
Many times, we rush forward without prudent thinking as well as our whole society is moving forward. Nobody knows exactly that where they are going or where is their destinations.

The Talen folk in this story may be doing the same path. They do relentlessly forestry mowing until it turns all the good intension of all folks including the new knowledge and modern tools into the numerous problems.

These issues urge all groups in society, whether it is the same or different thinking theory, attempt to find a solution aimlessly harder and faster, don’t they?

“Talen the lumberjack” is not only an edutainment tale , in the other hand, it could remind you to think to about the real life and step out of the comfort zone of yourself (Like the protagonist) and find the way to unite the power of all groups in society get through the crisis to the great opportunity.

Maybe one day, we will reach the destination that our ancestor has ever dreamed of.

Pakorn Suwanprapa Prachachuen house, Bangkok March 1st, 2014

2 Talen the lumberjack Table of contents

Chapter 1 The bonfire 4

Chater2 Blasted Forest night 7

Chapter 3 The Holy Land 10

Chapter 4 Change 13

Chapter 5 The Hell Pit 17

Chapter 6 The Fear 23

Chapter 7 The Truth 26

Chapter 8 Destiny 30

Chapter 9 Love 34

Talen the lumberjack 3 Chapter 1 The bonfire

The twilight time- orange sky from sunset and, the day is going to pass by. The darkness is coming but still enough light to see dimly. Everywhere is covered with lush of rainforest trees as far as your eye can see.

However, the east side of the forest is filled with long line of bare area with stumps and trees were cut down and left scattered around the area. At the end of that long line, there are dozens of huts was roughly built together which made by bamboo and hatched with hay. The smoke linger rolls up to the air from the fire place which the women are cooking outside of each hut.

Once the sun had gone down in the west, the darkness comes to take over the place along with the cold air. The atmosphere that should be peacefully quiet turns to be crowded with men, women, children and elderly people. They all come gradually to sit gathering around the bonfire at the central square of the tribe. Some men started talking about how is his hunting today but seem does not get attention. Unlike other men who talk about how faster they can cut the trees. Switch to the old men tell the legendary heritage old tale of the tribe to the little kids. The eyes of these little boys glowed with impulsive of their heroic fearless Heroes.

Pai - the young Talen tribal man. He has yellow skin and average strong body. He stands at the back and clean his hunting spear. He laughs and wide smiles with the acting of these kids because it likes he see himself when he was

4 Talen the lumberjack young. He was no different from these boys whom are excited to listen to the mag- nificent tale.

“What are you laughing at?” he turned to see whose that familiar voice is.

“Krathin, it’s you,” the young man smiled to her.

Krathin- the young Talen tribal woman, she has a charming face, her hair is shiny dark black like the darkness of the night. She is Pai’s best friend. Both grow up and play together since they remember.

“So, what are you doing?” Krathin stand and face to the bonfire, so did Pai.

“Just cleaning the spear”

“Yes, today you went for hunting. I heard you was quite good hunter when you were hunting” The girl smiled.

“Who said that? Today, I made a mistake, I can’t hunt even one.” Pai low his head down with the little upset feeling.

“Forget about it, tomorrow you may get one” Krathin comforted her friend.

“Huh... Sometimes I want to be a little kid again, just plays every day” Pai sighed and looked at those kids.

“Me too.” Krathin sighed. “Did you start to pack your stuffs yet?” Krathin changed the topic.

“I saw my mother started to pack for several days.” Pai answered

“Hmmm... How many times we have to move and find the Holy Land. In fact, I like here. I want to stay here

Talen the lumberjack 5 rather than leave. “Krathin sadly slurred.

“Me too but the shaman said it’s time to move now.” Even the atmosphere around the bonfire is delightfully but Pai and Kratin depress that their tribe has to move again. Krathin looks up to the sky, as if she is asking God. When will we find the Holy land?

“Is it because of that incident, so we must wander like this” Krathin groaned.

“The incident?” Pai asked.

“I heard my grandfather talked about it from generation to generation. At that time, I was very young and do not really know much. My mother said the old people who in that incident, most of them passed away already. You can ask your mother. Maybe she knows something about it.”

Pai nodded. He intends to try to ask his mother tonight.

6 Talen the lumberjack Chapter2 The Blasted Forest night

Pai opens the cottage door and see that his moth- er is busy with collecting all things. He puts a spear at the side of the door. Then go to sit on a bamboo couch beside his mother. He helps his mother fold his father clothes and his brown leather clothes and put in the big leather bag.

“Do we have to move again, mother?” Pai asked.

“Yes, we do. Today your father went to meet the chieftain and the Shaman. They said we have to leave in a few days. Why do you ask? “A middle-aged woman asked his son

Pai lift up his shoulder and big sigh. “I do not want to leave. I like here. We stay here longer than any other places. I will regret if we have to leave this place.”

“But here is not where we will settle permanently, son. Pai are you still not get used to it yet? You know the Talen tribe has been move like this for a long time.” She dearly caresses the dark long hair of Pai and takes him in her arms. Pai lean his head to his mother, even he is a grown up man but for his mother, he still such a little boy.

”So when will we find the Holy Land, mother?” His tone is filled with not under- standing and complaining.

Talen the lumberjack 7 “When the time comes, the shaman will tell us.” she answered, but deep down in her heart, she is not sure about it also.

“I just don’t want to believe in the shaman any more, mother.”

Mother repel from Pai. “why do you say that, Pai?”

“It’s true. How the shaman know where are we heading to? “

“He knew! He is the only one that contact with the gods. I must not hear you dis- parage the shaman again. Don’t you remember, last time that you were severely ill, who saved your life?”

“I’m sorry” Pai said with the guilty face. Although, Pai has doubt the ability of the Shaman but he still respect him also. Even the shaman is an old man who look aggressive and no expression on his face. But everybody in the tribe respects him as always because he is the only one who can cure people from every sickness, named all the kids in the tribe, contact to gods in heaven to indicate the direction to the Holy Land. Pai used to get into the shaman’s cottage. He remembered that hut has only strange things such as, the old bottles, animal skeletons, candle, pots, jars, and things that use in the ritual. Pai bend down to pick up his own necklace on his neck. The shaman told him to put it on when he go out hunting for protect him every danger.

“Mother, do you know about the blasted forest night?” Pai realized that he intend to ask her about it

“Where did you get this from?”

“Krathin. Do you know about it?”

“I know but not much. The incident occurred more than a hundred years ago.” She stopped folding clothes and look up to the sky as if thinking about the story in the

8 Talen the lumberjack past. “Great grandfather told my grandfather that he was a child, he remembered that day is waning. It was very late night, dark sky, the Talen were sleeping in the cottage. It was a quiet night but suddenly a blasting, ground vibration, everybody in the tribe was frightened awake and rushed to get out of the cottages, scream- ing, run around to different direction. The trees around were fell over and destroyed cottages. The bonfire spattered and spread out over the cottages. The sound of groan and moan, Scream with fear, Babies cried to get their mother. The old man just yelled for help, but the flames spread rapidly, each person run away from fire to escape and being survived.

The mother stops a little to review before tell “Until the dawn of a new day. The incident has calmed down. The area where used to be the cottages of the tribe, then only ruins, corpse which burned remain all over the area. Many people turned their faces away from that entire scene. They had never thought that they would see these appear to the eyes. The remaining Talen folks grabbed the belonging that they could and hurry off to escape from there as soon as possible.

The men hold the knife, axe and parted the forest to lead the rest of the folks. Women, elders and children followed each other. Talen folks owed the grand- father of this shaman whom made ritual to contact with the gods. Only God knows where we should go. Pai,one day we will find the Holy land.The Talen will not stray anymore, son. “

“So when will we find the Holy land, mother?” Pai asked.

“It won’t be long, son.” Although she is unsure of the answer but she smiled to her son with hope.

Talen the lumberjack 9 Chapter 3 The Holy Land

The early morning of the next day, Pai get up early and rush to have breakfast before help pack all stuffs and leave the cottage. The young man looks at the cabin for the last time. Soon, he will need to build up another new cottage in an unknown place and far away. Each family will take things as necessary and carry out to the front of the tribe located. The elders are supported to walk by their grandkids or their children. Kids are still running around like don’t know what is happening.

Folks are ready for the journey.

“Where is father, mother? Pai asked his mother.

“Your father went to wait for the shaman to view when it will be the auspicious time to leave.” mother said

“If nothing here to help now, I will go to help other people, mother.” Pai said.

“Good boy. Just in case, someone needs your strength for help. There’s nothing to do here.”

Pai waved to his mother then ran out quickly. The mother smiled with the en- thusiasm of his son. She is glad to see his son is a generous man. He likes to help

10 Talen the lumberjack others without expecting anything in return, and not discriminate. She remembers that when she was a child, the Talen are all like Pai. They helped each other, been generous and compassionate. They used to live like one big family but now rarely to see these.

Then, she heard the chieftain shout loudly over the tribe. “Well, now it’s time to leave. Let the strong man walk ahead with me and some watch out at the end of the procession. The rest of you follow us, ok!”

After the end of the chieftain announcement, group of strong men as well as father of Pai use machetes and axes to cut down proficiently all the plants and trees to make the path for the rest. Sometimes a big tree in the way, it is inevitable to cut down. The small piece of tree scattered splashes every time that the sharp axe sunk deep in the tree. The strong men take turn to cut down a tree for long time before one tree is down and be the path for the rest of the Talen folks go through it.

Pai and his mother walk along with Krathin’s family. The young man and woman carry messy things and enjoy talking about many things. Although a few days ago, both still are attach to the former resident. But now, as usual, they are excited to see new things, new atmosphere, new world, as if this journey will cause the Talen tribe find the Holy Land- the land of peace, abundance, the land where they can settle down, and build cottages that strengthen and beautiful. So they don’t have to wander any more.

The eyes of the Talen folks are brilliant brighten. The journey always brings harmony, hospitality and solidarity to here. Like everywhere of the journey is safe and happy

Talen the lumberjack 11 After traveling for about three weeks, the Shaman signals that it’s time to pin down the new place to build the village. Sinn, the chieftain announced to settle here. Pai and Krathin look around. There’s no difference from the other place that they came from.

“Pai, this is the holy land?” Krathin gently asked Pai.

“I don’t know but my mother said soon we will see the holy land. She believes in it.” Pai answered.

“Do you believe that?”

“Well, yes I do believe so.” the young man replied, not cleared voice and smiled to the girl. “Perhaps not long, we may find new changes.”

“Changes!!!” Krathin repeated, concerned arise in her mind. The changes are both good and bad.

“Yes, it must be a good change.” Pai answered like can read Krathin mind. Even though, deep down inside Pai was not sure in his words.

12 Talen the lumberjack Chapter 4 The Changes

The Talen still regularly relocation. The cottage was built scatter, lined along in the forest. They seem increase amount of folks every time that they relocate. Because of new members was born more and more. Not only that, now the Talen also starts to contact and exchange goods with the outsider and visit to the oth- er tribes. Unlike before that they live only in the tribe.

“Hello, everyone.” the greeting from the stranger, who has blond hair, big and tall body, white skin with a strange cloth. He is holding the strange tool in his hand. The Talen had never seen this guy before. The Talen men gradually surrounded around a strange man and looked at him with curious eyes.

“Who are you?” Sinn, the chieftain, stood in the middle of the group of men asked.

“I am a merchant from far away. I have the goods for sale. It is a tool.” the strange man answered.

Before the Talen folks say anything, the stranger merchant, does not waste any second of his time, and start his offer right the way.

“It is a wonderful tool use for cutting the trees. It can cut down the tree very fast. To not waste any time, let me show you.” the merchant not hesitates to demon- strate how to use the tool.

Talen the lumberjack 13 “This is a chainsaw.” the merchant lift up the tool. Then press the little button to turn on the machine. The chainsaw whirs and the saw blade spins very fast that it can’t be seen with the naked eyes. The eye of Talen glow with the need and want to learn about it. Everyone is excited with what they just see.

“When I press the button here, the saw blade start work, and then...” The merchant brought the chainsaw put to the trunk of the tree. Line of wood dust streamed out from the trunk at the area that the saw blade was crushed, just only for a moment, the lofty tree have been cut down easily. The Talen are amazed. What a wonderful tool!!!

“If we want it, what we have to do? Sinn, the chieftain asked.

“It’s easy. Just something in exchange…” The stranger said with tricky smiled.

The Talen folks gathered anything that valuable such as jewelry, food, fruits and pile them up to exchange with a chainsaw. The Talen was glad to get this mag- ical tool for quickly cutting trees.

Since the day of cut down the trees and plants by axes then the Talen got through it, was ended. Now it is replaced by chainsaw machine cut down all trees, pile them up, and make clear path for a long distance. Then let the Talen folks move after finished cut the trees and walk on the clear path. Seem like the Talen are prefer the new way of immigration even though they more often migrate.

No matter how much immigration is speed up forward, but the efficiency of cutting down the trees, has never satisfy the eager mind of the Talen folks which want to be at the holy land quickly. How fast they cut down the trees, how slow they feel about it. They thought it would be faster. People thought if they have knowledge of mowing the forest, it would be good. So, they put pressure on Sinn, chieftain to send the wise and smart youngsters to the famous mowing forest tribes and bring back the knowledge to the Talen tribe.

Soon after that, that knowledge is activated. It became a lumberjack job-

14 Talen the lumberjack mowing forest job. A man with this ability will get a good income, respectable, and obviously living better life than others. Knowledge is the Talen’s fuse of unpleasant about the delay of Sinn to lead the tribe.

They complained that Sinn is unskilled; fall be- hind, unable to handle with the strike of changes. They claimed to have a new chieftain. The Talen divided into groups, argue, brawl, or even violent and aggressively fight. Generosity became what all people have forgotten.

Finally, the Talen have the new chieftain. The new chieftain is the young, well educated, and active person. The new chieftain learned the lesson from the mistakes of the former chieftain. He pleased all folk in all forms. Open to all parties, to join the efficiency mowing forest plan meeting.

Every meeting always starts with the various causes of delay problems, such as the amount of the lumberjacks, the amount of the wonderful tools which are too little. To solve the problems, there must be more lumberjacks and more wonderful tools. Thus, the chieftain ruled that all women must mow the forest with the men. And offer everything to the different tribes merchants in exchange with the magical tools as much as possible.

But no matter how the new chieftain pleased the Talen, by added rules to let the parents send their children to receive training in the mowing forest since they were little to prepare to be the good next generation lumberjack. But it seems nothing is guarantee that he will win the hearts of the Talen folks. The chieftain is immersed himself in trying to win the hearts of all folks in the tribe until ignore other issues that emerge more and more like mushroom that spread to all over the forest.

The picture of the Talen gathered around the bonfire, became more and more rare. But now it is replaced with picture of the men sit and drink into groups. Talk very loud, brag that who can cut more wood than others, how much they earn, who

Talen the lumberjack 15 is in which groups. Women congregate to gossip groups. Some brag about beauty, some boast about their jewelry and skin care. The little kids don’t have time to enjoy running and playing with hares anymore because they need to read big piles of textbooks.

The late night and darkness began covered the forest, young man and wom- an are sitting in silence at the wide central of the tribe. At this time, there used to be full of all ages Talen folks congregation, shared smile, the laugh, exchanged each other’s’ experience around the bonfire. Both look at the changes within the tribe with the sadness.

“I think we used to be friendly before but now I only see coldness. We are depen- dence- not care each other anymore, take advantage of each other when there is a chance. Is it the change that you think, Pai? Krathin asked.

Silent. The young man knows that it’s not the change that he has ever ex- pected.

16 Talen the lumberjack Chapter 5 The Hell Pit

By noon of the next day, after mowed the forest hard, the lumberjacks gradually split to have some rest. Krathin and Pai’ faces are exhausted and sep- arate from the group. They are much tried and sit at the big tree. The bright cloudless sky, very hot sun shines as if to burn everything right before their eyes. It really makes them want to take a rest right now.

“What a hot day!” Kratin used cloth to wipe the sweat that all over her face.

“Here! Drink some water first.” the young man gave water to her while she’s reach- ing the bamboo tube of water. Pai shocked. “Look at your hands!” he said and couldn’t believe it.

Krathin looked at her rough hands, and faked laugh.

“You just see them? My hands have been like this since I have helped mowing the forest. Now my hands are rough like your hands.”

“Your hands should not be like this” Pai sounded sad.

“Don’t worries, Pai, everyone in the tribe do the same, don’t they?”

“I don’t understand why everyone in the tribe has to mow down the forest?

Talen the lumberjack 17 We were born for this, weren’t we?”Pai questioned.

“I wonder as you did. If anyone does not mow the wood, they would be insulted as a loser. Though, many people have the ability of another better than the mowing forest. Like Poon, my cousin, he is very good at making pottery clay pot. Everyone uses his pottery clay pots. Even the shaman also chooses to use his pottery clay pots. But he must back to mow the wood. And you, I remember, you are also great at wood carving.” Krathin said and took her small knife; the hilt is beautifully carved patterns work by Pai. Pai took the knife from Krathin’s hand to take a look. His face was so sad.

“Oh come on!!! Don’t think too much. Consider that we do all of this nowadays for our tribe.” Krathin comforted him but Pai was absent-minded of his thought while he was looking at his pattern carved skill...... In the late afternoon of that day, the sky is full of clouds look like it is going to rain. But there is no sign that the rain will shower. While the Talen folks are dili- gently mowing the jungle, suddenly there is a loud roar from far away. It is a voice which the Talen folks have ever heard before. All leave their jobs, and look at the direction of the source’s voice.

Suddenly, the red beam clouds comes up and hit the clouds above, cause the weird flash spread across the sky. The gray sky at first now turns to be a very bright sky and look like almost see through the stars above. All folks are stunned, look at a wonderful occurrence. Some is in tears with gorgeous beautify occurrence. Some is shouting out loud that for sure there is the Holy Land. Some hugs each other with the joyful. Some is kneel down and bow to respect all gods whom have mercy on them. The holy land where many generations have been looking for it now is very close. Many people cheers and some folk jumps around the shaman and the chieftain.

Finally, the Talen has reached their destination. The dream of their ancestor is becoming a reality. The various groups that used to divide and struggle; now they turn to harmony. All are crazy accelerate on mowing the forest.

18 Talen the lumberjack Except for Pai and Krathin, the two young people questioned what is the red strange flash which made the beautiful picture on the sky? Where is it come from? Is it the land that they were looking for? With a lot of curiosity in their mind cause they sneak out to end the tribe area. That area has many tall trees; both choose the tallest tree and climb up. Although both of them familiar with the climbing but this time are risk their life. The prevailing winds at the top strong blow and make it hard to balance. But both still endure and gradually pull up their arms and legs, and sometime they take some rest at big branch. And try to climb up higher than ever. Finally, both are successfully stand on the top of the tree.

When views from the top, the forest is invisibly huge; not only that, Pai and Krathin also see the 2 long clear stripe paths. No!!! There are three, four, five, or more. There must be many other tribes mowed the jungle, as well as the Talen. Both are proud to be in the human race. Only wisdom and the ability of human beings who can do great things like this. Both realize that not only the Talen seek to the Holy Land, but also every tribe has the same destination.

Talen the lumberjack 19 When the two glance to the point that every tribe is heading, Pai and Krathin petrify and tightly stick to the branch. It’s not what they both expected. When look through the red beam down; found a big black hole, in the middle of it, there is red blaze flame. It looks like a gigantic furnace, which are waiting to swallow everything that comes close to it.

Both look at each other’s pale face and speechless. Then both look down at the groups of cottages which located along the forest lines. They see the hopefully Talen are hurry heading to be its delicious victim.

Both scramble to get down from the tree and chaos down to the ground. Both know that they are not exhaustive, but can’t just move their legs. Therefore they fall down there, their heads are spinning. Then the young lady gradually raise, crawl to sit under that tree. Put her voice together as much as she has and ask the young man who is still gasping and lying there and afraid to open his eyes.

“Pai, what shall we do?”

Pai answered with the sound like something disrupted in his throat.

“We need to hurry to tell all folks in the tribe know as soon as possible.”

So they gathered their strength that they have and run back to their tribe as fast as possible ......

While people are exciting to mow the jungle, Pai and Krathin run into the tribe. They meet Chan- pretty, older lady who used to always have smiling on her face and a good mood, but now Chan became cold. Her slender beautiful arms and palms, used for weaving finest clothes turned to big muscles as the male who mowed the forest for year.

“Chan, there is the fire pit in front ahead. Everyone has to stop mowing the jungle!”

20 Talen the lumberjack Krathin anxiously told Chan.

But the senior woman ignored Krathin’ words, then immediately walk away to help forest mowing. At the same time, the old man walk pass by, Pai run to him and beg him.

“Sir! You must hurry tell the chieftain to stop forest mowing right now! We’re going to the wrong direction. In the front it...” Pai couldn’t finish his sentence yet; the old man cut it off and blames him.

“You are talking nonsense. Why don’t you help others to mow the jungle, huh!!!”

A few days later, Pai and Krathin is still trying to explain what they saw to many people. But no one is interested in their words. Even they try to persuade them to climb to see it with their own eyes, but they wouldn’t listen. Besides they also are laughed as it is just a joke. But the young man and woman are not dis- couraged. They try to attend to the mowing forest meeting divert the forest mowing direction, but not effective because everyone has already decided to go in that direc- tion.

Talen the lumberjack 21 Both announce in the middle of the market and cause the criticism, the slightly chaotic and confuse. But it is just like wind blows. Everything continues as normal. Except, all eyes will turn to stare at them unbearable. The Talen intensely complain them and cause the embarrassing to their parents. Including chieftain or- dered both to stop encourage speech, otherwise they will be punished as a serious penalty.

22 Talen the lumberjack Chapter 6 The Fear

Not far from the tribes of the Talen, there is the small waterfall swamp and short stream, Pai and Krathin often get a chance to relax here. The pleasant surroundings; birds are singing, the beautiful butterflies fly around various colors flowers, it is a place that allows both relax from hard mowing forest work and forget their suffer well.

The sick and tired of this world feeling has shown on Pai’s face. He sits on the rocks, absent-minded like nothing has left in his life, and talked to himself, “I try my best, but it is beyond my power. I can’t take it any longer. I could not make anything better and look at me now, nothing left. How could I let myself into this condition? I should fulfill my parents hope, not disappointed them, or embarrassed them. I will back to behaving like other friends; be like ev- eryone expected me to be. And forget about this stupid and do like what others do. At least, it is also called as the good person and makes other people around you happy. That should be enough.”

The young man is relief and finally made his decision. From now on, noth- ing to learn, nothing to challenge, nothing to fails, he felt good about his decision. He turned to Krathin who is enjoying in the swamp. And ask Krathin to make sure again “Krathin, the scene we saw, it was an illusion, and it was not true, right?”

Talen the lumberjack 23 The naughty girl, suddenly stops enjoy her swimming and stare at the young man with her mad eyes and scream at him “It is more than real. How could we saw the illusion in the same time!!! You should know the answer already. “

Then the girl go back to enjoy in the swamp. Let the young man sit there with the confused idea alone. A little while Pai move to put his leg into the swamp and cowardly ask. “Krathin, Shall we stop to follow the tribe?”

“I was thinking like you. But I can’t bear to see my parents, my sibling are die right in front of my eyes. I knew that it is the disaster direction but I has to ignore it. Can you just ignore it?” Krathin asked back.

While Krathin said, she tried to float on the surface of the water. However, she couldn’t do it and kept sinking and choking the water all the times. Pai shook his head. “You come to swim since you were young, why you still cannot float?” Pai said and laughed. “If I could, would you still see my choking?” Krathin replied and coughed.

“You can’t do it because you are afraid. When you are not afraid, you and the water will be one, and then you will float to the surface of the water. You’ll find that it’s a wonderful feeling. “Pai explained.

Krathin jumped up out of the water, with angry face and splash water to Pai.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” Pai asked and shielded splashing water with his arm. “Don’t tell me that. You are afraid also. You afraid of the hell pit more than anything. You think I don’t know!!! “ Krathin answered and little upset.

Words of young girl made him stunned.

“The Fear!!!” Pai repeated softly, suddenly he smiled happily, as discovered some- thing. A young man stands up and stares at the girl then say it out loud. “If I do

24 Talen the lumberjack not fear, what it will be?”

At the end of his words, he just runs out from there.

“Where are you going?” Krathin shouted.

“I’m going to climb the tree.” Pai replied without turn to look at her.

“Wait for me” Krathin hurry out from the swamp and runs after Pai with the confus- ing.

Talen the lumberjack 25 Chapter 7 The Truth

The afternoon sun shine apply throughout the for- est, throw the light upon the young man and woman whom sit on the big branch of the tree that they climbed up the other day. Both watch the gigantic hole with different feeling from previously. Pai and Krathin knew that it was only a large fire hole that provided the warmth. It was being in that way and it was harmless to everyone, unless the human walk into it.

Both enjoy the vastness of the sky, the beauty of the lush forest, small and big trees raced to growth spread their branch lean on each other like they are hug- ging. Soft winds, warmth from the sun, and aerosols from pure white clouds sur- round them. What a wonderful view! Pai think of when he held the chainsaw mowed the wood. He felt the power in his hands. But when he comes up here and breathes fresh air in, he feels that he is just a little thing, which cannot compare with the great nature at all.

“Do you feel like me, Krathin?” Pai whispered. Krathin didn’t answer however her eyes were stunned as if she got spelled while stared at the view in front of her. The lady mumbled “Everything in this world is for one another. The river feeds the trees and forests, like blood nourish our body. The flowers with the sweet scent are our sisters. Bear, deer, squirrel, are our broth- ers. The shimmer stream is not only the water, but it is the blood of our ancestors. The wind delivers us the first breath to our ancestors and it will deliver the last

26 Talen the lumberjack breath to us as well. Everything is a part of each other. Man is not the weaving the web of life, but it is only one little bond of that web. Whatever we do to the bond is equal to treat ourselves. Because we are a part of the world and the world is part of us. “

“Krathin, you can think like this also!!!” The young man exclaimed with unbelievable. He was impressed by her speech.

“Hehe! Not my thought. My grandfather told me that.” Krathin laughed.

The young man and woman climbed down to the ground below. Before the lady realize it, the man has already held her both shoulders and stared into her eyes and said with confident that “Krathin after I listened to your speech in a little while ago. I understood that holy land is not the land that we are looking for. It is not in the front, not in the future, but it is here. It’s right here. It is with us all the time. We will find it only when we are one with nature. Like it was just happen to us in a little while ago.”

“But who will listen to us? Everyone is crazy about mowing the jungle. “ Krathin said with hopeless voice.

“I think many lumberjacks feel like us. But they still have fear covered their heart.” Pai enthusiastically answered and wide smiled.

“So what shall we do next?” Krathin asked.

“We must find the way to let them be free from Fear.” Pai answered. His face is resolute. But Krathin still confuse, knit her brow and asked.

“Can you tell me, what are we exactly afraid of?” Both slowly and quietly walk. Pai try to think then mentioned. “Maybe we afraid of something we don’t know. It made our ancestors had to quickly evacuate from the settlers in blasted forest night. “ Pai paused to think and look at the reac-

Talen the lumberjack 27 tion of the listener. Then he said it out lout. “Do you remember the alarmist rabbit which the elder told at the bonfire?”

Pai doesn’t wait for the answer. The young man started to tell story like he reviewed for himself.

“Once upon a time there is a little rabbit; take a nap under the sugar palm tree. Suddenly there is the blast sound. It is frightened woke up then shout out loud that earth is crumbling. Rabbit jumps as far as it can without turn back to look. Other rabbits asked this rabbit. “What are you running away from?” A little rabbit replied while is still running ‘Run! The earth is crumbling!’ and then thousands of rabbits are running away like crazy. When the other animals see them, they all run for fear of death follow the little rabbits.

The Lion king is standing on a hill and sees all animals run follow each other and make lot of dust spread all over the jungle. So, he asked out loud, ‘what are you running away from?’ Some animals shouted back, ‘The Lion King! Run, the earth is crumbling!” All animals are unaware running toward to the steep cliff. The lion king concerns that animals will come off the cliff and die all. So he jumps to the front to block their way and roar out loud. The animals stop running immediately. The lion king asked ‘Who see the earth is crumbling?’ animals shook their heads. Then they point at a little rabbit, whom trembled with fear. Lion King asked, ‘Did you really see it, didn’t you? The little rabbit answered. “I saw it, when I was sleeping under the sugar palm tree. Suddenly, I heard the blast sound, then I ran away to fear of death to here. ‘

The Lion King told all animals to wait here. He and the little rabbit is going back to see the scene. He checked the scene and saw that was only a sugar palm fell down on the leaf. The lion king understood what was happen and back to tell all animals. “You have nothing to fear anymore. Actually it was the sound of a sugar palm fell down to the dried leaf.” Animals are now realizes that they survived from the death by a whisker.

28 Talen the lumberjack The girl smiled with the creative story of him. After a little while, she realizes what the meaning of this story. Krathin immediately stop walking and gradually turn to look at his eyes. Then speak slowly.

“Are you saying that we are not different from those herd of animals, Afraid of what we didn’t prove, aren’t we?”

Pai nodded instead any answer. Krathin face turned to be upset. The conver- sation is now replaces with the silent. Suddenly the girl’s eyes opened wide like just has some idea and said out loud.

“Maybe, actually the voice of the devil in the blasted forest night is sound of a big earthquake. Was it the earthquake that made all the tribes migrated, and wandered for hundreds of years? Damn! Is it possible? I can’t believe we set a lot of rules. We brain stormed for meeting planning. We created the new tools. We competed for the tribe leader. We lost the simple way of life. We worked very hard to mow the forest down. We invented the several of ideologies up to chase ourselves to the end, didn’t we? “

Pai and Krathin look at each other, with the broken heart. They can’t believe that human is fooled, lost and did something worthless for so long like this.

Talen the lumberjack 29 Chapter 8 The Destiny

The front of Talen Tribe is filled with lumberjacks; in their eyes filled with the arrogant, clamor of people, loudly roared of chainsaws along with resounding of the big tree break down again and again. The area that used to be the shade area from trees, now turn to be an empty bare area. Flock of birds fly up to the sky when all the trees that once used to be their nest, are destroyed. Some loudly scream like wailing, when they are not able to rescue their babies which could not fly. They die along with all those big trees and plants. Squirrels, hares and wild animals flee to survival.

At the end of the Tribe, Two young ones still enjoy among the peaceful na- ture- sound of streams which flow along the rocks, colorful fish enjoy swim in the clear streams, couple of dragonflies fly to that grass, those leave which moving along with the breeze.

“Nowadays, there is no such an earthquake; we have good living, safety, and facili- ties. We live more comfortably than any era. Why we are still fear?” Krathin asked as breaking the silent.

“I think perhaps the truly fear may not be from the outside” Pai quiet for a mo- ment. Before continue with a serious face.”We’re afraid of what is inside ourselves. We may fear that we will have more abilities than we can handle.”

30 Talen the lumberjack “A lot more abilities than we can handle!”She repeated.

“It means that each person has the ability more than just mowing the woods. How- ever, these capabilities are not being taken out to use yet.” Pai explained.

“It sounds bad!” She is rolling her eyes with the tried feeling.

He glanced to her reaction and said “It may not be . Sometime we win some, we lose some. I think one thing that human is offset from the nature is the optimum condition to growth seeds….”

The girl knew that his words have the truth hidden. So Krathin doesn’t say anything but wait for Pai to explain more.

“I heard that we each have our own destiny. As well as the Maka seeds grow to be Maka trees, Pradu seeds grow to be Pradu trees, none of any seeds want to grow to be other kind of trees. Every kind of seed is proud to be itself. Even nobody appreciates it but it is not take offense. It continues to grow, spreads the branches, roots and stand till the blossom season in its own way.

“You’re saying that each human being is like the different seeds. Each person has their own ways. Such as Poon, was born to be a clay sculpture. Chan was born to be a weaver. Not everyone was born to be a lumberjack. Am I right? “

Pai satisfyingly nodded then said, “But just only Pai and Krathin trees are odd.”

“How odd?”

“That grew to be you and me!” both laughed together...... Both strolled and are surrounded with the song of the crickets sing like they are greeting them. The breeze touches their body allows fresh and cool. The sun light shines through to the ground below.

Talen the lumberjack 31 “Listen, everything is realistic on its own. Sometimes the changes around us are the adjustment of nature as the condition that fits everybody’s growth but we just don’t feel it. Still sleeps in the seeds of fear. We therefore fall into dreamland from our ancestors. We never sense in any truth “Pai said.

“This is really really bad,” Krathin exclaimed while pout.

“ Perhaps the sleep is not too bad because it makes us know the awake. I think if we find a way to break the wall of fear, it may help people realize the awaken- ing. It is similar to the growth of the seeds, after that, they each grow in their own styles.

“Like Poon and Chan are obviously seen different growth. What about others? How do they know what do they were born for?” Krathin suspiciously asked while cross her arm.

“ I guess we’ll know when we love something. When we found it, we’ll know our- selves that we are born for it. If we didn’t find it, we should keep find it. .We all are well prepared to do that as our best. Likewise, the complete seeds can grow. The result of doing that is great to share them with the world. It is our duty of life. We’re not born to be anything but we were born for something specific. Like a particular species specific grow. Then each one shares the air for all animals to breath, be their sources of food, be the beginning of streams, and eventually becomes a complete forest.”

“Wow!!! Unbelievable!!!Am I listening to the God in heaven blessing? Why all of the sudden you look brilliant?” Krathin teased and made the funny face.

32 Talen the lumberjack “Why? I can’t be brilliant with you, can I? Maybe this is the destiny for me to do so.” Pai self-satisfied smiled.

“What about me?” Krathin pointed at herself. Her face looks really want to know.

“Nobody can answer for others. You must find it. But if you ask me, I think you...” Pai acted like he is thinking. He tricky smiled to Krathin and said, “Maybe you were born to be a joker!”

Pai laughed out loud as soon as he finished his words. Krathin soft punched his arm to tease him back. Pai run away from Krathin while laughing. The peaceful atmosphere of the forest was replaced by the laugh of them.

Talen the lumberjack 33 Chapter 9 The Love

On the stump, once used to be the towering big tree, the young ones look at the bare area which was once there are filled of big trees with the shades. But now is filled with the ruins of the stump. The wind blow dust flow in the air. The more sun shines over all trees then affect with wood dust that is blown in the air, the more we see the sun shines clearly.

“Pai, do you think what is overcome of the fear?” Krathin asked at last

Pai reviews Krathin’s question repeatedly in his mind, while look away. He sees the shadow of men and women are walking much tried back from mowing the wood, the kids are off from training in the forest mowing. They are noisy and run together as their nature, see someone lay down on the ground without any power or someone to care, not far from them.

“Love!” Pai confirmed while looking at Talen tribe. “Love?” Krathin repeated. Her cheeks turn red and move her body a bit with the shy. “Yes” Pai confirmed again. “Love that we give to each other. Love as human being may be the clues to lead us. This kind of love is driving you and I that can’t bear to help others without anything in return, isn’t it? This kind of love is making us dare to question with our life. Dare to break rules to live in our own way. If not for love like this, you and me may not be able to stand here, try every effort to help

34 Talen the lumberjack the Talen folks to escape obstacles without discourage and not run away to survive alone.”

Krathin does the boring face and ask to cover up her misunderstanding and her curiosity. “Are you sure that love like this will help our tribe survive from this disaster?”

The young man did not answer directly, and said, “Krathin, if we try to find the direction of human love and found it, maybe we could make people see its power as we saw. The Power of love is like the light. The fear is like the darkness. Where there is the light, the darkness will disappear without doing anything with it. “

Both stand up at the same time. Pai hold Krathin’s both hands. The young man with the gleaming eyes speak with intent tone that “From now on, I mean all, me, you, chieftain, shaman, merchant, young ones, old ones, even the children, we all need to act, not act to earn the power, the reputation, the wealth, or any sacrifice. But it must be done to protect the human race. Not protect our race by destroyed everything to make human race stand alone like it used to be. But protect in the way that the trees, mountains, water mist, bulls, and eagles will allow human like us to live with them instead.”

Krathin squeezes his hands like it is the promise and smiles like a child. The girl take a deep breath to her lungs, hold her face up, and pointed to the Talen tribe then speak with clear voice. “Go, let’s go!!!”

Both walk hand in hand through the sunshine to their beloved tribe and then everything will begin……

Talen the lumberjack 35 About the author

Pakorn Suwanprapha or in the Social workers society, well known as “ Dr. Man”. Country boy, son of the teacher, grandson of the merchant, graduated from Chulalongkorn University in Veterinary Science , and in the same time graduated from Ramkamheang University in Political science

He was an employee in the company, was a former government officer in Department of livestock development, used to help the preparation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan. He also used to do the research, strengthen community for the Secretarial of Cabinet, used to be a former President of the Foundation intersection Indo-china and a Former Deputy Secretary of the minister of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. (Dr. Porndej Pinpratheep) .

Meeting variety of people accumulated the experiences, and the crystallization of thought to become this simple story tale to share with all readers. .

Nowaday, his passion and love to be “The Mentor” in the seminar conference for both public and private sector. Using the new model named “Mind Storming” the meeting in the 3rd Ages. which is a model that focuses on participants to hand in hand and do what their heart want without hesitate, can’t bear to do so, even pro- hibit but still want to do it, not allow know theyself course to do but still try to find the way to do it. And he also held this training form and “Know Theyself Course” Course to a group of people or anyone that interesting in this course. And he in- tends to use “Talen the lumberjack” as a handbook at the Center for laying the foundation of an idea to the mentee, who join the workshop.

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