To whom it may concern,

What follows is public testimony data exported from the Victims Database ( on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 18:53:08 +0000.

A total of 45 victims with the following criteria is considered:

Ethnicity: Hui The vast majority of testimonies presented come with supplementary materials - video, audio, pictures, and documents - the links to which are included here and which also may be consulted by accessing the testimonies via the original interface at

In compiling this information, all efforts have been made to faithfully and accurately convey that which has been put forth by the testifier. In many cases, the information was imported from public sources. In others, it was submitted to us directly by the testifier.

Despite our best efforts and most professional intentions, it is inevitable that some human error is nevertheless present. Many testimonies were inputted by non-native English speakers and still require proofreading. Finally, the majority of these testimonies have not gone through rigorous corroboration and as such should not be treated as fact. We hereby leave the way in which this data will be used to the reader's discretion.


the team 174. Ma Zhixue (马止学)

Chinese ID: 620525196804270397 (inner )

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|relative(s) Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Muhtar Mursaly, born in China in 1971, is now a Kazakhstan citizen and lives in Almaty. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Ma Zhixue is an ethnic Hui from the Changji Hui .

Address: House No. 47, Qosterek Village (霍斯铁热克村), Shorgul Municipality (雀尔沟镇), Qutubi County (呼图壁县), Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Changji.]

When victim was detained

Detained in April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Earlier testimonies (from 2018) report that he was detained for watching religious content and reading Hadith on the internet.

In a testimony from late 2019, the testifier reports that the local police said that Ma Zhixue was detained because of his wife divorcing him and moving to Kazakhstan with their two children. However, the testifier says that this is a lie, as the wife is still in Xinjiang and has never divorced him.

Victim's status

Originally reported as being in camp. No update since. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Muqiat Mursaly (2561)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: permanent residence registration:

Entry created: 2018-10-24 Last updated: 2019-12-15 Latest status update: 2019-11-09 397. Ma Like (马利克)

Chinese ID: 622101197903010711 (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"extremism" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Associated Press. (friend)

Testimony 2: Radio Free Asia Mandarin, the Mandarin-language service of Radio Free Asia.

About the victim

Ma Like is an ethnic Hui from Gansu Province, who appears to have spent a good part of his 20s in Beijing, before leaving in 2010 to move to , where he started a company, joined the Kashgar-Gansu Commercial Association, and opened the Camel Youth Hostel just behind the raised ancient city (高台民居).

Victim's location

He was based in Kashgar, but it's not clear what happened to him following his detention, or where he might have been taken.

When victim was detained

Accused in April 2017 of "propagating extremism".

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Propagating extremism" for reposting on Weibo (about the government's policies alienating and about restrictions on Islamic headdress). According to Radio Free Asia, these posts date back to 2014. (In one of his posts, he also expressed unwillingness to have his hostel demolished as part of the rebuilding process in Kashgar.)

Victim's status

Unknown. Nothing new has been reported about him since his detention. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

AP News was provided copies of the indictment by two of Ma's friends. It's not clear how Radio Free Asia obtained its info.

Additional information

AP news coverage:

RFA coverage:

Coverage of his hostel by Tencent:

His company in Kashgar:

Trip Advisor site for his hostel: Uygur.html

The victim has also been mentioned in a Chinese media story from July 7, 2016 (

Enjoying Eid feast in Kashgar Source: Xinhua | July 7, 2016, Thursday | Print Edition

CHEN Liang had a lamb slaughtered and treat his guests to some delicious meat for Eid al-Fitr, the festival marking the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan yesterday.

Chen has operated a youth hostel for eight years in Kashgar, a city with a high concentration of Muslims in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Last year, he had three pots set up in the hostel yard to boil the lamb. “Our guests are very interested in the festival and Uygur culture,” he said.

Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to dusk during Ramadan. They look forward to a feast on Eid al-Fitr.

Chen’s guests are not all Muslims, but a varied bunch of travelers hungry for a taste of local culture at this special time of year. Chen describes his hostel as the “United Nations,” as the guests, mostly tourists, are from around the world.

“Many of them are Europeans and Americans teaching English in Xinjiang, and some of them are from Central Asia,” he said.

Kashgar, meaning “the gathering place of jade” in Uygur, used to be a trading hub along the .

As time went by, historic sites and the integration of Eastern and Western cultures have attracted numerous tourists to the city. The old Kashgar town, composed of traditional streets featuring Uygur architecture and shops, has become a big draw. “Kashgar is different from the rest of China. It is safe here, not like what I have heard before I came here,” said Angela Perry, a backpacker from California.

Ma Like, from Gansu Province, does not make profit out of his hostel as he offers free accommodation to backpackers in return for doing odd jobs. The 37-year-old likes the deal.

“By making friends with them, I can learn about a life I am not able to experience myself,” he said.


His Sina blog: His Weibo:

Mentioned in:

Supplementary materials photo (1): Sina profile: photo (2): photo (3): photo (4): hostel (2016): at military ceremony: judgments enforcement record: judgment enforcement:

Entry created: 2018-11-07 Last updated: 2020-04-14 Latest status update: 2017-12-28 1414. Zhou Yueming (周月明)

Chinese ID: 65400319950714??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 24 Gender: F Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: outside China Status: free When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|contact with outside world Health status: has problems Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Mary Caiyun Ma, as reported by Washington Post. (mother)

Testimony 2: Zhou Yueming, as reported by Darren Byler. (the victim)

Testimony 3: Zhou Yueming, also known as "Vera Zhou", is originally from Kuytun City, but has been residing in the United States since 2008, where she is a permanent resident. She is a survivor of the mass incarcerations. (the victim)

Testimony 4: University of Washington alumni, a group of UW graduates writing in support of victim Zhou Yueming.

About the victim

Zhou Yueming, also known as "Vera Zhou", is originally from Kuytun City, but has been residing in the United States since 2008, where she is a permanent resident, having completed middle school and high school in Portland, Oregon, and having been a student at the University of Washington since 2015.

Victim's location

In the United States.

When victim was detained

She returned to China in October 2017 to visit her father, and was detained by the Kuytun City police on October 23, handcuffed, and taken without any due process to a fortified re-education facility in the city.

After 5 months and 18 days, she was released, on March 11, 2018, but kept under house/town arrest, monitored and with her passport confiscated, for the coming 18 months.

She was finally returned her passport on September 14, 2019, and flew to Vancouver on September 19. Likely (or given) reason for detention

For accessing a University of Washington website through a VPN.

Victim's status

Released and back in the United States.

Before her detention, she had been diagnosed with a life-threatening form of cancer and had undergone a major surgery just 4 months before her detention, where she would be denied follow-up treatments.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an eyewitness account.

Additional information

Washington Post coverage: ordeals-arent-over/2020/01/23/400886d8-3e24-11ea-8872-5df698785a4e_story.html

Darren Byler's written account of the victim's story:

RFA coverage:

Eyewitness account

[The following summary of the victim's eyewitness account, as reported by anthropologist Darren Byler, has been adapted from the Los Angeles Review of Books. Although the victim remained anonymous in the original story, she has since gone public, with her story appearing in other media.]

Sometime in mid-2019 a police officer tapped a student who had been studying at a university on the West Coast of the United States on the shoulder. The student, who asked me to call her Anni (安妮), after the famous Dutch-Jewish diarist Anne Frank, didn’t notice the tapping at first because she was listening to music through her ear buds. Speaking in Chinese, Anni’s native language, the police officer motioned her into a nearby People’s Convenience Police Station. On a monitor in the boxy gray building, she saw her face surrounded by a yellow square. On other screens she saw pedestrians walking down the street, their faces surrounded by green squares. Beside the high definition video still of her face, her personal data appeared in a black text box. It said that she was Hui, a member of a Chinese Muslim group, and that she was a “converted” or rehabilitated former detainee. The yellow square indicated that she had once again been deemed a “pre-criminal.” Anni said at that moment she felt as though she could hardly breathe.

Anni was in her hometown in Northwest China, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. She had been trapped there since 2017, when — in the middle of her junior year at university, which is located in the United States — she had taken a spur-of-the-moment trip back home to see her boyfriend, her former elementary school classmate. Her ordeal began after a night at a movie theater in Urumqi, a city of 3.5 million several hours from her home, when her boyfriend received a call asking him to come to a local police station. At the station, they told him they needed to question his girlfriend. They said they had discovered some suspicious activity in Anni’s internet usage. She had used a Virtual Proxy Network in order to access “illegal websites,” such as her university Gmail account. This, they told her, was a “sign of religious extremism.”

For the next several months, Anni was held with 11 other Muslim minority women in a second-floor cell in a former police station. Others in the room were also guilty of cyber pre-crimes. A Kazakh woman had installed WhatsApp on her phone in order to contact business partners in Kazakhstan. A Uyghur woman who sold smartphones at a bazaar had allowed multiple customers to register their SIM cards using her ID card.

The guards told her that she was not in jail, but rather at a center for life transformation and vocational training. Camera and audio recording systems monitored detainee movements, preventing them from sitting on their beds except during prescribed sleep time and speaking anything other than Chinese. During the day they were only permitted to stand or sit on plastic stools while they watch “reeducation” TV programs on a monitor mounted on the wall. Anni said, “the most terrifying thing about being there was not knowing if you would ever be released.”

After several months, as the facilities became more and more crowded, Anni and several other students were released on the provision that they report to local social stability officers on a regular basis and not try to leave their home neighborhoods. Every Monday Anni was required to go to a neighborhood flag-raising ceremony and participate loudly in singing the Chinese national anthem.

After she was back in her neighborhood, she felt that she had changed. She said her time in the camp made her think, “Maybe I don’t love my country enough. Maybe I only thought about myself. Maybe I wasn’t careful enough. We all started to think about this. Maybe I didn’t help the Party and the country. I just helped my family. I didn’t take my responsibility.” Whenever the social stability officer assigned to her share something on WeChat, Anni was always the first person to support her by liking it and posting it on her own social media wall.

But, she said, she also knew that what had happened to her was not her fault. It was the result of Islamophobia being institutionalized and focused on her. Although she could pass as Han, she now always thought, “What if…?” Her father told her, “If you see someone fighting on the street, you can’t stop to watch. If they check your ID, you will be detained again. If you see a car accident, leave it alone. Just go. You are not like a normal person. You are now one of ‘those’ people.”

She noticed that her father was also more careful. Before, he would argue with the local social stability officers. Now he always greeted them effusively. During their visits to monitor her progress, he always made tea and food for them. She said, “He always agreed with them. He told them ‘studying was good for me.’”

Yet, as the months wore on, she began to find ways around the many checkpoints. Since she could pass as Han and spoke standard Mandarin, she would simply tell the security workers that she forgot her ID and would write down a fake number. Or sometimes she would go through the exit of the checkpoint, “the green lane,” just like a Han person.

It wasn’t until the police officer tapped her on the shoulder and waved her into the station that she realized that the face scan that the police had taken right before placing her in the camp could be used to detect her movements. She had been caught walking down streets where she was no longer permitted to go. Back at the People’s Convenience Police Station, the officer filed a report and let her go. She was just given a warning. In October, Anni’s probation officer told her that she was happy with her progress and she would be allowed to continue her education back at her university. She was made to sign vows not to talk about what she had experienced. She said, “Your father has a good job and will soon reach retirement age. Remember this.”

Back in the United States, at her university, Anni feels a bit lost. All of her friends, most of whom are also Chinese international students from China, have graduated and moved on. There is a blank spot in her young life. She tells herself over and over: “There is no reason for this. It is random. There is no reason.”

She has begun conversations with a therapist who specializes in the trauma of Holocaust survivors. She has begun new friendships with Uyghurs and Kazakhs whose family members have also been affected by the camp system.


Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: photo with mother and Bob Fu: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2020-04-29 Last updated: 2020-04-29 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 2771. Ma Zhongbao

Chinese ID: 65422319????????O? (Shawan)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Status: concentration camp When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qauash Muqatai, born in 1966, now a Kazakhstan citizen. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Ma Zhongbao, around 80 years of age (as of December 2018), is a Hui philanthropist from Shawan County, where he has built a mosque.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

At the beginning of 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Building a mosque.

Victim's status

In a re-education camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Approximately 100 of his close and distant relatives were also detained in 2018. Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-02-16 Last updated: 2019-02-16 Latest status update: 2018-12-18 2775. Ma Junyi (马俊义)

Chinese ID: 65????19760211??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Raihan Zhardamhan, born on July 18, 1975 in , now a citizen of Kazakhstan

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Ma Junyi (马俊义), born in February 11, 1976, Hui ethnicity. Married with Raihan in Kazakhstan in 2009 and applied for citizenship, but was deported back to China when his visa ended in 2011.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unclear if detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Likely detained, or his freedom is limited in some way

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Raihan has not been able to communicate with Ma for two years already. Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-02-17 Last updated: 2019-02-17 Latest status update: 2018-02-08 4996. Mou Guojian (牟国建)

Chinese ID: 654221197510170237 (Dorbiljin)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Bitter Winter, a religious-freedom magazine based in Europe.

Testimony 2: Official search notice, as reported by Bitter Winter.

About the victim

Mou Guojian (牟国建), a Hui.

Address: Huo'you'ermodun Village (霍由尔莫墩村), Jiaoqu Township (郊区乡), Emin County, .

Victim's location

Presumably in Tacheng.

When victim was detained

According to a Bitter Winter report, he had originally been apprehended for praying in March 2018.

In September 2018, he somehow managed to flee from the police on the pretext of wanting to use the restroom. After the officers realized this, they had the roads to the village from where he had escaped blocked, with close to 30 heavily armed SWAT officers supposedly dispatched to take positions at the villages and road intersections nearby.

Local police then conducted a door-to-door search of the nearby households, in addition to putting up a notice for his arrest as well as spreading it on WeChat, with the promise of a 50000RMB reward for assisting in his capture. His friends and relatives were also contacted.

Eventually, Mou Guojian appears to have realized that hiding was useless and thus turned himself in, saying later that he had wanted to see his parents, who were extremely distressed by his arrest. Likely (or given) reason for detention

Reciting the Quran years ago at a mosque without having a state license to do so.

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through its reporters in the region, presumably, and the posted search notice.

Additional information

Bitter Winter report:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-07-11 Last updated: 2020-01-22 Latest status update: 2018-11-21 6115. Ma Xuexian (马学贤)

Chinese ID: 65????19780209??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Changji Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Wang Yuliang, originally from in Xinjiang's Changji Prefecture but now living in the US. (friend)

Testimony 2: Wang Yuliang, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (friend)

About the victim

Ma Xuexian is an ethnic Hui from . He got his bachelor's degree in Islamic studies from the International Islamic University of Islamabad and his graduate degree in Arabic from the National University of Modern Languages (also in Pakistan). He and his wife ran a restaurant in Islamabad.

Victim's location

Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang.

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in the spring of 2017, after returning to China in early 2017. He was released in May 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The testifier believes that it's likely because the victim had gone to one of the 26 "terrorist countries" (Pakistan), had majored in Islamic studies, and had graduated from an Islamic university.

Victim's status

Released from camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier was friends with the victim and stayed in touch online. He learned about the release from the sudden resumption of Ma Xuexian's WeChat activity.

Additional information

What seems to be his online resume (updated in May 2019):

Victims among relatives

Ma Yuanlan (6116)

Supplementary materials

Facebook profile: 259367230441%26set%3Da.207114132811632%26type%3D3&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-02-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-27 6116. Ma Yuanlan (马元兰)

Chinese ID: 652324198???????E? (Manas)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Changji Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Wang Yuliang, originally from Manas County in Xinjiang's Changji Prefecture but now living in the US. (friend)

Testimony 2: Wang Yuliang, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (friend)

About the victim

Ma Yuanlan, 33 (as of December 2019), is an ethnic Hui from Changji's Manas County. She's married to Ma Xuexian {6115}, with whom she studied at the International Islamic University of Islamabad. The couple also ran a family restaurant there.

Victim's location

Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang.

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in early 2017. She and her husband were both released in May 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The testifier believes it is due to the victim having gone to one of the 26 "terrorist countries" (Pakistan), in addition to having studied religion at an Islamic university.

Victim's status

Released from camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier was college friends with the victim and also from the same hometown. Ever since she and her husband returned to China, he has been following their situation. There were no updates on their WeChat after they returned in 2017, but new videos started being posted in May 2019. Although he only has the husband's WeChat (and not the victim's), he believes that both have been released.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ma Xuexian (6115)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-02-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-27 6117. Wang Yali (王雅莉)

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Changji Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Wang Yuliang, originally from Manas County in Xinjiang's Changji Prefecture but now living in the US. (friend)

Testimony 2: Wang Yuliang, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (friend)

About the victim

Wang Yali, 27 (as of December 2019), is an ethnic Hui from Changji Prefecture. She got her bachelor's from the International Islamic University of Islamabad, where she majored in education, after which she went to work at a Pakistan branch of Citibank.

Victim's location

Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang.

When victim was detained

In April 2018, her company sent her to China to attend the Asia-Pacific Summit. She was taken to camp soon after in late April or early May 2018. In May 2019, she was released.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The testifier believes it is for her having gone to one of the 26 "terrorist countries" (Pakistan), and for having studied at an Islamic university.

Victim's status

Released from camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Through her WeChat Moments. Also through her husband, who's from Shandong. While in Pakistan, the testifier met with him once and understood in detail what had happened.

Additional information


Supplementary materials photo with husband:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-02-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-28 7598. Su Wenzhi

Chinese ID: 65420119????????O? (Chochek)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (life) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Tolqyn Qali, born in 1970, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Su Wenzhi (Hui name is Musa) is from Tacheng city.

Victim's location

[unclear as imprisoned]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status he was given lifetime imprisonment in 2019

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-02-10 Last updated: 2020-02-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 9040. Huang Shike (黄世科)

Chinese ID: 65412219680428??O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"disturbing public order", related to religion, other Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Huang Shike, an ethnic Hui from the Chapchal Xibe Autonomous County, often took part in online religious groups.

Address: Chapchal County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

Ghulja County pre-trial detention center (伊宁县看守所).

When victim was detained

Detained on August 24, 2016, then officially arrested on September 6 of the same year. He was sentenced on December 12, 2016, but appealed. The final verdict sentencing him to 2 years was issued on March 10, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

He was initially tried and convicted on charges of "gathering a crowd to disturb social order". However, following his appeal, the court found that this was not the appropriate charge, and instead pronounced him guilty of "illegal use of information networks (非法利用信息网络罪)", maintaining the original 2-year sentence.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 2 years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

WeChat report with the court verdict:

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2020-05-05 Last updated: 2020-06-22 Latest status update: 2017-03-10 9611. Ma Qiang

Chinese ID: 65432619????????O? (Jeminey)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Altay Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Tabysqan Magrupqan, originally from Jeminey County but now residing in Kazakhstan. He is a survivor of the mass incarcerations in Xinjiang, having spent around nine months in a camp. (detained together)

About the victim

Ma Qiang, an ethnic Hui.

Probable address: Besterek Township, Jeminey County, Altay. [His uncle worked as an imam there.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Altay.]

When victim was detained

Not clear. However, he was released from camp at around the same time as the testifier, who was let out in late December 2018. [The testifier does not mention the time of his release, but given the context, where he's talking about other people who were released at the same time, it would seem that this is very likely.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Released from camp. It is not clear what happened to the victim afterwards.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

They were detained in camp together. They were also [presumably] released together. Additional information

Ma Qiang's uncle, an imam in Besterek Township, had died during interrogation. He was accused of appointing a village head who was not the candidate recommended by the government.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-25 Last updated: 2020-07-25 Latest status update: 2020-02-25 10978. Zhou Mingcun (周明存)

Chinese ID: 65210119????????O? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Turpan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway.

About the victim

Zhou Mingcun (周明存), an ahun of Turpan's Dongdasi Mosque (吐鲁番新城东大斯). His phone number is 13999467000.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Pictures of Zhou attending the 11th National Islamic Conference in Beijing in 2016:; In 2014, he was quoted condemnding the perpetrators of the July 28 incident in Yarkand: (

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-22 Last updated: 2020-09-24 Latest status update: 2020-06-23 11997. Nie Shigang (聂世岗)

Chinese ID: 61010419700721??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|other, assisting "criminals", "terrorism" Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Nie Shigang worked as an agent in eastern China (namely, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang), where he helped Egyptian businessmen [and presumably others] with inspecting goods, placing orders, and going through customs/transportation procedures.

Place of residence: Lianhu District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province.

Victim's location

Atush City Pre-Trial Detention Center (阿图什市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was put under criminal detention on March 22, 2018 on suspicion of assisting in terrorist activities and carrying out illegal business operations, to be held at the Yiwu City Pre-Trial Detention Center (义乌市看守所) until March 29. It is unclear where he was afterwards, but he would be released on bail on July 24, 2018.

On February 25, 2019, he was put under residential surveillance, before being formally arrested on March 16, 2019, to be held at the Atush City Pre-Trial Detention Center.

The XUAR Atush City People's Procuratorate filed its indictment against him on March 22, 2019, with the Atush City People's Court sentencing him to 15 years with 5 years' deprivation of political rights on April 1. However, the victim appealed and was given a new verdict on August 2, 2019, which reversed the original verdict and asked for a retrial. The case was then reheard on August 26.

A decision issued on November 6, 2019 sentenced the victim to 5 years in prison for the crime of money laundering, with the 800000RMB involved in the case to be confiscated by the state treasury. Likely (or given) reason for detention

He was arrested and tried for "assisting in terrorist activities" and "money laundering", for having helped Uyghurs from southern Xinjiang [mainly, it seems, from Atush] to transfer money to their relatives in Egypt, by means of the regular financial transactions he was already engaging in with his clients, Egyptian businessmen Ahmed Mohamed Hegazy Makhlouf and El Sayed El Sayed Mohamed Bekhit Mohamed.

Ultimately, the court found that he did not possess the knowledge and intent to "assist in terrorist activities", but was criminally responsible for money laundering.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 5 years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to original verdict:

The court document mentions around ten people of southern Xinjiang origin who were guilty of sending money to "terrorists" abroad (usually, their relatives). At least two of these people, Mahire Nurmuhemmed {4628} and Rizayidin Abdureshit {5441} had already been reported by their relatives as given long prison sentences, and thereby corroborate the content of the verdict.

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2020-12-30 Last updated: 2020-12-30 Latest status update: 2019-11-06 13409. Jin Dehuai (金德怀)

Chinese ID: 652323197411270052 (Kutubi)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (life) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "illegal gathering", "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

Testimony 2: Dui Hua, a San Francisco-based nonprofit humanitarian organization that seeks clemency and better treatment for at-risk detainees in China.

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Jin Dehuai was a Hui businessman, who opened a series of driving schools and had a real-estate business. He was allegedly a major and prominent member of the Tablighi Jamaat, and would often organize conferences at various locations in Xinjiang, where he would preach scripture and encourage people to go out on missionary trips, many of which he allegedly facilitated.

Residential address: Villa No. 2-103, Luzhou Huating, Luzhou Road, Changji City, Xinjiang (新疆昌吉市绿洲路绿洲华庭2-103别墅).

Household registration: City, Xinjiang (新疆和田市).

Victim's location

Changji City Pre-Trial Detention Center (昌吉市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was first sentenced to 1 year and 6 months on November 5, 2009 for "gathering a crowd to disturb public order", being released on August 25, 2010. On May 19, 2015, he was sentenced on this charge again, this time to 7 years, and transferred to Prison to serve his sentence.

During this period, the authorities would revisit his case and find "errors", prompting them to formally re-detain and re-arrest him [presumably while he was already in prison], with him being transferred to the Changji City Pre-Trial Detention Center as the court reviewed the new charge of "separatism" that was put forth by the procuratorate. Finding him guilty, the court voided the earlier verdict and sentenced him to life, with confiscation of all assets.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His sentence in 2009 was for "gathering a crowd to disturb public order", which according to Dui Hua stemmed from his teaching the Quran to over a dozen Hui and Uyghur children, which the verdict allegedly said "inflicted harm on the children's health because they were confined in several small apartments that restricted their free movement".

The second sentence in 2015 was initially for "gathering a crowd" as well. However, his case was revisited and he was found guilty of "separatism". The actions that led to these charges were his activities as a prominent representative of the Tablighi Jamaat, with his extensive missionary work interpreted as gravely damaging society and trying to split the state.

Victim's status

Sentenced to life.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system. Dui Hua also based its reporting on court verdicts that they were able to obtain.

Additional information

Dui Hua article:

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Victims among relatives

Bai Lu (15260)

Supplementary materials photo: original verdict transcribed:

Entry created: 2021-03-25 Last updated: 2021-05-19 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 13997. Ma Decang (马德仓)

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|"disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Dui Hua, a San Francisco-based nonprofit humanitarian organization that seeks clemency and better treatment for at-risk detainees in China.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Decang (马德仓) is a Hui Muslim man. He is the leader of a local Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) (lit. "society for spreading faith") group in an unspecified location [presumably Turpan City, based on where he was sentenced].

Testimony 2: Ma Decang also appeared as a witness in the 2017 court verdict of Jin Dehuai. Specifically, Ma Decang is said to have:

1) allowed his home to be used as a base [for Jamaat activities], 2) attended Jamaat conferences, 3) acted as a point of contact, 4) been a local Jamaat leader.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Ma Decang was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment on 12 December 2014 in Turpan City for "gathering a crowd to disturb social order."

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Officially, the offence with which Ma Decang was charged was "gathering a crowd to disturb social order." Ma Decang allegedly taught the Qur'an in mosques and at his home without government authorisation, and "received non-local TJ visitors in his home, where he held prayers and arranged proselytizing missions to Xinjiang, Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia and Sichuan."

Victim's status

The victim was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment on 12 December 2014 in Turpan City. His current status is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: This information was uncovered by Dui Hua during their research into Chinese court judgements.

Testimony 2: this is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Dui Hua article (Testimony 2):

Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) (lit. "society for spreading faith") was designated by the Chinese government as an "overseas religious infiltration organisation [...] unanimously boycotted by China's traditional Islamic groups." According to this article, TJ is a "transnational movement closely tied to the Deobandi interpretation of the Sunni Islamic teachings" and was founded in India in 1926. TJ reportedly rejects violence as a means for evangelism and is primarily concerned with encouraging other Muslims to adopt a more orthodox lifestyle akin to the lifestyles of Mohammad and the first Muslim adherents.

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-01-28 Last updated: 2021-04-21 Latest status update: 2014-12-12 13998. Ma Sheng (马胜)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Dui Hua, a San Francisco-based nonprofit humanitarian organization that seeks clemency and better treatment for at-risk detainees in China.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Sheng (马胜) is a Hui Muslim man and a member of the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) (lit. "society for spreading faith") movement.

Testimony 2: he is from Ghulja County.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In October 2010, the Ghulja County People's Court sentenced Ma Sheng and six other TJ participants to three to four years of imprisonment for being part of a "cult" [which is presumably a reference to the Chinese legal concept of "Xie Jiao"].

The Dui Hua article does not specify the length of Ma Sheng's sentence in particular.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Ma Sheng was accused of being part of a "cult" and "conducting illegal religious classes." He allegedly taught several banned books, including "Islamic Six Virtues" and "Riyad as-Salihin Hadiths", which were both easily downloadable free-of-charge from various online file-sharing services.

Victim's status Testimony 1: The victim was sentenced in October 2010 to three to four years of imprisonment and has presumably been released, but his current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Testimony 2: in the 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, Ma Sheng appears as a witness to testify that Jin Dehuai had organized for him and others to travel to Lanzhou and Xining for Jamaat gatherings. [That Ma Sheng appeared as a witness establishes that he was in Xinjiang during the time of the mass incarcerations, and would have very likely been detained himself, though this is unconfirmed.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This information was uncovered by Dui Hua during their research into Chinese court judgements.

Additional information

Dui Hua article:

Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) (lit. "society for spreading faith") was designated by the Chinese government as an "overseas religious infiltration organisation [...] unanimously boycotted by China's traditional Islamic groups." According to this article, TJ is a "transnational movement closely tied to the Deobandi interpretation of the Sunni Islamic teachings" and was founded in India in 1926. TJ reportedly rejects violence as a means for evangelism and is primarily concerned with encouraging other Muslims to adopt a more orthodox lifestyle akin to the lifestyles of Mohammad and the first Muslim adherents.

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-01-28 Last updated: 2021-06-10 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 14906. Ma Yusu (马玉素)

Chinese ID: 65402619????????O? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Yusu (马玉素) is an ethnic Hui from Second Commune (二公社), Sheep Farm, Mongolkure county.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

The testifier heard about the imam's situation in June 2018, which is presumably when the arrest happened.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Exact reason unclear, although the testifier mentioned hearing that Ma had been targeted because of his religion, and that the PSB called him repeatedly, telling him to go somewhere. Ma reportedly refused and was subsequently arrested.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 7 years in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Information about the victim appears in an official court verdict, citing the testimony of defendant Yang Cai. The testifier said she heard about the victim's situation from Wang Xiuyun, another defendant. The testifier then wrote an article which was sent for publication to Bitter Winter. Later, the testifier learned from her neighbor about Ma's sentence. Additional information

Court verdict in which he is mentioned:

Entry created: 2021-05-17 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 15255. Ma Xiaowen (马晓文)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Xiaowen is from the Urumqi area. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he was among a group of people whom Jin arranged documentation for to go to Bangladesh in January 2014. The group studied such texts as "Riyad as-Salihin" and "Muntakhab Ahadithin" at the Kakrail Mosque in Dhaka for 4 months, before returning to China in May. According to Jin's confession, they had intended to make a detour to Mecca, but were not able to obtain visas.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15256. Ma Junming (马俊明)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Junming is from the Urumqi area. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he was among a group of people whom Jin arranged documentation for to go to Bangladesh in January 2014. The group studied such texts as "Riyad as-Salihin" and "Muntakhab Ahadithin" at the Kakrail Mosque in Dhaka for 4 months, before returning to China in May. According to Jin's confession, they had intended to make a detour to Mecca, but were not able to obtain visas.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15257. Ma Xiaohu (马小虎)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Xiaohu is from the Urumqi area. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he was among a group of people whom Jin arranged documentation for to go to Bangladesh in January 2014. The group studied such texts as "Riyad as-Salihin" and "Muntakhab Ahadithin" at the Kakrail Mosque in Dhaka for 4 months, before returning to China in May. According to Jin's confession, they had intended to make a detour to Mecca, but were not able to obtain visas.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15258. Ma Qinyong (马秦勇)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Qinyong is from the Urumqi area. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he was among a group of people whom Jin arranged documentation for to go to Bangladesh in January 2014. The group studied such texts as "Riyad as-Salihin" and "Muntakhab Ahadithin" at the Kakrail Mosque in Dhaka for 4 months, before returning to China in May. According to Jin's confession, they had intended to make a detour to Mecca, but were not able to obtain visas.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15264. Ma Shengcheng (马生成)

Chinese ID: 65230119????????O? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Shengcheng. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Address: Yushugou Village, Changji Municipality.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he went on a forty-day religious group trip to inner China in December 2012, visiting Ningxia Province (Tongxin County in Wuzhong City) and Lanzhou. When the group returned to Changji, they briefed Jin Dehuai about what happened during the 40 days.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15266. Yan Shihai (闫世海)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yan Shihai. [He is presumably Hui, given his religious involvement and the fact that Hui make up the large majority of the non-Turkic residents of the Uch'on Hui Township.]

Address: Uch'on Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he was among the attendees of a December 2011 religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's residence at Luzhou Huating in Changji. At the end of 2012, Yan attended another religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15267. Ma Danning (马丹宁)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Danning. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname, his religious involvement, and the fact that Hui make up the large majority of the non-Turkic residents of the Uch'on Hui Township.]

Address: Uch'on Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he was among the attendees of a December 2011 religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's residence at Luzhou Huating in Changji. At the end of 2012, Yan attended another religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15268. Ma Chongqing (马崇青)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Chongqing. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname, his religious involvement, and the fact that Hui make up the large majority of the non-Turkic residents of the Uch'on Hui Township.]

Address: Uch'on Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma participated in a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in Changji in early 2012.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15269. Ma Deying (马德英)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Deying. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname, his religious involvement, and the fact that Hui make up the large majority of the non-Turkic residents of the Uch'on Hui Township.]

Address: Uch'on Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma participated in a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in Changji in early 2012.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15270. Ma Junfu (马俊福)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Junfu. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname, his religious involvement, and the fact that Hui make up the large majority of the non-Turkic residents of the Uch'on Hui Township.]

Address: Uch'on Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma participated in a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in Changji in early 2012.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15271. Ma Xinming (马新明)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Xinming. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname, his religious involvement, and the fact that Hui make up the large majority of the non-Turkic residents of the Uch'on Hui Township.]

Address: Uch'on Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma participated in a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in Changji in early 2012.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15272. Ma Chunlin (马春林)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Chunlin. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Address: Urumqi.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he attended a religious conference in a building next to a local mosque in Changji in 2007. In the winter of 2012, Ma organized a religious gathering at his home, which was attended by Jin Dehuai and others. After the gathering, Ma took the group to Urumqi for studying scripture. In May 2012, Ma hosted Jin Dehuai and several other men at his home for a religious gathering. Around the same time, he was among the attendees at the funeral of Jin Dehuai's mother in Changji. Later, in the summer, Ma attended a religious conference at a resort village in Qutubi County. At the end of the year, he attended another gathering, this time at Jin Dehuai's home in Changji, where Jin urged Ma to go on a missionary trip to inner China (Ma did not go). In February 2013, he attended a religious gathering next to the Dawan Mosque in Urumqi. Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15273. Ma Fuquan (马付全)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Fuquan. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma Fuquan attended a religious conference hosted by Ma Chunlin in the winter of 2012. At around the same time, Jin Dehuai gave lectures at Ma Fuquan's home as well, urging others to go on missionary trips. In February 2013, Ma attended a religious gathering next to the Dawan Mosque in Urumqi.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15274. Ma Zhixue (马志学)

Chinese ID: 65232519????????O? (Qitai)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Zhixue is from . [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma attended a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's residence in Changji in the winter of 2012, where Jin urged Ma to go on a missionary trip to inner China (Ma did not go). After the gathering, most of the participants left for further conferences in Urumqi, while Ma Zhixue stayed at Jin's home. At the end of 2012, Ma attended another religious gathering, this time at Jin Dehuai's home in Urumqi. In January 2014, Ma attended another gathering at Jin Dehuai's residence at Room 2202, Floor 22, Baoheng Mansion, Nanmen, Urumqi.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15275. Ma Cunyi (马存义)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Cunyi. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma Cunyi attended a religious gathering at Ma Chunlin's home in Urumqi in the winter of 2012, which was hosted by Jin Dehuai. At the end of 2012, Ma attended another religious gathering, this time at Jin Dehuai's home in Changji. One day later, Ma Cunyi left with Jin Dehuai and others to Jin's residence in Urumqi, where they continued their religious studies.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15276. Ma Hongbing (马洪兵)

Chinese ID: 65232519????????O? (Qitai)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Hongbing is from Qitai County. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma met Jin Dehuai at Ma's home in Qitai at some point in 2012. Before the 2012 Spring Festival, Ma attended a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's residence at Room 2202, Floor 22, Baoheng Mansion, Nanmen, Urumqi. The next day, Jin Dehuai arranged for Ma and three others to spend 40 days on jamaat gatherings in Tongxin County, Weizhou Township, Wuzhong, Yinchuan, and Lanzhou, among other cities. When they returned to Changji, they briefed Jin Dehuai about what happened during the 40 days. In May 2012, Ma attended the funeral for Jin Dehuai's mother in Qutubi County. Later, the group went to a resort village and held a religious gathering. Later, in December, Ma Hongbing hosted a gathering at his home, where Jin Dehuai preached about going out for missionary work. In February 2013, Ma Hongbing was the leading speaker at a three-day religious gathering at a home near the Dawan Mosque in Urumqi. In January 2014, Ma brought around a dozen people to Jin Dehuai's residence at the Baoheng Mansion for another religious gathering lasting three days. According to his wife's testimony, Ma would often take people from Qitai County to attend religious gatherings at Jin's home. Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15277. Sha Fucheng (沙福成)

Chinese ID: 65230119????????O? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Sha Fucheng, an ethnic Hui.

Address: Yushugou Village, Changji Municipality.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he went on a 40-day religious trip to Tongxin County in Ningxia in December 2012, where he met Ma Fengde. There, they participated in jamaat gatherings to advocate that Islam does not discriminate based on ethnicity, country, or region. Upon his return in the spring of 2013, Sha attended a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in Urumqi, where a Kyrgyz national, Imam Yunus, was the lead speaker.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15278. Ma Shengfu (马生福)

Chinese ID: 65230119????????O? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Shengfu. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Address: Yushugou Village, Changji Municipality.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, after meeting Jin Dehuai at his residence in Urumqi in December 2012, Ma went on a forty-day religious trip to Tongxin County in Ningxia. There, he participated in jamaat gatherings to advocate that Islam does not discriminate based on ethnicity, country, or region.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15282. Ma Fu (马福)

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Fu is from Ghulja County. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he attended a gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in November 2011, with Jin assigning him to one of the groups that would go on religious trips to inner China (one to Shaanxi and the other to Henan). In February 2012, Ma Fu was in inner China to attend religious gatherings for forty days.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15288. Ma Zhanqing (马占清)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Zhanqing. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information ---

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15290. Ma Fugui (马福贵)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Fugui. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information ---

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15291. Ma Jiyuan (马吉元)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Jiyuan. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information ---

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15298. Ma Zhanyun (马占云)

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Zhanyun. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Address [presumed]: Ili Prefecture Dairy Farm, Ghulja City.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, he received Jin Dehuai and four people from Kyrgyzstan for a religious sermon at a local mosque at the Ili Dairy Farm's No. 2 Company in mid-February of either 2011 or 2012 [testimonies differ]. He had previously attended a meeting with Jin Dehuai in November 2010.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15300. Ma Jianyuan (马建元)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Jianyuan. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma attended a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's home in around March 2012. Around the same time, he also attended another gathering at Yang Debao's home in Turpan.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system. Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15303. Ma Zhongliang (马忠良)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Zhongliang. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma Zhongliang was approached by Ma Hongbing in December 2012, who invited him to a religious gathering at Jin Dehuai's house in Changji. In February 2013, Ma Zhongliang attended a three-day religious gathering at a home near the Dawan Mosque in Urumqi. On the next day, they visited Jin Dehuai's home.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15304. Ma Yansheng (马彦生)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Yansheng. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma attended religious gatherings at the homes of Ma Chunlin and Ma Fuquan in May 2012.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system. Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15 15305. Ma Zhanhu (马占虎)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Zhanhu. [He is presumably Hui, given his surname and religious involvement.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not clear when detained. His witness testimony was included in the September 15, 2018 court verdict for Jin Dehuai, suggesting that he was already taken in by then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[It is assumed that the victim was detained as he took part in the Tablighi Jamaat activities organized by Jin Dehuai, who was given a life sentence.]

Specifically, Ma attended a religious gathering at the Birch Forest of Qaba County in the summer of 2010.

Victim's status

[Presumably in detention, given the victim's involvement with Jin Dehuai, Jin being given a life sentence, and the victim appearing as a witness at Jin's trial.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system. Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2021-06-11 Last updated: 2021-06-11 Latest status update: 2018-09-15