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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-24-1921 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 07-24-1921 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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Recommended Citation The vE ening Herald, Inc.. "The vE ening Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 07-24-1921." (1921). abq_eh_news/2335

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. START READING WEST WITH TO WHEN A WOMAN TELLS' NEWS, fEATOTES AND FIRST CHAPTER IN ?IOTUREB, THE EVENING THE HERALD MONDAY AND SUNDAY HERALD ind NEW MEXICO RURAU8T fJMTKD I'M! - A. MtflVIrR HOME EDITIONmi iw roo PRICK, in ALBUQULIRQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1921 22 "mi TOOAT HIM rr.H MONTH . A PLEASURE TOUR COMES TO GOVERNMENT'S INDICTED DISKRMU T MOSQUITO FLEET S10 000 rTwrrd TRAGIC END WHEN MEMBER OF MAY BE TURNED LOOSE ON GOVERNOR PARTY IS KILLED BY LIGHTNING PARLEY GAEL BOOZE SMUGGLING VESSELS FOR HFAD OF

uT th tinali' end which olhera (nine p yeaterdny morning WAKHIN'flTON. July ?J The gov- ehaaere will help them Wep tha - ' wait D, rani iu ii.. idfiifou-- tour of two fk- tn for th arrival of L ernment's war iMirn muaqulto fWet f W Hie I UiMtle the Hit re mil llmP - Knoll, hrothei of the dead man. who ga wo t may iahoms fa mi if- whii Kraal (Inihani. THIS WEEK line ant murine baser he free nf huuui smugglem nnd ur vent IS FETED Uvea In llulhrook The hody waa turned looae on tha boose smugg'lng Hie landing of un CLOSED BUNK MM uf ihf kllh-t- l hy Itaht whiskies the shore imitv. wiin Khliied honii Inat night, and Mm ahlpa updating from ('uha and tha ur the rnlted ata lea nltia nt did latauifa Ih tftral ntrht. tlruhnm nrcomp-nnlc- h her son ItahaiunN and along the New Jerasy iff lelais said they have word of known In Alhiiiii'riif di-d- r and Mm Wlnihrlry, left for ol and MnaNachuaetrs i on si a. It waa 'in Intel nail .nt wnuggltng v ate Chicago Turns Out to alien Vr.i tiro hunt and lor huy hell, where Mo funeral Will held. Hughes Expects to Clear learned tonight ui the office of Ihe whh h la landing millions of dollars nnd Mit traharn n pMr't family Mr Wimherle.y nnd hln miiuiII' fedei al prohibition unit Worth of whlaky In this munlrv Shortage in Chicago In- arrived in A lliuiiii lli daughter will leave AUiii"'''"ite to- Prohibition I'ommlaaloner Hnyneg 1'rnhlhlilnn officera am trying to Picnic, Where Small Thr pnrty. which had tint arrived day. and drive the Hudfuni auiono Questions ; Issue Main la to receive g prop.- - Hint hla venry a that a ayndlcats of over h riort stitution Now Placed in Old liOKunii. had iukn ihelt i Idle, whh h helongetl lo Hi tihfttn department will take tha seers New Tork liquor traffickers la plann luu-- navy department which Is a Proclaims Innocence fiuiit ih thrwnpcur of ra-t- in a nhd, tn t'ulttatt Their trip Invitations from th ing tn purchase large number uf had jum flnlahed the eay. la ended. finding difficulty In aellhig the ves- wooden ships for uae ga flnsting Item at $1,500,000 nnd allna thlr offh-lal- MWpfmt when Ih- llRhiiilna Ntrnrk. sel. Prohibition bHhve th all alone ihe Atlantic roast. Haynea admitted thai If the ahlpa were plac- f'llH AflO, July IS, Chicago feted Mr. (Jrahain. who waa fitnndlnri lit W vHHINtlTllN. Jut) ?I I'reai-de i mn inatmiily ed under foreign reffletry and the governor at Illinois tonight. front uf ihr i.ii'1 n i H a rd lug' a fortagi rail for t he tn till.. and W WlmtMilv. hka great power IN chored outside tha thme mil- mile CHICAOO, July II. A prlr of ' Hms'l, u si on It of ihe woi Id in meal WHAT! RENTS he be irs hrothei wun knot'kod un in u pa limit, would unable to molest 1 0,000 waa e ol juggling million tn Mult- - dicurnininent and Ifl ruufer tonlftif piard on funds Tin- uf tin- two men aura tn wilt he jnauad them. and pro ki ting III wa the Wnahlnatun It In understood the New Tork hnd of the votithrnl Warran Wiiiir-Kl- Speaker md tin- two iui n wre ATTACK Hume lime next week. It waa predicted chief at one of the Idggval l TO WITNESS Ihpior men ara to bid on the hun praa4dnl ol lha Mlrhlgan Ava-- putltihal alii. - he Muyor kno uui of the milomohll. hut in orrtchii han- louigbi. NEW YORK CITY ANO ever in wa Hv Mid died of wooden vesaela offered for bonk, 'I'tlOtlllMMill'N lit, id thr taV ni damaccd the Of nSWt Week ll I. colt by Ktatas miaunc llh tiundrrila ut Mr. Wlmhi-- i wan harK sale the United shipping Th governor, - ii. .1 by a hioiiRhl unroii) expecteti here totuKti que., ihouaanda nf th bans' In lioua w ill Hoard. fund. In rt) n t.i of i.ihl It ! ...I tn ruriarluueiieiHi a few ininiilca. hava hsktu cleared up, huskies v. f lb- Datacllvaa fl(urd Mpurgln l.a.l a i.t- - and n doctor a mnmmofo-- Irn leaving - road (tear foi Hie Tlll-T- at nic formal THINK a that Inki-- CALM foi IIWK ix'l atatt lnvea.lga-.or- ham wbn to the houmv 10 call the Wnahlnplon .inference I b.fur. he wbn unmeant uf liny wi ong doing Li IOI tm MYNTI'RV HIP The MUHgtton which baa and Attorney Jn-rs- i flrtiu-dag- dui it found that hi wa aliHd nrlaen over ATLANTIC CITV. N J.. July found tha ahortAfa, now totaling branded o Japan 'a m cunfar-enc- It. Me poiiti ill net lead iartlctpathn the cuatums in la tonight itMriy 11. a ft", whu urtfi will lie Mettled h the of aft hare .too In Ih hank i Im indictment, n a "t humrfler aa The uci Ident hapliencd ill n Utile1 reeelpt triev hed their hands on tha ft a com m un teat ion anil atartad on bla trail Mra. aasaln ' after o'clock with a henty rain Fight Narrowly Averted from the Tokln "mystery ship" which haa been lulling clectrh- ill iiuh-ren- governiinut agreeing lo the propo.ed Tenants in Windy City Hpurdn la alao mlaalnr to and an Ntorin dlwruaalon amuggllng liquor along the Jersey - A few the at Bergdoll Committee id Harlflo nnd far eaaterii eatlMkM Hnid th iiiinot- to hi. nilnulce hefuic ueatluiiN. pottMblv wlii Holding Meetings to roast. amounting tn S.00 i" ol I'liH'it" hock w hich wan fatal to ' li aham. hut A Ijapp deputy rnllecter of ware ra.rnlad tiMlay In tha nity had allocked hy an Hearing still vlrfiinlly Sfteeting Jupun'n bank' This whole china MM started the ceptanrw f invtta-lln- at the head of a boarding party my holt near hy. ompleie in the Protest Auxiliary arcounta. rak mortgagaa and notaa, when, in ptnoutirt id campaign ihci ahhh atritck sent to tha potA'era two weak today boarded the schooner. 1 Ml W ilti he i Muti-i- l Itii-- In which wai puruortsd to pledge, of ouoruy. tt limned the lei that WiUlHIIfQTDM, July IJ. V lo letter ago l.v Harding S. I'ocnmoke. tied up tha hsrbnr hava bran were unit Hreeldent and IS, In he would glvan by appiupriallon uf the gttarney'g office. for lluluionk Aria, wiih nariowlv avoided at Ihe hoitae tary of Htatr Hugbea. CIII'AI. July ondlords here, and announced that prasparuu farmara of in. hnvf defied ihe MfMy latere. fiotu then intended to in . ed la tM inn. n in AWajatwd. Chicago mill thruu.;hO't the middle not permit the veaael to leave until h dlana, Illinois and luwa. I i invcfglgut Ing conunlttee It wi ul lM ii. .ogl he Indti irni-n- wan Orund I'auvutt He and hm wife and - ' ba1 been satisfied was legitimate clalmad to hava yapraaanlad inanry lion today when Itepi eai'iiiutiv e of oplniuu have davet weat generally plan bleed n Hon nnswer hlld fsoiu Ardmoie, tikla and hn oped l. t w een Waahllietnii and I.on pet u. ralsvi trade loanad out b tha bank. "I iM Innocent of wmngdo-in- g the Otahnni fatnllv la front I'ulheit, Juhiiaon. Keniock). mude u ruah for dou mit for another When Capt. J. A. Hoy learned nf C. A. II. or laall- - A over the desdra uf tnte of the fall, to .olviie, tu Hie caahhtr thr " n' Ok hi Cliarlen lit ai.n Philadelphia. llrltlah w thia nrcordlnfi the presence of thu officer he de- tutlon. dat'laird tha (arnaara ChroVOl ( i In Herg dominloa now In lied M It. knaw (h i lured In- hu I hudy Was tn rnl her of 'lev in l to- loo clared nothing The (uvcrniir The liimiitht London to postpone data nf the l. n lha of tha alleged liaana and tha people hy MW doll. Wegllhv alSrkel He tern men e The I'll. Horde eisuis 'ipun with tha first fair wind, kept lutiii wiui th uf nit MttoiiK lirntloTN. und nithi. in after Nov em he i ,,r to in "I'll sail mortgagaa and nolea dleaupeaied pledge loday." he and Johiihii. wife ntruggled wllh hold a Inn luge of dwelling to gt the whalher I have earance papers or Hpurgln. iiula "I "ii main preliminary 'uufireme in i with I l ii v un "by" with ihe he appeal tha luntluued. "thai an long M am gov-- i he uitg and pt tiled laagMa on the I'acifi. nml tar om' not. If then are any officials on May Be Mat report 1 In Oil .Storfca. iimr (if llllnulN I will mt0 the peo- Gambler atiack ern qnaat laaja. Tliaae eonferanraa elated hoard my ship when get ready they hlatrd i many Inhoi liollble Oil ple IO Iht- beat uf HIV Ult1it UN-- 'I An the remi It of a uf ruaa Will he ellllllualed an In localltP, can either go wllh me or Jump off." alocka ot mil. valua war aald Called When t flu- Mat f I utldiuif mate- galled ie of pafwmttofHi Ituwtftwm. Baseball ipietlonM and ucruaatloiie hat he l.etwe.n I.imI Ciirgnn. Ilrlltah foreign und high Capt. Hoy admitted that he to have been auballtutad for lha Th.- wuk not telling the truth, Ihe wiinena eeiei.M ami t lee iNtnilllinn rial sator into tha HtMHua from Nassau Willi 1 ,00 eg sea of bank' h. ...mi aaourltlaa without executive declared lulled Is T Trial Resumed finally is l Ho "ii-g- l to The chit ago 'lieni.' prvtectlve whiskv and thai he put In here with kll.iwladgr of th Plate Medtfl VMnimttk hud tlfiuunl ahotilel incept the ima'tlun of the - othi li... i. tonight start to fight any port tonight Mil Ii Hriindage it 'HI eHUItian Aim nil gto.eiunient thai tin re lie laaarue an empty hold. war that aienulallon llllli ft, e one . e A. I'otter, uf the In oil mi- liv Indl' led " CHITAOO, za Vou't a liar." emnplete mifercfo In Wnahlng-Ig- raise, iioinuger stork probably rauaed Hpur. having in' Julr Arnold Itoth teagu-- , t may Juhmtui, Miandlng uhout alt and Dominion premie if. o said: gln'a flnanclsl trouble h nmii-- t r:i inn, lasting several fiein. New York aamhler. he fel dally mcetlnga Oil Industry Seeks I a- - a away, wtatted lliaitii In an their nffalra aN lo ullow the "We are holding I'etlllona will ba made fur appoint- ml nuli' hi fkjg nl lin and again called defenae wltnetn m the lowuid Wtiahtngfon innda lining governor speech, and lllack Hon" trial, li tfaMtaMMl h malum ronfereio-- tn he held nnd espect nu noiif'i Aid ment of a recalvar. lluora war ih' tm wTWaatM I not Inter thnn get enough menilaTrt lo drite Increased Financial cloaad wi climaxed Hiih cheeimg fur half altorm n tuiilnhl. lu nrwd. date in Novem und Thursday, ttopa waa i.' - ber, probably tin- r :il hog- - iu t i pressed when M i.mii-Fifi- i Li- - iniMi- Itulhelein, who het-- The loom wan crowded with spec- Armlatice dav. the piuflleering tonight lhal dapualtor mi hum haa eleventh. In-- nuhi hy elate Wlltieaaen in the MM lalois, including man women There KANHAH CITY. Mn. July II. get to cents on tha dollar. - Keen tary Hughe.. In i ml Odd i I ji I Ho waa u wild rugti tor th- door Itep- end to er caned financial aid tn the oil in Chicago financial circles have hodi tillkHy ua tift the rU'Vi'ii fortnei White lie gnvtoua I I retMiitaflve Mullie. uml Itep-- lo iasue tin- inrmsl In vi- M Mllth Utrl dustry federal reeorve bank be. hit aa by a PnaalhilllleH uf a lnh IMwmi atare i hsiKiil allh ihiuwlns; the f'etein. ' I from the hard k I I ' V ta Hum ui Mil for the curt f ere nee aa IM Itl.ASI It NTS sys- i I V e- - rear u l ii iv e loud, irgiuia. gt n hhi-- recognised hy the reaerve crash as that of th Michigan A,a- - deputy shi-- if f attempting to orrert wot hi NtTlea. hua already goon ue In m July la and JohtiM.ui Ho wife i Ii MP tiailile onlei have the NKW VfiltK. 2. There oil paper not now eligible for Aiiiioogh waa a ih gov mm. und Mali- ironpa which hi im t to iMMtf in n. e virtually un to pra-en- tem of nu. tn bank rum him. pleading w runfer. nr. ompllahed every Indication, according l redlecuunt waa sought hy Mid Continent parallvely email on- -. depetidligf Mill iin a wlliicxa. It wnn Muled. uf fait, and an na to avoid a IIUU- - moliitude development! in Hie rental oil men here today In confer- - largely on lha patronage automo-kt- self, tonight Teaimuii of 'Hill' HuriMi, Maw "lien' Hen' iluu'l. don't." Of exrhuuge t4a v Vorg of l t h.lwien WuKhlnglntt here, that raUj In til'' I w i le- Minor Campbell, hat getl hy Mm. tion ' e with officials nf the tenth fed low In which II was locatad. It v.i learned thai ha Ki riior fepi retieaude ho and nthel capltaln over tlelalls of Hie will lie a tned a I I heir tht-i- r Itetgdoll h a Ii.litol malm reserve Hpurgln waa and hi- political advlatiiH ul an then hlmiM'lf km tin fall guv" ut wil aci eptitiK f coufeietic( w hhh might develop - eral dlati'lct. connected WHh soma of I.' H und 4 mlu pi CNCtll I1IKO let ri, mm i o ufe i em w na called by J. E- leading families, belli NflftTli'N the Niuttdal hrouahl OUl laW twf unothet officer, undo I out oi ii mi parr' three t The thr a nroliew hra ua''''' - U I Te- iHiwil, durlfUJ the (omlng fail and governor to M. IV It'N - ' k- p New Voi k hie i a ur I ltd llidetl he rung ill Mlllcr. of the district, .it George Hsynolda. prealdrnt of IIH'lhlld in KRi'i he loan reiuit'll ImUistry. nit uf th- rwajn aiaNp hipther up In the filing of the IS If nt lulling Johltaoil winter. onsidct aid for the oil ih.- I'oniinenlsl and I'ommerclal. ," I nei nu oei ii ' by oil men facing Imw uf Ih- NtHlf. tm liili-- l f.i "I ..iii si and it JohuHoii nnld, an e which is declared Ill I on 1.1,. .,r Mo, nil. Th IRELAND'S If ,f httildliac dm iiigt Hi' lurt MM u. by nh- Acroi diiikT Htirna. Rdlhaai in he waa PEACE crkda becusis of the de. n api a hiIhimmi whu to HUI Iioi e IS" Hpurgln had In fact bean In din! i Id f vil. (.lulled inward htm. mollllu prudurtlun due to lowered prices and , i.iin In Rovn nir. prM or nnt d to huy the wo MflM "t Jukm'it or re oltlra foi k . Ilia la ath I II ( with gain tn population lu ur mot lilolillta. trie,, fur ..!ht mil .. inlhlin miiIv on Hull nun lh...iiMh I,,. Ml Ilrttua sal oollv nml cnlmly In hm high runt materials istitr. aald tonight. a I a ia.ii if iinihuf..! i.a i half lieve oiigeeiiun raatat nlivriff. lu nl dwn r I ui' thn I.I ABRHNTKD. Authorities feared for Hpurgln -- The seigeaiil-ai-urm- mdcred n CONFERENCE PI IM. ifVnlt or i rli' ton or milio- plat ed on h1 land the defeiim- kw WILL during lha gswumat vuailon pe- - MII.WACKKK. WIH. July lav life, utile he la taken Into custody Uew-- M IWftatS a pokV emu n to lake tftratin not of I he rliy nlltaallfin ha- - bayotiil could to degree the - - soon. Home " a pit ui Hi was ll riWll ti"- ' iliarlc Pctllng. r.r.. wanted on two of Chicago's leading un- Ho- iowif !'.''uf ihM itlnnut Ion ilaiiatatiiK teatlinoti of Huron aun than taken iu - - !.. iht, uhi ml it - m' - eergeant-ul-aiuiN- i.i.. In under attest here He derworld uharactara carried large de. Oftn-ia- l tn :i will (ha ' nffiee, and oiitlnciite. Allurily Urundaai-- The mack Ho" M rtf ' Iii tlio gunman . uu m admitted tn the police he Waa aoilght posits bank (lite and d km-v- MMtal Monday In Shortly afterward wu ldd In return tnltet latacnlM tonlitlii. tarrd hr Judut Hum' froan then eummci MM I u hud jull lu Hun gambler loat 00.000 In th Htv KlMtlluW c. m o lhihiieiphui aa aoou at'i dkVMMMMd Auatrallu, broken rrh. of nu (Why Bovwrnoi it a many tiuuon- - m Km nc be o und hia parole In feared If llpuren not p ihihi Mlialli-- htwlg Jolinson may try lo have llruuii leuaen anu ioald ahiiuhl nut Mibinii in arri'M The d uf nHi Idolu I lli- Hew shelter eSpected Chicago He was urreated fullowln,t pri'tiendad, one of the gunmena' whu I I Hum tn any hrought hef bM of Ihe hnuxe dun' dHlivi have received offer fiotn Preliminary not ice already lanied Ihe cashing of a bifgua i heck fur l.iat nainey In th bank, might trail I i for conlenipt. ll nun eald. in-- n lh of In aharlff lo liiintn ii uf ciiitiiui'H and other ut ro-- . llolllMIIB -- .... III. and kill him. ii uiiilfiintl on paur ilirrr.l fJtglllMIIOM " pluv ggvawM Hih Dail Will Meet HWHIi (hut The Mapvta laslWMH Jtakasgag nnd iMreann ral-- e of rental indicate there diiiuin a rows nut ur tin- fall- - Ir. no Hope ol un eariy lattat tn Consider British hoiiaing at' nation papnu' oie to lell th- coiigrei.-iina- jiinl lluw in lha Masked Marauders Raise Total President is Initiated Into in.-- ife and lit 11 ii. mw Mnatsan Proposals uig in l''iuia Iviittia old he Iowa Will Pay rem lied helue h- run Id colli liiuui-- . I'HIU.IN. July 1 find' ate with l If in Jolinaon hud he u Ire peacf to a War Of Their Activities to Eighty; Famous Camping Club; Roughs cruaa onlei me w til Monday.' Tribute examining Ho wilio j. foi uboiil I un b'tui and pi ev lasjaly thei I 'finite an a its in en la w a made Hero This Afternoon hegt.d tonight fut ph k Ho Itrlttah gov- - isihei claahaa ernmewt'a New Move to Halt Their Work It With Ford and Edison III aim wa hioughi here at the uaaiw MMrej ih" ml Klreann "it that Ac- limn J ui v SS. Iowa ol Mujui Campliell ua g w li- data. hi miiKS cording lo alt indoal'una tunlght. 11 In reverence for a half the wiae Ye wrong doara take heed. MaV, W one hlllg I'epi'KlliK nes. In th- ea- - the boWs hrad HAOKfUVTOWN .lul II. hen wanted Mill let committee' a effort to piorthn will it. a leisurely Kunda nftirnoun. I'AI.t.AH. Teiaa. July SI Tha We mean tiual'ieea. other ride fabliaii whathar not ur- - hour rraaldvitl Hui diiiK was today ln!ll nil tile oi the olYloat "Fraaldoajt" f Vajara on Monday All thut irmnln of vi..i. nay, ui epied ii ,k00 Houthwestern Miked Hand League, K fSIIIOUl fter lumh the currrp chnlm brlba rrum Mra. will for mnl i ea.i In garret sesalnn. Knnght-Hu- trio ui KANSAS ITV I'Cd led lnt tha couiitrv'n limit Hergd. U . the llnahmo In under a shnd av cu linn e a lot He recently twinge.) tu Premkff f.loyd Hioge'a piuffer. win wen- llo mat lo lose a week end spurt of "aclivttlee." i 1111 IMs nl Ks t'.i m pint; I'loh Theie miiitvr K pIpcM and cigutH were lighted Haul name in emu I. In liope uf cueupuig mat la aofCU di l ate hut it ia doiihl live in th service of the had brought Ha score near the t ANHAH CITV Mo. July XI. HavliiK out from odliiiu their Police motored lug rtttiing near Kdlaun ukcd the the tbiil lum come In he ful Theee I tall Kireunn rneniherg 'toted Htule ut the French. troni, mark tonight. Chief Edwards of Kansaa Cltv inicton mday he w ictlng loniahi Inveiitor what he did fur fMlK'H lis 1 1 Sail name, and baa last Iflad he1 who now rue at lllurty ate ttelievwd to wa liroiighi home today. anuoumed tonight he declined offers If MMrad) n in- i N Kvporta of demonatrntlons receiv Ku Klux III a iliUMi pllcheil neai llitnlliig QMsalaMa I (lloii. relationa wit eat ur lu well informed on the rontaflta of (loverimr K Keidall has ordemd ftum ihe Klan lo 'help clean. the familv dui nig the dodging on Mtutc hnildingn be ed by the 1'nlted Preaa- - sunie Itearlng hmtsua city. IVeklltiv ille, ll MUtll Maryhind "You dull' I sleep intu h," re draft tin offer. that flags all eacnpade, of Hrovei ami hla brothel. Within l wu wieki IH Yaleia I eg- - Unrered lO half ma at fur a halt hour the alleged offlelel seal of the Ku Kdwmda said men visiting him on to the llliia ItUlge mounianin inuiketl Hauling "hi uii Mf Hi on, msjoliT" win. pe. iid lo return to I statdow with word while Hie aervh ea ure going Kltix Klan. olhera having enrninrks behalf uf the Klan swore him lo pri Mtdeut UMik th plm e(t He I oat I Had hp Is - win lie held in Hit- yard secrecy before revealing their The I enl aaaMvfwS lhal Mat war had thai the ...let nut iilirel Halla- s..ivi...H 'V. don't iiiiiih." hlgfl r. Metla ol 'Hut law bunds" filtering In during vmani hv "ii death uf J din Hit i never told ..f paving f immi to fa.ioiv The roneern nf ihe uf the little echoolhuuae where Kdlaun I uuy I U rove i for Majoi Camphell. hnl Rii ippeui . d in night ia layed lii hia Hi h oui the piiMt H hours have brought Ihe "I told them did not want their III (he faniuiifi lull, CuniptlM "Ih. ynii piny eami. 1 golf'' iin-- l lon lo no lit help, that did not believe In Ihe iK Tim. IMiion Har I much nfiiaal thut iht prltMl total to well above eighty. HutdliiK wil not hewitaie t organisation and I would fight any II enlum Ham I'ord and Itui "No." said. Mtsi nment ran I'o lowing i losel ih announced roughs NlM ilttue ronferesuws with the liiih kgmd demonstratlona on their part here," "Not old enough "" ntntl il Haul- Lake arr. Rare Silk Shirt nf Imperlul Wlsard Will J. the chief aald. 1'IiIn the party hud at Courthouse a lime ing nf the K u KIuk At- - hy tha ln hiilon uf His fanil laughed Dublin refleeled the joy whirh Klan, Kditxii in reply Is pi end I In g Io n land Undoing of la-- of the miiuhi is ami ami dla-- Scenic Marvel oil aotithern In Proves lunla. that an Investigating The group then drilled intu a IU 1ih W Andaraoti of Plnrln-nai- l. When lip N'M dei'lltl d Thia lie William iiaainii tm nt lug. a ml I he pi tuple i,i wou!d sent tu and itklahumu NORTHCLIFFE SAYS a No dlffarad frogs. Of Old Town fe ling W a ill Kl l. lluWi Vi with Scientific Burglar Th' uiiii etilnrgi-- nil ho ntpre4i-iooi- tu muke un unbridgi'd luveattgullun ev a I Ui I mo theurv tliat inut anno over t he i out pi tun lor in uf he fa to he the word cume Then- wn, III tl- of rough pipli uveieut. fluting that had ihe Klnn 1'i.ti purllaiio ut. Tha af mtivltlea. from iilgrtrl gone day n 11 lio- Jon bite today of a tnuve It" I" H'" Well equipped It nt vll- for five a hum cut inn of the aci nic mn. vela af pei p If have lie. u taaoured t hat if CHIOAtlO, July t.- if Austin started illK only worn u oaTtaia Hi I u a' l.ige which hnd he n on a taking walei AlhitlieriUe How a the colli Ho- peine mn nillH urr broken off Wlllliakl had POI tu thwart mull plan IRISH PARLEY IS rrwrtad -- i. o 1. Imp Amlerxnn, of t lio uinatl. Imute lake at (iht Town, la now it wilt mean ssay with the aVlUah "one In a million'' allk abirt it luii. in llinisr nintintfsltl picnic Nroiindn Aofoino- which Itepreaettlal Muun filed hi lea ware used lu hrlDi up Mippllm lullied the gruup and kggjail tend- full of Willi Slllt e the nun on and war lo i lo .Path lr luln'a win when lo NtroHed along Milwau- In Pat a which coiitrihuted lu cvety contforl ing a hook Untiling Itnteiod allcn- Tbunalav Thla hike estemla plan- - hnvi heen irculbled fn and kee avenue, hare, he prubaidy reauluthui wllh Ihe buuse clerk i i d, t the Ku K'us Klan In Ita lait I illicit. tivii) m did Hen 'hi kjg aua f the atnet ei trio ka nlinoat have Intpreaeed ib litsh aa Isslag tha would he fra todaj to untlnue WELL' Th1 parlv met nt I ale! I'm il KdlNou nnd FlfMlMSi to Ihe court ho ine rrounds', .md moat repreaalve meaaureN ever con-- t hta ' acientlflc buigUirlaluc ." present form and providing thui Sun 'GOIHGJtRY Ml I plan Packllnvltle Th ir gulMhoMtft, d- - Jiter aollie of the pa tv timk iiiiih It ahiiot gn vn nU long and in one m plated h) sni government vtlitt h. he au a. hiu been netting uon ittundun his Ho- i (lover nor Neff com- It- he huge Hie 'lllfl on the grae. Hurtling took a kIiui l of hlggiHt hodien m wntei in , Huh lu ttn tl firw Unit n two u yeur for five has refused to luied loo for him MM on If mty, he will uk) trull hading to the cump nap while Henry r'oid. hiiihuig no ld Town. vN' wua ail mg H'n as a reaull ell i a. ment what action. e' tak- un u petition presented hlin K i ou wuw iiliiindoned for the one uf his own cum drove lo the ii Mio h to the dtacoinfurt of thorn of the negol inti- ns. Cluemaiin kept Joe wore the ahtrt. in ml. Itui hy 'i0 uiertilHra British Editor Arrives in in hit) cllmhei who h Kdlawtl luge who have to watt a strwsi cur op. n long tha forager curfaw Mix Musuei kiewlca uf leglalature asking hter itore. lor atti lalllun Hint legialatlon be a nd Hlahssfi Atidcl on hrought with Ko h ucllvlty of the camp during In froill ot th- conn hOUMi Hie hours, meet tig met with on hjleefer was also out fur a walk Hho Introduced with U. S.; Approves Dis- W view to breaking up In llo-i- the foienimn Wim dlrecled tuautil atttlOM hit h m i ve foi hgiichaa en v and Midlers nu lunger walked auw Wlllnaki. the Klan and hia t m pa n l i aeapllon n he me other. are now like so many th atreclM hemnvg the menace ut Texas. Tha ni mw strandad "Alls." ah breathed, "there's Is armament Plans fall iu a heat iv lunch which Wgfl Kneatune t tpiored inlands, la heynnd i urniN. my " r reaoltllton expected to the fatuena for sack The hualtatid'a shirt alia way In waiting thani on arrival, I he he) DOaalMs path for (h wh tune doWg It waa u Brest relief for ttte Hln open the for dtsciiaslon the hrldle are( .h the Hhe trailed Wlllokl home. how- T)o- imify ate uti a tm k labia fu crUih-nt- Who la experled Shle uf poUli hotiae gioiimla Kein.-- uml Ho- '"iM- It will IfKiiduttire uf the. dun ijiieatloil, NKW YtHK. Jnlv Vleeonnt lo the lonlinue When police raidad the place ever. with a revolving nnpl In have IiIn ahlltlc ita a luumitow la cut off from comtiuuili-a- on At the auno tlmi Hln Ke nem geprr- t Northcllffe. arriving here today on lalei they found are urletital La MM reports of "activities of In en detlglied hv Kdltwill Tile r. Hum Ford mum one uf llo early Hlltl Ho (Mitel Wlllld little v ally t hing to iii belief thni Hie Irtah ruga beautiful eutly the Aquitanla en route tu Australia, W(M"kad t musket) maraildera In Do aouthweat volvlnsj ci niei ph i hv the arrlvnlf Hiindti un hi hlpa, Whih- Hon ,ne no fith In Ihe ti put un at nn hue vtiuiiiohed th fur ml ure of aaqulette .t. ik If I - wen a lolluaa. and the far aaal. declared he ph- of giving u pull Hood near the curavan ut Pght lake, an hi an ha heen lent lit ii iah font- They firmly declared J in nd. phttnugtiipha, viiluuiib Jewelry Oeorge I,ee. garvlie the i tali peace negottntl.tna inn ic. mi pei iniandlm 'he MparkTni there ure h. vi ral vaiietiea of ring- i bu l Prttlah liiv. no dialie fot r latfklii Texaa " - und Wtltnaki asleep. by men were "going very well He added l hi- i upphea h h moot hi tl ho ma ing f I ogN V. lull 111 peo- l th it deadly in or:i- driver seised masked and of dim Illeli till tl eoliflP Wllinakl udmllltd he la a rob-I- n hm th might be fighting Ho- rough iieNe mil Hie v th- ainbutds hipI wink-lug- . later dumped un the atreete Wearing if inure of uf party's ple who in vicinity with Mnlment ot train r. be ween the fuel tons In Ireland. aN camp t H oai tut and feathers. ex'alence. anugM all night The la alao Wiinikl Siaid thut during a a .p. that haa lasted too years Tori) a no tnuk hi- - turn with Ihe on of the heal braedlfHI pig nag Harluiseii. Texas Warnings poatad hi. pa of Ho- five veara be haa fh-- won't le aettled lu seven day ." nxe whoh hs plied w lih vigor for for tnoauuitoag in the vicinity, in tin- nf nnd ltauk a Induwa, l n i idihiug he waa in lh- aigned by Aa for the propoeed Washington jHevcial mln lit n. rolled illg ii nlack uf It la hoped I hilt he i nu nt Booze Sellers Go written mid typewriter Weather aruiv. ntuiioned ut Camp (Irunt, K ox adviwng loufera tjiaurmuioeut tui..oii,tv, Northcllffe flrsswaad "Ku Klun." romnittM (iio'i will mil decide to bellevaa It la uf Impoit-anc- e l dlaosi his, Free; Victims Get Ilia Itui lhal didn't bother aamblera mid evil dwari tn "at tig nther the utmost m. i. Mint. d ii mil a fan load of mi ml putnt-e- d AT THK op M u lulu nta muds." lo- evplaliicd. "I'd " Is uf and lu thla connection he lMM( in BdlaOtl "tole avviiv while I'oid huh n tutor A flebls Thla the first activate ' Ml the whiih lilt hit week-en- out thut Ilrltaln already disarm A I fc d i Sentence, He Asserts gel u leav- every und froM Itio Hrunde vulley MhllHi. III :(i iu.iiK bill nine lao k a llllle wiih n period!' wight uf reported the Ing lo aome extent Many warahlpN la lei w ii h a iiinite ' (una- up lo i 'ho ago and hi uk disli let I ' i tK ii. the nimiimeiueni that h beauty, so that in tlaaa up. h"i'r- - tm. m. h' aui tai'' III a t IN." tone been luld he said, the navy loot found n mint nf will In a pal men Winn Texas An ant Ku Klux High "l Iciitper ' hd i. un ihe waier run off. i ;s July it .it. r.-- being Iii, 000 below kmi luiiii " h Brtnnunewd Klun petition lodav had gutlo lersunne tha III III e ft 7 Inwenl ll'o lbs go but lb- it Vhttiiai gu to thc tt liahment of January. MM. a mnlle. gut free miiii-- slaTttatUfM. I' H Mrooka. ii wpafatura with Whu'a the jiilep aenllenkktry. U Moot roafaaaed Colorado Rancher Ir. and the area leg of the whole empire (i. l.ung bafore Harding wa- - i Denver Raises $1 1,000 pnslib ni uf Nay lor 'nlverait was a MiltKe tem- peeled fOlger. I' Id officllla "muting terrtturlalN total only - lo ch at Hln- Hidge glr toda) court fs1 Higti Itinok re'inlly lgmd pi- I II t c mountain lo- ooo men. r 22: hy w a had acntenceil to four Accused of Murder charged lm-p- aSMllad Ihe odor ot nod For Pueblo Relief of thn- local man waa lmprees.ed. dally i tnnoke agewndiatl let ii BJianths iii the at. He pt nlfenllutv " Northcllffe he aald. TO from the kllchag Wllh "wlut applllg with be rallin- r Mingle.) II "I waa in jail lour monl ha," aald Of a Neighbor tie met f..r faatr travel ailh Were Ihe miu uf i Wltniilug la'll r hilly humidity "111.1 1.. lulv Th- i I pet eon tween laondon and other part of the rnajatlttg Vlrss)nla ham lumh hopn, HKWHIt. II Mo.. "lHiritUJ lhal Him- ( tklnhoioa I'll I ..- written un a. in II; I. lo t luiol drlVe xlaged hy Hie' aaaea uf . t empire. The trip from Kngland to NWeel con and aliv the a AH A N I M AH. Colo., July 21. W. Ku Klux K Ian stul inner y and bear- humldliy Civic mid I'ommeicial naeu who paaaed kwfore no Oust Australia, he aald. could be mad In All he cam parg cm tainted I heir Janvii WltfOwg a ranvtier nem here, waa ing the alleged ufflclal seal uf that 10 by dirigible, i 1st t it to i daa he conducting a deliKht OVeP th Klooiok .elected fur lull nil hia week ml ending ho ml etl of llieaa Wen liiHttb ggci eat I charged in j, and runtalplngi two ftfry doliar Ho- uudsi arr ton Ink with campaign tu have Uriialn's military i night, reached - .1 I heir lenlad rlty Th" aiac Is noted llt.Mt mink thn who raeelved alem Ho III III.Pi of J aliulhei bill, ' lived hv lh nu. d I'tial diitgliileM used far es peel man ting u n ft. goun s g boya iadd tftajg d Ninety pet of Hit b- I for tnllas ground aa natiiful nlrwk of Wen fiet celll. lUiichei. with whom Wilfoog waa ih nt .irtauclatlon lo tinned tu long a nee tligbta, itv t wind Nil aa Ho- BtraeAg luduy uvi dlst rat bar than n' grouwds It in uimunt romplataly liki mi downtown .not otlo is wan hiiatlefawrg' vletlms Mild hav e over a "Babies benefit fund " I - to iuurreed buun the having hem dismantled. pet hour Pre- Iv t piled, iu- nboul IW mile- - from I to loiiighl Thie iu uf Ihe Maiij nf ihein huiK priaoa MP dary hoc Wilfung ia alleged to hava Htshop. Texas Tin lo. ul After u few dav In New York. v.uiug directiun wat; eharaclwi il. .... ,i low u. .Hi ;hii iihuiit drive mi Id lhv h oyed fro bill fH I have." shut luduy lb- phoned aay a communication atgm-- "K. Kurt In iiff will go to d ih. parity cloudy. Keelaa received Toruidu and dav. ihe "uiiie d lata nog from ttte naafkal Woulil he hionghl lo Itelwevii 13, Moon it Un lb skjaatsaaj Wat' llparweag ami MMaltted to arraag, He K. K.' reading: ' We are hare and ii.,n.e lo Vaaoeuvsr, B C, where i oad. VUU and f I t WI Ollg wuubi uink. no atalellieiil read) lu act Ul this be a aui'd lu he sails. THB ALBUQUERQUE IUHDAT HHULD, AUSUQUKSQUX, 1H6W IODD00, SUNDAY, JULY 84, 1M1

bidding in mm. MU MKXICO CATTttK, ranr id are THREE K, Or C, WOOL GROWERS ASK T BURSUM CLUB TO REVENUE OEEICE Twenty cava of rattle have be"" New i of MeniT!, rulfla diippeil out of lit' it.'ighborhood hee martin id lo ie feotham on haad DELEGATIONS WILL BE ORGANIZED IH IH'T BE MOVED. "I BE WEEK FOfl SHEEP DIPPING Take Victrola, Clock and AUG. 1 Minor Articles From mm Building Fruit Salad WisconsinHParty Here Sanitary Board Request- Meeting Will Be Held at Albuquerque to Keep Of Monday ; Reception ed to Annul Decree The count etper)windenl w 8 p. m. at the fices, Chamber of Planned Because of Cost notlflfd i terday thai hurclara had Court House BRICK broker itito thf Atrl-- ar Commerce Is Told Ttinrctl :.lrht. atitl had a AM li - bron mMff An atlruipt wilt lnkn A Hurstim rluh Drill bi nmanto-i- !i. mrrnmrM Vhlinla, !uk. fltf BAAVel and othel The Chamber of Cnnimeire yeatei t wi.tHAli. lh .UIIImi KnlrM " lenj UsaMu Ofa Town on KuniUr vnln(. Aim. V Wul 1 a- da received Word float Wadilnglo t'elaStttnw Ihti will through Al v Ualaaw hi la the il ttiti tin I. at x I., i.. ftomera BaJtJ that (ht arhuul tin that there waa no ilantlr f the In t.n MentfsY Tiif"4 nheep hern hioken " ytfirrltv. I Ice bu4ui1." "il eral "t - ajapjao Cream ji tenia revenue office im Wcdtwwtar .if TW ftvut la Mr. muI rluh ...n.i Kmro Irir from ii i .. mm had men ftl nM.untl ronvnstiB t MWlnrlM II Klid 1 ft Thf ti . ft moretl hare. in. Ihik will l. in tlir couil A Vii.d lb. from The t'hamlnr tif Commerce 1mm. I ami got on n.. whan It waa Wlwunsln ltlhtio, 0jeh tin- d'tor tu he humI iei A l..riiMl Qpll (h in. .m t will il ji, thmh ... k flt heaitl of tng rumor and if thora wioi a 26 putiml mil of as1 h IHMtl lArr. intrrtt in Special for Sunday ft. m Thr tiny haala for M. II la hellevml to hav IIick. iii.vln.l,. la ,.. .1 t., I... ntV ih (teea;ntliMi arpfMitet' waa out to 'he bwn effe. lively bltM'ked. Onn ! at prvaWent of aeif nlMiiilfly In four nf rrtiiiiiiiig Mi II. ' tit mi 14:40 a m chma. to fix l nnd Clio llermindea, collector of reve heep aaaimry hoaid. tvqiHatn; th in ' II i ' i w ti- I. " tuie. mtl.l he did not lielicx i waa 111 h enn Mfteeitil tneMln i.f lilrh..un Mill thtl r f'7"' s ovtM te.l i.t meWIm: - - U a lll. I til- rW I. l - prima bra Ihnt n hange would I.e Pint 70c foil If 35c Quart Ward Alhaqttertin at an e ItmaiiiK lln- 'eilit- m arrive et 146 . nil at nnMdereit by the auihotiilea in f state, an that ahevat men ran pre B e Vicirola whU h wan .!. n a Waahlnytiiti. ic reception r n thalr caaa. It la duubtful whether there will aimine Ttta dlpplne prov kit li ihr CMtdreii Im.i rahteil Woodmen Shift DELIVERED FREE! prepare! a ntttivanir lj pnecnt fNfrtl order by le room enough In the capMul to -- every inney fur arlhim arlatllu- tU HI vpnllng Knlghs. Mint thai ajmiii Mtiat he dta Department Workers the revenue ufflcu In comet lag of n MM fowfr whether It hae acahlee or "'. lo the off). im which ure now Al Any Time of Wnn KeTlpe In rV," Mevrml Mania Mr. Ilertiandea aaai rcttc o! aaaae and a anal: ihanio were noiile innniiR t t. ... in 1. e rn t Ihuh uitt ui.t in; made hae pi. ure of Mm Pall chare Th BOY HIT BY AUTO depart mania of the n ntldlllon i. mil n Ihe fcdeinl build K UHodmen nf i in- V ..i ..I t lo ,., .i iuii mine ronartM France log tu e lev.-i- A K. is week. w. Crump. In here titnodat the w...d Walter 'unneH. Win. j. rharge of the nun uCfh'ea. f Mrv A MandafaH tiivenlltt SofJhHmohi here eurtUe olflcci her v W J under the aajjfl other effkrap how TV V elate manager, tl K. Melmnald. haa fe4r Thi. KavanMffc, Iter. liwtwi, le t i only hop-- naSfimy rowaay, P. II. blri MfTrej. O. N. roi" to Kl I'neo to take uer that tel. nnd dhttrict, 11. Neal, boon done Washington na yet Co. '"Sinrlf t F. UrCapaa nnd formerly of Drug 8 Whit. i. Palace VTtn Ian ksn dktlrlct cornea here. J. J, if it. addition In built, their will and Munatr be mt danger rvary of AJtruquerque Montayo will take over the dlairlrt whatever of Albutpo PHONE 54 meJaber moaim a loaa of Prom $tfo,vu la left by Mr. S. nnd Adnlph Hill que t .ntina the revenue of floe a, ac- l a "omartlHe mt on la fc "ntinatt $2 o,o ooo to afte-- niao. Earl B Mas will of F- - cording to Mr Himandaa Mi entertain true ihe vieitom bjr red em y er have cha ra the Snnlu on Bacaua of the pve rnt flimni Ul (heir prrerm'e si the dojtot each Mr- of theft three day a! 10. SO a m rendition. It la almoat lnMealble to Body Bruises and frump him Identified htmeelf The Chamber of nmraeree will rafae the nKiwaiv nioi f fcr a with the WiHtthiion of the World 1 1 era l dlpptna; In many of Skull Injury campaign for ntemlicrahlp durlnai the ihr rom mn In oatertaitdna all pant h he given elate, a ad many ajrowrti ten da a. part leu bit ly. and hut vlaiuara aiyg to at win the in4 ih- Alirtqnern.u cannot afford It, they la Dt woik In Juvenile f'ri.l h ia lrmghi mill IHemtare. Marl Hradameyer. ;n Kaat Be l all new children' Inaurance Into the The tneelnif waa tirri if year old boy. who waa run nfllcr. In Ihr rntiipulgn, nn cKoit rlM hj nn aolQmhMi all of the M an Month Kdiih Im being; nusde In add new tuem-her- h't Iday l,a0 SIATECBiEITIOH all rrt night, la rr pot led ak to the roll be Tore the im t tlni: dole in. rly. li. a taken (u Xt. lha I'limp In In .1 of head Aibn('0' pna hoaplt a I Imnirdlatrly after March. Thla .' la eapecteil to be Pra Ml thr sc Ullit ahlih happened ul about le.ieiied by Janunry 1 flrat. &a&. DATE o'clock. Twenty new memhera recently ac- TU BE PICKED of AJbu4Urrqua; N W. IL wTlllwniP waa driving th- cepted will h Initiated neal Tnraday boy eta. liavn k'arr of aliH'li ul ruck Do lajy He evctilny at the fnimai t at A li. ii. of Albii'i mid the boy ran out Into ihr atrref Hi" Kmglita of Cvihia. hall. There Mt Connell, of Albiqa-- i front of Ho mm hint. In J. A. will b' a act la I hour and refreah-mont- NEXT SftTURDflY waJd. of Cuba, hfanu Meldv, who waa en led. aaya the hoy ftftet waid. hui aerqtae, ul r baa a bad laceration under hU light mm. eye. hia left aar la torn, nnd ho liua A1muI r..iuu honey leea wrtnh one a hod hruiar on hln i Ighl leu. Ula pound. Y- akull waa oleo Injured, hul the ea trot Republican Central Com-- j - W. C. A. Cafeteria la not known. Wltneam rj of the accident my th- the mittee Will Meet to Now 2 Years Old boy waa rrommy the afreet, and that $1 00 One Dollar $1.00 two Direct cara were paaalng nt the Don't throw this away. It Santa Fa T. W, A. mnif time Ic dodged around the The C. eafeaaria rora, In I la aMond hirthdav thin cnonth. and tan out front of the is worth not publicly a nd party Irtrn ajitonioblle, which whll nut going eeeaiai. imi with faai, waa too loae to atop. PA NT A FK. N M., July 23 Time mlnaa. hut In a eeaelon nf ttie l n.i Dance to the Strains of A Sonora and 'plaoe f mi trag arve" a puritan-mea- t memhera when a report l tin- ifrwth $1.00 Par of the entarprpMj waa Tukana uf The repuldlrau rend. American Legion ill f'llrll I'lliiliiraplit SONORA etate eerventlo will he left lo the the eofitparaUve flurea of the upa iliirtl The brings a world of music right into the home The personalities I My nrilrrril, it' .id..' oil. 1e of the when prnd ni.i To Plan for Picnic lriulltrll to iur of the greatest singers, the tones of all instruments of an orchestra in perfect ended at in-- meeting: of the at piraent It la oat a thai the tarejan, Htiidio liy Aiitut 15, IWJI. romruMtee i t rt III patroaace haa born buut 360 per At Meeting Monday harmony all these are faithfully reproduced by the SONORA And besides I wo The central committee will ra-- l rent lo ih yea ra. bflg IT huiturday. . mv . lAat year, tha total dlahurarmrnta its wonderful reproduction the artistic cabinet work and thorough phono The ntin. Amttii I..-,,.- will rtink-- ' .H noni.nate a andlUt. tot nilcd of the refetwkii amoUBled to $Cu,00 Thf acrordlna to M lee Dulck Ktiox. Uf pUna for their picnic on Augniat 12 graphic excellence in every respect will convince you uf the superiority of the mutator to he voir on In tit1 at the meeting; to I.. held Miud(t edition Sept renter It. thta bmjii, ttui aurplua abort tha THE MILNERS SONORA. Right now is the tune to buy 'vlivn price:: ure at their luwaat. uprrniiiitf umt vent In lo thu general mm h' nt tin- ji gflonr. WALTON STUDIO auil l thi' line ir fur Tin picnic probably will he in TI" nieliiUM f.r the V. M A tiol i Jerai oaajma) ;tm it will be mi West Central KRUEGEL In 1919. 3138 BEPAHTS. When th opuieil uffalr. 92.1 H waa e)uipp-i- l to nerve loo meal A full Altandanra of th mooitera Phone . Ha la d meeUauj Today, avrrnwo daily aei falifl nt lira ao thai 1'ut TWi-- . tut NEW MEXICO PHONOGRAPH CO. vlcr br 460 mealx Mftn-- propb In complete in mgwmruiK can br mud" is LEAVING CAFF OPEN r.odinrx U direi tor. ar- i mplv'l at thai Him I1BORUR OBAKE dlahea hi- - It eerrlce All uahed 40--2 West Central by eh'ctrUlty ami the ailv r and Kiam-va- t Phone 401 bolled- Expert Repair Department 'The aaWjleat averace he k ln-- Owner of Building Puts the lafeterla waa opi m--d w.ia taken lo Krlday There wrr i mum la a a Man in and Hie averay check waa 1 Charge Yon wlU find it In our Clam fieri Column!; 'Hftrtala frota tka H. i.:t office Fuel Everything w Itfti .i Summer Tho i.i.i. Hill loft Red Cedar Wood thta morn I pa. and h aherlff think hr went lo Ell'aao The cafe Out Ready for Use Here Is u In . a wae left opt it with no ie barge TAere were loavra f hn ad, claara. Gallup Lump Coal tobacco and other t hi turn In the ehow SENSATIONAL caara. Aztec Fuel Co. . oralng to the abenff II. hai PHONE 211 at to riiUig. and Improve th REDUCTION SALE had on an Chefs and atarld work mint park in the mmmw gart whkh he recently In Jalafb IPI Korber skare their profit with evcrv Korbel ii;.tom.'r Y" .1 Use of Kruegrla crrdltoa gtafgaj t are (riven in thu CUT PRICE SALE the opportunity to share waa RED ARROW laat evening that he not ariivd. i in tins GREATEST REDUCTION SALK and w aura Ibai Kjueaej uld be Special laVJt In a lew days. Notbina a 111 be KODAK L done lo try to locate Kruegel, ONE-THI- ALL GRANITEWARE AT RD OFF legal action la hjought 114 1. WISHING 'A "KuiM.'ii Kmlul. Men Face Judge .. 1 StTvii" linisliinir people TEA KETTLES PAILS ( Vrasionally one sees on the Monday on Traffic Nervrcf fur menu a notation sucli wlin linvf wiHliml fur u In4! Mm mill white PUM nil wiiitf, smr, $2.00 $IM as "Chef's Special" followed by an abnormally Violation Chargea trr Kruiir uf Murk M no .ul RaHa $1.00 ttitional cost. high price hut we are happy to say that every- aj.MktatMdwh.iU $160 ti 7.'i blue and vklte thing Paib $1.17 served here is a chef's special. We're so gun Hut aaal vha. $1.20 HI I1'-- " Pan $100 proud of our chef's accomplishments will- M J- Ketgwm waa l 101 ap l a that we iny oh Houih Tith hiit-e- i M Dish Pati $1.13 ingly give the space of this entire ad his Jkrirn a litluh drlvet J in. DUfa I'an $1.34 to won g -- treet ear when led far g! 3C drous work. Years of axperiancc have iliacbarging paaertigera at Ke and WASH BASINS Dish Pan $1.60 developed CewteaJ' Hia caac wai contiuued when gUI llil. I'an $1.67 his art lo the highest point o efficiency. -i- U-U laal nisht until Wou.iuv mom laf Me blae ii.ul wliitr 11 wao afmOdlng on fjgkrr cited lor Ilanii . 45c atiee The Offleer auid Convex Kettles linvellng 21 mil., .n ho n hr waa 7."it' lilni- - SPECIAL THIS EVENING He win dppear Monday mill ululi lift t'lMu. s ru'ltles. .$1.10 - Maale Wi Ula ma who wa art out ed Itllslli &0c Ki.00 Convej Kettle $1 23 SPRING CHICKEN Krlday " a dleurdefiy conOuri charge SUPPER, 75c Work in 86 $1 50 chaoed ber plea ul not guilty, eiilri HJO blue im, whrt. a iMim Kettle ed ill police court etei.l.i morning H a. m., PM ill Husin 08c Convi Kettle $167 out 6 p. m. CJ.IT1 Lkiuble li.iilt-r- . $1 50 'Two Gun Johnny1 tame day. 0 W Waa .mil wliiii' l.7.ri Double ll.iili r. $1 17 ItUslll 80c UHc Killed in Political Work in be- $1.00 Kitchen Uaapa Feud in Chicago fore 6 p. m , Soup and Mixhut Bowls, Coffee i.nd Double Boilers, Soap Mecca Cafe uut noon next Dishes, Oo.nb.nets mid every other kind of Orainte Cooking W MtsI day. sei of the beat triple coated, high class en;unelrd not CHICAUU July II "Two Ouh" ware, and 214 Wesi Mtn tlatidluo wag Inatanilv the cheap s.'.le goods. Central A Ubed lonibt U. latent lcttm of be pollltual ft ud In Ihe bloody jnrteoMh ward, lit waa an able ' EXTRA SPECIAL 'wtiV 1Atedlca. poliU' .il I. ud. wh I alii A regular Or Tig Cup, during thai Sale . 5c

We Deliver $1.00 or Over in This Sale. m machm aped away. Albuquerque's Big Hardware Store WOO. dead wbau taken to Two Juhnny" ficurcd In u ""' 111 mtoibtr of Hwallon. .niM'tiji. 0. A. Mat son fh rril J. 0. KORBER & CO. Von are reeding this ad Other Drug Co. ninplT wul read yours. Phone Butts 208 1., 220 North Se THE AI.BUQTJERQ0E BDKDAY HERALD, ALBUQTTKRQTTE, JfEW WEXIOO. IHJNDAY. JPLT 84, 11

TltRRtZ MIDST!. BILLIONS OF CREDITS RECEIVE OFFERS iiuinr nu n innii n nnuL un. u u in FROM T OE NEW HOTEL This is the LAST WEEK

County Commissioner New Administration LEWrectors Have Several bays It Is What Is Plan Is Presented to Offers to Consider, of Needed Here the Senators President Says our great

what IkrnnlMIn ouiii The board ot director of the Al lmlnaf company HMa." mmym Max (Jutlarrra, who ha WAHfilN'dTON, July boquctqite Hotel will hold of dollar of credit (or the tarmt-r- m tint, MundMV aftei ut tlv bMM n- - Jiiat hiirk from a lfli of and iiillroadu of the country arc in- officii of Henry f (xita. Jr.. eoero - lion of ilraliittff avatmii of volved In I Mi called admlntntriitlon Utry. when hide will be reoalved from (Iranrir valley in the lnwr part plan" for log Imlh agrlnilturri pi 1' inaarea of the new pofri. of Mate Thm parly mad up of and IranaiMH latlon from their prea i.oui titein, preahtent, kaui yoti ftavsia anchrx. Framlawo ant difficult lea, presented to many da llntL a of "if. c hjd n JULY CLEARANCE uutnber l.urero, of Alamrda Mai 'hava and membcra of the aenatc today recolx efl from pmapectlvc ..n. J rtnynolda rrliirmd Ma filday The plan U to lh war finance that tluwe offera could be gmc from n n wc(i trip on which thrv corporation hroad powera and a Monday e money export at the meeting afternoon. went over the drain' and Irrigation large mini of to finance did not kinw whether miy of the of prole t a from th Klrphant Hutu dam and dom atlc aula of acrumulati would be to to Rl Paao. cotton, livoatock and all fern acceptable the board food1uffa Put Mil Id .1y la prMlucta Mom of them uudouhtr "ft thr only way to hate irort aarl ullitral woiifd be ropa . nutd- - to set hack worthy uf aerbum mldeia and Ida In thla county," Kitahle the ntll lion. Mr Uullrrrra aald. "It will mmn on thntr feet, by providing credit, ntnr money and tnurli Inw trouble to and alao by funding their debt to the Sea- the farmer here if we ran et drain ocriiiu"nt on aaay n, Chicago Fetes And outstanding from the three great floors of :t- II KV they have down Ihara." Ily ln hiding the a I! In the Mr. (lutlvrrca la cnthuatantlr about credit plan. It waa nlated. the ad Indicted Governor not only the dralnaf1' hut alao the nilnlMi allmi houfa In awtld Ihc nrra sonable Bargains we wish to call especial attention to limitation ayatema uaad in lhat part lt for a direct application at thla At G. O. P. Picnic ' to pay or me- at a hi mat It U woo time of or more hi i i way tranapurtallon llnea auma claimed In hi lgc tine) lerful the fartr..-- around fa the alHw any teay, big second floor t rnrcfj by them Nn the, reault of federal con dtmirui but we do and the many phenomenal values in our have their la into III governor to act Ilk trol during the war. lualat thai tin nlaod "I want dratniige that in up here " h aald 'The peo!e hera Thta. It wa do) n ted out In eeim- - uae a treat deal too much water In tora, would greatly relievo the public tlovernor Km.. 1. on the advice of department, devoted to Women's and Misses Wear- irrnyaMftf. and do not realla thai apprehension cauaed by expectation hie Htiorrirre, baa rcfuxeil tn aubuui ttitlf billion tn arreat on the vrounda It would be thev Nre lulnlnn thtir land by doing of llile uAVninnf in powera rallr'.'flH, Hi reouent for IJIMi.OO' .niift aiirrender of the executive ables. as an example of the bargains offered, for for the ahlpplng hoard, and fteii&tnr ot the Kovernmeut io the ludlcbirv Just renrore'N tuiemeni mat l ne ' ou rl at Hpi n.i- t i tirentena It would not be ptHurfble to affect . alteinpl to w i. hmall by calling pric- RAM & MAUGER much reduction In taxee out a aherlff a poaae If he doee not instance, are Suits, Coats and Dresses originally i it.!- rti- - ala Kuaeno Meyer. Jr.. dir.. tor of the Hmall, It la undWfif nod la ready war finance corporation, apent moat rtay Ihc to call out the mllltla to protect him high as $35, now marked $11.11 ; Suits Coats ahd of the at the laying of the ed as LOSE TAX CASE III Phio t HenntorM Mcvei - from activltlea aherlff. cftire Abraham lennington Smalt ta i "n. lucluded one that the Norrla bunker-farme- hill now uendlna before lie senate r hoar home h in Kan Dresses worth $55, now selling for $2222; Suits Coats meet proponala he kakoc Hi. Kotowing aeveral tirma In he ano nded to the the Mate laatalitture when he trnlled outlined. S'nrrla bill, aa It xtand (dd 1 create- - n corporation like the war along with the Ixirmler niai nine rorporatlnn. empowered t Small iolniti banda will. William Hal and Dresses that sold for $75, now marked $3333; and finance poltlk-H- l ,. nf uae 1 .nnii fKoYAuft of the gn ern Thomaoit, the cunh rtfol credit to buy agrl a ate, nnd waa elected e jiaurer a n't cultural producta and aell them nnd then chief ex uflv $100 and $120 Garments now moving out at $44.44. Disrtict Court Overruled to help farmcfa HSMMM denla In ex nn fen With Tlmmiii port marketa. It la genera :iy admitted that in Reduction of duly i oiitlnuancu of ihc Thnmpanu Mever' nlan l4 to confine thla In power depend a on ftrr t corporation, which chine how aoatttnen to the war finance tun - if iii preacnt gran he pointed 'nit to aenMlor alrendy la the god acandal it oirt'd for luat that of Mm, (t Thornpeon were bill to in- - ami nnd to amend th after Hid picnic today HANTA7riv''N,iil" I e- i Mil well n befoie and The ud road iia fai inra holding a their upremc MMfl haa rvraed the Judg- Thin of murKl, would require n tr council of wai of dlMtrlcl In Hernti illn In political enemies ment the court mettdoua increaae the autborlaa the city follow- THE LAST WEEK OF aunty rum- of of uae mid oraaM Itumore around hull a in the the mailer lion lor the of wah lualop of war pow- of nnd Mauirer for the ho It ta eatlmnted. if tto Meyer ing the dim the taea that wow nrefa that Hmad Iniended tn atny year I til. appellee, venom the atnte i In ii w nl tlirouuli. the finnnci- ror tat ommiaalr.n. appellant. pomil'.n would conirol credlta and In ('Imago for the next aeveral day, Thn waa on up pen by the Mate caeb of two bllllonH or more, thua ea.aplng the Jurisdiction of a of mini) courta. tax commlaatnn from Judmnent Mever aaw HMrJa. ICenyon. lom la to be the dMftel abuting the . om many otlMRi The warrant whhh errvrd rri ne. Mr 'ortnlck and Tuesday would than be aent to Hher-tf- f party'" la xen In the nom of t 4 7, during dl ' It wa brought out the .if CbbagTO find thr whnle Rosenwald's July Clearance Paten and reducina the valuation ruaitlona lhat Secretary Mellon In now lierore I'onk county upon by ' matter thrown the olt of ftierchandlae the Mt w or on .oo tiding plan $ 4 refn courts. oommiaatnq in tha aurn of ,00ft. which invidvea n"t only tin ten till It la Id Mil pi lite court hi bv the I. owed bv Kuropran uverninent!i thai 'he diet i let court mount i.ti but aeven billion ehurt time I'm ted Disarmament Parley a taapaver nnd ffjltuce tin taaea of Hial' uovi i vox til otuiuutiona. and lila aaeiMMinenl wheie the only quea-tlo- billions tn MbOltl lionria A r rang Call This Week Itivtlvrd la dlacrlnilnatloii nn a- for bontw hi mI nientH paving .otlmic1 from iMUte wi I nun of the ert'MOe viiliiHtlofi In in the wtkliig out on v beat L been cnplcmnlatinn long drawn out negotiations dif Illicit MtD reader in the high third grade KRcI b the petitioner to have of that plan. H wae aiateq. ppinJon threatening Un "pla propartV liV the ux ferentea of The prat pupils in reading at the la Richard French. rd uimh hi" M'heduia opening of th' pajHav. ma milttorltlea Informal eommunlcatloiia are now Third Ward for the past waeh nre In The laadera In then artthmatlc e opinion Blacksmith Shop Kavnolde wrote the . ponti d at the atac department School News the high tecond grade, Madero Tur- rlaasea in the low fourth grade are Don't Confuse On Fire for Third from hoth the Japanese and tliltlsh ner and Milbet h Walsh ; in t he low Marian Tersgood. Isabel Hemaudei. Rich Broker Sues riivi nmciits tn the subjectn out gt'ide. Adeltta .I.. mil io. Lucile Maim, lined. H Aitn. third Hnhert Jonklna. Rachel Time in a Month fr .la in e Unas. i;lgar Mitchell, Rent on Alabastine with Wtfclt! sufficient time la believed In The uaual routine of the whool la leybo anil Uradford Hklnner; tn the Wife for Divorce oun. il Hicks. Mary Hglegtel and Virginia have paaaed for th advory going on In unbroken fashion, with high third grade, they are Waller In Tofclo a on the l.eftwlch. As Convicted Thief Koi the thud time in one month in reach detalon ut rtcorda being kept up fnnnerk ami Joseph Capcla. Those who have bad perfect spell- Kalsomine the Idokatolfli ehop of John J Kl tlueaHon of p:ll t eipation in tendance aaatam i II, and the work being accom-liahe- d These puplla have had perfect ing leaaona during the pai week ara Holt al 4(l ltrldt.-- avenue, ciiught on the proposed Pacific and .ens a i Ha Waahlngtan confer w spelling foe the week: Kugcne Hurela. lark. Hlakc, Ruth dlsiusalon In the itb aurprialug reaults. Fren h, Adellta Jaramlllo Kdgar i nee, le Secretary of Hiatc .M.. il, Hoggs ami lima itelnke. and In Mrs Hutta' room ttiaae children i m MlU'hell. KaJauailn inay mmn anythlas: nun h dumage had been done H inches Amhaaandor Hhlileharii Mi h u uu. v aide before Ml tc t thw head of theli claasca: Lucy In Alsbaalln aaacM a definite, mntd" Hied cal north t al uia that aonic one haa of Japan had been advised tonight of In the race In phonlca held the A ftotith cloaely h a aued by Klllnlt low grade African plant ra homes, " Itoen lot divoiit aet and la trvlng to burn any action Hniaaar, Mildred Thompson, Anita last week, thaae a pebble In ap- uniform Kiamtarn nf qualify. H well to do in the flna Hoyer. were 'ha-ve- aemhles shape and iwmpb Hill- broker hlin out. The I dux alurli-- near the oi Worried Qkrar .iuiw. Itltt. Ralph Joe Martinet. puplla the winners: Anita pearance. Kalanmln tn a term on M i ( ng central the circuit ciniit the round thai back door, but aa the building In However M atmletv Is mi. and Kn.t.t and frank Hmlth. Pabilna t'havci. tlln Gong In many ahe had been coilMCted of tuaild W It la possible favorable haa In the fourth grade, labtro flrtego and Amtanlaa Walker. rom materlala with mude largely of nrmtpfd Iron. that SMVd" wiavuto nlaerf nr Ifol cm did not do mich damaan lo ir. been taken by th dvlaory oounall han been entered thlH wek Jay Hentiy leads the high firat tmm i wish jtin room una s risa IV fan. name bavin Tin bill lerltea lhat the went iiwi-r- The fheinen had to pump water reg.trded aa the iipn tne aut horn y Theac puplla are at Ihe head of the grade clasa, and furry Long lead Don't alak yaa eealg rval year agar nn definite quality. Itnn't rofi- - AtiRiint 37. r.H4, ami aepiiitl UUgd In on matters. Hind ui tdc clastai Katherlne n the ow flrat grade "i Mil It. from the rlvar and "00 feet of Japan audi II fuae Genuine Alahaatlne with 21 year Ho 'lay y Moore. In beat In aecond loa t alia ytio enalO jovt MM lav of thla after hnae flghtlnK the fire The alaim It waa win led ii horita t ivel toilav a. id Hurton the fourth The reader the high Sell IL t. in ... ordinary kalanmlne; It may Mtri llcll'a aite-- when the poli. came in Mi:lo o'clock, and the fire thai Ihe lulled Hi a tea government Lillian Martin. Isldro flrlego. grade la Samuel Jac The heat In rnal at ki- vou monay Invadad tbair roaUtinri uid rtawwrW waa out In a half un hour. had notified the Hritlah government Mildred Hotts and ftnbert Ma. the low third nre Joe .folly. oul By anise Herald Claaaiu. and dlaappolntmeat- - M t ra1 HMMMi nd dot la i a' worth of Informally through Ambassador Hai lend their flaaaea. I tn en port ti nd l a u M Itche The Phona aaa atob-- good" vey at l.ondnn Miai It dnea not be lleil at" mI b hi w Ifc f'd lowing $500,000 Oil Fire lleve that theie should he am pie - hei :i iRttnieni n hurglut llminarv ennferen g in the Knlish uaegl Is Under Control captiul nor that there ahould be ag) mote than .iito her P tlnif niihl none no nl of t he date of the fl,H raaggjgaw an Meanwhlla Mra Hall wwfl -- Wjahlngton dlearmanienl and Paclflc n l k i l i N T, TEX., July Ift A 0, AOt bonds, and tMk the Ij!1 :,.o...... confereiicr This conimunli atbui (.cut I fit e had deal i M ed f Vow boapltal foi e Miming Inn ldttf which Hi IO various augBcMPoia ' il bt loiiKIIig eh- Drag arralgne! In the Hlof f 11 worth in f'Uli lalika from Loudon, la now In In ted lo be aa-- Magnollg petroleum e pun) Mveniic court and r b on pmlwi to ib before the Hi Hlah and hinnnln Hon and the Hun Oil WHa a An anawer la exp t You Satisfied jtremiei Are huglaind a rl v controllediMn.tonight Thereupon har rantad lien which will pave Ihc way to an agree- Alabaatlne ran be appllad with home fni be i in May wood, but on The flame had raged alnce ment on theac points w .in ordlnarx- aevan or n .luiv ii Mra llii returned in Ihe Hall hen liKhtnlng Mi uck an Ho. na Boon a these quagtlotjg, now eluht in. noun- .Hid mude mi "main ceaaf it ef earthen tank containing 1,1 but exltiut between Wiiahington nnd (lal brnali tn any iten. wall foil kldinip the hlblri n. .foa ph I rela of oil belonging to the Hun com-pa- Toll 0 and London arc idea red up. With uifa.e whalher' plaatar. wall, 1 II hi ygftrg old and I'mncia Ah hough nppenied furl de cretan Iftighes is expected to al board. Mat, wall paper Two data lutfi gJM took polaon In diimitge would tw avoided, flteiui n f i Mik1v an kgl maul among ihe that haa no ralaed the Northweatern mllrond depot, hiu! are aim f mining in pioictt wwund- - powcrs on it date for the opgnlnit oi fKuraa, wood, waa removed to ttu count) lioapltnl. log tnnka tha confeiinor. t'anvaa. ate. where ahe rftflMgd lo icomln until the Rent ph dla Hhe la The alclnna hnrRed her an hi to be Hi Hut now In u (nop h!- Six Said to Have Confessed Parts in You Pay? Jap Deportations fry? t Here Is a Propo- TI fallf Julv M .f Please Read Ofnutnc Alabaallov la antiaapti l In 1 thoae who pgrl Ipnfed the .Tp it rttwtroya aneae deport ail on hen- have gnCaagafl aarm or vermin gc ling lo Dallag lodga mi sition Worthy of lifa otnmon to wall pa par are in ihc oount latl at Hodaago Thoae gdmlttlni t live pgi n- ipatPm. gcoordlng i Hheinr iu;iaa nra: This Your Attention mm Hill Hoi b n IrUcg driver Frank Hnrdln truck driver tMarence Manpvtrnrn ram hi t ttaranca Jackaou. fruit imnd nt the next 3() tLiyn only, wc will nlcan and "Red" an Itinera worker for I ow n told blio Sbei Uf willing $ 500 for privilege of The tullaa $1 Would ynii lc lo pay ihc moving into eald. tlMM Ihiv bud haCR hMUOaal lo prcHs men h suits for 00. There will also he tmki pari In tki dapurtaUona hocauaa lliis COZY COTTAGE and calling it your own? We are prepared to ituntantg bv th Atnetcan legion a reduction in rteaninp and pressing ladiei' and bv th- - local chamber of com all required in the of thin Alabasflna ia aay to na Jnat . ;ipparc1 furnish the material construction cottage at mm ibiii lhiae organisation? Were wearing add thr light quantity of warm nppnaed lo lhaJgminaaw Inhorgra givan work In thia dtn'rlct In a very low figure, and will furnish a complete set of plans and specifi- or rold watar, atlr It for ona prafaranra t., the looml ahite woikem mlnutr and tti randy. (Ut tha and white Itinerant. cations frcf of charge with hill of material. Oanulna Alabaatina at io ,i .it the Itinarnntg akipped WL ARE ABSOLUTELY FIRST . ut the duv following iha raid Wbafl I aerlousnagg of th gffali dawned ha - tin ihoaji nd ih raauM In thai I ha In Dyeing Anything. Any Shade, Any Color We u- alsp prepared to build this cottage complete, ready to ' move hi. al i iivnt rv irtl h'ddniK the al It " it into should you desire to have handled in this manner. . C. Baldridge III JA SIMIRI I'l ar tin Hoanlah III fighl p.ilnl tVMB il. filll.llllU hull Dry Cleaning Department Lumber Co. linn. In Sew York Call in and see us, or drop us a word and our representative will An Ami. man visitor to v one First St. and Coal Ave I said nf tin bull fittht call on you. We have hundreds of plans for your inspection. u In Phono 403 'What fog) gnlntftl a bell la" M w Hi Bnd liUI hasina 1 gk ruind ind round ihe The Imperial Laundry I II1R DOKT H . r Kl mi: i ili tli,r tnd hen At""' Dee I , eal4 fUM. a e Tie.l II k iud ''he spent Phone 148 & Mill eaa 'h' Co. Of Da thing f Superior Lumber HI DM t wu. yua MM 14 tea. yeur ef.ert haul s t ii rd i.oak rounu ani I weal Hrn. .1 uund the tow n Dea'l alia yea eaald .ell year Phone 377 501 South First St. .i n cotripHed J H11W t olh-M- piofoaMor hdd supeisiillons In book B By alia, lea Herald . Claaa.l.rl Celaalaa 4 ltd Ketiiuc U Ite font TH ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SUNDAY, JULY 34, 1031 Giants Win a Double Header; Cleveland is Vitlor as Yankees Drop a GamQ .. w n ' a do lodny. flier wen...... to PlttaOjurch. Caopci i for aliiRKinti Umpire lllliluhrail with y. S, One Error So Th,. a, .,,,. GETS HIS n tha h , I to l I0end In TRACK AND Far ffliy trm, 1 tr, 1. Flrat ganao: SOTHGHON ALLOWS Iln.rrin AD It II I'O A R AOS TO' FACE f . 1 m AS St M tT A K leltiolil. i I I4bn. If Ceater. Ill . 0 Crilllna. rr . . I cf . t 1 0 0 FIELD STARS HOMER IN irey. ...411100I I WH Ilr . I I5TH ki.ranvllle, aa I I ft 0 Mrlnnla. II SANTA FE TODAY I Pratt, . . 1'urrhaw. . 4 0 0 2 1 lb I I lb aa . . Whltled. rf . 0 ti'itr. 14 14 . If . fiamhardt. Itr 4 4 4 0 4 iiui'i. annrm. lb . . 1 4 4 1 AT BARELAS FIELD II OMLYTHREE HITS Ilrr-- h p 4 chmldl, . . 4 Cooper, 0 . 14 414 14 14 Ton. I. . . . .17 4 I 17 II I HI. T. . .11 I I.iiula Alt It II I'O A K New Ya Teams Tuhln. rf . . . 1 York Trims Cincin Boat on AB It H PO A I Cleveland Retains Grip i Game Will Be Called at Kllrrbv. lb . . 1 Prrwell, cf . Outclass 8 7 Oxford and Plater. Ih . . . rati to and Ilaihere. a. 1 1 on First Place; Browns 2:30 Instead of Usual Huotli worth, ri Cambridge Au.lln. lb . . 6 to 0 r Whip Boston Wllllarha. If . . 3 o'Clock Jarulianrr. rf , . CAftinRIDOaC M- July si. tevereld. c . . KW YORK. July 81. New York 4 IT - t Tin Kaui tirtwiian Au'm ami adUed to ItUer- - l.KVKI.ASO. July n. The (Irrtrer the bolib or America her aeaaon'R aa... K. '" 1mM hroi.r. t'lrvnliind Indlirne run New Mi will i - .hut ih Menu., lb, lb Hnnu atart at 1:10 o lock thla natlonal vlctoriea in the Harvard ata- 1 froai Cincinnati hera ihla afternoon link iMirk. Ilila iiflernuiin tu tl Knlpb. p . . . nrtrtfiipon. al ItarvlaM Inatamt wt Wataon. p ann riiatnr-i- i tr plr, flfht l dlum thla aftarnoon when the Tale iin trolil on rir.t tiayna, p . , . y nm of I to arid t m t. Oeorpa Oowdy . . at "hi tiVtfK-- aa waa fnrnn-rl- Harvard truck and flrld defeated Ox-- Krithrirnn alluHril tho Irrnk lull 'P r'uilina . . . Kny rut. .nth kowr pave the nrurr: Th( y S inre. rallrrorl hit. Lee 4 10 10 rhnntta haa y tv. Tola la . 1 7 1 ford and Cambilda to I. New A II "tanta lb firm game ana It IT It Turk All. II II I'D r. M' auar there will hi-- m itoiihl Cunningham', homer In the Untied for Watrron In ninth America went mm lurthpr In the ".water, cl . 5 m end Tola la . II I 10 10 0 and thay want tu thruuajh hmi accounted far Hirer rena. Pltl.burch . . . . 144 144 441 4 International line In In In Kins track a Peek, aa ...... II gt I None laafiin- it gamr wre rao son that Kntxland ha ftn Ruth. If . . out when wtnlne run waa dark. railed at the end ""ton held aeored A craw n I Two-baa- r til twenty yearn, Ned . . if men haa hern wurklns th Hflh lanla to permit lh Kummary: hlta. Carey. when Ootirdln. Baker. Ilr - ll-- nea-r- llrrtliil for Kolph In Ihr- the flelil alnrn the on Thuraday, rl. to eaten a nam Htulcn haaerl Mar 111.- fkaerlfl.-- Harvard atar. Jumped H feet MeiraH. rf . . rlnhlll. rain me nm It In l Krt. three inchea In Flpp. Ill . 'Itan for t'olllna In the elchlh. and have unud nhain KM Find aifflt: kit Koike. Manuivllle. Wataon the hroad jump. Iloatiiri loada In CI nl. IVrolile marve nun apai e learlna; Ward, . . .110 000 000 0 4 uf aand hav lxvn put ab. n.H. ro. A. E. p.,a Barbara ro Or41 10 Tna of lb I......,.- c ! Pt. mil. ooo 111 I the holed th walar had been rf . . Holke. Bacae on balla. Coopai ie aihU-t- ahalttJied lh record tlnfrnran, c . 004 I off i Two-hae- e Jtevr-rel- landing, nnd haan wr parked. 1 ton no . 1, of 24 feet I I mad-.- h Pat- - Hort, p . . . . 1 Summitry: hlia, haa Ik 441141 Waraon 1. Htrurk owl. by Cooper II. Inches Manager Mundall nf Aqs haa hud fc . rh-- O'Connor in 1101. Tobln. LeltHild. Haerlfl.e hita. the Omk I. Wataon I. I'mplnra, Mora and Kncland in the It) on Ih Itnnali ef 1 MMtw The atara achieved Tntala . . . i o I'olllna. Mr.Mnrrua. Doubla playa, airapcr at work ' r :i ii H. Kinunda. Ilaubort I 1 vtctwry tha 100 daah 'Irv rland it ii. i'ii. a. i: Pratt, Mrlnnla. nil ... on Iralla. lb Heronil came: wlnnlnn ah The ttlff aame will lie played flrat If . 1 th mile niHa jMUileaon. II . off Kolph I. 3 Htrurk by laanraa Plltarturirh AB R halt and the two miia. but, w c H PO A the hammer throw the jump Wanrby. Ih . Kolph 1, llayne I, liuah I. Left an and thr ae mid lame ill tie Harcraee I Bitaxee. If . . . hlch tin- Up of . 1 Jump, put Speaker, ef . latere. HI I.iiula Hoatrin Tlldllhia team, made irane m Carey, . . . broad shot and the 120 l. I. - cf .441444 . , fi the S Hrnrt I'ai Merquard u II yard hurdlea. Mrrrllh. rf Wllaun, Hlldrbrand Ml kiaranvllle. aa . .14 11 and Nallln hla! and the Mania Fr Boy ' j, (. 14 Amartcn wan enncedi'd all (ha field Gardner, lb . r'utahaw. lb . 4 41141 1 aa . . WaVUta. Kllar p . . W .4 event In advance hut the ahnwinx Hewvll. ll. Waalilnirlrm Ji. hilled, rf . 4 4 4 1 4 . The line up fot Ihe haa Ml HreeeJer . mada in the dlatanca run waa a irteat Jnhnatnn. lb DKTItrrlT, July 21. Detroit won Bernhardt. 31. 4 4 1 ; Nelll. . . It a . tie en arranged aa yet, arrordln tn Itopf . . .4 urprlae. Kathor a ahtH'k to the dope thlr.l ii ..u.,,v HI....V irr.nt Onirdn. lb . 1 1 4 4 Hrrthtirun p . W .n.i. li hut thera will he a II were vtctorien of the i al i unnera, ii.httiKton thla afternoon by a acoru Hchanldt. c . . ..r . .. . m erahle ha nee In ihe learn It a Totatal T 4 ampletl and lKua;.aji. alntc II N II I . 14 It Carkaun. p , ( 4 4 4141 Camphe!! Tiilnls II 1 7 7 I Wrrarilnirtiin Alt It laat apivearanee when played the R(tod tor Marqoard In aeventh. took ihe half mile run n II PO A. K. 1- aaya Klnb. p . 4 4 4 4 1 New Vnrk ana ooo ono n Oraya laat Sunday. that "Hatred lor ltonnhu. m from Rudd. captain of the Pritlah - Judge, lb . . 4 Ih- tleleland 001 D4(r .Hi I the ten in will atrunvrr with th' Now Yoik Alt. R. H. PO. A. V. team, and marked up an event on the I Milan. If . . . work- Total. . . , 44 1 rtitmirrar: Two lura. i I t rearrangement, and haa HurM If . . . 4 1 I 14 II 4 American alda that waa mnaidtTfd a hlt. Sui:.k. lllce. r f . . . 0 4 ien Boat on AB Huth'irnn Three liaao hit.. Jritiiratnn. ing out in good ahape They hatl a Haneroft m . R H PO A K ure thina for the Knaliah- Miller. If . , . 1 - 14 Powell, cf . . . waa HueririrT hlia. Hpeakrr. Haa, s n '0 workout Friday night nt the I'nlvei- Frteh lb . . . Ciually unespecti'd the victory 'JOHN "HTt IY Ml NNIH. Ilarrla, 2b , . t Barbare. aa . . nan., i.rr llnyi I. ff S..tlninn lty field field waa Vouili rt . . of Douglaa HuKiove. the great Hhank. Ih . , IHI . "HiuITv'- Klmik mil, by Hnyt I. by r angry. Kelley lb . fouthWorth. ri dlatame runner vf Knffland. In the If John MclnnlH wera Holhornn 'Itour kr, aa . i . 4. Ironlilr playa It la that Ted tVCon Cunningham Oulae. If . . two Htuetaa even alld the i ni at tn n in the Meuarl In llnfrmari. Tnrrre. c . . almoat rertaln cf mile event. waan't Ward to I'ipp. l mplrea. nail and flrangle will lie the lottery . Boeckel. Ih . niajtir Icaauea few in k unit lit n Wnuld llwvna and p . ltaw' lb flknred In the dop. Miiarldae fm the Ai,'b, and "tlraaahopper" Mn .1. H. like tb . . atrdnvly r.iurr. Hlinlli . . r . . . Enirland fltcured In the 1' ftnitiil Welan and tirlegu will form Ihe nu Kahr ford, lb . . . mile event. Piallard and Tatham. two Fot "HtulTy" l 'Mllower . p.... jut abotll that. nuiiuMiii (r QMraap i rleua fur the Manta Ta bum h. . . Olbaoa. c . . . h- Toney p . of tha team that broke the world' Rt far thla haa hand ed flllr'Ailrl. J,y 1,. The Alhlell.a The Ait'a have not mlx'd with Hanla Ikrott, p . . , . relay In 1019 T;o Toiala . . . . . 14 12 21 Walker record at the Penn mon than h.m.f with but one downed Ihr rhleaao While Km By i I Pa aitwi the flrat of Ihe aeaaon. when . . . wecm4. lenniM llatding Tirtala .14 I? 14 flnlahed flrat and error. Ilia average la .III i ,i hi in tn.rav K. r nlr- li nag Torrea In nth Ihe) WiTi- handeil a 10 tn 5 lieatlng Toiala i i of th- Har- 'Hal Malted tor Nrhf In erehth .It I t IT 10 1 '..tiTiel former captain plua ed rr rimmI annre but hi. tearrr runtea fm MoKllillte In flit They ferl that they ra n better team I'lltaburgh . vard team waa for aecond l (l 'tn.lnnatl l III 7 .441 .....1 0441 furured H' ihe Ural Ixie ni'n of iHtih were werrk on the nffi riae Tin ai .,i, tN'lrrrlt All It II PO. now, anil hnan In even up. Iluwevn. lloeton . . place but he waa accidentally kicked leaguea In I'liliadi-liilni- .vw York ! an . .044 441 )4a 1 folding in 1ii?n with an All It II PO, A. K. Itlne. II, . , . . . 4 4 I they will tare Wetaa for the fltat time, i nummary Threc-liaa- -' p-- I e Mocrk-run- at the half and retlrad. average n m In 149 . . . . 4 1 ir. "umnari. Twne baae Mia. Kelly hlia, . of ord Will rf . 0 4 I ii, . . . . I I 1 1 nnd tin Hanta team haa a ao heen rl tn winning event game I .MO I It Ilyki--a 1 Xrhf. Barn-roil- Crane. Walker. Three Home Powell Mariirire Rudd ihe othar waa putout u a at lb . . 4 I Ilellmann. rf . . . 4 a I I making Uopruvemcnta lately When "It. Hcliirndl for the Brlttah ran true to hi form h ud haee him. Hanrrort Hererave and Baeca on ball, oft errora. Wel.h 4 0 0 Vraelt. If . . . 4 lli4- nun Mom (he Oraya two werka 1. Ihe mile Chap- riHiTNlr-ud- Uautorrt. Hern.' r una. Kell.y. Kopf. r'ailaon r II . .Ill I.. U a. and took iiuarter with I 0 0 a . 4 ugo. they had a aumowhHt revlai-'- ! of Yale l U HI I I Htolen Frteeh aad Ounran. Carlaon I. Lmplrea. man aciond. MM IIM. J Walkr r II, . 0 0 II Hhnrlen. of . . I lineup, ami played teal lam-taII- Ilujl.r and IN M Ml I K M rttruck.rue by Th complete auperlorlty of the HHlllH I'erklna c . . 4 1 0 Hamrrrl 3 h , . . 1 met dlaaater Marnuard one. Donahue I I The Hanla nine with Amerl ana ahown In the arir I MuaHn .Hi . . 1 1 I Xh . . . I Baaro on balla. aff I: - ncle H4im hnd Johnny Unit June. laat Mundav however when they ro hi" li BH- Vali Rrota have Toltey i; t'mplrea, KUtin and Kmtltt. lUrvatd lahi be. n having aylMJriy aummer, athleti- rlalloway aa o : 4 0 Ili.aaler. r . 1 Helan Welaa allowed four good two Oxfoid lomblnatlon. , 1 . Seeona game: to for the cally . Haaly p , . . " 1 Khmke p . a. . 4 alnglea In the flrat Inning. Which natt flflST ROUND IN five aeconda to their flva. . , 1 3 rinrlnnatl Ota 14 4 1 A lao Si n i u ha a ha d a cou p la Toiala . in 17 II id four iiina fur tu- Helen leant It y- r .Vow York Olt l 4 4 4 aklrmhea with friend Kiaiw hli itk'ti aii it ii ro, a. r. VMkh 13 I 14 17 10 I limka m th'iiigh Manta Ki- ftirgeta how liar-Bra- y Julinmrn aa . . 5 4 I I Batteriee- Countta. troary and And they're atlll at It I Wit.hiriKlon 000 010 01- 0- 2 ti plat Im when it la away from Ha ; Kami, and Mralth. graystoTQ- Hue Mi ' lelli.n J. 1 I 4 I I'etri'lt 014 101 42 hmne grounda. The battle wni fffmed abr'ad r DIRECTORS' COP e.ti.v thla apiing with the Americana 'oil Ina ;h . . 1 1 4 Hirrriiriart Htnleh lurae lla.ila Tan Ilr.aa.lra 14; Hi. Um 4 atj vlalting Invadera. , nrrrrnk rf . 1 hoar hit. Milan. Kltttike. Miller YORK. Knll. If . . . I110 Louis Rulo, Indian XIW July II Brooklyn So far the acorc ta In favor of I'ncl t Till Ima. hlta, Hlnu ,.,. Mlliili l.nunded five eV Lout, pllctiera tor Kam M'.alll if . . . 1 I Koit.1 run.. H.iru. rtl II.. on 14 FOR THE . . an" hnlla Once Wanted Here, hit and won many here thla ROSWELL Hhel lb . 11 Mocrlrlae I GOlfPLAy The Anierlci polo team lteat the H Mtrink nut. Khmkr i. by a ax or 14 4. TODAY hulk e . . , 4 0 A. r of to The llrtton a straight cop- - Mnar iilKe I 'trinltr.. 'onimllv n.r Els two and Ker r p . . . 1 1 capes Prison Term perl lie Inte r a ai cup I'hllle. St. LmIh AB H H PO. A r Jock HutchJnou temtiOOgied Mann , . u I then Toiala IS I !" 1 4 rf t n .i H'n l.ula Indian, ulm wax wmiled K. hull, rt 1 i d! uK iikik I'hn.iitelphla ono ;oa I no 1 Players UlU 1ad a- nd- -l ly the Mhajaaaaama ab (iff aeveiai Htork 4b V . 1 1 1 Are to Meet def 414 000 400 1 at hU UOTbl letiltla title On the Wttllhlc r'hlraco wet ka ago .n a laid he k liargi H.. a ',' Country Sriinrrtnry .Thiee lorae llfla litra.ri MM tii he a rahlitt'a fowl, . 1 1 Club In i'nun two Iraae Kourhler 7h at Alex MlrlhigfanVt in her kitem pi Falk: hlia ilullowa). Kri rlllii N. wa rwaayha! tiua . tu Imm that ha VI, Henry If . r 1 t hlia Welah. rlltelly oul by Three Game Series Will to w i at th- m, Kngllah gulf Htrurk irrh rlrtrrr M4 haan let off in Manta Ke with a Topercer . 4 10:30 I'.., on hnlla 1. lb 11 title rth oldn'l keep pace with i. W IV. t MMh4ad aenien-- after plaadltUI Dtfcaafar c . 1 1 Start Here on th ir poa Kerr I, pojwha plaa. Jrrlttirmn la len lanrl H gtillt tu panama a ihei'k on p Th- - erful and wondi rful Mlaa Col In Hhelly. l lrrpln-- It Walk.r preliminary round in ihr tmU Cecil !.etch In. Mollultl a w Vol k 44 :i2i Ihi- Klrat National hunk there. !laln.-- p . . irrril ijMjinamcni for th. dlmiur' i Up will Friday t4i. by J(inia i hi k BvaUM Irlnen. tVaanlaaTloa .11 .441 The raae waa tried Inrfnre dlatrlrt . ,1 and Hku.rd.ri p pliiv. . niUet-abl- I r .', ... In Ke at th !ut. ttMlay ' u 'el oll 41 Jndg' Mulloman Majllii Krnncin '"Ian fei dow : i.:r ltiih p . li will ... a M. It. North haiMji.aii lournamrnl. In In th' ir attempt in win ibe gmati Ul Si .nUI. . 41 Wajl aenlriti ed tu nerve two tn thre.t 11.11. . Whii-- A three game garloo will be playotl HT LOi'IS, MO., July II. The .i!2 Ihe tallny of man la to h B'lf flip hiuira jfiilng tto Kngland'a l'oalon 40 41 yearn In the tHin re-- i t'lrrrinjri . . m. .1 between the flrity and the Itoowell llniwn. defeated the llo.iavi Had V h) a tf- iirt hi h ham- Willi.? H !. So. ''linear! . . . .40 .114 iimuii ndatit-- t I'aul . Wnlter. -en haaeimll T iii Inrrlnaa linlay. ..aire kept of hi - orrs a iwi Im1 team for the ten The I'tnladi ohm .14 whop.' na Rtf had algni-4- l tit the Twtafta . 4 14 11 of RMtV or of New Meilco In Albuquerque on wn. b In Hl.ler put ... an I I Otml yagei H ia n rami bufl player, i Oeorae aa. he k aiipri intendenl Huff t the li A Krlday, llr.aak 'yn AB. It II. nU Th. , naal Haturduy. unl Humlnv wilt pioboJdy mnko Oraya oul of the rranre iii ihe fifth Inning Vrlloiurl I' H. achonl Manta Ke. wlnnrr at the up will k. . U ham-ph- and the Indian at and tilaon aa . . I I I 1 Hoawell la the undlaputed i c y they A M Kdw t at- p4rtmanntl. Inalrad of Havlngt to win Work for ei run gel t Pet aula naalatunt dlati 0 3u of thtt aiuthern part of the M. I r VOVRII I.NTItAl.s Pl.AY. .:. Johnaton It .wvrrBl ilmea In au.-- i aa In ii, the bat they ba. (ho to I'ltl.liirrrili torney, whu tried the war. the aeif art in The Yourra will pliry Ihe New . i.nmtlt . niosN of th ih-- atatv. They have played and wnii Krwin. who played with th- Oraya r'eniml. York waa auapended . . tournamfnta All Hnw Mill tiHtlt Huridnv rt Hood cf lhc , from ever team In that aectlon. and at Albuqu remein-tOa- mrirrrlna Float on WWak ('lenient T Vigil, nn of-- f yrra a rr on la laavr. jtue fnn f ri .Ml . . T- ii'elor k at the I'eltlrrrl ffmrrrrila. . . ,0.1 I hi- - Whoal If Hand on urn. ao that play have alai defeated aeveral ih him ar a good player. llm.iklyn 14 li'ta of l ndlan naaaj nnk af-- th can ,t0 aea-o- Thr- Cenunla are i hrflli any 1..UIIM Nelna N Martcd t o' lock sharp. Uania Of game played thla I tn n I 'ad Ilia la not ready to an- irarna . .41 ,411 i'ii th4 aheriff tu drop haigi'a agalnat rnhmnndt lb !: they have won 40. hla y aaya ream of ilielr .Ixe Teairr. WHnilru; i'liuirlfi, . . in ,111 Ruin, whu la alli-g- i il In have algnei) Irawlnffn wrrr hi id lam anil nounce battel aa et. Inn .1 21. nlht ualrre n.i .1 Hum In ., . t J IiIm Klkluff ihr men pairtd ff The flraya have an equally gnid that hi- - llneiin will be p rart Itii y the in. tin I a , .40J MRU a Oherk hi OIIW tlliiw Tl. fullim. iiU Tin K. I 2 l Taylor li th- wmy In rtcord aa they ha e only loet f ou r a It kiji-tlo- Norlh avehue. hllnd. Ii'hta HI p which they will play. nam' haa been with th .... Mltehr gamea aeaaon. I' F handicap. f 0 thla They haw won of the pile her. He will not afalnat Orover TH. from evcr team thev have played, have any pH on i he Tntala 14 IT 11 4 Divln. notable era It II and rhUm to ba tin- kaat loan in tno team. unlotM piteb' i la Imported Baltrd ....for Blnrdell In 7th. rrrd While, M. avalnM A O north part at tha atate - 4- t mmnii, H. The pggagg on nhn anil Sal hi Pr on .44 44 44- Th Hoawt-- team la lurgi-t- mnd-u- ... 14 A fti. W lav will be i ailed at 4 o'clock, ao BraokJqTa .411 oil if- - Hru. II Kelt, of profeaapinal ... her M. playera, and lha that bualm m men of the clt w ill Soinmary. Two taue hlia IMlhorfer learn haa been phtying three grttm-- rrlaon. Htn. k W H. Allen, Mur-ph- have to turn OUL lloawill Three hare bite llriffith. 9. atfalnat Uo week aeawm In I wall Whr-a- t a thla to ia b.liiK hrogg4M hen- at a gieal aad Kllduff. Homr run boiMM-- a A (iloml arc lowed three and PnaUtJg hopeg then wilt fhra ttllduff. haara 9., aaulnat It. k.l.u,, week It oat 8on 1. ;ti nf th and la eaj la a big turnout for tin Nolaa Bona taalla off North to get owda out for Ihe .hre 1 Ralloy. L'm-I'- H - itamcH. Kainea Halnra Wild nllrhaa t'oir aaaini-- t Kuy MdHm- manager ot Uu . aid. Th outharn tagni 4ullay and 8. la Oberlln who haa pitched Itosa Merrltt. u loafftl fMM 4ml th- I 4: PIUianVliilMa X. flit 20 year. He wa In Mwi mm lean ue fnt v i n a. Mini v July II. fiwner, l. agalnai J. U McCanna. a! tfea aroal won hta tenth atam Ml twuh the 4eVtaanfhgton team foi on I'raaj sn of Iho I... hrrr thla oflnrnoon. Arthur utjalnat Hoy Mc J Tieimy. no. agalnnt W, DfatqiM when thr rilMr trounr-o- tbr Phll-Jkl- Arthur, tf. 10 Rain Won't 4 ta I. lb eleven Innlnsa The Jh- Hwtllum. nj uMlnai O Cor- - Dr Van Attn. agalnat fuba acorrd four rum In Iba n:h. Jr., M. k. eVitranJ. eleventh. The ecore Spoil Your hnao AB II PO Vlark. rf . . . List of Entries and Prizes HollrKher. aa , 1114 1 Camping Tarry, lb . . . In Boys Crimea, lb . . 114 Bicycle Races to Be Held Barber. If . . . Trip Buy a pipe Malarl. cf . . . At University Track August 5 Deal, lb . . . laaley. a . . . . A large number of hoy have or 14 14 14 ' tnm pair Kederal Urea, dona tod Laji . Alexander, p . 4 4 4 1 1 1 aign.-- U(, f,,r the Y M. t A bicycle by the red 1. and some P.A. rgacea ml Ituhlter ompaq JI h you of whb are to tie held at the and prle pair of TorrlngiOfi have one m la . . . .44 4 I'nlvcraiiy n Auguat It la .a .a a . Tola II II II I tiak I pedala h the Toi Ingtotl OH i i M Philadelphia It H A K atlll hoped I.. mure bttya in- i . All I'll Third prla . an of In. v. ,) Tb. our water proof s Kapp. lb . . . 4 I 1 ter, aa the racag whb h hav- the beat K. h.t.ige Uet the joy that due you! . prltea are unea Kmlth. lb . . 4 the with Ihe few eat One mile bova 12 in Klrat . 11I entrant Tents. w i,i b 0 0 prbte. $20 gold watch hy Krllpae Ma Wc Th will I., . print it right here that if you Klac. If . ie elghi conteatanta In i Inn. nmpaii) He. ..n.i p, n. l4, don't know the ... ma-e- l laatMjrtoau, 1111 1 4 the and each one la limited hit b) rf agea. The KtrhHni" Ttilrd prtsa "frol" and the friendship of a joy'us jimmy pipe lb 4 1 to bi.a .f certain There, will hiIm of Neverleak, by II he. Vacea Albuquarqu. Willi ..11., cf . . 4 1 however, for bya of every .Novelty Work. in ,'irul GO GET ONE! And get some I g- - Come look over Prince Albert and Parklneon. aa . 4 4 I One and a half mile- - boya i i.. to howdy-d- o smoke-gong- e . . . 4 4 4 Prle have offered by varlmi 17 Klrat prlie ;mi g.,, li by Irirgi bang a on the big ! hfcryele - liy, by wt. our assortment ol Meadoara, p , . 4 1 dealt t.f the and Nag Dopartura company national manufu iurlng - One rb-- i ind prl4- lijniond Mryple ehatn PrlMhJ Albert ta piia will lie I For, Prince . . . awarded for each of the by Ma mond Chain Manofacl aa'atf tn tmppy r ' Albert's quality flavor coolness Total. .40 I II It i flrat platea In In uiing . . 44- - thitt each race eompany. Third pi Iga ,lut, ,(f '", lit', fins, rThlladelphla .000 014 441 I e rld- mil( tti fragrance is in a class of its own! I the novelty rai and ih atunt giiatd aplaahera, by Tents hn nd axraa pun4 You never tasted Mm Mir. 100 000 no! Irtltat Tb. Kk hange ... 444. on teat, there wi.'l only be one 'gc la. mud ttmlf pmund nummary! rwevhaee hlia. hundred yai on legged hmmudmi mnd tnthm such tobacco! Why figure out what Kln. pen. boya 12 M IT- Folding Cots t it alone mean's ttxirveMU hlia. Alexan- Flrat prlae. pair of try tlml ff lass The entrant in Ihe raeca to dat handlebara. by gaja lUftdtehaj Wff a to your tongue and when we der, Ileal. Urhne. Htolen baare. are company. fhb Camp Chairs temper tell you that Draal. Happ. larukW playa. Parkln-auf- l Hecond priie. pair of rub-he- Mpmttgt piaistancr Half mile Knink Htortl. Moaby grip by Km lap Prince Albert can't bite, 10 Kenotc4iy. Baeea on balla. Wolf Crai'jwHt The hange. Thud can't parch! Our exclusive Aran Oavid Heirlott. prlle pair uf rniolguanl apl.t-b.i- Camp Stoves off Aleiander I. Utruck out. b Ray mond Hta mm. lhnabl Herrlotl. The Kgchange. patented process fixes that! Meailuwp 4. Alexander 7. Iefl on Clifton Mown John JHdxadelll ' ne Reclining Chairs fanaaa. Philadelphia 4. Chicago 7. I hundied yaid novelty race, ' in. mile rank MtorU, laavld ride I ao yard gel blc He up on is McC'oriiin k and Hart I Id Prince Albert a revelation in a makin's cigarette! II ei riott. mna Harriott hand hera and aeat. run 0 yard One a lea Kit . and half tin tillle int., and back fo bl. ami rUU tm h to My, but how that delightful flavor Mtlafcorv I, I: B0H011 1. 1. i n. Kerguatin, H !. THF, PRICES ARE makes a dent! p otto Inner riniMh. ipen to all Winner g. l.rHT"N Jul .More Ihai. On- hundred yard. lt, i And, how it mow pair f tire In aim k at A hiij ei que VERY REASONABLE dots answer that hankering! Prince 144 faria the Plralea aad Br.tea Ollle Kirlna Oai land Morn. Otlu .W.hy Mklnner Work. Albert rolls easy and Hunt rid. M.ya u, 17- - Winner stays put because it is crimped Move It) la. t i .. Kiting, Cay gala laige bley. Ie Troop A Baseball ii. aadille, doAglod It) oh KergUBfin Chatlea pearov, Ouy to-ter- Harry T Johnaon. cut. And, say rjo on and get the papers or a pipe! Will Play Tao ami (went) ygrd boy ' Team Al Don. huudi'd Albuquerque Do it right now! hunt ride Aro Crockett. 10 to : Fltat prlle IVrwm'i lt . At Eatancia Today Henry H Mm. ing anddb by t taoiiM lur- Two hundred and twenty yarda ing eompany Hi M.rbj ml prime, tool kit. Tent and Awning Oar land JMorii Hgyder, Moaby by The Thud prlae, iaii The uaaet-a!- l team of Troop A. 'Ra- Vi'ilf tlu iHisiag. of It- nil k. Ol. ii. .o...... v tional guard, will play l.o.rr im to- Quarte' mile Frank Htort. Lworkti Company rti.- 1.1 id e i ! - morrow on iryi. rround.. Hut (te. iav it, Rai Quarter mile. Una s in pti i The memborb the ( ketanv Mtwmm Herrtott. t'llf- - prlae. pair of hand, bora b) 321 mnlHowell, li.tu Al WEST GOLD panled hy aevenrl other rnemltere of fon fobn iNdnadeln on Sleyete eompany He. ..nd prlae i....1 caerrifht taat Fringe 4 h W ay ft J. Ksynnlds rhe 1 rower will leave here at The prlaea whb are offered in bit by The Km bang.- Third ioli. PHONE 903 Albert tlllwi I..- A 1 11 ibra axornnifi rata are. nf W...t l..a.L It Wlasion I -- ' HU'"1'" 5Um, forik Halt mile, Puyg U to i;. fuM iuvr.ii, w.. the national joy smoke THJS ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, HEW MEXICO, 8UHDAY, JULY 24, 1WI

Destruction of field rodente lost Kxpsrta have found a nieceasfgl Hunters killed more than :3,Nt LASKER PLANS TO SAN FRAHCISCQ TO ALAMOSA. COLO,, year resulted In a anvlng of at loast method or controlling the boll wevll reo. coyote And other predatory ( "WHEN 10,0o,ooo at a cost of IIII.H1 With calcium gfgenate. isla laat year. BE HOST TO 20,000 A WOMAN WANTS RAILWAY TELLS" OF MAIZE0FDEFIC1TS K, HMM Task Is to Make What Elaborate Program for Delegation Coming Here Was Liability Into Conclave Which Will to Promote Building an Asset Open August 2 of Line Ity M. w. griNN. MAN KltANClfiro, Jutv li. rinal A delegation from Alamoan. Colo, Us .July Let WAHIIINtTPN. IS. With datalla of the elaborate program to and the Han luia valley will visit lMM innif of deficits and losses htm, Albert I) Laskcr, new be presented the to, 000 visiting de- Albii'iueniue In the near future for l ... man or ttiu L'luiadj Hhlp legate, knlghta and their ladlea. to conference on a proposed standard pine i.. lodny la looking hnn the thirty. ninth annual international gauge railroad frem Alamoos to Al- fully attend. aupreme rounrll of Knigh of buquerque. In reply to a letter re- "Our la tt. what wa been worked out task make have ceived last week from the A Ihiimmm Serve You a liability int.. an hum-!.- Iaakri said. jointly by the elilaena' rommlttre and rommereo, Wat-klu- after pointing it that the 'fae) " general commutes the com rbassssM of H. It. IhmwiI plete program having been adopted secretsry Of the Chamber of f Ihv shipping dm log the lent Commerce, said he would be glad to f hi year resulted In a flat loss "f at a meeting of both commit tee. Al- if hualneea aeaalona confer with them and help them In than tu tii. tuv though the fointal every way pooattote, of the aupreme convention will oc- with the project When you go to the First National MMft August 4. The plan of the Alsmosa organi- k whl h and hla cupy the date of 2. I and tht leaker program will com- sation is to connect with the pro- Bank know that you will be af- must ftnlh with thi great- the entertainment posed Hanta Ke Northwestern you est dispatch an mence Katurday. July 10 and rovar a period of nn entire week. which la planned to run from forded every service which a strong, iiNK T dispose itf more than Affording to the program that haa !W nail tin to Culwi Preliminary $3n in aid Halms against the day aurveya have been made out of Han and accommodating tsssrifc hatsjoever been outlined, the first "f the progressive shipping a frum formal business aeaalona of the su- Ys'.dro. running both dlrecilona. for the lant administration. preme will he tha moat bril- this road. bank can render. conclave H. H V. of TWO T" dlsptnw of the fleet if liant date In thr gathering of any It. Hhahan and lng wooden tin- - railed shsnlutely to? Alamosa have been chosen to ar- lib organisation In the hlatory of this uaeleaa hy i'kMrlf, which an- eating ntv, leading to the' grounds of the range for a representation from Kan We invite everyone in Albuquerque up tt&.ooo a ik valley to vlatt Alhuquerque All month for Old Mlaalon iKilorea chinch, tha KI TH ADKl.INO atnne In city, .having; '. rhambera of commerce of the valley and vicinity to make this his or her oldest church thl will tie cot reepoftdwd with, It la THKKK To put the ahlpplng I77 by the hardy I and fteen ererted In "I liate known Uuit hoped that there sill be 20 or 10 banking home to utilize their ImiwuI and the rnifrivncy fleet cor Franciscan Here, on the ground lotcri niKl I alway and to a In sis If Mi, bate in the party that will come here for poration on huelnras and. of the beautiful Notre Dame convent. planned tinylHm. on luttlng my No n a money-milkin- heels -- the conference. date haa hern greatest advantage our complete poaHle. next the old mission pontifical high fling, nutrrtcd or Ingle. set as yet. In k the board hurk on a mass Will he celebrated hy Htahop Checking in- business basis, I sker plana to or- r J. Keane. coad)utor-hlshn- of Kae Imagine getting that In n letter facilities. accounts are ganise It alonar the same lines aa any ramento Archblahop Kdward J from the girl you had plnnned to greet corporation. Hiinna of Kan KnincUco will deliver marry within the month. That's vited in any amount and 4' is paid He will ontruat the operations off the sermon the dramatic situation thai opens time certificates of deposit and the t. mI to five Ice fill Following Ihe cereniony of present- the amaaliiK anil liewlldetlng serial on technical eaperla Kach vice preai-den- t ing the keys of the city to the su- gftory, "When a Woman Tells." account. will kla own staff Km h preme knight and visiting knights, by written for Tte Kvenlng Herald by savings ekfM its--- Wanted! will Im Inatrut ted to ohsose the fit Mayor James Rolph- Jr., at the city a apeciallat In women's lieu teat side, throw lag politics tu the hall In the civic center, the initial We will be glad to serve you in any Ag-ne-i w I ml a. huslnes session of the thirty ninth Ruth Abolmp; ' The pfMMlai hns Inherited In the supreme council w III take place at way consistent with sound banking whipping hoard tho most difficult t he Hi Km ncls hotel As business You will want to read e ery word problem ever given to ,t aeaalons of the aupteme ronvenllon of thla great story of love denied, Imams closed affairs, they will be love cheated, love methods. piealdent to nvnrk out. Kverv condi-lio- will be triumphant open only to third and fourth de mlas the first chapter In Large Clean Cotton aurrounding It waa Mat. Umki gree Knights or oiumnus. an Id The magnificent program planned "Hut tha shipping Utard la not for the night of Tuewta)-- August 2. The Evening Herald, avlll bo under the joint direction of With patience something ran ! tha dtlaena and Knlghta of Colum- Monday, July 25 dJOMg n nd out of t hla wreck a real bia lommltteea. bended by Harry I American merchant martn will RAGS Mult rev, chairman fit her members lee," at of that committee are promim-- - ctilten. of thla city. Including I'nl. theater partlcH. Mount Tamalpala ex Sfullalty .1 It. n ciirsloiiN, picnics, tcaa nml social func- Thornwell William up a First Autos Collide at llar-let- t tions for the ladies making huy The son. Walter t'howen J Frank The mas round of etilerla'nment for the en- Fourth Street and und Joseph 0Cotlor. week 'of aupreme convention. sive civic .unlit. it turn or nan r tire the Road Ideallv aituated In the ctlc laATaWf PARKOff vt.M i Mountain center of the city, will tie gorgeously ( 'o I Theodore Roosevelt told at an National Bank decorated and brilliantly set for the No on Han hurt hut con aide cable gala function, which la to take ' A merles n legion lunniuet a story ilKUiitice mh done when automobiles place among the great events In the attout a fake sicdler: Albuquerque, New Mexico M life of city. lr en by I. Nre.lhum nd John social the "I.Ike moat fakes. ' an Id Colonel 8c M Nlsal collided at North Twenty thmiaitnd people will attend atreet and Mountain road at It the public rerepi Ion. which will In- Kooacvelt he gave hiumelf away fie Largest Bank in New Mexico o'rloat last night Both partle re. clude an excellent entertainment wss deai rlbina how he gut his me- Per Pound ported the accident to tin- police piogmm. bM4 innnrl. organ recital dal, and he' made the lighting so :md claimed that th- other waa and dancing Add reaacs are to tie fierce thai one of his listeners said t Ida me. rendered by the reptcMenlntlve of with a sneer: Needhmm'a rar wna being towed ('resident Ifaidlng. Oo William l " 'Cndcr all that machine gun" fire Into the rtty by another machine Htephena Mayor f atBTf Itolph. .Ir , It's h wonder you didn't get hit.' which waa driven by J ". tlallegoa Archtrlshop IHWOrd J Mantis. IMi would have got hit IM sure.' HERALD win n It met the Ford truck which Hupi erne Knight Jamea A. Flaherty Maid the fake hero If I hadn't lil waf driving The trurk atrmk and Hupreme IHrSctor William V crouched down In u kilometer. " tlw Mid1' of'a machine and Mrkln of ihe Knights of Columbus knock. off the finder and running The program for the two daya fol- You will finrt It In our Claaai OFFICE be of an elaborate Itonrd Hnth fnoit wheels of the lowing will also fled Oolumnj. tr i k were nkcit ifcM

Nation-Wid- e Money Saving Program! IN OUR 312 STORES IN 26 STATES GOING ON EVERY DAY Why Pay Extravagant Prices for Shoes? YOU CAN BUY GOOD SHOES FOR LESS MONEY More than Seven Million Dollars Worth of Good Shoes are sold by us annually. Our shoes are made according to our own specifications bv America's beat shoe Manufacturers. Built up to Quality, not down to Price. Buying direct from the manufacturer we eliminate all middlemen's profits, and other usual expenses of marketing. These savings go into the pockets of our patrons through our lower retail prices. Come see the Exceptional Shoe Values we are offering. A cordial welcome and distinct saving awaits you here. Fit Quality -- Service Lowest Prices Always.

LOT 1 $1.98 LOT 2 $2.49 LOT 3 $2.98 LOT 4 $3.98 ('(INSISTS OK i INSISTS OF CONSISTS OK Qf fc CONSISTS Ladies' Shoes Children's Shoes Children's and Ladies' Shoes Misses' and Ladies' Shoes (inn MrtsJ Mnohrr. nil Ustser. badiw' .lull IsstiMf finish Bhssv Lsdif' Ma.'k rI(ip1 kid, liglit flrtible sola, kid Patent Iwtlsr with white ulotl ie. i Cbildrai'H sas tuition, Mis-i- s' .lull lenthrr finish NhncH. wssd SSSL All lllll' CHIIVUS j (JMklrMi'a whist ki.l Ptasss. Missis' ,IiiI iiiish leather top, wbitl aibtwi MSI l.ndirs' patent kid (irlil innunr top, crlluloid Nix.' ill tins lot, U t 'I :l I, mill's' knl li'iithrr lilmk I'lnlli tups. nml h. heel.

LOT 5 $4.98 LOT 6 $3.98 LOT 7 $3.98 LOT 8 $4.98

( (INSISTS or ( ONSISTS OK CONSISTS Sf CONSISTS OK Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps Ladies' White Kid Washable Boots Men's Dress Shoes Odds and Ends in Men's Shoes I Blaak (iaaad ki.l Oatprd, him.l turaad aula, Blaak sstanl lealhar kid Oxford, soaarad sj aslf, floodjXSI elt. hawed sules. Idiml ayajsta. :i kid 1' hsad lnll HinglSs walking last and broad lues in brown or hi. pstsst Issthsr assel hour stvL . IihihI tiirni'il or Qoodyaor wall aaiaa hiiIc, oaMnloid oovarad heel. gsgliah Walking t. Dressy hikI dnrHlile. bla.k.

LOT 9 $1.29 and $1.79 This is the Family Shoe CONSISTS OS Store, where Honest Val- Infants' and Children's Shoes Pay Save ues at Lowest Prices pre- UsaS sisSSt kill. SSlaSj leHthrr tiiis, hut ton stii- f.'.'t form shnpe( band lunwd --I 7. - , vail. Shoes for Men, Wo- MllS. Less inivipviuicHAJ More Mm I l I .....' SltSt STORES men and Children. aawa " 312 DEPARTMENT ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO THE ALBPQTJRRQUB 8UHTIAV HBSALD, ALBUQ0KRQDT.. HEW MEXICO, aUKDAV, JULY 24, 1931 of thru lnwtr. wHh Heplamhei In pH srvb'M lha rnuith atraal nldr i", Boy Scout Cabin Ike M Positions Open $1 its " l ?s nl rWerhMr baa not ttt ta it lag i raiirin .ltd c.airal HRSTVEI HB $1 IW to II .fill wfro f"llowd b. t he ioal. aa hi IMU- - work. Ttil airer will Under Civil Service 41ecllnea all arownrt Completed and Ready iwhlv 10 MARKETS wheat. he taken atlvaalag .f. WliSl Corn dearnded wllh Afler reek. accialaty t "'" op-nl- H t Ivwwt . It w'utl For the Painters 4e II n Wathliia. Tha Wat Civil Aarvtr rrnl. lo I" halted Wcw York Inac v.'-t.-i- at us, to fct Cfiita. . linnibat. aa II t.lTM an nc.ii.iil CWKBIT T01HT coramltwJon annnttnrea oftati romaatl-tlv- e airilvrw4r.t a r NKW Vi.ftK. July 11. TnHmy't the ninrkat furth mi Tha Buy ralln In Ctancciv i tt teach auit.innhlle ii.tirkM Ornta wwrr rted hy t- -i ict Ion 4ot l - esamlnatrnna aa fnllowa: hort tifroni f th Cock mark! fWfM aanyon. aaktiut twenty mi if. eoM ( Csfeteria Offers The large wall arait will Uat Ha 1 Kaamlaatlona In which was devote, maititv ti the upimI nf il' " openlna ni' aiiffi-- the ity. haa been eonjpleied. aaJ If waat Uiilletlna and nolltea. t Cw. 'jtt, i not aaa la Mad hut Wt.-rni- 1 tNttlemenV tn 4 wm 404 VIII ke ready for tha aummer camp Itnarlata .iit,,t,i tlhuT', BY colnielltnnt 'ntrt OW4V.I Wall Space far information CITY BUND f - rr in Sli-.- i p wh-- tn V A 1'- al l Ikaa - ara rate' upon the eup)e.-t- of educa- rov ?) fit ill.- enta aad aliowtnt of th. W C aa aoon sui It itui Ht- l- a tttl Ilia rt., ,t',,untl Alt'" tion, training, aaperlenca and corro-berra- frmrtlnruil grtlnN i: i FtlNtl. ann lattr waaoa. And n enat of paint. Tourist Bulletins avt ra. AarsdleataafM for In "IK Mr,!, nn uoleum. "t ProvlHlona lacked aay 'ti;i.wr.r Il ela hoped to- - have the muni inir ais thaaa asamfnatlnns ara received al Atvphalt And Itovat Nulrh 1 to BUppm-- 9ona ne; weak. Knmith paint ror The rock of Jaritaalatri l the lliltd 1 Mtihalnntc.tlali Popular Program to Be any (lata 1 H point a. Othr ffin tn Hiuiig Word f oaport aa lotalllntt the job will be furnished In the Up Urart rnfetcrla haa ttlfe the In aancliiv nf til Ihc limit ruhnol learhets. II 10 to lasuea Inrltidrd Melhlehm d Oru-tl- Ma.ann huakHi railed la r&Hy l.i flub, .ml Mow H fill saasi or rordrttt-tc- the I awnctiiai it ,1 Robin-fto- n II, 100 annually. ( Weitttnirhoiiae, Htud market. I'm'". loed wak. aent ut to do tha work. Presented at Ktigrt.-- . lower; Primary .perlaMate. it.. mi tn It.-aa- a nakvr, tnd Trxtllva ,14 k I oanU hat with Iit'cuuau nf tho out that way Park annually. Th Mfwinc w Tnrfirm with nmlrt of It IIVj to 1.II S and lo 7 44) 41 H. Modal primaiy ieachr. li (o l OSlmnti 6 .It O0 hartr tern her fl.t&U In herd tnuatly atedy o sf low- ll.Cf annual') t" Arxrrksn Hnai No Important rwaci(t.n took pit.. ar; none, down more; hairera atal T:a tit wi rf t)i aartaa or fras uprn I04H In corn Tha cloaw was atvady at S In 19 nenta b wor cows mostly 1 b gCT Instrument maker. lao t AWv.rMn r.tncelt. hy lh city henrl will he ntn TTTttpper .... IT to rent net decllna with 4nfitembar bi cents lower, some nff 19 green atari-- annually. i cants. In Kablnann pal k tonight, A 111". rrnta. Ck n musjtly aen t.i p. aa. I Jat No. t. Eammlnatlone nf the it t tl era and bulla II at t - ( i?loe: h Ik low Ik type for wlitch aitp'.l- Mno OwVttf .... H her; catvaa 11 cents to I Ml fW Mm eokwrl the jplftra Wheat- - Hapt., l. II Vi; Daoambar. Or; era strong to r, of twenty four piece, ailf ltta ratlona aatiet be tlkid by lha data ti atock and feeders apaairieo. Intrn.ra.l' Copiter bM . ... 19 41 114 ;' roatla tUtrher; atotik calvoa mostly PUEBLO with practically trie aame miiarmn I r T43 Corn Hep. 11 v. 404. c i aa Auauat I. (l.aHM annnail) Nor hn I'acJf.a .... lo aitta lowar. tn played h vary aucrcaaiuli tintrar, pvpt. f(4jc; Dae 4JH f epilog roncuru at the armor) Aliawat I. aaatatahl director of dur- '.i.tiot; data Hotya. receipts IK); failly Mlltr, . July. $11.10. Hapt.. f Il.tfi. Otiaaj m nana naa i ta- - ational work. it, It.aSS an- Southern Pacific In ationd with eateid av SALVAGE!! held Il.laa ' FLOOD ttik . . . . Hapt . 111.10; 911.1. beat gnMrmala th cat 're year and tha hand-kwt.- nually. I'll"' ill' ...1IC4 Ird oragei llahta lo shipper, ti K Kilia aaya tha band 1.1st No. I. Kxamloallona In which, I nllfd matra tM-- i .... n ntbw-aw- fti.. 9tt.ll: Oct.. 910.0. paekat ton. 910.11; mixed ha al arlfl play Interesting program during compel Mora are aaaemhlad lor achol-aat- lr it.TS49 10.19; bulk of amies. It IMi aasssssasssssssssss i ..n..n laa rntlrr iratnn aa he haa aa lost- New Yrk LivtMtock 10 40. library august amlnrnpo. NKW YORK, July July II Cattlo Hhwap raeelpu none; for Week: to aelact from. I fraparalor, iNt-D- (HirAao. r. public ha oai hmunralocy. cduMKl ktfaily, Oct . 11161. relplt. too; compared with a Sheep, to 40 cents high'! ; Ismba Tha la Incited to band logical 19. t annually :. wtk It tha which be a 1 M; Jan.. $ll.4i Mrch. $ i Battar (rado beaf alvera. 11 to smdy to canta lowar. Three Carloads of Furniture far firat nmrart, vill Auauat Aaalatant pholorathei May ao: tt ycMfkular proa ram Mr. Kilt. aaM t plate), It t1 annually 111.41. II cenla higher; yrarllnaa up more; July 21. ) he hopad amal) hoys who ara Auauat Innpeclor and nam-Pie- r plainer klndM and graiaara waaJi lo 1I9NVBH. Oatlla Room nnl.r lithtly ilimiairril Iloiigrlil the Army ami Nnvy UfeMli y aone. eioatatx 14 to savllned to play during tha tattaacta tan to gi.ioa aanuaily. II cent lower; fat eke atock avneral-l- market to canta I -- fi, WKW YOltK. It. Ultnly Tor k i,h , Htorg tlio flntxl. HuffrtJi. 'hiffonirrs. Ilrcttaera, prrnnin aawld be a aula! aa iwaalMH and AUafual I Kept II- - Julf ataady; aatota loarer on higher week; beef steara. aftr and Apprrntlrtl Imnda clowd: tT.t4; flrat uves aaa pray near tha band Mated and ftah rolturiat. Ho IMS annual!) lm, 4. aradea. cowa fully &t eaalai hihar, 9.19; and heifers. 90(7.00; Ipatlior Htirkiiig t'hgini, Kitchen and (lining Room Chairs, ta HMO bM. 4a. firat .' P9wn out tha muntc. A uc coaat I twond tltZ. hulls kit lower, teal calves I aalvea. 94.9401.00, bulla 92.04JS..9, tot- - I and and etc., at Th pragrara for tha concert 4H. SIT..; mteond tl7 a nwar ; atonkara a nd f ed tjtorfcera and fnadera, 4.40. geodetic aurvaf. 11.10" to 1I.0S0 1 ; l: itin rr thiM 4 w . i:fourth i : anut ataway. beat atorkoia flogs, rerelpta. 94; strong; top, 1. $HT 54; victory I 42. victory 1 : : "Oallant Rouaaaa" K!r. Aug. IT Aaatlutnl la. If earee. atrvnp; lo II ronin hiarur. io nn. bulk. f ) inrtallurahal 4 Hh-- (Military March thamhtt, aar day. Ha. Ml. 44. Hoc. i" 14.00a; cloalna receipts. 1,100; It cenla 1. "Hapfjr" rrav imi I artd Mapt. ca . loatly 10 to ooata lowar than yaa higher. smite. $t 76410.00, wethers. (Uvat) Wia ) Aua. It II Apprantl .w Yot Mhi. ir awaa. Less dm HglHa 9I.OOOJ.00; Usual 1 lrday a araraaw; heat and 4.4004.14. Than 1 "(rd Iswa" Flmaer Plata ka tl ton annually NEW YOltK. July Aaa If and Ham. II- - ApprcnUo" II Prim hulrhera itedy. early to ehlppara. latarak) papar, lWfj) 11 14) i rnrraatllr pr rtnt: ton llahta 111,11 early; bulk Prod Wyoming l.ullaby" . William lioot.f. ter. aa to ll .jat) annually vaxlwiur' atady; atarllnc drmantt 1 10.00 4 ! 1.00. bulk parklnc ClIlCAflo. July II, Pi.tatnea 2nd Price! Aaa- fradea. Hand (Poaular Walla) It and thmt II Aparerillca Sit j cmblas. 111. aowa. ptfit Nlcudy; do rerelpta cars; Virginia. a I'ndarnaatb tha Dreamy larlen- - atttm wnarwver, tattq to l,IUf an I? KOI lb, II ki- - atiafly. traMe kind. 110 1.041 lO... 14.00 barrel ; Nebraska oobbWrs, tai Mosa" OhicaRO Board of Trad ly We Bought Cheap and (ro-Tro- Aug. 17 and flept. 11. Apprentice Hhei'p rerclpu. 2.000 praat leal .14I.K cwt. Kaw valley. This Furniture PHICAtKV July II. Wheat prlctm in pm -- .1 1.40 owt; . va)lnn" rVkff latter anaravar. too to ll.lao aa. all 4ackem direct with , 41.4091. It cwt; today touched the Wrwaat level of tho week aan: rat lutnh. and yamrlln, Idaho ruraht, 91.14 owt. Jerory Will Sell It Cheap t. "Tha Vlraitila Nkedaddle" nuaiir. wu PlaataUO "i tn ..Roaanfald Infnrmallon and appjtrallnn e' tt Hufo arrlvala al all the ir about ataady; feeder lamla and fat 92 0ft cwt. on , I. "Apple Blkaaooia" Roberta blanka may be obtained from ST M. rrop termlnala acted aa a weight aheap ataady to la cent htaher. Poultry, .1 n tower , fowls, I4c , Ruach. local aecrctarr. Alblltttieruae valurf. Bealdea. weather broiler. 12 4IOc 401 S. FIRST ST. 619-- iKavarlat in thw apiina crop roATlon contimiod kavsaji CITY. July tia PHONE Harry I A rot, l K. M.. or tram the dlatrlri aarretarr. fall of tha Bt" ' whsflh racalpta week: Rulk KANAAH CITY. (Official March Contention) federal favofable. r,untatlnni lit; for better July II. Iluttur. of Elks' Itulldln. Iienvfr. Colaradtt vwrlaal !" figures 14 ftTiidi giteerfi. rents hlff In r n nd poultry ! "Grand National" from unchanyj kaat It kfMa uinbanned. (PatrkMIc Overtare) imrr II. "Mareh" Olaen Bernalillo County I Popular Walla) II. "Rio Grande Olarn Man Gets Pardon i I'e.putar Walla i II "Mr Mataaiy" ItwnaHtoon (liance ) FANTA ru. t M . July 13 Con II. "Hot Troalbone" Fillmore dlltonal pardon baa been laalled by (Jaaaar) Uovernor Mechem to Iaan IV Foaler. "Attention" an Ran-- , aentanccd from It. t nalllltt county In " October, llll. to aaiva three to three and a half year far an offenad not Cow Testing named. Why "Gravity' is not a Reliable 1 maka lha team for the aaaoclutlon. Association to Ha will maka a teat of every cow Begin on August 1 about "art a witaath. Tha milk rr,,m tlaa raw will ha analysed imtrnina and evening for Ha rnntenla In hutte Tha Rernalino Cow Taatlna n fata and other ewacntlala Tb Gasoline Quality a th- - Test bald me. una at Chan-- amount af Milk given nl racb ntl.'kma of ' bat nf ('omtranr Frtdar nlabt. It will alao ite recoiflcrl am decided that tha aaaortatlnn will Thla will give farmera a rhanre lo aw Into oparallon on Auguat I. aarf Vrenw w hat each raw la dotaar. II after that data all rowa which have will alan furnpth a concrete record In A On pledacd will he ay. t. mat ft., caae a Tanner wlahea ttt aell a cow few facts every motorist should know tied, and racnrda hei.t of each ope. There will be Inetrurtlon tn propel tV. O Wyant haa been elected to leedtna and care nf th anlmale. Every owner of a motor vehicle is naturally anxious to obtain the greatest possible satisfaction from its operation. One way of assuring this is the use of the best available gasoline. Many motorists have come to believe that the gravity "test" is a reliable indication of gasoline quality. If this is true, isn't it strange that the gravity test is not mentioned among the U. S. Government specifications for all petroleum pro- ducts including gasoline? And it is significant that prac- tically all authorities on the subject of gasoline manufacture attach very slight importance, or none at all, to the gravity of gasoline as an index of its quality. Volatility, not gravity, really determines the power and mileage of gasoline The gravity "teat" deter- mine at tcaat one thing What really counts in the use of motor gasoline is the with congiderable accuracy and that, ig the of degree to which it vaporizee in the cylinders. Your motor the liquid being trated gets its power from the ignition of gasoline vapor, the Aa an indicator of quality, 'mixture" as it is called. And in a running motor, the heme vet, refiner and teih afforded for liquid a vapor Perk Up! nical c Xpert l know that it is time converting gasoline into thin of little significance. is so short as to be almost instantaneous. By meana of a common lab- oratory distilling outfit such Spruce Up! In any event, only that part of the gasoline which has aa this, the boiling point " ' ' been completely converted into vapor produces the force fractions of a sample of It is rgay In Kpiut c ami npifk and upan HnrinK gasoline can be accurately wen tbe hottant davK rf .tummar if viiu havr a (food dry of each explosion, the source of a motor's power. determined. In this way rlnanrr. Perk up! ami look your vary beat, even though ita volatility range the the thermometer dora climb and the bent makea you feel teal evidence of its quality a little carrlan. The boiling points of a gasoline, not "gravity," as a motor fuel - is Trra IX'KK I ITV I l,EANBHH offer a arrvire which i very modergtr) in price It ih really rettnouiieal to have produce its volatility your clothed well eared for, beeaune they wear longer and Mrajt hoiling is 212 give better aerviee. everybody knows that the point of water F. Gasoline, unlike water, has a wide range of many boiling points. s ifty tinea not exeuae it meinberK for rare Ichmicn in rc And these boiling points actually determine the volatility of gas- gard to outward Through eftirient, eeo appearaie f 'tur oline and to a large extent its efficiency as a motor fuel. IHtinlcHl scivitf you can be linth well tlrcsseil and cool, no matter how hot the temperature the weather man Hence, the following fact is not surprising of five pagrs in the deoreeg. U. S. Bureau of Mines "Report of Committee on Standardization of Petroleum Specifications" devoted to government methods of testing gasoline, over half of this space is given to the "distillation DUKE CITY CLEANERS test" by which the boiling points of gasoline samples are ascertained. Downtown, 230 Weit Gold Ave Phone 446 Conoco Gasoline is not sold on a basis of its gravity because this gasoline hag Plant, 1309 Horth Fourth St. Phone 690 W means practically nothing to the user. It the correct range of boiling points for perfect vaporization. On the basis of its boiling points and, of course, Its purity Conoco more than meets government specifications for gasoline. ALBIJQUKRUITK SUNDAY HERALD the AND NEW MEXICO HI K A 1.1 ST rr.vntA.1. "HlrtnNfi rngpivr, rraiiaHrug THE CONTINENTAL OIL CO. fsna Bcoiir.a liana... gaivo Mar..!., r.aitttr (A Colorado Corporation) aSMIahad e.ary all.retHta aa4 Httattar at Tb. H.ral. aaraa. ml Butte DKNVER I'uchlo r A. .aaa .at garlb Tltlr HI reel Alb,ivuerue. ne ala.ira Cheyenne (iregt hull Keored aa " Haaa araller at ta poarfl.e. at Alaat.aarta. Kaar Haalaa. aaaa. Boiic Salt Lake City ae. ml oeagree. at Mart I btv Albuquerque HUHHiJatlPTlON UAT KM Oaa raoata hf Ball ar Merler. It..'. a Dm br mall a. carrier Itaile aad guadar " flea ei.ll.ear la .A.anre. Ilatre I7 r 1. . tvfl.t r t...l, at.4 ,, t,t, tlaa ar In aeaar. Huntar tnly Hit II Ll.l) : i , i : i ; it I

H KORJSIGN All V V. UT IK IN'. ilKI'l.'K KM AIIVK8 CONOCO GASOLINE ago. u. s pat. I II'IHT. A KOIIV orr. Hew N V P la'a flaa TlalMlaa. 1'alra.e III II. nil iaeaaa. t. . raeea Wa l,- -- ratuare a II. ' tava t ...41.-- . HallaVaa atlaa.a la "unti" JuTi. no. in SfS WU . NO. II 0

TO ALBUQtJIRQDK SUNDAY HKSALD, ALBUQTJIRQTJ1, WTW MBZX00, SUNDAY, JVhl 94, IMI ' FOB AAXaB M.lao 4 family mnniM bong It Co. A RRAL H0MR raaaaa, 4 poor boa. iwa botaa, norily Leverett Zapf & Can't Bent Thia One T room madara houfta, fu rnAoa FOR SALE faralahad raa be atada ta Mac In tuUltr In KhI Kaiaia in 0 lu 4 room franta. Mtt ! wtt"r in ItaO ' 'S ...... lo haat, bullt ln faatoraa, lawn awl hntnan, HERALD h. Mom. la ahada Iraaa, Rood location In Two vaaoal Iota, la food luiif on Rooth raaa nrlfk. w Rasia WK INHURa ANTTUtNO IN- - la Kdiih. ruriilahtad and dy you IFer 93.4004 Fourth WaM. Ownar laavlnj raatdantlal part of $2,1104tr at Ike Bi! ! " t ni 'ii a m. r. town and must aal at onia. to movo riaht n lr 00; WANT ADS ' TIB WIBB TO 1NHIIRB Id $ IRC no rirat paym ii.i'. fl oui' ft room vhltn nltt'N) bnnfnlnw. wmni.Y. aaay. rVr Marked niudnr. klMin auria. draft fur Aa L. MARTIN CO. fnravn. romar. fin I,Inmii. main brncR nn Prta for qulok aala rnnrin War4. 1'NIVUKHITY IIKIOHTB ami. bbtati A C nTAftKR. ave time and money I.M urn ricur on your plan., fUa aad Aaaa laaaaaaaa, faaaaa Now la l ha flaw In )tr that llaeB $4 f(K you pmna you a Waat Oold Ava. Phana Ul. nnm fcrirk, wdnyn. planted malio and bond HI WaM Bali rkaaa $400.00 EACH tit frnrn ua. PW-- .ul the because they off er ai.. ii, ir ftwrnh. iumn. Wa can do II aava yau 4a. l. ''.' fnrn. bona. and v .... waar laaiad eema Iftwn aldnwnlka. ruln. TaJrd Wnd aaaW monay. A will .on-yo- baiaar and la. you a field of oppor- uil AftlJftttM BOX J. af, Alwaya glad I Kprd Ml BaM na4 iota la all afta r tla La of aarvlea to Oara of Harold. TcaHrlaa ....BIB tunity. bnalaaaa Ui a- MO. FOR RENT tf; I', " Tsarina . . n i Hr1uoltls. loi Waat Oold Phooa . A PA RTM NTS An rd Toariaw BWtsan Ptirniahad com Plata for houaa li A. FLRI8CURK kaaplac. IdoBaro naw. So A RRAld I'AHIAIM Knrd Tauriaa BBV Read Herald Want aad Ilt4 roooa loam, flyanlam f oraa larga i.a. In aAnplataTji Ford Kuadalrr .. CHANB APTH. baaa t. twill faaiarao. lal.M Ada for Profit Uae riwu tit 111 lk foank HI FOR TRADE furaiabad wltb AHahaa. a 0,1,1, llnoa. Kard Hpaadafar . Ill North Saaanth blaahall, aaarlblag on a would a aad for Mum. them for Results. bowaakaupiag I'arly baa lull town lat a aatra aa offag. Aa as It Lasts Koed Tiiirlng- A liEAI- - IN VKSTMKNT Thraa arraa In alfalfa and a Loiif aauh starter and IIII.VKR H H AUKRR.40R. ii a. KART AVRNUI aata of astraa. tha beat la town, ihai fna aaat an ynai j to Houib rourlb Hi. una 4 4 Munnf . flva room houaa two ml lag north Tha alraa. vt aaaad fc.aaaa. aaara taa air la Ik aaM. Said Iwar n . prlea. to Wa bava aara. aad ll via llaa. tola $15.00 Per Load il la a l rean 4iiabjj brl k of city valuaA at fS.TttO 00, for .aat rah aud aaa a faa rail aa aatf lama, dnalliaj. la lb Tblrd War4. If ratal .wa.a aala a Any ona a)ta anil alan ba.a kaaaaa far aad taa lar A NKW HOMR (Of about 1,000 feat) of loa above will Make mall houaa In tha ny, of yau a aaod car aad l bay ara t 4 rnoDia aad araaaad. alaaplnfl porrh Classified H. II. ACKICRfttrN. : prird wmii easy tarma I9 Aoaib Hi 1'bun 414 aaiua valua. Apply J. A. HAMMOND on North Un. Modarn. run Call witb Wafan nhi Advertising Rate Card Phona lllt-- $4,404. Trnia ran ho arrangod. J. W. IIAUT CO. Terras Hath I m i ju. ,,r M an. a HKAI. KBTATB. K RII.VRR. ft t JANUARY 1. ItIO AMI City Realty Co. Il B14 W. Oald. Pbuaa 441 W. a Honor u word ftrM )iImii ailra and mail Halt 'Hill a word aarb aabaaoooot lunar raaaaa at tba Cnlan fan 107 W. Uol I'hona 147 llUB tuaj(loHa fna amaat McKinley Land & ISMU IB t awu aaa imUn WHY WILL VIMJ RRRTt tliu taaairtnd rkarga Mr and bwailaia van aaa pmanaa. R. D. U. Htaudtnc rlasBlflad If. mil word par ra HaralJ Mill Iti.VI- - It .m. FOR SALE Poor hum brlrk wltb nu..i parrh. Lumber Co. Mail nopj haaM (.artntltsd Iwlra waak hard floora, froat aad bark por.Raa. M. Mba.liaaa end . 4 i.KNKn (men. amri ufar 17 Hon M l AJuuquairau, rf. 7' a - S nnunt-- . v arraanad mbina work tn bath ruoan nnd ( month. &0. nan r. I,.. tin! rnoni with porrh. nnh Hlf lurh !... ,t,,,.i illft- hi' . k Urban garagn. Ada irhat gad a lelapl ft a i ulara f aw- - 410 IV Laatli, hut and ruld watr ronnayr-lluna- ahada aad raoaowt walk: on Aula Row at N 4th at. K iarl largo lot m- nthly ami lit ..i :,,. f raah nly anilnaliun wn inn fnfmar rlil F..i: hi pantry f0ll42. I blo-rk- 4'ir roatlna-nta- l - lot lolorwat will buy thia Ooud lu alum No I. rJ ad taken aflrr 2 . fu tlra aaaminar HU, Waaa- ruuni and Ave., Third I'hona inalun. V. akaruani from rvrtlral Waid. J. K. BLUKR, 141 W. Oold t.l.J. Mn .!.ad rnn un tndaftnilu pario ran Il ii. i.i Ownar loft city il.aMioo 0 BOOFH RKPAIKKD fr tfcan HI nrria. Inauranca t disrontinoad later u'rlWk noon run Mr VT Two lMf pttrrh It. Wa loana IlispU) rloaeified funua loBe allb caah will handli hava Now tM tba lima to hava that naw ll;6 tn a all ruuana lor riHiiiltn a . Mwuia hi... aaynry for Ihta. Fur par dor publi.atioa IVflUrfaaaaa ray lit ill roof put on; or to hava tha old Tha will be responsible uul arlf. Wn fat mantis. Kboaa bin lieu la ra aaa ona palnin.i rapalrad. Wo put .Uil.N and ouu In.urrert tuaarlton. OOIKL on hullt up rnofii. 1 4 FOR SALE Imi i...... 1 ciMrlal amma... rao .03 ( ruarantaad VV A NTKI AnAatlKilalkfni 1A I and 10 voara Hawit of pj a ta- UK) KM ANN REALTY CO. FINANCIAL arada '.no W I.- na In Work I room brlrk, Oh Waul It. ASTr - r:.J ,.r. i oay ..I. U7 KOI KKXT Laif U4 auarnntoBd. ( rfaal far RRAL INHURANCR, LUANR, "III u .... Uiuab Aulu ''a IW4 Waal antral, I.I.I...I i. .an. a HtoaarBra Baa. RHTATR, An rNtnbliahail liuainrn room aturco, North I' NOTARY PDRUO UibRon-FR- hfT ( AHH gbj ""...Id and Ta.a I. I. and kalk Uiomluf. rkaaa wiahra tn us l:n .... arouiiut of Call Lumbar Co. s room brie a, Ird Ward. irin.a if daairad Aalu Co. na i . w uaj 109 W. Oold Ava Pbona 470. de-ai- for man. room fraase. North Id. SB. i anirnl fkuna aX qulal boma for twn .anllrtBt-- rkulra in. in. tpmptirarily, anil . r ur ruuin twin l ad. bulb With Phona Ht All uf I l .j(Hil- - I J tn borrow privately tba above risae la. bnlb: hub blnrh frnn alraal Ad'lr. aa at HENRY MATHEWS ti'V.Sn fur" raa uouUi ," ln. f...... oar widow. .Pra H.rald 6 interest sui'h Hmoiints and Harcaln In varaat uruparty. arkw building a largv ir uii bual KOK Ml si' Si.r ...ol fr.m i....n. naa aalllMg onr faod b all or lu a' irada i,raanlly fiiniiabrd, for hiii'Ii time us may suit Duke City Cleaners Aa eatra buy la Transfer Company Da pi Su 7 U I'arfc. triiaata aalranrr: inn ImprnvaB abla fur IWU I.. l. a . . i.H 11 worn-n'- properly, and ahf '' FOR SALE lender. Wr hata, man'i and pa - froaa I 'antral Kraai.aaia rant Mo alrk r vi as. saod Inter aat ua laMat- N S rlothlna. nan. i urtalna, tra FOUR ItAUUAUKM M.I - dak. IT OH takl arllln VII u... Ma aatta iekl I uar .land bualvfy Wa prrlaa. olc BcMUa of Herviee I at rfuaiantaa 1 on) full llina Tar alt buur itma HS Imaiii 12 ftBUK I'. Smith Duublr ADDKKSS 1' BOX 446 1'uwiiti.mi offlca: r:o W Hold iav A ItliBUa I'll, me wis Caiaariam - Hw Th . Phone KVnith rlimaur i it r larga r.,.,1 f. r liaLI N. M. Ava Phono 44$. ltd. 11. Third. iar IHb. ra..i huUBaka-rpllt- Hilvrr. Shut Oitii, in con Albuiiieriiie, AilRRTR Pbnaa Brril r Plant: 1304 North St. Pat an i ad Uaad UaHaa Taal. aai-- j . lourth Biad farh bo ruinliinrd l.lan vlfat I'hona mcr no Kn-l- tlitiou. l'riceii to Mil." in n; naaa ata iaauy. Writ Iwr nn. i, and M4t lluuar- - anlm plan haihriun t'n D'i Naaaau Hi. KiiR Ryvr Tb.a...... t.labad buuaa KOK SAI.K Nkt lallAra Ul Sen., Maw A ... Itl ar rent ie:ni rark. i, Knet Hon Pa. Mrir, modarn, raaidanra, TO k iraaunael. ...Ira. A4rRRTH-- Wn a uf fin-- Hunan 1464-- bowkf lauaw on diaaianda, waaaAna aaa ib WS RtNT Twu t. na.a lu Hiak aad 7 i noma, HL..I,. 2114-- u Hunar ruu wn aun PHONE un hiaat Hllvor HVfnu. arilrlaa lur ibr markal, fumlabad ur uo furuiabad Pnoao IWROW. m Ka m II BaaamtBt. nnd thinR itsoiiiioi. 'ion null Bm. 1SS a.. .b.rlrnr.d u.anu, Tablnia uaad mar 7 una ITlj't'Hr war) Kiral .. rWnd a aanipla II HMi KoH HKNf A. S'J4 MR Ht. rnniplftf, for $4,000; tarma m aire. M.I.. v.rj .....nabl. fn rani fur .1 par Raat WUar Pfcoaa Or Mil il North Twelfth (MMiUri ralir,:if w rrni prufll fur yon Unkland rh.i... ,1 Ca.. , ItVltR KKAld KSTATK ioTITlT.r ,Ai. . ,77' f.nal Oakland, rtEWT -- Plt'a w4aTa KXCIIANUR a I1..T..I a a...... -,.- . nr.. IMKHII IV man niu7 Uit. HiraM I'al fok rotuoral-Bin- 4 alrar. I.H... '.mil with rsr boaaa 1014 ratTOOtor A 404 W.-n- t ('upptr. Uaa. ra aa a. i In aelrainel.eViilJ- Mki to. I...... irntnnaa iit aoatk ii ikihhI would w mi;u ii PoK the atata warn in aauifuit touii Addraaa H H KtRT Rur rooaa an fumlabad apart lf Hrt.ld V f. Sanuia tor. .1 hi. ilqnora. taant taadarn bona 113? Hoalb Amo Milt KAI.r. hoi o.hv a .n o . ; air tirfoi iw man KOH HI SIT- - Konr romi. rimdarn "TIT TIT rTAiTTATORIt ma da and rnpairaC dkrlanr a MH for -- aiOU rood aalllaf; II WAV! HI To hear lanrl- nfa'innn fli aat niahrd bowjao. blnrka anniaror nuBj nana ronrtn. oa...... l.p'.l- - f'lbhrr for ...... Ihraa froa ata raa.a.ana tu a fa in for aala naar Altugnrruuo i. t.l. 'uunip Xn akb 705 Waal Mllvar I'hona HLICK aai aioek ; fartTlrly ina Gildersleeve Electric Co, hif ...1 ruflla lanlm ton tlag aara; firat claaa .raalaad. 101. Nam (lira i,artimUra and towaat prtra R. B. rltfh.a a.llvr larfr l4MI Altlon. Bond Dillon Company. City aa J v. . 1. . I lb I no ? prlng. ' riavrnio atraoi in. Ooraurb. Aabton Maba .... 0, Mat' RfcT yoar" op al ronma. lftXO FNOINKKItfl AND CONTRACTOR oafur rlVK paaarngar Rnlck talUai R)R" Haaall "farwi with watt bn ift To Make a Money ci niBhad, (or aaa or rani IV'i Hooth I'boua i.oa-- uaituaata. t aa Amo. in IWO loom house and hifkali h'Hir. row Wiring. Armatura Winding, Itopajra, UrKlHrL.Nl Uth AKVKV for ail cara. bVPril VIVlflklllBO It E batwr. ana onr ririti alfnira. naar RALW KOK" f Aim Katiirn ng paid on mimm. fort Iwoajlag baaaa Fbnna 44T. HALK touring, lata nodal, guaranlaad J. a. or bar m Co. Albuuar toat mail ordnra. Tha Hrrttallllo: l oqo Addraaa Mr. H. H Making Inveatment Installation. Construction, KrllT, 114 Wrat LL ( bandlar I kuuinir saa K Haurr k u aa a.m. narnuiu Mluglo, w. Vaatral. ln- aUrtna, RrmalHln R JbT7 410 na (an I auarwua, S Max UAS waatad la tuwu in ataia lu aa- Id. fa Aa POR Pra ah (In trarh ilka urw pnm WAXTfll A ran'k ft urn lOcii 21... otiv Phutm 1710-- J ITIO W. rttrr W 4N f l (.il ...IbV by tu a Deal Direct With Cuotral Ava. gaga In blaaaanl IncratWa bualnaaa uf hit mil kKnT DrTiiir diTuiia t.rl.V aaaaa 4400 ataa ford Hpaaoatar llbo aaw. far, (...i.liiiif arraa (Ota fall daarrlptloa of Una), n.i own amall rnqutrad a apiluaat unit batb alaaplai purcb mudrrr. MfttR St (lamgc 404 ton s. nu Kourtb Hi tar phulugrapbrt.. laira daily aorviao Ra' iit r watrr audply and kral nrlm In V 1. I N 'ul" aalxfa. lion guar an i red Hand your acayaaltlal Addrraa mi a Kvaalaf watrr frar fall Vi Hub Hi KtlK HAl'.K 1440 ardab Ilka naw. tlrat llirr 1. J Parrull 4i3 Watgoriar Owner far fiaiahing lu n raliObln aalnliliaJiad ft Hl4g Wl.hlla Falla faloa roH Hf NT llntiar fumlabad or unfor prirad right for quirk aala; will roualdor A H a - , Hannn aatta. Ilaalnr Pholographara Wt.S -- a. .1.1 'i (, fo. r'lr.ioei. II. ak- Mill tiKM nlabad Hit. aud pur. b. good Kurd un trad. Mrlntush Auio fu rtion nan. r rasa r? ar raaTurd front pun good run d It ton CO W.,1 Canlral v umir. Treaeul Vok uHIan rinat. IB4T-J- PKUMiNAI, s(iu-r- PWFM uiVfHtOE lation t Writ V rtoggeaa hi IttW aaaaa ill fo.rtb. Pbnna POR SAI.K Ford touring arlf J il is ur t.. pnaaaa j mi IMTdA (... aioiii. KoH HI NT Modarn l wo rtrata furalahoi A I gt; KllllJ. I..l,n.r .ad M.k.r af u. a aanaioa lartrr marhnuiral ..ndillun a a' fnh MPS! Hiorr NoHL k if J hi huu-- r with iwo aiaoplng Will Pnrd in pay l.atlira and l lilldrrn llata Prl. r. raa Ht - WAN IK I. Young man rauaMr, of taking porrbaa 4o rah taka olbar part 1MI7 ...... LoNlioN Mfatbcra of artla- I ..n.atla i. Wail Avr est of book a and able to uaa typewriter upHaiU Harajd Offlaa nth No .In). If. At i 7". Kaal Hanta inant OuuMd- rand rWwa.l Tlra Co.. 407 Iim m. y arc piomlnoni In dlvorca Ik . lalT WASTr.D-IS- flr aaiak (Inn tlparUnra H ...i pfn Ail it ST Uroalt 'aforaruuru apr. Pa Waat Onpprr roaaa aaai i .,re..i. Jain vaiU iiurl rwcutda nt praaanl. Milton for ngbl ,art. Addrraa Hut Ha. 74. uilad fnr butcbrr abup wall luratnd lb llol HI POR HKNT -- A naat four KOH MAI.K OH THA UK Ford trork body vutrra In alnalna rla.. and craail ruiiaan. rra . hon... and plana. MunMili-iifM- ( 'tinnlniihuni, in Ha raid Uiahlanda I'hona room, and a bar ping porrh fumlabail in and aaat aad wlndabAld I waat ford Hla. .... daahltic WaWTRII iuri.erlr' lu Hlmlanda A U. UII.,. r Waal Can touring bodly aud lop, lala modal mtcifiy hi'MUty, la ankiua dlanolutUm nH jaatan 4HTH-- . II IS tnui la on kliarea nt mil runt mllding MHI KKVr ItiM.iiiM 42 oal I'tiuna vt j.1 P 0 M ' 434 N. i. id Ht Phfaa I'KHSIINM. II... ai of hay niarrlajta with Lord PuAiUojJa faiae t w far., kaa.l liand r.a.1 d rhea (ioud lorntki on main i. ai ofl'MK RooMh Abua blaiaona. Ran mTH AaIbR fawiMMrr l,tv J aad Irarn ..far l.itin, pantrtvrlad tlutlnR the war. One story brick build- llo. o.i., 1. .1 y right man Apply d rl.vr Auiu DaM POR MALRV Raw damagad by .nra arlwaain plir.aalaar and fu.lana ir II rr tearing mr, M uwm ni Hi law atator ra. I, - Hal 1'ummarrial Oa Hl.irnaHi KOH sALI Una oak piano 1 M) una nab (ban a ... in, if. Haraa Jua.a al a.r r. in. Wiiiak'r. t M.Ms KOK Ml S rt.r ffira flrr run laaa uOo baforr ... i X M olr'lt ng 7in Nanb laol. W uf hi Kfli of Lutltam. haa baaa ing, on corner lot, 125 orrurU-- b ! l.uffrt tAl din room rhati. fira . rbaaalB and motor guud lorrurrlr tra Hman and il in n.ndlliuu ,trl ,i A) good v aa or oal bmtar and will kaaka a flan with " ..nt. a docraa. Trafy var Klallar I'wlliaiar'a. Apply lu tmrk lUII-ll- Y .11 win ii;i fu Walton Htndiu. IIBVa Waal Caalral 1'butia $V '.on Waal Marblr Pbnaa ffR-i- iraa Hrr aarna and mak. tu. an of far v...- Admiral Hlr William C. Maa x25 feet, in business t 7'JO Ml U m. u WMV 111. IIU.E nhan tun ran allandl th aii KoH NAI Ibraa t rl rl(r raiurs Waal I'hona 50 W. Knot c dntuPaaiToi trm Nl liulno'in haa obtalnaO a itoanra H l olUga fur par r i I. tan, o.f and four i.rrira UI.J W. . ra ran. &T'i J, ,.mat tin d- hla wlfa. Cn 1(1. s I - ma - atuvra. Ao up; naulnat district, paved streets. aappnii all ftl4 Waal iVntral Ml. Ar bornar Farfrrtkoa oil and Mra. Molra perktiam. & ply WW. ( IS dauahtar of W AS I A .,uk n' I'tiK KkSf two ruuui furuiab j a pari' trolrb awinga. 50 fl naw boar 44 I'Boriihiiivu, AllOS "Hi..n 'if,V HWid turgrt Haron la a dlgorca. r lur AppU mrni 7'J4 Waal f antral Phutta Buy (Haul Nn auto and USED CARS "ML BAkH lni'hiiiiln. araklnR Contains riniHlnl nunian nlM.ul punrtwma. blnwouta nnlraga ii- la six store .Mr II Mailing. 713 W KOK KKNT Apartu.-n- t Raw H.put.lir aad 'Ifflaa Knaa 1. Oraal Bid, Pkuaa If I i huatHind th aull. Tord alia. 410 Mi and Ifi Krrylbtng Knr a kuoU iiKvd why not a ataaiaaaM .ipp. JUffaj Waal laairal, ' fid III Eaat Oaatral In good furnltura al "V roH MKNIll Moom. 'fur lia'l.i arkoaplag Hun k 7 ("umr Rat vhut Imva. ran Ml rooms, all occupied. upamnga fur roaaantnnl Irarbrra In pnr-- B ftlurpby lumiiura C'., J'ii Fe Time iHuailiw aat Htalr mi and laaaifa iU I iHrtA Tblrd Rt. Santa Table rat rami Mouth riral. ftdajfl ta in Ul iu I).. Ii, it g ..r ILgb Mrd'i.tlouKh Hunk . ui DR. S. C. CLARKE l.i 11 n rouitta r.ut S( It 1'AlJH. Dnr pound ai Ka- bi'ii I'lianibrr of land II 1 . Harald fjta, ar. Mnoo and Tkrool Oloaao Plltad This building will bring f N V PflH HI S tmm fanaiCad Maio. it Hldg I'hona nSa Apart..! n t ' magaa fur h 17 I If Iluura la II ami 'i m MM CI 11 I.N H VVAN'TKJ. 4 boaabayn 7J4 rWcuud. tilt IliS" RAI I HALg-Tar- s'l exceptionally good lUo rUy ruorua fur baaaa-- K)R .1 buuaa, taot llt ... R an MA ar. furuiabad llgbl f ftaafta. KoH h 41.1 - marblna aaa BIJhlNIW (MUMS H Ht fur ftftO Call GO wlrad alrtrla hgbta Prlca , .aping HUH nOHlaa. 1104 Wr Cri.lml wsH-- knimt - U.I If a"i Ituj'i Waal 014 Kaat Crtf wall il M.I ub Till nilral ItlR SALI. t burro, caaap. 1'ala ...... return on investment. I.UMM, uib. Niraly nuw raady ALR aoU r auuaaa a bar CHICAGO MILL & frala Uraa.l t nil Tbuiapaun 1144 J fuo.iahad apartmrtit Aill al Ma. I TSa Sawul a $bim t I ward good Oao. H I tutm 1'i.r Inforniaiiun. aipl at aparnni-n- Nu gain. TbrJ inrui S H, lub driving i I Ho.ldr a noiiBiaciiuu gnamuUal. Na Calif l.hailad lu tllaua II luaa. nrrlad nan. IR KKNT d raw oinba bulal RuuHl U. LUMBER COMPANY aagun ur Iracb. Tburungbly fnunllar ft lour ruuni fmniabi inudan Pbona. J K 4 Na...... raa, l ... Il idaaa. buttgnluw w lib alaaftlng l.alb Hil l sal . ' -- IN n Addraaa J earn ftorrti and airr OK VI black Jai URNKKAl, Ha. Taa .,Ta)o II '.a. luaa. 111 . I'rliad fur auk'k flklr Tartna .urranta for (an I'LANINU MILL II raii lllii. .ii. A. prt aun pu- - rt HI.ITHBOUKO KKNTt'. mo b or lane. I Ho ai mm uf Hrrald ;ti V.tVt.Hl I sTTT ynnaral man b.iidio t'M Ttu mralp fur 11 K Hauiaun Mat., h . Na. f.l ... ., . . in iQaa f. r It rki-- fuur room on I roolua habt IIT'j PdR rutlaga; OH ,1.1 . Third and Marquette Nu ',7 I.I l'..u ... Bu.ia alramaii arnka ahgaaaiuaii Haluida) af Waal Bald ror har Highlands. Iltitiitjui Aim Ml Rtigby blrirl l.aa tarioo r,. apraka Ntmth fliicnll) aarrp m dlllnn 40 n Itigb HI I'bonn Slk T" Targr 1W0 raaS M-- flan Iota in Kowrlh Ward W H iauu lAHTHOL'ND iktaal rafnmaraa, A 44tana R 111 Wait TlfN nn4arn nuoai a Phbne 8 . kaaiilu. a, aM cluar "'' Mt'w, Of W. gnbj. Ma. S Taa .... I .... tVntral adjoining batb KOK HA LK gal of a day, , I l,a .0 - - W l.ra I' n Hy routn bouaa 10 Jaraay milk Nu 4 .1.1 l.liall.d .... 1 .nun. POHI 10N WAKTKI) Iraak .1 'J'"! Ail uarbar. rhraa . - B Clarkmg ar' : 40 mnta pur at raurb 4 nitla Nw. S Mama tm 7 I . rYlR two" taodTr n b U witb two acroaad purebaa rity walar, K..SI Saa. uaja 4tiiug. gauaral rapalrlng or ulnar ffsf VTir r OlllbWnal f liar. Mr l. ny r, ad : l . -- 7 1 alu Hgbla Chaap for 4 aula ftlO .'If. lloi.ln llliana' Nal'l Hank lllda Su Hcuat Juaai aiiipr.iwirsl Wbal par I mailt. Murk f Rol.iuaun alaitrle HAT.!; lu Ta fla alaad, baa tow lu KlTlt l.i.ndrad .,'t.o I I Priced for quick sale I W Imn I' ho tin I44J W IBB. No obJa'tUma lu laaalng thy alar 'ark IT Wtab Kan I ataunt No tick lap.bia .1. rtuia auuTtt FliH HAl.K In Rraaawlel nnatl ami Okali rtad man haal of rafarnrM Vboaa 1S3W RKNT to inudara r ..iiiy una buuaa. good Nn IS- ...... r.l HK adulta tbraaranai and lot worth ftb'iu racorda in mudiliuu at rwhla rarh - a'S.paa aft Norib Kiabtb furniabrd apanuianl Vul luiraalar 14.14 f.ii142 l"l if Co, Waat 1. 11 nw III r i. ... r.l ... I hiiuaw UQ Rajaltl in bona, and lul Kiirnllaro III W. G. LOGAN R It 4tia-- Ma. Ha B. Na TO Hoard uf Kdurai ud NupaiintriK PRaaj ia7 un par ...... a. In. alia la. am all fur 4"0. I'ntruaiilB lot 11 Sanaa, l.clcrit taarlii MIR HKNT Tan riMim niudora furnnhad n.unlh lull raBb balau ra lual lLo KOR hTLV 4 tuiupanoiant. an', gallon. PsaaS Vail... I'll, a.d Uall ''.. a lamia OajSJ. laid Our aiib gaiag and tuld - drm a lila. ataa tank, am for uaa Accounting '...... : apariMaal Hi ing fur Improv Uuai aril tab Nw 19,- wllb Na Ua frm rioploarr Wrlta for ruMAi walar. 4'.'l H Hruadwar ItojU'ia :ilft Mouih St un Magun or tmik fur bAullug of watnr, oil .1 H.l.a SI rr Hoiitk Rdnrnlifin Ir in OWfla aa.1 ...... ! tial aUrn room ni.nrtniani fur ur ra an ii.- fn-n- a H .ad aad liar b a on hauibrr uf Cant ran n rofi ra Inaticlal Audita and Examlnatloiia. BlatlSi I.. Kdllb. Tal.ph01.1- - KoR HALF. . In MtM M 104 Honlb Aut. aii.p 'traitor aoiuplota busi- I fir. I. J riral . laaa o.litiou int iuaaa taut tada Tax lteporla Also several other UANtlll Ml Mflllllllf Min f Il KM sill aparim. labia aloaa. I.a boa. Khuan 1411 J lldl K K7i Mo t M HUmr lliialnoaa ISyntoina WA VI Hm-- ll Lmrar alura f.aal t.t uiodarn alck. rai.a Aula. lft ness propositions ii- l"w w ..pp. r Hatanth ANBKMIilH HOOP I'AINT Ouud tor all Htockmrn'a Ai'iounta a Hparlalty. CALL UP klnda uf ruufa 41 -' gallon. Man l Laundry H.K7tr s Two l.gbl k arbaopmg rout Tha WAN i lt work or work 1.) the sane 110 - Walnut Pbona 1034 J day Pboan I tttt W fori lib. d alau t.. at. bm Vb Uuitncaa ConinilNulona Kzorutad. Whan you want oornpalaat Halo, Tblrd a tm nt up r.o-- win taat aa luug aa tha a liuuiii, 10 Terms Can Be IrSlH WAl.l. num. and pan.liug f all klodl For nicely furniahpii 3 Idtua to buy Anyihlna. nil tall 448 W ItIK HKNT I'roat r , out l Anythlna. phona 146. Aa ox I 'an uf . I. room miKlern gRr-ab.- -. .'.4 hi-- a npaiiiii. batb hoiue aud Mill KAlift. "Want Ad Taker" will Arranged Was "mi in .,11.1.1 ..f Iighla and f H Arnu . itn urniahrd ill i i. rT AU k7u!7 ha raady your raurb I'. rrlrpbol.a 1W.I7 lot Mtliffc foT f Kiii m PHONOGRAPHS and to taka ad ml bulb naw and I ham', bough I m you phona It. KOK HKNT Mudarn apartrwanta; Ibraa ,i BrunavrU'k arid VI. lur ritoiioaiapha VN: t'l.lANIRO. E001 Daiaiina Thia ooy.y little home U rmtrd and r i bi. ad AlbuuttoroDa Tvua wm:nd rot.iui privala balb anil ..,. wnlrr Kicbanga Phtioo 404 UfJ I. ub Huld un and al noii.iua" and odd Juba llunkin . J. Tarn.a Uarald "Want Ad Takara" ara taiaplalalj fumlabad ( all IU.4 Waal r, on Booth Arno Kreet. Kiiurth HI. I'bunx M4 J trai Victor, lirunalrk and Qanuatt thuro.ighly tralnad advortlalnR - You will nRVfjr huve Address WANT I'll To bnrruw tgoO 00 on aroad aa- r.IUHT llol NKKr KflNtl HlHIblH Mad Ruothr lOruida. wttt.ra Thay hava baan toatructad i tttftty Addraaa "Hacuritx." rar of In tha art or wrltltuj WAM am aeavaataaraa lana atarping par. I chaupe like thia one. Thia PiiH bargain, but a fur btigiy. Albuqnerqaa Huaie Btora Aim Irrai.i In Nu akrk Nu ibibirati. Ata ruuua ana n that PHI. I. If you do not know fjT"uttU .'.Mi apec.ittl ia 111 711-- t'R 4l lo loan on goud aacuntr ii plr i iafarrrd I'butir IKi.' W priee for r quick W Canlral. I'linna axactly how your ad should ba Inaldn pfopartj Pbnaa 110ft wordad thaaa opara tora will bolp To . I IC NT Bale. Act Today! 0. Wa-- ill' Sr...'i..l baod rilaa: atxrt aaab III (.limn KAN I V IlKKMsM tii'lN and plan you. pa Broad llarcU and Trading Co. til) PiiR UVS l No li 'iiri..liad r No alau Pbuhti Lint W Lmpire Dry Cleaners, n rutinr. o hi riri.n'ii inn Kb Hitt M. raortb WARTRO-FtaT- iT aad fancy aaw log Pbona RKMKNBRFl: Wa hava a CARE of HERALD antad on nH mud- to KOH HKNT Modarn a. aptag riiuMi with Address Box 50 Dyers and Hatters fur ovary purpuaa and -- propfflv una or two aara Intarr! pat ruut.ina naiai (ill H.ii I'ual MlilRTii AMI HRHrtMAklNO. 607 H gd man Ha who uaa bnrraVl Hug n : Npei'iulists for thoaa tbatn. able a,nariant illlf Rral Katatr KoTT H l'.Sf Iftidr.n alnr'plng roT.n" Aar.H Cara of Humid. Pbuna I4B0 J. I haii.'- - W luw opprr Vila1, urlh sr nnd A( - Hktrta'-n- tuna' Ai..i..oli COKUIUN I'l.KATJSO- d iuf Autn Delivery Ton will And It ia our oTHKHH "aiar" tbn Uai "nlll" KO( (l SI r. porch Tag ul all Imdi N Craaa. 414 M Hot 'Phone Phone 345 Inn ,o ii. i LUII anlh Ht Phona 414. Ml West Hold. 4.'3 Columns. at taut nnrl laalai. rail U. ay. 114 'In. will .rtl. I'hona 401 I) WANT!. FRECKLES V--w S6E,Tr . IS A DAH0Y KaCvT FLAT TOP DESK and HU PUCE tt SVIInI-- A (7VCKX a I VaaeH ) NCE PUAC6 "lb ' lit Miiki !' Ckaap FRIENDS j H.H6 J jSU l' fl a , ADDRBHH BOX 101 'f I'ari- - uf llrralil Kiin ci.KAsiMi ani matt anal HHNOVATINO Prl.tM ltMinittii iUtUtactloD Ouaranta Chun raobiMd co. W (urn Krorthlni II. il Th Kin aaaaa III. imi h k.-...- mi

"u'rihTKn m."m 111 ft A M I h Sin.ll ....rtinrnl rlasa A.I drr. K . ... Il.r.ld Ml.l'lN.n ung lad) w lak in prtvata fi Phona HVl 44 BY Si t uf li paaa ii tiotirnl 'Xliv Bvaolni lltiald. BLOSoLh TRI ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1M1

BUM FUNERAL PEOPLE YOU BROKEN WINDOW 0LAS8, PEOPLE WHO KNOW EAT 3 A HOME 4 WIND SHIELDS RIEDLING KNOW Build a Horn; Buy a Rome; . .1 mt TflMY FOR FIRST tllPKHItlH 1,1 Mill It M at l. Improve a Rome , Buy a Lot in MUSIC CO. .Uatfcuew Auto llxiaa Sit. retiring. calHDr In. of Buaineaa-- Property Mian Anna and Kate Haa Cream Crust and Figola Bread with a 22 1 West to fha 1: h.ay evening long time loan with 3 or TO FALL IN WAR ' K..rh. -- Minn., wher Ml 4 interest. Central Kate Haa underwent a rerloue opar-bUo- n CCOUMTINC on June If. Because it is baked right here in Albuquerque Houses for sale, rent or A tar Ira White, raahier of th Kita "Everything Manuel National bank, ted eeterdav in attend three times a day. Not imported from Col- lease. Immediate and l Soto Wu First the wek-n- on the Pacoa. attention given to all New fTugwn Hempeni h of the atal" orado or California. Musical" Mexican Killed highway daajnnmant. who, wan In inquiries. yeotrrday. swat that tha in France tAiaaneda hhihwar rraw Albuqurt-qu- r to tteriialHIo Woula ht rtmulrle in Gober, The odr of MtniH Mo. th. first 1. daya. "lew tcO tnMhT to - UHI..I In I. Aim nu. 1. fi thf dlatrirt forcat ERW00D BAKERY Short & Gober mill b hm i. -- Una i.o. fTlre hat-- yeaterdain iatv to make ar 1 230 Ave. TO OUR CUSTOMERS Mh full military hunnra. It waaj ranafmenta fw hla trip to Madlaon, 22 West Silver Phone 977 West Oold .turnad hra lot weak Th. iwntHraan Win. tie haa been IranalVrrtl In that Phone 666 We wlrth to miggeM the advlnal.llltv of buying Now. all. 'vi will I hold HI ifi.tfM priMlucta tha Mural laUoratorr In or at leaat'a pari, of your anthracite for tme itf Hu IVIIaa d. Nerl in Ottf Towi, r4ty, and will make hla hum winter' ; hre "1 - ni Ih- and rdiouM your at n'rlork. ana th. Veteran at In - ruture. Mr. and Mm. Amt-na- ! in1 rorabl thin bae war. will I Ui rk4n. t to leave Albwqtaerqua m Wed-- ! CITY ELECTRIC SHOE HHOP aaiionn i onalde.MUi. rV(o waa a larltrate In roanpen)' If raoSB w i g aaooao n Fifty rlatilh Infantry, ill Ira M ra bL. kaaaw . .. nt the tint. r IZ lr K. ..I .I Service Good a Prompt and Work at .Vca bay "lfn.m vIkIi to aouihrn CalUi'mit. COAL sf.iluo HtMwa.t i hi human a HAHN COMPANY unit wo. (ha final I ho araduata af lo kill. the IIMth Mhool whti h.ihlefii ntlrtid phone oth.i nMa. htr Harvard t'nlwraity dtirtnc th n H la l.y faro hrolh.r. part year, The Sunihlna Aritnnlo r,nd l.aonuuln Hole, and two returned ham ytrday Clrantrt will appreciate your buainau. A mod ALBUQUERQUE IMf.y Halo, )or in niinur of th aumiuer. em, up to tba minute pliant; no n, ami ).uilta all of Mary K r dinsTwasUa (kaoline odor. win Mm 'otrhin Hpr na thh, Hla uaatlir dim alwul field. HI haa arrived railed Competent, well paid worker. Prompt delivery Back the DAIRY Hur maatt hy agyj. try her, Th. laadr will bo talt.n from Ih. the aerlmift I Ineaa of her alatar. ume day you tend em if your work gelt to ui before 10 a m. nnronta hofaa Mr h H. Facan. 3 3 Weat Mar ASSOCIATION Were Bringing la Oil to tha quelle avenue. Mra. Faa;an waa oper Call 378 and we will do the rest. rhnrrh at 5 o'elork. AM.. Ih. a I ,Sj - la at Kunday IBM- military promaalua will aled ttn la the Praabytar Ian hoapilal Her rim1tllon ban been l.owrM nrt.iv mailatrnt ulth rlral-rla- work a to I a fair H. C. L. leavs tha rhurrti anit aernannaay tha on Mil k. I III M. I III laady very MltUal, hut rhr took a turn rrtnrn our Intr.tnarul. Srnd n.r t'bKhro atlarav tlary Ill: WI. to Kama tlarttata eaamat.ry will r- .....wi ...... I I M wli.r. final aarvloas and liar th better yeatrda and h 10V a fair i. Kl II It. Ill '11 It .k IMi will takt riao oovery la now enrrld. i iri m.i. t III I si All fat raOi aarvlaa man ar. aaka4 H II Jamiibon left laaf nahl fur to ba at tha IMaaa at old Town ai TfaaitU to join hla family. He mnd- - H v M aassaWjM K M t la o look attend tha ... m. the trip overland The Sunshine Dry Cleaning Co. ma march la iTinaalua, Aa C II. IJvluaaion. ttln attorny. aa ay aa poaaibla ar aakod to rweno waa In the efy yeaterday. In New Machine "New Methods" uniform. Crollautl haa rhars. of p J" O. tha Jude it Harnea and We. 25c fnn.ral arraaajatltanta. terfleW returned from Santa P y afternoon where hey waht TRUNKS HAULED n lean) buatnaaa. Any Plar. in f 'It y. W. ntova anylhlns ANSON APARTMENTS J. W. Crump. repreaentlnf P ih jnventf deparlfrmrh of th W. O. Albuquerque Transfer Co TT, U. minTfia4on of lb atat I'hon. manax:--- . O. ft. MrfhmaW In tb ON N, FOURTH SOLO Hi. buildlnc haa hevn tijnufnd HUDSON POSTER to tin Kl diatrLTt. ANY MOTHER J. D. Brltbtli. :rt yratrday fnr Veaaa. where ba will be for aeveral ADV. CO. Java on huafneaa. Property Bought Mrs. Ialle Hi ild! of Oaltup. formerly EXCLUSIVE 8IQN8 by a here, la atudent at the rnlvraiiy Can fori aliatilulcly itafa in giving li.r child Btwr Ice ( r. niit, Bur kh art and Miss via tin in Allnin.oeryue. CH0NE 7311 17W OOLI Joa Hera rd infill and wife rani'1 fur llirc. t iial It ia mnilr Hilli ItHSPinck 's crcelu. We E"tublish:d the Price ft. ir Cleaning and Pretiiinir Parsons down from Hania re yeaterdav for th1 natural frtiils nml nllni-.- l pfire sugar. It valvrly quality I. all.- uiid Geiitleuien I Suits at tame todav. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Jak- nf Rania K. in in ia .In. In uifiat imprnvrd nethudii of prodii "tiiiii FVanh Mind tin haa cold the An-w- The Agency Company of n,.rimnt at North Fourth Frank tntta, former manaaer of th rw and alaible arena, to Mrt, Mania P ha ball team, la In OUR TODAY New Mexico $1.00 Hummer Bur khan and Mia Jose- nam today. SPECIAL IS rgrevna. for the W. H. I'ifkett, phine The deal wa mad Jaruea C t'aaa!., Jr . id th taaael Mmiuirer ihroug-- P- K. Mrt 'anna. Tha con - Motor eompany of Hanta Pa, and hi Telephone No. 863 And We're Going to Keep It There! aldaratlun was in tba n !ghbd .1 father. J C Cbaaell. of ltanoke, Va . 120 South Third Street of lit. oca. ara vleiilna; In Albuquerqu. Tutti Frutti Ice Cream Our other prices are as follows: t a pat t mnt ' Vara aarrha-wa- Alluiiiieriiie, N M. for rental I n veai ma t pronert y T he At Refular Prices i. u Win- - is two at or lea and conlelna We Sell Nothing But Insurance NECKTIES on apartment. It la wall tuentd Cleaned and 10c and tha apartment ara etwaya n de- Breakfast Table Thia Tntrl frutti Ice ( ream ennUliwi the rhrtieeal White Pressed. mand Tha pro party bring a g...l Urapca. Muwat Kaiains. W In .1.- Hlanched rental return. Tha building raa Gossip AIohuhIs. Mara CARS RENTED GLOVES c. about tea yea re ao. rhino Cherries, I'ineupitle Cuiu s miil ainHaa.1 aUtangr I't el. Until, INirnlalMsl If larolnsl. Kee'tt Tutti Kmtti Ice Creiun for Detaaeii inak the musl nr Cleaned 10c A tear grans, an reiv,.! by . J. Rates $1.00 per Hour Truck Gets Through ' meal a Knwoi. acting bead of tb local ilinan rural feast. M CO. WAISTS Utaahh-- SoMkt-raag- u ximvti iwi Jemez or the National aio Natta rtiat St 7alaabMta IS20 1 From Springs; from th nutlouai hail uf ibe organlaailon, J. T. folan. Inarming Cleaned and Pressed 50c Road Still Bad him that he ban been appointed vice ehairiuun or th national lgiabitl e Quality andService SKIRTS Tha roart to Jaanoe Harlnca la atlll voninatttM. PJ7Jgg iltifll for tnav.l. aiv.udlaii to lodge Harry IV OweaL, l o- Cleaned and Pressed 50c Ih. of - Ulw9 nni u Oaatral , i'Ihiih. Maalro AuUiutohll. dull. Tba will pceald at t h aeealon ( t be isaw rloinlbnrat In MOVED One that on Knda piece, or any part of a mnntri 'dtatilct court to 1w held .Monday. Irft trail of ruin bahlnd and lb. of f road la praeUrally The Iff of the Houthweatern Suit waalml away. FMucal tonal Richang la being to Larger Quarters 50c A truok arciyad li. Albuqu.mua moved Irom th Whiiing laitldint! thla mornlnaj whlrk liad oom. from to th third ftoor of the Chamber Accordion pleats and knife I Due to lb. aprlnaca In a Vry mo. Dlaatrrad of Commerce bulWing Increased Buniuenf pleats, around bottom, iitidlllnn Tba driv.r ranortod that MrwHr hn KirU Now Located at per Im- had rnn ihr Maw baan aturk aavaral timaa. and ' Iry normal acbool are In tha rlty had all 11.10, inch but lallad to (at hi, today shaving tn wn t for lb evening lc Hut. bouldara hara ha n aaahail train to th north Tb nummer ml hum a,. Intra iianri pMaa nwwtt lor Hie MMaMaSMar h aa roaa Iba road, and It will h. n.m-aar- of lb achool cbawd yeatrdav Mill. to uar dynamll. itlalody,. n l STIMULATORS lo Hevrral of the glrla are thaan laaap ruu hav. waahal going 10 Taoa and polnta In Ih north- After September 1st In Irani plaraa, aad lha ruad ia part or fhe to Kb aull ern atatc. and torn Wi will SS Hal iiimI i., nail tlrj mi ggagl Miiiml la SbO 215 I lo ten Tbev vtated that glrla tifrirlabt of tha auto Huh do n..i left KHver City yeetarduv South Second St. maart that tha road will b. op.a m The Nd Ttnvn Hapgry Itoncli. a iraval wllhla th. work, altht.ugb It young Town, will ba crowd of people of dd Silver Dollar poaalbla lo (.1 throuah It apent Hon day on an all day plcnh- at On Sale This Week Cleaners wlltaln a law daya. Tha road, WISEMAN'S aay. tb.y Han Lornto falla In TlJran canyon. baa baan In bad rundlllun for a There were ten coupiee. They all had WATCH millibar of munthl. and rv.ry rain tblng-l- o SHOP in. ana aliandad ra a apiaitdtd time, pb nty of good all ov.r th. eat and cam horn In ih moon-Igh- t HOUSEHOLD NEEDS KffT They ware the i - Apnl-onl- a and Tilh t'ervaniea Itarellia Four More Agents tandlnrla, Ignacia Perea. Anita Sale Regular flutlerrcg. Mary Alarld Anita Alarld. Price Price For Prohibition Itomana Prea and (tennvevn Itublo and Auguatln Orvantew, Universal Oil Mops, small $ .75 $ .00 Office Probable Fred flara. Nick IdUcern. Knrtqi.e Pel ea. Max Hoinero, Tomaa I mrun. Universal Oil Mops, medium $1,00 $1.25 "Great paIto Tony Oaks Cor and Navarre From Kelehr Four Wore a genu will im- add' .1 Universal Oil Mops, large $1 .25 $1.50 tn tha hara J prahlbltion nf'in-iiHn- CWjal buppty Pin.uca 4 and forcer, in lb neat future la all prob- ability, a. voiding- to D. W. Mnyder Four (b.Uara. full wajton toad, fac- OLD ENGLISH OR JOHNSON'S WAX who returned laat night from naita tory wood ; limited arm Hint. Ilebu Fa, where he- had been on official C4Mkl (('. ptllllM Si. buaineaa. I Pint $ .60 $ .85 CARII OK THANKS. Tha navn will be aalected mon. hut I becauaa of delay- - In getting th Th relative and frlnd of far) Quart $1.20 $1.70 pointmenre through ai. Tiemijan who died the 1th teat, Little in Waatiingt n Acorns Grow" who It la not aapartad )) deoir to raturn thank to thoee Gallon that tba addition eo kindly him $2.25 $3.00 men will be on the job for two or reinmlered three weak. KATK riKMHAN According to Mr. Rnyder. th SHOE REPAIRING PHONE 76 WE DELIVER men are badly hm needed her, raw X. ghere gjr flae Saaa aaaairlag. Oat's aal T only ihrf of the rive g Haab. 0r Tree DUry. agenta nliowe.i ihla irfflca on active Sandler, 406 Weit Central duty at the preaent time, an. thy Jacob ia nut able to handle all of the properly. bnainaaa For Prompt Service Scenario Writer Won MM tilt en; u The Nutionul Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, your own home company, y a m. our a WHITNEY and ni.aa.n-- admits with pride that it is a young We Sues Fairbanks and ' will rail for your t. company entertain no illusions that we will work. . ever be the biggest company In Pick ford for $11,500 III Hi I is Hardware Company the United States. 213 Wial Oold I.OH ASOKUEH CmUt Jul si lo writer, The people of New Mexico are at the pr .jent time i;i a serious conditio:' as to money aanke and Rh al matters. The fact that the "National" is loaning them money is appreciated to the leged that In tb agree m ent under whlrh alia wrote "f'ontln fullest extent. And what is more just than that a life insurance company should loan "Thru tba Hack lhor." Ma Mleat This Westinghouse Electric (in-- - its money where it is j. i. hr nam waa to collected? If you have any reason to doubt that money is not iho fnn aa author The nam. It In alleged omllled Range, Value $250 easily borrowed today on real estate security, or any other security, go to any bank and "looa preatige and of humiliation,' usk for a loan. You will soon to tba extent of JI,$a la alleged i Has been presented to the Home be disillusioned, if you have not already had that expo ttgv raulted. rience. Economics Department of tin-Stat- e I University through the DEATHS of: If you are for New Mexico and if you are making your money in New Mexico, isn't it a A MOM Kn Tb f.aerai af Mn i. pretty good business to insure with a New Mexico company? Of course, if you not hali' Lri Whey allrJ FttdmY at tier The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing aie ll.'u HvMtk Tklra .Ireet. lll br interested in the growth of New Mexico or arc here ordy temporarily, baieiiOrHwa4ar wo'niftsj i 7 90 rroai f Company, El Paso; The Mine A Smelter Supply it doesn't make 'eeidr rat idea t aka nam i Kesri Company, El Paso, and The Albuquerque Qas A any difference not h. ars htak aisea wilt k whether or your slate is prosperous. But if you have made your eaial " riti-- r J N Corttovt. BarUI Electric Company, Albuquerque. he at in fawllr plal kl sui money in New Mexico and have your money invested bar, it might be well to do your irr, Cralleit ia la aerge (MAVf Tfcr 1 aaerm t .K l -l- This notice is an appreciative acknowledgment business with New Mexico dk Obavea we slieel eaer..w institution:! !. i.4 - of the gift upon the part of the University. at gis riatrw will b held iai- firrno-.- i raasi rata iea.ii laeto ii' Ml Jaa st,tj 'i;e l' It is also a REMINDER that it is an HONOR anil raiKllMggl- l r, a PRIVILEGE to make Qifts. to EaVablisli Honor MsahiaX p a law datt lllaeea ia V Scholarships, or to rumish Buildinga at the Uni l aaaatr JOHN BECKER, i m4 Mn HalsU.i versity What Generous and Public Mmdeil Oil President. "tl.t All a nh i ' J ...... a: isen Will Be Next to Act? I is er atill paiat E. T. CHASE, Secretary and General Manager. Kiadjstla Ifinjggg

i v MNMfflMMBMai


SPORTING News of the NEWS Farm & Range mt nd NEW MEXICO RURALIBT eroTitiN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SUNDAY, JULY 24. 1921 TWO Young Crowd Entertained at Dance at the Sigma Chi House; Spanish Club to Give Two Comedies at Romero Home Thursday ( In- In iili won- u lilui- mm tin li ca. in: t In- auaaOaor muni ha vlatthiK In OOftOTBl I. LUBTMH With hat ami slippeia I" and Callfoinla. waa a aulolat at the wed- Jrl UB i led .1 huuOct i f p' nk Hint Wltt ding of a. f i tend, Mlaa Houstuo, in t rlrphun Mi. : iih-- I illwwifiu tin- i t i I'limiiy. Mi Peasant's Bodice in Favor lxH Ana-le- a laat weak, nne of the Card Clubs un.I Md 1'i.rlUiiwl.i loll f..r ti..n. big wc.i.i. i.. of tha summer. Muw f KT Iiahii t playad loaiaHy only tkia wmIl even mmIi ti it i " " ownine in aitfornM Winfn-- aang "Beuauao" and "At X. Thij will make theh hum.- - In Allot DgWOUafi1 In Notre Brldga club plavad ill lit t I aaa Mm , Aitiiiicritu this tniu' nf the yaai. TiuTf barn aftarnoon at the home of Mia. S-- tennis tuiiriiAiiicht, for Omt, which iiieuht k'mhI Hard work in I""' M aa Minn ami Mi i'hm Dr. David C. Dwdda hae reeenlly va My re. There war two iwbWa, . hla new home ( i.r.phrM.un. tad .t MajaUy apiMiid SklbltkNl ii Um MflN :';:;,;,,;:Vn;H,,,',liiii moed into the aggROf nf and Cenlral. Tha Prlday Rvenlnir Hi Nut tin- I idge club only th' tennis ntlMitiasiH. tmt lmiIs hi iriifrnl will luiii aim- in lie r iv liuuin- were tha gueata Mra ugn in Ma Hup Mi cortwrtahl Mr and Mra Joaaph It MeAvoy, of c E Odn (irolit hy tin impft us to tht rntliiisuisiii fm trnnis whn-t- i tin t.niriiii Thursday of thin waa. whan two nun nf In Mmnnii't i 'a M w ighl Mlaa Helen Ke and i'harlaa Well, ore tablea played. BMBl nt t hf t uiintry tlnh gaW ttit Munduy a ml In it utemtavi Of MM Of t In-- beat aoendtog iha wwk end at Whitromb known fonMBea hi the i il riprtnga. At tin oMaaiaatlefi of tin fctrovM ateb (plaaw dani taaaoi m XXX Aprea Midi Bridge club waa en- t liiyiti(f (lofs n I i Mlaa tertained at a party in honor of Mia polltiai mi this paai hut it taaac m aafv) mpHt KNI s t.oia Perguaon ha returned by IM IM Muablngum. Tucker Mra. T. J Mabry Thurs- liirK niiiiihiT nf wnuirti atJl tml aativa purt Tlif.v II from Ohio, where ahe day int tmk One nf tli- naiia MOtfl In the week haa been atlandlng OOBOOL Hha afternoon. nrr t In t tln niti'rt'HtMil BaNliw wa- - guy aaOWaafl aft tinciTf ly in nml an heat nml itullni a tin her degrea there thia apring, . ' Tha Ideal Brldga tub will BhBgt rlii thrrt'" whtn umIIimI i Kin an. la given hv th. .., i.f and In the fall will ba a member of Tuesday tli Women's 'lii I. of the 'oitHrega the facolty of tha high neit afternoon with Mra A. Aside fnnn theae twn iimri' Off laai aerinUH lujh sputs in the week, iii.nai oBorch m the tmorefe porlora echtml. i mealing WHnNdty evening n there have bfafl tw.i ur lliree ilaiices mtit a tinthlnl mlhei i ii 'i in Thai hid rw stepfather. Mr. Hast. who ugntged mm Btirh wuh H um Mra It W Paw haa returned from had been sim'UiIm id.nt a" visiting at Aragon. N i ehnreh fur nml eunlinu ri trislitiii-nt- .Musi of lis the niHll ttlUl a'tcmh.1 till I.' WM a six week vacation In Anaelaa .(.ii Heat K H. MlHga. oa with n doatfa few ,7,, a program of muatc ami h. ('nl. Hhe ai rlvad recently In Iha nlnrbr an luihriiic grip la ths artfviteM thai survivr pggnj home luat Hunday. hrokeraga bualnaaa In New RI Paao. Tea., tat Mexm. u'nt, unit .1.. fur tin' full tnnl t In- return uf uir tin- iH.u.- hm. tt. with iha miin. arrived the last of tha week to visit frittdN, ineuil!- Mr." Thomaa Lyre. Callan Hyrne. of llreenvltle. Miss, ma miner of ft... ka who lias boon visit Ins; tils bmiher roini .... , at tr'y Ackeraon i - Bert ll-- Messers '"'JMi Courtnev and N rt. M 'hea Byrne, for the tan daya. kkmm.i i mi Mfta, it ..I .i. mm t..i iheh roalotani a lo bo- - r! w Mra i horlea "Jack" Martin and the i - Nellie rirki '' ' ban Wi tlneaday for California to Mi- - T I d..w I a u and Martha Martin and Htaal Craw- Tucks. Mia . u spend he miner Malnv ru,.-- i i,,, u w..-- ii,..; Mr- - Will. in Miwlliifttou entertained ""' BeiarWHIB ford made a pleaaure trip to Mlll'a t.t a i I in- Ku - ini.-- r iiuiiiiK " w Mra C II iwnyon In queet of wild a t Kiu't oi notioi ihii i. .it- itfllvritiuiiv ttm " and daughter. nt th. Mat.r Um- wtili .i nuiiiUi Win Inal. H.hik Mlaa Marjncte. ara leaving today of which they found ait ahnndam . ytti hum. Aoilates Him.. Mot for aftpri n Ti i ajiaartwra Air-- lomi Mra "ahnoai uml "Mr ColomOO Ira Mwf.ea. of Oatll waa In toward f wart I CI run- to spend the remainder of Mull lirltfo i oaa i f i anli ini'iii Urd. (loulil Mini: two ..1.1 th- the laat of the week and brought . Hllb Wtr the KUHta i aooajn, My Drtaiaan' aumtner i i . a- - h i and "Olrl of Chitdieaa, well driller, a w mi ratiil i.dii Mip with brohao Li i N - It Nornannaly nod Mtrinni arnalua DaVB Mlllentiouae. been arm treatment. mad n t.t ami lovHy att-- i Mil Mill III govo a who haa for nt ton In I II ileiiahtriii pimm anlanttoai sluilylns: in Kanaaa f'liy lOOB Mav. ami apltf of lh lid RI UM Hiimii Prayar W R Ttmniaa. formerty of Itoua-- Mrrothi i i Ik' in c in rs i mil .n Mra R W panata at has retuined tu the rlty ton, Tea recently of r lr aaaWtalaoi 1 In- i h w:ik ( In!. U but Ar.aoita. i a tut i.n i a In Mil r linn aor nihil iaallc the lit nflarnuofl iiuitv for tin ftfta w K arrived here Hkturday evening x t il li i ns oaal Mra. A 1 Nye has returned from n from iraiiic ii i ha) Hi'ic in ih.' vrtntaf aaa aanannata in ntth ilniiaht. r i rn- - .Iai4na'- wiin a hrt.h- aoaj ion "inif it i wlui i.-- t v i six weeka' visit In ocean Mark. Venice months nd i.r.ii.t.rv ,( Kiuiay "i (1 W. R., or aa he Is better known i I on.rn..n jHUUt,. H mnmm 1.. uml BhOoors In li Turk-- i tn a a In Hie ran rnJlfornla White Hoc," la paai npr namr aawn aaun n . eome base tail pit. her and i IMM IffWi rafranhmani wm. iwtm .l w nice aha n eonteat it only fm u alu.rl Mai, "Vmm th uttemti'd umnna waa aartleuliirly I'lMi.ii. i.....M pmn ana WUnOrM IM Lirlitnl mIIi tin the hande of various luitMeshl).s. called here by wire to help the rum down from nblroan fann wi.ii durlna loa nflarnoon. nAii Kvaryona Magdnlena White Box hi their game atiand a I' M toy in. mfr w Unlama anjoyad aiming which wna the band of the M lo . with Moiinhilnalr Bunday. til nun dallrloua Muulni iml n.- un.I t..i,.,.i M H New Mexico Thla hand a very Hill- It Mr ami M a w ilt In ,(! nlnir'N i.n. lc can,. In con-- Thomus viatt Mr",If,,f.V. ntcrtiiintnant fine one. secmd in the I Mr R. '. i, IT. , k.. Tin vuaata wan ,,, r.iitni. i.rtii annthar Tha Nye father, it Hollhn.m. near V ' i eat. Mra. atuted M " , ;u M it I. ! R, ..... , . . . v mi. ninth Men inn in tin- Kalrvlew. when he g.ta lima Iin-r- romnilllaa rnnrna of aorlni wiif II.. H..ufc... C.l ' ' Mi- - between haseha:) k V "i nki H Ii""""" i. i Mara ..uhii n Mmith and ton Mr nnd Mrs. II K Zelaer rhll-dre- u Miti.r Pa la RUlh Keen Olhpf tdMt atatad tha and Pieata day. aMnr, r III JaiDM tl Illte oj r..iii.wiii maoibara Mra AuKuat first for Masadena. ealebiatlng the Patron Hamtpe Rabcaird un.I Mabal Mudy ( leave hiii lea th nan William r. J in i. min .h.m.K I'm., (nt t'sl to make their home Little Mlaa Balnt. Magdalena. waa held here at I Mm II irf paoi aon til in Otty loimh ibu iiTi i M i'.m- ' Henrietta Zelaer. the ttahy toe dancer, the Cat hollo chunh on Thursday evening and Prlday. Ten nat Mra .nt her 'oppneh and Mra -- aril placed In n school of dancm or twelve It P Ml ss WiiMI Ml PW M I till l I vlaltlng prleata were preeent to imiiuhim N In lais Angelaa for the winter. aid II I XII DII N rather Mt..ffel, of thla plgo- In tha I Mils M l ItK l The niiinea unri it ofaaadoool The bMHaa of Ht John'a Aanrtltora Mlas Henrietta Zelaer. the baby toe ceremonlea. nit imwi si.N at un Hie orotttaot and lilt. Will In ui mlnad have baan Invllad b) Mra Khi.heii. dancer, received through ber par- Mra Knlev. mothar gf Mike Folev. nalittiil i f the w.ek awn Rmdrord in afiand iha aftar noon ami ents. Mr nnd Mrs II K Zelaer. un and rrandaughter. an lead Haturd.i v tiartlea that .i ut bOMir Bl whl h Mra II POTtOf nlhic with l.iwn iart tin availing with bar nl bai homa in t ni Invitation from the management nf morning on their way to vlalt Mia. enlei Mi- - i: .) Htrong. ISimi v.-- lalnad "ti Wi aftarnoow fm nf North n Haiahui lomornro Mra, he Hantn Ke Meat a In danre In lev a duughter. Mrs W M llughea ii-et will .i nT i Mi Maurtca Tlinwuanwi of I'lfth iiml have in. tn I'hooor u olora for Iha Hotitu Ke thia fall On account of at Hughes' Haw Mill Mrs. Folev la RafMnoni umh'i MaM iii i v m whi hoa rooaotly roma tn tin- Mlllll the t. in hi. vi bfenlf jift- foot I tmt Utile Mlsa OOOOOT la or Kelly. N M w ill IVi ' aiiiiei the .t tn mnka hai hoaia The poi tot r in. in ' II Tin It. tli itei lllMIII baOVtoa ahiatlv tor Ihe coast, ahu Miss lighter it. in - nml there will ntnhiih he Q at Kntherlna Uunnn ds hinm wna ban ut ifuliv danoi uteii in ,r,,, bar BU. All wua unable to accept It. of RoV and Mra C. A lloncan. had at nana for ihe oaoofllao Mra .hurt til iii'iw meetllilC f tin nikilliii tier extracted last X X In m- m w.m r u n n i I'a ill -- n l on BOM Im tonsi's Wedmsduv. H. iiuhi Muff or anlartnlnad iha gnaata XXX .mi ii laalhi in. Iuiib In the Hiram Kerkenhoff. who has been Hhe hss been very sick nnd weak MP AN PI.A1 A. l l I M Mill lu.h-.-i- l ih.- braa Mim -- ilk frotb it- - cuUor uim from with vtoUn mill vootl aatacllona ami HI lilt ItstiW liM.ltl HlN Ml tl wiih caaTon oofb hla vu.atlon In Los Anae the effeels of tha . naeetheth' and Katilnn- - I'M N It Worn In M. ll l nt. r in Pornmouoi picton H.n.i.hrt hr very aaova ate in the Afterimnn. a iray tw.i The tnanihara of Prnfaaanr iira lea. wilt reach home today. i unnhle tn take uiilH i uhii- u ii hm. Hlilrred whb'li nmiriarimant .iiixi lunrb aarvad The auaota ao'a Hnaiitah nloaa win proaonl The Hiimtav artinnl uml hur h In for w.miiiiii ulih hob rlbbona form Momtay. la now duing nicely i. au ut.- i In -- rtie orange hot, hhui it hut war Mra Ttoomaattn Mm A At niie-iir- t ' innedlea In 4.nnlah n.'Mt Maaahai nf tin- nnorngotiana fluwcr naalta kin burnt uuin Mrs Klaworth Myra will return the apwnlah nml Rn law fr rfc, - mm. I arRh llflea nf tin- Mr. Cola Rallaton. cue of the old I. 1. Mra l W aond Mra By num. Tburadny avonloa for Hie church ami nil of frlooala will iaiUr fluwcin in mil.) The first of thU week from Wagunmound. then bodyk't tiiuli ihl- -- iiinm.-r time ram hnien of this country was of Ma ton Mra C R Dnvan lull mamoara and thaii frlooda ut aitaod the otooar arhtch la tu bo haMj altrortlvr aaauouM'a in liii'T hhe haa been vladlnr friends Roaal I'. K In town attending to business. Mon it i I Nanohoo, P In. in. nf Mi uml .Ml iit mi U . .1 v I he pti at two weaka. Mr Hyi e pori Mra Mra tin the imiimi inml tn xl Mill lu ll uml Mlaa Vln'lnlu mn- - wim with (he Prltsl Mi In f f eornpany for day I In avenue II U ,11 I. .. v fun S I'.llll. II. Mra K Utile' Hie P:il lell. Went Control Th Mitel in... I'm . Mim-- w t haa inal t etui in d from ii flahlng trip nan . hure out in apend nml i iii N. Vmk uml he a year H M will he tared The Mev M Mima of Han Mr- - I. WOK, Mi" A W Uimi.I mambara nf the laaa tak. (w ,( M( ,ft .iii.I gay tn Mepeitetie ..f m th.- poooa tin- l " ur-- t opart the Methodist church, arrived in Mag- - rich Mra llaraford Mra RHaabalb ni..iia ii.iila ui l.inv ,nn...iiv uill m ml l In- i.ft Broodjwoj lhaoler in that For w mi Ik- "i no ao ,. 4im) oll Th. Mhaaafl nml Vera IMtl. dulena Wedneaday evening While Maaaalden. Mra Rtmh j Ratla Mra (f ihe romadloa aranliaj on Mia mi n n i mxxxW um aaaaon hi waa with Mile Ruth a H MrDonohl, Mi Mtiffai MkN Doha Caaoraa.' am) tha root I ytooooa On maa uml nt in of Mnlac. Idaho, who have t.een the here he was the guest of Rev and Harman ronlaota with Mim Jul mi IkroyftUBj antartatood ModbJta," uml one year in vaudovttla. V . wU of Mi- - Romero. Mra. ,,,,,. ,. ,,,, M M M I . Mrs W II under poo Rev Mime Mi. Oanraa ValUoat, ami Mra T ...natal ,tl, UIIIII,IH u. Pi May nf ol her Ha ana hitar w Ith Iha guests of r and h. I'na. i Mr iiyauto and Pro nloo dlooat lliiiudrome - 1 tha Wedneedav evening prayec .ihll n ti in tiea. artomoon'a pruaram rai run; umi whan ..n Mouth Tenth hi "PlOWeei Maya" uml Neptune'a Ill have next' fnr lu.k- Baptoooa In too aacond aaa. tW) hum. alie.t. ti .f meting ami remaining over for tha XXX faaoni IUft BOM down Ihora will ba a haj x I'uuBhtei a aevara utti.. k ol iuieu- - i. H 'le Win fm vial" three I i i - ne " .. -- i t I tit-- Rahhath. preached splendid sermona HHiHA III HOI HI th. .nil'.UI. will iniitcii n. W i it x i monui preceding hi- - Injury in the eeka hefote gning home. .m Mi- - U llhui itier mi it n ui mmin.. both morning and evening which werw Mill Mean Wu t linn itia I'hitvi lliialtnaton army, nlao proved tn Macnii iml - Mian Kvun XXX A WaOdJOg nl OllUOUOl Inter, at of detrfmeotol bis XXX rwatof appreciated by hla h- -a t era. I Mi It. and IUNM M I general umt wti , portly s I It i ii V NOMMAI. 'layton oova a oaora Prtda) avomoo lN iii. we.k waa laot Mho Hahtn kaatth the Rev Mima Is reputed to be nne of tha .it I he Hlt ( 'h OOMOa fOI u In nit XXX mm n cauaa nf i(in romlng aat Tin- itiKi-a- In lilatory of inn M M I lM Watdle ami Olewai t W. I'm in h class the must highly in INN i - Mllv I educated ministers iha forty of the UolVOI ait uml hiK' Xltlh Mra. w Mi. hoa laooad korl v ptoca Monday xxx Iha .r CttV norms school was w I I bli h took hi llalen. i V atoatOO conference He rrtutn m i I eroord ft ll MM. a PI ROM Mi Ml NTH IN. grodOOted nt end of the term nil wn.-- of th.. TOfAOa latlona for dlnnai and doom Toao They w.-t- married ai lb Mel Mat the d Mondsv to Han Marclal. Mii W.niiii - i u The fruaatd were iha Mlaaaa NoroM daf avwaloo. to ha au. n foi bai luaaf h by Rev Nt. a Mac Irthui Mlaa RokM with aervlcaa which week i mk Inn PoJoi Ito, ia planning Inn. there tin Thomga J Chavea. children, William Hill "t Mra Karl Kl i on Krlday, 11. Mrs 'i and nf "Jarfclo" I'ordathl ,,,,r frtanfbi ut tha Menhll. of POM The ralklna, who hi u (Tnlvoratts atuoaol MarArthur nml In aueat. Mlaa rheae npeiud June paart Mauda prti ' oponlna ,'" ni i the huuiierntie. ore visiting her sister. Dorothi Wlrhhom whtoo affair win laka pbtoa ut iha Hlcka' nml of the brute and Jonoa i ag burton nod ofBo with the Bohool aaaambty ami it Howall, of tt.- danca floor, t bare frtend r praoa gift Mra I'ollto Tnvrea of this place ii. .mi Thai ma Luu h mi w. It. .nm avenue. B Mac i a plot Ion of a forowall from Iha old Mloba It? OOm Tin add bg VOI I OOaft Arthur ara M i . intolnatla In Bait) Mooh, balni addad lo in" X X k the norma achool in Pr.-- u nd M ra Mrs it Crawford and dawghtere. 'oooi ta bo ur tha ..m- waa p'annao tn auprhia utatr v.. rajlUaa on loa Poooa l i l.i Boyd, Mm v (in MoOuIr Anna The pavlltton, wtilrh lo I M Ml ON V Mall Thla wna u cmuplete had a very enjoyable visit Hunday ( H tn ul y Mim f h uml an WOB anld Milium ola Harki nhoff n.-i- n Mini tie bUlldlnOi priu Mi in mla Mr uml Mra .luhua Mumlell, who silver aervlra. at the J I Martin ram h rompMHad wimi Iha hardwood floor ghoul until their return Momtay Mra Martinet, daughter of OrunafaM Botti ncotl, Maiia aVoll 1(1 - II - ha i a been touting Rurope for In dromoMOBi Juan t eh III til'' III m hli'M Wil- w i n the The clam. tinder the ... in hint It aipactod that of hen bos announced M'M-- i - id died Tuesday, mid Klale I'laytim. nml Burrh m aaf ii monlho. auil foi Ainet Miaa Mint row ski Juan Mailt here from W i ml MoodO) by Mra Kun.h anii Min Turnbrj bt go achool aiit Pre. thui of Martha Korakar, Bar! Naweomat iHeb Mime the time on) ittn mmf flvan next WadOaOOOy by putilta .if diseases ending m u Mra M.- - w it if tn i nd pal mlttad, iml asaiated the ol ihe Prorl, will root i ba pi uajra luii Meiihn Who health - stroke of apoplexy, uml was hurled I'harlaa inidweli Chorlaa donrlni Mi. m nm- .1 I hi- a phvntcal training pre- 111 am-at- ka' Kue Luncheon ut ii clock w mii Id have ki u'liiul. in - ein M Menrya Mill Harbaii a he ready fnr R With uml dOUgrhtor Mlsa I tn-- Wedneaday at Magdu cetnet.-r- Wilt.. Orimmai ua aafvad ouaata, t Mi nte. the auminei xeaalnn pluy. Hamandaa, Mas Pai X K V foi alabt Bach lew- Hhe h ih. daufO left yaotardoy Hanta " Mrs tlnh I.pes daughtei nf Hteva lllrba) Ralph u (uni with hot given ll Vlctorloe for Pi Mlaa Mnlli. at the K.lka (healer . Mill . i I Wl MM NY "tie hud plaea uml Mia An tut. ui. Waldh wi to apt .i .Led Inst aann Wullu. Boron Kl I'l HN - mi weak. in the evening Florae an here. Qoud-r..- new mem- nam. uaawa nvr piwa ana mnan gno ii family In th city, god ooo waa in Harrla, ituiph Payton, n it TI inntiul rafeptlon i"i i XXX . Friday of Rright's disaase and . nn-t- - Ufa - On Monday ba.-- uliiiir.-al- aerv tun Joa MuP (laoroa llni,iil Win. have n.i iiinn wnn mini- r.un inn lived hare in ol hai Hi Torn- titbj M of Pol ihe Haturday Mis Lggjag was a Vauahai I brother (leorge glOOB, buried mm ...... !.- II. IK ...... Ih a f Mi Mra II I t""k lln- aeriiuiii being I lex una Barf Boj i th-- Hin. ti. . It Wnlllll the WUI Ullll iii.I e the lid Bn ... bi in t ha cttj fm u i tail tillnd Invalid and geatk relieved Illertl uml ahe ot bed Mev i llaritllig The . - Harold l veii Ban Harrla hath whn-- la given oo July waa held given name even linn fulled Tut net formarli hit rlty but piem of long stand ng Hhe leaves aroa t .. boon N M aVhoot (llrla gave Wnlfi Brnaal Baplnoaa Harold Klj Wadneaday evantno at Ihe chorea to do madi elt now nf I'.m um Mt nd Mn ni k w i kta have Normal tllee club atnull boys Who wl Im- place.l in . boa Th.- aoroa lln muati ul lei tlona. Ptava Ma iii iik I um t oranouahi i. u ini- - The itina wna prartteol' from her tim Mi umi Mim. Mt'ut Tornles in. pooa it mag foi u viaii the orphan's home at Alhuiueru,ue 1' gv I tMadly depleted baga I bough aoma He. Th.- Mi in i.i n, I'mter POrauoOO. Ml' k.-- h given over i" the anoytnon1 t bean ui hutaa mi IM" North nml atrool prepara ton oertRlcota etoM Mr ami Mrs. (1 t York mrm.-ii- lham ven wall Mra Mi U In gave con. ert Rnyrf Ilaan wall Ihin f'layton nml mi. mi hour ni ta... ooty fan brlai of remembered xxx and Con .ml laniily luatriiinenial mualc a Mngdaleua but now of Crao, W M lii.-k- who forfaltad tw.. B M i. i Hut ill .III edneadllV Itflet I he .f Boh w R reoorta being rood Mr Arch onli MiH. "; NMI i.i ttoin the lliinll undei dl R, M Inst thetr only child their lit- .1 AujOllo X X ..i iiWaii i ;u iiii.iresae-- tha gtiootg beano won i. prlBe of roraage ni The nrgantaatlon of the ill of Mis nhlhuio ui fivn -- tle daughter Charlotte about XI N ,...- t nf w.-t n ua Afiei um h. "H . aoaambty at SM Mils Ml ...i. -i Inalt mt.1 lin n numb, tin bu. Olea luii compoaed entirely ol mule hail v.ara old. after brief Illness of at ntgahtaota-Mn- n Ml:- - MiMi It if. I UN whom ha wootd ocrt w..i and hailed until lah affei jngera la loaf am it har ii will .ue Ihe The if mn . er iaes fur Baa died at a. Ml III Albuuueruueana t tinal radual eplnal maoloaBbi tin- noon ThOO Who wen- and of thla foi Rpi Inge ami f. Mra Itarryhlll oaa nf i, ... hut in niitmriunnv in knew Invited of that enthm law for ntuola i the aiiiiim. r cuaa.-- Were Muiidav and waa hurled at p tn. Bar! Mra w B I..- - fa other Inta in tin- 4i,ii II nm t ni . t ,u , Then- waro inael Berryblll wen Mra which Nihil. long boon thai held Thuiadiiv evening at the Klka R C'orh, wife of John in. m. i at dlnnai pat h.t niuht other elreumatl t.ieniue Ol .I a vim. Mra John Hlcka, M.a Horn Broun Mra U D i im VMtora i th oHy hovi fra Ihe Malt with relative. A II .It the h.'tne Mi uml Mi- - luhn ghoul lift and llmi R i 'lark, contractor of road work oa if Hmwii Mi'' John Mutin, Mr i tl Itnhei nf i w, H guetitl) arked v ni . T i. arora tha naohtra of thi dropped lead nf heart M.tnn Tllele Wl'tl 'lit. Ill HUI"lt Vi hi It. nod 1 Wlnfred H lah r iha highway MiH"Nrt Mra .I..,.. B I muaManH bei mi the gi d CMIiil.a The Inllal. WU pi ov ,ded t.v at tha ArgOon holel Tuesday. ion uml family un ex pel led 1" return l failure i ' tn innporllon to Iha flaa lb.- Norm (lie. .lull by if itnr roar Mr utnl M,. mm " rnthualuatn thin- th... eea l Me. un i.uls ami Mt nnd Mrs Clark had lust tetiirited im tin- town, people "in he Nl ... ..f of tn. for monk M 1. IM. ill Mr uml W It x. the ooorofl from a visit to nk'atmma to which Mx'lrly K I. XII N HVRNI wu- - Nuggeoted un.I whs apeiit moot nt the - Mi Mra J M .innary of lid B.ll IHNMII Hill Tin- .hih feaasaOOtOg of Sumin.-- OaOOeOka place body will la alupped for II and ih..nnh. hii-t- Milium her . i . , . , .1 :,t I. mwllng nm, b) h .iml tln-i- I.ieni. na ui lam aa w. i. ra i il., n ball i.iliili,."! ul plonned mill The im itiea if the gt udillltea. to burial. v. in I"' .liiM. li .i n men w noes nu im .hi von WOU 'I I littW ui i n i.ei t and Mra, ui nil Kinliiv iiiim fooilli dlnnai M.mlu evening lb. ,.i tin Min flramte get hat with heir degi BOO. 00 ua foi xxx I f i ail id a, t l I Mi mm M uml 1. K,.m v. hi.ll. f priW I" """ bonot hat main align lit ne lah noti Ind lati a left yeeterday fur low a LAN VKUAH xnMM Nl KHBITT l b. Utm CWmnni. im hi Of bai 'In i aynom h i.n atrb tly In ii ml Mi - Mm i it h VaOH i"ik hIii kOtina hin t.n ih. an a ii. hi he guoi a W ek Bachelor of Ooata although August the una mouth I'li.ini nno M i ' III Hi. Ihul aria Ivn XXX ,,r ii,. Travflrr Alii eomniHtM. i.. Tin i. rare covera laid foi nahu Bol alllff Kiel. In r of the ear In which the normal bl i Trio i an. -- ii. v have go na M r It Is year n Hi,, pramm on n.i.i. hruoahi hem umt Mia h w Kubanh Mnalaff of pedagog gegraa Mory in regular eeaalon. this miw . . ,. hl ii ganlaai Ion a ' i ' Tin- Chrlaf tun Bodaami anrlaty nf ii XXX B hand in muk. da) fnmi un ..i tni Uunlap Helen Heinh-rant- l.u.-- to he ii very active rmuith ut Hprlng. r W Brm Thi i i i. looting n n umt one ROO i i oof lad by Mra T ii .in vii iv vi atrogg and that i" i' Ranch, w lea uml Irwin's Man .1 I'a ne, in w i h hull In the first place, foor or hi onaraoolhnol thorrh drova nglel-- - '. ln luu in.i Mra I Byrne even- Will In iba oRy os i tn the Mm Ol unite ml nat i nil BTttnol h.iotoaaea Mra Bhull i'hf waa bii Munda: he a i. till nil tin Pa. ol. man Mrs Orace V. M Tayl teachers have agreed t slay over Praia) pllad lua l,.u Mr- - liinlim mi'l mi ink. .it a dune part tni hla brother, The actual nrga ti satlon megtlng Olive the month and mmlu.-- a continua- eranlna Irora . hum-M- r Whit.hlll. i iha II) m U. Ml-- ' llg at tin I. but Im.. . aa mav (vnii bay hod a'1" ,,it pb nlr i veil oroaai and .it.i Tan nf Iti. vaa held ninv evi rieuroe utile arrived Muchelor of p. i' tion school for such students and ! . M Pi ii nt t V Who apemliliK B Week 111 tin- Pit) of '..miiiet Albert bom. daj enina and will opaRdJ i Hi..-.- h.- 111 10 Mom or fIf md in i n in i in oouotry fiamaa her Menin 't 'asev Ml wish remain mi ..... ,.. II....I III. nil ItK way In 'il fomla the r Pat a uln ol Prea U Aril" la n he II Ml vpt'ttng hla parent a. am. Mitu.fe I'orrl.k. Kdith tMivls have signified then intention of tak- fr . Mr iiikI Mia I He. II.- M ol lime until I'AHTV ll The inich achool crowd wen dii oi uml Iha "il .i Pit Jume, '... iht KhJ.h Kiuik. in- (iuBh-- ing advantage of this pportunlty ,vi,ll)K ii .Mia. a- - . I ah fAIU'M tin guaoto Tin porch was lighted i n ,it, i.n a Im here nm Ii li el of bounl gnd .,., Mtfrn nld atrm mldntahi Mils. Ml II I. It. Maa Ijiui Mearl Henderson. Aline II la nlao Hie plan the to Iha rlty Hume Itiulv 'I'letnis nt i imihi .no uirniiK'U nun 'i;ini- - no iiiui enaurei n i Mowetl Thera I.tlella l.ihnatiiii Mufuel President Wagner t" KU e Mpr'ng'-- I hey all abartol bark on Infor- - waa tin- nis. I.oulae NIcholB will leav Mi In i - were Ion Red In fot dam ma then- gallghtful nml me f7 memlwra late, hut oh I. ..p. ti. Janet Merrill, Ke I. hall n complete renovotton The hulls Mra I it Tueada! evening for Angelaa t . toaioi m il gftarnoon pgrti Thiiradaj hi cnol, The gueaia wen Iha nii aa . vi- - mi. mn to ill male loa Mi Null, A tdri. Mill ti i le Mull 'am and luss run ma will nndergu t XXX r" h Rt ton ii I limit., t h Kl after, V Intel .am gatnr, n I.I III I.. I.i I. Mil ' ' " mil rue i t new ahndi w ill I H gmlth i'l. .rn ItK u... 'i Mulpll I'uiwanl I'ulllum, Lillian borough clean ins. It Ml I'M HDAY. i MIWI MM ia na of nil Itniv Mm k Heat rlee nm l.iia linyd, .ia:. - w:U l f. it "awq aam mm Pl.t ce Ht Helen Hha w be bung, walla tinted, etc.. putting x 1... hi tn m- - praaMi nl nf Iha ii.. him. it ran ta i n n. fill tm i:i ami iiun.i for her at lid h , II- bOaMIng perfei-- rt"i-i.- i mail, a lovely arena The rue lllak- Thelma t Ite.sMl. Htevena II A Wutkin-- ta the entire Into ojaopg cittaena' National hanb tkW i W in hit nv hi. IiIiiik. ..n wl)' Hewe.t am) chatum ooni tin lift Mamie tloweil. Norma lliiim- - Alb. Nl roaln new 'u actor t.. ie Mae Ueatln rb Marv Miirllle W fur the full term. i da nee fm all Iha amployaa "f I un m l to Wl'k hum uml Ida Mau nolnll vi.. is ii haritow ine leopeii the atudlo k"ti. Nl.n v amh rWaeen. Alt The prewent cramped quarters of i... i,. nk Weiiii.Hiiiiv ii th.- Pountry .In Hi inb- r land inn lavenaugh Inn Vaughey, . .iml boa loot ph t h.ll. Mm Mm la th1 library constitute somewhat of ti lull Ma h nm invited ft nd and . ,?... . Mill;, f mil i.n Whit. Kuthei ine i M I . n - Ben Html- - Joe Benjamin, Ted II ran finm I'- handicap lo tha use of Mte school's hiKK.i and i si. .i I Albuuuern roll ami alatei lllaid M. mad1 ,l" bffoli uvlri i gva a party ford iStylei Pwrguaon, Mra Skins i'.."k her e valuable volumes, and Pres- A- - Mlaa ivilna rha wiiihim Aria be Knm for bl" H MlKh school graduates O o a manv ,...i,-t,ii- .,: ii ajaji Thui-dii- v . aluie id 'ton RoUfBS l.n than imi f - Mm ami In. n nml Mi and Mn Ha n ti a .! ntogb ai Kvatvn Allen. Livin-n- Allen. Kuv ident Wagner Impea tu arrange Ha , aMao i" amenthei d. ' health leant luat w vhdiing in oaoto Ke. v 'e BOtnaT. with donelng unl Kimiea for Hether th.!. ami III. kum Unllea ntrotaa In Artoona had a alaOg in uatin, Juhu Y. Iirash.r. Oordon removal m a larver room, where tha t, Minima provad lllmaelf I -- i . i , he placed In new sf lUiuaelli- nl ni iminii no von-.- i and igwd I'lillton, Atlel I'lmmick iMin Muiy ho.ika will e. I uRure Mob BoHa ill to tn'a on . M.illdelllll ...v . Mm- - Man. arm. i i I., e liavi- - Murker titlgc. Ha use nf a more modern and con x.itini:. XXX rn rutut Ion hai ki i of Nome time. lada XXX how. vei whinlnv Ihe pnaea fr.H t ne i.M U I n in ' pel run- n Inlare i nur ti'a- l.lh ha ' Kupllliu ven lent type than Ihe wooden shelve r Mr It'll ex- IWn n mej hINl. TIHIAI WOl In who li - W.llie Anna mu; Mildred now in uee. president Wagner tuMisi I I nil vn.i'i lory, in tht " Mra R igai spawnghoj th Tumble "iMMMI I B Ml ix M- t- wen Miaa. a Mlai atortg will IwHj de- - Nt. i ;. . at pects a large enrollment in Maple m I'l offered The mi. the tiiuie ataa In elillaleil in the i. .Ileal Mn ii i on William Krm Mann ng luti '1.1 i . - aaa ottoou th' riii Siuinifh mat jeeeiie w on. morning ut i ba morning M .I ,1 - ,. I Ml le ami bopea tn have everything in Ha Vile him set Ire ut pa im ui he reeel a aarfctfUa I'. BO ti. Vei Mm phv i.t mileai Bl me. tut M aa many may ..i hlalnri I Mlliir Ihe preobytartan churrh Tola will in hi- - aplna He win. glVMI ii Mm ti. Reel ea Mi- - I. H rogglu- - reudtneaa to receive aa at the horn, of arsnin Men- jiiiv not Tburadaj evelnj Mear na Wllroa hlorea he the flr-- l lime Blnra her rilaabllR) db from the w n, Mn louRae hheffleld. Oeruldine Tully noma . I. loretta ntiuu into) harao wiin vti and VI, II ie I... Uaanalla It. ntv WHliia t'onh- from i "h u'iiki t ihii ina Otorta boo my nnd cam w nt. h a He Min Julia NeiK.iii.i Met W.Maon, Roy John H Klnlev. formerly atat -- idea ua ui ii .,. in haa be. of In uni divided mm ( M Hul cliff a auoa nt pobllr in A htittuerujne Her hi- - Int In hla music Cecil Wilson. Myrtle Loru commlaalnnar rf education for tha m- - baa kept up It Bid Me iilial t. 'i dins, left Wiut.hlll. . lliilB ..' 'i rrefl iueauns x X X fiiemia nova linpatb nil) .!. i - ' in ArtOpbu, . L stale nf New Yrk and also at una .. an.) dot ma for ih rdsv I'll, noon ihuvera ..nm am. rapidity ' president Cntversit)' of m vn ii mm.ii r lug tni en ooportunlt) tn hear bei ( i ..I aoma rorj tiihte mention. xxx time of the I loot amaaed avan N1lH1( Pttggtof win Nl . M I N n- a vork and now editor of nnd volubility xhafmi Henri and aaolih and greet ihe annt Mr. I'l i tin m la '.aiM. of Nice Artliui ft a nt the l tha I In .1 w ur.i M York Tlm.-- ihemaelvea ana woum iwo1 nartwrlghl were mnrrieo !uat nmniiiv m "f r appeal Hi e It h lea- - i anca a ml ca mt iiia country with to guaM ut the ..r- - K Km I" i of Reserve wua in New haa sent ""tT I hm-.-- oanta P. l. a vial r hellava aflei n Iha rhrlai in ura pot nbj w hen i. WOB four Venn. town Miml.iv night and M.uulav Wagner rutin r untune certificate '' the rooual - hia lius hotel, laal week u . na ni .tile Si.itnl inl i, nil n i lie ne l or .1 h s etenit adu- Uvea N It.low picture of hlmaelf taken Kpreaal nil XXX ol.i Me reei glory nu.t rata fium the i'ailahu.1. . u u- - s cere a very one, on I NIMMii IM II i. rnnmry, Iml ntuiiie.) I M . y while signing tear he n .rt if lea tea, f rtiurae - ni sin PAIITI i a tun In thia gneB Chlldera with tl Ro4 t.n nil - sTToal i x' iie- , Mn il M tim of rommle- anlab few retail Ih im: in aaenl Mra Vnl i" u. ita dnora i null, in; Wl, .i ku i H MirmlnKhuin u Aragon befor.. havmr nfflre Tinf wn- - t. tn Kniiiii fm mil.''' m Minli Ke la Mr nl uib-- OOO ,l..luiaun lln i ..f merry ..r a VIWI ai uter has writ iiffOrt In "down .lli. H. the other parly In K 'I Mnly n ii i r,. i, i Meo heie on tila Way to Ills Ir i i" ihe "i ertifb-at- of regard )lUt Mabry, ienn pride I hei alatei ami brother In n In un.I Mii I.. M..V patelO, ut un e ami n M Im ItOR UNlk In mothar, Mrs Kohl. H. i. of I'umidlMti and t othei t Mutu) I'hova ami profeaaui ',,f''lMifa Maty lletu) uml Kurt Hanr) bftaa a mt a Ku obeli, Mb a Margaret leoalve Irololng foi moay yeaia. He Mlaa Orgoa Wtofray, aim is s Tex. Ha was accompanied by hi. (t tuitlmu-i- un iag. iwui


ful In nnii! Hi.. ..lux apne lareat liavlng without ineoa "Jelly bean" auto ' vrnnpt" keep thelr writers, electric llrcbt InalaUatlone ami IMKN. ill ItFATH Artists of Taos Colony Have where It r t In found la moat I'enlence tn HIT 'in the aud ela them eyea on the aldewnlk and thr cop- two BlcHlfnal or Kin UiN " moo stilklng ha e Imaginable She oeta Mia .1 H Waaner nnd atslei iiei'iK"- is til Mi her v, in the (Minting and whh Mlaa Hlanrh- - Blirkenataf ofhrOklaho- pers have to bring (hem bark tn auto- All theae Ihlnna are fnr ilia itnrstbetfr. jti f oinnil breath New Canvases; Theory in Mi of Modern thV we ndoin-n- ma (.Ity. Vegaa ta? Bui bis heii lit nn bNtin. pain el and diffident arrived lh Friday motive life to etait ihf ntrlng of use of mrmbfra tle A Ke to ptltniutoi failed tn rest on his tln mitlni her amil. to night from Bantu ppend tiro Wnndciltig eyeg It la ImpOHlst tn buy tit ni lie llkea Mi Waant-r- . breed rare, litreath. Afler seven nnd a hnlf bnurs, Art Has Many in Its Grip that Meklcnn end hete with Mi It ii sain It la eu real " "Then." oaya m here Mlsu HDckenetaf will re- lees driving, resulting In acrktcuia; report! action ivirwd. Taoa art ralom la a as n I of touilata leavV for a the orrnttc aitkM. with the effect of turn to her kerne d eln v Ira ff 1c. which In ma ny caaeo fine called, read lo ' Hlyma Cpailon th- art world who dolne wry day'a trip in ru. i.i. hut thev a knmb hi a peaceful cump. it la not The I'.'t, aonnity tncreaare coal of delivery, hurting , canrt.n Hi aavc a vary t mttrh hoar-- anal - i t. ti,. ..t.-- ahowed the vlaitora through Hood It It la real It not good It viiioyabn dttn with the i ootiUl bueltieta, and Interferoa with street reeTUtar bit g ea alnt-fng- a la the unreal, the unnatural that a evening at tke of the lrCTi)nl WhM the rslii real courteay brouaht out Maaonic on Douglas car tranapoi tatiun. H Ohewiim. Now Fhlladi-- man mn put uion the canvag that la Iodic avenue. York and and ahowtV nbjecta of tntereet " Mr Mrs. tlallegue, very mi T ni- Inlereat-itu- j the great picture Tin- ladv haa bad and prom vW plrmrea about Ihe atudlo. The moat people of MIKHION Is TA KIM M N ih- - por- a alap In the fact of her diffident ranch Vlllnnueva. M ihe KtliM uuunU which thing to vtaltnr waa the hare come to Im Vaga nd LONDON The Ital of supplies to la ens) far too trait of hlmaolr Mr Hiagln Adorn Ion ghe coinm ticca to iuee be whih it at a a houae in order to be here bv Ihe Sritlah trade mis- prtaea go root In Tao" haa Juat complete! to be hung In thm Ike mianlng of In riled a tit. homr to the guaeewt In for the fall and Winter term gf fko sion look like department atore Moat AmvrUWa sjreateei painter Nat limn Academy. t which he at laler tin day ake aeeo of haa In tin- normal, which Ihelr chlldiep will at- Inventory. live, lived want tu live in keen clotted He la Been In hla the eriath artist hotel dimna Will have or artlat'i room, talking two 1th re tend. , The mlaalon b'ave thla month Ta mo. k of while, with hruah In hand. to ladies big by Mowow oS marka to her companion that he la The onimetclnl club pb train for Parked NOTICE! A vlatt to th town and an hour The iiecullar expreaaion the mouth Tuttrday. will lie two tf sitiiny thep reoence ut ladna with-ou- t off The towd will the train automobilea Wllh a Who knuWs lb (i;! haa lieen welt caught and the eyeo are Iaave early in Ike with apore :md for traveller - his iiir she la quite ggra Im afternoon nnd tlra atortne of the ptaot very good Mr Hittrhi- hrouirht nui pond the uf l day In use If Ihe la stuck tnrv and ton is not a gen l leman And thus ie.t ha the train in- - ..o of why wheruffoi-- a fw of hla lategt rantneea. one a doa vutnyou in cargo are the and targv she calm her qlltvt t Ina aoul. aitd 'titer urtclfa the Tn painting, a view of th. pueblo Close i play. , pa of the oanV. Atmosphere luatlfv In) Ina him and hla pic turea to Natuie," the laaa broom, dustfis, tie. book, typv hae a ogvwaa on th market; rotor and an Indian woman: and one of th. ia in .l pi.H. nt-- Wedueadu night On about August 1st patio of the Hlnalna home. A beau- forever In the grave. or we will move Taoa haa law U varieties, with its Igtoroatlgg) ' ahawt a oak-to- r. I'fer aave hla guest an M I I III N Meatoarta Its treveleea. IU tiful I'alaky with black Ml I I Indians. . account of the famous tlorman film, eunaeta and us varied aurrou;idtng-a- aevral canvaaee on the wall and SHORT SKIRTS iiHiroiigh lo. from 8J West Central to the place large oanla t'larn ollaa gav the atudlo The twhlhft of Ir. t'allgarrl" He H KW t'lil.KANS. July Be Bh. more Now Mevk history west Ni w York, rj ai Hy peraohalltv Mr lllvalna. though a had Jnet reurned from ftfnlted I'm ant Hlmit skirts, allow-In- than the ton indifferent New Mexleona on way tke pb ture a now known as Joe's Shining Parlor, yuurtK la among and his had sen I iu man ranked th ' more freedom for the In nn. I.. i can erer knew. i it .1 mas weniei nrtlata of the colon v lb la a in He conatd'is may prevent or m ii t the interesting onee are admit kind cldonl fine looking man, dark and quiet In terpiece. The baekground for the but Inoy So Private In All t'mil- - 209 West Central, tew la aceneo meant to Inrroaao othera says between Chaplin's tnajrln manner. nrdnr palnteit Morris Oannon, traffic cop at A trip with the Koahare Hearaun'a home la a neat looking convey the modet nlat sens- of har- St.!: Secretary ,IMnini itramiic a iatt to lb aludloa of ore IkoM Chorlue and Canal street , thla Shoe Store and Hub ineona adobe attrgrltve dealgn with tui: mony let ween the act and utM Switer's Barber Shop. o' t I .in. of Ike worst traffic corner the art Ma. Vtrm tkelr )imea aro Man! I' sun uundi nga I ncldt-n- al v he pic thems-4w- blue wlndnwa uml duori in ihe country. shown jou, and they ara w.-- Hire ta a pn- of the unreal atamU on a hlllaide farinc thi moti The mute type of FOR aWat hoapUotole and ready to ahow th- and unnatural. It geti nt the heart "flapper," known WRSTRRN SCHOOL a naoaa aliovi- valley, the itonea gaal here aa a elaltaara about. Moat of the houae gkout it that dlpn down to the clear nf ttiia harmony betwan gggg "rlly bean.' never fail, to bulH the orto by tiavlng lake In Ihe ievt-ab- by PRIVATE SECRETAHIF-- of the are oil ' Dtlle at ream, covered with wild w hite hla ounoiiudlnas mailer 'em abort WE WILL SEE YOU THERE aturv pueblo plan. of ndob- with popihp. agree to dlaagree. To draw a ehlrtj. Isngagglkg auto gi Identa, pir-den- a RgggaML, AMD wills or gets, or window a or thiwn the road from Kit Cnrton'a from Mr. I'fer'a art ount. The to Nut onlv thai, niM u m .Miii that ii rests the Individuality home, one of the principal polnfa of In OaMnet of Dr. Callgaril." la a per- hut while waiting foi the go sign tin or the uaii r. Oiw of theni haa a treot. atanda the Sharp huua- alao of fect example of what modern art la half of an Indian ulia molded into pueblo doalan. with a heavv dinn lead- dl mantling for tte breakfaat fnol thla ih vi ter of the adobe wall, nnd ing from the road to the porrb with year. Im .king at It aa a plain movie, MKMIIKK ''ifaac, .i 'mailer onea. like ahelaa. In ike an'-- lla cement floor. Thta !ooka nut on ii m ii pifit example of :i 0rmaa Many (galea nkjtitmare after loo much wai and a HIH.IM.kl.M.kM over tko gate. of thee a long narrow cardeu with a graa aai v Union Hat Cleaning Works are made In th- - roife-- of nrtnea In plot, a atone bird Ita lb and ponple boiled cMldMire diet SYSTEM etyle hollyhooka. It a tadiiated Indian Hrllllont rod and commanda I RSfTV tmpnlea. ni tiuUvhocks of all color gldrlnue view of tke valleya and I.AS VMSAN NCHJtMAI. Ml bright hoed larkspur or yellow al mountaina (t ..nlhiuctl Inan utgc one.) 4 every MM tfornta popptea ronlraat at Aa to picture there are many new ahip" to his frlvmL I'lcsibin Win- point whh the adobe walls One nnee that are forming oneptctoao ner, ii. i. rloelng hla signing of cer hnme, act on a hHl top. had bin among theae la a large ranvae by llftcatea wlaalawa and doom, and blue "Ifciperatltlon " la evn Blumenahetn. that Mia A del Otero Wan en gnggfty Fully walla ham a A garden nn lot Protetted within the resplendent with color and haa oi Hunlii Ke county, oh a kill aiope woa planted around tinueual Indian face. There la a lun and Mra. Huth C, MltUr of the a arjuare green Iowa, eel n of and at of color the of l of indiiHti tat OdUi ui ion ex Wit hi aftr nient each 'i.l tin rliimp "I a brilliant Indian blanket, and the Bool to mi iinrnial ike first rt ,il- - tlo Day Night ie horn- I and t'ouae'a refln ta thr Delia ii ferule in the center of th" the wek A special afaeinbh will forma niter-to- style with lla liell !n picture, tin one aid- id hiui la a be held to give the summer aohool the arch of the awiden fate and an- I Indian cru ifia, the head hang- P uple in opfporiuktt to he j i i bona other over the portal Thi- - beautl ing, th body dinged In a yelloa akktt Ivni proniiiMiiit rducatore ffnl On eld la Indian Absolute home commaawa a view of green the other hideout i 'onuiiencentent exercises are to oc- protectionthat's fit Ida. rnoaaa, and blue mountains god. In hla handa the Indian hold at th- .in aymlMila with- cur liiuradav evening hum which agread la a vaat panorama 4 klacfc tar with prayer opei u houae. A la rg n u mber oi about it in It. Another f,inaa ahow tke kmiiIu itea will rectivt- diplotnae and the kind of protection you llarwood a new home la one of the Ham hoe church with the guld'n aun-e- t though tin- iMt ia not coin rmtat In Taoa made of light on It. plete for publhutlon al thla Hint AM JtiaLaaa 'sbbbW gray adohe. which la aeen now and Walter lifer haa two new plcturea port loilg of the graduating serclaea want for your valuables R then In Taoa and which la growing that atamii him aa u Kutloplug mod- - will he pimple and y I nnprcasiv nnd in popularity, ang built In th high erntat, even If he weren't w cagr to dignified J. rneighi (jobinigt f pueblo at vie Victor H brain haa a ni kuowledai- It; and another of In.h Santa Ke la to be Ihe speaker of tke is aunllt patio with an old white wall Pedro, the 'loco" flddh-- whom It t nalun Mr. tHddinga l, a man wrll and assured when they are In th cootar of an emomhl gras done on anme of the moat k now ii aa a public aMaker aud a ..1. W . II. r I f . Kb- - . A. ...I canvaeea tn the Ainerlciin :I'-m.- in i HMive educator and lournullst tl H- Where he and Mra lifer were bTMfe- - pit, fd nnt of Ihcee anva a ' He was for some time lecturer for in our vault. faM ma t he morning t be Koehnr-- . fore hla auvata o elrct a in tn Taoa tin- It'dpntb ehautammaa and arved party vtaited there; wide the school hnuar perched on the hill hla home gtahj Iktlaklgwwl weir as a lawn and n.-- - i a garden, a winding lying aldf two women atandtnir at Th- end llcutf m gov ei nor m r with path nwett-e- tug New Moevco Hla before it on of a atreet of adoln walla and cum to The room opening to t M to ho "Tht nsalnu Hour '' the portal where he ahowd his their l omment It waa ultra modern subjc SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR walta achool Imvid l: Hoyd. presld. nt of hla canvaara. haa many a art. all right th of the lr. which look over the vluplna looked aa though a miabty va cum the bourd of ha h n for hfllsld with Ita flat roofa. wiihln were u king them to tlx .in- mini" it Ina farm ut Nn'inun. RENT AT REASONABLE adobe and walU of were but rotuagj mioii l coBxg (loan tu a green valley One ter and the the atrtt Okla ail :in lsBB cannot In urvea, to Vegan g very m UBBBBBBBBasV Nasi W- ITer'a n expreaalng rlpplea and tin lu to iittend nbaerve hnae with fhithful th- of tin BXOOigggj it Hv' lervonalit lea ami tkoughta porlunt the board. RATES whn hea around too pli It There fa a wiruility people within The tin Th off.i-- hns been imuaunllv Waa expreaalng on th canvae a etudv buay Ho funding r which hringa you up aharpir10 what thi week with r of I he alwtra.-- l heme nnt t he nut of rnilruiid terog kg BCOVldod by Inw. he la aaylnar end dninr and that ggra you teruil thing Two Hpaniah liidiea at one fare coming and wtrlhea with the name torce that t In whit, kja hla canvaaee the corner of he atreet. fur return ia legul altpwanct lw do ahawla 1ook-- like Kaater era1 to Ho tticherfl or proaptt tl e l miit-- i hav- STATE BANK Myera In JScfi ftalph home la lr.te( too materlaliatic eye. Mr Uffei ing baog roxralrod tn present ro lajMe and out. Teare or palniint; undoubtedly a sincere mndernlat in roipta for ii. kit purchaaeo Thr STATE NATIONAL BANK BLDG auiom the Indiana hove ranlted lit npiu '!. (.1- ' 'lll 'i ttun local agegj of the konta Kb has very JaX N M rare rddj blaaketa, akin tieadwoi k. ItWlf In th. .... b.n ..n ... pbilglngly agreod lb itegin the aale ALBUQUERQUE rymbolri ;.n.l pottery and knjwldf vlallora. a Irietid of but aeid. ph. n of i t ii in early this week in of Indiana thai haa monifeeted tiaelf h- - aaw th Tm idciur. h' v ' order to Im abb to cure for the In imiumerahle deialla of d oration have changed your atyle haven't fki Tliev have adorned and giver a Mr Iffer? "I have in, mv or Individual lou-- to hl hnua ibey will ba al mv ihruok. CHICHESTER S PILLS is - iiraaso. Th- room .la lighted by candkna. two The negt ennvna whh tb- head of a placed on a plaeque of gre-a- . aiuddl ior. Pedro, a ph tiir- that had the umb-n- i i alth l.raaa headed nalla and topped amaahlug fori e that ta ' with round mlrrora for reriertora I'fei'a genius. WV Taf.. ..or, Hu, r V t oi J Every Theft- are Mur of tkai p.adiuoa. A A round between an erratic geftfag ui. i Mi 'Tuii ff.. Day of the Year Mack blanket of fine weave aervoa aa and a woman who ka hi tlo w:iv r''rti' a background for a handet-m- beaded of many years of mt kliuc tin- ln-- swim "baistsis tvi hell and on either wd of theae bl an mtP i v beaded aquow'a apron, the It Is the Same Old Story nalr met hina A very while, anft You Ask the Man bucknkln i .if ay huna bealde the In- may pay more or you may pay less, dian fireplaae. a Hopl wlad aymkol a woven larque. kanga over th doir. Two i olorful hlaifketa one at the but no matter what price you pay, you entrance of t he room, tn ahadea of green and light blue: and one tank-Th- Knows a Who plak thrown our )U he "tudio haa may udole waiia aad can't get as much honest to goodness can always sure that you gray window frame. Mr. Meyt-r- haa will K-- t ' f aeveral knoaea In Taoa, fisett a dollar worth mer- I Uiuaht le'll tell ii thai VOUI physical and men ihetii up and aoki lh in lo membera of Hosiery value in any other stocking as Y( the art colony. chandise- for your dollar at la In tal welfare demands thai yon ive serious Mhiiiienerheln'a atudlo - the renter of I he rlualer of art let a' in Rosenwald Scheer's. We havi- hei'ii in hus thought to the quality of the food home on the hill alop A ureal i we are giving our Special innate and a bar retinae of inesi here for a long time. W- - have you eat and to tlte wa in which il is pre but canvaaee nakrttoe. krueha and 1 palnta dlallngulak M. Mr Hlumi'ti-ehel- No. 00 Silk Stockings tor women. Every made of tin- pared and served to you. waa cordial to hla vlallora and hundreds friends ol pen icndv to ahow hla pt turea and aRter n a dhw'Uaelon alxiul them. The pie who have traded with us. Wr divine aiiirk hianlfeata itaelf In a dl- - pair absolutely guaranteed. Now $2.65 Pr. Ii pfge eparkle la hla eyea and u lighl never lose a customer. It is he ause Wlien you determine in whil restaurant and whlinaL ul monner t there ularily Mr and Mra krotof Hlaglna were at' ROSENWALD'S we believe in the square deal giving is tntisl partii as to quality of I h atudlo thf uiornlna th i luu'a loud and service, it is the part ol wisdom . alus foi money received. to giye that restaurant your patronage. WHERE QUALITY SHOES ARE SOLD FOR LESS We find it to offer special Unnecessary Bearing in mind that the relation between inducements) sales, rut prices, etc., to Children's San- - MANUFACTURERS' 25c Bet wmis cost of food and its selling pi ice is the temporarily stimulate our business. dah, Play Ox- - Q CMAP Shoe Polish same in praiticallv all restaurants, of Air CTfiPP Our friends know ns and know wlial whatever type ol Service, ac cept our invi- ana i ennn torai 301 NORTH FIK8T ST we have to offer. tation to make comparison ol qualities, 8c it and 98c (plant les pi ices. JULY When next you have furniture of any Mitg kind to purc hase consider these lacls. Don't Our Clearance Sale Toil will find your business relations TURKFY AND CHICKEN DINNER with us always pleasant and you will TODAY of All Women s, Mn'n and Cliildrcn a always rt lull yalue for your money LOW SHOES Served from 1 1 a. m. until K p. m. Wr n.'(l tin- room for our li I'all liM Mid cloit I wmil to ru i i'N iiii' sto't Df Tin- .ii 75c iugs will iioth mypiln sod plea you, Th ALL WOMEN 8 YOUR finlo r vim noma 1n' belter your Yon CHOICE OF AT LOW SHOES know we ' II u lot I. MX) PAIRS OF 3,000 PAIRS TO WOMEN MEN'S 2,000 PAIRS MISSES WHITE CHOOSE FROM LOW SHOES AND CHII.DKKN R LOW SHOES ONLY ABOUT LOW SHOES Sued $1.98 300 PAII'.S LEFT OXFORDS. STRAPS, Kul LIBERTY Satin and M J PUMPS Rainakin $1.98 C. $2.98 Cordovan $1.98 Geo. Scheer KicUkin Calfkin Black $1.39 Nil.' Cloth $2.49 ratea $2.98 Canvas $3.98 Ftlm Brown 1 $2.98 Cslfikln Beach $ .69 Etc. Etc. $4.98 $3.98 White Furniture Company Irndaii $1.98 CAFE Etc. $5.95 All Size $2.49 None Higher N... 4 Souih Second St. I elephone 4 J I 105 West Central Ave. N ru ihr None I hiiher THE ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. HEW MEXICO. 8UHDAY. JULY 24, 1031

Jnterestsi in jWgjfHi ?V4 n vwMiin to ruruuiiv aSSSSScM St; sMB Believe in Yourself, t'nronacloualr her chin went o tn refuse. Why ahouldn't aho ase. which oho con draw upon ot tho Utile In th olr. And ahe anawered him again? Plnolly afes aotd: great rrloea nf motherhood. If nor- Say This Woman olmly. 'o think you nhoiild? And mally developed. That strength to o Your Dressing Table 77E GIRL WHO SMILED THRU "Yea. I'm quite happy, thank ynu. as he fi ownad with annoyance, oba deposit account, but If It ta uaed oo Thftae hooka you gent me were ln went on: o current account, her children will Do Ton Llko to Liitftrt a a luat le I h orkod hard t them. Iolo " pay the bill Mloa laabel Cowdray. I Oil my span two Xnd Dovld Interrupt Kngllah By RUBINOAM studied time for lawrenee!" priniipal of an bleb achool MARION years, winter and oummer, and fin rd and laughed. n in la In Huatun for girla. ally learned enough tn entee tba hav tng the time of her young life. year college " m nutte shr wouhln t mind It t reaaon high ond rt, third ot the here certain atanda that (O.pjru.i kf KMttn liuii "Bo It a your flral time OOBfOT Tou Ar.d Ijiwtenra la In Formlngtor. and Vroad Jumping Tor girls ta outra see. I Juat come, ton. and I'm only in ante he wouldn t dlaapptove of geous in Ihe odoleaxent period. The giving thla lecturw once a week cliniiig with on old friend nu gOabOOO fnr harm are miirn numer- I've other work. Hut mead of my an 1 then Would hT" ooa than the health advantagea tn ba I WpU r 7.V thought It waa you. but 1 hardly be- hooka were on orlriiliure? ' ' Whr. no; of oourao not," Alice derived Ur. Caroline Hedgar. Chi- - lieved It" "Most of mv rovrae la that " Alice aaid. ond laughed suddenly, hrr md, OUJQ. lAYII I look ao different." AHec mtir- - anawered, "that ond related topics happy laugh. How silly it ifmi dl flvp lat mured. Chemistry. I. mingy phyalca," ahe i f lourer ijiwrence wouldn't ti jeel T hove not found that athletic "You'd bltrr he mlnule "Yea. you do. And I OJOOaO I. was minded; lie certainly It lonkR well." riirtatlne rrmarlo-- named her aubjeela to him "I'll btoad girla are Incaianitated for mother- AMoO! Ho iliriiined win niiuiil theie'" take some praMtrnt work nn planting. tuld OOt want her to abut ha.elf hood. I think the country women aa "lie fund hair ah I .1 if i niirw, never in mm. tiiu Iiilgntinn things Mum- up away from oil pleaaure hecnui prove the fallacy of point. Dr. llngi'rrd over her rnnihinic and w Id and such neit that iak. mi he the new prof eaanr." mer at the model farm I wont to h' wasn't Ihere to hei rprtt. Hdward H Cornell, Chicago, obstet- rocOmblOd lb thirk hrnw n you ' iim, i Mtin t riotiee me utoii, and work anme time Then me down towu fcr specialist. and mi.r it moat (aMhliitiithl)' then Mop there niet rical a ml bOOOMUaaTty iepal. and again and ait "YouM- done wonderfully," I ovlri dl.tner 'ihuiaday," thivld anwenie-l- aa though I'd loat my wita for a o a i - "1 wih II were Mil, nd m', apdno aald "I wa ofrald that la. I nnn mentioned bntel as mec nt When o git lo Injured by oth- Alii-- minute?" laivld aaked I and dining place. "Of oottTOt, If you'd let tea. it Is when ahe given tn t. a." aaid, with n good bye Allee beginning thought ynu were married Then haa ab 'No." aaPI. tn Punv saw your Alice like, hilng some friend along with normal attention to them. I do be- bum heraelf lea thing" Hhe name. Fairbanks and " t ioWb with the did I you " he VI 'htiatine WOtfhod hurry not win- knew hadn't hroke off lieve that certain athletic conteata oant to runfePH thai hail Peen "On. yea;, f'hrlstine. I'd to Ire the dormitory unrunailnua-l- far loo agitated to (onfuaedly. then plunged nn to enver iv might eliminated hecauae they off t n. notlee ttnvthlna You've inn Alice Belted thla eafferiy Hut physical ed- ruhhlna tlo anaa with uniiBual In anyone elae that hi awkwardneaa. done her" are loo atrenuous. band. Fond aa nlw waa nf A lire, wnnderfultv Kapeelnlly hemlatry You'll like her." ucation la very Important In advanci- elie had MVOf klaaed her 1'nllke lhat'a ao difficult 09 'In nt home." "t'hrlallne Ihen." David agreed. ng: a girl health M. A. Wood, moat oolHMTa olrla, t'hriatlne wae I know you went out aa though me," aaid holding out his hand at parting yOU (jiwrenrc helped Allee prealdcnt of the American Collage of qttHe undoMonot rat Ive. didn't want me to reiogniae "iJiwrenre? Oh I Who'a be?" There n" roooon why we can t he Ihyal al Kducatlon. Hhe looka well." aha thoiiRht you.' Ihitid went nn. Hut didn't you friend again. Is there, Alice? You I my a my fiance." Allen aald An effective dreswlnc table arrange-rreea- t. know that had on deak Hat Ilea always like a nn me; you mua-rle- a proudly. pew quietly art tonic In addition to toughening the A Hoo knew thfai lOO, and It nave wmi ine tv tit ten name of all give nie new strength. Ynu always and producing good, sound phy- gg elaaa on A n long pllence reat-fu- l. hot mocfl nu rage for the meetlna; if fter the lecture "ih" There wa did Your lough la poaltively siques, athletics are teaching women If your dreaaing table len t o I found Allee l oee han a ni amount of bWtUlilU oultl. Kalrhanka there." The gli roujd ihe esprenalnn the of mind body. refreahtng, Inspiring pbico. It ihi- Allee wlhi-- desperately Lola" nn After a and ulamed at in ahnu for change the man's fare. ho Alhe laughed nirain anil turned They are producing? a atrong. g Isn't serving tho purpose thot It Kuiie in piMiiiiiK ti. i. Hhe fell Pinl sold: II wlmluwa an hi hurrtld oktOct' The time he tn enter the college grnunda Hut type of American girl. Hu- should. alt it hinr ohout hei ankleo In Ihe dently awkward Hut ahe nim me ynu happincaa. was ml ahe o poise g Mm Marlowe and "You'll let wish with led emotions that go Headek. head uf phyaical educa- There la certain mental manner tanhinnnhle that winter: her tried to won't you?" limbed the stepa to her hoom Hhe anod a feeling of g thot lin- ojpnfo vory imitate her, and really did It verv tion of IVnnnylvania Hlate College. Bbooa protty while ibo ynu." Allee answered, and was glad when ahe got in that Chris gers oil through the day which be- Y A Mix Mttrlnwi' hud well. Though, rot that maiter havld "Thank MltH. AIJCK LYNCH Hit NT. fur iiiat and hat waa o prayer gratitude to nar tine waa not there. Hhe wanted to I do not feel that young women gins with 1 minutes spent at o well KiM-- not likely juat now to nntlre the fait of her, not only made her took way he alone. feel qualified to do any thing appointed dreaolng table. MAiMNi iimtM lea won poured, or e en that n new friend for the aoctal training should imt wetf liecnmitiR. at aay U ontlmicd " vl Numtoy.) hoye In aporta. wise womon hove ao fear On thin single wmil, aay Mrs Allee Uaaj were ararlet from o earning cup of u wan placed be- that taught her when to tou little that could do The The wilt rhoojta Is physh-all- temperamen- things on tho as pos- l. r. h llryrtnl. of ToftO Ind Itomenl The fur set ofl the fore him. rather than too much girl and lop of ttie table Haute. Maid M ill ITlt s KOK f.llll HK many boys' Hhe have only thoao doog i akin, ita "Allee." he suddenly, "you After a time their mutual etnbar tally unaulted to uf the sible. will lit' since r failure of thu leatnen of her and lonk Til KY IIKI.rrt It OK HAIlMFVIi? things uses constantly. woman In busine depend. Ktuyneaa hrouohl out hei yea with wonderful'" raenment left the in and they talked nrtlvltlc. If properly suttervlaed. which ahe Ionic, lojAMM Yep. ahe Thla left, the girl I plea for a naturally and Intin. Alice told With achool out. track meeta ond nihlcilca and phyalcal education for The remainder of her toilet articles "A hi In then dark woiimn who herself, did Innk very pretty and very dif- rply Hhe unfnatened her fur ennt him of Ijiwrence; ahe dcNCTlhcd him. athletic conteata over and o hst of girla will tend toward development. will bo closed in o amort little 'old ran ii anything, h sui munt an ferent from Ihe why jrlrl in olnoham ann threw It haek, grateful to Mr. his dark eyes and hair, hts gentle allm. muacular. faat running and Mla KMaahcth Itlcharda, aaaoclat-e- d Ing top tsvblnei, whb-- tnonda on 1. hou ni' ilreeeeR. h hnne h.ilr H a i nn Marlowe rnr the i hit hew that mode manners, hla love of fat driving, hla high Jumping feminine folk bark prufeaaur of hygiene at Smith four lags quite high from the floor. ' A woman not believe In Ulna; In w aMM her look an wonderful." OOMfltani gOOd Hhe described home, to he given t he once over An exceedingly effective srrange-me- who iloci atantlv fa that la d ' humor herself, htm loot thi iMforo fpHt on t lliiw la .oa4" ahe aaked his mother and his home Hhe talked object matrimony a volume of crttl- - for the woman who loves tho battle had A even beginning " A hltle feellna; of pt Ida went alight fiown contracted iavld'a of her mother'e improved health, of cim of and commendation for oth We aie healthier now than we uaed distinctive is tho block onomel-loppe- d lit- - Hut hla wan i Ami Mm Bryant Nhnuld know, Ihrouffn her. And. curiouoly, a toreiieao nhe lawuaUv lara always the name dear old gatlog for women Is pouring forth lo be Mlaa Harriet HaManllne. phy- table over which o long mir- UO fnellno of reaentment luivid pniite when he answered. t la a ami of Ihe Iwihv Hen nice Home nbyalclana and school folk alcal director at 'aaar Coilea;e. ror la hung. A aconce of Interesting? she wan still in her ttfM when "Hhe'a very well that Is. she had college hf stopped k Ing for ptettily dreaaed witmen adopted from the settlement house viewing Ihe girla Juat out of on either side of the mirror MMMM nap UooY arreat hold ovot him a lueiikdnwn and went to a when Its parents It a race THY i In. Hiitt tailed u stiMe or hi t o n that dcneited the future ninthers of the CIIKrl. adda muh to the charm of the Would avor loft her if ahe Put ahe wrote me from listened, laughed, ond The next time yo make apple pie e it h gsOOO H hu h she tin- l he hate BOOtOO IavPI and hold that sports are unwle for plai s.iv. lnoked then nm whe looked now? that she Has spending o few OOMOttbUOg aay try rolling a little grated rheeae Into i f course, 1 " " frowned them others they are helpful With a black enamel top. ulark went in debt. she And oU en OOOJipOClOrO and i oiir-- tMahl with frlenda there look na though ynu In- the crust. It sdds much to thn says of the OQWlorO, hut It Thm wee me way "You had The tnoat acid argument again! ttottles for cologne, astringent and an never bo then- ideaa. ahe entered th' d a rut Puis nf a fnrtuno- - I hope ao." he F.ngland flavor. OltCO OOOMffOfjj to me that I could putting It Alire wntnh red when herited them come from Here are on. will harmonise snd can be mado tea tontn. ventured finally viewa eaMily by almply full DOVM wnn a In she would he Park. Would she of some authorltlea: (Nil I. l- a- quite coating them ihere at tatdn far ' hate And Alice told him slmplv that In woo. And she didn't The MOfO grew tti root oho entered, bo lo nee her Hut ahe aaPI nothing Cut glasa ahould be waahed In black sealing Whn I Mm Matlnwe had Insisted nn giving I it ) aaoeuuory and 'at lit on. . Kight per cent nf the girls have hy If o few artificial flowers are until mm to employ tUm pod Up and ami' toward her talked net rouot) moat Of clothes and that ahe water which has been softened ,i ' her her ktOearn been to and aurely they do odd to the oorOO of leik ml hud for Its ll held out hta hand. Allro held out afraid of sllrneea money fnr enllogT who have trained the addition of ammonia ur washing Hhe dam ed I no bad ballon her ibei me expert M at hied Ira. have beauty of the arrangement, old blue potrona ho put chum i a t the flnaot hera. And no. after UWfi than two much and broke course from their tiny principal 4 and a. Iiimn of w n men' a noveltlse, yearn their hand not .main, al- down Hhe'a not ery ft rung, not been Incapacitated for motherhood would !e the tint In use in summer at a "It dnean't leave enough Inlereat A Mm Itryant in good looking, most i .mualU politely. enouich to ml theac girl normally ahnuld have a large Run apota were first discovered In and yellow or burnt orange In hut Or! lOO," tie for even mother to live un. hut It of h i beauty, nhf wyi: "I'm mo glad TOO mni," DftVfdl rott tod on "I OOb'l stand oturct of vital und nervoua energy fit, Iheni and do my w ork. so I stay waa a i ase of rlek nothing, gain It never helped u n wnm.ui to said nothing. To earn money for mother A n 'I Aloe auan i t ! mei h.cnl- - home .oa runs til she breaks lou.tent eurica. down, gnt-- I need education. I'll pay it hack t call then off lo a aanalatlum 'I believe,' BOM gfce, hut wom- to rot up rota to her from what I earn For I an pirootMl difmuity in overcoming "I'm ao glad 0 MM you' let tho way "Hut tell me I want to hear nan! In work at something, even doubt In In i n. If t ln.d lo the corner I itaui ;tinl an k about yoorootf now, Are you after mnrrv, ahe aald. huotneao, Oftoe i ovoreom ond lal.P ai'iited VlHf her lun that waa th- now happy "Quite right There Would he ' li "uhdehre In In II. rdu- will lo little itaurant, r iw Ompty if yUOOtl Then for few fewer unhappy marriages if both mlnUtOfl IhOJ nat lonklnii al egeh rhopteo Tft people had separate Interests." Iiavid Other, Mint. (mm- M U PRIKNIHIRIP nnnw ered. IT 111 i ORIIHI 1 while aidoll it a n wUh on It, Vh quooi iiuestton for Mm Alire wondered whether lie meant Tn put ti I. in In brought tray thing ik the dish which OOd lOOOl got H ttl A Meg lo axk. Allee thought Was ahe he wan unhappy bOOOOOf Uolg had nn h i.i ktoa iii v Vfil, and fore .i set to I happv' A little rObtWtmOQl rame pa ot k ahe iii may In "D4d you think wouldn't know si rate h or interest hut thili removol Tho again, aa t gave not conveyed to yon in etagoT" Dovtd gold, brooh bark before her did dure nk tin muth with flntora, n Pmg xin the sb good Of at they roa to leave, n ll"VS Vi I' lug the fulenep. "I fluln't foi atlmulua After and thin The 1' were ao many m u thi inntmnt. Why Hliould he aak tiny walked tnwuid tin- college Whothoi or not aha wan happy ' Id I I.I, M Lks rocoa ond I've not hud much pia Afler Dot aaid: If offer hiikimi you rind that you Ueo rolleoo Moturer You kept all. It wan lald hliuwnlf who had You'll let mo see you niialn oo hoi yaora A ovo n i uu dk n over, put it In out hood doo n and aot atlll it nouood two of auoh torrlbla Meet" uihh witu u lightly luting vov ottun led mi eye find. Then I mbnn Tn- gill henltated. It neem'd hIMv ver It nod . 11 find tint it ulll " indtlinile'v

II MM llll Will Itltl II You will ind t "II the hand of yotir long glOVQl utuhi lh- itl H nd l0OVI t hi to i no our in not hiif aoUn rii- hqoli Im I OPIOI i d Ever-Read- y And oft Ntfl "ft' n4od nt th Your Help oupfMi hoai diirmtt on lovltollonol dit c porlj v"ii Mill ooroM the ottonUon f guoot ovo Ihottffh In- Iihn nut booo foi m i ll pi OOBOI - d It - it I'lutid- t to iicni ,i In hOMMOl of RUOM Iihm bOOfl Bft-- Time hi Trouble not nti d If I bo imttv in h httjpj- oojo, un-0- rot off bolftfl i' n tjiltii'd fot Add Years to the Life of Your th flint IIOM lu flint hoOTO. it in not NOOOOOOI V In lh' )ot oorouiMilly bofbfo i'nmg. a Life consists of ups and downs hills and valleys. ploooom in t i fnllowlog tho horty h ihn-- K i The oi ilis in fmni. A growing savings account in a strong bank is the hest RugsWith Hoover Vimi. will not OU M'- - PoetOI BroOPM jiii) in HMD VOtl wnold kind of a reserve for the periods of trouble. "i Mrs Uroooi Hmnh 01 Mm Chlof of Polloo Onty, That The Hoover actually prolongs by years the life of all Hovliuj tolton pHit in , oroddloAT, If you have a serious illness in your family, or if you are yiMi mill nil looaa th. brMo rugs and carpets is guaranteed by its makers. Added to mi.thi ii i i v kIimi i llmii Mflrr- - temporarily out of work, then your savings account comes wonti nm well oo I ho brMi hon this are the endorsements of leading carpet manufactur- mIo- rotunoj fmm hoi lotir, to your aid without delay. Tntl will i. turn m rilOl Oil ers, prominent rug importers, weavers of grass rugs, and within t" woo ho oftoi 11 u modh Are laying for Hoover And mi find nrhon olllnj I ho I Are you saving? you aside a reserve your the experience of owners, many of whom have tin- poroon n orlohod la ooll or journey through the valleys of life? steadily used their cleaners for 5, 1 0 i i" f ii inu to loovo. inotoodl of dark or more years. pootponing iti yi.ii mil com plot yoar nriooton outlUiMj your You can open an interest bearing account with one dollar Your present rugs are now worth much more than you kIoj rorj harl ond loovini rorda Whon ot f your M mi on or more. No matter how small your deposits may be. do paid for them. You can save the price of a Hoover, several nouncoi n tuoM M hoi homo '"i win . Mil to nromptly m oooolblo not hesitate to make them regularly and consistently. times over, by using it regularly and thereby postponing, ond boforo - offiiinu ony hoopltmll- Money grows surprisingly when it is saved regularly. for years, the time when new rugs will have to replace tl.a mi oui buobond hofl bjoj n ntortnlnod nt dlftooi r a frtond'a those you now own. hurno wiloro ihoro wi n only ruum There is an old proverb which says, "Would you know rutin ttui'NiM, you will loovo bin is, ' .n i ornon you eon no no. olfo what money go borrow some." We recommend The Hoover. Of th-- ' hOOt m It Inn w ii "i tlii 'i' wi oka after tho dinner Hon ara Nothing gives a man confidence than the net oapoctod t.. po Mtrfy coJbii or woman more thin dut uoutyll) dovolvoo on tin knowledge that they have a at is in- wife reserve hand which When moot I no wotbor omi stantly available when needed. douajbtor you will oroot :ln old of WtiOJIOfl HOOVER font Whon arrlvloaj nt a osolol offoli "A prudent man lorseeth." Wise people know that trou- It BEATS a it Swmm ta it tin a ajtjoot) Mi n ihniiKh you riod rlooo poroonol fiiooda bovo pro ble is almost certain to come sooner or later. The time is cedod you you will nt oot youi hoatooa rimi possibly coming for you. when you will need the help of We Will Lend You a Hoover Free! W bob lot It I lie wo llit on will nond ih Invitation In the your bank and your savings account. Without obligation, we will send a Hoovst n titu of Ho- lih-- i uinl imludi- h yo IRJJOI Start saving today be thrifty. Be prudent. Be wise. to your home for free trial. Divided pay- Ymi will rln-- your fund n.lh your intiiiih i IomnL ments, if you decide to keep it. Just call nd .in- hHM "t'Vd ilU with tho HttrOV im Ofotl a th f ind or phone. n the pkUe, yoju win poobooi tin liver lo tho I obit Immodintoh Ymi olll h'dd thr toRiniid gloaa bj lb otoon nrbllo drlnklnjj V'hi hiii orrtMibw Unit oobm member nf your family roturn lu The State National Bank peroon roHa tmid bj fflobfl. up-o- i tin involM btobaboi of your of Albuquerque huuoebnld. Albuquerque Gas & Electric Co . When hove flnlnh'-- iht- limt rouroe nfrltho dtoooi rati will nut puoh bud pbito awm. tui will Affiliated with the State Trust and Savings Bank 'At Your Service" Phone 98 UH II noil ii Iti IIH 00n lOO p"Ki-tm- i' L V In n "ii nti-- t ilnlng Jt dlnnei you will tonic" tlo- lino motion In rlto bl lh conolmlon nf i lo dlnnoi Inrtuudl of lotting ibia rooponolblllty IhU mi your TBI ALBOQTTWKQtr TOWDAY RXEAIJ), AtBTTQBTKlQOK, Riff WMICO, 8WIDAY, JULY 24. 1991 New Mexico Farmers and Associated Interests of Mayklll and they have art thelr goal for fiva dreaa forma and three Studies Losses During Ensiling of Corn Mwleaa lofrlgotwtora. With the County Workers tjjaay tlnauMy. Ourina: tha month I wo atock Ju1g Caused by Leaching and Fermentation - lag eacuraluna wara gaade. All of cHI-A- sl.lU- plants do on kXTt not have nodulaa tba bova tn Kvery BO NKWH rokikt euone the club work wero takun to farmsr a ho haa a silo bnows materials, that the allage In tha HI and field Inoculations the In tha community arhere lower part of alio may Wm-k-: county drornped being farms that aome changa takes pbire in the the gain in In Mr it ffu ar triad out to aaa if thto can good Mveatocb waa to be found, food mnterlsl at the expense of the at tit end of the month on account ' reined led a demonstration of wtiaro they wara provtdad with woora aubatance of the rorn or other nop upper part There was an avarag OC ceaurty knowing fi- Aalry araa hi Id i tha nut ui its equipment at apt canto allowed to judge oonserved by this means, and It Is 10 per We rOgrel gujc-- FrMikJtn a and tha atock loaa for all the hags of nearly nancial obflatoaa, to ehtw tho methoda In regular form, after which papera generaily aaaumrd that some loan to cent of the dry matter, which appar- to An this but until the hoard of uaed on hto farm fur carina fur hia Following Farmera near a get ms n are now be a big producer, being eapeclallv tvegina pa J btej wara graded. tbla tha uubatanco of both moist and dry ently la due largely to tha fermenta- cutting nay they are hav adapted to New HabJon nohwllbyna cTmn,twifn'm lag tu herd. Heap hu barn given the A- hlghcat wara matter as a uf of alfslfn. and in way. lfalfa aooriiuT Indlvlduala takes placo reault tion the carbohydralea and lo tha ing Ihe heaviest nop In years The them no other hfaikeUng association to la give their roaaona for plac fermentation and leaching. Tu ascer carrying away of aoluble by enmpanv or Ha lob Wm been anaSawrd to at rv nat hart their membership. A ov material recent ralna did much lu pi oiuote The liersch Mercantile hu Ing anlmala au they did. Then the tain aa definitely aa laawiible the the juice. The sugars sttnoat entirely In ragtsja Springs whipped three oars or Itocswvvlt nassAy tvr thr bring of soil analyaao wan of a. the growth, nnd many rates thcra um rtra made owner of tha ato a pointed out to the amount of thla loaa. ita cau-e- and dlaappcercd waa conaldei-abl- e gg nd tf h live iMrti) ef aoma of tb alkalal lands, and Mr. There a Will be two ton of bay to Ihe arte. wool lo Philadelphia two weeks iuetawiih boys the wreak or strong nointa of mean for wholh ! part kail) pre loaa of crude fiber and of the tho oommNOllu trill be brfl there lAfiTricn- addreosed tarn meet j npi uni- it, As ntly. each Individual. Club glrla In veaiing the dairy dlvlalon. of the furlurol yielding bod lea There was ft The i.i wheat of the l?1 crop llccent ralna haVi broboB Ihe aoout leaching tOr alkhkal nut of forms, had complete charge of the United Htatea department of agricul- I.. of total nitrogen, which was Hagwrmab waa lee, Farmlngion. and Hub- Itmiili aolta to wchat la ward ad In the vicinity of Animas. lbeee determine to preparation and aervlng of a lunch at ture has been conducting a series nf larger when the corn put Into bv t M a ditrheg acreage been re- bring cultl-va- t the marketed in lloaw ell he bard The mttnn has theae atrlpa htwfc undrr a club pi fin In the rommu-i- i CKperlmente. Ttie results uf two alio waa when clue to A ap- Porter Immature than matur Twin Wella for in, and hi ought II a duced about pr root tli hm committee hao been v report years' tests ti prufoa-alona- l waa v est ha rnmmcneed in rem-- brat mi Corn club meinhors are covered in com used. It Is probable that buahel. Wheat hai tains end at wmthn pointed at Anthony to beep track uf their crop making a rapid and early paper. Department HiilUdin thin loaa la duo larsely. If nnt entirety, the MOftagOrO district. Melda will Ml damaged no much a fertiliser any t wirt experiments to prevent growth. 111, Nltntgen and Otbc i laaaaca Dur- to the nltrogtnoua compnunda in the A wheat club haa been formed lit yield 'in II to 40 h)lHhla to he a n and fair e thought, and tarlm unfair concilia! on being drawn. i It ing Knatllng - fsrm-si- s i lii ft mi the of Corn Juice. The albuminoid nitrogen auf- Taft In order to Interest th- acre ncept flelda when the ctop irod wilt be htareerted Wumv fro U an Important fartvr In tba ...! Haniph-- of Kilagt a nca haa dsmaged by no to oranov. spray- Dairy Imprnveiiteot la being start- Analfictl. rerecl of overwO per cent, a Mb of the irgluti In raising what been hall far do to oareful production of cropa and nota la being ed in unc by organi- Ha ii plea ttf pllaee In ( hecaet lolb non pledge" ing No M aa t noticeable community the the albuminoid forma Increased Already 1170 acres have been result made of tha man wh ara tha no a sation of a calf club. Had inquliy aacas were hurled at vartoua deptha scvernl tlme their original weight to club. Siiita Ke county has tha Isrgrat fr..ii, tba eulpaur applied to th al- the show- aurrraaful In tbla Una, ao that th about baetlcH A hto and ptuiiliona In a alb- t:' lecd blah There wAa a gain In wheat iCfagga in itn history, iteMa rwvonty-flv- e per of may and their control. athai attrbct falfa W be uaen In the dtaruaatona to ba worma working on by 14 feet In diameter, holding: due p. ..r He v r nl y f v c rum of flrat grade ing an Increase of doo prr cent nvri first rutting- baa beam damaged bold tha vlnaa, and the f..iintiti'.ii new ihr thla fall The farm bureau borera working on the teach treaa IMi tons The hags et her aoluble bodiua. Tin- sweet potaloea and fifty ears of d last year. by re Torn enrlcjavoai of 'Vinos . wr ecrond thr ine haa i. n nnranlaed and tarn and graM) vines Rpent conrlderablc wtdghed when put In. and asm plea of senson nearly pounda of juice (Trade and seed pot at or a worn wee earn red for shipment to more In proceaa f ft la adklmfttod that wheat I. PV are orranla!on. lima observing mathoda Iteing uaad th aibtgo analysed When the bagt ti m I lie Thla bih produced In Itooaevrlt county in 1320. WWfclUa. Four (aimnn were I I ao M n home demunat ra t ion work n In tha county by dry faimera Wen rea tied In feeding out Ihr alio carried a considerable percentage of In the aame etftj fliio. woiib vested in the vicinity of Hotiae. nwantaathm two karat htrm huroaa weighed (icniiM-tlr- will run about tn buslu-l- to the ftcra edjeat-aae-wi- a hava bean made lo begin thr rontrnta wen again unit uf vari'.UM foi mH which in of cream wan ahlpped to fiatry aaaociuUnn tea made unlta hava bean formed thla month analysed. ordinary county. gfcilk suppl). where-b- regiatry uf merit teat on lo Jcraeys practice would remain Hi the from that The agent at in tba sit one at and one at llill. J V. In The two years' work evi- silo. ttoinlv aRibulturnl sgrssrt to rut ricch for Miller Auguat. Hava furnishes PortsleN la dlstitbutlng poison ftdiong aa wsalucera hava Throe community cluba have appoint-e- u dence of a downwaah of tha ittkni In reaulbj The HtSte College haa developed a down deHvertee until the Call demand proa also arranged to run tmu or The are a yt lucouiplete. Iba farmers of ihe vb inlty In order ram cofnmttteea to formtilatc Individual citwa for several nian who the alio carrying with It soluble fual ami ine leata ale being continued new atiain of chile bean a known aa aaaln boalao, Ihuo enabling all to orocram r,,t ih.. r n.. "A M. No I. U la said to to help them fin l.t the Jack rabbits enpenoeo not oer(lood the rr want to wood out boarder cow a the whb h are doing damage to tint make and (.,0,h, ma (lathering atallatlca agvnt'a time rwa spent In sliding Owlggg and plglraa. Wo do not care much haw hean , about tho brunm i ropa. market. Balanced rOona lhr hom, mAAv hat tmk. corn Industry In tha county with the theae In conference with to point the flag ii r of acorn at okla- - fuiuuilMd t the mill when moat or iB m.- - In- noma M.rv ,,.,uimini,v ai Idea of atartlng a broom corn officers and bankers. The hall for 'ii. unfoi lunate ailuatlou Qutierreg, Mhrep rbipiCtOTi tba dairyaaen bu tbatr arwln faoda ,a h( wom,.n H,UBht f),ui vnrAm of surance ratea In Ihe old Una a Mouhtieaa In dry farming acctluns of POULTRY later in the aummer. Will ," :iv ami (luntlalup1 i ountlrs. aayn toaiaty. orgwiulU' 14 woui'-- waa Inrreased to 114 per Mcxiro nic niiahl find a toabi ant hava made confer with llollingar and McNabb at tluo. anal the llveato' k of e two i ountlrs is t i - ao company many farma whi u sow I wide- TtM Minn. 11 com vartaty laat from ona to four buruhea of floa the ennferenro about one. a local haa been formed rr bntud would Tnban-uloai- of fowls more In fine condition, but that the wind arter attorney or a t urioaity w here th- cat kb pleta ara coming ulcaly Tho two in fkr hat a and dreaaun Fi Man MMniH t minty. ronauitmg with the ly dlatrlbwted over ihe ITntted mates . hp thin eat ia about I hrre pound haba hava boon reported PYaari general. One fsrmar was aided by hi ompliabuieni fiom the lowlv hen is Betierslly tappoOOd. it Is or wan aunflorar domonatrntmna and thu tnad Thirty acres of alfalfa were Inoc- la n ver heard, ml, than short what it laat, to lbs jMt ' it m Anthony-berln- o a one worn-o- running levels for a reservoir which and where tha king to flocks In the a a " t neaat ng of araa gralna da raort of ulated with barierfa aa recommend i. rsprclallv deatruetlv' sharp That Is mnrk-- t dirfereni tiMtkinic flow awvan will hold all acre, feet of water Pros- la .loiiM op. iiiiik a tin ran lurlii weat course of the onatrattfMi are pragi naatng flrat rate. cm and hata ad by tha rounty agent and agricul nnteiv. north and Thr and they don't seem to know lha completed cama In. At alK pect a sre that the bean beetle will thla condition la changing. We Is slow, symptoms are ap- one. (Mia co operator la trying oummcr Mmiultc tural college. Ueporta fnmi tha win- ara learning u disease en were be worse this year than previoualy that the farm aim Id parent only In the late atagen. and fallow ground compared with aprtng hata made. Four drvan form ter wheat demonMtratlona ahow that support the family in more way a and arrangements been than laltty 1! I i t ground. On the 8pnnger trained In i'run the Turkey pd will yield aa high aa hava mads by alrnply a the moi is hish Thr danvor My l nl1 Iuwed lat to have two apray men dem- piodiuing crop of arain slight, agpocgjl tract a wheat teat la being conducted and rour in tha counto- Tbrea wom- If buahebi per acre. The Kanred la outfit bcana or hay to be hauled tu the to man however. Is in mam torn n In Turbay Rod planted a 10 en agreed to take charge of tha dreaa up ao 4 onstrate their machlnea. The farm ggaoa cookina th- tlrah of fowtl d which not showing wall. On June market Many a dry fanner in Naav l'KNNSlt'VK N. J . July tl pounda and aO pounda er aora, and forma to be mad in theli the Hereford Breeders' bureau at Newhome voted to ata ml Mfftho can point to bill strova the tultettle bacilli Treat New York kg association necessary In Ihu a atari paid rn. of fowla fttfOMod Is deibirrd to (fulled lr t'ltv at 10 poundo are being com- Bold over 100 of regiatered the c&penaen In full, a by nl I'enn-grov- Kanred head bulla and table in iv be noihins on Ibis bitle hiimbt pared All wore planted at tba t'oanty. at auction. Thia was largest anlc with ettarhmenta i canon of tho fact a faw cows, he uaeltaH. but the cop, tun Hb" ami tlrant the ion t taint). thai stamped out by dracrlbed has a lady truffle ana under aimilar condition th .t bran tn thl- - part the In plica and chickens have been kept on M Hu r III. Was time Pteturea from the International has held of I . may is Mrs John mm sod la ah owing up boat, with atal. and In Heavy rains during the month the farm. In FHtruers' Hullelln if whbh Sgtgtotnbsd by Mayor The Kanred company, showing the ul- - has created an Interest lie had upon applb at ion to lbs Hi retetitlv Hunt Hod 10 pounda llaieater puretir. d Mlork und th.- wa have seriously Inter Tered with work There la not time Ilka thn preaent Ka ' the Turkey at neit of corn Hod imvcd Hl kirn Humritei bill stamln nt poi- tivailon wera ahown at aweet clover drinonati ationrt for Improvlna general laaosa vialttn of I'ubllcnlioti. nltt I mates TWo hundrod. and fifty iuarta of Kovk. Han or more arid bigger sales In tha fu- the nf Maple and Oak a v enure, and gtvea wore kill- Cliff. Buckborn and were started Four Instructed In :iveatoi k on New .Mexico farma. Much m ii irtmnt of AgrloaHurg soned grain dtatrlbuted for enao. ware ao appreciat'-- ture. The sale was a Three domrnta-iite- t fowl the "dfpaio" signals b9 motorisi Tbeae that treating grain for smut. Five man baa been said and written about Im- f nil lllda b" ing; rata, mica and ground aqulrreU. urrnngementa am being to other roglatered bulln Win nls by hlgbeat mortality Win n It Is I on hot. a he alts on bar by the made Right Were ajded t beellllllg MdWttiled provement that can la? uf farted by ahown far the abide from that olatributaa anme Ml- k g cured for storbmen. additional ih- om illenHe ban front por h ami area that motorist show each month. hogs Arrsngemenls wero made for oar of purebred airea of good In- ft IllberriilonlB Thr ' Wologlfml ounroy ArrangementH regtatersd piga arete pbired amon SO alaf bob ive thrtiincdvrn The ladv vacrinntlng demotiairntiona were held r' II. members tu secure bind i dividual finality, Prices of breeding apt end eg! emuvely lu some rs trsf hava been made to atari a Pure Bred on pig lul- mrmherN i iiiiiik pIkk jre yerv loa to lc cop" Wei in no u til form rmr It" - three mil' hen during tha month twins at a aavlng of IC.T1 over brloos atock an loOMI than they hava been aa fi inline wrlous i in. Breedera- aaunrtatlon early In July finding ready sale at pre h ranging - in set hours, when Ihe traffic and a large herd of goata having aura being quotid geie-iull- Mr. ljatei for yoara It la true that money la pouttrv iri'luatrv The lonidiou- man but All pig club niembera hava lioen Im irtm i?ii to An article wna a It dllwffttH I heavy durius ihe "rur-- loon moot and ud.ret n were inapertfl fib has been nee tired as it apeak t tor area in gaaerol, but It is doubtful net .f attack mukea mosl with rogtoured atock and It waa recommend tliHt a mixiut wniten for the local pspeia abtmf if there are many Its ukera in the to nobnbat, booaaoa ajTaotad irt he In to lie tl St her Host la atwka. Insect peel common In the gaidetm th Fourth of July picnic at Hsyden tbota aotue excellent loh of lard, tallow, aulphut. and kero ba eight in atate who will turn down a loan re- ahow no vial lib av nipt "inn until thr lra Kumno-rhil- In ton wif of In t"hinna In tho ana a of b- ami comiiiiinltlra the noiili luroca and Poland and aa a loautt Ihe tnfrcttuit h.ia nutnher bulleima have of county voted to hold quested by a ustomer foi th pur dlsessa proteases sre far advanced. n omlaowt doetor here and b county aata Men looking for uel asnt out to paraona ha v Ing end the have a it he n for toppi-- spreading. lioultl a picnic Auguat tn. Th- - biological post) of buying hish Knob and tu ihe meantime hn com nd her oT tw ou ri ir men Hb' atock can gat daUUcd m With parti u lai inaacla. or bull. QogaJ alrea of all at t n of tounfloUoo i i ounly. survey - concentrating ita cffoita on ram classes mune othera the prominent Hi the public hie o th' county agent lntaan Of ' pur A v la n t gbOrt Ulocila. II Is atiine-time- lotmatlon ftom the San Hwn i 'ounty. I'nlon county and ilmlng the month loag an la based in New as Madbx Thre dipping vata will probably be Mr. H. K Keller haa received tgdji o . ailed. Is caused bv a nib five row potato aprayer (nc meeting of the l.ivrnlock a" two mora field foremen have la agent mailed within tho next 10 daya in tha and Intenda t Ask root lountv or wrlta to lost'ly reacrnbllns the hai . aoclatlon waa held on the th. w Maaa and to i 1. kre-- ttif Mivht out of III with added. raatrcHn aii vlinlne th- Agricultural collage for a tha or Mil .ind I uherrulopji Moreno valley. Jotmaon I f preaent coy- of human bovine Is of cbaoao 11 acuta uf potatosa There wan and Jitodh. meeting will given out lo leh m'n for use in th- bgaodara oi purebred Uvaotooh in While y. li Uric Acid Making T. O. ranch Tha making be held on the lat or Ing July ote five ptimari oifseta buds n dtatribuUon heavy fnea the Mth of June hut of work tine thousand and tin- state. It may ftlOO other Pigs tho bona and the A aale will la- todd in of b attack agency la creating a act me of the potatoea dpi not havt lhr fall and hundred dollara worth ill inaui tiet that belter aire now! i pose to uloiis fi)- ka are fr III? through one It la expected, to bold I h pi up at tdbrn You of on the Max br replanted Home certified It annual ane was written during the fir untlv afferlcd. and dmplay local-i.e- great deal Inlereat nic Name ttrne by aaaoagfj t tract Intereat In a liegistercd aod Ih being grown thla ai ine The Whorhd month the Mutual Hail The principal oht. of cultivation tuber le s in th lymph glands well milkweed imd wntrr hemlock are giv- Hon la to kill the weeda When one has Hp Bull circle and tiw tcatlng taaocia-llo- year and It la hoped from no on to of h'sd. bach and moaenter) ing lota of trouble and aatto n num- all needs to be done wnv t I davoloped In the be able to ship out at least a amall In home deinciiat ration m.ik that in the I i n Oil- m iv not titraet fhe la alao being ber of caaea re- ufn' JilHrd all Ihe weeda he, ban done p'anttty of thla aeed tn for of death have been in bom iniprtivem.iit dr. about dire use naturally. Ha li i of the avian Irrigatad vallea and the Moreno Teuaa ported already It will be vera d li.i.. d ultlvalinn tvy. prevented aa muali Planting The flow Lectio and tba hti h.t t been r1 modeled aliu e to no t type hav U'tri found m tuborculoag Raina have to eradicate tba ntlfkw an the 1 In- iMfkoling work aa had. been pUun Jlurleituin t abbags beet la are dolhK inr in I'ericti the of June, two pei ao)S ba pt lpe d.ltlK1 T to Colorado territory in full of n IHI t XltM HI It I XI IN i a w to wilh the conaiderable damage to the t ablutgr and thr wardiobcjM were built and one fn. huntaag aatlhg regs from tu and waa conflnad work a'"dM ine down in the e wHHINCrTON egga exrhanga and th o . i ilveia lean OOOlpJT made. 21 tugs were made berrotoue lowls. as mn. be Hpnngr nuirkot and ihr bean haa Rtartrii ahowa that a paruMitu u help- Cougreaa bscllUi ss MarweM Alfalfa Qiuwenr aaaoaiatftoa, work on thu bran. Moulrral poiaon- - thla nionih Chttblug- In ('ualea. ia in lined lo boatt of the with ihe however, ing In the right aguiiist ih- luafroil- it tn man ia i on abas to C. A. McNabb. from the collogo, aid-- lug for tho yoar haa been discon I'erlco, and Marguarlttc Yallev, progiciui haa made date aftei ted mute reotetanl ars. A amall apldi haa found t h li t Ii ee no Oil hi a lyae of bacilli, in bha named place. tinued. At teaat : "00 cattle haw wero made thb month. Three more ol dellbei thr avian tuoarcbi thr laat In many of th toavoa AStOd It I y l t atanda were made for foi ma lions lian pitaaed he euierifen chances of Infection ara doaal Ion In aowtonacratton work been killed thla year rom eat ink north practically no hin drea alight home bruah plant- leaf rollers are it hat by ere prevlouajy made. 11" tariff bill, an immlgist Ion bill, tha Clothing two denionatraiPma have oab and nthn loft I rave Millet of Farming! on, hill which provtdea $;(t,000.gO0 Toboraoloots may introduced on fluw-or- a W milk wrcft h, unuit fi 'h- - u art r made in th. Atein io i oriiuni- born gHen In making organdy horlrd made two appilcatinna of miacfMt oil working (apital lor the f e. a faun In several ways, such as r Have yon Wondered what It IU All were Wat nod nlty. Two ran attractive ajgaj wore v t for hata Two dreaa forma have crod. atoi kmcn anl it upprarM tlmt ainon yf. per el a fa tin loan aystein, a nd It baa eeivlm: Infected fowls, exposure to iih on to feel no wca k and n d vary given prrvt-ntlv- to made by rovciing the bi una with obi ' ' boon made The women ara and mcaauica cent of the egga killed An niob onsidei ritloti . don u "t mnn nelgbhorhlng Infected Hocks tminii SO him and nervous It gftgy bs protoct air chiffon wile, "in uf the crown gajg .o ld You probably ...... mf. iii thr work In cloth their atock. at IooVm ri11- - in ara anlue l a use usfge t I HI ol pi ic ea by uric have taten ,i't.,i t Cedar mil as though of at raw and the other of allk Five other whodt the farmers which filled your by the apociallat, and If all tMi i uat or aome Mlallv InlO ragt muiir of WhU b free fiv ins birds carriers such loo much has ing givan it. th- the kind had attacked oi gandle hata W'-- e cpoi fed tlllM rd. urb. a id, aTOgJxaaad your rlra-- are made that the powna la putting up abyna on n paaaed bOforO man a n Hunt" whoOS ghoSS blood with ih forma It and samples have been ar nl to month made by people a ho h.t. doubt will be thr oi r feet khtneys and a used that woartng now planning, thai a will fencea to abow pntaung farmera their li... aeaslon if lonRit-a- doea maj carrj Infaelod droppings frowt .woman ara the Colorado Agricultural 'ollrgi vlotialy aeen lb- demonstrations, l.l.i..' ..f hai he t hi b a da dtsginos . own varlvt) teat ploU. Pom t i at argga bar more women making their iorn and to Waahington for analyttiH tine .a a "'" tsko a e ss nsgrb) Infected far mi rail ftnd oiht-- bod feelings wait offurr llou- -' l " foot altitude withstood froat Thirty dieasea hind harboring Ihe organiam lin't th.t, field of 11 acrea of runk'a Yellow snd fit over di ess fottWi Onu .ii:ii. io nieiiitT iiomi'Mi iHimr fall t" hatch. for loui trouble Lighten youi i ...... unUn. mm- i inr lt numrtiHii'"! that killed the potatoes Two hun Ihsrgbp reducing to a minimum - lent bai boon planted from the teat Tarirf. dirt ..nd use floaa'a Kidnrv Pills relrlgei pounda wna gir Is' sew ing club waa organised. i looker and ice loan dred morr poluied hran plots of Isat year and will furnish Tw o oulatarnllng lulls to w lib h aaa nt Infection from "i" source Thousands n commind hem A K were .ib 1 Ifgf atora waa given, and Xi women put out and a hopper docri .tintrm enough gagdj for a larfjo aoraaga ROkl otiiitv. 'iigreaa will havg to devote moat of but If 'ted sgjtg arc tlnown lo your neighbor I up on i III ggflS :iMf picaent ed in the follow work gi h year. Also puie fit Ida oT Mil The (i!ti vaiietv lest plots ita attention, of course, are thr pei the the diat ma hv efl. An Aihu"rr.pir c.tsc: t Hlwtt Rt lahllsfcoi i?i fins k tWrrv t ounl. hoppera tnc huiidrt d pounda vi t ml nr. White t'n paad Yellow Ivm. onlv fair 1'art of them mansnt i.mfr hill now under 00 gold in Mr 0OOI h1 Hun ii. South Arno , , i wax .Mlhoiiglf may Itecoms In- My w imiu oimtlltter oauj waa dlatributed weat of and Itrid'a Yellow I tent are being by Ih' overflow from the in the hou.- and upon whi u birds trot t. sava re out A e any age disease la not i I bbcbbohog aaaawad ba the farm buraaii nd flallup. ciop rotation for a i area mr. river but moat of them have lain vote aas spected about July 21. fected at the oi i.i.i. hnd seven and new . wa field which had been In oata dry a bill pi m id for a new form eadiiv detected hv ordinary obaar felt inn down and languid Mottl lag) meeting of tha ommittre Simla Kc t ouni too and Ihe atanda have hern and inn my on w for 40 yaorg was woekad out It will Heavy put poor Having tin- No of rodoral tagatloti Dotntts tho faol vation in thooa under on. real o'd, ii nag fforl foe bis lo dn )V41 June ai " ruins have the psxtuien trouble getting bet iusp wnrh uFroquenl hoadbcheg annoyed preaentJ. Thoro waa a roualHt oi bttier, audan gtaaa. prntt a rut cropa In ahiipe H ...liege chile thinned piopcsly that lb- bona- bag Marled work on months ara reqaired tor tiu member waa n client and The ba till to multlpll in system, auf mi and m kidneys didn't art right i of huotnraM o tranaact but and then oata. Four hundred aoaaa Hwadb-- potsple have alwavw been uaetl pi Ihe latifl bill when It roacbog lbs the rfMi large a 'Tragi- of corn and fii l used nnan Kidoev rn.H and Ho aiTafigi-inrni- Of govern t vac lo-- w III be aidet al hcin ict inlerofere with !he normal waa Iniercatod, aad men in wet glvon rot growing it thick they dialiku senate It racked lite I averyonc pinto hava been plHiitd Two and fuii' ..f i bt body loppt Ihe hoohgrlias and put m fourth t hi rt mil-lt- . roqueol of Ihr preatdtnt gad a num- Hon ms The oldri were made to most tho out and ahurthoriiH localsd hundred pound or .tiiaifu - d having to it. Houdan ginsa, I., n " el 1 p. r as ta will fowls from l wo thro ft ih obi anane" ..f each month at m for a calf lul- latat oara pig eluh 'it "'t one .ind 10 ami ate bolag ber oators and the bill w.t. for formei siliiim Iikhii i h ar moat iikriy iii display symptomg iiv waa vlalt.'d mum t receive first consldet al ion, I'aino J A of tVvto and all thr children pounda of 1I.M nirnded aa a aeeond op to help out ' Mr Wallace nwert (otn. pounds of ran and ghoW a blab d lib i Y ..t.,,.A Thr C4OI01V K' "t Joined thr now and litter tub. string houna 70 poutidM th abort alfalfa crop 900 want the eve profit lax retained ...ari'nl tin' ami of ami I. to Mbaga u One of the aytuptoma In m dd IH'n Moveiiicni DOANS",'' ILLS wiuA KrP'nlK pig waa bought frotn sach mrni- farm-er- a pounda of been tu' trtu to Hrirfurd. necurcd for ol ihe tru k a.ed haa ortleied for ooaoMo of tha gradual emac miion wbl h nmei to aacure data, on th- gram bor and given to a new iiicmtMi Arrangementa t. . n plant ing One farmer waa aavad Pandlap ration Hovlna hnvr mudr i si noticeable In Ihi bMlll 60 al nil llmr More j - abaaa In OW4 i alion pound f oatn wa arcuied on po tariff bill now before the house. Three to drmnnstiute the Villlir of loo inda of alfalfa need or ion proponed in us leu Theae diminish In slse until Milium t ... Mlf. I.. .. n.,ll.,l,..NY waa dla for dry land farmera In the lt.Mn.ih Oggll on raoeatly that ttlrr in Teaaw Thu Information of lend spraying for Iichu bdlrN "i Ihe purchase price Uklio a raoftgg for four in advanced stages then scarcely A n,. . dlatriet Another loan umooi bi th' arnatt k. .u.univ turn Two gfors Kiv-- on Farmers in alx coniiuuiiiiitta wera 9 How auv ileah lofl on the breaal bon - m It wteka nf ing luiv ver. ikw. .rain rower and llon la being rormad. ffiaashoppcr cnntrol by potaonad bran "lv en bullotlag gs injf ftsmula rfor reeling lbs broaat will II) - .a- of con t Iba H.natr agrbultiiral bloc so nlnn region read i ki Miuif form Mra c.uiil) latil. At N.i win t he fnimi s killing gi anxhoppers lieinonstra rogaluUon riot at t ihte Tin appeilti acropiablr to It haa it year uoualv protogtod that the waatlnt tract whi'h would bo i... raining all month and made a unltod aajnajajajn aguinst tlona wett' given Isat no nom was killed bv vote of 27 to 24 It con tin una Lameness is one oi both are ahap- crops K. V. I Mm otatea grain roada in bad but and them last yoar, there are pi actlcally arte (iivifi thla year. Dr. waa htated liy tbopg wtio wrr folloo legs, .a drooping ol ona or both wing 1... ttrfnoOad farm range looking good. Corn waa .lohnaon BOOM daya In coun- I sv ....A The no hnppera at all this year for lb' fuc the Ins the movement to adjourn no n is nnof her inptnntii L"W SATBM to being uaed a. headquarlera for tour farmera oata for in Two of ty and gOVS three Illustrated loctlirot Th- daat i affftaa plcnlw flrat tlruu aevettil yeais numhei of agrb ultUfal '' havt bulletin mentioned Ibis now im rnprc for labor needed ne farm threr, wheat for two. rane for four the men from the hinlnirtcHl Hiirvey with vain, of pur Im d etroaaed, At oroBi agged aa Tat that their ODtw I heat and OtttOt ay tuf.i oin- - at .nirth nn i X boy r. held at tiradv and aweet lover for three Twenty vlaltrd the county rimlnic thr month la a demoiiiit ratoi a a ar rirnta felt thai the only way to .o. k Palenem r com I wattles, skin on ky Html of v l ' . aevrral oihrra in other parU tla oroharda wara tailed dui ing h and aa a rmult alilpiueiit ol poiaoned CUmd to plant 10 ft. n of atfatru fur fffta to adjourn for a pri thl bt id and abo ' the ayes is at ... noon County en- id e ... in h.. held month and the ownrra are bring grain have niMdr in bulk and leetiing wen one month auf TI' Irnt to prrv ent Hh .ae of the last ataaea A skilled op hut nutr wirl . I thru fit a h a wgsra uM.. ara Uildri- dla couraged lo prune trsaa (anion Im - one. i no apnh tu tiiutr anu ooaoawwaaas alt. the more poisoning being done Car- lamiong mi month altt as Another effort to font- ftdjournmanl orator ran the inl radar mlc atptrtfl ar stiil)rr4 at of annual atrmllona In will be given n a bgrolln teat tin- proas nom ( .....n To. uroductioti pruolng bun hisulphldr nlno belnu nurd ra to secure maatmiim lamb crop. prnhabh villi he made ii dotart tag p t it OwWObT ia being aoon. Very little inasct lit was am follow up rioulturgj bloc in the botige ih. disease, bul med thai m . atmonl PK1 HON ALLY sn and iriennlal o ttiiaivuly in in wok. I H Thr gf laoahl with Interoai Thr rr where present to hurl the treea su rra t ounl Wit. i,l Mil inn alao haa perfoi nted an URttOtgal net for fowls ia t .it lie Proventlve men l iimkitig nrlnal danguroua defi- I l being i' Traaals hontia t.uaa are aUll proaeni tn flaldti vialtcd ahuwed a The June OtH II test plots IVniMM. Mi vi-- lo aaHouftara this aeaalon and urea ihi moat usual laughter cam Caoaglcal Ing Wteeet gonil aaarbaalisg. rr a iron tti n adtaoauoaal ciency in t he tiacteria nndulen a ad doing nlct ly Three fHiinera were analyses rerenlty nisde at undoubtt'div In operntbtn with tnc ire ih" Fowls m iariad gel New MegloQ tlrah bO un-- I I rnari i. mil- conducted to ll' an effort will br madr in mocutoi" ddvlited about inset peel x in tlodl the agricultural ex peri aenale bloc, nhould ongr'sa ronttaiH ma) d fOI if tll'V th aatra Thi I,. ahOW on-- rontf i.. kMn riown volonlrrr Ktalli several of th flelda ftOT Ibg Hi ' gardent Five m l, itnimnlH tieatad btOgl staiiort ahowed th" leaves, ate not Iii aaggbW, wilt ite abb lo pitas a nuin tin lesions or only "buhl U VlH'R nfrbodl) tsgvlatlon l field befme ulttriK Iota ttesn tak n off Kpai advict, gtVM bd aaod pods of cbamlaft la ba or bar of tdlla In which both blurt un- Thooa fowla thai grr hid I) diseased wills MW f it frr hi.l and other and and for o! cr.t Ih 'ti tail I lal liw rowa doga pol ' ( out pal higher In 'nub pro-ld- interested, auch aa 'blpp-- iw and all jrjarprg orgsna ahoiild la ir ln lln new Ioo Ih and prairla ate being 2S breeding 'otiHlderabla 'nl the ..f b r la t"T Umltrd W aH i , or one t loWOr bttrned Tin- gfiould rttrri Hin hata In lul Work ata ttoned nr deinonalfatlon waa given In per ent in fal. roada bill, the packer control bill: the aremtees bo dbi ' ..i.n. time whh alwt spent geiting thn i i . . . - moat 1.1 par nt higher in tres rat- f' Infecrted hnroughly lap ml ail ...... i lor canning. in killing mi h. (up han tiern Ol correspondence about the ll i Iks! Ion nitron lull lo rbtos the Internal from ma OKLAH'iHA CITT AOT' gOttnni, la agtract, and .t.6T per oi nt higher in r. per OR loan drlahindf, oottnc nthsi utcgg Otfty, .1 i II Ol 111! )ub work doua derad for dipping tho range gal tie in prujoot ahape ao it i ba lo rent federal faim uni okULoiaa tiki ! 0 Vatlsrn in that ould i ud- fit- - than f n ah alfalfa. In ritnlHlIng In ara at thru brat t Two PolaAd I'hiuw i bonds; the IdHa for tha whrn fall gardena lie hud rnntlnurd liftci the nint agent I'dt oUioi bturda aa itartoahi ...mnnii.llll-- are Writ org"!' gllta and two Durofl (all regia-tare- aft fat ara financing of iiveaiock ladoatry; lag laara at the end of lb. month nnd corn ne.l f f n ah green alfalfa co ... t work. Poulto club wera avciind for rarobaia on reports uIno took up it It ulb in fa brio bill, the operative work month) has no adVI ntitge over tho green I US' bill ; nf null tw pro id Ttin-- oiemU'f-- Weir to part In market WHAT TO EAT TO PUT IRON IN YOUR mrtuhetK have nW ad'i'd of the inn. as Ills work Ihla leave and ftnd th.' toad of Id. . fed'-- i ng n a W'UV J I itetai podl Uat Ion fr "in a fa tn VaMaK fol VOUIItf rlll ka. the pig lub making total of county feeing diMcontlnueii at t ho . K"- - ia thr ehanilKii The di led hniolxit h DM to D90 the . Hua-r- i eonatdaialila A community eampaigai ka being t inbl $ln fit h,v. fair elnae of Ilia month due to la k uf toavt in. two pgr ...nt hmtxr go I gaaopt poro I' I svof S'ori is earn men eni hKal put on and ho pr oapeet m h I r good approprlHlioiiN county. ii. prdJelMi I m.iu.iv. fOI from the .rude li pai aaal htghsi Hon, told aorftga Irglnlalton. and he m I. all that ould be uaked fnt aaveral over the count UiIh full Tate in thfgdj pot cent hiKiier nuill). rt oval lu ill' mi Haw or the fnnneti m ckhuI 0 from volunteer workera A (lub tour and plrnli wa held fni There was a heavy frout on the nUraaag frei sgtrty 1. ftnd hive baa tarlfl snd tagatlon measures, In Ogagajtl meinlHu ft tida l he Mora hai) us i aa hay ll. a and of night of Hm lllb ton most rroag gfi than much fib .tlf.tlla Ibsatb Si li II of the tVa oi In They vt- t t n( low HOW Vr.OF.TARIXK AJ IJN1ILS. Tin in laat Ion dam the ounty pig club doing nicely Kr ult, however, haa ha 94 P cenl rrude The dairy Induetr) rallied it forces PHYiriN TrilS lCII .h.-- planting . byaa Al T( WHEN RM.HI ARI V WITH OS . A NIC v. out on June b and titrro ' onnt. been bilb-d- The iorn and aunllower protein niy i or pai ooal again Uat week n preaent a ' gum n ' SriNACIt n f TAKLN u reage potatoaa ir- -t than ilit A dtgaotlog IRON GREAT TRENGTH AND CNDt'R ANt'C of awaet potatoen atopped lioUH'liat' Onlv amall a of plotN hu coming nlcsl) itome ntnlo t o thr bouse commit t considering Rt'lLD be ri plant wa but I trial hum in .ruler way at ib lv About b'l arre had planted thin hear damage haa In en dona to ggrdaaa eip.i rilled milk Mil Moat nl A I ttte iron, kh kog bag ar nl s por- - lbs VoiKht IrVir nan daort in affy r"")" ef tlhc iron it il rnnio ftm I data and Iteltig carefully to mm bv petttM flu- io determine the pg Hi- ad IPgilllll to this watehetl what insect ami prtMpaotg ar) the larse turn or n isat lotlg. purlieu Ihnca m ha rr Bsrvaof Snd aihrif all t hr a Hog t oiir kwoS icnfltinft. a hi Is upely. to oil I he i to- csntaftTM in tin various nutrlentg that - I ih.v arc riolna dur I an be done conn in a hat fraashoppera will verj bad lailv Ihe dull) gggOclfttlong, prOgOntOd aiiiir id rune r ih- m t eslaabbi I of aad snaiak gesj Is a Was trd iii'- -i lead tike '! t 4 ara olgt ited range atoorg hoi n m not thought bllrhi tn June a bsav) ball n hundred and llilrt) two ngfOU-lai- hf latemanlg In nhow that n. eon t naajtb k n to gtedi. i lesre, Irso ia ysai Ikadf aad Mbstheb'sg ralna Foi am in e m mo n ia not baibtati a nejsn killed iiMMtt of gaidrn tttutl on thr hod a used that tha d filled milk aglmmad ami Jooms Rnonbrly Bbeskfjo in i n yet ihr explaining the met in ouKhiv underotQudl. ohambjg bj pag- - dense mbdr of la ccathaas. irl ata battilsaad aaabsv fn vmi a an they may dry up Went hIoi f the und fbl Hepi ) I latei baoauaa fnounliillia potaoniua with the loan inaah wcim ouona fo loaa. aa appeitriiiK milk and cm mi nut oil bkeba aol briirviir ti ',i (Oatdsaf stui lbs a pbtt ar two of ajsascbt half a akat sf kaatw corn variety l himvy fi iheepj the I or OStg The aoiKhuui and freeaea killed moat of thr nit mnt out und dctn i at kxin will ba to be boaviei during aartng nnd nble vitamuo-- whbb an- ao eantnttel Utah hmlrt ('.'iintr Ihapital. New YorbWhtb sad lloce Imkrcl 100101 OSf yog nicely and If th the or t aaSBSMsd rSOSOUS, ill poilsliltf not nee oUtet are coming along Four atockmen a ere atiowti how to given a little later to show how to early sgmmei at other Itmpp to ihr growth hiidiru and Lntshr nil) form .m t aagjMg bjarm than daily ,.r g i but .! ba ivDalred in time twntroi cartica in At the control them nc d tiatioti No. This product in lielng soltl foi eon la BolUvaO rurther aakl - "If sir ilirl nt one oat; uewl o frt In rat a Bulletin Hi. giving details of , keep tli'-- from drying up the dem bureau meeting held at Alamogjordu waM glean in killing prggrto doga with an agporlmenl conducted during thu leaned milk, thus encout aging ma eantant so abun l4nt amnnnt r lost ktaailrr uuni.tdy of iorn ctaiUunug i i.USe t t I or sre aivlag your Ualy red it and tnkc .1.- iroa. live alll l. of .alio- tlilUl on he 2Mb, mat k Iggj waa Ona of carbon lilsulphidc Thr airas that paat 'en, with laiigr ovva on nutr It ion. keta and he train lhr ag.i Niutfr bno. with ...alli.iw ham 111 gut r yonr btcssj hi Ima flsnd them. U U bagf haOaad - No raoulta yt from the the iiibp i tM dla uasad in and wen i prcv Ixa ready troublea whb h folloo the wake of trar. ki b libs iSluagatUact af planting- leaned in lotm rurs ait paatur. i now foi distribu- U) I J I i Una ial and oalrry Peg ragga! sgasrl bs t illag psuodi r To praea to rassn ir --i ulota. During June It was d ldcd to try and hart tba relnfeated i npldl In K tion and a copy may be with- the usO or Imitation milk af mtt. sc uied BgOgg and well, (hi lit cctnlrar: ysir w d l Iron run do for ynu, get paw 1 act) eattla with uratnl Otero County UfowciV aaat IgMon I' Johnson apent in out charge, bv anyone bv mno St.. wo ml the Intneatcd. Rrftgfl Is Wb-'- bsr-- Mreaarned ami hri'tmr lnHgbw. do. tnt b n trw. ..urn ymr i.l.nst th- vat in 'led dtit NN aoon MM It llHM lMe Mil f f - nn large nn the nr inkr of sikI rfm in conati efl cougdy aidiriK in th. range sbeop iin- addnanifu fipcrlrnetit alatlon at yl w ' ,.i ) finer ami apart. In u h ym mah- a "ImbI nssal "i PSf red bhad aaajaBj lava aiwv at A la it tog oi du ou .loilt publicity. Throe, of Die pi I. pruv em nt a inp ign a ud ahowed Htal (Jbllegi New Mexico. Boroaa, eaii nretl ti oh OJgagk Irak bl gajpa IhS raua li .. Dim takr Nainlrd lini t a mriilli vi iii-et- i the i.lleg. to iii Hiookm n tn do of on tJ,). r Tri.i hava agind set lantt in alltlea the at t dnga i In i of yisir nnd Ih. in .1 n o Ii n n. ' nnd r ' O to tWO r 'ollin re used lu d oa trrmlar. mule : ta tiob-'- P'h! they gag to pat gagsM ut pla en Mi Thiunnu: hilt tttfag ! v htd fut Mil IScd the tight differi laidoro hen In Mouth Afrh a aaajkat li ofb n nadsi hai rV klyyoar year red keaat eonyasrlas baas kwessoat aad and th m un-- m plania pai ill will piodu i' taiaei Uf t.i dog- - duting thr month Intaraatod ami if theae can br Annljo alao aiding In Hiih cam aayJgSga i r tiwl ana ti tie ftlgo KM ee.tliliide of dianno h leva tlrontrr and lire l"rl It Will ... i and belter fda. and ll w roiuinuniiy waa oi not be difficult lo thr p.iisn nid talked in two oiiuuunl DOOT Pol it r.u dgerrai - dl hr. " boar h m i .ms i i Ho hanan ytota, v l i Mraag y.i ant Paths reka h bark wt, I f than hen twent luoie Oaa't wish OStg n s TinH work amalh'i far mora Two lm weiw tlaa. Tin ee hundred and thu h ton hail ll iot l metal)- t it- yeut Sj for itir plants me ii to the hilo i. r, yuu rould rareriillodlidlnriucli irj isrr hi. iKIK. Aua i u how to pro people were preaent til liieetlllga alia rpt junr U Ihana ahown rultiidt rmii th' airiit Rr'il It tpi Iri.nwhi h profili tioislty inkrsnil Irui'tSrn At diu Kitli i dlatrol oily. Th.y ii a. t t i.. lii. Anlhom It.tioo bad .his: a I'orrma'' ouni John !' I. la in the " !. slab res asaM trii rour kwa Irt'thK I'Hl on th1 tvi p Moyalataali Kat in ' H IIi. rtyulyn la lo kill d thl a. uoi noi Tin nod in I. ii io. Mateg that une faim uul nf II m a- - r.: III I11U11) of lhr a'fd.l.i il.imiu' iluiii grwid MImm itichnrdMoit Wan h'Oiar unnm ia iuiia an- in bad now I i ..u.h,.ia ten Iii ill, a la henlens It Mould by i found that many ut the gukr un tin- 11th tu twrlva woruen shape fltianclall) part uf bv uaiajf Iks UvnU Uaitifi-- d twluauts flelUa It and llis imrieniiS iq know bow mato ore fbtM iM

i TBM ALBUQUERQUK lUXDAT HTRALD, ALBOQTTEKQTTX, WWW MXXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 34, 1921 " Swimming Hole For Hogs Should ESTRAY NOTICES In Be Free of PetL NOTTCK IP flRRRRT GIVEN The! the following dew tl bed aatrey It lata in iiivn bn ImUmn ul umAar afckA Willi ii of t'haotar B. Article t. Itll Codiaoalion of ibe ol New HI eg ice. and unleae claimed by the THE owner v iii, in ten 10) dayntaai of publication of tnla notlew LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY New Mexico Tbuunundn of dtdtern' Worth of from the date leal gtHMj hug feed ffoca every year to tfco ;s;lUbifni, win ba aoio oy an auihorlaad Brand Inapacter of tble feedllig of mange niltfa and lice. It Boat d, for uaab. at either oubtia or nrlvute aala. in euch manner ae to la ahown by reporfa to the I fritted reallte tha graaieat nutn, upon lha dateg af aala givan baiow In cotinartion 8lala dppurtnieiil of agrlrulture. with tha daacrtpliona of aatd animate, and eatd aaloa are mada for lha bau-flt- a Wool Thai la lo auv. after Hie Itogi hav of tha ownara of mid eatraya. and tba proeeda will be held for two New Mexico Cattle and Horse New Mexico Growers' fed on he roru and other forage ami (ll yeaia. au! jot : t and proof of ownerabip. aa provided by lew. put ll In the way of beomlng ham Growers' Association Association ... r i' pork, the paraattea Wainuag oei the animal' bod i en Cattle Sanitary Board oi New Mexico " i mi mi MkIhikIiixI hj lha AaMMlaUnn far Inlnniisllun ul IU ! luuimi hi In I he Aa1aHi for Information if II lake their toll and redm the All l Wham Arr MaharrUa-- i.. TlUa Mi 'I hi. I lha if final I'lifillia- - flpah ihrough dliuomfort and ft. Q. fttlBNAM, gecreUry, Albuquerque, V. H. Matin i..u.r dlaeaap Theae paiaailen era more MIS! lEaTUA Biltua, nuniPtoua and artlvp In rnhl walht t ( At breviatiuna need: for ehoufdar; "L" for left: "R" for right.) when the hair la thick, but aummer "hi." ia an time i. v' minat- the Hint remain over the aea Kioriit1 hj U 0 Unrilaei at pinta4a rtetl by W It Mftw tf Orarati4.. hal opera ad, fium llHX until May N M Mgy t. lagl. N M .htuii 13 irll Hen uiar wilk call branrU t thta year: I tu. eayanreM iUfiv aaa a taU t gnwifeyy ut nf l ibiinititir een braag Hair. Weekly Report on Tbp Inaihulivf habit of the hog in i.hl mmi mar- l.mi.h.l THE NEW WOOL TARIFF Wool uml muhulr. II per wallow In Water when the Weather la - i. ml of clfll li Crop Conditions warm may br lukiui advantage of lu kdl kip Hruuiid wool, pntn pi puutul applying tn titinent for i nternal paru- - . ill 71 h 16 i' The Building of a Modern Tariff Bill in IU Relation to the Moat . ian h i ii. of clciin eontentl wool on aklnti. 24 In New Mexico aiti-n- tiapaif ment t any. My sin riti iiiiikt loii nta pi-- poumi of in eoMeot: medlcnHng in properly Pirat pakllabed Jaly 17. 1M1, last pnb ii..i .luir ll, mi Important Interest of the Wool Producing States. the wafer IWUI. 1'HMiled none of lha ton-go- Wallowa. Ub4 Jaijr HI. Although gand rnlna have fnllen iemeliea for ibe tale off aU Oa or afur Angatt IT. Ing ahull pay a hlghfr iult- of duty and iiiungi- may lie applied In a ani- - H (j rangf in the aoulhatn and "gi-irit- by W W. Wggaai aJ llBO 'i. .r Wool rower fur July) than lit pei i. nl urn .nl wlon-m- elu'Whrv. inrnt lory mniiln-- n Valawwatlt ruoilhwealern nH nf thf Mate are not with minimum X U May I A, let I let i (t'nderwtiod Hat en- - Kree) v ml. t iii i or u , u.. mid la i. fly aay irnptoving rapidly. It la ntmwn in the pi i..i Uai i ulil i"' n 1'ietng, Lf. i. i Una tar old aiara braaded Carpet woo In pio ad iKjr. m iult- - ua pug wtg tin- ' waa II Hi- f"l-ru- bnr-rn- If the from the of gggp tut.d.e. S( Mny At line IhU valun-- 7 bulletin by watheY - iv until but not to e fed renui Ttnn-aday- medicated wallow art to be aatiafar- righi buiilrfnr. l weak ending Fln.V, IO dlltb-- Wert levied firttt edjofjand mom iniporti-t- wool pi-- for the hom-ver- In Law I01. pound. aeyn lory, it neceaaory to run ' dmn ea afl u ii a t ( Ui- icport of condition of reeM HI S IT C I" wuoit imported inln ihe hutl ahl itikuitv or If I'nderwood Matea Kree alder the. nutur and haldta of th pm a I Him llveotoi k throughniil the Inly IT IWil pat s a 14'. n nltOd Htittea. Wool grower have ami ll gicaw duty waa Ya in Valimd at not pjora than II latigrn und uuiuinla to be treated and plan ur- - lail not yet i . o effect a nf prenuully to ih atato: ihr uuiairni inii'ud renin pei puiid; warm, otdlngly r nfi.r 17 low i k ta, winc h timid have : n duty of IS par pound on wool I'i . dUjty, 11 rant. "The efeoh tun partly are huge Anil live pi a abowi-r- If tondlliotia aiuli that ay Dewey Pbuutii. '.i " ii .1 n y. u UK tin- With and tn voinhle lax neeurred iHeit-g- hurled iT.ia. B . fiilt gt llh edv lit arriving in aeoured atela Oomaenoaiery duly, te rente par may rludre in the matter, Ir!iia. S M JuhK lu. 1B21 ...i i. .I i.) Msl. - i.i I. ii. N I' hi- da by, inoatly light aiihnugh aaae .tit peril ul our population. h piu preduatlOfl of abrlukiiK' pound. titt y Inviti la bly aeleel nhallow wot-1- ' a er . ,. M . Jaof 14. IVII g. It n icpnit-e- htli.ui v talon foi tog beejie pioducera it wuoB In aoiut- eouulrlfN mid with mot- 11 not heavy it duwnpni:ii iii to wallow tilBlltlr, r bo ran IT old, brangvg Vulue than renin and n whirh If the noattiln i. n im. tut of protmilnn ugnimt luielgn i in- pi entire of removing t In tvr than 1 IP, Houtlt weal ami a few weafei ran be krpt ebOVe thi- egnlly. Irll inure dlnlrh-i- rain, smnKwBMfggagB eoinpetltorg Hi the market of our pui in of f aacaa, it waa foumi poa I'lolt-- tlve. IM iter rent. are alill needing more Hn- hog will lie down on ila aide and uwn country, are one in nllil tu hilnK In for II ri'tila itniige inul atiMk nn- geneiallv gnod roll, get up op whirli tin Compi iomHoi Xi canti Per pound -- then and repent the Which mora tin- of m naaeUent. xnpt In Hie outhweat home prudurera muat ilo alt of Ihau V n hied at more than i fin. eration on Ihe otlf-- aide until the yiral publokftl July 11. lag ttval gab u u& D. I hell a pound a uriitttiMily dial i b 't. when both are alowly Im W'-- im iibnd .. 7 pma buvllil' of wool I'i if. ti. i 20 pei Mill- hodv In i.i .iai i leiti Pirn M1 I In I mi ' Tariff ontempliiti'tl t..i 2u renin per pound niovlng The harvat of wh'at. oala The proper of liquid In the Uaip id ait- Jin to afir 17 la'l ltftpl i4. IB.'l ' In nntlht-nn- l nig- - IHl. t .ah in. ni Ann-- i vtl Thi' preaenl aoiulnlatrutlon. fitter Thf wava and moana iiiioiiioe n lk Par nt and h.nh'V untlnuea Wallow dependn upon In- und i' ' f 1. .. . tliir ilndfiwood luti In way N M ii. ad t.y i.i ten weak o( deliherallou. finally r I really that in Ihatr new hill, r ij nilee and thrpahlng under number of h. n uning the wallow Maata Rua Aaa IA ltt'41 h.ii l4tklintl Paralla. dfcMed ilo!h 'A..- flu IS or 11 Id j ua ra i made laa of plan hud iha in luii- 4 i aquan- in uountlee. Tin jh ing l''ii ptga weighing 4u to NO aorta, kiln i the thai si "K" should hi iidabn imoe ihun uunct-- yard: fium Ml ui Un7 T year uld 'ubroarn glklraa approvul of both bffttaekea of i he Of n upon Vulup not "6 per grain In north corn, tteann. kaflr. mllo pou ml- - Ho wallow ahould be M.M.J miiU riaaa onlaWt dutv inuip than onta gen rub i bip Mi kip njrevtouii ougi egg. and mg with in-- aiid todder rropa aip doing well rhaigt-- With ItilUbl to Ihe depth of vtttol. Innlalf of thr pound 1 i ra- mnniing com- 3 BHgnT oiht--i dutlea how un wool war- - arow-m- ii rate 21 peejta rVoteelrve, pt-- rent rally Ker'y rum are about Itirhrn hoga from III f m amma of pfi i'nan ll valh-va- . nt i 'i .i (MTlud uf alx mom an pitiiiol ol woo) vtaa Inarrtvd. Oojmpvnaoloey, lu ma to market In anuthern to I to potindN. 4 inettpa anffit:!' ut k. ton '217 la toam-bn- In Tin- ' I .MUk.-- ' 1WJ1 1VM ft f. 4 Tlii". ilia larlff bill, waa IdnaPnyjaj Valued over 7T and not over while the nop reniral lhtuhl fhuuld fgevei be IT. laal ph ijaj najay, cenla . en- - Utrd .Inly 14 lagl gat'iiabatl Jaij laal paa- - made ff llvt- fni period of nla 11 pviind. dlifrh-la- Thf fruit rum In poor an deep thul Hip lmga pro afraid tu UiaetTrien JaTy It. Illl thly I lii-- Witt a way a ar It er llwif of aU un ai iiWr Aiigntl IT. IW31 14 IVti o.i m i h- - oi i ha eapet1 latlon iy or ruh hr prate par cent. gMgy. but early applea ate being; lie In it. Koi u number of hogp of iht uvm tin- live tl ffjajt m M i . i pt-- tod pjiiaaante retatlva valot of In Ihe MWer Pecog uml Varied alien, a death or S Iii 4 f ell tfff: Y i1- before be tul of hut ih 'nmprn '.Hni II eonlg per pnund uutikiiod front Mark Mai-- of Barhati ftm--J tf.I'. ..i., W',,t Uagilal. na Bjreclfli' dlMlej ail do- .11 t"t of Hit- f o f ll f ami veloreea l oypr peara in th lowet Rio Oraade niao im bea in niuttl piai No up Jaiut IttJi s natal ieuhtr I Vuluitd aver II and ant $t.Pi tbable Jl. at. Joan lesi. Tin m pott foi 1. p- nhlpim-nta- -- 14 it. Mil Mould have been cotnnkrted mil tlfa ft aiyioti alt ad per pound. begg ing of a a Inti fin. unould be added until llu- h.. ll. eat hybi rati mam braadnd llu 4 yaar l rati roga two hramlril i MMPnuea of it h xibii , eaeewid by ooiigi eej ai the iuw of thu eloreni duty ih I cent. Tin" luiitaluupf tup pmmh'i'ti hne had three or loui dayn in gpt il hi tit ob ilf I if i vnl- I'i nlf live. pel " bfi iboulgrr lend Km an Uweflnlte eerteid i ml i uml iidjuatiitfiil to hanfina: Ooropanaatevy, xo pet pound In both qiiiillty and ijuuiiHty adorned lo the wallow ll ggouM ua l rep im on conti riit-i- y duties weiw Th wiry boweeeri I.U different i In rHnWltleete la very not hi ki pt to' lhutt-.l f.,r more Ihun fin tiiiifr ut aal of duty Valued over f per pmitirt Tbf pia. d upon agricultural ui llclae ihut iblc in foret tna antonni (tTaderwood Itale ift ) great In aeveial lucallllea, llif bulb tin uhout huiiih at u tllin-- im the bogn l Uiui can h onlWctad a rem-il- l fer tnt l i.ibi-- imi been upon free "hi mm. from Mill uk tn Value not ov er enU ahnwa run gel well Muk lu that lime, und yum July ii. ieat hut pUa tb' oil it y ! Whttfl It Ih ponnlhli- forr- - - or Oa iwbiiaaa I'm including gogar, leeaoate. milk, In par iMuiud Agrh ultural College High conatunt applhulion ia liable to Irrl- ll tr nfl.r Aufuii 17. iVJl July J4. tV I n per tpii tiip amouajl of im aorta hut of light Alfal- tafi- thi- k n After thai, ' Snlai .,( N ..I al- . ... afln ( M.'i unO Whutt ttiitn per rent. ea and ihowera mediae 'i Ht.n lata -r wMeh Hn- vulio t In- fa1lmat-- Protartrve. II may h uiIiIpiI M. Juan 14. Itt'JI pound wan bvird upon muM- wool annul 2t pound fa and Irm k i topa an- good, range m ul at Intervala of a at by U P aaey. ! Malaga- i in a paelflc duly Cempenaatory, renin Pr tin. Imh .,lvl I.I, k ntalli. brntoh .itid lb renin upon a- utiied u ool. ilia oibr hand VeJng aawei nut pga ui very pi..' Cantnloupee ivady ti ten dayn i,.f uf ao iniiitv pound almwa owi and ulg now- bran4a4 Mee-e- a rhangod In value by nkirnng pr than Id P pound fm ablrnent. fOhaujte Reeaodi - i e. so dfittlti-- thi- amount nf venue to tl m m gthai pi puiatuiii m iut-- I'i o t 20 pi-- liliiik l.ak' Hood wtittltt-- dur tide ob u iii in owe of ihe h- un evaraee votente, li live rnl. i left bip cento pa i puuioi 'i hem- dutioe hu derived from ing the week and tiopa are looking almpb-n- t ipuifilie that run lie ub- - leaajorti g Coeapanewtory, 3u rem- per pnund. 24T B tin- r r of . he king itupoi ta of The wool rowan aieo teinad for the eurgoae, la I No isaa P 24a n hul (tTndarweed Itat It. Per Cent.) line and ibe fi.1,1 .hi-'- l July IT put. bed mnall of lh rontendad Ihnl when valuae were KI Rangeu ami onh one anil rttal lejl Uti pabliabtatl July 34. 1011; laal uf all amount abuWn I'aatt rallle ibai eradicate iuih Rao Jul) 4 rim or hiKh iiu- flaad dutv would be loteei The ini'i nn.durv tluliea w leti inb rnnrtft wools und turning mill Ann-- i t mood tu ggcellenl 'undttlon t'uin la ami mange Rh one Ireatmeat. No .f .r aft-- r l 7. it. leei piupoitlon uml fu llltnta lin- - above un- Intend ad l phue ban oil llu j( h 03 Han ..I ah- tin nr attar Angaal 31 ton hum m to domentie wuoln ami lo in tliu fine and noun- - nily mantlug earn lire heullng (lUlptii'-u- la nenraury uml eent nu menufacturara an an by IpM Hli'-i- i i.i- teietl hud been norta utiluiut huidiiitna ibe rHrblng ahlp- - any Kfiuit! ul In. by gaa Parry, g . yari int. amount - u It h or rou nt i log bav ing no being mnrneted ami kind of rogeoMbty good water M Kfptud ef Phiiilew. af to in.- vtktli hltrln-- i ilnll-- nniil ibow (llxtUl hi- MM 31. 1931 Jrly I. lagl: received from abroad aubaaquani wool dutim I'nder free wool no pnm nlntf nf lieain liai with ran until The oil apparently Ui.. taeni m the of an ad valorem Iht-f- 4 vrar-nli- rati Wllb i in ftret oil mi in Hon of the eeaaf tie dull ea were palled for. Tna me fourth mi mui crop Irrigated ditea not Injure the it nl mul If li rr brautlaJ laa ruin alnlleu. woota n a low. r hanl . I.IBinlai! gene) meeaute in congroea in lcem-be- i ale With protM live dutlaa nhovv n are fm tin crone (not in " ' piomiaiug n)ih nih il hogi propei May to- need dutv ylvaa lilehar tat- of I null ii utUiaele peeaane on pi otectlun of tin- geanuncluver a I leld. eare and iiiifiii ion pyociaoed irffl rib ktft kip Ion n i in- moat i II IhmI irotaet win arowar aolely an n menunieturei und eoejl-ua- Ht... k la looking bettei mil- mi an ti contge from Ine weite, It win n tin- run 'llland lar.- It a '24a A I to- tuiiU uml lonauim-- dlrvctly with th- ahown an pout, n in prowebli thp geoet afoi tlve era 1227 laiiff Hill. talen but range eoatlnuee rather da I I.I t.i ... i i Ml. War ut pay hie ahun-- oil dip llttwt-ver- priKppned .tl it latt eul.llahad .luly 14 1011: laal out. WAa fce no aua obtaining undei the lunt udntlnlaira oUntlful miliar, ot wllh r.itnt erude ll 'Jl I'I.' rirl J fa, und - t i I.I Jniy e Thi- dva,med of Iht torn- Hon iippded. Aliulla good liaiden aotroleum. known in. trade a Pal- - ff Ha oi Augnil IT, 1011 iuae ii imi roniejilltee ul tin- bnaa of rajareeanl-ntlve- mm h aak aflar Hat- - of Oa or afiar Aagyai 11. I am liutti-- i wan larfrel) wlo-n- Ill Tin- fia ui i i a ' Hh.-- fuel oil whirl) In reOldUQ ab raported oni it of nullifletl aboi atulT much unuul the fium U'l- final of na hill ll wan pro th- glailng i ff-- ' I of heata In fintn mari ufa. i ui ing guaoiitiH und K. by U Vaal. i i o on loh d fwi Pa ilialt I'tii'ki vetv low olhei to i.nil law hn if in I i lire a i.i i.i. ii in anvnnrenli Int. thai in m lur hi- u hedille .u rv crude ll Ht. k good, tang- Kond light hydrocarbona, la com mealy uaeti H July iw3i i m o, ae taebi'etoe Id. wi la-- ggg earweaml wat Nhmild thi- of vol nova to rive laereeaed manufariur and in affoctiva In prattli-atln- I It tin 4 aw.nlka old rtd atdllay inaaoiuch ae renublloane vrare in ron- - aat"iilil JnU to exeatlant Km in ropn aakreoda) acted exread pet of Ho- nt preterlloa unne ine aaw ot :iph-- nn ami nui iik- Aw a rule, i he ul Ilo- low i Itouw to Mum Ii tl nut m..nm liinni hiit. thinner .. 1224 a 1 3 30 tu pilot i foi r im-- ii an alue oeiaeaaatiiie eeenetlilna aoeeeded being Thneadeaj of gnpaH the pi a eeeed crude oil. the boater July 24. paO 4 und in- aaeaa pMMbera ewwW eon Koi peeeowi maiaetid In rtfal r..Li,.hd 1011: laat 11 may tn iio- wont gf owat the ll fur a dip 01 wallow ttnue to earve uudi--i tin- nan minun-- i nniiiatn that thin utia'llon gin ma in in program Tin week wnj t'.i llakeil Jnly 11. 10SI the Wool Qrowet prefere to imaetdet In lining oil tu wallowa. I .1 m, .a An(..-- i le.-- t yra pa oi llie n per Imvf been in pint i of oniuell drv wllh rlainr temniretitrea and about kidti .M'.uakfi ImI nail, imi i H.i. .air attar ration rntlon thai Ho- if. pet eenl reetrtetien on hnrpgg pint foi i.i. h pig oi qugli gotlp nteuanl wee beejwn in Janueri fled atatemeata that tin a bitp Mrtod generelty avorak4a Alfalfa fu Kioirtud by Nob HulUay uf gaianna iin thn-iiif- wool wni add) at grown bog ia reeomnaandod Thin Haii t.f tain Ua ar prarrajenry waa die lea Were to In- im-- but wan not baaerrnnted by rnlna tfjfr a . i - ,1.111 141 bafora tin hni of Ho rommlttee'i wmk and ' in I" 'i hi by t jat ., - bejuea Hn- ot th- 'iit irnn all ih.m- AI obnervliig H.'..rt..l lu..k. Oila, N. M ..... lu wr ll vmarubl pepad ef, bul nut beiefe opeiutmn lite tompanaalnry iiuto- mnv be Tniiliii I'liinllua I ,. ,.! III hl BOgji Whethei Hi. plgg one Hn- wiilluvv and lunn M branild anproved h bi mejorlit dut Tin lai outulssili adju'.ti-i- l on Hour or ' apt ing Wheal uulu anil fh . bed iui' nhrlnkapTi' inopfiK thf tin w bather loir itodt-- bocome well tin a ul in rat ll 11 n gaejwayjjjgWWgm Ul. IU ' I t tg ii Kluhll.itutuui of t.ilt-- that Hn of Rouea If tin- - Im not dow ll mnat .ii i mi nil hraiitt- -l mawawKjLawawll to, aitafi- n f eoated wllh oil. If nil are not i.h m pnrlb nhuiy el mported Aueirellaa ami Homii Amer-.u- certainly be by the At hi yo All t'lopn an :ioV.inf well buetm and utuui done aenale. Ilia con p.l ad.l more Oil to Hit- v allow b.. gaannmvjBnna woota 1 1 AI rtni-i- favoiwMa eme ' ndred t" pei cent ten apparent I) originally Intended, tbf on geeount of v. igawcTmnwaygnBi su. r.'rv n h eltelrei Tin oil ill make Ihe Watai dintante avli .. V.' ponndn under Ihe .omptu-itoi- v greord i Hint k la in la Maeedrei that pioyld' for thi tan ali of wool dutlaa with tlu and good ahuwera. fui aaougdi nn bugH tail .Id lyntem paid 11 det) or Jl Home nn wool Tin-- rfpreat-n- t Ihe ondTtmn und range la good the will not iri ami I orMj- - renin good ft .lir,:,:":;" h, of rava era raoulrad o to it ff V4 aftt--r Aunn-- 11 1021 i ton- - abb- generally lull r l ii- i iitu in poaml When amoui't of duty ham far Klrat lag ot ulfalfa it. in in low i aoiit uf runnmaa t' cut! i llakad bttalap. ajderellon le lo the of rent i wee or dui ttu hill readily Hog wallowa gpa t omparaliv-- l Plral pal Jul laal pub hi rUlaU aafap. uf v i, ii- ii tb riven volume iun aatlpir poot eteeta mei modlit in vat Iowa eeaenaa or w. w Itb any of oiixli iirtion K.u lgat hil. 34 lO'JI X M Jal 13 1011 o mirh bene) PouUi afrlenn weoli nhnnkinK otinteinod thf Fiivoi ahh .k ' ' it'- r IT larmi el lha bill ubewtttad it. Anidi- Hn- l.k. ba of t.i, lajj, Una 3 oar uhl brown ur bay mara mula. 7" pi t nl il in plnln initi gjonda from Inefnagtng Renge ntiffi "' Ly htaywalf, i n aMpnn tooil uiowlh Waak bennee muet bi duay reoduy I a . Jakaana ef aaaWiodaB rti hi prnpoeel of the commlltea rati of the tun ran k tn guoil nliilitioli. A large to oiiiuiodat Hn M i ii balera tin bill ea be the Hip nnd ft... Aoni lg 10V No 1330 n 0 33i n hum by no aver bt iitml u at Tul hi . niimher of plga m ihe InotoeUre, nnd laal k pi4 aanled foi tin- apptnai at Me ami meant an advaaea grafjg doing old hay mitr l.ran.led rinl uulihabril July 14. 1011: tea ot yenra but that. H p vino i with one nide aloping In gfyg eaay n July II 102 praetdant, wblcb la netBeeeni i to it a Ho re tin ua Iletmoaa Mtalernt- teinp iiu" iiarur n.lnd Hi' other rut tut. It In a pjoaern. light fevorabW week bat- .if .ala tia m afler Aagaal II. IWi. i. i remind a law ami hewer f mllflr achadule, tu menefaa C in doing ll Range improved The oil lont ing on Ibe nuifiin- of H. b) pUtwila llu n lap t.i Duntap. iui New Mexico Farm wi . Tip riuueti toiniiiiHn-- enderCnalr iui-i- " the water MmRi or pre yewtg avanorn M iul ami ronauinera ami airoiiiinir imt ink more moteturo i nu PJgl t I. muii Kordai deaott i ten aranktt to tiun, vtutt-- U eipOgad Fim pub 7 ui hint u in nf afTarllve ml in ine Week and Ibe to Hn h..l Iult 14. 1021 tin. frtr b) i in all inoea eleaed in effei Note for the nun nn .in tip MJ in. elo nAina Inlereeta KAI UVtfJMjMa uuiing nuoti omen ho Jin;- f al. llnur alt.r Auk to I IT 1011 i.i.i, to uplnlona foi I'onaldarettoa In K' warm thai hogg lb- In no- 21 JONI ki ll will mt It. If fcaparletl hi I A l Hbrn-- bill. Wool imii'i atovialani of ine bill in Ending July rilO t In- iumiir uf uahar. Ihr ahapin tf the wallow la expoaed to Ho- dlrtX t I M . preaenl lai m Ihe imporier nf ItOKDON, July 21 (ITnltad vta IS IW2I n ii n ho l in appi a i it on Jauuui roye of gun during (im- II H ft, fltiei ol IlKOt fill n.kiigt wo u hi " Rttta faeet for the tired the oummei ii. iai ..ia ird eee bjraatsad .! ..'.t Ml rapraeaeteilvee ot ool. MeX-io- Hera'i ao kip - i i II fulMBrad I I. AH i lll'i'KH. July ::f New moniha thai tha bogn win not lie Ml Mf- "I- .i) m. by m ilntv ot li fain buetaeag man a Imoglnotlon, m.i ini.i.i..i " iiji. wmi pi row vi beedad li aenflenl f.n in noteg foi Hn wi endfflni egaar hi ti. H in gdvumbla tu utmtrui I u Ikb.l SI II1 iin-i- i iii Hi it neb hoi hood o About emrtb of i .1 n.nxi ni.uiiii itv uuaaaloee iiuei alufd l gbeda r 11 ami n ..I .In "f Ht Aw.ii.i II. Ifll. to ul II lolh.w r pagenyga alum-- Hub! hvi ahouk be I..I. i vneji iiar pound 'bin would amount gkfj ot lu ami 11. Im. IUmm.,. ul l.tMf"l. ranter a, ajtenvnara ot tin tl a i odW tn grown b added ia lha evening n added gftei Ni. H p K. .... I.) iii tin- of Toe i" fur i ingot will probebU be n Jit. 'Ml diaadayad an a tltuda of ra pet ini raw roareei Inly T. and "iivt in uaualty ear lad U '..i iniiti viilm- IBM - the tailini. of Hn :lat' on bold of a nhip undown r out on the flral Utkad J..i, IT. 10.1, taet .pak mi . aojnnl Kiii.l lha 'lean in 'tt'in- I covered aooe from th. I l' ti,. to eeeaaa dutlaa allboi erased an lohWr. Ilogn. J In bod lea of he hugn hi foi a noon t Ii b.rt i. vi ttrti On. ...r.l.l ll w on ht How it u It in I i grrecnod otf Pondoland, smiiii Afrtoa, ' 1. l... in to uiwhfi than tow h thi lit b. veal, IT.T6: at 1. 11, ami next day Pal I '" r at', r Augjta) 17 102 I i t In un It n raa tin tile. 17X2. l a n Aldt h h a t nf w hn h hi. humli-- t in A untidy. B . II t hit ad olatWo I., c (i llirkiinat .. port tnit. t COgd lumha le.lV nil par pounda t vent aba a Weald hi- more ihun pi go.-- nhip tlroav N or wrong'? becejna pa net-- dull II lit hi i milk 3H ' I Tin owmil nnuitui M June I. 1021 ihti tua uml un ..mount pipiul to f hi retlla gl Hi- gmet ..... Lay toil utipopuiai end wne la of the an Wool, clibk-n- a. 20 .i .i... vmyawi, in. tiotja t hi mar- ran. In) Ion; 11 renin and ,. All hould drain per would be fnne i uai d in ' lha polrlkml mm II fi.t tUerted pnuml 12 Mi awei-- oni i .! oi .im..-- a Un ..ill (I n i iii v benaiai Ho- opae wool- - worth tits ei in ll tn.uldar pick Ion of.tnt Kt""' alacted in avan of i pol itom. alfelfe mid IT.r.U, uml man. p. wlih Ii n allll much aliv kpep l ami ihf nui ruumruit.i Tbbl itpp.-ait- III renin i lean Tin i dUt) Would be foumb-ip- whib- on wav beog 10 a I laia attitud. to hava wirejeiumi 4.. eente per bunheli aanltary condition It la ve la ivilf P 341 A A only II Himllui WOetbl BTOWH train br aargo, val- V 11 1 laan intalved ihnily u In fenta M oenta per denen; abtalfa gmglanil with her pniiuun tanpartani thai the wallow he pram rinl publ t.l.a'1 July 11 10J1 laal unb eiiUiaked duly ee. put. per rent or mora ba. Vn en- rrrai itat ui polllhai wladont I hen throufi her inrlnli i Ill- broom rot n. U. and i niton ued Hon ai about $!. Htm ) conatructed and raced fur; ulh inrn ftiiv Jt la'J Itakad 11 test 7. petea uf Han ' afi.-- IT 1031 uiibieeed una leratU n for tin la With iha hlrii in eanta and iaadi pa Inn. The murkft ta gmlnatlon made In IM1 ihowed that Wine H will gOOP Kel into a filthy nl. On ut Augual llata of aalr Oa or attar Aagwat 11 IQJi low if pai ut no- K of t he eommerelal Mttua Hn hrlntuute n dun. general.) anowa u deollne ihe ahlg WM mill ttttavt uml lying la ami iiouiiiit.ii i niulllloti rlr.l li) Kiibrriauii ol llu. iutrainanti and Kit lah-t- N M 4 by f T Hkoaaiakar. gf tin- bunw In protet ium to tin Amerloen won! ftp i bJu t b un ami IMaiiifetd 'iiu nn Jana 1021 lion ami eondltlon if meal productg from nianth'! only a hou ninety feel nf water. lunnll lmloaun M t ' pui ti in epvan oenw i"t lib.' arnltl bay hioaa liratitla.t Lgeva. N .inly 14. IMI duMlrtae. ea devalopad b aftei affeoti yrowi of wool priaaa gineert evolved tin- gchefni rfOg lice .I., not Dm. ..nK gj hi M- - lyplenl value ah rInk have imw big kfl 4).ar.-l'- l paN rarl aawlbv fara r wet and poet-wa- aapeneloa. With more end of enunty furm iftovi-iltt- rurgu by aepa reted rimn Ihf aniuiarti, but a ii ll. ! The ettanUoa of the .ii. ujf it Munld an hw a, fuui oi rive nut., it 11 un ihe olnar band tin rommliiee ' burwau merbetlag aneali it directed running out u lunnpi from lha ahore, Pitt nut all am In ntK m u (.in to ' inciudine i in- mam ben ff both par IhU to Ho- fuel that Hn ebbf a deviance ol onl) ninety feai The 'luhilien whlrli iun ntnlio it hmav anal hran.U f moat hi gelt Nn ll a it tlae niainly r nRniifd ilo- wool, that o gtafl (or mltUeri int HlK'-- e of t nil Ilogn .himlil hi- ( ami iltvintret lull val lafl ggj l If a t Knal India iniiwny matin that ..U,hr. .lui,WT. 102-- laal gh wood Mil In 10 In prndurtlno tin- t ermy pa or kn t .i befoi i.i lOH tl u new I'h.l ilo I'ndat andaaaorlnfl lahih oui area Fort Hi" preoeei vnlgg or the cogge wiu im for lot habait Lily t i t0'2 iinluotiy Ki n pi ope plan in our i aiuje Hum nf hogg Th.- it ilo in.i mil .ut ui luu noueton. Tesae. wlahea to know l w wln-- nhip Utter and manqre -' i y T3 '2 ' about Hint Hut the afor ,(.oi .1 j. - I la th producer of r I hi nnnfllV Hn- of m Nhould In- removed nml a in vine locetlon marhiabl iopn i ihe floor r klHtlll " t N K.r.t uhhaliail tnU 2 4 IU2I laM i,ub v luundi kepi, ll. .'.. aubjed Mi I Dpdlie Work ft lew of i h un leaned, r Hie dTVriri OIH-- ml rial fi inthinu v.. Hoiri bf aUtle. with pui ing aflt whleh woodwork M Jane 17 1031 JUIt II IWJ1 t whnti-vi- l i ami BhoUnJ hi- g ih full .if ould d A of pjaclflr uml ad ttupbg foi im melnteneaee at Cyw eee ih Mild to hi- thf MM" ftoora Hprayed wllh a h .' , ar I.I atrar Pata t tiU t Hi tf aftar Aggatrt It. lagl. . i anon i i. ity hkywew. op in tin- wey "i ujnpatUlon of yawram iiutb-- i annul do luetiea troopn j, i. Oroaaley, Mortarty. durable o anode iiiniii'i iani gaytiriatl tlaalT llaaalu.' uf h' .i II ilitlioi I.i M hu h flooih d our Ttu aparlfp iiuu un w nl content n M wante a tin of earn tn haun. Bulletin i Mir,, ifug Idna Irfl kip. s M rail IBII In In worde, Tin ntutt- corporation Foenwianaop t uat-.- l nut Mannje, given Una Dark rUln unbran.b.l. nterfcali lltd utner iAi ih ilium ami thotihl be Chk oi i ow u in Utiv.uia. much naefui infor- H ll)ar.hl defenelble Hn- 'I ' A Nn H a 2A1 IV i ,, t t. n yaam tuuicht auitaa plm-e- .ndepi-mlen- l hee reejueeied thin office for Be mal loa anout paote and i.'ili I1J1 have at a fur flu tin-- in Rurotji a auhntltnlt' for nffe method! ntiMHlifg Ti.ti 17 iavi ..ub- publiahad inni in ui i production end Barm of find trillion It will h Kf nt lii laly 34. 1011 laal mnM and polltti 'but ihe re ui i h iioiin bnaeo upoa tna appo iop DP llabril Jnly 34. 10SI ti Inly 1021 life W prlcee in be ueaw m a to be Having req ueel ihe Piviniou Puhllea-ttoit- II. ateuda rd nl rural America uti method The matter countlag many ."ul ahow t. of tfaia ul aalr Hn ur arur 34 1031 Hat. aala On at att-- Augut 3 1031. hi- unfar Aligliat If. i n partment Anfui .l win. i. mual ragarded ami mnin no DUl Of tin- bun. In nf Ho- wiiya held before Hn tMevatate in with greatly Improved ropdltlona of Agricultui a, i.y Mniitiit t Tiaio. n l nlncd n ! i haii t hut nf furlon aoinutereo ramrahnaon in an ef foi t in l 'all If pOOV. but pgWgjgg "KieeiiihK " Waahlitglon. ll Ci M Meg i t .021 given aa In ami meena rotntnltlea nd nefon tne any Iteain much mi. i kai a and i ity raeldenla whoae aa tndlvbjoej eaeura freblhi rata nadnetlon on Wii if i iiii otook yet aoaree in noun. Twa marai unu bay ami 011a aullal, woodi weight. bevea uf aepreaeniatli Ihigfiuh It 11 run t for l unit liiiMioaH ao lura'l lippenla to over four hundred eetpi end grela m New btealee UMalltiM Kew fnmtera pmniing lata in- til In Manda- not of inenufacturinn entet Wealher roodllioae buve been eeopg follow ing no. J uly id Iii niKMn yraeanien ahould be mede from tbelr I ft hi i' HERALD WANT AD TAKERS' im h Tba war helped la mpae . nTnUonnl Wnol f.ioiuhh for all nopa ami nitigin. I'i'iniug. tin lllnh I'ohler pulutn In in unni itut ati The nhovvt-r- An- tiHiruiiyflify ml ale leaaon of havfiie lenard foi Local have rellOVod the yielding will and tin- quality In 4.'. M trnine.l writer! lha (trowere1 pnenrlallnn linn ndned g thi- yal f honi1 produoad tout' reaamen drouth rendition Qreni Lynn, imi freight ratea too high for ibin-pin- g pilLllahril I i, 11 Wd pub If yi hi ao (JcHirr, tliry w!' glmlly I'onai of the Inndeeueti neat Hiduig" JuTf rdaii lMii of ii. who. tun a nteaaura of nf Ihe In Hn- preaenl form and Hlarra countlea. Crop Wetk profit Jl 1031 erhedule i IU af aaU af- 13 pjBjM ganj in wonliiii a). commar lei indapendi at by guard avpumeni win be made pe- - pi uepM In gngajg ami i totk t on umiv county Plenty of rain: mum im ef N vmir were boiler Ktmd. i n m- nee I net undai mlnlaf henta n r..i.- no- mien mitt"- nf the ditiuui novel for lha and reOJJea Home furtm nllll b raeervlnfl lo boame prod in whole itale. pluming loiider rropa .Mi orope Iun duatrt arnatw hlmuiti the erhedule be aanl it Bounty yloMtng puffer era iln fust uppnt l unit to wll Ii tin- unp'-- pom in ita tumult Chavea Wheel and win If nwot comeo eany praeeni teenty-flv- e forty buenohi the mat ki of tin ir romilrv In thi itde form from lo Acreage about uveiag pricea low. O. M. Franklin Blackleg Aggressin ruw o mult a oommodlly a woiil Second cutting of elfalle tank" uml Ileum ml light Tin- (Iron ri.ntent duty ta the only galling 1 2 gent - I t v U t il tin at Ih to fur the Toriaiu' rounlv Lot a of local na4a by tba Otlglnaturl hat to nihil hi fa ti uml propel form of pi otei I Ion mmii h In i mmuiiI it it ..ii Sin .ii'ilit: i oitipl. led ami ruunldr ruble ahnwyere Home hull damage to wheal Muii in foi Wot ii t p. .ignition g u dJ t K 01 marly . ' tha aatlun oar al Tba rapnlatiwn gaoiad by Ibis prudurt far coat, it upio-u- m " Wool n llltir 'rape, raagag uml si.h k in flnt at reaaonetil' mi in ad vi Bvery eftorl win ! Ron1 in lha nn OBpt ' iiy aa an lunuuiuiing agalMI i Hi of thi- furri nt) crope in fine gitapa to; in in mtreeia madt- ii. plnra tin' flnure ut a more bin. alr baa bata ah-- ut Ihonigb lUwii-chli- .1', "h.pi iJaaturea and llvaatocb aioel t'ntnn ounly w b a i Una NOW "1 i to null. pi iKloti adi quote le el but tight now ii cut a p.tiliit affort to datlarr P H T M ih i lenL WtuH bnabal ovei Hood Mi-i- with prlcg an-- .. 11 tfMit ti oio nun ki la t tl mi four about of: with aaek aaei ,h... Tl UR iiereeear) aea that ibe gi ind uiut-k- t foi veatia k uml yeer'a to $1 ii Crnna umi m 25 HtM.Ta a fully 'lumi'iuv plecai foi auppllea from reatrlc-Ho- lut it liveaioek Cents ha. Juatitiatl lu Praiibha'a gained m not aurrenaered by u i a In Ptaegar blojiana ouiiiiirM il v it j j nat Ho among at extellenl omlllh'ii i. wh I nenia Iba doaa affana m .hi ujiworbnBdp atyb Hi V i a i logge t; i ooat prod) 1'iiiin of hi ut thing heat per pound; bOgg rootg No nub- idvenlnea of iow of I faf Ai'H gad ALP uf duly tlrgpl ani. Ilulalgii und Hiiiiu W 1.1 Hlaablag araraall gUgg and sr All.lNtl r rvrBT wlihli muii : I A A 11 'inn atlvatitiir' ttno In nlitgtn of rrntutm- RVRhf UK wiU auabaae lu ba bta Mi III nl' giAI.HV. bag! aa vMiiiMh and iIiiom A mar lean n.iii- - ii. ttiil Ihe - del ui wun objeeted by e aeeeeoeee ewe eeeeeaeo i. n I. upon In no now n "hl'lli p ihe hiii ii m. ot0'eroooeoooef. i hui of inHnaJujfe ut nan ' ' '"i in tariff mutti iM d eatlmntaa ha Wot oiily 2la .r doaa, ggJard h laha aay rban. aa ubalaiai allg poll of entr rou hi nnt muili- in . i4abl" .r..d.o la1 loped from tin- deal re of flttem ia y ir fat low mi .i antlafa rtui mannet by auetom t.i tnlareeto dutlaa edrieiil hi!:, awawt. foo.l and ilothlntf mat rial in it wei ahown thai ilneemoel a- - tula! of Hi- Wopfai la roceteobla front inntiMi.t nfferlni trade in done upon rum tkapi: m auk oa Evr.av Hip baete ,,f eetlmaied i hls no reel Sheldon botti.b AaraeH Hotel outlet foi lha aurplua of an iibelecle preaont hybrid . .i a inn mi fun urare exlatcd The w un ouii-ii- i plan. hoHtv.-- in iiihlltmn tu no.ii Tne b Duty, ri.f t .It 1,0a tl.ia env lug an eat (mate d yield ulao requires Made Saddlei la par a iaaua a wruian fluarautaa ataliiat hat Iruai in iha i"- ol aVnedula "K." Hand lu . OaOMt t) in A 10, SO, orini woobi and prndticia of wool Ho- rnecking of the claimed value .I..''.- i.aa 4b and 00 tieaa bnltUa Hun, thereby opeultiic up wide RL PASO'S CENTER Baoa Hhi'iih ii'iiH rente red not an mui-l- Oai gpgitgi torlegw rtm Honbiai aht h ut .h I r4ai upon Hn- need "f dut ai tta gel Boy Boota igaal "i freer aai oaarool afflaa, Hint I ami tin- ham- - UPOR w hi h Tbf laded mejer abieal n le aha OF BUSINESS AND Cow It Khouhl It- vli hi i. a.j. si per cant maalmum duly pi found Will. I..r ,,, ii. it ii waa un to nbandon In tta being Mhull Inapplb nhli- in lliic. THE KANSAS BLACKLEG SERUM CO. ih- i t. in flint eatebltabad m gill nvnti-i- of ud J nnt Inn - SOCIAL ACTIVITIES s I (4 In H Mil nf i7Unit lori dnilea on manufeotured goodn s i i.s; and n.imluati-- Amanita. Tai Hauvar. Tolu Wi 1.1U, Han Me : Okiabaaaa bo h reaea wooli i.ahi 11 In th.- erhedule, an ut preaenl win E. T. AMONETT Oily ai naaaat Utlf itndei Uhl Cltw I Wa.ia Tea rfcaeaii. Am F! ran Tai nay tli ti n Ibe lolhiw it, c im it a i a- 0. ii pound aanerdleea tit titii '.'HI I MmIi. si. Iihi liiaa si uauu Maua UaUl . Marfa, Taa . Baa AiiUala, Tai aid Oalgajy. Oaa or aaaabai enael i ej ii nli Iall il wllh the iPtpomtMo1 emennl rni II N M II I'.. ... I. n. U ai HabiaiaaUtlfa. DB T, H BAUU. g laUu d laita raiiiad In the rudeitvond hill 11: Biuadvay. Albaquaitiua. B. at and NewMexicoSunday, Page & Sunday RuralUt July 34, 1921 Herald w a Editorial t f About I his lime o rear THEjMcNARY RECLAMATION ACT-SUPPO- RT IT NEW MEXICO NEEDS I M AW- - HOW CAN 60 TO bOHDAV CHODU WITH yoOR SoMDAy HOOt. f in this valley is made plain by extracts from the rlkMtMjM TO St J Mt (WT SONDAV AND i MeHary reclamation Mil hM been favorably reported and to the conditions THfcy and letters passing be tk picnic - doh't i THty'Lt. you've a part of the unfinished buttsits of the United tHates ten favorable report of the senate committee think TRK Reclamation association and ate, with a plane well forward on the senate's calendar. tween officers of the Western States service, which appear in another column of The whole wett need thtt act. which would lupplement the reclam the federal reclamation of The Herald. atton act bow oa the ttatute book, aad enable the federal this issue and to adequately protect the to forward with vtrious reclamation project pending To make assurance doubly sure fo Mexico, Senator Bursum has prepared a brief and propoood. interests of Hew MeHary bill, which has been accepted by its II am mo the great undeveloped wett need the MeHary act. amendment to the providing the terms of the act shall be the nation need it, tine the time has come when the continued author, specifically that swamp and water. logged lands development of the west will determine the prosperity of the applicable to the reclamation of close attention to the bill and has nation. Senator Bursum is giving the amendment proposed by him, Of all the western states Mew Mexico, perhaps, stands In confidence that with as to its effectiveness in meeting the greatest need of federal legislation of this kind which will permit no question oan be raised Qrande. federal aid and active cooperation in developing our water resources problems of the Rio bill, if enacted will make possible the real and in reclaiming the still considerable area that can he irrigated Briefly, then, this a productive valley here and We are steadily confronted with increasing taxes. Our eoets of Isation of the dream of reclaimed and not only destroyed land government are net excessive. They are vary low at compared the wiping out of conditions that have the safaty of the public health, of with those of other states. Our difficulty is in lack of develop values but that now threaten roent for our resources Our great need is for more property to property and of life. Those Albuquerque and New Mexico organisations which have (haro the tax burdens. Our reclamation project are huge prob considered affiliation and cooperation with the Western States Isjsm which can only be solved by stalwart assistance from the out- Reclamation association should lose no more time in completing side, snob aa only the national government can give. affiliation. Our representative in oongreii are awake to Of all sections within our state the one most in need of such that the importance of the bill. Every citiien who l.s a direct or in aid is the central Eio Grande valley tributary to Albuquerque. Mo acquaintance with a member of congress from another state region in the United States so urgently needs the legislation con- direct should use that connection to emphasise the Importance of this tained in the MeHary bill. bill to the west and to this state. Mot only the whole Rio Orande It is no more than plain selfish interest that should prompt Colorado to Texas, but the San Juan, the Peoos, the every ortisen of Mow Mexico and every citiien of Albuquerque valley, from and a dosen smaller reclamation areas have their open road to join with the Western State Reclamation association in urging Oila to realisation if this act tan be put into operation. the passage of the MeHary bill as speedily as possible and in using i; is now generally agreed that only every proper means to that end. Aa for our own valley can our problems be worked out within the There it a mistaken impression that the MeHary act is not through federal aid generation We must not permit Albuquer ,1 broad enough to include the lending of federal assistance to such lifetime of the present - we ever had to go M water-logge- Hew Mexico to lose the best chance have MO I. AW reclamation problems as that presented by the d lands que and of interest and active cooperation with the Has Ansel,- Timcn ) of the central Rio Qrande valley. This impression is due to lack forward, through lack Parables of Safed the Sage men who are working in our behalf. Tlir Mnllrul of knowledge of the terms of the hill. That the bill is applicable - llitf I lie liile t.f OfSgBM rrlWashington uliil l.lil.iu. lias lo c IMtred ii uniform" tmirtlua Ins, PARABLE OF THE PLATFORM SEAT used his metal which will be atssssed fi edopllon his life belt, sipiirmed down lo the break and BMf ami which they hope I,, make ol SCHEDULE I NEW MEXICO AND 'K' pencil as an emergency tapei piii nsilun-witl- usswaUon, nlfoini II! '1(1'. was an evening when the sun hgjd set, ami sharp nml illynrec lu foi the Tew He had the mail pin inder marrliiae K ill had had Dinner, ami I was at another pafre of this issue will be found a discussion of the new Another seconds whole aatioa are to be asslrsis, hoi and tin. our control, mill was gliding to safely the ssehtng seieesl apt be In th.- peaee Willi K.ttiiah ami with all the woihl For I ONwool tariff a contained in the Konlney bill. The article is from hamli, un whir h,.nl ,,f of earth shoes, mid put my slipper-t- . and the NhIi.iiiuI Wool Grower for July anil while it ix of particular physicians. If a toutli SMMM Have h;ol ifiiioM'd my mi Some rears ago. at Kindlay. Ohio, an oil well was being "shot." a I ccrllflrutc from u TaOMaleOf bWhJ up my coat ami I sat in a reading a to wool growem anil biiMiien directly related to the woo! meili, a) m liool interest filled intro-glyceri- was being lowered down the the Jit. inn I hefort-- anyone A long lube, with , girl new hook that wanted to read it is of l interest to every citizen of New he an ur, lo producing industry, Is Is s illHtrcHSln I. low nt Ihr Utile should ask me. saying. Mast thou read it? Mexico, because the prosperity of this state rests to a lariie extent '"suddenly the shooter" heard a rattling. A pocket of gas had ,U Of love. Aad Keturah spake unto me. saying. Is not the of explosive in upon the prosperity of the wool trowing industry ; and that prosper- opened up down in the well and was blowing tube thin the night lliat 1he have the Qrogl Meeting explode before the MOOtOf lii ihi put hum- ol we learned hy many years of experience and con- into the air. It would drop to earth and sjretit valu the Opera House in taor of the Keadjuslment ol ity rests, as have ii I. m it i t to Kuf tlM Hut wool, provisions could get away. VOOMOt nillnoiiN .f ill0IM an- the I inverse trast between a protected industry and free upon the mind, lie ovci niun So with remarkable courage and presem knell nually. H eliiiiinatiiiK Unpin mitui u( Ami I said Keturah, why art thou for taking the .loy out of tariff law covering wool l k il ,,f "Schedule K." which is that provision hole ami as the tube came out. hugged it to him and fell ovci t iiiiU pei men to wi lie even the i.i nave more milltoiift In tlot of l.ifeT wool products. The article is one Hint can understood tturlit I and There was no explosion. i ut a.-- i lul I m now. hchohl. must go wool Mad backward. truiniriK ami loptnent had forgotten that eting, and by wholly unaccustomed with the growing industry e e e fort-e- only morj those it oualit not lo Nivr A ml she Mid, Thou hast ;i I'latloiin Tiekft, and art t" sit up with the tariffs of the past ami those now proposed. presence of mind are told in nearly mil) torn. tut to impiove our air Similar stories of exceptional hy In goH- Uliil high Rod support the Cause Hneakini? ifenerallv it may lie stated without fear of contradic I or teti out!. iiIiik their every factory and in every industry makoiK pwMllil- the int.i iiuik ol And I said. I would rather sit here in a roinfortalile jftokrt New Mexico eltiaens have i MBtfftV tion that New Mexico wool growers and You recall the school hook story of the little Dutch boy who pluiien ami f, atitl tlie ami up on high MMM fiii.-ine- s than I". put on my long MMI nrriffM t'..ok.r sit piessjlStsd muter a tariff law protecting the wool growing industry, ocean, plugged it with his of MM in un to finding a hole in the dike that kept out the Vbt4Vr li Jin h H MOM in MM u( For he payeth wi ll who hath a platforW seat we suffered loss of prosperity when won! has been on ! m and that have linger and stood all night, preventing a tloou. their fer lee. ought lo rs.ult Km he must util yawn, no matter how long the meeting in. tmr of prosperity Mluii.l.ti i anu ainioum-tur- Ike (rot list We can almost write Ik history bMstMM the-- e si,, because It lake- - an 'lier .una Kun The We all like lies is wtdi'li hVOUld r in on. J t how .lull the speeches, ami he cannot slip out unnoticed, and depression in this stnt.- I. the changing national administrations to bring out the real man. inakiiiK inien tiuoK' puMlbl.' in wnet And I sidered why there are an Platform Scnis ami whv which wool was protected by a duty or was upon the fr.-- list m your body, win n it is It ii un hi to rrnOer the under The brain, that private office that controls - Kffigies una administrations the state pfOapareA peTVlee ol MltMOl tlelenne- MOM ihev tlo not till Ihein with of licrge Woahinftnii Iteii. I'nder the former, or republican by an emergency either goes dead or works like grtMM l in- confronted bf hi. INK the MM diet Arnold and other dtst mguishe.l men I the latter, or democratic administrations, the wool growing I .mi.) h IliiiiiiatoiK nder lightning eaeh MM ItKM Hut Keturah said. Now he silent, tot I know thin heart dustry suffered serious depression anil the business of the state suf mind a pinch, v.bde jsilMM nii.l p.uu thle internal in What is it that gives one man presence of in 'I I! ti kMA He eail despise ) fill seats who hath them, hut toi klloW'est fered with it. h a.lvuntaK. V another is paralyzed and helplessf AKaoet fin ny if they hail imt I n sent, ami thou hadst seen the platform filled From October. 19H until May. 1921, when the emergency tariff flies-- the .1 (CUint nth uf eoilei t HI It ti Will pfMMl with ii ihoii deeinest no wiser nor hi tter than thyself, thou sureh law was enacted by a republican congress, no duties were levied upon Who lhai the ui' HOME-MAKER- MM h.eli IfooJ eiiounll lo Will it to cre- S llll .should have noticed United States. The world war served r. CMIMtll to wool imported into the MMrsI hid ami mt M l hi- put on thy Fireless ooker and g". mid try lo look unusual conditions and to so restrict shipping as to provide for a brokM up 'I tt"iihl oat im u that Wherefore ate UK ii in Hiiltumue own m no m u rut v. - wh on wool. Market conditions other ilav tiespnmlent ifirl ,",' a, hot h th. win th nut for thai lliey want the on the platform. lime at leaat the equivalent of a tariff re Might OP1MM th-- ' liunrff lift She hilt) llliitlf II fliess of It lltlil WHIllfil to rWtiU 1i Hit' ilepartm.nt Ami I ilnl even as she said. uere abnormal, Hiirli prices were maintained So were high pro T It woul.l MM dMIMM "i WHffl tlM MportwTI MM turn reaeheil N IM MtM II II I of a good conditions were suddenly nin in. miH the pot. 1 of .te h MeUtlOl M Ami it was a g meeting, on bahalf cause duetion coats. When the abnormal war .1. untl.-- i domestic driivt'i herself of thin: MUhotilliial' I'.n merit the WILLIAM E BARTON withdrawn the bottom dropped out of the market for our fl MClefUlU f national MfcM W - if a girl is K ekiie-- many niM tiom suddenness nd violence of an explosion. Lacking Men lMik only f..r aag.ty Thv ilmi'l rim- I uiuv ..iicumi bMp. The Mollh t.llKal wools with the ihn two department Id tie- effert i.t mils in ilo wiini' with Ihf grown wools absolutely l ; v t ii NftMPM o" often. am tariff protection the market for American self risptM'tinj( iitxl h luum imiktr. that mi. h 1hk''1 M lelltMd Utrl lag i." remained with 11. n an i not pio- it) i li ceased to exist. High prodnetion costs however, Shihh. ttf hut tlnTf is far OQ imu. Ii i.f it in u HM theli .in Only tve until ChrhamM Th. ti m i umi ift m iu aat .Minr' ramal by UlKle man BmIOM month . With BO thing a hi ih . .oh. up. ndmK ptillioK a fe a Ktra iiiiiion grower and the inevitable result was disaster. k- rMtl l ami th family nf pnipaifHiiiiu that Mem in tin piTi bathing suit ami th' ft utt MUtrtJ whieh hae worke-- up "ii wool to ine . ino-n- mtln boaM to sustain it in its time o'f need the reaction of the industry MotlOM with Uhei A t Pi IMflMl Wive In thrfiitK nf a tin. ml fatastrupht' whn-- in oht a liimif K Vt i w v post war condition- - was nothing short of a catastrophe. ilame ai v.iluahh Rjgg ul I h. a .nmplele MMM hilt il a p nieavahnt lf dgMMwdwil .1 Sti must b tti friiini-n- t MVPltM w'l Thp vifw of this girl was nil twist. eontraoli l"i ii - aawrlMn offhtlahi As soon possible after its inauguration the republican admin, will wall wio Matrel will as llo- pas prOlMl JM MMWI Mtll Mlil.iiol h) Wlielt-fU- PlMi MMnnl Htie Ih' nf thoHP who Mi a hrrak thwn tif morality in ,lrtss aul r new t ist rat ion provided the emergency tariff and work upon the permanent viw Ufy nah. thai un.1. IM ai lem of m.ikliiK i uund woi i.i iuai the senate, having lim.s of m period. nnm mnl dm mn Mlgni do lh laugwi is trvniK i" am i. Hmi tariff law was begun Tins law is now before .loin- hy A few pel way t K4U out of leu t MfU cart no morr for hwiuty now than tloy .iir.-- a or work now two. clear of polltl- Thtil h Ott house last week. noiih may even objMt on the grounO open iiointi pit Iht pussed the ly y no havf al Kt It lata water. of ii riginal rordney lull as l'n t'fiiturirs iga ami fori unat. iht care lrs Thri' Ihui It In un lillpl e.'.'.lente.l Uflloli, stallj speaking the provisions MTtgt-nu- 0 ways hi'pn to pay tHbltW to nniuoil'.ty ami will bfl lor MMDi inm-t- To mieh w- mlghl re. all thai At lam tt ha-- txma ahsTOMrHl that in" are not satisfactory to wool growers MM spcnl I U In A g MNMrlM ihout contained Schedule "K" tin- th.- n win thers Wtl no MOfMM "f the ih- - woman who Thi-rt- has Imm a im down agt-- in i hoarlag i than to expect that Ik wix.l schedule will he amend tftnt, nu in ih auim t. Parai M " aataaii huit hi There is every reason - imm The hT of MM who pay trihutt- to inn MdvMf ftnd m OUT land ami ti OOr euhlnet hat h n KioviliiK MM huiN bhoaring h. aaMi stj, and possibly re written while the bill is before the senate. ttOWMkllj fOI Mppty ! tintam iii.mI.-i- v l t if for no other reason aiiU MOM yMfl Vanir Tie l'i '' tt (or iv in hightT than .I vou to ai of nny Th riaghi mm baCoi in ohi' is of the utmost Ifperfnai to New Mexico and it is IW IIUJIfMI'l a tun. o pr k. ntt hut four mat. hut .lon't matter i of iiuuiotlfsty. lourmhi tiytiK- h cion..- ih. Man Itiirsuin has elected to forego than effort to niiviti. ns til th. pivvalt'iu' tie patttnt nt ntnl.-- Icu- uiv wai ni. :o lion for the slate that Senator I l hm i k with battM MMth lunate m toMili mi. still an.) gwMI T M fit st itei in which In- is a ii. i", DrMrvd neefti Ilium) - anil WmH W participation it. the pre conwution campaign, wil ol tin nu ilk J not KpBMT AMhaMMlor jfr.-at- of IMNBM wr.-fkt- b) ilivoi.e The vast majority if th" The Itrllish rue Mhmg Ins post of duty the nuiuh.T 7 V ft uiitl. i PfMMl ui Joint ,t.. fUotloiK plM for the republican nomination, and to remain at until we ll h. battaff lluivey'H agvleo un the Jap gaatgion date th.-st- ami an- liy WUQ WOHia AjtJtiMi pOKtMfUfMl tba .juotatioii of first im of hoiios Imvf bfn irirls TH" MMfOl . il . ll hOMl what not lo ilo tariff bill is pending. There are other matters , while the tlo- on.-- h.'t bUM'i in me in untlfi Ja kmn in t!iail io- never iiulif for heauty chorus; ami every within ul-- dtMimaMnt coiinrlt congress hut undoubtedly the Km ot int.-- en UK li t iinhiiiitf New Mexico before the ually A i glvt Ifi ftirmi of women ne itnwa M portatire to ahl-etl- oi UhttM day win fatura ri is i jtn.l or were to state. A wise solution of the bintiful. ommerre la. lei f a it.Mii right lo I. In at' tariff bill is most important this iir. bMfl of M) im it New Ami it s for luck of self rcspe. t if there has ever heen a time wfeM Itei niH tht ie tulk wool schedules will determine prosperity or the lack of for aiiilinif a ttrtMi r puhin Wmi R0lf-rtlp- w AD or inoui there was nmre of in on kind, wh.n its recognition H a inert- Krotip of MM during the years immediately before ns Ian- The letuilt Has ho.lory iloes it. hMdfl, h si UiK more a thorough knowledge of the was more sternly exio t.'tl. iml tlepai tru. nt no Seek to Elevate Uumum has than M In Which We Senator We can have plenty of palience with a ilesponilent girl who looks ItlcrMM thi- op' an. tpemlHui theory of the woo! Iriff. lie has thorough llrsl hand knowledge of of his own thp.i ami I end Hi Low Eitatt- - It more to Im.t pa 111.- t Serpent From wool grower, gained through many at life through a mrsi of mmfnrlune is .lilheult lo t in ll ea hm into II The its effect upon the individual lit tHH'let) in, a of run-frn- only his will Hence for those gloomy WophHa disaster win. an nly the ruihei in medium s practical We are fortunate not in ami an of at tun of exeriei sore v instrument political fortunes to take care of them lie spots in ci iliat ion In MOh ultMllOB net- no (otnj bigness to leave his personal gtMidness am! t-- pro but he has From the heginuiug men luive eared lor hvhv th.- coordination while he attends to this important business, because ami MV)f .1 pat I selves t women I he home imik. t has always m am IomiI for the war to look out for the interests ol New hpet in Dtn WrUB shonhl not h. I.tnly ami IhOJ the knowledge and equipment im MMM inantl She is m stronger dtuuiud than ever OCfOre itml will a i ' great wool growing industry anil the to light for nl ouKhly ooniMoi Mexico's efficiency autl knowledge of the world's greatest pi n tension ndVMMM those interests. Through nil IMM mankiml from Hi to the grave has looketl with shy approval M the booilty ami the tlan- ing siren, ami there MENTAL PINCH HITTERS afii-- lias sought out his , umlisturheil h his memories of the view. would you do if you were nearly a mile above ground in an pi'OpaMl that suddenly started to fall ( Would you go to pieces him KM conaitlerntlou of thla WHAT upon lla tnerlta. ,t, In BMa yout Tin- Miakc Mi I I llgihle to Ht would your presence of mind save ggOMMfUl comliit-- nf any war la I b.- -e I lilt, r or A I iml il km.) Ragaril I to K Lieonhardt, air mail Department of ilepi ntle n I pi utiurilv upon il- rloa belli! ll lloeilleii-- . in This thrilling experience bappe li. I tcal'Ot III I mm no ami um Uhli tot affMtW. . of all lli'i tmic a l HUM pilot The ktory is going tin- rounds among aviators. aatlvttlM in me Imttad malt-a- 'it. u rm ' It. si Mil National Defense i - it i was Hying east through a terrific uin it- Magiaphlal nmi m ml.- - to MM I.., January. Leaohardt In u i Malm lad Ill-l- l 1011 lb, of 11 that I I level He was over Pennsylvania, sresting t. nt termor make .eilain Nrpti i Imi amy " internal tire 4,000 feet above sc., tin- matg upon bath amitii oi tard. fpaggjt Ihe nation rati MMj mm man lat Mg U,i- - In win. .!t'tieil in wbai ''hltattu Tribunal of Mot iher ma ken a fal He ranktsl t Allegheny mountains. I nuvy ami land fOMM in the conduct a t alli .l lb. nte. the i.tinolltlatjon uf the war ami urn fuller ami a linn man ihinuer. An t th. Nrtf. Suddenly the taper pin on the elevator control (d the plane ilepaitmentM into n national iafaata a nv gtaal war ueh s Molbei I "! he Ml - afaMggg In to been tb O mum m doubly MNMry. To S.oio mo' (hat an Ming I gig lie bn Ittti snake- imt npijtai have "' illol . In an off com-mut- oiivht I If uio-d- sheared upon b) the tit. in War auch ro orditiatl.n pi. mi d tthaaM hay I.. a hctai Mpb To rgm Iftla you would lie if you m Ko for Ihe lb. lie can Mil lieonhardt was in the same predicament as on KQvernment reoraanlxallon. to la Kin gaBM much ImI t l i Ami lltgW'IMll IH shoiiltl MM of th- In Ihe mai- alimt .i In It- steer, ng wheel broke. whit h U planning to nuhmlt In IT alue MiKfC'tinn rglaagn l" tiKhiitia oval I'be sunk.- bt- - MJ driving a ear 60 miles an hour and the il.ti-nw- POKaltlt) Not were Idrnt il.ii within IM dtiya Ita ler of aattOMl ri huis " them. III pile a s, o llil . III- - wa- - lb. lute - muimy. In which in- i Ibo-- e who flrat M I ki uu plUM In malb in of f. dtesiti Jamta) I jug pill the JhM I'or Uiiur recommendation- more fleaply iu ih.- lirataa a of dives Running wildly, like of . uii.- - bfaachM Iha atlmliiifiitiiion la l Mi a. In The mail plane broke into cries - . t r he- HUM I v name i n i renellon- .no. than .I'll III' n u in on No ultra tuiaei tat Inm no titled . tin b oiak. i.i.i' Ilmafa Mint, it shot up again Ho n dived head toward i. . oa Hi' ttuaala -- Im. ii. Ii huu I in- laaal bucking broncho, sun I. im ool tltai iio'uif. no" Hardin.' Ion iioitbiftii - I nlajtrri bomia, ii a pi lhal I s IIOVIU'M N. ..Is or ul. iMUiier- ot looiii. Ih . ailing you earth ,',i.. wu ut pragOOli tonaolnlatioii would ba of hen a man Mm cunbarUt bruin Horktd like chain lightning He unloooenod i uuhl lo Miund in the

I Automobile State News Section and NEW MEXICO RURALIST Hj) MtMb rurrtoN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1921 TlllCKK

"Thla artlvlty naturally la gratify- .veiling organlaatlou I finding M ' Biahop. what do you think of ' . I. Pershing Done in Oil ing to ua and alao alahllahra thrff conatantly eaaler to eloae oaten." anyway ? nutMtandinK farta. ' 'I think.' Rtahop Ftrenl answered "Klrat. That ottr organ ttat Ion hn vt I It! Ml nl'iMnV (hat (ha only think that n He niet-t- rptHfnerf lla full rnthtmlaam and HIhop Htent or Huffalo admlnbi-i.-r.-- g what Hod think 4 of mv ' " ON INCREASE morale and la working confidently a merited rehuke to a vlaltlng PUBLIC IS MORE SALES and hard, taking advantage of every "OOHT'H" FOR WfaMlM Kngllnb unvidlat Ihe otb r day. Unfi t wtak r eoaU flail ' TJ! al - opportunity. It n party waa at Hulfalo dinner !" villi yea 14 mm en J 'HiMonil The buying pvtbllr arc and the Kngllh novallat. after a Mnt Rat It. ri II giving gracei rtognition In the raaJ of wiitlrlimi of a fjhoekltut Pae't with jn raulrl par aim numlr ACTIVE EACH DAY 1 Mudann Kaaei rara. JMU It I ' M nrS General Business Condi- value of and If not almratt hleephemoua kind, l .aH "Third That himlneaa MM of aakd HOW gnral turned to the giirnt honoi and Mr lav lb RaraM lta...t.H tions Said to Be dlHona ate Improving. f llppantly: P..n I4ft ff BBaBBBaaaBBaaBWai W' "A "f the i ondttlnna at our Improving M" - dlatrlhutlng and dealer pnlnta Way it Ha Loosened Up tndh-nte- unmintaltatdy a mnrkd change for ihe better in tulnnaa. Is a Surprise to ' MihImuii and Ha, ail ate now-Ini- "Mudann and Kaak dealer and a d- ii (;..-..- ., o f. H lennien are finding t ha j ( All Mo 'orttai k. i m of i he are hlrfly IflMMMHw now in rara Hudanu Motoraafar enmpanv, ltriet. which will aland tip wHI and operate We bbbb9Bkbbbbbbbt aMaaaal MH m wK Thete Ih Indlrath.n lhal our rronomlralE And knowing mat No MM have KKTIt'tlT lillv JS ntukr.l MMM alea will lat our rn M d of Mildaon ami ear have alwaya rhunrH wrr noti.i in hi eulomotlw lai iir. hoMI no(d fnr(.am h perffumanr our Indiiniiv the iai week and ronfl-'- -- lit future runt fit an mi tin ll Ki 't HOIll!' 'I II HI' doing antrrnllnly. murti better limit th-- hud M.tu tMUf1 ArlUltlt-- al th- - Knril ... approved Cttei let. Hunk Kmnklln. HttioVhukri B Hh-- BaaaBBBaHaB . Economy Mmxw.1I. Ixxlgr MMl plant The Car " one of the tnuMi aniaBlnit Nn prenrrH buttery tUt'a the elliiiitlutt Whether the lUKi'M of theae p Until ' In m hi hlng normal ani In MM imatiiitjt Dial mark u the re- sult of Letter m r hnn'llalng of their 'lite olUrf IMMaMMAMWJ In hiiTlnu a car Is RM durahilll forIOWS output or lue l) the (tuuriiorlty of C my of and udir. the priKliit tf. ht A hut the faet hwPx Tlir Oterlaod - an fnitii rry The USLTord "fype'Bottery remain that the haying pwMIe lour tfaMitn fhr haa nii tip to an unlooki-- l for for iiaimlb H" leiiiiino ami eiiiptneni an- - lo Imiml h' ...... 1.". 1 ' Ol- - l"imm prh-e- 1...... :..... pri" extent fur hh the model ate hi cam huiiili-c- dollars monv The I 7 v. 1.1 f e i BBmS flBBBBBBBBa jBSS ' I'lnltOuc cam hi uneerned. . JBialCHaBl bbbI fact I hit I It will atcniire more mile-- mt gnlhms of gasolliv-nul- l st4ad .Mlnv. H iejHti-a--(JTBaVHnL jJUilfcBB (or on BBB.BlBaUaSBBBBBBBBa HofiMBBV inHv' MW bM lire-- , riii'lli'Hlly ' lias - . n uie Ford cars $28.73 While the hulng movement In not J tbnn ain r proten m nolh enhle in the Initio pi n reH"nl ill) ml Mo itiosf lltlMiriaiit of all Is Un fai't same quality m other USLs supplied ca i mat kiM (to tt uat hm t alum Int. lluil ou hit not I dim eontllliiall "iiH'klc-d- ' 'ami "dim-- algti to 29 leading automobile manufacturers. of iiiipiuvemrnt in thl dlvlaion lo r purl- - fur m pla iim in almi At (he new I'adltbic plant on This battery is built with 20 t'laik avenue approiimatel) 7.0011 I'Im- - i1urnhillt of the wr onn la iiiohi comdusl vi l pmtrn "right" men are nl work activi- 111 by i MM of Hie oblcr mmlel oprratiiMt. Tliry years of battery building ties me noticed at llti l.lrtfln and I'm knnl Ida nt a, Here is Philip A. de Laszilo, English artist, and his portrait of Gen nii' not iiiik h on i''k.. hut iliry till are dikMtulablr. experience behind it. It AnniMim new eipent tlint the cral Pershing. It is acclaimed as the best portrait ever made of haa Machine-Paste- d Date Motoi. I lie . ha i MtM d m order the general will be presented to the city of Philadelphia by for inotoiN with the Continental Mo- It (or lung life. tor (ompMiiv. ao mfltfa Unit it I n the McFadden family of that city. De Lasslo has started sittings perleM to Ktlmulate the entire of President Harding. HI V A!S OVI IU.AMI KH R NOW Other Sizes indtj-- t wan the iiUUHMnJ' Cars Ing featurri of the week The ordei OB nmde pfjg lo (he flood III Colo. for All to fot more h.ui I on.oou motor, u ratfa Ml and Mra Wall were forced laigi '! even for the wartime I , NEW STUDEBAKER to deviate the National Kistler-Overlan- .a ffm 4'd d pin. inotoi magnate nalil Trail- - route and tnke a aottlhwifj Company STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION All of the rtmlnta of the Ihirnnt route which led them through Texaa. eai Will tie till toil out h the iN'Uol' Knrn tiu MMousdoMdl alMoat im- - A M VAI(HAN. Mriuattcr and Mnxkeiton plant oi the Con-lin- paHMMlde toad, t he kuiiiIhi bei ug o 406 West Copper Ave Phone 344 nt it The tut ant will he unarm MMp Hint al tlMaa the car wan in 111 I IS North 'mirth MMMl. I'l.oM. 7JO. Albuquerque, N M. Wei( mI t he I in rant ompuny Cmji almoMt up In Ho' huha. plant, Mooie ot whith aie now near-itti- t AecoKiinK lo (hi' report from Mr totnphtlon. Wall. the hll con. lit Ion In the I otir-- i ml Owner Pilots Car From Mojaw dvaarl and thiough AriBona The motor h a Imht. tout yllmlei wen found to he a ImoMt unhearalde type, the i raiilt of i fiimlderahli Mud Tactory to Pacific Coast In fot brUM or the terrific heat, by the enclneera of the luiiant ho and Mi Wall avoided a much It Ine-t- poriite tin- MM in Elcrven Days o the deaei t oun a poMeihle i hunh at advantag adv ied hy "We had no trouhl of any kind of th" formeil) with at any linn dunnu om trip." ald MM Hl With a i of mile tti ( Muloi cord t1 Mr Wall. Thl i the third ar of en da a, a nk K Wfi II. a om i I m afld I o i are M'lng de eev pi Ho UM in. ki have owned and M(mii .ind punhaM-- l Ihe l inent ImLan.H'olK tin reliant om ha e found lo in all ea i Id ng and f i i e o u meal pUnta to tutn out the mo-o- pMilPd by hkn wile. fOVf a Ix.iad new ii'lli'K KhIK meeha tnmldiN. In toot It whh on th ha. Htndrhakei Kutit POUM fOMlMOt I otlo-- MtiakeKon HU nf MjfVlCf got from the iwo the plant fjom the factorv, white n wa pio tliak- ttlUI w HI he n- - Hiat I derided In ton Cars the working fnrr there fliic'eit, hi fTotitb rtetnl lo Uihik rtia h rounfry m my neweat It Studebaker 4,000 AngiiMt w launl and ieaeJ to doting till t'allf according to infortiMutin rift IfaaaoMl a moat eniovalde trip, even v .i t lotiilt w k el h"UM'i nddit hi rwcMvofJ b) the uofMI M"l om IhoMJfn MMV hat a rdomoi " men will lp tequned at the littl panv local diati ih nt or k u Hlud i - plant Iwkel .1 ii i.iMilt Tl HUH M.MS 4fcThe Ver ha MMM Wall h1 Offer,r Ldward Linden who Mr iioiiKtit ear through Best Has MUM) America HRRIdN The noiling to mum ftrl maile rlef nleiit In a I.mmi.immi Ihe indiHiiapoio. dudrtbutor, ami 09 ih u a hat w ag Jg pa ih'mi and lei ihe (ieneial Motor m pm .iimn. in iivcm of it whn mgda io him a' the man took plar here when a puhlli hiaUtment. gWetarvg hi will Htudehakct factory In South It. n l wa civ cmim-n- Japanaar phl Ian t return any MMte) drawn him. t'otimdeittiK thi' fart that ti h d a A Ol ndi araatnn of tin iteiiin m hen nlo. k c laim' d to be due him In hraiid new model the time tTOTd or Medicine. ileliveied to him h) the thneml Mo- ileen dayx for Ihe l.itt uuh- i m i lookad npon aa rvMarkabi tora. Th TJ MM fin I Motoi I alh g eied The Vail-Mul- l eup and (liand Compare the prices of Studebaker Cars with other t Itatn and mud wrra enoouMtarvd that thin MOVjM We tnkiil Mi I'iiii' auto naoaa may Pt Lindvn (Tli lal MineUoa for the fliat few da of the trip without - to and that tic u not entitled to it. and at time- lou nrDSjrg had I tpliiiiation makes, consider the quality of Studebaker as Mr. r l.imieii. manMJvl of ihe nidH MutM Uork in IjttihiiiK Mine lh, mid until M'. ot thm year, knd lurtnei viei pieatdent and Mrwotut of compared with the others I - and bf ' MMl 'tl Mono h. now In Ml the ei Liudi tflVMlon ol the Iluiaul Engine Trouble? Motor, Inc.. ol laim-in- In hi" iblMJMBl Mi Vci UlMMU Wh.'ii jrottr nccdi Inning or I ii i ir up linir it in Ihtp ii rrth that he w.i.h under a np tu Ctnl "111111(1 durhiR hi' punt thfM We'll t.limtll.ltr nil Hllliri tQtM Wld pill yoWf W M Hl-- ll M ai". wlil h putith d him ' epei in) t We Work Mid uompletely mm pen mi ln Tin- dbMUtc ami class nniiditimi guarantee our r net .. 'oi the th inipoia mm vii with tke n m i I r ill kanwai "fall nw Coa ion, upon a hleh he wpm lal OHM ut Your Decision Is Sure peliMitloO wa to he haHctl thl eai our ailing and i. .isin ruck. It i pf8iiein. Mi M Linden aab that III- n port i"i the rtw al yea i i huwnl a net in Mine uf IHtlnttini ioi the corpom Hon. hut the Hernial Motors claim Studebaker Be Your Choice u Will that, atlci all propel uctlon had AUTO LAUNDRY GARAGK I" ii made, the no nine wun 9!,vttt, U00. ) i i Tin Htatcim nt luttlur thHt A A El K .i ml W WILLIAMS. iprietori uudei thu luntraA't, an loi k dm Mi Vet Linden waa to MJ dallValll mIh m 424 NORTH SECOND ST lu ni'i u ua wllh i In i ompau wei MMd. F. B. I oIIowiiik a i uHiom MJrMJd to lay O. ALBUQUERQUE tin UMMMI Motoi, it b ilaiim .i. Mi v ei Lmdcn udvitm ed Ul htmm lf a i ci lain Mini ol mo ne) a ml Itotiitt u richident I'lirn H Iml'oiit of hi ac- Studebaker Light Six Touring $1535.00 tion He ftjpj notlflod Mi liufoni thai umiii the deliver of his i h k In hllli he Would UAJ the coipolatto.i Studebaker Special Six Touring $1870.00 am nionc) diuwn h him li.i'.- - il tin Motta held h the i MtMTallon ( In i orporation BOVM dulr. .i d Studebaker Bix Six Touring $2295.00 oi offen d lo d illVM 'he ntock. Mi Vi Linden iiniinlalu IL jik tin sun w in iii inn about the ntfjuwtntnni All Studebaker Curs Are Equipped Witli Cord Tirea that he hau Iouk houahi U liU of gartilMhment ha h n kMUMJ i4falniil MUM mil ted to Mi ci l4idcn In hank1' Mi Nill Ml I I II IIM K Get The Habit! Whi 'ti you consider the phenomenal sales record of Studebaker during the Tin' motor incti't first in null' out hi-- half of this year, second only to Ford in point of cars sold, it is easy for w in ti it g hi'ld ion h iIiIh Miuph Ride Indian Bicycle you to be convinced and to realize Studebaker is the best automobile MM vp t g in that killg tit r Ml it i put into pu ihr lot k liirm an Kftinyrliim nxliilaratiMg epiiii mm ol thn Sim ii altli gts mil, value on the American market today. It is going to be difficult for us to fill aie Imr agaltiMt tin nil I'h sn rmdMtof and ten not miml litiiulattiiiii ant etijiinblf neruiat if iaiis br PwIImI out ag.iill 1'iu'iiMihn'int Ii ridiiiic. rratifltiiwug thin tt(lifbtful iporl m orders during the balance of the summer. Get your order now. Demon- Hut wht-t- th Nnnt) a bod) bulldw. Ilioyt'lim dnvfiopi l6f munclen und oi MUM it i out. there iiiaun Is III. stration by appointment. pj i nough pa o ji'tiuniU lus ami yirls. kt'ppi tlii'iu mil ul doom, Imil 'Ill pouring iii i Into up si ronfj tod rugged. Ho tndlatoi 'Flo jo k uat pi oof, Qive lbtti thru ihaiinn al KoppinBi Mini' tu loWOITOw ami liiok OVOf "in loPfff twk f linliati Hi

gal yearn. 4, perarmi In Ihe four I ' IN' r ON were kllM ' gradr rrogalngi in an GAMBLE QUALITY IomoMIc lavnle TRADE Willi Cooper Co. In The Motor i if tin ii. een."" motoi r tin i ountl inn.ntn belong la peogM I4M - l.,"t" Of WhMM "' lea. 59 West Central Ave. Telephone 671-- W Tin- evdrawh BUMMMf Ol rm tvpi- ALBUQUERQUL put out hy A inn n an uuiiiu m tu ra flt In Kiirope, It thrM "WHEN BETTER VALUES ARE OFFERED, WE WILL OFFER THEM." You are reading this ad Other NOVELTY WORKS 7 people wlU read yours. Phone 321 Snlilh S ul St. I'limif V 0


u, U-UB.- . ,. , 1- i. i :rr f" - - - of life, not to be found n n where else enerally off the point of Knuth Af-- t Ail the time, moving ph Uire am- Gasoline BifFGoesUp as Tiny Ship and Baby Plane to In th' world. ne auch dlarovai y h a. It ing through S.000 mllea in nun will !e teeotdlng the areOea. ma i throw light on tin bunding of will lie explored to determine a pos- and the bab aepplan will eiplore. th1 t. .ii.i and the changva that hav sibilities of olarovery. I 'la ha have leem d tlte tafw Interest in Car Goes Down Disclose Secrets of Antarctic; paaacd over II." eeh made to meet open iu Ice packed what Hr F.mst Te eirdilton will circumnavigate Water, open or Ice rimed mania world ovei our hraria" to map out eiggdart, yewr car and I si loll MH I IIAl HI II Shacklcton's to Start South in August the rIi.Ii. neat the Koiith Pole. Leav- There will be little Inland nxpedl-Hon- Antarctic air currents MH will K. ing tnndnn, h will make rnr the but nn def p penetration la rsxnon opniu in the cylinder Hy t II H. SH. wax oraanlaimj amilher Antarctic near Maderla. ami lh-- to Hi Planned a nd for I his reaaon I he given t n u doga rawer tragi of powei. leakv v ivm" MtaV r't wrntMMlnl Inn ii Rnrka. a uti known lataml pledges will le man hauled no en vase tona aXf eimp.eag.oti He df "I'll flnanr U," itomett vnlutrered on the eaaeloi. The flial real atop being included. I'artb ular atlentUui Dodge Repairing al poea fmt.W w. ot) apart plugo or vnle and did. will he at Knulh Trinidad to explore ill tie paid tn new nr I cfcpn ntifl wean uler arret ng Oeaw. The .n. m win fiMalnad and flttad a ietrlfted forrat. and Mjiere will ie lOlnnda whose exbn n e bad '..t en ' at Is Contract Prices 4ne mr wane 4 l,irii. in atari Bh-- il An out and the "rrrw" of at lantlM. nt nt another Tristan da 'unha. the but waa doubted 1WVN - one f vWlM kmt WW or umllacoverad v explorer whci are Hh kTelon tend In the douth Allanllt which :ii' 11m the Utile it. i'm will ntslon r'nai itarrtlc. nrolled. Kveryone nboaid Ita uiail once In Ihrac yeara be dai ting uIhuiI. ohacrvUig lalands By Dodge Mechanics A lie a atop Uougtt Is- k I or me lion, mm-te- a icak uian)f.ld Mr'fii!' the In alii be on of tha wl t hare a b. The logloajiai There wltl at and lea pat while take nf a proper fuel mixture and hip. a t it w lean aod hlolotrlst will atudy hlrA. animal land. Where four diatlnrily new lypve picture camera writ all rcoi d f l ReawiiuxWr Kate the Mimlv nt fuel to eH h i h for viryhind find nMtlne on htrda nave keen found, and off lie various arenea rfMMt ordinary hi a roo-- I iye lalanda tnurhed a Til nut crarfcer nml- - to a will tlioigh island the aubmerged plateau Iturlng Hx voyage of over a year, ry(inr It raueee thin mUlf.e. In the tnlMNnd and In the The aenmalat too rale lor MOM firms ioMrwfneM to keep the tol kit. link. atudy the structure of lalanda will be explored to delet mill a pos the Quvat will lie In w Ireh as (ink h All Work i.narnnteed fc arlll ninny a 4 The castes to prevent thin It ante fcantltlr fnm H)r ship, th (jurat, tnka "To ttiv an Inland alwaya haa line ontinrtilat connection between al different times whh C0atra n wai n Kinrl mind, Hi tehatr acraiHHl when atuhhi.rn t it " io ib a and Africa rkaith Aioerba and New eatgnd In the ng1n. anal wot. - almoal a ihh kf nlltlon with itiv a sn JCrmat antd In an v he opened ar tlfht- faatlaallnfi l hft nmnrrlv gljuted Tight t'up la to tana. haen tyhtfl at Hnuih-id- a From Capetown, the oxpdltlon Ktneal dM s not think poea'ble Hint JIM REEVES Ins iwrU Hi ha interview atth the I'nltwl fraaa. g Antarctic, enlMB up bolt and owl n la ar anipinu Iiuri' hnvra, in whinm "There ta apmalhlnc rompa t and l will Into the exploring win leas touch will U" kep. With the ' in? Fifth Htieet go-- a m on - Im- daao- whleh have fell no nlilp for f0 ararld all along, though South long way toward eavlag s WITH M I t it (itu 1. could hidden Hut abnut It. no matter how aalers the TI HS Willi la Ktie Wueat will oaowaar aiottnd gaenlin ana repnlra 1 win i. i! ih r Is or her ail ahlp. iii it may la. yeara.i Thv I earn preeat . Mr I To nau re pr ipe r Wrwwr for fTom hreakinR at itaa adlea fti o k . pi tie a ml wo "Anme of the lalnmit we are anlna cylinder. wMhmii avastc. the spark thlfk with Meet ah i d IniWb. We try a a their tPlBllntili at" to vlalt. and the olhera shall lever should It n" rd fir lhal the n la t h. W a "crew" uf ntklccn in locale, will have their hlatiwy wrlt-- t poesthi.- without ulK iwiHitnl tun no "sfuha." for I he n only on rocka and Ihelr life -- be ar tura1 ,k the Th- - par plug jape howo in name nd " '" u" only wanty plant mm tho iu4 hvl dlaplayed In h I' lion aa th- nut im ni aru all lo in and animal exlatanr-- W'e may find muat 1" turned i Im ml tin k ie Nhi a connexion lietween anme or theae tighten It up. Tltwia will hu alao the la.h Arm lalanda and the near eat continent. We atalann, eapaetally conairiMtfd for ma come on purely indlKenoua forma a mixture ae pMAfbto thaiffrnjlln loaaa paver or lh- KadP- - out climate aaarC and intended to 11 . - explore unknown Antarctic air w inTriw. i a tf, Mora while the men down below Used Parts motor vohldva Auto than i.i"(.ft ir In tha I'ntted Htataa are o ned t amajlat ml laM " naj the on-- Cleneral llcpatrlna Alwaya tipen faraaara. fni n MMiaihie continent ATTENTION DEALERS AND OWNERS Thre hundred different tf f nf ii'iim eiton utw i a monr aliledaM war hetn Kin It k Ai ici I. lylnc ("landa llll. . W (to w typaa and animala HydrauUr hrakaa on all four .ii.. iioaalhlu lr n aa to the , I - We can save you 25' to 75' on part replacements. At present m mi Inhnhl- Used w Ita Cars hi eta are .nlpiiv nt htal ..I it tf th la e 1 B fr tan if alltomo! 11 a we have a big assortment of parts from different make cars wlph.r In rutnWr tlr-- ln raa N Hlr Ktneat'a eipedltlnn owra their hHnli-.-n- a, anM pariiln vuiian- atari lo a walk Kir Krneat look. lie For Sale or Trade Overlands, Studebakers, Dodges Maxwells, Saxons, Oaklands, Ml ion was walklutt in l.onilon n weal i nn. pnaatng The nre only annul S1 prUwtelv wlnn hf waa hailed from a I od MtMplt'h Oldsmobiles, Fords, E. M. F. s, II- recnnlRcd Mn Grants, Chevrolet, Overland nwneil autuntitlloa In lt motor car turned and overhauled, seal rovera. boyhood achnol friend. John Q. nhnck ahanrhern, reiwlnted. "75," etc. Our stock grows bigger each week, and the variety of point In the where " Th ll i at luu tylindar ear wa itowtti tti'iiHeniHti, uiuiei audialtlu or tltta Imraaln dmi hon accumulate and tauara iu.i ni.t'i it I'oi.i 1)1 l crib iNida-- Hnadatrr, excellent parts greater because waste. InTeatutatioii ahoava Inn aw-- mm nm a review of each other t condition 4M la Junked after running so.nno mile Hlr Krm-a- ohiMhI that h adltlaa- Touring . alx rord Urea. i u a t overhauled. WE ARE ALWAYS TEARING EM UP AND Griffith at Home modi x.'.Hon lien Heed Wagon $ I SELLING THE PARTS" Bulrk Four t taa) Model N Mupmohllr. lerently We will make allowances on your old parts. Bosch I ligh Tension fpr?r;. JHjitll 9aaaaaBa1 loiiluiulod . I Ml Oakland Four, e&cellent con Magnetos, Ignitions, Motor Driven Horns, Starters and Genera- dition, new lop and paint I I.Z.1 Kord ttpeedater, a genuine tors, Carburetors from Schoblors to Rayfields, new Ford Wheels. liargaln IS. 92n t'handler touring car. Stock of parts and accessories too numerous to list. We take or- runa like new ... 91,100 ders for used tires. No n r i.n"hln of t"' Wo are In tin market for mhim' J i iii ay caali andan to din I tula kind of nrd "ill and MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION 'l't)lM II li,"iid tn thul It ilrtie etn In. can ta tllltd i unlit aVrircd, li; Ins of a lllSsil controls II. i l Mcintosh Albuquerque Auto Wrecking Co. fl .ii.ii- lifl 613 515 West Central MALLETTE AND HOBBS Phone 645 Til" llll- - It l Tl l ML Auto Co. Tall ilia u t citlral i ti Av.ltt riitaturid A' (hi tin Kanalr rrttla trad rwta raaiularlv Ohio In ! ' aafaVird :.olt vahlrlaa motor layara of A tool ba rompoaod of drajarvra ta tha lataatt for mntnrlala Idahi far ran now ha with a ' tachahl,- Oil Ui iSialna to krri Ihrni fi..m grltlnc ruatjr k Im. Hla aji'tlHIIO. mat In Cost Cost, the tli- - ahjo nf lb' rar First and traji'prd lo After lr ' Til rldnn If " an a adltl"l.l U 11 "t '"r" "pra'n,!- "I -- " '"" p World's Motor Value Iiulil Ainail-ca- aiiloiol.llilrft thr"' by Ilia Greatest Car axH"1ltlonarv ffrrna 'i i." Uluwouta li avol'lln i"lu anda mamulnltw full an i. waaurr tiinanachuy la Ihr Navajo word toi autjmohllr. It mi'im oa a rhUK " wagon thai with . Mori- than miraona alti-nd- 4 London' J.oa'Honiohllr abw l"1" . Tfar I'T.wnt iyv oi imci.i.. .kAAirr.tili nt Arthur CU iffilri fnundnr nf Sinn Fein. anaitcd u Hi latmduoad or Ml.'baU" to Itll at his home in Ireland, following hia release from prison by the now, world over, Kins Alli-r- t "f llrlKiniii la lrn The Cadillac has always stood, and stands the U to take part in peace negotiations. his niaantflrrnt lowrlng ba ha British in a class all its own. naad hy lhl aodsg lourVt A n.i'.-- iiilmlai radial"! Ii mada - ap of I. nst ha of flriibH- In Kurope England especially no otlief American car la evet Atltiinmldla fual U now tMlns lro. mentioned, or even connidered, In comparison with the dims II triim 'ainri'ia nnu'i Enjoy Your Camping Trip mobile uae nearly 1 p Cadillac. t produced In thi TAKK A PRB8T-- 0 LITE CAMP AA 1'ae new tube In new tlrea. (A And in America, you know the overwhelming preference In . as- .- I, affOVX ALONG ONLY Ja.UU hy non-own- uaa of the hiaftea taareia lb which It is held owner and alike. Mil fm tlrea aaaoiine ana ami r will I. nil you a Preal O Lite ius Tank ieTf - nc thoiuwnd iwaaasup a.uoine- com- btlea re owned by American cltlee. And yet, strangely enough, those cars which strive for Ttchten the nula on the taia about It makes camp cooking a pleasure. The Uau Tank also solves with the Cadillac have always heen, and are now, m - n mom ii parison Viat wttanavftt iioaaild.' lo aave the lighting problem by giving perfect illumination. higher in price. laa brakea. Tr rirat inHor irtira wm - to tiau. heay amino in riaio So there is a rfoufrle sense a greater and a lesser sense In a runnniK Indicate a mlaalns apark which the Cadillac is clearly the most notahle motor car value Test the clutch fur slipping when MORROW AUTO COMPANY in the world today. Breaks Record The greater value of the Cadillac on which its reputation PKI-..- I LI I I . s DISTRIBU'IOKS O rests Is Its superior performance, and that immunity from Aaa PRODUCTS the need of constant tinkering, adjustment, overhauling and Storage Batteries, Oas Tanks and Appliances repair which renders it unique among motor cars in economy. ai:i West Silver Ave. Phone J This Is the true value-tes- t heside which the lower first price the Cadillac owner enjoys is of little or no consequence. Nevertheless, It Is pleasant for the Cadillac owner to know that In first cost, as well as after cost, he enjoys the greatest Speeder and Roadster motor car value In the world today. Made-to-Orde- r riiaamn II7M Touring I .it R.'.d.ipr ii' Bodies Vlrtnrls 4MB Sulmthan MM l"n Mmugham - 56M Sadan 4)S Llmmntne Imparlal I Itrtourtnr laM P 0 Dwra.i War h.."-- ''lie Ijcat iiiutfi ialt., and our many years experience in tliis line enable us to blUjd auto bocUet tbat possess Quality, Durabil- NEW MEXICO MOTOR CORPORATION ity and Style. i vi r. DIHTRIHI'TOBH We will be glad to haUalish you witli plana 517 Went Central Ave Phone 748 lRl .sssntv a and estimates. Call us up,

I ni. .11 ,iii Hlrarli. a.lalnr mmu.1.1 ! t.i. i Ha world luiuo Hopper Body Works ar .11 fan l,w- Iat a.. iiIwmw. .'r C 1 . r. UhwIX Ida luTw l. law M.,, nrlirliil a t.Mlal. Tliu" 702 South Second St. Phone 551-- aaianlai'd u Ala r It- II. AD as 113 stws. LLAC H. a. r. -- !'. I a la,.o. (., I g nHfulhm .' atlll aianda aa inTI. THE ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. EEW MEXTOO, SUNDAY, JULY 34. !WI

SMUTS KNOWS BOTH SIDES! - MAN WHO B MAKINO nl BRITISH IRISH PEACE HAS BEEN THERE HIMSELF' toBBBBBBB UlNIMiN. July II Al tlii. Irlah Uma la ab'tcrd by Mia. Hmula. a plain I.t , , i, I'.iiiiionti h c wife o( S S 1'iiti bom Wlvea hiKb E E X TiiiTfr ii ii Hrltbth tlbnii"'l In Htolb Afrla rinitra arnr aat, every ev In - nrvrr mil art in lo flntl Win. SiiiiiIk u4 on ;.,..., Jn .'hilatlan lit hitnii Hinjti. premier uf thv Tnlon or Viuuta a wide raaca of Infor- rioufh Air,. . mation nnd a firm e;ranp of world If the ronfo retire dunfdii in problrma. Ilr a nt raae In In u k t. iwni-- tu It Will be Aiik'iIimii onitiltutlonal aovern-mcn- t How to Choose a Motor Car HnnitH claar-lca- fKii.rni that Ireland and tM innl l (lrrrk literature, BriliHh emj wllj have i h thank. Ihr l'pp M!ceian quaatlon ani Iba All Us And Nonir are talkltiK mi limul v Off lilt rut inetbnilM of Intcnab fill in Ink Do you ehooM an automobilt advantages cannot ba making him premlar uf (hint BrM The Mouth Alt flat, la seen in de- In ainati merely by Us looks? the new car. Many t oinp.i ti iv r. Minn to hi lb deter- vice which provide longer Tltr Hnulh African premier ran He via i.oi ii oh a fami within AppcaraacM alone often for timVti-Un- thr viewpoint of V All in a of t 'aprtowa. tfonih Africa. mine the choice. wear or for taking p wear at no Vilent antt Hie Irlnh t Mhit..nlata. ntlt rtmuta waa I J. hla - ouiir auto- expense Hr ium- than 2 ycara nmi he only taabeia crc fowla nnd tattle But the way to judge an are not conspicuous. wan h tr iiliitlttniMt hliii-- i ir. Il wa- M apfiit .1 .11 nu a.fMtv mobile a by what it and rival oan Throughout the Essex are a ItHiirr in Ibc Hoar war and it wu oi.wa, aboap and In.iin found such assure throtiith no fault ol Inn lhat ihu wti t m t he on; nih African farm. are doing after a year' hard ler just items that enrtl in n Htitiah victory v blob waa not nun h differ nl mil rice. a longer, more satisfactory ser- Href Ottarr Mdk tile rancher, of t hr w rate in nlled ha vice. And ha la aquaJla abli to Uiwlaa Mtatta, Hniutt binned to prrpnii' hla So the ihowroom view and nfar.d ll.r viewpoint of t.lnyd Ilium own maul ovei an opt n camp fire demonstration we can give you That is why so many owners and ihtute hu wani lu keep luc Al thr iikc ..f 12 be aUrlid hla you of BrltlMh rinplrt Intact elemcatiiry edm ut t.a. can not reveal the long enduraaoe tell perfect! y running ears HrauM inre tin- defeat .f the Thai fin I,, ail. job d Vutoil'i you get in the Essex. after twenty or thirty thousand Bow. HhiiHh lint been u ataunrr. oil,,,. K'tn llrnhoaam. H.iah Africa. miles of) service. is ni U m il Tli Unit nnd often w aa ariolti i ' fth n Bcholni rthln It fart'N tlf But from scores of di that II h ihe exception f which peitnliit 'l hla tu enb r ( e not thai they have an hla own mint i Hmith Africa hf unUeraii Knffland. owners you will learn uncsua'ly good Essex, Iota i hr ttriiiah empire mom than Ills I nrl .ilh.i what Essex means in FAVORITE Or anything elaa in tin world. Omhridiri ho ttok the lilKhcat IB CARS but th at every Essex is wby every That'a nbearver there ho nor a In law n ml i etut n d to t"a pc reliable service, in low so different from other aays that Hmutw i tin i nat at w n to ntatt heal praetlrt coat, free- s on" t operating in n.. rlM "lUi u ceT lntMiirdini aettle thi h ranaia He aun lir unauc - .f and Jtn.i n..t.. l cars its class that it IhHev dom repairs. Jl rn Itt itnin ml ti ilanrl apent hla apnre time artltlnu for hoth bWjbbbbk &mm from tag In .Mcwer,.. ay rightfhilly holds its f over a peare aitt mont th KnaMah loiirli Ktfiith Afiiean ku m Sftnr ttt iv n M5 title as win not hr nrw thins for Hmutu nrwapapera Our demonstration It U Ih. r.atMt uf IS "The Urn n pailful ami riprrU'neofj po- Tln-- nttor-pr- y 2 1 itt he hjih appoltilad alati n.v. i.'t Hi ...I modrirste priced, eco litical engineer will shew performance r.r will 1). .n f -- i abS for thr Ttunavanl rpublta, .o will lk nominacal light weight lit ftrat niK political arhlei cntent Tba llorr war bioka nut Hmtita of a character no sim- n..t. aa hi helped to III. nt to Srlr-In- Ulirn t ntrrr.l the Mori neiwi- mnl flliht. I mytjtgm In nan.i ear with costly car per- arid. the varlnua Honth ATilran blUortj Mrltlaii hnin hn ilarly priced car will IS . ! inl.r lb I aaainat the formance and reliabii- - ataU Into Ihr ninti of Koiilh At ponaldarrd an aagt eaaora. Ibufuro tbr undertake. MiMt p.r ..ii lea Htoartly aftrr Ihr Morr war. enrteH he waa I So nn - 'I'll- war flven auprenir not vbnl llr itjvr r4 aftrr tn' Wnrld wai. ha . ohiinnnd of rcpnlilii an d iph-- thr forces greater de- ronipil' lh' pi in that are ihr Aftrr the Miliirh trlnniph h- - .1 But the Would any similarly fniiadtiti'-- of Ihr prrwnl lralie of ly in ' opt d Miltiah rule and grows as month IIKI IT rHISHOI.K. pi,4 cod car be as Ah fluna light It y desir nailon. a tratlinvnlal to h.n hlmarlf into Mriiixb Mirvti.(. nn i.'. Holmrhnn Co Work, ear month you learn I I. Dkln. a'ffle ihr Tal ratal hip of hi ho bad nppotiMl hu after after a year's the It niriir of natlmiN wm offat Ifritlxh a few month bafnra. Essex reliability. him i In to In l!nt hr w in appoint, d colonial ( I. I'M 'TH. With ripiMl . .if. (irnrral Hmul' Ktrrrinry of Uaf Trananal J ran " a try a lawn in. ooafl In Ihr World war hr drove the made thr a nrmunfi'inrnf. "Vh y evi- In m tiuna nnd tie toaethcr with a aaoal, an army, rat-t- a oommand trnd QermaJia from Afrb-a- dence that i h- y atrinf. t rantr a It . ttt y, with Htl autotnobllo mduati py lfejtardbiK Ireland. Kmutn aaya: hap l n In tain rltht to Uic ttt la of one Tit- Lauderbaugh Motor Co. lit laad 'lofk Iharaluro thr "Irrhind la the i nae a The autotnoldle i.boia waa held fP of firk aoul of nr orinincl. dehiitr in pairninrn4 or w hi. b hii" i M i iircd. Armrit.rH Kreiitt tnl uati let. and In New rprfc in 900. traat Blrh rattle. I ranrni - - to a rronp of that lh- aplrlt of poaaltniHin which and GOLD AVE. Ii'IkIi to fbtflolinc nold 4 a prnllon FIFTH PHONE 855 flit' priirrmakrr rrfera Uona wbb h ban aolvad nil Ha potltl-a- l wan prwat-t- in for ronta hi iiip If mr "hrat man In aoma quart era did In ISO. ihr hutt pioblema In ihr puat and whlrh not Cptth fully rtoulh Africa " ho la h- repraaanl tin aantitnial Thrrr la ' n pal. of hoKIiik her Ii mil lea, of tip called "Jannlr." pul ln upon whom tin itulua. Ncnrly f. fliid uaed lie,1 try dapenda it atilotnoioh air Will) noil i Anita I. for autre or a.mi- - by ntnto orfb litis for public welfare lately rn... ui. the . t of th Take, "Want" Out of Ada By or I The Herald the Want GIVING RESULTS Tlioiinh niii h birth, hr lack" Buick Delived iraaaporiailoii na Ui or thr country, Ihr hravlnrHH of trni'rrim,nl anH 'The fatt thnt nenrW t )!, Mubk a4ol'li. fhit it rr ihu t into- ol 13,759 Autos to tara writ i lai.-.- in Ihi h .nt of thr Teuton II la Hrhl own. i In the or June trmuld tn. n' witty, Intrlln tunl. h litlh- Ownert in not bo rpgareli ,1 m aatoundlnp or cyncnl June hrnoiutnal tnntrnd tit. flpun nkp It thr lilnntphft of Ma nlalnc bo tnlvipit ti d ii u r detnttb matiMhip. hr a not pnllllralh nml'l Wftirto that trftrrt thf oration irf lh. lonrfaftcA ol ih. o. r.iM ttotp Mr m iik for hr ,k t.f aim pniiniuiH. ul Lba i on I Sut.--. in chl in u li ...I in i u i, .. i aatvliia nnd beqanw It' trail hat al MOrl one nf (ft, Ktenrr.-- l Indn tfrh wnnl lied n M' f rmir '. pohln lodat bw thr foliirr Ihr Hrlttah rni niin m plra h Ihr Mm. k M..op t tmian Th in t ii n ii in Mr 1ien-,- plainly When gftfna; toOW Iba I lni n I hr month of IllM aboo i i 'iid on hr aa him pic rtvll-ia- lUat aat l3.7t.Ti Hunk aiitumoh. Ie iohra rat bar thun ihr raaa4nav aajn iollvnrod mt. ihe handa or of a iititiah Uotttoaanl gaaarai, wblob aaypom AH lhaag r hu cyl ,, ba - pi i ib . t i o aaai lnlr l Ino.b Ik. tl.. (l r, ,lUl II im fava4fM dlvtpalon la rcadlnc In J.t'Jl. lo $.-- hi" wall atacbarl libra o at hu aVutp Tin kii arare oanpttad worn Afrb n hroc Whan hr I win Rlan rrpitita re . f .,m t.M., v ( m ), to hin oountry all thr aorvlro ba - n. nil salt rib at of m die rountrj and ha will ratlrr to tba tiiiict of bia to. Uuj ropraaani m tbr aioal cun vinelap Uta ha lalta friando, wav the piiNitlon witch Mil ha tei ' lar la known n tlrrieaa woikrr In Ihr immla uf tin bpylnp p. lb mifm 11 Kidtn morning tn niKhi be wadaa be PACK l3PilSS9 . of nffb lai documanta, siill If iiulhnu Big IMBIM, lr ,li 1,1 MlMMH AID thi" atukt linu lnn..p report bl mi confidrntbtl dlanatrbr ami "Komon hat kh that ihe uto int.. tlinuM ! rnMml in kwp n a baduatry waa Ibroaipli in - He i a rely taken a lmlbla and aiobiia mi "MMiiMtn. pi in iM. i t blit i. thi-a- irw ni1lo nrver. tutuU derlaively Hlt Hllh lllC (IlINt ,111- t ll.,t. Hnnta BDMOra aortal lib' llta e in a r i on I nu ." aaitl n. T. i iii tiHir imi rnt up " fnnr- - iHtrnnc panaral ntU-- in aquvrM of rapUoaia and othr man;irei who nl ii ,i u iii.l II , n y '3

NEW PRICES ON Packard Vehicles Delivered in New Mexico V Mid I'rii p Niw Triro Twin Six Touring $8300 Twia-Si- Phaeton t .,.ii..imi $6300 Twin Six KiimhImhiI .afifiOO , $6300 Twin-Si- x Duplex-Coup- e i i ;,.AB750 $7150 Twin-Si- Duplex gsdnsi $:msmi $7360 Twin-Si- x Wmeusine nm ,. ..h:hmi j. $7300 'l'in Six Chmtsis ,....$5750 '' $M60 smpii Six Touring ' $3300 Single-Si- x Besaahiiesl , $3300 Binsjlc-8i- x Coupe i" $4net) Hiiufte-Si- x Swisa najea IMi $4,126 Single Six C hawtis ., $3800 Packard Truck Chassis, Model "E," Solid Tires. Btae EC astasias at shon intl w .iu..u $3860 Slat Ki' I.'iiir wheel bges . . $4I'.'5 $3036 Si. ID Maori wl I laxo IIIHKI $4660 Bise Kit I ir wheel base ..$4076 $4419 Rix W Bhorl whaal uiih $S1il0 $6060 Siat IF Ixntg wtavt ban ,...$$175 $6126 Pneumatic Tires. Bias K lard wheel baa , $asSS $4366 IX Lasj wheel haai $aN0 $4440 Why Boys Go Wrong ROLAND SAUER & CO. Nine times out of ten what we call "bail hnvs" are those whose natural boy energy isn't given a helpful DISTRIBUTORS outlet. AlbtKucrquc, New Mexico The "good boy" is the contented boy, and the con- CASSELL MOTOR CO. tented boy is the one whose mind and muscle are DEAI R3 constantly occupied. SANTA f N. M. Your boy's standing with you and your neighbors lies in your hands. To make it to be proud of. let him CLsk (he man who awns one RIDE A LIBERTY BICYCLE THE EXCHANGE mm f. I., and E. Li McSPADDEN, Praprieton 120 West Gold Phone 1111 TBI ALBUQtrKBQUR flOVDAT HBKALD. AIJtOQOERQUK, JfBW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 34. 1021 The Week in the Sunshine State IklaWliMtji ii to ll.c lUllroaal. chl'dren. Mr. McNaMy waa one of stockholders and orflters of the Kills WILL III: KIDS KABM1NOTOK The preliminary rtoawells leading cltisena. mines west of there- MACON, Finnic Madame HERALD WANT AD TAKERS' my BILL APPLICABLE TO su rvey has been finished, and It le Beer flsaanlsig i . c-- - led, the grand march at it rumored that work Will be stsrted af inno Roard. lolling of the Bureka Oil aaaocto-tio- Arc thtirotiojjily UftaMd ml writers past on a line l. here In honor of her month branch of tne CP A new board of direc- If go flrMinr, ByJfJ Denver and lllo Orande railroad, tor has been elected for the local near Reton haa been resumed hwthday. Madame Pirfaitt. you ihcy glHtlly CENTRAL VALLEY froan Ihi range. Cohv. to Oa llu p, by rommrree, A new casing has been put a?, and MwTisienr- Cuepot, Di, were hkkik! you iii gti RIO GRANDE chamber of with Ihe to t nag your i way of rnrmlngton. that thla board will en- In. Phe well down 1.440 feet. among he trnttert large the directorate to 11 mem be is Large lane? Hale. ths other ets to be elected later. The ! RECLAMATION CHIEF ASSERTS CLAYTON- - More than 11.010 acrea new board Is made up of C. t'ottnn, : of state land were auctioned off hero O W Curtis Horace Moses. T ft. at price ranging from five dollar to Purdy and Rollle. lift per acre The largest a!e was I. to John Marrow, who bought leaving Itainei. Rapliaa In Affirmative SfXttiAc Inquiry aa to Reclamation of WaUr i.all Heeanted at k acrea. RATON Paving Logged Laadi; Senator Barium Offer Amendment Which Bpe ha bean resumed thargvd With Nore Mealing. on First street after a delay of several dAoally Applies Pioriaiong of Proposed Law to Need of Thu gl o Mlnoja week a After a little more than a FORT Anton. haae laid, valley. and Aexuetln Rael have been ar- block of concrete had been by of Ouadalupe the work waa held up bscauaa of rested the aherlfr lack of material. It Is espected now lm county stealing. The Impression that the term of Ths bill designed to accomplish for alleged horse that work can continue without In th ateNen Mil are t,,t the folioB-in- nurnaaaa: terruatloilt aoplkwbla to the water loggea land First. Oreatly - sugmsnt the It mi ml l it at Ixsgan. IXbTJAN will ho a round up or the frntm' mo franie aney small amount of m nrv which to no There To Move Rental MeeHlnga. Irnvrrfcl. in the opinion of A. F available for the reclamation of land held here on July 29 end 10. The la. by Irrigation. will be a room program includes fancy rldine. I.OVIRA revival meeting will be lai dlrectm of the rtHlarI rocla This start I on July 14. under the direc- matte eervice. who hoMa In a recent pllalied through the sale of bonds of broncho busting and other western irrigation dfcslrieta whose validity sperta tion of evangelist who will be ent letter droMnr norlflrallr with the hy of Naaarene. t nob I em or Albuquerque district has been judicially eatabltohe.1. hare the Church the r.Mit-- , i no reason why To secretary of the In- Flood Passaged. thnt "ihrir the enable the dam-ige- New '1 HCMNKR High water Read of Hatch 'tank i "j" i could not bo ' '"i" I un- - terior to commence and complete FORT rr tne Mrarv Mil, if enacted " projects, the secretary at the treasury the flood gates and dsm serosa HATCH At a meeting of the In ardor that there might bo n fa authorised and directed to trarvater ths Pecos river here to the eatent of the Bank of Hatch, the pfMMihlMt) of (iNtstlnn ft to the ap from time to time to tba credit of of ItO.OOO snd hss cut off ths IrrV dlrsctors of tha bank elected Pat pikabtllty of the sCrNary art to the the reclamation fund an aggregate gallon works 'smpbel) bb preBtdent snd Frank of the III frsnd In NOW e mount not to eiceod leerrnn vice president. P. F Camp- Mr!ro .Senator tlursuro haa offered with a limitation of lia.see.eao ror "...ii r ut Sella T. . T. bell being elected to flit the vacancy an ejeenasaeat which baa Urn ae the first year. III.08S the aecond tlALLI'l More than 200 oftrt tons of In. J. K. Boner, who has been opted hy the Buihor of the hiii aa year, til fgft.aea the third year, and of T N T. which were shipped here president of this Institution since Its rt neatly providing that the term or each succeeding year for a period of bv the nrm ut during the war organisation, lit Bonar to leaving - !! torge ths act aha II bo applicable to iwinp threo years a sum not to esreed 110 are being sold largely fur read work hortly to take charge of a ana water loggia una and irrigated Mailt. In mountain districts. hospital In Msxiro. Frank Herron or 30 bill pro succeeds Pet Campbell as vice presi- lanes in nreit adequate drainage At the end of veare the Coanty. The N w Me tlco eon tor haa been vides there shall be transferred from few Hrhotla for Sandoval dent Frank Hereon haa aerved as a eau red that no object Ion will bo the proceeds of the reclamation rund .1 - Handoval county secretary and director of tha bank retard to hie amendment, arhtch srislng from the aale of district bond will build four new schooto In the since Ita orgkntaatlon. would mahr the federal aid provided ta the treasury of he Cnlted Htatee northwestern part of the county. McXary bit) annually tne mn Those schools have been made nec IHrnf'fOr Meetrsl. for in the available ror ila.eoe.eao until torge or ovary form of reclamation project In advanced ahall have been fully paid. essary hy ihe number settler. Tl'CfMOARI The board of direc- thlB at to. By specif yina the maximum month from Tctas. who hove come to tors of thr chamber of commerce at How Mi A err Hill Affects ! amount of monev that la to he ad the region lately. their regular meeting elected W Following a vlalt to Alboqusrqoc vanced unt or the rederat treaaury Handuaky. Clovto no t1ab to Hold Msich. Corn president, snd Oscar Success Is A Simn t to recently Mr f: I. Blaine, chairman during each of these years, the ob aecretary following tne election tne 4 "f the loglelatlre committee of tee ligation or the aovernment Is clearly CI.OVIK In order to stimulate In road and bridge queetlnn for the lU'eatem fttatea Reclamation aasorla-Uob- . defined, white the foundation of a terest In shoot nc the gun club here county waa a live topic Work on d I red ad a letter to the federal constructive program can be will have a competition on July It. the Revuelto bridge was reported to the Man "Who VVbuld Not Save ror ta ma t ion service aek lag the ape to all Hlx prises win tx eiven have commenced This - the fark rifle question whether or not the He ond Future reclamation pro to the six highest scores In earh Trail bridge that washed away dur Mr Vary act would be applicable to jects under the bill ahall be initiated event, snd there will be om? prise ing the heavy rains in June, work the ao I ut ion of the Irrigation and by duly organised district In In each event for the lowest score on this bridge will be rushed witn an drainage p rob to me eiiatlng In thla with the aec rotary of the In sv tillable dispatch. The bridge The man who refuses to see the wisdom of sa ing con- valley. Thla inter follows: terior. Before such en. operation Boy flora to Reform Hchool. across the Plata largo on the Quay "June It. 1111 ahall he extended, the landowners CI.OVIK Plummett Merrill. It- - road to the next p ect in which the scientiously is as near success as the two poles, if he thinks "Mr. Morris BUn Aaalatam PI rector who deslrs their land reclaimed shall year old hey. who wa sentenced to hamber of commerce will Interest noclamatlon Service, Waahlngton. organise a diat r let under at ate lawn serve one year when convicted of Itself. Committee were appointed to that it takes a lifetime to get a little of this earth's good he n. c Into a corporation having full taxing breaking into a local hardware store, Mania Fe to take up the matter of My Dear Mr. Blen. power. haa been taken to the reform school. funds for this work with the state is also mistaken. As I knew that you era familiar Third. All future reclamation pro highway department with the preaent reclamation law and ject, daidertaken In virtue Of this Tour44 Travel Heavy. the prorial aeat of the MrNary Hmtfh legtalatlon are placed on an Interest - CLOV tourist travel Killed by Lightning. It's true that it requires many years for an oak tree to at- hill which la now before rongreaa. paying oaala it la thought umlei Is now heavier than at any oxner KILVER CIT John J. Hyatt. full may I have your opinion concerning existing conditions the government In the .llva hloorv Oarages Luna county atockman, ws killed by tain its growth but it finally becomes a great tree. the following tate of facta: should not bo called upon to supply and free camp ground srs crowded lightning tost Hunday evening while "In the It to valley, funds to continue work of ini char- most riding over the range be- You cannot see it grow but nevertheless it grows. It may Orande above as if In of the lime. horsehsek and below Albuquerque, thorp la A acter without interest, has tween the Flnridaa and the old Fort large logged the past . because the money la di- To Teach President' Children. take some little time to save a thousand dollars, hut it can amount of water hind rectly advanced the treaaury to dimming. Roth rider and horse whlrh la the result of eireaatvo uaa from Cl.rVIJ Mr itoren'-- I'olemati were killed. A search was begun for or irrigation water, bolag no the reclamation fund and doe not be accomplished by saving systematically. there accrue of public at one lime assistsnt in ths poetofflre him when he failed to return Bundav tralnaga. la a uae from the sale lands I There irry limited and from other aourcea here, has been selected Sa pi Ivate nlght and hi body was found. He of tba water togged land. It teeeher for the children of the presi survived by a widow and twin daugh- however, afford aome paaturage and Fou rt h. The money provided by dent of Cuba here and there are aome fields whore this measure cannot be used until ters. a the water table le sufficiently below district shall file petition with Hon of las Vega Mayor Rfce. Prospector I Viand Israr. the aurface of the ground aa to per- the secretary of the Interior, accom F. mapa nr LAM YF.flAH Hrrin Blood, son 0ILVKR CITY Denny M- Wil- mit fairly oiicreeafnl cultlvstion. The panied by showing the lend F. Blood, died last Hmjurdav water haa brought the district together with plans, es- of liam, old time prospector snd miner ST to the SO SiTaVGBs aurface of afternoon at the age of years. MR the ground whtta alkan. timates and description of the pro- of Grant county, waa found dead in constructed, pay near Bayard station. n "In cloee proximity to this water ject to he and the Sprliurcr I I bear y Opens. his shack or one-ha- OS years old a of logged land there la a large amount ment or tne eMlmatcd op waa and natho coat of the preliminary n oetlcatlon HPItlNCKR The library was Ireland. was due to natutsl of arid land susceptible of reclama- ened here Friday night In th new leth tion. A drainage of the present Thereafter. If the secretary of the causes, a coroner's Jury found. Interior behries the project is fea Community Hue. There was a swamped land would permit a targe progriwn nnd dancing were of sible for reclamation and settlement. f'ltisens eminent Hairy for Denting. amount water to flow into Is asked to donste books to the library Bigtte I that the district duly authorised DKMINO- - The establishment of a dam understand entei Into a contract with the there la plenty of storage on the Fair Hate-- . government dairy farm that will be upper Cnited Stales, that the validity of the CUrton 3.000 head of tuberculin !!s Orande and It trlhutariee and CLAYTON- tsvton will hold a stocked with with which to Irrigate additional land organlsaion of the district of the tasted cows of the highest grade, and bonds haa been determined thrnugh combined fair, round-u- and stock public about Albuquerque - I from which the health service ' a judicial confirmation, end the own- show on August 11. snd Heptember hospitals of the aouthwest will te The f r rtga tlo n at met u roa su p pi y or the excess lands shall have snd S The srranging of the round pure milk, was rorecaat Ing the land with wator In the dis- e, In supplied with agreed upon the pi b terms, and up program will be charge of Dr. recentli when It became known tnat trict above mentioned are aome of conditions at which the exceaa hold It M. oineter ami tne fair win i in them very old and ware evidently the Cnlted Htates public health de I will pgySiQWQ ngs shall he sold to settlers, the charge of H H Krrett. Mr. Hurley patlment riled on MOon acre of constructed at different period. They aecretary may enter Into a contract A. L, parallel croaa and recroe other, and Tarlton land north of Oemlng This land at each with the district for the reclamation one constituted the artillery end upon the whole are crude struc- of the lands. t ouunlBMloncr Rcolgna. time tures. Tba remedy, aa I view It, le ranae durlna tha life of Camp Cody. Auk or nd for a folder of romplrte Fifth The alrcngth of the pro HILVFR CITY - M W Pmterfleld. dining was withdrawn for a practical abandonment of all - and that time prevent posed legists t Ion lies In the means member of the board of county com- from filing inlormation. Sn 3 day coupon below. canals and laterala snd the No 1, building Y a high provided whereby valuable asaeta tnissloners for district Orant tine canal with t lit bbbVO? reutrd ouch the reclamation ami county, hss written from New York laterala leading from It to alt land In or below, and where necessary, siphon aettlement of the landa the dis City suggestion that In lew the acroea the trict are rendered buuld and avail fait ihst he will be In the ist ror MINING AND river. able for rlnanctng the reclamation of an indefinite time that he resign. The "The queotloa ta: naanot an I cries other lands. Thle situation to brought republican rentral committee long be- OIL NOTES Moa sHalrliit or rttatrbm formed about through further financing of Ihe matter under advisement and may bmateg the art and .aamprd th honda of the district that are aak Porterflrld to retain the office. land tcgei-He- and patting organised These bonds when Issued The Luirka till association, wnlch In new ayaaasa ! t t a of Irrigation ru win ha deposited with the fed. i May Hulht New Hrhtge. drilling near Ilaton. repot hat m .Id ga "f roarer. taeeJag uf eerur rami loan And when upon -- they struck a large quantity of urea aa aa loard HAOUKMAN The Pecos bridge far nractuatdi and a a request of the aecretary of the Inte east of here may be rebuilt after ail ut feet. lart of Use gasicral Improicnu'iii rior the hoard make an Iniestlga of drain Ube ithout waiting for the proceeds Black Hawk com- preaent water bigg! areas? tion and determines that the value of n spocutl levy. Home $11,000 of The Petroleum "I Was In Albuquerque begin- the pany to to a test well In the the the property In the district, aubjeit were v men in drill ning of tba year con- ttonds. which (ratii and there o aaacaamcnt for the payment of th spring for he purpose of con- district. ferred with some members uf their tonds. la not less than twice the par bridge, can be sold with- chamber of Commerce and they value of the bond, the board shall structing the drilling will aoon bo rcurned at out ceding limit, and I tailed my attention to the that bond public private est the the Klorlda oil well near 'eutlng. rait ffer the at or with 1 1.000 of the 116.000 which the Indiana own considerable of the sale and ahall depoalt the proceeds Hergeman 1'iani w sniped land. I Informed the mem- to the credit of the ret tarnation rund tree aliotcd to the The new casing at the Anglcue well road u t or the f i' county road or I icmlng been Install' d. bers of the Chamber of Cummerce By thla method the government I ago east has that I had no in not to punda aeieral years and making It possible to keep drilling doubt but that If. naked loan Ita credit to the It to thought the bridge Ihiy Rfwiwmd hr maaie dirmtt from the opinion of t be govs rn men t . t he simply tain aiaitot.U through the quick sand. snd fttstrbts. but suthorises an Broadway s breoae-swap- l condition of the Indian be changed existina governmental agency to give enn be bulit toon ntght shift are now wntkmg and the roof." to a rapid rate. for the baiter by the reconstruction it a estimate or tne lame or tne t.allnp HcNspital. drtll going down st Afsrd Omni of Irrigation Us government propertv. thereby Addiiutii In works entailing neither 11 V Toder. by Pierce-Hi- had the right to do regardless nor legal II CA.M'l ron'fio'. Qfggfl liopes are held the thi moral obligation upon ha ingon the erection o, i r.ew ed to drill- of the attitude or Indirfsiente of tba government to aaaume any of the din Oil oinpitny. which Indians. by ..i i. ro iii itfuuuoui .h.mi mi ra ing near laOrdahgrgT, Opinions of geol- liabilities Imposed the Issusnce of pCa over th" "I don't know whether you coin- uonas. hie. ogists who have looked . field seem 10 be that the chance cide with thla opinion of mine or not. After the bonda are sold snd re Power Plant naff Tan Town-- company hopag "An parly teply will be greatly ap- turned to the recto mat Ion fund the MAflF.RMAN lUtntimn and Ie arc good end ihe Music! quantities Cooling preciated. proceeds again become available for tor may aoon hui e a central power to hrlng in oil in paying "Youre respectfully, tinma'ic or other land plant that will furnish hoth towns at 100 fut in a well now drilling "E. K. BLAINE" An a n,. ti p'entv current aa well curate stalamej.. of the with of i 'banco Development iMrrtfor traits ftrply. ber of ilmea the made avellnid'- farm house and pumping plants in The iist FREE lund a sil- days OaewgeVM it which is developing 3 of Thla letter brought a reply from nerein will turn over be 'he "i. .i.." Th plan I. to uuiiu A cannot lordeburg. are work- P. DaWa. director of the reclama- made. Hut It to fair to assume that a serosa the Pecna at the old ver mine near dm ing on a vein of ore which they may win yon Edison in your home for S days, tion sendee, which follows: the - win make three hrldae lte An enalnerr has call to 100 ounrea of 0 "Office of the IHrertor. turnoierB in 1 eait, alloBjtng a mate'I that th- darn t ould ha built lid sllier THE of Mr. Edison's $10,000. without charge or obligation. "Weahlngtnn. would t the ton They have a block of ground See I. C. period of alx years for each turn- for Ii It haie to or "June Si. 1911. over. Foi eaamplc. It may he as- financed hi tnrpomtlon snd the i:r feel long and 100 feet high how the music refreshes your body, K- gear "Mr E. Btstnr. Italolgh Motel. serted with lonfldsnie that within a stork "Id lu people in the two torn good milling nre. The xein Now that the New Edison's your mind, Waahlngton. n C. period or alx years from the time muni ties. agih from three to all feet In width soothes and banishes "My Ieer Mr. Blaine: of const ruction the land within a of music cannot be your unpleasant moods. Your letter of June 2t addreaaed project will have attained sufficient Hanllnat ( ount t eurt House I. 0 flutter of Near York City, distinguished from the original la Mr BUn has been re- value to warrant a sale of the dis- MOHQlKCo The Kre building snd H U Kians. of Kl Par-- ', have "You ask whetnci the Mi Niiry hill trict bond to the public. has tutu rcnt'd b th unt com ta ken over the Norma n King mine music, you can harness the full Vour experience may suggest a could be applied to a situation where mlaeioners a a temporsry rotirt and the I Met mining interests In the a or Kiith The bill prondes that as to power of music to your phrase which will distinguish the cfinaMBersole area water logged all exceaa landa in a district end all house and Is being remodeled Allied l.oidsbiiig dtsliict. urnl en t to miraculous can In talking-machines- . land be drained connection unentered public lands therein KresM mei hant and hi" fannlv have mine rich lead ore. They gave .i needs. New Edison from mere with tga leclatuaiioi of ada.enl gone un to own men and WOaeeg ahall hs a month autu trip An few cat load of fto ore now raadji Mr Edison offered and lanrt" the preference to purchase for a sona and California for shipnieni. has Tki la a httuatton whi h lias so Uw- - period of days from (he time wh n To prove this, well put a New $10,000 for the 23 best phrases. part by rei'JaiiiatJirii arr-vh- t af. hy Fire. OJatraral endla drilling on the cast f the landa arc thrown open for sale. aasiler the law aa now In I .AH VKOAH The palm cafe here of I hi Pet o Bff in the A r frvc Is no legal The tondltiona in the weal are such side rli and there r waa destroyed by lire, the nuae ,t teaia through a t re that under thla preference tight dlatrtri hsve passed b a ha lama whb'h i belirvt-- to hsie been iOO pot. tali, which Hon which aieo Intnlvra the vice men and wonteu ahuuld carelessly foul droslt of 7S at least one-hal- f uf all explosion reaultlng from runs i per cnt fJlogOats a dralnago of water lugged ImihI the u NEW landa reclaimed pouring gasoline into burner in largest deposit of EDISON "Mir narUc-ula- r Inatau-t-- c uhU h that thi the Meventh bill wisely kitchen. The loss is estimated at potash ever discovered. m you dV'M'rtbe tMar AlhuqiHrqiu'. The provide l 000 The blase threatened several Tti Phonograph uHth a Soul aew grille, atact-ntl- might he ihst the secretary of the interior, In con- bualtics blocks, and severs! people There to a pi siatent rumor hul Into a nrujct of the entering Into a contract for the t pnofliptlv day a nariowiv escaped being burned the I ojich Hhi II tnteresta are ne Art fo fat vour three with Broadway hita? Mr Rdlaon's special du. natter dc ciihed, and H nih-r- e struction of project, must fix the death artaa and rutuL are maximum farm unit at MO acrea, b Hitting in tk over the holding" t el mititc. Sign and nend the coupon. hit department haata ihe heid. Come in avaJiahle. I are no why ing the amount of land which any Leading rOajjagBj the National Liploratiou tompsn no charge or obligation. and ask to hear ihe latest youH croon will be allowed to hold and flics. Remember hits. dae iut be rtevi i: H M Sally aged y peoei iuld a gen RoHVti.i lit-- ll No m poena T hear them with all their original Rroad-wa- niua-- r the Ms Nary bill U receive water right. Lx land 13 a wi the by parties be ft, and for yer resident of mis iigrfirt good she Did vou know Ediaon now first (nailed owned private are to city, pawtfd awav at hi home to district has made a that is pep and flavor obi by the aecretary at prices, term ing It was rt porttd nil v "Very truly youi. He to mi nived by a wife and five that iHlgned) "A. T I'AVItf. and condition agreed upon. standing for .'.ft reel when the di ill "11 rector ' Eighth. Kit eae acreage held by ta '.civ tond. There are in th was withdrawn arter penetrating fo Velial Use MrNary Hill ropoaea private owner shall b sold in ferrn arid and ststra or tlo west feet Into oil saturated lime Th 3 UT THJAI WON .The awtoota aoughl by the VfeN'sry units of a Btie as will. In the opinion In numbera. Jfl.OOft.onn acrei atnnk iwn feel uf oil rotiriitlioii bill are ee forth In the following of the secretary, support a ramlly, at of land presently auaceptlhle of ret the present show nig from (he favorable report of prices snd on terms and conditions lamurioii t la eattmated that It will ib at iuho iff. Roseuwald Brothers the aeoate committee on the bill Bgi eed upon between the aecretary lost an average or 1100 an acre I The Wit In lueatioii. known by the and the district. reclaim the land, or a tots! of $2 Woik on tlx Hnaulding Itnme not I title as Fade-- Cooperative The unentered and unpatented 000 piogresslng i aa Addlllonwl Phonograph Department Aot." a any of government in dis- why Sa fUleaj axal ra a . ltM laniation doe not in lands thr the The reason the government hunk houst s hsve been built on tin ebU "I'Ue- - Lr) entry I seatn, wias laierfere with the aovernment trict ate subject lu only under asked to loan with giound to h onitriodate a larger ne Tlllltl) KLiOOB t lam -- t Nsw Itltaia Is a - c(otlnulng reclamation whlh waa provisions of th houietd law and which to finance Irrigation projects of workmen. tm f HI P A TION tor aU,. N lskgun ill 1 Ml under ths national set amendstory thereof grows out of the lact that the toon reclamation act. hut does authorise The bill is distinctively sn agilcti!- - of private parties to generally lonned Harlow WiMrnarth. owner of the the federal government to prosecute tut a measure. It wilt. however, on existing securities inn nor upon tamphng milt at Munttose. the lar- thla work In a i lajer and muie creete opportunities for a very torae securities bs be created by the umocv gest in the weat. I exnected in Wft. lumbar oi CA service uiep UU wujush ioaqad, r'aiullngtou booq ., vuolet with . i i rrr.. .nT --4 I ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY HERALD .July 24 1921 S'MATTER POP? A Flat Joke rByC M. PAYN1

1 1 125 ' ) 1 SAV P$V? J vow 'w-- ti im v t, Me Nfve? v. J f Coi ovt V . 4- ? ruU TV k -

. I ; K , njr i i ani i1 L fan. HkAAl I "lAT V.iUt MOT

I I i i I n ai . 'w

" lAVJFOl I H ALL. rkAT, ' ' ' ' I ., I'm


J . V V' 2 a JSfc.t Don't be dismayed at the piled up wash on Monday. THE IMPERIAL There is no need of depending m unreliable lirlp. Thrre is PUniW 1A& no nerd for days of disagreeable labor - ... 1 "Villi l TV I AfTwriPV THt AI.BUQUERQUl SUNDAY NKRAI.D. A1.BUQ.UISRQ.CI, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY. JULY 24, 1921

REVIEW ' Gi4F 4iVD GLUM No Sale! By HY GAGE or

Current Events .,,-,vi- i r r w i . - n b By iuit- CABTOONI8T SMITH lI WANT TODCMOf ,.

III lrf.Ii SWMIMIV Hiil.t: ' I -

DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Wilbur Entered Into thr Spirit of It Bs M.I.MAN

I W1, THAt ,, n9 OVER TMfcKr. mil NOCllH HE'5 RUNNiiiU 4t)M SOMtrWiv Mt 15 SAINlMG iJN MIM .(( WVMNMO - kH wM Will e F'vt mt.- w Awn i cn IA ChAilWii HtM- - Ti A VAT MMN UKt tVtRVTHINfi ' 5Ht S AOST JUM A MA WAlKlkK-- TMC Willi' lllltl' MW. Sit ON SMt HA A POhCR IN HER NAB UP TO HIM ' Ml MAS KtMHFD THE ftK6 OF THE CUFp! Wi I JZ7. - i


- It- ' I fc AkiY I OH Mo A1WXI T NIOMAl! SAOKIMC. lAowry ui (1061 " Br HOW VJOOLfiai You i wuiaw,iui ACCOUWT FOB W! FT 3T ' www yHTM - OUT A TVALWI ISwse aoc JSS! WE- IN. i MER MOUTH' 'SXCMlcXF.'i ' ' U5v .A : .Iff" ..if i

8 :'3islm mm ' I UMf AKikii. & urw, iiu--... r r H 1 1 I IVi l W i t I T .. a

iMirai u nin.i hi i lit THE OLD HOME TOWN u : am I

f-- I I MOMt BAfur, 2 v , I, . ATI Mil i! - 3 ri f: iwwlTgl l MY" i iUii i

BCYl' I 1 'fe"'1 AC T IV I II 1 l llll


-- II II A , 'Tf!"ptVOCCle II llMH II r J 62 -PPoCiOru f MCN bl-it- HI M

E ?3 A - Tain NUMbtiv 'jix vva' VLh MtMurr: UATt, rOHA"-

Everybody eat and everybody want to bu; at the lowtt ! ict-- 5 high quality groceries, freb vegetable and fruit from a clean tore, there Jf lU h 1VC1 VCif fore, PIGGLY WIGGI.Y i e..ential to ill tbe people all the time in all J.J II"fJl LI I 1 11 Ol ktl V l 4 Over the World part of tbe country.