7th Grade Literature Tutor: Julie Guthrie

Tuition: $320.00 Copy fee: $20.00

Average study time for this class: 4-6 hours per week

OVERVIEW: In this course, 7th graders will read for the enjoyment of engaging with good stories - some stories will be true-to-life, some fantastical, some classic, and some modern. Additionally, students will begin to dig a little deeper, looking for ways to listen to diverse voices and to develop empathy for the experiences of others. Students will also respond to reading through weekly journal entries and regular creative writing assignments. There will be weekly quizzes and engaging discussions that will require full participation during class.

BOOKS: We will explore a wide variety of literature together in this course. Students should plan to purchase or borrow a copy of each book listed below. Buying good used books is an excellent choice (each of these books costs about $5 used). Additionally, each of these titles should be available at your local library. Listening to audiobooks is an acceptable (and fun) way to read these selections, as well. If a student chooses to listen to a story, they should still follow along in the text when possible.

READING LIST: The Book of Three - Lloyd Alexander The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic - Jennifer Trafton Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson The Witch of Blackbird Pond - Elizabeth George Speare The Birchbark House - Louise Erdrich Elijah of Buxton - Christopher Paul Curtis - Harold Keith Secret Keepers - Trenton Lee Stewart Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain Beyond the Bright Sea - Lauren Wolk Where the Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls Esperanza Rising - Pam Munoz Ryan - Lois Lowry The War that Saved my Life - Kimberly Brubaker Bradley A Year Down Yonder - Inside Out and Back Again - Thanhha Lai - Kwame Alexander Wonder - R. J. Palacio Parents should feel free to contact me in advance about any reading selection that concerns them for any reason.

JOURNAL: Please provide one composition book (or something similar) for the student to use as a reading journal. Some journal entries will be in response to writing prompts; some will be free-writes.

SUMMER READING: A summer reading assignment will be sent by email to all students who sign up for the class.

SYLLABUS: A syllabus will be handed out at the August Walk-Through.