TheCarlton Academy newsletter July 2018

Welcome to our summer newsletter, I hope you very much enjoy reading the wonderful articles inside. The range of events and activities in our academy always impresses me and this is no exception. Thank you to everyone for their contributions. The last year has, as always, flown by. We have a wonderful staff at the academy and their commitment to all students and to each other is a delight to see on a daily basis. This year, we have had to cope with a lot of change in the examination systems. Being part of a successful Trust is a vital resource that allows colleagues to work in networks to help ensure that we can respond to the changes and challenges in a collective way that benefits all students. We hope that there is some stability in the education market moving ahead, giving us time to embed the things we have developed and to give every student maximum chance to succeed in all that we do. I am delighted that we have maintained our broad curriculum offer and that the uptake in areas such as Performing Arts and Technology remain very positive. There have been far too many highlights this year to mention them all. From trips to other continents, Borneo and New York, through to national finals for engineering rocket cars and many more besides. Our wider curriculum offer has gone from strength to strength. Uptake in Pledges, student leadership roles and the sense of pride in representing your House has gone from strength to strength. Little Shop of Horrors performance was a wonderful success at Christmas and the increased uptake in Duke of Edinburgh is a delight to see. As we move into the summer, we see massive investment in our facilities. We are currently in phase 1 of a £650k refurbishment of our science labs, phase 2 to be completed in summer 2019. When finished, every lab will be brand new with 21st century science facilities for all to use. We are installing a new photography suite in the summer with wonderful new digital tools for this most creative area of the curriculum and have just completed the final phase of works in our Fitness Suite, installing a new ceiling and flooring to this popular facility. In addition to this, we are working hard with the local Borough Council and other providers to ensure the installation of new all-weather facilities and improvements to our playing fields. More information will follow about this in the autumn. As always, we say goodbye to some staff at the end of the term, and in September we will welcome new colleagues. Leaving us this summer are, Miss Hughes and Miss Malinowska (English), Miss Gerrard (PE) Mrs Kemp (Child Protection Officer), Miss Taylor our SENCO and Ms Messent (Head of School). Ms Messent leaves us to move to another role in our Trust after 24 years of outstanding service to the academy. I know you will join me in thanking her for this exceptional commitments. In September, we welcome Mrs Egwuma as our new Head of School and she and I shall be writing to you soon. I would like to finish by tanking you for your support this year and a special ‘well done’ to everyone who has won awards in the recent Sports Awards and House Achievement evenings. I look forward to presenting the Carlton Cup at the end of the term and know that so many of these students will have made a massive contribution towards this. I wish you and your families a wonderful summer break and look forward to welcoming you and our new students back to the academy in September. Richard Pierpoint - Executive Headteacher Welcome from new Head I am delighted to introduce myself as the new Head of School at . Moral purpose and the desire to empower and improve opportunities for all young people has always been at the heart of my drive. I am passionate about teaching and learning and the power of education to transform lives. After 19 years of teaching and leading in London schools, I feel privileged to have been appointed to this position in the city I grew up in an incredible school that is The Carlton Academy. My vision is to ensure that every student will achieve excellent outcomes, experience a wide range of extra-curricular and cultural activities and students have aspirations for their futures. Experience has taught me that successful schools have the highest expectations of behaviour, have outstanding teaching and learning and highly skilled staff. This will be further developed by working in partnership with families, staff, governors and the wider community. I look forward to meeting you all in the autumn term and wish you a pleasant summer break.

Ms M Egwuma Accelerated Reader 2017-2018 More books! More words! More millionaires! What a year at The Carlton Academy for the Accelerated Reader programme! It has been our most successful year to date and as the term draws to a close Year 7 and 8 are still busy reading and quizzing and hitting their individual targets. Between them they have read over 117 million words, read over 6000 books and we have a record nineteen word millionaires and thirteen multi-millionaires who were rewarded on Monday 9th July for their efforts with a mini-party in the library complete with prizes, cakes and fizzy bookworms! I have been absolutely blown away by the dedication and determination of each of our students, wanting to hit their target points, be the winning house in their lessons and the number of students quizzing outside of their designated one hour weekly Accelerated Reader time. Year 7 – keep reading throughout the summer holidays and be ready to come back in Year 8 to tell me about all the wonderful books you have read (and maybe start the year off with a quiz or two based on your summer reading!) Year 8 – keep reading and remember that even though you won’t have weekly lessons in the library in Year 9 the library is for life not just for Accelerated Reader! Make sure you keep coming in to see me! To all the students that are joining us in September – I am looking forward to hearing about the books that you have read. Let’s make 2018-2019 an even more successful year! Finally, thank you all for an outstanding year of reading! Ms Georgeson “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Seuss Design and Technology Wrap up! Our Key Stage 3 curriculum has been extremely successful this year allowing our students to work in a number of material areas and on a range of different new and exciting projects in Design & Technology. Students have worked really hard to respond to new design challenges.

We would like to thank parents for supporting your sons/daughters by supplying ingredients for our Food Technology curriculum we hope you have enjoyed the food your sons/daughters have cooked. Year 7 Race to the line An amazing opportunity from start to finish to involve all our Year 7s in a STEM project that allowed a large cohort of students a different take on what it means to ‘Race to the line…’. After achieving a very creditable 2nd and 3rd position from our regional hub finals, 1 was invited to attend and compete in the National Race to the Line final at RAF Wittering, just outside Peterborough. The team which consisted of 4 engineers (Thomas, Kelsey, Katie and Nate), and our own media PR Kacey Joszko, left TCA early morning on the 28 June 2018 to head to what was to be an amazing RAF experience. Along with the designing and building of the 3rd version on the polystyrene block rocket car the students got to witness a ‘one shot’ race off with the other 54 teams competing. TCA1 did them proud and finished in 29th position, reaching a speed of over 48 mph. To complete the STEM experience, the students got involved with different engineering and problem solving challenges which ranged from building scaled turbine fans to power gas driven naval vessels, riveting airplane parts together and testing their efficiency and carrying out a microlight bombing simulation. To top the day off, we and our ‘Royal’ visitor The Countess of Wessex, were treated to not only a WW II Spitfire flypast, but also a display by a Euro-fighter ‘Typhoon’ class fighter plane and a complete display by the incredibly cool ‘Red Arrows’. To see images and view video footage please visit or follow our twitter feed @ TCAONE2018 or view by the @TCA twitter feed. GCSE Design and Technology Huge congratulations to all of the GCSE Design and Technology students for successfully completing their coursework and practical element to an excellent standard. Students produced docking stations for their mobile phones, one student even made theirs Bluetooth!

The outcomes this year have been innovative and manufactured to a high standard. Examples can be seen on Well done to all! GCSE Food Technology Final Practical A huge well done to Miss Davies’ Year 11 class for their final outcomes in their controlled assessment. They produced some excellent work this year and we wish them well with their results in August. Unfortunately, due to controlled assessment regulations we can’t show you the photos yet! But will update them in the next Newsletter.

A2 Product Design (3D) – Final outcome As part of the A2 course, students had the opportunity to work with real clients and produce innovative products in response to a design problem. Chloe B responded excellently to her client brief (dentistry in Carlton) to produce a product that gave children a place to and relax before their appointments. The context was to provide a calm and friendly environment for children who fear the dentist. Well done Chloe!

Year 5 Transition taster sessions – Stomp Rockets This term we ran taster sessions for Year 5 students with a focus on movement. In Design & Technology we held a practical workshop where we made stomp rockets to be launched in the play park. The longest launch was 21m, the rocket was produced by some very talented young people at Carlton Central Junior school. Follow us on Twitter and see your sons/daughters work @TCA_DT Welcome from our new Attendance Officer My name is Mr Burton, and I am the new Attendance Officer for The Carlton Academy. Since starting at The Carlton Academy in June, I have been very impressed by the high standards of teaching, education and pastoral support being provided to students. Coupled with the excellent modern teaching facilities which are available, I am confident that all measures and systems are in place - to assist you in achieving your academic potential. At The Carlton Academy, we are always striving for excellence, and achieving high standards of attendance throughout the academic year is of paramount importance. Commencing from September 2018, all Academies across the Trust will be aiming to achieve a MINIMUM score of 96% attendance - for the 2018/2019 academic year. At this current time, as an Academy, we are not quite at the minimum 96% attendance benchmark just yet, but I very much intend us to be at this level during the year ahead. Towards achieving that end, I will be monitoring all students very closely throughout the entire year, helping, encouraging and supporting you to maximise your attendance. Since starting in June, I have taken the time to meet and chat with many of you (from all Houses and Year Groups), regarding both attendance concerns and general discussions. It is clear to me that some students have outstanding attendance statistics, and some do not. A student who is both mindful and motivated - should know their current levels of attendance at all times and strive to be in school every day. I have noticed that some students appear not to know what their current attendance statistics are, and we need to change this. From September 2018 onwards, all TCA students will be expected to know their current percentage of attendance, at all times. If we are going to achieve a minimum of 96% attendance across the board, then we have to ensure that communication is clear at all times between all parties involved; this includes students, parents, teachers, Heads of House, Pastoral Support Staff, Attendance Staff and myself, as Attendance Officer. We all have a responsibility to work together, where attendance and pastoral support is concerned. If this can be achieved, then I am confident that improvements in both attendance and academic achievement can be made. As Attendance Officer, I believe that ALL Carlton Academy students should be looking to maximise their attendance statistics, at all times. Why? It’s simple; your attendance rate is important because you are more likely to succeed in academic subjects - when you attend the Academy consistently. As a result of consistent attendance throughout the academic year, you will also consistently improve your general knowledge, technical knowledge and social skills. Whilst it is important to focus on the present, it is also important to always keep an eye on the future as well. If you utilise your time wisely during your time here at The Carlton Academy, there is a high probability that you will succeed in progressing on towards further and higher education, before establishing yourself within a chosen career path. Attendance and punctuality are vital attributes for all employees. It is important for employees to attend work regularly and to arrive at work on time. Good attendance whilst at school shows potential employers that a young person is reliable. In the meantime, I wish each of you every success during your time here at Carlton Academy, and for the future ahead. Mr Burton - Attendance Officer Extension and Achievement – Portuguese Workshop The Extension and Achievement Key Stage 3 students welcomed Mr Ribero from who came and worked with them over two sessions during this academic year to open their eyes to the Portuguese language and culture. Not only is Mr Ribero from Brazil but he has also lived in Spain and was able to give students a real life insight into what it means to be multilingual and really embrace languages and how beneficial they can be in our lives. The students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and really threw themselves into the competitive and engaging experience, with constant contribution and an excellent work ethic. Our visitor praised how wonderful the students were and how amazing it felt to be able to share his knowledge and language experience with them. Extension and Achievement - Derwent Outdoor Centre An opportunity arose for us to take some of our Extension and Achievement students to the Lake District to participate in probably one of the most challenging activities they had ever done as part of their school life. 27 students from Year 8- Year 10 were faced with some incredibly tough yet fun activities that would allow them to build up their team working skills and also force them into situations of decision making and overcoming their fears by working as part of a team and supporting one another. It was so wonderful to see our students work so well within their groups and really develop their team work skills as well as their decision making skill, they carried themselves in such a

successful way that the centre were begging us to please return in the future as they had really enjoyed working with our students. During our stay students participated in a range of activities including; abseiling, high challenge, kayaking, canoeing, gorge walking and some challenging mountain climbs.

All of the students were so excited after every activity that they participated in and when asked what their favourite part of the trip was majority replied saying that they enjoyed overcoming fears and doing things they never thought they would have done before. Alongside these activities students also enjoyed a lovely evening walk and a competitive game of rounders where both staff and students were involved, and it was just wonderful seeing our students work so well together and support each other throughout the whole stay. Here are a few images that really capture the essence of the trip and show what a successful experience this was for our students. Virtual Learning Environment for Post 16 Students Following the Academy’s recent update of its email system to Microsoft Office 365, all users, students and staff - now have access to online storage space. This means that any school files saved during lessons in school, can be accessed at home. This year, Year 12 students and teachers have been testing a new system – Microsoft Teams – which offers a greater collaboration amongst students, and between students and staff. It also offers a very structured way for students to access the materials that have been taught during the lessons. In September, we will be rolling out cloud based laptops to all Year 12 students, and making all content used in classes available to students online. Students will be able to build their own portfolio of learning and revision resources, enhanced with web links, video and audio. This forms part of the Academy’s strategy to build a leading Virtual Learning Environment for post 16 students, and prepare them for life in further education or employment. Warhammer Club 2018 sees the second year of the Warhammer Club come to an end, and what a year we have had. The club has developed from a group of enthusiastic young people, who were not quite sure what to do with their burgeoning collections, to reaching the semi-finals in a nation-wide tournament! Although we didn’t quite reach the finals, the sportsmanship, dedication and enjoyment we have all had has only grown throughout the year, as has the standard of painting, and shrewd tactical thinking. Maybe 2019 will be the year the club reaches the finals of the School League, but either way, we will be doing lots of painting and gaming between now and then. Powering Transformation Sixty students from The Carlton Academy travelled to the University of Lincoln to experience a Powering Transformation programme developed by The Transformation Trust, and supported by Dell. This exciting programme provided the opportunity for the students to take part in a workshop using the latest Dell technology in a creative and interesting way to engage with the world in which we live. The workshop was hosted at the University of Lincoln, giving students an invaluable experience of visiting a University and spending time on the University premises. Furthermore, students had a guided tour by current students and staff, in the hope of breaking down some of the barriers students may face when making the decision on whether or not to apply for a place on a University course. The students and staff in attendance had a thoroughly enjoyable day and we intend to return next year! National Enterprise Duty Finals On 4 July, 6 Year 9 students went to present their ‘pitch’ to a Dragons Den panel at the International Conference Centre in Telford. The students, Taylor Robinson, Luke Knight, Anum Satti, Gracie Vanucci, Gideon Tarry and David Proudlove had been working hard to develop and prepare their product ‘The Unscrambler’ along with their marketing and business strategy. The group had earnt the right to represent the Academy as winners of the March 2018 ECO day enterprise day where all Year 9 students took part in a day of enterprise and business skills. Their product was aimed at supporting students with dyslexia by capturing spoken words and converting them into words on a digital display. The screen can be used in a range of different colours and also has a range of pull our screens of different colours to support learners. The team, with their mascot ‘Ollie the Overlay’ had to present a four minute pitch to an unknown panel and answer any questions that they had. They performed wonderfully with a range of props and information that needed to convince the panel that they had used suitable research and presentation skills to find a gap in the market. The group had a fantastic day and came back buoyed by the experience and brimming with confidence that they had not only developed new skills but has competed against students from over 300 schools nationally. We are very proud of what they achieved and hope it will inspire others in the future. Mr Pierpoint Geography The Geography Department enjoyed excellent results in the 2017 GCSEs and it has been a real boost to staff and students alike. The new curriculum and GCSE syllabus has much more content, so it was a real race to the end, many students worked very hard and deserve to do well, so we wish them luck on Results Day. Miss Ball’s Geography Cat website has been very successful, with over 32 000 views this year, proving itself to be an invaluable resource for the students in exam season. Miss Pollard also began posting “Teachitagain” revision clips on YouTube, again proving very popular with students. Both teachers make these resources entirely in their own time and at their own expense. Key Stage 3 Geography has seen a few changes in topics and we are pleased that Geography has become a popular option at GCSE. Geography only had one student this year, but Head Girl Charlotte Moon worked diligently throughout the year and has won a place at Trent University to study for a degree in Geography; we wish her every success. The GCSE fieldtrip took Year 11 to Burbage Brook in the Peak District. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed themselves. As you know, one is meant to take only photos and leave only footprints, but one Year 11 student inadvertently left his shoe behind in the boggy conditions! Unfortunately, it was not possible to run Geography Club this year but we intend to run a new club in the new school year. Over the holidays don’t forget to keep your eyes open for interesting geographical features, take some great photos, and always take great care of yourselves and the environment. Happy Holidays! Social Science What a productive and busy time it has been for Social Science this term! Our Year 11 students are coming to the end of their courses with us and some are finishing coursework. We are very proud of how dedicated our Year 11 BTEC Health and Social Care and CACHE Child Development students have been to their studies and completing their work. Many of our Year 11 students are hoping to gain firm places at our Sixth Form and some have opted to study on our Level 3 Health and Social Care course next year. We wish them all the best in their final exams and hope to see many of them back here in September. In other news, Miss Armitage and I took some A Level Psychology and Sociology students to see Derren Brown perform at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham. Students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and were clearly enthused and amazed at some of the Psychological principles used in his show. It was a fantastic experience for all and we were very excited to be able to take learning outside of the classroom. Our A Level Psychology students are currently studying the different approaches in Psychology and the photos illustrate their own versions of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in lessons using plastic cups. This activity sparked much debate on what the most important factors should be that contribute to self-actualisation in humans. We are very excited to be starting the GCSE Psychology course in September. Students have shown great interest in learning more about the human mind and behaviour and we hope this enthuses students to take learning outside the classroom and apply their psychological knowledge to real life situations. Miss Rana Amy Harper Amy Harper in Year 7 has very recently become County Champion at out of age level 3 Women’s Artistic Gymnastics. This is a fantastic achievement, as not only did she win overall she also won 3 individual apparatus medals, finishing in 1st place on the beam and floor and 2nd place on the bars. Many hours of training and preparation have gone into these performances – it is fantastic to see a student demonstrating such a high level of commitment and dedication to sport. Congratulations, Amy, and good luck in future competitions!

History News We have had a wonderful year in the History department and we have received some brilliant work. Over the last term Year 7 have been studying the slave trade. As part of this they were set a project homework. We were impressed with some great efforts. Some students made PowerPoints, others made fact sheets, posters or slave diaries. We even had some documentaries. Particularly impressive homework was submitted by Toyah Smith, Fleur Jaimes, Isabella Macdonald-Sedgebeer, Ashton Banks, Olivia Machin, Maci Brown, Brooke Wilson-McPhilbin, Katie Bond, Evie Burrows and Byron Richards. Well done to all of you. Miss Boden set a project homework to Year 8 and received great work from Talia Ali and Muhammed Holmes. Great job! We have been particularly busy this term preparing students for their exams and have our fingers crossed that all the hard work pays off. Remember to take the opportunity to get out there this summer and visit some historic sites. We would love to see some photographs of exciting places in September. Miss Eglin New Holiday Patterns From September 2019, we shall be adopting the revised County Council holiday pattern to align with local secondary schools and feeder schools to ourselves. This revision will involve changing to a two week October half term and a small change to the summer holiday dates. Further information is available on the County Council website, inset link to website with holiday pattern, and we shall send out our specific term start and finish dates and INSET days for the 2019- 2020 academic year in the autumn term 2018-2019. CERN At the beginning of July, Sixth Form students studying physics at both The Carlton Academy and The had the chance to go on a joint trip to CERN in Geneva. The three-day trip included a day trip to CERN, which is a fantastic opportunity for Physics Sixth-Form students to visit the famous Large Hadron Collider, and gain an understanding of how particle accelerators work. Whilst at CERN, students had a tour led by an experienced professor who had worked at the institute for 40 years. Students also had an opportunity to explore the city of Geneva, and its wider links to Science. This included a visit to the History of Science Museum, where the group learnt about the history of scientific instruments invented in Geneva and took part in a workshop about static electricity, and a boat trip across Lake Geneva to study the city’s famous water jet, Jet d’Eau, in more detail. Maths News Key Stage 3 Student of the Year This term each maths teacher has picked their Key Stage 3 student of the year. These students have shown outstanding effort in maths lessons throughout the year and have really impressed their teachers. Congratulations to the following students: Mr White/Bennett – Evie Benner Miss Butler – Ruben Williams Mr Wildgust - En Ying Ng Miss Sharp – Charlotte Day Miss Moran – Daniel Poulter Mr Burkill – Leah Thompson Mr Daniels – Isabelle Beeby Miss Butler and Miss Moran would also like to say a special well done to Oliver Masters and Matthew Lowe for attending Key Stage 3 Maths Club most weeks this year. Key Stage 5 The Maths team would like to congratulate and say farewell to the Year 13 students who have recently sat their final A-Level Mathematics exams. You have all worked exceptionally hard this year and we look forward to witnessing you opening the envelopes with what we are sure will be exciting news in August. We wish you all the best as you move on to exciting new opportunities! This year all of Key Stage 5 Maths took part in a mentoring programme, where they provided support and tuition for specific Year 11 students during tutor time to help prepare them for their GCSE exams; a big THANK YOU! to all students involved your help was greatly appreciated by staff and students.

End of year Maths competition for parents

The Maths department would like to challenge parents and also staff (from other departments) to have a go at a maths problem over the summer.

Correct results will go into a draw to win a scientific casio calculator that can be used on the GCSE exams.


Can you find the area of the circle inscribed within this ISOSCELES trapezium?

Hint the radius IS NOT 6.5cm (this is an often seen incorrect assumption)!

Entries to be emailed to Mr Bennett by 31st August using.

[email protected] Sixth Form News It has been a busy term in Sixth Form! Charity Events On Sunday 3 June, various members of Sixth Form staff and students put on their trainers and pink t-shirts to run Race For Life at Nottingham’s Victoria Embankment. Together, the ladies raised over £1212.50 for Cancer Research UK. Educational Visits The students on the HE+ programme, which is run by the University of Cambridge, attended a final event at the City Hall in Nottingham. This programme has been targeted at students who have an interest and aptitude for attending Oxbridge and the other top Russell Group Universities. Throughout the day they attended masterclasses and learnt about the Oxbridge application process. Hopefully some of these students will be applying for the University of Cambridge and Medicine in the new academic year. Assembly Programme and Tutor Time The focus of Tutor time at the moment is progression. Through the launch of Unifrog, an online destinations platform, students are able to actively start thinking about their next steps after A level study. To help them with this students will attend a visit to the University of Sheffield at the end of term and will start their University applications in school. The Inter-Form challenge programme is continuing. The Basketball shoot-out is a particular favourite! University Applications All students in Year 13 who have applied to University have received offers. Students have applied for a variety of courses such as Biomedicine, Modern Foreign Languages, Sport Rehabilitation and Geography to name but a few. The staff said goodbye to them at their end of year meal and the Year 13 students are now having a well-deserved break after their A level exams. We look forward to A level results day on Thursday 16 August. The new Year 12 students We are looking forward to welcoming the new Year 12 students into the Sixth Form on their induction days in July. This event will give the students an introduction into Sixth Form life as well as allowing them gain a taste of the A level and BTEC subjects that they have opted for. Student Success Josh Plumridge has been recently selected for the Great Britain Under 18 Handball squad to play in the European Championships in Austria this summer. It is a huge achievement and we wish Josh luck in the Championships! The Sixth Form Leadership Team We have recently appointed Hassan Ali as Head Boy and Lydia Proudlove as Head Girl with Ben Vernon as Deputy Head Boy and Cerys Rouse as Deputy Head Girl. We have also appointed Patryk Parkosz as The Head of Charity on our Sixth Form Council. Congratulations to them all! Miss Armitage (Head of Post 16) Duke of Edinburgh What an amazing qualifying weekend for the DofE students! The weather stayed fine and dry (albeit very hot, especially for the students carrying half their body weight!). The students did exceptionally well and have passed their qualifying expeditions showing excellent navigation, campcraft and team work. It was lovely to see students helping carry team mates belongings when the going got tough and helping put their tents up on arrival at the campsite. Their navigation was second to none with bronze groups successfully making their way from the beautiful village of Hartington to Pomeroy and back in the Peak District. The silvers had an extra day walking which included Bakewell and aside from a massive downpour on the Friday night, which made cooking difficult for some, they got great weather. The students were an absolute delight to spend the weekend with. The general public at the campsites commended the students on their achievement and general behaviour and they were a credit to themselves and the school. The parents were very supportive and complimentary, some of which enjoyed the weekend helping us at the campsite as well as delivering water and brushing up on their own map skills! Thank you for all of those that gave up time and came and joined in. Many of the Bronze award students have already told me they definitely want to continue on to silver and many of the silvers have been asking about going on to do gold level which would be the schools first gold group. So, as you can see, the programme continues to grow and get better and better each year. Watch this space as enrolment will soon arrive in September for more DofE fun. Please encourage your children to take part in what is an internationally recognised qualification. The life experience gained and skills learned are enriching and a good dose of fresh air has left a smile on everyone’s faces. I really encourage I really encourage students to sign up to something that really is valuable. Go on! Take the plunge! House Achievement Coordinator Report Firstly, we would like to congratulate ALL students for their participation and contributions towards House events that have taken place throughout the year. There have been more opportunities for students to represent their House this year and yet again, led by the House Council, the number of students participating has risen. We would also like to congratulate the newly elected members of the House Council. Many students went through the application and interview process for the different roles available. The House and Vice Captains have already been working hard to establish themselves as the new leaders. Sports Day has been the biggest event that has taken place this term. Over 500 students participated in running, jumping and throwing events at Harvey Hadden Stadium, as well as relay races that took place back at school. Students wore their House colours when competing and many of them made banners that they took with them to the stadium to show support for their House. For the second year running at this new venue, Grove House were crowned Sports Day Champions. Hollinsclough, Carnarvon and Cavendish battled it out for the runner-up position, with the scores extremely close going into the relays. Carnarvon were overall relay winners, but Hollinsclough managed to hold their 2nd position over them, with Cavendish just behind in 4th. Many school records were broken across all the Houses and lots of students went home with medals around their necks feeling proud of themselves. An event with a similar sporting theme also took place this term – the annual ‘It’s a Knockout’ competition. Yet again, as in previous years, the weather was fantastic. Staff and students volunteered to help out with a number of stations; ranging from basketball shooting to ‘soak the teacher’. After finishing in the wooden spoon position for 2 years in a row, Grove finally got their act together and came in 1st place, beating Hollinsclough into 2nd with Carnarvon narrowly avoiding the wooden spoon. Miss Slack was delighted to present her team (Cavendish) with the wooden spoon! Well done to all participants and to the members of the House Council and staff who helped to run events and tidy up afterwards. The final event of the Summer Term will be the Battle of the Bands. This is due to be held on Monday 23rd July. The current scores for all House events can be seen above. Who will win the Carlton Cup this year?!

Art News Artists of the Month April: Year 11 This goes out to all Year 11 Fine Artists, Graphic Designers and Photographers who completed their GCSE courses and will be receiving their worthy qualifications during the summer. We are extremely proud of your achievements. You have made great progress, evident in the accomplished final examination projects. It has been an absolute pleasure to have taught you all. We wish you all the very best for the future and do hope many of you continue to enjoy developing your creativity and artistic talents. Let’s celebrate with a few examples of the high quality personal responses by: J. Saunders, S. Bennett-Parker, J. Saunders, M. Voce, C. Woodward, M. Etches, L. Duber, D. Colton, E. Bailey-Russell, C. Tetley, J. Jones, T. Frater & C. Dale ‘Very proud’. From the Art team: Miss Dyer-Ince, Mr Hodgkinson & Miss Slack

Artists of the Month May: Years 13 This goes out to our Year 13 Fine Artist, Graphic Designer and Photographers who completed their A Level courses and will also be receiving their worthy qualifications during the summer. What a really talented bunch you are and wow how your skills have matured- utterly Mesmerizing! It has been an absolute pleasure to have taught you all and we wish you all the very best for the future. Stunning selection of work by: B. Shortland, R. Worthington-Warnell, B. Crisp, K. Smyk & R. Truglia ‘Very proud’. From the Art team: Miss Dyer-Ince, Mr Hodgkinson & Miss Slack (Image over page) Artists of the Month June: Year 9 and Year 10 Fine Artists Both Year 9 and Year 10 Fine Art groups have enjoyed designing final responses to projects. They have shown great promise as they’ve started to apply media, exploring and combining techniques and processes influenced by studied artists. Some really creative ideas in development by Year 9 C. Want, A. Moss, F. Osborne, L. Brannan, C. O’Mahoney, S. Lawman, E. Proudlove, T. Bowyer, T. O’Mahoney & R. Benjamin. Year 10; CJ. Riley, H. Houshyari, O. Briers, M. Quilty, B. Lawman & O. Colley. ‘Well done’. From the Art team: Miss Dyer-Ince, Mr Hodgkinson & Miss Slack Artists of the Month July: Year 7 and Year 10 Graphic Designers Year 7 have shown great skill growth and confidence with the end of year assessment task, recreating a floral study by Marcia Baldwin. We have also been impressed with the standard of homework and would like to commend all for their efforts by sharing a selection of the amazing outcomes. Very well done. For their mock examination, Year 10 Graphic Designers have been developing a piece of work that amalgamates Futurism with Pop Art to create energetic portrait art that will be morphed onto CD backgrounds already created. Some really complex ideas in development with evidence of sharp refining for that quality finish. Wow, well done to you all. A smashing selection by J. Davison, R. Taylor, L. Hopewell, C. Selby, J. Johnson-Norton, M. Page, C. Morris & L. Weaver From the Art team: Miss Dyer-Ince, Mr Hodgkinson, Miss Slack & Mrs Topham

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the End of Year Art show had to be cancelled this year. Please expect a celebratory booklet, exhibiting the work of all Year 11 and 13 artists, to appear on the school website towards the end of term. Do follow us @Art_TCA and join us as we regularly reward and celebrate our student’s artistic achievements. Carnegie Medal 2018 A fantastic group of Year 7 students have recently represented The Carlton Academy in shadowing the Carnegie Medal, a national children’s book award. The Carnegie Medal is awarded annually for an outstanding book for children and young people and 2018 marked the 81st year for the award. Our students met weekly where they have discussed the books, written online reviews and watched short videos about each of the authors and books in turn. A highlight for us was having a ‘Twitter Chat’ with Anthony McGowan one of the shortlisted authors. His book Rook was a firm favourite with our group. The winner was announced on Monday 18 June 2018 when we were able to watch the awards ceremony streamed live from the British Library. First came the announcement of the Amnesty prize for the book which best- represented human rights issues. It was no surprise to anyone when The Hate U Give was awarded this honour. Finally, the overall winner of the 2018 Carnegie Medal was announced: Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean. Based on a true story, Where the World Ends is set in the 18th century and tells the story of a small group of men and boys marooned on a remote sea stack. Bleak, beautiful… and not our book club’s first choice at all – although James did predict that it would win! “My Carnegie experience has been a wild, strange and stupidly funny ride that was filled with books that I would never pick up in a million years – it went too fast for my liking!” Erin Lynch. “I’ve read some of the best books that I have ever come across – absolutely brilliant!” Emme Khalid. “My Carnegie experience has been amazing! It couldn’t have been any better!” Amy Harper. “Carnegie has been a blast! I have read a few books that I wouldn’t normally pick up. And there were doughnuts!” Kacey Joszko. “Carnegie went too quickly – I really enjoyed it!” Grace Harwood. “It was so much fun – I read books that I wouldn’t normally choose and really enjoyed them.” Maisie Smith. “I absolutely loved it!” Chloe Newcombe. “I have loved spending my time at the shadowing meetings. I’ve read so much more than I would normally and enjoyed every minute of it.” Ruby Moore. “Carnegie was a fun experience and made me read more. It was amazing!” Daniel Zacharia. “Shadowing the Carnegie Award meant that I picked up books

Love Reading 4 Kids The Love Reading 4 Kids website is an invaluable tool when it comes to book recommendations. There are book suggestions for babies right through to young adults. You can download an extract from each title too. New books, special features, author of the month, free prize draws and so much more it is definitely worth taking a look at for inspiration during the long summer break. Sports Awards 2018 – Wednesday 27 June In June the PE department held the Annual Sports Awards here at The Carlton Academy. It is one of the highlights of the year as we get to hear about the fantastic achievements that have occurred over the previous 12 months. We had a number of categories of award which included nominees for exceptional progress in classroom lessons and those showing high quality practical performances representing the school. We also awarded sports ties to students who are making a huge contribution to school PE. These students continue to be role models to other students showing them that hard work can produce some outstanding results. We had an inspirational guest speaker this year who was delighted to meet our students and tell them about her personal successes at an elite level. Emily Campbell, an English weightlifter and current British record holder for the ‘Clean & Jerk’ lift (139kg) who set this record at the Commonwealth Games in April of this year. Sporting Achievements: 2016 English Championships – Silver, 2017 British Championships – Gold, 2018 Commonwealth Games – Bronze. Students and audience members were keen to pose for photos with the bronze medal that Emily brought in. A massive well done to all the students present who were nominated and those who managed to win performer of the year. Also well done to all the other students who have done well in PE this year that weren’t nominated this time around. We hope you will be there with us for the 2019 Sports Awards. Music News Yet another busy term in the music department and keep reading as we have some exciting news for next year. Back in June the Anything Goes Band and the singing group all performed at the Arnold Carnival. The students and the audience all had a great day. Special mention must go to Macey Johnson-Waine, Caitlin Flatman, Mesha Terry and Isabel Warsop for their solo spots that afternoon – well done to you all. The past few weeks have seen our house bands frantically rehearsing for the annual Battle of the Bands which will happen in the last few days of term. Tutor groups are currently voting for their favourite piece by each band and the chosen songs will be performed in the final. Will Carnarvon hold onto the title this year or will we see another house rocking the school? Next academic year is going to be very exciting indeed. We will be having our first music department tour to Paris in April. Students have been asked to pay a deposit before the summer holidays and anyone interested needs to come and see Mrs Moroziuk to see if there are any places left as soon as possible. The tour will see students perform at both Notre Dame and Disneyland as is open to any students that takes GCSE Music or is a regular member of a music group or club. There will be new groups starting after the summer break. The Anything Goes Band and the singing group will continue but we will start a samba group in the New Year. There will also be auditions for our upcoming school production so keep your ears open to hear about the audition dates soon. Please follow the department on twitter @TCAMusic1 to keep up to date with everything that is happening! MFL News The summer holidays are getting closer and the languages department has been working on speaking in Key Stage 3 with certain classes, specifically Year 8, to make sure that you do an amazing job this summer. We have also had the great pleasure of welcoming Madame. Hill, our new French teacher, who is originally from the country herself.

Srta. Delgado went with our Spanish Year 9 and 10 students to Valencia, where plenty of cultural activities were put together so you can meet some Spanish people, other than us, and practise al you learn with us, together of course with living the culture and trying the food. The students have been delighted with the experience and they have enjoyed the pool after the tours… we have heard that some of you have spoken a lot to some Spanish people with barely any assistance, congratulations! Welcome to the lives of your languages teachers, how fulfilling was it? The team is very proud of those students who fully embraced it, and we cannot wait to give to some of you the opportunity of going abroad next year. This term, there are many cultural events going on outside school. If you like tennis, you must know that Rafael Nadal has won his 11th Rolland Garros title, one of the four tennis Grand Slams. They call him “The King of clay”. Also, the World cup is here! Shakira sang Waka Waka 8 years ago now, which must have helped the Spanish team to win. We hope that does well, but you also support the French and Spanish teams as your second favourite. We would like to wish farewell to our Year 11 and Year 13 students who have been going through some of the most important exams. The best summer of your lives has just started, make sure you are ready for next year’s challenges but also, have a well deserved break. Athletics On Tuesday 8 May students from Years 7-10 travelled to Harvey Hadden to compete in the Gedling Area Athletics Championships. There were a range of events that the students competed in, including javelin, long jump and 100m. Every student tried their hardest and represented The Carlton Academy with pride. Students who were placed in the top 3 are as follows: Junior Boys (Year 7 – Year 9) Kyle Merryweather, 1500m, 1st Place Muhammad Holmes, 800m, 2nd Place Kyle Merryweather, Long Jump, 1st Place Ethan Rowberry, Discus, 2nd Place Daniel Hartshorn, Shot Putt, 2nd Place Adam Godfrey, 300m, 3rd Place Ben Hunter, 800m, 3rd Place Junior Girls (Year 7 – Year 9) Bronwyn Sharman, 100m, 2nd Place Inter Girls (Year 10) Mai Li Tollerson, 80m Hurdles – 1st Place Lauren Ballard, Shot Putt, 2nd Place Mai Li Tollerson, High Jump, 3rd Place Melanie Fewkes, Long Jump, 3rd Place A special mention must go to Abigail Gilding, Year 7, who competed in the Inter Girls 1500m, running against girls 3 years older than her. Abigail achieved an extremely impressive 4th place, well done! Well done to all students who competed, The PE department are extremely proud! Gedling Area Athletics Championships – Years 7 and 8 Four days on from a very successful sports day at Harvey Hadden, a selection of the best athletes in Years 7 and 8 were asked to compete again against other schools in the Gedling Area. Students are often asked to compete in one track event, one field event and possibly a relay. 56 students took part in the competition in which TCA finished in 5th place overall. Individuals who finished in the top 3 places were as follows: Track: Bronwyn Sharman – 2nd place, 100m Kyle Merryweather – 1st place, 1500m Mohammed Holmes – 2nd place, 1500m Kyle Raynor – 3rd place, 200m

Field: Lydia Stewart – 2nd place, Discus Rhiannon Lee – 2nd place, Shot Putt Scarlett Myers – 3rd place, Javelin Bronwyn Sharman – 1st place, Long Jump Amy Harper – 3rd place, High Jump Thomas Plumridge – 1st place, Javelin Carly Bexon – 1st place, Discus Samantha Jackson – 3rd, High Jump Dominic Price – 2nd place, Discus Reegan Williams – 3rd place, Discus Jake Layton – 3rd place, Javelin Kyle Merryweather – 2nd place, Long Jump

Relays: Year 7 Girls 4x100m Relay – 3rd place Year 8 Boys 4x100m Relay – 3rd place

Well done to all students who took part on a VERY hot afternoon. Sports Day 2018 For the second year running, TCA Sports Day took place at Harvey Hadden Athletics Stadium, an international standard venue with excellent facilities to host a top class Sports Day. Year 10 BTEC and GCSE students made sure the day ran smoothly by helping to run events and also by encouraging some of the younger competitors. All students in Years 7,8 and 9 opted into various running, jumping and throwing events in the morning, and the 100m finals were in the afternoon. Students finishing in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place were presented with medals throughout the day. Many students competed in their House colours which made it easier for the spectators to cheer them on as they were competing. There was a terrific atmosphere both on the track and in the spectator area. Students had also attended sessions after school making banners to support their house and display in the stands. The results were as follows: Year 7 1st Carnarvon – 361 Points 2nd Hollinsclough – 329 points 3rd Grove – 315 points 4th Cavendish – 289 points Year 8 1st Grove – 388 points 2nd Cavendish – 297 points 3rd Hollinsclough – 293 points 4th Carnarvon – 264 points Year 9 1st Grove – 354 points 2nd Hollinsclough – 261 points 3rd Cavendish – 252 points 4th Carnarvon – 247 points Overall Scores 1st Grove – 1075 points 2nd Hollinsclough – 897 points 3rd Carnarvon – 886 points 4th Cavendish – 838 points There were also a number of school records broken on the day The PE Department would also like to congratulate Kyle Merryweather (Year 8, Cavendish) and Bronwyn Sharman (Year 7, Carnarvon) for winning Sport Performers of the Day. What a fantastic event at a great venue! Well done to all the students who competed and to everyone who encouraged the competitors either by cheering or making supportive House banners. A big thank you to the Year 10s and all the staff who helped to make the day a success. We are already looking forward to Sports Day 2019! PE Department

Grove House It has been a spectacular year for Grove House and the spirit of success that is present within our students has been evident in a number of House achievements. Whilst it was disappointing for all that football didn’t come home Grove students can reflect on numerous wins over the year that should keep the House in high spirits. After winning the Carlton Cup last year, it was Grove’s aim to win again this year. Grove House have made considerable ground on Hollingsclough who at the end of Autumn Term, were leading the House competition. Doing the ‘double’ is no mean feat but with successes in the Year 7 Quiz, the Spelling Bee, the Christmas Bunting competition, World Book Day fancy dress, it’s a Knockout and of course, Sports Day, Grove House is back on track and pushing for the lead! Everyone who participated in a House event deserves praise and recognition for his or her efforts. It is always sad to say goodbye to our Year 11 students who have made significant contributions to Grove over many years and I wish them every success on their GCSE results day and wish them all the very best with their with their future plans. It was a pleasure to see the entire Year group looking spectacular at the End of Year Prom. I would like to thank Mr Cook as our House Support Assistant and Miss Malone as our Achievement Coordinator for their tireless effort supporting me and all of Grove’s students over the last year and I am looking forward to welcoming the new cohort of year 7 students into the House and discovering what contributions they will make. Sadly we have to say goodbye to Miss Malinowska who has decided to take an oversees post in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, we all wish her the very best of luck! Finally, I would like to wish all of you a wonderful Summer Holiday! Mr Wildgust Head of Grove GROVE STUDENT OF THE YEAR: Harvey Harrington, Maisie Ramage CONDUCT (top 2 for each year): Erin Lynch, Max Issac, Jake Ahearne, Isabel Warsop, Adam Godfrey, Caitlin Hargreaves, Oliver Battershall, Jessie Cooper, Emanuel Iliesi, Jessica Harwood TUTEE OF THE YEAR: Isabelle Beeby, Isaac Ahearne, Rhys Knight, Daniel Fewkes, Trinity Hargreaves, Luke Knight, Ruby Moore, Daniel Grainge, Ben Rowe GROVE HOUSE COMMITTEE: Racheal Fewkes (Captain), Ellie Godfrey, Thomas Crawford, Josh Barnes, Luke Knight, Charlie Palmer, Jessica Fewkes, Joel Gamba, Ben Melia, Pearce Smith, Oliver Masters, Jayreece Gordon, Caitlin Seerey, Kiera O’Neill, Lily Palmer-Grey House Captain Message Dear all , my name is Mai-Li Tollerson and I am ecstatic to announce I am now the new Grove House Captain. I am wishing for another successful year and I’m very proud of each student in Grove and all of their contributions towards inter house competitions. Every student should be proud of themselves and I challenge every Grove student to get involved in at least one House competition next year. Mai Li Tollerson Grove House Captain Cavendish House This has been an exciting term for Cavendish House packed with exams, sporting success and more great work by our House Council. Congratulations to our Cavendish athletes for their great performance on Sports Day. We earned gold medals in multiple events and came a close second overall; well done to everyone for taking part, but especially to Kyle Merryweather and Millie Smith for their help with Cavendish sports this year. Cavendish also took home the much coveted wooden spoon award at this years “It’s a Knockout event” thanks to our team of Ben Nugent, Lola Howe, Shanay Payne, Jack Whittingham and Sophie Spivey. We held our Cavendish Awards Evening on a glorious summer evening, congratulations to all of our award winners and their parents on their achievements. Our attendance has continued to improve, and we rewarded students who had excellent attendance with a reward trip to Alton Towers towards the end of term, which was enjoyed by all. We have welcomed our upcoming students in the Year 6 induction day where they met their new tutors and began the process of settling into our community. The increased demand from the local community for places at our Academy has meant that we have grown as a House, and we welcome new tutors to our team for our three new tutor groups, as well as many new co-tutors. Many thanks to our departing House Captain and Vice-Captains, Tom Scott and Brogan O’Reilly, for their hard work throughout the year. We welcome our new House Captain Zevann Barr-Leiper and Vice-Captain Kizzy Bird, who both performed excellently in their interviews; I look forward to working with both of them next year. It remains for me to wish our Year 11 students success in their exams, and everyone a happy and safe summer break. Mr S Bali Head of Cavendish House Carnarvon House Hello and welcome to the Carnarvon section of the newsletter. This has been a very busy and successful year for students of which I am incredibly proud. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year as the Head of Carnarvon and seeing a massive number of students take part in a fantastic range of Inter-House events trying to gain valuable points towards The Carlton Cup. Year 11 have finally finished their exams and said a sad goodbye to us and we are now preparing ourselves for the new Year 7s coming to us in September which is our largest intake to date. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful tutors for all their hard work with the students and Mr Cook and Miss Boden who without them , both the students and I, would be lost! This half term we have been through the selection process for some roles for next year’s House Council. A massive congratulations to the students who have been successful in applying for the lead positions. We will selecting House Council Tutor Representatives in September and look forward to receiving your applications. Role Name House Captain Alex Jednorowicz Vice Captain Morgon Hemsell Events Co-ordinator Emma Proudlove Sports Captain Muhammed Holmes Media Technician Amaya Montano Assemblies Each week we have different themed assemblies with different presenters. This term we had some incredibly brave student from CNG, CNH and CNI who delivered an assembly to tutor groups on ‘Internet Safety’. It is incredibly difficult for students to stand and present in front of their peers so a huge well done goes to all students involved. Attendance As we all know there is a link between attendance and success in school. The attendance for some students in Carnarvon is not where I would like it to be. I thank all of you who get up and come in every day even when you are not feeling great. It is that effort that will pay off in years to come. Congratulations to the 113 students whose attendance enable them to be part of the rewards trip to Alton Towers. Achievement There have been so many achievements that our students have achieved throughout the year. A special mention goes to Thomas Plumridge, Kelsey Layton, Katie Welsh and Nate Hunt who were ALL Carnarvon representatives of the STEM Race for the Line National finalists. We also held our annual House Awards evening this term and I thank all parents who were able to join us to celebrate the students’ success. Congratulations to our Millionaire Accelerated Readers Alayna Groves-Allen, Bronwyn Sharman, Charlotte Day, Tom Plumridge, Evie Benner and Grace Harwood Tutee of the Year Awards went to Kieran Parrott (CNA), Byron Richards (CNB), Amy Mosby (CNC), Evie Burrows (CND), Georgia Feghali (CNE), Emily Hallam (CNF), Emma Briggs (CNG), Mia Horsley (CNH) and Ellie-May Swaby (CNI). Our Students of the Year Awards went to Charlotte Day and Sean Hodgkinson. Final word Thank you for making my first year as Head of Carnarvon a successful one. I wish you all a fabulous summer holiday. Stay safe and see you on Wednesday 5 September. Miss Sharp Diary Dates

Diary Dates Return to school 5 September 2018 Year 12 Welcome Evening for 11 September parents 6.30pm ECO Day 1 21 September 2018 INSET Day 1 27 September 2018 INSET Day 2 28 September 2018 Make It Count Event for Year 11 1 October 2018 parents- 6.00 pm - 7.30pm Year 11 Tutor Review week w/c 22 October 2018 Early close 2:05 23 October 2018 Half Term begins 29 October Hollinsclough House Thank you to all of you for your continued support this year. It has as always been an action packed year. Year 11 have worked tremendously hard this year and I sincerely hope that they get the reward with their deserved grades and are able to make their next steps into the future. Good luck and well done to all of you. I do hope many of you will be staying with us at The Carlton Academy Sixth Form. Attendance remains a key issue of focus and I am pleased that Hollinsclough students are second in the school for attendance though much work still needs to be done to get us above 96% that is the target. It is paramount all students are in school and that we know if there is a valid reason for not attending. Thank you as ever for your support with this. It was an absolute pleasure rewarding students at the House Awards Evening in July. It is always a difficult decision narrowing down a vast field of enormous talent. This is all credit to every single one of you for the contributions you make as students. Big well done to Cory Schofield (House Captain), Millie Murden (Vice-Captain), Jadzia Armstrong (Media Technician), Ellie Smith (Events Leader), Katie Shepherd (Sports Leader). A huge congratulations fro working incredibly hard for a place on the House Council as a leader. All applications were considered carefully and we thank everyone who applied for any of the roles. It was an extremely difficult decision to make. We look forward to hearing from you in September when applications can be made for Tutor representatives. Well done to all who have taking part in the numerous events over the year such as Spelling Bee, House Bands, and Great Bake Off. A massive thank you to Miss Carlisle, Emelia Harris, Robyn O’Shea and the House Council for their support with this. We could not have done it without them. A big thank you to Miss Logan and Miss Kemp for all their support with students this year. Have a super Summer holidays and be kind to each other. Neil Hodgkinson (Head of Hollinsclough) Congratulations to the following students for their achievements and awards. House Music Award: Gideon Tarry. Tutee of the year: Katie Bond, Mathew Weston, Amy Zacharia, Chloe Newcombe, Cory Schofield, Josh Duwel, Hany Kirkby, Emma Jacques, Rhiannon Lee Students of the Year: Harrison Ellis, Charlie Dean and Beth Lawman. House Council Recognition: Emelia Harris, Robyn O’Shea, Katie Shepherd, Jadzia Armstrong, Ellie Smith, Samantha Jackson, Sophie Ellis, Leila Feenan-Whiteman, Chloe Haslam Hinton, Gideon Tarry, Josh Duwel, Salama Njie, Isaac Walkinshaw Recognition: David Marriott Overal Conduct Points: Reuben Hubbard, Daniel Zacharia, Brandon Topham, Daniel Seagrave, Dane Duke, Josh Duwel, Ellie Lack, Mahwash Jabeen, Leah Duber, Kshaf Rafi House Captain Award: Emelia Harris, Cory Schofield Vice-Captain: Robyn O’Shea, Millie Murden Teaching and learning at The Carlton Academy On 2 July, whilst our students were enjoying a well-earned day off, The Carlton Academy were hard at work planning for next year. We spent the morning looking at research into effective teaching and learning practise. Specifically, we looked at a research paper called Principles of Instruction, by Barak Rosenshine and some of the content in Daniel Willingham’s excellent book, Why Don’t Student’s Like School? We are committed to always trying raise the achievement of all of our students and working to make sure that they receive the best and most effective lessons. We spent time working together and looking at strategies that we will all be incorporating into our lessons from September. These are: 1. Sharing banded or graded learning outcomes with students. We do this already but talked about how we could change what we do slightly to stretch and challenge our students more. 2. Giving feedback via DIRT. DIRT stands for directed improvement and reflection time. This is a portion of a lesson that is dedicated to giving students time to improve their work and respond to comments given by their teachers. It really helps students to understand how to improve and is motivating to see the impact it has in their marks and grades. 3. Using starter activities that revisit prior learning. The research shows that the most effective teachers recap the prior learning that is going to be needed in the lesson. This is because it allows students to practice the retrieval of information from their long term memory. This frees up space in their working memory allowing greater capacity for learning in the lesson. 4. Low stakes quizzing. In some lessons we will be quizzing our students on work from previous lessons, previous weeks and even previous years. This will help our students to the key facts and information that is necessary to be successful all the way through school. We truly believe that by adopting these shared strategies into our lessons we can continue to support students at The Carlton Academy to achieve to their full potential. You can check our blog at

Celebrating Reading Across the Trust Ten wonderful Carlton Academy Year 7 students were selected to attend an all day celebration of ‘Reading’ with renowned poet Dreadlock Alien at . All students were chosen for the excellent progress that they had made in their weekly Accelerated Reader lesson and throughout the day, they worked with others across the Trust to create and perform their own poetry. The poetry written by the students on the day was inspired by a previously created review of their favourite book and all worked superbly well to share this in the most creative way at the event. Students were chosen for the excellent progress that they had made in their weekly Accelerated Reader lesson and throughout the day, they worked with others across the Trust to create and perform their own poetry. The poetry written by the students on the day was inspired by a previously created review of their favourite book and all worked superbly well to share this in the most creative way at the event Science Refurbishment Following on from a very successful refurbishment of the Dining facilities of the School in 2015, we are very pleased to be able to report on our next big capital project which over the period of the next two years will see the refurbishment of the Science laboratories and science preparation facilities in the school. The first phase of the project which commenced in early June and necessitated the temporary closure of the three science laboratories will be complete in time for the start of the new academic year in September. As all of those of you who have had a close connection to the school over many years will be aware there has been little investment in the science teaching facilities and the labs had become very dated as a result. A project of this size and complexity is not without its challenges particularly when working in a building that will be 80 years old next year. Knocking down walls and delving in the deepest recesses of this old building has been fascinating and as you can imagine we have come up against a few surprises along the way! In addition to the three labs that we have had to take out of commission during the second half of the summer term, we will be refurbishing a further lab and creating a state of the art Science Preparation area. This will allow our fantastic technicians to service the practical needs of science teaching ever more efficiently, which is of course essential if we are to provide a first class science experience for all of our students, particularly in terms of experimentation. We feel absolutely confident that these new labs and facilities generally will inspire a new generation of Carlton scientists. Each lab will be able to seat 30 students and will have all of the required kit to allow the delivery of a range of practical lessons. The couple of images that we have of the work in its current stage of preparation will we hope tantalise all of our current students who have been able to get a fairly good view of the comings and goings of the construction team over the past six weeks. We are working with a specialist refurbishment company with great expertise of delivering new spaces in schools. Klick Technology have previously delivered projects for Redhill Academy Trust Schools and they were delighted to win this new business. In the next edition of the School newsletter we will be able to share with you pictures of the completed new facilities, but hopefully by then some of you will either have been having lessons in there or will be lucky enough to have had a tour of the new labs. County Basketball Finals – Year 7 Girls On Thursday 7 June, the Year 7 girls’ basketball team defeated several schools in the Gedling Area to qualify for the County Finals. Held at TCA, the Gedling Area tournament was very close and came down to the very last game. Both Christ the King and TCA had beaten Arnold Hill and Redhill and had a similar goal difference. The deciding game was extremely close with just one basket separating the two teams. TCA won 2-0! Following on from this victory, the girls went on to the County Championships at the end of June at Nottingham Trent University. Seven teams in total from across the County played each other throughout the day and TCA finished in 4th place – just out of the medals and one point behind 3rd place. Well done to all the girls involved. Basketball takes place every Wednesday after school in the sports hall and is run by coaches at Nottingham Knights Basketball Club. Come along and improve your skills, it is free of charge! Squad: Tayenna Barnett, Scarlett Myers, Leah Mathers, Rhiannon Lee, Rosie Stafford, Ruby Moore, Fleur Jaimes, Lydia Stewart, Cody McMinn.

Year 5 Arts Day Our annual Year 5 Arts Days happened recently and this saw over 200 students from our feeder primary schools participate in a range of creative lessons at The Carlton Academy. Over the two days the students were involved in Drama, Dance, Music, Art and DT lessons that were all based around the this year‘s theme of ‘Movement’. The aims of the days are to give the students an insight into the creative lessons we have at the academy and to familiarise them with the staff and the geography of the school. Judging by the excitement on the students faces and the confidence they had in the closing assembly, I would feel confident in saying that they had a great experience and are looking forward to joining us in the not too distant future . Careers in the curriculum. This term we have had two outstanding events. The first was a trip to Brackenhurst for a small group of students, giving them first-hand experience of higher education leading to careers with animals. The students showed exceptional maturity when it came to being near and handling any animals, as well as getting involved with the practical elements of horse riding and other aspects of animal management in agriculture. Our second big event was year 9 careers week. Running from the 3-6 of July, students were engaged in careers based lessons as well as getting to talk to many professionals in a series of careers talks. We had a wide range of speakers, from finance and banking to Youtube editing. The response from our Year 9s was highly positive, and the attitude and attention they gave to our providers was equally great. As an academy we value the feedback we get from our providers and they had wonderful things to say about our students, just as our students had wonderful things to say about them.