5 Jrith Eeeaiiooai Rate Tmumm

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5 Jrith Eeeaiiooai Rate Tmumm Distribution Tardier 1MM. Today RED BANK 21,825 Jrith eeeaiiooai rate tmumm. UmpMtures in the Ms. Satar- ' day, charing, seasonable tem- DIAL 741-OOtO perature. See weather, page 2. UniM imr. Uoatu thrauth Fflflir. (Mta« (Ml Pit 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 49 Paid u A*d Bank ud. U Addition*! M»Uloi OUlcu. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 Fires Crackle in Birmingham Three Schools Closed as Violence Flares BULLETIN during disorders following an ex-able "3,000 national guardsmen operated by the Roman Catholic ome of Negro attorney Arthur Church. It was the first known . Shores. BIRMINGHAM, Ala, (AP) - plosion at the home of a Negro dressed and ready to go." attorney last night. —About 600 state troopers were integration of an elementary The explosion came at about Gov. George Wallace early to- school in Alabama.. 45 p.m. Shores, his wile and day announced that the city Today was the first day of on standby in Birmingham but ilasses for two Negro pupils were not requested by local au- 17-year-old daughter were in the Board of Education has agreed —The Justice Department was 'ashionable brick house, still un- to close three schools that had whose enrollment yesterday be- thorities to help keep onder in officially silent on developments gan a series of events climaxed last night's outbreak and disor- ier repair from a worse explo- _.? ...... been scheduled for desegrega- in Birmingham. Attorney Gen- ion less than three weeks ago. tion. by the blast and ensuing clashes ders during the day when white eral Robert F. Kennedy huddled between policemen and Negroes. segregationists demonstrated. "My wife was thrown out ol The dramatic announcement with aides foy^several strategy jed," Shores said. She suffered Three other Negro pupils were — Six white parents asked a sessions. A. '" came after hours of conferences to register and begin classes to- federal judge for an injunction bruised shoulder but he and between the governor, his' top day at two white high schools. against integration of the schools —Wallace said in a long dis- tiis family otherwise escaped in- staff members and city school tance telephone speech to a states jury. As the racial fires crackled, beoau*Qr of violence. District lUthoritles. here were these "developments: Judge Walter P. Gewin of nearby rights meeting last night in Baton Seal Off Area Wallace issued a brief state- Guard Ready Tuscaloosa took the petition un- Rouge, La., that "We have anoth- er example of the federal govern- Hundreds of Negroes poured ment saying the West End and — Gov. George C. Wallace der advisement, giving no indi- ment trying** to take over our onto street corners as policemen Ramsay High Schools and the alerted 500 to 600 National cation when he would rule. Wal- Graymont Elementary School school system." quickly sealed off a five-block Guardsmen for possible duty in lace said his office helped pre area around the blast scene. will be closed temporarily. The quelling troubles here. Members pare the suit. Wallace ordered units of the board agreed to the schools When policemen, firing shot- of his staff, in Birmingham be- —In Huntsville, Ala., 12 white National Guard alerted shortly closing, effective immediately, at guns and carbines into the air, cause of the school crisis, said children quietly segregated a pre after last night's disorders in the the governor's request. started dispersing the crowds. Wallace offered to make avail- viously Negro parochial school area around the blast-damaged The announcement also said Negroes threw rocks,, bricks and the school board, at Wallace's jottles at the officers. request, had agreed to join in a Fatally wounded by a bullet in suit filed yesterday or to file the neck was, 20-year-oJd John similar petition, asking for a L. Coley, a Negro. Another Ne- Federal Court order to stay inte gro wounded, by gunfire was in gration of the' three schools. satisfactory condition. Police officials said they did not know how the men were ON THE ROCKS -^ The Bacuii, a 28*foot cabin eruito'r, titt atop Atbyry Park's Eighth ; BIRMINGHAM, Ata? (AP) - wounded. ( ' Ave. jetty, where her trip toward Manasquan came to an end at 9 o'clock last The day- of school desegregation In the melee, two policemen, night.' The Coast Guard said it will take a crane to salvage her. dawned today on a city battered seven other white persons, sev- anew by racial Violence that en other Negroes were hurt, and brought the threat of National most, of them hit by bricks or uard troops moving in. other missiles. One Negro lay dead. A Negro Car windows were smashed in Who Gets the Garbage? leader's home was blasted. (See RACIAL, Page 2) At least 21 persons, including four policemen, were treated for Contractors' Feud Aired for Township Officials injuries. Most of them were hit by bricks or other missiles thrown MATAWAN — A protracted The feud, according to Mr. been asking Mr. Emmons to get Stout Hits jame • of "Garbage, garbage Schaefer, arose because Mr. Em-the policies and file them with who gets the garbage?" referred mons, allegedly having under- the township clerk for eight by a voluble Mayor John Marz, taken to furnish liability and months with no result. Finally Cabin Palmer Jr., ended inconclusively in the property damage insurance poli- Mr, Manzo had no recourse but wee hours of last night's Town- cies required under the contract, to refuse to endorse the checks, 9 [p-<i«mBittee- meeting. never, - he claimed, . produced he said.-: .'. '.__ Cruiser 'Promise Players included Earl W. Em-them.. A telegram from Mr. Emmons BUMS, 180 Washington Ave., and Mr. Manzo, he went on, had (See GARBAGE, Page 2) Scoring promises of action by Domiaick F. Manzo, Charles St., Highway Commissioner Dwight who hold the township garbage- Hits Jetty R. G. Palmer as "repetitive, hoi- collecting contract as Emmons Seek Speed Limit Cut low, and given under the duress and Manzo; Leo Weinstein, locaT ASBURY PARK — A once- of public indignation in the face attorney representing Mr. Em- trim cabin cruiser is sitting for- of highway Ideaths," Sen. Rich- mons; Marvin E. Schaefer, Wan- lornly atop the Eighth Ave. jet- ard R. Stout today hit at "com- amassa, attorney for Mr. Manzo; ty this morning, a 14-foot hole plete lack ot action in the past Middletown Sets Up ripped in her bow. by the commissioner and Gov. Miss' Jacqueline Ktapp, Perth UP IN ARMS OF THE LAW —A policemsn ca'rriej of? s dsmonstrstpr aftar a group Ainboy.'* federal court sten- The boat, the Bacuii, was rac Hughe* towards highway im- ographer, and sundry committee- ing through the Atlantic south of" white pertons protested the enrollment of two Negroes at Ramiay High School irv provements in M<mmoutb"€Ban- men ana members of the public. Rt 35'Radar Traps toward Manasquan at 21 knots Birmingham, Ala., yesterday. Tha man hoidi a large Confederate flag. ?»: :•.>..-.:..,. •• :,; at high tide when it rammed on- Action revolved—like a broken MIDDLETOWN — The public safety committee of the .•.\\ IAP Wlraphoto) Pointing oat that the Highway itcorf-xanrond "a feud between governing body announced last night it would institute inten- to the jetty at 9 o'clock las Department merely makes rec- sive, advertised. radar speed traps in an attempt to curb the night. ommendations for proposed con- the contractual parties," as May- 1 or ' Marz put If innumerable rising accident rate on Rt. 35. .*'.,./ The Coast Guard at Shark struction, Sen, Stout placed the times.. • Township Committeeman Ernest G. Kavalek, a member River Lifeboat Station said abou blame for: the lack of action on The feud, Mr. Weinstein ex- of the committee, said the use of radar would begin today. four inches of the jetty was pro-McClellan Claims He Doesri such projects as Rts. 18, 33, 35 plained, arose from Mr. Manzo's He said the committee has made no decision as yet on truding above the waves at the and the 35 Freeway at the door alleged unwillingness to enklorse the use of unmarked cars to patrol the highway. time. bt Gov. Hughes. checks received by the partner- Mr. Kavalek also said he was informed that the town- The pilot. Jack Manzo, 25, of "Each year," said the senator, ship from the township. ship's Safety Council has decided to send a telegram to Gov. Azalea Dr., Brick Township, Know Whereabouts of Valachi "the Legislature, passes an ap- wasJhrowii to the deck. He_was —Mr.-EmimOMr he went on; be- Richard J,-Hughes urging that the speed limit on the high- WASHINGTON— Sen. John L.that Valachi has been moved to. Valachi again before the start propriations bill containing an caime desperate, needing money way be reduced. treated for bruises at Fitkin itemized list of highway needs Hospital, Neptune, and released. McClellan,'DiArk, said yesterday the metropolitan jail at Wash- the hearings, the senator deniec to carry out h'is refuse collection Members.of the council are in agreement that reduced that he plans another talk' with ington. knowledge of his whereabouts. and requirements. The Improve- duties. speed limits will greatly assist in the reduotion of accidents. Also aboard was Eugene Leon- ments on Rt. 35 and the 35 Free- ard, 1409 Kingsley Ave., this Joseph Valachi, former "Cosa "He is not In my custody," He said an exact date for: th "We begged Mr. Manzo to en- According to Mr. Kavalek, the council will note in the Nostra" henchman and confidant Sen. McClellan said yesterday. start of the official queries has way have appeared on that list telegram that three fatalities—25 per cent of the state total place.
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