The Executive Committee Meeting #9/09, was held in the Victoria Room, Pioneer Village, on Friday, November 6, 2009. The Chair Gerri Lynn O'Connor, called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m..

PRESENT Maria Augimeri Vice Chair Glenn De Baeremaeker Member Jack Heath Member Colleen Jordan Member Ron Moeser Member Gerri Lynn O'Connor Chair Anthony Perruzza Member Richard Whitehead Member

ABSENT David Barrow Member Suzan Hall Member Reenga Mathivanan Member Maja Prentice Member

RES.#B148/09 - MINUTES

Moved by: Ron Moeser Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THAT the Minutes of Meeting #8/09, held on October 9, 2009, be approved. CARRIED ______


(a) A delegation by Ms. Lynda Everson, 2964 Seabreeze Road, Ajax, in regard to item EX7.9 - Municipal Board Hearing.

1003 RES.#B149/09 - DELEGATIONS

Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Ron Moeser

THAT above-noted delegation (a) be heard and received.



(a) A letter dated November 6, 2009 from Gord and Lynda Everson, Ajax, in regard to item EX7.9 - Ontario Municipal Board, 2964 Seabreeze Road.

(b) A letter dated October 19, 2009 from Jeffrey Abrams, City Clerk, City of Vaughan, in regard to Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 620.


Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THAT above-noted correspondence (a) be received. CARRIED


Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT WHEREAS and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is in receipt of above-noted correspondence (b) dated October 19, 2009, from the City of Vaughan advising of Item 7, Report No. 42, regarding Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 620, Steeles Corridor, Jane to Keele Street, Servicing Strategy Master Plan Class Environmental Assessments Ward 4;

AND WHEREAS Item 7, Report No. 42, requires that the City of Vaughan enter into a memorandum of understanding with TRCA for the funding of studies related to the TRCA lands on the northwest corner of Jane Street and Steeles Avenue (Black Creek Pioneer Village);

AND WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of York has an interest in the retrofit/expansion of the stormwater management pond on the TRCA lands on the northwest corner of Jane Street and Steeles Avenue;

AND WHEREAS it is in the interests of TRCA to enter into an agreement with the City of Vaughan and the Regional Municipality of York regarding the use of the lands on the northwest corner of Jane Street and Steeles Avenue; 1004 THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA enter into a memorandum of understanding with the City of Vaughan and the Regional Municipality of York which will provide for: z a payment by the City of Vaughan to TRCA of $225,000 to pay for studies related to the archaeology and ecology of the lands adjacent to the stormwater pond and a master plan for the use of the lands as part of Black Creek Pioneer Village; z determination of the feasibility of retrofit/expansion of the stormwater management pond within the TRCA lands at Jane Street and Steeles Avenue; and z such other terms and conditions as TRCA staff and solicitor may require;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take such action as is necessary to implement the memorandum of understanding, including obtaining needed approvals and the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED

1005 CORRESPONDENCE (A) TO Chair and Members of the Executive Committee Meeting November 6, 2009

FROM Gord and Lynda Everson

RE 2964 Seabreeze Road

ISSUE The recent mapping done by the TRCA has placed our property completely in the flood plain of Carruthers Creek and our consent to subdivide our 100’ x 200’ lot, back to its original state of two (2) - 50’ x 200’ lots, has been refused by Durham Region Land Division.

KEY FACTS • When we purchased our home in 1973 our property was not in the flood plain. • The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decision of February 23, 1994 zoned our property under By-law 12-93 “R4-Residential Detached”…our property was not within the Regional Storm Floodline of Carruthers Creek and no “H” Holding provision was placed on our property. • When the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 (PPS) was mandated our property was not in the flood plain. • Our consent to subdivide is permissible under the Town of Ajax Zoning By-law and the Town of Ajax and Durham Regional Official Plans.

BACKGROUND A great deal of development has been approved for properties in our area that were in the flood plain when purchased, in the flood plain at the time of the OMB decision and in the flood plain when development approval was initiated.

Details of development on the most controversial properties are outlined below. (All referenced documents were obtained through Freedom of Information. Where the source of the referenced document was the TRCA the file containing the document is referenced. Where the Town of Ajax was the source of the document “Town of Ajax” is referenced.)

1. 2950 SEABREEZE ROAD Approval to construct a 2611 sq. ft. replacement structure within the flood plain and spillway of Carruthers Creek. - ref. map showing subject property (CFN 21978-01)

Issues • Without circulating the TRCA, the Town of Ajax issued a building permit to construct a residence in the flood plain of Carruthers Creek.- ref. correspondence to the Chairman and Members of the Executive Committee from John Maletich July 7, 1989 (CFN 21978-01)

1006 • The structure was replacing an existing 1350 sq. ft. residence and was therefore considered to be a replacement structure within the meaning of the Authority’s Flood Vulnerable Area Policy, 1987. - ref. correspondence to the Chairman and Members of the Executive Committee from John Maletich July 7, 1989 (CFN 21978-01) • Exception to the flood vulnerable area policy prohibiting major additions/replacement structures would have to be considered. - ref. R. Jarrett note 15.6.89 (CFN 103164) • The subject property is located adjacent to a minor watercourse, flooding of the main Carruthers Creek backs up this minor system during Regional Storm flood events - ref. correspondence to the Chairman and Members of the Executive Committee from John Maletich July 7, 1989 (CFN 21978-01)

Actions • A violation notice was issued by TRCA; A stop work order was issued by the Town of Ajax – ref. correspondence to the Chairman and members of the Executive Committee from John Maletich July 7, 1989 (CFN 21978-01)

Commitments • “The Town of Ajax will be carrying out future major/minor system drainage improvements along this minor watercourse system to eliminate or confine the backwater effect of the main Carruthers Creek under Regional Storm conditions” - ref. correspondence to the Chairman and members of the Executive Committee from John Maletich July 7, 1989 (CFN 21978-01) • “Town prepared to do drainage works contain flows/flooding in swale thru rear yards” – ref. R. Jarrett “Phone Conversation Record” with Frank Hull June 19/89 (CFN 103164)

Resolution • TRCA recommended the approval to erect a structure with the Regional Flood Plain. ref. correspondence to the Chairman and members of the Executive Committee from John Maletich July 7, 1989 (CFN 21978-01)

We question if the drainage works to be carried out by the Town of Ajax were every done.

2. 2954 SEABREEZE ROAD a) Approval to construct a new residence within flood plain and spillway of Carruthers Creek. - ref. map received by TRCA December 3, 1997 (CFN 28931); Part Print Floodplain Mapping July 29/97 (CFN 28931) *NOTE 2964 SEABREEZE IS OUTSIDE OF FLOODLINE

Issues • TRCA’s concern that a cut and fill on a property almost entirely within the flood plain may cause problems in the future – ref. Tricia Pella memorandum to Don Haley July 29, 1997 (CFN 28931)

1007 • Concern about approving a cut & fill where majority of property is flood plain and the possibility that at least 6 other lots will apply for a similar proposal and that it will set a precedent for development in the area and will open up a can of worms. - ref. phone conversation - Frank Hull and Tricia Pella Sept 15/97 (CFN 28931) • Approximately 80 percent of the subject property being within the Regional storm floodplain – ref. letter from Mary Asselstine to Dave Murchison November 4, 1997 (CFN 28931) • The fp being backwater from Carruther’s Creek and only this lot being affected largely by fp ‘flood plain’ – ref. notes from Feb 25/98 meeting (CFN 28931) • Developer purchased property knowing it was flood plain – ref. notes from Feb 25/98 meeting (CFN 28931) • Subject lands were zoned ‘R4’ (H) and the holding provision was required to be removed prior to the applicant proceeding to develop the subject lands – ref. Notice of Public Meeting dated September 24, 1998 (Town of Ajax) • Concerns regarding altering the flood plain and its impact to drainage – ref. Report to Standing Committee of the Whole Oct 13, 1998 (Town of Ajax) • “illegal” fill and works formed on the northeast property (2929 Beachview St.) – ref. Town of Ajax Inter-Office memorandum October 26, 1998 (Town of Ajax)

Considerations • The TRCA identified three options to resolve the permit application for construction on the subject property – 1) The preferred alternative for the Town of Ajax to exchange the subject flood prone lot for a portion of road allowance on Seabreeze Road that is not in the flood plain. 2) The subject property could be developable through cutting and filling. 3) A lot may be available for exchange that is currently owned by TRCA. – ref. TRCA letter to Mr. Joseph Pitino March 4, 1998 (CFN 28931)

Resolutions/Actions • The ‘H’ Holding Symbol was removed from subject property November 16, 1998 – ref. By-law Number 141-98 (Town of Ajax) • Development agreement was entered into placing a restrictive covenant on the land preventing the owner from altering the grading or erect or construct any buildings, accessory buildings or structures – ref. Report to Standing Committee of the Whole October 13, 1998 (Town of Ajax) • Further review the position on the removal of “illegal” works on 2929 Beachview Rd with the Town Solicitor and the TRCA – ref. Town of Ajax Inter-Office Memorandum October 26, 1998 (Town of Ajax) • TRCA staff issued permit C-98196 for regrading within the fill Regulated Area on the subject property – ref. TRCA letter to Mr. Ron Warne December 2, 1998 (CFN 29344.08) • Town staff were directed to work with applicant, TRCA and adjacent property owners to achieve the removal or replacement of the existing twin pipes located downstream on 2929 Beachview Street – ref. Town of Ajax letter to Mary Asselstine December 21, 1998 (CFN 28931)


We question if the illegal works were ever removed or replaced.

b) Approval to construct a pool on a property with a restrictive covenant registered on title prohibiting such. Issues • Construction of a pool on subject lands containing a restrictive covenant on title disallowing the construction of structures including pools – ref. e-mail from Russel White 04/28/2004 (CFN 34995) • An exception to the restrictive covenant needed from the Town of Ajax in order for in-ground pool proposal to be considered by the TRCA – ref. letter from TRCA to Ms. Krista Boyce May 10, 2004 (CFN 29344.08) • Drainage and maintenance of flood plain storage on subject property – ref. Chris Jones e-mail to Councilors Jordan Brown 06/12/2007 (CFN 34995) • Any filling in the backyard of the subject property has the potential to increase the flood risk to the entire neighbourhood by removing flood plain storage – ref. Chris Jones e-mail to Councilors Jordan & Brown 06/12/2007 (CFN 34995)

Resolutions • Town of Ajax confirmed approval for an exception to the restrictive covenant prohibiting the construction of structures on the subject property – ref. Town of Ajax letter to Kirsten Kontor May 19, 2004 (CFN 34995) • TRCA Permit No C-04185 granting permission to excavate within a Fill Regulated Area and construct within the flood plain of Carruthers Creek – ref. Permit No. C-04185 June 4, 2004 (CFN 34995) • Continue to advocate for the removal of the enclosed portions of the drainage feature downstream – ref. Chris Jones e-mail to Councilors Jordan & Brown 06/12/2007 (CFN 34995)

The result of the approvals to construct in a flood plain is a large home and fence being built across the entire 100’ frontage of the property, completely blocking the natural spillway. – ref. TRCA map being used prior to new mapping;

3. 2913 & 2915 BEACHVIEW STREET a) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS to remove the “H” holding zone designation by relocating the existing watercourse on the subject property.

Issues • “subject property is traversed by a water course which is tributary to Carruther’s Creek and regulated by the Authority” - ref. letter from Gemma Connolly to Mr. Ron Warne March 30, 1999 (CFN 34111.04) • “The upstream drainage for this area has been diverted, and this feature, both upstream and downstream has been altered." - ref. letter from Gemma Connolly to Mr. Ron Warne March 30, 1999 (CFN 34111.04) 1009 Resolution • TRCA had no objections subject to “the relocated watercourse be placed in an open space zoning designation”. - ref. letter from Gemma Connolly to Mr. Ron Warne March 30, 1999 (CFN 34111.04) b) SITE PLAN APPLICATION - 2915 BEACHVIEW

Issues • “the subject property is traversed by a watercourse which is a tributory to Carruther’s Creek and regulated by the TRCA” - ref. letter from Russel White to Mr. Dino Lombardi September 2, 1999 (CFN 3036210) • “The upstream drainage for this area has been diverted, and this feature, both upstream and downstream has been altered” - ref. letter from Russel White to Mr. Dino Lombardi September 2, 1999 (CFN 3036210)

Recommendation • To recommend approval of applications at the Executive Committee Meeting Oct 15/99 - ref. fax to Nick Bigioni from George Leja Sept 15, 1999. c) APPLICATION TO ALTER A WATERWAY AND PLACE FILL WITHIN A FLOOD PLAIN/FILL REGULATED AREA & PROPOSED RELOCATION OF A TRIBUTORY OF THE CARRUTHERS CREEK TO ACCOMMODATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF TWO RESIDENTAIL LOTS.

Issues • Tributory bisects property diagonally; Subject lands are located partially within the Regional Storm Flood Plain and Fill Regulated Area of Carruthers Creek – ref. letter from Mary Asselstine to Ms. Krista Boyce September 14, 1999 (CFN 30294)

Recommendation • TRCA granted permission to excavate and place fill in conjunction with relocating an intermittent watercourse and for lot grading as part of the construction of a single family dwelling, within the Regional Storm Flood Plain and Fill Regulated Area of the Carruthers Creek. – ref. Permit No C-99230 (CFN 34111.04) d) MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION – 2913 BEACHVIEW STREET

Issues • Relief from the provisions of Zoning By-Law 35-77 to reduce the exterior side yard setback required.

1010 Recommendation • The TRCA had “no objections to the approval of the Minor Variance” due to the issuance of a permit to allow for the excavation and placement of fill in order to relocate an intermittent watercourse and for lot grading as part of the construction of a single family dwelling adjacent to the current subject property”. It was also noted that “Prior to the proposed works, the watercourse bisected the subject property diagonally from the northwest corner to the southeast corner of the lot.” – ref. letter from Russell White to Mr. Zaheer Karim July 8, 2003 (CFN 34111.04)


Recommendation • “The TRCA issued a permit to allow for the excavation and placement of fill in order to relocate and intermittent watercourse and for lot grading as part of the construction of a single family dwelling adjacent to the current subject property”, therefore the TRCA had no objections to the site plan application – ref. letter from Russel White to Mr. Zaheer Karim November 10, 2003 (CFN 34111.04); Permit No C-04012 January 16, 2004 (CFN 34920)

4. 2940 SEABREEZE ROAD Severance to create 533 Poplar Ave.

Issue • North-west corner of property within the Existing Regional High Water Line – ref. map showing existing and proposed Regional High Water Line (CFN 31036.11 )

Result • The TRCA had not objection to the severance on 2940 Seabreeze due to the alteration of a drainage ditch as part of the development of 2913 and 2915 Beachview. – ref. letter from Russel White May 3, 1999 (CFN 31036.11)


Issue • “The subject property is located in the Carruthers Creek watershed and is adjacent to a drainage ditch that was recently re-aligned along the rear of 2913 and 2915 Beachview Avenue to the north.” – ref. Russell white letter to Ron Warne July 17, 2000 (CFN 31036.11)

Result • The TRCA had no objection – ref. Russel White letter to Ron Warne July 17, 2000 (CFN 31036.11


Before OMB Decision Now Total # of Lots 179 250 Total # of Homes 125 237 Total # of Vacant Lots 54 13

- Through in-filling, one hundred and twelve (112) additional homes have been added and seventy-one (71) additional lots have been created since the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decision on February 23, 1994. - Severances resulted in the creation of fifty-eight (58) - 50’ x 100’ lots; sixteen (16) - 50’ x (approx) 130’ lots and thirty (30) close to or the same size as the lots we would like to create - 50’ x 200’. - There are a total of thirteen (13) vacant lots remaining to be developed. - Every application to subdivide a lot or construct a new home has been approved with the exception of our application.

CONCERNS With only a few lots remaining, the in-filling in the Pickering Beach area is close to completion. The Town of Ajax and the TRCA has approved development for many properties that were purchased within the flood plain. It would appear that the TRCA has chosen to prejudice our property.

The road-right-of-way referred to as a “Consideration” in the application to construct a dwelling on 2954 Seabreeze Road has been sold by the Town of Ajax as a developable lot. The new mapping by the TRCA has placed this lot entirely in the flood plain. Why was there no consideration given to grade this road-right-of way and replace the flood plain and spillway lost when the approval was given to develop 2954 Seabreeze other flood prone properties?

OBJECTIVE To work with the TRCA to give us back our right to subdivide our property. Further, to return our property to the status it was before the new mapping - to place our property outside of the flood plain where it has always been.


1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 ______


RES.#B152/09 - GREENWOOD CONSERVATION AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN AND MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT Town of Ajax. Approval to enter into a management agreement with the Town of Ajax for the management of Greenwood Conservation Area and update on implementation of the management plan.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Ron Moeser

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) enter into a management agreement with the Town of Ajax for the management of Greenwood Conservation Area (GCA) subject to the following: z Town of Ajax will develop, maintain and use the lands in accordance with the Greenwood Conservation Area Management Plan, dated May 2004, at the Town's cost and will comply with all legislation and regulations; z Town of Ajax will covenant and agree to indemnify and save harmless TRCA; z Town of Ajax will be responsible for insurance, taxes and all costs associated with inspection and management of the subject lands; z any other terms and conditions as may be required by TRCA staff and solicitor;

THAT the authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to give effect to the management agreement, including obtaining necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents;

THAT TRCA staff continue to work with the Town of Ajax and the Greenwood Conservation Area Stewardship Committee on management plan implementation activities;

AND FURTHER THAT staff report back to the Authority as necessary on implementation highlights and accomplishments. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #11/06, held on January 26, 2007, Resolution #A316/06 was approved as follows:

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff continue to work with the Town of Ajax and the Greenwood Conservation Area Stewardship Committee on the implementation of the Greenwood Conservation Area Management Plan;

THAT TRCA staff report back to the Authority on an annual basis identifying implementation highlights and accomplishments;

AND FURTHER THAT TRCA staff advise the Town of Ajax and the stewardship committee on management plan implementation activities.

1020 The Greenwood Conservation Area (GCA) comprises approximately 287 hectares of greenspace on Duffins Creek, which is located in the Town of Ajax and the City of Pickering in the Regional Municipality of Durham. TRCA and the Town of Ajax reached agreement on the interim management of approximately 222 hectares of the GCA effective May 1, 1999. TRCA continues to manage the remaining 61 hectares, located in the City of Pickering.

In 1999, the Town of Ajax opened GCA for public access seven days a week and provided a significant staff presence to maintain and improve the area. The Town of Ajax manages the day-to-day operation and the maintenance and upkeep of trails, facilities and infrastructure. Town staff also develop and coordinate programs, activities and events, such as the yearly fall festival “Pumpkinville” and "Winterfest".

TRCA, in partnership with the Town of Ajax, completed a comprehensive management plan for GCA in the spring of 2004. The purpose of the Greenwood Conservation Area Management Plan was to examine the lands in detail and establish an appropriate type and level of management to ensure environmental sustainability of these lands into the future. The Town of Ajax, the City of Pickering and Durham Region were all supportive of the management plan.

A key recommendation of the management plan was the establishment of a working stewardship committee to oversee and participate in the management and implementation of numerous plan objectives. The committee assists the Town of Ajax and TRCA to implement site development, maintenance, and environmental protection and restoration activities.

The Greenwood Conservation Area Stewardship Committee was formed in 2006 and is composed of representatives from the Town of Ajax, Ajax Recreational Advisory Committee, Ajax Environmental Advisory Committee, Heritage Ajax, Duffins Creek Task Force, TRCA and local residents. Activities that the committee has been involved in include the review of trail projects and involvement in activities such as the leading of interpretive hikes.

Together with the stewardship committee, the Town of Ajax is in the process of implementing a variety of activities at GCA. Activities include trail development, land management activities and implementation of an extensive signage program including interpretive and directional signs, all of which are in line with the recommendations of the management plan. The Town of Ajax is also in the process of constructing a new pavilion, which will provide additional program space for existing and future programs. In 2009, TRCA staff completed some bank stabilization work along the East Duffins Creek.

RATIONALE Staff is of the opinion that the management arrangement meets both TRCA and Town objectives, and should be formalized in a management agreement. The agreement allows for public use of GCA without additional costs to TRCA, and in turn provides Ajax with additional lands for recreational use. Also, it provides for an acceptable level of maintenance and allows for public presence on the land to reduce unauthorized activity and enhance public safety.

1021 DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE TRCA staff will work with the Town of Ajax staff to finalize the management agreement for the Greenwood Conservation Area. Future consideration will be given to including additional greenspace lands under management agreement with the Town of Ajax, and consolidating the existing Paulynn Park and Ajax waterfront agreements into one comprehensive agreement.

In terms of continued implementation of the management plan, the Town of Ajax, together with TRCA, is hoping to move forward on a number of initiatives in the next two years. These include: z continued trail development, including assessment and replacement of bridges and boardwalks as necessary; z fencing in required areas; z extensive signage program, including trailheads, directional and interpretive signs.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The Town of Ajax is responsible for all the costs related to the management of the property.

Report prepared by: April Weppler, extension 5320 Email: [email protected] For Information contact: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Email: [email protected] Date: October 21, 2009


RES.#B153/09 - GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT FOR 2006-2010 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Duffins Creek Watershed 2112406 Ontario Limited (Skyloft Resort), CFN 41026. Purchase of property located north of Chalk Lake Road, west of Lake Ridge Road, Township of Uxbridge, Regional Municipality of Durham, under the "Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010", Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Duffins Creek watershed.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Ron Moeser

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT 40.47 hectares (100 acres) more or less, being Part of Lots 7 & 8, Concession 7, Township of Uxbridge, Regional Municipality of Durham, located north of Chalk Lake Road, west of Lake Ridge Road be purchased from 2112406 Ontario Limited;

THAT a conservation easement for the protection of the environmental features and functions containing 3.34 hectares ( 8.25 acres) more or less, consisting of an irregular shaped parcel of land, said land being Lot 7, Concession 7, Township of Uxbridge, Regional Municipality of Durham, located north of Chalk Lake Road, west of Lake Ridge Road be purchased from 2112406 Ontario Limited;

1022 THAT the purchase price for both the fee simple purchase and the conservation easement be $1,060,000;

THAT the acquisition by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is conditional on the availability of all necessary funding;

THAT TRCA receive conveyance of the land required free from encumbrance, subject to existing service easements and subject to a 6 metre (20 foot) wide right-of-way in favour of 2112406 Ontario Limited;

THAT the firm of Gardiner Roberts LLP, Barristers and Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs and disbursements are to be paid;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to give effect thereto including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND Resolution #A260/05 at Authority Meeting #9/05, held on November 25, 2005, approved the Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010.

2112406 Ontario Limited operates the Skyloft Resort which is primarily a downhill ski/snowboard club on approximately 250 acres located north of Chalk Lake Road, west of Lake Ridge Road in the Township of Uxbridge, Regional Municipality of Durham. Of the total 250 acres, approximately 140 acres on the western side of the property contains the Skyloft facilities such as main lodge, downhill runs, light standards and parking. The remaining easterly 110 acres is not actively utilized by the resort.

The subject property is on the border between Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) and is in the northern headwaters of Duffins Creek watershed and CLOCA’s Lynde Creek watershed. TRCA staff has had discussions with CLOCA staff and given TRCA's ownership west of Lake Ridge Road and the small amount of land in Uxbridge that fall within the CLOCA watershed, CLOCA staff support TRCA acquiring and managing these lands.

TRCA staff has had ongoing discussions with Mr. Ken Marlatt, the owner/manager of the Skyloft Resort. Based on those discussions, staff is recommending a transaction on the following basis: a) TRCA will acquire approximately 100 acres of the 2112406 Ontario Limited property for a purchase price of $1.06 million; b) 2112406 Ontario Limited would retain a 10 acre building lot. The value of the lot has been taken into account when the purchase price of the 100 acre parcel was determined;

1023 c) 2112406 Ontario Limited would retain a 6 metre (20 foot) wide right-of-way for access between the 10 acre lot and the 140 acres to be retained by 2112406 Ontario Limited. This right-of-way would only remain in place for as long as the ski resort and the 10 acre lot remain in the same ownership; and d) 2112406 Ontario Limited will convey a conservation easement to TRCA over 8.25 acres of the 10 acre lot being the portion of the lot outside of the building envelope as determined by an Environmental Impact Study prepared by Jacques Whitford Stantec Limited.

Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands.

RATIONALE The subject property falls largely within TRCA's approved master plan for acquisition for the Duffins Creek watershed as outlined in the approved Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010. It is located in the headwaters of the Duffins and Lynde creeks. The property is designated as Natural Core Area under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. The addition of the subject parcel will compliment TRCA's holdings in the Glen Major area and will provide a potential trail connection between the Durham Forest north of the subject property and Chalk Lake Road.

TAXES AND MAINTENANCE Based on a review of the environmental criteria for lands that are eligible to receive a property tax exemption under the provincial Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program, it would appear that all of the subject property would be eligible for exemption for the 2011 taxation year. The addition of the subject parcel of land will not significantly impact TRCA's maintenance costs at this location.

FINANCIAL DETAILS At this time Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT) has agreed to fund up to $357,750 for the purchase price and related costs. During recent discussions with OHT staff, they have indicated that there may be additional funding available for this purchase. The subject property was included on the property acquisition list that was included as part of TRCA's 2009 budget submission to the Region of Durham. The Region will be asked to fund up to 40% of the purchase price and related costs. Other potential funding sources are The Conservation Foundation of Greater Toronto, other foundations and the TRCA land sale reserve. Expenditures related to this acquisition will be charged to account 004-11-502.

Report prepared by: Dan O’Donohue, extension 5767 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Ron Dewell, extension 5245, Mike Fenning, extension 5223 or Dan O’Donohue, extension 5767 Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: October 19, 2009 Attachments: 1

1024 Attachment 1


1025 RES.#B154/09 - GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT FOR 2006-2010 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Watershed William G. Love and Mary Anne McEvenue, CFN 42156. Purchase of a partial taking from a property, municipally known as 14375 7th Concession, located on the east side of the 7th Concession, south of the 16th Side Road, in the Township of King, in the Humber River watershed.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT a partial taking of 22 hectares (54.3 acres), more or less, consisting of an irregular shaped parcel of vacant land together with a right-of-way for access 15 metres in width along the northerly boundary of the retained lands, said land being Part of Lot 15, Concession 6, Township of King, Regional Municipality of York, be purchased from William G. Love and Mary Anne McEvenue;

THAT the purchase price be $787,350, based on $14,500 per acre for 54.3 acres;

THAT acquisition by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is conditional on all necessary funding being available;

THAT TRCA enter into a Landholding Agreement for the property with the Nature Conservancy of Canada;

THAT TRCA receive conveyance of the land required free from encumbrance, subject to existing service easements;

THAT Gardiner, Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs and disbursements are to be paid;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to given effect thereto including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND Resolution #A260/05 at Authority Meeting #9/05, held on November 25, 2005, approved the Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010.

14375 7th Concession is owned by William G. Love and Mary Anne McEvenue. The property is approximately 40.47 hectares (100 acres) in size and is located on the east side of the 7th Concession, south of the 16th Side Road in the Township of King. The property is improved with a residential dwelling and outbuildings. It is proposed that TRCA would acquire 22 hectares (54.3 acres) of the property leaving William G. Love and Mary Anne McEvenue with approximately 19.22 hectares (47.5 acres) of land together with the improvements.

1026 The subject property is within the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Natural Area Conservation Plan known as the "Happy Valley Forest Natural Area" Conservation Plan (HVFNA). Natural area conservation plan means a comprehensive landscape conservation plan developed for a Natural Area the NCC has determined to be a priority to achieve conservation based on biodiversity, opportunity and threat. Natural area conservation plans set priorities for the acquisition of properties and identify key actions to achieve conservation success. "Natural Area" means a land mass where adjacent and nearby properties contain the same or similar species or habitats of significant value.

The HVFNA is located in King Township in the vicinity of Weston Road and 17th Side Road, on the Oak Ridges Moraine. The HVFNA falls within the jurisdiction of both Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) and TRCA. The HVFNA is the only area within TRCA's jurisdiction that meets NCC's criteria for acquisition and is therefore eligible for federal and provincial funding being administered by NCC.

NCC has been in contact with property owners within the HVFNA over the past two years and have secured several properties and conservation easements on the LSRCA side of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Love/McEvenue are the first property owners within the HVFNA on the TRCA side of the Oak Ridges Moraine that agreed to terms with NCC.

NCC has requested TRCA partner in purchasing the subject property and has entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale on the property which is conditional on funding and necessary approvals. NCC will assign this Agreement of Purchase and Sale to TRCA prior to closing. NCC will assist with fundraising efforts for the property and in exchange has requested that TRCA enter into a Landholding Agreement with NCC which sets out the manner in which the property is managed, protected and monitored.

The offer at hand is supported by an appraised value based on an independent valuation.

Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands.

RATIONALE The subject property falls within TRCA's approved master plan for acquisition for the Humber River watershed as outlined in the approved Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010. It is in the headwaters of the Humber River and is designated as Natural Core Area in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and is within the HVFNA designated by NCC.

TAXES AND MAINTENANCE Based on a review of the environmental criteria for lands that are eligible to receive a property tax exemption under the provincial Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program, it would appear that all of the subject property would be eligible for exemption for the 2011 taxation year. The addition of the subject parcel of land will not significantly impact TRCA's maintenance costs.

1027 FINANCIAL DETAILS The subject property was identified on the list of properties approved by the City of Toronto to be funded from the City's Land Acquisition for Source Water Protection Reserve. The City will fund up to 33% of the costs of the acquisition for properties on the list located outside of the City boundaries.

NCC will provide the remainder of the funding for the purchase. NCC will obtain their funding from the federal and provincial governments, the Regional Municipality of York and private fundraising.

Expenditures related to this acquisition will be charged to account 004-11-502.

Report prepared by: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Mike Fenning, extension 5223; Ron Dewell, extension 5245 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] Date: October 20, 2009 Attachments: 1

1028 Attachment 1


1029 RES.#B155/09 - GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT FOR 2006-2010 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Rouge River Watershed Purchase of land - Canadian National Railway Company, CFN 42115. Acquisition of land located south of Steeles Avenue East, and east of Sewells Road, City of Toronto, under the "Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010,” Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Rouge River watershed.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT 3.066 hectares (7.577 acres) more or less, being part of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 5 and designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 64R-9058, City of Toronto, located south of Steeles Avenue East, east of Sewells Road be purchased from the Canadian National Railway Company (CN);

THAT the purchase price be $35,700, together with CN’s legal fees and broker’s commission to a maximum of $5,000;

THAT TRCA receive conveyance of the land required free from encumbrance, subject to existing service easements:

THAT the firm of Gardiner Roberts LLP, Barristers and Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs and disbursements are to be paid;

THAT the authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever actions may be required to give effect thereto including the obtaining of necessary approvals, and the signing and execution of any documents;

AND FURTHER THAT the Rouge Park Alliance be so advised by the CAO's Office. CARRIED BACKGROUND Resolution #A260/05 at Authority Meeting #9/05, held on November 25, 2005, approved the Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010.

In the area south of Steeles Avenue between Reesor Road and Sewells Road, the Canadian National Railway Company (‘CN’) owns the rail corridor and an abutting triangular-shaped parcel consisting of 3.066 hectares (7.577 acres) more or less. The triangular-shaped parcel is surplus to CN’s requirement and is being offered for sale.

Negotiations have been conducted with the owner’s agent MarketVision Real Estate Corporation.

The offer at hand is supported by an appraised value based on an independent valuation.

1030 Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands.

RATIONALE The subject property falls within TRCA’s approved master plan for acquisition for the Rouge watershed as outlined in the approved Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010. The subject property is also included in the Pool of Priority Acquisition Sites for the Rouge Park approved by the Rouge Park Alliance.

TAXES AND MAINTENANCE This parcel of land will be turned over to the City of Toronto under the terms and conditions of the existing management agreement.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The subject property was identified on the list of properties approved by the City of Toronto to be funded from the City's Land Acquisition for Source Water Protection Reserve. The City will fund up to 100% of the costs of the acquisition for properties on the list located inside the city boundaries.

Funding is available in TRCA's land acquisition capital account 004-11-502.

Report prepared by: Dan O'Donohue, extension 5767 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Ron Dewell, extension 5245; Mike Fenning, extension 5223; Dan O’Donohue, extension 5767 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Date: October 21, 2009 Attachments: 1

1031 Attachment 1

______1032 RES.#B156/09 - GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT FOR 2006-2010 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Humber River Watershed, Seven on the Ridge Development Inc. (Formerly Marchesan Subdivision), CFN 43095. Acquisition of a property located on Clairewood Court, south of Old Major Mackenzie Drive, and east of Highway 27, City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, under the "Greenland Acquisition Project for 2006-2010", Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Humber River watershed.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT 0.0849 hectares (0.22 acres), more or less, of vacant land being Part of Lot 20, Concession 8 and designated as Block 8 on M-Plan prepared by Ertl Surveyors OLS, Project 05073, City of Vaughan, be purchased from Seven on the Ridge Development Inc. (Formerly Marchesan Subdivision);

THAT a restrictive covenant be placed on the rear of Lot 5 on the said M-Plan of 0.02 hectares (0.05 acres), more or less to restrict the placement of fill and the construction of structures;

THAT the purchase price be $2.00;

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) receive conveyance of the land free from encumbrance, subject to existing service easements;

THAT the firm Gardiner Roberts LLP, Barristers & Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs, and disbursements are to be paid;

AND FURTHER THAT the authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to give effect thereto, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND Resolution #A260/05 at Authority Meeting #9/05, held on November 25, 2005, approved the Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010.

As a condition of a draft subdivision agreement, Seven on the Ridge Development Inc. is to convey the valleylands to TRCA. Further, a restrictive covenant is to be placed on the rear of Lot 5 to restrict the placement of fill and the construction of structures.

Negotiations have been conducted with Peter S. Zourntos, Associate of Valdor Engineering Inc..

Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands.

1033 RATIONALE The subject property falls within the TRCA’s approved master plan for acquisition for the Humber River watershed as outlined in the approved Greenland Acquisition Project 2006-2010. The lands are comprised of valleylands.

TAXES AND MAINTENANCE Based on preliminary review of the environmental criteria for lands that are eligible to receive a property tax exemption under the provincial Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program, it would appear that all of the subject property would be eligible for exemption for the 2010 taxation year. The addition of the subject parcel of land will not significantly impact TRCA's maintenance costs at this location.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funds for the costs related to this purchase are available in the TRCA land acquisition capital account.

Report prepared by: Edlyn Wong, extension 5711 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Edlyn Wong, extension 5711; Ron Dewell, extension 5245 Emails: [email protected] [email protected] Date: October 19, 2009 Attachments: 1

1034 Attachment 1

______1035 RES.#B157/09 - SECORD FOREST AND WILDLIFE AREA Proposal for Fishing and Outdoor Recreation Centre Lease with 2217014 Ontario Inc., CFN 40172. Recommends a lease of the Secord lands, pond and associated buildings for a fishing and outdoor recreation centre.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Richard Whitehead

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has been requested by 2217014 Ontario Inc. to enter into a lease arrangement for lands situated within the Secord Forest and Wildlife Area;

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA enter into a lease of approximately 17 hectares (42 acres), more or less, said land being Part of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Concession 3, in the Township of Uxbridge, Regional Municipality of Durham, for the development of a fishing and outdoor recreation centre by 2217014 Ontario Inc.;

THAT the lease with 2217014 Ontario Inc. be subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) the term of the lease will be for five years; (b) the lease rate is to be a base rent of $2.00 per year and a percentage rent of 5% of annual gross revenue; (c) 2217014 Ontario Inc. will be solely responsible for all costs associated with the maintenance and operation of the leased lands and facilities; (d) any other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the TRCA staff and solicitor;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to give effect thereto, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and execution of any documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #9/05 held on November 25, 2005 Resolution #A265/05 was adopted as follows:

THAT staff be authorized to issue a request for proposal to lease Secord pond, adjacent buildings and lands to interested parties for use as an angling club and related activities;

AND FURTHER THAT staff report to the Executive Committee on the results of the request for proposal including the terms and conditions and anticipated long term revenues.

The Secord property was acquired by TRCA in 1997 through purchase and donation from Mrs. Secord. The property is located in the southwest portion of the Township of Uxbridge on the east side of Third Concession at Secord Road. It is legally described as Part of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Concession 3, Township of Uxbridge, Regional Municipality of Durham. A remaining 20 hectares section was later purchased from Mrs. Secord's estate. In 2005, a further 12 hectares was purchased from an adjoining landowner to add more habitat to the Secord Forest and Wildlife Area.

1036 The property is in the headwaters of Duffins Creek on the Oak Ridges Moraine. West Duffins Creek flows through the property and was dammed circa 1920 to form a 6.54 hectare pond now known as Secord pond.

Originally there were several buildings on site including an old gate keeper's house, barn and farm house. In 2005, the aforementioned houses were deemed unsafe and were demolished. This left the main house and cottage, which are adjacent to and south of the pond, and a barn that is located north of Secord Road. The main house is a large two-bedroom bungalow measuring approximately 3,140 square feet and has an attached two-car garage. The guest cottage has two bedrooms with a gross floor area of approximately 1,000 square feet.

Angling has not been allowed on the pond since TRCA came into possession of the property in 1997. Recent studies and reports by TRCA staff indicate that the pond continues to support a self-sustaining Brook Trout population. Bathymetry and other data have been collected and this information has been shared with potential tenant.

Request For Proposal A request for proposal (RFP) was issued in July of 2006. Two proposals were received. One for a private angling club and one for a public angling club. Staff undertook a review of the proposals and determined that both proposals required adjustments to be more in conformity with the requirements of the RFP. The proponent with the private angling club decided not to proceed with a revised proposal. The second proponent submitted a revised proposal. During the latter part of 2006 and into 2007 TRCA staff worked with the second proponent to refine the proposal and negotiate a lease for the property. In early 2008 the proponent approached TRCA staff and indicated that her situation had changed and she was not longer able to proceed with the proposal.

In May of 2008, TRCA received an unsolicited proposal for the establishment of an outdoor education and recreation centre at the Secord Forest and Wildlife Area from Bill Cockburn (2217014 Ontario Inc.). TRCA staff has worked with Mr. Cockburn to develop his proposal and negotiate a suitable lease arrangement.

2217014 Ontario Inc. (Mr. Cockburn) is proposing the following uses for the property: z public fishing; z angling club; z summer eco camp; z corporate events; z special events; z non profit events; z environmental education; z short term house and cottage rentals; z filming.

RATIONALE Secord pond is classified as a coldwater pond, supports a healthy population of Brook Trout, and the Ministry of Natural Resources has approved year-round fishing on the pond. Excellent fishing opportunities and extended access to the resource make this a very desirable property to the angling community. The main house and cottage are suitable for upgrading for the proposed rental use. 1037 2217014 Ontario Inc. has presented a sound business plan, and the proposed use conforms to and supports the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan, The Duffins Creek Fisheries Management Plan and The Duffins Creek Headwaters Management Plan. The proposal will provide a unique angling experience to the community.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Acceptance of the proposal and the recommended lease arrangement will achieve the following: z ensure effective stewardship of the lands, pond and buildings at no cost to TRCA; z provide for controlled public access to the site; z provide a modest revenue stream to TRCA over the term of the lease.

All planning and construction costs for the development are the responsibility of 2217014 Ontario Inc..

Report prepared by: Mike Fenning, extension 5223 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Mike Fenning, extension 5223, Ron Dewell, extension 5245, Mike Bender, extension 5287 Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: October 22, 2009 Attachments: 1

1038 Attachment 1


1039 RES.#B158/09 - MEETING SCHEDULE 2010-2011 To provide a schedule of meetings for the forthcoming Authority year, beginning February 26, 2010 and ending January 28, 2011.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Maria Augimeri

THAT the Schedule of Meetings 2010-2011, dated October 20, 2009, be approved;

THAT the Executive Committee be designated the powers of the Authority during the month of August, 2010, as defined in Section 2.10 of the Rules of Conduct;

AND FURTHER THAT the CAO's Office distribute this schedule at the earliest opportunity to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's (TRCA) watershed municipalities and the Ministry of Natural Resources. CARRIED RATIONALE Since almost all members of TRCA sit on councils, boards or committees which usually meet on days other than Friday, the schedule has been arranged to accommodate all TRCA board meetings on Fridays. Staff has made every effort to avoid conflicts with municipal council meetings as much as possible in selecting the proposed meeting days.

An Authority meeting is not scheduled in the month of August due to the summer vacation season. To accommodate the large number of permit requests at this time, an Executive Committee meeting is scheduled. This meeting will be to primarily handle permits. Should an item requiring Authority approval need to be dealt with at this time, this is allowed for under Section 2.10 of the Authority's Rules of Conduct, should the Authority designate these powers:

2.10 to exercise such additional powers, excluding those powers set out in Clause (d) of Subsection (1) of Section 30 of the Act, as may be assigned to it by the Authority during the months of July and August provided that a report be given to the Authority at the first meeting of the Authority thereafter;

Staff is recommending powers be so designated to the Executive Committee for August, 2010, with the required report being brought to the Authority at its meeting scheduled to be held on September 17, 2010. Staff is also recommending that the August Executive Committee meeting be conducted with the option of teleconferencing due to the lighter agenda, unless otherwise advised as a result of items scheduled.

At Authority Annual Meeting #1/02, held on January 25, 2002, Resolution #A6/02 was approved in part as follows:

THAT the dates of future Annual Meetings be changed to accommodate the budget meeting schedule for our member municipalities, such that the Annual Meeting held following a municipal election be in January while the Annual Meetings in the interim two years between elections be moved to February;

1040 In accordance with Resolution #A6/02, the 2011 annual Authority meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, January 28, 2011.

All meetings will be held at Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV), except for the December Executive Committee meeting which will be held in the Humber Room, Head Office, to accommodate the busy school booking season at BCPV. The Authority and Executive Committee meetings will be held at 9:30 a.m.. The Budget/Audit Advisory Board (BAAB) meetings are scheduled to be held immediately following Executive Committee meetings on April 9, 2010, June 4, 2010 and October 1, 2010. The initial intention was to schedule BAAB meetings as required, but due to difficulties with scheduling members, staff believe it prudent to schedule meeting dates for BAAB during the months that TRCA regular deals with budget and audit reports.

Report prepared by: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 20, 2009 Attachments: 1


JANUARY 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT January 8 9:30 a.m. Authority #10/09 Toronto Community Development & Recreation January 15 9:30 a.m. Executive #11/09 Toronto Economic Development January 29 9:30 a.m. Authority #11/09 Toronto City Council on Tuesday and Wednesday

FEBRUARY 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT February 12 9:30 Executive #12/09 February 26 10:30 ANNUAL Authority Toronto City Council on Monday #1/10 and Tuesday. TRCA meeting scheduled before Toronto Council schedule was available. Note: January and February 2010 meetings already approved with the Meeting Scheduled 2009-2010

MARCH 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT March 5 9:30 a.m. Executive #1/10 FCM Board of Directors - no TRCA members on the board March 26 9:30 a.m. Authority #2/10

APRIL 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT April 9 9:30 a.m. Executive #2/10 April 9 10:30 a.m. BAAB #1/10 April 30 9:30 a.m. Authority #3/10

MAY 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT May 7 9:30 a.m. Executive #3/10 May 28 9:30 a.m. Authority #4/10 FCM Annual Conference (in Toronto)

JUNE 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT June 4 9:30 a.m. Executive #4/10 June 4 10:30 a.m. BAAB #2/10 June 25 9:30 a.m. Authority #5/10 Toronto Licensing & Standards

JULY 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT July 9 9:30 a.m. Executive #5/10 Toronto City Council on Monday & Tuesday July 23 9:30 a.m. Authority #6/10

1042 AUGUST 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT August 6 9:30 a.m. Executive #6/10

SEPTEMBER 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT September 10 9:30 a.m. Executive #7/10 FCM Board of Directors - no TRCA members on the board September 17 9:30 a.m. Authority #7/10

OCTOBER 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT October 1 9:30 a.m. Executive #8/10 October 1 10:30 a.m. BAAB #3/10 October 29 9:30 a.m. Authority #8/10

NOVEMBER 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT November 12 9:30 a.m. Executive #9/10 November 26 9:30 a.m. Authority #9/10

DECEMBER 2010 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT December 3 9:30 a.m. Executive #10/10 Humber Room

JANUARY 2011 TIME DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL CONFLICT January 7 9:30 a.m. Authority #10/10 Toronto Schedule not Available January 14 9:30 a.m. Executive #11/10 for 2011 January 28 10:30 a.m. ANNUAL Authority #1/11

1. All AUTHORITY meetings will be held in the South Theatre, Visitor’s Centre, Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV), 1000 Murray Ross Parkway, , Ontario, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. 2. All EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings will be held in the Victoria Room, Visitor’s Centre, BCPV, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. 3. Authority and Executive Committee meetings will be held at 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted on the agenda. 4. ALL BUDGET/AUDIT ADVISORY BOARD (BAAB) meetings will be held immediately following Executive Committee meetings in the Victoria Room, Visitor’s Centre, BCPV, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. Approximate meeting start time is 10:30 a.m., but members will be given a better indication of start time when the agenda becomes available. 5. Members are requested to be present for the entire meeting time as not doing so puts quorum at risk.

For further information, please contact Kathy Stranks at 416-661-6600, extension 5264 or Andrea Fennell at extension 5254. ______

1043 RES.#B159/09 - ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING Michael Labrier and Wendy Homer, Town of Caledon. Authorization to attain party status at the Ontario Municipal Board on referrals related to Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications relating to two six-storey apartment buildings containing 122 suites and 78 townhouses on the subject property.

Moved by: Richard Whitehead Seconded by: Jack Heath

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT authorization be given to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff to attain party status before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) regarding proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications pertaining to the subject property;

THAT staff continue to work cooperatively with TRCA's municipal partners and the appellant to ensure TRCA's requirements are implemented as part of the OMB process;

THAT staff be authorized to retain legal counsel to pursue this appeal before the OMB;

AND FURTHER THAT the OMB and all parties and participants to the hearing be so advised. CARRIED BACKGROUND The subject property, approximately 2.6 hectares (6.4 acres) in size, is located on the south side of King Street West and east side of Station Road in the Town of Caledon. This property is located within the historic community of Bolton, within the Humber River valley, however outside of the Regulatory Floodplain. The entire property is located within TRCA's Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed and is subject to Ontario Regulation 166/06 (Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation).

The property presently includes two residential dwellings and associated amenity areas. The current proposal is to amend the Town of Caledon Official Plan and Zoning By-law in order to permit the development of two six-storey apartment buildings containing 122 suites and approximately 78 townhouses. The subject lands are presently designated "High Density Residential (HDR)" and "Environmental Policy Area (EPA)" and are zoned "Estate Residential (RE)" and "Open Space (OP)" in the Town of Caledon Official Plan and Zoning By-law respectively. The applications have been appealed to the OMB by the proponent for the Town's failure to render a decision on the proposed applications within the review period prescribed in the Planning Act, and for the Town of Caledon Council's refusal or neglect to enact the proposed amendments.

1044 TRCA staff has been involved in the review of these lands since 1997. In 1997, an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) was approved to permit two six-storey residential condominium apartment buildings with approximately 200 units. The approved OPA redesignated the lands to HDR and EPA. The HDR/EPA boundary served as the approved development envelope, which represented the toe of the valley slope, as staked on June 17, 1997 with TRCA staff. With this proposal, the proposed buildings were set-back from the toe of the slope, with associated amenities proposed between the buildings and the toe of slope. The 1997 OPA included a geotechnical report and included detailed plans to construct a retaining wall structure approximately three metres in height adjacent to the amenity areas. This proposal did not include a shoring/anchoring system with these retaining wall structures.

In 2008, a new Official Plan Amendment application was submitted to the Town of Caledon. The applicant is seeking, under this new application, to significantly expand the previously approved development envelope to include significant portions of the valley slope, and to remove substantial portions of the current EPA lands, and to redesignate these as HDR, to facilitate additional townhouse development on the valley slope. The revisions to the EPA and the corresponding modifications that are proposed to the development envelope would have the effect of reducing the ecological corridor through the subject property, and would create an incremental impact upon the broader ecological system, that if repeated, would undermine the form and function of this significant ecological system. Additionally, due to the extent of infrastructure required to support the proposed development (including a permanent shoring/anchoring wall, with the highest wall section being approximately 10 metres in height) long-term maintenance of the infrastructure may further impact upon the function of the remaining EPA lands.

The current proposed Official Plan Amendment would create substantial impacts to the existing valley slope landform, and have impacts on the Humber River natural heritage system beyond those originally contemplated in the 1997 application. As such, it is the opinion of staff that the proposed encroachment into the valley slope and reductions to the EPA lands on the subject property, are not consistent with TRCA, Town of Caledon and provincial policy requirements.

RATIONALE The OMB hearing is scheduled for December 1, 2009 and is scheduled for eight days. A previous pre-hearing was held to determine the scope of the issues and establish the date of the hearing. TRCA staff attended and provided preliminary comments at the initial pre-hearing on June 24, 2009, in an attempt to determine the need for the involvement of TRCA staff in the full hearing. TRCA staff consider TRCA's involvement to be critical in this hearing because the proposed development is: z not consistent with the development and landform conservation policies of TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP); z not consistent with TRCA's Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy (TNHSS) objectives; z not consistent with the 2008 Humber watershed plan planning objectives; z failing to demonstrate consistency with Section 2.1 of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS); and, z not consistent with the policies of the Town of Caledon Official Plan.

1045 DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE TRCA staff is requesting authorization of the TRCA Executive Committee to retain legal counsel to ensure TRCA's interests, as identified above, are protected and addressed at the hearing of December 1, 2009. In the event that the proponent agrees to implement the approved development originally contemplated in 1997, TRCA staff may not need to be further involved in the hearing. TRCA staff and retained legal counsel will continue to work with the parties and participants to the hearing in an attempt to resolve our issues, and to reduce legal fees to the greatest possible extent.

Report prepared by: Adam Miller, extension 5244 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Adam Miller, extension 5244 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 19, 2009



Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Jack Heath

THAT the committee move into closed session to discuss item EX7.9 - Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, as it pertains to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, and item EX7.11 - Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010, as it pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition of land. CARRIED ARISE AND REPORT RES.#B161/09

Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Jack Heath

THAT the committee arise and report from closed session. CARRIED ______

RES.#B162/09 - ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING 2964 Seabreeze Road Town of Ajax, Carruthers Creek Watershed. Authorization for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff to obtain Party Status before the Ontario Municipal Board on an appeal related to the refusal of a consent to sever by the Durham Region Land Division Committee at 2964 Seabreeze Road, Town of Ajax, Carruthers Creek watershed.

1046 Moved by: Ron Moeser Seconded by: Maria Augimeri

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT authorization be given to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff to seek Party Status before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) regarding the appeal filed under Subsection 53 (19) of the Planning Act against the decision of the Durham Region Land Division Committee to refuse a consent to sever a residential lot at 2964 Seabreeze Road;

THAT staff continue to work cooperatively with the Region of Durham, Town of Ajax and the appellants to ensure that the requirements of the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement and TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program are met with respect to the natural hazards present on the subject lands;

THAT staff be authorized to retain legal counsel to pursue this appeal before the OMB;

AND FURTHER THAT the OMB and all parties and participants to the hearing be so advised. CARRIED BACKGROUND The subject lands, known as 2964 Seabreeze Road, are a 0.1850 hectare residential lot with an existing dwelling located on the north side of the street within the Pickering Beach neighbourhood in the Town of Ajax. The Carruthers Creek valleylands are located directly to the north of the subject lands. On June 4, 2009 TRCA staff received a circulation from the Durham Region Land Division Committee of an application for a consent to sever the subject 2 2 lands into roughly two equal parcels of 924m and 926m in size. The approval of the application would permit the creation of one new lot for residential development. Unfortunately, no consultation with TRCA staff by the owner or owner’s agent was undertaken for the proposal prior to the filing of the application.

Portions of the residential properties north of Seabreeze Road immediately to the west of the subject lands have historically existed within the Regional Storm Flood Plain associated with the Carruthers Creek due to the low lying topography in relation to the creek. Since the 1980’s, TRCA has received several applications for the construction of new dwellings, additions and ancillary structures such as pools due to the presence of the Regional Storm Flood Plain, which was limited in its extent and located primarily in rear yards. Applicants were required to modify their applications to address flood risk and to demonstrate that flood plain storage and conveyance could be maintained without any off-site impacts within the context of a previous flood plain boundary. Applicants were advised that severances would not be permitted on lots covered by the Regional Storm Flood Plain.

The subject lands are located entirely within the Regional Storm Flood Plain associated with Carruthers Creek creating conditions that are not appropriate for the creation of new lots. The creation of a new lot is prohibited under the Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 for lands that are within a flood plain.

1047 The Durham Region Land Division Committee circulates applications to TRCA for the purpose of plan input and review with respect to, amongst other matters, natural hazards such as flood plains. In 2005 a previous application for the subject lands was considered by the Land Division Committee, which was not circulated to TRCA. This previous application was approved with conditions but was allowed to lapse and become void. Due to Planning Act requirements, TRCA staff was required to review the 2009 application based upon the latest flood plain information and comment accordingly.

Pursuant to the Provincial ‘One Window’ plan review protocol and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Natural Resources and Conservation Ontario, TRCA has been delegated the responsibility to represent the ‘Provincial Interest’ related to natural hazards, in our day-to-day review of applications made under the Planning Act.

On June 19, 2009 TRCA staff submitted written comments, after thorough consultation with the owner’s agent, to the Land Division Committee, the Town of Ajax and the owner’s agent. TRCA's written comments explained our responsibility to comment on behalf of the Province of Ontario with respect to natural hazards; identified the presence of the Regional Storm Flood Plain on the entirety of the subject lands; and, described the prohibition against the creation of new lots in the Regional Storm Flood Plain. In addition to the responsibility placed upon TRCA by the Province, Subsections 3 (5) and (6) of the Planning Act require that all comments provided, and all decisions made, must be ‘consistent with’ the Provincial Policy Statement, including the prohibition against the creation of new lots within the Regional Storm Flood Plain.

Given the legislative and policy requirements in force for the application and given staff’s professional assessment of the context of the application with respect to the Regional Storm Flood Plain, TRCA staff recommended refusal of the application to the Land Division Committee. TRCA staff's comments were echoed by Town of Ajax staff in a report to the Land Division Committee dated September 14, 2009.

At its meeting of September 14, 2009, the Durham Region Land Division Committee considered the application. The owner and TRCA staff were present to make a deputation and answer questions of the Committee. After considering the matter, the Land Division Committee refused the application based upon the recommendations of TRCA staff and Town of Ajax staff.

RATIONALE On October 8th, an OMB appeal against the decision of the Committee was filed by the owner and received by the Durham Region Land Division Committee for processing by the OMB. TRCA staff require legal counsel in order to represent TRCA’s interest in the appeal at the OMB. No hearing date has been set as of the time this report was filed for the agenda.

DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE Staff is requesting the authorization of the Authority to represent TRCA interests and provide expert advice at the OMB in order to defend the hazard land policies and requirements of the Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement. Staff will continue to communicate with the parties and participants (if any) attending the hearing and will represent TRCA interest in advance of the hearing.

1048 FINANCIAL DETAILS Staff anticipate that the hearing would take place over the course of one to two days. In this event, it is expected that required staff resources and costs will be limited.

Report prepared by: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Carolyn Woodland, extension 5214 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 28, 2009


RES.#B163/09 - 1229 BETHESDA ROAD (SWAN LAKE) CFN 40084. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing letter in support of an education use at Swan Lake, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York.

Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Ron Moeser

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is in a receipt of a request from the Faculty of Education at York University to develop an educational facility at the recently acquired Swan Lake property;

AND WHEREAS TRCA is in receipt of a letter from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) confirming that an educational use would be a permitted use at Swan Lake;

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to enter into negotiations for a lease agreement with York University;

THAT a report be brought forward to the Executive Committee at a future date recommending further action;

AND FURTHER THAT staff carry out the necessary repairs to stabilize and protect the integrity of the buildings using the available funds from the purchase of 1229 Bethesda Road. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #4/08, held on May 23, 2008, Resolution #A122/08 approved the acquisition of 1229 Bethesda Road (Swan Lake property) consisting of a 20.45 hectares (50.54 acres) rectangular shaped parcel of land, improved with a two storey, 6,000 square foot, stone exterior finished single family residence, triple detached garage, including a 9 acre kettle lake, said land being Part of Lot 5, Concession 2, Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York.

1049 At the same time, officials from York University's Faculty of Education were in discussions with TRCA Education staff about partnering to create additional innovative teacher education programs in the fast-growing community of Richmond Hill, at the Lake St. George Field Centre. They realized the opportunity to partner with TRCA at Swan Lake while still being able to take advantage of their proximity to Lake St. George Field Centre. By letter dated November 2008, York University requested that TRCA explore the potential educational use at Swan Lake.

Terms and conditions of a lease agreement with York University (York U.)would include the space to be made available to York U. (probably about 50% of the building), nature and use of the grounds, relationship with Lake St. George programs, investment by York U. in improvements to the building and rent.

TRCA asked the Province of Ontario to confirm if this use was permitted within the Core Area designation of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. A letter dated October 27, 2009, (Attachment 1) was recently received from MMAH confirming that an educational use would be permitted. Staff is completing a management plan for the TRCA lands east of Bayview Avenue, including the Swan Lake property. The plan will be presented to the Authority in 2010.

The buildings at Swan Lake property have remained vacant since the property was purchased. The heat has been kept on in the house and an alarm system was installed. Staff from Lake St. George Field Centre carry out regular inspections and patrols to maintain a presence on the property. A recent building inspection was carried out and identified some maintenance repairs that should be carried out immediately to protect and stabilize the building for future use. This includes replacing the roof, together with several windows as well as some masonry repairs to the chimney. The estimated cost for this work is $80,000.

Completing these repairs will enable TRCA to preserve the building until such time as future use of the property can be determined.

FINANCIAL DETAILS To purchase the property, the estimated cost including purchase and expenses was $3,580,000. which was to be secured from four principal funding partners: the City of Toronto, the Regional Municipality of York, the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation and the Town of Richmond Hill. Having made the initial request, TRCA received additional contributions from Ducks Unlimited and the ELJB Foundation. After the purchase closed and all costs were covered, approximately $145,000 remained in the Swan Lake acquisition account. Staff will use $80,000 of this funding to complete the immediate repairs.

Funding for the required repairs will be charged to account 004-11-502.

Report prepared by: Ron Dewell, extension 5245 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Ron Dewell, extension 5245 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 30, 2009 Attachments: 1

1050 Attachment 1


1051 RES.#B164/09 - GREENLANDS ACQUISITION PROJECT FOR 2006-2010 Flood Plain and Conservation Component, Rouge River Watershed Purchase of land.

Moved by: Jack Heath Seconded by: Glenn De Baeremaeker

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT confidential item EX7.11 - Greenlands Acquisition Project for 2006-2010 be approved;

AND FURTHER THAT staff report back when the item is completed and can be made public. CARRIED ______


RES.#B165/09 - EAST DON TRAIL NETWORK - PHASE 1B Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision Award of Sole Source Contract. Approval to extend an existing contract with R.V. Anderson and Associates Ltd. to complete the Phase 1b engineering design component, preparation of construction drawings and associated details, and construction inspection and advisory services for the continuation of the East Don Trail project.

Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT the contract to complete the detailed engineering design component and preparation of construction drawings and associated details for Phase 1b of the East Don Trail network be awarded to R.V. Anderson Associates Limited (RVA) at a total cost not to exceed $133,000.00, plus applicable taxes;

THAT staff be authorized to approve additional expenditures to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the total cost of the contract for eligible disbursements and as a contingency allowance, if deemed necessary;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized officials be directed to take the necessary action to implement the contract including obtaining necessary approvals and the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND In 1995, RVA was retained by the City of Toronto to undertake a comprehensive study and provide proposed trail networking options in the East Don Valley system spanning from Milne Hollow (Lawrence Avenue/Don Valley Parkway) to the forks of the Don River. The study was completed in 1997 resulting in a conceptualized alignment and network of trails servicing the East Don valleylands.

1052 Subsequently, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and City of Toronto staff participated in a cooperative review of the various conceptual trail alignments, potential impacts to vegetation communities, pedestrian bridge crossings, proposed trails surfaces and widths as well as social factors and conditions that might affect the proposed route(s). RVA has been retained by the City of Toronto on two occasions, as recently as December 2007, to provide updated project budget cost estimates for specific components of the trail network, namely the Milne Hollow/Moccasin Park/Concorde Place locale.

In June 2008, TRCA engaged RVA to undertake the Phase 1a design and drawing preparation for approvals and implementation in 2009. The Phase 1a works are ongoing at this time and completion is anticipated by year end subject to weather and site conditions. The City of Toronto has requested that TRCA undertake the completion of detailed engineering design and preparation of construction drawings to move forward with the Phase 1b implementation of the Milne Hollow/Moccasin Park/Concorde Place trail network.

The attached map shows the location and extent of Phase 1a (solid line in hatched area) and Phase 1b (dashed lines marked "future") works.

The City of Toronto has recently received notification of funding approval of $725,000 from the federal infrastructure program allowing them to move forward with the Phase 1b components including completion of detailed design and drawings for: z 330 m trail connection linking Moccasin Park, under the Don Valley Parkway (existing culvert access) and CN Rail Bala Subdivision (Rainbow culvert), with Milne Hollow via a proposed pedestrian footbridge (Bridge1b); z 900 m trail connection linking Phase 1a works (Wynford Heights Crescent access (bridge 1c)) with Milne Hollow including design and details for retaining structures, handrails, drainage improvements, overhead protective canopy at CPR Belleville Subdivision crossing and sediment controls.

RATIONALE RVA is an interdisciplinary firm that provides professional engineering, operations and management services. Their organization comprises environmental and infrastructure specialists for water, wastewater, transportation and urban development.

RVA has an in-depth knowledge of the area, and expertise and familiarity with the background and history of this project. RVA will be able to complete the work in a timely and cost efficient manner due to the fact that they already have extensive knowledge of the site, access to all study documents, surveys and recommendations, concept trail designs and approved alignments. Engaging another consultant at this point in the process would necessitate the requirement to collect and review all relevant documents and information and in all probability delay project completion and implementation scheduling, thereby putting federal infrastructure funding at risk.

Staff therefore recommends the award of the contract on a sole source basis as per Sections 1.14.3 and 1.14.5 of TRCA's Purchasing Policy as follows:

1053 When the extension or reinstatement of an existing contract would prove most cost-effective or beneficial. The extension shall not exceed one year., and;

The required goods and services are to be supplied by a particular vendor or supplier having special knowledge, skills, expertise or experience that cannot be provided by any other supplier.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The federal infrastructure funds will flow over the next two years (fall 2009 - March 2011) with $265,000 identified for immediate implementation in 2009. The balance of $460,000 in federal infrastructure funding will flow in 2010/2011.

All costs associated with this contract are fully recoverable from City of Toronto. The City has approved matching capital funding to implement Phase 1b. Charges will be allocated to the East Don Trail project account 117-49.

Report prepared by: Dave Rogalsky, extension 5378 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Dave Rogalsky, extension 5378 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 16, 2009 Attachments: 1

1054 Attachment 1


1055 RES.#B166/09 - PORT UNION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PHASE 2) Tender RSD09-36. Award of Tender RSD09-36 for the supply and delivery of approximately 4,400 tonnes of 4 to 6 tonne armour stone.

Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT Contract RSD09-36 for the supply and delivery of approximately 4,400 tonnes of 4 to 6 tonne armour stone to the Port Union Waterfront Improvement Project (Phase 2), City of Toronto, be awarded to J.C. Rock Limited for a total unit price of $34.93 per tonne and a total cost not to exceed $153,692.00, plus applicable taxes, it being the lowest bid meeting Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) specifications;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take the necessary action to implement the contract, including obtaining approvals and signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND The Port Union Waterfront Improvement Project (Phase 2) is located south of Lawrence Avenue east, between Chesterton Shores and the Rouge River in the City of Toronto. The project will consist of approximately 1.6 km of shoreline protection, trails and parkland development. The preferred option through the Class Environmental Assessment process calls for the construction of 6 headlands and 7 beach cell units. The armour stone will be used in the construction of one of the headlands.

RATIONALE Tender RSD09-36 was publicly advertised in the Daily Commercial News on September 30, 2009 and was sent to ten suppliers as follows: z Glenn Windrem Trucking; z Stonescape Quarry; z J.C. Rock Limited; z Dufferin Aggregates; z Lafarge Aggregates; z Nelson Aggregate Company; z Bot Construction; z Aecon; z Fowler Construction Company Limited; and z Brock Aggregates.

The Tender Opening Committee opened tenders at Tender Opening Committee Meeting #5/09 on October 9, 2009 with the following results:

1056 Tender RSD09-36 Supply and Delivery of Approximately 4000 Tonnes of 4 to 6 Tonne Armour Stone

BIDDERS APPROXIMATE TOTAL UNIT TOTAL VALUE QUANTITY PRICE OF CONTRACT (tonnes) (per tonne) (plus GST) J.C. Rock Limited 4,000 $34.93 $139,720.00 Glenn Windrem Trucking 4,000 $48.34 $193,360.00 Fowler Construction Company 4,000 $68.40 $273,560.00

The Tender documents stipulate that an increase/decrease in estimated quantities may be authorized up to twenty-five percent (25%). TRCA staff has chosen to exercise this right by increasing quantities by ten percent (10%) in order to meet with additional work loads. Based on the bids received, staff recommend that J.C. Rock Limited be awarded Contract RSD09-36 for the supply and delivery of approximately 4,400 tonnes of 4-6 tonne armour stone for the unit cost of $34.93 per tonne and a total amount not to exceed $153,692.00, plus GST, as they are the lowest bidder that meets TRCA specifications.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funds are available within account #224-70 from the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation.

Report prepared by: Aaron D’Souza, 416-393-6336 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Joe Delle Fave, 416-392-9724 Emails: [email protected] Date: October 16, 2009


RES.#B167/09 - HABITAT IMPLEMENTATION PLANS AND PEEL CLIMATE CHANGE BUDGETS Contract Extension. Contract extension for existing procurement for new work garnered from Restoration Services.

Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT the contract to complete restoration construction work for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's (TRCA) Restoration Services habitat group be extended to Valefield Contracting Inc. at a total cost not to exceed $23,659.23, plus applicable taxes. CARRIED

1057 BACKGROUND In March 2009, Valefield Contracting Inc. was awarded a contract to do work for TRCA's Restoration Services habitat group to complete restoration construction work throughout the TRCA jurisdiction under various implementation programs. Valefield Contracting Inc. provides a specialized service relating to habitat restoration construction with smaller equipment than what Sartor and Susin (TRCA's other main contractor for restoration work) can provide. As a result, the work was not included in the contract with Sartor and Susin Ltd. for 2009. To date, the work provided by Valefield Contracting Inc. has been exemplary.

During 2009, the habitat group garnered additional partnerships, work and funding to complete restoration construction projects beyond what was originally anticipated. Due to timing urgencies and efficiencies, two of these projects were completed in the summer months. The other additional projects have yet to be completed. Also, additional work beyond what was originally planned was required within a completed wetland project in Claireville Conservation Area to accommodate a future trail through the site. For Valefield Contracting Inc. to complete all of the upcoming work scheduled, costs incurred would be above the originally approved procurement limit of $94,990.00 plus applicable taxes. Valefield Contracting Inc. was the lowest bidder in a competitive process for the original contract.

RATIONALE There are a variety of cost benefits to be gained from continuing the work with Valefield Contracting Inc. to implement the remaining 2009 work, which include: z mobilization and demobilization costs will be minimized by floating machinery straight from one project to the next; z time efficiency by maintaining no downtime between projects; z the work required is very specialized and there has been a lot of time put in to ensure that the work is being done according to the habitat requirements and outcomes that TRCA's habitat group requires (i.e. there would be no added cost or time for training new operators); z Valefield Contracting Inc. is pre-qualified to do work on the waterfront, and some additional works are along the waterfront;

Due to benefits of logistic, efficiency and product quality, the TRCA staff is confident that a contract extension with Valefield Contracting Inc. will ensure that the upcoming projects are constructed to the level of standard that is needed.

The recommended extension meets section 1.14.3 of TRCA's Purchasing Policy as follows:

When the extension or reinstatement of an existing contract would prove most cost-effective or beneficial. The extension shall not exceed one year.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The following is a summary outlining the current and anticipated status of work identified for Valefield (GST included):

1058 Original Procurement limit $99,739.50 True cost of current projects under Open P.O. $97,582.69 Cost estimate of upcoming/new projects $27,000.00 Total amount that would be over Procurement Limit $24,843.19

Funding will be provided by various regional partnership programs and the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation, which include projects under the following account codes: 216-70, 114-43, 114-40, 129-58, 117-82, 129-56.

Report prepared by: John Stille, extension 5396 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: John Stille, extension 5396 Emails: [email protected] Date: November 03, 2009



RES.#B168/09 - 561 GLASGOW ROAD Change of Use Village of Bolton, Town of Caledon, CFN 22105. The Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club's use of 561 Glasgow Road, Bolton for field office and storage of equipment.

Moved by: Maria Augimeri Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT the staff report regarding The Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club's use of the building at 561 Glasgow Road, Bolton, dated October 21, 2009, be received. CARRIED BACKGROUND In 1984, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) entered into a management agreement with the Town of Caledon for various parcels of TRCA lands in the Bolton area of the Town of Caledon.

In the 1990's the Town experienced growth in the number of players participating in soccer in Bolton and surrounding area. The Town approached TRCA for additional land to accommodate their requirement for additional soccer fields. On September 1, 1998, TRCA added a 6 acre parcel of land on the north side of Glasgow Road to the existing management agreement for use by the Town as soccer fields. This parcel has since been named the Jack Garrett Soccer Park.

In 2002, the Town entered into a sublicence agreement with the Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club of Ontario, with TRCA approval, to deal with the use, care and administration of the soccer facilities at Edelweiss and Jack Garrett soccer parks. The sublicence agreement sets out the responsibilities of both the Town and the Club relating to the two sites.

1059 In March of 2009 the Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club expressed an interest in renting the dwelling at 561 Glasgow Road, Caledon for their field office and storage purposes. The Jack Garrett Soccer Park is located in front of TRCA-owned property municipally known as 561 Glasgow Road, Caledon. This dwelling became available for rent in May, 2009 and at that time, TRCA commenced negotiations with the Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club.

The Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club is in the process of changing the principal designation of the Jack Garrett Soccer Park to train their competitive and elite athletes and accordingly are interested in taking over the use of this dwelling for their field office and for the storage of equipment.

The Club was asked to contact the Town of Caledon Planning and Development Department to get confirmation that this use would be compatible with the zoning. A letter was received by the TRCA from the Town of Caledon confirming that this use is permitted under the current Open Space designation under the Zoning By-law.

An agreement has been reached with the Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club. TRCA is entering into a five year lease commencing November 1, 2009 at a monthly rental rate of $1,200.00, plus all utilities and renovation costs. The Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club will be taking the dwelling in an "as is" condition and is prepared to undertake necessary renovations to the dwelling.

RATIONALE The rental home became available for rent shortly after TRCA received the request from the Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club to possibly rent this building. Upon inspection of the dwelling it was determined that the home required a considerable amount of work before it could be put back on the market. As part of the negotiations, the Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club indicated that they would be prepared to undertake all necessary renovations to the home, at no cost to TRCA. Also, since the home is located just north of the Jack Garrett soccer fields, it was felt that this would be a compatible use.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The Bolton Wanderers Soccer Club will be paying $1,200 per month, plus all utilities and renovation costs of approximately $34,000. The rental rate is slightly below market since the Club will be spending approximately $34,000 in renovations. At the end of the five year term, the rental rate will be reviewed.

Report prepared by: Lori Colussi, extension 5303 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Lori Colussi, extension 5303, Ron Dewell, extension 5345 Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Date: October 21, 2009 Attachments: 1

1060 Attachment 1



RES.#B169/09 - APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS PURSUANT TO ONTARIO REGULATION 166/06 Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses. Pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, written permission from the Authority is required for: a) straightening, changing, diverting or interfering in any way with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse, or for changing or interfering in any way with a wetland; b) development, if in the opinion of the authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected by the development.

A permit may be refused through a Hearing Process, if in the opinion of the Authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches, pollution or the conservation of land is affected.

Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT permits be granted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the applications (EX10.1 - EX23 and EX10.66 - EX10.69, with the exception of EX10.17 - 3 Old George Place which was deferred, and EX10.19 - Regional Municipality of York & EX10.70 - 8065 16th Sideroad which were withdrawn), which are listed below. CARRIED


Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT permit application EX10.17 - 3 Old George Place be deferred. CARRIED CITY OF PICKERING

EX10.1 863 REYTAN BOULEVARD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 704, Plan M-11, (863 Reytan Boulevard), in the City of Pickering, Frenchman's Bay Watershed.

The purpose is to construct an addition to an existing rear yard garage within a Regulated Area associated with the flood plain of the Krosno Creek, a tributary within the Frenchman's Bay Watershed.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit:

1062 z Plan of Survey showing sketch of garage addition within lot boundaries, received by TRCA on October 13, 2009; z 'New Top View' sketch showing plan view of existing garage and proposed expansion, received by TRCA on October 13, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The applicant seeks permission in order to construct an addition to an existing detached rear yard garage on a residential lot within the Regional Storm Flood Plain associated with Krosno Creek. The subject lands are located on the east side of Reytan Boulevard within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood of Pickering, which is located on the east side of Frenchman's Bay south of Highway 401. The existing garage is 52 square metres in area. The proposed expansion is 89.19 square metres in area for a total garage size of 141.19 square metres.

Control of Flooding: During the development of the Bay Ridges neighbourhood in the 1960's the Krosno Creek was straightened and placed within a concrete channel. This channel does not adequately convey the flood waters of the Regional Storm resulting in a large Regional Storm Flood Plain that extends far beyond the channel into the residential area. The subject lands are located within this flood plain despite being over 65 metres to the east of the Krosno Creek channel.

TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program provides policy direction to the expansion of ancillary structures such as garages that are located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain. Ancillary structures are permitted in the Regional Storm Flood Plain provided that the proposal will not result in unacceptable impacts to flood storage and conveyance; not aggravate flooding in the adjacent area and minimize property damage. Staff have reviewed this policy direction against the proposal and find it to be acceptable. Due to the size and location of the structure it is expected to have a negligible impact upon the control of flooding.

Pollution: Due to the separation of the subject lands from the Krosno Creek, siltation and erosion concerns are not present.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no slope stability or geotechnical concerns, as the site does not contain and is not adjacent to any slopes.

Conservation of Land: The garage is to be expanded with an existing manicured rear yard. There are no conservation of land concerns.

1063 Plantings No plantings were made a requirement of this proposal.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2 E), Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures, of TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43075 - Application #: 0804/09/PICK Report Prepared by: Chris Jones, extension 5718 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.2 JUDY FLETCHER To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Lot 4, 5, Plan 94, Part Lot 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, Plan 94, (1775 Track Street), in the City of Pickering, Duffins Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Judy Fletcher.

The purpose is to recognize the construction of a major addition to the existing dwelling and a new rear yard deck, constructed without TRCA approval.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. 2, Site Plan & East Elevation, prepared by Brian Fletcher, dated September 2008, received by TRCA on January 23, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose is to recognize the construction of a major addition to the existing dwelling and a new rear yard deck, constructed without TRCA approval. The applicant has constructed the addition and deck within a Regulated Area associated with a locally significant wetland in the Duffins Creek Watershed. The site is located south of Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Road, east of Old Brock Road in the City of Pickering.

Violation: The addition and deck have been constructed in the absence of a TRCA permit and without municipal building approval. The owner has submitted this application at the request of TRCA staff in order to rectify the situation, and in order to acquire a municipal building permit.

Control of Flooding: The proposed development is not located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain, and will not affect the conveyance or storage of flood waters.

1064 Pollution: Sediment control fencing would have been required as part of this permit due to the structure's location approximately 20-30 metres from a wetland. However, because the work has already been completed, imposing sediment and erosion controls at this point would be redundant.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: The proposed structures will not negatively affect slope stability or create additional erosion hazards.

Conservation of Land: The proposal is located within a wetland area of interference, but is well removed from the wetland itself. The area of disturbance is sparsely vegetated, and no vegetation removals were necessary to accommodate construction.

Plantings No restoration plantings are required.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 2.1 (Natural Heritage) and Section 2.2 (Water) of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005.

CFN: 42145 - Application #: 0134/09/PICK Report Prepared by: Brian Storozinski, extension 5744 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.3 1546 WILLOWSIDE COURT To site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 7, Plan M-1197, (1546 Willowside Court), in the City of Pickering, Waterfront Watershed.

The purpose is to construct an in-ground pool with landscaping and retaining structures in the rear yard of an existing dwelling.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. L-1 Layout Plan, prepared by Marius Ois & Associates Inc., dated June 2009, received June 29, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1065 Proposal: The applicant proposes to construct an in-ground pool with paved decking and armour stone retaining structures in the rear yard of an existing dwelling located entirely within the Regional Storm Flood Plain associated with the Krosno Creek. The property is located on the east side of Sandy Beach Road, south of Bayly street within a developed subdivision. The subject lands are surrounded by residential lots to the east and Sandy Beach Road to the west. The parcel does not abut the Krosno Creek, which is located beyond two residential lots to the east.

TRCA staff have consulted with City of Pickering staff with respect to how the proposal might affect drainage from Sandy Beach Road and the rear yard drainage of adjacent private landowners. City staff do not have any concerns with the proposed grading changes. Finally, given the extent of grade alteration proposed abutting neighbouring properties, the owner was requested by TRCA staff to demonstrate consent from adjacent landowners. The owner has provided two letters from adjacent neighbours stating acceptance of the proposal.

Control of Flooding: The proposed pool and retaining structures will require approximately 117 cubic metres of fill. As noted above, the rear yard of the lot where the works are proposed is within the Regional Storm Flood Plain. An adjacent neighbour has previously constructed a pool, filling and a retaining wall. A second neighbour adjacent to the property has also placed fill and constructed a retaining wall. Given these adjacent development activities, the fully developed nature of the surrounding lands and that the site is in the shallow flooding zone on the fringe of the flood plain, it is engineering staff's opinion that the need for a formal hydraulic impact assessment in support of the proposed works would likely be academic.

Pollution: The proposed works are adequately separated from the wetland and watercourse, and therefore sediment and erosion control fencing is not required.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical concerns with the proposed works.

Conservation of Land: The proposed works are located within an urbanized area absent of natural features.

Plantings No plantings are required as a part of this permit.

Policy Guidelines: The proposed works are consistent with Section 4.2.2. E) - Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures - of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42630 - Application #: 0478/09/PICK Report Prepared by: Chris Jones, extension 5718 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 28, 2009 1066 EX10.4 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK To site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse on Lot 34/35, Concession 3, (West Side of Altona Road at Hydro Corridor - North of Finch Avenue), in the City of Pickering, Petticoat Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Regional Municipality of York.

The purpose is to conduct a Stage II archaeological investigation as part of the site investigations needed to inform the detailed design of Shaft 6/7 for the Southeast Collector sanitary trunk sewer. The works are subject to the warmwater fisheries timing window of July 1 - March 30 and a Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada..

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Letter of Undertaking to provide revisions to engineering and landscape documents to the satisfaction of TRCA staff and to provide landowner authorizations for works in the regulated area outside the Regional Municipality of York Right of Way; dated October 26, 2009; received October 27, 2009; prepared by Regional Municipality of York.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The Regional Municipality of York is required to undertake archaeological investigations in support of the detailed design of the Southeast Collector Sanitary Trunk Sewer (for reference, please see CFN 32992). Although the Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) for the Southeast Collector project has yet to receive approval from the Ministry of the Environment, it is recognized that the archaeological investigation for the proposed Shaft 6/7 compound is required to inform proper infrastructure siting and design of the compound should the IEA be approved. The works involve the excavation of approximately the top foot of topsoil by a gradeall excavator for the proposed compound footprint. Following each row of topsoil removal, the topsoil is replaced prior to commencing the next row. A commitment has been made by the Regional Municipality of York to remove the proposed erosion and sediment controls required to stabilize this site in the spring, should the Southeast Collector Sanitary Trunk Sewer project not be approved by the Ministry of the Environment. At this point, the control of the property is to be returned to the tenant farmer for crop production.

Control of Flooding: No adverse impacts to the storage or conveyance of flood waters were anticipated as a result of this project

1067 Pollution: Standard sediment and erosion control measures will be implemented and maintained for the duration of construction and until the site is stabilized and restored in order to prevent construction generated sediment from entering the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with the proposed archaeology works.

Conservation of Land: With erosion and sedimentation plans in effect, and the works conducted during the warmwater (July 1 to March 30) timing window, the potential for a harmful alteration, disruption or destruction (HADD) of fish habitat will be mitigated and a Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The proposed works will impact no significant terrestrial resource features.

Plantings Plantings and site restoration will form part of future requirements for the proposed Shaft 6/7 construction compound for the Southeast Collector Sanitary Trunk Sewer. Should the IEA not be approved, the site is to be restored in the spring.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal complies with Section 4.3 - Infrastructure and Servicing of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43120 - Application #: 0845/09/PICK Report Prepared by: Jennifer Draper, extension 5715 For information contact: Jennifer Draper, extension 5715 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.5 1 GROVETREE ROAD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 20, Plan M-800, (1 Grovetree Road), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a replacement retaining wall in the rear yard of the existing single family detached dwelling at 1 Grovetree Road in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The existing retaining wall is in poor condition and is to be removed.

1068 The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing unnumbered, Part Site Plan, prepared by Andy D'Andrea, undated, received on September 29, 2009; z Drawing No. 4, Retaining Wall Elevation & Cross Section, prepared by Andy D'Andrea, undated, received on September 29, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a replacement retaining wall in the rear of the existing single family detached dwelling. The existing retaining wall is in poor condition and is to be removed. The subject site is located west of Islington Avenue and south of Albion Road in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion control fencing is not required as the proposed works are well removed from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: A geotechnical brief has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff and the proposal will be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of this report.

Conservation of Land: The proposed works are located no further than the existing limit of development. There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

1069 CFN: 43046 - Application #: 0780/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.6 CITY OF TORONTO To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 28, Concession B, (11 Armel Court), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by City of Toronto.

The purpose is to erect a prefabricated storage building in the service yard of the Humber Valley Golf Course located at 11 Armel Court in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The existing storage shed is to be demolished.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A101, Proposed Site Plan and Key Plan, prepared by Etude Architect Inc., dated April 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on June 16, 2009, received on June 16, 2009; z Drawing No. A102, Ground Floor Plan and Elevations, prepared by Etude Architect Inc., dated April 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on June 16, 2009, received on June 16, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to erect a prefabricated storage building in the service yard of the Humber Valley Golf Course located at 11 Armel Court in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The existing storage shed is to be demolished. The subject site is located east of Albion Road and north of Highway No. 401 within a Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed.

Control of Flooding: TRCA Mapping shows that this site is partially located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain of the Humber River watershed and subject to a Regional Storm Flood Plain Elevation of 128.2 metres above sea level (masl). In light of this, the topographical survey for the subject site prepared by Tarasick McMillan Kubicki Limited indicates that the site is elevated above the Regional Storm Flood Plain by approximately 0.4 metres. Therefore the area of construction is not subject to flooding.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion control fencing is not required as the proposed works are adequately set back from the watercourse.

1070 Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project. The appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings No plantings are required as part of this project.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42738 - Application #: 0553/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.7 HUMBER ARBORETUM To temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on 850 Humberwood Boulevard, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Humber Arboretum.

The purpose is to construct an outdoor classroom for teachers and students at Humber Arboretum & Centre for Urban Ecology municipally described 850 Humberwood Boulevard in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing unnumbered, Proposed Site Plan, prepared by Smart Draw, undated, received on June 1, 2009; z Drawing unnumbered, Design Detail, prepared by Smart Draw, undated, received on June 1, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1071 Proposal: The purpose of this application is to construct an outdoor classroom for teachers and students at Humber Arboretum & Centre for Urban Ecology municipally described 850 Humberwood Boulevard in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The proposal involves the placement of 18 armor stones to function as seating and arranged to create a classroom setting within the Humber Valley. The site is located south of Finch Avenue West, east of Highway No. 427 and west of the west branch of the Humber River within a Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed. The proposed works are to be constructed in the Regulatory Flood Plain.

Control of Flooding: The subject property is located within a Regulatory Flood Plain of the Humber River watershed. However, TRCA staff have determined the proposed works will not adversely impact the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion controls are not required due to the minimal amount of disturbance required to implement the proposed works.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

Plantings No plantings are required as part of this project.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(E) - Development Guidelines for Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43076 - Application #: 0805/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.8 41 VALECREST DRIVE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 11, Plan 3939, (41 Valecrest Drive), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

1072 The purpose is to construct a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at 41 Valecrest Drive in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A-1, Site Plan, prepared by Peter Higgins Architect Inc., dated June 2009, Revision No. 4, revised on September 24, 2009, received by TRCA staff on September 28, 2009; z Drawing No. A-9, North Elevation, prepared by Peter Higgins Architect Inc., dated February 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on July 21, 2009, received by TRCA staff on July 27, 2009; z Drawing No. A-10, South Elevation, prepared by Peter Higgins Architect Inc., dated February 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on July 21, 2009, received by TRCA staff on July 27, 2009; z Drawing No. A-11, East Elevation, prepared by Peter Higgins Architect Inc., dated February 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on July 21, 2009, received by TRCA staff on July 27, 2009; z Drawing No. A-12, West Elevation, prepared by Peter Higgins Architect Inc., dated February 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on July 21, 2009, received by TRCA staff on July 27, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at 41 Valecrest Drive. The existing dwelling is to be demolished. The subject site is located east of Royal York Road and south of Eglinton Avenue West in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion control fencing is not required as the proposed works are adequately set back from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: A geotechnical slope stability report has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff and the proposal will be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of this report.

1073 Conservation of Land: The proposed works are adequately set back from the top of bank. There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project. The appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42808 - Application #: 0593/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.9 3 BRULE CRESCENT To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and site grade on Part Lot 43, 44, Plan M-539, (3 Brule Crescent), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage and rear covered porch at 3 Brule Crescent in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The existing dwelling is to be demolished.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. 01 of 08, Site Plan, prepared by Four Walls & a Roof, dated September 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on September 28, 2009, received on September 28, 2009; z Drawing No. 05 of 08, North Elevation, prepared by Four Walls & a Roof, dated September 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on September 28, 2009, received on September 28, 2009; z Drawing No. 06 of 08, East Elevation, prepared by Four Walls & a Roof, dated September 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on September 28, 2009, received on September 28, 2009; z Drawing No. 07 of 08, West Elevation, prepared by Four Walls & a Roof, dated September 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on September 28, 2009, received on September 28, 2009; z Drawing No. 08 of 08, South Elevation, prepared by Four Walls & a Roof, dated September 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on September 28, 2009, received on September 28, 2009. 1074 RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage and rear covered porch at 3 Brule Crescent. The existing 1.5-storey dwelling is to be demolished. The subject site is located west of South Kingsway and south of Bloor Street West in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion controls are not required as the subject site is located at the toe of a slope and removed from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: The proposed works are adequately set back from the toe of the slope. There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project and the appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43045 - Application #: 0779/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

1075 EX10.10 8 JUNE AVENUE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 47, Plan 3855, (8 June Avenue), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a replacement detached garage in the rear yard of the existing single family dwelling at 8 June Avenue in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The existing detached garage is to be demolished.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing unnumbered, Site Plan, prepared by Juvenal Avila, undated, received on September 11, 2009; z Drawing unnumbered, Garage Plan, prepared by Juvenal Avila, undated, received on September 11, 2009; z Drawing unnumbered, West Elevation, prepared by Juvenal Avila, undated, received on September 11, 2009; z Drawing unnumbered, South Elevation, prepared by Juvenal Avila, undated, received on September 11, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a replacement detached garage in the rear yard of the existing single family dwelling at 8 June Avenue. The existing detached garage is in poor condition and is to be demolished. The subject site is located east of Highway No. 400 and north of Wilson Avenue in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The subject property is located within a Regulatory Flood Plain of the Humber River watershed. However, TRCA staff have determined the proposed works will not adversely impact the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters. Due to existing flood depths, the replacement garage cannot be flood proofed.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion control fencing is not required as the proposed works are adequately set back from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

1076 Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project.

Plantings No plantings are required as part of this project.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42958 - Application #: 0709/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.11 118 ELMCREST ROAD To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units and site grade on Lot 38, Plan 3387, (118 Elmcrest Road), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Etobicoke Creek Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a one-storey addition with a basement walk out to the rear of the existing single storey detached dwelling at 118 Elmcrest Road in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A003, Proposed Site Drawings, prepared by gh3, dated October 1, 2009, received on October 16, 2009; z Drawing No. A300, Proposed Elevations, prepared by gh3, dated October 1, 2009, received on October 16, 2009; z Drawing No. A301, Proposed North and South Elevations, prepared by gh3, dated October 1, 2009, received on October 16, 2009; z Drawing No. A302, Proposed Section, prepared by gh3, dated October 1, 2009, received on October 16, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1077 Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a one storey rear addition with basement walk out to the existing storey family detached dwelling at 118 Elmcrest Road. The subject site is located west of Renforth Drive and north of Burnhamthorpe Road in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: TRCA Mapping shows that this site is partially located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain of the Etobicoke Creek watershed and subject to a Regional Storm Flood Plain Elevation of 140.43 metres above sea level (masl). In light of this, the topographical survey for the subject site prepared by Young & Young Surveying indicates that the site is elevated above the Regional Storm Flood Plain. Therefore the area of construction is not subject to flooding.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion controls will be installed and maintained during construction to prevent debris from entering the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project. The appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(B) - Development Guidelines for Minor Additions within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43098 - Application #: 0822/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.12 27 TUDOR GATE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and site grade on Lot 22, Plan M-1290, (27 Tudor Gate), in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to develop within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed to facilitate construction of a detached garage in the side yard.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A1, Site Plan Proposed, prepared by Thomas Marzotto Architect, dated March 2009, received by TRCA October 14, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposed works involve the construction of a new, detached garage to the side of the existing dwelling at 27 Tudor Gate in the City of Toronto. The site is located east of Bayview Avenue, south of Road. The existing dwelling is to remain.

Control of Flooding: The site is not located in the Regional Storm floodplain.

Pollution: A sediment control fence will be erected prior to commencement of any construction or grading works, and will remain in place until the proposed works have been completed and any exposed areas have been stabilized.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: A geotechnical report has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff and the proposed works are adequately setback from the top-of-bank.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

Plantings No plantings are required as part of this project.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.E, Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures, of TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program. 1079 CFN: 42187 - Application #: 0163/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.13 17 ST. MARGARETS DRIVE To site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 1, Block A, Plan 2773, RP3464, (17 St. Margarets Drive), in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to develop within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed to facilitate construction of an at-grade patio and above-grade concrete hot tub at the rear of the existing dwelling.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. L1, Landscape Concept Plan, prepared by Allweather Landscape Co. Ltd., dated November 2008, received by TRCA September 24, 2009; z Drawing No. L4, Planting Plan, prepared by Allweather Landscape Co. Ltd., dated November 2008, received by TRCA September 24, 2009; z Drawing No. L5, Dimensions, prepared by Allweather Landscape Co. Ltd., dated November 2008, received by TRCA September 24, 2009; z Drawing No. L6, Grading and Drainage, prepared by Allweather Landscape Co. Ltd., dated November 2008, received by TRCA September 24, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposed works include the construction of an at-grade patio and above-grade concrete hot tub at the rear of the existing dwelling at 17 St. Margarets Drive in the City of Toronto. The works were initiated prior to submitting an application for a TRCA permit. The site is located south of York Mills Road, east of Yonge Street.

Control of Flooding: The site is partially located within the Regional Storm floodplain, but the proposed works are not located in the floodplain.

Pollution: Sediment control fencing is not required as the proposed works are located in the valley and are adequately set back from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable 1080 Erosion: There are no geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. Appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native tree shrubs and seed mix will be planted.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.E, Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43065 - Application #: 0796/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.14 66 BOYDWOOD LANE To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Part Lot 3, Concession 2, (66 Boydwood Lane), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Rouge River Watershed.

The purpose is to develop within a Regulated Area of the Rouge River watershed to facilitate construction of a two second storey additions over the existing dwelling..

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A1, Side Elevation, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009; z Drawing No. A2, Basement Floor Plan, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009; z Drawing No. A3, Ground Floor Plan, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009; z Drawing No. A4, Second Floor Plan, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009; z Drawing No. A5, Front (East) Elevation, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009; z Drawing No. A6, West Elevation, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009;

1081 z Drawing No. A7, Side Elevation, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009; z Drawing No. A8, Side Elevation, prepared by Drew Laszlo Architect, undated, received by TRCA October 9, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposed works include the construction of a second-storey addition at the north, and a second-storey addition at the south of the existing 1.5 storey dwelling at 66 Boydwood Lane in the City of Toronto. The site is located north of Kingston Road, east of Sheppard Avenue East.

Control of Flooding: The site is not located in the Regional Storm floodplain.

Pollution: Sediment control fencing is not required as the proposed works are adequately setback from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: A geotechnical study has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff and the proposed works will be adequately setback from stable top-of-bank.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

Plantings No plantings are required as part of this project.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.C, Minor Additions, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43127 - Application #: 0850/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

1082 EX10.15 2 MENDIP CRESCENT To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Lot 849, Plan 4621, (2 Mendip Crescent), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Highland Creek Watershed.

The purpose is to develop within a Regulated Area of the Highland Creek watershed to facilitate construction of a ground floor entry addition to the side of the existing dwelling..

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A1, Site Plan, no known author, undated, received by TRCA September 21, 2009; z Drawing No. A2, Elevation, no known author, undated, received by TRCA September 21, 2009; z Drawing No. A3, Elevation, no known author, undated, received by TRCA September 21, 2009; z Drawing No. A4, Elevation, no known author, undated, received by TRCA September 21, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposed works include the construction of a one-storey addition to entry at the side of the existing dwelling at 2 Mendip Crescent in the City of Toronto. The site is located west of Kennedy Road, south of Ellesmere Road.

Control of Flooding: The site is located at the fringe of the Regional Storm floodplain. Only 50 square feet of finished space will be added within the floodplain and all electrical components are to be elevated beyond the estimated depths of the Regional Storm.

Pollution: Sediment fencing is not required as the proposed works are adequately setback from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

1083 Plantings No plantings are required.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.C, Minor Additions, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Management Program.

CFN: 43011 - Application #: 0756/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.16 194 PARKVIEW HILL CRESCENT To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 25, Plan 3618, (194 Parkview Hill Crescent), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at 194 Parkview Hill Crescent in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area). The existing dwelling is to be demolished.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A1, Site Plan, prepared by Rubinoff Design Group, dated August 2009, received on October 26, 2009; z Drawing No. 09-034-G, Site Servicing and Grading Plan, prepared by Omari Mwinyi Surveying Ltd., dated June 4, 2008, received on October 26, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at 194 Parkview Hill Crescent. The existing dwelling is to be demolished. The subject site is located east of the Don Valley Parkway and north of O'Connor Drive in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

1084 Pollution: Sediment and erosion controls will be installed and maintained during construction in order to prevent debris from entering the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: The proposed works are adequately set back from the top of the slope. There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project and the appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42960 - Application #: 0711/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.17 3 OLD GEORGE PLACE To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 3, Plan 797-E, Part Lot 2, Plan 797-E, (3 Old George Place), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. z Deferred


EX10.18 189 TREELAWN BOULEVARD To site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on , (189 Treelawn Boulevard), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed.

1085 The purpose is to construct an inground pool, cabana, patio area and landscape works within a Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed at 189 Treelawn Boulevard in the City of Vaughan.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Site Plan, prepared by the applicant, dated October 21, 2009, received by the TRCA October 27, 2009

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose is to construct an inground pool, cabana and landscape works within a Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed. Based upon a site visit conducted by TRCA staff on October 19, 2009, the existing top-of-bank of a 2.5 H : 1V slope feature partially encroaches (approximately 3 metres) onto the subject property near the rear lot line. TRCA geotechnical staff are satisfied that the setbacks provided, which are 8 metres from the rear lot line (5 metres from the existing top-of-bank) for the pool and 7 metres from the rear lot line (4 metres from the top-of-bank) for any hardsurface patio space, are sufficient and will not cause erosion or destabilize the slope.

The area of the proposed works are currently a disturbed sodded area devoid of any significant vegetation. The valley wall beyond the rear fence line is heavily vegetated and in a natural state. The proposed works will not result in any loss of significant vegetation and there will be no impacts on the adjacent valley lands.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are not located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain. There will be no impacts on the storage or conveyance of flood waters.

Pollution: Sediment control fencing will be erected for the duration of construction to prevent the migration of sediment into the adjacent valley feature.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: TRCA geotechnical staff are satisfied that the proposed works are adequately setback from the top-of-bank and will not destabilize or cause erosion of the slope feature.

Conservation of Land: As a watercourse is not impacted by the proposal, no fisheries concerns will result. There are no other significant natural features on or adjacent to the site that may be negatively impacted by the project.

1086 Plantings All disturbed areas will be restored to the existing sodded condition and will not affect any significant natural features.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2 E) - Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43085 - Application #: 0811/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.19 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse on , (Langstaff Road (between Huntington Drive and Highway 27)), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Regional Municipality of York. z Withdrawn

EX10.20 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK To alter a watercourse on , (Rutherford Road Approx. 250m East of Napa Valley Avenue), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Regional Municipality of York.

The purpose is to remove rip rap and sediment from the watercourse and to re-establish the watercourse channel. A TRCA Emergency Works Authorization Letter was issued on October 7, 2009 in order for the Regional Municipality of York to proceed with the works..

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Summary of Proposed Works; no date; received September 18, 2009; prepared by the Regional Municipality of York; z Regional Land Use Structure Map; dated August 13, 2008; received September 18, 2009; prepared by the Regional Municipality of York; z Rutherford Road South Embankment Restoration; dated September 18, 2009; received September 18, 2009; prepared by the Regional Municipality of York Transportation Services; z Rutherford Road embankment restoration notes; no date; received September 18, 2009; prepared by the Regional Municipality of York; z OPSD 219.130 Heavy-Duty Silt Fence Barrier Standard Drawing; dated November 2006; received September 18, 2009; prepared by OPSD;

1087 z Sandbag Barrier Standard Drawing; no date; received September 18, 2009; no author; z OPSD 221.020 Pumping and Piping Standard Drawing; dated November 2000; received September 18, 2009; prepared by OPSD; z Pea Gravel Filled Bag Barriers notes; no date; received September 18, 2009; prepared by the Regional Municipality of York; z Seedmix Specifications for 2009 Culvert Works; no date; received September 18, 2009; prepared by the Regional Municipality of York.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposed works are classified as "Emergency Works" since the material that entered the warm water tributary of the Upper Humber River system as a result of a major storm event have caused a Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction (HADD) to fish habitat. The Regional Municipality of York is undertaking a voluntary restoration to address this HADD. The works involve the removal of rip rap and sediment from the watercourse as well as the re-establishment of the watercourse channel. Fish will temporarily be removed from a coffer dammed section of the channel while sediments are removed by manual labour. A fish collection permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources was obtained. As the storm event resulted in the overtopping of a stormwater management pond on the north side of Rutherford Road and drained to the south side resulting in the washing away of rip rap and sediment to the watercourse, the Regional Municipality of York is pursuing an embankment stabilization design to prevent future sediment releases to this watercourse.

Control of Flooding: No adverse impacts to the storage or conveyance of flood waters were anticipated as a result of this project.

Pollution: Standard sediment and erosion control measures will be implemented and maintained for the duration of construction and until the site is stabilized and restored in order to prevent construction generated sediment from entering the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with the proposed repair works.

Conservation of Land: With erosion and sedimentation plans in effect, the voluntary restoration to address the HADD will proceed without additional impact to the natural heritage system. The proposed works will impact no significant terrestrial resource features.

Plantings All disturbed areas will be restored with native/non-invasive species following construction. 1088 Policy Guidelines: The proposal complies with Section 4.3 - Infrastructure and Servicing - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42980 - Application #: 0732/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Jennifer Draper, extension 5715 For information contact: Jennifer Draper, extension 5715 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.21 DEER CREEK GOLF AND BANQUET FACILITY To site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse on Lot CORE LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, Concession D, (2700 Audley Road North), in the Town of Ajax, Carruthers Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility.

The purpose is to partially remove an existing on-line dam and pond and implement erosion control works in or adjacent to the Carruthers Creek.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Technical Design Brief (includes Monitoring Program), prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated August 2009, received September 1, 2009; z Drawing No. KEY-1, Key Map, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, Revision No. 1, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. GEO-1, Channel Stabilization and Fish Habitat Enhancement Plan and Profile, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, Revision No. 1, revised June 4, 2008, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. GEO-2, Channel Stabilization and Fish Habitat Enhancement Cross Sections, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, Revision No. 1, revised June 4, 2008, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. DET-1, Channel Stabilization and Fish Habitat Enhancement Details, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, Revision No. 1, revised June 4, 2008, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. PESC-1, Channel Stabilization and Fish Habitat Enhancement Phasing and Erosion/Sediment Control, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, Revision No. 1, revised June 4, 2008, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. PP-1, Planting Plan for Channel Stabilization and Restoration, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. PP-2, Planting Plan for Channel Stabilization and Restoration, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, received June 22, 2009; z Drawing No. PP-3, Planting Plan for Channel Stabilization and Restoration, prepared by Geomorphic Solutions, dated January 30, 2008, Revision No. 1, revised June 18, 2009, received June 22, 2009. 1089 RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposal is to partially remove an existing on-line dam and pond and implement erosion control works in or adjacent to the Carruthers Creek on the Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility located west of Audley Road North and north of Taunton Road in the Town of Ajax. The existing dam was constructed many years ago as an aesthetic feature to the Deer Creek Golf Course and was recently repaired after damage in the August 2005 storm. However, the dam continues to deteriorate due to flows in the Carruthers Creek and it has been determined that partially removing the dam and installing a series of cascades will provide a net gain to fish habitat while retaining the aesthetics desired by the Golf and Banquet Facility membership. Once the dam is removed a channel will evolve naturally in the bed of the lowered pond and wetlands should develop in the previously flooded area surrounding the new channel. In addition, the proposal includes thirty-eight (38) minor soft bank treatments along various segments of the Carruthers Creek. These include minor regrading of the banks and replanting the bank with native trees, shrubs and/or seed mix.

Conditional Permit: This permit is conditional upon the implementation of the detailed Monitoring Program included in the Technical Design Brief.

Control of Flooding: The proposal is designed to convey flood flows and volumes, and will have no impact on the storage and conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Temporary sediment control has been provided per the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area Conservation Authorities, Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction. These controls include working in the dry, sediment control fencing and a phasing plan.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: The proposal is designed to reduce, but not completely eliminate, future erosion along the watercourse, given the constraints of an existing golf course design.

Conservation of Land: The proposal will result in a net gain to fish habitat. With erosion and sedimentation plans in effect, the potential for a harmful alteration, disruption or destruction (HADD) of fish habitat will be mitigated and a Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The works will be constructed during the warm water timing window. There will be no impact on the conservation of land.

Plantings Native tree, shrub and seed mix plantings will be provided along the riparian edges of the watercourse. 1090 Policy Guidelines: The works are consistent with Section 4.2.2., Existing Resource Based Uses, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42606 - Application #: 0460/09/AJAX Report Prepared by: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.22 1733315 ONTARIO INC. To site grade on Lot 64, Block 4, Plan BOL 7, (63 King Street West), in the Town of Caledon, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by 1733315 Ontario Incorporated.

The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to facilitate grading works to construct five parking spaces and an entrance for a proposed clinic in an existing dwelling associated with a municipal site plan application.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Site Grading Plan, Dwg. No. U-2061, prepared by Urban Watershed Group Ltd., dated July 10, 2009, Revision No. 1, revised on September 22, 2009, stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 9, 2009; z Planting Plan, Dwg. No. U-2255-PP1, prepared by Urban Watershed Group Ltd., dated July 10, 2009, Revision No. 2, revised on September 23, 2009, stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 9, 2009; z Proposed Site Plan, Sheet No. A1, prepared by Baldwin & Franklin Architects, dated March 10, 2008, Revision No. 10, revised on September 15, 2009,stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 9, 2009; z General Plan Concept 'A', Dwg. No. U-2061, prepared by Baldwin & Franklin Architects, dated February 12, 2008, stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 9, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1091 Proposal: The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to facilitate grading works to construct five parking spaces and an entrance for a proposed clinic in an existing dwelling associated with a municipal site plan application. The subject property is located within the Village of Bolton in the main Humber River valley. The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As well, the proposed works will not impact the nearby valley slope. As such, no geotechnical or flooding concerns are anticipated with this proposal. Additionally, there are no ecology related concerns with this proposal.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As such, no impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters are anticipated.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls (i.e., silt fence) have been proposed with this application, and will be maintained throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns associated with this project.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. There are no fisheries related concerns with this proposal.

Plantings No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of the construction. As such, plantings are not required as part of this application.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is in conformity with Section 4.2.2 (E) – Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures – of the Authority’s Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP).

CFN: 43093 - Application #: 0818/09/CAL Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.23 BOX GROVE HILL DEVELOPMENTS INC. To site grade on Lot 7, 8, Concession 9, (Highway 407 and future Donald Cousens Parkway), in the Town of Markham, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by Box Grove Hill Developments Incorporated. 1092 The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate grading operations and the construction of infrastructure servicing related to a proposed commercial development.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Letter of Undertaking provided by Box Grove Hill Developments Inc., dated Wednesday November 4, 2009 to address outstanding TRCA Ecology and Stormwater Management issues, prior to issuance of a permit.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate grading and the installation of servicing infrastructure associated with the proposed commercial development. The majority of the development is located on the tableland portion of the subject property that is not regulated by the TRCA. However, a portion of the proposed grading works and servicing infrastructure related to this project is proposed to occur within the regulated portion of the subject site. The infrastructure works involve the construction of two outfalls, one being a clean water roof outlet and the other a stormwater outfall.

The outfall structure is required in order to convey clean stormwater from the rooftop to an infiltration gallery on ground level, with the excess water being dispersed into the adjacent tributary. The second outfall is to convey regular stormwater from the site and will achieve sufficient water quality through treatment from on-site sustainable initiatives such as bio-swales. The outfall structure has been designed in accordance with TRCA's guidelines. For instance, the headwall is sufficiently setback from the nearby watercourse feature and flows have been designed to dissipate via enhanced plantings surrounding the headwall to mitigate erosion. All stormwater released into the valley corridor will be adequately treated in accordance with our stormwater management criteria. This project includes the construction/implementation of sustainable technologies beyond the standards set out in the Box Grove Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP). In addition, a restoration planting plan has been submitted with this project. The plantings are proposed at the outlet location and within the valley corridor to achieve an ecological net gain for this reach of the Rouge River Watershed. All proposed buildings are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain and sufficiently setback from the valley corridor. No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As such, no impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters are anticipated.

Pollution: Appropriate sediment and erosion controls will be installed and maintained throughout all phases of construction. 1093 Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns related to this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. There are no fisheries related concerns associated with this project.

Plantings Although no significant vegetation will be removed as a result of the proposed works, an extensive enhancement planting plan has been submitted with this application. All proposed plant species are native and non-invasive consistent with TRCA's guidelines.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal complies with Section 4.1 - New Development - of the Authority's Valley and Stream corridor Management Program. (VSCMP) The proposal complies with Section 4.3 - Infrastructure and Servicing - of the Authority's VSCMP.

CFN: 42489 - Application #: 0382/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 For information contact: Uton Samuels, extension 5386 Date: October 28, 2009



Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT permits be granted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the applications (EX10.24 - EX10.39, with the exception of EX10.31 - City of Toronto which was deferred and EX10.32 - 16 Capri Court which was withdrawn), that had been listed on the agenda as errata applications, for which all the required information was received and finalized as listed below. CARRIED


EX10.24 BRAMPTON HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED To site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 13, Concession 3, E.H.S., (10475 Heart Lake North), in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Brampton Heights Development Limited.

The purpose is to site grade within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed to facilitate topsoil stripping, earth works, and servicing associated with a proposed residential plan of subdivision.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Letter of Undertaking, prepared by Sernas Associates, dated November 4, 2009, to address all outstanding TRCA engineering related issues.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to initiate earthworks, topsoil stripping, and servicing within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed associated with Phase 1 of the proposed Chinguacousy Farms residential plan of subdivision located east of Highway 410, south of Sandalwood Parkway, in the City of Brampton. The subject property is located within the Sandringham-Wellington Secondary Plan area in the City of Brampton. The draft plan of subdivision was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on November 18, 2008. TRCA staff provided conditions of approval for this subdivision that were included in the in the OMB decision.

The north portion of subject phase is traversed by a headwater tributary of the Etobicoke Creek. The proposed topsoil stripping and earthworks are partially located within regulated portion of the property. However, all proposed works are located entirely on the tableland portion of the subject property. The works will consist of the installation of appropriate erosion and sediment controls, including a temporary sediment pond and associated outfall structure. The proposed grading works and temporary pond are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. Post-development stormwater quality and quantity control will be treated by the existing Dixie-Bovaird stormwater facility as per the approved Master Servicing Plan for the Secondary Plan Area. As such, there are no flooding concerns with this application. In addition, there are no ecology or geotechnical concerns with this application.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As such, no impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters are anticipated.

1095 Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained during all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns related to this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. However, an extensive enhancement planting plan will be provided submitted, reviewed and approved through the Phase II proposal. Although there are no fisheries related concerns associated with this proposal, a Letter of Advice (LOA) will be provided on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) as a temporary stormwater management outfall is to be constructed.

Plantings A comprehensive planting plan for the Etobicoke Creek tributary is to be provided, and implemented as a condition of the approval of this subdivision. The details will be submitted to the TRCA through the Phase II application.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is in conformity with Section 4.1.1 - New Urban Development and 4.2.2 (F) - Opportunities for Regeneration - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP).

CFN: 43096 - Application #: 0820/09/BRAM Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.25 66 ROAD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 3, Concession 2 Lot 21, Plan 2313, (66 Baby Point Road), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a new 2.5 storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at 66 Baby Point Road in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area). The existing dwelling and detached garage will be demolished. This proposal also includes the construction of an in-ground pool, spa, pool house and associated hard and soft landscaping in the rear yard of the proposed dwelling.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011.

1096 z Drawing No. A-1, Site Plan, prepared by Murakami Design, dated November 2008, Revision No. 9, revised on October 10, 2009, received on October 28, 2009; z Drawing No. L2, Sections & Details, prepared by Mark Hartley Landscape Architects, dated October 14, 2009, received on October 28, 2009; z Drawing No. L4, Ravine Planting Plan, prepared by Mark Hartley Landscape Architects, dated October 15, 2009, received on October 28, 2009; z Drawing No. T1, Tree Injury Protection Plan, prepared by Mark Hartley Landscape Architects, dated October 14, 2009, received on October 28, 2009; z Drawing No. G1, Grading Plan, prepared by Mark Hartley Landscape Architects, dated August 3, 2009, received on October 28, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new 2.5 storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at 66 Baby Point Road. The existing dwelling and detached garage are to be demolished. This proposal also includes the construction of an in-ground pool, spa, pool house and associated hard and soft landscaping in the rear yard of the proposed dwelling. The subject site is located west of Jane Street and south of Dundas Street West in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: A geotechnical slope stability report has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff and the proposal will be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of this report.

Conservation of Land: The proposed works are adequately set back from the top of bank. Some vegetation is proposed for removal, and will have to be replanted as per the City of Toronto Urban Forestry and Ravine Protection guidelines.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented. 1097 Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(D) - Development Guidelines for Replacement Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 41771 - Application #: 1009/08/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.26 196 OWEN BOULEVARD To site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 6, Plan 3777, (196 Owen Boulevard), in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to develop within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed to facilitate construction of a replacement terraced retaining wall planters and stairs at the rear of the existing dwelling.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Drawing No. 1, Site Plan, prepared by Trotta Markson Developments Inc., dated July 21, 1991, received by TRCA October 15, 2009. Redlined by TRCA staff to indicate that existing retaining structures are designated for replacement.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposed works include the replacement of three existing terraced retaining walls and stairs that lead from the table land portion of the rear yard, down to the basement of the existing dwelling at 196 Owen Boulevard in the City of Toronto. The site is located west of Bayview Avenue, north of York Mills Road.

Control of Flooding: The site is not located in the Regional Storm Floodplain.

Pollution: Sediment control fencing is not required as the proposed works are not located at top-of-bank and are adequately set back from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable 1098 Erosion: There are no geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: Three trees located in raised planters will be removed to facilitate construction of the proposed works.

Plantings Native tree shrubs and seed mix will be planted

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.D, Replacement Structures, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43102 - Application #: 0824/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.27 21 DON VALLEY DRIVE To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units on Part Lot 74, 75, Plan 2477, (21 Don Valley Drive), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a two storey rear addition to the existing single family detached dwelling at 21 Don Valley Drive in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area). The existing second storey deck and at-grade patio are to be removed in order to accommodate the proposed addition.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Drawing unnumbered, Site Plan, prepared by Ling Chang, undated, received on October 6, 2009; z Drawing No. A-8, North (Front) Elevation & South (Rear) Elevation, dated December 1, 2008, Revision No. 2, revised on August 28, 2009, received on October 6, 2009; z Drawing No. A-9, West (Side) Elevation & East (Side) Elevation, dated December 1, 2008, Revision No. 2, revised on August 28, 2009, received on October 6, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1099 Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a two storey rear addition to the existing single family detached dwelling at 21 Don Valley Drive. The existing second storey deck and at-grade patio are to be removed in order to accommodate the proposed addition. The subject site is located west of the Broadview Avenue and north of Pottery Road in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion controls will be installed and maintained during construction in order to prevent debris from entering the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no slope stability/geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: The proposed works are adequately set back from the top of the slope. There are no other significant natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that would be negatively impacted by the project and the appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(B) - Development Guidelines for Minor Additions within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43092 - Application #: 0817/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.28 154 COLLIER STREET To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on , (154 Collier Street), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed. 1100 The purpose is to re-pin the existing basement and lower grades in the rear yard to facilitate the construction of a basement walk out at 154 Collier Street in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area).

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Drawing unnumbered, Site Plan, prepared by Graeme Herd, undated, received on October 20, 2009; z Drawing No. 2, Rear Elevation, prepared by Graeme Herd, undated, received on October 20, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a basement walk out to the rear of the existing dwelling at 154 Collier Street. The proposed works involve re-pinning the existing basement and lowering the grade in the rear yard by up to 16 inches. The subject site is located east of Yonge Street and north of Bloor Street East in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion control fencing is not required as the proposed works are removed from the watercourse.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: A geotechnical brief has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff. TRCA staff are satisfied that there will be no geotechnical/slope stability issues associated with the completed works.

Conservation of Land: The appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

1101 Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(E) - Development Guidelines for Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43129 - Application #: 0853/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.29 99 PEELAR ROAD To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Lot 13, Plan 8070, (99 Peelar Road), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed.

The purpose is to conduct grading and landscaping works to facilitate the construction of an addition to an existing building within a Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed at 99 Peelar Road in the City of Vaughan.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Site Plan, Drawing No. A100, prepared by HCA Architecture, revise dated September 22, 2009, received by the TRCA October 6, 2009; z Landscape Plan, Drawing No. L1, prepared by M+S Landscape Architects, revise dated October 6, 2009, received by the TRCA October 19, 2009; z Landscape Details, Drawing No. L2, prepared by M+S Landscape Architects, revise dated October 6, 2009, received by the TRCA October 19, 2009; z Stormwater Management Report, prepared by Urbtech Engineering Inc., revise dated September 2009, received by the TRCA October 6, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose is to conduct grading and landscape works to facilitate the construction of an addition to an existing building within a Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed. The subject property is adjacent to the Black Creek stream corridor. A portion of the subject property is located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain and a portion of the proposed grading and landscaping works are located within the flood plain.

1102 Through the Site Plan approval process (application no. DA.09.037), TRCA water resources staff reviewed the proposed works located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain and are satisfied that the proposed grading and landscaping works will not have an adverse impact on the storage or conveyance of flood waters. The proposed addition is not located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain. All of the works are located within already disturbed areas (paved parking areas) and will not result in the loss of any significant vegetation.

Control of Flooding: TRCA water resources staff are satisfied that the proposed grading and landscaping works will not have an adverse impact on the storage or conveyance of flood waters. The proposed addition is not located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain and will therefore not have an impact on the storage or conveyance of flood waters.

Pollution: There are no pollution issues associated with this application.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical issues associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: As a watercourse will not be impacted by the proposal, no fisheries concerns will result. There are no other significant natural features on or adjacent to the site that may be negatively impacted by the project.

Plantings All disturbed areas will be restored to the existing sodded conditions or planted with non-invasive plantings and will not affect any significant natural features.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2 C) - Minor Additions - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program

CFN: 43091 - Application #: 0816/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.30 BALPORT ESTATES CORP. To site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Lot 1, Concession 4, (Keele Street and King-Vaughan Line), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Balport Estates Corp.

1103 The purpose is to conduct site grading and landscape works associated with the construction of a local road and a stormwater management pond and buffer area within a Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed to facilitate the creation of a subdivision on the north side of King-Vaughan Road, west of Keele Street in the City of Vaughan.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Buffer Plan, Drawing No. B-1, prepared by STLA, revise dated August 18, 2009, received by the TRCA October 16, 2009; z General Plan of Services, Drawing No. G2, prepared by UMA Engineering Ltd., revise dated October 9, 2009, received by the TRCA October 16, 2009; z Grading Plan, Drawing No. GR1, prepared by UMA Engineering Ltd., revise dated October 9, 2009, received by the TRCA October 16, 2009; z Grading Plan, Drawing No. GR2, prepared by UMA Engineering Ltd., revise dated October 9, 2009, received by the TRCA October 16, 2009; z Erosion & Sediment Control Plan, Drawing No. SED, prepared by UMA Engineering Ltd., revise dated October 28, 2009, received by the TRCA October 30, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose is to conduct site grading and landscape works in order to construct a local road, a stormwater management pond and vegetative buffer area within a Regulated Area of the Humber River watershed. The subject property contains a number of natural features including a watercourse with associated Regional Storm Flood Plain area, an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) - Life Science and Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) as determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and an Environmentally Significant Area (ESA) as determined by TRCA.

As part of the associated Draft Plan of Subdivision process (19T-84029 - Robintide Farms) approved in August 2005, the limits of development were defined by the TRCA and a 30 metre buffer was applied. The proposed landscape works represent the naturalization and restoration of this buffer area to create an enhanced buffer between the residential uses and the natural features. The grading works include the creation of a storm water management pond which will be located between the buffer and the residential development. Through the Draft Plan of Subdivision process, TRCA water resources are satisfied that the proposed works will provide adequate stormwater quantity and quality control. Additionally, TRCA ecology staff are satisfied that the proposed buffer and restoration works provide an enhanced buffer between the proposed residential uses and the adjacent natural features.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are not located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain. There will be no impacts on the storage or conveyance of flood waters.

1104 Pollution: Erosion sediment control measures will be implemented on an overall site basis as well as on a lot by lot basis upon commencement of individual lot development. Such measures will ensure that sediment will not migrate into the adjacent buffer areas and natural features.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical issues associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: As a watercourse will not be impacted by the proposal, no fisheries concerns will result. The PSW and other natural features on the subject property have been sufficiently buffered from the proposed residential uses and there will be no impacts on any significant natural features on or adjacent to the site.

Plantings A 30 metre wide buffer strip between the proposed residential uses and the natural features on the subject property will create an enhanced buffer that will ensure the long-term integrity of these natural features. The buffer is to be planted with native, non-invasive plantings and result in a net ecological gain over existing conditions.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.1.1 - New Urban Development - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43126 - Application #: 0842/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.31 CITY OF TORONTO To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere at Kipling Avenue and Steeles Avenue West, in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. z Deferred

EX10.32 16 CAPRI COURT To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on , (16 Capri Court), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed. z Withdrawn


EX10.33 STREETXTREME AUTOMOTIVE INC. To change a building or structure so that it alters its use or potential use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units at 8 Laidlaw Boulevard (Unit 2), in the Town of Markham, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by StreetXtreme Automotive Incorporated.

The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed to facilitate the construction of a paint room within an existing industrial building.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Site Plan, prepared by P. Salna Company, stamped received by TRCA Planning and Development September 3, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed to facilitate the construction of a paint room within an existing industrial building. The existing building is within an approved industrial/commercial subdivision in the Town of Markham and is adjacent to a tributary of the Rouge River. Based on TRCA's floodplain mapping, it appears the existing building is located within the Regional Storm Floodplain. The majority of the works required for the proposed paint room will occur on the interior of the existing building, however, exterior venting is required. Based on the plans submitted with this application, TRCA staff confirm that the proposed vents are to be constructed above the Regional Storm Flood elevation and no additional risks to life and property are anticipated. As well, no adverse impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters is anticipated.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located within the Regional Storm Floodplain. However, TRCA staff do not anticipate any adverse impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained on the subject property throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns related to this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed to facilitate construction. There are no fisheries related concerns associated with this proposal. 1106 Plantings As no vegetation will be removed, no additional plantings are required.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2 (E) - Development and Redevelopment/Intensification Within Non-Established Communities/Highly Urbanized Areas - Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP).

CFN: 43133 - Application #: 0857/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.34 TOWN OF MARKHAM To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Part Lot 13, Concession 5, (216 Main Street), in the Town of Markham, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by Town of Markham.

The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a 280 square metre (3,014 sq. ft.), two storey addition on the north side of the existing Varley Art Gallery associated with a municipal Site Plan Application.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Site Plan, prepared by Jerome Markson Architect, dated 2009, stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 30, 2009; z Existing Conditions, Demolition and Removals Plan, Drawing No. L1 of 2, prepared by K. Hoyle, dated October 28, 2009, stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 30, 2009; z Layout, Grading and Planting Plan, Drawing No. L2 of 2, prepared by K. Hoyle, dated October 28, 2009, stamped received by TRCA Planning & Development staff on October 30, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a 280 square metre (3,014 sq. ft.) two storey addition on the north side of the existing Varley Art Gallery associated with a municipal Site Plan Application. The subject property is located within the Unionville Special Policy Area (SPA). The proposed addition will be floodproofed to the Regional Storm Floodplain elevation, in accordance with SPA criteria. In addition, the proposed structure has been designed to withstand water flow velocities expected during the Regional Storm Event. 1107 The location of the proposed addition is adjacent to a slight valley slope, however, no geotechnical concerns are anticipated with this proposal. Although the location of the proposed two storey addition is void of any significant natural features, a significant planting plan has been included with this application in order to achieve a net ecological gain for this area.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located within the Regional Storm Floodplain. However, TRCA staff do not anticipate any significant impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls (i.e., silt fence) have been proposed with this application, and will be maintained throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns associated with this project.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. There are no fisheries related concerns associated with this proposal.

Plantings All proposed plantings will be native and non-invasive consistent with TRCA's guidelines.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is in conformity with Section 4.2.1. (B) - Development Guidelines for Development/Redevelopment within Designated Two Zone Areas or Special Policy Areas - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Plan (VSCMP).

CFN: 42764 - Application #: 0583/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.35 TOWN OF MARKHAM To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and alter a watercourse in a Regulated Area on Lot 27, Concession 3, German Mills Settlers Park - Pedestrian Bridge - P25, north of the intersection of Leslie Street and Steeles Avenue, in the Town of Markham, Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by Town of Markham.

1108 The purpose is to repair an existing wooden pedestrian bridge and implement temporary erosion control measures at the bridge abutment within a warm water fisheries timing window. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for this project.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Drawing 1 of 1, German Mills Settlers Park Bridge, Structure No. P25, Proposed Rehabilitation, General Arrangement; dated May 2009; last revised October 14, 2009; received October 19, 2009; red line revised November 4, 2009; prepared by the Town of Markham.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposal is to complete the required maintenance of a pedestrian bridge located in German Mills Settlers Park in the Town of Markham, Regional Municipality of York. The maintenance works will include the repair of the damaged wooden deck, minor regarding of bridge approaches and placement of large clean stone in the vicinity of the south abutment to provide protection during future storm events. These works are intended to address the current erosion issue. Staff understands that the Town will explore longer term solutions in the near future that consider the fluvial geomorphology of the reach.

Control of Flooding: The proposed project will have no impacts on the storage or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Standard erosion and sediment control measures (silt/sediment fencing) will be implemented prior to construction and maintained for the duration of construction, and until the site is stabilized and restored, in order to prevent construction generated sediments from entering any watercourse or wetland. Erosion and sediment control measures have been provided in accordance with the TRCA Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: The proposal is to conduct instream works to stabilize a channel. Staff has reviewed the proposal and has no channel stability concerns with the proposed works.

Conservation of Land: With erosion and sedimentation plans in effect, the potential for a Harmful, Alteration Disruption or Destruction (HADD) of fish habitat will be mitigated and a Letter of Advice on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) will be issued by TRCA staff. No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

1109 Plantings All disturbed areas will be restored with native non-invasive species following construction.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal complies with Section 4.3 - Infrastructure and Servicing - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42839 - Application #: 0620/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Suzanne Bevan, extension 5759 For information contact: Suzanne Bevan, extension 5759 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.36 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Lot 25, Concession 2, RP 65R19496, PART 7, Block 95, Plan 65M-3508, (1045 Elgin Mills Road East), in the Town of Richmond Hill, Rouge River Watershed as located on the property owned by Town of Richmond Hill.

The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate grading, landscaping and related construction works associated with the creation of a public park and youth-oriented community centre at the Eyer Homestead heritage property located at 1045 Elgin Mills Road East, in the Town of Richmond Hill.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Letter of Undertaking, prepared by Northwood Associates, dated November 4, 2009, to address all outstanding ecology related issues.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1110 Proposal: The purpose of this application is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Rouge River Watershed in order to facilitate grading, landscaping and related construction works associated with the restoration of the Eyer Homestead heritage property located at 1045 Elgin Mills Road East, in the Town of Richmond Hill. The proposed works involve the creation of a public park, youth-oriented community centre, a small parking lot, patios, shelter/gazebo, walkways, ramps, steps, a challenge ropes course, gardens, and the extension of the Rouge River Headwaters trail. Grading works are also proposed in order to remove fill in the location of the recently demolished barn structure. Although the existing Eyer Homestead will be located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain, a portion of the grading works (i.e., existing farm building and area to the south of the homestead) are located within the Regional Storm Floodplain. A hydraulic analysis report for the proposed grading works within the Regional Storm Floodplain indicates that the proposed works will not adversely impact flooding on upstream and/or downstream properties. As such, TRCA staff do not anticipate any flooding impacts as a result of the proposed works. In addition, all grading works will be setback 10 metres from the tributary of the Rouge River south of the homestead. An enhancement planting plan has been submitted with this application to provide a net ecological gain for this reach of the Rouge River Watershed.

Control of Flooding: Based on the engineering report submitted with this application, TRCA staff do not anticipate any adverse impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters as a result of this project.

Pollution: Appropriate sediment and erosion controls (i.e., silt fencing) have been proposed with this application, and will be maintained throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns anticipated with this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of this project. Although there are no fisheries related concerns associated with this proposal, a Letter of Advice (LOA) will be issued on behalf of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

Plantings Enhancement plantings are proposed with this application. All plant species are native, non-invasive and consistent with TRCA’s guidelines.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is in conformity with Section 4.2.2 (E) - Development and Redevelopment/Intensification Within Non-Established Communities/Highly Urbanized Areas - Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP).

1111 CFN: 42845 - Application #: 0627/09/RH Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.37 21 BOYLE DRIVE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Lot 4, Plan 3693, (21 Boyle Drive), in the Town of Richmond Hill, Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new dwelling.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Sheet 4 of 4, prepared by CR Consulting, dated June 15, 2009, stamped received by TRCA Planning and Development October 18, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to undertake works within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new dwelling. The subject lands are located within an approved subdivision in the Town of Richmond Hill which contains an existing dwelling and is adjacent to a portion of valley corridor associated with a tributary of the Don River Watershed. TRCA Staff have conducted a site visit and confirm that the proposed dwelling is appropriately set back from the watercourse. The area to which this application applies is currently manicured lawn and old field species, as such no significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction.

Control of Flooding: The subject property is located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As such, no impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters are anticipated.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained on the subject property throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns related to this application.

Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed to facilitate construction.

1112 Plantings As no vegetation will be removed, no additional plantings are required.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal complies with Section 4.1 - New Development - of the Authority's Valley and Stream corridor Management Program (VSCMP).

CFN: 42933 - Application #: 0690/09/RH Report Prepared by: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 For information contact: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 Date: October 28, 2009


EX10.38 HICKORY HILLS INVESTMENTS INC.- GREAT GULF GROUP To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade, temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere and interfere with a wetland on Lot 2, Concession 3, (12605 Keele Street), in the Township of King, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Hickory Hills Investments Inc. - Great Gulf Group.

The purpose is to conduct site grading on the subject lands, in order to construct an interim sediment pond and to facilitate the development and construction of a residential subdivision.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Letter of Undertaking, prepared by Alan Kimble, Sabourin Kimble & Associates, dated November 4, 2009, received by TRCA on November 4, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposal is to conduct site grading works, in order to construct an interim sediment pond and to facilitate the development and construction of a residential subdivision on the subject lands. The subject site is located east of Keele Street, south of King Road, in the King City East Community, in the Township of King. The subject lands form part of the King City East Community, where there is an approved Functional Servicing/Development Area Study (FS/DAS) in place.

1113 The proposed works will proceed in three phases. The first phase involves the construction of a temporary sediment control pond which is located in the same location as the ultimate stormwater management facility. This pond is required prior to the initiation of grading works on the site, which represents the second phase of the proposed works. Grading for the subdivision will also be carried out in stages, with the eastern side of the site being topsoil stripped and graded first. Grading will then proceed westward, and be completed as the residential development moves forward.

The third and final phase represents the construction and development of single-family residential dwellings on site. The grading works and development lots are located entirely on the tableland portions of the site and outside of the previously established buffers from the natural features on the property. This includes wetlands, valleyland open space features as well as tributaries of the Humber River. In addition, a heronry is located to the east of the subdivision, however, a minimum 120 metre buffer has been provided from the heronry. In order to minimize any impacts on the heronry, grading works will take place outside of the nesting window and take place within the fall/winter months.

Previously, as part of the FS/DAS and the associated Draft Plan of Subdivision application process, TRCA staff identified and established the limits of the natural features on the site. A 30 metre buffer from the natural features was implemented, which is consistent with the King City Community Plan (KCCP) and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP). The proposed works will facilitate the development of a residential subdivision on the site and fulfill a condition of draft plan approval for the King Dufferin subdivision.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Flood Plain of the Humber River. As such, the storage and conveyance of flood waters will not be negatively impacted by the proposal.

Pollution: Erosion and sediment control measures including silt fencing will be erected around the work site to ensure that sediment does not migrate into the nearby wetland areas and watercourses. These measures will be maintained for the duration of the construction works.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: Erosion will be minimized through the implementation of the aforementioned erosion and sediment control measures.

Conservation of Land: There are no geotechnical/slope stability issues associated with the proposed works. There will be no in-water works and as such, the adjacent watercourse and fish habitat will not be impacted.

1114 Plantings Plantings of native, non-invasive species will take place as part of the overall development of the subdivision and as part of the edge management plan (EMP) for the site. This EMP will be submitted by the applicant prior to the registration of the subdivision.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal complies with Section 4.3 - Infrastructure and Servicing, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 41573 - Application #: 889/08/KING Report Prepared by: Kevin Huang, extension 5307 For information contact: Kevin Huang, extension 5307 Date: October 28, 2009

EX10.39 KING NORTH DEVELOPMENTS CR INC. To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Part Lot 6, Concession 3, north of King Road, west of Dufferin Street, in the Township of King, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by King North Developments CR Inc.

The purpose is to conduct site grading on the subject lands, in order to facilitate the construction of an interim sediment pond and the development of a residential subdivision.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011. z Letter of Undertaking, prepared by Henry Verbruggen, EMC Group, dated November 3, 2009, received by TRCA on November 3, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The proposal is to conduct topsoil grading works, in order to facilitate the development and construction of a residential subdivision on the subject lands. The subject site is located on the west side of Dufferin, north of King Road, in the King City East Community, in the Township of King. The subject lands form part of the King City East Community, where there is an approved Functional Servicing/Development Area Study (FS/DAS) in place.

1115 The proposed topsoil grading works will take place entirely on the tableland portions of the site and outside of the previously established buffers from the natural features on the property. This includes wetlands, valleyland open space features as well as tributaries of the Humber River. Previously, as part of the FS/DAS and the associated Draft Plan of Subdivision application process, TRCA staff identified and established the limits of the natural features on the site. A 30 metre buffer from the natural features was implemented, which is consistent with the King City Community Plan (KCCP) and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP). The proposed works will facilitate the development of a residential subdivision on the site and fulfill a condition of draft plan approval for the King Dufferin subdivision.

The subject permit will proceed in two phases. The first phase involves topsoil grading to facilitate servicing and to prepare the lands for the proposed subdivision while the second phase will consist of the construction of the residential subdivision.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Flood Plain of the Humber River. As such, the storage and conveyance of flood waters will not be negatively impacted by the proposal.

Pollution: Erosion and sediment control measures including silt fencing will be erected around the work site to ensure that sediment does not migrate into the nearby wetland areas and watercourses. These measures will be maintained for the duration of the construction works.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: Erosion will be minimized through the implementation of the aforementioned erosion and sediment control measures.

Conservation of Land: There are no geotechnical/slope stability issues associated with the proposed works. There will be no in-water works and as such, the adjacent watercourse and fish habitat will not be impacted.

Plantings Plantings of native, non-invasive species will take place as part of the overall development of the subdivision and as part of the edge management plan (EMP) for the site. This EMP will be submitted by the applicant prior to the registration of the subdivision.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal complies with Section 4.3 - Infrastructure and Servicing, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

1116 CFN: 43083 - Application #: 0809/09/KING Report Prepared by: Kevin Huang, extension 5307 For information contact: Kevin Huang, extension 5307 Date: October 27, 2009



Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT permission for routine infrastructure granted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for applications (EX10.40 - EX10.47, inclusive), which are listed below, be received. CARRIED CITY OF BRAMPTON

EX10.40 CITY OF BRAMPTON To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction and sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance within an existing roadway on west of Centre Street, in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed, as located on the property owned by City of Brampton. The purpose is to install a new 900 mm diameter storm sewer and remove and replace a small portion of sidewalk on the south side of Queen Street, west of Centre Street. These works are a part of the Queen Street road widening to accommodate left turn lanes, queue jump lanes where AcceleRide stops are proposed and streetscaping. Approximately 20 metres of the proposed work area west of Centre Street along Queen Street is located within a TRCA Regulated Area. Works will be completed during the warmwater fisheries timing window. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for this project.

CFN: 42874 - Application #: 0636/09/BRAM Report Prepared by: Ben Krul, extension 5769 For information contact: Ben Krul, extension 5769 Date: October 22, 2009


EX10.41 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction on Dixie Road from 80 metres south of Dundas Street to 90 metres north of the Little Etobicoke Creek, in the City of Mississauga, Etobicoke Creek Watershed, as located on the property owned by Regional Municipality of Peel. The purpose is to remove and replace asphalt on Dixie Road from 80 metres south of Dundas Street to 90 metres north of Little Etobicoke Creek. Construction is anticipated to take approximately one month. All grades within the Regional Storm Floodplain will be maintained. No near or in-water works will take place.

CFN: 43067 - Application #: 0790/09/MISS Report Prepared by: Ben Krul, extension 5769 For information contact: Ben Krul, extension 5769 Date: October 21, 2009


EX10.42 CITY OF TORONTO To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction on , (Humber Bay Park Road East (Parking Lot)), in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by ity of Toronto. The purpose is to resurface and regrade an existing park lot at the East Humber Bay Park including the access road leading to the parking lot. Construction is proposed for 2009 and 2010. A Letter of Advice will be provided by TRCA staff on behalf of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

CFN: 43015 - Application #: 0767/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Renee Afoom, extension 5714 For information contact: Renee Afoom, extension 5714 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.43 ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. - UNDER FRANCHISE AGREEMENT To undertake sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance within an existing roadway in a regulated area on The Queensway (north side) - approx. 175 m west of Park Lawn Road, in the City of Toronto (Etobicoke York Community Council Area), Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. - Under Franchise Agreement. The purpose is to perform maintenance work on an existing NSP 12 ST IP pipeline suspended under the bridge on the north side of the Queensway approximately 175m west of Park Lawn Road. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for this project. 1118 CFN: 42284 - Application #: 0227/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Renee Afoom, extension 5714 For information contact: Renee Afoom, extension 5714 Date: October 8, 2009


EX10.44 CITY OF VAUGHAN To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction in a Regulated Area in Memorial Park on Wallace Street and Memorial Hill Drive, in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed as located on the property owned by City of Vaughan. The purpose is to undertake walkway reconstruction. The works will include the removal and replacement of existing stone stairs and asphalt walkways, a pedestrian handrail and some minor landscaping.

CFN: 42840 - Application #: 0621/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Louise Monaghan, extension 5756 For information contact: Suzanne Bevan, extension 5759 Date: October 21, 2009


EX10.45 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction, sewer and watermain or utility installation or maintenance within a Regulated Area at Pomona Park (John Street and Bayview Avenue) in the Town of Markham, Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by the Town of Markham. The purpose is to temporarily place fill in a Regional Storm Floodplain to construct three access roads within a warm water fisheries timing window. These roads will permit access to three manholes on the York Durham Sewage System (YDSS) for the purposes of clearing obstructions within the sewer. A Letter of Advice will be written by TRCA staff on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

CFN: 43044 - Application #: 0778/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Scott Smith, extension 5758 For information contact: Jennifer Draper, extension 5715 Date: October 16, 2009


EX10.46 240 STOUFFVILLE ROAD To undertake drainage structure general maintenance on Lot 61, Concession 1, (240 Stouffville Road, 650 metres East of Yonge Street,), in the Town of Richmond Hill, Rouge River Watershed. The purpose is to develop by excavating, grading and placing fill (for clean out of a sediment filled watercourse channel ) in a Regulated Area.

CFN: 43131 - Application #: 0851/09/RH Report Prepared by: June Murphy, extension 5304 For information contact: June Murphy, extension 5304 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.47 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL To undertake road/pathway resurfacing or reconstruction in a Regulated Area in the southwest corner of Mill and Trench Streets, in the Town of Richmond Hill, Regional Municipality of York, Don River Watershed as located on property owned by Town of Richmond Hill. The purpose is to install new curbs and asphalt paving with a small amount of unit paving in an existing parking lot. The proposed works will also include a replacement catchbasin as well as the addition of a stormceptor and a 300mm diameter storm sewer connecting into the existing storm manhole.

CFN: 42784 - Application #: 0581/09/RH Report Prepared by: Louise Monaghan, extension 5756 For information contact: Suzanne Bevan, extension 5759 Date: October 28, 2009



Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Colleen Jordan

THAT minor works letter of approval granted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority staff in accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 for the applications (EX10.48 - EX10.65, inclusive), which are listed below, be received. CARRIED


EX10.48 1124 TIMBER COURT To construct a ground floor addition or structure greater than 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) but less than 150 sq. m (1614 sq. ft) on Lot 85, Plan M-1222, (1124 Timber Court), in the City of Pickering, Frenchman's Bay Watershed.

CFN: 43003 - Application #: 0747/09/PICK Report Prepared by: Chris Jones, extension 5718 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: October 13, 2009

EX10.49 2314 SOUTHCOTT ROAD To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on , (2314 Southcott Road), in the City of Pickering, Duffins Creek Watershed.

CFN: 43124 - Application #: 0838/09/PICK Report Prepared by: Chris Jones, extension 5718 For information contact: Chris Jones, extension 5718 Date: October 22, 2009


EX10.50 213 NEWTON DRIVE To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Lot 113, Plan 4855, (213 Newton Drive), in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 43049 - Application #: 0783/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 21, 2009

EX10.51 32 PLATEAU CRESCENT To install a swimming pool on Lot 597, Plan 4566, (32 Plateau Crescent), in the City of Toronto (North York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 42773 - Application #: 0565/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009


EX10.52 38 CROCUS DRIVE To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on , (38 Crocus Drive), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 43105 - Application #: 0826/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.53 194 ELLESMERE ROAD To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on , (194 Ellesmere Road), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Highland Creek Watershed.

CFN: 43077 - Application #: 0806/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.54 MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on , (70 Old Kingston Road), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Highland Creek Watershed as located on the property owned by Melville Presbyterian Church.

CFN: 43104 - Application #: 0827/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 27, 2009

EX10.55 22 SATOK TERRACE To construct a ground floor addition up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on , (22 Satok Terrace), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Highland Creek Watershed.

CFN: 43070 - Application #: 0800/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 21, 2009


EX10.56 18 PLAXTON DRIVE To change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 16, Plan M-594, (18 Plaxton Drive), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 43121 - Application #: 0847/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 22, 2009

EX10.57 6 PLAXTON CRESCENT To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) and change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 34, Plan M-605, (6 Plaxton Crescent), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

CFN: 43047 - Application #: 0781/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: October 21, 2009


EX10.58 23 NOAH CRESCENT To install a swimming pool and undertake minor landscaping involving the placement, removal or regrading of material of less than 30 cubic metres (equivalent to 3 truckloads) on Lot 27, Plan 65M-3470, (23 Noah Crescent), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed.

CFN: 43056 - Application #: 0787/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 8, 2009

EX10.59 308 VILLAGE GREEN DRIVE To install a swimming pool and undertake minor landscaping involving the placement, removal or regrading of material of less than 30 cubic metres (equivalent to 3 truckloads) on Lot 31, Plan, (308 Village Green Drive), in the City of Vaughan, Humber River Watershed.

1123 CFN: 43125 - Application #: 0839/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 22, 2009

EX10.60 85 WOODLAND ACRES CRESCENT To change the use, size, or number of dwelling units of a structure, or undertake work that does not change the footprint of the existing structure on Lot 6, Plan M-1732, (85 Woodland Acres Crescent), in the City of Vaughan, Don River Watershed.

CFN: 43090 - Application #: 0815/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 22, 2009

EX10.61 187 LUCA AVENUE To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Lot 8, Plan 65M3968, (187 Luca Avenue), in the City of Vaughan, Don River Watershed.

CFN: 43035 - Application #: 0772/09/VAUG Report Prepared by: Anthony Sun, extension 5724 For information contact: Bill Kiru, extension 5306 Date: October 6, 2009


EX10.62 7 KEILY CRESCENT To construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on (7 Keily Crescent), in the Town of Caledon, Humber River Watershed.

CFN: 43060 - Application #: 0792/09/CAL Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: October 8, 2009


EX10.63 48 BERNADOTTE DRIVE To install a swimming pool on Lot 33, Plan, (48 Bernadotte Drive), in the Town of Markham, Rouge River Watershed.

1124 CFN: 43021 - Application #: 0762/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 For information contact: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 Date: September 30, 2009


EX10.64 46 BERNADOTTE DRIVE To install a swimming pool and construct a non-habitable accessory structure up to 50 sq. m (538 sq. ft) on Lot 32,, (46 Bernadotte Drive), in the Town of Markham, Rouge River Watershed.

CFN: 42956 - Application #: 0707/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 For information contact: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 Date: September 29, 2009

EX10.65 4895 19TH AVENUE To undertake minor landscaping involving the placement, removal or regrading of material of less than 30 cubic metres (equivalent to 3 truckloads) on Part Lot 30, Concession 6, (4895 19th Avenue), in the Town of Markham, Rouge River Watershed.

CFN: 43057 - Application #: 0788/09/MARK Report Prepared by: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 For information contact: Lisa Stern, extension 5370 Date: October 7, 2009


EX10.66 10475 HEART LAKE ROAD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure and site grade on Lot 12, 13, Concession 3 EHS, (10475 Heart Lake Road), in the City of Brampton, Etobicoke Creek Watershed.

The purpose is to site grade within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed to facilitate topsoil stripping, earth works, and servicing associated with a proposed residential plan of subdivision.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Letter of Undertaking, prepared by Sernas Associates, dated November 4, 2009, to address all outstanding TRCA engineering related issues.

1125 RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to initiate earthworks, topsoil stripping, and servicing within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Etobicoke Creek Watershed associated with Phase 2 of the proposed Chinguacousy Farms residential plan of subdivision located east of Highway 410, south of Sandalwood Parkway, in the City of Brampton. The subject property is located within the Sandringham-Wellington Secondary Plan area in the City of Brampton. The draft plan of subdivision was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on November 18, 2008. TRCA staff provided conditions of approval for this subdivision that were included in the in the OMB decision.

Phase 2 of the proposed Chinguacousy Farms subdivision is located north of Phase 1 lands for which a permit application is also being considered at the November 6, 2009 TRCA Executive Committee meeting. The two phases are bisected by a headwater tributary of the Etobicoke Creek located along the south portion of the subject phase. The proposed topsoil stripping and earthworks are partially located within the regulated portion of the property and are located adjacent to the stream corridor. Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed prior to any proposed works initiating on site, including a temporary sediment pond and associated outfall structure designed in accordance with TRCA's guidelines. Post-development stormwater quality and quantity control will be treated by the existing Dixie-Bovaird stormwater facility as per the approved Master Servicing Plan for the Secondary Plan Area. An outfall is proposed with this application for servicing this phase of the subdivision and has been designed in accordance with TRCA's guidelines. The proposed grading works and temporary pond are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As such, there are no flooding concerns with this application. In addition, there are no ecology or geotechnical concerns with this application. A comprehensive planting plan for the proposed channel works has been reviewed by TRCA staff and will be a component of a future permit for the renaturalization of the tributary that traverses the property.

Control of Flooding: The proposed works are located outside of the Regional Storm Floodplain. As such, no impacts to the storage and/or conveyance of flood waters are anticipated.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained during all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: There are no geotechnical and/or slope stability concerns related to this application.

1126 Conservation of Land: No significant vegetation will be removed as a result of construction. Although there are no fisheries related concerns associated with this proposal, a Letter of Advice (LOA) will be provided on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for both the temporary and permanent stormwater management outfalls proposed.

Plantings A comprehensive planting plan for the Etobicoke Creek tributary is to be provided, and implemented as a condition of the approval of this subdivision. The details of this plan have been reviewed by staff and will be implemented through a future permit related to the renaturalization of the tributary on site.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is in conformity with Section 4.1.1 - New Urban Development and 4.2.2 (F) - Opportunities for Regeneration - of the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP).

CFN: 43169 - Application #: 0870/09/BRAM Report Prepared by: Jason Wagler, extension 5743 For information contact: Quentin Hanchard, extension 5324 Date: November 4, 2009


EX10.67 620A BIRCHMOUNT ROAD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure on Part Lot 31, Concession C, (620A Birchmount Road), in the City of Toronto (Scarborough Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to develop within a Regulated Area of the Don River watershed to facilitate construction of a new two-storey dwelling on a newly created lot. The existing block garage is to be demolished.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. A1, Lot Grading Plan, prepared by David Horwood, O.L.S., dated June 9, 2008, received by TRCA October 28, 2009; z Drawing No. A2, Lot Grading Plan, prepared by David Horwood, O.L.S., dated June 9, 2008, received by TRCA October 28, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1127 Proposal: The proposed works include the construction of a new two-storey dwelling on a newly created lot at 620A Birchmount Road in the City of Toronto. The site is located north of St. Clair Avenue East and the St. Clair Ravine. The existing block garage is to be demolished.

Control of Flooding: The site is not located in the Regional Storm floodplain.

Pollution: A sediment control fence will be erected prior to commencement of any construction or grading works and will remain in place until the proposed works have been completed and any exposed areas have been stabilized.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable

Erosion: There are no geotechnical concerns associated with this application.

Conservation of Land: The appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed and the new development will remain in the previously disturbed portion of the lot.

Plantings No plantings are required as part of this project.

Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.G, Infilling, of TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 41458 - Application #: 805/08/TOR Report Prepared by: Michelle Stafford, extension 5250 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 4, 2009


EX10.68 75 WEMBLEY DRIVE To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on , (75 Wembley Drive), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed.

The purpose is to construct a "Sierrascape" retaining structure to remediate erosion issues in the rear yard of the subject property.

1128 The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No. 5, Site Plan - Proposed Rear Yard, prepared by Terraprobe, dated February 3, 2009, received on September 16, 2009; z Drawing No. 6, Cross Sections - Proposed, prepared by Terraprobe, dated February 3, 2009, received on September 16, 2009; z Drawing No. 7, Details & Notes, prepared by Terraprobe, dated February 3, 2009, received on September 16, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to develop within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Don River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a "Sierrascape" retaining structure in the rear yard of the existing single family detached dwelling at 75 Wembley Drive. The intent of the proposed retaining structure is not to facilitate development but rather to remediate erosion issues by implementing erosion issues currently impacting the property. The subject site is located east of Coxwell Avenue and north of Gerrard Street East in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area).

Control of Flooding: The subject site is not located within a regional storm flood plain and the proposal will have no impact on the storage and/or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Appropriate erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained throughout all phases of construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: A slope stability report has been reviewed and approved by TRCA geotechnical engineering staff and the proposal will be constructed in accordance to the recommendations of this report.

Conservation of Land: The proposed "Sierrascape" retaining structure has sand and soil within it and will be revegetated following construction. Some vegetation is proposed for removal, and will be replanted as per the City of Toronto Urban Forestry and Ravine Protection guidelines.

Plantings Native plantings will be provided as per City of Toronto Urban Forestry Ravine Protection Services Guidelines and recommendations pertaining to tree protection and maintenance during construction will be implemented.

1129 Policy Guidelines: The proposal is consistent with Section 4.2.2.(E), Development Guidelines for Property Improvements and Ancillary Structures within Non-Established/Highly Urbanized Areas of TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43010 - Application #: 0755/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Nicole Moxley, extension 5284 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 4, 2009

EX10.69 CITY OF TORONTO AND BRIDGEPOINT HOSPITAL To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 15, Concession 1 FB PT, (14 St. Matthews Road), in the City of Toronto (Toronto and East York Community Council Area), Don River Watershed as located on the property owned by City of Toronto and Bridgepoint Hospital.

The purpose is to install sanitary sewer, water and utility services, excavate and shore in preparation for the construction of an underground garage and a new hospital building, develop two new public streets, install a temporary construction access road, and install temporary site trailers, all to facilitate the first phase of construction of the new Bridgepoint Hospital.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Drawing No SH1, Excavation Shoring Plan, Notes and Details, prepared by Sherwood Geostructural Engineers, Revision No. 6, revised October 1, 2009, received November 2, 2009; z Drawing No SH1, Excavation Shoring Sections, prepared by Sherwood Geostructural Engineers, Revision No. 6, revised October 1, 2009, received November 2, 2009; z Drawing No. PCL-TRCA-01, TRCA Layout, Phase 1, prepared by PCL, Revision 2, revised August 28, 2009, received November 2, 2009; z Drawing No. PCL-TRCA-02, TRCA Layout, Phase 2, prepared by PCL, Revision 2, revised August 28, 2009, received November 2, 2009; z Drawing No. C1-01 Overall, Proposed Site Servicing Overall Plan, prepared by A. M. Candara Associates Inc., dated November 2009, received November 2, 2009; z Drawing No. L100, Tree Protection Plan, prepared by The MBTW Group, Revision No. 4, revised October 30, 2009, received November 2, 2009; z Drawing No. L101, Tree Reassessment Plan, prepared by The MBTW Group, Revision No. 4, revised October 30, 2009, received November 2, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

1130 Proposal: Bridgepoint Hospital is redeveloping its site at the northwest corner of Gerrard Street and Broadview Avenue, east of the Don Valley Parkway in the City of Toronto. The existing "half round" building will be demolished to make way for a new modern hospital building to be set back from the bank of the Don Valley. The project also involves the construction of a new multi-use bicycle and pedestrian trail between the top of the bank and the new building, the restoration and re-use of the historic Don Jail, and the development of a new public park. The subject of this permit is Phase 1 of the construction within the TRCA Regulated Area and includes installing sanitary sewer, water and utility services to Gerrard Street, excavation and shoring for the underground garage and the new hospital building, the development of two new public streets to replace the existing St. Matthews Road driveway and parking, and installation of temporary construction access road and site trailers for construction workers. A permit for Phase 2 to include the remainder of the development will be considered at a later date.

Conditional Approval: The issuance of this permit is conditional upon final sign off on the construction drawings by the City of Toronto. Any revisions required by the City will be addressed through a permit revision.

Control of Flooding: The subject property is located well above the Regional Storm Floodplain and the works will have no impact on the control of flooding.

Pollution: Sediment control measures have been provided in accordance with the TRCA Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: The subject site is well removed from the Don River. A geotechnical report has been submitted confirming that the proposed temporary site trailers and shoring and excavation will have no impact on the long term slope stability. The entire development was subject to a geotechnical report confirming that the location of the building, roads and trail works will have no impact on long term slope stability.

Conservation of Land: The subject site is entirely urbanized. The proposal will have no impact on the conservation of land. Appropriate tree protection measures are in place.

Plantings There are no plantings associated with the first phase of construction. Significant tree, shrub and seed mix plantings will be provided during Phase 2.

1131 Policy Guidelines: The proposal complies with Section 4.2.2., Development and Redevelopment/Intensification Within Non-Established Communities/Highly Urbanized Areas, of the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 43150 - Application #: 0864/09/TOR Report Prepared by: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 For information contact: Steve Heuchert, extension 5311 Date: November 3, 2009


EX10.70 8065 16TH SIDEROAD To construct, reconstruct, erect or place a building or structure, site grade and temporarily or permanently place, dump or remove any material, originating on the site or elsewhere on Lot 15, Concession 11, (8065 16th Sideroad), in the Township of King, Humber River Watershed.

The purpose is to allow development within a Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single-family dwelling with walkout basement, an attached five-car garage, a detached carport, a swimming pool and cabana, a private septic system, a well, a geothermal heating/cooling system, and associated landscaping features at 8065 16th Sideroad in the Township of King.

The permit will be issued for the period of November 6, 2009 to November 5, 2011 in accordance with the following documents and plans which form part of this permit: z Letter of Undertaking indicating that the owners agree to provide any and all minor revisions to the plans to the satisfaction of the TRCA and that they understand works cannot commence within the regulated portion of the property until the TRCA permit is issued, signed by the owner, dated October 29, 2009, received by the TRCA on November 2, 2009.

RATIONALE The application was reviewed by staff on the basis of the following information:

Proposal: The purpose of this application is to allow development within a Regulated Area of the Humber River Watershed in order to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single-family dwelling with walkout basement, an attached five-car garage, a detached carport, a swimming pool and cabana, a private septic system, a well, a geothermal heating/cooling system, and associated landscaping features at 8065 16th Sideroad in the Township of King. A permit for these works was previously approved by the Executive Committee on June 1, 2007 (Permit No. C-07300). Works began after the issuance of the first permit and ceased after the permit expired on May 31, 2009. The applicant was asked to forward a new permit application to TRCA staff in order to continue with the works.

1132 There have been minor changes to the proposed development since the works were first approved by the Executive Committee, including the inclusion of the geothermal heating/cooling system, minor adjustments to the locations of the amenity uses, and enhanced erosion and sediment control measures to address deficiencies noted by TRCA staff on the site.

Resculpting of the site was permitted under the original permit issued by the TRCA in consultation with the Township of King. All site grading and filling associated with the proposed works continues to be set back at least 30 metres from the natural features, the most notable being the watercourse that traverses the central portion of the site.

Conditional Approval: Prior to the release of the permit, the following will need to be addressed to the satisfaction of the TRCA in consultation with the Township of King: the provision of appropriate erosion and sediment controls in the site's current state and over the course of the development project in order to ensure stabilization of the site, the final grades for the project, an outline of the number of truckloads of fill material that need to be brought on the site to meet the final approved grades, the timeframe in which the fill will be brought on the site, the quality of the remaining fill material to be brought on-site, measures proposed to ensure infiltration of precipitation over the site, additional information on the installation and operation of the geothermal heating/cooling system.

Control of Flooding: The development is not located within the Regional Storm flood plain. There has and will be no impact on the storage or conveyance of floodwaters.

Pollution: Sediment and erosion control measures were installed after the issuance of the first permit. However, based on site visits conducted by TRCA staff, the sediment and erosion control measures on-site were lacking or poorly maintained, which allowed the release of sediment to the adjacent natural features. The applicant is working with TRCA staff to enhance and maintain the erosion and sediment control measures on the site until the work area is stabilized. The applicant has also been asked to remove the sediment from the bottom of the slope and the impacted vegetated areas.

Dynamic Beaches: Not applicable.

Erosion: Based on site visits conducted by TRCA staff, erosion was noted on the newly placed fill and there was evidence of sediment transport to the natural features due to lacking or poorly maintained erosion and sediment control measures. With the expected enhancements to the erosion and sediment control measures on the site, as requested by TRCA staff, it is expected that there will be no further geotechnical, slope stability or erosion issues associated with the development. Site grading plans and geotechnical reports have been submitted to the satisfaction of TRCA staff.

1133 Conservation of Land: The stabilization and restoration of the site is intended to reduce the impacts to the conservation of land.

Plantings All disturbed areas will be restored with seed upon completion of the works. Additional plantings of native, non-invasive species will occur adjacent to the watercourse and to the rear of the lot. A detailed landscape plan has been submitted to the satisfaction of TRCA staff.

Policy Guidelines: This proposal is consistent with Section 4.2 - Existing Development - of the Authority’s Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program.

CFN: 42973 - Application #: 0720/09/KING Report Prepared by: Coreena Smith, extension 5269 For information contact: Coreena Smith, extension 5269 Date: November 4, 2009



Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Maria Augimeri

THAT staff be directed to report to Authority Meeting #9/09, scheduled to be held on November 27, 2009, on the potential benefits of including the Dunlap property, Town of Richmond Hill, in Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's list of priority acquisition sites. CARRIED ______


ON MOTION, the meeting terminated at 11:45 a.m., on Friday, November 6, 2009.

Gerri Lynn O'Connor Brian Denney Chair Secretary-Treasurer
