(LONDON 1946)





The following abbreviations are used in this index: L.o.N Memo Memorandum N.G.O Non-Governmental Organizations Adv Advisory Org Organization Amend Amendment P.C Preparatory Commission Comm Commission Perm Permanent Conf Conference Prov Provisional Conv Convention Resol Resolution Cttee Committee S.C Security Council Del Delegation Sec.-Gen Secretary-General E.S. C Economic and Social Council Suppl Supplementary F.A.O Food and Agriculture Organization U.K of Great Britain and G. A General Assembly Northern Ireland Gen. Cttee General Committee U.S.A of America Int International U.S.S.R Union of Soviet Socialist Republics I.R.O International Refugee Organization W.F.T.U World Federation of Trade Unions


The respective volumes of the Official Records are re- S Permanent Headquarters Committee and ferred to by the following symbols: Interim Committee for the selection of a site for the Permanent Headquarters P Plenary Meetings of the United Nations B General Committee I First Committee The numbers following these symbols refer to pages. I I Second Committee II I Third Committee I V Fourth Committee Example: V Fifth Committee V I Sixth Committee P:170 — Page 170 of the volume of the official records of N League of Nations Committee the Plenary Meetings. Aguilar de Leon, Jose Luis, Member of del. of Guate­ mala P:14; V:2; VI:2 Abbass, Abdul Mejid: Aguilera, Andres, Delegate of Paraguay P:19; S:2 Member of del. of Iraq. .P:16; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; IV:2; VI:2; N:2 Aikman, Colin: Pensions for staff of Court VI:18-19 Member of del. of New Zealand P:18; VI:3 Refugees 111:19-20 Privileges and immunities VT.28, 31 Abdoh, Jalal, Member of del. of Iran. .P:15; 11:2; VI:2; Albaih, Abdul Mounim: N:2 Member of del. of Saudi Arabia P:22; 11:3; S:2 Abte-Wold, Ato Akeilou: Headquarters S:20, 26 Member of del. of Ethiopia P:ll; 1:2; VI:2 UNRRA 11:13 Report of the P.C P:244-247 Albornoz, Humberto: Accident and illness compensation, see under Staff Member of del. of Ecuador P:10; 11:2 Accounts: Statement on report of P.C P:138-141 Amend, to regulations proposed by del. of Canada.V:22- Alireza, Sheikh Ali, Member of del. of Saudi Arabia 23; P:622 P:22; V:3 Auditing of P:627, 629; V:23, 25 Functions of Adv. Cttee. on Administrative and Bud­ Almeida, Jayme de, Member of del. of Brazil. .P:3; 1:1; getary questions concerning.. .P:627, 629; V:23, 25 IV:1 Regulations for P:633 Alphand, Herve: Member of del. of France P:12; 11:2 Acikalin, Cevat, Member of del. of Turkey P:22 E.S.C., prov. agenda of 11:19; 111:32 Adl, Mostafa, Member of del. of Iran P:15; VI:2 Als, Alphonse, Member of del. of Luxembourg... ,P:16; Administrative and Budgetary Questions: 11:3; 111:3; V:2; S:2 Advisory Cttee. on Administrative and Budgetary Ques­ Alvarado, Luis, Member of del. of Peru... .P:20; 111:3; tions, see that title VI :3; N:2 Cttee. of the G.A., see 5th Cttee, under Cttees of G.A. Alvarez, Alejandro, Judge of the Int. Court of Justice Administrative Tribunal: adv. cttee. to draft statute P:342 {election), 351 P:612 Alvarez, Federico C., Member of del. of Dominican Admission to membership: rules of procedure, prov. Republic P: 10; 111:2; IV:2; VI:2 P:556-557 Alvarez Garcia, C. R., Representative of Bolivia on the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Bud­ L.o.N. Cttee N:1 getary Questions: Amawalk, see Westchester and Dutchess Counties Appointment: amend, presented by del of France.V:51 Composition and terms of reference: American Federation of Labor: request to participate Amend, presented by dels, of France and Mexico in work of E.S.C.: V:23, 24-25, 54 Discussion... .1:15-18, 23-25; B:8; P:504-513 {passim), Amend, to prov. rules of procedure P:448 521, 523, 526, 530 {adoption) - P:639, 640 Draft resols. and amends 1:28, 31, 32, 33; B:15; Report of the 5th Cttee P:444, 621-622 P:502, 533, 669, 670, 671 Resol P:627 Report of 1st Cttee P:501-502, 667 {text) Rules P:549, 558, 639, 640 Report of Gen. Cttee B:49; P:579 {text) Advisory Group of Experts on Administrative, Per­ Resol P:534 {adoption), 669 {text) sonnel and Budgetary Matters: Text of request B:45 Appointment and functions V:21, 28; P:613, 628 American Jewish Joint Distribution Cttee 111:64 Chairman, see Biddle, E. H. Amr Pasha, Abdel Fattah, Member of del. of Egypt Memorandum on children's allowances, education al­ P:10; 1:2; 111:2 lowances and installation allowances. V .-29-30,61-63 [tsxt) Andrew, G. C., Member of del. of Canada..P:4; 111:1 Report referred to 5th Cttee P:572; B:51; V:5 Andrews, H. T.: Tax equalization, proposals on V:10, 55-57 {text) Tributes to P:444, 606; V:49-50 Member of del. of Union of South Africa P:23; Working Capital Fund, draft resol V:48-49 1:4; 11:4; IV:3; V:3; N:2 Rapporteur of L.o.N. Cttee.. ,N:1, 5 {election), 6-7; P:36 Africa, Situation in P:181-183 General Cttee., competence of B:ll N.G.O P:327 Agenda of the General Assembly: Rules of procedure of G.A.: nominations P:289 For agendas of cttees., see under cttee. concerned UNRRA 11:12 Adoption P:66 Appleby, Paul, Member of Contributions Cttee... ,V:52, Dead-line for inclusion of additional items. . . .B:21, 29 54; P:640, 641 Distribution of items among the cttees: Report of Gen. Cttee P:241, 570-572 {text) Arab League P:199, 248, 254 Items added during first part of first session P:34 Aramburu, Gonzalo N. de, Member of del. of Peru.P:20; Prov. as proposed by P.C P:33-34 1:3; IV:3; S:2 Rules of procedure, prov P:545, 557 Supplementary list of items: Area Parr6, Alberto: Memo, by executive secretary B:29; P:564 Member of del. of Peru P:20; 11:3; 111:3; V:3 Report of Gen. Cttee B:2; P:100-110, 568-570 Demographic Comm 111:7 {text) Refugees 111:21 Rules of procedure, prov P:547 UNRRA 11:13 Text B:29-33; P:34 Archives of U.N., inviolability of P:645, 656 Aghnides, Thanassis: Argentina: Member of del. of Greece P:13; 1:2; V:2 Credentials of delegates P:71 Chairman of Technical Cttee of P.C P:50 Delegation P:1 Rapporteur of 5th Cttee V:l, 6 {election) Representation on: Cttees. of the G.A...1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; Aglion, Raoul: VI:1; N:l; S:1 Member of del. of France P:12; 11:2; 111:2 Sub-Ctee. on Emoluments of judges of the Court Comm. for Culture and Education 111:28 V:24; IV-.17 Refugees Ill :30r31 Reservation on Conv. on Privileges and Immunities Specialized agencies 11:22; 111:8, 36 VI:27; P:643 UNRRA 11:11 Statements by delegates: Atomic Energy Comm 1:11 Agramonte, Ignacio de, Member of del. of Cuba. ,P:8; 6th Cttee., work of VI:32 V:1 E.S.C 11:19; 111:6, 33 Agriculture: Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:292 Food and Agriculture Org., see that title N.G.O 1:25

1 Argentina (contd.): Attlee, (contd.)\ Statements by delegates {contd.): Welcome to members of G.A. and statement on Privileges and immunities VI :27 aims of U.N P:39-43 Report of P.C P:144-145 S.C,. election of members P:86 Atzakhovitch, Kondrat, Member of del. of Byelorussian UNRRA 11:8, 15; P:145, 315-316 SSR P:4 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Auburn, Mass S:100, 101, 102 Arhgyropoulos, Dimitri, Member of del. of Greece.P:13 Auditors: Arikan, Saffet, Member of del. of Turkey...P:22; 1:3 Appointment: regulation P:633 Armaments, Regulation of: Reports, procedure P:627, 629 Cttee. of the G.A., see 1st Cttee. under Cttees.of the G.A. Auger, Pierre, Member of del. of France P:12; 1:2 Question referred to the 1st Cttee B:50 Auriol, Vincent, representative of France on the 2nd and Armanazi, Najeeb al-: 6th Cttees 111:2; VI :2 Member of del. of Syria P:22; 111:3; N:2 Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 Australia: Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Armed forces: presence in non-enemy territories. ,P:248, Delegation P;1 255 Draft resols., amendments and proposals presented by Arnulf, Karl, Member of del. of P:19 del.: Headquarters. S:23-27; P:674 Arriola, Jorge Luis, Member of del. of Guatemala.P:14; Tax equalization V:ll, 14, 17 111:2 Trusteeship IV:13-14, 26-27,49-52 (text) Arroyo Lameda, Eduardo: Working Capital Fund V:48-49, 53 Member of del. of Venezuela P:30; 11:4; IV:4 Representation on: Relations of States Members with Spain P:358 Cttees. of G.A 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; Arteaga, Eduardo D. de, Member of del. of Uruguay VI:1; N:1; S:1 P:30 Cttee on Contributions V:54 Headquarters Comm S:29 Arutiunian, Amazasp A.: Headquarters Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A.. B:22; Member of del. of U.S.S.R P:24; 111:4 VI:30 Refugees 111:20, 23, 25, 26, 30 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Asbeck, Baron F. M. van: S.C P:80, 82-85, 87, 231 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Member of del. of the Netherlands.. . . P:17; IV:3; VI:3 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... ,VI:15 Trusteeship IV:11-12, 20-21, 25-26 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of G.A VI :6 Asbury Park, N.J S:101, 102 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Reservations: Assembly, see General Assembly Conv. on Privileges and Immunities.VI:27; P:643 Assistant Secretaries-General: Headquarters: report of Inspection Group.. ,S:103 Appointment and responsibilities P.-610-611 Statements by delegates: Emoluments. ,V:6, 8-10, 61; P:606-607, 612-613 (resol.) Atomic Energy Comm 1:12; P:234-235 Privileges and immunities P:647, 649 Budget V:42-43 Cereals, world shortage P:487 Asylum, Right of 111:14, 20; P:423 Contributions V:26, 52 Atlantic City, N.J.. .S:24, 34, 43, 51-52, 64-65, 74-75,101 E.S.C 11:20; 111:6, 7, 34 Headquarters. ,S:4-5, 9, 19, 23-24, 27, 93, 95, 98 Atomic energy: L.o.N. assets, transfer of N:9 Attitude of U.S.A., U.K. and Canada concerning secret Privileges and immunities VI:27 P:264, 266, 267 Refugees 111:18-19, 26 Comm., see Atomic Energy Comm. Report of P.C P:230-235 Terms of reference of Comm., para 5 (b) (c) (d) to Rules of procedure of G.A.. ,VI:9, 13; S:17; P:293 become part of fundamental law of Members ..1:11 Sec.-Gen., appointment of Mr. .P:303- 304 Atomic Energy Commission: S.C., election of members P:84 Budget P:636 Terms of office of members of Councils. . ,VI:24-25; Composition 1:9, 10, 11, 12-13, 30; B:31; P:258, 260, P:384-385, 394 567 {resol.) Trusteeship. . IV:6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 21, 26, 31-32; Establishment 1:29; B:31; P:258, 567 (resol.) P:233-234 Moscow Declaration 1:7, 8, 11 UNRRA 11:11-12; P:488 Question included in agenda P:101, 569 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Question referred to 1st Cttee. .1:4, 6; P:101, 570, 571 Recommendations: procedure 1:12 Aviation Organization, Prov. Int. Civil P:163 Relationship with organs of U.N. 1:9, 11,12, 13, 29-30; B:31; P:224,258, 259, 260,264, 265-266, 567 {resol.) A viles Ramirez, Eduardo, Delegate of Nicaragua.. P:IS; See also organs concerned. 1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; VI:3; S:2 Report of 1st Cttee. .1:13-14; P:257-260 {text), 260-267 Awad, Mohammed, Member of del. of Egypt P:10; Resol. re establishment of, presented by del. of U.S.S.R, 111:2; IV:2 U.K., U.S.A., France, China and Canadal:6-ll, 12- 13, 29-30 {text); B:2, 31 {text); P:257-267, 566- Awni, Bahaiddin, Member of del. of Iraq. .. .P:16; 1:3; 567 {text) V:2; VI:2; N:2 Resol P:258-259 {text), 267 (adoption) Ayasali, Nizamettin: Rules of procedure 1:8, 30; B:32; P:258 Member of del. of Turkey P:22; 11:3; IV:3 Sub-Cttee. proposed 1:8, 9 UNRRA 11:12 Terms of reference ..1:7, 8, 11, 30; B:32; P:258-259, 567 {resol.) Azevedo, J. P. de B.: Judge of the Int. Court of Justice Washington Declaration 1:7, 9; P:224 P:343 (election), 351 References.. P:41-42, 114, 165, 194, 218-219, 538 Azurdia-Soto, Francisco, Member of del. of Guatemala Atomic weapons: P.-14; 11:2 Exclusion from national armaments P:263, 267 Definition in Charter 1:13 B Attlee, C. R.: Badawi Pasha, Abdel Hamid: Member of del. of U.K P:24 Member of del. of Egypt P:10; 1:2; IV:2; VI:2 Closing speech P:537-538 Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C Quotations from..P:157, 176, 199, 205, 213, 220, 221 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. .P:343 (election), 351 Statement to Parliament on interpretation of phrase Report of P.C P:196-199 "States directly concerned" and action of Govern­ ment with'regard to Mandated territories. ,IV:22,47 Bailey, K. H.: {text) Member of del. of Australia P:I, IV: I; VI: I Tributes to P:223, 224 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91

2 Bailey, K. H. (contd.): Belgium (contd.): Privileges and immunities VI:27 Statements by delegates: Rules of procedure of G.A VI:9; P:293 Budget • • • Trusteeship IV:18, 21, 26, 31-32 E.S.C., comm. of 11:2. E.S.C., election of members Bajan, Mikola P.: Headquarters S Member of del. of the Ukrainian SSR. .P:23; 1:3; 111:4 N.G.0 1:17, 23, 28, A E.S.C., comm. of 11:22-23; 111:36 Refugees 111:14, 25, 26 Refugees 111:15, 21; P:435, 436 Report of P.C P:237-240 S.C., election of members P:80 Baki, Hussni: Staff rules and regulations V:19, 20 Member of del. of Syria P:22; 111:3; S:3 Tax equalization V:13-14, 51 Headquarters S:8, 12 Tax refund to officials P:445-447 Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Int. II :6; Trusteeship IV:14, 16, 25, 28, 30-31, 41, 42; P:149, 163, 237-238, 240, 242, 332 P:238-239 Baranski, Leon: Voting procedure P:397 Member of del. of Poland P:21; 11:3 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 UNRRA 11:11 Belize: question submitted to the Int. Court of Justice Barcikowski, Waclaw, Member of del. of Poland. .P:20; P:243 VI :3 Belt, Guillermo: Member of del. of Cuba P:7; 1:2; IV:1 Bar6n Castro, Rodolfo, Member of del. of El Salvador Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 P:ll; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; S:1 Bartley, Sir John: Berckemeyer, Fernando, Member of del. of Peru. ,P:20; Member of del. of India P:15; IV:2; VI:2 11:3; V:3; S:2 Registration of int. treaties VI:20 Berg, H. C., Member of del. of Norway P:19; IV:3 Bartos, Milan: Bernadino, Miss Minerva: Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30; 11:4; VI:4 Member of del. of Dominican Republic P:10; UNRRA 11:13 11:2; 111:2; V:2 Basdevant, Jules, Judge of the Int. Court of Justice Report of 3rd Cttee 111:8 P:342 (election), 351 UNRRA 11:15 Women, participation in work of U.N P:404 Baumont, Maurice, Member of Contributions Cttee. V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Beucker Andreae, W. C., Member of del of the Nether­ Bayendor, Assadollali, Member of del. of Iran....P:15; lands P:18 1:2; IV:2 Bevin, Ernest: Beasley, J. A.: Member of del. of U.K P:25; 1:4 Member of del. of Australia P:l; 11:1; 111:1 Atomic Energy Comm P:165 Cereals, world shortage of P:487-489 Cereals, world shortage of P:166, 471-475 Bebler, Ales: Court of Justice P:167 Member of del. of Yugoslavia..P:30; 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; Palestine P:167 IV:4; V:4 Repprt of P.C P:161-168 Vice-Chairman of 5th Cttee V:l, 6 (election); P:35 Secretariat P:162 Refugees and emigration situation.. 111:10-11, 44-49; S.C., election of members P:77-78 P:415-417, 434, 435, 436, 437 Trusteeship IV:9 (reference); P:166-167 Bech, Joseph: UNRRA P;165 Member of del. of Luxembourg P:16; 1:3; IV:2 Quotations from and references to statements by.P:222, Vice-Chairman of 1st Cttee 1:1, 5 (election); P:35 223, 248 Report of P.C P:235-237 Bianchi, Manuel: Member of del. of Chile P:5; 1:1; N:1 Beckett, W. E.: Columbus Lighthouse Memorial P:362-363 ' Member of del. of U.K P:25 E.S.C., election of Members P:92 Rapporteur of 6th Cttee VI:26 (election); P:36 L.o.N., attitude of Govt, towards P:117-118 Rapporteur of Juridical Sub-Cttee. of Interim Cttee. on Report of P.C P:116-119 Headquarters S:104 Vice-Presidents of G.A., election of P:69 Rapporteur of Sub-Cttee. on privileges and immunities VI:16, 28 Bidault, Georges: Court of Justice: interpretation of article 11 of statute Member of del. of France P:ll; 1:2 P:346 Cereals, world shortage and situation in France.. P:479- Begtrup, Mrs. Bodil, Member of del. of . ,P:9 483 Belehr&dek, Jan: Headquarters P:252 N.G.O P:327 Member of del. of Czechoslovakia P:8; 111:2 Report of P.C P:249-253 Refugees 111:15-16; P:423-424 Representation of Europe at the G.A P:252 Terms of office of Council Members P:466 S.C., election of members P:89 Belgium: Spain, relations of States Members with P:353 Credentials of delegates P:71 Trusteeship IV:7; P:251 Delegation P:l-2 Draft resols., amends, and proposals presented by del.: Biddle, Eric H., Chairman of Adv. Group of Experts Budget, transfers within V:22 V:10; P:444 Contributions Cttee V:54 Billoux, Frangois, Member of del. of France P:ll; N.G.O.. .1:25, 33 (text); P:501, 502, 668, 671 (text) 1:2; 11:2 Rules of procedure of G.A.presented to P. C. P: 53-54 Staff retirement scheme V:31, 33 Birgi, Muharrem Nuri, Member of del. of Turkey. P:23; Trusteeship. .IV:27, 30, 32, 33, 41, 46 (text), 47-48 IV:3 (text), 55, 56; P:588, 589 Blanck, Guillermo de: Representation on: Member of del. of Cuba P:8; Cttees. of the G.A...1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; IV:1; V:1 VI:1; N:l; S:1 E.S.C., election of members P:93 E.S.C P:90, 99, 239 Report of P.C P:241-244 Headquarters Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A.. B:22; Rules of procedure of G.A P:290 VI:30 S.C., election of non-perm, members P:86 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:342, 351 Trusteeship IV:34; P:372-373 Sub-Cttee. on N.G.0 1:20; B:4, 13 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... ,VI:15 Blankenstein, II. van: Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Member of del. of the Netherlands P:18; 11:3 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 E.S.C., cttees. of 11:6 Reservation on: UNRRA II;12 Funds for U.N. and specialized agencies.... V:28 Tax refund to officials P:445-447 Blondeel, F., Member of del. of Belgium. ,P:2; V:2; N:1

3 Bloom, Sol: Budget: Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; 11:4; IV:3 for 1946 (prov.): UNRRA 11:8, 10, 15, 16; P:312-313 Amount P:623-624 (figures), 635-637, 638 (figures) Blue Hills District, Mass.. ,(S:35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 48, 87- Discussion V-.37-48, 52; P:444-448 88, 100, 101, 102 Explanatory statement P:444, 634-635 (text) Bolivia: Question of including 1945 expenditure in..V:21, Amend, presented by del. on location of Headquarters 53 S:24-27; P:674 Regulations P:630-631 Credentials of delegates P:71 Resol P:637, 639 (text) Delegation P:2-3 for 1946 (1stannual). ,P:447, 625, 631-632 (regulations), Representation on: 634, 635 Cttees. of the G.A...I:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; for 1947 (2nd annual) V:53; P:626, 634 VI:1; N:l; S:1 Accounts, see that title Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI.-30 Adv. Cttee. on Administrative and Budgetary questions, Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities.... VI:15 see that title Statements by delegates: Cttee. of the G.A. on Administrative and Budgetary Headquarters S:5, 7, 17, 21, 24 questions, see 5th Cttee. under Cttees. of the G.A. Privileges and immunities VI:28 Councils, see under Council concerned Refugees 111:27 Court of Justice, Int., see that title Report of P.C P:173-174 Financed by Working Capital Fund P:635 Rules of procedure of G.A P:297 Financial regulations, draft prov.. .V:21-23; P:621, 622- UNRRA 11:14, 16 623, 630-633 (text) Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 General Assembly, see that title General principles governing arrangements V:28 Borberg, William, Member of del. of Denmark... ,P:9; Preparatory Comm., see that title 11:2; 111:2; V:2;N:1;S:1 Question referred to the 5th Cttee. .V:5; B:50; P:572 Boston area, Mass.: Questions to be submitted to second part of first session Approved by the Interim Cttee S:32 (note) V:27; P:628-629 Discussion by Interim Cttee S:100, 101, 102 Report of 5th Cttee. .P:444-447, 448 (adoption), 621- List of persons who assisted Inspection Group... .S:73, 640 (text) 73-74 Secretariat, see that title Report of Inspection Group... ,S:34-35, 38, 42, 43, 66- Specialized agencies, see that title 88 Tax refunds, see Taxation: Refunds Sites, list of S:36 Transfers within V:22, 42; P:622, 633, 637, 639 Statistical information, architects' reports, maps, etc. Unforeseen expenditure. ,P:624, 625,629 (figures), 635, S:47-48, 52 637, 638 (figures), 639 (figures), V:38,39, 40,41, 42, 47 Botero, Abel, Member of del. of Colombia. . P:7; 1:1; 111:1 Bunche, Ralph J.: Bouchinet Serreulles, Claude, Member of del of France Member of del. of U.S.A P:28; IV:3 P:12 Trusteeship IV:41 Bourgois, Gaston, Member of del. of France P:12 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic: Bourquin, M.: Member of del. of Belgium.P:2; 1:1; VI:1 Credentials of delegates P:71 Boylston-Shrewsbury (Worcester) District, Mass. Delegation P:3-4 S:35, 36, 48 Draft resol. on extradition and punishment of War Criminals. .1:20-23,30-31; B:16, 53-54 (text)- P:337- Boza, Hector, Member of del. of Peru... ,P:20; 11:3; V:3 338, 470, 664 Representation on: Bozovic, Jovan, Member of del. of Yugoslavia. P:30; 11:4 Cttees. of G.A 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; Brault, Michel, Member of del. of France..P:12; VI:2 VI:1;N:1;S:1 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 Brazil: Drafting Cttee. on War Criminals 1:22 Credentials of delegates P:71 Reservation on Conv. on Privileges and Immunities Delegation P:3 VI:27, 32; P:642-643 Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. ,B:17, Statements by delegates: 21, 54-55 (text)-, P:361-363 Budget V:42 Representation on: Refugees 111:17-18 Cttees. of the G.A... 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; Report of the P.C P:228-230 VI:1; S:1 Spain, relations of States Members with.P:358-360 Headquarters Comm S:29 Trusteeship IV:5, 40, 41 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:343, 351 War Criminals, extradition and punishment P:228- S.C P:79, 87, 114 230, 470 Sub-Cttee. on language rules 1:12 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Statements by delegates: Byrnes, James F.: Atomic Energy Comm 1:11; P:267 E.S.C., comm. of 111:7 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27. Headquarters S:5, 7, 20, 30 Atomic Energy Comm P:260-262 Int. Labour Org 11:23; 111:36 Iran, attitude of U.N P:121 (reference) Refugees 111:26 Report of P.C P:lll-114 Report of P.C P:114-116 S.C., election of members P:74-75 Trusteeship IV:19, 31, 34 Quotations from P:121, 221, 223, 235-263 UNRRA 11:12, 16 Voting procedure S:17 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 G and Agreement.. .P:134, Cabili, Tomas L.: 163, 242 Member of del. of the Philippine Republic.. P:20; 1:3; Brlere, Francois: 11:3; IV:3 Trusteeship IV:10 Member of Inspection Group S:32, 34 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Caclamanos, Demetrius, Member of del. of Greece P:13; Reference to statements on terms of reference of Inspec­ 111:2 tion Group S:33, 42, 43 Cadogan, Sir Alexander, Member of del. of U.K.. .P:25 Brigden, J. B., Member of Cttee. on Contributions Calder6n Puig, Emilio, Member of del. of Mexico. P:17; V:54; P-.640, 641 111:3; S:2 Brookline, Mass S:100, 101 Calvet, Pierre, Member of del. of France P:12 Broustra, Vincent: Cameroons (under French mandate)..IV:5-6, 8, 12; Member of del. of France P:12; S:1 P:251 Headquarters S:6-7, 10-11, 15, 16, 27 Voting procedure S:17 Cameroons (under U.K. mandate)..IV:47; P:166, 226

4 Campbell, R. M.: Chai Feng-yang, Member of del. of China...P:6; V:1 Member of del, of New Zealand. ,P:18; 11:3; IV:3; VI:3 Chamoun, Camille: Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 Member of del. of Lebanon P:16; 1:3; V:2 Headquarters S:14 Nominations (Rules of procedure of G.A.).. . P.-288-289 Canada: Chang, P.C.: Credentials of delegates P:72 Member of del. of China P:5; 11:1; 111:1 Delegation P :4-5 Cultural Comm 111:29 Draft resols., amend, etc., presented by del.: Atomic Energy Comm...1:6-11, 12-13, 29-30 {text)- Chang Tao-shing, Member of del. of China.. .P:6; IV:1 B:2, 31 {text)- P:257-267, S66-S67 {text) Financial regulations, draft V:21-23; P:622 Chang Teh-chang, Member of del. of China. .P:6; 1:1; Headquarters S:18-22 11:1 Headquarters Comm S:28-29 Charter: Staff regulations, draft prov V:18-19 Application of ._ P:37 Trusteeship. ,IV:25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 45-46 {text), Article 43, agreements provided for, in P:246 55, 56; P:588, 589 Definition of purposes of the Organization in social and Representation on: economic fields P:147, 149, 211 Atomic Energy Comm...1:9, 10, 11, 12, 13; 30 Freedom of each organ to interpret those portions which {resol.)-, B:31; P:258 {resol.), 567 relate to that organ IV:22 Cttees. of G.A 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; Imperfections of, and necessity for revision..P:118, 131, VI:1; N:l; S:1 140, 141, 216, 221 Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Principles of, discussion. .P:37, 113, 118, 122, 136, 197, E.S.C P:90, 99 201, 206, 223 Judge of Int. Court of Justice VI:26, 28-29; Ratification of P:112 P-.343 References. .P:143, 144, 146, 151, 172, 173, 186, 188, Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Court 192, 193, 195, 221, 237, 243, 247, 249, 250 V:24; VI:17 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 Chaumont, Charles, Member of del. of France... ,P:12 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities. . . .VI:15 Chi Chao-ting, Dr., Member of Contributions Cttee. Sub-Cttee on Trusteeship IV:29 V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Statements of delegates: Chile: Atomic Energy Comm 1:9 Credentials of delegates P:71 Cereals, world shortage P:494-497 Delegation P:5 Contributions Cttee V:54 Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. .B:17, E.S.C., comm. of 11:20; 111:7, 33 21, 54-55 {text)-, P:361-363 Headquarters S:12, 14, 18, 28 Representation on: L.o.N. assets, transfer of N:10 Cttees. of G.A 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; N.G.O 1:23 VI:1; N:1; S:1 Refugees 111:12-13, 25 Cttee. on transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Report of P.C P:200-204 E.S.C P:90, 99 S.C., election of members P:83 Judge of Int. Court of Justice P:342, 351 Staff retirement scheme V:33, 68-70 {text) Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva Tax equalization V:12-13 and at The Hague P:601 Trusteeship IV:20, 24-25, 36 Statements by delegates: UNRRA 11:9, 13, 14; P:496 Adv. Cttee. on Administrative and Budgetary Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Questions, composition of V:24 Columbus Lighthouse Memorial P:362-363 Cape Cod, Mass S:100, 101 E.S.C., comm. of 111:6 E.S.C., election of members P:92 Carfas, Tiburcio. Jr: Headquarters of U.N S:7 Delegate of Honduras..P:14; 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; L.o.N., attitude towards and reasons for with­ V :2; VI :2; S:2 drawal P:117-118 Refugees P :440-442 Report of P.C P:116-119 Carnegie Foundation: Terms of office of members of Councils VI:22 Declaration concerning establishment of the Perm. Vice-Presidents of G.A., election of P:69 Court of Int. Justice at The Hague VI:49-51 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Negotiations on installation of the Int. Court of Justice China: at The Hague. ,VI:51, 59;N:9,10, 11, 15-16; P:593 {resol.), 594 {resol.) Credentials of delegates P:71 Carneiro, Paulo: Delegation P:5-7 Draft resols., amends, etc., presented by del.: Member of del. of Brazil P:3; 111:1; IV:1 Atomic Energy Comm.. .1:6-11, 12-13, 29-30 {text)-, Int. Labour Org 11:23; 111:36 B:2, 31-32 {text)-, P.-257-267, 566-567 {text) Trusteeship IV:19, 31, 34 Cereals, world shortage of. . B:25-26, 60-61 {text)-, Carter, T. Le M., Member of del. of Canada. ,P:5; 111:1; P:471-499, 665-666 VI:1 N.G.O B:14 Terms of office of members of Councils... ,VI:25; Cassimatis, John, Member of del. of Greece P:13 B:23-25, 26 Cassin, Rene: Trusteeship..IV:26, 27, 33, 43 {text), 55; P:370, Member of del. of France V:2; PI 1; N:l: 588 Interpretation of article 11 of statute of the Court.P:346 Representation on: L.o.N., transfer of powers and functions N:5 Cttees. of G.A...1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; VI:1; N:1; S:1; B:1 Catholic Federation of Labour 1:23 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI:30 Cavaillon, Dr. Andre, Member of del. of France..P:12 Cttee. on transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Cereals, world shortage of: Contributions Cttee V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Draft resol. presented by dels, of U.K., U.S.A., France, Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 China and USSR..B:25-26, 60-61 {text)-,P-A70-499, E.S.C P:90, 99 665-666 Headquarters Comm S:29 Letter from UNRRA B:25-26, 61-65 {text) Inspection Group on Headquarters... ,S:31, 97, 99 Report of Gen. Cttee P:470-499, 665-666 (text) Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Resol P:499 {adoption), 665-666 {text) Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:342, 351 Telegram from FAO proposing convocation of conf. Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva P:471, 476, 666 {text) and at the Peace Palace at The Hague.... P:601 Cerovic, Milorad: Sub-Cttee. on Communications addressed to U.N. B:5, 16 Member of del. of Yugoslavia..P:31; 1:4; 111:4; VI:4; Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. S:3 Court V:24; VI:55 Refugees 111:23 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Chad IV:6 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12

5 China (contd.) : Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Section 1A, para. Representation on (contd.): 4 (e) of report of P.C.): Sub-Cttee. on N.G.O .. 1:20 Establishment and discussion. .11:21-22; 111:6, 7, 35; Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities.... VI:15 P.-124, 299-303, 573 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of G.A VI :6 Question referred to 3rd Cttee B:7; 111:4, 5 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Committees of the General Assembly: Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Statements by delegates: Allocation of items B :2 Budget . V:43 see also below under Cttee. concerned Cereals, world shortage and situation in China 1st Committee (Political and Security, including regula­ _ P:477-479 tion of armaments): Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A., composition of B:22 Agenda 1:4-5 Cttees. of G.A., composition of Sub-Cttees. of.B:7 Allocation of items B:5-6, 7, 50; P:570, 571 Contributions V:26 Chairman 1:1, 5 {election): P:35, 267 Convocation of conf. by the E.S.C., rules of proce­ Members 1:1-4 dure of G.A VI:13 Members of Secretariat, introduction to.... 1:5-6 Court of Justice, Int.: Programme of work: letter from Pres. of G.A.. .1:6 Emoluments of judges VI:17 Rapporteur 1:1, 5 {election): P:35, 262 Request for an advisory opinion B:28 Reports, see subjects concerned E.S.C., comm. of 111:7, 29 Time of meetings 1:5 Headquarters S:6, 20, 24, 93 Vice-Chairman 1:1, 5 {election): P:35 N.G.O B:14 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial): Non-self-governing territories see below: Trusteeship Agenda 11:4 Press Conf., Int B:19 Allocation of items B:6-7, 50; P:570, 571 Public information, department of V:36 Chairman 11:1, 5 {election): 111:6; P:35 Report of P.C P-.122-125 Members 11:1-4 S.C., election of members P:81, 88-89 Rapporteur 11:1, 5 {election): P:35 Tax equalization V:16 Reports, see subjects concerned Terms of office of members of Councils... ,VI:24; Vice-Chairman 11:1, 5 {election): P:35 B:23, 26 Work, programme of 11:5 Travelling expenses of delegates to G.A V:28 Joint Sub-Cttee. of 2nd and 3rd Cttees.: Trusteeship: IV:16-17, 25, 27; P:124-125, 369-370, Agenda 11:4, 18; 111:4, 31-32 376 Allocation of items B-6-7, 50; P:571-572 Voting, procedure for P:97-98 Appointment B:6; P:570 War criminals 1:22 Chairman 11:18; 111:31 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Composition 11:6; 111:5-6 Discussions 11:18-23; 111:31-36 Chopmist Hill (Providence District), R.I,.. .S-35, 36 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural): Citrine, Sir Walter, Member of del. of U.K P:25 Agenda 111:4, 5 Allocation of items B:6-7, 50; P:571 Civil Aviation Organization, Prov. Int P:163 Chairman 111:1, 5 {election): P:35 Civil Service Commission, Int 162, 203, P:611 Members .111:1-4 Rapporteur 111:1, 5 {election): P:35 Clasen, Andre, Member of del.of Luxembourg P; 16; Reports, see subjects concerned III: 3; IV: 2 Vice-Chairman 111:1, 5 {election): P:35 Coal Organization, European P:336 Work, Programme of 111:5 4th Committee (Trusteeship): Cohen, Benjamin V.: Agenda IV:4 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27 Allocation of items B:50; P:572 Trusteeship IV:7 Chairman IV:1, 4 {election): P:35 Competence concerning definition of "States di­ Colban, Erik Andreas: rectly concerned" IV-.22-6 Member of del. of Norway P:19; 1:3; VI:3; N:2 Members IV:l-4 Chairman of L.o.N. Cttee P:36;N:1, 5 (election) Rapporteur IV:1, 4-5 {election); P:35 Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 Reports, see subjects concerned Cereals, world shortage of P:484-485 Vice-Chairman IV:1, 4-5 {election): P:35 Spain, relations of States Members with P:358 Work, programme of '. IV:5 Trusteeship IV:34 5th Committee (Administrative and Budgetary): Agenda V:5, 6 Colombia: Allocation of items B:50-51; P:572 Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Chairman V:l, 5 {election): P:35 Delegation P:7 Members V:l-4 Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. .B:17, Rapporteur V:l, 6 {election); P:36, 447 21, 54-55 {text)-, P:361-363 Reports, see subjects concerned Representation on: Vice-Chairman V:l, 6 {election); P:35 Cttees. of G.A 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; Work, programme and organization V:5, 6, 8 VI:1; S:1 Joint Sub-Cttee. of 5th and 6th Cttees: E.S.C P:90, 99 Constitution V:24; VI:17, 55 Sub-Cttee. on N.G.O 1:20 Report V:40; VI:18-19, 55-57 {text) Statements of delegates: 6th Committee (Legal): Contributions V:26 Agenda VI :4 Report of P.C P:146-151 Allocation of items B:51; P:572 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Chairman VI:1, 5 {election); P:36 Colonies, see Non-self-governing territories: Territories Competence to make recommendations on Rules of other than those to which Chapter XII and XIII of the Procedure of G.A VI :7 Charter apply. Members VI-.1-4 Rapporteur. ..VI:1, 5 {election), 26 {election); P:36 Columbus Lighthouse Memorial: draft resol. of cer­ Reports, see subjects concerned tain South American Delegations on the construction of Vice-Chairman VI:1, 5 {election), 33; P:36 B:17, 21, 54-55 (text); P.-361-363 Credentials Cttee.: Combined Food Board P:476 Constitution P:36, 66, 71, 365 Reports P:71-72, 365-366 Commerce, Int. Chamber of P:508, 520, 532 Rules of procedure, prov P:547 Commission for Culture and Education: proposal of Establishment of P:67-68 Cuban delegation 111:7, 8, 27-29 General Cttee.: Competence in certain questions. .B:9-10, 11, 20, Commission on (Section 1A, para. 24,31,34 4 (a) of report of P.C.): Composition, powers and competence in political Establishment..11:23; 111:6; P:123-124, 299-300, 303, questions, see General Assembly: Rules of Proce­ 573 dure, prov.: Draft resols. etc.: Cuba. Participation of W.F.T.U 1:17 Constitution of B:l; P:36 Question referred to 3rd Cttee B:7; 111:4, 5 Executive Cttee. of, see General Assembly: Rules of Reference P:569 Procedure, prov.: Draft resols. etc.: Cuba.

6 Committees of the General Assembly (contd.): Co-ordination Commission {contd.): General Ctte (contd.): Question referred to Joint 2nd and 3rd Cttee.. .11:4, 5; Rules of procedure, prov.: 111:5, B:7 Amendments to, seeabove:Composition,powers, etc. Report of 2nd Cttee P:298, 573 {text) Text. P:548-549 Cordier, A. W., tribute to P:540 League of Nations Cttee.: Agenda N:5 C6rdova, Roberto: Allocation of items B:51; P:572 Member of del. of Mexico P:16; 11:3; IV:2; VI :3 Chairman N:l, 5 (election); P:36 Relations of States Members with Spain P:355-357 Establishment of B:10; P:270, 570 Terms of office of Council members VI:21, 23-24 Members N:l-3 Trusteeship IV:32 Rapporteur N:l, 5 {election); P:36 Voting procedure P:397 Vice-Chairman N:l, 5 {election); P:36 Permanent Headquarters Cttee.: Correspondence of U.N.: facilities for. ,P:645-646, 657 Agenda S:4 Cosentino, Jose Maria: Member of del. of Argentina Allocation of items B:51; P:572 P:l; 1:1; 111:1; IV:1; S:1 Chairman P:36; S:l, 3 {election) Costa Rica: Establishment of 13:10; P:270, 570 Credentials of delegates P:71 Procedure, questions referred to 6th Cttee S:23 Delegation P:7 Proposal for adjournment of meeting S:17 Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial.. ,B:17, Rapporteur S:l, 3 {election); P:36 21, 54-55 {text); P:361-363 Terms of reference B:27; P:535, 671 Representation on Cttees. of the G.A... 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; Vice-Chairman S:l, 3 {election)-. P:36 IV:1; V:l; VI:1; S:1 Programme of work B:7 Statements by delegates: Progress of work B:13, 22 Report of P.C P:178-179 Records, procedure for P:558-559 S.C., election of members P:75, 77 Reports, submission to G.A.: procedure B:21 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Rules of procedure, prov P:555-556 Seating arrangements B:4, 49-50 C6t§, E. A., Member of del. of Canada. ,P:4; IV:1; VI:1 Standing Cttee. for Peace and Security proposed. P:134- Councils, Terms of office of members: 135 Amendments presented by del. of: Structure of: report of M. Gerig: Australia P:385, 389, 391 Discussion VI:15, 16 China B:23-25, 26 Question referred to 6th Cttee...B:51; VI:4; P:572 Egypt..VI:16, 21-26, 32, 40-41 {text), 41-44; P:594 Question referred to Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Proce­ France B:24, 26; P:463, 465 dure VI:15 New Zealand..P:387, 389-390, 391, 392, 398, 457, Report of 6th Cttee P:456, 663 {text) 467-468 Report of Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure. VI:41 Panama P:389, 390 Communications: U.K.. ,P:380-383, 389, 390-391, 392, 393-394, 398 Facilities for U.N P:645-646, 657 U.S.A VI:23, 25; B:23-25, 26-27 Temporary Transport and Communications Cttee., see Uruguay P:457, 460-461 that title Discussion.. VI:16, 21-26, 32; B:17, 22-25, 26-27; P:378- 400, 456-469 Communications addressed to U.N.: Question referred to: Rules of procedure, draft prov B:52 Court of Justice: proposal P:463, 465 Sub-Cttee.: General Cttee P.-399-400 Appointment of B:4-5, 16, 52 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure Vl:16 Report B:10, 15, 51-52 {text) Reports: Concord, Mass S:100, 101, 102 6th Cttee P.-378-400, 594-597 {text) General Cttee P:464-469, 597-598 (text) Conference and General Services: department of Secre­ Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure VI :41-44 tariat P:610 Rules of procedure, prov P:554, 559 Congress of Industrial Organizations.. .1:24; P:527 Court of International Justice, Permanent: Connally, Tom: Declarations exchanged between Sec.-Gen. of L.o.N. Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; 1:4 and Carnegie Foundation re establishment at The Member of Sub-Cttee. of General Cttee. on N.G.O.B:13 Hague VI:49-51 Atomic Energy Comm 1:7-8 Pensions VI:53-54; N:14, 17 E.S.C., election of members P:94 Premises: arrangements for transfer to new Court.N:10, General Cttee., competence of B:9, 11 13,15 N.G.O., collaboration with U.N.. .B:9, 12, 14-15;P:326- Tax exemption V:12 327, 509-514, 525, 534, 580 Travelling expenses of members VI:54-55 Connecticut: Reference P:138 see also localities concerned Court of Justice, International: Letters from State Authorities re draft conv. on U.N. Adv. opinions: Headquarters S:52-53 Interpretation of word "meeting": draft resol. re­ List of persons who assisted Inspection Group S:71 questing B:28; 499-500, 666 Offer for U.N. Headquarters S:6, 21 Terms of office of members of Councils. .B:24, 26; Contributions: P:463, 465 Committee on: Budget. .V:47, 52; P:625, 629, 635 (figures), 637, 638 Amendment increasing membership. ,V:25; P:448 (figures), 639 (figures) {adoption), 622, 639-640 Dispute concerning Belize submitted to P:243 Composition, and terms of office of members. V:52- Disputes to be submitted to, arising out of: 53, 54; P:640-641 Conv. on Privileges and Immunities... ,P:454, 649 Report of 5th Cttee P:448, 640-641 {text) Reservation VI:27, 30; P:642-643 Rules of procedure, prov P:549-550, 558 Conv. with U.S.A P:655-656 Terms of reference P:623, 627, 640 Price for land and buildings for U.N P:651 Currency for payment of V:23; P:632 Judges: Dates of payment V:53; P:626, 634 Election P:340-350, 350-351 (terms of office) Progressive: Appointment of certain members of 6th Cttee. Amendment proposed by del. of Ecuador V:23, VI :26, 28-29 25-26; P:622 Interpretation of word "meeting" in, see below Amendments proposed by del. of Mexico.V:51-52, Statute etc. 53, P:622 Rules of procedure P:555 (text), 582-584 (memo.) Report of 5th Cttee P:622 Emoluments: Basis for fixing VI:52 Conventions on Privileges and Immunities, see under Budget V:47 Privileges and immunities Currency for fixing VI:55-56 Joint Sub-Cttee. of 5th and 6th Cttees.: Co-ordination Commission (Section 1A, para. 6 of re­ Constitution V:24; VI:17, 55 port of P.C.): Report V:40; VI:18-19, 55-57 (text).. Discussion 11:18, 19, 22; 111:32-33, 36 Memo, by Secretariat of 6th Cttee VI:51-52

7 Court of Justice, International (contd): Czechoslovakia (contd.): Judges; Emoluments {contd.): Statements by delegates: Report of 6th Cttee.VI:58-59; P:338-339(figures), Budget P:447-448 593 E.S.C P:177 Pensions VI:1S-19, 57; P:339-340 Headquarters S:20 Location 11:23; 111:36 Privileges and immunities VI:15 Negotiations with Carnegie Foundation on installation Refugees 111:15-16, 17; P.-423-424 at The Hague. .VI :51,59 ;N:9,10, 11, 15-16; P:593 Report of P.C P:174-178 (resol.), 594 (resol.) S.C., election of members P:75, 78 Opening meeting P:544 Spain, relations of States Members with.P:353-355 Pensions for judges and staff..VI:18-19, 57; P:339-340 Terms of office of Council members P:466 Premises VI:49; P-.593, 594 UNRRA 11:12; P:175, 315 Privileges and immunities. ,VI:31, 46, 48; P:449, 456, Working Capital Fund V:49 642, 661 (resol.) Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Question referred to the 6th Cttee.. ,VI:4, 58, B:51; P:572 Staff, temporary: appointment VI:59; P:594 D Statute: interpretation of word "meeting" in article 11 on election of judges: discussion anddraftresol ,B:28; Dahl, Finn, Member of del. of Norway P:19; 11:3 P:344-349, 499-500, 666 Dalen, Mrs. Frieda: Steps for convening. ,VI:16-17, 19, 49-51 (memo.), 55, 58-59; P:378, 593-594 (resol.) Member of del. of Norway P:19; 111:3 Travelling expenses of members VI:57 Rapporteur of 3rd Cttee 111:1, 5 (election); P:35 References P:143, 167, 197, 237 Participation of women in work of U.N P:406 Credentials Committee: Dao, Ying, Member of del. of China. .P:6; 11:1; V:1; VI:1 Constitution of P:36, 66, 71, 365 David, Wilmot A., Member of del. of Liberia.. P:16; 11:3; Reports P:71-72, 365-366 VI :3 Rules of procedure, prov P:547 Dawoud, Sayed Jamil, Member of del. of Saudi Arabia Creech-Jones, A.: P:22; 1:3 Member of del. of U.K P:25; IV:3 Dawson, Samuel Jorge, Member of del. of El Salvador Trusteeship. ,IV:8-10, 29, 34-35, 40, 42; P:373-376.... P:ll Crimea Conference, see Day, Sir A. C., Member of del. of New Zealand. ,P:18; Cuba: 1:3; VI :3 Credentials of delegates P:71 Dedijer, Vladimir, Member of del. of Yugoslavia. .P:30; Delegation P:7-8 1:4 Draft resols., amends, etc., presented by del.: Dehousse, F.: Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. .B:l7, 21, 54-55 Member of del. of Belgium P:2; 1:1; 11:1; 111:1 (text): P:361-363 E.S.C., comm. of 11:22; 111:29 Commission for Culture and education, creation of N.G.O., collaboration with P:502-503 111:7, 8, 27-29 Refugees 111:14 Declarations on int. duties and rights of man and Demographic Commission (Section 1A, para. 5 (a) of duties and rights of nations B:31; P:101-108 report of P.C.): Rules of procedure of G.A.: composition and powers of Gen. Cttee.. ,VI:5-6, 7, 8-9, 33-34 (text), 35, 37- Establishment and discussion. . .111:6, 7; P:300, 303, 573 38; B:29, 30-31 (text), 32 (letter); P:50-66, 100-101, Question referred to 3rd Cttee B:7; III, 45 271, 273-274, 560, 561-562, 565-566 (text), 568, Refugees, work in connection with IV:14, 17, 60 663 Denmark: Representation on: Amendments proposed by del.: Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; VI:2; S:1 Conv. with U.S.A VI:30 Refugees P:424, 434, 436 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI:30 Credentials of delegates P-.71 E.S.C P:90, 99, 244 Delegation P:9 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Representation on: Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... ,VI:15 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of G.A VI :6 N:l; S:1 Statements of delegates: Credentials Cttee P:36, 66, 71 Atomic Energy Comm 1:10 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... ,VI:15 Budget, prov V:44-45 Statements by delegates: Cereals, world shortage P:497-498 Budget, prov V:45 Cultural Commission 111:27-28, 29 Cereals, world shortage P:485-486 Declarations on int. rights and duties of man and of Headquarters S:20 nations i P:101-105, 106, 107 President of G.A., election of P:45-46 E.S.C., election of members P:93 Refugees. ,P:128-129, 424-425, 434, 435; 111:13, 25, General Cttee., composition and powers, and pro­ 27 cedure for discussion of question. .VI:5, 8; P:50- Report of P.C P:125-129 57,58-59,62, 65, 100, 273, 278, 290 Rules of procedure of G.A VI:13 Headquarters: work of Interim Cttee S:94 Tax equalization V:ll Nominations, rules of procedure for VI:10 UNRRA 11:11, 14 Non-self-governing territories, see below Trusteeship Report of P.C P:241-244 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Rules of procedure of G.A., Sub-Cttee. procedure Dennery, Etienne, Member of del. of France P:12 S.C., election of members P:86 Trusteeship IV:34; P:372-373 Dennis, Gabriel L.: Voting procedure P:96-97 Member of del. of Liberia P:16; 1:3; IV:2 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 T rusteeship IV:14 Culture: Devastated areas, Reconstruction of, see Reconstruc­ tion, etc. Comm. for culture and education, see that title Cttee. of the G.A., see 3rd Cttee. under Cttees. of G.A. Difference between Guatemala and the United King­ dom concerning Belize: question referred to the Int. Customs duties and prohibitions, exemption. .P:615, Court of Justice P:243 657 Czechoslovakia: Dihigo, Ernesto: Member of del. of Cuba P:8; 1:2; VI:2; S:1 Credentials of delegates P:71 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Delegation P:8-9 Declarations on int. rights and duties of man and of Representation on: nations P:101-105, 106 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; N:l; S:1 Voting procedure P:96-97 E.S.C P:90, 99 Dimechkie, Nadim, Member of del. of Lebanon.. ,P:16; Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 11:3; 111:3

8 Directors: Economic reconstruction and development. Emoluments V:6, 8-10; P:606-607, 612-613 (resol.) "Top-ranking director": definition P:607, 612re Economic and Social Council: Agenda, prov. (Section 1A, para. 2 of report of P.C.) Displaced persons: 11:4, 5, 18, 19 (approved)-, 111:4, 32 (approved)-, B:7; see also Refugees P:297-298, 573 (report) Definition of term 111:58 Aims and functions of. .P:149-150, 158, 170, 173, 177, Disputes: 202, 212, 216, 232, 242 Atomic Energy Comm., relationship with. .1:29; B:31; re Belize: question submitted to the Court P:243 P:224, 258, 567 (resol.) arising out of Interpretation of Conventions, see under Budget. ,V:46; P:629 (figures), 635 (figures), 636, 638 Court of Justice, Int. (figures), 639 (figures) involving U.N. or officials, provisions for settlement of Commissions: establishment, terms of reference and P.-649, 661 composition (Section 1A, para. 7 of report of P.C.): Djojohadi-Koesoemo, Raden Mas Soemitro, Member 11:4, 5, 19-20 (discussion)-, 111:4,33-34(discussion)-, of del. of Netherlands P:18; 113: B:7; P:297-298; 574 (re/wl) see also commissions concerned Dominican Republic: Conferences: convocation by: Credentials of delegates P:71 Amendment to rules of procedure pre Delegation P:10 of Ecuador. .VI :5-6, 7, 11-14, 34 Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. ,B:17, P:64, 272-273, 296-297 (adoption), 5 21, 54-55 (text)-, P:361-363 Rules of procedure, prov Refugee colony established in 111:63-65; P:601 Date of first session (Section 1A, para. Representation on: • P.C.). .11:4, 5,18; 111:4,32; B:7; P:29i Cttees. of G.A 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; F.A.O., relationship to VI:2; N:l; S:1 Geographical distribution Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Language rules: question referred to the i Statements by delegates on: Meetings not to be held simultaneousl; Refugees 111:13, 63-65 proposal Report of 3rd Cttee 111:8 Members: Report of P.C P:195-196 Election P:89-1UU UNRRA 11:8, 15, 17; P:313-314 Rules of procedure, prov P:554, 559 Women, participation in work of U.N P:404 - Terms of office, see Councils, Terms of office of Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 members Dons, Erik, Member of del. of Norway P:19 N.G.O., request to partic Non-political functions b: Draskovic, Branko, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.P:31; referred to VI :4 Questions referred to 2nd ! Drzevvieski, Bernard, Member of del. of Poland..P:21; 2nd and 3rd Cttees... 111:3 Reconstruction of countric referred to Dubois, Enrique Carlos, Member of del. of Argentina Refugee question to be re P:l; 11:1; V:1 Rules of procedure, prov. Duchacek, Ivo: of P.C.).. 11:4,5,18, I Member of del. of Czechoslovakia P:8; VI:2 proved) Relations of States Members with Spain P:353-355 Secretariat department... Dulles, John Foster: Specialized agencies, relati: agencies Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; IV:3 Terms of office of members, see t-ouncns Court of Justice: request for an adv. opinion of.. .B:28 Trust and colonial territories, work in connection with Press conf., int B:19 P:375 Spain, relations of States Members with B:20 W.F.T.U., request to participate in work of, see Non­ Terms of office of Council members. .B:23, 27; P:464- governmental orgs. 466, 469 References. ,P:43, 112, 116, 123, 143, 145, 147, 165, 176, Trusteeship. .IV.-17-18, 19-20, 29, 31, 35-36, 40; P:367- 197, 202, 215, 220, 225, 237, 239, 242, 537, 544 369 Dumbarton Oaks Conference and Proposals.. ,P:112, Ecuador: 122, 145, 162-163, 192, 243, 245, 252 Amendments presented by del.: Dunn, James Clement, Member of del. of U.S.A..P:27 Contributions, progressive scale of. .V:23, 25-26, 53 Convocation of conf. on prices on int. market (Rules Dupuy, Pierre: of procedure of G.A.).. VI:5-6, 7, 11-14, 34 Member of del. of Canada P:4; IV:1; VI:1 (text), 35, 39; P:64, 272-273, 296-297 (adoption), Trusteeship IV:20 560-563 (report) Credentials of delegates P:72 Durdenevsky, Vsevolod N.: Delegation P:10 Member of del. of USSR P:24; VI:4 Representation on: Chairman of Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Judges. . . . Cttees. of G.A 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:18, 55 VI:2; N:l; S:1 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of G.A VI :6 Duties and rights of nations, see Nations Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Statements of delegates: Contributions V:26, 27 Cultural Comm 111:28, 29 E N.G.0 1:25 Report of P.C P:138-141 Eaton, Charles A., Member of del. of U.S.A P:27 Rules of procedure of G.A VI:5-6, 11-12, 13 Echandia, Darfo: Member of del. of Colombia....P:7; Trusteeship IV :42 1:1; 111:1 Voting, procedure for P:97 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Economic Affairs, Secretariat, department of P:610 Education: Economic Committee, Emergency. .P:336, 473, 476, Comm. for Culture and Education, see Commission etc. 480 Int. system of P:441 Economic and Employment Commission (Section 1A, para. 4 (b) of report of P.C.): Egeland, L.: Collaboration with W.F.T.U B:48 Member of del. of the Union of South Africa. P:24; 111:4; Establishment and discussion. .11:6, 23; P:232-233, 297- VI :3 298 E.S.C., prov. agenda of 11:19; 111:32 Question referred to 2nd Cttee 11:4, 5; B:7 Privileges and immunities: work of Sub-Cttee... .VI:28 Refugees 111:16, 23 Economic and Financial Questions, Cttee. on, see 2nd Terms of office of Council members. ,P:391-392, 399-400 Cttee. under Cttees. of G.A. Treaties and int. agreements, registration VI:20

9 Egypt: Executive Secretary (contd:): Amend, on Terms of office of Council members. ,VI:16, Tributes to. ,P:37, 50, 130, 138, 161, 174, 179, 187, 192, 21-26, 32,40-41 (text), 41-44; P:594 200, 206, 539, 540 Credentials of delegates P:7l Exintaris, George: Delegation P:10-ll Member of del. of Greece P:13; IV:2; S:2 Representation on: Trusteeship IV:41, 42 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; S:1 Experts on mission, privileges and immunities for. P:648, Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI:30 659-660 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:343, 351 S.C P:80, 82, 87, 198 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. Court V:24; VI-.55 Fabela Alfaro, I., Judge of the Int. Court of Justice Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 P:342 (election), 351 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... .VI:15 Fairfield, Conn S:18, 21; P:675 Statements of delegates: Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz, Amir, Member of del. of Saudi Atomic Energy Comm 1:9 Arabia P:22 Competence of 6th Cttee VI :7 Headquarters S:6, 9, 11, 13 F.A.O., see Food and Agriculture Organization N.G.0 1:16, 17; P:327-328, 534 Fats, world shortage of: Non-self-governing peoples, see below Trusteeship Refugees 111:18 Letter from UNRRA B:61-65 Report of P.C P:196-199 Telegram from F.A.O P:666 Terms of office of members of Councils. ,VI:21-22, Federation of Latin-American Workers 1:23, 24 24, 32; P:383-384 Trusteeship IV:20, 26, 28, 29, 30; P:370-372 Federation of U.N. Associations 1:17 Voting procedure P:396 Federspiel, Per: World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. Member of del. of Denmark P:9; 11:2; 111:2; VI:2 above Vice-Chairman of 6th Cttee VI:1, 5 (election); P:36 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Refugees 111:27 EInaggar, Said, Member of the delegation of Saudi Rules of procedure of G.A VI:13 Arabia P:22, 111:3; VI:3 Feller, A. H.: El Salvador: Member of del. of U.S.A P:28; VI :4 Credentials of delegates P:71 Conv. between U.N. and U.S.A VI:30 Delegation P:ll Work of 6th Cttee VI :32 Draft resol. requesting adv. opinion or interpretation of Feonov, Nikolai I.: word "meeting" in statute of Court.B:28; P:500,666 (text) Representative of USSR on Cttees. of G.A. .11:4; 111:4 Representation on: Refugees 111:9 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI :2; UNRRA 11:17 S:1 Fernandez y Medina, Benjamin: Judge of the Int. Court of Justice.. VI:28-29; P:342, Member of del. of Uruguay. . P:30; 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV :3; 351 V:4; VI:4; N:3 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities.... VI:15 Interpretation of articles 11 and 12 of statute of Court Statements by delegates: P:347, 348 Contributions V :26 Suppression of death penalty for war criminals... .B:19 Court of Justice: interpretation of article 11 of UNRRA 11:14, 16 statute P:344, 346 Report of P.C P:137-138 Finances: S.C., election of members P:81 see also; Accounts Terms of office of members of Councils VI:22 Budget Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Working Capital Fund Emergency Economic Cttee. for Europe. .P:336, 473, Financial regulations, draft prov... VI.-21-23; P:621, 622- 476, 480 623, 628 (adoption), 630-633 (text) Emoluments, see Salaries and allowances Privileges and immunities for funds and assets. .P:645, 656-657 Employers, Int. Federation of P.-520, 532 Financial questions: Cttee. of G.A., see 2nd Cttee. Employment: under Cttees. of G.A. Conf. on Trade and Employment P:242, 544 Fiscal Committee (Section 1A, para. 5(c) of report of Economic and Employment Comm., see that title P.C.): Situation P:148 Establishment and discussion 11:6; P:297-298 Entezam, Nasrollah: Question referred to 2nd Cttee 11:4, 5; B:7 Member of del. of Iran P:15; 1:2; 111:2; S:2 Fischer, Jirf, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia... ,P:8; Rapporteur of Headquarters Cttee...S:l, 3 (election); 111:2 P:36 Food and Agriculture Organization: Espil, Felipe A., Member of del. of Argentina.. P:1; 11:1; Meeting at Quebec, 1945 P:471 V:1 Relationship to U.N 11:21; 111:35; P:225 Ethiopia: Scale of payments V:23-24, 36, 48-49; P:623 Credentials of delegates P:7l Statistics to be prepared by P:476 Delegation P:ll Telegram proposing convocation of conf... ,P:471, 476, Representation on Cttees. of G.A...I:2; 11:2; 111:2; 666 (text) IV:2; V:2; VI:2; N:1;S:1 References P.-163, 238, 240, 242 Statements by delegates: Report of P.C P:244-247 Food Board, Combined P:476 Trusteeship IV:35 Foo Ping-sheung, Member of del. of China... .P:5; 11:1 UNRRA 11:14 Ford, R. A. D., Member of del. of Canada. .P:4; 111:1; Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 V:1 Europe, Emergency Economic Cttee. for. ,P:336, 473, Foreign Policy, U.N. to become over-riding factor in 476,480 P:40-41, 205, 220 European Central Inland Transport Organization V:12; P:336 Formashev, Vyatcheslav I., Member of del. of Byelorussian SSR P:4: VI:1 European Coal Organization P.-336 Fouques-Duparc, Jacques: Executive Secretary: Member of del. of France P:12 Authorization to perform functions of Sec. Gen., pending Composition of Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A...B:22 appointment of Sec. Gen P:49-50, 558 Terms of office of Council members. ,B:24, 25,26; P:461- Employment of staff of V:20 463

10 Fourie, B. G., Member of del. of Union of South France (contd.): Africa P:24; VI :3 Statements of delegates (contd.): France: Territories under mandate of: attitude towards and action of govt IV:5-6, 7-8, 11, 12-13; P:251 Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Delegation P:11-13 Draft resols., amends, and proposals presented by del.: Frangie, Hamid Bey: Adv. Cttee. on Administrative and Budgetary Member of del. of Lebanon P:16; 1:3 Questions, composition of V:23, 24-25, 51 Foreign troops in Lebanon P:248 Atomic Energy Comm.. 1:6-11, 12-13,29-30 (text); Nominations (Rules of procedure of G.A.).. .P:277-278 B:2, 31-32 (text); P.-257-267, 566-567 (text) Report of P.C P:247-249 Budget, transfers within V:25; P:622 Cereals, world shortage of. ,B:25-26, 60-61 (text); Franic, Alexandar, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.P:31; P:470-499, 665-666 IV:4; N:4 Contributions Cttee V:54 Fraser, Peter: Conv. with U.S.A VI:29-30 Member of del. of New Zealand. ,P:18; 1:3; 11:3; 111:3; Court of Justice: request for adv. opinion on inter­ IV:3; V:3 pretation of article 11 of statute..B:28; P:346, Member of Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O B:4, 13 500, 666 (text) Chairman of 3rd Cttee 111:1, 5 (election); P:35 Headquarters: adjournment of decision re perm, Chairman of Joint 2nd and 3rd Cttees 11:18; 111:31 seat and establishment of interim seat..S:10-l 1 Atomic Energy Comm P:224 (text), 13-16, 23 (text), 23-27; P:673 (text) Cttees. of G.A B:7 "Statutory refugees" and "displaced persons": E.S.C., election of members P:91-92, 93-94 memorandum 111:57-61 (text); P:601 General Cttee., competence of B.-9-10, 11 Terms of office of members of Councils. . .B:24, 26 N.G.O B:3-4, 12; P:523-531 Women, participation in conferences of U.N.III:29; Refugees P:428-433, 438 B:25, 60 (text); P-.402-412 Report of P.C P:220 Food situation P:480-481 S.C., election of members P:75, 76-77, 80 Representation on: Terms of office of Council members..B:25; P:385-388, Cttee. on Contributions V:52, 54 389-390, 394, 458-460 Cttees. of G.A 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; Trusteeship IV:6-7, 10, 11, 23; P:226-227 VI:2; N:l; S:l; B:1 UNRRA P:225, 317-319 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A VI:30; B:22 Voting procedure P:292, 294-295, 395, 397, 398 Cttee. on Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Women, participation in work of U.N P:409-411 Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 Freedom, discussion of principle P:420, 425-429 Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 E.S.C P:90, 99 Freedom of information: conf., see Press, etc. Headquarters Comm S:29 Freitas-Valle, C. de: Inspection Group on Headquarters... ,S:32, 34, 99 Member of del. of Brazil P:3; 1:1 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Atomic Energy Comm P:267 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:342, 351 Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva French Equatorial Africa, administration of P:251 and at the Peace Palace at The Hague.... P:601 Friis, Finn T. B., Member of del. of Denmark.P:9; N:1 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. Court V:24; VI:17, 55 Frisch, Hartvig, Member of del. of Denmark. ,P:9; 1:2; Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 V:2 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 Fusco, Antonio Gustavo: Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O .1:20; B:4, 13 Member of del. of Uruguay. ,P:30; 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; I V:3; Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities. .. ,VI:15 V:4; VI :4 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of G.A VI :6 Nominations, rules of procedure of G.A P:291 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Participation of women in work of U.N P:411 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Reservations: Headquarters of U.N.: report of Inspection Group G Q-tt 4? 43 103 Gajardo, Enrique: Tax refund to officials ,P':445-447 Statements of delegates: Member of del. of Cnile P:5; VI:1; S:1 Accounts, examination of V:25 Headquarters S:7 Atomic Energy Comm 1:10; P:266 Gallego, Manuel V.: Budget, prov V:38, 46, 47 Member of del. of Philippine Republic P:20; 111:3; Cereals, world shortage of P:479-483 V:3; VI :3 Comm. for Culture and Education 111:28 Refugees 111:13 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A., composition of B:22 Ganem, Andre, Member of del. of France. .P:12; 11:2; Conv. with U.S.A VI:29 V:2; N:1 Court of Int. Justice: interpretation of article 11 of Garces, Diego, Member of del. of Colombia P:7 statute P:346 E.C.S., prov. agenda 11:19; 111:32 Gardiner, J. G.: Europe, representation at G.A P:252 Member of del. of Canada P:4; 111:1 General Cttee., competence of B:11 Demographic Comm 111:7 Headquarters. .S:6-7, 10-11, 15, 16, 20, 27, 95; P:252 Gasperi, Mr. de., communication from B:5 L.o.N., transfer of powers and functions N:5 . Mandates, see below Trusteeship Gavrilovic, Stoyan: Nominations (Rules of procedure of G.A.).. .VI:10; Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30; S:3 P:275-276 Member and Chairman of Inspection Group. S:31; P:541 N.G.O 1:17, 22; B:3, 8; P:327, 517-519 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Privileges and immunities VI:26 Rapporteur of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters..S:91 Public Information, department of V:35 (election) Refugees 111:16, 22, 24, 30, 31, 57-61 (memo.) Welcome of New York school children to U.N. P :541-542 Report of P.C P:249-253 S.C. election of members P:89 General Assembly: Spain, relations of States Members with P:353 Agenda, see that title Specialized agencies 11:22; 111:8, 36 Amendments, procedure for P:438-439 Tax equalization V:13, 38, 51 Atomic EnergyComm., relationship with. .1:11, 12, 13, Terms of office of Members of Councils.VI:22; 29; B:31; P:258, 260, 264, 265-266, 567 (resol.) B:24, 25, 26; P:390-391, 461-463 Budget, prov. ..V:46, 47; P:629, 635 (figures), 635-636, Trusteeship IV:5-6, 7; P:251 637, 638 (figures), 639 (figures) UNRRA 11:11 Closing speeches P:537-544 Voting procedure S:17 Cttees. of, see Committees of G.A. Women, participation in work of U.N.. .P:407-409 Conduct of business P:551-553 World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. above Convocation P:xii

11 General Assembly (contd.): Ghaleb Bey, Abdel Hamid, Member of del. of Egypt Date of next meeting and name of session....B:17, 18, P:10; 1:2 55-57; P:363-364, 585-587 {report), 586-587 Gilchrist, Huntingdon: (resol.) Secretary of Inspection Group S:32 Delegations Secretary of Interim Headquarters Cttee S:91, 94 List P:l-31 Gjurgjevic, Teodor, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.P:31; Rules of procedure P:547, 558 N:3 Elections and nominations, see below Rules of procedure: Amendments etc.: Ukrainian SSR. Gleave, J. L., architect of the Columbus Lighthouse Europe, representation P:252 Memorial B:55; P:363 Guests, official and permanent: creation of category of Goldstiicker, Edvard, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia B:8, 12, 48; P:580, 581 P:8; 1:2 Journal, issue of P:576 Language rules B:51;P:551 {text) Gomez Ruiz, Luis Emilio, Member of del. of Venezuela Meetings not to be held simultaneously with Councils P:30; 1:4; VI:4 P:541 Gonzaivo, Francisco A., Member of del. of the Domi­ Nominations, see below Rules of Procedure: Amend­ nican Republic P:10; 111:2; V:2 ments etc.: Ukrainian SSR. Officers, list of P.-35-36 Gori, Jos6 Joaquin, Member of the delegation of Colom­ President P:35 bia P:7; 1:1; 11:1; IV:1; V:l; VI:1 Closing speech P:539-541 Gorse, Georges, Member of del. of France.. .P:12; IV:2 Election P:46 Presidential address P:47-49 Gousev, Feodor T., Member of del. of USSR.P:24; IV:3 Rules of procedure for P:44-45; 547-548, 558 Gouthier, Hugo: Ruling in case where votes were equal on both sides S:16-17 Member of del. of Brazil. .P:3; 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; Tributes to. P:538-539. 544 V:l; VI:1; S:1 Programme of meetings B:15-16 Headquarters S:5, 7, 30 Progress of work B:13, 22 Voting procedure S:17 Publicity of meetings P:551 Grand Island, N.Y S:100, 102 Records P:551, 558 559 Resols. adopted by: procedure for communication. P:551 Graydon, Gordon: Rules of procedure, prov.: Member of del. of Canada P :4; 11:1; VI:1 Adoption, prov P:61, 65 E.S.C., comm. of 11:20; 111:33 Amendments, procedure for P:557 UNRRA 11:13 Amendments presented by del. of: Belgium (presented to the P.C.) P:53-54 Greece: Cuba. ,VI:5-6, 7, 8-9, 33-34 {text), 35-36, 37-38; Credentials of delegates P:71 B:30-31 {text), 32 {letter): P:50-66, 100-101, 271, Delegation P:13-14 273-274, 560, 561-562, 565-566 {text), 568, 663 Representation on: Ecuador. ,VI:5-6, 7, 11-14, 34 {text), 35, 39; P:64, Cttees. of the G.A...1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; 272-273, 296-297 {adoption), 560-563 {report) VI:2; N:l; S:2 Egypt. ,VI:16, 21-26, 32, 40-41 {text), 41-44; Cttee. on UNRRA 11:6 P:594 E.S.C P:90, 99 Lebanon VL10-11; P:274-296 Statements by delegates: Ukrainian SSR. ,VI:7, 9-11, 34-35 {text), 35, 36, Cereals, world shortage of, and situation in Greece 37, 38, 39; P:57-64, 271, 272, 274-296, 560, 562 P:498-499 USSR VI :7-8; P:271, 561 Report of P.C P:204-208 U.S.A VI:12-14, B:23, 25; B:23-25, 26-27 Treaties, int.: registration of VI:20 Competence of 6th Cttee. to make recommenda­ Trusteeship IV:41, 42 tions VI :7 UNRRA. 11:8; P:322, 498 Discussion VI:5-14, 21-26; P:50-66, 270-297 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Letter from Pres. of G.A. to Chairman of 6th Cttee. VI :6, 35; P:559-560 Gretly, AI1, Member of del. of Egypt P:ll; 11:2; V:2 Question referred to the 6th Cttee.. .VI:4, 6; B:51; Grigoropoulos, Theodoros, Member of del. of Greece P:62, 64, 65-66, 572 P:13 Report of 6th Cttee P:270-297, 559-563 (text) Gromyko, Andrei A.: Sub-Cttee: Member of del. of USSR P:24; 1:4; S:3 Appointment and terms of reference...... VI:6 Cereals, world shortage of P:486-487 (composition), 7, 15, 16, 35; P:57, 58, 59, 61- Communications addressed to U.N B:15 62, 271, 560 Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:279, 283 Reports. .VI:7-14, 21-26, 35-39 (text), 41-44 N.G.O.. .1:15 (reference); B:4, 8-9, 11-12, 13-14; P:327, (text): P:560 503-506, 580-581 Text P:545-559 Press Conf., int B:19 Sessions: prov. rules of procedure P:545, 557 President of G.A., election of P:43-44, 46 Travelling expenses of delegates. .V:27-28; P:623, 628 Report of P.C P:192-195 (resol.) S.C., election of members P:73-74, 79 Vice-Presidents B:l; P:35, 69-70 (election) Spain, relations of States Members with B:20 Rules of procedure, prov P:547-548, 558 Terms of office of Council members P:388-389 Voting: Trusteeship P:194-195 Questions of procedure: discussion. .P:97-98, 274- War criminals: question of suppression of death penalty 296, 395-400 for B:18-19 Ruling of Pres. of G.A S:16-17, 17 World Federation of Trade Unions, see above N.G.O. Rules of procedure, prov P:553 YV.F.T.U., request to participate in, see Non-govern­ Gross, Stanislaw, Member of del. of Poland. .P:21; 1:3 mental orgs. Guatemala: General Committeeof the G. A., see under Committees Credentials of delegates P:7l of the G. A. Delegation P:14 Difference with U.K. on Belize: question submitted to Georgacopoulos, Eleftherios, Memberof del. of Greece the Court P:243 P:13 Representation on Cttees. of G.A...1:2; 11:2; 111:2; Gerbrandy, P. S., Member of del. of Netherlands. ,P:17; IV:2; V:2; VI :2 1:3 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Gerig, Benjamin: Guerrero, J. Gustavo: Member of del. of U.S.A P:28; N:2 Member of del. of El Salvador.. ,P:11; 1:2; 11:2; VI:2 Report, as Chairman of Sub-Cttee. on General Cttee. Judge of the Int. Court of Justice... .VI:28-29; P:342 VI :4; B:51 (election), 351 Germany: Election of members of S.C P:81 Food situation P:481 Interpretation of article 11 of Statute of Court. .P:344, Occupation of P:261 346 Place in future world order P:136 Report of P.C P:137-138

12 Gulgnebert, Jean, Member of del. of France P:12 Headquarters of the United Nations (contd.): Inspection Group (contd.): H Report: Approved by the Interim Cttee S:103; P:673 Hackworth, Green H.: Discussion S:4-16, 18-22, 103-104 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; VI:4 Preparation of S:33 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice VI :28-29; P:342 Procedure for B:16 (election), 351 Reservations to S:103; P:673 Convocation of confs. by E.S.C VI:12-13 Sections dealing with legal matters referred to 6th Cttee S.-104 Haiti: Text. S:31-78 Credentials of delegates P:71 Secretariat: composition and acknowledgment.S:45 Delegation P:14 Interim Cttee. for selection of site for perm, head­ Representation on: quarters: Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; Areas approved by S:32 (note) S:2 Chairman S:91 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 Composition S:91 Statement of delegate on report of P.C P:158-161 Consideration of sites in the east of U.S... . S:100- Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 103; P:672-673 Hakimi, Abolhassan, Member of del. of Iran..P:15; Juridical Sub-Cttee S:104 111:2; V:2 Meeting proposed B:16 Procedure S:92, 103 Hakki, Yehia: Programme of work S:92-95, 99 Member of del. of Egypt P:ll; 111:2; VI:2 Rapporteur S:4, 91 (election) Refugees 111:18 Recommendation re interim headquarters.S:23-28; P:674 Halbhuber, Jaroslav, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia Terms of reference. ,S:4-5 (discussion), 12, 33; P:8; II :2 P:672 Hall, Glenvil: Interim site: Member of del. of U.K P:25; V:3; N:2 Budget V:46; P:637, 638 Transfer of L.o.N. functions N:6 Discussion S:23-28 Recommendation of Inspection Group S:43 Hambro, Carl J.: Recommendation of Interim Cttee.. .S:23-28; P:674 Member of del. of Norway P:19; V:3 Reports of Inspection Group S:42-43, 61-71 Secretary of the 6th Cttee VI:33; P:270 Requirements S:61-64 Emoluments of judges at the Court VI:18 Resol P:675 Hansson, Michael, Chairman of Governing Body of Separation of question from perm. site... ,S:7-8, 10,11,12 Nansen Office 111:38 Terms of reference of Inspection Group S:32 Hashem, Naguib, Member of del. of Egypt.. P:11; 111:2 Letter from Sec. Gen. to Chairman of Headquarters Hasluck, Paul: Cttee S:22-23 Localities rejected SHOO, 101, 102 Member of the delegation of Australia P:l; IV:1 Perm. Headquarters Cttee., see under Committees of the Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 G.A. Hauck, Henry, Member of del. of France P:12 Permanent site: Adjournment of discussion to future session. .S:7-8, Haveman, B. W., Member of del. of the Netherlands 9, 10, 11 (resol.), 12, 15; P:673 P:18; 111:3; IV:3 Funds for purchase of land P:635 Headquarters of the United Nations: Question referred to the Perm. Headquarters Cttee. see also localities concerned S:3; B:51; P»572 Area in square miles. ,S:9, 14, 15, 19, 21, 39, 47; P:675 Recommendations of Interim Cttee P.-673 Attitude of U.S.A. del. during discussions. .S:8-9, 23, 26 Report and recommendation of the Inspection Climate of Sites visited S:36, 37 Group S:31-42 Cttee. 8 of the P.C.: Resol..- P.-675 Authority to limit selection of sites S:5 Terms of reference of inspection group S:32 Decision re necessity for recommendation during Planning Comm.: name changed to Headquarters first part of G.A S:12, 33 Comm S:28 Decision that site chosen should be in U.S... ,S:10; see also above: Headquarters Comm. P.-672 Planning Comm. of experts, creation recommended Decision in favour of east against west. .S:7, 9-10, P:676 14, 98-99 Printing facilities in sites visited S:36, 38 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A.: establishment, func­ Qualifications and standards stated by Interim Cttee. tions and member hp VI:30; B:18, 22; P:650 S:35, 45-47 (text), 95-97 Consideration of sites by Interim Cttee S:100-103 Recreational facilities in sites visited S:36, 38 Convention with U.S.A., see that title Report of Perm. Headquarters Cttee.. .S:30; P:535-537, Displacement of population within the zone. .S:4, 7, 9, 671-676 (text) 29, 39, 103 Residence in zone of persons not officially connected Distance from a great city of sites visited. . . ,S:35, 37 with U.N S:38-39 Draft resol., amend., etc. presented by del. of Tax problem for local authority if population is reduced Australia S:23-27; P:674 S:9, 29 Bolivia S:24-27 Territory adjacent to zone, control of development in Canada S:18-22, 28-29 S:14, 21 France S:10-ll (text), 13-16, 23 (text), 23-27 Health: Netherlands S:13 (text), 14, 15, 18-22 General question of P:250 Poland S:18-22 Int. Conferences P:124, 544 U.K S:98-99 Int. Organization P:124 Uruguay S:29 Transfer of L.o.N. functions P:401, 600 East versus West S:7, 8, 9-10, 11, 12, 98; P:672 Henderson, A.: Educational facilities in sites visited S:36, 37 Engineering survey of sites visited S:36, 37 Member of del. of U.K P: 25; III:4;VI: 4 Headquarters Commission: Narcotic Drugs Comm P:300-303 Composition and establishment. . ,S:29, 30; P:674, Hernandez de Aguero, Jose, Member of del. of Peru 675 (resol.) P:20; S:2 Terms of reference. .S:14-15, 18-22, 28-29 (text); Herrera-Baez, Porfirio, Member of del. of Dominican P:675-676 (resol.) Republic P:10; 1:2; 11:2; VI:2 Inspection Group: Appointment, composition and terms of reference Heywot, Zaudie G.: S:31-33, 97, 99 Member of del. of Ethiopia P:ll; 11:2; V:2; N:1 Expenses S:33 UNRRA 11:14 List of persons who assisted in U.S. and acknowl­ edgments S:44-45, 71-75 Hillova, Mrs. Olga, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia Press relations S:33, 43-44 (report) P:8;111:2

13 Hlavacek, Ladislav, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia Installation allowances, see under Staff P:8; V:2 Hodgson, W. R.: Insurance against third party risks. .VI:32, 46, 49; Member of del. of Australia. .P:l; 11:1; 111:1; V:l; VI :1; P:450, 456, 642, 662 (resol). S:1 Inter-American Commission of Women P:404 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Headquarters S:4-5, 9, 19, 23-24, 27 International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel­ Refugees 111:18-19, 26 opment 111:6; P:237-238, 240, 242 Rules of procedure of G.A S:17 S.C., election of non-perm, members P:84 International Chamber of Commerce. P:508, 520, 532 Holmes, J. W., Member of del. of Canada. ,P:4; 1:1; IV1: International Civil Aviation Organization, Provi­ Honduras: sional P:163 Credentials of delegates P:71 International Co-operative Alliance: Request to parti­ Delegation _ P:14 cipate in work of E.S.C.: Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. ,B:17, Discussion 1:15, 19, 24; B:8; P:504, 508, 510-515 21, 54-55 (text); P:361-363 (passim), 520, 522, 523, 526, 527, 530, 531 Representation of Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; Draft resols. and amendments.. .1:27, 32, 33; P:670 V:2; VI:2; S:2 Report of 1st Cttee...P:501, 502, 667 (text), 668 (text) Statement by delegate on refugees P:440-442 Report of Gen. Cttee B:49; P:578 (text) Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Resol P:534 (adoption), 669 (text) Hoo, Victor Chi-tsai: Text of request B:40-41 Member of del. of China....P:5; 11:1; 111:1; V:1; S:1 Headquarters S:24 International Democratic Federation of Women: re­ quest to participate in work of E.S.C.. .1:15; B:8, 42-45 Hsu Mo , Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:342 (text), 49; P:510, 578-579, 667 (election), 351 Hsu, Shuhsi: International Federation of Employers P:520, 532 Member of del. of China P:6; IV:1; S:1 Member and Vice-Chairman of Inspection Group on International Labour Organization: Headquarters S:31, 99 Buildings: transfer to I.L.O N:17 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Dependent territories: work in connection with. .IV:34; Location of headquarters S:6 P:375 E.S.C., relations with 11:23; 111:36; P:225 Hubac, Hubert, Member of del. of France P:12 Refugees, work in connection with 111:17, 38, 60 Humanitarian questions: Cttee. of the G.A., see 3rd Separation of interests in assets of L.o.N.N:8,14, 15, 17 Cttee. under Cttees. of G.A. Tax exemption V:12, 13 Huston, Howard R., Adviser on interim facilities. ,S:26 Use of L.o.N. Assembly Hall and Library. . N:8, 9, 15, 16-17 Hyde Park District, N.Y.. ,S:34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 50, 78, References P:166, 244 81-86, 100, 102, 103 Human Rights: International Monetary Fund... ,P:149, 163, 237, 240 Comm. on Human Rights, see that title Interpretation 1:14; P:307, 576 Declaration on int. duties and rights of man: draft resol. presented by del. of CubaB:31; P:101-108, 300, 566, Iran: 568, 569, 573 Credentials of delegates P;71 Declaration prepared by American jurists 111:18 Delegation P;15 Representation on: I Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; Ica2a, Francisco A. de, Member of del. of Panama. P:19; N:2- S:2 11:2; 111:3; VI:3 Executive Cttee. of P.C P:120 Situation in P:120-121 Ikramullah, M., Member of del. of India..P:15; 1:2; Statements of delegates: 11:2; V:2 Headquarters: work of Interim Cttee S:92-93 Iksel, Settar, Member of del. of Turkey. ,P:23; 1:3; 11:3; Report of P.C P:119-122 111:3; S:3 S.C P:121 Ilkin, Nedim Veysel, Member of del. of Turkey.. .P:23 Situation in Iran P-.120-121 Terms of office of Council members P:392-393 India: Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Amend, on Trusteeship. ,IV:26, 27-28, 52-53 (text), 55; P:588 Iraq: Credentials of delegates P:71 Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Delegation P:14-15 Delegation P:15-16 Food situation P:318, 472, 489-494 Draft resols. and amend, presented by del.: Representation on: Conv. on Privileges and Immunities VI:27 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; Court of Justice: pensions for staff VI:18 S:2 Trusteeship.. IV:26, 32-33, 48-49 (text), 55; P:588, E.S.C P:90, 99 589 Sub-Cttce. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Representation on: Statements by delegates: Cttee. on Contributions V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Atomic energy comm P:218 Cttees. of G.A 1:3; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2 Cereals, world shortage P:489-494 VI :2; N:2;S:2 E.S.C., comm. of. .11:6, 18, 19, 20; 111:6, 7, 32, 33 Headquarters Comm S:29 Headquarters S:14, 19-20 Inspection group on Headquarters. ,S:32, 34, 97, Report of P.C P:213-220 99 Specialized agencies 11:20-21; 111:34 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Treaties, int., registration VI:20 Reservation on report of Inspection group on Head­ Trusteeship IV:27-28; P-.217-218 quarters S:103 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Statements by delegates: Industrial Organizations (Congress of) P:527 Headquarters S:12, 19, 24, 43, 94 Pensions for staff of Court VI:18-19 Information: Refugees 111:19-20 Adv. Cttee. on information policy and programme: Terms of office of members of Councils VI:24 creation proposed P:621 Trusteeship IV:20, 32 Conf. on freedom of information, see Press, etc. Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Department of Secretariat, see Public Information Technical Adv. Cttee. on: recomm. of.. V:34; P:605-60, Italy: 611, 619-621 (text) Communication from the Government of B:5 Inglizi, Issam, Member of del. of Syria P:22; 11:3 Letter from representative on employment of nationals on the Secretariat B:58 Inspection Group on U.N. Headquarters, see under Headquarters Iversen, Carl, Member of del. of Denmark P:9

14 Khouri, Victor: Member of del. of Lebanon.. P:16; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; S:2 Jacklin, Seymour, Member of Cttee. on Contributions Trusteeship IV:21 V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Jacobsen, J. E., Member of del. of Norway P:19 Khoury, Faris al-: Member of del. of Syria P:22; 1:3; V:3 Japan: Chairman of 5th Cttee V:l, 5 (election)-, P:35 Occupation of P:261 Member of Sub-Cttee. to consider petitions addressed to Place in future world order P:136 U.N B:5 Jaroszynski, Maurycy, Member of del. of Poland. P:21; Communications addressed to U.N B:5 11:3; V:3 Foreign troops in Lebanon P:255 Jawdat al-Ayubi, Ali: Report of P.C P:253-257 S.C., Election of members P:86 Member of del. of Iraq P:15; 1:3; 11:2; IV:2 Trusteeship P:256 Trusteeship IV:20, 32 Jebb, Gladwyn, see Executive Secretary Kiernik, Wladyslaw, Member of del. of Poland... P:20 Jelinek, Vladimir, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia King, Wunz, Member of del. of China. .P:5; 1:1; IV:1; P:8; IV:2; VI :2 N:1 Jen Ki-sin, Member of del. of China P:6; VI:1 Kingston District, N.Y.. ,S:34, 35, 36, 51, 100, 102, 103 Jews: Kipa, Emil, Member of del. of Poland P:21 see also Palestine Kisch, Sir Cecil, Member of Cttee. on Contributions American Jewish Joint Distribution Cttee 111:64 V:52, 54; P:640 641, Examination of problem P:176 Refugees: general question.. 111:18, 19-20, 58, 63-65; Kiselev, Kuzma V: P:416 Member of del. of Byelorussian SSR P:3; 1:1; IV:1 Refugees from Germany: activities of the L.o.N. with Report of the P.C P:228-230 regard to IV:38-39, 40, 57 Spain, relations of States Members with P-.358-360 Trusteeship IV:5, 40, 41 Jimenez, Roberto: War criminals, extradition and punishment.P:228-230, Member of del. of Panama P:19; VI:3 470 Chairman of the 6th Cttee VI:1, 5 (election)-, P:36 Klaested, Helge, Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. P:347 Nominations: rules of procedure P:276-277 (election), 351 Spain, relations of States Members with. ,B:20; P:352, 361 Kleffens, E. N. van: Terms of office of Council members P:389 Member of del. of Netherlands P:17 Statement re election of Vice-Presidents of G.A.... P:69 Jimenez O'Farril, Federico, Member of del. of Mexico P:17 Knowles, C. A., Member of del. of New Zealand.. .P:18; V:3; N:2 Johansen, J. Strand, Member of del. of Norway. .P:19; Knowles, S. H.: V:3 Member of del. of Canada P:4; 111:1 Johnson, Joseph E., Member of del. of U.S.A..P:28; 1:4 Refugees 111:12-13 Jones, J. E., Member of del. of Canada P:4; V:1 Kolodziejski, Henryk, Member of del. of Poland.P:21; 1:3 Jones, R., Member of del. of the Union of South Africa Konderski, Waclaw: P:24; V:3;S:3 Member of del. of Poland P:21; 11:3 Jouhaux, L6on, Member of del. of France.. ,P:11; 111:2 Chairman of 2nd Cttee.. .11:1, 5 (election); 111:6; P:35 Member of Sub-Cttee. to consider communications ad­ Joxe, Louis, Member of del. of France P:12; V:2 dressed to U.N B:5 Cttees. of G.A B:7 Jungman, Frantisek, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia Terms of office of Council members B:25 P:9; 111:2 Koo, V. K. Wellington: Juridical personality of U.N P:644, 656 Member of del. of China P:5;I:1; IV:1 Chairman of Sub-Cttee, to consider communications ad­ K dressed to U.N B:5, 10 Composition of Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A.... B :22 Kaeckenbeeck, Jonkheer G., Member of del. of Belgium Composition of Sub-Cttees of Cttees of G.A B:7 P:2; VI:1 Food situation in China and world shortage of cereals Kardelj, Edvard: P:477-479 Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30 N.G.O B:14 Nominations, rules of procedure of G.A P:62-64 Press Conf., Int B.-19 Report of P.C P:187-192 Report of P.C P;122;125 Request for adv. opinion of the Court B:28 Karnebeek, M. P. M. van: S.C., election of non-perm, members P:81, 88-89 Member of del. of Netherlands P:18; 1:3; S:2 Terms of office of members of Councils B:23, 26 Headquarters S:13-14, 18, 19 Trusteeship..IV.-16-17, 25, 27; P:124-125, 369-370, 376 Kazemi, Bagher, Member of del. of Iran..P:15; 11:2; Voting procedure P:97-98 IV:2 Koo Yee-chun, Candidate for Cttee. on Contributions Kefeci, Sevket Fuad, Member of del. of Turkey..P:22; V:52 111:3; VI:3; N:2 Koretsky, Volodimir M.: Kenawi, Mohammed Zaki, Member of del. of Egypt Member of del. of the Ukrainian SSR P:23; VI :3 P:ll; 11:2; V:2 Privileges and immunities, conv. on VI:26-27 Kerno, Ivan: Rules of procedure of G.A. (Nominations) VI:10 Treaties and int. agreements, registration of VI :19 Member of del. of Czechoslovakia. ,P:8; 11:2; IV:2; V:2; S:1; Kos, Franc, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.. .P:30; 111:4 Rapporteur of 4th Cttee IV:1, 45 (election)-, P:35 Kosanovic, Sava: Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Group of Experts. V:38- 39 Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30; IV:4 Budget P:447-448 Election of members of E.S.C P:94-95 Interpretation of articles 11 and 12 of statute of Court Khal'Atbary, Abbasqoli, Member of del. of Iran. ,P:15; P:348 111:2; V:2 Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:287-288 Khalidy, Awni: UNRRA P:317 Assistant delegate of Iraq P:16; 11:2; V:2; S:2 Koudsl, Nazen al-, Member of del. of Syria..P:22; 11:3; Member of Inspection Group on Headquarters.. ,S:32, VI :3 34, 99; Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Kovalenko, Vadim P., Member of del. of the Ukrainian Headquarters S:12, 19, 24, 43 SSR P:23; 1:3 Kraft, Ole Bj^rn: League of Nations (contd.): Member of del. of Denmark P:9; 1:2; 11:2 Assets, transfer of (contd.): UNRRA 11:11, 14 Distribution among States N:8, 13, 16 Kraus, Frantisek, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia I nventories N:18-24 P:9; 11:2 Contributions of Members in arrears N:14, 15, 17 Kremer, Jean-Pierre, Member of del. of Luxembourg Covenant of P.T37, 250 P:16; 11:3; VI:3 Functions and powers belonging to, under int. agree­ Krishnamachari, Sir V. T.: ments: transfer N:6; P:401, 598-600 (resol.) League of Nations Cttee., see under Committees of the Member of del. of India.. P:14; 1:2; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; S:2 Assembly Headquarters S:19-20 Library: Trusteeship IV:27-28 Inventory N:18, 24 Krylov, Sergei B.: Transfer P:401, 600 (resol.) Member of del. of USSR P:24 Use by I.L.O. N:8, 15, 17 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. .VI:28-29; P:342 Narcotic drugs: activities with regard to... . P:300-302 (election), 351 Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva and General Cttee., competence in political questions. VI :7, 8 at The Hague.N:15; P:402, 600-601 (composition) Non-political functions and activities belonging to, Kulikov, Aleksei F., Member of del. of Byelorussian transfer of N:6, 16; P:401, 600 (resol.) SSR P:3; V:1 Question referred to the L.o.N. Cttee.. . N:5; B:51; P:572 Kuo Yu-shou, Member of del. of China P:5; 111:1 Refugees, work in connection with. .111:9, 20, 37-40, 48 Report of L.o.N. Cttee. on Transfer. .N:ll; P:401-402, Kurylowicz, Adam, Member of del. of Poland...P:21; 598-601 (text) 111:3 Staff, transfer of. .N:6, 9-10, 16, 17; P:402, 600 (resol.) Staff Pensions Fund N:14, 17 Kuszyck, Wladyslaw, Member of del. of Poland..P:21; Supervisory Comm.: collaboration in establishing plan 111:3; IV:3 for transfer of assets, see above: Cttee. set up by P.C. Kuznetzov, Vasilii V.: etc., under Assets. Tax exemption V: 12,13 Member of del. of USSR P:24; 11:4 Working capital fund LN:14-15, 17 N.G.O .11:2; 111:36; B:3 World Trade Union Congress, collaboration with.. ,B:3 UNRRA 11:7 References. ,P:42, 117, 137, 170, 173, 189, 194, 197, 210, 222, 224, 247, 254, 387, 539 Lebanon: Labour: Amend, to rules of procedure of G.A. (Nominations) American Federation of Labor, see thai title VI:10-11; P:274-296 Catholic Federation of Labour 1:23 Credentials of delegates P:72 Int. Labour Organization, see that title Delegation P:16 Lacarte Mur6, Julio A.: Foreign troops in, withdrawal requested. .. ,P:248, 255 Representation on: Member of del. of Uruguay P:30; S:3 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:2; V:2; VI:2; Member of Inspection Group on Headquarters.S:32, 99 S:2 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 Headquarters S:9, 25, 29 E.S.C P:90, 99 Laissez-passer P:648, 649, 660 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of the G.A..VI:6 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Laleau, L6on: Statements by delegates: Delegate of Haiti..P:14; 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2; V:2; Nominations (Rules of procedure of G.A.). . P-277- VI:2; S:2 278, 288-289 Report of P.C P:158-161 Refugees 111:19 Lambros, Dimitri, Member of del. of Greece..P:13; Report of P.C P-.247-249 111:2 Terms of office of members of Councils VI:22 Trusteeship IV:21 Lamping, A. Th., Member of del. of Netherlands.. ,P:17 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Langenhove, F. van: Lebeau, R.: Member of del. of Belgium. ,P:2; 111:1; V:1 Member of del. of Belgium P:2; 1:1; 11:1 Leeuw, B. J. de, Member of del. of Netherlands.. ,P:18 Report of P.C P:237-240 Tax refund to officials P:445-447 Lefaucheux, Mme P.: Trusteeship P:238-239 Member of del. of France P:ll; 111:2 Voting procedure P:397 Refugees 111:16, 24 Language rules: Legal questions: Question referred to the 1st Cttee... 1:4, 6; B:5-6, 7; Cttee. of the G.A. see 6th Cttee. under Cttees. of the P:571/ G.A. Report of 1st Cttee P:306-307 Secretariat department P:610 Resol P:307 Sub-Cttee.: Leitao da Cunha, V.: Member of del. of Brazil... .P:3; Appointment and composition 1:12; P:306 1:1; 111:1; VI:1 Report 1:14-15 Lend-Lease P:242 Text P:551 57j> Leontic, Ljubo: Lannung, Hermod, Member of del. of Denmark. . ,P:9; Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30; 111:4 IV:2; VI :2 Relations of States Members with Spain P:360-361 Laurentie, Henri, Member of del. of France P:12 Le Pan, D. V.: Lavrentiev, Antolii I.: Member of del. of Canada P:4; 11:1 Member of del. of USSR P:24; IV:3 Trusteeship IV :36 Terms of office of Council members B:26 Lexington (Boston area) S:100, 101, 102 Trusteeship IV:18, 38, 39, 40, 41 Liang, Lone: League of Nations Member of del. of China P:5; 111:1; V:l; VI:1 Archives, transfer of N:13, 16; P:401, 600 (resol.) Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Assembly, final P:544 Assembly Hall, use by I.L.O N:8, 9, 15, 16-17 Liang, Yuen-li: Representative of China on 6th Cttee^. Assets, transfer of: Common plan. .N:7-10, 13, 16-25 (text); P:401, 402, Liberia: 598, 600 (resol.) Credentials of delegates P:71 Cttee. set up by P.C. to establish, with Supervisory Delegation P:16 Comm., a common plan: Representation on Cttees. of G.A...1:3; 11:3; 111:3; Composition and terms of reference. .N:7, 11-13 IV:2; V:2; VI:3; N:2; S:2 Report and inventories N:7-ll, 11-25 (text) Statement by delegate on Trusteeship IV:14 Date of N:8-9, 14, 16 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630

16 Library of the League of Nations, see under League of Machado, O. Pinto, Member of del. of Brazil. ,P:3; 11:1; Nations V:1 Lichner, Jan, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia.. .P:8; Maciel, George A., Member of del. of Brazil. ,P:3; IV:1 ; 111:2; V:2 VI :1 Lie, Trygve: Mcintosh, A. D., Member of del. of New Zealand. . P:18; Secretary-General P:36 1:3; IV:3 Appointment as Secretary-General: McKenzie, Miss Jean R.: Candidature proposed P:43-46 Member of del. of New Zealand.. P:18; 11:3; 111:3; V:3; Election P:304 S:2 Installation of B:15; P:323-326 Refugees 111:21 Speech P:324-326 Closing speech P:543-544 Mackenzie King, W. L.: Report of P.C P:141 Statement on world food situation P:494-495 S.C., election of members P:80 Tribute to P:224 Tributes to P:47, 539 McKinnon Wood, H., Member of del. of U.K P:26 Lighthouse Memorial, see Columbus Lighthouse Me­ McNair, Sir Arnold D., Judge of the Int. Court of Justice morial P:342 (election), 351 Lima, Everaldo D. de: Member of the delegation of McNeil, Hector: Brazil P:3; 11:1; 111:1 Member of del. of U.K P:25; 11:4; 111:4 Lima Congress, 1847 P:172 Refugees 111:22-23; P:421-423 Lincoln-Sudbury-Marlboro District, Mass.. ,S:35, 36, McPhee, Miss L., Member of del. of New Zealand. P:18 49 111:3 Lisicky, Charles, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia.P:8; Mahmoud, Saleh, Member of del. of Egypt..P:11; 1:2, 1:2; N:l. 11:2 Liu Hsuan-tsui, Member of del. of China. .P:6; 1:1; IV:1 Mahmoud, Zaki Najib, Member of del. of Saudi Arabia P:22; 111:3 Lizaire, Mr., Representative of Haiti on Cttees. of G.A 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; IV:2;V:2; VI:2;S:2 Mails, rates and taxes on VI:46; P:643 Lieras Restrepo, Carlos: Makin, N. J. O.: Member of the delegation of Colombia.. P:7; 11:1; 111:1; Member of del. of Australia N:l; P:l; 1:1; IV:1 V:1 Appointment of Mr. Trygve Lie as Sec.-Gen..P:303-304 Atomic Energy Comm P:234-235 Report of P.C P:146-151 Report of P.C P:230-235 Loebel, Eugen, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia. ,P:9; Terms of office of members of Councils. .P:384-385, 394 11:2 Trusteeship IV:13; P:233-234 Lopez, Pedro: Malania, L., Member of del. of Canada P:5; V:1 Member of del. of the Philippine Republic. .P:20; 11:3; Malcolm, Sir Neill, Temporary High Commissioner for S:2 Refugees from Germany 111:38 Vice-Chairman of 2nd Cttee.. .11:1, 5 (election)-, P:35 Atomic Energy Comm P:264-266 Man, Rights of, see Human Rights Headquarters P:535-537; S:19 Mandated Territories: Press Conf., Int B:20; P:66-67, 108-109, 110 see also Trusteeship Terms of office of Council members P:457 Categories IV:10 Trusteeship IV:17, 21, 22, 26, 35, 40, 41 Obligations of mandatory powers towards... ,IV:6, 13 UNRRA 11:13, 14 Question of incorporation into metropolitan state. I V:11- Loridan, W.: 12 Termination of mandate IV:11 Member of del. of Belgium P:2; 1:1; IV:1 Transfer to Trusteeship and arrangements for interim Refugees 111:25 period... ,IV:9, 10, 11-12, 19, 35, 37-41; P:195, 218 Trusteeship IV:28, 41, 42 Mani, R. S., Member of del. of India.. ,P:15; 11:2; 111:2 Luders de Negri, Gustavo, Member of del. of Mexico P:17 Manuilsky, Dmitro Z.: Member of del. of the Ukrainian SSR.. ,P:23; 1:3; IV:3 Lukin, Pavle, Member of Cttee. on Contributions.. V:52, Chairman of 1st Cttee 1:1, 5 (election); P:35, 267 54; P:640, 641 Member of Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O B:4, 13 Luxembourg: Declarations on int. rights and duties of man and of Credentials of delegates P:71 nations P:105-106 Delegation P:16 E.S.C., election of members P:92-93 Representation on Cttees. of G.A... 1:3; 11:3; 111:3; General Cttee., competence of B:ll IV:2; V:2; VI:3; N:2; S:2 N.G.O B:3, 8, 12; P:506-509, 511-514 (reference), Statement by delegate on report of P.C P:235-237 531 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 President of G.A., election of P:45 Rules of procedure of G.A. (Nominations)... .P.-57, 64, Lynden, Baron R. A. de, Member of del. of Liberia.P:16; 274-275, 285-286, 292 111:3; V:2; N:2; S:2 S.C., election of members P:78, 79-80, 87 War criminals, question of suppression of death penalty M for B:18-19 Marino Perez, Luis, Member of del. of Cuba. .P:8; V:1 McCosh, Andrew K., Member of del. of U.K P:25 Marlboro, see Lincoln, Sudbury and Marlboro District MacDonald, J. G., High Commissioner for Refugees 111:38 M&rquez Ricafio, Alfredo, Member of del. of Mexico P:17, 111:3 MacEachen, Roberto E.: Martin, Paul: Member of del. of Uruguay.. P:29; 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; I V:3; Member of del. of Canada P;4; H:1 V:4; VI:4; S:3 Cereals, world shortage of, and measures taken by Chairman of the Interim Cttee. on Headquarters. ,S:91 Canada in view of P:494-497 Chairman of 4th Cttee IV:1, 4 (election); P:35 UNRRA 11:9, 14; P:496 Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 Member of Sub-Cttee. of General Cttee. on N.G.O. ,B:4 Martinez Cabanas, Gustavo: Headquarters S:5 Member of del. of Mexico P:17; 11:3; V:3; VI:3 Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:279, 289 Member of Contributions Cttee V:54; P:640, 641 Report of P.C P:208-209 UNRRA 11:15 S.C., election of members P:80, 84 Spain, relations of States Members with P:357-358 Masaryk, Jan: Terms of office of Council members..B:23; P:395, 400, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia P;8 457, 460-461, 467, 468 E.S.C P:177 Voting procedure P:395, 396, 397-398, 400 Report of P.C P:174-178

17 Masaryk, Jan (contd.)i Moderow, Wlodzimienz (contd.) S.C., election of members P:75, 78 Chairman of Cttee. on L.o.N. assets N:7-9, 10 UNRRA P:175, 315 Headquarters S:9, 18 Massachusetts: Modzelewski, Zygmunt: see also localities concerned 'Member of del. of Poland P:21; 1:3 Letters from State Authorities re draft conv. on U.N. Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 Headquarters S :56-59 Atomic Energy Comm P:262-264 List of persons who assisted Inspection Group S:72 Nominations: rules of procedure of G. A. re.P:289, 290 Resolution extending thanks of the General Court to U.N. for visiting the Commonwealth S:42 Moe, Finn: Member of del. of Norway P:19; 1:3; 11:3; 111:3 Massey, Vincent: N.G.O P:514-516, 534, 535 Member of del. of Canada P:4; IV :1 Trusteeship IV :24-25 Monetary Fund, International. . ,P:149, 163, 237, 240 Massigli, Rene, Member of del. of France....P:11; 1:2 Moniz de Aragao, J. J.: Member of del. of Brazil P:3; 11:1 Matthews, Sir William, Representative of U.K. on the UNRRA 11:12, 16 L.o.N. Cttee N:2 Monnerville, Gaston: Medhen, Blatta Ephrem T.: Member of del. of France P:ll; IV:2 Member of del. of Ethiopia P:ll; IV:2; S:1 Trusteeship IV :5-6 Vice-Chairman of 4th Cttee.. ,IV:1, 5 (election); P:35 Trusteeship IV:35 Montano, Severino, Member of del. of the Philippine Republic P:20 "Meeting": request for interpretation of word in statute of Int. Court of Justice, see Statute, etc., under Court of Montt, Gonzalo, Member of del. of Chile..P:5; IV:1; Justice, Int. V:1 Melander, J., Member of del. of Norway P:19 Morales, Eusebio A., Member of del. of Panama. .P:19; IV:3; V:3; S:2 Mendes Vianna, A., Member of del. of Brazil.P:3; 11:1; Morellet, Jean: V:1 Member of del. of France P:12; VI:2 Mertsch, A. H. H., Member of del. of the Union of South Conv. with U.S.A VI:29 Africa P:24; 11:4 Moreno Quintana, Lucio Manuel: Messina, Temfstocles: Member of del. of Argentina P:l; 1:1; 11:1 Member of del. of the Dominican Republic.. .P:10; 1:2; Report of the P.C P:144-145 VI:2; S:1 S.C., election of non-perm, members P:86 Statement on report of P.C P:195-196 UNRRA 11:8, 15; P:145, 315-316 Mexico: Morristown S:101, 102 Credentials of delegates P:71 and Declaration, 1943..P:112, Delegation P:16-17 122, 162, 192, 263, 664; 1:7, 8, 11 Draft resols., amend, etc. presented by del.: Adv. Cttee. on Administrative and Budgetary Ques­ Mostafa, M. Abdel Monem: tions, composition of V:24 Member of del. of Egypt P:10; S:1 Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. .B:17, 21, 54-55 Trusteeship IV :20 (,text); P:361-363 Motor cars: insurance against third party risks.. ,VI:32, Contributions V:51-52, 53 46, 49; P:450, 456, 642, 662 (resol.) Tax equalisation V.-15-16, 50 Trusteeship IV:33, 40, 41 Moutet, Marius, Member of del. of France P:ll Vice-Presidents of G.A., election of P:69 Representation on: Mudaliar, Sir Ramaswami: Cttees. of G.A.. .1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:2; V:3; VI:3; Member of del. of India.. P:14; 1:2; 11:2; 111:2; V:2; S:2 S:2 Chairman of Technical Cttee. of P.C P:50 Contributions Cttee V:54; P:640, 641 Atomic Energy Comm P:218 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:342, 351 Cereals, world shortage P:489-494 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 E.S.C., comm. of 11:6, 18, 19, 20; 111:6, 32, 33 S.C P:79, 80, 82, 87, 152 Headquarters S:14 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of the G.A..VI:6 Report of P.C P:213-220 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Specialized agencies 11:20-21; 111:34 Statements of delegates: Trusteeship P:217-218 Atomic Energy Comm 1:10 Mumayiz, Amin, Member of del. of Iraq. .P:16; 111:2; Budget V:41 V:2 Contributions V:26 Court of Justice: election of judges P:349 Munoz, Rodolfo, Member of del. of Argentina....P:1; Report of P.C P:151-152 111:1; VI:1 Spain, relations of States Members with.P:355-357 Munoz-Meany, Enrique, Member of del. of Guatemala Terms of office of Council members. ,VI:21, 23-24 P:14; 1:2; 111:2; VI:2 Trusteeship IV:32 UNRRA 11:15 Vice-Presidents of G.A P:69 N Voting procedure P:397 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Nabil, Fazlollah, Member of del. of Iran..P:15; 11:2; 111:2 Mianus River Valley Area S:6, 50 Nanscn, Dr. Fridtjof 111:9, 37; P:143 Michalowski, Jerzy, Member of del. of Poland. ..P:21; Narcotic drugs: 1:3; IV:3; S:2 Comm. on Narcotic Drugs, see that title Michiels van Verduynen, Jonkheer E. F. M. J,, Mem­ Situation with regard to P:300-302 ber of del. of Netherlands P:17 Transfer of functions of L.o.N P:401, 600 Middlesex Fells S:35, 100, 101, 102 National service obligations, exemption from: Mignone, B., letter from, concerning employment of Discussion V:12; VI:26-27; P:453-454 Italian nationals on the Secretariat B:58 Provisions of Conv P:647 Reservations VI:26-27; P:452, 642-643 Military service, see National service obligations Nationals of non-member States, application for Military Staff Cttee P:123, 164, 165, 201 employment, see under Secretariat Miller, Robin T., Member of del. of New Zealand.. P:18; Nations, Declaration on duties and rights of: Draft 111:3; IV:3 resol. presented by del. of Cuba..B:31; P:101-108, 566, Moderow, Wlodzimierz: 569 Member of del. of Poland. .P:21; V:3; VI:3; N:2; S:2 Nauru, trusteeship agreement P:233

18 Netherlands: New Zealand (contd.): Credentials of delegates P:71, 366 Statements by delegates on: Delegation P:17-18 Adv. Cttee. on Administrative and Budgetary Draft resols., amend, and proposals presented by del.: Questions V:24 Budget, 2nd annual V:53 Atomic Energy Comm. 1:9; P:224 Contributions Cttee V:54 Budget V:43-44 Headquarters S:13 (text), 14-15, 18-22; P:674 Cttees. of the G.A B:7 Peace and security, standing cttee. for P:134 E.S.C., election of members P:91-92, 93-94 Refugees 111:17-22, 50-51 (text) General Cttee., competence B:9-10, 11 Tax equalization V:50, 51 Headquarters Trusteeship. ,IV:26, 33, 44-45 (text), 55, 56; P:588, L.o.N.: transfer of staff N:10 589 N.G.O 1:17-18, 23 Vice-Presidents of G.A P:69-70 Privileges and immunities VI:28, 31 Representation on: Refugees 111:21; P.-428-433, 438 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; VI:3; Report of P.C P:200 N:2; S:2 S.C., election of members P:75, 76-77, 80 Drafting Cttee. on War criminals 1:22 Tax equalization for U.N. staff V:12 Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:24 Terms of office of members of Councils. .B:25; Headquarters Comm S:29 P:385-388, 389-390, 394, 458-460 Inspection Group on Headquarters S:97, 99 Trusteeship. ,IV:6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 23; P:226-227 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 UNRRA P:225, 317-319 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. Voting procedure. .P:292, 294-295, 395, 397, 398 Court V:24; VI: 17, 55 Women, participation in work of U.N.. . P:409-411 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 above Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Statements by delegates: Budget, prov V:42 Nia-Mlr, Kazem, Member of del. of Iran...P:15; IV:2 Court of Justice: negotiations with Carnegie Foun­ Nicaragua: dation N:10 E.S.C., Cttees. of 11:6 Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Headquarters S:13-14, 18, 19, 21-22, 94, 98 Delegation P:18 Public Information, department of V:34-35 Draft resol. on Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. .B:17, Refugees. .111:11-12, 22, 24, 26, 30-31, 51-54; P:133 21, 54-55 (text)-, P:361-363 Report of P.C P:129-136 Representation on Cttees. of G.A...1:3; 11:3; 111:3; S.C P:135 IV:3; V:3; VI:3; S:2 Specialized agencies 11:23; 111:36 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Staff, temporary: regulations for employment of Nicholls, G. Heaton: V:20 Member of del. of the Union of South Africa... .P:23; Tax equalization V:14, 16-17 1:4; IV:3 Trusteeship IV:11-12, 20-21, 25-26; P:135-136 Report of P.C P:179-186 UNRRA 11:12 Trusteeship IV:10-11,'20; P.-180-186 Vice-Pres. of G.A P:69 Women, participation in work of U.N.. .P:406-407 Nicolareizis, Demetrius, Member of the delegation of Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Greece P:13; IV:2 Netherlands Indies, situation in P:136 Nieto Calder6n, Eduardo, Member of del. of Colombia P:7; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1;V:1;VI:1 New England area S:100, 101 Nisot, J.: see also localities concerned Member of del. of Belgium P:2; VI:1; N:l; S:1 New Guinea, placed under trusteeship P:233 Headquarters S:6, 7, 11-12 New Jersey S:54, 71, 101 Noel-Baker, P. J.: see also localities concerned Member of del. of U.K...P.-25; 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; VI:4 New York area: Member of Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O B:4, 13 see also localities concerned Amendments, procedure for P:439 Cttees. of G.A B:6 Consideration of sites by Interim Cttee S:100-101 Court of Justice: interpretation of article 11 of Statute as Interim site for U.N. Headquarters: B:28; P:500 Discussion S:4-6, 7, 9, 10 E.S.C.: List of persons who assisted Inspection Group.S:74 Recommendation of the Interim Cttee. ,S:23-28; Agenda and rules of procedure, prov.. .11:19; 111:32 P.-674 Comm. of 11:19, 20, 21-22; 111:32, 33 Report and recommendation of Inspection Group Election of members P:95-96, 97 S:4, 43 (recomm.), 68-71 General Cttee., competence of.. VI:8;B: 11,20;P:60,61, Report of the Perm. Headquarters Cttee S:30 62 Statistical information, architects' reports, maps, Language rules B:5-6 etc S:52 Nominations, rules of procedure for. ,P:59, 278, 279, Letters from State Authorities re draft conv.. .S:54-56 281-283, 289, 292, 293-294 List of sites S:36 N.G.O B:3, 9, 12, 14; P.-327, 520-523, 531 Offer from Governor S:6 Press Conf., Int B:20; P:67 as Permanent site for U.N. Headquarters: Refugees 111:9-10, 12 Approved by the Interim Cttee S:32 (note) Reports of Cttees., submission to G.A B:21 List of persons who assisted Inspection Group.S:71- S.C., election of members P:81 72, 72-73 Spain, relations of States Members with P:360 Statistical information, architects' reports, maps, Specialized agencies 11:19, 21-22; 111:33, 35 etc S:48 Terms of office of Council members P:458 Recommendation of Inspection Group S:42 UNRRA 11:10, 11, 13, 14, 16; P:319-322 Report of Inspection Group S:34, 36, 38 Vice-Pres. of G.A., election of . P:70 Welcome from school children of P:541-542 Voting procedure..... • .P:293-294, 398 Women, participation in work of U.N L:411-412 New Zealand: World Federation of Trade Unions, see above N.G.O. Amend, and proposals presented by del.: N.G.O B:12; P:580 Non-governmental organizations: request to col­ Privileges and immunities VI:28, 31 laborate in work of U.N.: Staff retirement scheme V:33-34 see also organization concerned Credentials of delegates P:71 Communications from, procedure for, see Communica­ Delegation. . P:18 tions addressed to U.N. _ _ Representation on: "Consultative capacity , definition F:525 Cttees. of the G.A...1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; Discussion. .1:15-20, 23-28; 11:22; HI'-36^'^".50^533 VI:3; N:2; S:2; B:1 Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Draft resols. and proposals presented by del. of: Sub-Cttee». on N.G.O 1:20; B:4, 13 Belgium. .1:25, 33 (text)-, P:501, 502, 668, 671 (text) Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 New Zealand B:12; P:580

19 Non-governmental organizations (contd.): Orange and Quabbin area S:100, 101 Draft resols. (contd.): Orlov, Nicolal V, Member of Cttee. on Contributions.. Norway P:514, 533 V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Ukrainian SSR P:509, 533 Orts, P.: USSR..1:25, 26, 33 {text)-, B:13-14; P:501, 503, Member of del. of Belgium P:2; IV:1 532-533, 668, 670-671 {text) Trusteeship IV:14, 16, 25, 30-31 U.K 1:19, 23, 31-32 {text); P:668, 669-670 {text) U.S.A 1:24, 25-28, 32-33 {text); P:668 Osiecki, Stanislaw, Member of del. of Poland. .P:21; Question included in Agenda and referred to 1st Cttee. 11:3 1:5, 15; P:326-328, 667-668 Ossowski, Stanislaw, Member of del. of Poland.. ,P:21 Relations with G.A.: Discussion 1:15, 19, 23; B:8 Proposals B:8, 12, 13-14; P:580-581 Report of Gen. Cttee 579-580 Report of 1st Cttee.. .1:29, 33-35 {draft); P:501-535, 667- 671 {text) Pachachi, Nedlm el-: Report of the General Cttee.. .1:15 {reference); B:11-13, Member of del. of Iraq P:15; 1:3; 11:2; IV:2 47-49 {draft); P:326-328, 578-582 {text) Member'of Cttee. on Contributions. ,P:640, 641; V:52, Resol P:502, 669 (text) 54 Sub-Cttee. of 1st Cttee..1:16, 20 {composition), 23; P:668 Padilla Nervo, Luis: Sub-Cttee. of General Cttee: appointment and result of Member of del. of Mexico P:17; 1:3; 111:3; S:2 discussions B :13 Vice-Presidents of G. A., statement re P:69 Sub-Cttee. of General Cttee. to receive representatives Palestine: of W.F.T.U.. .1:15; B:4, 8-9 {discussion of report) Anglo-American Cttee. of Enquiry P:167, 226 Non-Self-Governing Territories: Jewish refugees, question in relation to 111:19-20 see also Trusteeship Situation in P:167, 226, 255 Secretariat, department of P:610 Territories other than those to which Chapters XII and Panama: XIII of the Charter apply: Credentials of delegates P:71, 366 Discussion..IV:9, 13, 18, 27, 33; P:367-368, 370, Delegation P:19 374 Draft resols. and amend, presented by del.: Distinction between Trust territories and other de­ Columbus Lighthouse Memorial. .B:17, 21, 54-55 pendent territories P:370 {text); P:361-363 Draft resols IV:43, 51-52 Relations of States Members with Spain... .B:20, Reports to Sec.-Gen. on administration of territories 59-60 {text); P:351-361 IV:9-10, 52, 54, 58; P:368, 370, 591 {resol.) Treaties and int. agreements, registration of. VI :17, 18, 19 Nordahl, Konrad, Member of del. of Norway. ,P:19; 11:3 Representation on: N<#>rlund, lb, Member of del. of Denmark. .. ,P:9; 111:2; Cttees. of the G.A...B:1; 1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; IV:2 V:3; VI:3; S:2 Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 North Africa: Food situation in P:481 Statements by delegates: North Shore District, Mass.. ,S:35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 49 Nominations: rules of procedure P:276-277 88-90, 101, 102 N.G.O 1:24 North Stamford-Greenwich District: Refugees 111:18, 24, 27 Attitude of residents P:536-537 Spain, relations of States Members with... .B:20; Discussion S:6, 15, 19 P:352, 361 Report of Inspection Group S:34, 35, 36, 39, 40-41 Terms of office of Council members P:389 Recomm. of Inspection Group S:42 Treaties and int. agreements, registration of.VI:17, Statistical information, reports, maps, etc.. ,S:50, 78-81 20 Recomm. of Interim Cttee P:673 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Norway: Panama Congress of 1826 P:140 Amend, presented by del. Paraguay: N.G.O P:514, 521, 533 Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Spain, relations of States Members with. P.-358, 361 Delegation P:19 Tax equalization V:12, 14 Representation on: Credentials of delegates P:71 Cttees. of G.A S:2 Delegation P:19 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 Representation on: Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Cttees. of the G.A...I:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; VI:3; N:2; S:2 Parkhomenko,'Fedor E., Member of del. of Ukrain­ E.S.C P-,90, 99 ian SSR P:23; V:3 Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:347, 351 Parra Velasco, Antonio: Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of the G.A.. VI:6 Member of del. of Ecuador. . P:10; 111:2; V:2; VI:2; S.T Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 Cultural Comm 111:28, 29 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Rules of procedure of G.A VI :5-6, 11-12 Statements of delegates: Voting procedure P:97 Atomic Energy Comm 1:10, 14 Pastoriza, Andres: Cereals, world shortage of P:484-485 Member of del. of the Dominican Republic. ,P:10; 11:2; Court of Justice: emoluments of Judges VI:18 111:2 Headquarters S:20 UNRRA 11:8, 17; P:313-314 Language rules 1:14 Nominations, rules of procedure for P:279-281 Pasvolsky, Leo, Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; 1:4 N.G.O P:514-516, 534, 535 Report of P.C P:141 Paul-Boncour, Joseph: S.C., election of members P:80 Member of del. of France P:ll; 1:2; N:1 Spain, relations of States Members with P:358 Member of Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O B:4, 13 Trusteeship IV:34 Atomic Energy Comm P:266 Voting procedure P:396 General Cttee., competence of B:ll Women, participation in work of U.N P:406 Nominations, procedure for P:275-276 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 N.G.O B:3, 8; P:517-519 Terms of office of Council members P:390-391 Novitsky, Grigory G., Member of del. of the Byelorussian Women, participation in work of U.N P.-407-409 SSR P:l; N:l; S:1 Payss6 Reyes, Hector, Member of del. of Uruguay. P:30; o 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:4; VI:4 Pazos, Felipe, OSroy, Raymond, Member of del. of France P:12 Member of del. of Cuba P:8; 11:1; 111:1 Opium, set Narcotic Drugs Cultural Comm 111:27-28, 29

20 Peace conference and treaties P:250, 261, 544, 586 Poland (contd.)-. Peace and Security, Standing Cttee. for: Netherlands Draft resols., amend, and proposal presented by del.: proposal P:134-135 Atomic Energy: undertaking to be embodied in Pelt, A.: special legislation 1:11; P:263 Headquarters of U.N S:18-22 Member of del. of Netherlands P:17; 1:3; V:3; N:2 Reconstruction of countries devastated by war Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 B:15, 53 {text)-, P:328-337 Negotiations with Carnegie Foundation re Court of Message from the Polish Parliament to delegates of Justice N:10 G.A P:153 Public Information department V:34-35 Representation on: Penaranda Minchfn, Juan: Member of del. of Bolivia Cttees. of G.A.. .1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; VI:3; P:2; 111:1 N:2; S:2; B:1 Pensions : Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI:30 Cttee. on Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Accrued pension rights, see Pension rights under Staff Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Members of the Court, see under Court of Justice, Int. Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Secretary-General, see Retirement allowance under Judge of the Int. Court of Justice VI:28; P:350 Secretary-General Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva Staff retirement scheme, see that title and at The Hague P:601 Perez-Alfonseca, Ricardo, Member of del. of the S.C P:80, 82, 87, 88 Dominican Republic PRO; N:1 Sub-Cttee. to consider communications addressed to U.N B:5, 16 Perez Cisneros, Guy: Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. Member of del. of Cuba P:8; 111:1; VI:2 Court V:24; VI:55 Cereals, world shortage of P.-497-498 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Declarations on int. rights and duties of man, and of Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... ,VI:15 nations P:106, 107 Statements by delegates: E.S.C., comm. of 111:6, 7, 8 Atomic Energy Comm 1:11; P:262-264 General Cttee., composition and powers and procedure Budget, prov V:44 for discussion of question. VI :5,8; P:50-57,58-59,62, Cttees. of the General Assembly B :7 65, 100, 273, 278 E.S.C., Comm. of 111:6, 8, 28 Perez Guerrero, Manuel: Headquarters S:9, 18 Member of del. of Venezuela. . P:30; 11:4; V:4; N:3; S :3 Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A. P:289, 290 Headquarters S:6 N.G.0 1:18; P:516-517 President of G.A P:45 Permanent Court of International Justice, see Court, Reconstruction of devastated areas P:329-334 etc. Refugees 111:13-14; P.-417 Report of P.C P:152-158 Peru: S.C., election of members P:85 Credentials of delegates P:71 Tax equalization V:16 Delegation P:19-20 Terms of office of members of Councils B:25 Representation on: UNRRA 11:11; P:319 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; VI :3; War criminals 1:21 N:2- S:2 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 E.S.C P:90, 99,' 168 Statements by delegates: Political and Security Questions (including regula­ Demographic Comra 111:7 tion of armaments): Refugees 111:21 Cttee. on, see 1st Cttee. under Cttees. of the Gen. Ass. Report of P.C PR68-173 Questions on, referred to the 1st Cttee B:50 Trusteeship P:376 UNRRA 11:13 Ponsot, Henri: Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P-.630 Member of del. of France P:12; IV:2 Trusteeship IV:12-13, 27 Petrovsky, Mikola I., Member of del. of Ukrainian SSR P:23; 11:4; IV:3; S:3 Population Commission, see Demographic Comm. Philadelphia area S:101 Porras, Demetrio A.: Philippine Republic: Member of del. of Panama. . P:19; 1:3; 11:3; 111:3; VI:3; S:2 Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 Refugees 111:18 Delegation P:20 Treaties and int. agreements, registration of..VI:17, 20 Draft resol. on the convocation of an int. Press Conf. B:19-20, 32-33, 59 (text) ;P-.66-67,108-110, 365, 568, Portillo, Eduardo del: 569, 570, 587-588 {text) Member of del. of Bolivia. .P:2; 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; VI:1 Representation on: Rapporteur of 2nd Cttee 11:1, 5 {election)-, P:35 Cttees. of the G.A...1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; UNRRA 11:14, 16 VI :3; S:2 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 Plymouth-Bristol District S:35, 36 Statements of delegates: : Declaration on Spain... .P.-352, Atomic Energy Comm 1:10-11; P:264-266 353, 354, 360 Headquarters S:19; P:535-537 Press Conf., Int B:20; P:66-67, 108-109, 110 Poundridge, see Ridgefield-Poundridge District Refugees 111:13, 26 Poynton, A. H.: Terms of office of Council members.. VI:22; P:457 Trusteeship IV:10, 17, 21, 22, 26, 35, 40, 41 Member of U.K. del P:26 UNRRA 11:13, 14 Trusteeship IV:22, 37-38 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Premises of UN: inviolability P:645, 656 Plc6n Lares, Roberto: Preparatory Commission: Member of del. of Venezuela P:30; 1:4; 111:4 Budget, prov.. ,V:47; P-.63S (.figures), 637, 638 {figures), Member of Sub-Cttee. to consider communications 639 {figures) adressed to U.N B:5 Report of: Report of P.C P:209-213 Discussion P:lll-240, 240-257 Relations of States Members with Spain B :20 Presentation to G.A P:50 Terms of office of Council members B:23 Staff of, authorized to perform functions of Secretariat Pintos, Jerome, Member of del. of Greece. .P:13; 11:2; pending appointment of Sec.-Gen P:49-50, 558 111:2; VI:2;N:1 Tributes to. ,P:37, 39, 50, 130, 138, 161, 174, 179, 187, 192, 197-198, 200, 206, 220 Pltblado, D. B., Member of del, of U.K P:26 Press Conference, International: Proposal of del. of Plymouth District, Mass S:35, 36, 49, 100, 101, 102 the Philippine Republic: Poland: Question included in agenda.. B :19-20; P:66-67,108-110, Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 365, 569, 570 Delegation P:20-22 Report of General Cttee P:365, 587-588 (text)

21 Press Conference (contd.): Rasminsky, L., Member of del. of Canada... ,P:4; 11:1; V:1 Resol P:588 Rasmussen, Gustav: Telegram from Mr. Pedro Lopez and reply... .B:32-33, 59 (text); P.-568 Member of del. of Denmark P:9; 1:2; 111:2 Chairman of Credentials Cttee P :71 -72, 365 Prices, stabilization of 11:6 Cereals, world shortage of P:485-486 Prices on the international market: amend, to G.A. President of G.A., election of P.-45-46 rules of procedure on calling of confs. by E.S.C. pro­ Refugees 111:13, P:128-129, 424-425, 434, 435 posed by del. of Ecuador. VI :5-6, 7, 11-14, 34 (text), Report of P.C P:125-129 35, 39; P:64, 272-273, 296-297 (adoption,) 560-563 Raw materials, distribution 11:6 (report^ Read, J. E.: Princeton, N. J S:34, 36, 101, 102, 103 Member of del. of Canada P:4; VI:1 Privileges and immunities: Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. .VI:26, 28-29, P:343 Convention, draft general: (election), 351 Adoption P:455, 644 (resol.) Rapporteur of 6th Cttee VI:1, 5 (election); P:36 Discussion VI:15, 16, 26-28 Reconstruction of countries devastated by war: draft Relation to conv. with U.S.A P:655 resol. submitted by del. of Poland B:15, 53 (text); Report of 6th Cttee P:449, 642-643 (text) P:328-337, 581-582 (report) Reports of Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and immuities Red Cross, International P:244 VI :44-47 Reservations. .VI:26-27; P:452-453, 454, 607, 642- Refugees: 643 Bermuda Conf., 1943 111:41-42 Text P:644-650 Bilateral agreements with regard to. .111:20, 24-25, 27, Conv. with U.S.A., draft: 44, 62; P:603 (resol.) Adoption S-.104; P:445 Categories, see below Definition and classification Attitude of del. of U.S.A VI:30; P:455, 643 Definition and classification. .111:11-12, 13, 14, 19, 22, Discussion VI:15, 16, 29-30 25, 50, 52, 53, 58; P:422, 424, 603 Letters from State Authorities re S:38, 52-61 Demographic comm., work in connection with, .111:14, (texts) 17, 60 Negotiating Cttee.: establishment, functions and Discussion 111:9-27, 30-31; P:250, 412-439 membership VI:30; B:18, 22; P:449, 650 "Displaced persons": memo, by French del.. .111:57-61; Relation to general conv. on privileges and im­ P:601 munities P:655 Drafting sub-cttee.: Report of 6th Cttee.. .P:449, 642 (text), 663 (text) Appointment 111:23, 24; P:601 Report of Inspection Group S:38 Report 111:24-27, 61-63 (text); P:601-602 Reports of Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and immunities Evian Conference 111:19, 40, 63; P:601 VI :44, 46 Expressing valid objections to returning to country of Resol P:642, 650 (text) origin..P:413, 418-419, 603 (recohm.); 111:14, 16, Sub-Cttee. on S:33 (composition), 99 17,23, 25-26, 50, 51-52, 55, 56, 60, 63 (recomm.) Terms of reference of Inspection Group... .S:32-33 Definition of word "valid" 111:25-26, 27 Text P:650-661 German. .111:11, 13, 55, 58, 62; P:128-129, 251, 603 Court of Justice, Int... VI:31, 46, 48; P:449, 456, 642, (resol.) 661 (resol.) from Germany: activities of the L.o.N. with regard to Death benefits, exemption from taxes on VI :46-47; 111:38-39, 40, 57 P:643-644 Intergovernmental cttee. on Refugees. .111:9, 12, 13, 14, Discussion VI:14-15, 26-28; P:448-456 40-43, 54, 56, 59 National service, exemption from, see that title Intergovernmental conf. (Geneva) 1936 111:38 Property, funds and assets of U.N P:645, 656-657 Int. org., see Specialized agency, etc. below. Question referred to 6th Cttee VI:5; B:51; P:572 Intruded persons 111:27 Report of 6th Cttee P:448-456, 642-663 (text) Jewish 111:18, 19, 58, 63-65; P:416 Retirement benefits, exemption from taxes on. .Vl:46- see also above: from Germany 47; P:643-644 L.o.N., work in connection with..111:9, 20, 37-40, 48 Specialized agencies..VI:28, 31, 46, 48-49; P:449, 456, Nansen Int. Refugee Office... .111:22, 37-39, 48, 59, 61 642, 661-662 (resol.) Personnel of camps, composition of. .. .111:31, 55, 63; Staff: P:414, 419, 422, 424, 601 (recomm.) see also Taxation Political aspect of problem 111:10, 14, 49 Provisions of conv P:647-648, 659 Propaganda: prevention in camps.. 111:25, 26, 31, 55, Regulations re P:616 63 (recomm.); P:413-414, 417, 419, 420, 421, 426, 430- Sub-Cttee.: 432, 601 (recomm.) Composition and terms of reference. .V:14; VI:15, Proposals etc. presented by del. of: 44, 45 Denmark P:424, 434, 436 Reports VT.16, 26-28, 44-47 (text) Netherlands 111:17-22, 50 (text); P:601 Taxation, see that title Ukrainian SSR P:435, 436 USSR. .111:20-24, 25-27, 54-55 (text); P:413-439, Property, funds and assets: privileges and immunities 601 for P:644-645, 656-657 U.K 111:9-22, 37-43 (text); P;601 Providence District S:35, 100, 101, 102 U.S.A 111:21-22, 55-56 (text), 56-57; P:601 Yugoslavia 111:9-27, 43-44 (text), 44-49; P:601 Provident Fund. ,V:31-32, 34, 64, 65-66, 67; P:609, 614- Question referred to 3rd Cttee.. .111:4, 5; B:7; P:570, 571 615, 619, 638 Question referred to E.S.C.: Public Information Department of Secretariat. P:610 Discussion 111:9-10, 11, 14; P.-133-134, 412 Recomm. of Technical Adv. Cttee... V:34-36; P:605-606, Proposals and amendments. .111:43, 44, 50, 55, 62 611, 619-621 (text) Resol P:603 Report of 3rd Cttee.. .111:30; P:412-439, 601-603 (text) Publications: exemption from customs duties and restric­ Spanish Republican. .111:11, 18, 21, 31, 44, 49, 58, 60- tions P:645, 657 P:416, 428, 602 Puig-Arosemena, Alberto: Specialized agency or org. to deal with question.111:11- Member of del. of Ecuador P:10; IV:2 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 50-51, 53, 55, 61; P:602 Trusteeship IV:42 "Statutory refugees": memo, by French del... .57-61• P:601 Sub-Cttee. on, proposal 111:15-16, 17 (withdrawal) UNRRA, work of. .111:9,10,12,13,14,43, 45, 54, 57, 60 War criminals, see that title Quislings and collaborators, see War Criminals Women: appointment for tasks of relief 111:12, 54 Qvistgaard, E. J. C., Member of del. of Denmark. ,P:9 Regional arrangements P:198-199 R Reid, Escott, Member of del. of Canada.. ,P:4; 1:1; V:1 Rendel, Sir George: Radimsky. Ladlslav, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia Member of del. of U.K P:25; 11:4 P:8; 11:2 Refugees 111:26, 31 Radio telegraph stations for U.N P:451, 620, 651 UNRRA 11:7, 9_10

22 Rendis, Constantin: St. Laurent, L. S.: Member of del. of Greece P:13 Member of del. of Canada P:4; 1:1 World shortage of cereals and food situation in Greece Report of P.C P:200-204 P:498-499 S.C., election of members P:83 Renouf, Alan: Saka, Hasan: Member of del. of Australia P:l; VI :1; IV:1 Member of del. of Turkey P:22; 1:3; V:3 L.o.N. assets, transfer of N:9 Report of P.C P:186-187 Reparations, Paris Conference on 111:14, 48, 49 Rules of procedure of G.A P:62 UNRRA P.-314-315 Representatives of Members, privileges and immunities Vice-Presidents of G.A P:69 for P:646-647, 657-658 Salamanca, Carlos: Resolutions and other important documents, rulesfor Member of del. of Bolivia P:2; 1:1; VI:1; S:1 communication of P:576 Headquarters S:5, 7, 17, 24 Retirement Scheme, see Staff Retirement Scheme Privileges and immunities VI:28 Report of P.C P:173-174 Reventlow, Count Eduard, Member of del. of Denmark Rules of procedure of G.A P:297 P:9; 1:2 Salaries: Rey Alvarez, Gustavo A., Member of del. of Uruguay P:30; V:4; VI: 4; N:3 Amendment proposed by del. of Canada V:18-19 Assistant Secretaries-General.. V:6, 8-10, 61; P:606-607, Rhode Island S:59-61, 72, 100 612-613 (resol.) Riaz, Mamdouh: Directors V:6, 8-10; P:606-607, 612-613 (resol.) Discussion V:9, 18-19 Member of del. of Egypt..P:10; 1:2; 11:2; IV:2; S:l... Judges at the Court, see Judges under Court etc. Headquarters S:6, 9, 13 Observations on establishment of basis of, presented N.G.O P:327-328, 534 by del. of U.S.A V:10, 57-61 (text) Terms of office of Council members P:383-384 Regulations P:617 Trusteeship IV:26, 28, 29, 30; P:370-372 Report of 5th Cttee P.-605, 612-614 (text) Voting procedure P:396 Secretary-General, see that title Rice shortage P:472, 473, 478, 479 Salem, Yussef Bey: Ridgefield-Poundridge District, N.Y. and Conn. S:34, Member of del. of Lebanon P:16; 11:3; 111:3 36, 51, 101, 102, 103 Refugees 111:19 Rights of Man, see Human Rights Salvador, see El Salvador Ripka, Hubert, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia. .P:8; Samoa, Western, see Western Samoa 1:2 Samper G6mez, Hernando, Member of del. of Colombia P:7; 1:1; 111:1; IV:1 Ritchie, C. S. A., Member of del. of Canada.. .P:4; 1:1 Sandifer, Durward V., Member of del. of U.S.A P:28 Rive, Alfred, Member of del. of Canada.. .P:4; 11:1; 111:1 San Francisco: Proposed for interim headquarters. ,S:5, Rivera Schrelber, Ricardo, Member of del. of Peru.P:20; 6, 24-26, 27 1:3; 111:3 San Francisco Conference: Robledo, Luis, Member of del. of Colombia.. .P:7; S:1 World Trade Union Conference, request for representa­ Rockefeller, J. D., Gift of library to L.o.N N:18 tion and reply B:34, 36-38 References P:40, 112, 116, 145, 163, 192 Rodriguez Jimenez, Carlos, Member of del. of Vene­ zuela P:30; 1:4; 111:4; IV:4 Sanfn Aguirre, Luis, Member of del. of Colombia. ,P:7; 11:1; V:l; VI:1 Roijen, J. H. van, Member of del. of Netherlands. ,P:17 Santen, C. W. van, Member of del. of Netherlands Rolin, II.-A., Member of del. of Belgium P:2; 1:1 P:18; VI :3 Romero, Carlos, Member of del. of Bolivia. .P:2; VI:1 Santos Mufioz, Pablo: Member of del. of Argentina.. . .P:l; V:l; VI.T; N:1 Romero SScnz, Luis, Member of del. of Bolivia.. ,P:3; Privileges and immunities VI:27 11:1; 111:1; V:1 Work of the 6th Cttee VI:32 Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D.: Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; 111:4 Saroit Bey, Ahmed, Member of del. of Egypt. P:10; V:2; Comm. of E.S.C 11:19, 20; 111:28, 33 VI :2 Refugees...... 111:10, 21-22, 24, 56-57; P-.418-421 Saskin, Georgi: Women, participation in work of U.N P:403-404 Representative of USSR on Perm. Headquarters Cttee. S:3 Rosenzweig Diaz, Alfonso de: Member of Inspection Group on Headquarters.S:32, 34 Member of del. of Mexico P:16 Headquarters S:6, 19, 26-27, 41 Report of P.C P:151-152 Sassen, E. M. J. S.: Rossel, Guillermo, Member of del. of Chile P:5 Member of del. of the Netherlands. .P:18; 111:3; V:3; Ruanda-Urundi, transfer to trusteeship. IV:14, 25; VI :3 P:238 Refugees 111:11-12, 51-54 Specialized agencies 11:23; 111:36 Rudzinski, Jacek, Member of del. of Poland P :21 Saudi Arabia: Runganadhan, Sir Samuel, Member of del of India Credentials of delegates P:71 P:14; 111:2; VI:2 Representation on: Rybar, Vladimir: Cttees. of the G.A...1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30; 11:4; VI :4 VI:3; N:2; S:2 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 UNRRA 11:8-9 Delegation P:22 Rzymowski, Wincenty: Statements by delegates: Headquarters S:20, 26 Member of del. Poland P:20 UNRRA. 11:13 G.A., election of President P:45 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Report of P.C P:152-158 S.C., election of members P:85 Schermerhorn, Willem: Member of del. of Netherlands P:17» Report of P.C P.-129-136 Schueren, Chevalier J. B. de van der, Member of del. of Netherlands P:17; 11:3; V:3; N:2 Saba, Hanna: Scilingo, Adolfo: Member of del. of Egypt P:10; IV:2; VI :2 Member of del. of Argentina. .P.T; 1:1; 111:1; IV:1; S:1 Terms of office of Council members VI:21-22, 24, 32 E.S.C., Comm. of 11:19; 111:33 Sah, A. Pentung, Member of del. of China....P:6; 1:1 Nominations, rules of procedure P:292

23 Scott-Murga, Gulllermo, Member of del. of Bolivia Serup, Axel, Member of del. of Denmark... .P:9; VI:2 P:3; IV:1 Setton, Mrs. Sheila, Member of del. of Costa Rica.. P:7; Seating arrangements of the Committees of the 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; V:l; VI:1 General Assembly B:4, 49-50 Seydoux, Roger, Member of del. of France P:12 Secretariat: Shadid, Josef, Member of del. of Lebanon....P:16; S:2 Budget, prov.. .V:39, 41-45 (passim), 46-47; P:629, 635 Shawcross, Sir Hartley: (figures), 636-637,638 (figures),639 (figures) Member of del. of U.K P:25; 1:4; VI:4 Classification of posts: Conv. on privileges and immunities... VI:27; P:451-454 Adv. Group of Experts on Administrative, Personnel Conv. between U.N. and U.S.A.. ,VI:29-30; P:450-451 and Budgetary Questions, see that title Terms of office of Council members. .VI :22-23, 32; B:24,' Report of 5th Cttee P:613 26-27; P:379-383, 393-394 Departments of: organization and co-ordination. ,P:610 Treaties, int., registration of VI:20 see also Public Information Nationals of non-member States, application for employ­ Shigansky, Velentin I,: ment: Member of del. of Ukrainian SSR P:23; VI:3; S:3 Decision of General Cttee B:19 Headquarters S:13 Letter from Italian representative B:58 Shmigov, Frol P.: Memo, by Executive Secretary B :58 Report of General Cttee P:364-365, 587 (text) Member of del. of Byelorussian SSR P:3; 11:1 Resol P:587 War criminals, extradition and punishment P:470 Organization: Silva, Hefren, Member of del. of Chile. .P:5; 11:1; IV:1 Report of 5th Cttee.. ,V:21, 50-51; P:442-448, 448 (adoption), 604-620 (text) Simic, Stanoje, Member of del. of Yugoslavia. P:30; 1:4 Resol P:610-611 Sipahi, Emin All, Member of del. of Turkey.. P:22; 11:3; Question referred to 5th Cttee.. ,V:5; B:50; P:572 111:3; V:3; VI:3 Rules of procedure, prov P:550-551, 558 Staff, see that title Siri, Ricardo J.: Member of del. of Argentina. ,P:1; VT.l Statistical work: question referred to 5th Cttee.. .V:5; Site of U.N., see Headquarters B:50; P-.572 Reference P:162 Slonimski, Antoni: Member of del. of Poland P:21; 111:3 Secretary- General: Cultural Comm 111:28 Appointment, installation and speeches of Mr. Trygve Smiljanic, Bogdan, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.P:31; Lie, see Lie, Trygve V:4 Election: rules of procedure. ,V:7-8 (discussion)-, P:550, 559 Smoliar, Vassily P., Member of del. of Byelorussian Emoluments and terms of appointment: SSR P:4 Figures P:269 Smuts, Field Marshal J. C P:180, 372 Observations of del. of U.S.A V:61 Report of 5th Cttee P:267-269, 606 (text) Soboiewski, E.: Resol P:268-269 Polish member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters.S:91 Sub-Cttee. on: Chairman of Sub-Cttee. on draft conv. between U.S.A. Composition and report V:6, 7, 8; P:268 and U.N S:99 Tribute to P:444 Conv. (draft) between U.S.A. and U.N S:104 Tax exemption for: reservation of del. of U.S.A. Social affairs, Secretariat department P:610 V:7; P:607 Functions P:550 Social Commission, Temporary, see Temporary etc. Letter to Chairman of Perm. Headquarters Cttee..S:22- Social, Humanitarian and Cultural questions: Cttee. 23 on, see 3rd Cttee. under Cttees. of the G.A. Privileges and immunities P:647, 649 Retirement allowance V:6, 7, 30, 31, 32, 33, 66, 68; Sofianopoulos, John: P-.610, 615 Member of del. of Greece P:13; 1:2 Security Council: Report of P.C P:204-208 Atomic energy comm., relationship with. .1:8, 9, 10-11, Soheiny, Ali, Member of del. of Iran P:15 13, 29-30; B:31; P:258, 259, 260, 264, 265-266, 567 (resol.) Sole, D. B., Member of del. of Union of South Africa Budget. ,V:46;P:629 (figtires),635(figures),635-636,638 P:24; 111:4; N:2 (figures), 639 (figures) Solh, Riad Bey es-, Member of del. of Lebanon. ,P:16; Decisions of, in relation to principle of equality for IV:2 sovereign States P:127 Functions and powers P:135, 160 Soliaman, Sheikh Ibrahim al-, Member of del. of Saudi Geographical distribution..P:72, 76, 77, 79, 84, 88-89, Arabia P:22 128, 203 Soltesz, Josef: 1st Meeting B:2 Meetings not to be held simultaneously with G.A., pro­ Member of del. of Czechoslovakia P:8; 11:2 posals P:541 UNRRA 11:12 Members: election P:72-89 Soto, Fausto, Member of del. of Chile. .P:5; 1:1; V:l; N:1 Provisions of Charter for P:72-73, 203 Rules of procedure, prov P:554 Soto Harrison, Fernando: Military force needed to maintain peace to be provided Delegate of Costa Rica. .P:7; 1:1; 11:1; 111:1; IV:l; V:1; P:114 VI:1;S:1 Part to be played by smaller nations in work of. . P:142- Vice-Chairman of 3rd Cttee... 111:1, 5 (election)-, P:35 143 Election of non-perm, members of S.C P:75, 77 Report of P.C.: Report of P.C P:178-179 Observations on P:135 Transmitted directly to S.C B:50n South Africa, Union of, see Union etc: Right of veto of perm, members P:180 South American Federation of Workers 1:23, 24 Secretariat, department of P:610 Terms of office of members, see Councils, Terms of South West Africa, relations with Union of South Africa office of members VI:10, 11, 14; P:183-186 References..P:43, 51, 112, 116, 121, 123, 134, 146, 164, Souza Dantas, L. M. de: 191, 193, 197, 216, 220, 232, 237, 537, 544 Member of del. of Brazil P:3 Reports of P.C P:114-l 16 Security questions: Sovereign equality of Members..P:38, 127, 197, 248 Cttee. of the G.A., see 1st Cttee. under Cttees. of the Spaak, P.-H.: G.A. Questions referred to the 1st Cttee B:50 Member of del. of Belgium P:l; 1:1 Chairman of General Cttee B:1 SekanlnovS, Mrs. Gertruda, Member of del. of Czecho­ Chairman of Sub-Cttee. to meet representatives of slovakia P:9; IV:2 W.F.T.U 1:15

24 Spaak, P.-H. (contd.): Staff (contd.); Member of Sub-Cttees. of General Cttee. N.G.O. Rules, draft prov V:19-20; P:604-605, 612 B:4, 13 Salaries, see that title President of G.A P:35 Secretary-General, see that title Closing speech P:539-541 Taxation, exemption from, see under Taxation Election P:46 Temporary, appointment of: Presidential address P.-47-49 _ , During transition period..V:5, 20-21; P;70, 305- Tributes to P:538-539, 544 306, 606 General regulations P.-613 Spacek, Jaromir, Member of del. of Czechoslovakia.P:8; Termination of appointments V:19; P:618 VI :2 Transfer from London: expenses in connexion with P:637 Spain: 638 Decisions of the Potsdam Conf.. ,P:352, 353, 354, 360 Travelling expenses and allowances P:618-619, 625 Refugees from, see under Refugees Staff Retirement Scheme: Registration of int. treaties.. VI:17, 19-21, 60, 61; P:592 Relations of States Members with; draft resol. pre­ Exemption of benefits from taxation P:643 sented by del. of Panama: Proposal by delegate of Canada V:68-70; P:609 Question referred to G.A B:20 Provisional, see Provident Fund Report of Gen. Cttee.. ,P:351-361, 538, 584-585 Report of 5th Cttee P:609, 615 (text) Suggestions of the Adv. Group of Experts. ... V.-30-34, Text B:59-60 64-70 (text); P:609 Specialized agencies: Stamford-Greenwich, see North Stamford-Greenwich Budget and finances: Stampar, Andrija, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.. P:30; Arrangements V:40, 45; P:627 111:4 Common Services: reservation of del. of Belgium Stanczyk, Jan: V:28 Member of del. of Poland P:21; 111:3 Centralization. .11:21, 22, 23; 111:35, 36-37; B:9; P:299, Reconstruction of devastated areas P:329-334 574 Refugees 111:13-14 Distinction between those existing before the war and UNRRA P:319 those created by U.N 11:22; 23; 111:36, 37 Information services, co-ordination of P:620 "States directly concerned", see under Trusteeship. Privileges and immunities. .VI:28, 31, 46, 48-49; P:449, Statistical Commission (Section 1A, para. 4 (d) of re­ 456, 642, 661-662 (resol.) port of Prep. Comm.): for Refugees, see that title Discussion 11:6 Relationships with E.S.C. (Section IB of report of P.C.): Establishment of P:297-298 Discussion. .11:20-23; 111:34-37; B:9; P:150, 297- Question referred to the 2nd Cttee 11:4, 5; B:7 299 Referred to Joint 2nd and 3rd Cttee.. . 11:4, 5; 111:4, Statistical work of Secretariat: 32; B:7; P:572 Question referred to the 5th Cttee.. .V:5; B:50; P:572 Report of 3rd Cttee P:573, 574 Staff: recruitment and promotion P:611, 617 Stavropoulos, Constantin: Member of del. of Greece Trust territories, contribution towards IV:9 P:14; V:2 Stefanovic, Rista, Member of del. of Yugoslavia. ,P:30; Sperry Plant, Lake Success, N.Y S:35, 52, 68-71 V:4 Spiropouios, John: Stein, Boris E.: Member of del. of Greece P:13; VI:2 Member of del. of USSR P:24; V:3; N:2 Registration of int. treaties VI:20 Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:9 Stettinius, Edward R. Jr.: Sponneck, Count Wilhelm, Member of del. of Denmark P:9 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27 Installation of headquarters in U.S.A P:537 Springfield, Mass S:100, 101 World shortage of cereals P:475-477 Staff: Stevens, W.: Member of del. of Belgium P:2; IV: 1 Administrative machinery for inquiry and appeal. P:612, Stevenson, Adlai E.: 618 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; S:3 Assistant Secretaries-General, see that title Attitude of U.S.A. govt, during choice of headquarters Budget, see Secretariat: Budget S:8-9, 23, 26 Classification of posts, see under Secretariat Children's allowances. ,V:28-30, 61, 62, 63; P:608-609, Stinebower, Leroy D., Member of del. of U.S.A. .P.-28; 614 11:4 Compensation for accident or illness. .V:30, 32, 34, 60, Stolk, Carlos Eduardo, Member of del. of Venezuela 67, 68; P:610, 615, 619 P:30; 11:4; 111:4; V:4; VI:4 Contributions plan, see under Taxation Death benefits.. VI:46-47; P:609, 610, 615, 619, 643-644 Stone, Donald C., Member of del. of U.S.A...P:28; V:3 Directors, see that title Strasburger, Henryk, Member of del. of Poland..P:21; Disputes involving members of, provisions for settle­ IV:3 ment of P:649, 661 Duration and termination of appointments P:614 Su&rez, Horacio, Member of del. of Chile..P:5; 111:1; Education (expatriation) allowances. ,V:28-30, 58, 61, VI :1 62, 63; P:608-609, 614 Subercaseaux, Le6n, Member of del. of Chile P:5 "Eligible members" for certain allowances, definition V:29-30 Sudbury, see Lincoln, Sudbury and Marlboro District "Filled posts", definition P;636n Summary records, rules for P:576 Geographical distribution P:611, 617; V:20 Installation allowances. .V:28-30, 58, 61, 62, 63; P:609, Swift, Judge John E.: speech showing hostility to U.N. 614 S:41, 75-78 "Man years" definition P:636n Switzerland: negotiations with authorities re transfer of National service obligations, see that title assets of L.o.N N:9, 11, 15, 17 Pension rights, accrued. ,VI:30, 46, 47; P:450, 456, 642, 643, 662-663 (resol.) Syria: Pensions, see Staff Retirement Scheme Credentials of delegates P:71 Privileges and immunities: Delegation P:22 see also Taxation: Exemption etc. Foreign troops, withdrawal requested P:248, 255 Provisions of conv P:647-648, 659 Representation on: Provident Fund. . V.-31-32, 34, 64, 65-66, 67; P:609, 614- Cttees. of the G.A...1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; 615, 619, 638 VI:3; N:2; S:3; B:1 Recruitment and promotion P:611 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship VI:29 Regulations, draft prov... V:18-19; P:604-605, 612, 615 Sub-Cttee. to consider communications addressed 619 (text) to U.N B:5, 16 Retirement scheme, see Staff Retirement scheme Statements by delegates: Rights and obligations P:611-612 Atomic Energy Comm 1:8, 9

25 Syria (contd.)'. Transit Section of L.o.N.: transfer of functions.. P:401, Statements by delegates (contd.): 600 Transjordan: establishment as an independent state Communications adressed to U.N B:5 IV:54, 58; P:167, 226, 254-255, 591 Foreign troops, request for withdrawal P:255 Headquarters S:8, 12 Transport: N.G.0 1:16 European Central Inland Transport Org., see that title Report of P.C P:253-257 Temporary Transport and Communications Cttee.. see S.C., election of members P:86 that title Trusteeship.. IV:7, 18-19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29, 36; P:256 Travelling expenses and allowances: Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P-.630 Delegates to G.A V:27-28; P:623, 628 (resol.) Members of Int. Court of Justice VI:57 Sze, Szeming, Member of del. of China. ,P;6; 111:1; V:1 Members of Perm. Court of Int. Justice VI:54-55 Szerer, Mieczyslaw; Member of del. of Poland.. ,P:21; Staff P:618-619, 625 VI :3 Treaties and int. agreements, Registration of: Szturm de Sztrem, Edward, Member of del. of Poland Discussion and amendments VI:17-18, 19-21 P:21; 111:3 Distinction between registration and sending in for filing and publication P:377 Question referred to 6th Cttee...VI:4, 57-58; B:51; P:572 Report of 6th Cttee.. ,VI:59-61 (draft) - P:377-378, 591- Tanganyika IV:22, 47; P:166, 226 593 (text) Tange, A, H.: Resol VI:57-58 (draft); P:592-593 Spain, question of VI:17, 19-21, 60, 61; P:592 Member of del. of Australia P:l; 11:1; 111:1; V:1 Transfer of functions of the L.o.N P:600 UNRRA 11:11-12 Tribunal, Administrative: adv. cttee. to draft statute Taqizadeh, Hassan: P:612 Member of del. of Iran PAS; 1:2 Troops, see Armed forces Report of P.C P:119-122 S.C P:121 Truman, President Harry S.: Situation in Iran P:120-121 Reception of the Inspection Group S:33-34 Terms of office of Council members P:392-393 Statement re Atomic Energy Comm 1:8 Statement at San Francisco Conference on responsibility Tarasenko, Vasil A., Member of del. of Ukrainian of great States P:113 SSR P:23; 11:4 Tribute to P.-224 Taxation: Trusteeship: Contribution plan. ,V:10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 55, 56, 57, 59; see also Non-self-governing territories P:608, 612, 643 Agreements for placing under trusteeship system terri­ Equalization: tories administered under L.o.N. mandate Proposals of Adv. Group of Experts. ,P:607; V:10, Discussion..IV:10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28, 33; 55-57 (text) P:124, 256, 368, 374 Proposals of U.S. del V:10, 57-61 (text); P:607 Draft agreements forwarded by U.K.. ,IV:21, 22, 47 Report of 5th Cttee P:443-444, 607-608 (text) Draft resols IV:43,44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, Sub-Cttee V:10, 11-18 (report) 53, 54 Exemption of staff: Provisions for consideration of....IV:32, 33, 37 Discussion V:7, 10, 11-17, 50-51; Vl:26, 27 Report of 4th Cttee.. . IV:55, 56, 58; P:589 (text) Proposals of Adv. Group of Experts.. V:55, 56, 57 Resol P:590 Provisions of Conv P:647, 659 Cttee. of the G.A., see 4th Cttee. under Cttees. of G.A. (resol.) Report of the 5th Cttee P:607, 612 Council, see Trusteeship Council Reservations. .VI:26-27; P:452-453, 454, 607, 642- "Declaration of Intention". . IV:25, 28,45, 46, 49; P:368 643 Distinction between Trust territories and other de­ Exemption of U. N. Organization P:645, 657 pendent territories P:370 Refunds, national: Draft resols., proposals and amends submitted by Budget V:37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45; P:624, 627 Reservation of del. of Belgium and France. . P:445- del.: 447 Australia IV:13-14, 26-27, 49-52 (text), 55 Belgium.. IV:27,30,32,33,41, 46 (text), 47-48 (text), Resol P:612 55, 56; P:588, 589 Teheran Declaration P:120 Canada IV:25, 28, 32, 33, 45-46 (text), 55, 56; P:588, 589 Temporary Social Commission (Section 1A, para. 4 (c) China IV.-26, 27, 33, 43 (text), 55; P:370, 588 of report of P.C.): India IV:26, 27-28, 52-53 (text), 55; P;588 Collaboration with World Federation of Trade Unions Iraq IV:26, 32-33, 48-49 (text), 55, P:588, B:48 589 Discussion of term "temporary" in connection with III:6 Mexico IV:33, 40, 41 Question referred to 3rd Cttee... 111:4, 5; B:7; P:571 Netherlands. .IV:26, 33, 44-45 (text), 55, 56; P:588, Report of 3rd Cttee P:299, 573 589 '-. U.K IV:37-38, 39-41 Temporary Transport and Communications Com­ " U.S.A IV:7, 15-16, 42-43 (text), 55; P:588 mittee (Section 1A, para. 5 (b) of report of P.C.).II:4, Obligations of states administering trust territories IV-8 5, 6; B:7; P:298, (report) 17, 27, 30-31, 43-44, 50, 52, 53, 55; P:590 (resol.) ' ' Thomson, G., Member of del. of U.K P:25 Question referred to 4th Cttee.. . IV:4, 5, 55; B:50; P:572 Tinbergen, J., Member of del. of the Netherlands. . P:17; Report of 4th Cttee.. .VI:37-42, 55-58 (draft), P:366- 377, 588-591 (text) 11:3 Resol P:590, 591 Togoland (under French mandate). IV-.5-6,8,12; P:251 San Francisco Conference, decisions re.. IV:6,11, 19, 22 Togoland (under U.K. mandate).. .IV:47; P:166, 226 Secretariat, department of P:610 Tomlinson, J. D., Secretary of 2nd Cttee. .111:29; P:297 Specialized agencies: contribution to IV:9 Townsend, John G. Jr.: "States directly concerned": Competence of 4th Cttee. to define IV:20-26 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; 111:4 Discussion. .IV:9, 17-26, 28, 30, 33, 35; P:256, 368 Reconstruction of devastated areas P:334-336 f , 371, 376 Trade: Draft resol IV:45-46 49 Int. Conf. on Trade and Employment P:242, 544 Note by the U.K. del IV:22, 47 (text) Int. Organization P:163 Report of 4th Cttee P-589 References to initiative taken by U.S P:127, 134 Sub-Cttee IV:28-30, 32-36, 53-55 (report);P-589 Transfer of mandatory regime, and arrangements' for Trade Unions: World Federation of Trade Unions, see interim period IV:9, 10, 11-12, 19, 25, 35, 37.41 that title References P:143, 194-195

26 Trusteeship Council: Union of South Africa: Budget. ,V:46; P:629 {figures), 635 (figures), 635-636, Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 638 (figures), 639 (figures) Crop failure in P:472 Discussion IV:6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 25; P:369, 373 Delegation P :23-24 Draft resol IV:43, 44, 48, 51, 53, 53-54, 57 Representation on: Geographical distribution, principle of P:128 Cttee. on Contributions V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Language rules: question referred to the 4th Cttee.B:50 Cttees. of the G.A...1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:3; Members: election, rules of procedure P:555 VI:3; N:2; S:3; B:1 Report of 4th Cttee IV:55 (draft); P:588 Cttee. on Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Resol P:590 Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva Rules of procedure, prov... .IV: 36, 56, 58; P:589, 591 and at The Hague P:601 Terms of office of members, see Councils, Terms etc. Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 References. ,P:124, 135, 166, 180, 197, 217-218, 220, 537 Statements by delegates: E.S.C., comm. of 111:6 Tsaoussis, Dimitri, Member of del. of Greece.,.. P.-13; E.S.C., prov. agenda 11:19; 111:32 111:2; VI :2 General Cttee., competence of B:ll Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:289 Tsien Tai, Member of del. of China P:5; 11:1; VI:1 N.G.O P.-327 Privileges and immunities: work of Sub-Cttee.VI:28 Turkey: Refugees 111:16, 23, 24, 25 Credentials of delegates P:71 Report of P.C P:179-186 Delegation P:22-23 Terms of office of members of Councils VI:24; Representation on: P.-391-392, 399-400 Cttees. of G.A.. .1:3; 11:3; 111:3; IV:3; V:3; VI :3; Treaties and int. agreements, registration of.VI:20 N:2; S:3 Trusteeship IV:10-11, 20; P;180-186 Credentials Cttee P:36, 66 UNRRA 11:12 Statements by delegates: World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. above Report of P.C P:186-187 Trusteeship, attitude towards..IV:6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 20; Rules of procedure of G.A P:62 P:180-186 UNRRA 11:12; P:314-315 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Vice-Presidents of G.A P:69 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Credentials of delegates P:71 Delegation P:24 Tuxedo Park District, N.Y S:34, 36 Draft resols., amends, etc., presented by del.: Atomic Energy Comm.. .1:6-11, 12-13, 29-30 (text); B:31-32 (text); P:257-267, 566-567 (text) Budget V:39, 41, 46-47; P:624, 625 u Cereals, world shortage of..B:25-26, 60-61 (text); P:470-499, 665-666 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic: Communications addressed to U.N B:15 Contributions Cttee V:54 Credentials of delegates P:71 General Cttee.: competence in political questions Delegation P:23 VI:7-8; P:271, 561 Draft resols., amends, and proposals presented by del.: N.G.O., collaboration with U.N.. .1:15, 25, 26, 33 N.G.O., collaboration with E.S.C P:533, 667 (text); B:13-14; P:501, 503, 532-533, 668, 670-671 Refugees P:435, 436 (text) Rules of procedure of G.A. (Nominations).. ,VI:7, Refugees.. 111:20-24, 25-27, 54-55 (text); P:413-439, 9-11, 34-35 (text), 35, 36, 37, 38, 39; P:57-64, 271, 601 272, 274-296, 560, 562 Terms of office of Council members B:26 Treaties and int. agreements, registration of.VI:19- UNRRA 11:7-9, 24-25 (text); P.-309 21 Representation on: Representation on: Cttee. on Contributions V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Cttees. of G.A...B:1; 1:3; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:3; Cttees. of G.A.. .1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:3; VI:4; VI :3; S:3 N:2; S:3; B:1 E.S.C P:90, 99 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI:30 Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O B:4, 13 Cttee. on Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of the G.A..VI:6 Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Reservation of del. to Conv. on Privileges and Immuni­ Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 ties VI:26-27, 30; P:642-643 E.S.C P:90, 99 Statements by delegates: Headquarters Comm S:29 Budget V:41 Inspection Group on Headquarters... .S:32, 34, 97 Declarations on int. rights and duties of man and of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 nations P:105-106 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. . VI.-28-29; P:342, E.S.C., comm. of 11:22-23; 111:36 351 E.S.C., election of members P:92-93 Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva General Cttee., competence of B:ll, 47 and at The Hague P:601 Headquarters S:13 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. N.G.O.. .B:3, 8, 12; P-.506-509, 511-514 (ref.), 531 Court V:24; VI:17, 55 President of G.A., election of P:45 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Privileges and immunities: Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 Composition of Sub-Cttee VI:15 Sub-Cttee. on N.G.O 1:20 Conv. on VI:26-27 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities VI:15 Public Information, department of V:36 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of procedure of G.A.. . . VI:15 Refugees. . ' ' 111:15, 17, 21, 26; P:435, 436 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Rules of procedure of G.A. (Nominations).. VI:10; Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund. y:24 P:57, 64, 274-275, 285-286, 292 Reservation to conv. on privileges and immunities S.C., election of members P:78, 79-80, 87 VI:26-27, 30; P:642-643 Treaties and int. agreements: registration. .VI:17, Statements by delegates: 19, 21 Atomic Energy Comm 1:8; P:263-266 War criminals, question of suppression of death Budget V:39, 46, 47 penalty for B:18-19 Cereals, world shortage P:486-487 World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. above Communications addressed to U.N B:15 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P.-630 General Cttee., competence in political questions VI :7, 8 Ulloa, Alberto: Headquarters S:6, 19, 26-27, 41, 93, 103 Member of del. of Peru P:19; 1:3; IV:3; VI:3 L.o.N. assets, transfer of N:9 Report of P.C P:168-173 Nominations: Rulesof procedure of G.A... P:279,283 Trusteeship P:376 N.G.O., collaboration with U.N...1:15, 19-20, 23, 24-25, 26; 11:22; 111:36; B:3, 4, 8-9, 11-12, 13-14; Ulster Park, see Kingston District P:327, 503-506, 580-581 UNESCO, see United Nations Educational, Scientific and President of G.A P:43-44, 46 Cultural Organization Press Conference, International B:19

27 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (contd.): United Kingdom (contd.): Statements by delegates (contd.): Statements by delegates (contd.): Public Information, department of V:36 E.S.C.: Refugees..II 1:9, 20, 23, 24-25, 26, 30; P:413-414, Agenda and rules of procedure, prov 11:19; 425-428, 433, 435, 437, 438 111:32 S.C., election of members, r P:73-74, 79 Attitude of Govt P:42-43 Spain, relations of States Members with B:20 Comm. of 11:19, 20, 21-22; 111:6, 32, 33 Tax equalization V:16 Election of members P:95-96, 97 Terms of office of members of Councils B:26; General Cttee., competence of..B:ll,20; VI:8; p.388-389 P:60, 61, 62 Trusteeship IV:18, 38, 39, 40, 41; P:194-195 Headquarters. ,S:5, 8, 14, 18, 20, 24-25, 94, 95, 98- UNRRA .....11:7, 17 99; B:16 War criminals, question of suppression of death Language rules B:5-6 penalty for B:18-19 L.o.N., transfer of functions N:6 Working Capital Fund V:49 Mandated territories, see Trusteeship below World Federation of Trade Unions, teeN.G.O. above Narcotic Drugs Comm 11:21; III :35; P:300-303 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Nominations, rules of procedure for.. P:59, 278, 279, 281-283, 289, 292, 293-294 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire­ N.G.O.. .1:18-19, 23, 24, 25, 28; B:3, 9, 12, 14; land: P:327, 520-523, 531 Palestine P:167 Credentials of delegates P:71 Press Conf., Int B:20; P:67 Delegation P :24-2 7 Reconstruction of devastated areas P:336-337 Difference with Guatemala on Belize: question sub­ Refugees. .111:9-10, 12, 22-23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31; mitted to the Court P:243 P:421-423 Draft resols., amends, and proposals presented by del.: Report of P.C P:161-168 Atomic Energy Comm., creation of. .1:6-11, 12-13 Secretariat P:162 29-30 (text)-, B:31-32 (text); P:257-267, 566-567 S.C., election of members P:77-78, 81 (text) Spain, relations of States Members with P:360 Cereals, world shortage of . .B:25-26, 60-61 (text); Specialized agencies 11:19, 21-22; 111:33, 35 P:470-499, 665-666 Tax equalization V:15 Headquarters S :98-99 Terms of office of members of Councils. ,VI:22-23, Language rules B:5-6 24, 32; B:24, 26-27; P:379-383, 393-394, 458 L.o.N., transfer of activities N:6 Treaties, int., registration of VI:20 N.G.O.. .1:19, 23, 31-32 (text); P:S01, 668, 669-670 Trusteeship. ,IV:8-10, 29, 34-35, 40, 42; P:166-167, (text) 373-376 Public information, department of V:35-36 UNRRA. .11:7,9-10,10,11,13,14,16;P:165,319-322 Refugees 111:9-27, 37-43 (text); P:601 Vice-Presidents of G.A., election of P:70 Reports of Cttees. of the G.A., submission of.B:21 Voting procedure P:293-294, 398 Sec.-Gen., appointment of V:8 War Criminals 1:21-22, 23 Statute of the Court: request for adv. opinion on Women, participation in work of U.N.. .P:411-412 word "meeting" B:28; P:346, 500, 666 (text) World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. above Treaties, int., registration of VI:20-21 Tributes to hospitality of..P:125, 161, 173, 179, 204, Trusteeship IV:37-38, 39-41 235, 253, 540 UNRRA..11:4-5, 7-16, 23-28 (text); B:2, 29-30 Trusteeship: attitude of Government: (text); P:101, 165-166, 207, 225, 308-309, 564-565 Discussion IV:6, 8, 11, 14, 16 (text), 568, 569 Speech by Mr. Attlee to Parliament on interpreta­ King George VI, speech by His Majesty. . P:39-40, 204 tion of phrase "States directly concerned". IV:28, Representation on: 47 (text) Cttee. on Contributions V:52, 54; P:640, 641 Statements on, see above under statements by dele­ Cttees. of the G.A...1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:3; gates VI:4; N:2; S:3; B:1 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Cttee. to negotiate with U.S.A B:22; VI:30 Cttee. on Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Organization (UNESCO): Drafting Cttee. on War criminals 1:22 Atomic Energy Comm., collaboration with 1:13 Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 Convention P :250 E.S.C P:90, 99 E.S.C., relations with P:225 Headquarters Comm S:29 Int. system of education on lines offered by P:441 Inspection Group on Headquarters. .S:32, 97, 99 Location 11:23; 111:36 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Reference P:163, 238 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice P:342, 351 Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva United Nations Relief and Adminis­ and at The Hague P:601 tration (UNRRA): Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Court Cttee. on, creation. ...11:13, 15, 16 (composition), 26; V:24; VI:55 P:311, 313 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Cttee. on Supplies, constitution of B:62 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules 1:12 Contributions: Sub-Cttees. on N.G.0 1:20; B:4, 13 Basis for assessment of 11:13, 14-15 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities. . . !VI:15 Council resolutions re 11:27, 28 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedures of the G.A.. . Proposal for further contribution of 1 per cent of VI :6 national income, see below Draft resol. presented Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 by del. of U.K. Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Council resolution No. 80 of Aug. 1945. .11:7, 8, 9, 10, Statements by delegates: 12, 13, 27-28 (text); B:30; P:310 Amendments, procedure for P:439 Date of completion of work. . 11:8, 12, 13, 26, 27; P:309, Atomic Energy Comm 1:8, 9, 10; P:41-42, 165 310, 311 Budget V:40 Draft resol. presented by del. of U.K., discussion and Cereals, world shortage of P:166, 471-475 amendments 11:4, 5, 7-16, 23-28 (text); B: 2, 29-30 Closing speech P:537-538 (text); P:101, 165-166, 207, 225, 308-309, 564-565 Comm. on Culture and Education 111:28 (text), 568, 569 Cttees. of G.A "Fifty facts about UNRRA" 11:13 Creation of a Joint Sub-Cttee. of the 2nd and F.A.O., collaboration with P:476 3rd Cttees B:6 Greece, assistance to P:207 Submission of reports to the G.A. by B:21 Invitation to states to join: discussion and draft resols. Conv. between U.N. and U.S.A.. .VL29-30; P:450- 11:7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26; P:30, 309, 310, 311, 451 565 (resol.) Conv. on privileges and immunities. . VI:27; P:451- Letter on world shortage of cereals and fats. ,B:25-26, 454 61-65 (text); P:471, 666 Court of Justice, Int.: Periodic reports to G.A. II 24, 25, 26; B-.30; P:309, Development and activities P:167 310, 311, 565 (resol.) Request for adv. opinion on interpretation of Question referred to the 2nd Comm...11:4, 5; B:7; statute B:28; P:346, 500 P:101, 570, 571

28 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis­ United States of America {contd.): tration (contd.): Statements by delegates {contd.): Contributions {contd.): Refugees 111:10, 21-22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30,56-57; Refugees 111:9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 43, 45, 54, 57, 60 P:418-412 Rehabilitation: activities regarding P:332 Report of P.C P:111-114 Report of 2nd Cttee 11:17; P:307-322 S.C. election of members P:74-75 Requirements of countries supplied by P:472 Spain, relations of States Members with B:20 Resol P:311, 322 {adoption) Staff, temporary: regulations for employment of Transport difficulties encountered by 11:12 V:20 Washington Agreement 1943... .11:24, 25; B:29; P:308 Tax equalization V:50-51 References P:145, 149, 175, 225, 242 Terms of office of members of Councils. ...VI:23; B-.23, 27; P:464-466, 469 United States of America: Trusteeship. ,IV:7, 17-18, 19-20, 29, 31, 35-36, 40, Conv. with U.N., see under Privileges and immunities 41; P.-367-369 Credentials of delegates P:72 UNRRA 11:8, 10, 15, 16; P:312-313, 513 Delegation P:27-29 Women, participation in work of U.N.. .P:403-404 Draft resols., amends, etc. presented by del.: Work of 6th Cttee VI:32 Atomic Energy Comm.. .1:6-11, 12-13, 29-30 {text); Working Capital Fund V:49 B:2, 31-32 {text); P:257-267, 566-567 {text) World Federation of Trade Unions, see N.G.O. above Budget V:47; P:625 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Cereals, world shortage of..B:25-26, 60-61 {text); P:470-499, 665-666 Uprooted people: Language rules 1:14 see also Refugees N.G.O., collaboration with U.N... 1:25-28, 32-33 Discussion of term 111:52 {text): B: 14-15; P:326-328, 503 Reconstruction of devastated areas.. P:335-336, 337 Uralova, Mrs. Evdokia I.: Refugees 111:21-22, 55-56 {text), 56-57; P:601 Member of delegation of Byelorussian SSR P:3; Sec.-Gen.'s retirement allowance V:31 111:1 Staff, temporary: regulations for employment of Refugees 111:17-18 V:20 Uribe Cualla, Hernando, Member of del. of Colombia Terms of office of members of Councils... VI:23, 25; P:7; 11:1; 111:1; IV:1; VI:1 B-.23-25, 26-27 Uruguay: Trusteeship. . IV:7, 15-16, 42-43 {text), 55; P:588 UNRRA. .11:8, 10, 13-16, 25-26 {texts); P:309-310, Credentials of delegates P:72, 366 311 Delegation P:29-30 Observations on basis for compensation of Sec.-Gen. and Draft resols., amend, etc. presented by del.: staff V:10, 57-61 {text) Headquarters S:29; P:673-674 Representation on: Terms of office of Council members. ,P:457, 460- Cttees. of G.A.. .1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:3; VI:4; 461, 467, 468 N:2; S:3; B:1 War criminals, suppression of death penalty. .B:18- Cttee. on Contributions V:52, 54; P:640, 641 19, 26 Cttee. on Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:ll Representation on: Cttee. on UNRRA 11:16 Cttees. of G.A... 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:3; V:4; VI:4; Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 B:1; N:3;S:3 E.S.C P:90, 99 Inspection Group on Headquarters... ,S:32, 97, 99 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. . VI:28-29; P:342, Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 351 Sub-Cttee. of General Cttee. on N.G.O B:4 Negotiating Cttee. on transfer of assets in Geneva Statements by delegates: and at The Hague P:601 Budget, prov V:37-38 Contributions Cttee V:54 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of judges of the Int. Court of Justice: interpretation of articles 11 and 12 Court V:24; VI:55 of statute P:347, 348 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Headquarters S:5, 9, 20, 25, 29 Sub-Cttee. on Language rules, 1:12 Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:279, Sub-Cttees. on N.G.O 1:20; B:13 289, 291 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities. .. .VI:15 Report of P.C P:208-209 Sub-Cttee. on Rules of procedure of G.A... .VI:15 S.C., election of members P:80, 84 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Spain, relations of States Members with. P:357-358 Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund V:24 Tax equalization V:12 Reservations: Terms of office of Council members. .B:23; P:395, Conv. on privileges and immunities. . . VI:26; P:453, 400, 457, 460-461, 467, 468 454-455, 642 UNRRA 11:14, 16 Conv. between U.N. and U.S.A VI:30 Voting procedure P:395, 396, 397-398, 400 Salary of Sec.-Gen.: question of fiscal exemption for War criminals, suppression of death penalty for V:7; P:607 B:19, 26 Statements by delegates: Women, participation in work of U.N P:411 Atomic Energy Comm 1:7-8; P:260-262 Working Capital Fund V:48 Budget V:38, 47 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Cereals, world shortage P:475-477 Comm. on Culture and Education 111:28 Compensation for staff, observations re basis for V V:10, 57-61 {text) Conv. on privileges and immunities. . VI:26; P.-454- Valle, Henrique R., Member of del. of Brazil. ,P:3; 1:1; 455 V :1 Conv. between U.N. and U.S.A VI:30 Vandenberg, Arthur H.: E S.C.: Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; V:3; VI:4 Comm. of 11:19, 20; 111:6, 7, 28, 33 Chairman of Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments.... V:6; P:444 Convocation of conf. by VI:12-13 Conv. on privileges and immunities P .-454-455 Election of members of P:94 Int. Press Conf P:109-110 Court of Justice: request for an advisory opinion B:28 Varvaressos, Kyriakos: General Cttee., competence of B:9, 11 Member of del. of Greece P:13; 11:2; VI :2 Headquarters: UNRRA 11:8; P:322 Attitude of Government during choice of. . S:8- 9, 23, 26 Vfisquez, Jorge, Member of del. of Peru..P:20; IV:3; Installation in U.S.A P:537 VI :3 Language rules 1:14 Vellodi, M. K., Member of del. of India. . P:15; 11:2; V:2 L.o.N. assets, transfer of N:9, 11 Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A. P:284-285 Venezuela: N.G.O., collaboration with U.N.. .1:16, 23, 24; B:9, Amends, presented by del. 12, 14-15; P:326-327, 509-514, 525, 534, 580 Budget, prov..: V:53 Non-self-governing territories, see below Trusteeship Contributions Cttee V:25 Press Conf., Int B:19; P:109-110 Credentials of delegates B:72 Reconstruction of devastated areas P:334-336 Delegation P:30

29 Venezuela conld.): Watson, Sir John Forbes, Member of del. of U.K..P:25 Representation on: Cttees. of G.A.. .1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:4; V:4; VI:4; Watt, Alan, Member of del. of Australia.. P:l; 11:1; N:1 N:2; S:3; B:1 Webster, Sir Charles: Sub-Cttee. to consider communications addressed to U.N B:5, 16 Member of del. of U.K P:25; V:3 Sub-Cttee. on Emoluments of Sec.-Gen V:6 Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 Statements by delegates: Headquarters B :16 Budget, prov V:41 Wehrer, Albert, Member of del. of Luxembourg. ,P:16; Headquarters S:6 1:3; 111:3; V:2; VI:3;N:2;S:2 Language rules 1:15 Report of P:209-213 Westchester and Dutchess Counties: Spain, relations of States Members with... ,B:20; Discussion. .S:18, 21, 34, 35, 36, 49-50, 101, 102, 103; P:358 P:675 {resol.) Tax equalization V:16 Terms of office of members of Councils B :23 Western Samoa, placed under trusteeship P:227 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 Westhampton Beach S:101, 102 Verbatim records, rules for P:576 Wilgress, L. D.: Vergara, German: Member of del. of Canada P:4; V:l; S:1 Member of del. of Chile. ...P:5; 11:1; 111:1; VI:1; S:1 Chairman of Sub-Cttee. on Working Capital Fund.V:27; E.S.C., comm. of 111:6 P:444 Verwey, Mrs. H.: Vice-Chairman of Perm. Headquarters Cttee S:l, 3 {election)-, P:36 Member of del. of Netherlands P:17; 111:3 Headquarters S:12, 18, 28 Refugees 111:22, 30-31 Women, participation in work of U.N P:406-407 Wilkinson, Miss Ellen: Member of del. of U.K P:25; 111:4 Verzijl, J. H. W., Member of del. of Netherlands Comm. on culture and education 111:28 P:17; VI :3 Reconstruction of devastated areas P:336-337 Veto, Right of P.-121, 202, 215, 223, 243 Wilson, Geoffrey, Deputy Secretary of Inspection Group Vi6not, Mme. Pierre, Member of del. of France.. . .P:12 S:32 Wilson, J. V.: Vlsscher, Charles de: Member of del. of New Zealand. ,P:18; 1:3; V:3; N:2; Member of del. of Belgium P:2 S:2 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. . P:342 {election), 351 Headquarters S:25 E.S.C., election of members P:92 L.o.N., transfer of staff N:10 S.C., election of members P:80 Winiarski, Bogdan: Viteri Lafronte, Homero: Member of del. of Poland P:21; VI :3 Member of del. of Ecuador P:10; 1:2; VI:2; N:1 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice. .VI:28; P:350 Rapporteur of 1st Cttee 1:1, 5 {election)-, P:35, 262 {election), 351 Winiewicz, Josef: Voina, Olexa D., Member of del. of Ukrainian SSR Member of del. of Poland P:21; 111:3; VI:3 P:23; V:3 Comm. of the E.S.C 111:8 Vyshinsky, Andrei Y.: N.G.O P:516-517 Member of del. of USSR P:24 Refugees P:417 Atomic Energy Comm P:263-266 Witteveen, Miss M. Z. N., Member of del. of Nether­ Refugees P:413-414, 425-428, 433, 435, 437, 438 lands P:18; V:3 Wold, Terje: w Member of del. of Norway P:19; VI:3; S:2 Chairman of Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of G.A. Wadi, Shaker el-, Member of del. of Iraq. .. .P:15; 1:3 VI :7 Walker, E. R.: Nominations, rules of procedure for P:279-281 Member of del. of Australia P:1; 1:1; 111:1; V:1 Voting procedure P:396 E.S.C 11:20; 111:34 Women: Walker, Frank: Cttee. on status of, creation discussed P:405, 410 Equal rights with men, principle of P:128 Member of del. of U.S.A P:27; VI:4; N:2 Inter-American Federation of Women P:404 Conv. on privileges and immunities Vl:26 Int. Democratic Federation of Women, see that title Nominations: rules of procedure of G.A P:284-285 Letter to women of the world from women delegates to Terms of office of Council members VI:23 G.A.. .. P:403-404 Transfer of L.o.N. assets N:9, 11 Participation in U.N. conferences: proposal by del. of Wang Shih-chieh, Member of del. of China P:5 France 111:29; B:25, 60 {text); P:402-412 War criminals: Status of 111:29 Death penalty: draft resol. of del. of Uruguay on sup­ Worcester, Mass S:100, 101, 102 pression of B:18-19, 26, 57-58 {text) Workers: Federation of Latin American Workers. .1:23, Declarations of Jan. and Dec. 1942 and Nov. 1943 con­ 24 cerning 1:20, 23, 31; B:53-54; P:229, 664 Working Capital Fund: Definition of term 1:21, 22, 31 Account P:633 Extradition and punishment: draft resol. presented by Budget. ,V:41, 44, 45-46, 49; P:625, 629 {figures) del. of Byelorussian SSR. Contributions, see that title Discussion 1:20-23; P:228-230 Currency P:631 Drafting Cttee.: Date for payment of advances to. . V:46, 55; P:625-626 Composition 1:22; P:664 Date of voting P:634 Report 1:22-23, 30-31 {text) Establishment V:48-49; P:444, 629 {resol.) Question included in agenda, and referred to 1st Exchange problems involved in paying contributions in Cttee 1:5, 6; B:16; P:337-338 dollars V:49-50 Report of 1st Cttee P:469-470, 663-664 {text) Object and administration of P:625-626 Resol P:664 Provision of P:628 Text 1:20-21; B:53-54 Question referred to 5th Cttee V:5; B:51; P:572 Not to be considered as refugees: Regulations P :631 Discussion. .111:11-25 {passim), 45-48; P:414-417, Report of the 5th Cttee... P:444, 447, 623 {text), 625 432 {text) Draft recommendations. .111:44, 50, 51-52, 55, 60, Scale of advances: figures P:629, 630 62, 63; P:436, 439, 602 Sub-Cttee: Tribunals P:163-164 Appointment and composition V:23-24; P:623 Washington Declaration 1:7, 9; P:224 Progress report V:27

30 Working Capital Fund (could.): Yugoslavia (contd.): Sub-Cttee (contd.): Representation on (contd.): Recommendations of V:36, 48; P:623 Inspection Group on Headquarters. .8:31, 97, 99, Tribute to P:444 103; P:541 Transfer situation V:44 Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 World Federation of Democratic Youth: request to Judge at the Int. Court of Justice. ,VI:28; P:343, collaborate with U.N.. .1:15; B:17, 45-47 (text); P:351, 351 584 Sub-Cttee. on Privileges and Immunities... .VI.45 World Federation of Trade Unions: Sub-Cttee. on Rules of Procedure of the G.A..VI:6 Sub-Cttee. on Trusteeship IV:29 Congress at Paris, resol. adopted by B:33, 34-35 Statements by delegates: (text)-, P:578 Budget, prov V:38 Letter to President of G.A.. .B:38-40 (text), 47; P:517, Court of Justice: interpretation of articles 11 and 12 578 of Statute P:348 Letter to the President of P.C. and reply. .B:33-34, 38 E.S.C., election of members of P:94-95 Request to participate in work of U.N., see Non-govern­ Emigration situation...... 111:10-11, 44-49; P:415 mental Orgs. Headquarters work of Interim Cttee S:93 Request for representation at the San Francisco Con­ Nominations, rules of procedure of G.A.... P:62-64, ference and reply B:34, 36-38 287-288 Sub-Cttee. of General Cttee. to receive representation of N.G.0 1:24 W.F.T.U 1:15; B:4, 8-10 (discussion of report) Refugees. .111:10-11, 23, 25, 44-49; P:415-417, 434, References P:225,250 435, 436, 437 Worm-Muller, Jacob S., Member of del. of Norway Report of P.C P:187-192 P:19; 111:3; IV:3 Spain, relations of States Members with.P:360-361 UNRRA 11:8-9, 13; P:317 Worq, Ato Tafarra, Member of del. of Ethiopia..P:11; War criminals I ;22 111:2 Welcome of New York school children to U.N. Wrong, H. H.: P:541-542 Member of del. of Canada P:4; 1:1; N:1 Working Capital Fund, scale of advances to P:630 L.o.N. assets, transfer of N:10

Yale Farms Area S:6, 50 Zafiriou, Miss Rena, Member of del. of Greece.P:14; 11:2 Yalta Conference P:112, 145, 192, 197 Zain, Z., Member of del. of Netherlands P:18 Ydlgoras-Fuentes, Miguel, Member of del. of Guate­ mala P:14; 1:2; IV:2 Zaki, Hassan, Member of del. of Egypt P:10 Yeh, K. C. George, Member of del. of China P:6 Zeineddine, F.: Younger, Kenneth G.: Member of del. of Syria..P:22; 11:3; IV:3; VI:3; S:3 Trusteeship IV:7, 18-19, 20, 22, 23, 29, 36 Member of del. of U.K P:25; V:3; S:3 Member of Inspection Group on Headquarters.S:32, 34 Zivkovic, Radomir, Member of del. of Yugoslavia.P:31; Member of Interim Cttee. on Headquarters S:91 111:4 Headquarters S:5, 8, 18, 24-25 Zone, U.N., conv. with U.S.A. on P:651-654 Youth: World Federation of Democratic Youth, see that title Zoricic, Milovan: Yugoslavia: Member of del. of Yugoslavia P:30;VI:4 Credentials of delegates P :71 Judge of the Int. Court of Justice... ,VI:28-29; P:343 Delegation ,P:30-31 (election), 351 Proposal concerning refugees. .111:9-27, 43-44 (text), 44- Zuleta Angel, Eduardo: 49; P:601 Member of del. of Colombia. ,P:7; 1:1; IV:1; V:l; VI:1 Representation on: Chairman of first meeting of G.A. and opening speech Cttees. of G.A... 1:4; 11:4; 111:4; IV:4; V:4; VI:4; P:37-39 N:3; S:3 Chairman of Perm. Headquarters Cttee P:36; S:l, 3 Contributions Cttee V:52, 54 (election), 7 Drafting Sub-Cttee. on Refugees 111:23, 24 President of P.C.: E.S.C P:90-96, 99 Report of P.C P:50 Headquarters Comm S:29 Tributes to work as P:39, 47, 174, 200