MYTH: The therapeutic use of stimulant medications for ADHD leads to addiction

Fact: The therapeutic use of stimulant medications for ADHD prevents addiction

By Stephen V. Faraone, PhD

here are two classes of stimulant injected or snorted (sniffed through the medications for ADHD: nose). (MPH) and T In the 1960s and 1970s, many animal (AMP). Each of these model studies showed that MPH and medications is available in several long AMP would cause addiction. This and short acting formulations, the caused much concern until availability of which differs among researchers realized that they had countries. Examples of MPH products are made a crucial error. They had Ritalin, Concerta and Medikinet. injected large quantities of the drug Examples of AMP projects are into the animal (usually a rat or a Lysdexamfetamine, Dyanavel XR and mouse) rather than giving the drug Evekeo. orally in the way it is used The different formulations affect how the therapeutically for ADHD. drug is delivered to the brain and are When researchers at the University of designed to modulate the speed of uptake California in San Diego gave these and the length of time the drugs work drugs orally with doses that were during the day. comparable to therapeutic doses, Despite these differences, medications in they found no evidence for addiction. each class contain the same drug, either That finding is now widely accepted. MPH or AMP. Both drugs are Importantly, the finding is also consistent potentially addictive but their ability with the fact that physicians do not to cause addiction depends on how observe addiction among their patients they are used. with ADHD who use the drug in oral, Drug addicts enjoy drugs when they reach therapeutic doses. the brain quickly. For that reason, they Concerns have also been raised about the prefer forms of MPH or AMP that can be non-medical use of stimulant medications,‐use‐of‐stimulant‐meds‐for‐adhd 1 of 3 Posted 10‐11‐2019

especially among young adult college protected patients from subsequent students who will use these medications addictive disorders. in the hopes that they will improve their Additional evidence for a protective effect studying ability (e.g. by staying up late) or of stimulant medications came from a for mixing with alcohol at parties to say Swedish study of commercial health care awake. This is indeed a problem, but it is claims from 2,993,887 adolescent and not related to the prescribed use of these adult ADHD patients. The authors medications by patients with ADHD. concluded: Nonetheless, it has contributed to the perception that these medications cause These results provide evidence that addiction. receiving ADHD medication is unlikely to be associated with greater About 15 years ago, I realized that the risk of substance-related problems in longitudinal studies of patients with adolescence or adulthood. Rather, ADHD (i.e. repeated observations of medication was associated with lower people over short or long periods of time) concurrent risk of substance-related could help us better understand whether events and, at least among men, the prescribed use of stimulant lower long-term risk of future medications caused addiction. substance-related events. Stimulant medication in This confirmed an earlier report from childhood does not lead to Sweden based on a study of 26,249 men addictive disorders later and 12,504 women with ADHD. With my colleagues at Harvard Medical So, the data are clear and unequivocal. School and the Massachusetts General When used therapeutically, the Hospital, I reviewed all available studies. stimulant medications for ADHD do We found no evidence that the use of not cause addiction. Instead, because stimulant medications for ADHD in these medications control the symptoms childhood led to addictive disorders of ADHD, they reduce the likelihood that in adolescence or adulthood. a child with ADHD will, eventually, develop a substance use disorder. Instead, we found some evidence that the stimulant medications for ADHD


Stephen Faraone, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor in the Departments of and & Physiology at SUNY Upstate Medical University, President of the World Federation of ADHD and Program Director for His research studies of ADHD include epidemiology, neurobiology, and .

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