Cully Hamner,Casey Jones,Duncan Rouleau,Rafael Albuquerque,John Rogers, | 144 pages | 20 Jun 2007 | DC Comics | 9781401213619 | English | United States Blue Beetle

That approach has brought him both Blue Beetle: Road Trip Volume 2 and admiration, as perhaps best illustrated by the mixed although commercially successful response to his work in DC Comics' International Return to Book Page. Go to Link Unlink Change. Blue Beetle. Alex rated it did not like it Aug 02, For some reason, Giffen has brought in all of the characters from his various series in the new 52 as his supporting cast. He is stated as being the "descendant of the Blue Beetle", and has a very alien-looking appearance. DC Comics. But I liked the artwork. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. Another artist, Cuideraalso drew Blue YEEtle stories later, and has claimed to have Blue Beetle: Road Trip Volume 2 the creator, but comics historians credit Wojtkoski. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This volume Blue Beetle: Road Trip Volume 2 a lot of fun and nicely built on the groundings made in the previous trade. This Ted has never been in the Justice League. As he died, he passed on to Kord the responsibility of being Blue Beetle, but was unable to pass on the mystical scarab. In the game Infinite Crisisa multiplayer online battle arena developed by Turbine, the is playable character. This Beetle received his own series inbut the entire Charlton "Action Heroes" line of comic books ceased publication in The Lambiek Comiclopedia. The art was serviceable but not especially striking. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Showing Details Blue Beetle: Road Trip Volume 2 other :. Outside of the name, the character is unrelated to any of the characters. See Smash Comics for more info and next timeline. . June 30, Still, a good read, not good enough to buy but good enough to read. In the novelization of the series, Blue Beetle: Road Trip Volume 2 thinks of Blue Beetle, along with Green Arrow and Black Canaryas his closest at the time friends. Other books in the series. Main article: List of Blue Beetle enemies. I expected this to be more entertaining than this pedestrian product that the usually reliable Keith Giffen churned out. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. I can't say that it encourages me Blue Beetle: Road Trip Volume 2 try more in the series. Besiktaslidayi rated it it was amazing Sep 27, Books by Keith Giffen. He is possibly best-known for his long runs illustrating, and later writing the Legion of Super-Heroes title in the s and s. This actually bleeds into our understanding of Jaime as well, since we are, after all, the sum of our experiences and influences! Cancel Create Link. I wont mention the constantly changing art teams. About Keith Giffen. Blue Beetle Blue Beetle 4 October The title really picks up. The gods subsequently resurrected Dan again and sent him off to save Ted Kord's life leaving him a note saying simply, "Try not to get killed this time" After this adventure, Kord turned the Blue Beetle name back over to Dan. The Charlton version of Dan Garrett was spotlighted in the second issue of DC's s Secret Origins series, in which his origin was retold along with that of Ted Kord. Other editions. This will likely increase the time it takes for your changes to go live. I guess since the previous incarnations of Blue Beetle originating from a corporate version of the Green Lanterns were all canceled, the scarab is now some magic thing originating from pre-Atlantean days. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Welcome back. Scott Kolins draws his heart out, and I love the fact that he's able to draw this series completely uninterrupted, but his reliable art style isn't enough to save this hot mess of a story featuring a character that more people should know and love and instead keep getting burned by. I also enjoy as a character. He can also be seen in various flashback stories. https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/d6b70b47-4a26-49e1-87f9-2f5f14f43b8b/the-lorax-go-green-activity-book-27.pdf https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0503/7988/2670/files/the-pause-5.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/df9e532b-a5e8-4333-b486-97e6f74e4572/my-mother-was-nuts-44.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/64703331-3cc6-472f-a103-6aae623ac1b3/kucers-the-use-of-antibiotics-a-clinical-review-of-antibacterial- antifungal-antiparasitic-and-ant-28.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/357131ec-2ef7-4ffa-b25f-0a11f2a9797f/the-jesus-papers-exposing-the-greatest-cover-up-in-history-54- 1.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/d4d53459-c47f-4d27-b5e9-4589eaf0a8e2/your-best-birth-know-all-your-options-discover-the-natural- choices-and-take-back-the-birth-experi-92.pdf