William Fotheringham | 384 pages | 12 May 2016 | Vintage Publishing | 9780224092050 | English | London, United Kingdom The Badger: Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling PDF Book

Ian B Wednesday, 3 June , pm. They had moved up to the bigger events, regional semi-Classics run with pride by clubs like ours, and thence into the stratosphere. DJS India rated it really liked it Jul 02, Old, young, men, women, each wanted to get a sight of him, touch him, ask him for an autograph. The crush was understandable: two days earlier, Hinault had won the Tour de for the fifth time, joining and in the record books. Back then, cycling champions didn't do things in a small way. The patrons — Merckx, , Hinault, Anquetil — were a blend of union leader and mafia boss, but they had this in common: they ruled the sport through muscle and mouth. I still have a bottle he handed off just before the start of the stage in Sacramento along with an autographed replica yellow jersey obtained years later. Lifestyle Newsletter. Of course merely signing Hinault to your team would make any car-driving chimpanzee look good but Guimard and Hinault are a winning tandem. The book never quite touches directly on what made Hinault so good, the assumption is that he was born with the DNA of a champion and this was boosted by aggression and even borderline psychopathic tendencies. Lead detective: I owed Adrian Donohoe justice. Spofferoonie Wednesday, 3 June , pm. He started out in , when the sport had barely changed in its essentials since the Second World War — better bikes and kit, better roads but not much else — and when he hung up his wheels cycling had begun to resemble its twenty-first-century incarnation. For more book reviews see inrng. Other Editions 6. Joe K. Wednesday, 3 June , pm. He sat calmly and waited for the organisers to find some muscle and give him the space to emerge. Not any real or valid answers offered. The rest, as they say, is history! Louise O'Neill. What I do remember is that while the script called for a bit of badger-type aggression — a snarl, at least, if not a swipe of the claws — there was none of that. Friend Reviews. Aug 05, Tomi rated it liked it. After which, the patron went the way of the dodo. Why has this become such a well established myth. Email subscription The blog feed as email. Want to Read saving…. Neil rated it it was amazing Apr 10, Since Hinault retired the French have been searching for a rider capable of matching his achievements. You could argue that the notion of professional cycling as fun died on the day that Hinault symbolically hung his bike on a hook after his farewell race in November Bernard Hinault was stuck. It was one of the red Skoda Superb saloons, emblazoned with logos and festooned with radio aerials that are driven by the 's top brass and we were sitting on the top of Holme Moss. Cycling changed its sociological mix in Hinault's time, enough for Margot to describe him as 'one of the last, symbolic representatives of a suffering working class'. If you haven't heard of record-smashing singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, is there any hope for you? The point of the post-Tour is — was — that you see your heroes in the flesh. He never disappeared from the sport, even after retirement — and this is another area where the author deserves credit as the transition from rider to working man is well-documented. Chany reminded his readers that a few years earlier, it would have been unimaginable for the maillot jaune to come from outside Europe and looked forward to a time when no nation would dominate cycling — which is where we have arrived in the twenty-first century. The Badger: Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling Writer

Friend Reviews. And in drawing Tapie to cycling, Hinault brought in the big money. After which, the patron went the way of the dodo. They were our conduit to the world of Hinault and company. This book was sent free for review. The point of the post-Tour criterium is — was — that you see your heroes in the flesh. Neil rated it it was amazing Apr 10, Hinault's career neatly bridged two eras. I can't remember how Hinault eventually got out of the car and made it to the door of the changing rooms. The history-making and the drama of the Tour were not to be denied, but for a large group of us, the interest was more parochial. Related Articles. What appealed was the fantastically clandestine nature of cycling: the process of discovering a culture few knew about or had an interest in, a journey guided by a language few people spoke and media that weren't readily available. With hindsight, it's amusing to recall the Schadenfreude we felt in the knowledge that Hinault had quit Guimard the previous autumn. We couldn't avoid feeling smug, given that we knew that the following season our Thierry would be riding with Fignon and Guimard at the all- conquering Renault-Elf team. Sign Up. Hinault's status as a patron was established early on when he took on the organisers of the Tour de France in , and he continued to dominate his fellows to the end of his career. Naming the date of his retirement well in advance, then sticking to it, makes him stand out as special in addition to his amazing palmares. He'd had a rapid pie and pint in the bar — the photograph by Simon Wilkinson made many of the papers. Angela rated it liked it Jul 18, We drove from Cragg Vale over the Moss and up and down the plethora of little climbs that made stage 2 of the Tour into Sheffield one of the toughest opening-weekend stages in recent Tours. Books by William Fotheringham. Othersteve Thursday, 4 June , am. They had started out looking for prime spots on the circuit, then had moved as if by osmosis, filling the pavement infront of the building where the riders were to get changed. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. William Fotheringham. Thanks for telling us about the problem. There have been some interesting developments in the French amateur scene since the Hinault days. Get A Copy. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Not any real or valid answers offered. Maryann Hefkey rated it really liked it Jan 29, It would be hard to do yet another semi hagiographic job on him a la Fotheringham — for there is relatively little by way of distraction, the guy has a quiet personality, not a lot of charisma, etc… — sorry for the double post, meant to only reply to Ronan! Open Preview See a Problem? Several top French riders — most countries only have a few top riders at any one time, registered outside of French federation jurisdiction, or joined teams outside France to avoid the new scrutiny. It was one of the red Skoda Superb saloons, emblazoned with logos and festooned with radio aerials that are driven by the Tour de France's top brass and we were sitting on the top of Holme Moss. Some say Bernard Hinault was better than Eddy Merckx. Similarly Hinault teams up with Bernard Tapie to launch a new team and this ushers in yet more modern aspects of team management. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. I find several parts extremely interesting, especially the anecdotes about Hinault, both on and off the bike. Kevin G Thursday, 4 June , am. A legend. But his prowess as a rider extended far beyond that, both during his glittering career and into retirement, and this book, Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling by award-winning journalist William Fotheringham charts the rise, fall and rise of not just his subject but the sport. That July, no one expected Hinault to bite back. The Inner Ring Thursday, 4 June , am. He is a five-time winner of the Tour de France and the only man to have won each of the Grand Tours on more than one occasion. The Badger: Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling Reviews

He started out in , when the sport had barely changed in its essentials since the Second World War — better bikes and kit, better roads but not much else — and when he hung up his wheels cycling had begun to resemble its twenty-first-century incarnation. That privilege was reserved for the 'regional' Thierry Marie, a first-year professional who had just finished his debut Tour. The phrase se faire plaisir — have fun, take pleasure, enjoy yourself — crops up all the time when you talk cycling with him. What does come across is the respect and intimidation that both felt. All correct and in the book but I wanted to keep it concise above. DJS India rated it really liked it Jul 02, His jaw alone tells a tale, jutting defiantly at the world. Although really, Hoges would be more likely to stop than Strop. Its just a brief overview you may be able to find it second hand as I did. Yet the author does drift into technical or historical sections that are sometimes hard to follow. Sam Thursday, 4 June , am. Interlopers have occasionally made it onto recent Tour de France podiums, but any podium crasher first has to come through Hinault, a fairly frightening proposition. William Fotheringham. The magazines had to be bought in a shop in Soho; the radio had to be tuned to the right station at the right time. Not any real or valid answers offered. Ironically enough, I hadn't come to see Hinault. When I followed Hinault's win in the Tour — in front of the same French television set as I'd watched him on in — the race was well into its transition from being a French event with a smattering of international entrants to an international sporting event which took place — largely — on French soil. In Hinault's first Tour, , the field comprised a mere eleven teams, with bike manufacturers dominating as sponsors and co-sponsors. What appealed was the fantastically clandestine nature of cycling: the process of discovering a culture few knew about or had an interest in, a journey guided by a language few people spoke and media that weren't readily available. Average rating 3. I can only echo the comments of Larrick and Larry T. Previous post: Double Trouble. Want to Read saving….

The Badger: Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling Read Online

He never disappeared from the sport, even after retirement — and this is another area where the author deserves credit as the transition from rider to working man is well-documented. Hinault had arrived fashionably late for the start of the Lisieux criterium on 23 July , and through the evening the crowd had swelled in anticipation of his arrival. When I followed Hinault's win in the Tour — in front of the same French television set as I'd watched him on in — the race was well into its transition from being a French event with a smattering of international entrants to an international sporting event which took place — largely — on French soil. There seems to be some stray text! He waxed lyrical about the stone walls — 'imagine the skill, the hours of work that's gone into those' — speculated about what wine you might drink if you shot and cooked one of the pheasants in the moorland fields, discussed terriers, and enjoyed the comparison between Yorkshiremen and the famously tough and insular Bretons. Kevin G Thursday, 4 June , am. The Inner Ring Wednesday, 3 June , pm. But his prowess as a rider extended far beyond that, both during his glittering career and into retirement, and this book, Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling by award-winning journalist William Fotheringham charts the rise, fall and rise of not just his subject but the sport. Enlarge cover. I would lose myself in his world to the point that in physics lessons the teacher would return me abruptly to a land of equations and Bunsen burners with a coolly targeted lump of chalk. Ian B Wednesday, 3 June , pm. Paul Jakma Thursday, 4 June , am. Colin Wednesday, 3 June , pm. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Sign Up. What is probably true to say, is that those riders without the necessary financial wherewithal, almost certainly completed slowly and clean. Similarly Hinault teams up with Bernard Tapie to launch a new team and this ushers in yet more modern aspects of team management. The door wouldn't open; the crowd was too densely packed. Fignon echoed Margot, pointing out that the reductive approach to targeting just the Tour de France has in its turn reduced the stature of the champions who adopt it: 'When Hinault was on song he would wipe out everyone; he would win everything he could from the start of the season to the end. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Guimard then offered an enhanced contract including, importantly, a veto by Hinault on when he first rode the Tour de France which ultimately came in Some are born to be workers, others to be in charge. Some say Bernard Hinault was better than Eddy Merckx. Maybe true to an extent, but remember Festina, French registered team with some rather well known French riders, including a world champion, and before them Peugeot with a similar unfortunate reputation. It had gone global in just a few years. For the most part, the cyclists are the children of peasants, either landless day- labourers or small farm holders. Published May 14th by Yellow Jersey first published April 30th Hinault's career neatly bridged two eras. Crammed into the front passenger seat of the car in a backstreet of the Norman town of Lisieux, there was nowhere for him to go. He was shy at times, ebullient others. The point of the post-Tour criterium is — was — that you see your heroes in the flesh. Some had two or three in a summer. Here he was, in the flesh. That July, no one expected Hinault to bite back. Bernard Hinault was stuck. Trivia About Bernard Hinault a Lifestyle Newsletter. And Hinault is something else altogether. In , the American writer Felix Magowan could claim that 'In the Latin countries, cycling is a sport practised mainly by the socially disadvantaged, those who might otherwise go into boxing It would be hard to do yet another semi hagiographic job on him a la Fotheringham — for there is relatively little by way of distraction, the guy has a quiet personality, not a lot of charisma, etc… — sorry for the double post, meant to only reply to Ronan! For our boss, Robert Vogt, it didn't get much better than this. 231.pdf