RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton [email protected] Tel: 850745 The Rectory, Camel Street, Marston Magna, BA22 8DD (To whom all enquiries should be made) EDITOR: Samuel David Crabb [email protected] Tel: 850274 Wickham Farm, Marston Magna RIMPTON CONTACT Nicola Benbow, Ash House, Rimpton [email protected] Tel: 850434 MARSTON MAGNA CONTACT Molly Crabb, Wickham Farm, Marston Magna [email protected] Tel: 850274

RIMPTON: Normally every Sunday 10.45am, with Holy Communion on 1st Sunday each month. Morning Worship and Morning Prayer on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. The 3rd Sunday Communion is either at Rimpton or Marston.

MARSTON MAGNA: Normally every Sunday 9.30 am, with Parish Communion on the 1st Sunday each month, and Morning Prayer on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. The 3rd Sunday Communion is at either Marston Magna or Rimpton.


CHURCH WARDENS Mrs H. J. Stephens, Home Farm Cottage 851860 Mrs M L Crabb, Wickham Farm Tel: 850274 Mr J Lines, Clarke's Cottage 850828 Mr K N Field, 2 Homefield Court Tel: 850705

TREASURERS Mrs Pam Hopkins, Ash Cottage, Marston Magna 850949 Mr Hugh Privett, The Manor Tel: 850294

P.C.C. SECRETARIES Mrs. M Green, Lark Rise, Woodhouse Lane 01963 220943 Mrs B Field, 2 Homefield Court Tel: 850705

ORGANISTS Mr Stephen Suttle, 4 Cooper's Barns, MM 850167 Mr Hugh Privett, The Manor Tel: 850294

CAPTAIN of BELL-RINGERS Mrs Caroline Baillie, Ginaville Tel: 850128

CHURCH ROTAS MARSTON MAGNA Flower/Church Cleaning Sidesmen/Readers Mrs M L Crabb, Wickham Farm Tel: 850274 Mr. Richard Venning Park Farm Tel: 851104

RIMPTON Flower Rota/Brass Cleaning Church Cleaning Mrs M Le Hardy Tel: 850212 Mrs Green Tel: 01963 220943


THE MAGAZINE IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT marstonmagnaparish.co.uk AND AT rimpton.net

2 THE RECTORY June 2019

Dear All

June is yet another red-letter day for the Church's year. April -Easter, May- Ascension June- Pentecost or Whitsun. Pentecost is the celebration of the time when the Holy Spirit was first given to Jesus's disciples. God's presence with his followers then and now. Pentecost is 50 days after the Feast of the Passover and Easter.

This year instead of each Church having its own service we are having a Benefice Service at Marston Magna instead of the 5th Sunday in the month which is usually a Benefice Service. The service will also be the launch of our Benefice Project to raise money for the charity BIBIC. Bibic is a small, national, children's charity which supports children from 6 months to 25 who struggle with brain injuries and learning difficulties. Their centre is at . We thought, as our last project was to help children in Pakistan, we would work for a local charity this time.

Instead of a sermon we will have a speaker from Bibic to tell us more.

Pentecost is often called the Birthday of the Church so afterwards we will celebrate in the usual way for birthdays with Buck's fizz and Birthday cake. (as well as our usual coffee etc.) Do come and join in the Benefice Project launch and Birthday celebration.

Revd. Barbara 01935 850745

CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN A Café every Thursday morning, starting at 10 am to 12 noon in the Village Hall A service every Sunday starting at 11 a.m.

CHURCH OF ST. JAMES, . A Café the first Saturday morning every month, from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon in the church. A Service the second Sunday every month, starting at 9.30 a.m.

ST MARY THE VIRGIN, RIMPTON Services in Rimpton, JUNE 2019 Sunday 2nd June 10.45am Holy Communion Whit-Sunday 9th June note: No service in Rimpton, BENEFICE PENTECOST SERVICE 9.30 am at Marston Magna Sunday 16th June TRINITY SUNDAY, note: No service in Rimpton, 9.30 am HOLY COMMUNION at Marston Magna Sunday 23rd June 10.45am HOLY COMMUNION Sunday 30th June 10.45am M ORNING WORSHIP HS

Things to do in June

Saturday 1st June 10.30 to 12noon

Coffee cakes and other delicious refreshments at Chilton Cantelo Church and Churchyard. The two Church Wardens and their wives are organizing this event to sell plants etc just at the right time. Frost will be over!

Sunday 9th June Pentecost and launch of the Benefice Project at 9.30 am Marston Magna Church

Saturday 15th June Marston Magna’s Village Event

The monthly Holy Communion service held at Fir Villa takes place on the last Friday in each month. This month’s service will be held on Friday, 28th June at 4 pm. All are welcome.

Revd. Barbara 01935 850745

3 CALENDAR OF SERVICES JUNE 2019 SUNDAY 2nd JUNE WHITE - EASTER I : MARSTON MAGNA 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Reader: Mrs R Pengelly Sidesman: Dr. T Smith RIMPTON 10.45a.m. Holy Communion Reader: Mr Spencer

WEDNESDAY 5th JUNE WHITE - EASTER II MARSTON MAGNA 10.00 a.m. Benefice Holy Communion Readers: To be arranged

SUNDAY 9th JUNE WHITE - PENTECOST (WHITSUN) MARSTON MAGNA 9.30 a.m. Benefice Pentecostal Communion Reader: Sidesman: Mrs B Field RIMPTON No Service, joint with Marston Magna Reader: TBA

SUNDAY 16th JUNE WHITE – TRINITY SUNDAY MARSTON MAGNA 9.30a.m. Holy Communion Reader: Sidesman: Mr E Jackson RIMPTON No service, joint with Marston Reader: TBA

THURSDAY 20th JUNE WHITE - CORPUS CHRISTI MARSTON MAGNA 7.00 p.m. Benefice Holy Communion Reader: T.B. A. Sidesman: Mrs N. Jackson Reader: Mr/Mrs Copeland and Mrs Fewkes SUNDAY 23rd JUNE WHITE – TRINITY I MARSTON MAGNA 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Reader Mrs E Jardine Sidesman Mrs E Jardine RIMPTON 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship Reader: Mr/Mrs Caruth SUNDAY 30th JUNE WHITE – TRINITY II MARSTON MAGNA 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Reader: Mr R Knott Sidesman Mr R Knott RIMPTON 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship Reader: Cdr Benbow, and Mr/Mrs LeHardy MARSTON MAGNA1 Church Cleaning Church Flowers Locking Up JUNE 2019 High Altar 1 June Mr & Mrs Privett Mrs K Redman Mr K Sibley 8 June Mr & Mrs Jackson Whitsun Flowers Mr & Mrs Knott 15 June Mr & Mrs Jackson Whitsun Flowers Mrs N Jackson 22 June Mr & Mrs Saggs Mrs Crouch Dr T Smith 29 June Mr & Mrs Saggs Mrs Crouch Mr H Privett RIMPTON JUNE 2019 1st June Mrs Walton & Mrs Millington Mrs Hale Mrs Galvin 8th June Mrs Woolley & Mrs McCreight Mrs Copeland Mrs Copeland 15th June Mrs Lines Mrs Copeland Mrs Kirkpatrick/Dale 22nd June Mr & Mrs Green Mrs Lines Mrs McCreight 29th June Mrs Ford & Mrs Hale Mrs Lines Mrs Woodhouse

STUDY GROUPS Marston/Rimpton Home Group

Further details and dates for June, please ring Richard Gardner on 850127

Many thanks, Hilary Stevens


Letter from the Right Reverend Peter Thy Kingdom Come Hancock, Bishop of Bath and Wells A season of 24-7 Prayer (30 May - 9 June): We all have something to offer ‘Light up the World with Prayer’ Archbishop Justin Welby is encouraging followers There is a story told about Sir Michael Costa who of Jesus throughout the world to embrace a season was an Italian-born conductor and composer who of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost (30 became well known and popular in during May- 9 June) with these words: the nineteenth century. It is said that one day he was conducting a rehearsal in which the orchestra ‘After the very first Ascension Day the disciples was joined by a great chorus. About halfway gathered with Mary, constantly devoting through the rehearsal, with trumpets blaring, themselves to prayer while they waited for the drums rolling, and violins singing, the piccolo outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Like player muttered to himself, "What good am I them, our reliance on the gift of the Holy Spirit is doing? I might just as well not be playing. Nobody total – on our own we can do nothing. Through the can hear me anyway." So, he kept the instrument centuries Christians have gathered at that time to to his mouth, but he made no sound. Within pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. ‘Thy Kingdom moments, the conductor cried, "Stop! Stop! Come’ picks up this tradition. Where’s the piccolo?" Michael Costa could tell that ‘During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come, it is the piccolo was not playing. Something was hoped that everyone who takes part will: missing and because of that the performance was - Deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ incomplete. - Pray for God’s spirit to work in the lives of those they know I am sure there are times when we can all identify - Come to realise that every aspect of their life is the with that piccolo player. There are times when we stuff of prayer’ may feel insignificant and useless. Whatever age we are there is the temptation to look at other St James’ will be open for prayer every people who seem to have more talent than we day - day and night - from Ascension to Pentecost. have, who are better at things than we are, who We believe God longs to hear our prayers. You can are more confident or skilled than we are - and to come on your own or with others to pray. We would think we don’t matter or that our contribution like to invite you to use the 24-7 sign-up sheet in doesn’t count. Perhaps we are tempted church or online to register your commitment to sometimes just to settle back and let somebody pray for an hour or two during this time. How else do the work. We reason that what we have to wonderful it would be if we had a chain of offer won’t make much difference anyway, or that continuous prayer throughout this season! because other people can do it much better than we can, that there is no point in us joining in. The online sign-up sheet can be found on https://www.24-7prayer.com/signup/1f48b4 I take heart from the story of the feeding of the five There will be a range of prayer stations in the thousand. In the middle of that story we read of church to help you complete an hour’s journey of Andrew, Peter’s brother saying: ‘There is a lad prayer in varied and creative ways. But of course, here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, you can come and go whenever you wish. We but what are they among so many?’ (John 6:9). recommend that those signing up for a prayer slot This is a story of someone giving what he has to between 10 pm and 6 am do so with at least one the Lord and about Jesus then using what is other person. offered to feed a multitude of hungry people (John 6:1-14). Additionally, there will be daily times of prayer together (about 30 minutes) held every morning in What do we learn from that? Surely one thing we St James’ (8am), at noon, in the afternoon (4pm) learn is that each of us has something important to and in the evening (8pm) which everyone is also offer which God can take and bless and use. warmly invited to join. These will follow the pattern Whether our talent is great or small, the of the Church of England Daily Prayer services. performance isn’t complete until we do our best with what we have and until we offer our lives and ‘You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has our gifts to God and ask him to use us for his glory come upon you; and you will be my witnesses …to and to serve others. the ends of the earth. When he had said this…he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their With warm greetings, sight…Then they returned to Jerusalem … and The Right Revd. Peter Hancock were constantly devoting themselves to prayer… + Bishop of Bath and Wells When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all


together in one place... All of them were filled with We look forward to the Marston Village Fete on the the Holy Spirit... and that day about three thousand 15th June, where we will have a stall with games persons were added.’ for people to enjoy, hope to see you there. Acts 1, 2 We are always looking for volunteers at the home, Revd. Barbara 01935 850745 so if you have any spare time to spend with our residents, it would be very appreciated, please do TRISH TRICKER get in touch.

John and the family would like to thank the many With kind regards residents of both villages who supported Trish during her last weeks and months with their Becky and James prayers, kindness and generosity. Please feel free to contact Becky on 01935 They would also like to thank the many who sent 850670 letters and cards of sympathy following her death on 21st April and for their continuing support; also, London Marathon - DONE! for attending Abbey on 10th May for the service of celebration for her life. I DID IT! I really did it! May she rest in peace. As I sit here writing this a week later, I still can’t believe I actually ran London Marathon! It was Fir Villa Parish News incredible! The crowds were unbelievable! They For the June 2019 Magazine lined the streets the entire way with every snack you can think of and offered an immense amount We have had a great month in May, we have had of energy and support. I think the crowd support is our Big Tea Party in aid of St Margaret’s invaluable to runners and if I could, I would thank Hospice which was attended by people from the every single one of them! village, so thank you for your support. We presented a specially made cake to the hospice, While I cannot do that, I can thank YOU. Your which was gratefully received. support through this journey has been amazing, and I am truly thankful for your kindness and We have recently applied to the Ministry of interest in my crazy adventures! Defence and the French Government for a Legion d’Honneur medal, for one of our Residents for his By the time the fundraising closes, I will have work during the second world war and his raised almost £2,000 - THANK YOU! involvement with the D-Day landings. We have received notification from the Ministry of Defence I would also like to thank my mum for hosting that his application has been passed to the French several fundraisers and our “thank you” cream tea government, so will await their decision. Due to afternoon for all of my supporters. Also, for being our application, we have had a visit from Radio generally awesome at mum duties! BBC Somerset, who did an interview with our Resident, which was broadcasted on Tuesday 21st I completed the marathon in a time of 4 hours 41 May at 7.45 am, you can catch it again on the minutes, and while I am pleased with that despite iPlayer. We are thrilled and look forward to the many miles of injury pain, in true runner attitude - I prospect of a medal for him. know I can do better!

We are about to take part in the Sherborne Castle I have many more runs planned and several Country Fair Dragon Boat race this bank holiday, abroad - the next one being Amsterdam! if any of you are there, please do come along and support us. We are raising money for Somerset Have legs, will travel! Mind. Thanks everyone! Until next time... Don’t forget our community lunches, every 4th Wednesday of the month. If you know anyone who Holli x would benefit from getting a hot meal, please do RIMPTON BADMINTON CLUB let us know by calling 01935 850670. The new Badminton season started on Wednesday, 3rd October 2018 in Rimpton Village Hall at 7.30pm and continues each Wednesday


evening until 24th April 2019. Anyone over the age Tickets cost £5 per head and include nibbles and of 14 years is welcome. For further details please first glass of wine. Bring family and friends. contact Anne Ing 850315 or Sheila Fewkes 850227. Tickets available from Eileen at Friday Coffee morning or Stable Cottage or ask committee members. I would like the ticket numbers sold by 6 Lizzie’s Childminding July to help me with the catering.

Queen Camel Looking forward to a good evening. Registered with OFSTED * Friendly and exciting learning environment Eileen Oldham * Arts, crafts and messy play * Wellie walks and outdoor play Club President * Music, rhymes and more * Local outings and farm visits Bowls Club Please contact Lizzie Gilbert for more details on 07807967708 Queen Camel bowls club. The new season began in April and we welcome new members. THE RAIN REPORT The green is at England’s Lane, Queen Camel. The first and last week of April saw plenty of the traditional April showers with the 16 days in Anyone interested please contact Norman Holt on between having only 2 wet days. April had 13 wet 01935 850646. days and rainfall totalled 69 mms (2 ¾ inches), slightly above the April average of 62 mms (2 ½ inches). QUEEN CAMEL Two of the wettest months I have recorded were TENNIS CLUB during April, with 2000 and 2012 recording 163.5 mm (6 ½ inches) and 170 mms (6 ¾ inches) respectively. April 2007 was the driest month I A small friendly Club with 2 floodlit hard have ever recorded with just a tiny 3 mms (1/8 courts for all players on either a ‘Pay & Play’ inch). My records date back to 1991 but there still basis or as a club member. A wide variety has not been a totally dry month. of coaching is available including Saturday a.m. coaching for Juniors plus Camps in the Ricky Gibbs. holidays.

We welcomes new members for the season that started in April. MOBILE HAIRDRESSING Visit www.qctc.co.uk or call the Club Grace Isbell from Mudford Sock is operating a Secretary on 01935 850300 for more mobile hairdressing business. She used to work information. for Unisex in and then Sherborne. She is a Unisex hair stylist. From Cath Holloway You can contact Grace on her mobile 07738 June 2019 Edition 636489 or by email [email protected] or her home number is 01935 410800. Grace is very Celebrating Carers! happy to visit you in your home and that will save June 10th – 16th is Carers Week – We will be you a journey to Yeovil or Sherborne. Or you can hosting Cake for Carers across many of the Carers visit her salon in her home. Groups we support during this week, and releasing some short films about Caring in Somerset – keep MARSTON MAGNA AND RIMPTON an eye on our Facebook page GARDENING CLUB www.facebook.com/somersetcarers or website www.somersetcarers.org Our next meeting will be the Garden Party on Saturday 13th July at ASHE COTTAGE RIMPTON Community Connect Event 10th June at 9am to ROAD 5.30-7.30 p.m. 1pm at The Great Western Hotel, TA1 1QW Taunton.


Our popular event is back! Somerset's BIGGEST also call Somerset Direct on 0300123 2224 for Health & Social Care event of the year. Meet advice or District council on Community Groups, Charities, support agencies 01935 462462. such as Adult Social Care, G.P's, Financial Advisors, Parish Councillors - as well as our own D-I-Y Healthcare - Invest in self- care by reading Village, Community and Carers Agents - all under about your own potential health conditions and one roof for the day. Open to the Public & ensuring that you have the correct diet and lifestyle Professionals: to keep you healthy. Stock up on simple https://www.facebook.com/events/313803842649 medication and learn about the symptoms of 301/ potential illness such as stroke or heart attack.

Taking the Pressure off Doctors Surgeries. We Focus on: Sepsis - Sepsis can affect anyone and are all aware of the GP recruitment crisis affecting can kill quickly. It is the invasion of the blood many of our surgeries which has a further impact stream by bacteria. With more resistance to anti- on our Accident and Emergency Departments. It biotics, it is important to get help fast. Dial 999 was reported by the County Gazette as long ago immediately. Children have different symptoms, as August 2017, that surgeries in the county were please refer to facing an impending crisis as they struggled to https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sepsis/ - Early recruit new doctors. Dr Helena McKeown BMA symptoms of sepsis for adults may include: South West Regional Council Chair wrote a letter • A high temperature or a low body to the Gazette stating, “Without proper investment temperature in primary care, the knock-on effects on the rest of • chills and shivering the health service and society as a whole will cost • a fast heartbeat the government dearly in the long run.” So what is • problems or changes to your breathing the best process for accessing care? • feeling or acting differently from normal – you do not seem your usual self No appointment needed: Pharmacies are a good place to start and some are 24 hours, just ask at the counter for details. As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains. www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/nhs- services/pharmacies. They can also support you with advice on prescribed medicine.

You may not need a Doctor: Our surgeries are Cath Holloway also investing in the employment of a range of Mobile: 07968 521746 health professionals. When you book an Email: [email protected] appointment, you may be able to be seen quicker www.somersetrcc.org.uk by someone other than a doctor who has the correct qualifications to treat your symptoms. Find I support unpaid carers in South East Somerset to out how your surgery prefer you to book connect them with community resources, support appointments before you need one so you can groups and personal support around benefits and access help quickly when you need it. allowances. We also have a new team of Community Agents and Village Agents in South By phone: If you are unsure who you should see, Somerset to contact. For more information please especially if you are concerned during surgery out visit www.somersetrcc.org.uk and of hours, dial 111 for instant telephone advice or www.somersetcarers.org or call me to see who is go online https://111.nhs.uk. For other emergency your local village agent. services, you can use 101 to talk to Avon and Somerset or use the online reporting forms NEWS FROM RIMPTON VILLAGE HALL www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact-us/ as well as dialling 999 for emergencies. At the Rimpton Village Hall AGM on 1 May, Joan and Ricky Gibbs stood down as members of the Keeping in touch with the NHS, our hospitals, committee and several new members stepped and the police is both forward to fill the breach. A vote of thanks was interesting and easy via their social media passed for the many years that Joan and Ricky accounts such as Twitter and Facebook. You can


have devoted to the hall and for their outstanding Benefice Choir contribution to village life. The new committee consists of the following Our next rehearsals are as follows – members: Dale McLoughlin (chair), David Hale (deputy chair and secretary), Richard Billings Saturday 1st June at Mudford (treasurer), Gail Brady, Helen O'Brien, Jim Church Fewkes, David Gatrill-Smith, Lucy Caruth (PCC Saturday 22nd June at Mudford representative) and John Tricker (PC Church representative). Saturday 29th June at Mudford There are still vacancies if there are any others Church who would like to join the committee and make Saturday 6th July (location to be their contribution to the continued success of the advised) hall. We will also be forming a 'Friends of Rimpton Village Hall' team, consisting of people who are We are rehearsing for services later willing to help but who would rather not be part of in the year (Patronal Festival, All the formal committee. Souls, and Advent, and an event in The first event to be organised by the new November (please see the notice committee will be afternoon tea and cake on elsewhere in the magazine, and Sunday 30 June. More details of this can be found save the date). in a separate item elsewhere in this magazine. If anyone has any queries about the hall, would Please remember to bring ALL the they please direct them to one of the committee music yet to be sung at any service members. Enquiries regarding bookings should be with you to each rehearsal. If you addressed to Dale in the first instance (telephone need a copy of anything, please let 851100). The Rimpton website can also be used me know IN ADVANCE, and I can to make contact (www.rimpton.net). organise that for you. The new committee looks forward to continuing the good work of its predecessors and New members are always welcome, maintaining this valuable village resource. please just turn up to a rehearsal if you would like to join the choir, or if COFFEE MORNING you would like more information

There will be a fund-raising COFFEE MORNING please email me (Jane Perrin) at on Saturday 8th June at Lucy Carruth’s house, [email protected] BROOKINGBURY HOUSE,

From 10 am to 11.30 am. Money raised will go towards the entertainment for the village fete on The New Marston Magna Parish the 13th July and raffle prizes, Council

Everyone welcome. The new Marston Magna Parish Council was formed in May coinciding with the newly elected Lucy 850209 South Somerset District Council, with Councillor Mike Lewis being re-elected to represent our area.

Rimpton Ladies Walking Group There were no one elections for the Parish Council’s seven places as just five people put Our next normal walk will be held on themselves forward thus leaving two spots to fill Wednesday 19th June. We will meet at the (anyone out there?) and we are Howard village hall car park at 9.30 am. For full details Butterfield, Peter Griffiths, Rex Knott, Fred contact Sheila Fewkes on Tel 850227 Monson and myself, Lawrence Hopkins.

At the first meeting Fred decided to stand down as Chairman and as I had been Vice-Chairman for


two years, I was elected with Rex being approved MARSTON MAGNA PARISH COUNCIL as Vice-Chairman. Fred has done a good job having particularly to stand in at short notice. Full Minutes including all Appendices can be viewed and/or downloaded from the Village I thought I might just take this opportunity to tell Website, by going to :- you a little about myself. I was born and grew up https://marstonmagnaparish.co.uk/agendas- in Chard and educated at Grammar minutes/ . Anybody unable to use the website who School. I worked in the Civil Service in Taunton needs to see a hard copy of the full Minutes please initially but was transferred to London when I was contact any of the Councillors. twenty. I had a major change of direction at 21 DRAFT MINUTES OF MARSTON MAGNA when I began working for a major construction ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON company and had a successful career with them MONDAY 8th MAY 2019 until I bought Abbey Decor in Sherborne in 1979, meeting and marrying Pamela in 1981. I sold the Declarations of acceptance of office and Register of shop in 1986 and started up a picture framing Interests were completed prior to the meeting business in Sherborne and in 1993, sold up, and commencing bought a self-catering and B and B business in Scotland which we ran together until November PRESENT: CLLR, Fred Monson (Chair), Pete 2015. We bought Ashe Cottage in April 2016 and Griffiths, Rex Knott, Howard Butterfield, moved in in August of that year. CCLR/DCLR Mike Lewis and Lucy Gibbons (Clerk) - Open session - 7 members of the public were You might ask what this has to do with the Parish present. The Chairman (Fred Monson) welcomed Council, and you are right but along the way I have everyone. He thanked both S Crabb and K Whittall, chaired the Chamber of Trade in Sherborne and whom have both decided to stand down as Parish later President and served two terms as a Town Councillor. Pamela also served at a different time. Councillors after many years of service between In Scotland I served two terms as a Community them. ML was congratulated on his re-election as Councillor (our equivalent), most of it as Chairman District Councillor. as well as Chairing a local tourism group for Open session: A resident of West End asked for an several years. Pam also did a stint whilst there. update on the matter raised at our December I am humbled to be asked by my fellow councillors meeting, siting further incidents of anti-social to take the Chair and will use all my efforts and behaviour. He asked the Parish Council what action experience to represent the interests of the village it was taking. It was reiterated that this was a matter which is so special to many of you including for the Police and not the PC, however RK/HB will ourselves. I have always felt very strongly that endeavour to arrange a further meeting with both whilst we all have strong feelings and opinions and the Police to again pass on the about most things, we must at times put them to concerns of our residents one side, particularly with Planning matters and make every effort to represent the opinions of the a. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN – Cllr Lawrence village and those affected. Hopkins was nominated in his absence and elected unanimously. The other very important thing to remember is that we are volunteers, we are given no expenses and b. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN – Cllr Rex we just try and do our best. We have little or no Knott was nominated and elected unanimously. budget to spend but what we do have is the ability to be a pressure group and with this in mind it my Fred Monson was thanked for his service as objective to bring more into focus the increasing Chairman for the past two years. traffic problem facing the village and Howard already is making waves in that direction. c. DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE FOR CHAIR AND VICE CHAIRMAN – I know I speak for my fellow councillors and say to Were both signed. you all that we will do the very best we can for our d. CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORS – We community. have two vacancies for Councillors following the Lawrence Hopkins recent elections. If anyone is interested, please (by the way I also respond to Lawrie) speak to the Clerk or one of the existing Councillors, or simply attend our July meeting for further information on what is involved.



Footpaths and Trees –RK 11. CLERKS REPORT – LG reported that the DC will no longer be carrying out Annual Playpark Marston Magna Action Group – LH Inspections. They gave a list of suggested Highways and Speeding – HB companies who would take on this work. Having obtained three quotes LG recommended that the Playpark – PG PC asked playinspections.co.uk to carry out the annual check (during July) at a cost of £55. This Defibrillator- PG was agreed. Flooding - FM 12. CORRESPONDENCE – FM has received a Website – KW is happy to maintain this on letter of complaint regarding the brightness and the behalf of the Parish. direction of the lighting at the Perry’s recycling centre. ML is going to investigate this matter. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr L Hopkins 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - None LG received an enquiry from the family of T Fox, a 3. THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL former long-term resident of the village, who MEETING HELD ON 20th March 2019 - Were recently died. They would like to plant a tree in his agreed and signed. memory at a suitable location in the village. RK will 4. MATTERS ARISING – None action this.

5. REPORTS FROM SOMERSET COUNTY 13. PLANNING; COUNCILLOR, DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, PARISH REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE (a) APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED (UNDER BODIES AND COUNCILLORS ON THEIR AREAS STANDING ORDER 3(b)(xvi)) BEFORE THIS OF INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY – ML is in the MEETING - None process of arranging a meeting with John Nicholson and Gary Warren to discuss traffic alleviation (b) APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION: measures. The Small Improvement scheme is still 19/00992/HOU Casa Mdena, Camel Street - The in negotiation, with ML trying to get joined up erection of a single storey rear extension and thinking with all the villages along the A359. separate balcony. The Parish Council has no objections to the erection of the single storey 6. MARSTON MAGNA ACTION GROUP – FM and extension, however we strongly object to the RK met with Dan Bennett and Luena Eeles to walk proposed large balcony area. In line with planning the path belonging to Yarlington. They have agreed policy EQ2 which states that development that it will be cleared on a quarterly basis by SSDC proposals, extensions and alterations to existing on their behalf. They will also undertake regular buildings should ‘conserve and enhance the inspections to monitor the condition of the path. landscape character of the area' and ‘reinforce local They will replace the timber guarding to the bridge distinctiveness and respect the local context’, we access ramp and arrange for gravel to be delivered believe that the very large balcony is out of keeping which the MM action group will spread. with every other property in the village and the scale of it is overbearing, and overlooks neighbouring 7. HB’S TRAFFIC ALLEVIATION PLAN – As properties in a manner that is unacceptable. above.

8. PLAY PARK – KW has been carrying out monthly (c) APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE visual inspections of the play park. There is nothing PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA: 19/01109/OUT new to report. The Switchback balance beam has Land Rear of 17 and 18 Townsend – Outline been delivered and will be installed on the 9th May. consent for the demolition of 3 garages and erection KW advised us that the paintwork on some of the of 3 dwellings and their associated access and equipment is looking tired and along with the bridge parking spaces. - The Parish Council object to this could do with re-painting in order to preserve it for application on the following grounds: the future. The MM action group will look into this. There is insufficient space for emergency vehicles to access the site. 9. VILLAGE HALL - Nothing to report


The proposed properties will increase the traffic in 16. ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: an area which is already badly congested. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 10th July 2019, 7:00PM Despite the conclusion of the flood report, locals Lucy Gibbons – Clerk to Marston Magna Parish who have long standing knowledge of the area, are Council. Rose Cottage Pendomer Yeovil Somerset highly concerned that the proposed properties will BA22 9PH. T: 01935 863106 increase the risk of flooding to properties further Email: [email protected] downstream. Website: www.marstonmagnaparish.co.uk

Lastly, several trees have already been removed from the site. The Parish Council would like to insist Used Wine Bottle Gift Bags that the re-planting scheme is put in place Are needed for an “Is it Wine or Water?” bottle stall regardless of the outcome of this application. at the Rimpton Village Fete. If you have been (d) PLANNING DECISIONS RECEIVED: None collecting used Bottle Gift Bags in a cupboard and are happy to donate them for this worthy cause, 14. FINANCE; please post them through our letterbox at Cider a) CHEQUES REQUIRED FOR SIGNING: - Cottage, Home Farm Lane, before Saturday 20th payment approved June. Many thanks for your help. T P Jones and co LLP – payroll expenses - £78.00 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd – Switchback balance beam Richard & Jill Billings. - £709.38 SALC – membership fee - £133.74 SUPERB Lucy Gibbons, WordPress Website hosting fee refund - £85.00 FREE RANGE HENS EGGS Payments received: Precept monies from SSDC - (FROM HENS THAT HAVE PROVIDED £8048.00 WINNING EXHIBITS AT GILLINGHAM, b) REPORTING OF CHEQUE SIGNED PRIOR TO DORCHESTER, MELPLASH & YEOVIL THE MEETING: None AGRICULTURAL SHOWS) c) BANK RECONCILLIATION AND APPROVAL FOR SALE OF ACCOUNTS– Was agreed and signed. @ £1.20 d) APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT - The Statements from the Audit per BOX of 6 EGGS document were read, agreed and signed. (PLEASE LEAVE PAYMENT e) APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTING STATEMENT – IN ATTACHED BOX) The details that have been circulated were read, Provided by John & Susie agreed and signed. (Professor S.J Eykyn) at f) AGREEMENT TO APPOINT INTERNAL Staplemead, Church Lane, Rimpton AUDITOR – Mr H Privett will be appointed as the Near Yeovil, Somerset BA22 8AE Internal Auditor. It was agreed that he was independent and competent to carry out this audit. Subject: Somerset Sight Low Vision Many thanks to Mr Privett, for agreeing to carry out Open Day – 10 June this work for us, for a further year. Somerset Sight invites you to a low vision open SC and KW will need to be removed as signatories day on Monday 10 June, 10am - 2.30pm at from our bank account. LH and RK were nominated Northfield House, Taunton TA1 1DG to be added as new signatories, along-side the existing remaining signatories FM and PG. A joint Try the latest technology and speak to experts visit to the Nat West is probably the best way to from Professional Vision Services, Enhanced achieve this change. LH/RK to arrange. Vision, Kings Access Technology and British wireless for the Blind. Julie from Optima Low 15. QUESTIONS AND ITEMS ARISING AFTER Vision and Farmfoods, The Macular Society, THE PREPARATION OF THIS AGENDA, SUCH Guide Dogs and Blind Veterans, Advice and MATTERS ARE FOR NOTING OR information from Somerset Sight. DEFERRAL TO A FUTURE MEETING. – None.


Try any gadgets and gizmos that might help Marston Magna & Rimpton For more information call 01823 333818 WI Report for June 2019

Somerset Sight: working with people who lack The May meeting was the second of our evening sight, not vision. meetings during the Summer.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP US? The AGM and the Resolution evening was most interesting. The resolutions discussed and sent to We are looking for volunteers to join our “Friends of the County Headquarters were - The Rural Bus Marston Magna Village Hall” group. Service and its problems, and the importance of early cervical screening in young women. Both This is so that we can call on people to help with issues are relevant and necessary. tasks, like baking cakes, helping at a function in aid of the hall, manning a stand, or just generally The President for 2019/2020 is Cynthia Eydmann, helping us. There is no need to become a committee the Secretary is Donna Smith, the Treasurer is member. Judy Suckling.

Anyone interested should contact Karen Price by The business of the evening was followed by an phone or email please, or any member of the enjoyable cheese and wine get together. This was committee. an opportunity for us chat and get ideas for future events and outings. We have an active book club Karen Price (Chairperson) and scrabble afternoons. Occasionally we enjoy Telephone 01935 851336 meeting at lunchtime venues. Email – [email protected] Many of us take the opportunity to go on outings, MILK BOTTLETOPS such as Barber’s, The Cheesemakers, The Royal Mint in Wales, preceded by a visit to Abergavenny. Can you all remember to remove the foil pull caps There is always an opportunity to explore the area from the tops, because the metal detector on Perry’s in good company. conveyor belt stop the machines. Also remember it is only plastic tops with a 2 or 4 in the recycling Those of us who are new to the area are always symbol that I can accept, all the rest go in my given a warm welcome by the members, and we wheelie bin. would like anyone who might be interested to come and join us. The meetings are in Marston There is a company called Massmould, who Magna village hall on the second Monday of the produce tops made from the same plastic as milk month, at 7.30 pm during the summer months. bottle tops e.g. Robinson’s squash, and Evian The speaker for June 10th is Neil Clarke with a talk water, so from now on, I can accept any tops made and film on the 'Bristol Channel' by Massmoulds. Submitted by Cynthia Eydmann Thank you everyone. Marion Dean, 13 West End, 01935 850032 Marston Magna Village Hall Management Committee

Save the date – We had a useful committee meeting on 13th May. Celebrate St Cecelia’s Day with us The Bingo evening held on 13th April was a very on good night, it was successful, enjoyable and well Friday 22nd November 2019 run. The Treasurer will report the exact profit at the next meeting, but it was thought that £525 had been at Mudford Church raised, with Terry England selling £176 of raffle Benefice Choir will be singing tickets.

“Night of Miracles” One issue that came out of this was that the microphone and sound system did not work well,

by John W Peterson. and it was agreed that we should look at replacing it. New technologies now enable Bluetooth speakers to work easily, and Sharon will investigate options, including the megaphone.


Karen, Ruth, Sam, Terry & Sharon all attended a fire bidder to help deliver a comprehensive new alarm training session put on by the SES Engineer recycling service across Somerset from 2020. on Friday 12th April. The new contract will see SUEZ deliver SWP’s The Quality Tabletop Sale will be held on Saturday new Recycle More service, operating new vehicles 1st June – setup will be from 8.40 am – traders will and collecting a far wider range of recycling every set up between 9 am and 10 am, with doors week, including more plastic packaging. opening at 10 am. Ellie will run a cake stall and there were volunteers offering cakes, Mike & Dilys Worth £210m for its initial 10-year duration, with will sell the leftovers from the silent auction, Ruth an option to extend for another 10 years, the contract will employ more than 460 people locally will have a plant stand, Terry will run a raffle. There with no redundancies expected and extra staff will be 13 tables in all. At £5 per table. required. We are looking for volunteers to join our “Friends of MM VH group. This is so that we can call on people In addition to the dozen or so materials – including to help with tasks, like baking cakes, helping at a food waste – already collected weekly, Recycle function in aid of the hall, and there would be no More will pick up a wide range of new items, need to become a committee member. Anyone including plastic pots, tubs and trays; Tetra Paks interested should contact Karen Price by phone or and other beverage cartons; small electrical items; email please, or any member of the committee. and household batteries.

Diary Dates to note Taking far more recyclable household material Quality Tabletop Sale 1st June at 10 am. each week, Recycle More will help empty rubbish Midsummer Fair 15th June bins, which will be collected every three weeks. Open Gardens set for 6th July 2019. The new service will start rolling out across Somerset in 2020. Karen Price (Chairperson) Telephone 01935 851336 Recycle More is one part of the transformation of Email – [email protected] all Somerset waste services, with upgraded recycle sites, and a new deal agreed to switch THE MARSTON INN almost all rubbish from being landfilled in Somerset to generate electricity at a brand-new Resource Recovery Centre in Avonmouth. We are doing Sunday Carvery Roast lunches; we usually have Rib eye Beef and Pork, but These major changes will ensure that most of the this does change. We also have the following material discarded from homes is either recycled specials through the week. or produces power. Full Recycle More details will be sent to every home well in advance. 12 noon - 3 pm Monday – Thursday Pensioners can have 2 main meals for £10 SUEZ currently successfully operates contracts Fish and chip Friday 2 for £10 elsewhere that have expanded the range of items residents are able to recycle and introduced three- Kids eat for less Fri & Sat £2.49 all day weekly general refuse collections. These services Sunday carvery 12 - 4 booking advised. have been well-received by residents, raised local recycling rates and cut the amount of rubbish sent And we are serving meals every day. to landfill. We have a daily specials board and the team look forward to meeting you. The current service is provided by Kier, and all staff will transfer to SUEZ when the new contract Do come along and give us a try. Many thanks begins in March 2020. All current staff were from Jo Andrews – our telephone number informed of these changes at a special briefing with SWP, Kier and members of SUEZ’s senior is now 01935 850587 leadership team this morning, which took place at each of the five depot locations in Somerset. A new collections contractor for Somerset Recycle More has been fully tested in a long-term, Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) has today (13 large-scale trial in Somerset that saw recycling May 2019) announced that it has selected SUEZ levels jump, rubbish tonnages fall, very few recycling and recovery UK (SUEZ) as its preferred problems – all of which were easily resolved, no fly-tipping, and overwhelming support: the post-


trial survey showed 84% approval rating for www.SomersetFarmersMarkets.co.uk or phone Recycle More’s extra recycling and less frequent 01373 814646 rubbish collections. GLASTONBURY ST. JOHN’S CAR PARK TOWN CENTRE. A regular market on the fourth Saturday RIMPTON PARISH COUNCIL of each month. Trading 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. – Henhayes Centre, a Regular The full Minutes of all meetings, including all Farmer’s Market the third Saturday every month Appendices, can be viewed and/or downloaded 9.00 a.m. until 1 p.m. from the Village Website by going to http://rimpton.net/parish-council/parish-council- Other Venues and times can be found on the Village meetings/draft-parish-council-minutes/. Anybody Notice Boards. unable to use the website who needs to see a hard copy of the full Minutes please contact any of the REMOVALS & STORAGE - Armishaws Removals Councillors. will move your furniture or store your goods. Office:- Business Park, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 Patrick Pender-Cudlip 9 RT, Tel. 01963 34065, email Clerk & RFO - Rimpton Parish Council [email protected] web www.armishaws.com using code BW 222 The Cobblers, High Street, Queen Camel, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7NE; Tel. 01935 850692; BROADBAND PROBLEM? Any computer problem [email protected] solved: computers, networks or phone lines. Broadband and networking installed for home or office. Specialist engineer BT trained with over 30 years experience. Quality guaranteed, friendly service. Tel. Richard Crabb 01935 808094 email [email protected] PHILIP HODDER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Part P Registered, Over 30 years experience, small jobs welcome, personal service.- Rewiring, replacement fuse boards, extra sockets, lights Update from 3rd Scout Group etc. fault finding. Telephone 01935 850027 & 07836 710130 Anyone who would like to get involved in our Scout group please contact our Group Scout Leader on [email protected] Vale of Growers, – Sparkford – Queen Camel – SPARKFORD, BA22 7JR Marston Magna – – Corton It's getting on for peak tub, basket and Denham – – bedding time so don't delay paying us a visit Galhampton – and as it's getting busy! All the old favourites and more!!! Our Scout, Cub and Beavers come from all these villages so please read our news. Thank a few NEW gems to inspire you. Still planting you so much! up hanging baskets so it's not too late to bring your old one in for replanting or choose For any other enquiries or ideas please contact Helen a new one...we're making them as we speak. Wooldridge – [email protected] OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK, MON- SAT 9.30-5.30, SUNDAYS - 10 am -4 pm and CLOSED ADVERTISMENTS & TUESDAYS NOTICES. THE LITTLE CURTAIN WORKSHOP Beautiful Fabrics, Handmade Curtains, Blinds and FARMERS’ PRODUCE MARKETS IN OUR Soft furnishings AREA. Unit 4, Barrows Hill Farm The following Farmers’ Markets are taking place in our neighbourhood. Here are some of the venues , Yeovil and times below:- Somerset BA22 9EY Somerset Farmers’ Market 2019:- For more www.thelittlecurtainworkshop.co.uk information visit 01935 862700


Do you need your garden maintained? Don’t delay call Mark today! ANN-MARIE BAX Dip MCFHP and MAFHP Rose pruning, turfing and grass seeding, pruning, borders edging and tidied, grass cutting, fence painting, hedge trimming and cutting plus more - 10 years’ experience at Scott’s Nurseries . Contact Mark Telephone 01935 424212 or Mobile

07591 907214 – QUALIFIED FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER ROSEBUD – LADY GARDENER, Friendly and Call: 07864 340341 efficient service – RHS training, Contact - Email: [email protected] [email protected] 01963 220615 CORE FOOT CONDITIONS INCLUDING NAIL LAWRENCE ELECTRICALS CUTTING, THICKENED NAILS, CORNS, Domestic/Commercial/Security (Inc. alarms/CCTV) VERUCCAS, ATHLETE’S FOOT, FUNGAL NAILS, from extra sockets to Full Rewire. Tel: 01935 891090, INGROWING NAILS, HARD SKIN & CRACKED Mobile 07889511576. Covering Dorset & surrounding HEELS. areas. Part P Registered for Building Regulations. Lawrence Dolan City & Guilds Accredited. Free Estimates. Graham Raymond, Electrical & Plumbing Services, Installer of Quality Bathrooms & Kitchens including Tiling, Breakdowns, Repairs, Alterations & Upgrades. Free Estimates, Trading locally for 34 years. Please call Landline: 01935 851700 or my mobile: 07976 307449 Garden Machinery Sales & Service TREE CARE Chris Lee- Qualified Tree Surgeon We can service and repair any NCH (Arb) & NPTC, Gardener, Hedge Trimming, Landscaping & more. Etc. Garden & Tree make of lawn mower and also Maintenance. Tel 01963 440352, New Number Mobile offer a collection service. Full 07899 000107 workshop service/repair and welding facilities available. No job too large or too small Draper hand & power tools Gardening tools, Hardware, Welders & consumables, Electric fencing, Gates, Auto electrical consumables, Safety boots and Wellington boots, Waterproofs, Clothing, Pet food, Antifreeze, Batteries, Garden machinery, Vintage China for Hire Marston Magna WI has approximately 100 pretty Hayter, Alko, Briggs & Stratton, sets of gold rimmed assorted china for hire for your Honda, New Holland. Husqvarna, special event. Sets of cups, saucers and plates are Worx, Kawazaki, Mitox, DR, available. Costs for hire: 50p per set or £50 which Location. Come and see for includes a £20 refundable deposit. yourself at Rimpton Road Marston Please contact Elizabeth Crouch on 850329 for further details. Magna TEL 01935 850426 Opening times Mon – Fri 8 am – 5.00pm Sat 8 am – 12.00 noon


J C Roofing & Building Maintenance General roof repairs of pitched and flat roofs

Chimney repointing and lead flashings YOGA Timber and plaster repairs Rimpton Village Hall Regular weekly Wednesday class Gutter, fascia and soffit 9.30 – 10.30am

replacement Sandford Orcas Village Hall Contact your local tradesman on Regular weekly Monday Class 6.30 – 7.30pm Land 01935 840277 £6 per class

Mobile 07483 832654 Kate Whittell 07881628780 or [email protected] NORDCAT & Scat Bus magna-yoga.co Community Transport in the Sherborne Area We provide transport for people who are unable to use All abilities very welcome Classes involve standing and floor work normal public transport for whatever reason, including Please bring a yoga/pilates mat if you have one the lack of public transport. The phone number is 01258 473154 We offer regular trips into Yeovil on Tuesday Friday and

Saturday and into Sherborne on a Thursday. Also there are weekly trips to the larger towns such as Bournemouth/Poole Southampton Bristol etc. If you would like to make use of our services you need to register, the cost of which is £5 per household per year. When you are registered you will receive regular updates with the trips and journeys we are offering. To register ring the above number between 9 and 4pm and we will send you an application form. Or write to us at 17a Butts Pond Ind Est, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 1AZ.


Looking after you and your home

• We can offer help with cleaning, washing and ironing and other task to keep your house tidy • Helping you to get up, wash,

shower or bathe, get dressed and

have breakfast.

• We can drive you to appointments or shopping and once there, will help you every step of the way. • Meal preparation at Lunchtime and teatime 7 days a week, we offer a hot fish and chips from the local chippy and delivery to your doorstep • We are qualified and experienced

small team of community workers

and looking forward to hearing from you. Pilates

Tel: 01935 507792 or 07895718611 Pilates Foundation

Email: [email protected] Friday at Marston Magna Village Hall 5.00pm – 6.00pm (Beginners)

Xtra Help In Sarah Barry 6.15pm – 7.15pm (Intermediate) Self Employed Support Worker Contact Mo for details on: • Regular and one-off support available • Personalised approach (what is important to you?) • Dementia Friend 07815748518

• DBS checked [email protected] • Compassionate and practical • Understands the role of a carer Private Sessions 1 to 1 also available Tel: 01935 812908 / 07970 402457 Email: [email protected] We welcome new visitors of all ages and abilities


RIMPTON VILLAGE HALL DIARY – What’s on? – Regular items and contacts Wednesdays 7.30p.m. – 10.00 p.m. Badminton - Mrs Ing 850315 and Mrs Fewkes 850227 For the Diary 1st June - Chilton Cantelo Church Café 10 – 12 noon 1st June - Benefice Choir rehearsal – Mudford Church 8th June - Coffee Morning 10 am to 11.30 am at Brookingbury House 9th June - Pentecost Service 9.30 am MM Church 10th June - WI AGM and Meeting at 19.30 pm MM VH 19th June - Ladies Walking Group – 9.30 am from the VH car park 22nd June - Benefice Choir rehearsal – Mudford Church 26th June - Mobile Library calls 12 – 12.30 29th June - Benefice Choir rehearsal – Mudford Church 30th June - Ascension Day 13th July - Rimpton Summer Fete 13th July - MM and R Gardening Club – Party at Ashe Cottage 17.30 – 19.30

For hall bookings – please contact Dale McLoughlin – 851100

MARSTON MAGNA VILLAGE HALL DIARY - What's on? - Regular items and contacts. Mondays 09.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Aerobics Classes. Steph Edwards 07444 979297 Winter 12.30 – summer 19.30 p.m. - 2nd Monday monthly W.I – Elizabeth Crouch 850329 Various classes – do look at notice board in Village Hall Thursdays 2.30 – 4.30 p.m. Short Mat Bowls Mrs Joan Burrough 851576 Fridays 10 a.m. – 12 noon Marston Village Café Beryl Field 850705 5.00 p.m.- 7.15 p.m. Pilates Contact Mo 07815 748518 For the Diary. 1st June - Quality Tabletop Sale MM VH - 10 am to 13.00 1st June - Chilton Cantelo Church Café 10 – 12 noon 1st June - Benefice Choir rehearsal – Mudford Church 5th June - MM VH Management Committee meeting VH 19.30 9th June - Pentecost Service 9.30 am MM Church 10th June - WI AGM and Meeting at 19.30 pm MM VH 22nd June - Benefice Choir rehearsal – Mudford Church 28th June - Fir Vila Holy Communion 29th June - Benefice Choir rehearsal – Mudford Church 15th June - Marston Magna Midsummer Fair & Fete from 2 pm – see back page 26th June - Fir Villa Community lunch at Fir Villa 12.30 – 10 free places. 6th July - Open Gardens Event & Tea organised by MM VH MC 10th July - Marston Magna Parish Council – AGM and Annual Meeting 7 pm 13th July - MM and R Gardening Club – Party at Ashe Cottage 17.30 – 19.30

For Village Hall bookings – please contact Mrs C. Griffiths Tel. 850647.

The Mobile Library no longer comes to Marston Magna, but it will be in Rimpton next on the Wednesday 26th June. It will be in Rimpton in the road to Rimpton House BA22 8AQ between 12.00 and 12.30. The Mobile Library will continue to call once every 4 weeks, only providing it is used.

Re-cycling- Every THURSDAY in Marston Magna and Rimpton from 7 a.m., (except Friday 31st May -a bank holiday week) = Friday). Wheelie Bin Collection also from 7 a.m. On Thursday 13th, and Thursday 27th June 2019.


Rimpton village fete will take place on Saturday 13th July! Please SAVE THE DATE! This is the ONLY event which raises vital funds for both the village hall and Rimpton church which are at the heart of our village and we need your help!


RIMPTON SUMMER FETE SATURDAY 13th JULY 2019 If you are having a Spring clear out …. Please remember Rimpton Fete. The following people are collecting items for their stalls. Please phone the stallholder.

BOOKS Paul Turner 01935 851448

PLANTS Sam Woodhouse 01935 850915

CAKES Val Tilley 07771 888012

TOYS Emma Rolls 07518-406620 (Clean, complete and useable)

WATER TO WINE Richard & Jill Billings 01935 851378 (Full wine bottles + bottle gift bags)

BOTTLE STALL Penny and David Gatrill Smith 01935 851641 (Any type of unopened bottle)

WHITE ELEPHANT Hillary and Richard Stephens 01935 851860

PRODUCE & Sue & Ed Walton 01935 851818 PRESERVES

LUCKY MUGS Helen O’Brien 01935 851402 (Undamaged mugs needed)

HAMPER Lucy Caruth 01935 850209 CONTRIBUTIONS


The Rusty Pig Company Free range Tamworth pork, from our farm in Sandford Orcas. Ask us to supply you with our amazing bacon, sausages, joints, gammons and lots more. Buy Local, delivered to your door!

Our Tamworth Hog Roast Moist and succulent and beautifully tender. Nothing like our Tamworth taste and crackling! From a small informal gathering and celebration through to a huge outdoor event and wedding.

James & Charlotte Tel. 07724885353, 07802443905 www.therustypigcompany.co.uk [email protected]


At Rimpton Village Hall On Sunday 30 June 2019 at 3.00pm


Don’t miss the Marston Magna Midsummer Fair, Saturday 15th June. BBQ, bar and other refreshments available all afternoon! Here is the programme of events: 2.00 Duck Race – from The Mill, Rimpton Road to the Village Green. First Prize £25 (tickets still available from SJ Sedwill on 850173) From 2.30 in the Moat Field, entry £1, under 16s free • BBQ and Bar • Cream Teas • Temptation Alley (test your dog’s willpower) • Brass Band • Children’s events and activities (for under 16s – 50p a go) • Ice cream • Cakes • Pimms & Prosecco • Cider • Craft, produce and other stalls (including Tombola, Plants, Recyclables) • Raffle: Top prize £100 plus many others, (tickets still available from Ann McKee on 850471) • Fire engine (on the Village Green) From 3.00 Dog show (entry £1.50 per class, £5 for 4 classes) • Best Oldie • Best catcher • Best Puppy • Best tricks • Prettiest Bitch and • Best paw shaker Handsomest Dog • Most like owner • Waggiest tail • Musical sits • Bad hair day All proceeds to village organisations, charities and projects