Muchtsimas gracias to all who have contributed to the 1991 Peace and Freedom Award celebration:

Bishop Gerald O'Keefe for his continued support

Sacred Heart Cathedral and St. Ambrose University for their generoushpspitality and warm welcome

Tom Chouteau for his beautiful design and calligraphy for the award

The Stanley Foundation, Muscatine, for their help with travel arrangements

Members of the planning committee: .Charlie Bleuer, Dan Clark, Fr. William Dawson, Nora Dejohn, Dan Ebener, Sr. Kathleen Eberdt, Bill Fisher, Dick and Joan Guise, Loris Johnson, Diane Kyser, Ann L. Keefe, Marilyn Logan, Sr. Judy McKenna, Patrick Miner, Charlie Ortman, Chuck Quilty, Sr. Alice Rohn, Sr. Charlotte Seubert, Linda Schmidt, Henry Vargas, Kathleen White. Karia Julia Hernandez is the 22nd recipient of the Pacem in Terris-Peace and Freedom Award.

Previous award recipients:

1990 Mairead Corrigan Maguire 1989 1987 Archbishop 1986 Bishop Maurice Dingman 1985 Joseph Cardinal Bernardin 1983 Helen M. Caldicott 1982 George F. Kennan 1980 Crystal Lee Sutton nishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler 1979 Bishop 1976 1975 Dom Helder Camara 1974 Senator 1972 1969 Saul David Alinsky 1968 Father 1967 A. Philip Randolph 1966 R. 1965 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964 John F. Kennedy (posthumously) THE 1991 PACEM IN TERRIS PEACE AND FREEDOM AWARD CELEBRATION

St. Ambrose University Christ the King Chapel Davenport, Iowa USA

Friday, February 22, 1991

Introductions Charlotte Seubert, FSPA and translation Davenport Diocese, Hispanic Center

Music SL Joseph I s Choir, Rock Island Chila Diaz

Opening Prayer Reverend Jose Luis Celestino, Mision de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Muscatine

Welcome Reverend Drake R. Shafer Vice President for University Ministry St. Ambrose University

Dramatic Presentation Heather McCarty and Jeanne Casey

"Faces of EI Salvador" by John A. Donaghy, Ames

Award Presentation Most Reverend Gerald F. O'Keefe Bishop of Davenport

Acceptance Speech Maria Julia Hernandez, Director Oficina de Tutela Legal del Arzobispado Comision Arquidiocesana de Justicia y Paz San Salvador. EI Salvador, C.A.

Closing Music Charles Blustein Ortman

Reception Downstairs directly following program PACEM IN TERRIS PEACE AND FREEDOM AWARD

The Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award was first given in 1964 by the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council. Since 1979, the award has been given by the Social Action Department of the Davenport Diocese with Pax Christ Quad Cities and Bread for the World. The award is named for Pope John XXIII's 1963 onc yc Lt ca L letter, Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth), which called on all people of good will to secure peace among nations.

Pax Christi Quad Cities is part of the international organization of Catholics and others committed to making peace and nonviolence central to the work of the church and the community. Pax Christi Quad Cities meets on the first Monday of each month. For information, contact Bill Fisher, 1227 4th Street, Moline~ IL 61265.

Bread for the World is a nationwide Christian citizens movement which works to alleviate hunger by influencing public policy. The Quad City chapter meets on the fourth Monday of the month. For additional information, contact Dick Guise 755-6496 or Carolyn McGuire 764-6741 or 764-1419.

Social Action Department, Diocese of Davenport assists the Bishop, clergy and parishes of the diocese in responding to social justice and peace issues through more than twenty programs including: Respect Life, Campaign for Human Development, Immigration, Refugee Resettlement, Rural Life, Peace and Justice. Write: 2706 Gaines St., Davenport, IA 52804 or call 319/324-1911.