
The Eruption of All the News Romans Need to Know 79 A.D.

When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse By Bryan Davidson

It all started it 79 A.D. One trying to hide. Pets were killed while normal day, in the city of Pompeii, running away and hiding with their everyone was having fun, talking to each owners. Animals were also killed while other, shopping, and doing whatever else they were running away. they do on a normal day. Then suddenly This devastating eruption caused everything turned from good to bad. In $1.8 billion in repairs. The temperature the city of Pompeii there is a , during the eruption was extremely high. Mount Vesuvius, and it rarely erupts. The height of the was too high for But after 700 years since its last anyone to hide from. In 1982, more than eruption, Mount Vesuvius erupted again. 300 victims of the eruption were When the volcano started to uncovered. During the first surge the erupt, the news quickly spread and soon lava was hot enough to carbonize wood everyone was in a panic trying to escape but not human flesh. The second surge the flowing lava. Many people tried to carbonized any limbs of the dead that run, but they couldn’t run fast enough. were poking out from under the lava. Others tried to hide in their house to try During the other surges, buildings fell on to protect themselves from the lava. But people; people were crushed by the force that was no use. of the eruption, and people’s internal The eruption lasted for days, organs were damaged causing people to causing days of chaos, death, and die. Everything was destroyed. horrific scenes. The eruption had six surges that buried the city of Pompeii and . The lava covered the land surrounding it, up to 60 miles away. The eruption destroyed almost everything. Buildings were buried completely, except for only a few that had only a little piece of the roof poking out from under the lava. Almost everyone that was within 60 miles of the volcano was killed. People were killed while they were running. People were killed inside and on top of their houses, where they were Below are pictures of the damage caused by the eruption


1) How long was it since Mount Vesuvius last erupted?

2) How much money did it cost to fix the destruction?