TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 3:23 PM Page 1 JEWISH KIDS EXPLORING THE WORLD TEACHERS’ GUIDE

BABAGANEWZ Highlights Lesson Plans Heshvan 5769/November 2008

Hesed Lyrics Challenge NEWS ’N’ VIEWS • PAGE 4 ˙

KINDNESS ˙ ds3j3 Hesed Encourage students to show off their To Drill or Not to Drill? ˙ songwriting talent by composing entries to Debate the question about drilling for oil off BABAGANEWZ’s latest contest. Aspiring poets and the shores of the United States. songwriters should submit their original lyrics to a song about hesed, kindness, to BABAGANEWZ by TORAH PAGE • PAGE 5 ˙ 3:00 p.m. on December 19, 2008. The winning Chasing the Good submission will be put to music and recorded by Go on a scavenger hunt to discover examples Jewish musician Craig Taubman. Students can of tzedakah and hesed in your school or visit for all the details, ˙ rules, and an entry form. . Parashat Hashavua Mini-Movies KID POWER • PAGES 6–7 on Shui Maizlech: Kind to the Core Perform “secret services” for members of the Every week, watch the all new, original mini- class to learn about doing hesed without movies of parashat hashavua (the weekly Torah ˙

expecting anything in return. A PROJECT OF THE reading). Visit for a AVI CHAI FOUNDATION list of ideas on how to use these concise, fun SPOTLIGHT • PAGE 8 mini-movies in your class to help your students learn points from the parashah. Danny Siegel: Mitzvah Manager Create innovative and important hesed projects. ds3j3 ˙ QUIZ CENTRAL • PAGE 9 KINDNESS Check out section of What’s Your Gig? the teachers’ In Pirkei Avot we learn that the! Design original board games that display world stands on three pillars: myriad acts of hesed. ˙ Torah, worship, and acts of W.O.W. • PAGE 10 lovingkindness. Judaism teaches Thanks to these generous funders, Altruism Gene that in order to sustain the BABAGANEWZ subscriptions are sponsored Measure levels of altruism and explore research world, we cannot only be in the following communities: about an altruism gene. involved in our own spiritual growth, but we must also engage San Francisco, CA, funded by Jewish Community Federation SPECIAL FEATURE • PAGE 11 Endowment Fund of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin in helping others by performing and Sonoma Counties; Montreal, Quebec, funded by Benevolence Behind Bars pure, unconditional acts of Role-play situations in which doing hesed may FEDERATION CJA; Columbus, OH, funded by The Columbus ˙ kindness. By doing so, we Jewish Federation–Jewish Education and Identity; Dallas, TX, be uncomfortable or challenging. emulate God’s kindness and funded by The Howard and Leslie Schultz Family Foundation; partner with God in building a Rhode Island funded by The Helene and Bertram Bernhardt FEATURE • PAGES 12–13 Foundation; Tampa and St. Petersburg, FL, funded by The A Slice of Hope just society that can dedicate June Baumgardner Gelbart Foundation; Las Vegas, NV, Plan projects to help provide for the hungry on itself to tikkun olam. funded by The United Jewish Community of Las Vegas; Jewish occasions. Central New Jersey funded by The Karma Foundation; Orange County, NY, funded by Greater Orange County, New York; Oregon and SW Washington State funded by Alex and Harrison Hess; North Shore, MA, funded by The Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation; Baltimore, MD, funded by The Jewish Education Enhancement Projects fund of the Center for Jewish Education. BABAGANEWZ is published by The AVI CHAI Foundation month’s BABAGANEW d this Z maga and JFL Media (Jewish Family & Life!). To sponsor subscriptions in your community, please call Fin Guide between pag zine Amir Cohen at 617-581-6841. e this es 8 a insid nd 9. TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 2


A Time for Action, QUIZ CENTRAL: A Time for Hesed WHAT’S YOUR GIG? ˙ Three years ago the Knesset Instruct students to take the quiz declared the month of Heshvan on page 8 of BABAGANEWZ to Pressed for Time? ˙ to be Jewish Social Action Short Cuts determine how they approach Month. Jewish organizations TO DRILL OR NOT TO DRILL? performing hesed. Have students ˙ around the globe immediately Read the current events article on score their quizzes using the Q - TIP heeded the call to dedicate page 3 of BABAGANEWZ. Distribute results section provided. Discuss: Heshvan to performing acts of ˙ Why do you think that the quiz hesed and implemented the news graphic organizer Read an article and then ˙ uses the imagery of music in its programs to encourage people to discuss the Quotes & answers? Why is the Jewish text pursue social action and tikkun Questions emphasized in the To on the top of page 8 about olam. The Talmud in Yevamot lesson plans. By reviewing or Not to Drill? music? How does doing acts of 79a teaches us that the desire to B Y AVIVA W ERNER he price of foreign oil has soared from $20 a barrel in the designated passages, T 2003 to a high of $145 last summer. As a result, gas do hesed is intrinsic to the Jewish prices have increased more than 100 percent, a hesed relate to a band? consequence that has strained family budgets. To reduce the ˙ economic hardship and the security threat caused by our nation’s dependence on foreign oil, President Bush and Senator ˙ you will ensure students’ people for it is one of the John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, advocate drilling for oil along America’s coastline. Last July, Bush lifted a 27-year-old ban on offshore drilling that was implemented for

environmental protection. The president challenged Democrats to NEWSCOM/INDEX pass legislation necessary to legalize responsible offshore comprehension of the article defining traits of Am Yisrael. It is exploration. “Democratic leaders can show that they have finally heard the frustrations of the American people,” Bush said.

STOCK IMAGERY Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama responded for Democrats, saying, “Our national security and the survival of the not surprising, then, that Jewish planet demand a real strategy to break our dependence on foreign and introduce the value of oil by developing clean, new sources of energy.”

Social Action Month continues to greenhouse gases from THE CASE FOR DRILLING the additional fossil fuel immediately balanced by the command to the month to them. The U.S. Department of the Interior’s development,” says Kassie Siegel of the “cultivate and guard” the Garden of Eden Mineral Management Service estimates that Center for Biological Diversity. Drilling (Bereishit 2:15); after all, “If you spoil it, there gain popularity and to motivate a there are 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 opponents also claim there is a 33 to 51 is nobody to repair it after you” (Ecclesiastes trillion cubic feet of natural gas submerged percent chance of a major offshore oil spill, Rabbah 7:13). beneath America’s coastal waters. Developers which could harm wildlife, including The ethics of offshore drilling, therefore, argue that this bonanza will significantly bowhead whales and polar bears. According require a standard that balances human reduce the United States’ dependence on to these conservationists, the only way to interests with human responsibilities. The multitude of doing and giving. foreign oil and reduce gas and energy prices. lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil is to Torah provides the standard, known as bal tashhit Devarim Bal tashhit “The only thing we can do [about the price develop alternate sources of energy and use ˙ , in 20:19. ˙ of gasoline] that is important,” says our resources more efficiently. prohibits the reckless and unjustifiable Republican Senator Pete Dominici of New THE JEWISH VIEW destruction of nature. While this issue of BABAGANEWZ Mexico, “is release large quantities of crude WHAT DO YOU THINK? After reading the article, instruct oil and natural gas that are owned by the Both sides of the offshore drilling debate can American people and that have been locked find support within Judaism. The Torah The risk of an oil spill hovers over the up for 27 years.” recognizes that humans are unique within offshore drilling debate. What level of risk THE CASE AGAINST DRILLING creation and have a distinctive moral should be considered reckless aims to stimulate students to join superiority: God says, “Fill the earth and and, therefore, a violation master Bereishit bal tashhit students to write a recipe for Environmentalists, on the other hand, argue it” ( 1:28). In other words, of ˙ ? Similarly, that offshore drilling won’t free America Earth’s natural resources are here for our how much oil would movie from sky-high gasoline prices. “It would take benefit. justify drilling and meet bal tashhit the Heshvan effort, it also strives at least a decade to produce any oil and even But God’s declaration that human needs the standard of ˙ ? if the oil did flow, there would be the take priority over the rights of nature is Sound off at hesed, which they can compose ˙ KINDNESS 5769 HESHVAN BABAGANEWZ 3 ˙ ˙ to instill in readers an under - independently, in small groups, or standing of why hesed is integral ˙ available to print at as a class. Invite students to to Judaism and to Jewish identity. Have The articles in this issue will share their recipes with the rest of acquaint readers with a variety of students use the organizer to map the class. Vote on one recipe that ways to perform the mitzvah of the debate about offshore drilling, the class can use as an invitation hesed—some simple and natural, paying close attention to the Jewish to the other students in school, ˙ and some more uncomfortable view expressed in the article. the parent body, and/or the and challenging. Students will Students can use their organizers A SLICE OF HOPE synagogue community to initiate a learn that at the core of Jewish to help them articulate their own Read the article about Eliezer canned food drive to feed the social action is the belief that to positions about offshore drilling. on pages 14–17 of BABAGANEWZ. hungry. live as a Jew in this world means to abide by Hillel’s teaching that when one is only for oneself, one does not amount to much. By performing acts of hesed, one ˙ actively engages in Jewish social action. We hope that students take hold of the value of hesed ˙ not only during the month of Heshvan, but also throughout ˙ the entire year.


Tammie Rapps Teachers’ Guide Editor [email protected] ELIEZER YAD COURTESY OF 2 BABAGANEWZ TEACHERS’ GUIDE H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ Don’t forget to check out the teachers’ se TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 3

● H ESHVAN 5769 ˙

HESHVAN Alan and Naomi by Myron Levoy ✓To˙ Do List: Alan Silverman, a Jewish American teen, refuses to give up his stickball game until he learns about the terrible Encourage students to experiences his new neighbor endured in France during compose hesed lyrics to World War II. When asked to visit with crazy-acting Naomi ˙ enter into BABAGANEWZ’s Kirshenbaum, the French girl who has just moved into his apartment building, Alan feels uncomfortable and songwriting contest. burdened. Slowly, though, he struggles to approach Naomi and become her friend. Through Alan’s hesed, Publicize that Heshvan is ˙ ˙ Naomi begins to speak to him and reveal her funny, Jewish Social Action Month. creative, intelligent soul, but her memories of France still burn. The ending of this novel may disturb younger Reproduce the Sources to readers. Use the study guide available to print at Study sheets from pages to prepare activities, 14 and 15 of this Guide. discussions, and projects based on this novel of friendship and kindness. Reading Alan and Naomi can help enrich your class’ Order copies of Alan and study of the value of hesed, kindness. ˙ Naomi from To order Alan and Naomi, visit or call 1-800-583-2476, option 4. Notify colleagues about your class’ planned hesed H ESED LYRICS CHALLENGE name, the hesed, and a sentence ˙ ˙ Step Into ˙ scavenger hunt. As a class, read the first four or two about how it felt to perform paragraphs on page 18 of the Value the act of kindness. As students Print the list of hesed BABAGANEWZ. Then Use the month of Heshvan to complete the puzzle pieces, hang ˙ ˙ examples from divide the class reinforce the importance of hesed the puzzle pieces on a bulletin ˙ into seven and to cultivate a culture of board with the verse from Psalms kindness in your school. In 89:3, “The world is built by for the lesson about the addition to organizing and hesed,” as the title. Special Feature. ˙ implementing the hesed project ˙ ideas that appear in this month’s Get three different colors of magazine and index cards or notepaper Teachers’ for the Spotlight lesson. Guide, create a graphic to Gather materials for the display prominently original hesed games that in school that exhibits ˙ students will create in the and celebrates the many Quiz Central lesson. groups. Assign each group one of acts of hesed students ˙ the tips or tricks to songwriting perform. Use a large piece of that appear on pages 18 and 19 butcher paper to design a huge Challenge students to find of the magazine. Challenge picture of a globe that you then the eight Acts of Pure students to work in their groups cut into puzzle pieces. As students Kindness in the magazine’s using their assigned tip to begin engage in hesed activities—large centerfold. ˙ composing songs for the or small—give them a piece of the

ELIEZER YAD COURTESY OF BABAGANEWZ contest. puzzle on which to write their rs’ section of our web site at! TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 4


“To Drill or Not QUOTES & QUESTIONS BEREISHIT 1:28 God blessed them. God said to them, “Be fruitful and to Drill?” “Developers argue that this bonanza will significantly reduce the United States’ dependence on foreign oil and multiply. Fill the earth and master it. Dominate the fish of reduce gas and energy prices.” the sea, the birds of the sky, and every beast that walks the MAGAZINE PAGE 3 land.” Which Americans in the article support this argument? This article uses a Jewish lens Why? to explore the national debate BEREISHIT 2:15 And God took the human and set him in the Garden of about drilling for oil along the Why is reducing dependence on foreign oil such a crucial issue? Eden to cultivate it and to guard it. Unites States coastline. In this lesson, students will “Environmentalists, on the other hand, argue that offshore PSALMS 115:16 identify and articulate their drilling won’t free America from sky-high gasoline prices.” The heavens are God’s, but God has given the earth to own opinions about the issue What is the environmental argument? humanity. through text study and formal What solution does this position offer? ECCLESIASTES RABBAH 7:13 debate. “The ethics of offshore drilling, therefore, require a When God created the first human, God led him around all OBJECTIVES standard that balances human interests with human the trees in the Garden of Eden. God said to him, “See My responsibilities.” Students will debate the pros works, how beautiful and praiseworthy they are. Everything and cons of offshore drilling What does this quotation mean? I have created has been created for your sake. Think of from both political and Jewish this, and do not corrupt or destroy My world; for if you spoil According to the article, what Jewish values are involved perspectives. it, there is nobody to repair it after you.” in the conversation? VOCABULARY Which do you think is the most important? Why? DEVARIM 20:19 6odqj 4l1 to drill When you lay siege to a city and wage war against it a long ACTIVITY: READY, SET, DEBATE! time to capture it, you must not destroy its trees, wielding fp4n2 oil 1. Begin class by reading the beginning—up until, but not an ax against any food producing tree. Do not cut down a including, the Jewish View section—of the News article on hr5y1v m4 conservation tree in the field…. page 3 of BABAGANEWZ. Discuss the first two quotations in the Quotes & Questions section above. 3. Once havrutot have studied the texts, have students ˙ Have students write a few sentences about which position reconvene in their two original groups based on opinions on offshore drilling they support. Divide the class into two about offshore drilling. Allot five minutes of preparation groups, if possible, according to students’ positions on the time for the ensuing debate. issue. Give each team one minute to present its position, one Continue reading the article as a class. Discuss the final minute for rebuttal, and one minute to present a closing quotation from the Quotes & Questions section. argument. 2. Distribute the following Jewish texts to students. 4. Have students debate the issue in front of you and two Divide the two position groups into havrutot, study other teachers or parents if possible. The judges can decide ˙ partners, and instruct students to study and discuss the which position was more eloquently represented. texts. (Note that an additional text about the miracle of 5. To conclude the lesson, ask: conserved oil at the time of Hanukkah is available online at How did studying the Jewish texts impact your opinion, ˙if time allows for students to about the issue of offshore drilling? Did the texts study it.) reinforce your original opinion or change it? While studying, students should consider: Invite students to post to their What does this text mean? comments about the questions posed at the end of the article: Does this text support or refute our position on offshore drilling? What level of risk should be considered reckless and, therefore, a violation of bal tashhit? Similarly, how much How does this text answer or relate to the next one? ˙ oil would justify drilling and meet the standard of bal How might this text address the position of the opposing tashhit? group? ˙ How can this text help us develop a strong debating point about our position?

4 BABAGANEWZ TEACHERS’ GUIDE H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 5


Torah Page ACTIVITY: CHASING HESED ˙ ds3j3w5 hq5d5x4 Pd2r- 1. Begin class by posting the text from the Torah Page, page .dobk5w4 hq5d5x4 MyY1j6 ax5m4y1 MAGAZINE PAGE 5 A person 5 of BABAGANEWZ, on the board. Ask: who chases after tzedakah and hesed will ˙ find life, righteousness, and honor. Verse: “A person who chases How might one chase after tzedakah? Hesed? (Proverbs 21:21) after tzedakah and hesed will ˙ Why do you think that tzedakah and hesed are both ˙ ˙ find life, righteousness, and mentioned in this text? How are they similar? How are

honor” (Proverbs 21:21). they different?


I ,


Students will participate in a How might the pursuit of tzedakah and hesed lead to life, SYND FEATURE

˙ D

scavenger hunt around the righteousness, and honor? E

T UNI © AVENUE: school or synagogue building Does the text command us, or merely encourage us, to GRAND God wants us to learn to do h esed and to seek out examples of chase after hesed and tzedakah? Why? tzedakah on ˙our own. shouldn’t be forced because, We ˙ If you try if we to be a good person were, we might not want to pursue and try to mak kindness and justice. tzedakah and hesed in their world a better place, the real meaning of h If we learn Giving tzedakah is What qualities characterize a person who chases after e the esed r will have a good life tzedakah on our own,˙ and good for two reasons: The ˙ and be respe you we will person who receives you want to do them both. and the persongood charity is happy, surroundings. tzedakah and hesed? —Michael Doppectedlt, . —Danielle Schostak, the charity gets amitzvot , who gives 5th grade 7th grade . By performing feeling our own lives as ˙ we improve Matthew well as the lives of others. 2. Divide the students into groups of three or four for the —Joey Poznak, OBJECTIVES 5th grade Seth hesed scavenger hunt described below. Explain that the Tzedakah We would like to thank students from the following schools for sharing Students will articulate ideas of usuallyesed justinvolves involves giving money your h their thoughts about the meaning of this verse with BABAGANEWZ: ˙ is harder for people to while H˙esed One way to Temple Shaaray Tefila Religious School in Bedford Corners, New class will have the chance to chase after tzedakah and hesed ˙ interpret this pasuk talents. . Anyone can dropbut is York; Temple Beth Torah Religious School in Wanamassa, New how pursuing hesed and perform or chase because they need to “what comes around goes Jersey; and Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit in ˙ around,” Farmington Hills, Michigan. put in more effort or maybe “what ˙ in the school/synagogue building. Before the hunt begins, some change into a tzedakah box, you get is what you it takes time to volunteer for JARC (a give,” or even “to get respect tzedakah can lead one to find Share your thoughts in Jewish association that helps people you have to give it.” with disabilities) or paint something —Sawyer Altman, our Talkin’ Back section. though, brainstorm with the class types of hesed that might special for someone. Seth Garelik, and Matthew Tukel, life, honor, and righteousness. —Madeline Adelman, ˙ 7th grade 7th grade be represented in the building. For example: visiting the KINDNESS 5769 HESHVAN BABAGANEWZ 5  ˙ Students will identify ways in sick, welcoming guests, feeding the hungry, clothing the which the school and/or naked, comforting mourners, providing for families in synagogue community perform disagreement. One member of the group should be the times of difficulty, caring for the elderly, etc. acts of hesed and recognize the recorder, listing and describing each hesed example ˙ opportunities˙ which they Provide each group with the necessary materials—a hesed identified by the group. ˙ themselves can pursue to do scavenger hunt worksheet (available to print at 3. Once the groups have returned, allow some time for hesed. and pen, and any of the them to prepare a quick presentation for the rest of the ˙ following optional items: a clipboard, flashlight, timer or VOCABULARY class. One representative from each group should identify watch, and a digital or disposable camera. Introduce the each hesed and explain its hesed rating. Groups can then Myl1oj rWqyB1 visiting ˙ ˙ activity: calculate their scores. the sick Your task is to walk around the synagogue/school and SCORING Myj1r4oa ts6n5k4h6 welcoming find as many examples of hesed as you can within the ˙ • One point for each example listed. guests time limit. [Have everyone make a note of the “stop time” Myb1e2r4tl6k5a8h6 feeding on the worksheet. The time limit you choose will depend • Two bonus points if a group lists a place that no other the hungry upon the size of your building, the number of groups, and group has listed. how much time you have available. Suggested time: 15–30 • One point for each description of how the example Mym1Wre8 tv6B5l4h6 clothing the minutes.] As your group finds an example of hesed, you ˙ promotes hesed. naked must answer the questions on the worksheet before ˙ • Two bonus points if the description mentions a specific Myl1b2a8 MWjyn1 comforting continuing to the next place. For each example, you will activity in it. mourners need to: • One point if a group returns on time. ■ Identify the specific example and type of hesed. ˙ • Loss of three points if a group returns late. ■ Describe how the school/synagogue facilitates or promotes these acts of kindness. 4. To conclude the lesson, return to the Torah Page text. Ask: ■ Rate the level of hesed from 1 (lowest level) to 5 (the ˙ highest level possible in our building). On your hunt, you searched for and found tzedakah and hesed, but what about the other part of the verse? How ■ ˙ Students can post their Option: Take a photo of the members of your group do the examples that your groups identified show own comments about acting out the specific activity that relates to this evidence of life, righteousness, and honor? the Torah Page text on hesed. ˙ Why do you think that these are the rewards, according the message wall at Before the groups begin their hunt, share the scoring rubric to Proverbs, for pursuing tzedakah and hesed? below (available to print at ˙ Also, allow the groups several minutes for planning time. How can our class take advantage of the tzedakah and One member of the group should be appointed hesed opportunities in our school/synagogue? For which ˙ 5 timekeeper to make certain the group returns on time. activities would you most want to volunteer? Why? BABAGANEWZ One member of the group should be the navigator, TEACHERS’ GUIDE deciding where the group goes next, especially if there is a H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 6


“Shui Maizlech: QUOTES & QUESTIONS What do you think we can learn about Jewish attitudes Kind to the Core” “Once Shui agreed, his mom explained a shomer’s toward life based on Judaism’s attitude toward death? responsibilities: At all times, you must stay in the room The Talmud (Sukkah 49b) teaches that doing hesed is ˙ MAGAZINE PAGE 4 with the closed casket or remain close by, she told him. But greater than giving tzedakah because hesed benefits both ˙ more importantly, a shomer must treat the deceased the living and the dead whereas tzedakah only benefits This article features a teen respectfully. ‘That means no Game Boy, no cell phone, no the living. Can you think of other reasons that hesed ˙ who performs the ultimate iPod.’ Instead of entertaining yourself, she explained, you might be better than tzedakah? Do you agree? hesed: serving as a shomer will recite Tehillim (Psalms), which comfort the neshamah ˙ ACTIVITY: SECRET SERVICE (guard) for the deceased (soul) of the departed.” 1. Begin class by posting the text of Pirkei Avot 1:2 on the before burial. Such hesed is How is serving as a shomer an example of hesed? How is ˙ ˙ board for the class to study and discuss. known as hesed shel emet this activity a kindness? ˙ PIRKEI AVOT 1:2 because there is no chance The role of the shomer is crucial to traditional Jewish Simon the Righteous...used to say: The world stands on the beneficiary can repay the funeral and burial practices because the deceased should performer of the mitzvah. not be left alone from the time of death until the burial. three things—on the Torah, on the service of God, and on acts of lovingkindness. This lesson deals with Why do you think that this is such a significant part of Jewish tradition concerning death? understanding kindness as a Why do you think Simon the Righteous considered these virtue, as well as the different Why do you think that a shomer three values as essential for sustaining ways to be kind to others, the traditionally recites chapters of Psalms the world? while guarding the deceased? most meaningful of which is It feels Do you agree or disagree? Why? doing something nice for the How is respecting the dead also a way How do you think that each of these of showing honor to the living? sake of the other person, and good doing this values helps to uphold the world? not for any other motive. “‘This is your opportunity to perform What value, if any, do you think is an act of pure kindness, a hesed shel mitzvah. I do it ˙ missing from this list? OBJECTIVES emet, the greatest of all mitzvot because ‘‘ Students will discuss the it is carried out without expecting because it What is the relationship between importance of being kind to anything in return.’” these three values that Simon the others as something the world needs to get Righteous identifies? needs in order to be sustained. Why is the mitzvah of guarding the deceased referred to as hesed shel emet? If you had to rank the three ideas listed  ˙ Students will engage in a week- done, not to in this text in order of importance, long experiment of secret What does emet mean? what would be the order? Why? kindness in order to better What does emet connote here? get repaid. understand and evaluate the Do you think that the mishnah ranks power of doing something nice “‘It feels good doing this mitzvah,’ says —Shui Maizlech these values in order of importance? without expectations of reward. Shui. ‘I do it because it needs to get Why or why not? done, not to get repaid.’” Students will rate different types 2. Divide the class into pairs. Instruct each pair of students of kindnesses. Are there mitzvot we do for which we expect to get to brainstorm different examples of kindnesses. They will Students will categorize different repaid? Give an example. then’’ rate the acts of kindness on their lists in order from types of kindnesses according to How does one “repay” a mitzvah? one to eight, with one being the least significant example Maimonides’ rationale. of hesed and eight being the most significant example of ˙ Are there mitzvot, other than those involved with the hesed. Ask students to determine which act of kindness on ˙ VOCABULARY deceased, which we do without any real expectation of a their list is the most challenging to perform, which is the rt5s4Wm hidden reward? most meaningful to perform, and from which it would be most pleasant to receive benefit. Nt2on giver List kindnesses from each group on the board, so that recipient lB2q6m4 there is a varied list available for all to consider. tm2h6 dob=4 honor for the 3. Distribute the Maimonides text below for deceased students to study and discuss in pairs. This is a av5yD1q6 hr5b4j3 Jewish burial paraphrased version of the text. This society version and the complete text (lit.: holy both in Hebrew and in society) English are available to print at Explain that while this list was 6 written about giving tzedakah, BABAGANEWZ we can apply the rationale for the TEACHERS’ GUIDE H ESHVAN 5769 list to performing acts of hesed as ˙ ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/23/08 1:12 PM Page 7

well. Challenge students to think about how this list can getting recipients a drink while getting one for apply to hesed while they study the text. himself/herself, bringing back homework if the recipient ˙ is absent, etc.). Students may use the log sheet available at BASED ON MAIMONIDES, MISHNEH TORAH, to record their giving actions. HILKHOT MATANOT L’ANIYIM 10:7–12 There are eight levels of tzedakah, each greater than the In addition, givers will be given a list of questions, one of next. which should be answered daily. These include: 8) Give the recipient the wherewithal to become self-supporting. Why did you pick that particular kindness? 7) Neither the donor nor the recipient knows the other. How did it make you feel when you did that kind action? 6) The donor knows the recipient but the recipient is unaware of the donor. How do you think the recipient felt when that action was done? 5) The recipient knows the donor but the donor does not know the recipient. Was this kindness difficult or easy? Why? 4) The donor gives without being solicited. Would you have done this kindness as readily, if not for 3)The donor gives after being solicited. this assignment? 2) The donor gives less than he should but does so Which of the kindnesses done were most meaningful? cheerfully. Why? 1) The donor is pained by the act of giving. At the end of the “Secret Service” time, conduct a class discussion about some of the answers to the questions. What is the difference between levels three and four? Why is four ranked higher? After discussing their feelings, question the students as to why this activity was conducted secretly. Why is level six higher than five? What benefit was there to the giver by doing the actions Why do you think that Maimonides felt it necessary to in secret? distinguish between these levels? What benefits were there for the recipients? Do you agree or disagree with this list? Is there How were the kindnesses that the givers performed something you would change? Why? similar to the kindness that Shui Maizlech performs? Does this list inspire you to give tzedakah or to do nice Discuss the value of doing something for another person things for others? Why or why not? without expecting in return. Do you find that your kind acts in the past have been mostly one of these levels? If so, which one? What do you think that says about you?

4. As a class, read the article on page 4 of BABAGANEWZ. Use the Quotes & Questions above to guide class discussion. In addition, ask: How do the texts we just learned apply to Shui and his volunteering to be a shomer? It is Jewish custom not to publicize being a member of the Hevrah Kaddisha, a community’s Jewish burial society.˙ Based on all that we have studied about hesed, ˙ why do you think that is the custom? 5. For the next segment of the lesson, which will continue over the course of the next few days to a week, students pick out of a hat the name of another student in the class. The student who picked becomes the giver, and the name on the paper is the recipient. Givers will spend the next two class sessions in congregational schools or the next week in a day school secretly doing nice things for recipients. This should not include buying anything, but rather, students should be encouraged to come up with ways that their actions can be more kind. Givers will record the kindnesses they did each day (for example, sending a cheerful postcard, lending pencils, picking up backpacks, picking recipients first for a game, TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 3:19 PM Page 8


“Danny Siegel: QUOTES & QUESTIONS How might this text inform the way you think about tzedakah and hesed? Be specific. Mitzvah Manager” “We were thrilled to chat with Danny about how to ˙ develop a passion for compassion.” TALMUD BABA BATRA 9B MAGAZINE PAGES 6–7 What is compassion? What does it look like? What does Rabbi Isaac said: One who gives a small coin to a poor it feel like? person receives six blessings, and one who speaks to the Danny Siegel’s Ziv Tzedakah poor words of cheer receives eleven blessings. Fund is about to close its What does it mean to “develop a passion for doors. After 17 years in compassion”? Why do you think that someone who speaks to the poor operation, the projects that How does one “develop a passion for compassion”? receives a greater reward than one who donates? Danny’s network supports are Think of compassion as a muscle. How does one exercise How has Danny’s work embodied this teaching? going strong and, through one’s compassion muscle to make it stronger? How might this text inform the way you think about Ziv’s help, people have “‘I believe that we all need rebbes in hesed, people who can tzedakah and hesed? learned to give tzedakah and ˙ ˙ teach us how to do this mitzvah in the best way possible.’” 3. Using Danny’s three questions—What am I good at? invest in important, world- According to Danny, what is a “rebbe in hesed”? What What do I like to do? And what’s bothering me about the ˙ changing work. In this does this person do for others? world today?—as a guide, distribute three different colored interview, Danny introduces note cards to each student, each corresponding to a Do you think it is important to have a rebbe in hesed? some of the Mitzvah Heroes ˙ different question. Ask students to Why or why not? he knows and shares his write answers to the questions on thoughts on the hows and Think of examples of people the note cards. who might be rebbes in hesed. whys of doing acts of hesed. ˙ 4. When the students are done, ˙ How do they teach others to In this lesson, students will collect the note cards according to do mitzvot in the best way question and divide the class into create innovative, important, possible? and engaging hesed projects small groups of three to five ˙ Do you have a rebbe in hesed? If students. based on their own talents ˙ so, who is it and why is he or she and the needs they perceive Choose one card from each of your “rebbe”? the three piles. Read the three in the world around them. ACTIVITY: MITZVAH MAGIC cards, and give the groups two OBJECTIVES 1. Begin class by reading the minutes to brainstorm creative hesed ideas and projects that Students will explore the article on pages 6–7 of ˙ relate to all three cards. concept of hesed as it relates to BABAGANEWZ. Use the Quotes & giving tzedakah˙ and performing Questions to guide your discussion After two minutes, have the acts of kindness in their of the interview. In addition, ask groups share their ideas, and communities and world. the following general questions: keep a list of the ideas mentioned. The objective is to Students will study Jewish texts What is hesed? What does it look ˙ generate numerorus quality about hesed and consider the like? ways in˙ which Judaism informs ideas, so the groups share What are examples of hesed in the until they have completed their understanding of ˙ performing acts of hesed. world? sharing their ideas. Whichever ˙ Students will identify ways in Why is hesed important? group has the most ideas, “wins” that round. ˙ which they can do meaningful 2. Study the Jewish texts below. Continue this cycle a few times until there is a collection of acts of hesed in their own lives. hesed ideas posted on the board. ˙ VAYIKRA RABBAH 34:1 ˙ VOCABULARY Rabbi Jonah said: The verse does not say, “Happy is the one 5. As a class, review the list and evaluate which ideas are feasible. Have students commit to doing one of the hesed roBg1 hero who gives to a poor person,” rather it says, “Happy is one ˙ ideas on the list. Allow time to discuss how to implement hL5h1q4 community who considers a poor person” (Psalms 41:2). Therefore, you the ideas and set a timeline for when the project should must consider how best to help a person in need. get underway and/or be completed. And of course, hn5Wkv4 neighborhood remember to reflect on the experience and follow up in With what issue or question is this text grappling? What roze8l6 to help the coming weeks! Share hesed stories in class and issue does it address? ˙ hr5z4e3 help encourage a culture of doing acts of kindness! What suggestion does the text present for how to give tzedakah and perform acts of hesed? ˙ Give examples of both scenarios, one in which someone 8 gives to a person and one in which someone considers a BABAGANEWZ poor person. How are they similar? How are they TEACHERS’ GUIDE different? Why does Rabbi Jonah advocate the latter? H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 9


ACTIVITY: THE GAME OF HESED The rules of the game will be taken from the class “What’s Your Gig?” ˙ 1. Prior to class, gather several poster boards, construction discussion just completed. MAGAZINE PAGE 8 paper, rulers, markers, a few sets of dice, and some Divide the class into groups of 4–6 students; give each sculpting materials (such as clay, but even crumpled group a piece of poster board and some art supplies. Each This month’s quiz encourages aluminum foil would work). group can make its own game with its own board design students to reflect on how Instruct students to take the quiz “What’s Your Gig?” on and specific rules. If a group wishes to have a deck of cards they approach performing page 8 of BABAGANEWZ. Students may complete the quiz in in its game, they may use index cards. The board can either hesed (kindness). Some be designed so that you need to get to the end (such as ˙ the magazine itself or online at and print people jump right in, some out their results. Have them note if they are “Mostly Red,” Life®) or such that you go around and around (such as encourage others to “Mostly Green,” or “Mostly Blue” as described by the Monopoly®) or another style of a group’s choosing. participate, and some have to “Check Out Your Score” section of the quiz. Turns can be based around performing “pretend” acts of overcome shyness or hesed (“You went to the hospital to visit a sick friend— 2. Discuss the quiz questions. Points to consider include: ˙ uncertainty to do the mitzvah. move ahead 3 squares” or “You didn’t share your lunch The quiz talks about different approaches to the mitzvah with a friend who had none—go back 2 squares”). By understanding their style of hesed. Are there other methods of performing hesed? in performing hesed, students ˙ ˙ Alternatively, the game could be based around performing ˙ What are the benefits and drawbacks to each? real small acts of hesed in your surroundings as the game can make better choices ˙ Should hesed be a mitzvah performed in groups or progresses (“Look in the hallway and see if someone needs ˙ about how they perform this individually? Why? What types of hesed activities are help” or “Help a fellow player”) or any other system ˙ mitzvah. In this lesson, better performed alone? In groups? groups devise. By having to design the game, students will students will think about the need to give relative points to different acts of hesed and Is your community focused on hesed? Give examples of ˙ relative merit that they ˙ think about how they value these acts. Also, they will be acts of hesed that your community does or could do. ˙ encouraged to come up with many examples of hesed. personally place on different What are the benefits of performing acts of hesed for ˙ ˙ types of hesed and represent members of your community or for reaching beyond Once the game and the style are decided, students will ˙ these relationships in your community to perform acts of hesed for others? create the board and use the modeling materials to devise ˙ playing pieces. Students should be encouraged to have custom-made board games 3. Study and discuss the following Jewish texts. Ask their playing pieces symbolize the concept of hesed. that they will design. students to think about how these texts contribute to their ˙ Examples might be outstretched arms, a piece of food, understanding of kindness. OBJECTIVES some clothing, a child, or a hospital building. Students will complete a quiz to PSALMS 89:2 5. As time permits, dedicate a future class session or recess characterize their approach to God’s kindness I will sing forever. time to letting students play their board games over a hesed. designated period of time, performing the acts of hesed ˙ What is God’s kindness? ˙ Students will compare different that they included in their game and earning points for acts of hesed and decide which What does it mean to sing God’s kindness? How can each act. At the end of the designated time period, a they value˙ most. each of us do that? winner can be determined and rewarded. Students will design a board What is the result or consequence of singing God’s game about hesed, giving kindness, in your opinion? different acts˙ relative amounts Why do you think this text appears at the top of the quiz? of points based on class discussion and their own SHEMOT 34:6–7 personal value system. God, God, powerful God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in kindness and truth. Preserver of VOCABULARY kindness for thousands of generations, Forgiver of iniquity, qj5c4m1 game transgression, and sin; and Granter of pardon...

These verses are referred to as the 13 attributes of God. Which attributes are associated with hesed? Why do ˙ you think those attributes are so central to our understanding of God? Why do you think that the text specifies that God is abundant in kindness? How is that different from saying “kind”? What does the fact that hesed is an attribute of God’s ˙ suggest about the value of hesed? ˙ 9 4. After the discussion is completed, explain to your BABAGANEWZ students that they will be designing “The Game of Hesed.” TEACHERS’ GUIDE ˙ H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/23/08 5:06 PM Page 10


QUOTES & QUESTIONS “Altruism Gene” “Three characteristics identify this people—they are merciful, they are bashful, and they perform acts of kindness.” “Charles Darwin theorized that all species behave in ways YEVAMOT 79a MAGAZINE PAGE 9 that increase their chances for survival. Often, this survival instinct expresses itself as selfish behavior. Humans (and Altruism Gene In 2005, an Israeli research some animals), however, frequently ignore their personal M ARDER team discovered a gene that B Y RACHEL interests and help others—a behavior called altruism.” Connect With Kindness is a popular web site that enables users to purchase “kindness coins,” predisposes people towards each with a specific serial number. Participants perform an act of kindness for someone and Why would a survival instinct express itself as selfish then give that person a coin. Those who receive a coin post their address or zip code altruistic behavior. In this online, and then they give away the coin with behavior? Can you think of an example to illustrate this? a kind act. Connect With Kindness software the tracks each coin’s location. To date, lesson, students discuss how “kindness coin” that has traveled the Why do you think humans frequently behave farthest has journeyed 7,619 miles. altruism is an integral part of ARE WE NATURALLY SELFISH? TAMES altruistically, ignoring their own personal interests? Charles Darwin theorized that all TORAH species behave in ways that increase their Often, this survival INSTINCTS hesed. Students will measure chances for survival. OUR as selfish some individuals may be more instinct expresses itself lthough ˙ Humans (and some animals), Agenetically predisposed to altruism than “The research team pinpointed a particular gene variant behavior. esed, like visiting frequently ignore their personal others, being altruistic is difficult˙ for almost their own altruistic tendencies however, Performing acts of h or sheltering the everyone. interests and help others—a behavior comforting a mourner, Occasionally, an altruistic the sick, in certain people’s DNA that enhances receptors for called altruism. for example, can cause uncomfortable feelings es our imagination; homeless act captur deeds like these this remindis why theus ofTorah our own and consider what factors because Perhaps as a train rumbled into a subway age station 50, in vulnerability. teach us to Wesley Autrey, mitzvot dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that triggers New York City, commands us to be kind These to people who are less leaped onto the tracks to protect a man fortunate than we are. contribute to their level of Miraculously, the train the needs of others and train us to be who had fallen. consider no matter how challenging to the effort the is positive feelings. People with this ‘altruism gene’ on compassionate, “According rolled over them and they escaped without Avot 5:26). circumstance; (Pirkei after all, altruism. The activity provides a scratch. the reward” chromosome 11 of their DNA feel especially good after DISCOVERING THE BIOLOGY OF KINDNESS samples from 354 families and asked them opportunities for critical Scientists wonder what prompts people to act performing actions that benefit others.” Professor Richard Ebstein of questions about their selflessness to rate their altruistically. In 2005, Israeli They found that about two- altruism on a scale. Hebrew University and a group of had a gene variant thirds of the random sample thinking, self reflection, and psychologists discovered that genetics influences the altruism gene. including safer activities like on chromosome 11, altruistic behavior, women scored When might helping others end up putting you at risk The research Furthermore, although men and giving tzedakah or volunteering. religiously the same on the altruism scale, linking Judaism to cutting-edge team pinpointed a particular gene variant in her. Ebstein observant people scored hig or somehow hurting you? certain people’s DNA that enhances receptors for that altruistic behavior concluded, therefore, dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that People with this is based not only on our genetic heritage, triggers positive feelings. their DNA animal science. on chromosome 11 of but also on our commitment to our “altruism gene” actions that slideshow cultural and religious heritage. Why would a gene like this evolve? feel especially good after performing benefit others. Ebstein and his team took blood

KINDNESS 5769 HESHVAN BABAGANEWZ 9 OBJECTIVES How do you feel about having a receptor in your brain ˙ Students will compose a that “programs” you to feel good about helping others? definition of altruism. Do you think it affects your free will at all? Why or why 4. Distribute the altruism scale available to print at Students will examine their own not? Instruct students to work attitudes and behavior by using ACTIVITY: MEASURING UP independently to complete the questionnaire. After an altruism scale. students finish answering the questions, ask: 1. Begin by surveying students about things they do for  Students will discuss why others, such as helping friends with homework, giving According to this scale, could you be described as Judaism emphasizes hesed altruistic? Do you think that the scale accurately reflects ˙ tzedakah, etc. Also ask students how they feel when they even though there is evidence do these things. Try to get honest answers; if no student your level of altruism? Why or why not? of a biological predisposition expresses ambivalence, give an example from your life that to altruism. Do you notice a pattern to your answers? If you do, what is not all rosy. (e.g., “I like donating blood, but it takes so factors could explain that pattern? VOCABULARY long, I often feel like I don’t have time.”) Ask students why people do these things, even if they are sometimes difficult. Which question was the easiest to answer? Ms4ya1Wrf4l4a6 altruism 2. Read the article on page 9 of BABAGANEWZ, using the Which scenario made you most uncomfortable? Why? at5 cell Quotes & Questions above to guide discussion. As a class, Are you satisfied with your level of altruism as indicated Ng2 gene compose a definition of altruism and post it on the board. by the scale? If not, what could you do to change where 3. Study and discuss the Jewish text below. you fall on the scale?

PIRKEI AVOT 5:13 5. Wrap up by going back to the article and Professor There are four character types among people: One who Ebstein’s conclusion that altruism is controlled by more says, “What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours”— than just genes. Ask students: this is the average type, though some say that this is the If there is a gene that contributes to altruistic tendencies, type of Sodom. One who says, “What is mine is yours and why do you think the Torah includes so many teachings what is yours is mine”—this is an ignorant person. One who about and mitzvot focused on being altruistic? says, “What is mine is yours and what is yours is yours”— Do you think it’s important for Judaism to teach us to this is a pious person. And one who says, “What is yours is be altruistic? Why or why not? mine, and what is mine is mine”—this is a wicked person.

What are the differences between these four types of people? Do you agree with the way that the mishnah ranks or categorizes the types? Why or why not? 10 How does this text apply to altruism? BABAGANEWZ In which category would you place yourself according to TEACHERS’ GUIDE this mishnah? Why? H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/23/08 3:55 PM Page 11


“Benevolence ACTIVITY: GETTING IN THE ZONE Why does Beruriah criticize her husband’s reasoning? 1. Distribute a list of examples of hesed to each student Behind Bars” ˙ How does she explain the verse from Psalms 104:35? (available to print at Instruct How does this text suggest varying approaches to MAGAZINE PAGES 12–13 students to check off the three examples that they think they would be most likely to perform. Discuss: dealing with people who have done something wrong? This article describes hesed ˙ Which hesed are you most likely to perform? What How does this text apply to the article we just read? toward people removed from ˙ makes that hesed attractive or comfortable for you? Which position from this text do Fleisher and Paull society—prison inmates. In ˙ emulate? Why? Which hesed do you think you would be least likely to this lesson, students will role- ˙ perform? Why? ISAIAH 42:6–7 play different hesed scenarios I, God, have called you in righteousness, and have taken ˙ Why do you think some acts of hesed are easier than to examine the mitzvah of ˙ hold of your hand, and kept you, and set you for a covenant performing hesed toward all others to perform? of the people, for a light of the nations: to open blind eyes, ˙ people, even if one must Be sure to discuss entertaining prison inmates and to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and [to take] reach beyond his or her own sending letters and/or birthday gifts to children who them that sit in darkness out of prison. comfort zone to do so. have a parent in prison. This text is often cited as describing the major mission of When assigning hesed resources to the unfortunate, how ˙ the Jewish people—to serve as a light to the nations. OBJECTIVES should the Jewish community consider Jewish prisoners What do you think that means? How do we fulfill that Students will identify who have been convicted of committing crimes? Does mission? comfortable and uncomfortable the source of someone’s misfortune matter when situations in which to perform allocating hesed resources? Why or why not? What is the light that we bring to the world? hesed. ˙ ˙ 2. Read the article on pages 12–13 of BABAGANEWZ. How does the second part of this text explain that  Students will articulate their Discuss: mission? opinions about communal allocation of hesed resources. Eastern State was the first institution in the United States What prisoners do you think this text is discussing? ˙ to be called “penitentiary” instead of “prison.” What is Students will role-play What is our responsibility to these prisoners? the difference between these two terms? scenarios in which doing hesed How can we take them out of the dark and out of the might be difficult. ˙ How did Fleisher’s reforms and Paull’s assistance dungeon? reinforce the idea that Eastern State was a penitentiary? VOCABULARY Even though this text is a metaphor that uses prison and rh6os tyB2 prison What Jewish values do you think motivated Paull’s darkness imagery, how does it apply to the literal hesed? prisoners in the article we read? rys1a5 prisoner ˙ Read the sidebar on page 13. Why do you think these are the examples that God used j6on comfortable Why do you think the Lubavitcher Rebbe established the to illustrate how we should spread our light? j6on]al- uncomfortable Aleph Institute? 4. Explain that now that the class has read an article about lq6 easy How does the hesed described here expand upon the hesed in a potentially uncomfortable situation, students ˙ ˙ hesed in the article? will role-play how to approach challenging hesed ˙ hv3q5 difficult ˙ opportunities. Divide the class into pairs and have each After reading the sidebar, which of the hesed programs ˙ pair choose one of the more difficult hesed examples from described do you think you could perform? ˙ the list the class studied earlier in the lesson. Have pairs 3. Study the following Jewish texts. improvise role-plays in which they practice performing hesed in the difficult scenarios they chose. Allow pairs to TALMUD BERAKHOT 10A ˙ Certain outlaws in Rabbi Meir’s neighborhood used to perform their role plays for the rest of the class. Follow cause him considerable distress. He prayed for mercy each performance with these questions: regarding them, so that they would die. Beruriah, his wife, What did you like about the way the difficult situation said to him, “What is your reasoning [for praying that they was handled in this skit? should die]? Because it is written [in Psalms 104:35], ‘Let What additional pointers can you suggest for ways to sins cease...’? Is ‘sinners’ written? [Rather,] ‘sins’ is written. approach this tough scenario? Furthermore, go down to the end of the verse, ‘And they are wicked no more.’ Since sins will cease, they will be wicked What Jewish values should be considered when performing this challenging hesed? no more. So pray that they repent and be wicked no more.” ˙ He prayed for them, and they repented. Conclude the class by asking: Why is it important to practice doing hesed in difficult Why did Rabbi Meir pray for the deaths of the outlaws? ˙ 11 situations? How might these role-plays help you when How is Rabbi Meir’s initial reaction similar to those who confronted with actual hesed challenges? BABAGANEWZ ˙ TEACHERS’ GUIDE disagree with expending communal funds and energy H ESHVAN 5769 on prison inmates? ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 12


“A Slice of Hope” QUOTES & QUESTIONS How does this example illustrate Yad Eliezer’s “Behind the headlines extolling Israel’s booming economy philosophy that we just discussed? MAGAZINE PAGES 14–17 lurks an awful truth: More than 1.6 million Israelis live in “‘If our small but dedicated staff represents the skeleton poverty. Even more alarming than that, government This article introduces readers of Yad Eliezer,’ says Milcah Benizman, social services experts warn that poverty has increased 20 percent in the director, ‘then our 10,000 volunteers are its heart and soul.’ to Yad Eliezer, the largest food last five years; it now afflicts one in three children in the Israelis from all walks of life, and even tourists, volunteer relief organization in Israel. In Jewish state.” at Yad Eliezer.” this lesson, students will What surprises you about these statistics? imagine what a perfect meal would look like In your opinion, who should be responsible for taking care of those below the poverty line—the for them. This will then be government, non-profit organizations, everyone compared to a Jewish text that who is not in a state of poverty? Why? talks about how a meal must include opening your home to What role can or should you play in helping those living in poverty in Israel? those less fortunate. Students will then read about Yad What role can or should you play in helping those Eliezer and think about major living in poverty in your own community? acts of hesed they can do to “‘We do not subscribe to a soup kitchen philosophy,’ ˙ help relieve hunger in their says Dov Vizel, director of Yad Eliezer in Israel. ‘We aim own communities. to normalize the family situation as much as possible, delivering food to the households themselves, where OBJECTIVES children can see their parents as providers.’” Students will think about how What do you think Vizel means by the phrase “a soup Why do you think that the volunteers are characterized the role of hesed and helping kitchen philosophy”? as Yad Eliezer’s heart and soul? others should˙ play into the food Why does Yad Eliezer “not subscribe to a soup kitchen they eat. What do you think draws so many different types of philosophy”? volunteers to work for Yad Eliezer? Using Yad Eliezer as an inspiration, students will think of What is Yad Eliezer’s approach to giving? ACTIVITY: FEEDING THE HUNGRY ways to help those in need in What Jewish values motivate Yad Eliezer’s philosophy? 1. Ask students to design their perfect Shabbat meal. their own communities. “[O]ne elderly woman recently arrived unannounced. As What is the menu? VOCABULARY if she were the only person waiting for help, she frantically Who is there? be5r5 hunger waved an overdue electricity bill she could not afford to pay. In many offices, this woman might have been hushed Where does it take place? lk3oa /Nozm5 food and sternly told to wait her turn. But at Yad Eliezer, a What does the space in which it takes place look like? poverty volunteer brewed her a cup of coffee and listened yn1oe Give them an opportunity to share what their perfect sympathetically.” /tyg1yg1j8 hj5Wra8 festive meal Shabbat meals would look like in small groups or as a hd5Wes4 whole class if time allows. 2. Study the following Maimonides and Talmud texts as a class.

MAIMONIDES, MISHNEH TORAH, HILKHOT SHEVITAT YOM TOV 6:18 When one eats and drinks (at a festive meal), one is obligated to feed the stranger, the orphan, and the widow with the rest of the poor and the unfortunate. But one that locks the gates of one’s courtyard and eats and drinks with only one’s children and spouse, and does not feed and give drink to the poor and embittered—this is not the celebration of the commandment (to be happy at a festive meal), rather 12 it is the celebration for one’s own stomach. BABAGANEWZ TEACHERS’ GUIDE H ESHVAN 5769 ˙ TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 13

According to Maimonides, what should a festive meal BIRKAT HAMAZON look like? Blessed is God our God, Ruler of the universe, Who sustains Specifically, who should be present at such a meal? the entire world with goodness, How does Maimonides connect celebration with hesed ˙ kindness, and mercy. God gives in this text? food to all creatures, for God’s Is this the type of meal you would like to have at your mercy is everlasting. Through own home? Why or why not? God’s abundant goodness we have not lacked sustenance, If you would feel uncomfortable inviting strangers to and may we not lack your home for a festive meal, how else do you think you sustenance forever, for the sake could satisfy Maimonides’ requirements to feed those who are less fortunate? of God’s great Name. God sustains all, does good to all, and provides food for all the creatures whom God has created. Blessed is God our God,

Who provides food for all. PHOTOS COURTESY OF YAD ELIEZER

Why do you think that Jewish tradition includes both blessings before and after meals, when most other faiths only say blessings before eating? [It is easier to forget one’s gratitude on a full stomach, so Judaism reminds us to thank God not only when we are hungry and ready to eat, but also after we have eaten and enjoyed the gifts of God.] How does God sustain the entire world? What word or words are repeated most often in this prayer? Why do you think they are repeated?

TALMUD SHEVUOT 39A How do you understand the line, “God sustains all, does All are responsible for one another. good to all, and provides food for all the creatures whom God has created”? What would this text say about our responsibility for If God provides food for all of God’s creations, why are helping the hungry in our community? there people who are starving in the world? What How does this text relate to the Maimonides text? responsibility does that place on us? Discuss with the class: 5. Divide the class into four groups. Explain that each group will be assigned one of the following Jewish Did anyone include those who were less fortunate as holidays, which already have the described traditions of guests at their perfect meals? giving to the needy associated with them: Would anyone be comfortable having the type of meal ■ Shabbat Maimonides suggests? ■ Tu B’Shevat—Ma’ot Peirot (tzedakah to enable the After studying these texts, would anyone like to change needy to eat fruits) what his or her perfect meal looks like? Why or why not? ■ Purim—Matanot L’evyonim (tzedakah to enable the 3. Read the article about the work of Yad Eliezer on pages needy to prepare a festive Se’udat Purim) 14–17 of BABAGANEWZ. Use the discussion questions ■ Pesach—Ma’ot Hitim (tzedakah to enable the needy to provided above to explore the article. ˙ buy matzah and other Pesach necessities) How is the hesed work done by Yad Eliezer similar to the ˙ The groups will brainstorm innovative and creative ways set of expectations Maimonides set up in the text you that the class can help provide for the hungry on those studied? How is it different? occasions. Challenge each group to share one or two In your opinion, would supporting Yad Eliezer (either practical ideas that the class can do together over the financially, or volunteering with them) satisfy the course of the year to perform hesed by feeding the needy. ˙ requirements for a festive meal set up by Maimonides? Use the four groups to form four hesed committees to ˙ Why or why not? organize their brainstormed ideas into actual hesed ˙ 4. Study the following text, the first paragraph of Birkat activities for the class and the community. Hamazon. TG_heshvan.qxd:Layout 1 9/22/08 2:15 PM Page 14


“TO DRILL OR NOT TO DRILL?” gk:` ziy`xa BEREISHIT 1:28 EaxE§ ExR § miwŸl ¦ ` ¡ m¤d¨l x¤n`ŸI©e mi¦wŸl` ¡ m¨zŸ` K x¨ ¤a§i©e God blessed them. God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and sFraE § m¨I©d z©b§c¦AEc xE§ dª¨W§a¦k§eu¤ x¨`¨d z¤` E`§l¦nE master it. Dominate the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every beast that :ux¨ ¤`¨d l©r z¤U¤nŸxd ¨ d¨I©g l¨k§aE m¦i©n¨X©d walks the land.”

BEREISHIT 2:15 eh:a ziy`xa And God took the human and set him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and D¨c§a¨r§l o¤c¥r o©b§a Ed¥g¦P©I©e m¨c¨`¨d z¤` miwŸl ¦ ` ¡ 'd gT¦I© © e to guard it. :Dx§ ¨n¨W§lE

fh:ehw milidz PSALMS 115:16 The heavens are God’s, but God has given the earth to humanity. :mc¨ ¨` i¥p§a¦l o©z¨p u¤ x¨`¨d§e 'd©l m¦i©n¨W m¦i©n¨X©d

ECCLESIASTES RABBAH 7:13 bi:f dax zldw When God created the first human, God led him around all the trees in the oFW`x¨¦d m¨c¨` z` ¤ `Ed KEx¨A WFc¨T©d`¨ x¨A¤W d¨r¨W§A Garden of Eden. God said to him, “See My works, how beautiful and praiseworthy they are. Everything I have created has been created for your sake. Think of this, d¥`x§ Fl x©n¨`§e ,o¤c¥r o©B i¥p¨li¦` l¨M l©r Fxi¦f¡g¤d§e Flh§p ¨ and do not corrupt or destroy My world; for if you spoil it, there is nobody to i¦z`x¨ ¨A¤X d©n l¨k§e ,o¥d oi¦g¨AªW§nE mi`¨p ¦ d¨O©M i©U£r©n repair it after you.” z¤`ai x£¦g©z§e l¥w§l©w§Y `ŸN¤W L§Y§r©C o¥Y ,i¦z`x¨ ¨A L§lia§ ¦ W¦A .Lix£ ¤g©` o¥T©z§I¤W i¦n oi¥` Y§l©¨ w§l¦w m¦`¤W,i¦ n¨lFr

DEVARIM 20:19 hi:k mixac When you lay siege to a city and wage war against it a long time to capture it, `Ÿl D¨U§t¨z§l di¤l¨¨ r m¥g¨Nd§l ¦ miA© ¦ x mi¦n¨i xi¦r l¤` xEv¨z i¦M you must not destroy its trees, wielding an ax against any food producing tree. FzŸ` §e l¥k`Ÿz EPO¦ ¤n i¦M o¤fx©§B ei¨l¨r gŸC§p¦l© D¨v¥r z¤` zi¦g§W©z Do not cut down a tree in the field…. :...zŸx §k¦z `Ÿl

TORAH PAGE PROVERBS 21:21 `k:`k ilyn A person who chases after tzedakah and hesed will find life, righteousness, and :cFa¨k§e d¨w¨c§v mi¦I©g `¨v§n¦i c¤q¨g¨e d¨w¨c§v scŸx ¥ honor. ˙

“SHUI MAIZLECH: KIND TO THE CORE” a:` zea` iwxt PIRKEI AVOT 1:2 m¨lFrd ¨ mi x¨¦a§c d¨WlW § l©r ,xnF` ¥ d¨i¨d... wiC© ¦S©d oFr n¦ § W Simon the Righteous...used to say: The world stands on three things—on the Torah, on the service of God, and on acts of lovingkindness. :mic¨ ¦q£g zElin§B ¦ l©r§e d¨cFa£r¨d l©r§ed¨ xFYd © l©r ,cnFr ¥

“DANNY SIEGEL: MITZVAH MANAGER” `:cl dax `xwie VAYIKRA RABBAH 34:1 Rabbi Jonah said: The verse does not say, “Happy is the one who gives to a poor `¨N¤` o`¨M aiz§M ¦ oi` ¥ l¨c§l o¥zFp i¥ x§W©` d¨pFi 'x xn`©¨ person,” rather it says, “Happy is one who considers a poor person” (Psalms FA l¥M©Y§q¦n i¥e¡d (a:`n milidz) "lC ¨ l¤` li ¦M§U©ni¥ x§W©`" 41:2). Therefore, you must consider how best to help a person in need. .FOr ¦ zFM©f§l K©`id ¥

TALMUD BABA BATRA 9B Rabbi Isaac said: One who gives a small coin to a poor person receives six a cenr h sc `xza `aa blessings, and one who speaks to the poor words of cheer receives eleven W¥W§AK¥ x¨A§z¦n i¦p¨r§l d¨hExR § o¥zFPd © l¨M :w¨g§v¦i i¦A©x x©n¨`§e blessings. .zFkx§ ¨A `"iA § K¥ x¨A§z¦nmi x¨¦a§c¦A Fqi§I©t§n©d§e ,zFkx§ ¨A

QUIZ CENTRAL: “WHAT’S YOUR GIG?” a:ht milidz PSALMS 89:2 God’s kindness I will sing forever. ..dxi ¨ W¨ ¦ ` m¨lFr 'd ic§ ¥q©g

continued on next page...

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QUIZ CENTRAL: “WHAT’S YOUR GIG?” continued... SHEMOT 34:6–7 f-e:cl zeny God, God, powerful God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and x¥vŸpw:zn¡ ¤`¤e c¤q¤ga© x§e m¦i©R©` Kx¤ ¤` oEP©g§e mEgx © l-¥` 'd 'd abundant in kindness and truth. Preserver of kindness for thousands of ....dT© ¥p§e d¨`¨H©g§e r©W¤t¨e oŸe¨r `¥UŸp mit¨l£ ¦ `¨l c¤q¤g generations, Forgiver of iniquity, transgression, and sin; and Granter of pardon...

“ALTRUISM GENE” PIRKEI AVOT 5:13 bi:d zea` iwxt There are four character types among people: One who says, “What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours”—this is the average type, though some say that Ff ,K¨N¤W L§N¤W§e i¦N¤W i¦N¤W x¥nF`¨d .m¨c¨`¨A zFCn ¦ r©Ax©§` this is the type of Sodom. One who says, “What is mine is yours and what is yours K¨NW ¤ i¦N¤W.mFc§ q z©C¦n Ff ,mix§¦nF` W¥i§e .zi¦pFpi¥a d¨C¦n is mine”—this is an ignorant person. One who says, “What is mine is yours and .ciq¨ ¦ g ,K¨N¤W L§N¤W§e K¨N¤W i¦N¤W.u¤ x¨`¨d m©r ,i¦N¤W L§N¤W§e what is yours is yours”—this is a pious person. And one who says, “What is yours is mine, and what is mine is mine”—this is a wicked person. :rW¨ ¨ x ,i¦N¤W L§N¤W§e i¦N¤W i¦N¤W

“BENEVOLENCE BEHIND BARS” ` cenr i sc zekxa TALMUD BERAKHOT 10A `¨w Ee£d©e xi¦`¥n i¦A©x§C Di¥zEa¨a§W¦A Ee£d©Ci¥pFi x¦§A Ed§p©d Certain outlaws in Rabbi Meir’s neighborhood used to cause him considerable i¥n£g©x xi`¥ ¦ n i¦A©x i¥r¨A `¨w d¨e£d .`¨aEh Di¥l Ex£r©v§n distress. He prayed for mercy regarding them, so that they would die. Beruriah, Edzi§ a§¦ C`¨i xEx§ A § Di¥l dx§ ¨n¨` .EzEni¥l§C i¦ki¥d i¦M Ed§i©e¨N¦r his wife, said to him, “What is your reasoning [for praying that they should die]? Because it is written [in Psalms 104:35], ‘Let sins cease...’? Is ‘sinners’ written? aiz§M ¦ i¦n ".mi¦`¨H©g EO©Y¦i" aiz§k¦ ¦ C mEX¦n ?K¨Y§r©C i`©n [Rather,] ‘sins’ is written. Furthermore, go down to the end of the verse, ‘And they :`x§ ¨w¦C Di¥tiq§l ¥ lit§ ¦ W ,cFr §e .ai¦z§M "mi`¨ ¦ H©g" ,mi`§ ¦ hFg are wicked no more.’ Since sins will cease, they will be wicked no more. So pray mir¨ ¦ WxE--mi§ `¨ ¦ H©g EO©Y¦i§C o¨ei¥M ,"m¨pi¥` cFr mi ¦r¨WxE"§ that they repent and be wicked no more.” He prayed for them, and they repented. --d¨aEWz¦ § AEx§ C§d¤lC Ed§i©e¨N¦r i¥n£g©x i¥r§A ,`¨N¤` ?m¨pi` ¥ cFr .d¨aEWz¦ § AEx§ c¨d§e Ed§i©e¨N¦r i¥n£g©x `¨r§A .m¨pi¥` cFr mi ¦r¨WxE§ ISAIAH 42:6–7 I, God, have called you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and f-e:an diryi kept you, and set you for a covenant of the people, for a light of the nations: to L§p¤e Y¤`§eL x¨§S¤`§ L¤c¨i§A w¥f§g©`§e w¤c¤v§a Li¦z`x§ ¨w 'd i¦p£` open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and [to take] them `ivFd§l ¦ zFx §e¦r m¦i©pi¥r gŸw© t¦ § Ow:m¦iFB xF`§l m¨rzi x§¦a¦l that sit in darkness out of prison. :KWg ¤ i¥a§Wi `¤l¤M zi¥A¦n xiQ© ¦ ` x¥B§q©O¦n

gi:e aeh mei zziay zekld ,dxez dpyn ,m"anx “A SLICE OF HOPE” mFz¨I©l x¥B©l li ¦k£`©d§l a¨I©g --d¤zFW §e l¥kF` `EdW§kE ¤ MAIMONIDES, MISHNEH TORAH, HILKHOT SHEVITAT YOM TOV 6:18 When one eats and drinks (at a festive meal), one is obligated to feed the l¥rFPW ¤ i¦n l¨a£` ,mi¦l¨l¥n£`¨d mi¦I¦p£r¨d x¨`§W m¦r d¨p¨n§l©`¨l§e stranger, the orphan, and the widow with the rest of the poor and the Fpi`§e ¥ FYW¦ § `§e ei¨p¨aE `Ed dzFW ¤ §e l¥kF` §e Fx¥v£g zFz§l©C unfortunate. But one that locks the gates of one’s courtyard and eats and drinks d¨e§v¦n z©g§n¦U Ff oi` ¥ W¤t¤p i¥ x¨n§lE mi¦I¦p£r©l d¤w§W©nE li ¦k£`©n with only one’s children and spouse, and does not feed and give drink to the ....Fqx§M ¥ z©g§n¦U `¨N¤` poor and embittered—this is not the celebration of the commandment (to be happy at a festive meal), rather it is the celebration for one’s own stomach. ` cenr hl sc zereay TALMUD SHEVUOT 39A .d¤f©A d¤f mi¦a¥x¨r l¥`¨x§U¦i l¨M All Jews are responsible for one another. oefnd zkxa BIRKAT HAMAZON Blessed is God our God, Ruler of the universe, Who sustains the entire world with m¨lFrd ¨ z¤` o¨G©d ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l¤n Epi¥wŸl` ¡ ,'d d¨Y©` KEx¨A goodness, kindness, and mercy. God gives food to all creatures, for God’s mercy is l¨k§l m¤g¤l o¥zFp `Ed ,min£ ¦ g©x§aE cq¤ ¤ g§A o¥g§A FaEhA § FNªM everlasting. Through God’s abundant goodness we have not lacked sustenance, x©q¨g `Ÿl cin¨ ¦ Y lFc¨B©d FaEhaE § .FCq© § g m¨lFr§l i¦M x¨U¨A and may we not lack sustenance forever, for the sake of God’s great Name. God sustains all, does good to all, and provides food for all the creatures whom God FnW § xEa£r©A .c¤r¨e m¨lFr§l oFf¨n Ep¨l xq§ ©g¤i l©`§e ,Ep¨l has created. Blessed is God our God, Who provides food for all. oi ¦k¥nE ,lŸM©l aih¥ ¦ nE lŸM©l q¥px©§t§nE of¨ l¥` `Ed i ¦M ,lFc¨B©d z¤` o¨G©d ,'d d¨Y©` KEx¨A.`¨ x¨A x¤W£` ei¨zFIx§¦A l¨k§l oFf¨n .lŸMd ©

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THEMES for 5769/2008–2009 Coming Next Month... Tishrei 5769/October 2008 Kislev 5769/December 2008 Theme: Gevurah (Heroism) tWvd4j6t4h1 Hithadshut TORAH PAGE W.O.W. (WORLD OF WONDERS) ˙ Renewal Hear what students have to say about the Learn what causes thunder and how Judaism verse, “God is with me; I shall not fear” helps us manage life’s stormy weather. H˙eshvan 5769/November 2008 (Psalms 118:6 and Adon Olam). ds˙ 3j3 CHECK IT OUT Discover the Jewish values in your comic Hesed SPOTLIGHT book collection. Kindness˙ Get to know Israeli lawyer Nitsana Darshan-Leitner whose heroic work ISRAEL FEATURE Kislev 5769/December 2008 demands justice for victims of terror. Meet three modern Israeli heroes who serve the State of Israel. hr5WbG4 QUIZ CENTRAL Gevurah Have your students take a personality quiz HOLIDAY FEATURE Heroism to discover the hero they most resemble: Design clay seals as they were made at the King David, Rosa Parks, or Indiana Jones. time of the Maccabees. Tevet 5769/January 2009 SUBJECT TO CHANGE PWgh6 tr6y m1v4  Shmirat Haguf Taking Care of Your Body

Shevat 5769/February 2009 Heshvan’s Torah Hr5m4v5l4W Hd5b4e5l4 for˙ Teachers L’avdah U’leshamrah Protecting the Environment he story of the Tower of Babel recounts how a generation situated Adar 5769/March 2009 T in a valley discovered how to hL5p1T4 form and construct with bricks and mortar and tried to build a skyscraper Tefillah to reach the heavens. God punished Prayer the builders of the tower by confusing the languages that they spoke and dispersing them Nisan 5769/April 2009 across the land, thereby causing a massive failure in tWrj2 communication and destroying the unity that the insolence; this is not Herut generation had exhibited in its speech and its a generation reaching out, but a generation reaching Freedom˙ proposed goal. While the Torah clearly delineates the up toward self-aggrandizement and egotism. sins of the earlier flood generation, the sins of this Immediately following this story, we read the Iyar 5769/May 2009 generation are more ambiguous: What was so ignoble genealogy that leads to Avraham, a figure who is the hd5m5t4h6 about the plan to build a tower to the heavens? Torah antithesis of the tower generation. Avraham, the scholars note that the generation seems to disregard exemplar of hesed, leaves his home to teach the Hatmadah ˙ Perseverance completely the original mandate that God gives to concept of monotheism. He models selflessness in his humans: to be fruitful, multiply, and spread across pursuit of hesed and in his desire to spread the name ˙ the land. By settling in a valley, the generation of God rather than make a name for himself. With essentially closes itself off from the rest of the world. his altruism and faith, Avraham establishes the Furthermore, the rationale that the generation cites foundations for the Jewish people and begins 16 for its building aspirations—to make a name for itself constructing a nation and a world that are built on BABAGANEWZ (Bereishit 11:4)—demonstrates self-centeredness and kindness (Psalms 89:3). TEACHERS’ GUIDE H ESHVAN 5769 ˙