~Qf;le atlgctd qrr ifil<:tR1i1 OFFICE OF TI-lE DE'VROPMENT COMMISSIONER ~,~am:~~) (MICRO, SMALL & t.ElIUM EKTERPRISES) MltlSTRY OFMICR(}. St.Wl.& MEauu ENTERPRISES ~~.~~~ GOVErultENT INDIA ('lmI ~) OF f.IqftJr 'ilR, lrnfIf ~J ~ ~ ~J Iem8n Bhawan, 7th Floor, MllJlllna ADd Road" ~~-'10 108 N.." Delli -11 I>100 11151115:UleRO. 3111~ L ~ flEDIUtJ ENTEJlPFI3ES ~e'TT '7T""! a-h Tf~ ~ Ph.EPA8~ - 230e~800, 2 30e38·~2 2J~63BC3 FAX - ({J1-11) 2J062~15, ~~~61726, 23r.6 1Oee, (l-mai - c cmsm"'
[email protected] URGENTITOP PRIORITY 1(2)/2012-MSME Pol. Pt I Dated 27.8.2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM SUbject: Meeting of Eastern Zonal Council-regarding. A copy of D.O. letter No. 311/2013-ZCS(E) dated 05.7.2013 of the Additional Secretary & Advisor, Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs (Inter State Council Secretariat), New Delhi on the above mentioned subject is enclosed. Requisite informationl material, if any, with details as per SI. No. (i), (ii) & (iii) of the D.O. may please be provided to this division by 06.9.2013 positively. Soft copy of the material may also be sent on e-mail msmepol
[email protected] Encl.: as above. \~~ --=---- (P.K. Sinha) Director (MSME Policy) Te1.No.23061544 To I. ADC(MPS)/DDG(S&D)I IA(NN)I JDC(RP)I JDC(PS)I Director(RM) (Planning/EA)I Consultant(AIA)(DB)lDirector(Chemical)/Director (UCS)I Director (NND)I Director (TR) I Director(SKS)1 Director (SENET) 0/0 DC(MSME). 2. The Director (ARI),(Shri Angshuman Dey), Mo MSME, Room No.