develop LD conditions of the field. ment in other genetic systems can now be addressed. Where transposable elements Mu, Spm and Ac/Ds The environmental effects oftemperature on somatic were involved, smallclones of cells expressing pigment mutability in the earlier literature presaged the more were interpreted as resulting from a transposition event recent findings of temperature and light influencing involving the last fewof the 17 cell divisions of the mutable (unstable) gene expression. Somatic mutabil- aleurone layer (LEVYand WALBOT1990). If the analysis ity (variegation) (RHOADES 1941; FABERGEand BEALE of LEVYand WALBOT is applied to clonal patterns re- 1942; PETERSON1958; in Antirrhinum, BONAS et aL sulting from paramutation of the R allele, it is possible 1984; HARRISON and CARPENTER 1973) was reported to to infer that events controlling the timing of pigment be increased with temperature changes. Differences in expression in the last few cell divisions of the aleurone light intensity increased somatic mutability at the GI 1 were determined many cell divisionsearlier during de- locus in maize (~~ADDALONIet aL 1990). Reduction of 1386 B. C. Mikula floral pigment in transgenic petunias (VAN DER KROL to monitor heritable effects of environment on epige- et al. 1990) was correlated with changes in temperature, netic change. It is quite possible,however, that those light duration and intensity; however, suppression of systems that have been described as unstable genes,trans- pigmentdid not persist after segregation of the genes, mosaicism, variegation, transactivation, transvec- transgene (NAPOLIet UI!. 1990). tion, transdetermination, mssensing, expression states, Heritable change in floral pigment expression in cosuppressions, phase changes, position effect variega- transgenic petunias (MEYERet UL 1992) was correlated tion, chromatin spreading, or “sick genes” may represent with changes in environmental conditions during devel- facets of common mechanisms shared by many genetic opment. The number of weakly pigmented flowers in- systems designed to help genetic programs to “learn creased with the age of the plant and with field condi- from experience” (JACOB 1982). tions of higher temperatureand light intensity. Because reduced floral pigment could bemonitored in the I wish to thank BETH BESAW and MARGARET NOBLE for dedicated technical assistance. Gratefulacknowledgement is made to The Defi- many flowers of a single plant from May through Sep ance College for making growth chambers, field facilitiesand equip tember, it was concluded methylation associated with ment available for the past 30 years. Without the provision of growth reduce pigmentation could take place at any time in chambers by The Charles F. Kettering foundation, Dayton, OH, this the petunia life cycle.The reduced pigment expression work would not have been possible. noted in the field showed up with high frequency in progeny of affected flowers. LITERATURE CITED In maize, paramutation of the R allele is observed only in aleurone tissues oftest crosses. It can be inferred ASHMAN, R. B., 1970 The compound structure of the R-st allele in that if the environment plays a role in paramutation maize. Genetics 64: 239-245. BONAS,U., H. SOMMER,B. J. HARRISON and H. SAEDLER, 1984The during development, then it would be expected that transposable element Tam1 of Antirrhinum mujw is 17 kb long. on a single plant showing paramutation-like behavior Mol. Gen. Genet 194 138-143. one could find that, as in petunia, gametogenic tissues BRINK, R A., 1956 A genetic change associated with the R locus in maize which is directed and potentially reversible. Genetics 41: from the main stem and tillers and ears in maize might 872-889. differ because they are determined at different times. BRINK,R. A., E. D. STYLESand J. D. AXTELL,1968 Paramutation: In the work I have reported above, only the terminal directed genetic change. Science 159 161-170. COOPER,H. B., JR., 1964 Paramutation and reversion of the Rallele meristem of the main stalk was determined under con- in maize. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison,WI. trolled environmental conditions. When treated seed- CULLIS,C. A,, 1990 DNA rearrangements in response to environ- lings were movedfrom LL to field conditions, induction mental stress. Adv. Genet. 28: 73-97. DOONER,H. &, T. P. ROBBINSand R.A. JORGENSEN,1991 Genetic of ears and tassels on tillers of the same plant were and developmental control of biosynthesis. Annu. subjected to different light and temperature environ- Rev. Genet. 25: 173-199. ments. Differences between the gametes of the main FABERGE,A. C., and G. H. BEALE,1942 An unstable gene in Purtulaca: mutation rate at different temperatures. J. Genet. 43: 173-187. stalk, tillers and ears have been reported(COOPER 1964; FEDOROFF,N. V., 1989 The heritable activation of nyptzc suppreSsor- SASTRYet al. 1965; FEDOROFF 1989). mutator elements by an active element. Genetics 121: 591-608. This report on the r locus may be considered the FEDOROFF,N. V., and J. A. BANKS,1988 Is the suppressor-mutator controlled by a basic developmental regulatory mechanism? Ge- first where environmental variables, applied at a specific netics 120: 559-577. developmental stageelicit high-frequency heritable HARRISON,B. J., and R. CARPENTER,1973 A comparison of the insta- changes in a specific allele expression. For reasons still bilities at the niveu and pullzdu loci in Antimhinum majw. Heredity 31: 309-323. not understood, theheterozygous condition (paramuta- JACOB,F., 1982 The Logic of Lfe. Pantheon Books, New York. tion) with the R-lst allele is a requirement for the envi- JORGENSEN, R., 1993 The germinal inheritance of epigenetic infor- ronmental effect on the R allele. Homozygous R alleles mation in plants. Philos. Trans. R. SOC.Lond. B Biol. Sci. 339: 173-181. as well as R alleles heterozygous with a paramutated R, KERMICLE, J. L., 1963 Metastability of paramutant forms of the Rgene tested under the same conditions reported above, have in maize. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. not shown enhancement of paramutation. However, LEVY,A. A,, and V. WALBOT, 1990 Regulationof the timing of trans- as posable element excision during maize development. Science pointed outearlier, many combinations of environmen- 248: 1534-1537. tal conditions remain untested. In a recent review of LUDWIG,S. R., L. F. HABERA, S. L. DELMORTAand S. R.WESSLER, heritable changes induced by environmental stress con- 1989 LC,a member of the maize R gene family responsible for tissue-specific anthocyanin production, encodes a protein similar ditions, CULLIS(1990) reported no examples in which to transcriptional activators and contains the my-homology re- the effect of the environment could be directed at a gion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 7092-7096. specific gene. The R allele is known to respond to light MADDALONI,M., G. BOSSINGER,N. Dr FONZO,M. Mono, F. 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