SERVING THE TOWNS OF BARRE, HARDWICK, HUBBARDSTON, NEW BRAINTREE, NORTH BROOKFIELD, OAKHAM, PETERSHAM & RUTLAND SINCE 1834 ServingServing the towns the of towns Barre, of Hardwick, Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, Hubbardston, New Braintree, New Braintree, North Brookfield, North Brookfield, Oakham, Oakham, Petersham Petersham & Rutland & Rutland since 1834 since 1834 Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834

FEBRUARYBARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE VOL. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 FEBRUARYBARRE20,EBRUARY 2014 GAZETTE F BARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE USPS 044560 VOL. 179, NVOOL. 40. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 $1.00 USPS 044560USPSUSPS 044560 044560 A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ Singing the night away February 25, 2021 ❙ Vol. 186, No. 45 ❙ $1.00 Senate SingingSinging the night the nightaway away visits selectmen MikeSenate ValanzolaSenateeconomy, candidateeducation and candidatecommu- Deficit nity. Of all the candidatesTown for the administrator visiting district towns senate seat, he is the only one that was a selectmen. He stated that spending local aid and Chapter 70 money By Ellenor Downer visitsvisits wereselectmen a priority. Heselectmenmakes said that now statement on Town sportsStaff Writer they were the first areas cut, not the first funded. economy,He mentioned educationeconomy, and education commu- and commu- approved for OAKHAM- Despite a Mike ValanzolaMike Valanzolathat the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm, Oakham nity. Of all thenity. candidates Of all the for candidates the for the ested in funding Dectivenew programs, Chatigny selectmen still held their meeting. but that new programssenate take moneyseat, hesenate is the seat, only he one is the that only one that snow removal Republicanvisiting candidate visitingdistrict for state townsdistrict towns away from existing programs.HUBBARDSTON – In sistent with our public mission Senate, Mike Valanzola, intro- was a selectmen.was a Heselectmen. stated that He stated that Purple for He also saida statement that the from the Town and would continue this prac- By Ellenor Downer duced himself to the two select- local aid andlocal Chapter aid and 70 Chaptermoney 70 money Department of Elementary and men present, EliotBy StarbardEllenor and DownerBy Ellenor DownerAdministrator in response to the tice regardless of these recent Staff Writer Secondary Educationwere (DESE) a priority. was were He a priority.said that He now said that now Matthew Broderick. James Erhard Staff Writera Stafffar too Writer powerfulDisposition bureaucracy. Agreement signed events.” of Sturbridge is also a running as a they were thethey first were areas the cut, first not areas cut, not DESE adopted common core state BARRE – The board of Republican for the senate seat. between the Massachusetts However, in response to the standards initiativethe without first a vote funded.the first He funded.mentioned He mentioned Valanzola saidOAKHAM- he hoped to visitOAKHAM- the Despite aDespiteState Ethicsa Commission and findings from this incident with selectmen approved an addition- of the legislature thator input the fromlegislature is more inter- selectmen in all 28 towns in the that the legislature is more inter- PreventionTuesday snowstorm,Tuesday schoolsnowstorm, Oakham districts. DetectiveOakham Selectman Scott Chatigny, Detective Chatigny, the follow- al $40,000 over budget for snow Senate district. He stated that he ested in fundingested newin funding programs, new programs, Starbard said that he didTown not agree Administrator Ryan ing additional actions were taken removal, the only account allowed served selectmentwo terms on still selectmenthe heldWales their still meeting. held their meeting. with the income basedbut thatnet school new butprograms that new take programs money take money Board ofRepublican Selectmen and isRepublican candidate currently forcandidate state McLane for state said the town accept- by town officials since the dispo- to overspend. spending formula that determines chairman of the Tantasqua Regional away from existingaway from programs. existing programs. Town accountant Jean Joel said Senate, MikeSenate, Valanzola, Mikehow much Valanzola,intro- a towned must intro-the spend formal on resignation of sition agreement was released: School Committee, a committee of He also said that the education. StarbardDetective said the town ScottHe Chatigny. also said This that the1.) We have accepted the the snow removal account was 18 membersduced that serveshimself fiveduced thehimself two select-to the two select- has no way to collectDepartment any of the Department of Elementary of Elementary and and overspent by about $19,000 on He menexplained present, to themen selectmen Eliot present, Starbard Eliot and Starbardresignation and was accepted based resignation of Detective Scott Secondary EducationSecondary (DESE) Education was (DESE) was the payroll side. There was about that his Matthewfocus if elected Broderick.Matthew would be James Broderick.See Erhard SELECTMEN, Jameson Erhardthe page findings 7 of the State Chatigny. a far too powerfula far too bureaucracy. powerful bureaucracy. $38,000 left on the material side of Turley Publications Photo by Amber King, an intern from Quabbin Regional High School. of Sturbridgeof is Sturbridgealso a running is also as aa runningEthics as Commissiona Disposition 2.) We completed an exhaus- DESE adoptedDESE common adopted core common state core state the total $105,000The band budgeted. Crawdad E Creek held their sixth annual bonfire and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 8 at American Legion Post 2. RepublicanRepublican for the senate for seat.the senateAgreement seat. dated Jan. 13, 2021. tive internal investigation, ques- standards initiativestandards without initiative a vote without a vote Annual report dedication Valanzola saidValanzola he hoped said to visithe hoped the McLaneto visit the said he wanted to thank tioning all current staff mem- Detectiveof the legislature Chatignyof the orlegislature forinput his from nearlyor input frombers appearing in the disposition Selectmen received from Lester Stateselectmen funds inselectmen all 28 towns in allused in 28 the towns into the 10school years districts.ofschool uniformed districts.Selectman service Selectman to report and providing additional Paquin nine names for possible Senate district.Senate He district.stated that He hestated that he theStarbard Hubbardston saidStarbard that he community. didsaid not that agree he did not agreetraining and/or discipline when dedication ofQRSD the annual to holdreport. promoteserved two servedterms regional ontwo the terms Wales on the Wales State approves Pathfinder roof project withMcLane the incomewith said, basedthe “Theincome net schooltown based ofnet schoolnecessary. Selectman chair Greg O’Sullivan Board of SelectmenBoard of and Selectmen is currently and is currently public budget about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, Hubbardstonspending formulaspending is that mindful formula determines thatof alldetermines 3.) We are requiring that all said he hoped to get more back- Construction chairman of thechairman Tantasqua of the Regional Tantasqua Regional or $2,003,781 of $3,273,620, with scope and timeline for the pro- partnerships actionshow much that ahow town can much must decease a spendtown mustontrust spend paid on employees maintain an ground on thehearing nominees before the expected to begin the remaining $1,269,839 borne by posed project,” wrote John School Committee,School aCommittee, committee aof committee of board voted. Selectman Matthew Pathfinder’s member towns, based McCarthy, executive director of munities that benefitin education.from government. the 37 pro- Starbardeducation. Any said Starbard theviolations town said the townadditional current ethics training Technology,18 members health that18 members serves five that towns. serves five towns. Urban said he didn’tBARRE have- The enough Quabbin late summer on enrollment. the MSBA in a Jan. 29 letter to Dr. jects slated to receivethathas funding nomight way from has todecrease collectno way any totrust, collectof the real any ofon the file. All staff members will Regional School District (QRSD) Pathfinder’s member towns Gerald Paist, superintendent-direc-Turley Publicationsnetworks Photo byHe Ellenor advanced explained DownerHe to explainedthethe selectmen $4 million to Communitythe orselectmen perceived, Innovation are not tolerated. be required to attend a state-run information on the names and knew Challenge (CIC) grant program. School Committee will meet on By Douglas Farmer include Palmer,Sponsoredtor of the Pathfinderby Q-Drug regional dis- purple ribbonsthat his focus decthat if hiselected- focus would if elected be Thewould Seetown be SELECTMEN, has takenSee SELECTMEN, many page steps7 pageethics 7 commission training in only one or two.Thursday, The Feb. board 27 at 6:30 decided p.m. at the Staff Writer Blog about it in Ware, Belchertown, trict. “Upon receipt of the certified By Emily Thurlow “The CIC program is a major Quabbin Regional School District our reader forum orate the gazebo on the OakhamStaff Common Writer component of the Patrick to have Paquin meet with them to Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by AmberGranby, PhotoKing, Hardwick, anby internAmber from King,votes Quabbin an interndemonstrating Regional from Quabbin High School. Regionallocal High School. to improve the transparency of March or retake the state eth- Educational Support Center, 872 PALMER – After receiving for Purple for Prevention week March 1 to 6. Administration's commitment to pro- discuss the matter. Monson, New approval, the MSBA and the dis- our town government and put ics training online for municipal South St. At the conclusion of school formal approval for funding of the Braintree, OakhamThe ribbonstrict will execute may a project be funding seen in allThrough the a Quabbinprogram that is vide cities and towns with the tools to The band CrawdadThe bandDepartment E Crawdad Creekcommittee heldof E Fish Creek theirbusiness, and sixthheld a Gamepublic theirannual budget sixth bonfireproject annual andfrom bonfire foodthe Massachusetts drive and foodon Saturday, drive on Feb.andSaturday, Warren. 8 at American Feb. 8agreement at LegionAmerican which Post will Legion set2. forth thePost 2.intended to support regionalization effectively manage resourcesin place and pro-policies and safeguards employees. This training must be hearing on the Quabbin Regional School Building Authority www.gazetteforum. Regional School District towns.and other cost-saving initiatives that vide services to theirto residents,” properly said our serve residents. dated Feb. 1, 2021 or later. Selectmen received notice “Pursuant to the terms and conditions pursuant to will change the way local govern- Secretary of Administration and from the DepartmentSchool District FY15of Fish budget andwill be (MSBA), a new roof will be placed terms of the MSBA’s which the district will receive its We continually evaluate our pro- held. The public is invited to attend. over the heads of staff and students Accelerated Repair Program, the grant from the MSBA.” ments doState business to maintainState service fundsFinance Glen funds Shor.cesses “This usedprogram to ensure used theyto are con to- See STATEMENT, page 5 Game regardingA copy acquiring of the FY2015 budgettown will at Pathfinder Regional Vocational district has 90 days to acquire and Within days of the receipt of delivery and stretch every taxpayer provides an opportunity for neigh- owned propertybe available of about for review 90 at theacres Central Technical High School in Palmer certify local approval for an appro- the letter, a preliminary meeting dollar as far as possible, the towns of boring communities to build part- around the oldOffice, reservoir. 872 South St.The after land12 p.m. by the end of the year. priation and all other necessary Palmer, Monson, Brimfield, Holland QRSDQRSD to hold to(noon) hold on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014. MSBA is expected to cover local votes or approvals showing See ROOF PROJECT, page 8 and Walespromote will be among those com- See regional CIC GRANT, page 8 was adjacent to the EastState QuabbinState approves approves Pathfinder Pathfinder roof roofproject project promote regional Land Trust property. Selectman publicpublic budget budget Residentsabout 62 percent of the voice project cost acceptance concerns of the cost, site, type, about proposed gas station Urban said he was notConstruction a fan of theConstruction about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance ofChocolates the cost, site, andtype, so many to pick state (DCR) Karenclosing its landAnderson off to of OrangeBy Paulaor $2,003,781 Ouimette announcesor of$2,003,781 $3,273,620, ofneer her$3,273,620,with of CMGscope with andEnvironmental timelinescope and for timeline Inc.the pro- wouldfor the partnershipsbe pro- in frontpartnerships of the building, feet wide to allow for entry and dispensary cage. They have also hearinghearingpublic use in the watershed area. Staffthe remainingwriter the $1,269,839 remaining borne$1,269,839is working by posed borne with byproject,” posedthe applicant, wroteproject,” John wroteone being John handicapped accessi- exit. Bernardino said they relo- added a proposed generator for candidacyexpected forexpected to state begin representativeto begin munities that munitiesbenefit from that thebenefit 37 pro- from the 37 pro- They locked the gates at the Ware Pathfinder’s Pathfinder’smember towns, memberCCS based towns,RealtyMcCarthy, based LLC, executiveMcCarthy,who purchased director executive ofble. director TheTechnology, otherof sixTechnology, parking health spac- healthcated the enclosed dumpster area the site in case they lose power. BARRE River.-BARRE The He Quabbin said- The ORANGEthe Quabbintownlate - Karen had Anderson,summer “badlate a squeezed summer NORTHbetween increasing BROOKFIELDon enrollment. prices tionson enrollment.that – unreasonably On the parcelhinderthe in MSBA October inthe a of Jan.MSBA 2020. 29 letter in Thea Jan. to Dr. 29es letter would to Dr. be located at the fuel tojects the slated northern tojects receive slatedline funding ofto receivethe from prop funding- Bernardinofrom said they will place Regional SchoolRegional District School (QRSD) Republican,District (QRSD) announced her candi- of the necessities, food, clothing them.” the $4 millionthe Community $4 million Innovation Community Innovation luck” dealingdacy withfor the 2ndthe Franklin state District in and shelter,Wednesday, on the one handFeb.Pathfinder’s and 17 the“We Pathfinder’sNorth havemember a serious parceltowns problem:member isGerald .59 towns acres Paist, Gerald oversuperintendent-direc- twoPaist, lots. superintendent-direc- dispensers.networks Thosenetworks advanced dispensers advanced erty, away from the park. He said strategic landscaping to hide the School CommitteeSchoolthe past Committeewill andmeetState didn’t on will Representative meetsee anyonBy seat.bene Douglas She- more ByFarmer Brookfield Douglasand more taxesFarmer onPlanning the other. Boardtoo includeoften heardthe people includePalmer, inBernardino office nowtorPalmer, ofsaid the itPathfinder torwould of the beregional Pathfinder con- dis-will regional include dis- three multi-product partChallenge of the (CIC) dumpsterChallenge grant program. (CIC)enclosure grant program. will dumpster and generator and “cre- Thursday, Feb.Thursday, 27fit. at Selectman6:30 Feb. p.m. 27 atdeclared, the6:30O’Sullivan p.m.“For too at longthe said the needs Staffhe of WriterWhenthe StaffI am application the Writer RepresentativeBlog for about for ait in conveniencehaveWare,Blog been about only itBelchertown, in interested Ware,solidated in Belchertown, play-trict. into “Upon one trict.receiptlot. The“Upon of thebuild receipt certified- ofdispensers the certified thatBy Emily provide ThurlowBy Emilyregular Thurlow also “Thehouse CIC a smallprogram“The CICshed is aprogram majorto store is a majorate aesthetic” look. our district the people of this districtour readerI will foruming ourpolitical reader forum games for their own Staff Writer component of the Patrick Quabbin RegionalQuabbinwas School skepticalRegional District Schoolof letting District themhave [thebeen workstore/gas to reduce our station taxes to theat 192benefitGranby, and instead 206 Hardwick,of standingGranby,ing upis Hardwick,forcurrentlyvotes demonstrating vacant,votes anddemonstrating thelocal unleaded, local premium unleaded,Staff Writer as equipment.component New sidewalks of thewill Patrick Nonconforming parcels EducationalEducational Supportstate] Center,have Support anymore 872 Center, land 872PALMERignored around by the –PALMER AfterminimumNorth receiving level – MainAfter essential St.,receiving for at good a publicthe Monson,people hearing they are supposedMonson,ownerNew to rep- isapproval, seekingNew the approval,to MSBA raze anditthe and MSBAthe dis-well and asthe diesel. dis- A diesel-only filling beAdministration's installed Administration'salong commitment the front commitmentto pro-of the to pro-The parcel has existing non- South St. At theSouth theconclusion St. water At the ofand conclusion school he didn’t of formalschool trustpeople approval them. formalwho forgovernment. approvalfundingat the of forIpolice will the funding fight station to protectof the andresent,” via AndersonZoom. “I won'ta new structure. station willThrough be located a Throughprogram on either athat program is propertyvide that cities is asand videwell. towns cities Bernardinowith and the towns tools with tosaid the toolsconformities, to and the proposed are supposed our elderly and those on fixed be justBraintree, one of the good OakhamBraintree, old boys on trictOakham will executetrict willa project execute funding a project funding committee business,committeeUrban a public business, said budget the a public Planning projectbudgetto Boardbefrom repre-project the incomesMassachusetts fromThe from the board the Massachusetts spiraling voted costs 3-2 of toBeacon andclose Hill. Warren. Ithe know and that Warren.stateBernardino gov-agreement saidwhichagreement willthey set which areforth will theend set forthofintended the the multi-product to supportintended regionalization to dispens support -regionalizationineffectively the proposal manageeffectively theyresources manage have and resourcesincludpro- - andbuilding pro- would also have them, was developing a Master Plansenting and us on food,hearing medicine and after housing.” www.gazetteforum.hearing ernmenta www.gazetteforum.presenta can be made- toproposing work better an approximately ers. and other cost-savingand other initiatives cost-saving that initiativesedvide two services that underground videto their services residents,” fuel to their storage said residents,” but said with some adjustments. Along hearing on thehearing Quabbin on the Regional Quabbin RegionalSchool BuildingSchool BuildingAuthority“Pursuant to“Pursuant the terms to theand conditionsterms and pursuantconditions to pursuant to School DistrictSchool FY15should District budget keep FY15 will this bebudget land. will(MSBA), The beBeacon board a new (MSBA),Hill. roof will “Thereation new be fromareplacedroof many will the non-govern- be proponent placed and termsIand will work resiof theto- see termsMSBA’s that3,900-square-foot it ofdoes.” the which MSBA’s the districtwhich convenience willthe districtreceive willits receiveThewill convenience itschange willthe waychangestore/gas local the govern- staway- localtanks,Secretary govern- which ofSecretary Administrationthey will of seek Administration andproper and We need mentdents. agencies that do wonderful Anderson, her husband,store Robert with 18 parking spaces. tion will have two access points licensure for. The property will held. The publicheld. is Theinvited public to attend. is invited to attend.over thesomeone headsover who of thestaffwork heads and meeting studentsof thestaff needs and ofAccelerated students the peo- andAccelerated Repair their five Program, sons Repairand a daughterthe Program,grant fromthe thegrant MSBA.” from the MSBA.” ments do businessments to do maintain business service to maintainFinance service GlenFinance Shor. “This Glen Shor.program “This programSee NORTH BROOKFIELD, See BARRE, page 5 A copy of the AFY2015 copy of budget the FY2015 will budgetat Pathfinderwillwill be moreat Regional Pathfinderple of Vocationalour JimRegional communities Bernardino, Vocationaldistrict and help hasprincipallive 90district indays Orange. engi hasto acquire -She90 daysisTwelve the and tofourth acquire of thoseWithin and parkingdaysWithin of the spaces daysreceipt of oftheon receiptNorthdelivery ofMain and deliverystretchStreet, every and each stretch taxpayer 30 every alsoprovides taxpayer have an air opportunityprovides tanks anand foropportunity a neigh-propane for neigh- page 6 Karen Anderson responsive to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in be available forbe availablereview at forthe reviewCentral at the CentralTechnicalthe district's HighTechnical Schooleffective High in and Palmer School more efficient incertify Palmer than localOrange certifyapproval and local has for deep approvalan affectionappro- for for thean appro- letter, a thepreliminary letter, a preliminarymeeting meetingdollar as far asdollar possible, as far the as townspossible, of theboring towns communitiesof boring communities to build part- to build part- Office, 872 SouthOffice, St. 872 after South 12 needs.p.m.St. after I will 12tirelesslyby p.m. the endwork oftoby pro-the the year. similarend of government the year. programs.priation As a andthepriation areaall andother its and people. necessary all other necessary Palmer, Monson,Palmer, Brimfield, Monson, Holland Brimfield, Holland (noon) on Tuesday,(noon) Feb. on Tuesday, 25, 2014. Feb.tect our 25, children. 2014. I willMSBA work to is cre- expectedMSBAstate Representative isto expected cover I will to work cover to The Anderson family is active See ROOF PROJECT,See ROOF page PROJECT, 8 pageand Wales 8 willand be Wales among will those be amongcom- those com-See CIC GRANT,See CIC page GRANT, 8 page 8 ate an economic environment that have our state governmentlocal encour- votesin orlocala numberapprovals votes of local or showing approvalsorganizations showing Free welcomesintroduction job creation in our dis- age these NGO's to and I will work to Barre police help with Study committee reports manufacturingtrict. Too many of us are being eliminate offered any unnecessary regula- See ANDERSON, page 9 Coats for Vets regionalizing progress ChocolatesChocolates and so andTurleymany Publications so to Photomany bypick Genevieve to Fraser pick KarenKaren Anderson Anderson of Orange ofOne-Stop Orange Shopannounces for employmentannounces her her UnemployedGreen due Energy to Tips Chamber eyes volunteer standouts By Paula Ouimette their own district as well as the dis- needs for those looking for work Kay Berry writes out a minimum bid for items in the chocolate auction held on Sunday, Feb. 9 Barre Energy Committee Awards to be presented of the Year, of anyone from the at the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian in Petersham. Proceeds from the chocolate auc-Staff writer tricts they might potentially join. He and employers. Chamber towns of Belchertown, tion will benefit the church building maintenance fund. COVID-19Beautiful targeted icicles and prob- said during this phase they deter- candidacycandidacy for state for staterepresentativeat Participants representativeApril 26 dinner must haveBrimfield, a high Brookfield, East lematic ice dams? If you have Brookfield, Hardwick, Holland, NORTH BROOKFIELD – mined they would not be consider- ORANGE - ORANGEKaren Anderson, - Karen a Anderson,squeezed a betweensqueezed increasingschool betweenBy pricesdiploma, increasingDouglas Farmertions Internetprices that unreasonablytions connec that- unreasonably hinder hinder By Eileenicicles Kennedy hanging or ice dam Monson, New Braintree, North Selectman Chairman Dale Kiley ing Spencer-East Brookfield School Republican, Republican,announced herannounced candi-issues, heritof is acandi-the sure necessities, sign youof theare necessities,food,tivity clothing with Stafffood, streamingWriter them.”clothing capability,them.”Brookfield, Palmer, Spencer, Staffwasting writer money to melt the Petersham annual town Barre tocalled hold on North Brookfield Public District as a potential candidate, PALMER — For every active Wales, Ware, Warren and West dacy for thedacy 2nd forFranklin the 2nd District Franklinsnow onand your District roofshelter, by heatand on loss. theshelter, onebe unemployedonhand the and one hand due“We and to haveCOVID-19 a“We serious have problem: a serious problem: group or organization in town, Brookfield. Schools Superintendent Richard leaving the Quaboag and Quabbin The payback for insulation is and have a device such as a lap- election is set for March 3 rabies clinic State RepresentativeState COVID-19Representative seat. She has seat.tornmore through Sheand moremore the taxes and onmorethere the are taxes other. a number on thetooof key other.often volun- thetoo people oftenLast inyear’sthe office people winner now in wasoffice now fairly short, considering the Lind and School Committee Chair districts to look at. declared, “Fordeclared, too long “For the tooneeds long of theWhen needs Iof am Whenthe Representative I amtop,teers the desktopbehind Representative forit, from computer havechurch beengroupsfor or onlyhave Bobbietablet interested been McAvoy to only ofin interestedWare, play- for her in play- PETERSHAM - The position once again. Ellen Anderson BARRE - The town of Barre economy as companieshigh cost of energy. had Itto has dial been Maria Tucker to make a presentation The Study Committee com- like the United Church of Ware work in holding collections for Petersham Annual Town Election of 20 Dana Road has taken out will hold a rabies and microchip our districtbelowour freezing thedistrict people for quite theaof while thispeople districtaccess of this Ithe will district I political willIt is alsoing games politicalcom for- theirgames own for their own back their services or products in and the First Church of Monson to troops overseas. At the time, she will be held on March 3. The papers to challenge for the seat. clinic on Saturday,on Marchthe status 29 from of the school regional- piled several questions to ask resulting in very little melting patible with cell phones. Instructor the wakehave of beenthehave pandemic,work been to reducechangework our to reducetaxescivic organizations to our the taxes likebenefit theto Palmerthe insteadbenefitsaid of that standing instead she was ofthrilledup standingfor to be up forBoard of Selectmen seat currently Other positions on the bal- 9 to 11 a.m. at the Barre DPW from the suns warmth. Compare ization study during a selectmen’s the other school districts. Lind coachingLions Club isand also the Belchertownprovided. nominated, but didn’t believe she held by Tim Clark, who has sub- lot, which are all three year terms Building, 441 Wheelwright Road. their ignoredbusiness by themodelstheignored snowminimum on andby the the rooffurlough level ofminimum your essential level for essential good thefor peoplegood theythe arepeople supposed they are to rep-supposed to rep- meeting Tuesday, Feb. 16. said they already spoke with Fair“The Committee, last twosaid Quaboaggovernorswas ashave deserving of the award as mitted his resignation as of March and signed by the incumbents are Second Chance Animal Shelter will or laypeople off employees whoheatedpeople housegovernment. left whoto andan unheated government. rightI will fight toI will protect fight toresent,” protect Andersonresent,” charged. Anderson “I won'tcharged. “I won't Hills Chamber of Commerce others in the community. 3, will have a contest. Nancy Allen Moderator – Bart Wendell, Board be providing rabies vaccinesThe forstudy, dogs which is funded Quaboag Regional School District garage, this will tell you how been very invested in what they can to makeare supposed it. Othersare supposedourjust elderlyshut downour and elderly those(QHCC) onand fixed Presidentthose onLennybe justfixed Weake. one ofbe the justAnd good one that oldof is the justboys goodthe on quality old boys onof 17 Common Street has taken of Selectmen – Frederik Marsh, and cats for onlyby $12. a Microchipping grant from the Department Superintendent Dr. Brett Kustigian energy efficient your house is or do to maintain or grow manufactur- be While repre-to some beincomes repre-people from incomeshave the spiraling fromThese the costsare spiralingthe ofpeopleBeacon thatcosts – for of Hill. the Beacon Ithat know Weake Hill.that said stateIthe know committee gov- that that state gov-out papers to fill the term. Dana Treasurer – Dana Robinson, Board will also be availableof Elementaryfor $20 includ- and Secondary and they would be talking with is not. ing as an industry in general,”judges Citizensaid of the Year nomina- Kennan of 404 North Main Street of Health – Kaye Cousens, ing registration. Dogs must be on beensenting able to us find on work,food, medicine there are and housing.”most part – stay in theernment background can be made to work better Education, seeks to answer two Quabbin Regional School District senting us on food, medicineMassHirewhen andthe mediahousing.” Career shows upCenter at an ernmentHolyoketions is looking can be for. made to work betterhas notified the Town Clerk, Diana Petersham School Committee – leash and cats must be in carriers. If a plenty of workers who haven’t been “These people are the ones Cooley, of his intention to run as a Russell Fontaine, Planning Board – pet is eligible forquestions. a three year vaccine, One being “should Superintendent Dr. Sheila Muir Beacon Hill.Beacon Hill.“There are many“TherePresident non-govern-event are but many are and a vitalnon-govern- CEOand part Iof will Davidbring- workand Gadaire to I willsee thatwork it todoes.” see that it does.” able Weto, and theneed statement wants agencies to help. that doing wonderful community activities toAnderson, life. that her don’t husband, do it for theRobert recognition write-in for the position. John Lawson and Planning Board people bring priorNorth vaccine paperworkBrookfield join a region- in the upcoming week. Lind and We need ment agenciessaid. that do wonderful but withoutAnderson, whose her diligence husband, the Robert with them. Vaccines will be provided For those who have lost their And it is recognition of that The Board of Assessors will – Fraser Sinclair. The position of al school district?” and “if the Tucker said they were very close someone whosomeonework who meetingwork the meetingneedsfact ofWith thethatthe needsthepeo-COVID-19 QHCC ofand the is theirseekingpeo- translating fiveand sons their andto five a daughtersons and a daughteralso have a contest. Fredrik “Rick” Trustees of Public Library, current- by the licensed veterinarians of jobs due to COVID-19 and remain See CHAMBER, page 10 Marsh has signed to serve in the ly held by Annette Ermini, is open. Second Chance Animalanswer Shelter, isInc. yes, should North to making a recommendation and will be morewill plebe moreof our communitiesple of ourjobnominations communities lossesand help for the many, liveand 2014 helpinCitizen it Orange. waslive decided inShe Orange. is the fourthShe is the fourth unemployed, the MassHire Career Brookfield join Quabbin Regional, planned to have it to selectmen responsive responsiveto people toin wayspeople that in areto ways targetboth that more those are both generationwho more have of generationlost her theirfamily of toher live family in to live in Karen AndersonKarenCenters Anderson in Holyoke and Springfield Quaboag Regional, or Spencer-East within a month or two. Lind said the district'sthe district'seffective andeffective more efficientjobs and moreas thanlayoffs efficientOrange and than businessand Orangehas deep clo and -affection has deep for affection for are offering free virtual manufac- Brookfield Regional?” they will release the report for resi- needs. I willneeds. tirelessly I will work tirelessly to pro- worksimilar to pro- governmentsimilar governmentprograms.sures began As programs. a lastthe Marcharea As aand astheits people.restauarea and- its people. turing training classes. They will Lind said that the committee dents to look over prior to the Town tect our children.tect our I will children. work to I willcre- workstate to Representativecre- state Representative Irants, will work gyms Ito will and work otherThe to Anderson businessesThe family Anderson is active family is active help participants learn about career is made up of 17 members, from Meeting in May. ate an economicate an environment economic environment that have ourthat statehave government our werestate governmentencour-temporarilyin encour- a closednumber in andof a localnumber then organizations of local organizations manufacturing, basic manufactur- parents in the district to teachers Kiley said he heard in a news welcomes job creation in our dis- age these NGO's and ableI will towork start to up in reduced capaci- welcomesing standards, job creation manufacturing in our dis- agepro these- NGO's and I will work to to community members, as well report that the towns of Warren and trict. Too many of us are being eliminate any unnecessaryties, he regula- said. See ANDERSON,See ANDERSON, page 9 page 9 trict.cesses, Too many basic of blueprintus are being reading,eliminate any unnecessary regula- as School Committee members, a West Warren were looking to leave “We think many people wrongly Turley Publications Courtesy Photo quality control processes and tips selectman representative and the the Quabaog District and join the have this picture of what manufac- Officer Gillespie went to Gillette Stadium and picked on teamwork. The career centers Finance Committee. The Study Ware Public Schools, leaving only turing is all about, with idea that up several containers containing Coats for Vets. The used to be known as the state’s CommitteeTurley Publications hasTurley Photo metPublications by Genevieveover Photo a Fraserdozen by Genevieve the Fraser town of West Brookfield remain- it’s dirty,” he said. “But many man- containers were turned over to Barre Veterans Agent ChamberChamber eyes volunteer eyes volunteer standouts standouts times in the past year and made ing. Kiley said the West Brookfield Green EnergyGreen TipsEnergy Tips ufacturers have pristine processes, Anthony KayMusnicki. Berry Kaywrites ShownBerry out writesa minimumfrom out left a bid minimum is for Officer items bid in for Patricthe items chocolate in the auctionchocolate held auction on Sunday, held on Feb. Sunday, 9 Feb. 9 Barre EnergyBarre Committee Energy Committee of the Year,of of the anyone Year, fromof anyoneGillespie, the from theDeputy Chief James Sabourin and Anthony great progress in completing the first Board of Selectmen sent his board Awards toAwards be presented to be presented at the Firstat Congregational the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian Parish, in Unitarian Petersham. in Petersham. Proceedsphase of fromthe Proceeds study. the chocolateLind from said the theauc-chocolate first auc- Chamber townsChamber of Belchertown, towns (Tony)of Belchertown, Musnicki,tion will benefit alltion three will the benefit churchare Veterans. the building church maintenanceOfficer building Gillespie maintenance fund. fund. Beautiful iciclesBeautiful and prob-icicles and atprob- April 26at April dinner 26See dinner MASSHIRE,Brimfield, Brimfield,pageBrookfield, 5 Brookfield, isEast also in Eastthe Army Reserves. phase was about gathering data in See STUDY, page 5 lematic ice dams?lematic If ice you dams? have If you have Brookfield, Brookfield,Hardwick, Holland,Hardwick, Holland, icicles hangingicicles or hanging ice dam or ice dam By Douglas ByFarmer Douglas Farmer Monson, NewMonson, Braintree, New NorthBraintree, North Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834 issues, it is aissues, sure signit is youa sure are sign you are Staff Writer Staff Writer Brookfield,Brookfield, Palmer, Spencer, Palmer, Spencer,PetershamPetersham annual annual town town BarreBarre to hold to hold wasting money to melt the M wasting money to melt the ARCHBARRE GAZETTE 3, 2016 Wales, Ware,Wales, Warren Ware, and Warren West and West VOL. 181, N PALMER —PALMER For everyIt’s — active For easier every active than ever to SUBSCRIBE to your hometown paper. USPS 044560O. 43 snow on yoursnow roof on by your heat roofloss. by heat loss. Brookfield. Brookfield. group or organizationgroup or organization in town, in town, electionelection is set isfor set March for March 3 3 Selectmen The paybackThe for payback insulation for is insulation is Last year’sLast winner year’s was winner was rabiesrabies clinicgrant clinicTechnical rescue team simulates there are a numberthere are of a keynumber volun- of key volun-Visit and click on SUBSCRIPTIONS! one-day fairly short,fairly considering short, considering the the $1.00 teers behind teersit, from behind church it, fromgroups churchBobbie groups McAvoyBobbie of McAvoyWare, for of her Ware, for herPETERSHAMPETERSHAM - The position- The once positionagain. Ellen once Anderson again. Ellen AndersonBARRE - TheBARRE townliquor -of The Barre town of Barre high cost of energy. It has been license shaft Locally, high cost of energy. It has been t re BARRE – The Barre work in holdingwork collectionsin holding collectionsfor for escu Fire is one of the host Petersham AnnualPetersham Town Annual Election Townof Election 20 Dana ofRoad 20 Danahas taken Road out has takenwill out hold a willrabies hold and a Librarymicrochiprabies event to and microchip ue community that house a like the Unitedlike Churchthe United of WareChurch of Ware technical rescue trailer Sanders You can also browse our archives, submit your news and view our facebook feed all from the same page! include beer and wine for the Fire District 8 below freezingbelow for quitefreezing a while for quite a while Technical Rescue Team. troops overseas. At the time, she As part of being a com- and troops overseas. At the time, she clinic on Saturday, March 29 from munity that has members will be held on March 3. The papers to challenge for the seat. clinic on Saturday,By Ellenor Downer March 29 from and the Firstand Church the First of Monson Church to of Monson to will be held on March 3. The papers to challenge for the seat. on the team, Barre Fire Staff Writer Department hosted a Trump resulting in very little melting OAKHAM – Fobes Memorial training scenario on resulting in very little melting Library director, Samantha Thursday, Feb. 25 and $33/Year | $38 Out-of-State said that shesaid was that thrilled she was to bethrilled to be 9 to 11 a.m. at the BarreBoudin, requested a one-day DPW Sunday, Feb. 28 at the win in civic organizations like the Palmer Board of SelectmenBoard of seat Selectmen currently seat currentlyOther positionsOther on positions the bal- on the bal- 9 to 11 a.m.liquor license for theat Friends of the Barre DPW sewer pumping station by civic organizations like the Palmer the Library Swinging Desserts Fire Station 2 on event. Wheelwright Road. primary from the sunsfrom warmth. the suns Compare warmth. Compare She said that this y The training was the friends gro same on b th Lions Club Lionsand the Club Belchertown and the Belchertownnominated, butnominated, didn’t believe but didn’t she believeheld she by Tim heldClark, by whoTim hasClark, sub- wholot, has which sub- arelot, all which three yearare all terms three yearBuilding, terms 441Building, Wheelwright 441 Wheelwright Road. Road. By Ell the snow onthe the snow roof onof theyour roof of your Fair Committee,Fair Committee, said Quaboag said Quaboagwas as deservingwas as of deserving the award of as the awardmitted as his resignationmitted his as resignation of March as andof March signed byand the signed incumbents by the areincumbentsSecond are ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter Animal will Shelter will heated househeated to an house unheated to an unheated Hills ChamberHills ofChamber Commerce of Commerceothers in the otherscommunity. in the community. 3, will have a3, contest. will have Nancy a contest. Allen NancyModerator Allen – ModeratorBart Wendell, – Bart Board Wendell,be Board providing berabies providing vaccines rabies for dogsvaccines for dogs garage, thisgarage, will tell this you will how tell you how (QHCC) President(QHCC) Lenny President Weake. Lenny Weake.And that isAnd just thatthe qualityis just the qualityof 17 Commonof 17 Street Common has taken Street hasof Selectmen taken of – Selectmen Frederik Marsh,– Frederik andMarsh, cats for onlyand cats$12. forMicrochipping only $12. Microchipping energy efficientenergy your efficient house is your or house is or These are theThese people are that the –people for the thatthat – for Weake the saidthat theWeake committee said the that committeeout that papers toout fill papers the term. to fill Dana the term.Treasurer Dana – DanaTreasurer Robinson, – Dana Board Robinson,will Board also be availablewill also forbe available$20 includ- for $20 includ- is not. is not. most part – staymost in part the –background stay in the backgroundjudges Citizenjudges of the Citizen Year nomina- of the Year nomina-Kennan of 404Kennan North of Main 404 StreetNorth Mainof StreetHealth of– KayeHealth Cousens, – Kaye Cousens,ing registration. Dogs must beDogs on must be on when the mediawhen showsthe media up at shows an tionsup at is an lookingtions for. is looking for. has notified thehas Town notified Clerk, the DianaTown Clerk,Petersham Diana SchoolPetersham Committee School –Committeeleash and– catsleash must and be incats carriers. must be If ina carriers. If a event but areevent a vital but part are ofa vitalbring- part of bring-“These people“These are peoplethe ones are the Cooley,ones of hisCooley, intention of histo run intention as a toRussell run as Fontaine, a Russell Planning Fontaine, Board Planning – Boardpet is eligible – pet for isa eligiblethree year for vaccine, a three year vaccine, ing communitying activitiescommunity to life.activities tothat life. don’t dothat it for don’t the dorecognition it for the recognitionwrite-in for thewrite-in position. for the position. John LawsonJohn and LawsonPlanning and Board Planningpeople Board bring peopleprior vaccine bring priorpaperwork vaccine paperwork And it is recognitionAnd it is recognitionof that but of without that butwhose without diligence whose the diligence theThe Board ofThe Assessors Board of will Assessors– Fraser will Sinclair.– Fraser The Sinclair. position The of positionwith them.of Vaccineswith them. will Vaccines be provided will be provided fact that thefact QHCC that theis seeking QHCC is seeking also have a contest.also have Fredrik a contest. “Rick” FredrikTrustees “Rick” of PublicTrustees Library, of Public current- Library, bycurrent- the licensedby the veterinarians licensed veterinarians of of nominationsnominations for the 2014 for Citizen the 2014 CitizenSee CHAMBER,See CHAMBER, page 10 pageMarsh 10 has signedMarsh to has serve signed in the to servely held in theby Annettely held Ermini, by Annette is open. Ermini, isSecond open. ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter, Animal Inc. Shelter, Inc. Page 2 • Barre Gazette • February 25, 2021 News of the Towns

Round Town Pine Acres Family Camping Hubbardston Ellenor Downer Ellenor Downer 413-967-3505 donates to Wellington Foundation [email protected] Library to hold Golden Age Club winter reading The Hubbardston Golden Age Club will hold a business meeting Wednesday, March 17 at 1 p.m. Due to COVID-19, only the officers will be attending. program Transportation The Woods Memorial Library will host a winter MOC Transportation provides transportation reading program. People may register at barrelibrary. for seniors to medical appointments, shopping They have challenges for children, teens and more. People should call 207-710-1777. If no and adults, with prizes for all ages. Children will track one answers, they should leave a message, which how many minutes are spent reading, while adults and includes time and location they need to be picked up teens track by the number of books read. There are and time and location of the appointment. The call multiple challenges for chances to win extra tickets will be returned within 24 hours excluding week- toward the prize drawings, and new challenges will ends. be added each week. Children win a free book for Country Hen scholarship signing up that can be picked up in the lobby during The 2021 Country Hen Scholarship forms will be outdoor hours. Winter Reading runs from now until due May. 1. Hubbardston students are eligible to apply Saturday, April 3 - prizes will be drawn at noon on for the scholarship funded by Country Hen. April 3. Senior center Drive-thru dinner The Hubbardston Senior Center will be closed The Barre Congregational Church, 30 Park St., until April. At that point, the Council on Aging will will host a drive-thru chicken parmigina dinner on review how things are going with the virus and plan Saturday, Feb. 27 with pick-up time from 5-6 p.m. The accordingly. A council member will be checking the meal also includes antipasto salad and dessert. Adults phone lines two or three times a week. The direc- are $12 and children under 12 are $5. For reservations, tor, Claudia Provencal will be checking emails and people may call Lisa Holloway at 978-355-0140. Facebook every day. The drive through food and eggs Turley Publications Courtesy Photo will still be in place on Thursday mornings. Masks Quabbin Savings Card Pine Acres Family Camping presented a check in the amount of $25,000 to The will be in place properly and distancing will be fol- The Barre Library Association is selling the Karen Wellington Foundation in memory and honor of Tessa Wisnewski. Shown lowed. Quabbin Savings card in their lobby during outdoor are Tessa’s husband, Ben Wisnewski, and their two children, Abigail and Eli. service hours. Cards are $10 each and all proceeds benefit the library. The cards offer various discounts at OAKHAM – Every sea- the Packard Family, owners In addition, out of grat- 15 local businesses and are good throughout the year. son Pine Acres Family and operators of Pine Acres. itude for this unexpected People will get a ticket when they purchase a Quabbin Camping Resort choos- Campers and local busi- reprieve, Tessa (an Usborne Barre Dining Center Savings Card for a chance to win a basket featuring es a charity to raise funds ness community opened their Book Consultant), held a items from each of the participating businesses. People for throughout it’s camping hearts and wallets in sup- fundraiser just prior to her BARRE — Elder Services of Worcester may pay with cash or make checks payable to Barre season. In the past this fam- port of this cause. Together,​ passing that resulted in hun- Area Nutrition Program welcomes guests to Library Association. ily-owned campground has just over $25,000 was raised​ dreds of new books being dine at the Barre Senior Center, 557 South Vaccine clinic information chosen to support local causes in support of the Karen donated to families receiv- Barre Road. Residents of Barre, who qualify for Phase 1 or as well as charities chosen by Wellington Foundation. This ing services from Karen The following meals will be served for the Phase 2, step 1 (75+ years of age), may email the their campers or employees. foundation provides fami- Wellington. week of March 1. [email protected] with the following This year the choice lies with a mom undergoing By supporting this founda- Meal sites are closed and there are only information: name, address and date of birth. was the Karen Wellington breast cancer treatment the tion, the Packard family hopes Meals on Wheels deliveries. If they meet the requirements a link will be emailed Foundation. Not your typ- opportunity for special family to continue providing more Volunteers are needed at the Barre din- to them for registration. If people do not have email, ical fundraiser, it was held time amidst an often gruel- women and their families with ing site. Volunteers are needed for Meals on they may call Eileen at the Barre Senior Center at 978- in memory and honor of ing treatment regimen. Tessa much needed and restorative Wheels (mileage reimbursement) and in the 355-5004 or 978-355-2504 extension 117 and leave Tessa (Packard) Wisnewski, was able to enjoy a final vaca- opportunities such as this. kitchen. People should contact 978-355-5027. their name, address, date of birth and phone number. who passed in December tion with her family due to For questions or informa- MON. – Beef stew, rice, corn niblets, pine- This COVID-19 vaccine clinic is for Barre residents 2019 after fighting a coura- the generosity of the Karen tion about donating, people apple, whole wheat bread only. geous battle with Stage IV Wellington Foundation, may contact Randy Packard, TUES. – Buttermilk chicken, herbed pota- Metastatic Breast Cancer. spending some much need- President Pine Acres Family toes, peas, peaches, marble rye bread Tessa was a wife, daughter, ed downtime having fun at Camping Resort at 508-882- WED. – Baked potato with chili and cheese, granddaughter, and sister of Smuggler’s Notch. 9509. broccoli, sour cream, chocolate mousse, pum- pernickel bread THURS. – Hot dog on bun, baked beans, mixed vegetables, fresh fruit, mustard FRI. – Macaroni and cheese, stewed toma- Stage on Main offers virtual book readings toes, green beans, cookies, Italian bread *Diabetic friendly dessert ORANGE - In Recognition Future of America.” noon-1:30 p.m. and Friday, **Higher sodium entree of Black History Month, The book reading consists March 19, noon-1:30 p.m. Meal includes milk and margarine. Menus Stage on Main is hosting a of 5.5 hours of listening over People can dial in to lis- are subject to change. All meals are served at free-to-attend virtual book four sessions and 30 minutes ten via free conference call about 11:45 a.m. each weekday. Reservations reading of the works of of wrap-up discussion during 515-606-5127, access code should be made the day before by calling 978- prominent Civil Rights lead- the final session. Sessions are: 146699#. No RSVP needed, 355-5027 before 10:30 a.m. The donation of er and Congressman John Friday, Feb. 26, noon-1:30 just dial in to join the call. This $2.50 per meal helps keep the program running. Lewis “Across That Bridge - p.m., Friday, March 5, noon- program is free and all are wel- A Vision for Change and the 1:30 p.m., Friday, March 12, come.

Show off East Quabbin Land Trust photos in contest ◆ La Cucina di Hampden House Places to go... HARDWICK – The East Quabbin Land Trust will can enter. Submissions may be entered until June 1. be holding a photo contest from Feb. 1 to June 1, giv- EQLT reserves the right to reject a submission for 1 Allen Street, Hampden, MA ing people a chance to capture a little of the natural any reason. 413-566-8324 beauty of the East Quabbin region. To submit, send and email to Jess Cusworth at Things to do... Photos will be presented at a curated outdoor [email protected] to request the Dropbox link, show on June 20. Prizes will include EQLT swag, a which does not require a Dropbox account CURRENT HOURS: Mon-Thurs 3-8pm; gift card to a local business and of course, bragging Those submitting should include their last name Sat 2-9pm; Sun 2-8pm rights. and the title of their photo in the file name, such as Lounge open & pizza available 7 days All photos must be taken at an EQLT preserve and Cusworth_SunriseOnMandellHill.jpg. Then upload photos with watermarks will not be accepted. There the photo through the Dropbox link. Email Jess with is no limit to the amount of submissions each person any questions.

◆ Route 20 Bar & Grille ESTABLISHED 2341 Boston Road (The Wilbraham Shops) PIZZA & RESTAURANT Wilbraham, MA SPECIALS Bruce Coffin, C.P.A. INC. 413-279-2020 McNeely Tree Service PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER Tax Preparation Service Insured • References CURRENT HOURS: Lunch: Thurs-Sat starting at #1 2 Large Cheese Pizzas Accounting, Bookkeeping • Hazardous Tree Removal 11:30am; Dinner: Tues-Thurs 4-9pm; $14.00 & Payroll Services • Stump Grinding Fri & Sat 4-10pm; Sunday 11:30am-7:00pm; 926 Old Turnpike Road, Oakham • Bobcat Rental NO SUBSTITUTIONS, NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. TAKE OUT ONLY. • Lot Clearing Sunday Brunch 11:30am-2:30pm 508-882-3394 #2 2 Small Pizzas • Furnace Wood Nancy Field, C.P.A. • Storm Cleanup ◆ Donovan's Irish Pub With 2 Toppings Each • Firewood $220/cord 7 Exchange Street, Barre • 101 ft Aerial Lift Rental POR Eastfield Mall, 1655 Boston Road, Springfield, MA $13.00 978-355-2210 413-543-0791 NO SUBSTITUTIONS, NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. TAKE OUT ONLY. H: 508-867-6119 • C: 413-324-6977 978-888-1693 #3 2 Large 1 Topping Pizzas CURRENT HOURS: Thurs-Sat 11am-9pm; Sun 9am-7pm; Sunday breakfast 9am - noon & Free 2 Liter Soda $17.00 ◆ Venice Pizza & Grill NO SUBSTITUTIONS, NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. TAKE OUT ONLY. 2341 Boston Road, The Wilbraham Shops Family Style Dinners Wilbraham, MA WE SERVICE ALL • Chicken Parmesan Over Penne MAJOR BRAND 413-540-8080 • Baked Cheese Ravioli $ 95 APPLIANCES • Cheese Tortellini Parmesan 22 Ea. OPEN: Tues-Thurs 10:45am-9:30pm • Baked Penne Pasta NAME BRAND Fri & Sat 10:45am -10pm; Sun 11am-9pm ALL FAMILY MEALS INCLUDE GARLIC BREAD AND FEED 5-6 PEOPLE. APPLIANCES & TV’S AT Closed Monday 11 Exchange Street, Barre WAREHOUSE PRICES 978-355-3536 287 Main Street Open Sun.-Thurs. 10am-9pm • Fri. & Sat.10am-10pm Gardner 978-632-0241

TO ADVERTISE IN THE BARRE GAZETTE, CALL TIM MARA AT 978-355-2254 February 25, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 3 News of the Towns

Public Meetings A book is always a good friend Oakham Note: Many meetings are closed to the By Carole Gariepy strong and persevere. Also, I felt Ellenor Downer public or will be held remotely. her love, forgiveness, and open- [email protected] BARRE What is always a good friend ness in being willing to establish Cemetery Commission – Feb. 25 at 11 a.m. to have at your side -- during a friendship with a white person QRSD School Committee – Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. good weather or bad, any time or when there was an opportunity ... Board of Selectmen – March 1 at 6:30 p.m. any place, in sickness or in health, and one was with a really great Church to resume whether young or old, rich or woman who loved people for who Board of Assessors – March 2 at 6 p.m. poor, in good times or bad? they were, not for their color or Felton Field Commission – March 2 at 6:30 p.m. My husband Gerry answered, ethnicity - Eleanor Roosevelt. in person services Planning Board – March 2 at 7 p.m. “a dog.” I felt like telling him “a When something bad hap- Council on Aging – March 3 at 1 p.m. wife.” But no, the answer I’m pened in her life, Mom told her The Oakham Congregational Church, 4 Coldbrook Barre Housing Authority – March 4 at 3 p.m. thinking of is “a book.” And, I about a situation that was worse, Road, will resume in person services Sunday, March 7 Finance Committee – March 4 at 7 p.m. especially like a book where I can and she would say, “It could be at 10 a.m. People must wear masks and practice social Board of Health – March 8 at 5 p.m. feel that I live for awhile in some- worse.” Mom knew it would be distancing. Sunday, March 7 is communion and family Water Commission – March 8 at 6:30 p.m. one else’s skin, a book that puts of no benefit for her to feel sorry Sunday. Sunday School will resume Sunday, March 14 DPW Commission – March 8 at 7 p.m. me in someone else’s situation, for herself even though neither of at 10 a.m and is held in Fellowship Hall. Library Trustees – March 10 at 7 p.m. a different place, maybe a differ- them saw any hope for an end to Fobes Memorial Library Sewer Commission – March 18 at 7 p.m. The Fobes Memorial Library needs small boxes, ent time, so I can truly feel what Turley Publications Submitted Photo racial prejudice. Election Day – April 5 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. life was like for the person in the I found “Stormy Weather” and smaller than a shoebox, for a craft project. People story. granddaughter, but she soaked “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” on may drop boxes off at the library during regular HARDWICK I recently finished reading a up and held tight to Mom’s car- the Internet and was moved lis- hours. Fobes Memorial Library hours are Tuesday and Personnel Committee – March 2 at 5:30 p.m. memoir written in 1950 by Ethel ing encouraging words that came tening to Ethel’s powerful sing- Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday from 10 Conservation Commission – March 3 and March 16 Waters, a famous Black entertain- when she was with her. Mom ing. a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon. at 6:30 p.m. er who lived from 1896 - 1977. opened her eyes to see the wrongs I compare her situation to our Winter take-out lunch Board of Health – March 4 at 6:30 p.m. She named her book “His Eye Is around her and promoted the will difficult situation now - the virus, The Oakham Council on Aging will hold its next Paige Library Trustees – March 4 at 7 p.m. On The Sparrow” after her grand- for her to strive for something bet- the political division, and prej- winter take-out lunch Friday, March 5 between 11:45 Gilbertville-Wheelwright Sewer Commissioners – mother’s favorite song. Ethel was ter. udicial issues. Today, a vaccine a.m. and 12:15 p.m. the menu is homemade Italian March 8 at 6 p.m. a “tell-it-as-it-is”” person and the Another positive influ- is developed, we see an effort to Wedding Soup with a “lite” turkey or ham and cheese Board of Selectmen – March 8 at 6:30 p.m. frank telling of her story made me ence came to Ethel when Mom improve unity in government, sandwich on a small roll with chips and dessert. The ouncil on Aging – March 11 at 9:30 a.m. feel all the bumps and potholes in enrolled her in a Catholic school. and there is increased awareness deadline to register is Monday, March 1. Seniors may Gilbertville Public Library – March 12 at 4 p.m. her life’s road. A successful career It was the first time someone of the injustices of prejudice. A call either Pauline at 508-882-5215 or Lucy at 508-882- Gilbertville Water District – March 16 at 5:30 p.m. does not guarantee an easy life. besides Mom showed her kind- beginning. That progress gives us 3358. They should include their choice of sandwich. Recycling Commission – March 16 at 6:30 p.m. Waters grew up in the slums of ness and patience. The nuns’ hope for a better tomorrow. Finance Committee – March 22 at 5:30 p.m. the Philadelphia area, not know- goodness led her to a deep A book can take us on a jour- ing where her next meal would Christian faith, which gave her ney to a fun time, or a roman- DOR reminds taxpayers HUBBARDSTON come from or where she would inner support that enabled her to tic time, or a time when things Select Board – March 1, March 15 and March 29 find shelter. Survival meant endure all the prejudice she had weren’t so good. In days like to file their returns at 6:30 p.m. learning to fight and to steal. to face even after she became a we’re having today, it’s good to Conservation Commission – March 2 at 7 p.m. Prostitution and alcoholism were famous singer -- not being able to be removed from current events electronically and early Planning Board – March 4 at 6:30 p.m. part of her unstable environment. stay in a white man’s hotel, eat in for awhile. A journey with some- Historical Commission – March 6 at 10 a.m. School attendance was erratic. a white man’s restaurant, nor sing one like Ethel Waters can make BOSTON - The Massachusetts Department of Council on Aging – March 12 at 10 a.m. The only positive influence in her in a white man’s theater, always us realize that many people have Revenue reminds members of the public that the state Town Center Committee – March 18 at 7 p.m. life came from her grandmother, being a lower class citizen. faced difficult situations and began accepting electronically filed state income tax Open Space Committee – March 30 at 7 p.m. whom she called “Mom.” Mom Waters’ frank story made maintained the strength of mind returns on Friday, Feb. 12, consistent with the IRS open- was a live-in servant at a white me feel the horror and pain of to make the best of it. A book is a ing date for federal income tax. Massachusetts taxpayers PETERSHAM man’s house which allowed her unjust treatment and I felt always a good friend and can put can file both their state and federal personal income Planning Board – Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. her little time to spend with her the effort it took for her to stay us anywhere we want to be. taxes through Thursday, April 15, 2021. Conservation Commission – March 2 at 6:30 p.m. “As always, we encourage Massachusetts taxpayers Open Space & Recreation Committee – March 2 to file their returns early and electronically in order to at 6:30 p.m. ensure the quickest refund processing times,” said DOR Board of Health –March 4 and March 18 at 7 p.m. Linda LeBlanc leads nature walks at NEECA Commissioner Geoffrey E. Snyder. “During the 2019 Board of Assessors – March 5 at 10 a.m. ATHOL – New England tax year, approximately 90% of Massachusetts taxpay- Council on Aging – March 10 at 10 a.m. Equestrian Center of Athol Turley Publications Submitted Photo ers filed their income taxes electronically. Electronic Nichewaug Inn and Academy Committee – announces a new nature compo- Linda LeBlanc is shown filing is also a responsible option given social distancing March 8 at 6:30 p.m. nent to Athol’s municipal 250- enjoying a trail ride on requirements and choosing direct deposit for a refund Council on Aging – March 10 at 10 a.m. acre multi-purpose horse park. her horse, Vidalia. will help minimize potential paper delays.” Petersham Historic District – March 18 at 7 p.m. Life-long nature person, Linda DOR is committed to providing Massachusetts tax- LeBlanc, is now writing articles payers with safe and efficient filing options, as well RUTLAND and leading walks at the park, as addressing filing questions and concerns. The Master Plan Steering Committee – Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. located at 802 New Sherborn Department’s website offers many taxpayer and preparer Selectboard and Finance Committee Joint Road. The articles can be found resources, including FAQs, free e-file options, and infor- Budget Meeting – March 4 at 6 p.m. on, and are cross mation on locating free tax help. Taxpayers who qualify Public Hearing Notice/Planning Board – March 9 posted on Athol Bird and Nature for free tax preparation programs are encouraged to at 6:50 p.m. and 7:05 p.m. Club’s website. check directly with local VITA and TCE sites for remote With a degree in wildlife working restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. management from University of DOR’s Where’s My Refund? application is available Maine Orono, LeBlanc taught 24/7 and is the best resource to find out the status of primary grade children for years. your refund. Additionally, Massachusetts taxpayers can Postponements and They often called her “nature find more information, including forms, instructions, and lady, bug lady or bird lady.” tips, on DOR’s website. To avoid penalties, returns for cancellations due to the Retiring and moving to the woods Two NEECA Nature Walks social meeting, The New England Massachusetts taxpayers must be filed electronically or of Royalston with her husband, are scheduled already: a Spring Equestrian Land Management postmarked by midnight April 15. coronavirus pandemic Ernie, she spent 10 years as Nature Walk on May 29 from Conservation Corporation Board DOR is also monitoring the latest developments The Three County Fair, Northampton, closed its office director of children’s services at 9 to 11 a.m. and Family Nature of Directors, which manages the and is following the guidelines issued by both the for the winter season and instituted staff cuts and fur- Athol YMCA, developing expe- Walk on Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to park, will showcase the develop- Massachusetts Department of Public Health and loughs to help the 202-year-old organization survive rienced-based curriculum for Y noon. Rain dates are the next day. ment progress made in 2020, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. As a the extended shutdown of the fairgrounds due to the programs. Everyone is welcome, and there is will outline what’s new for 2021. result, our counters are currently closed to the public. COVID-19 health crisis. The cuts will affect each staff LeBlanc loves NEECA, and no charge. The ZOOM invitation will be Taxpayers needing assistance can contact DOR by phone member, and includes a fourteen percent salary reduction finally owns a horse of her own, In other NEECA news, the on the website, but this year par- at 617-887-6367 or 800-392-6089. for senior management and staggered furloughs for all Vidalia. This winter they are March General Meeting of mem- ticipants will need to provide their employees. Furloughs could be extended if the fair- often found walking together on bers and interested people, will be own refreshments. All are wel- grounds are unable to host postponed 2020 events in the NEECA trails. virtual this year. At this popular come. spring, which include over a dozen different horse shows from April through October, plus a variety of concerts Barre Accepting and festivals. The Three County Fair entered 2020 on Reader Opticians New Patients solid ground after completing 2019 as its most successful APRIL 2021 A SPECIAL & year since horse racing ended at the fairgrounds in 2005, survey SUPPLEMENT TO Hearing thanks to a widely attended Labor Day weekend fair, and Open Extended another full slate of horse shows and festivals. But with Turley Aid Center reoccurring operational expenses and more than one mil- Publications cre- WWW.TURLEY.COM Hours lion dollars in lost 2020 event revenue, the fair will run ated a readership out of reserves sooner rather than later. The fair received survey to ask folks Call for an Appointment 978-355-2191 a Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection about how they get 395 Main Street, Barre Plains Loan in mid-May, which has since been exhausted and their news forgiven by its lender and the SBA. For more informa- To participate, tion, people may visit people may go to WHATEVER YOUR SPECIALTY, YOUR AD WILL https://www.sur- REACH ALMOST 100,000 HOUSEHOLDS Barre Family Pharmacy DBSJ69F. 547 Summer Street, Barre 978-355-2359 Tell Us What Call Today for an Corrections Easy Prescription Transfer You Think policy After Hours: 508-864-6540 The Barre Gazette Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.; will gladly correct Sat. 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Sun. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. factual errors that PAINT • WALLPAPER • CROWN MOULDING appear in this paper. REMODELS • MAKEOVERS • FURNITURE • APPLIANCES Corrections or clari- HEATING • COOLING • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL fications will always PELLET STOVES • FIREPLACES • REPAIRS Share your thoughts and suggestions appear on Page 2. MAINTENANCE • CURTAINS • BLINDS Farber & Lindley with our staff and your fellow readers. To request a orrec- UPHOLSTERY • CARPET • HARDWOOD FLOORS Participate in our opinion pages, tion, send informa- TILING• LAMINATE • DECKS • PATIOS • GARDENS ATTORNEYS AT LAW or contact us anytime with your feedback! tion to Editor Ellenor SPAS • LIGHTING • TREES • FLOWERS • BUSHES Downer at barre- ACCENT PLANTS • SEASONAL DECOR • GRILLS 7 Exchange Street, Barre [email protected] or FIREPITS • OUTDOOR SPACES • FURNITURE call 978-355-4000. HANDYMAN • MAID SERVICES • CARPENTERS Barre Gazette Corrections may also 978-257-8389 Your Community Newspaper be requested in writ- INSECT CONTROL • EFFICIENCY EXPERTS ing at Barre Gazette, ORGANIZERS • QUICK FIXES Personal Injury P.O. 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Submissions are always welcome. 413.283.8393 Send your stories and photos to [email protected] ADVERTISING DEADLINE IS MARCH 17 Page 4 • Barre Gazette • February 25, 2021 Opinion

Editorial Letter to Editor Bigger isn’t Reader offers kudos always better to COVID 19 A goal of the COVID vaccination program is to get as many people vaccinated as soon as possible. vaccination clinic In Massachusetts, the state decided having bigger clin- Lots of people showed up for the COVID 19 vaccina- ic sites instead of many smaller, local clinics was the way tion clinic held at the Barre American Legion Post #2 on to go. Wednesday, Feb. 17 and I really did not expect a pleasant Many town board of healths along with help from their experience based on the reports heard from other parts of council on aging, EMS, fire and police departments and the United States. many volunteers rallied to offer vaccination clinics. The Quite the opposite however, I don’t know who, one state’s decision to distribute vaccine shots to residents at a person or a committee, was in charge of setting it up but, few large clinics in the state took away local control. it was very well done, the timing smooth, plenty of work- It also eliminated the personal touch. The first general ers, well executed and all in all a pleasant experience. population eligible group, those ages 75 and older, wel- It was nice to see so many helpers from Barre Fire, comed the convenience of a local clinic, staffed by people Rescue, Police, etc. plus other workers from surrounding they knew. towns. A Barre resident wrote a letter to the editor about her It was a job well done. positive experience at a recent clinic held in Barre. She said, “Lots of people showed up for the COVID 19 vac- Stella Crawford cination clinic held at the Barre American Legion Post #2 Barre on Wednesday, Feb. 17 and I really did not expect a pleas- ant experience based on the reports heard from other parts of the United States.” This is in contrast to another Barre senior, who went to the state run large clinic at the Eastfield Mall, at the time the only large clinic in western Massachusetts. She posted Column on Facebook of waiting almost five hours in the bitter cold to get her shot. In this case, bigger was not better. At a recent clinic in Oakham, seniors did not have to In Past Pages leave the comfort of their vehicles. Instead, they drove Milk jug seed into one of the large bays at the Oakham Municipal Building, signed in, got their shot and waited the time 5 years ago (March 17, 2006) frame after receiving the shot. LOOK BACK starting part 2 Local Board of Health and Council on Aging reached The Quabbin girls robotics team out to the eligible age group about the clinics they were left the qualifying competition in White Spruce Farm - 2011 This week we will delve in the holding. The seniors did not have to navigate the hard to Rhode Island as the Tournament into part 2 of the great milk use state website to sign up. Again, the smaller clinics Champions and the recipients of the jug seed starting experiment, GARDEN offered a personal touch, which the larger clinics were not Excellence Award. Considered the posed by Barbara who wrote able to do. highest award a team can received, in last week wondering if I For months, people were told to stay away from large the Excellence Award indicates that have had any success with groups and the state imposed regulations to prevent those the team has achieved excellence in this trendy technique. gatherings. Now, instead of holding many, smaller clin- all areas of robotics, including the Here are the nuts and ics, the state herded one of the most vulnerable groups, judges interview, the team’s engineer- bolts! Start with clean gallon seniors over 75, into large groups, caused them to stand in ing notebook and the robot itself. As containers, the see-through long lines in cold weather, just adding to their stress. the winners of both of these awards, kind that water or milk come Roberta McQuaid Mass population vaccination during a pandemic is a the Quabbin robotics team has qual- in. About four inches up, Columnist new territory. Hopefully, the process will improve with ified twice to compete at the U.S. just below the handle, safely time and experience. Eliminating the local vaccination Open VEX Robotics Championship. cut around the jug, leaving an clinics is not a wise decision and will be reversed. The all-girls team, known as inch or so on either side of the handle as a “hinge.” #SquadGoals, will travel to Iowa You should be able to bend the top back and forth. this April to compete against 200 of Make a number of drainage holes in the bottom; three the best robotics teams from across or four per quadrant. There is a lot of advice out there the world. For seniors Zoe Bates on how to do that, from drilling holes, to twisting an Guest column and Maura Shea, this will be their Turley Publications File Photo exacto knife around and around and even using a hot second appearance at the National Shown from left are Sydney Wine, Kiley Bulger, “Misty,” tool to melt a hole in the plastic (really!). I general- Championships. Freshman Ellie Shea Cassidy Bulger and Adeline Reynolds, and in front, ly like to make holes in reused plastic containers by Adventures of will be joining them for her first time Little Greta, future competitor. banging a large nail through the bottom into a piece of and is “ecstatic to take part in this scrap lumber placed underneath. learning experience.” Once the drainage holes are made, fill the bottom of Gertrude the Cat the restoring of the town pound on Barre and received a bache- the jug with moist seed starting mix. ‘Coast of Maine’ Although it was 55 years ago, Coldbrook Road and the remodel- lor’s degree in 2009 from Daniel has recently become my favorite after a few years of By Ruth Robinson three Barre High team ing of a room at the Oakham Senior Webster College, Nashua, NH. trying out new brands. With the soil in place, sow your Dear Folks, members remember that night like Center as their Eagle projects. seeds. If the seeds are tiny or even relatively tiny, don’t I don’t know quite where it happened yesterday. Last Friday 25 years ago (Feb. 29, 1996) cover them with soil, simply space them out evenly on to start my story this week. So evening to the day that Barre Brent Hopkins began acting when top and press into the surface. many different things have hap- High School defeated Hardwick he was in seventh grade. “My sis- Joseph Rogowski of School You may wonder how to deal with tiny seed. I place pened, but not worth talking High School for the Tri-State ter had the lead in a school play and Street, a 22-year veteran of the it in a folded index card and gently tap the card so that about. Championship, three members of the they needed boys to dance. I wasn’t Barre Fire Department, was unan- the seeds fly out. If you can handle the seed easily, do Missy had visitors, who team got together at the Barre Mill a dancer, but I was a body, I was a imously appointed fire chief at a cover with only a small amount soil, say an eighth of brought her food this weekend Restaurant to recall that moment in boy and I got the part, but that selectmen’s meeting Monday night. an inch or so and firm down. How many seeds to sow and me treats. Missy’s littlest history. The 1961 title was the third didn’t ignite any desire to act,” he He previously was Deputy Chief is a tricky question. If you want to keep the plants in great-granddaughter thought it year that Barre High won that title, said. His desire was ignited at the and held the acting chief position the jug until they go in the garden, then hope for four great fun to chase me and try to with 1951 and 1957 being the other age of 13, when he played his first twice. Rogowski was the only plants, maybe six per jug at the most, figuring how big catch my tail. She has learned years, making it the first school to “big” role in “Jenny Kissed Me.” “A applicant for the job, and received they will be at transplant stage. For tricky germina- how to walk and chased me win the Tri-State trophy three times. couple of members of the theater strong support from firefighters. tors, perhaps double or triple the amount of seed you into the bedroom. I dusted under the bed and she was Rick Lamacchia, a sophomore point started a 4-H drama group, which Also, Hubbardston Fire Fief Roger unable to get me, but discovered the open closet and went guard on the team, remembers how produced the play. I played a priest Knipe sent a letter to the board rec- See GARDEN, page 5 through to the other bedroom and started to giggle. Then his team was struggling during the and it was really fun. It was an enor- ommending Rogowski for the post. she turned around and came back through. She did this third quarter and was down by two mous part. It was a comedy and I several times and then went back with the rest of the fam- points at the end of the third quar- got some laughs, so that’s where Several 4-H members from Turley BARRE GAZETTE ily in the living room. ter. He got several points that kept it all started for me.” Hopkins has Barre and Hardwick attend- been in the theater since the age of ed the state 4-H horse bowls Publications The Barre Gazette (USPS Whew, now I can settle down and have my afternoon the Barre High team alive. Teammate 044560) is published nap upon Missy’s bed. I fell asleep thinking about my Francis Gromelski, senior center, said three. It was in fact, his great-grand- and hippology finals at the 4-H father, George Vivian that founded Center in Ashland on Feb. 24. Letters to every Thursday by Turley friend, Teddie, who died. We had the best times together. his most vivid memory of that night Publications, Inc., 24 Water I was telling him all about my experience with Missy’s was of the gym in Turners Falls. All the Barre Players in 1921 and held Julie Barnes from Barre and Tim the Editor St., Palmer, Mass. 01069. large mirror. I told him how I hissed at the cat I saw the stands were high above the court the productions of “A Midsummer Bancroft from Hardwick partici- Telephone (413) 283-8393, and batted it and the darn cat did the same to me. I told and it was like playing in a swim- Night’s Dream,” “Romeo and Juliet” pated in the senior horse bowls. Policy Fax (413) 289-1977. Teddie I finally realized the cat was me. I had never ming pool. There was tremendous and others before moving on to other Horse bowl participants answer POSTMASTER: Send seen myself so it was a revelation. I noticed my tail was noise from the Barre crowd. He said things. Then, in 1956, Hopkins par- a round of questions where they Letters to the address changes to Turley half the town of Barre was there. ents, Victoria and Russell brought the buzz in to answer the question. editor should be Publications, Inc., 24 Water straight up with a little curl in the top. St., Palmer, Mass. 01069. Teddie said he had a similar experience with a mirror He commented that the town closed Barre Players to life once again. “My For every correct answer they 350 words or less in and found out his tail was long, fluffy and about four down and the fan support was amaz- mother performed, my father was the receive a point; a wrong answer length. No unsigned PATRICK H. TURLEY inches wide. He said he spends lots of time grooming ing. Michael Staiti, senior sharp back stage crew,” Hopkins said. “I results in a point being deduct- or anonymous opin- CEO himself daily and particularly that tail. He too hissed at shooting guard, seconded Fran’s would be spending nights sleeping ed from their score. The top four ions will be pub- KEITH TURLEY the thing he saw and also batted it with no avail. impression of the gym and remem- in the threaten, which at that time scorers represent Massachusetts at lished. We require let- President was in the basement of the Barre the National 4-H Horse Bowls and ter writers to include We laughed together at our memories. I sure do miss bered coming out of the locker room EDITOR him to play with and get into daily mischief. Probably to a roar. All had high praise for their Congregational Church. I got to Hippology teams in Kentucky in his or her town of Ellenor Downer Missy is glad to have only one cat now to get after. coach, Ray Sullivan. He instilled see rehearsals occasionally and the fall. Tim Bancroft will repre- residence and home [email protected] Then, I rolled over and realized I had been dreaming team play and fairness. He had the began helping out backstage when sent Massachusetts in the nation- telephone number. I was about eight.” Hopkins grew als. Rachael Bancroft of Hardwick We must authenti- STAFF WRITER again. I guess it must be old age or something. team go to full court press and it Colleen Montague Take care of yourselves this week folks, worked. Lamacchia stated that to this up in Barre and attended Quabbin is an alternate for the state senior cate authorship prior [email protected] Love, day, whenever he eats orange slic- Regional High School and later hippology team, which will also to publication. We graduated from Vassar College. compete in the nationals. Frank reserve the right to ADVERTISING SALES Gertrude es, he thinks of hits coach. Sullivan Tim Mara always had orange slices for his play- Bassett and Kara Bryant of Barre edit or withhold any [email protected] CHECK OUT ALL THE ers instead of water. Air Force Airman Patrick M. were members of the junior hippol- submissions deemed Russ graduated from basic mili- ogy team. Their team came in third to be libelous or con- SPORTS EDITOR tain unsubstantiated Greg Scibelli Elinor Allen, turned 99 in March tary training at Lackland Air Force and competed against nine coun- [email protected] Publications 12. She came to Barre in 1942 Base, San Antonio, Texas. The ties. Kelly McDonald and Julie allegations, personal Turley to become the librarian of Barre’s airman completed an intensive, Barnes of Barre were members of attacks, defamation of SOCIAL MEDIA Woods Memorial Library. She was eight-week program that includ- the junior horse bowl team. character and offen- at that time Elinor Howard. Soon she ed training in military discipline sive language. All @ Barre Gazette met her future husband, Robert H. and studies, Air Force core values, The Royal Rangers, Outpost unknown or alleged Allen and they made their home on physical fitness and basic war- 120, which meet at the New Life facts and quotations WEB PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BARRE, MA fare principles and skills. Airmen Assembly of God Church locat- offered by the author The Barre Gazette is a weekly newspaper pub- James Street where she lives with her lished every Thursday by Barre Gazette, Inc., with daughter, Lucy. She has two grand- who complete basic training earn ed in South Barre, have recently need to cite credi- offices located at 5 Exchange St., Barre, MA 01005 children and three great-grandchil- four credits toward an associate participated in the district-wide ble, unbiased sourc- and at 24 Water St., Palmer, MA 01069. Telephone dren by her son, Roger. in applied science degree through Annual Snow Day, held at the es. Send letters to: at 978-355-4000 or FAX at 978-355-6274. USPS num- ber is 044-560. Postmaster: Send address changes the Community College of the First Assembly of God Church Barre Gazette, P.O. to: 10 years ago (March 3, 2011) Air Force. Russ earned distinc- in Worcester. This group of boys, Box 448, Barre, MA Barre Gazette, 24 Water St. tion as an honor graduate. He is including Matthew and Timothy 01005 or via email to Turley Publications, Inc. cannot Palmer, MA 01069 the grandson of Harold Dorsey of Dailey from Barre, Keith and [email protected]. assume liability for the loss of $1.00 per copy The Oakham Board of Selectmen photographs or other materials Subscription rate: $33 for one year, $44 for two signed Certificates of Achievement East Hill Road, Oakham and son Nicholas Barry, Anthony Florres The deadline for sub- submitted for publication. years for Nicholas and Timothy of Gail Russ of Phillips, Maine. and Eric Hatwood from Ware, missions is Friday at Materials will not be returned Out of State: $38 for one year, $54 for two years Mardirosian for making Eagle rank in The airman graduated in 2005 from noon. except upon specific request when submitted. Boy Scouting. The brothers selected Quabbin Regional High School, See PAST PAGES, page 5 February 25, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 5

Serenity Hill Sampler Plans underway for 4-H programs and by Jane McCauley events at Eastern States Exposition REGION - Planning is youth and agriculture, the core workforce development. underway by Eastern States of our mission.” ESE Trustee and committee This will be the last column I 1-teaspoon salt of the forsythia and flowering quince Exposition and the New England A variety of programs and member Nick Barishian said, write for February of this year. May 1/2-cup milk to force inside. 4-H community to create pro- competitions for youth are “We have joined forces with all spring not be far behind. 1 1/2 cup flour There has been talk on television gramming and opportunities for being considered including the six New England 4-H Programs, It is getting harder to find things 1-teaspoon baking powder people are starting to think about the youth organization to grow introduction of a summer 4-H 4-H Staff, 4-H Volunteers, and to keep me busy while being quar- Rind of one lemon grated tapping maple trees for sap. We used and thrive while keeping par- competitive event. Events will 4-H Youth from across New antined. I did work on a couple of 2 eggs to do that at our old homestead, but ticipants safe under COVID-19 be carefully planned for partic- England to reimagine the New new table runners in which you place 1/2 cup chopped pecans, optional we don’t have maple trees here. protocols. ipants and animals to be able to England 4-H Program to take its five-inch blocks so that you have a Cream sugar and butter, add Mainly we have oak and pine trees. Gene Cassidy, President properly social distance in the current best-in-class event, and border that is pointed. I made two of salt, lemon rind and eggs, one at I often think of the time when and CEO of Eastern States barns and areas on the grounds. bring it to an even better place, two colors and another one of two a time beating after each. Mix the Chester Mowrey was cooking down Exposition said, “During this The group strives to explore truly living the 4-H motto to other colors. flour and baking powder and add the sap on his mother’s kitchen unique time in our history, ESE innovative programming, to sup- ‘Make the Best Better.’” I am still working on some water- alternately with the milk. Fold in stove and his mother threw it away is doing all it can to support and port youth and to educate them More information will be color designs and took out several of the nuts. thinking it was water. We used to provide an appropriate venue for on career opportunities and available as plans develop. my watercolor books to read some Bake in a greased loaf pan at build a fire outside and cook it down instructions. I mainly like to do flow- 350 degrees one hour or more. each evening before going to bed. ers, but I should try some other sub- While bread is still hot in the pan, Sometimes the girls liked to toast jects. spoon over loaf a mixture of juice marshmallows at the same time. mined it was no longer in the record that it was done, but he will STUDY , town’s best interest to regionalize. look into creating one to offer the I was pleasantly surprised to of one lemon and 1/3-cup sugar. Those were the days when we continued from page 1 receive a nice package of health Let the bread cool in the pan. made our own fun. We didn’t have Lind said that regionalization does parents of those students. Tucker supplies in the mail from my health This and That computers and iPads to sit in front an email, which Kiley forward- not save money, although it does said they will determine the best provider. It contained a thermome- Hopefully, the snow will melt of. Don’t you think the youth of ed to Lind. Lind said he received open up more opportunities for the way to reach out to parents and ter, two face masks, a face shield, a so we can burn some of the brush today are missing out on a lot of fun? the email but had not heard about students. agreed it would be good to collect bottle of sanitizer, four hand wipes piles we have here. We have only Recently a group of my friends Warren and West Warren wanting Selectmen Vice Chairman that data. and a germ key. I had to read what a been able to burn one pile before were talking about the time to leave the district. Jason Petraitis, who is also a mem- Lind wanted to publicly germ key was, but then attached it to the snows came and they have not Hubbardston Highway Department Tucker said even if the Study ber of the Regionalization Study thank the members of the Study my keychain on my pocketbook. It melted off the piles since. There will closed down Brigham Street, pre- Committee makes a recommen- Committee, asked Lind and Tucker Committee for not only taking their is used to open doors, press buttons be lots of cleaning up of the yard viously called Depot Road, in the dation to regionalize, it does not if they were looking into gather- roles seriously, but for their time on ATM’s etc. so you don’t have to once the snow is gone. Living in the winter for sliding down the road. We mean the regionalization is immi- ing “exit surveys” from the parents and dedication. touch them with your hands, all to do woods is not as easy as I thought also used to slide down Hallock’s nent. She said it is important to of North Brookfield students who Kiley said he looks forward to with the virus. it would be. There is always some- Hill to Brigham Pond. The boys look at the all the data and facts were opting to school choice out of the Study Committee’s recommen- Hopefully they had a good turnout thing to clean up. The acorns and used to shovel off the pond for before making a decision. Lind the district. Petraitis said he knows dation and an answer to the age-old at the vaccine clinic in various towns. pinecones and the pine brushes are ice-skating and we used to toast emphasized that it is a lengthy pro- the idea of a survey has come up question of whether or not North We get our second shot on March always falling. marshmallows, have cocoa and hot- cess and they would have many in the past, but he was not sure if it Brookfield should regionalize. 4. We understand you still will have Ken did get some seeds for the dogs on a bonfire. Bill Hubbard had stops along the way if they deter- was ever done. Lind said he has no to practice distancing and wearing a vegetable garden, so I guess he plans a toboggan and we all climbed on mask. to have one. Last thing I knew he it and rode down the road. Ronnie Here is a recipe that my dear said he thought he would buy his Lang used to pull us back up with frost threatens or even move heat while April should be reserved for friend, Cyndee Johnson gave me, vegetables this coming year. his vehicle. GARDEN, lovers inside on cold nights. To warmth-lovers like pepper, toma- continued from page 4 which she got from Pickety Place. It is always fun to watch what Speaking of skating, I recently prevent tip-over by four-legged to, basil, zinnias and marigolds, It is very good and an easy recipe plants come up in the spring. You heard they tried to make skating rink sow versus how many you desire. friends or playful kids, pros also paying special attention to frost to make. Ken mentioned he likes it have some surprises and some that at the Slade Recreation Field. I guess If germination is great, you can suggest putting the jugs in trays predictions and bringing these toasted. do not come through the ground. the boys don’t want to shovel off always transplant some out. Close or bins. plants in as needed. GLAZED LEMON BREAD Because of the good snow cover, Brigham Pond any more. the container and seal it with duct As you can see, this method is Well Barbara, thank you for the 1-cup sugar we should not loose too much. It is Keep warm and keep wearing tape. Be sure to label the jug with not maintenance-free, but certain- great topic! I promise to give this 6 tablespoons melted butter almost time to collect a few branches your masks spring is coming. the plant name via a paint pen, ly worthy of a try especially for method a try and will report back really the only writing utensil that gardeners who are short on indoor my successes and failures. won’t smear, fade or wash away space or in the mood to get their Roberta McQuaid graduat- ware issue at the Feb. 16 meeting, Sizer said the state was moving when exposed to the elements. hands dirty earlier in the season ed from the Stockbridge School BARRE, but it did not make a decision. vaccine doses to the larger state Place the jugs in full exposure than normal. January and February of Agriculture at the University continued from page 1 Currently, the collector/treasurer sites and the roll out of vaccines outdoors and with the cap off, so is the perfect time to start seeds of Massachusetts. For the last 28 agreed to notify the Department office and the town accountant use was not fair to smaller communi- that heat can escape and small that need a cold treatment. Look years, she has held the position of Fish and Game they were not different software, Vader and Soft ties. The town received 200 Pfizer amounts of moisture can pene- for key terms on the seed pack- of staff horticulturalist at Old interested in selling this land at the Write respectively. The collector/ doses from Rutland for a clinic at trate. When the temperature out- et, such as “stratification needed,” Sturbridge Village. She enjoys time. treasurer Alex Haggerty said it was American Legion Post 2 on Feb. doors heats up past 60 degrees, be “sow in the fall,” or other terms. growing food as well as flowers. Town accountant reducing the chance of errors if all 17. sure to take the duct tape off and You can begin to sow cold Have a question for her? Email Selectmen discussed the need three department used Vader and Other business vent your seedlings. Check often hardy annuals in March- think it to [email protected] with for increased hours with the town the software had to be customized Selectmen approved the use of and water as needed. The pros rec- chard, spinach, kale, snapdrag- “Gardening Question” in the sub- acoountant. She requested an because of the way the town uses town property for Christmas in ommend to cover with a blanket if ons, bachelor button and the like, ject line. increase of hours for her assistant the software. The town accountant Barre pending approval regarding and herself. Claire Adomaitis of said she “strongly recommended public safety. They also received the finance committee responded not changing software at this time.” a request from the Barre Lions through chat that the finance com- Selectman Dylan Clark said he Club for a car show on the com- mittee voted to increase the addi- would like to learn more about the mon. Selectman Urban said tional hours for the town accoun- arguments why and why not before due to liability, the Lions Club tant department and a raise for the making a decision. Selectman should provide insurance for the town accountant for the FY22 bud- Sullivan said the board would look event. They tabled the decision get. The finance committee also into the software issue further until provided proof of insurance. recommended the town accountant down the road. They approved a common vict- keep the software it was using. COVID update ualer license for Twitch Nutrition, Selectmen discussed the soft- Town administrator Jessica located on Exchange Street.

County Workforce Board, has been specifically. That exposure differs MASSHIRE, in manufacturing for decades, and from when he was young, when continued from page 1 decided to test drive the classes to many people knew people in man- for which mathematics is needed be sure potential students would ufacturing even if their immediate and their manufacturing is really a get useful information about manu- family wasn’t involved, he said. science. facturing if they took them. The classes provide that exposure He said starting wages are good “It provides exposure to man- if they’ve never had it in school or and it’s possible to make a sustain- ufacturing machines, safety pro- in the workforce,” he said. Open any new checking able wage and move through com- tocols among other things,” said “He’s lived manufacturing and pany ranks to get ahead. Peters, who owned Universal breathed it his whole life, and in account and get up to $200*! “The classes are a guide, to Plastics in Holyoke up to a few my mind that makes his opin- counsel them as to what to expect years ago, and who remains active ion about it very credible,” said in manufacturing, the kind of math in the company. “I think some- Gadaire of Peters’ opinion that it AN ADDITIONAL needed and so they candidly will one who has gone through this gives potential job seekers a way know what’s going on,” he said. would be looked at differently into manufacturing. “It’s also designed to get people than someone who hadn’t taken For more information or to reg- off unemployment and help them it when it comes to the hiring ister for the classes contact Kate move into what could be a good process. I would be much more Smith at Masshire Holyoke at 413- $100*+ $100* career.” interested in someone who had 322-7162 or Ksmith@masshire- The classes are self-paced and taken this course. Our company is or Yvette Jackson for our for all of our offer tips on who work as a team looking for people right now and at Masshire Springfield at 413- everyday first responders, member, how to address concerns this would give someone a lot of 858-2827 or yjackson@masshire- that come up on the manufactur- advantages.” heroes health care workers, ing floor and problem resolution, Peters said these days many The funding for the class- and educators Gadaire said. young students are not exposed to es was provided by the state Businessman Joseph Peters, a manufacturing at all and are unfa- Office of Housing and Economic member of MassHire Hampden miliar with it either generally or Development Open an account online in as little as 5 minutes to the Select Board or the Town 5.) We have posted signs or schedule an appointment! STATEMENT, Administrator. This applies to con- in all town offices highlighting continued from page 1 tracts made on and off duty and is the State Ethics Commission 4.) We have added a clause stronger than the actual state ethics reporting hotline. Employees are to the town’s Conflict of Interest law. encouraged to file complaints Policy that prohibits employees with the ethics commission when- 800.581.5363 from contracting with each other sites/g/files/vyhlif3276/f/uploads/ ever they suspect municipal fraud, without disclosing the contract policy_c... waste or abuse.

Hampshire, joined her on this happy Gerald and Carole Gariepy, James PAST PAGES, occasion. Street, Barre, has enlisted into the continued from page 4 navy’s highly competitive boost pro- along with their commanders and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boyer, gram. Upon successful completion pastor, were undefeated in the tug- Corice and Jeffrey, of High Street are of boot camp, Cort will report to of-war competition. Anthony held home after spending 10 days visit- the broadened opportunity for offi- *Open any Fidelity Bank Care Checking account between February 10th and March 26, 2021 to be eligible. To earn $100 bonus you must ing in Lake Eustis, Florida with Rev. cer selection training school in San have direct deposits into your new account that total at least $500 within 45 days of account opening and enroll in both online and mobile first place in the ping-pong com- banking. Direct deposit is defined as a paycheck, pension, Social Security or other eligible monthly income electronically deposited by an petition. and Mrs. Dexter B. Rice. While in Diego, California. He will attend employer or outside agency into your checking account. Transfers done via ATM, online banking, payment apps or websites (such as Venmo Florida, they visited the Kennedy nine months of prep school study- or Paypal), in branch, or from a bank or brokerage account are not eligible. The value of this bonus may constitute taxable income and will Space Center, Cypress Gardens, ing courses in math, the sciences be reported on IRS Form 1099 (or other appropriate form). To earn an additional $100, you must provide a valid first responder, health 38 years ago (March 3, 1983) care, or educator ID at account opening or prior to bonus payment. Bonus will be deposited into your account within two weeks of meeting Disney World and EPCOT. The high- and English. All classes are taught the eligible criteria above. Offers valid only for new Care Checking accounts including CareFree, SecureCare, CareMore, and CompleteCare Mrs. Annie B. Harty of Phillipston light of the vacation, however, was by civilian instructors from local accounts. All account applications are subject to approval. Minimum opening deposit for eligible CareChecking accounts are: CompleteCare a canoe trip when they spotted, and California colleges. After success- ($250), CareMore ($100), SecureCare ($25), and CareFree ($25). As of Feb. 5, 2021, the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for CompleteCare is Road celebrated her 90th birthday on 0.03% and SecureCare is 0.01%. Rates subject to change after account opening. Fees may reduce earnings. Offer is not valid for Fidelity Bank Feb. 26. Friends and relatives from came almost too close for comfort, to ful completion of Boost, Cort will clients with an existing Fidelity Bank checking account and is limited to new checking account clients only. Limit one account per tax reported Athol, Orange, Holden, Templeton, a 12 foot alligator. receive a Navy ROTC scholarship owner. Account must be open, active, and in good standing to receive the bonuses. Accounts closed within 6 months of receiving bonus will Gill, Grafton and Barre, as well as worth $40,000 or an appointment to incur a $100 early account termination fee. Promotional offer subject to change or cancellation at any time. from Barrington and Bartlett, New Cortland A. Gariepy, the son of the Naval Academy. Page 6 • Barre Gazette • February 25, 2021

Sign issues asking for a special permit to love to see a gas station in town” NORTH Planning Board member build on an undersized lot near but felt the proposed location BROOOKFIELD, Susan Lyons said she questioned abutting a residential area and would be detrimental to the Where is this? continued from page 1 if it was necessary to have the a town park, they should not future of the downtown area. He the northern property line, the sign on the canopy as well as the be allowed a waiver of setback felt that the steady flow of in and required yard distance for resi- standing sign. Bernardino said requirements. out traffic would pose a safety dential is 40 feet. The existing that was understandable, but that “Is this the vision that the hazard for pedestrians. He also distance is 27 feet and with the the canopy signs were “more downtown revitalization had voiced concern about the busi- proposed building it would be visual on the approach than the in mind when they were doing ness being so close to an already reduced to 20 feet. In the rear lower level free-standing signs.” this? They spent years study- congested intersection. of the property, the existing dis- The other board members agreed ing, researching what the town Concerns were also aired tance is 2.3 feet, and they will that the sign on the 74-foot long wanted and the town needed and about the need for a recycling be increasing it to 5.6 feet. The canopy was very large. yet a gas station was never on container in addition to the front yard setback has a required The board members also that list…there are much more dumpster, flow of traffic in and distance of 50 feet, the existing voiced concerns about the colors better-suited areas in town,” she out of the property and odors. A structure has a distance of 29.4 of the brand logo on the cano- said. resident also commented about feet and that would be increased py. Concerns were raised about Bernardino said that this pro- the lack of definition in the town to 32.4 feet. The 32.4-foot set- whether the free-standing sign posed site is a relocation of the by-law for what defines a “drive- back is measured from the edge would distract from the town convenience store across the through” business. Planning of the fuel dispenser canopy, not sign. Bernardino said their sign street from this resident’s house. Board member Michelle Petraitis the building. will be set further back into the He said being an off-street site, said they will be addressing the Bernardino said the other site. this will redirect some of the traf- definition in the by-law at a pub- non-conformity they are address- Residents’ concerns fic and parking issues she is expe- lic hearing in March. ing is parking stall measure- Betsy Cuddy, abutter to the riencing now. Bernardino said he Resident Eva Brown said they ments. Required stall size is nine north of the property, said she felt their design would enhance will be having experts from the Turley Publications Photo by Ellenor Downer This week’s mystery photo is from Hubbardston. If any readers feet by 20 foot, and they are seek- had concerns about the lights the non-conforming setbacks. state coming to North Brookfield know where this photo was taken, they may email edowner@ ing a nine foot by 18 foot size. being on all night. She said her Another resident commented to see what can be done to or call the Barre Gazette at 413-967-3505, exten- Bernardino said 18 to 20-foot- property is a business by day and that some of their neighboring improve the town. She said she sion 100 with their answer by noon on Monday, March 1. long stalls are considered “indus- a residence by night. She said towns also did not have a gas would appreciate having a gas The names of those that correctly guessed the location will try standard.” He said they are having the lights and signs on station, and it would increase station in town but feels they appear in next week’s edition. Bill Bowles, Dick Clark, Stephen also proposing two, 30-foot wide all night could “be bothersome traffic into North Brookfield. should hold off until the experts Craven, Evelyn Luukko and Bruce Towner correctly identi- driveways, instead of the 24-foot from a residential standpoint.” She said she was drawn to could give their advice. fied the photo. Last week’s photo was the former Hardwick maximum allowed to accommo- Bernardino said the site opera- this town for its rural, small Lyons said that the Planning Ambulance building located on Lower Road in the Gilbertville date large delivery trucks. tional hours would be 5 a.m. to town appeal and that she was Board never forms an opinion section of Hardwick. It currently is owned by Hardwick Farmers Bernardino said they will 11 p.m., and that lights would be “extremely disappointed in this without listening to everyone. Cooperative Exchange. be using the available utilities, reduced to a security minimum proposal.” This resident also She said they value the input including sewer, water, gas, elec- once employees leave the site felt that some members of the of all parties. Chris Algoo, tric and telecommunications. He around 11:30 p.m. Planning Board were already on the co-owner of CCS Realty said they have an erosion con- A resident that neighbors the board with this proposed busi- LLC, said he has been in town trol plan during the construction proposed site, read a list of con- ness before hearing the public’s for some time, and his parents phase. After preliminary discus- cerns including parking issues, opinions on the matter. founded Algoo’s Convenience on sion with the Planning Board, traffic hazards, idling vehi- A resident who had issues con- North Main Street. they added wall-mounted light cles and further congestion in necting to the hearing via Zoom, He said their current store is fixtures to the building design to an already busy section of the came to the police station to voice only about 600 square feet and light the walkway. Bernardino downtown area. She questioned he and his wife’s concerns. The just too small to meet the needs shared the amended architectur- how this would work with the resident said if they make changes of residents. Algoo said they put 85 Main Street Ware Ma. 413-858-5172 al design of the building. They downtown project. She is wor- right now with zoning, it could a lot of thought into this plan, to moved the gable to the center ried about the reduction in Main negatively impact the changes make it look nice. He said “we We have a New Health Food Department and added four dormers. The Street’s limited parking with the for the downtown revitalization. are a small business…we run a design features a fieldstone base. downtown revitalization, and He felt they should wait for input family-run business. We’ve been Vegan – Gluten Free – Low Sugar - Non GMO - Organic The shingles on the roof of the especially about delivery trucks from the programs the town is here for 20 years.” He thanked Kosher Options – Food/Gift Baskets - FREE LOCAL DELIVERIES fuel dispenser canopy will match double parking. The resident felt working on for funding. everyone for their input and crit- the roof of the building. that since CCS Realty LLC is One resident said he “would icisms. Come see why we are the Talk of the Town! Crystals - Gemstones - Alchemy Tools - Jewelry - Gifts - Incense This paper publishes birth, engagement, wedding and signifi cant anniversary announcements free of charge. White Sage - Antiques - Books - $1 Greeting Cards - Silk Flowers Simply log on to our web site, choose the paper you want the announcement to appear in, then use our SUBMISSION link to email your information. Art - Health & Wellness Personal Care Items - so much more!

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Serving the towns of Barre, Belchertown, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Palmer, Ware, Warren & West Brookfield February 25, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 7

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A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ SPORTSSEND US YOUR SPORTS SUBMISSIONS Panthers capture ‘pod’ playoff final By Tim Peterson Quabbin head coach Evan Barringer. team was emotional afterwards a game-high 18 points and pulled ers, and they helped the younger had trouble putting the ball into the Sports Correspondent “I thought it was very important because our season was over,” down 12 rebounds. She also was players on the varsity team.” basket. for us to get off to a quick start in Barringer said. “All of the players credited with 6 assists. The Panthers other three start- Freshman Meaghan Doyle, who BARRE—Just like in the semifi- the finals against Leominster. They worked so hard and it was a very “During the second half of the ers in the finals were junior Ashley also reached double digits in the nal game against Oakmont 24 hours upset second-seeded Fitchburg special season for us.” Leominster game, especially during Leighton (9 points), sophomore finals for the home team with 11 earlier, the Quabbin girls varsity bas- on their homecourt in the semifi- In the first quarter of the two Pod the fourth quarter, there was nine Olivia Rose, and junior Jordyn points, ended the dry spell offensive- ketball team built a double-digit lead nal game and they just kept battling playoff games, the Panthers out- high school players on the court and Gillon (9 points). ly with a 3-pointer from the left side. at the end of the first quarter in the against us. It was just a great high scored their opponents 30-3. one college player,” Barringer said. After falling behind 2-0, Hamel With 42 seconds left in the open- Central Mass. Pod 6 finals. school basketball game.” “Our defense was just incredi- “Julia played very well in the cham- gave her team a 6-2 lead by burying ing quarter, Gillon extended the The top-seeded Panthers, who led The Panthers, who finished the ble in both of the playoff games,” pionship game.” a pair of 3-points from almost the Panthers lead to 12-2 after sinking third-seeded Leominster,14-2, after season with an 11-1 record, defeat- Barringer added. “We really didn’t The only other senior listed on exact same spot on the right side of another long bomb from the top of the first eight minutes of the contest, ed fourth-seeded Oakmont 42-23 in know how to play man-to-man the Quabbin varsity roster is Kacie the court. the key. She made a total of three managed to hang on to the lead the the semifinal game. They wound up defense at the beginning of the McCreadie. “Julia has been an unselfish play- 3-pointers in the game. rest of the way for a 47-40 home vic- winning their final twelve games of season, but the girls slowly kept “Kacie was the most improved er all season long,” Barringer said. “We went 4-for-7 from three- tory, last Thursday night. the season, including the two playoff improving in each game.” player in our program and she “She began the game by hitting two point land in the first quarter against “We usually started the first quar- games. Quabbin senior Julia Hamel post- started every game this season,” very big three-point shots for us.” Leominster,” Barringer said. “It was ter either very slowly or incredibly “Even though we won the cham- ed a double-double in her final high Barringer said. “She and Julia were The score remained the same for fast during the regular season,” said pionship game, everyone on our school basketball game. She scored our co-captains. They were our lead- the next five minutes, as both teams See PANTHERS, page 8 High school Pioneers drop pair to Wolves Volleyball football set hall of fame SPRINGFIELD – When to start the Pathfinder High School girls basketball team was nominees finally able to take the court, next week they definitely showed signs of rust. The girls struggled in announced By Gregory A. Scibelli a pair of games Feb. 12 and [email protected] HOLYOKE – The list of 25 16 against Hampden Charter, nominees for the International losing 44-25 and 44-19. The REGION – While the vacci- Volleyball Hall of Fame 2021 Pioneers struggled to move Induction has been announced nation effort is ongoing, there the ball around the court and is still a need to make modifica- and the Fan Vote presented by could not find its shooting. Mizuno is now officially open tions to high school sports and Pathfinder still has a pair of football will be no different. through Feb. 28. games against Ludlow before Fans can vote daily for as many High school football games ending its shortened season. are finally set to commence next nominees as they feel are deserv- month and those that are able to ing of Induction. The top 5 nom- watch games will not see a major Allyson Dube tries to inees selected by the public will difference in how the games are dribble toward comprise a “fans’ ballot” that played other than what happens the sideline. will be tallied along with the offi- behind the scenes and on the cial selection committee ballots to sidelines. pick the Class of 2021 inductees. Like all sports currently, “​These 25 nominees represent 11 football players will be required different countries and some of the to wear face coverings. In the biggest names in volleyball from last couple of months, variants the past two decades and beyond.” of COVID-19 coming from the said George Mulry, Executive United Kingdom and South Director of the International Africa have resulted in a more Volleyball Hall of Fame. “Having contagious mutations of the to skip the 2020 class of Inductees virus. As a result, people have because of COVID has created a been advised to wear multiple or bit of a backlog that’s resulted in multi-layer face coverings now. perhaps the strongest list of nomi- The MIAA is not allowing gai- nees top to bottom we’ve ever had. ter face coverings, but are not I think it’s going to be really hard currently requiring the multi-lay- for people to narrow down their Fan er coverings. Football players Vote selections but it will also make wear full helmets with some this year’s Induction that much also wearing splash guards. The more special for the selected class.” guards are being encouraged as The new class of Inductees will be they provide an additional layer announced in March and the 2021 of protection. Induction Celebration is scheduled Larger teams like Longmeadow, Central, and See HALL OF FAME, page 8 Holyoke will have limits to the number of players they can bring to the sideline. A maximum of just 45 players will be allowed MIAA official to dress for games and be on the Photos by David Henry Stephanie Koslik gets a shot Allyson Dube extends on a Stephanie Koslik makes an off-balance shot. off ahead of coverage. shot. recognized for See FOOTBALL, page 8 leadership Outlaw open entry lists loading up for Icebreaker, Thompson 300 by NFHS FRANKLIN – The National THOMPSON, Conn. — The III. Santos has become the dean Federation of State High School Thompson Speedway Motorsports of big-money open-wheel events Associations (NFHS) selected eight Park oval is shaping up as the place in recent years, winning every- leaders in state high school associ- to watch the biggest stars of Tour- thing from the Musket 250 at New ations to receive an NFHS Citation. Type Modified Racing in 2021. Hampshire Motor Speedway to the This award honors individuals who Entry lists for both the Icebreaker Little 500 at Indiana’s Anderson have made contributions to the 125 on April 10/11 and the return Speedway. At the Icebreaker 125, NFHS, state high school associa- of the Thompson 300 on October Santos will be in the cockpit of the tions, athletic director and coaching 9/10 are already loaded with local, #44MA Tinio Racing car he has professions, the officiating avoca- regional, and even national open- piloted to 11 NASCAR Whelen tion and fine arts/performing arts wheel racing headliners. Modified Tour victories. programs. The NFHS Citation is As the first and last events of the Other high-profile names pre- one of the most prestigious achieve- season at the historic Connecticut paring for the Icebreaker 125 are ments in high school athletics and track, both the Icebreaker and the MRS champion Anthony Nocella, Bobby Santos will look to compete in the Submitted photos performing arts. Thompson 300 are expected to be recent World Series Modified Open upcoming Icebreaker race. Tom Morris racing is back this season. The Massachusetts Inter–scho- the year’s two greatest shows. The winner Mike Christopher Jr., many- lastic Athletic Association (MIAA) early entries back up these expec- his own Doug Coby Racing #10CT favorite tracks. I’m excited to do it. be gunning for the two five-figure time Modified winner Richard is extremely proud to announce tations with a mix of touring series car that debuted in 2020. The thought to go into a Modified first prizes in his familiar #57CT. Savary, and former Pro-4 Modified the NFHS 2021 Section 1 Citation champions, track champions, and Coby is one of multiple drivers season and not have a Modified So will former Modified Racing standout Derek Robbie. While their recipient: big-time winners in the Modified planning to do double-duty with race at Thompson would be a Series (MRS) and International Thompson plans remain to be seen Sherry Bryant, associate execu- ranks. With so many top drivers the Icebreaker and the NASCAR bit disturbing. This is the stuff I Supermodified Association (ISMA) beyond the Icebreaker, a good start tive director of the MIAA. ready for action, the buzz that has Modified Tour event at Virginia’s grew up on, and I’m finally get- champion Jonathan McKennedy of could certainly spur them to attend During her 30-year career at the surrounded the events for months Martinsville Speedway on April 8. ting to live it everyday. I’ll be leav- Chelmsford, MA. Others who beat more of the planned big-money Associations, Bryant has served will only get louder. Another is multi-time NASCAR ing Martinsville, heading home, the crowd with their entries include events. as Financial Controller, Director Leading the roll call is six-time Modified and Modified Racing switching the car over and head- 2011 NASCAR Whelen Modified The Icebreaker 125 is the open- of Human Resources, Technology NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Series (MRS) winner Eric Goodale ing right to Thompson for a dou- Tour champion Ron Silk, two-time er of the new Thompson Outlaw Advancement Leader, and Liaison champion Doug Coby of Milford, of Riverhead, NY. Goodale, who ble-header weekend.” MRS champion Chris Pasteryak, Open Modified Series for 2021. to a number of sport Committees CT. The modern Modified leg- is currently competing in the Several other notable names and recent MRS winner Ronnie The six-race series includes the including, Field Hockey, Basketball, end has filed entries for both the World Series of Asphalt Stock Car have already joined Coby in com- Williams. annual Icebreaker, the Thompson Gymnastics, Skiing, Tennis, $10,000-to-win Icebreaker 125 Racing at Florida’s New Smyrna mitting early to both the Icebreaker The Icebreaker entry list alone, 300 as part of the World Series Softball, and co-liaison for Rugby. and the $20,000-to-win Thompson Speedway, is looking forward to 125 and Thompson 300. Multi- meanwhile, is nearing two dozen of Speedway Racing, and four Bryant has also provided lead- 300. Coby will compete at the keeping the Thompson Modified time Thompson Speedway cham- names with two months still to go Wednesday night events held ership through her service to the Icebreaker in the #20CT Modified tradition alive. pion and former NASCAR Weekly before the event. One driver that between June and September. The MIAA Tournament Management Rick Czarnecki. For the Thompson “I love racing at Thompson,” Racing Series national champion everyone will have their eyes on 300, he will be behind the wheel of Goodale said. “It’s one of my Keith Rocco of Berlin, CT will is Franklin, MA’s Bobby Santos See RACING, page 8 See MIAA, page 9 Page 8 • Barre Gazette • February 25, 2021 Sports Education Semi-pro team continues ALFA program at Fitchburg State to add talent creates community for adult learners WORCESTER — The Massachusetts With the addition of Moore, Pirates pres- Pirates continue to bolster their ident and general manager Jawad Yatim FITCHBURG – Fitchburg retirement goals: to write more. colleagues, and company. It’s a ners, Native American basketry, depth chart at the wide receiver posi- is happy with the way the Pirates offense State University’s Adult Learning All without leaving my house.” bright spot in my day.” an introduction to yoga, a guide tion. The organization has announced is shaping up. in the Fitchburg Area program is “I was worried online pro- This spring’s classes, for to winter botany, and the histo- the signing of Alonzo Moore, who “Moore has big play ability, great helping to foster a sense of com- grams would contribute to my which registration is now open, ry of folk music, along with recently played in the AAF for the combination of size and speed, and is a munity despite the ongoing pan- sense of isolation but was I sur- will let adult learners brush up classes on creative writing, the San Antonio Commanders and kid who can take the top off the defense demic. prised,” said Joyce Hinckley on their conversational French art and culture of Islam, ancient the XFL for the Dragons. and open things up for us underneath ALFA is a lifelong learning of Sterling. “The fall programs or Spanish, learn about scientif- lore in modern times, and the Moore (6’1”, 196 lbs) spoke with and in the run game. He’s going to put institute that serves adult learners showed me it’s possible to main- ic principles that affect our daily cinema of Oscar-winning direc- and believes pressure on defenses and we’re happy to in Fitchburg and the surround- tain old connections and make lives, get tips on how to de-clutter tor Bong-Joon Ho, among many he will fit in perfectly alongside have him. I’m looking forward to seeing ing communities. Because of new ones online.” their life or learn how to play the other topics. There will also be other wide receivers on the Pirates. our offense come together and get to COVID-19, all of ALFA’s latest ALFA is sponsored by the ukulele. See the complete course a free “Food for Thought’’ lec- “I expect all of us to come in and work. I think we have a good unit here, offerings have been presented in a School of Graduate, Online, listing and register online at mar- ture on March 30 about abolition- compete. It’s good that the posi- now we have to begin building continu- virtual format. With many ALFA and Continuing Education at ism, emancipation and Civil War tion is becoming more crowd- ity and familiarity with the offense and students being retirees, there was Fitchburg State in collaboration Most courses are just $40 (and memory in Central Massachusetts ed. It allows for different skill one another and I know my coaches will skepticism that the sense of com- with volunteer members of the free for students over age 90). in the mid-19th and early sets with different players.” lead these guys in the right direction.” munity they had experienced with community. It offers non-cred- ALFA is sponsored by the 20thcenturies. in-person classes would translate it daytime classes, trips, special School of Graduate, Online, For the full list of programs, into the digital world. They were events, and a free speaker series. and Continuing Education at and information about the instruc- @turleysports happily surprised. ALFA students are encouraged Fitchburg State University in col- tors and schedule, people may “I never imagined that during to volunteer and participate in laboration with volunteer mem- visit my first six months of retirement program leadership and develop- bers of the community. We offer Also, ALFA is always on the I would not be traveling, visiting ment, as well as social and rec- non-credit daytime classes, trips, lookout for new instructors and friends and exploring new recre- reational activities. Most courses special events, and a free speaker new subject matter to share with ations, but ALFA via Zoom has are just $40 (and free for students series. ALFA students are encour- its students. Anyone with a spe- offered some unexpected plea- over age 90). A limited number of aged to volunteer and participate cialty that they think others would sures,” said Barbara Freidman of scholarships are available. in program leadership and devel- be interested in should contact the Ashburnham. “I’m surprised to “My ALFA virtual class- opment, as well as social and program directors at alfa@fitch- Athlete of the Month see old friends and acquaintances es brought me a respite from recreational activities. A limited for details about in class, I explored nature through the humdrum,” said longtime number of scholarships are avail- becoming an ALFA instructor. NAME: Julia Hamel a microscope via technology, I ALFA student Carol DeCarolis able. Also, direct any questions to the SCHOOL: Quabbin returned to taking a weekly yoga of Leominster. “Classes equaled This spring’s varied offerings ALFA office at 978-665-3706, or class and I started one of my communication, companionship, include crosswords for begin- email at [email protected]. In her final high school game, Hamel scored 18 points to lead Quabbin in a pod playoff final.

To nominate someone for College Dean's Lists Athlete of the Month, contact Managing Sports Editor Gregory Worcester State both of Oakham; Riley O. Full-time students must have 3.8 are listed with high hon- A. Scibelli at 413-283-8393 ext. Brooks and Isabella M. earned a minimum of 12 cred- ors. Students whose grade point 258 or send an e-mail to gscibel- announces Quattrucci, both of Petersham its and part-time students must average for the semester is less [email protected]. dean’s list and Nicholas I. Behonick, have earned a minimum of six than 3.8 but equal to or greater Alexavier J. Bender, Abigail credits. than 3.5 are listed with honors. WORCESTER – Worcester C. Charlonne, Laura N. Cruz, Any incompletes must be satis- State University announces its Chandler K. Day, Cameron E. factorily completed before the Our Family dean’s list for fall 2020. Derrick, Eva R. DiBara, Jared Deven Thomas student is honored with dean’s Local students making K. Dunn, Kayla R. Gorham, list status. Cares dean’s list are: Angela Lund Joshua T. Judge, Destiny A. makes dean’s list and Zabdiel Y. Nieves, both Keough, Kyle A. Lindberg, at UMF Morgan Morris About Your of Barre; Sarah R. Flynn and Miguel A. Lopez, Aimee M. Hannah E. Regin, both of Lougie, Grace E. Miele, FARMINGTON, MAINE makes dean’s list at HOME – AUTO – BUSINESS – LIFE Family Hardwick; Hannah R. Allain, Thomas N. Moore, Noelle – The University of Maine at Stonehill College Joshua M. Enright, Alec C. T. Olivar, Jordyn N. Petit, Farmington announces its Greenawalt and Emily Ikonen, Meaghan L. Riedle, Christine dean’s list for the fall 2020 EASTON – Morgan Morris all of Hubbardston; Rebecca M. Riggieri, Matthew R. semester. of Rutland and a member of the CONGRATULATIONS A. Chilton and Benjamin R. Rollins, Kaylie J. Senecal, Deven Thomas of Barre Class of 2023, has been named Morin, both of New Braintree; Savannah J. Stowe, Griffin made honors. UMF maintains to the fall 2020 dean’s list at ATHLETE! Brodin P. Coughlin, Janet M. E. Weber, Alexandra Wilson, a dean’s list each semester Stonehill College. Fortune, Breana L. Joubert, Olivia C. Wittkop and Nicolle for those students complet- To qualify for the dean’s list, Very Competitive Rates • Experienced Professional Staff Kari M. Mickunas, Madison M. Zenaro, all of Rutland. ing a minimum of 12 credits students must have a semester 99% Claim Satisfaction Rate • On-site Registry Processing J. Parker, Megan M. Quigley, Dean’s list honors are in courses producing quality grade point average of 3.50 or Patrick P. Waugh and Tory awarded to matriculated under- points. Students whose grade better and must have complet- E. Zalauskas, all of North ed successfully all courses for 143 West Street 45 North Main Street graduate students who have point average for the semes- Brookfield; Caitlin D. Dellert, earned a 3.5 GPA or higher. ter is equal to or greater than which they were registered. Ware, MA 01082 Belchertown, MA 01007 and Avery R. Oldakowski, More companies, Hamel, who’s being recruit- more choices, PANTHERS, Reckermann, Dr. Gabriel BETTER RATES! ed by several Division 3 college HALL OF FAME, 413-967-3327 continued from page 7 continued from page 7 Cherebetiu, Sergio Dutra coaches, began the run with an Santos, Giovane Gavio, Linda incredible.” old fashion three-point play. A for Saturday, Oct. 23 and will Hanley, Barbara Jelic-Ruzic, As the final seconds of the couple of minutes later, Leighton be live streamed for anyone Pieter Joon, Siegfried Kohler, opening quarter was ticking of delivered an entry pass from the that cannot travel to Holyoke. Peter Lange, Andre Meyer, the clock, freshman Riley Bassett top of the key to Hamel, who fin- Induction Celebration tickets Samuele Papi, Carmelo delivered a downcourt pass to ished the play with an outstanding will go on sale when the new Pittera, Bernardo Rezende, Hamel, who scored a fast-break reverse lay-up. class is announced. Todd Rogers, Yumilka Ruiz, lay-up before the buzzer sounded. “Whatever college Julia The nominees are: Taismary Ricardo Santos, Clay Stanley, Leominster outscored decides to attend and play basket- Aguero, Dr. Rolf Andresen, Sergey Tetyuhkhin, Logan Tom, Quabbin,11-4, during the second ball, she’ll most likely be a starter Manuela Benelli, Gianfranco Fernanda Venturini, and Elaine quarter and were only trailing by her junior season,” Barringer Briani, Julius Brink and Jonas Youngs. 18-13 at halftime. said. “She’s going to be a much “Leominster played a man better basketball player in college defense when we faced them ear- because of the coaching and the lier in the season,” Barringer said. competition she’s going to face at April 15 for the Thompson “I was surprised when they came that level.” RACING, continued from page 7 300. More information about out in a zone defense against us in With 6:15 left in regulation the series will be released the finals. They switched back to a Doyle drained a 3-pointer from Wednesday events will pay throughout the season. man defense in the second quarter, the left corner extending the a minimum of $5,000 to win; Thompson Speedway which gave us a lot of trouble.” Panthers lead to 41-27. meanwhile, the Icebreaker and opens its 82nd season with the The Panthers took 17-13 lead Leominster (6-6) couldn’t get Thompson 300 have guaran- 46th Icebreaker on Saturday, thanks to another 3-pointer from any closer than six points the rest teed top prizes of $10,000 and April 10 and Sunday, April Gillon with 1:20 left in the half. of the way. $20,000, respectively. All told, 11. The Icebreaker 125 is part “Every single time that we’ve The other members of the more than $250,000 in purse of a nine-division that also needed a 3-pointer this sea- Quabbin girls’ varsity basketball money will be posted at these includes all of Thompson’s son, Jordyn has made it for us,” team are junior Hannah Dowd, six races. local divisions plus the Pro Barringer said. “She hardly ever junior Jorji LaViolette, junior The Icebreaker 125 and All Stars Series Super Late misses that shot. Madison Leroux, junior Lauren Thompson 300 entry forms, Models, NEMA Lites, and 39. Series of ridges in 4. Large nests 34. Type of saying CLUES ACROSS Doyle also made a free throw Olson, and junior Olivia Ure. along with the rules for the EXIT Realty Pro Truck 1. Ancient Persian city anatomy 5. Soviet “Second 35. For cigars making the halftime score 18-13. The assistant coaches were Outlaw Open Modified Series, Challenge. 5. Spindles 40. Hebrew leader Symphony” composer 36. Phil __, former CIA The Panthers, who held the Chris Novek, and Brian Smith. have been posted at www.act- The full event schedule and 11. Stake 43. A portent of good 6. Joins two pipes of 37. Local area network lead throughout the third quarter, With eleven returning varsity ticketing info will be announced 12. Retrain or evil different diameter 38. Gym class pretty much put the game away players, the Panthers will be look- fieds(link is external). The ear- in the coming weeks. All local 16. Close by 44. Supreme goddess 7. Exist 40. Philippine Island with an impressive 8-0 run at the ing to have another winning sea- ly-entry deadlines are March and state health and safety 17. Commercial 45. Gelatinous substance 8. Overdose 41. Not great or bad start of the fourth quarter. son during the 2021-22 campaign. 15 for the Icebreaker 125 and guidelines are in effect. 18. One who publicly 49. Engage in a contest 9. Pleat of fabric 42. Eastern part of NY announces 50. Famed ballplayer Ruth 10. Predict the future state 19. American ballplayer 51. Pledge 13. Burgeoning technology 44. Gov’t lawyers The 45 players on the side- There will be more time to A few athletic directors have 24. Junior’s father 53. -__, denotes past 14. Having made a valid 45. Constructions FOOTBALL, continued from page 7 line will be required to have face account for the need for play- already said traditional Friday 25. Go up or climb 54. Revival will 46. Former British gold coverings at all time and must be ers to have water breaks and night football is unlikely to 26. Concern 56. Spanish surname 15. Having no fixed course coin sidelines. socially distant from one another. catch their breath. Timeouts are occur during the Fall 2 season 27. When you hope to 58. Gold 20. __ route 47. Unkeyed In many high school games, The coin toss, which usually extended to two minutes long. due to the colder temperatures. get there 59. Elsa’s sister 21. Lethal dose 48. Rechristen players are injured and unable to features multiple captains going Intermissions between quarters Right now, nighttime tem- 28. Iacocca and Oswald 60. Workplace 22. Indian musical pattern 50. Threaten persistently play, often wear their jerseys to to midfield, will only feature one will also be longer. Water breaks peratures are consistently in are two 63. Large quantity of of notes 51. Southeast the field and are on the sidelines player from coach team and the will also be instituted around the the 30’s, unlike the normal fall 29. Plant of the lily something 23. Athlete 52. Cools your home to cheer on teammates. Those referee. six-minute mark of each quar- season where it is still much family 64. Engraved 27. Geological times 54. Removes the leaves players will not be allowed in the During games, when the ter, though referees can declare warmer until November. 30. Male college 65. Discount 29. Atomic #21 55. Regretted Fall 2 season in order to limit the action gets intense, players and a water break around that time Thursday, Friday, and organization 30. In support of 57. Thus number of people on the side- coaches will often crowd the during a change of possession. Saturday afternoon games are 31. National capital CLUES DOWN 31. Brew 61. Relief organization lines of games. Only 45 players sideline. This will not be allowed A schedule for the football likely in order for players to 33. Raccoonlike animal 1. Shoe 32. Certificate of (abbr.) and a maximum of six coaches and will be strictly enforced. season has yet to be released, be able to play some of the 34. Symbols of fertility 2. Disquiet insurance 62. Exclamation of will be allowed on the sidelines Referees are being instructed to though it has already been deter- games in the sun and slightly 38. Astronomy unit 3. Posture 33. Taxi surprise along with other game person- assess penalties if warnings to be mined there will be no tourna- warmer temperatures. The Fall nel, like officials, the chain gang, at least two yards away from the ment. The same has applied to 2 season will be continuing ANSWERS ON PAGE 10 and athletic trainers. sideline are not adhered to. the fall and winter seasons. into April. February 25, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 9 Church News Obituaries Richard William Bechan, 89 Local pastors offer sermons OAKHAM – Richard William Christian Doctrine teacher and choir Bechan, 89, died peacefully at member. He served his town as a vol- When God says ‘Yes’ priest was sitting on his chair by of need. derness for forty days and forty Rose Monahan Hospice on Feb. unteer firefighter and police officer, the doorpost of the Lord’s house. Thank you for taking the time nights, where He fasted and spent 21, 2021. He leaves his wife of 56 chairman of the finance committee, Last week we introduced 10 In her deep anguish Hannah to read this publication. Feel free time with God. He was filled with years Barbara (Bucinskas) Bechan, building inspector and school commit- the following principle: “God prayed to the Lord, weeping bit- to check us out online at www. the Spirit of God to withstand the his daughters Ann of Wells, Maine, tee building member. answers every prayer with no, yes terly. 11 And she made a vow, or visit us in dangers of wilderness life, as well Cathleen of Stamford, Connecticut Not only was Oakham the focus or not yet.” Having addressed the saying, “Lord Almighty, if you person each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. as the temptations by Satan. In and Betsy Stern, along with her hus- of his civic duty but also of many fun negative response of the Lord in a will only look on your servant’s (COVID-19 protocols are present- Mark we read that He was with band Simon, of Louisville, Kentucky times with friends. Dick enjoyed tend- previous edition, let us now turn misery and remember me, and not ed on the aforementioned web- the wild animals, or wild beasts, and his grandchildren Maggie and ing his vegetable garden and caring for our attention to His divine “yes.” forget your servant but give her site). We hope to see you soon! meaning it was not just barren, Will Stern. He also leaves his sisters his woodlands and farm animals. He 1) A Sampling of Scripture a son, then I will give him to the Pastor James Foley but rough and dangerous. Mildred Jacques, Phyllis Phoenix was an avid tennis player and skier, Scripture continually presents Lord for all the days of his life, New Life Assembly of God The wilderness of Judea where and Valena Fontaine and sisters-in- serving on the ski patrol and enjoy- God as the One who both hears and no razor will ever be used on South Barre Jesus was driven to, lies between law Ruth Dowgielewicz (Francis) and ing trips to mountains throughout and answers prayer. Note the fol- his head.” the Dead Sea and the Hebron Christine Parmentier (Christopher); New England with friends and fam- lowing excerpts: 12 As she kept on praying to Mountains, west of the Jordan nieces Lynda Simeone, Ann Salminen, ily. He loved cooking, making many Matthew 7:7-8 the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. First Sunday River, where John the Baptist was Beth Sisco, Brenda Phoenix, Michele Czech specialties, hearty entrees and 7 “Ask and it will be given 13 Hannah was praying in her of Lent living and preaching, according Riley, Diane Dowgielewicz and Sarah his famous oatmeal cookies. He and to you; seek and you will find; heart, and her lips were moving “The Spirit sent Him out to Matthew 3v 5-6, and where Parmentier; nephews Ed Salminen, Al Barbara were accomplished and enthu- knock and the door will be but her voice was not heard. Eli he was performing His baptisms. and Brian Jacques, Bob Phoenix, Bob siastic dancers, making many friends opened to you. 8 For everyone thought she was drunk 14 and into the desert!” The Judean Wilderness is known Fontaine, Joe Dowgielewicz and Nick and memories at Sovittaja Park, SAC who asks receives; the one who said to her, “How long are you Our services can be found on for its rugged landscape of moun- Parmentier; many cousins and his very Park and other gathering spots. They seeks finds; and to the one who going to stay drunk? Put away our website at www.barrechurch. tain cliffs and hills, which provid- generous neighbors of Bechan Road also traveled frequently to Louisville knocks, the door will be opened.” your wine.” com and Facebook page. ed a refuge and hiding place for and East Hill. to spend time with their grandchildren. 1 Peter 3:12a 15 “Not so, my lord,” Hannah Scripture Reading: Mark 1 those seeking solitude and isola- He was predeceased by his parents Funeral services will be private, 12 For the eyes of the Lord are replied, “I am a woman who is verses 9-15 tion. William and Anna (Stehlik) Bechan, with a celebration of life to be held at on the righteous deeply troubled. I have not been I. Introduction: Jesus’ forty days and nights sister Frances Salminen, brothers-in- a later date. In lieu of flowers, take a and his ears are attentive to drinking wine or beer; I was The Webster dictionary remind us of the sojourn that law, William Salminen, Al Jacques, moment to carry out a good deed for a their prayer . . . pouring out my soul to the Lord. describes the term wilderness as Moses took on Mount Sinai when Bob Phoenix and Al Fontaine and neighbor or stranger as Dick so often 1 John 5:14-15 16 Do not take your servant for a “a region uncultivated and unin- he received the tablets of the Law. nephews Rick Salminen and Bill did, or send a donation to the Oakham 14 This is the confidence we wicked woman; I have been pray- habited by human beings” and The story of the Israelites and Phoenix. Council on Aging, 2 Coldbrook have in approaching God: that if ing here out of my great anguish also, an “area essentially undis- their travels through the desert Dick was born at his family home- Road, Unit 6, Oakham, MA 01068. we ask anything according to his and grief.” turbed by human …” For most of after going through the Red Sea, stead on Bechan Road in 1932. He Arrangements are under the care of will, he hears us. 15 And if we 17 Eli answered, “Go in peace, us it would be a huge challenge to talks about their suffering from attended Barre High School and Pillsbury Funeral Home, 44 Gilbert know that he hears us-whatev- and may the God of Israel grant spend more than a few days in a hunger, because there was no UMass Amherst. He worked briefly St., North Brookfield, MA. er we ask-we know that we have you what you have asked of him.” wilderness area, because we have food, from thirst, because there in home building before becoming a what we asked of him. 18 She said, “May your ser- grown accustomed to the com- was no water. The wilderness was master mechanic for road construc- 2) A Scriptural Illustration vant find favor in your eyes.” forts of our homes, and perhaps also known as “the wilderness tion projects in New England and DEATH NOTICE Perhaps my favorite illustra- Then she went her way and ate the only time we would enjoy of the wanderings.”Their time New York. He was a proud member tion of the “yes” of God is that something, and her face was no being in areas of simplicity and in the wilderness was a time of of Local 98, International Union of Bechan, Richard William of the biblical figure, Hannah. longer downcast. isolation with little or no ameni- testing according to Deuteronomy Operating Engineers. Dick was Died: Feb. 21, 2021 Her story is most worthy of care- It is at this point in the story of ties, is when we go camping in 8 v 2. Jesus’ responses to Satan a member of St. Joseph’s Parish in Services will be private ful review and reflection! Let us her life that God chose to under- the woods, or escaping into the were all spoken by Moses in North Brookfield, serving as lector, journey through said story, as take for Hannah, having heard her mountains during our vacations. Deuteronomy. His wilderness it is recorded in the Book of 1 request: Life in the wilderness or desert experience therefore is consistent Samuel. Hannah is introduced to 1 Samuel 1:19-20 would therefore be an unfamiliar with the wilderness experiences us in the following manner: 19 Early the next morning experience for many of us. The of Moses and Elijah, even though Tri-Parish Community Church news 1 Samuel 1:1-2 they arose and worshiped before the Judean wilderness we read, pandemic certainly has thrown us NEW BRAINTREE – For those Besides preaching, Rev. Fitzgibbons There was a certain man from the Lord and then went back to does have rivers flowing through into our own spaces of isolation, of you who could not make it to the is assisting the Tri-Parish on possibly Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the their home at Ramah. Elkanah it, and therefore Jesus could have where we for months now, have Tri-Parish Community Church service finding a part-time pastor – anyone hill country of Ephraim, whose made love to his wife Hannah, drunk some water. It is not clear not enjoyed the company of our at the New Braintree Congregational interested! name was Elkanah son of and the Lord remembered her. 20 according to the Gospels, whether loved ones outside of our own Church on Sunday, Feb. 21, guest pas- Another possible Zoom church Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the So in the course of time Hannah He did during His fasting. homes freely. tor Rev. Kathleen Fitzgibbons brought meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an became pregnant and gave Jesus was in isolation to be Our text refers to a wilder- an enjoyable and thought-provoking March 4. Anyone wishing to partici- Ephraimite. 2 He had two wives; birth to a son. She named him connected to God in prayer, and ness and desert area where Jesus sermon on Jesus’ childhood. Also, pate should send their contact informa- one was called Hannah and the Samuel [Samuel sounds like the to strengthen His soul for what would have been sent to be isolat- her children’s story, “Puppies,” went tion to [email protected]. other Peninnah. Peninnah had Hebrew for heard by God] say- is to come. Jesus’ presence in ed for forty days and nights. Let over well with both the young and the The Feb. 28, 10 a.m. Tri-Parish children, but Hannah had none. ing, “Because I asked the Lord the wilderness reveals the work us explore that further. “young at heart.” It was also great to Community Church service will be We come to understand from for him.” of God in and through Him, and II. Background in the Gospels have the piano alive with church music led by Deacon Ginny Rich at the New these remarks that Hannah was 3) Summations and His struggle against the forces of Mark’s account of the by Holly Bartelmann. At the Zoom Braintree congregational Church. one of two wives of Elkanah. Applications darkness, where His obedience to Temptation of Jesus in the wil- Feb. 18 church meeting it was sug- Masks and social distancing required. Note that polygamy was quite What we have just read is one God is tested in the face of adver- derness is quite different from gested that if COVID-19 ever allows, Everyone is invited. Pastor Kathleen common in antiquity. We also of the most vivid accounts of sity. He was hungry and could that of Matthew and Luke. The it would be nice to start a children’s Fitzgibbons will speak the next come to understand that Hannah God’s intervention in the whole have used His powers to turn latter two gospels describe how choir. Anyone interested should call Sunday, March 7 – same place, same had no children (being barren as of Scripture. Consider how this those stones into bread, but He Jesus was tempted by Satan to the church office at 508-867-3306. time. we shall soon discover). Words divine “yes” must have changed turn stone into bread, to jump did not, because He did not need cannot adequately describe the the life of Hannah-Hannah who from the pinnacle of the temple, bread to have life. His Sonship angst she must have felt being had spent so many years without brought to a high mountain where would be proven by withstand- childless in a generation wherein child and tormented by a bitter He was shown all the Kingdoms ing the temptations and staying Barre Gazette the infertile were deemed outcast rival Her life became a testimony of the world, which Satan would strong in God and proclaiming NOTICE and cursed by God. Her anguish of what the Lord can do on the give to Him if He were to bow God on High as the only God He ERRORS: Each advertis- Obituary Policy and sense of isolation were ampli- behalf of those who look to Him. down to him and worship him. would worship and rely on. He er is requested to check fied by both the passage of time Not only did this divine “yes” These temptations refer to the was sent into the wilderness in Turley Publications offers two types of and the provocation of the cal- their advertisement the change the life of Hannah, but practices of the wonder workers preparation for His life and minis- obituaries. lous, Peninnah: first time it appears. it changed the trajectory of the during the time of Jesus, such as try, the gathering of His disciples, One is a free, brief Death Notice listing 1 Samuel 1:3-8 nation of Israel. You see, God His teachings, and the miracles This paper will not be Simon Magus, who had the abil- the name of deceased, date of death and funeral 3 Year after year this man did something incredible here- ity to turn stones into bread, and He performed, and revealing to responsible for more went up from his town to wor- in (as you come to read the rest the world His identity as the Son date and place. could fly. In Mark we only read a than one corrected in- The other is a Paid Obituary, costing $100, ship and sacrifice to the Lord of the story). Not only did He summary of Jesus being sent into of God. All this would prepare Almighty at Shiloh, where respond affirmatively to the plea Him for His suffering and death sertion, nor will be li- which allows families to publish extended death the desert for 40 days and being notice information of their own choice and may Hophni and Phinehas, the two of Hannah, but in her child, He tempted by Satan. These are quite on the cross later on. able for any error in include a photograph. Death Notices & Paid sons of Eli, were priests of the would provide a mighty prophet different descriptions, but with IV. Conclusion: an advertisement to a Lord. 4 Whenever the day came and leader for His people. Her one purpose in mind, to describe Lent is therefore a time of greater extent than the Obituaries should be submitted through a for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would son, Samuel, would go on to spiritual isolation, where the funeral home to: [email protected]. what Jesus went through during cost of the space occu- give portions of the meat to his become a preeminent figure in His time of isolation and prayer. church in the world creates spac- wife Peninnah and to all her sons biblical history. He would change es to listen to the voice of God. pied by the item in the Exceptions will be made only when the family We read how H refused those provides a death certificate and must be pre-paid. and daughters. 5 But to Hannah the course of the nation, serve requests from Satan, by saying, During this period of forty days, advertisement. he gave a double portion because the Lord mightily, and play a key “Away from me, Satan, for it is and nights, we too have theoppor- he loved her and the Lord had role in the crowning of the great- written: Worship tunity to find our own wilderness closed her womb. 6 Because the est of all the kings of Israel-king the Lord your God and spaces, spaces of isolation, not 100 Worcester Road Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, 1158 Main Street David… serve Him only.” According the kind that thepandemic has put Holden Sterling her rival kept provoking her in Yet it all began with God say- us in, but the spaces we create for to J.J Porter in his book, “The 508.829.4434 978.422.0100 order to irritate her. 7 This went ing “yes” to the prayer of His Illustrated Guide to the Bible” ourselves where we spend time on year after year. Whenever daughter, Hannah. the Messiah “will not use His with God, in a disciplined way, Hannah went up to the house of Perhaps you are calling upon powers for self-preservation or allowing the Spirit of God to fill 800-983-4434 the Lord, her rival provoked her the Lord for some personal need. world dominion. His work can us, nourish us, strengthen us for till she wept and would not eat. Perhaps, like Hannah, you have only be accomplished through the our own journeys. It is for many 8 Her husband Elkanah would prayed time and again (seem- Passion, death and Resurrection.” a time to give up something, or say to her, “Hannah, why are ingly without result). I would He was committed to His change a behavior perhaps, but it you weeping? Why don’t you call you to seek Him afresh and call and purpose, even though it is important to understand that it eat? Why are you downhearted? anew! Certainly, the Lord does brought Him much suffering. is a time of spiritual discipline, a Don’t I mean more to you than say “no” at times for your bene- One important point to make, humbling experience where we ten sons?” fit. However, there are moments is the fact that Jesus’s temptation are spiritually isolated, spending Though Hannah had an obvi- when He also says “yes” for was preceded by His baptism by time with God, studying God’s ously adoring husband, she could your good and the good of those John the Baptist, where He was word, listening to God’s voice, Funeral Homes not dismiss the longing of her around you. If God could answer and withstanding the forces of filled with the Spirit of God, so Honoring Lives ~ Celebrating Memories heart. She wanted a child of her and work through the prayer of He would withstand the forces darkness around us. It is a time own, so she called upon God in Hannah to achieve eternal result, of evil and would be protected to develop our faith and trust in prayer. One can only imagine why not your prayer? Why not by and tended by God’s angels, God, so we can carry on with Family Owned and Operated how many times this poor woman now? After all, “Jesus Christ is while those temptations were hope for the future. had prayed so, but things were the same yesterday and today and going on. It is about the struggle May this period of Lent be a Richard Mansfield Ricky Mansfield Director about to change for her in a big forever” (Heb. 13:8). between the forces of good and blessing for all of us. Director Nationally recognized as a way. Note the following selection: Hebrews 4:16 evil. Amen. Selected Independent Funeral Home 1 Samuel 1:9-18 16 Let us then approach God’s III. He was sent into the wil- Pastor Margaret Keyser with the highest ethical and 9 Once when they had finished throne of grace with confidence, Barre Congregational professional standards. derness for forty days and forty BBB Award Recipient eating and drinking in Shiloh, so that we may receive mercy and nights. Church Hannah stood up. Now Eli the find grace to help us in our time Jesus was in the desert, or wil-

is a leader in the NFHS/USA Field Citation. Her commitment, dedi- According to MIAA Executive BUSINESS MIAA, Hockey Advocacy Group, and cation and tireless work ethic on Director Bill Gaine, “Sherry continued from page 7 Turley Publications is liberal with regard to its business coverage polices, but we do have some standards has been appointed to the NFHS the local, state and national levels Bryant’s 30-year service to the folks need to understand. First, local businesses and merchants are just as much institutions in our towns as Committee, MIAA Blue Ribbon Strategic Planning Committee. on behalf of our student-athletes, MIAA membership as well as the library and schools. Without them, there are no towns. Committee on Gender Equity, MIAA member, Field Hockey athletic directors and coaches being a key Senior Executive We will feature coverage of local businesses that are new, have a major expansion, moving, closing, the MIAA Covid-19 Task Force, Committee Chair, Coach and is beyond reproach. I have the teammate has been outstanding. I under new management or ownership, celebrating a milestone anniversary, or have been thrust into the and MIAA Women and Girls retired Rockport High School utmost respect and admiration am very pleased her contributions news realm. Merchants can request that coverage through the editor, or for our existing advertising clients, Leadership initiatives. At the Athletic Director Mary Ryan for all that she does in the quest to our NFHS Section 1 colleagues through their ad representatives. national level, she has served two stated, “Sherry is hands-down of Educational Athletics. I have and NFHS Association have been For more information on business coverage for the Barre Gazette, please email [email protected]. terms on the NFHS Field Hockey the professional and so been so fortunate to call her my recognized and will be celebrat- Committee most recently as chair, deserving of the NFHS Section 1 colleague and friend.” ed.” Page 10 • Barre Gazette • February 25, 2021 Public Safety

Barre Police Log Rutland Police Log

Monday, Feb. 15 Wednesday, Feb. 17 was Reasonable and Proper c90 §17 Sunday, Feb. 14 7:10 p.m. Assist Other Police 3:50 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 5:41 p.m. Falls Grandview Terrace 11:38 a.m. Sick/Unknown Circle 12:55 p.m. Fraud/Forgery Valley 7:30 a.m. Prowler/Trespasser Department Hubbardston — Arrest(s) Pleasantdale Road — Citation Issued – Ambulance Signed Refusal Road – Ambulance Signed Refusal Road – Information Given Hillside Road — Officer Spoke to Party Made 10:48 p.m. Missing Person Johnson 6:58 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 4:18 p.m. Power Lines/Wires Down 5:08 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 11:32 a.m. Sick/Unknown Maple Way — Located/Found Street – Vehicle Towed Elm Street North – Removed Hazard Worcester Road – Citation Issued Avenue — Transported to Hospital Wednesday, Feb. 17 Summons: Thomas L. Wilkes, 31, 5:29 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 6:46 p.m. Assault and Battery Clem 10:26 p.m. Sick/Unknown Central 8:12 a.m. Fire Alarm Activation Saturday, Feb. 20 Gilbertville Worcester Road – Citation Issued Court – Investigated Tree Road — Public Assist Maple Avenue — Investigated 10:21 a.m. Sick/Unknown Barre Uninsured Motor Vehicle; Stop/ 10:18 a.m. Sick/Unknown Main Paxton Road — Transported to Hospital Yield, Fail To; Registration Not in Thursday, Feb. 18 Friday, Feb. 19 Monday, Feb. 15 Street — Transported to Hospital 11:45 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main Possession 8:25 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ 4:55 a.m. Sick/Unknown Main 6:44 a.m. Falls Barre Paxton Road 3:25 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Barre Street — Arrest(s) Made Fire South Street – Criminal Complaint Street – Transported to Hospital — Transported to Hospital Paxton Road — Vehicle Towed Arrest: Dennis W. Lackey, 46, Tuesday, Feb. 16 Summons: Luis D. Geraldo 5:28 p.m. Sick/Unknown Skelly 7:49 a.m. Abdominal/Back Pain Summons: Ethan E. Simonovitch, Gardner 10 a.m. Suspicious Package/Letter Ramirez, 23, New Britain, CT Road – Referred to Other Agency North Brookfield Road — Transported 23, Spencer License Suspended, Operate Motor Worcester Road – Report Filed Negligent Operation of Motor 8:20 p.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ to Hospital License Suspended, Operate Motor Vehicle With, Subsequent Offense 9:15 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Vehicle; Marked Lanes Violation; Fire Almon Thrasher Road – No 10:52 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Vehicle With; Number Plate Violation to 5:25 p.m. Fraud/Forgery Ridge Road Barre Road – Citation Issued Speeding Rate of Speed Greater Than Transport Required Fisherman’s Road — Vehicle Towed Conceal ID; Unregistered Motor Vehicle — Report Filed 7:07 p.m. Safety Concern 5:37 p.m. Sick/Unknown Main Street Pommogussett Road — Officer Spoke Thursday, Feb. 18 — Ambulance Signed Refusal to Party 3:24 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 8:38 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Street — Arrest(s) Made Pleasantdale Road — Vehicle Towed Tuesday, Feb. 16 Arrest: Heather M. Jenkins, 30, Summons: Monica A. Twarog, 24, Hubbardston Police Log 6:39 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Rutland Wolcott, CT Fire Pommogussett Road — Ambulance Warrant Unlicensed Operation of Motor Signed Refusal 3:49 p.m. Fraud/Forgery Vehicle; Lights Violation, Motor Vehicle; 7:50 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Pommogussett Road — Information Speeding Rate of Speed Exceeding Sunday, Feb. 14 Hubbardston Road – Officer Spoke to Party Fire East County Road — Vehicle Given Posted Limit 2:04 p.m. Arrest Root Road – Leave Scene of Property Damage; 3:36 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Towed 7:18 p.m. Falls Main Street — Arrest(s) Made Inspection/Sticker, No Gardner Road – Criminal Complaint 7:52 a.m. Falls Dakota Trail Referred Ambulance Signed Refusal Sunday, Feb. 21 Arrest: Fred R. Bard, 47, Gardner 6:42 p.m. Erratic Operator Hale Summons: Rey L. Morales, 25, to Other Agency 2:23 a.m. Erratic Operator Maple Warrant Road – Report Filed Winchendon 8:27 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Friday, Feb. 19 Avenue — Written Warning Summons: Fred R. Bard, 47, Unlicensed Operation of Motor Fire Worcester Road — Transported to 1:06 p.m. Suspicious Activity Peters 3:17 a.m. Harassment Maple Gardner Tuesday, Feb. 16 Vehicle Hospital Avenue — Officer Spoke to Party Avenue — Officer Spoke to Party License Suspended, Operate Motor 9:32 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Vehicle With Fire Old Princeton Road – Report Filed Friday, Feb. 19 4:41 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 1:24 p.m. Identity Theft High Bridge 8:42 a.m. Motor Vehicle Accident Gardner Road – Criminal Complaint Road – Officer Advised Gardner Road – Vehicle Removed Summons: Summer L. Brooks, 22, 11:43 a.m. Property Damage Barre Fitchburg Thursday, Feb. 18 Road – Officer Advised Uninsured Motor Vehicle; 12:19 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 8:50 a.m. Motor Vehicle Disabled Public Notices Registration Revoked, Operate Motor Street – Criminal Complaint Williamsville Road – Vehicle Towed Vehicle With Summons: David R. Crino, 25, Summons: Rimiro Lopez-Gualpa, 4:49 p.m. Motor Vehicle Collision Hubbardston 46, Springfield Town of Barre ee for CSMC 2018-RPL6 to give Massachusetts to-curb width to 14’ and an Hit and Run Main Street – Criminal License Suspended, Operate Motor Unlicensed Operation of Motor HEARING NOTICE Trustclaiming to have an Electric Company d/b/a architecturally styled con- Complaint Vehicle With Vehicle Conduit Petition interest in a Mortgage NATIONAL GRID and crete bridge railing system Summons: Judith A. Lacroiox, 63, 11:58 a.m. Fraud/Forgery Halfrey Under the provisions covering real proper- Verizon New England, Inc. will be located along both of the General Laws of ty in Oakham, numbered permission to install (8) sides of the bridge with a Massachusetts, Chapter 453 South Road, given JO poles on Barre Depot steel highway guard rail- 166, and any additions by Stanley L. Gutowski Rd., remove (8) JO poles ing located on both sides of Oakham Police Log or amendments thereto, and Julia R. Gutowski on Bare Depot Rd., relo- both approaches. The road- please be advised that at to Mortgage Electronic cate (2) JO poles on Barre way will be raised approx- their meeting of Monday, Registration Systems, Depot Rd. beginning at a imately 2’ to provide for Sunday, Feb. 14 Tuesday, Feb. 16 8:04 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop North March 15, 2021 at 6:45pm Inc., as mortgagee, acting point approximately 1200 hydraulic clearances which 8:59 a.m. Suspicious Activity Old 8:27 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Brookfield Road – Citation Issued held either at the Henry solely as a nominee for feet south east of the cen- will require approximately Turnpike Road – Officer Spoke to Party Fire Worcester Road – Transported to Woods Building, 40 West Virtualbank, a Division terline of the intersection 200’ of roadway improve- Hospital Sunday, Feb. 21 Street, or alternatively vir- of Lydian Private Bank, of Vernon Ave. and Barre ments along both sides of Monday, Feb. 15 9:43 a.m. Suspicious Person/ 12:51 a.m. Welfare Check tually on the Zoom plat- dated February 3, 2006, Depot Rd. and continuing the bridge. 7:49 a.m. Abdominal/Back Pain Vehicle North Brookfield Road – Officer Tomlinson Road – Officer Spoke to North Brookfield Road – Transported Spoke to Party Party form, login information and recorded in Worcester approximately 1488 feet in A secure right-of-way is to Hospital 5:49 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop can be found on mytown- County (Worcester District) a south direction. National necessary for this project. Worcester Road – Citation Issued, the Registry of Deeds in Book Grid relocating poles along Acquisitions in fee and per- Barre Board of Selectmen 38407, Page 7, and now Barre Depot Rd., Barre, manent or temporary ease- will consider a request held by the Plaintiff by MA. If you have any ques- ments may be required. The to give Massachusetts assignment, has/have filed tions you can contact the Towns of Hardwick and Electric Company d/b/a with this court a com- Select Board’s Office at New Braintree towns are Hardwick Police Log NATIONAL GRID and plaint for determination of (978) 355-2504 x 135. responsible for acquiring all Verizon New England, Inc. Defendant's/Defendants' For the Board of needed rights in private or Respectfully rep- Servicemembers status. Selectmen public lands. MassDOT’s For the week of Feb. 8-22, the Church Lane – Transported to Hospital to Hospital Hardwick/New Braintree Police 9:53 p.m. Phone – Fire Alarm Old 9:01 a.m. Phone – Safety Hazard resents the Massachusetts If you now are, or Sandra Hood policy concerning land Department conducted 211 building/ Petersham Road – Services Rendered Petersham Road – Dispatch Handled Electric Company d/b/a recently have been, in the Administrative Assistant acquisitions will be present- property checks, 15 emergency 911 5:25 p.m. 911 – Scam Highland NATIONAL GRID active military service 02/25, 03/04/2021 ed in the hearing. calls, 20 radar assignments, 44 direct- Friday, Feb. 12 Terrace – Officer Handled of North Andover, of the United States of Written statements and ed/area patrols, 3 motor vehicle acci- 8:23 a.m. 911 – Medical Emergency Massachusetts, that it America, then you may be Community Outreach other exhibits regarding the dents, 1 identity theft, 1 trespass, 2 Main Street – Transported to Hospital Thursday, Feb. 18 desires to construct a line entitled to the benefits of Meeting proposed undertaking are scams, 1 safety hazard, 3 complaints, 7:06 a.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle of underground electric the Servicemembers Civil to be submitted to Patricia 4 animal calls, 19 traffic controls and Saturday, Feb. 13 Stop Lower Road – Written Warning Adroit Manufacturing, 22 motor vehicle stops in the town of 11:55 a.m. 911 – Disturbance 11:26 a.m. 911 – Welfare Check conduits, including the nec- Relief Act. If you object LLC A. Leavenworth, P.E., Hardwick. Upper Church Street – Spoken To Church Lane – Spoken To essary sustaining and pro- to a foreclosure of the Notice is hereby given Chief Engineer, MassDOT, 4:15 p.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle 5:44 p.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle tecting fixtures, under and above-mentioned proper- that a Community Outreach 10 Park Plaza, Boston, Monday, Feb. 8 Stop Barre Road – Written Warning Stop Barre Road – Citation Issued across the public way. ty on that basis, then you Meeting for a proposed MA 02116, Attention: 4:30 p.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle 9:27 p.m. Phone – Fire Alarm The following are or your attorney must file Project Management, File Stop Lower Road – Citation Issued Prospect Street – Services Rendered Friday, Feb. 19 Marijuana Establishment, the streets and highways a written appearance and to be located at 435 Lower No. 608851. Mailed state- 11:06 a.m. Initiated – Identity Theft referred to: 29978299 answer in this court at Three ments and exhibits intended Tuesday, Feb. 9 Sunday, Feb. 14 Sessions Road – Officer Handled Rd. Hardwick MA 01031, 7:32 a.m. Initiated – Suspicious 12:01 p.m. 911 – Medial 1:22 p.m. Phone – Scam Delargy Barre Depot Rd. - Pemberton Square, Boston, is scheduled for Monday, for inclusion in the public Activity Mellon Road – Could Not Emergency Delargy Road – Road – Spoken To Beginning at a point MA 02108 on or before March 15, 2021 at 6 pm. hearing transcript must be Locate Transported to Hospital 4:20 p.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle approximately 2500 feet 4/5/2021 or you may lose We will be hosting a Zoom postmarked no later than 9:49 a.m. 911 Misdial Lower Road 5:37 p.m. Phone – Medical Alarm Stop Lower Road – Citation Issued southeast of the center- the opportunity to chal- meeting. The Zoom infor- ten (10) business days after – Spoken To Hardwick Road – Transported to 5:06 p.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle line of the intersection of lenge the foreclosure on the the hearing is posted to the 9:59 a.m. Phone – Snow Ban/ Hospital Stop Main Street – Arrest(s) Made mation will be posted on Vernon Ave. and Barre ground of noncompliance the town website. Questions MassDOT website listed Parking Violation Main Street – Spoken 6:38 p.m. 911 – Misdial Chagnon Depot Rd. and continuing with the Act. below. Project inquiries may To Road – Services Rendered Saturday, Feb. 20 may be asked in advance, 3:26 p.m. Radio – Motor Vehicle 12:58 p.m. 911 – Complaint Church approximately 230 feet Witness, GORDON H. to be answered at the meet- be emailed to Accident Lower Road – Services Monday, Feb. 15 Lane – Spoken To in a southwest direction; PIPER Chief Justice of this ing, by emailing them to [email protected]. Rendered 8:55 p.m. 911 – Misdial Hardwick 1:46 p.m. 911 – Complaint Church National Grid to install 2 Court on 2/17/2021 admin@townofhardwick. This hearing is accessi- Road – Investigated Lane – Dispatch Handled new manholes, install two Attest: com. ble to people with disabil- Wednesday, Feb. 10 conduits, and install 3-500 Deborah J. Patterson, There will also be an ities. MassDOT provides 1:50 p.m. Phone – Trespass Patrill Tuesday, Feb. 16 Sunday, Feb. 21 CU EPR. Recorder reasonable accommodations Hollow Road – Unknown Outcome 1:21 a.m. Phone – Complaint 9:34 a.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle opportunity for the public 2:05 p.m. 911 – Motor Vehicle Hardwick Road – Dispatch Handled Stop Barre Road – Written Warning For the Board of Selectmen 02/25/2021 to ask questions at the meet- and/or language assistance Accident Turkey Street – Investigated 9:54 a.m. 911 – Medical Emergency Sandra Hood ing. free of charge upon request Wednesday, Feb. 17 Turkey Street – Transported to Hospital Administrative Assistant 02/25/2021 (e.g interpreters in American Thursday, Feb. 11 4:59 a.m. 911 – Motor Vehicle 02/25, 03/04/2021 Town of Barre Sign Language and languag- 1:10 p.m. 911 – Medical Emergency Accident Lower Road – Transported HEARING NOTICE es other than English, live Pole Petition THE captioning, videos, assistive COMMONWEALTH OF Under the provisions COMMONWEALTH OF listening devices and alter- MASSACHUSETTS of the General Laws of MASSACHUSETTS nate material formats), as New Braintree Police Log LAND COURT Massachusetts, Chapter MASSACHUSETTS available. For accommoda- DEPARTMENT OF THE 166, and any additions DEPARTMENT OF tion or language assistance, TRIAL COURT or amendments thereto, TRANSPORTATION – please contact MassDOT’s For the week of Feb. 8-22, the 7:42 a.m. Initiated – Motor Vehicle Rendered Docket No. 21 SM 000193 please be advised that at Chief Diversity and Civil Hardwick/New Braintree Police Accident Barre Road – Report Taken HIGHWAY DIVISION Department conducted 47 building/ 9:58 a.m. 911 – Motor Vehicle Tuesday, Feb. 16 ORDER OF NOTICE their meeting of Monday, NOTICE OF A Rights Officer by phone property checks, 19 radar assign- Accident Gilbertville Road – Vehicle 3:33 p.m. 911 – Assist Citizen TO: Julia R. Gutowski March 15, 2021 at 6:30pm PUBLIC HEARING (857-368-8580), TTD/ ments, 6 motor vehicle stop, 60 direct- Towed Harrington Road – Services Rendered and to all persons enti- held either at the Henry Project File No. 608851 TTY at (857) 266-0603, fax ed/area patrols, 9 traffic controls, 5 tled to the benefit of the Woods Building, 40 West A Virtual Design Public (857) 368-0602 or by email motor vehicle accidents, 3 animal calls Friday, Feb. 12 Wednesday, Feb. 17 Servicemembers Civil Street, or alternatively vir- Hearing will be published (MassDOT.CivilRights@ and 6 emergency 911 calls in the town 7:39 a.m. Phone – Notification 12:44 p.m. 911 – Misdial Utley Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. c. 50 tually on the Zoom plat- Requests of New Braintree. Bernard Whitney Road – Arrest(s) Road – Officer Handled on the MassDOT website Made §3901 (et seq): form, login information below to present the design should be made as soon as Wednesday, Feb. 10 Saturday, Feb. 20 Wilmington Savings can be found on mytown- for the proposed bridge possible prior to the meet- 5 a.m. 911 – Motor Vehicle Sunday, Feb. 14 3:20 p.m. 911 – Motor Vehicle Fund Society, FSB, not, the replacement project on ing, and for more difficult Accident Barre Road – Transported to 12:37 a.m. 911 – Motor Vehicle Accident Barre Road – Transported to in its individual capacity, Barre Board of Selectmen Creamery Road Over Ware to arrange services includ- Hospital Accident Utley Road – Services Hospital but solely as owner trust- will consider a request River in Hardwick and New ing sign-language, CART Braintree, MA. or language translation or WHEN: interpretation, requests Thursday, March 4, 2021 should be made at least ten PURPOSE: The pur- business days before the pose of this hearing is to hearing. Support the Public Notices provide the public with This Virtual Design the opportunity to become Public Hearing or a can- local businesses ARE NOW ONLINE fully acquainted with the cellation announcement will proposed bridge replace- be posted on the internet that support your Email all notices to [email protected] ment project. All views and at 1 comments submitted in dot-highway-design-pub- Access archives and digital tear sheets by response to the hearing will lic-hearings. local newspaper. JONATHAN GULLIVER, newspaper title. be reviewed and considered 2 to the maximum extent pos- HIGHWAY Let them know you Find a quick link to the state of Massachusetts’ sible. ADMINISTRATOR public notice web site to search all notices in PROPOSAL: This pro- PATRICIA A. saw their ad in the 3 Massachusetts newspapers. posed bridge project con- LEAVENWORTH, P.E., sists of a 100’ long single CHIEF ENGINEER Public notice deadlines are Mondays at noon, span bridge. The bridge 02/18, 02/25/2021 Barre Gazette Fridays noon for Monday holidays. will increase the total curb- visit February 25, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 11



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Reach PLUMBING ALL REAL ESTATE advertised Fresh cut & split $160.00 INVENTORS- FREE INFOR- Selling? Seasoned cut & split $200.00 4 million potential readers quickly and herein is subject to the Federal Fair MATION PACKAGE Have your CHAMPAGNE ELECTRICAL LINC’S PLUMBING All hardwood. inexpensively with great results. Use Our Housing Act, which makes it illegal to product idea developed affordably by CONTRACTORS Service changes/ LIC. #J27222 Tree length available the Buy New England Classified Ad advertise “any preference, limitation, the Research & Development pros 2*******A & B HOUSEHOLD upgrades, generators, phone/data wir- “New Season” *Also have seasoned softwood for Network by calling (413)283-8393, Classifieds or discrimination because of race, col- and presented to manufacturers. Call REMOVAL SERVICE******* ing, smoke detectors. Insured. Credit “New Projects” outdoor boilers (Cheap). Quality & vol- [email protected]. 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Valley Medical familial status (number of children and Group, a multi-specialty group serving or pregnancy), national origin, ancestry, 9 10 11 12 over 55,000 patients is currently hiring age, marital status, or any intention to for a Family Practice RN, Family Prac- make any such preference, limitation or tice LPN, Family Practice Medical As- discrimination. sistant, GI Technician, Infection Con- This newspaper will not knowingly accept 13 14 15 16 trol RN and per diem Covid Vaccine any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby RN for positions in our Amherst office! informed that all dwellings advertising in To view more details about our open- this newspaper are available on an equal ings and to apply online, please visit Base Price opportunity basis. To complain about 17 18 19 20 $26.00 Come Join discrimination call The Department of Our Team!! Housing and Urban Development “ HUD” Suburban toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the N.E. PART-TIME IN HOME CAREGIV- area, call HUD at 617-565-5308. The toll 21 Base Price 22 Base Price 23 Base Price 24 Base Price Residential ER Palmer area for senior dementia free number for the hearing impaired is $26.50 $27.00 $27.50 $28.00 1-800-927-9275. Circulation: woman. Call 413-544-8356 59,000 25 Base Price 26 Base Price 27 Base Price 28 Base Price PROFESSIONAL $28.50 $29.00 $29.50 $30.00 Hilltowns MEDICAL HOME CARE, LLC Circulation: 9,800 & PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. 29 Base Price 30 Base Price 31 Base Price 32 Base Price Homemakers, PCA’S, CNA’s, Home $30.50 $31.00 $31.50 $32.00 Buy the Quabbin Village Hills or Health Aids. We have offices in Palmer, West Springfield & Stur- the Suburban Residential ZONE bridge. Please call (413)289- 9018. Denise Galarneau EOE 33 Base Price 34 Base Price 35 Base Price 36 Base Price for $26.00 for 20 words plus $32.50 $33.00 $33.50 $34.00 50¢ for each additional word. AGAWAM ADVERTISER NEWS TOWN OF WILBRAHAM, SEA- Add $10 for a second Zone SONAL JOB POSITIONS As- BARRE GAZETTE 37 Base Price 38 Base Price 39 Base Price 40 Base Price sistant Camp Director, & $34.50 $35.00 $35.50 $36.00 or add $15 to run in Softball Umpires, Camp Counselors, COUNTRY JOURNAL Junior Camp Counselors, Lifeguards, ALL THREE ZONES. Waterfront Director. Looking for nu- CHICOPEE REGISTER merous reliable seasonal employees. THE JOURNAL REGISTER First ZONE base price ______Includes For application and more informa- Name: ______Phone: ______additional words tion please visit www.wilbraham-ma. THE LUDLOW REGISTER gov. Application Deadline 03/19/21 at Add a second ZONE ______$10.00 QUABOAG CURRENT Address: ______Run my ad in the 4:30PM. EOE following ZONE(s): Town: ______State:______Zip:______Add a third ZONE ______$5.00 THE SENTINEL Quabbin THE SUN Number of Weeks: ______X per week rate = $______Subtotal ______❏ Classified WILBRAHAM-HAMPDEN TIMES ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Suburban Credit Card: MasterCard VISA Discover Cash Check# ______x Number of Weeks ______❏ Advertising TOWN REMINDER Card #: ______Exp. Date ______CVV ______TOTAL Enclosed ______Hilltowns WARE RIVER NEWS ❏ DEADLINES Amount of charge: ______Date: ______QUABBIN & SUBURBAN FRIDAY AT NOON turleynews OUR CLASSIFIEDS REACH 50 COMMUNITIES EVERY WEEK! HILLTOWNS MONDAY AT NOON TurleyPublications Page 12 • Barre Gazette • February 25, 2021 Worcester Art Musuem presents virtual Flora in Winter WORCESTER – Flora in Winter, flora available for all to enjoy in the Ribeiro, and Kim Cutler. Their team purchase, guests will receive a Michael Levin will lead a guid- space into magnificent floral works the Worcester Art Museum’s win- comfort of their own homes. oversees the event and maintains the “Passport to Virtual Flora” link via ed tour of the Bonsai West nursery, of art. ter floral extravaganza, will be Called “Passport to Virtual Flora” flora designs throughout the four email on the first day of Flora in sharing the history of this famous Minal Akkad gives an intro- offered to the public virtually this the online package will include a days. Flora in Winter is supported in Winter Thursday, Feb. 25 at 10 a.m. bonsai collection, which includes duction to Furoshiki, an ancient year. One of the region’s most tour of all floral arrangements part by the Bernard G. and Louise B. It is on sale now through Sunday, trees over 100 years old. Viewers Japanese art and modern alternative anticipated annual events, Flora in and displays-led by one of Flora’s Palitz Fund and the Spear Fund for Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. and can be pur- watch as an old overgrown juniper is to gift-wrapping. Viewers will learn Winter displays flower arrangements co-chairs-plus a variety of online Public Programs. chased transformed into a refined specimen how to use fabric to design beau- inspired by art in the museum’s programs and demonstrations by flo- “Passport to Virtual Flora” brings Flora in Winter virtual tour bonsai. Topics will include styling, tifully wrapped boxes, bottles and collection and created by top floral ral design and art history experts. the beauty and excitement of Flora of all 24 floral arrangements and transplanting, wiring, seasonal care trendy bags. designers from throughout central “Passport to Virtual Flora” will in Winter to participants anywhere in the Japanese table display in and maintenance. Sally Jablonski, owner of Herbert Massachusetts. be available free for members; $40 the world. This virtual programming McDonough Court, narrated by one Russell Bowers, an Ikebana E. Berg Florist, demonstrates how Due to COVID-related capaci- for nonmembers. Museum mem- package-inspired by the Worcester of the Flora Co-chairs; plus, a bonus Master, demonstrates sever- she uses flowers and other plant ty restrictions this winter, a limited bers will automatically receive a Wedding Kimono, specially com- video tour of the professional flo- al Japanese floral arrangement materials to create a spectacular inter- number of tickets to enjoy Flora in link to the “Passport” package. missioned from Chiso, the revered ral arrangements in the Museum’s styles. Viewers will observe tech- pretation of a piece from WAM’s col- person will be available for muse- Nonmembers can purchase a link to 466-year-old Kyoto-based kimono public spaces, donated by local busi- niques developed over hundreds of lection. Viewers will learn techniques um members only. However, a vir- “Passport” on the museum’s website house and on view at the Museum- nesses, garden clubs, and schools. years, which incorporate aspects for composing an arrangement using tual guided tour of all 24 interpretive at can be enjoyed an unlimited number Interpretation of the Worcester of Japanese culture and aesthet- blossoms, leaves and stems to high- arrangements throughout the muse- This year’s Flora in Winter chair- of times after February 25, 2021. Wedding Kimono with Maureen ics-and learn how to add elements of light the elements of the artwork and um will make the stunning beauty of persons are Kathy Michie, Sarah Following completion of advance Christmas and Andrea Little wabi-sabi, minimalism and negative see the creative process unfold.

Your BUYLINE CONNECTION BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? Just WE CAN HELP YOU!!!!! Listed! OVER 3,000 APPLIANCES ON HAND $210,000 FOR PICK UP OR QUICK DELIVERY!!!! Wales MORE APPLIANCES IN STOCK Call Michelle THAN ANY OTHER STORE!!! Terry Team 508-202-0008 PRESEASON BIKE SALE YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS Snowblowers In Stock! Tubes, Sleds, Toboggans & Ice Skates Michelle Terry Broker/Owner WHITCO TOY & BIKE ® 12 MONTHS 140 Main St., Spencer NAPA AUTO PARTS 0% FINANCING 508-885-9343 EXIT Real Estate Executives Open: Mon. thru Sat. 10am-8pm; Sun. 10am-7pm 130 W. Main Street WARE•WEST BROOKFIELD Spencer, MA 01562 175 West St., Ware 116 Federal St. 117 West Main St., 413-967-5121 • 967-3184 (Rt. 9) Belchertown W. Brookfield • 508-867-9947 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-7; Sat. 8-3; Sun. 9-2 413-323-7661 • 323-9296 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. 8-3; Sun. 9-2 WARE - RANCH $224,900 GIVE US A CALL TODAY! 508-202-0008 Lovely 2 bedroom home in a great location just minutes from the Quabbin Reservoir on a .53 acre lot. 2 bedrooms with a 1full bath and 1/4 WATER FILTRATION Market Your Home with Style bath in the owner’s suite. There are Professional Photography many closets for storage on the main level you will love. This home would 774-200-0225 ABC TV Promotion be great for those just starting out WE'RE LOCAL! Floor Plans - Social Media Ads or someone looking to downsize. One car garage under with a walk-out • NEW INSTALLATIONS • SERVICE PLANS AVAILABLE basement. Mass Save Audit approx 2 years ago, new stainless steel sink Brochures - Postcards - Print Ads & faucet in kitchen, roof approx 15 years new as well as boiler. • SERVICING ALL EQUIPMENT • WELL TANK & PUMP SERVICE Targeted Online Advertising Century 21 Ready to Buy or Sell? Call Me! James Morse - Cell: 774-200-0225 North East 1-978-434-1990 BUYING • SELLING • RELOCATING 109 West St., Ware STEWART & STEWART 45 North Main Street, Belchertown 413-387-8608 Cell/Text: 857-523-0181 [email protected] • [email protected] WHERE EVERYONE GOES FOR Whether you are selling or buying your THEIR PIECE OF THE EARTH! first or forever home, WINTER IS COMING! I am committed to N BULK ROAD SALT • BULK TREATED SALT always being available TAI WASHED WINTER ROAD SAND • SAND/SALT MIX and assisting you FOUN And Sons STOCK UP NOW! Melissa Despres every step of the way. NOWConstruction Company OPENINCORPORATED Construction Stone • Landscaping Stone • Title V Septic Sand • Excavation Complete Site Work • Demo • New Home Construction Preby Sand • Concrete Sand • Stone Dust to Dine-in• Screened Loam, Sand,or Stone, Gravel, Take-out! Septic Sand Crushed Gravel • Crushed Concrete • Cold Patch TING • Trucking • Backhoe, Dozer, Excavator Work LU OU A R S • Water & Sewer Line Repairs & Replacements Screened Loam - Stored in Building Send a Blast of Spring THE WARE RIVERNEW NEWS FALLYOUR MENU BUSINESS ISSTARTS IMPORTANT TOTHIS US! WEEK to someone you love JUST BECAUSE! Michele Lariviere is the Homeowner Friendly • No Minimums owner of Otto Spring is here at Floristis & Gifts.offering our local businesses 177 Brimfield Road, Warren, MA 01083 PICK-UP OR CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR DELIVERY TODAY! Otto Florist anOtto opportunity Florist & Gifts to advertise at aLook reduced rate! for the new breakfast, lunch, and LOCAL WARE –– Otto Florist & Gift s, a long glass that can be given for any occasion. B Gifts time fl ower shop at 104 Main Street, now of- Anything in the shop can be gift -wrapped S fers much, much more. for free. Otto Florist & Gift s off ers daily de- 413-436-5705 • U Owner Michele Lariviere has fi lled her livery to Ware and surrounding towns as 98 North Spencer Road, S EFRESH FLOWER shop with unique gift s, perfect for any oc- well as shipping of hard goods to anywhere I S casion. She showcases the “Handmade in in the continental United States. N $5.00E S off ARRANGEMENT New England” product lines that include Otto Florist & Gift s is a full service (With this coupon - limit one per order) handmade pottery complete with the names fl ower shop, specializing in wedding, sym- Route 31N, Spencer, MA or phone in code SPRING • Expires 3-21-16 of local towns, Yankee candles, jewelry, pathy, birthday and any special occasions, women’s fashions, specialty soaps and much creative designs of fresh fl owers and festive dinner items we have in store for you! more. Th e inventory changes with the sea- balloons bouquets personalized for your “Celebrate life with the gift of light” sons, and Michelle urges her customers to special day. Remembrance lamps for all occasions stop in frequently to see what is new in the Otto Florist & Gift s is accepting phone cozy shop. orders and web orders although the build- 508-885-6100 Unique Tiff any inspired stained glass An avid pet lover, Michele off ers a new ing was severely damaged by fi re on Tues- department called “A Pet Remembered” with day. Call 413-967-5381 or visit www.ottofl o- gift s such as memorial plaques, stepping stones, statuaries and custom designed slate Otto Florist & Gift s is now located at FISH FRY FRIDAYS 7 North Street, Ware, MA plaques with your favorite pet’s picture. 7 North St., and hours are Monday through 508-885-2480 413.967.5381 • www.ottofl Michele also has a fi ne collection of Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to Sand, Gravel & Asphalt memory lamps made of beautiful stained 1 p.m. and Sunday by appointment. Chantel Bleau Accounting CHANTEL-BLEAU Masks required to enter. Send a WARE - With tax season in full swing, Chantel Bleau of Chantel Bleau NOW OPEN Accounting is ready to provide the best in tax preparation. ACCOUNTING Blast of Spring At her roomy offi ce at 228 West Street, to someone you love JUST BECAUSE! she off ers an array of accounting services Lent Specials for personal or corporate clients. Chantel Michele For Full has been in the accounting business for Lariviere is the to Dine-in or Take-out! owner of Otto 22 years, following her graduation from Thank you Florist & Gifts. Accounting & Spring is here at Elms College with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and business management. Chantel provides bookkeeping and Tax Service Otto Florist payroll for Ottosmall and large businessesFlorist as & Gifts well as tax preparation for individuals and WARE –– Otto Florist & Gift s, a long glass that can be given for any occasion. ❚ Shrimp Cocktail Appetizers corporate concerns. She has been very Small Business time fl ower shop at 104 Main Street, now of- Anything in the shop can be gift -wrapped NEW FALL MENU STARTS THIS WEEK Gifts busy this tax season with much of her fers much, much more. for free. Otto Florist & Gift s off ers daily de- • Business❚ profile - 250 words new business coming as referrals from Quarterly Reports satisfiOwner ed clients. Michele Lariviere has fi lled her livery to Ware and surrounding towns as FRESH FLOWER shop withTaxpayers unique will gift s,appreciate perfect for that any Ch- oc- well as shipping of hard goods to anywhere ❚ Financial casion.antel Bleau She showcasesAccounting the uses “Handmade e-fi le, which in in the continental United States. $5.00 off ARRANGEMENT New England” product lines that include Otto Florist & Gift s is a full service Statements Look for the new breakfast, lunch, and electronically fi les tax returns directly to Chantel Bleau is ready to help you with all Main Entrees (With this coupon - limit one per order) handmadethe IRS. Th pottery is is a very complete safe way with to the fi le namestaxes. flyour ower accounting shop, specializing needs and tax in, sym- • Photo - yourself, employees Call 508-867-6643 or phone in code SPRING • Expires 3-21-16 of“Oft local en my towns, clients Yankee receive theircandles, refunds jewelry, in a pathy, birthday and any special occasions, ❚ Tax Preparation women’s fashions, specialty soaps and much creative designs of fresh fl owers and festive week or two,” Chantel said. She explained Chantel enjoys working on her own more. Th e inventory changes with the sea- balloons bouquets personalized for your that while some tax advantages may not and strives to provide personalized ser- “Celebrate life with the gift of light” sons, and Michelle urges her customers to special day. dinner items we have in store for you! available this year, the standard deduction vice to area clients. She takes the time to stop in frequently to see what is new in the Otto Florist & Gift s is accepting phone WE HAVE THE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU! Remembrance lamps for all occasions and personal exemption rates go up every get to know them, and being born and Lobster Heart Shaped Ravioli cozy shop. orders and web orders although the build- or building year. She encourages low-income senior raised in Ware helps her better understand Unique Tiff any inspired stained glass An avid pet lover, Michele off ers a new ing was severely damaged by fi re on Tues- MEET YOUR MERCHANTS 2016 citizens to inquire about the senior circuit their needs. She will travel to the homes of Call For An Appointment AUTHORIZED department called “A Pet Remembered” with day. Call 413-967-5381 or visit www.ottofl o- breaker credit if they pay real estate taxes elderly clients who cannot make the trip gift s such as memorial plaques, stepping and have a water and sewer bill. Accord- to her offi ce, and she encourages anyone IRS stones, statuaries and custom designed slate Otto Florist & Gift s is now located at 413-967-8364 ing to Chantel, even if you do not have to who would like more information about or check out our 7 North Street, Ware, MA plaquesfi le a tax with return, your youfavorite may pet’s be able picture. to claim 7 North St., and hours are Monday through 228 West• St., Advertisement Ware, MA 01082 PROVIDER - 3 x 6 413.967.5381 • www.ottofl her services to call her for an appointment Surf & Turf Michele also has a fi ne collection of Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to this credit. at 413-967-8364. Masks required to enter. 18 Winter Products memory lamps made of beautiful stained 1 p.m. and Sunday by appointment. Chantel Bleau Accounting CHANTEL-BLEAU $ Stuffed ChickenThank Breast you ❅ ❅ WARE - With tax season in full ALL FOR ONLY 239 Facebook page Ice Melt Shovels Roof Rakes swing, Chantel Bleau of Chantel Bleau Accounting is ready to provide the best in tax preparation. ACCOUNTING At her roomy offi ce at 228 West Street, she off ers an array of accounting services Beer BatteredCall 508-867-6643 Fish for personal or corporate clients. Chantel For Full has been in the accounting business for Construction Heaters 22 years, following her graduation from Accounting & Elms College with a bachelor’s degree in This special section will run in the accounting and business management. or forcheck updates.out our Chantel provides bookkeeping and Tax Service payroll for small and large businesses as April 1st issue of The Ware River News well as tax preparation for individuals and ❚ Small Business Curing Blankets ❅ Gloves corporate concerns. She has been very Delicious Desserts busy this tax season with much of her ❚ Facebook page new business coming as referrals from Quarterly Reports & The Journal Register. satisfi ed clients. Taxpayers will appreciate that Ch- ❚ Financial antel Bleau Accounting uses e-fi le, which Statements Thank you for your business Chantel Bleau is ready to help you with all ! electronically fi les tax returns directly to To Choosefor updates. From! the IRS. Th is is a very safe way to fi le taxes. your accounting needs and tax preparation. ❚ “Oft en my clients receive their refunds in a Tax Preparation Ad deadline: March 17, 2021 week or two,” Chantel said. She explained Chantel enjoys working on her own that while some tax advantages may not and strives to provide personalized ser- available this year, the standard deduction vice to area clients. She takes the time to WE HAVE THE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU! Quarter page ad with story (4.75x6) $239 Thank you for your business! and personal exemption rates go up every get to know them, and being born and year. She encourages low-income senior raised in Ware helps her better understand

MEET YOUR MERCHANTS 2016 citizens to inquire about the senior circuit their needs. She will travel to the homes of Call For An Appointment AUTHORIZED breaker credit if they pay real estate taxes elderly clients who cannot make the trip Half page ad with story (9.75x6) $399 and have a water and sewer bill. Accord- to her offi ce, and she encourages anyone 413-967-8364 IRS ing to Chantel, even if you do not have to who would like more information about fi le a tax return, you may be able to claim her services to call her for an appointment 228 West St., Ware, MA 01082 PROVIDER Full page ad with story (9.75x13) $559 18 this credit. at 413-967-8364. E.B.E.B. Flatts Flatts Rte 9 E. Brookfield • 508-867-6643 199 East Broadway (RT. 2A), Gardner Contact Dan Flynn to reserve your space today 413-967-3505 • cell 413-297-5886 orRte [email protected] 9 E.Breakfast BrookfieldHours: & Lunch Sun., Daily Mon, • DinnersTues., • Wed. -508-867-6643 Thurs, 7-2 Fri, Sat – A TURLEY PUBLICATION – ❅ WWW.TURLEY.COM 978-669-0088 Breakfast & Lunch Thurs.,Daily Fri. • & DinnersSat. 7-8 - Thurs, Fri, Sat