'•k t 1 v w VJfTl" V ^^3^ ' 1 ' t jf. fl f1«iv»^»i S««fl r™ /, 1' "i v -rv i ,i•' 1 \

THE IRISH STANDARD Saturday, May 22, 1915. in religion of Sister Mary Xavier Jo­ two sons. Rev. J. Lyons and Rev. L. Order for Creditors to Present Claims, Su'iuV11 EH*0 Conroy. St Paul; Mary J. Resident. Jobn F. Scanlon, 197% seph. Lyons, during her short illness. Etc. Reilly, Bralnerd. West? 6th St; Financial and Insuraaoe Kerry. No. 17263. - Auditing Committee — Margaret Scott. Secretary, W. J. MoBride, 7 West 6th St: MeatH. State of Minnesota, County of Henne- IiiS Sul"van, Minneapolis; R??°rd'j« Secretary. W. J. Lynott. mi At a special meeting of the Llstowel On Tuesday, the 13th Inst., the pin. Probate Court. Elizabeth McNally, St. Paul. East Srd .St; Treasurer, J. W. Lardaa. in the matter of the estate of Joseph East Srd St.; Medical Examiner, Dr. News from Ireland Urban Council a rate of 6s in the £ Month's Memory Requiem Office and Trombley, Deceased. GX.rlSUCUwaSteCrreUry ~ Mantaret A" B. W. Fahejr, 2X7 New Jersey in the poor rate and 6s in the town High Mass for the late lamented Mr. . Jitters of administration on the es­ Rochester* Trea"urer—:Margaret Sullivan, Meetings are held on First ana Thlrtl tate of Joseph Trombley, deceased, late Wednesdays at CathodMl Hall, Sscoad rate was struck. Dr. O'Conner re­ Michael Geraghty were celebrated in °£ th® County of Hennepin and State State Medical Director — Dr. B. W. Avenue West and Fourth Street marked that they were not responsible or Minnesota, being granted to Ida M. Buckley, St. Paul. the Parochial Church, Turin. A large Trombley of said county and state. Directors of Insurance Fund — Nellie Division No. 4, West Dnlntk. Antrim. on Tuesday, Judge Cooke said that as for the high poor rate demanded by congregation attended at the sacred j .*? ordered, that six months be Curran, Minneapolis; Annie Conroy, St. and the same is hereby allowed from ?a"'j Josephine Hagerty. Shieldsvllle; John E. Cullen, president: John At a special meeting of the Maghera- he had received white gloves also at the County Council. e r ceremonies. High Mass was celebrat­ £ . . *he date of this order, in St Paul ' Duluth: Margaret Nolan, Keenan, vice president; P. H. Me- felt Board of Guardians, called to con­ Donegal (Town) Sessions, he congrat­ The last meeting of the Tralee ed by Rev. J. Tallon, C. C., Oldcastle. wnich all persons having claims or Graw, treasurer; J. W. Bothwell, (91 sider a resolution to send girls of over ulated the entire country on its free­ demands against the said deceased are .Auditing Committee — Ellen McGrath. 57th avenue West, recording: secretary: Board of the Guardians and District Died.—Mongey, April 13, 1916, at required to file the same in the Probate i« w H1:..A5nte Kennedy, St. Cloud; Nel­ Jas. Connelly, financial ana Insurance •ix years to outside schools, Mr. Lar- dom from crime. Court of said County of Hennepin for lie McColl, St. Paul. ry Council was adjourned as a mark of re­ Creewood, Slane, County Meath, Mary examination and allowance, or be for­ liver ' Payette, medical exam- Mn withdrew the motion. The death has occurred at Letter- ever barred. spect to the memory of Mr. Daniel Agnes, dearly beloved wife of J. Mon­ It is further ordered, that the first DIVISION OFFICERS A. O. H.—TIME Mr. J. R. P. McAlery, C. E., under kenny of Dr. Fenwick Carre, F. R. C. Harrington of the "Kerry Sentinel," gey, N. T.—Murray, April 17, at Dan- Monday in December, 1915, at 10 o'clock AND PLACE OF MEETING. SCOTT COUNTY. whose plans and supervision an im­ S. I., who for many years acted as med­ and Michael Lawlor, both recently de­ a general term of said Pro­ ANOKA COUNTY. gan, Summer Hill, County Meath, Anne bate Court, to be held at the Court dan? M&n.PrM,dent' R X Leonard' J#r" provement scheme involving an expen­ ical superintendent of the Donegal ceased. House in the City of Minneapolis, in County President, John P. Coleman, the dearly beloved wife of Thomas said county, be and the same is hereby Anoka, Minn. ' ODB,8«?.^°- 1'=B,?Ue P'aine—Prea, Br. diture of £600,000 has been carried Lunatic Asylum. mejr, B u . Murray.—Cruise. April 5, at Bective appointed as the time and place when Division No. 1, Anoka—Pres., William TAI 5S J te * P'aine; Vies Prwa. out on the Central Argentine Railway, and where the said Probate Court will L. Ward; Vice Pres., John L. Green: £ vKelley. Belle Plains; Rec. Sas« Down. Longford Urban Council on the mo­ street, Kelts, Joseph Cruise, aged sixty examine and adjust said claims and Rec. Sec., Charles E. Green; Fin. Sec.. T2Be,,e Plalne; FTn. Sec.. is second son of Mr. J. M. McAlery, demands. •J*®" McArdle; Ins. Sec., James Mo s at n BeUe Plalne; Mr. James G. Gordon, an extensive tion of Mr. Farrell, M. P., chairman years. , JS2S2 W £rs ati? ' Ins. See!! Belfast, and Whitehead. Mr. McAlery And it is further ordered, that no­ Ardle; Treas., John Ward; Med. Exam­ V t°n. Belle Plalne; Treaa.! provision merchant and grocer, of seconded by Mr. M. P. Molloy, unani­ Queens. tice of such hearing be given to all iners, J. H. Frank and A. T. Calne. M^n«vCI«k*J.Med- Bxamlner.Dr.O*. has been four years in South America. creditors and persons interested in said month in Woodman Hall at t p. m. 2?weheW *n first Sum- Moneghan street, Newry, died recently. mously passed a resolution of congrat­ The appointment of Mr. J. S. Ryan, estate by forthwith publishing; this or­ pfm. month 'n Fraternity ball, at 18:19 Armagh. der once in each week, for three suc­ BIG STONE COUNTY. His wife predeceased him a few years ulation to Lord and Lady on B. E., as county surveyor for Queens cessive weeks, in the Irish Standard, A meeting or the Portadown Town ago and is survived by three daugh­ the birth of a son and heir. County, has been sanctioned by the a newspaper printed and published in STEVENS COUNTY. Council was held recently to strike the said county. Gracevllle, *M?nn!ent' M * McDonne11' ters. Died.—Mrs. W. Moorhead, widow of Local Government Board. D a t Mlnneapoli8 this 7th da riCounty President, M. Mahoney, Mor- rate for the ensuing year. The clerk of Ma£ 1 9 15 ' y Division No. 1, Gracevllle—Pres., An- At the monthly meeting of Newry the late William Moorhead, died on RO8COMMON. By the Court: Arew B. Shea; Vice Pres., J. p. Tralnor; J re, lah Scan n: nn Sec said the total amount required was Urban School Attendance Committee April 8 at her residence, Rhyne , _ . JOHN A. DAHL, C % rfnn» tt ? 0 !? - - Lawler.^Morria; Mr. Thomas Hannick, a partner in „„ '"Udge of the Probate Court. p. Ginnaty; Ins. Sec., C. P. Ginnatr- £10,783 3s lid. The chairman, Mr. the abstract of attendance returns for , and was buried in JOHNm P. COLEMAN,. Atty., Treas., John W. Ginnaty; Med. Examin- the firm of Messrs. Higgins & Keigh- 1, W. H. Wright moved that a rate of the month of March showed that the the family cemetery at Ballinalee. She Anoka, Minn. nn 5 Randall. Meetings held SS ron, Ltd., Sligo, one of the largest busi­ Fraternity "5rnay and tb,rd Thu™day at 2s 2d in the £ be struck. The motion average number of children on the leaves to mourn her twelve children, ness establishments in Connaught, was Order for Credltora to Present Claims, C! M^ruJy jS'g^ c°®m'ttee, JohiM was unanimously carried. rolls of the various schools in the town five of whom live in this country; Mrs. Etc. BLUE EARTH. married recently to Miss Kathleen O'­ Sunday of th'e month ^Llnffffii'ff,,flr,{ An application by the defendants, was 2,221, as against 2,182 in the cor­ Thomas Noble, 501 West 172d street, No. 17283. Neill, Castle street, Roscommon. Miss "'Minnesota, County of Henne­ County President, P. J. McGrath. Madl. the Keady Linen Company Limited, to responding period of last year. The New York City; Mrs. Thomas Dexter, O'Neill Is the youngest daughter of the pin. Probate Court. vAoe President, Daniel STEELE COUNTY. set aside a verdict and judgment for nirth& matter of the estate of Sarah CoughUn, Mankato; County Secretary. W average attendance was 1,539, a de­ Mrs. William Pickard, Hugh Moorhead late Mr. Joseph O'Neill. ±1. Bell, Deceased. A. Lyons, Madison Lake; County Treaa- £36 for the plaintiff, Mr. Joseph Ma- crease of 63.9, and the percentage of and Eva Moorhead. Her seven chil­ The death took place after High Letters of administration on the es- O'Brien, Mankato; County Oyi Mfm™'' <=• guire building contractor, in an action Sarah H. Bell, deceased, late Sullivan, Madison Lake: attendance 69.6, a decrease of 3.8. dren who reside in Ireland attended Mass, of Miss O'Hara, Kilmovee, sister 2# *J\e Coupty of Hennepin and State R Br'ck" V|°c:n Job. for the balance of an account in con- of Minnesota, being granted to Alice ChSl. Rev." Fr^H^ghes^MMricato. ^ The strike of seamen and weqchmen her funeral. of 8aid of the Ven. Archdeacon O'Hara, P. P., •T. . , county and state. ' nection with the erection of laborers' in the employment of the Dundalk and D. D., Kilmovee, and Rev. Denis O'­ It is ordered, that six months be and M^haei0O'Brien,' Carrol4 St. 7"Vlce'prea' cottages, was refused, with costs, by Louth. the same is hereby allowed from and R s e c Newry Steampacket Company, still The following gentlemen have been Hara, P. P., Kiltimagh. The funeral after the date of this order, in which the King's Bench. Messrs. Hanna, K. continues.' All the men in the em­ ha£inff claims or demands Ins. Sec.,:s«.; John#,°». McCallis ec:. Tre&n*d ¥h£2Sb t p elected by the County Councils to was of large dimensions and represen­ against the said deceased are required Coughian. Meet in BLC. hall.aecond and C., and J. C. Davison (instructed by t e ployment of the company in Newry serve on the Council of Agriculture tative of the counties of Roscommon, H ]l same in the Probate Court fourth Sundays of month at 2 p. m. Messrs. J. Peel and Son), appeared for ?««•? County of Hennepin for exam­ , Division No. 2, Madison Laltc TVH«I SWIFT COUNTY. having received a week's notice ceased Mayo and Sligo. ination and allowance, or be forever from the first of April, 1915, to the barred. 8 S AN the defendants. Messrs. Chambers, K. work, and therefore both the steamer l£es M 'A «"IYI ' Madison Lake; Vice C&rr President—D. F. McDermott. 31st of March, 1918: Joseph Dolan, 8LIG0. HT14-.1" {urther ordered, that the first m' Sullivan, Madison Lake; Rec. C., M. P., and T. J. Campbell (instruct­ Bessbrook and the SS. Iveagh are tied Monday in December, 1915, at 10 o'clock ioS"' t ™S?ons£ Madison Lake; Fin. Gaulstown, Dunleer; James McCarthy, At the Mullaghroe, Co. Sligo, Petty a. m., at a general term of said Pro­ Sep' wm' D° ^ath' Madison Lake; Ins. M.DKenna; 1Vi'ce1'Preif>ntpr'7PS5,y; S.™- ed by Mr. Edward Cooksey), appeared up, and the company's sailings be­ nnor Madlson J. P., Newfoundwell, Drogheda. Sessions, Thomas Hay den, Mahanagh, bate Court, to be held at the Court Trrajia J M£Sr * Lake;: (or the plaintiff. tween Newry and Liverpool, and be­ House in the City of Minneapolis, ih irV _. °hn McNamara, Eagle Lake The mayor, the town clerk and oth­ and his son, Hugh, were each fined 10s said county, be and the same is hereby Med. Examiner, Dr. Firgina. Meetlnn Treaa, John Gosson Sr- Cavan. tween Newry and Ardrossan, are aban­ appointed as the time and place when mnn«T i°n sl£on5 and *°urth Sundays of B ers in Drogheda have been endeavor­ and £1 costs for using a draft net on and where the said Probate Court will month In Woodman's hall, Madison The Cavan County Council have doned until a settlement is effected. ing to find a way out of the difficulty Lough Gara, for the purpose of catch­ examine and adjust said claims and infe A. wsarss o. H. Hall. . ra,£%s$5t:Sunday of month unanimously granted Mr. Coleman, as­ demands. Dublin. which has arisen between the L. and ing fish, by Captain Fitzpatrick, R. M. .,And„lt ls. further ordered, that no- CROW WING COUNTY. sistant surveyor, a retiring allowance "..?f such hearing be given to all WINONA COUNTY. The Dublin County Council has elect­ Y. Railway Company and their sailors, and Mr. Beirne, J. P. creditors and persons interested in said EWth'i Presldent, Wm. Barron, 414 of £35 per annum. estate by forthwith publishing this or­ fourth Ave., Bralnerd, Minn. ed Messrs. Michael Dunne, J. P., and firemen and shoremen, as a conse­ TYRONE. U y 1 M J Monaghan and Cavan Board der once in each week, for three suc­ wPiu l?" No- Bralnerd — President King St . wfnona? ' " " 664 B. P. J. O'Neill, J. P., to represent the quence of which the sailings between cessive weeks, in the Irish Standard, S? ®reafon. 609 KIngwood St.; Vice At the next meeting of the Tyrone 328 w! Howard^^vi' A. McMillan, have granted an increase of £2 yearly a newspaper printed and published in £res-. H. H. McCaffrey, 216 N. Srd St : 8 F council on the Council of Agriculture. Drogheda and Liverpool have beed County Council steps will be taken to said county. 60 674 indiMa Ave ® o ' - Rice! to Dr. K. P. Neary, senior assistant I " 2- Nolan, 616 N. 6th St.' 3 Minnea lis thls The department has nominated the fol­ suspended. appoint a rate collector in room of of^ay 1^5 P° ' 7th day Fin. Sec., J. J. Brady, 616 N. 9th St ' medical officer. Ins. Sec., J. J, Brady, 616 N Sth Rf" • fa i? te ffa asa lowing gentlemen from the Province of Leitrim. the late Mr. Joseph Young, Castele- By the Court: ?Lreas - B- C. McNamara, 706 Laurel St': Clare. _ JOHN A. DAHL, Med. Examiner, Dr. F. A. Bennett Clti' to serve on the council: A county Convention of the Leitrim derg. oattt °' t'le Probate Court. sens State Bank Bldg. Meetings are held Michael Markham, charged by Dis­ A. O. H., at Drumonshanbo re-elected PAUL N. CASSERLY, Atty. ,ourth Thomas J. Byrne, J. P., Sir Thomas H. A request for increases of salaries ?n r& ftilL Tuesdays of month in St Thomas haU. Tllur8day» of month trict inspector McClelland with the Grattan Esmonde, Bart, M. P., D. L.; the County officers, viz:—Messrs. M. and for the fixing of a graduated scale Order for Hearing Final Account and wilful murder of Michael Higgins, James P. Farrell, M. P., Peter French, Carter, Co. C. (Co. President); James of salaries has been made to the Stra- Petition for Distribution. DAKOTA COUNTY WASECA COUNTY. near Bodyke, on the 5th of February, Canning (Co. Treasurer), and Francis No. 15308. J. P., M. P.; William Field, M. P.; Rev. bane Board of Guardians by Doctors Unty Pres| btate of Minnesota, County of Henne­ U re dent P Moran sec£ dent, j. P. Coughlin. Wa- last, was again brought before Mr. P. T. A. Finlay, M. A.; the Right Hon. the T. Keenan, R. D. C. (Co. Secretary). W. J. Weir, W. T. Hamilton, George pin. In Probate Court. lngs°. Mrnnf " ' " ' rthe "patter of the estate of Eliza J. Kelly, R. M., and there being no evi­ Earl of Granard, K. P., P. C.; Captain The death of Mr. John Joseph Kil­ Evans, W. Lyle, J. E. Snodgrass and L. Waterhouse, decedent. J D,JW"'Mt. ^1'ce Mlchae!°^ambert•' VIM8^8, — President, dence produced to connect him with -O" reccivins and tiling the final ac­ Hamill; Rec^ Sec ?wP?" Jol"» F! John E. B. Loftus, J. P.; the Right kenny took place at the residence W. S. Evans, medical officers of the Rec8 Secat?^»C ar?la^ Sec., Charles « W- Conway; ins! count of the administrator of the es­ a Lilly. 8 McLoone; Treas., B. J. the crime, the magistrate ordered him Hon. Viscount Massereene and Fer- of his father, Francis Kilkenny, Kllla- Union. A special committee has been tate of said decedent, and his petition to be discharged from custody. fee, Aughavas, Carigallen. The deceas­ praying for the allowance of said ac­ ^ ®"ei1 nastmgs, Minn.: rard, D. C. O., J. P.; George F. Murphy, appointed to consider the matter. count and for a decree assigning the ne The County Clare Tuberculosis San­ r®s'due of said estate to the persons S-s"p«iJ? Ji.* I» !i Medical Examiners, J. P.; William R. Ronaldson, J. P.; ed was a student of St. Keiran's col­ Tipperary. by law entitled to the same. SSL? . Brady. Meetings held on atorium at Ballyalla, about two mileB Hugh Wallace. lege. At a meeting of the committee of ,is. ordered, that all persons in- teTo'l. W.rtHa£hUr,day" 0f month s.o.. J. M'Sfiga from Ennis, has been completely de­ Limerick. ! M D v'1! estate appear before Longstown Urban Council, on the the Clonmel Licensed Traders' Asso­ said Probate Court on Monday, the 14th HENNEPIN COUNTY. stroyed by Are. motion of Mr. Murray, seconded by At the meeting of Limerick Corpora­ <• June, 1915, at ten o'clock in ciation, Mr. Frederick J. Quinn, pre­ .£e f°ren°°n. at the Probate Court in Died—Cleary, April 18, at Cahere- Mr. Rochford, has Bealed and signed tion, the Mayor, Alderman O'Donovan siding, it was proposed by Alderman the Court House at Minneapolis'in said Division No. 1—President. P. V O'Dnn. LADIES' AUXILIARY. on, Klldysart, John Cleary, father of County, then and there to show cause, nell, 8600 Longfellow Ave.; Vice Pres the deed of transfer of the electric presiding, Sir Acheson McCullagh, Thomas Skehan, seconded by Mr. any there be, why said account should Jas. McKenna, 26< 20th Ave. S.- TreiuL n 1 J. McHugb, 2439 12th Ave? S.; Treas.',' E* Rev. John Cleary, C. C., Kilmaley, and light undertaking from the Dublin Local Government Board Medical In­ James Russell (Burke, Russell & Co.), 22: H? a' ,owed and said estate should J. Owens, 2426 26th Ave S • a prayed for ,n HENNEPIN COUNTY. Rev. Dr. Cleary, Maynooth College— Southern District Electric Supply Com­ spector, attended for the purpose of and unanimously passed: "That we re­ said petition^ " 4 # th A And it is further ordered, that no- W^P *Casev | Bl & ?' P ' ^ Murphy, April 15, 1915, at New Lawn, pany to the council. asking that the tuberculosis scheme 25 e 0 N MI quest our Parliamentary representa­ ifShtnS heFlne be ?,ven by pub- ^i^o. ^-S eSd Sit.neU x MC. - Mary Boyluw Tulla, County Clare, Edmund Murphy. for the city should be proceeded with. this order once in each week Namee, 162 9th St. S.s Vice Prea John Fermanagh. tive to oppose any restriction or in­ for three successive weeks, prior to said Mason, 318 16th Ave. N. E.; Rec! Sea. Dempsey" 2924 ^ *Mrs- Julia —Waish, April 14, 1916, at Ballinruan, Av After repeatedly advertising the En- He intimated that unless this was done crease in duty on the licensed trade in day of hearing in the Irish Standard, ahan SeS' Prank B. Mon- Pres., Mrs. NelliA e.; vice Michael Walsh—Killeen, April 13, at „a„£e£spaPer Printed and published in «ei« liJV 7e- 8,5 InB- Sec., Jas. Mrs. 'm a L2ne 81^ l «°tnheJl: R\°- S8o* ni8klllen Guardians have failed to re- within three months the grant set Ireland." C°"nty. and by mailing a copy of Kelly, 8619 24th Ave. 8.; Treas.. Bdw. Sec., Mrs Cithk^i1.1?.th Ave- N.; Fin! Moloskey, Patrick Killeen. apart for Limerick would not be avail­ The holding situate at Croan, New­ £ {2 . '°. all the heirs-at-law of Bevans, 2616 Chicago Ave. mont Ave. N ^ n9ase% 253 Fre- cieve any applications for the vacant said decedent when their address is Division No. 8—•President. P 8 .uff. 87 Holden St."; Ins ffi' fera Ryan, Cork. position of medical officer of the Tem­ able. castle, Clonmel, held by Mr. Patrick known or can be ascertained by due lan, 1826 14th Ave s - B°y- Construing the will of the late Can­ diligence, at least fourteen (14) days Knrof'MISKilroe, 2218 Sth ?•Ave. B ^Vive-^ea.N. B.: Ree. JohnSec Rose VallAiv oii Med. Ex., Dr po dispensary district, and on the mo­ In the presence of the community Morrissey, was put up for sale by pub­ before the date of said hearing, unless Meetings feiS on"second"^ >ld?- on Dunlea, P. P., Courcy's, Kinsale, notice is waived. F. A. Hadley, 1282 6th St. N. E.; Fin and tion of Mr. Crumley it was decided to and a large attendance of the clergy lic auction at Clonmel recently. The Sec., F. C. Styles. 781JeSerson"t m0nth 1 d a t M,nneapoUs this 14th 17°S^7th°St. " which contained a direction that the increase the salary to £140 per an­ and personal friends the remains were farm contains fifty-three acres and of May i 9 i5 ' day N! ^EC' ' M'°hael Lydon, 407 4th St By the Court: "legacies are to be freed from Income num. interred of Sister Mary Joseph (Mar­ two roods, statute measure. £626 was •—President, John Menal- tax," Mr. Justice Barton decided that „ JOHN A. DAHL, v®' i* Washington Ave. N.2 Vice PTM garet) CuBsen, for. over forty years a the highest offer, and at that figure Pr0bate COU,t Galway. R. V. GLEIION, Atty - at? ^M UJih,an' 1888 17th Ave- N.; Reel the bequest was of £60 divisible beloved member of the Loretto Con­ with auction fees, the place was knock­ ela e Two men named O'Neill and Hes- Bin' pP " y- "00 James Ave. N.j ?• * Klnnane, James Ave! e M M y Keef among the grand nephews and grand vent, Fermoy. Deceased belonged to M 2021 «3 6th Ave. K E - FIn SeP tf °4 ^ sion, in the employment of Mrs. Mich­ ed down tq> Mr. John Condon, Crough. Summons. **" • I. Sec., I. Rice, 2608 Lyndale r Brld l, es ta Ave R*y. 9182 Glind St N'| . T^ S' *«t nieces, and not of £60 to each. The an old County Limerick family, being Mr. Thomas F. O'Brien, solicitor, Clon­ niS^°Ai^ ?1 5 ' County of Henne- N.; Treas., Thos. McConvllle, 1414 4th St! ael Flattery, Ardacoag, Tuam, were District Court, Fourth Judicial plaintiffs were the executors, Rev. P. fired on while inspecting sheep and a native of Kllcoleman, near Rath- mel, had carriage of sale. r .Pinion No. 6—President T. F. Dorsev O'Leary, C. C., and Dr. Arthur O'Leary, Be^r«nn^'R«'ily;,,I>la^ntJrf' vs- Thomas LlndenHHIs, Route No. 2, Minneanolis* B.; Med Exi^11 »» some of the pellets entered O'Neill's keale. The Clonmel branch of the Gaelic Franc** OHeilly, Defendant. Garretstown, Kinsale, and the defend­ Routed8 '* P- R3;fn' ""den Hiu"; right leg. The Limerick County Committee of League has made arrangements to ifamed Defend ant*30 ta t0 th® abOVe ants, Mr. Richard Moloney and Mr. re w v* in. Mr. J. Kilbride, R. M„ at a special the Gaelic League, at its meeting, hold a Fels Sunday, June 6. ,,„y°" ? hereby summoned and re- Daniel O'Regan, legatees. Most Rev. ninfntifr i?nfJrer £he complaint of the court in Galway, remanded Andrew decided to offer three scholarships, Waterford. the above entitled action, KWV-fr &J5& S Mary L!°McBreen3'2o¥3nAie^,!0J.l8r"Pre"'» Dr. O'Callaghan, Cork, is trustee un­ fh»,Coh ®aid„,c?Ppla.,nt. has been filed in SlnTne?peifiSey' L,nden Hi"..PRoMr»: vice-pres., Jennie BI^ lift Ave. N.­ Forde on a charge of firing into the value £6 each, tenable at Carrigaholt A handsome presentation of statues the officem of the clerk of said court In Ave. N.; rec .,1 S'ce- 2024 Bryan{ der the will for the Mercy Hospital, Irish Training College—the first for has been made to Balllybricken parish a!?o#. / Minneapolis, county and Bt Emerson Ave. N" fl„ar^„®- I?*}?' "• houses of Mrs. Fox, Catherlea, Clare, afore8 m££%W4th^T; V,c^ Cork, the residuary legatees. &ld, and to serve a copy of 31 Ryan, 1602 3rd Ave s . V Katharine Galway. It was alleged that four men primary teachers, of the County Lim­ by Very Rev. Patrick Kavanagh, of your answer to said complaint on the J. Roscoe, l Nicollet Ave.; Sec? Leoi£ The late Mr. E. McNamara, of Cork, C e a h 309 art Farrell, 2119 Cedar Ave * iron oan attacked the house, firing eight or nine erick, not holding a certificate for New York, U. S. A., a native of Bally- in th p ri tv n# 4? Court Block, left an estate valued at £25,700, and in the city of St. Paul, county of Ram* ri w Sheridan, >4521 80th Ave* S.; Treas" shots, and Forde's voice was recogniz­ Irish from a recognized training col­ bricken. At the evening devotions on (30) !}rore8al<3. Within thirty Cummings, 2720 14th Ave. S. bequeathed £2,000, furniture and ap­ a>s after the service of this sum­ nm iM'TT ?' 7—President S. B. Shan­ ed at the window. The police produced lege; the second, open to boys from Sunday last the reverend pastor of Bal- mons upon you exclusive of the dav of non, 482 University Ave. N. E • vim SSFSA »•!;««'- su es, as Haii n, pointments to his niece, Miss K. J. M. sixteen years of age residing in the lybricken, the Very Rev. T. F. Canon ®h service, and if you fail to answer n ^ iI1J - McHugh; Rec. Sec., Thos. Pep- each month. P1 Tuesdays of three letters found outside the house ™ 2j C•^.hT pF„*r7'2,ir1,aJ,n_t:,^ri,1WUI1.tJlin inth©e time aforearore- p- Cogwln; Treas. J. E. Third, street north. ymouth and McNamara, a like sum to his niece, a th Ia warning Mrs. Fox, on pain of being County Limerick, who intend to be Furlong, alluded to the gift in felici- ® HAr, ®,1f1 '"^. the above entitled Cullen, 1117 Harmon Place; Ins. Sec., J Mrs. M. McCarthy Mahoney; £7,300 candidates for the training college, action w...in appijc to the court for the M. Brnwnrigg, 811 16th Ave. N. shot, not to let her daughter marry tlous terms, and on behalf of the pa­ relief demanded in the complai-* No-J—President. M. C. O'Don- for division amongst other nephews and the third, under similar conditions, P. D. SCANNELL, nell, 864 Security Bank Bldg.: Vice Pr«. a person named. rishioners, priests and himself heartily Attorney for Plaintiff, and nieces; £500 to the children of for girls over sixteen years of age. Dr. Fox. 8601 Grand Ave. S.: FlnrV?nd Kildare. thanked the kind donor. 309 Court Block, Ave •So nor sheehan, 224 Hennepin the late Mrs. S. Lyons; £5,000 to va­ The death at sea is announced on At tiro Presentation Consentation St. Paul, Minn. « £i' JT- H. Crlbby, 1116 Haw- Mr. J. E. Butter field, J. P., chairman, -1 TreM J C rious Cork charitable institutions, board the mail steamer Darro in the 7th™t NT® - - - McMahon, 124 U. D. C., presided at a licensed traders' convent, Dungarvan, His Lordship the which include practically all such; and Atlantic ocean of Dr. Robert G. Chris­ Bishop of the Diocese, the Right Rev. Division No. 9—President, P. J ife. nearly £ 200 for masses for the repose meeting in Naas, and moved a resolu­ Cormlck, Hopkins, Minn.; Vice Pres M tion, which was seconded by Mr. T. tie, M. O., second son of the late Mr. Dr. O'Brien, received the vows of Miss Quinn, Hopkins, Minn., R. R No 1**Rim* of his soul and the souls of his deceas­ William Christy, George street, Lim­ ReC-R I FI{**era,d. Hopkins, Minn.,' Whelan, and passed, asking the Irish Walsh, daughter of the late Patrick ed relatives. erick. Walsh, Esq., Mapstown, niece to Rev. Weldon^ HopktasI' Mnn^MR.^St' No! l[ Party to protect trade interests, and Mcamnnon> The death has occurred at Bally- Monaghan. P. O'Callaghan, P. p., Lincolns Inn Hopkins, Minn., •SfiRi£!TC*ie inviting farmers to co-operate in re­ D, lickey, Bantry, at the age of eighty- Dr. T. P. Conlan, J. P. resident medi­ Fields, London, and sister to Patrick BV vj;lon No 10—President, F. D. Deen- sisting the threatened legislation. Ve one, of Mr. Samuel Newbugh Hutch- cal superintendent of Monaghan Asyl­ mii sJ i •^ --N. E.; Vice Prea, O. J. At a special meeting of the Naas Ur­ Walsh, Esq., Kilmurry and Matthew Fin. Sec., John Moran, 906 27th Ave N ins, whose name figured prominently S'A%S& TT" ^ynch- 29th Ave! ban Council held recently, the Town um, his Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Mc- Walsh, Esq., Mapstown. In the early days of the Land League Kenna presiding, states that the daily St. N.' E. ' Gormley, 2727 Taylor Clerk, Mr. J. Boyle, submitted his esti­ Westmeath. NATIONAL OFFICERS. agitation in connection with the land­ number of patients chargeable to the nt Jo,eph McLa mate of rates for the services of the Mr. J. J. Cantlon, a well-known Ath- PW?*ft?. ~ «*hIln. PhiUd.1- LB SUEUR COUNTY. lord's side. County Cavan was 10.44 more, and to lone business man, has been elected *> ; financial year ending March 31, 1916. Clinton, Kd#nt-Patr,ck * Cannon. n e8Ment JMOb Ql,h The late Mr. John Banks, of Cork, County Monaghan 9.25 less, than last secretary of the Ancient Order of For­ Sueur M.nr - ' left an estate valued at £4,408, which, The total demand of the County Coun­ D nD«S0ivN0'J' Montgomery—Pres., C. year. There were 134 patients ad­ esters in the town, in succession to cut.ieMetan^&UlJ' """p Jj- Sullivan,oX}?*' ConnecU- D. McCarthy; Vice. Pres., H. F. Cassldv apart from an annuity of £36 to his cil for county, Union and district 5®^, Sec.. Bd. Clarkln: Fin. Sec.. D. A! charges was £1,045 12s 10d, being an mitted during the year 84 men and 60 the late Mr. Francis Daly, clerk of Hanlon; Ins. Sec., D. A. Hanlon; TreaS! housekeeper, Mary Ann Guinan, he left women. As a principal or contributory the Union. The voting was 24 for T NATIONAL, DIRECTORS. ' Med. Examiner, Dr. James increase of £ 31 on last year's demand. McKeon. Meetings are held on llrst Sun­ to his sisters, Mrs. E. Green of Church- cause of Insanity hereditary headed Mr. Cantlon, and 7 for Mr. J. Cassidy, Thnm« DdMrai*. N E.T W6 Wth* A^ The town charges were estimated at I J at day of month In Catholle School Hall. town, Dundrun. and Mrs. M. A. the list. Alcoholic excess was the as­ Bower View, who was the only other Ed S?W ;„H fe'!L«' .Rhode UlMd. 3rd AveTsf. at'TroS ^EfHT £1,517. MURRAY COUNTY. Burns, 911 17th Ava N" a- if^at»^Ine Wright, of Belfast, in equal shares. signed cause in ten cases. candidate. The court is a very flour­ Carlow. Kilkenny. The Monaghan Board of Guardians ishing one, with a large membership. _Division No. S, Currle—Pres., M. H. A movement is on foot in Glenmore Sf7! Pres., Miles Tormey; Rec. 8 The deith has taken place at Ballln- have appointed the Rev. John Tierney, At Athlone weekly petty sessions, Sec., B. j. Cauley; Fin. See.. J. J Oar. 4r akill, Carlow, of Mr. Thomas Fenelon, to organize a brass band. Rev. T. Phe- Adm., <3n2i.««re%; Bjroe; Ins. 8ec.! J. j. Monaghan, Catholic Chaplain In Thomas Farrell, milk vendor, Coosan, Gorman; Chaplain, Rev. Chas. Cavan- RAMSEY COUNTY. one of the most highly esteemed resi­ lan, P. P., and Rev. M. Crotty, C. C., the Workhouse, in room of the Rev. was fined £1 and 13s 6d, costs for naugh: Med. Examiner, Dr. W. B. Patter- dents of the district. The deceased who take a keen interest in every so­ Father M. Phillips, P. P., Donagh.. supplying milk with 26 per cent of r M M?t> held the third Saturday of cial movement tending to the better­ each month In Gorman's Hall, Currle. gentleman was father of Very Rev. Rev. Dr. McKenna presided at the added water. The Bench strongly rtus[rc attt^ »i. Minn. Father Joseph, O. S. F. C., Holy Trin­ ment of their parishioners, are inter­ w!2**Jet 8cott" 411 Centre! Ar^^r!£r" Easter conference of Clogher Diocese commented on the fact that this Doyie^'s't *Paul In,uranc* - T. J. NOBLB8 COUNTY. ity. Cork. esting themselves in the movement, In Monaghan on Monday of last week, adulterated milk generally reached StfllwaterT °' In»ur*"c»-Thoma. Wtlch, County President, Thos. Burke, Ells­ D r,, which it is hoped will have a success­ worth, Minn. L « y- and at CarrlckmacroBS later in the the poorest people. rea urer ful fruition. swhS j " Insurance — John revision No. 1, Ellsworth—Pres., Mich­ WASECA COUNTY. At a meeting of the Coleraine Rural week. Rev. John Tierney, C. C., Ennis- Wexford. Sheehy, Montgomery. ael Holloran; Vice Pres., Thos. j. Fagan; ^District Council the. clerk reported Kings. killen, has been appointed administra­ A general meeting of the Enniscor- norfst.1^! Dlrect0,wDr- J- O'Con- Reo. Sec., James Burke; Fin. Sec., John Janesville—President the council's new scheme for the Rev. Father Ceale, C. C., Killeigh, . Director of Inauranca Fund — John Carey; Ins. Sec., James Burke; Treas.. an^mS »S2J?n; P06 Sarah Mooa^ tor in Monaghan in succession to Rev. thy Co-operative society was held In t Thos. Sweeney; Med. Examiner, Dr. ,5' ®nd Ins. Sec., Julia Mupohy* Ttea ,J&iir«ctlbn of additional laborers' cot- has been elected president of the Gael­ MM*n, Minneapolis; E. j. McManus. St Crera. Meetings are held on second Wed­ Sec.. Mary Dal ton: TreaaT A*t!?S.Li5We J. McPhlllips, now P. P. of Donagh. the board room, Enniscorthy, recently, ]^*ul! P. L Cummtngs, Minneapolis* J nesday of each month In the church, at was -now complete. The total ic Athletic clubs of North Offaly in st ®aul; Thomas Welch', h«?hV,wf>n Noiv*» st* Paul—Pree., Ellsa- Mayo. Johnson Pasha presiding. Also pres­ 7:89 p. m. PSI. i* Atwater St; ^aa IfMBonnt of the loan, he said, was recognition of his past services to the Miss Maggie Mulkeen, in religion Margaret Roach, 60S St Albana ent were Messrs. C. W. Lett, St. Ann's; RAMSEY COUNTY. Jr.'. ®55* .8ec-' Margaret Clarke, 1ST 12s 6d. A memorial asking games of the Gael. Sister Mary Teresa, and Miss Isabella NATIONAL OFFICERS—L. A. A. O. H. Lltchfleld Ave.; Fin. Sec., Mary Hynsa. James Lynch, J. p., M. C. C.; J. S. r President — Mrs. Ellen Ryan Division No. 4, St Paul—Prea, John J^; Local Government Board's sanc- In the chapel of the Convent of the McDonnell, in religion Sister Mary Jolly. Pawtucket, R. I. Y ii?i m! SSar,e J3*-' Ins- ^ec., Mary Ila- Atkin, T. A. Rudd, Joseph Byrne, M. .National Vice President—Miss B. A W. Mulrennan, 119 Case St; Vice Prea. Jf"' Edmund St; Treaa, Mary Wag- t© the scheme was adopted. Sisters of Mercy, Tullamore, two mem­ Louis Bertand, Enniscrone, were re­ Mahoney. Calumet, Mich. John W. Ryan, 800 Blair St; Rec. Sec., ner, 628 Virginia Ave.; Med. Codd, M. C. C.; James Codd, Garr; Thos. Donahue, 470 Charles St; Fin. Sec.. n n death is reported of Mrs. Annie bers of the order were professed, and cently received into the Convent of D. Morris, Joseph Poole, W. Waring, National Secretary—Mrs. AdeUa Chris- R. J. Connolly, 1*9 W. 7th St; Ins. Sec., inM «JSF^t!? ' Lowry Bldg. Maet- ty. Cleveland. Ohio. 3. E. Corcoran, <8 Union Block; Treas., held on second and fourth Wed- ^ " irtjr, widow of the late Mr. W. one received, the two former being Mercy, Westport. The most Rev. Dr. M. J. Furlong, J. p.; William Allen, J. National Treasurer — Mrs. Mary C month in HlbaraCaa Hall at Connolly, Syracuse, N. T. Martin J. Lee, 10S Summit Ave.; Med. .iMrty, builder, Waterside, Derry Sister Mary Alphonsua Joseph, daugh Higgins performed the profession cere­ Morrissey, William Gainfort, John Examiner, pr. C. G. Perry. S16 Lowry Bldg. Meetings are held on second and Division No. 8, St Paul—Pras MM another of Messrs. C. O'Doherty, ter of Mr. Francis. Kelly, Summer Hill, mony. Cullen, James O'Connor, William STATE OFFICERS—L. A. A. O. H. fourth Mondays of month In Hibernian President — Mr*. Mary B. Daley, ISO* Hall, at I p. m. Johanna Cook, 97 nth St; Vlca"nSa >r, and W. O'Doherty, N. T., County Meath and Sister Mary Stanis The death of Mrs. Lyons, Ballyhau Central Ave.. Minneapolis. Mrs. Mary Kenny, 70S E. 4th 8L' iS! Walsh, Rev. Mr. Benson, rector, Tem- Sec., Mra Mabel Allen, 49 11th St'; Fla. laus Joseph, daughter of Mr. Donnelly, nis, wife of Mr. James Lyons, occurred Vice President—Miss May X. Wsm-in, ST. LOUIS COUNTY. 8 "• pleshambo, and Murphy. Mr. John Duluth. ——, «o-. Mi*. Elisabeth McNally, 80S — Donegal' The Curragh, Cadamstown; and the at her residence, the Commercial Ho­ D'Eathe, honorable secretary; Mr. J. Secretary —Mia C. Keatlnc, i« Pleas­ St Louis eoonty—County prealdsnt Sec.. Mra Dor latter. Miss Mary O'Flanagan, Kilrush, ant Ave., St. Paul. N,ru Manus, 458 CarrolAve.?n^lb? iSSl prtsentod with vhlta tel on Friday, 9th Inst. She had the Ryan, manager, and the other officials Tnaanrsr — Mlsa Mary Oaaiaa, Fari- RfrtefSW John* St.; MedT%£££ Letterkenny Crown Sessions County Clare, who was given the name consolation of being attended by her of the society were in attendance. DMsloaS»mSt Na. 1. Dahlk- , ' '' , «( DtrMtora—Mary H SuMvaa. M WLi St ht-fsiXrzs*.Jig".}