International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol.5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 5-6

From the history of trade relations between the Valley and East Axunov Akromjon Pulatjonovich Abstract: The East Turkestan region has a history of several thousand years as a geographical area. According to the material evidence found around the Taklamakon desert, these areas were inhabited by highly cultured people 5-6 thousand years ago. In the III-II centuries in East Turkestan there were states such as Krurona, Turfon, Kuchar, Kashkar (Suli), Erkend (Yuytyan), Khotan (Udun), Usun, which were under the influence of the Sun Khanate. During this period, the existing western and eastern Han empires in China worked tirelessly to conquer the country and take control of the Great from China to the West, although in some years they achieved their goals temporarily but could not completely pull it out of the Huns.

Keywords: East Turkestan, , Great Silk Road, Kokand, Kashgar

I.Introduction. this period onwards, the Cossacks had a monopoly It should be noted that East Turkestan has always position in trade with Kashgar. attracted the attention of major powers due to the fact II. Discussion. that it is an important area on the Great Silk Road, Along with traders from Kokand, and which connects East and West. Therefore, the , traders from also traded in East migration processes of the peoples in the country have Turkestan. Kashgar goods were transported to the become serious, and the development of the history of Siberian and Irbit Fairs through Tashkent traders. All statehood here has always been under external of them were subordinated to the Kokand elder, who influence. lived in Kashgar and had the right of resident and East Turkestan's geographical location and place in consul under the treaty signed in 1831 between the international trade have always attracted the attention Kokand Khanate and China[2]. The information of its neighbors. The Dzungars gained complete provided by Chingiz Valikhanov on the number of control over the state in 1713 by placing lords under foreigners living and trading in East Turkestan is also their influence on the khanate throne. According to the noteworthy. According to him, the majority of administrative division of the Yorkend Khanate, it was migrants live in Kashgar, where the part of the Qumul-Chalish-Turfan province and was population alone is about six thousand. The city with ruled by beys. In the second half of the 17th century, the largest number of foreigners is Khotan after the Chalish-Turfan region was one of the first to Kashgar and Yorkand. In Aksu and Uchturfon, the become dependent on the Dzungars. It should be noted number of foreigners was much lower. Foreigners in that due to its geographical location, Kumul was of Kashgar make up a quarter of the local population, equal strategic importance for the Qing Empire and the numbering 145,000. Jungar Khanate. It is no coincidence that Chinese Ch. Valikhanov's information on the main goods sources do not describe the region as "the gateway to traded in trade relations between and all western countries." Kashgar is also important. According to these data, the Trade and economic relations between East Turkestan bulk of the goods exported from Central Asia to East and the Kokand Khanate are also noteworthy. Trade Turkestan are doroi, cloth, indigo, silk fabrics, fine relations of the Kokand khanate with East Turkestan road or floral silk, thin fabric called gulbara, king and developed rapidly. Trade between them was carried beqasam, brightly colored semi-silk and out through Kashgar. Trade relations between Kokand fabrics, as well as yarn, leather, sheep and cattle, and Kashgar developed very well during the reign of opium, tobacco, and other handicrafts made in Central Muhammad Alikhan (1822-1842) after the Asia. Tea, cotton, silk, gray, carpets, crystal ware and construction of several forts (Daraut-Kurgan, Kyzyl- silver were imported from East Turkestan to Central Kurgan, Sufi-Kurgan) on the border of the Kokand Asia. Central Asian traders also traded goods from khanate with East Turkestan. In 1831, a peace treaty Western Europe in East Turkestan markets. These was signed between Kokand and China. Beijing's 1828 include bright red cheeses made in Switzerland, economic sanctions against Kokand and the trade ban France and England, English American cardboard, red were repealed, and a special imperial decree of English cashmere, white muslin (silk and fine fabric) January 13, 1832, allowed only tea and ravoch to be and more[3]. taken from Kashgar, even allowing Kokand traders to Merchants from Central Asia, especially Kokand and trade duty-free in Kashgar[1]. In six cities of Kashgar Tashkent, also mediated the import and sale of Russian - Aksu, Kashgar, Uchturfan, Khotan, Yorkand and goods from Russia to East Turkestan. Chingiz Yangihisar - the Kokand appointed special elders Valikhanov also reports that Russian goods are to collect taxes from Kokand merchants. Thus, from imported to Kashgar via Kokand and Gulja. The following Russian goods were added to Kashgar: 5 International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol.5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 5-6 mohair, various fabrics, silk fabrics used for turbans, with more tea and Chinese porcelain from China via silk fabrics, fabrics; Velvet made in Riga; glasses, Gulja, Chuguchak and Kashgar. Sugar, indigo, cotton, peppercorns, novshadil, mercury, red paint, various cashmere rice, and European goods were imported metals (iron, miss, tin) and metal objects (samovars, from India[6]. teapots, plates, bowls, pots, trays, candlesticks, The author of the article notes that the low production buttons, glasses, spoons, locks and keys) , pencils) and of gold in the Bukhara and Kokand khanates, and the others. Indeed, trade in East Turkestan was small amount of silver imported from Kashgar do not concentrated mainly in the hands of traders from meet the needs of Central Asians. With this Kokand and Bukhara. conclusion, the author may be approving of Russia’s Chingiz Valikhanov's information on the prices of efforts to capture Central Asian markets. He wrote that goods imported from Central Asia to Kashgar is also Central Asians could not pay for anything they bought noteworthy. For example: 20 balls of silk (1st grade) from China and India: tea, sugar, Russian gold for 24 zolotyx, 40 ball king 11 zolotyx, 40 ball beqasam indigo, and other Russian goods. At the same time, the 8-8.5 zolotyx, 20 balls of roses 12-13 zolotyx, 40 ball author commented on Russia's access to the markets of pieces 16 zolotyx, one pound of Khotan silk 12-14 East Turkestan. zolotyx in Kokand standing[4]. Trade relations with the city of Kashgar in East According to P. Nebolsin, the Kokand khanate Turkestan and Bukhara and Tashkent continued in the established close trade relations with Kashgar. For 70s of the XIX century, and information about this can example, Kokand traders sent to Kashgar Russian iron, be found in the work of A.P Khoroshkhin. It says that cast iron, steel, mauve, leather, yarn: chit, kolenkor cotton, fruits, wool, leather, silk, opium, silk fabrics (same thick surp), vyboyka, nanka (coarse yarn), floral from Kokand and factories from Kokand to raw velvet, wooden tea and green tea from Kashgar. , Tashkent, tens of thousands of sheep from the Kyrgyz occasionally black tea, porcelain dishes, silk, silver steppes through Avliyota to Kokand, Russian yams. The Kokand-Kashgar trade was very intense. manufactured goods from Tashkent, sugar, iron, The hardships of the caravan routes continued very etc.[8], Indian tea from Bukhara, indigo, kolenkor, successfully, despite the fact that they passed through mal-mal, opium, Bukhara silk fabrics From Kashgar the mountains. There was no danger to traders on this opium, porcelain dishes, in the form of silver yombi, road. That is why almost every week small trade Chinese silk fabric called kimhan, various felts and caravans traveled from Kokand to Kashgar and vice carpets are brought[7]. versa from Kashgar to Kokand. In 1862, a Dungan uprising broke out in Western The distance between Kokand and Kashgar was a 23- China. The Dungan uprising was not only a political day journey. Caravans with a load of 1000-1500 process in the life of the Central Asian states, but also horsepower usually set off in early June. These had a negative impact on economic life. The play by caravans were loaded with tents, clothes, and food. AG Rotchev acknowledges that before the Dungan Merchants from Kabul, Iran, Bukhara and Tashkent uprising, China had strong trade relations with were also in the caravan. P.I. Nebolsin reports that Kokand, Bukhara[10], and other countries, but Kashgar teas were brought to Khiva from Kokand in this uprising had a negative impact on the development the middle of the 19th century[5]. of trade relations between these countries. This was According to Nebolsin, first of all, trade relations especially the case in the tea trade[8]. between Kokand and Kashgar developed very rapidly, III.Conclusion. secondly, Kokand acted as a mediator in Kashgar's Tea caravans destined for Central Asia first gathered trade relations with Bukhara, Iran, India and Russia, in Urumqi and then split the road in two. The first road and thirdly, the Kokand-Kashgar road with respect to came from Urumqi to Verniy, Avliyota and Shymkent Bukhara-Iran or Khiva-Iran roads. which is quite via Gulja, the second road, from Urumqi via Kashgar arduous and at the same time unsafe. to Kashgar-Dovan road to Osh. In Osh, the caravan Kokand not only traded directly with Kashgar, but also route will be divided into two, one from Osh-Khojand- served as Kokand's mediator in Kashgar's trade Samarkand-Bukhara, and the other from Osh-Kokand- relations between Russia and China. Kashgar sent tea, to Tashkent. porcelain, livestock and livestock products, silk The above data show that economic relations between fabrics and other goods to China and Russia in transit the Kokand Khanate and East Turkestan were more through the borders of the Kokand Khanate. In developed in the XIX century than in the XVIII exchange for these goods, fabrics, leather, silk, century. However, we are far from concluding that sheepskin, fur, precious stones, jewelry and many trade and economic relations between the two Russian goods were exported from Kokand. countries continued at a low level in the XVIII century. In the middle of the 19th century, trade between the Since ancient times, the peoples of Central Asia and Kokand Khanate and Kashgar reached 5 million rubles the people of East Turkestan have established close a year. From Kashgar to Kokand alone, tea alone neighborly relations. In conclusion, it should be noted brought 30,000 pounds a year[6]. that the Fergana Valley is the closest to East According to an article published in Russkiy Vestnik Turkestan, and the constant strengthening of these ties in 1875, the Central Asian khanates were supplied over the centuries has not only economic significance, 6 International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2643-9603 Vol.5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 5-6 but also had a positive impact on the development of 7. Ozodbek Radjabov. “” in cultural ties. foreign historiography. International Journal IV. References: of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) 1. Khodzhaev A. From the history of ISSN: 2643-9603. 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