Yale Wins Varsity and Jay Vee Races
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VOL. XXXI, No. 33 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] MAY 23, 1929 Yale Wins Varsity and Jay vee Races —Cornell Yearlings Take Freshmen Race Cornell Defeats Yale in Exciting Spring Day Ball Game—Also Win from Columbia Sphinx Head and Quill and Dagger Elect Sixty-three Juniors to Membership Sigma Xi, Honorary Research So- ciety, Announces Election of New Members Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y, Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Here is Your Timetable r ESTABROOK & Co. to and from Sound Investments ITHACA New York Boston 24 Broad 15 State ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 New York Resident Partner SPRINGFIELD NEW HAVEN These convenient Lehigh Valley trains link Ithaca with Pennsylvania Station, New York, and Reading Terminal, Philadelphia every day. The New Cornell Standard Time II.50 A.M. f I I.4O P.M. Lv. New York 8.50 A.M. P M Victor Record Lv. Newark 9.24 A.M. 12.24 12.22 A.M. A—Alma Mater and Crew Song Lv. Philadelphia 9.20 A.M. I2.4O P.M. 112.00 Midnight —Cornell Glee Club AΓ. Ithaca 4.51 P.M. 8.17 P.M. *7.28 A.M. Lv. Ithaca 9.20 A.M. 12.34 P.M. til.00 P.M. B—Cornell Medley Ar. Philadelphia 5.03 P.M. 8.O8 P.M. 6.5I A.M. —Cornell Orchestra Ar. Newark 5.12 P.M. 6.4O A.M. 8.I4 P.M. Just recorded—on sale Ithaca only. Ar. New York 5.40 P.M. 8.45 P.M. 7.20 A.M. *Sleepers may be occupied at Ithaca until 8:00 A.M. Mail $1 to tSleepers open for occupancy 10.00 P.M.* % Sleepers open for occupancy 9.00 P.M. LENT'S Music STORE For reservations, etc., phone Wisconsin 4210 (New York) Bittenhouse ITHACA NEW YORK 1140 (Phila.); Mitchell 7200 or Terrace 3965 (Newark); 2306 (Ithaca). IeWgh\5alley Railroad For Your Bojr CIhe Route of The Black Diamond A Worthwhile Summer Vacation CAMP OTTER in the Highlands of Ontario for Boys Nine to Seventeen 20th Year FOf Safe—Near Campus and Country Club. At- There are only a few vacancies. R. C. HUBBARD tractive two-family house. Separate entrances. Fire- 205 Ithaca Rd. Ithaca, N. Y. places. First floorfive rooms and bath and large glassed in porch. Upper apartment eight rooms and two baths so arranged that three upper rooms with bath SHELDON COURT can be sublet as separate apartment. House six years Private Dormitory old. Hard wood floors throughout. For men students at Cornell. Rentals—$5.00, $5.25, $5.75 and $6.25 per week. Address Box E, Cornell Alumni News Write for catalogue and diagram of available rooms for college Ithaca, New York year 1929-30. A. R. CONGDON, Mgr. Ithaca New York KOHM & BRUNNE Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Tailors for Cornellians 35 Wall St.—15 Broad St. Quality Service Everywhere New York 222 E. State St., Ithaca Investment Securities J Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore E. H. WANZER Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse TT Janson Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill ~ ITHACA Stanton Griffis Harold Strong The Grocer Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward ENGRAVING Qy. J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 rJfc£xce//enί Engraving-Serviced Walter T. Collins Aurora and State Streets e Library Building 123 N.Tίo£a Street 4 Members of the New York Stock Exchange CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXXI, NO. 33 ITHACA, NEW YORK, MAY 13, 1919 PRICE 12. CENTS Plan Inn Near Campus as it is possible to do so; the inn being set Sigma Xi Elections back to allow the maximum space in front. Cornellians Interested in Project to Build It is now planned to design the exterior Honorary Scientific Society Announces on Rites Property, Known as so as to suggest the architecture of the so- Choice of New Members for Court Terrace called Baker dormitory group." 1928-1929 Mr. Dudley, in his original announce- A new inn is to be built by the Cornell ment, said the project had been suggested At the meeting of Sigma Xi on May 9 Inn Corporation on property at University by J. Allen Haines '99 of New York. Mr. the following new members were elected: Avenue and Lake Street, Ithaca, and Haines was responsible for the organiza- FACULTY application for a building permit was filed tion of the Cornell Inn Corporation, of Earl V. Hardenburg '12, vegetable last week with the city authorities. which General J. Leslie Kincaid, president gardening. The original announcement of plans for of the American Hotels Company, is Charles O. Mackey '26, heat-power en- the new hotel was made by Frank A. president, and William M. Leffingwell '18 gineering. Dudley, president of the United Hotels is vice-president. Lars R. Romell, agronomy. Company, at dinner in the Hotel Ezra Referring to a name for the hotel, Mr. Cornell May 3. Mr. Dudley announced Dudley said: "I would much prefer the ALUMNI at that time that the inn's facilities would title of Έzra Cornell Inn.' When I chose Adriance S. Foster '23 assistant pro- be available to the University in connec- the name 'Roosevelt' for the Roosevelt fessor of botany, University of Oklahoma. tion with the hotel management course. Hotel in New York, named after the late William D. Pomeroy '95, mechanical The probable cost is estimated at more President, Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and engineering, vice-president and general than $600,000. members of the family gave their consent manager, Goulds Pump Company, Geneva. The application for the building permit and were present at the opening. I hope Charles F. Sarle Ί6, agricultural econo- specifies an inn, consisting of not more than similar permission will be given by the mics, economic analyst, Division of Crop 150 rooms. It will be located on the Cornell family in Ithaca." and Livestock Estimates, U. S. Depart- residence property of Marion B. Rites, ment of Agriculture. known as Grey Court Terrace, at one Harriet E. Lee '27, instructor in geology time occupied by Alpha Tau Omega. ENGINEER TEACHERS' SUMMER and geography, Wellesley College. The location is midway between the The 1929 session of the summer school GRADUATE SCHOOL Campus and the city, and it is considered for teachers of engineering will be held at Mrs. Elsa G. Allen '12, Ithaca, zoology. by those heading the project to be ideal Purdue University from June 27 to July Oscar D. Anderson, research assistant for summer tourists and convenient for 18. This summer school is conducted by in physiology, psychology. persons whose business or pleasure would the Society for the Promotion of Engineer- Walford A. Anderson, Raleigh, N. C, bring them to the Campus or the down- ing Education and will this year be devoted rural social organization, farm manage- town section of Ithaca. From this entirely to mechanical engineering. ment. property, the view of the Inlet Valley and Dean Dexter S. Kimball will be on the Thomas A. Baker '14, professor of Cayuga Lake is unsurpassed. staff of the production division. Professor animal husbandry, University of Dela- The application for the permit was filed F. O. Ellenwood will instruct in heat and ware. by Sherman Peer '06, attorney for the power engineering, Professor C. H. Berry Sidney W. Barnes, Heckscher assistant corporation. The following is part of his of Harvard and Clarence F. Hirshfeld in physics. statement: M.M.E. '05, of the Detroit Edison Com- George W. Beadle, assistant in plant "The inn to be built on this site will prob- pany, both of whom were formerly mem- breeding. ably not exceed 125 rooms. It is contem- bers of this Faculty, will instruct in heat Charles E. Berger, Philadelphia, Pa., plated that the building will conform both power. physics. to the semi-circular contour of University The entire staff of teachers will spend Abraham J. Beyle veld, Ph.D. '29, in- Avenue and Lake Street and the slope of three days as guests of the Western Electric structor in agricultural economics. the hill. By building the inn with concave Company in Chicago where they will make James D. Burfoot, Jr., instructor in exposure to the west, the rooms on the inspections of the Hawthorne plant and geology. west side of the north wing will look deliver a program of lectures. Paul R. Burkholder, Fayetteville, Pa., directly down the Inlet Valley to the New- botany. field hills, and the rooms on the south wing Arthur S. Burrell, Ithaca, fellow in plant will have a view up Cayuga Lake beyond CORNELLIAN DEAN OF WOMEN pathology. Crowbar Point towards Sheldrake. Jane L. Jones '12, dean of the academic Wilbur K. Butts Ί8, M.S. '25, Ithaca, "I understand from J. Lakin Baldridge department of the Katharine Gibbs School zoology. '15, architect for the inn, that he expects of Boston, has been named dean of women Percy H. Carr, instructor in physics. to develop the exterior design and interior at St. Lawrence University. She will Hettie M. Chute, assistant in botany. arrangement so as to retain the charm of begin her duties in September. Harold T. Cook, Ithaca, plant pathology. an old English inn, minimizing, in so far Miss Jones received her A.M. degree John B. Cotner, assistant professor of as possible, the atmosphere of a modern from the University of Chicago and her plant breeding, North Carolina Agricul- commercial hotel. Ph.D. from Columbia. She was exchange tural College. "All the trees and planting now on the instructor from the International In- Harley L.