Yoga Poses For Cyclists Weekly Intermediate Class 106

1. Half 5. I 9. Eka Pada Rajakapot. II v. 13. Legs

2. 6. Calf Stretch 10. Eka Pada Rajakapot. II v. 14. Eka Pada Rajakapot. I

3. 7. Parsvottanasana 11. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 15. Legs Up The Wall

4. Utt. H. Padangusthasana I 8. I 12. Bhujangasana 16. Savasana (with chair) These are the main poses from this class. For the full sequence see the video online. Copyright 2019 Poses For Cyclists Weekly Intermediate Class 106

Focus: Yoga for cyclists. This is the latest class in our yoga for athletes course. Following on from our runners and swimmers classes, we have had a number of requests for a video focusing on poses that will benefit cyclists. This image shows the main poses from the class sequence. It targets the main muscle groups, and body regions that are involved in cycling. Poses that help to lengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves form the nucleus of the class. Cycling can also negatively impact smaller muscles associated with toes and the soles of the feet. Some less commonly practiced adaptations of yoga poses are also included to focus on these areas. Poses that help to release the hip flexors and gluteals also feature in the class. Leaning forward on a bike for prolonged periods of time can commonly cause discomfort in the lower back. Some lower back extending poses are also featured for this reason. The class will suit newer students as well as more experienced practitioners.

Key Poses: Virasana, utthita hasta padangusthasana, epa pada rajakapotasana, bhujangasana.

Equipment: Mat, chair, 2 blankets, belt. Copyright 2019 To do the full video class, click here to Join Now. All rights reserved.

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