Real Revenge Will Be Expulsion of U.S. Forces

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Real Revenge Will Be Expulsion of U.S. Forces WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 Pages Price 40,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13580 Tuesday JANUARY 14, 2020 Dey 24, 1398 Jumada Al Awwal 18, 1441 Rouhani hopes for Iran’s Judiciary chief Iran claim Karate IIDCYA launches art closer Tehran-Muscat vows justice on downed 1-Series A Santiago competition on Martyr ties 3 plane case 3 2020 title 11 Soleimani 12 Iraqi Construction Coalition agrees that Abdul-Mahdi stay in power Real revenge will be The Construction Coalition, the biggest The sources said if Abdul-Mahdi suc- bloc in the Iraqi parliament, has agreed ceeds to win the favor of Kurds for the that caretaker PM Adel Abdul-Mahdi stay withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, the in power, the Iraqi media reported on Construction Coalition would agree that Monday, quoting sources. he stay in power. The coalition agrees that Abdul Mah- On 5 Jan 2020, Iraq’s parliament passed expulsion of U.S. forces di continue to work as prime minister if a resolution that asks the government to the Iraqi Kurdistan authorities back the end the presence of foreign troops in the See page 2 decision, the media said. country. 10 Guardian Council releases list of candidates eligible to run for parliament TEHRAN — The Guardian Council that the candidates who opposes the released on Sunday the list of candidates result of the study can file complaint who are considered competent to run from January 12 to January 16. for parliamentary elections. MPs Ali Motahari, Mahmoud Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, the spokes- Sadeghi, Hossein Naghavi Hossei- man for the Guardian Council, said in a ni, Nader Ghazipour, Mohammad tweet late on Saturday that the process Reza Tabesh and Elias Hazrati are of studying qualification of the candi- among those candidates who have dates has ended. been found ineligible to run for the The council announced on Sunday elections. 2 National steel festival, exhibition running in Tehran TEHRAN — The 2nd National Iranian services and technology in the national Steel Festival and Exhibition (N.I.S.F) exhibition. kicked off at Milad Tower in Tehran on Focusing on the knowledge-based com- Monday and will run until Thursday, IRIB panies and startups and those production reported. units expediting the process of indigenizing As reported, a number of deputies in the country is a major feature of this Hamid Forootan Hamid from Ministry of Industry, Mining and year’s exhibition and conference. Trade participated in the inauguration Iran’s Industry, Mining and Trade ISNA/ ceremony of the event. Minister Reza Rahmani says the coun- Over 130 domestic producers and try has achieved a proper self-reliance in Syrian Prime Minister Imad Khamis(L) holds talks with Iran’s top security official Ali Shamkhani in Tehran on Monday, January 13, 2020. suppliers are showcasing their products, steel industry. 4 ARTICLE Few U.S. presidents have been as amoral as Trump: Joseph Nye ‘Iran missile Hadi Mohammadi By Javad Heirannia book of “Do Morals Matter?”? world government does not mean the absence strikes shattered Political analyst TEHRAN — Professor Joseph S. Nye Jr., former A: Many people say morals play no role in of all order. Some foreign policy issues relate U.S. invincibility Dean of the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Gov- foreign policy. States must provide for their to our survival as a nation, but most do not. ernment says “Many judgments about ethics and own defense, and when survival is at stake, Since World War II, the United States has been myth’ Great achievement foreign policy are haphazard or poorly thought the ends justify the means. Where there is no involved in several wars but none were nec- through, and too much of the current debate meaningful choice there can be no ethics. As essary for our survival. And many important A top official from the Lebanese Hezbollah of Operation Martyr focuses on the personality of Donald Trump.” philosophers say, “ought implies can.” No one foreign policy choices about human rights or resistance movement says Iran’s preci- Former U.S Assistant Secretary of Defense can fault you for not doing the impossible. By climate change or Internet freedom do not sion missile strikes at US military bases Soleimani for International Security Affairs says “some of this logic, combining ethics and foreign policy involve war at all. Most foreign policy issues in Iraq in retaliation for the assassination Trump’s actions are not unprecedented in the is a category mistake, like asking if a knife involve trade-offs among values that require of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, sounds good rather than whether it cuts well, choices, not application of a rigid formula of n the morning of December 7, 1941, record of all our presidents since the Second the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s or whether a broom dances rather than sweeps “raison d’etat.” Japanese jet fighters attacked the U.S. World War.” Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), well. By this logic, in judging a president’s for- naval base at Pearl Harbor Island amid “No presidents have been perfectly moral, What Hypothesis did you use to answer shattered Washington’s invincibility myth. I eign policy we should simply ask whether it this question? What is your central argument? “Iran, by bombing the bases, exposed of WWII. but few have been as amoral as Trump,” Nye worked, not also ask whether it was moral. It has been 78 years since then until the tell in an exclusive interview to Tehran Times. A: Since we are going to use moral reasoning the American arrogance and put an end to While this view has some merit, it ducks hard morning of January 18, 2020, when Iran Following is the full text of the interview: about foreign policy, we should learn to do it the US invincibility myth. It demonstrated questions by oversimplifying. The absence of launched missile strikes against the Ayn What has been your main question in the better. 7 that it stands … prepared for any confron- al-Asad air base housing U.S. troops in a tation. The blood of Lt. Gen. Soleimani retaliatory operation following the assassi- marks the end of American presence in nation of commander Soleimani by Trump Iraq and the region, so the United States and officially claimed the responsibility. U.S. troops clear rubble from Iraq base days after Iran strike no longer has a future in the region,” Nabil The Islamic Republic of Iran proved U.S. troops cleared rubble and debris from a mil- Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC), that it had the Islamic State militant group. Qaouk, the deputy head of Hezbollah’s to both the U.S. and all the countries that itary base housing American soldiers in western launched 22 ballistic missiles at U.S. bases in Although no soldiers were killed, he said executive council, said at a memorial cer- have been the target of U.S. aggression for Iraq on Monday, days after it was struck by a Iraq, causing much damage and deaths among several were treated for concussions from the emony held in Lebanon’s southern town the past 78 years that it is able to confront barrage of Iranian ballistic missiles the US troops. blast and are being assessed by professionals. of Khiam on Monday. He further noted the so called world power and respond Meanwhile, Iraqi news websites have pub- However, the U.S. have disclosed that no hu- Myles added that troops received notification that the Iranian attack on Ain al-Assad air properly to its crimes. lished leaked pictures from inside the U.S. Ain man losses were reported, and U.S. president, the missiles were on their way thanks to early base marks the start of a response, which However, the exact number of Amer- Al-Assad Airbase in the Iraqi governate of Al Donald Trump, tweeted that “all is well” after warning systems, and troops were moved out will not conclude until the full withdrawal ican casualties in the operation is not Anbar, following the Iranian missile strike, Ara- the attack. of harm’s way. He described soldiers who lived of US troops from Iraq and West Asia. clear and the U.S. claimed there were reported. An Associated Press crew touring the Ain through the attack as “warriors.” On Sunday, Hezbollah Secretary Gen- no damage. One should bears in mind The pictures show severe damage of the airbase, al-Asad base Monday saw large craters in the The Ain al-Asad air base was first used by Amer- eral Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the that we are living in a world that the which hosts U.S. forces. Meanwhile, Iranians have ground and damaged military trailers as well as ican forces after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that Iranian missile strikes sent the message U.S. has been attacking any country on also published videos on social media claiming forklifts lifting rubble and loading it onto trucks toppled dictator Saddam Hussein, and later saw that all American targets in West Asia ay pretext for 78 years just because of to show the damage inside the airbase. from a large area the size of a football stadium. American troops stationed there amid the fight are within the range of Iranian missiles. having political and military power. No The pictures were published at the same time The air base in Iraq’s western Anbar province against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.
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