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9<HTMEOA=Cfhedb> News 6/2013 Apress / Professional Computing C. Antognini R. Blewett, A. Clymer, R. S. Ltd D. Bramhall Troubleshooting Oracle Pro Asynchronous Beginning Xcode Performance Programming with .NET Xcode is Apple’s Integrated Development Environ- ment (IDE), Interface Builder and other tools Troubleshooting Oracle Performance, 2nd Edition Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET for helping app developers and coders to build is your systematic guide to diagnosing and resolv- teaches the essential skill of asynchronous pro- Objective-C/Cocoa or iOS SDK based apps more ing performance problems in database-backed gramming in .NET. It answers critical questions efficiently and quickly. Beginning Xcode by Daniel applications involving Oracle’s database engine. in .NET application development: how do I keep Bramhall aims to get you up and running with Ap- Christian Antognini brings a decade and a half my program responding at all times to keep my ple’s latest Xcode and includes a complete working experience to his topic. His first edition is one of users happy? How do I make the most of available case study app. So, if you have some programming the most well-respected books in its field. This sec- hardware? How can I improve performance? In experience with iOS SDK and Objective-C, but ond edition has been rigorously updated to cover the modern world, users expect more and more want a more in depth tutorial on Xcode, then this the latest developments in Oracle Database 11g from their applications and devices, and multi- book is for you. The book focuses on the new Release 2 through Oracle Database 12c. What do core hardware has the potential to provide it. But technologies, tools and features that Apple has you do when your database application isn&#146;t it takes carefully crafted code to turn that potential bundled into Xcode, to compliment the latest and running fast enough? You troubleshoot, of course. into responsive, scalable applications. With Pro greatest version of iOS SDK. By the end of this Finding the slow part of an application is often the Asynchronous Programming with .NET you will: book, you’ll have an app case study and examples easy part of the battle. It&#146;s finding a solution Meet the underlying model for asynchrony on to draw from to get your very first app out the that&#146;s difficult. Troubleshooting Oracle Windows&#151;threads. Learn how to perform door using Xcode. Maybe, even sell on Apple Performance, 2nd Edition helps by providing a long blocking operations away from your UI iTunes App Store. systematic approach to addressing the underlying thread to keep your UI responsive, then weave the causes of poor database application performance. results back in as seamlessly as possible. Master Features The author freely shares his experience while the async/await model of asynchrony in .NET 4.5, 7 Aims to be first contemporary Xode tutorial explaining the underlying foundations of how SQL which makes asynchronous programming simpler to book market, covering latest Xcode, mainly for statements are executed by the Oracle database and more achievable than ever before. Solve iOS app developers 7 Pairs nicely with Apress engine. You’ll be able to draw a solid foundation of common problems in parallel programming with Beginning iOS Storyboarding by Rory Lew- theory and shared experience as you face head-on modern async patterns. is 7 Author is a practicing Apple iOS and Mac the performance challenges in your daily work. apps developer 7 Xcode is Apple's IDE/tools Features Written for developers by an application developer similar to Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE/tools who has learned by doing Gives a systematic ap- 7 Nearly every up-to-date 7 .NET book proach to solving database application perfor- includes a chapter on asynchronous programming Field of interest mance problems Helps you plan for performance but this is the first full guide to mastering what is Computer Science, general as you would for any other application require- now an essential programming skill 7 Packed ment full of practical advice and demonstrations to Target groups solve problems that come up in a developer's daily Popular/general Feature coding life, ranging from the server to the user 7 Endorsed by Oracle Database luminaries Jona- interface 7 Asynchronous programming is the Discount group than Lewis and Cary Millsap Consistently earns solution to fluid, responsive user interfaces, mak- Apress Trade five-star reviews on Amazon Current with the ing it a vital skill for modern development in a latest developments in Oracle Database 12c world full of touch-based devices Field of interest Field of interest Database Management Computer Science, general Target groups Target groups Popular/general Popular/general Discount group Discount group Apress Short Apress Short Due November 2013 Due August 2013 Due September 2013 2nd ed. 2013. 600 p. Softcover 2014. 460 p. Softcover 2013. 500 p. Softcover 7 $59.99 7 $54.99 7 $39.99 ISBN 978-1-4302-5758-5 ISBN 978-1-4302-5920-6 ISBN 978-1-4302-5743-1 9<HTMEOA=cfhfif> 9<HTMEOA=cfjcag> 9<HTMEOA=cfhedb> 253 Apress / Professional Computing springer.com/NEWSonline J. Bucanek D. Cervo, D. Bebb G. Cleeren, P. Nijs, D. Miscoria Learn iOS App Development Pro Arduino Games Windows 8 Data Development The iOS 6 SDK offers powerful new features, With Pro Arduino Games, you won’t just learn Recipes and this book is the fastest path to mastering how to build some cool gaming projects: you’ll A Problem-Solution Approach them&#151;and the rest of the iOS SDK &#151;for learn about game theory, game physics, the wide programmers with some experience who are variety of sensors you can use, and the buffet of Windows 8 Recipes with Data is the missing cook- new to iPhone and iPad apps development. boards you can use to build your craziest gaming book for developers who want to build content- Many books introduce the iOS SDK, but very ideas. As Arduino fans already know, Arduino has first Windows Store apps. Taking a problem-solu- few explain how to develop apps optimally and tons of possibilities in the gaming world, and the tion approach with easy-to-follow examples, this soundly. This book teaches both core Objective-C Esplora and Gameduino makes those possibili- book guides you from basic data handling topics language concepts and how to wisely but rapidly ties easier than ever to create. But the possibilities towards more advanced themes, focusing heavily employ the design patterns and logic using the iOS actually go beyond the traditional handheld games on fetching and handling data and communicat- SDK, which is based on Objective-C and its Cocoa or controller/console combos. What if your game ing with web services, so you can put the content touch libraries. Learn iOS App Development is could learn by playing, like the computer in War and effectiveness of your app first and provide a both a rapid tutorial and useful reference. You’ll Games? What if you could integrate Arduino into great experience for your users. This book will give quickly get up to speed and perhaps even master your favorite board game or tabletop RPG like you the solutions and insight you need to: Create Objective-C, Cocoa touch and the iOS SDK. It’s Dungeons and Dragons? How about autonomous touch-enabled, data-driven apps with the great an all-in-one getting started guide to building your bots solving mazes, playing soccer, or even engag- performance your users will expect and appreci- first iPhone or iPad app. You’ll also learn best ing in flight battles? Best of all, what if you could ate. Familiarize yourself with the advantages and practices that ensure your code will be efficient turn the real world into an massively-multiplayer potential pitfalls of working with data, content and and perform well. An app that performs well and game using Arduino? With Arduino and a com- services in Windows 8 on the device, on the web is well designed is likely to get you the best reviews bination of GPS and social interaction, you can and in the cloud. Build apps based on enterprise- on the iTunes App Store, which in turn helps drive make the world your MMO. Bring your brains, proven architectural patterns. Communicate with higher or better search results and perhaps more your boards, and your most off-the-wall gaming a wide range of web services and APIs, from REST revenue. Why spend months or years discovering plans: Pro Arduino Games will help make them a services in XML or JSON to Facebook, Twitter the best ways to design and code iPhone and iPad reality. and Microsoft SkyDrive. apps when this book will show you how to do things the right way from the start? Feature Features 7 The only book specifically on Arduino game 7 The only book of its kind currently on the Feature projects 7 Complete coverage of a variety of market 7 Valuable code resource for busy 7 This book aims to fit a growing or emerg- types of games, including handhelds, controller/ professionals who need to get their apps working ing need for a more comprehensive, accelerated console games, and connecting Arduino with non- as quickly as possible 7 Data is at the core of all all-in-one treatment of iOS app development for electronic games 7 The authors are experienced great apps 7 For many fans of the recipe style, many of today's aspiring app developers 7 The Arduino enthusiasts and engineers who run this could even be their most important Windows author is an expert trainer, teacher and app devel- MAD Fellows, a science and technology research 8 resource oper.
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