MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 TWENTY-FOUR Avwaga Dilljr Nst Pn m Run The Weather manrlifBtrr Eo?ning Per nte WMi l^iid Rain tonight vrith low in tOe. Angiat U, ION . Tomorrow rain continuing, mod­ na Oourtemanche, 1B2 High 8t.; erate to heavy at timee. Blgb Vernon Alice Casati, 121 Eakt Main 8t.; in 70e. Laurie Cleveland, 41 St., 1,4,450 and Patricia Shields, 41 .Vulage AfancAridtpr— i4 CIfy o f VUiagm Chorm School Board Votes Tonight St. PRICE TEN CENTS LXXXVil, NO. 290 (SETrEBN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TdESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 P age U ) The Herald’s Vernon On Atty. Dooley for Vacaney la at 88 Park St, tel. 87B-81M or •48-2711. News Items may be The Board of Elducatlon Ut ex- the Blow pltaSi softball leaguea pooled to accept the recommen- mailed to P. O. -Box 827, Bock- la the otrongeot wlH be settled vine. datlaa of the Democratic Town starting tonight at S;46 at Hen­ No Hutford Vldt Oommittee and inrtaU Atty. ry PM-k. 46 Senafors Tliomaa Dooley as a member of 8HABP WITH BTjAT Planned by BHH The American Legion, cham­ BUDAPEST (AP) O m - the board at the meeting to­ pions of the IXisty League, will WASHINGTON (AP) Czech Head in Moscow, garian received a four-year night at 7:80. meet Sacred Heart, winners of FavorFortas• ^ — 'Vloa Prooldant Hubert H. The new member wlB re­ prison term for ottering to sell Humphrey doaa not plan to the Church League and It wlB his apcurtanent 21 times thus place Democrat Frank peToUa be the best of three series to vlolt Hartford nonet Monday, making a profit of more than JPoU Slums as had beari reported last who announced his resignation determine the Champs. Half a million forints ($20,000). last month. The board win al­ The game will be played tor weekend. so be asked to accept the resig­ the benefit of the Jimmy Fund WAoaiNontoN (a p) - a m v The Demooratio praolden- nations of 11 teachers w ^ qidt to help stamp out cancer In Chil­ riiowM today ttlat at Iwurt tlal nombiaa’s offloa said to­ Natural Gas Pact since the last meeting 6t the dren. Everyone attending and AS MoaitaMi davor ooBflmutten day that Humphrey*a oohad- board In June and to ratify the everyone associated with the of ftaaidoat Jobnaon'e amoin^ ula oalla for him to remain contracts of 22 teachers. gams wlH be asked to make a moM of Ana Portta to Ua oidaf tn Wadhlngton naxt Monday. PRAGUE (AP) — Pre­ Optical Style Bar, Inc. JuaUoe, wuna M are onpoeed. The board will also be asked contribution. It was reported Saturday mier OWridi CJemik flow to to accept the following tuition BockvlIIe Hospital Notes The Aiwolelied Vrmm oou- that vtotta to Bortlbtd and to Moscow today and signed rates for IMS-ieoO: Kindergar­ VlsHlng hours are 12:80 to 8 768 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER, CX)NN. pried ttie figured from peraonal Provldenoe, R.I., were on ooctaot wUli the awatofa or an agreement on the deliv- ten, 1400, elementary, $000 and p.m. In all areas exoq^ ma­ Humphrey’a campaign oebed- eiy natural gas to Ozech- secondary, $700. ternity where they are 2 to 4 PHONE 648-1191 from pubUoly atafed porittooa. ide tor Monday—alttiough it Other Hems on tonight’s and 0:80 to 8 p.m. It the otKor n om aton vriio waa emphasised mat no firm oslovakia and a protocol agenda win be the treasurer's Admitted Thursday: Donald CLOSED WH)NESDAYS declined to ooanknlt themeelvM commitment had been made "on o^er economic issues," -report; a resolution concerning Montandon, Ellington; Terri or tx x U not bo readhed qplK by the vice president. « the news agency CTK re­ Haglin, Coventry; Moigaret ALL DAY, aUout evenly, .(here wotfld be a ported. the performance Ixmd of the total ol SO or tor Portae MAdden Bus Oo.; the yearly Beebe, 2SH Mountain S t; and Store Honrs: The agreement was signed by Deborah Sweet, Ellington. and 40 or N agatnat OemlH and Soviet Premier Alex- cafeteria report for all schools; Montby, Tuesday, Friday; Satordiay But tMforo the nomination to statutory duties of the Boards Births Thursday: A son to MT. 9KK>A.M. to 5:80 P.M. to N. KOsygln, the agency add­ of Education; appointments of and Mrs. William Robertson, voted on K wrii have to get out Rockefeller ed. Tiuuniday:—9:00 AM. to 9:00 PM. of the fienate JYifBolary CMimnitt>- There 'was ho detail on t ^ sdiool physicians; stnnmer IBS WindsorvUle Rd., and a son toe, where It baa been bottled gp school report; a report on drop­ to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin 'economic protocol but CIK said tor over two montha. ithe Rtuslons agreed to drilvery outs and a report on the adult Sr., ToUand. CONTACT LENSES HEARING AIDS And If It gate to the Senate, Picks Goodell education program. Dlsobarged Thursday: Holly of natural gas to CZechoelovalda BINOCULARS — MICROSCOPES — MAONiPlERS opponento bav» threatened to ft- "for many years’’ and to “coop- Baseball MMch Tonight Glrant, 23 Burke Rd.; Mark Ubunter againat oonflrmatkm. Speculation as to which of Mangioflco, B2 Village St.; Don­ For RFK Seat eratton in the construction of a Joimaon toM a iwwi confer- gaa pipeline on Soviet territo­ noe laet Friday that 60 to 70 of (AP Photofu) ALBANY, N. Y. (AlP) -JOOV. ry." ’ Ibe aanatooi mappott Ma effort Vice President H’umphrey, the Democrattc presi­ Nelsan A. RookefeHor today ap­ Cemlk ■was believed to have to eievato Portae from an aa- dential nominee, uses his hands as well as his voice pointed U.B. R«p. caiaries E. gone to Mloscow to seek help to aoctote Juotioe of the Supreme. Goodell, a fellow Repuhlloan, to offset the economic setback re­ Oourt to chief Justice, suooeed- during campaign speech in Philadelphia yesterday, flU the Senate seat of the slain sulting from the Soviet bloc in- ing retiTiiig B an Warren. Robert F. Kennedy. « Demo­ vaskm cf Csechoslovakla. Sen... Robert P.-Griffin, R- toying wi'rii watch at intervals in his talk. crat. Cemlk 'wae accompanied by MlOh,, spearheading the figtt Rockefeller called tlW ap- two economic experto, Depu^ against oontlrmsdlcn, says the polntment an enormously diffi­ Premier Frantlsek Hamous ana number of opponents to eUrnb- cult decision. Foreign Trade Minister Vadav Iqg toward a majority. RhokefeBer had irii«led out Vales. Prague Radio said the Portas’ Dondnatton was sub­ Main Issue ‘Trast’ the 42-yeei>old GoodeU for three men went for eoonDtnlo NANZA mitted to the Senate on June SO, praise during the RepuMlcan talka. along with Joimeon’a nominm- National Convention this year The economic nature ot the KNOWN FOR VALUES tion of UjS. Olrqult Court Judge and had applauded him for talks was underlined by the Homer TborUberry to be an oo- Humphrey Says work In drafting the party’s makeup of the Soviet delegation sootate joriloe. 1668 platform. at the first aeaslott today in the The AP survay also dbowed a LOS: ANOHLIB8 (AP) —Dem- The vice president said he la GoodeU told a news confer- KremUn. Taas, the Soviet news majority of tbe oommittee enoe at New York State’s Oopk- agency, said'the Soviet govam- Simpsons Welcome Home _mentbera______favor______oonfirmatUm,ocratlc nominee Hubert H. not trying to portray hittiself as a new Humiidu:ey. "I’m Just Hu­ tol (hot: ment ■was represented by Pre­ The Rev. Clifford Q. Slmpeon, pashn: of Center Congregational Church, and his wife were but the proWera ta h so oommlto Humphrey said ^ ^ y the om- "I accept this challenging mier Alexei Koeygln, Deputy greeted by members of the church congregation during receptions to welcome the Rev. Mr. tee, on In the Senate Itsrtf, to to tral * ’ Issue' “ In the presidential bert Humphrey—the one that campaign Is "which of these yop’ve known for a long time." though Bomber responslblUty..J Premier Nikolai Baibakov, For­ Slmpeon back to the pulpit yesterday, after both church services. The couple recently return­ get a 'vote. shall strive to serve all the peo­ eign Minister Andrei Gromyko, ed from a year of world travel. An account of their travels, "My. Window on the World," ap­ If the apgwintment does reach men can you trust’’ in times of He aald candidates should not stress and under strain. ple of New York State with aU First Deputy Foreign Trade peared each Saturday - Rusatana have also half prom­ meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. In uethodist Church will meet to- Wesley Ctode of South Meth- space workers before heading *Ihe new senator said he ised compensation for aU dam­ Lather HoU of tiie church. There at 7:80 In the chiach re- odist ChurCh will meet tomor- Uig off debate. In times of stress,’’ he said, and on to Houston. Humphrey 27th Marines nient being turned in by officers and men of the would try to establish a"true \ ages caused by tiie Invasion. wm be a work period. Hoetesses ception baB. row at 7:30 p.m. at the homa Suppoitera fear that if the It answers the questkm "how committee doesn’t act aoon, or will he act under strain." (See Page Eight) partnership” among federal, 27th Marine Regimental Landing Team before The CMoboelovak Communist are Miss Hattie Petereoti, Mrs. ___ jgia. Bertl Mosley, 41 Moun- state and local leaders. He spe­ party newspaper Rude Pravo 4f an effort isn’t auooes$fidly Leave Viet being flown out of Da Nang, South Vietnam, to The Edgar Cfircle of South tain Rd. made to force the matter Erect­ cifically mentioned Rockefeller, said Monday that the "arrival Clarmce O. Anderaon. Methodist Cburoh win have a ----- Sen. Jacob K. Javlts, also a Re­ of foreign troops peualyzed pro­ The Hartford County Dental ly to the floor, Oengreoe win ad­ DA NANO, Vietnam (AP) — the U ^, today. The regiment, brought into South worltshoD ni66tinir tonioiTow oX .. journ without acting and the publican, New York City Mayor duction in hea'vy industry." It Uriel Lodge ot Masons g jjj cSooper p . h of the AsalMants Society win open Its John V. Undsay and memhers The first Amerloon unit to leave U.S. unit to return home since the war. (AP Photo­ estimated production losses dur­ nonateatkaa wH die. start the .autumn season with a -hutrfi. Babvsittlxut win be the season wito a picnic meet- of the New York State Legisla­ Vtalnem—tbe 27th Mlailne Regi­ ing the first week of the oooiqpa- meeting at the Masonic Temple Ing Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at The crittoM, a loose coalition Dropping Chcmdler ment-started bock to the Unit­ fax by radio from Saigon) Of RqpuMfoans and Soulliem ture. Uon at more than $227 mlBIon. tn Merrow on Saturday, Sept. ___ the home of Miss Connie Oano, .GoodeU has called for a de- ed States today, but nearly half Rude Pra'VD complained (hat 14 at 7:80 pjn. The Entered TnmAa ^ Summit St. There wUl be Demooroto, ore not necessarily of its men havs been reasslgnsd ‘f In agreement on their points of Americanlsation of the Vietnam the Soviet Unk» and some of its to other outfits and are staying hard-line allies did not meet ouxjuttlon* Wallace's Decision war. i behind. . mte Grttfin, claim Today he said, “I am stead­ U.S. Troops Uncover Cache ) their obligation to siqMly cer­ MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) wouldn’t be the 'vioe presidential fastly convinced that he diould.- As (he first 100 officers and tain raw materlala to CZechbalo- . (See Page Bight) —A.rellafale aource oald today choice. not be engaged in a land war men waited - for their plane to . vaWa. Oeoige Wallaoe himself decided "As far as I know," the 10,000 miles away, which saps Okinawa, the 1st Marine Divl- Kill 34 Foe in Two S^weeps Meanwhile, Soviet Deputy ore regueotod to moke leservar source said, "civil rights wasn’t aton band ployed "Oollfomla, meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the against A. B. "Happy” Chan­ our resources.” Foreign AOnlater Vasily Kuznet­ tiotti with Robert C. Simmons, discussed." Here I Come.” The departing namese shelling klUed one sov returned to Prague after a Oomwan Dr., Ooveutty, no The Ward Circle of South church. dler as a 'Vice presidential can­ "I wUl walk In the streets, lis­ SAICKJN (AP) — U.S. Ma­ Methodist Church wiU have a He declined to say why Wal­ ten to the people I represent and LeatiieriMckB laughed and shuf­ rines IdUed 84 North Viet­ American and nine Vietnamese ■visit to Bratiala'va, the capital of later than Wednesday. Columbia Heads didate end (hat the deciaton woe fled their feet ImpaUentiy on Ihe Fair Woritolu^ tomorrow at 7:80 A service of Holy Communion lace decided against Chandler respond,” Goodell said. namese troops In two clashes and wounded 24 Vietnamese In Slovakia. A report that his talks p.m. at the Susannah Wesley ^ Weilnesday at 10 not-based on a (8e0 "Page Eirirt) field, a government military ----- red. Richard W. SpUler, swlor NO-BUTTON faU, have asked the courts 'to Kentucky governor that he (See Page Eight) fensive. Its battaUons fought known as ths Rock PUe, U.S. headquarters and a housliig dicated Kuznetsov- and Husak Congregational Church will drop criminal trespass charges found common ground. meet tmUgtat at 7:90 al the The educaticn cabinet* of warden, 'Will preside. OR near Hue and south of Da Nang. headquarters reported. area. Another target was My North Methodist Church vrtll ----- fgaftirf some 4(X> students ar- ~ The 2f7tb Was assigned to war In a sweep through a buhker Tho, tiie chief city In the ddta, This contrasted with the offi­ ___ meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Auxiliary will meet rested during last spring’s dem­ du^ temporarily, and the 1st complex six mUes west-south- where four clvUlons were ...... killed. cial description of "frank and Rockville Emblem Oub ■wM church. tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at the onstrations. Brigade ot .tite Army’s 6th west of (her Rock Pile, the Ma­ and 18 wounded. ' comradely”—meaning dhiagme- have a potiuck Wedneaday at ----- Post Home. The potluck and tea^ In a statement issued Mon­ Mechanized Division - has ar­ rines imcovered more then 600 Terrortota attacked In Saigon ment—used for Kuatetoov*s 0:80 p.m. at the Elks dub. Park The ways and means commit- cup auction sAeduled lor tomor- day, the school said It would rived to replaioe i t mortar and rocket "roundB, 2,200 for the 10th time since Friday. talka with OndreJ Klokoo, chair­ St., RoAvlBe. The clubs’ regu- tee of Center' Congregational row’s meeting has been post- " r e ^ s t the courts to exercise m nearly seven months of pounds of rice, medical supidlee Three men In their early 20s In­ man of the Slovak National lar monthly business meeting ChurA wlU meet In the A urA poned and will be held at the maximum leniency, including combat, the 4,50O-maa regiment and cloth of Soviet, Czechoslo­ vaded a Chinese high school Council, and earUer 'With Presi­ wUl be held at 8. Mrs. StaiSey office and the social actlA com- Oct. 8 meeting. Immediate dismissal of criminal claimed 2,000 of the enemy dent Laid'vlk Svoboda, Premier vak and French origin, appar­ shortly after noon and shot four Cemlk and national Communist McCray, program cbaliman, mlttee will meet In the library, ^ ----- treqpaas charges, If the court kiUed, 25 prleoners and 430 cap­ ently for uniforms. teachers talking In a corridor. win be assisted by Mrs. Peter tomoirow at 7 :S0 p.m. 'The Daughters of Union Vet- tured weapons. The. regiment party chief Alexander Dubcek. deems It necessary." The. flaieup of flghiUng around One of the feartiers, Ky Hung Kuznetsov came to CZeefao^o- Fagan. — “ erana of the ClvU War will meet lost 202 dead and handed out tbe Rook PUe was the only sig- Lam, 46, was UHed. The terror- William E. Petersen, chair­ 1,900 Purple Hearts for batUe- valda Friday amid complalnta ___ Ruth Circle of Emanuel La- tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home man of the board of trustees, tfificant fighting reported. tots escaped. William Keller of the Hartford therah Church will meet tonight u rs. Maude Shearer, 60 CuA- flOM wouads. in the Soviet press that Ulteral , said the trustees hoped the step *T’d say 21 numths here to Troops ot the p.S. 196th Light in tiie air war, U.S. pilots flew Czechoslovak leaders were not ’Tlmes will ■ speak about "Cur- at 8 at the home of Mrs. Robert nutn Dr. "will help alleviate the tensions Infantry Brigade,’ operating 160 lie mlsslaos against North 'Vlet- rent Events/’ at a meeting of Ahlness, 45 Castle Rd. Mrs. Carl ----- quite enough,’’ said second tim­ moving swiftly enough to con­ arising out of the arrests and er O pt Bruce Flidey, 22 of New­ mlles feuther south below Da nam’s southern paidtemdte Mon- form to Moscow’s demands that - the.Manchester Rotary CIA to- Gis3ta.fs(Hi will speak about mis- hlanAester WATBS will meet charges and pave the way for Nang, found another weapons day. ' morrow at 0 :30 p.m. at ManAes- alonary work. The L.W.R. kits tomotrow at the Italian Anierl- ton, Mass. the liberal reforms of the past. effeotlve aotlon.” "This, was my Moond time cache that included 87 eaxhines “^ e southward flow of men months be rolled back. ter Country Club. program will be continued. can Club, Eldrldge St. Weighing The .400 students were port of and rifles, 10 rocket grenade and suppUea continued to be the in will' be from 7 to 8 p.m. The itefe,” said 21-yeaiMUd Sgt. Den­ Husak’s public statements the more than 1,000 students, nis Bier of Union CUty, Calif. launchers, seven machtae guns targets os returning have received favorable atten- program will Include a weight teachers and others arrested and nine flame throwers. discussion. Members are remind­ during 'demonstrations that (Bee Page Eight) Viet Cong end North 'Viet- (Sec Page Eight) (See Page El|h$) ed thsi reservations close to­ grew: ogt of protests against ihe morrow night for the mystery . oonrtruOtioa of a gymnasium In ride A Sept. 17, ^ also to nearby KomlilfHde Park, and Announcing- bring in their ads for the club’s U nlve^ty ties with an agency cookbook. doing rsMaroh for tbe Depart­ ScientiBts See Possibility ‘fThe Sweetest Service Around” - The Salvation Army Corps ment of Defense. Council will meet tonlgt\t at 7 Most of the arrests came dur­ ing a polio# ral4 April 80 when .•at the chruA. demonstrators iwere removed Can Humans ‘Smelt’Fear? 10 YEAR frian, five campus buildings. ^ - The executive board iof Buck- By BBYAI^r 81LOOOK It is a big step from rata to {days a vital port In the social ley School PTA will meet to­ olfaer raid on May 22, when one TdephoM THE building wAs occupied, led to Tlie London Sunday Xlmea humans, but In the last few life of Insects. Just as bormooes night at 8 in the. teaAers’ REGISTERED GUARANTEE Phrases lUce/"the smell of years scientists have uncovered circulating in minute quantt- lounge at the achow. other dlBorders. The reguest for leniency spe- fear” and ”hls fear was infec­ a whole mass of evidence that ties in the blood aqt as chemi­ smells, acting as chemical mes­ cal messengers between one !’The Regina ^ D’ualla / Society oMloally exlouded IM students •- tious” have been popular clich­ CANDY TRAVELLER TWIN or FULL SIZE ‘against whom .more titan one sengers, play an Important part part of the human body and on-- will meet tonl$^i/at 7:80 at the es for a long time, but few in the behaviour, particularly other, chemicals known as 643-0492 2 to 6 P.M., Mon. tfini Fri. Italian Amerlcw^'Club. dtarge Is pending or who are yVou get no^button or smooth-lop, as you prefer — comfortably firm ALL other BEDDING charged with olfenMS of a more people using them imagine they sexual, of mammals, including pheromones act as messengers . monkeys. 'multi-coil innerspring unit cushioned with layers of fleecy w(iite "Joy" I ■ertoth nature.’’ are anything more than cliches. ‘betw««r one Insect and another. The executive board of the Could they correspond to If monkeys, why not men? The queen sitbstance of hew, Guild of Our^Ady of St Bar-' cotton fell — ’’Centerized” construction for added support in ' * Acting President Dr. Andrew To treat yourself or send as a gilt. Quality Aocolates W. OonUer declined comment ■ something real after aUt Does , Some kind of chemical' which acts as a kind ot social Uxtomew will meet tomorrow at mid-section where you need it — choice of twin, % , full, 30" or 36" REDUCED for -- a frightened person pitoduCe oommunlcatlon between peo- packed, wrtmped, and delivered FREE in Manchester 8 p.mT at St. Bartholomew’s on posslUe action concerning cement in tile hive, Is a well »iMi Burroundi^ areas! Order any assortmAt you de­ widths in regular. 74" lengths. Whatever your choice, you’ll make the buy some chemical wIUot ‘ cUarms ■ pie, of which they would be known example. As soon as the School. of the yearl tbe 70 students suspended by th e, sire trom out stock. I>ark or milk chocolate — white university for their rOles In the others nearby so that fear does quite unaware, certainly can­ sujply dries up the workers sad pastel ooatlpgs. All orders C.O.D. disorders that crippled tbe cam- • spread like an Infection? SCme not be ruled out. In a loiig ar­ start to rear new queens. , Values at Low PrIcosI pui for ths final seven weeks of recent experiments in the Unit­ ticle on the subject In the New There ore alarm and trail- the spring term. ed States provide the first hint York State Journal o t Medicine, following insect pheromonea Uee our gift service to remember, with candy, a _ A number of students oritl-; that, this may be so. Dr. Harry Wiener ol the New too, but probably the bekt vioL m / The experiments involved birthday, on anniversary, the new mothers, get well. ~ol2ed tbe move and one leader York Medical College quotes known of all ore the attrojotante wlabM, For all occasloDS. Advance notice needed of last spring’s rebellion sa id '' rats, not people, and showed on­ evidence that the hallucinatory uee pasterles baked by relatives rt 0 J987654 ^ adiflt Mhool to otter toeae das*- 5**”' ^ 5»® workshop a t’ 8:80 a.m Hie land, now soned mostly practice seaaknts Wednesday thew’s Ladles Ouild has hem buslneas zone on the north- ty, each ddld In Grades 1 Hancherter Drivejm Opening lead— five of clubs, s* on a no fee baria. AH books, ^ ®xmbltM ta toe B b ra^ and y g g^„ Abraham A. RIW- ) llunstera 8:80 < 840) Jacqueu Oouetesu (C) the bride-elect. ♦ 6 ) AHemoon Rstx>H (18) wbewptlon TV - rasiiliseiiil. U owned by-five evenings at 7:80. New membera canceled because of s id e o f R t 66 from 200 feet to 400 through 8 In both elementary Couple, 8:10. Bona Of Kaue c i- when today’ s hand w m play- fo8**rt®l8 and ragM ration feea ?“ “ !** "riDc*®® w ill hang ta local appear at the workriiop A Truth or OonpsQUoooe (Ml) Show Time (CT) Mies ^)arveri wUl become toe ed last month In an exhibition Sosth West Niwto E « t 9:00 ]M ) mute Houce R ri Oafpet pwsons with only two homes lo- are being encouraged to Join, In- sence of yie Rw. J . fe e t , begtonlng at the east bdun- schools are required to wear der, 19:00. TriO be free of charge to any „ which wfll run to 10 axn. and bride r t hOohael J. Benevento match in Loa Angeles, DaDas Pan 1 A 1 NT '4 A ' I) S^*?roop nUi Julia Child eated within toe 1,000 foot depth cludfa« young members of the Curtin. DT. John L ^ e r e ,, ^ ^^4 contlnu- sneakers in toe physical educa- adoit wM iing to enroH in tUs 'wWch w ill Include coffee, 9 : » of 188 Maple St. on Oot. 6 at befaig oaoBUered for remnlng church, particulariy aMos and speak on "New Horizons la M - ^ ^ period 63q>ert Bobby Goldman could not 5 O Double A ll Pass program. ■ Sidpalc Camera drt> wfll jwnel discussion an the 8:80 i S t o S S iSewa Sports. I Oo^Mornin* World St. C h rlsU ^ er’s Church. Bari - " . _ . ucatlon" at 8 p.m. after the ^ __ Boyd Outlilies hjr tod Planning and Zoning tenors. ^ ^ , Zoning Fennlis listed Herbert Shedroff, principal, of find a book Wd to dascribe his The mmmiLm a. « « is "“ ®* tomorrow at 8 p.m. st the national platform wUl toUow ^4M(Msrarae NsIsWmx- 10 :0 0 i ) The Actor's Company Hartford. BaDeUn Board start of the evening coffee-mix. ____ ^ strong North hand. I f West had hood * Iirmdem Zoning agent K arl Links re- the Gilead H ill School, has noted GOP Bl^eorilnt Church social rooma. a,e capitol Rotunda, to In- 189) KoRalo's Navy CBS Neon Hour (O Sommer'e proposal was aired The Board of Finance will ports tlilat August building per- that children being tranqx>rted opened with one diamond. North toe West hand, ^toofc toe . r * ” 1*” ^* Bach member is requ est^ dude a question and answer po- 20) Trouble Shooter 10:80 • lUon TV last night at a Joint meeting of meet 8 In the Town Manchester E v e M g Herwii lasued by him for now con- to school by parents should ar- could double; but he could hard- i,eart return and osfitomed 1 Mas ihan a nttito grade eduoa- hriiv tour riides tor a "What U)8d»'wUt«r^CrBSte Merr Orunn ^ 11:00 “ 0) Nows, %mx Copf StaTYk# * toe P a c and IDC, also attended Hall to discuss toe reprocessing ToUand oorreapoodent - ---- To Elect ly afford a double when he was hearts. Krauss ruffed, ratumed 6:46 20) TBA Weather (C) atructlon totaled 8177,666. Per- rive no earlier than 8:25 a.m. • .f!*” ** ** ? ! ®™* W here" program. It is rtso OoebtaUaand lundieon then 7:00 -xn IhreH Show by First Selectman Ernest VDc. o< the road supervisor position Quatrale, teL 876-8845. The national Republican blue- 80 unpr6p&r^ for a diamond apada to the Roe and n iffed * TWdInSf wntkigri speUftVi ftrtOi- nug^g^asted 4h»t each member eerved. (24) Of Motihlalne and Kuelo 11:25 -Dieaday Start Ifht mlta issued at the end of July I t parents ptao to brlhg toeir 11:80 *0) TonlsM Show and IDC member James Rock. ------' were to Charles Belvln, wood children to sCliDcd In the print for electing Richard Nixon ,esponae. another heart. SOluWay got two , mrito, BngUeh for non-BngUsh bring along a prospective mem- 2 p.m. a panel discussion 1^8260)I^MX) Iriith HunHey^Brinkley or Ooaseoueoeee ■paaMig people and sorial ber. The -vlritors are Invited to the state platform win be Jo^JBMwp (O H ie reaonlng would aid the frame addiUon on Slocum Rd.; morning or pick them at the president tn Goldman settled for an over- more tnuw tricks, and toe I) HunUqr..BriiiMey (13) Late 6N Hartford Bd.,1 IDC in Its negotlatkms with ToUand Canmi Plourde of Hartford for end of the school day, they are lined today by the state notrump, promlaing penaKy waa 1400 points, riadie* wHl be offered. bring tour at their riides tor toe ^ the Capitol Kotun- (23-30-10) Ne Bptm, prospective industries, many of woodframe dwelling on Mill- requested to use the lower pari^ man of toe pre-convention Nixon ^ ^ jjjgj, cards WhMr a disaster flies around The speclfto objeotivee of ba- program alao. r ttadAlro TtartSdra que^ SEB SATUBDAY^ TV WEB* FOB COMPLETE UST1NG8 which want to locate where they stream Rd.; London Park Inc., Ing qrea at the left of the main lor President . (which he had) and balanced the/bridge table loifldng for slo edooatlan tor adUMa ere to Mr*. Caroline Forater, pro- uiswer period, can be seen from toe highway Plans for New Apartm ents dwelling on lots 95 and 106 on drive. The same procedure will State Rep. John y9. Boyd M ^gj^button (which he didn’ t), pohiebody to happen to, it la no cfetahi m better eduoaiion, a bet- gram chairman, wlU praeent toe workehop and panel dis- Radio on large parcels of land. WT s - i i r rw • Th t- WUlow D r.; Robert Tupper.“ apply during the noon hour for Westport said at the weewy didn't like the Wd, but we respecter of raito or farm. ter Joh, eam more money and tentative aohedule of eyerte tor <;^gglon« are open to a ll Inter- OOP «t®tewlfc l«*«heon a^e QDsrtlon Uve a rtcher, frtler life, accord- dtacusalcm and approval. Re- ^^ted women arid to aU mem- (This Hating taolodes only thooe newa broodcoats of 10 or 16 This type of industry cannot Unveiled tor Aoninff r a n e l apartment house on Weuswood kindergarten parents. OOP don't always get what we IHfe. atotiona carry other abort newscasts.) be located In the town Indus­ I J U V C J A A ™ AW iw.Rd., and Enid Perra. Perra, dweUlng _ PTAn A Pollock P o t l ^ Supper S o j ^ ^ .2^.’ Wicked Jmnp partner opens wMh 1-NT (M tag to principal Ronald KOsuch. frerinnent* and a aortal hotw Toung Democrata minute lengih. Some trial Park, which is not in view la s t year, S9 people enrolled wHl fiHlow toe program Reaervationa fo r the luncheon WDRO—IMS 16 Martlet Report Memhen of the Planning and posal wlH avJalt toe preeenta- on West BL The H ^n PTA ^ hoM Its ^ 5 Lo® Angelea expert rtm to 18 points), and toe next play- t 20 Weather of the highway. ta toe rtaos and many of theoe may be made by contacting the 6:00 Ken G riffin ,:25 Strictly Bporte c M (e h a d \ chairman, Mrs. Nicholas Jaek- 6:00 Joey Reynolds ):8S Afternoon EMltlon ere now ready to oonUmie ihrir 9:00 Dick RoblDSOT r:00 Accent '68 y y tyw., p<»i M-. .l^m. 8M.«. » bM. 0.. m J S I t M T S S ; ®^ltta®ttan by reglatertag for ston of 406 Haokniatartt Bt., no 1:06 News, SIxn O ff f:16 Now Oaeh Brings WBOH-Slt Downtown Mancheater m Which ToUand Iflgh School multiple famUy apartment com- complex Is being designed wlto Bklngamaug Fish and Game schoo’.a have rebrtved info--"- eieetlon. ------. higb achool review rtoaeea lead- later than Thursday. r:20 DavM Brinlil^ “ “'Si o<™«uc«.__ _I. ...o.K .aa«,to, What do you aayt 6:00 Hartford RlstaUshte r:20 News of the WorM at 968 Bfain Street .. Plex at their meeting last night closT^ere^to toe recenUy Ouh, clubhouse^ Jones St; to home tag to Ugh school'equivalency Yield Charge 7:00 News r:46 Joe Garoglola n u m b w d ta tte 277tatea. Boyd the opponents of bidding room. A n w e r; Bid 8:00 Ossllsht 5:00 News. Weather NOW It was up to Billy Blsen- Despite the dlitotouUonrt dHptomaa, Koeuefa said. 12:00 Quiet H w r» 5:10 JobMne Age proved to be no barrier Thomaa M. Serranl, 20, rt WIPOP—141# 5:80 Pep Concert berg, who had won the Life Mas- stren^ you cannot J® Junioi* Women 6:00 Danny d ayton Stiow 5:00 News, Weather ter P air CSiamplonshlp with look for a game In elthM r ^ in tola olaaa with' toe range be- South Windsor was charged with 8:00 Bteve O'Brien 5:10 Nlshibeot ing from 18 to 61 y «e ». Any- failure to yield the right of way 9:00 Dick Heatherton [1:20 Sports Final - Goldman at the naUonal touma- suit. T h e < q »^ e n to lm w rt Seek Members 12:00 Gary Girard Show 0:86 News. Weather,^ one who wants further informa- to a -motor vriilole not obliged WIMF—123S 0:66 Red Sox vs. Oakland ment Just a few week* earUer. W )^ 1 ^ to ***5^ ^ tlon should caH the adult educa- to stop at 12 :H p.m. yesterday, The Mancheater Junlor Wom- 2:00 Other Side of the 1 ^ land owner, according to Sum- [m, materials such ■* redwood to From his point of view, with the should be able to defeat a 6:00 New# tion office at the high school. after being invedved In a two- en’ a Chib, Ino., is conducting a ' 6:16 Sptek Up $285 " ridtag. 6:00 News Vlk cited the need "to con- -n,* proposed apartments as PZC Bdbjeot Is Da Vinol car collision on Buokland St. membership drive this month 6:16 S p ^ Up Hartford EASY PAYMENTS tome the momentum generated aitoiultted by builder James L. Nonnan wngni lo r perrauioion iwo nu «u —-- — .._ j- The ToUand County Art As- Serranl was the driver of a and Is plaitatag a membership 6:48 Low ell Thomas le winner. \ spades. He thought five dla- which ^ 6:66 Phil RJssuto by the present industrial de- chUdress win be located off to operate a gravel hank on her and one gartson colonial on lots mlttee with special projects as for the winnw:. sortstton wU) present a riJde cor that coIUded with a car op- tea to '^ c o m e new membera. 7:00 The World Tonisht AVAILABLE He sahl that the Repultocans monds might be a good sacrl- two dlamwidB.^ ^ 7:20 Frank Gifford Save M All velopment■ of the«*sw town."wwaa« AAI f theUJC M Merrow cnow ZVO. Rd. HOuUv about m IwJf il Wo-y way DC* be- property pix*>crvy on on OaMUi South Evavea R iver AVU*t Rd., 5, *j» 9, AW 10 OAMAand AW19 on W vvcaaa all St and come along -o d u ri^ -o the year «r are ______t_a show on "The Art rt Leonardo erated by Arthur B. Flagg, 66, Women between the ages of ivtogf special attentl^ to flee. It wasn’t. Oopyrigm lito 7:80 Sneak Up Sports town keeps the present growth tween Walbrldge IDU and Dim- provldliR the conditions con- Burnt HUl Rd., and Gltoert Koss, requested to flH In their reply 2 * ^ da-Vinrt" by Charles Cote rt rt Warehouse Point. 21 and 40 Interested In Joining 8:00 News School Supplies! Paul Soloway opened a club General Pealures Ooip, Bast Hartford at its meeting tUs No one was injured In toe toe organisation may contact 8:10 Speak Up Sports / ^dtra fu ^ prospects look „»<* Rds. on 10.26 acres of toUied to a letter from toe U.B^ raised ranch on Chestnut HUl fheets an^retuni along with the P e^ ^ v^ a 12:18 sfcn Off *- good, be added. J^^d. ’ Department of Agriculture, SoU Rd. potluck supper reservation Michigan, evening' CMe is a member rt mishap. Serranl lias been Mr*. William Bryce rt 178 w n rw -is M . AU have Repub- AflTHUR DRUB \MitlHelsTmi«w Clwsi BlMiiiiiite w Nwir Sommers reported that indns- . acheduled to appear in' court Irving Bt. or Mrs. Paul Dou- 6:00 Afternoon BdlUon rs ahd they total 6:60 OHO tries and other involved peoj^e last right by John R..Poazato ed. She must also poet a $4,500 The Hebron elementary Hebron residents are Itinvited----- Ucan governors Oopiss o f toe oonstitutton and Sept. 80. gan J r„ 20 Ainott Rd. 8:00 News are now caUhig him about locat- of Vemon, consulting ««ta eer bond per acre of gravel bank schools opened last Wednesday to attend a program on “The tag in ToUand. for the project, riiow a total of operatiaa. wlto a total enrollment of 678 Plata People," Peimsylvania I® "The present temperalnent of lao apartment units la 12 briM- The land to being reclaim- students: 286 at toe Gilead Hill Dutch, at toe ToUand Agricul- Uonri GOP h««“ excluded ^m CtocuB." The B ellty wiH he open tmturaUy wooded state to a PZC, ofOclaHy aKk'oving the Gilead HIU School wiU meet tomorrow and each blueprint for this year on Oct. 5 from 10 a.m. point abort 260 to 800 feet back two subdMaiaBS.^ being organized and no open- Wednesday at the Amston club- "®®« them have been counted to 4 pjn. ta the Religious Bdu- Q^e read, where toe prop- The PZC approved plaiis te r announced as house at 6:80 p.m. Scoutmaster cation BuUdtag of the Orited erty wortd be devrioped for the Constiuetfan of the Jota nfin, i* betag furnished at -John Horten has announced that ______' ______Oongregatianal Onmefa. apartments. Olender Oorp. buOdlng to be studerts and to both he to atUl seeking an assistant Wertdy worirtmps are betag nie heavily wtxjded rite wfll buflt tn flie towaowned Ihau» sessions of the kindergarten, leader to aid toe boys with ad- held at the rimreb every Tuea- |,s tato account in the de- trial Park. The plans, ptes<^ carton to four vancement projects. Any one day tram 10 a.m. to 2J0 pjn. signing of toe apartment units, ed by Industrial Development ^ ^ collected Interested to 'requested to con- CbaiRnen of the vortoos the PZD was told, with toe build- Chairman WIIHam Summers ^ announced dates, tact him at his residence on s rooms planned for toe ev«A are bring darigned to fit InwltB and Poxzato, are <»* *.f® ^ g” ' -The price f«- September to 76 Marjorie Circle. BETTY-JANE TURNER »^*ayn Toimg, OoBrie Ander- the site. age type bulMtog with a wrap ^ crilected to- The Podium Playera rehear- ptr tnnnm soD sad Virgena Lee, Chiidren'a Two-Tesr Develepment around offlcc>rtDrage are^ morrow - sal® lov "H.M.S. Hnafore" for Room; Valerie Ralrion, Adult once approval la given, CWlr Themain portion r t^ w n ^ student banking will be held this week wUl be held tonight Room; Bazhaza Fhripa, Sunday a , * , , pMaa on a two-year de- tag w ill be c o M tn ^ e a « -Tuesday with the last and Friday at toe Rham audl- SCHOOL OF DANCE EQUALS Room; Mary Twari, DebUe yeiopmertal p ro^..v^, «» ^ banking day before toe Christ- torium at 7:80. ______tounedlate constmetto rt a wito ^ m®® vacation on Nov. 19. Bank- The GUead HUl School BuUd- 40 OAK STREFT, MANCHESTBI Bd3im am vl^ ^>far oc- tag wlU resume on Jan. 7 anU tog Committee wiU hold tts reg- Ksepssisq for Itz 15th Year HlattriirBtrr TX '5 S'XL.^ SS. School insurance materials 8 ta the OUead school. “"«»■“

Sttntftts I^Endd HieiUB i^|HS(«c_____ „to designed____ wtto___ m U. Sc^l toe^ewr^e to Manchestwr Evening Herald TAP - BALLET — MODERN JAZZ ______i«a s in ^ floors iuid oth- being issued at a coot of $3 per Hebron correspondent. Mrs. MUbrt Dear Bi 7ciirt« apartment BoUdsre s4 18 wwSd*bave*ito‘^ '^ a e p ^ ^ factore for toe heavy students by Massachusetts Ca- Marjorie Porter, teL 288-9U6. ACROBATIC — BATON TWIRLING tern dad anxlliazy Arid. The equlpm»it which wUl be stored pgstag* FaU at complex wfll he served by a toere. PRE-SCHOOL CLASSES L sjrtem of oommnnlty wril or Tbnlght—‘HONTE IBAISB TH E BBIDOE"—6:00-9:16 .JAZZ FOR TEEN-AGERS p —:------wrils to be located eeroas an Scovill Acquires _____" A T M E FOB K IL U N O ” - 7:60 ■trascBiFnaM Bans old dbt road from the apart- REGULAR SAVINGS Tmrtatt Is Adrane* m fA t untti. The writs wmild Auricord Corp. MANCHESTIR CLASSES FOR BOYS On* Tssr ...... 18880 bave to be opentiflari and toot­ ■ K m center STARTS ed b y the State HeritH______Bepazt- W ATERBURV (A P ) —ScoviU FREE PARKING REAR Of THEATRE WED. T» ^Sare toe start of co7 Manufacturing Co. bou^t e^cUon on toe apartmenU, the Auricord Oorp. of ^ng la- “ W IU > IN TH E S IB E E IS ’’—6:06-9:06 REGISTRATION AT STUDIO The wriHs wm be operated and land City, N .Y. for cash, and maintained by KJngraood, Ubc. The announcement rt toe 40 OAK STREET— MANCHESTER on four acrea of transacUon was made Monday. IF YOU'RE THIRTY. Thirteen teat holes have been Auriewd wUl operate under Its / ».v -, ■ • fji ;.•( ★ u - ■ “Barefoot Is The Psifc" DINO’S Color — Jane Fonda WALK IN . .I,, DRIVE IN or MAIL IN fo any of our 5 OfficesI 'J ALL YOU CAN EAT Evory' Tuasdoy — Wadnasdoy — Tlranday — i C BOLTON LAKE HOTEL J)\ I •oclMnad^^Maotfcqlb^ G

/ s'Fir H, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 PAGE FIVE PAOB FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, .SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 sor Bank and TnisC Co. mate Coventry South Windsor office cn R t 8. Who Exploited The Kids? Scfieo) Mena Agnew: Issue Tester Connecticut The mem for Itmches to be While it is only natural for Americans Fifes Hosts served la the schopls for the re­ (Oenttmied ftsm Page 4) to be disturhed by the maaeive use of Scouts End mlHtanu say, u missing the mainder of the week la a fol­ lilm. And It’s equally clear b oat” lEttnttng l|prttU) force by police, particularly when there Yankee lows: Wednesday, hamburgers are inatances of needless fMce. It is dU- - w ttiat, disclaimers aside, he’s HU biggest chesrs came from PCTUBHBD BY TBB To Visitors Week’s Trip do a roD," rellshM, catsup, Unea like, "the Aitisdean peo­ m R AU > PRIMTINO OO., INC. ^ipointing when public figures who pub- % A .H .O . IVench fried potatoes, tossed best known tor his hard line on The Nathan Hale Ancient The Boy Scouts of Troop ple are not about to restructure IS ill atr—t llriy deplore it ignore the programmed ns green salad with French dress­ cr'mc. Shn d w nr. Ooim. vlcdence, {danned long in advance, that FIfee and Drums, treah frenn a recently returned from a tMs country to make it com­ ‘raoiiAS r. ssRausoR A nattcoat BonvanBon jm b - ing, cake with Ictng, milk; He jokes idioiit his obtourlly. fortable tor the criminal ele^ WJO>Tin R. JTEROUBON preceded it. ' first priae appearance In Oofon- week’s stay at Lake «f Ules. PubUtfMn tiU y taoida saawtlBpg oC Ow Norwich. During the week many Thursday, veal birds wRh to­ "R ’s nice of you to corns out menL" VcMmM Oottiber 1, ISSI ’WKbout question there were hundred oama sBslai for Msssr pdilBesI . lal WtUamitburg over the week­ mato oauee, maohed potatoes, to sse the unknown soldier,'” he Agnew*s role on the ticket al­ of young people in Chicago solely to «f the scouts earned merit PaU U M Sv«r)r Brenlac Except SumUyx oonnMaHoas that a Pasts Mnnr- end, w ill be the host eotpa here badges and completed require­ buttered freeh carrots, short­ tells crowds. ’’Let’s work hard so includes acting as Ughtning MdBoUdayx. Entered at the Poet Office at support the caRdldacy of Senator Eugene ing boMs tor the tiisition wostd. cake srlth topping, breed and to elect lUohard M. Nixon pres­ rod on '\fletnam. From a posi­ g ancfieater, Ooib.. aa Beoood CUxx MaJl McCarthy or to make an orderly protest Sept 21, when more than 20 ments for advancement in rank. In other vwrda, Mtat ira lie- visiting corps Uok off Natiian The following boys reoel'ved butter, mUk; Friday, frosen or­ ident. And vdiUe we’re at it, tion of no comment on foreign against war. But without question there how about electing what’s Ms gesi to MS at Chicago lor tbe Hole Weekend with a parade. merit badges; Ardiery, Kevin ange juice (elementary only) affaire, which he admits U not BDBSCRIPnON RSTBB v^sre also New Left rewdutlonarles ex- name for vice president.” Payable la Advance flnrt ttma may. fii eutae^iiaot Jolnliig the Nathan HUe An- Carney, Jeff Waltt, Jim New­ cheese pixsa, buttered green Ms forte, Agnew has moved In >« Tear ...... HO.00 {letlenced in the arts of using innocent poBtloal seauniM. basMins |i%b CJioir Tryouts beens, fniK and cookie, bread . He told a news conference recent days to stinging crlUrism XoBUta ...... 15J0 persons for provocative purposes and oientti as hosts will be its ad­ berry, Ed Kaeser, Brad Oorson; m!f%% DOC MMw pOSBOBl OOOVKl* and butter, milk. Friday, "as I move around-to of tile Johnson-HUmphrey ad- Tbree XcoUia' they did so. junct group, Khowlton’s Rang­ Set at Church canoeing, Scott Horsfield, Bob One X■oath IS (loiw. ers. Working together with the Froet, Mletek Duzny; .cooUng, various cities and towns I find minUtraUon’a Vietnam pollcUs The Chicago Tribune obtained a di­ ___ XBXBBR OF TM m so M itm to ba de> ;Weekend Oemmlttee, the two lo­ Steven C. Lowry, choirmas­ Kevin Loomis; naturie, Bob bbnelieeter Evening Herald, that the recognition factor haa and presentation of a catalogue THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ary of a leader of the National Mobilisa­ pmtid, at least fimm the stond- cal groups have come up with Froet, and swimming, Jeff Sootii Windsor oorreepoodent, gone up appreciably.” of their mistakes. T te Aaaoclated Preai la exclualvely entlUad tion Committee. The diary outlined the ter of St Mary’s Ejiiscopal ’’I quarrel with the fact that to tte oae of rapohUoatlan of all newa 1 ^ paper and alao the’ local newa pnb- atad listed nearby straets Where rioters years ago by wbat M amed to be tachment from (he Submerlne for the junior ohd senior choirs the man "who has made it to something more sophlatlcat- could run frmn pOMce and deaul-end al­ Five boys have one or two re­ RR rtXita of repdbUoatJoa of apedal dia- inlwIillBHeil end bnsmilliWs pat- Nathan Hale, and the Coventry o f the chmrcfa. clear he w ill not condone dis­ ed than trying to win a geo­ pow iea herein are alao reaervad. reaer leys to avoid. quirements to fulfill before re­ tenia. High Sdiool Band. Informal junior choir tryouts ceiving their merit badges. They Rings Missing order, riots or 'Violence tn the graphic land war in Asia,” he T te Heraid Pifntlns Oanpany Inc., aa- On a page dated A U g ^ 16, notations Use M g fosipvwffosi at Obtoago, The 'weekend o f events is be­ will be held tonight from 8 to 8. are Earle Armstrong and Scott streets of America.” said most recently. — tiea no Hnandal reapanatbOl^ for typo- served as reminders to the ihiUtapt lead­ "We’ve got to rededicate our Craohl^ erron appearlnc la advertlaementa the bbr d^aitura biom tba past, ing held in honor of the Revolu- Due to the stse of tbe junior Horrtield tor rowing, Steve Eng- After No Sale . Reporters at Ms stops repeat- jtX other raadlnc matter In Hu Maaoheater er: WM that the nosntiMtera ot oati- Ucnaiiy War hero, and will also choir, membership will be lim­ mon for lifesaving, Mletek Duz­ eaign opening was nekher the exbortation for law and order. ly (he go(xl and the bad in every Leadership responslbUtty this concentrated on the argument that the are the New L eft’s point of departure. In Chicago that they seek a re- the kiwwn reality. Deep River Tories, Action Min­ 18-year

- Senloe Corps, the FiainvlUe Fifes appearance. politicians like Nixon’s ap­ much, much easier for ail of ue in tiia recent appearances. Speaidng be­ calculated insult. The attack on the Pen­ vntive of tile V!g industital retoming to law-and-order ora­ fldenoe and identify Ms nosninee and Drums, MUodua Flfea end Two motorcyclists, Dennis J. states, Brooke was prominently proach. Ttwo conservative can­ tory and baiting Ramsey Clark. to take (tie easy way, to do fore B’nai B’rith at a Washington con­ tagon was therefore a bust. for R by name. Drums and OUOfard Ancient -Neumac o f U5 Bycumore Lsuie ALL WAYS BEST displayed in both Chicago and didates for office in IlUnols — 1 9 « PnhUaliers-Hall Syndloate that which we ought not to do, and Walter J. Barelsa of 8i vention, Nbeon restricted himself to m p- The New Lrit planned in October to Tbe new style oratory waait- MaxlneM. San Francisoo. Bi a statevride and to leave undone that which Bees aH such suspessM. It drops Also, Capt Buxton Fifes and Wedgewood Dr., both 28, ‘were port for sending arms to Isn ^ to give reduce a noble university to helpless­ televised program from Chica­ we ought to do. To buUd a crea­ s the vital name earty, ae M ft Drums from Uxbridge, Maas., charged with disobeying a No ENDS IN FOUR DAYS! ness by kidnapping the dean, occiqiying it mHiiary superiority agatsri Its Arab go, Nixon introduced Brooke as tive, optimistic life absolutely U TXirn sign on Main St. ^ 9:20 the president’s office and using it like a were scene Idsid o f wet blanket. and Nayoug Fifes and Drums CANDIK8 tmamiaa as a means of maintaining "one of niy top advisers’’ requires a source of dlsclidine Having tdimtUMd its cundldato, and Stony Creek Flies and pan. yesterday. gtability in the lOd-east and thwarting pig sty, occupying libraries and other (though they had scarcely and inspiration quite outside buildings, wrecking furniture to build It has to try to desertbe wltot Drums. Parade marshal will be Botii men wiU egipCar in court TW O HIGH BENEFIT PLANS FOB NEW BLUE CROSS MEMBERS I Oommunlst ambitions tiiere. known each other three weeks ourselves. he baa actually dosie, not w b a t. Rajnnaoqd Fender. Sept. 23. barricades and starting fires in buUd- Agnew; Issue Tester It is the reeqxxistblllty of per­ Speaking before the same gnxqi Rum- ago).. sosne Ideal "m an who” mtgbt be ings. ThU was an enormous sucew. It mits to be this source during phrey made essentially the same ap­ Richard Nixon seldom does tmagkied to be oepaUe oC do- finally provoked the university authori­ By BIOHABO HOMAN their children’s growing years. \\ anything without Intense calcu­ tinn "or go off tangentleUy on isig. And, Having gtoen away its peal, but not as the sole or even major ties into calling the police. There were The Washingtoa Poet j«xir own approach.” But the experts have done so D P - 2 5 D P - 3 0 lation and bringing Brooke along own ending. It bos to tty to oon- point o f his speech. taunts and physical assaults on poUefe. WASHmOTON — m his first And it was Agnew who, in a much analyzing, diagnoaing, R was in thU that Humphrey Some of the revolutionaries were injured. was no Impetuous fUng. Rather, tttve some new way of getting e 70 days of coverage for each admission to a General Hospital.* • 70 days of coverage for each admission to a General Hospital.* It was a subtle signal that Nixon major campaign swing last voice as dose as be evM* comes labeling and presertbing that hmnehed his c a m p a ^ and probahiy The TV cameras duly reported the de­ week, Spiro T. Agnew worked to a shout, fearlessly invoked more and more bewildered and off (he stage. nunciations o f police brutality. . . is not competing with George So ter, the most euooMeft* • (Credit o f $25 per day toward hospital room charges. • C^redit o f $30 per day toward hospital room charges. made clear Ue plan of attack — to Wallace for the extremist law- - hard at his new role o f issue- the controversial name of J. Ed­ uneasy parents have abdicated You don’ t The New Left also planned and exe­ tester and sentiment-sounder for gar Hoover, to tell a suburban this responsibiltty. imacttttnsier of the new tech­ link Nixon with WaBace as an explotter and-over vote and wants to de­ • Full -coverage, regardless o f cost, o f Special Services provided • Full coverage, regardless o f cost, o f Special Services provided cuted the provocations in Chicago 4dth the GQP ticket, and he clearly New Jersey aikHence, "H e’s a It la time we took it back. nique at CMoago aeenied to be of the reactionary psychology of a aeg- velop Negro contacts. and billed by hospital (such as drugs, operating room, labora­ the avowed intent of exporting chaos enjoyed tt. great Ameriban, J. Eidgar Hoo­ It is time both'the church and Benatoc lUMoott, who, by and billed by hospital (such as drugs, operating room, labora­ mott of American society. He did so Actually, Nixon and his aides into Qiat city and preventing a majin' While Rldiard M. Nixon de­ ver, and I ’m p iW l to cell him the school tried to infiise their ithrosring away hte speech, man­ tory services and many more). tory services and many more). without Buggeg^ng that Nixon, himself, privatriy dismiss much chance party from conducting a national conven- clared a number of hplcs per- a great man.” programs.with a xwsttive move­ aged to r e v ^ M i secret and have to of cutting into the Negro vote is a Tiettm of that psychology. tio a 8e younger, mili­ Bi language oom plririy modem, but It was In the executiem of this plot that Abe Fortas nomination, Ctoca- him to Wisconsin, Iowa, Penn­ parents. Periiaps it is time the time. held membership for eight months. In addition, Blue Cross held membership for eight months. In addition, Blue Cross tant blacks will not vote for wltb some vaguely ahakespearian echos, the ’’passives’’ were used by the ’’mlU- go disorders — Agnew grabbed sylvania, New York and New experts emphasized to teen-ag- provides full coverage for sick newborn care from birth. provides full coverage for sick newborn care from birth. he said, "H y Republican opponent Is no Vice President Humphrey, eith­ at them, volunteered his Jersey in bis newly-chartered tants” as pawns In the confremtations in er) . 'What concern them is the need for them to try to borrow raciat. He is a fair and just man. But and outside the Hilton Hotel. It was the (pinions on tiiem to crowds and Jet liner, Agnew showed an un­ understand their parents. Credit o f $25 per day for up to 30 days o f care in a General • Credit o f $30 per day for up to 30 days o f care in a General establishing enough rapport with newsmen and turned them this be and the ReptMlcan peuty have pbosen milAants who tore down the Stars and expected zest for mixing It.with The Rev. R. E. Haldeman H erald Hospital for nervous-mental disorders or care in a Specialty Hpspital for nervous-mental disorders or care in a Specialty Negroes so that Nixon, as Pre­ way and that in a wordy sea of the peoi^e. this year to jrin forces with ^ most Stripes from a pubiic park flagpole and at. M ary’s Episcopal Church Hospital. , ' . ■ Hospital. raised the flag of the 'Viet Oong. It was sident, would be able to goveAi. humor, sarcasm and Indigna­ In Oshkosh, Wls., he cheer­ Yesterdays • reactionary elements la American so­ TItls opneern, in turn, reflects tion. the miUtanU who led the mobs in call­ fully lugged a 15 pound gift of all o f our • Full coverage for hospital emergency room care for accidents - • Full coverage for hospital emergency room care for accidents ciety.” ing the police "p igs" in chants and per­ tbe supreme confidence in the Under the 1968 GOP campaign lo c ^ y n)€ule provdone cheese Nixon camp. Confident tha^ he 25 Yeara Ago or serious and sudden illness when you receive treatment with­ or serious and sudden illness when you receive treatment with­ Tfaus Humphrey has fsaned the riial- sonal address, who threw bricks, and format, Nixon — fighting the from a makeshift speakers’ Today in History lenge by attemtping ip ' torep Ntxon into spiked mUsllas at policemen, wounding can win comfortably in Novem­ tricky Dick label —. is cast as a stand on a flatbed truck. In An Army fighter plane craahee in 72 hours. in 72 hours. ber without biting into the Wal- Today Is Tuesday, Sept. 10, the position of actfFely wooing the til- 93 o f them, turned orderly demonstra­ reflective statesman and Agnew Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he serene­ near Lake St. aa pilot balls out *Rtadmlssion to any hospitsU within 60 ' laoe vote, Nixon is worried ttut the 25tth day o f 1968. There are •Rsadmlss/on to tmy hospital within 60 tra-oanservaUve vote and thus loosing tions into viedent disorder and manipulat­ as Iris scrappy sidekick. ly surveyed a. pen o f otnMng, and lands uninjured. - days foUowlng datt of dlschariT Is con^ days following data of discharga is con- constant evocation of the law- 112 days left in the year. aiqipiKt of rnpderate'Reputdlcans and ed the blocking of public streets and the It was Ted Agnew, not Dick rooting hogs and accepted an Chamber of Commerce mem­ sidsrt'i tha utma admission. siderad tha sama stdmisslon. and-order Issue in the fell cam­ Nixon, who suggested that Xuan independents or actively aeeklng the seizure of the Hilton lobby, headquarters ear o f com from the farmer. Today’s Highlight In History bers and local businessmen $7,923,647 paign could fan revolt in the Tliuy, ^diief North Vietnamese unite efforts hi paper salvage more moderate vote fuid time antagonis- of the candidates. In Paramus, N.J., he i^t^ed On this date in 1818, an Amer- ghetto during the Nixon Presi- nego^tor at the Paris Peace into a dining room full of spa­ losn naval force wider Oapt. drive, aa situation here is des­ aiba. 93.60 ing the ultras, driving more of them to We can understand the great and good dericy. talks "mind your own apjAes Quarterly Membership Dues For-DP-25 Quarterly Membership Dues For DP-30 men who lamented the injury of innocent ghetti eaters and shook hands O liver H. P e n y defeated the perate. ^ MANY ASSORTMENTS Wallace. Thus, Nixon is making sev­ over there in North Vietnam” and waved as they knocked British in the Battle of Lake Iti(lividual ...... flo far Nixon ~iws avoided the appear­ . persons In the over-reactions of the and keep his nose out o f Am­ TO GIVE AND ENJOY Individual ...... $24.90 $27.90 taunted police. eral private contacts with the over tables and chairs to move Ehte in the W ar of 1612. 10 Yeara Ag6 (Monthly rate is $9.30) ance of being firmly committed to eith­ erican politics. near him. I ,ikc a I O r a few ■ (Monthly rate Is $8.30) Negro community — Inriuding On This Date < er. PreaumaUy be needs the aiqiport of But we are sorry, fm* those great and It was Agnew who said that He managed, however, to Lee PaUno 'and Mra. Joseph tluui .aiul I lie point is that it's here. one effort -by Dr. Glenn Olds, In 1608, John Smith was elect­ LENOX. Family ...... i... $52.80 both, and bis political success depends good men whose myopia sealed their who left tte State University of any criticism in the Fortas af; maintain hts reserve, his even- WaUett are elected aa command­ Family ...... $48.30 Ups entirely concerning the deliberate ed governor of the Jamestown R e a d s li' lie h o r r im e d . (Monthly rate Is $17.60) im his not being hired into Humpimy'e New York to join Nixon’s staff. fa ir should be directed not a't toned voice and hla immaculate er and president respectively, PHARMACY (Monthly rate is $16.10) exportation of violence to the city of President Johnson, who made Oolony in 'Vttglnla. ot the American Legion and tnm. Last Friday night, for instance. grooming. Reporters noted that, f-* r* » -W*- THE CD N N rCTICUT BANK Chicago by the New Left. the appointment, but at ’ Chief In 1770, 6,000 Canadians were American Legion Auxiliary. But Humphrey has gained something OWs met privately with two pro­ at a gusty airport apeobb in C J t AND TRUST COMPANY m E. CBNXEB-BT. Who betrayed and exploited the in­ minent Negroes: New York Justice Earl Wprren for putting Oshkosh, everyone’s hair Wew banished from Nova Scotia. of an initiative in his opening attack on In 1816, Ellas Howe o f Spen­ FULL SPECIAL SERVICES C0V£RAGE REGARDLESS OF COST i r NO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OR HEALTH RESTRICTION nocent ’ ’Uds,’ ’ Mayor Daley’s priice and lawyer J ^ es Pierce and Sam­ the OOP in an "uncomfortable” but Agnew’s, and that his were Nixoo, and it remaiaB to be aeen wheth­ cer, Maas., received a patent on Governor Sbairiro’s national guardsmen, uel Jackson, form er member of ixMitton by his "precipitate” re­ the only ypotless shoes after the Quotaftions er Nixon can continue bis polite cam­ o r those who exported well programmed President Johnsop’s Equal Op­ signation. trip to the muddy lowa'pigpen. his aewlng machine. You get out aa early aa you paign, lea v^ the sniping to Us run­ vtolenee into the convention city, the portunity Oonunisslon. It was AgneW' who flung a - It is already clear that Ag­ In 1898, Empress Elizabeth of can and you don’t go back imtil ning mate, Spiro T. Agnew. The image Ndw Left? (diallenge at Hubert H. Hum- new is no longer the unknown Austria-Hungary waa aaaaasl- you have to. OPEN ENROLLMENT ENDS SEPTEM BERjiSth^ But more important than friirey to teU' Americans wheth­ nated by an anarchlat in Geneva. of Nixon as a reflective statesmen is And why were these great and good backstage contacts is the front he Was when Nixon selectod —A Harlem resident, on the From men silent about IhSt?- 'Why are they er he Intends to run on the rec­ In 1907, the British oedony of GUARANTEED Blue Cross membership is now open to Connecticut resi­ DP-30 provide realist coverage to meet the costs o f health a good one for the OOP, but Us cam­ stage appearance of Brooke In heat In the tenements on hot ord #.* covf'ragn ch .icjni’tf industries whldi are sure tiiey ^ e pio- Nelson Rockefeller. Bald the Chicago Tribune: (^IIW Chicago Dally Newa ONE DAY m< inl)* rs only pM’snnlly ♦■nto)l''d in Bluf* Cross to su p p h ’im-nt Mnchcarc bcnffits for Connecticut r* .iefents ducts the public can’t possibly do with­ Neither man had known the "The voices on the loudspeakers in on (I noi> f|> iup dif t‘f t • Dfiy lidM-. will hcivi’ rin opportunity 65 yncus of (icjf ancf oldt*r Blue Cross 65 c^ucirterly efues o u t 1 tile parks were these of Tom Hayden, other well before that luncheon, OMLY and both were impressed. Nixon li. incMd'.; •;ovi f(iyr wIh’m tJu’y M’Ci’iVf tfvii next t|uortt‘rly Individual $11 85 Husband and Wife $23 70 Wbsn the nation’s biggest n^ufactur- a founder o f the radical Students for a UM Brooke that be waa not ar of boar bottles ralseo its price, it Democratic Society who reduced Oolum- A new and unique concept In vol­ need not fear that Americans will ever Ma to a shambles last spring; ot David turning bis back on the Negro but would campaign in the ghet­ ume wig selling allows us to bring pimrs able to do without tha prodnet Dellinger, self-styled non-Soviet Oom­ you complete line of luxurious to. Brooke left convinced that a MEM6ERSHIP APPLICATIONi PIm m anroll nw at a mambar in Connacticut Blua Crcu In aceordanca in gneoKon. munlst who organized the march oti the feather-weight wigs, direct from Pentagon last October, and of Jerry Ru­ Nixon waa cultivating tbe with tarmi and condilloni ipaclflfd in tha RULES AND REGULATIONS. I undaratand luch opplkation will Psckagiiv, in bottieo and ptherwise, the Importer for the Amazingly CHECK ONE bin, head ot the Youth International Par­ backlash. The Invitation for not bf aflactlva until tha dota of tha Cartlflcota of AAambanhip Agraamant lituad to ma. has bboome the key eaaential to the Brooke to accompany Nixon’s Low Cost of only 929.95. Comnare fUnettoning of twentieth century Ameri- ty. These revcdutionarles came to Obl- ON LY cago wltb a design of dUrtfoUng the tour came soon after. them with wigs priced os much as Talaphona Numbar OAa ^ Democratic Oonventton and taking over All this does not suggert full 5 times higher. NAME. Wo frequanfiy spend more for the oon- agreement on issues. Brooke I (FRINT) First Nttm* (PRINT) Miridls Initkil DP-25 □ the streets. SELECT FROM 75 COLORS sahMn- thsn for whst is inside it waa disappointed that Ntxon, "The bearded, dirty, lawless rabUe ON DISPLAY Take packaging away from us, and we that foliowed them every sort of while In Ohlcagp, did not indict ADDRESS. DP-30 □ police brutality at the Demo­ Palls and WIglata at Similar Low Cosis ttr—t and No. City ond Slalo Zip Coda would starve to death, not for ^ lack of provocation against the pidloe, vUe BC-65 □ food, or for lack of raw malsrials, or taunts, lye solutions, bricks and nibble. cratic Nation^ Oonventlott (In­ stead, he straddled the Issue). Birth Single Cj] Widowad □ lor lack of manufacturing or proceaslng They blocked street intersections, die- PRESENTING- M ala (fOR NiW MIMNRS nqpted traffic cn Mlriiigan Avenue i and Nor did Brooke agree with Nix­ Data Morrlad □ Dhrorcad □ O V IR AS) CONNECTICUT power, but tor lack of a means to get Month Yoor tried to charge Into hotols." on’s attack on Supreme Court Mr. ' r the particular product to the home of BLUE CROSS Do the greri and good meiv who told criminal case decislona and re­ ANTHONY LIST BELOWt HuAband or wlf« and all UNMARRIED CHILDREN UNDER 19 YEARS of og* to; bo Indudod undor your mombonhlpt ths oonsui^er. only one side of the story, a ffro v e of fusal to Buiport Abe Fortas for^ PEOORA lirth Dota Some day, perhaps, wa woUd fescue these tactics, which Stoughton Lynd, the Chief JtiaUce during last Nstionally known iMWielns by re-inventing the barrel. New Left ptol« iliowing ot our lineet i F U N 0 « MOTEL 2, Doughtor □ 4. ' 1 Doughtar □ ‘ iha otbsr day, by five majqr pcoduoars givkig only one side of this ug^y story, position OR law and order. Al- ______w ip and heirpiecei PLACE... t r Stveel thougb tbe -backlash Is interoe of oorrugated oardboard boxee. Next partioulariy on Wednesday Right, might and will sniwer your queilioni and wish a sottriactoiy explanatioo of why In lUinols, Nlxqn declarsd In Bis advlM you on the wearing, styling and tbaiw wW be the paper bag makom, CODE No. 19’^ Sign Harai. .D a la i. I these worthies told only the second half Chicago telecaW tbaL"law and eiri,g ot your wig ifeO of charge. Aik for Mr. Pecora qaahkg in cn tbelr own Ikacier produoto I o f it, Um> effect, not the cause. order... Is a code word for,' your application today to , INSTANT OeUVHY — NO WAITING—'lAY-AWAY 4 C.O.D. AVAIIAII* — IANKAMEWCA8D ACCEFTIO Sand CONNICTICUT BIUI CROSS, P.O. BOX 194T NIW HAVIN, CONNICTICUT MS09 MMy, Iho plaatio bag makata, and the ' Aa people ex;^cted to tell us on en­ beudcally, racism " and that Plaaaa do not tand poymant with oppHcotlon. ______■______pnMwe oan makers, all of whom also tire story, dMn’t they know bow to get * ^ w and order must be com­ WEIUEN OUAIANTEE lY THE WOl'tO OF 4EAUTY, INC. WITH EVEEY FUECHASE ham all o f ue at ttaair maroy. It? r-AN0ONZA EVENING SENTINEL bined with justice.’’ C O T Y m VACATJcf^ m fff, YOi)


B o lto n C oim n bia S t a r , g a ^ e r t * ^ •By CLAY R. POLLAN- ARKS AMERICAN ~ Documentary hy Miss Clarke MAR. 22 Yoor Doily Activity Guido W, Schedjule for Student Tests .APIL 20 ’’ According fo Iho Start. ’’ 0(p'. 23 CHIAMIC TILE S 4-21-3(M4 To develop-message for Wednesday, 23J7-t6-58^ Listed hy Guidance Office On Amish Slated Tonight ^47-^74 read words corresponding to numbers 59-72.80S9K. TAunn o f your Zodiac birth sign. Plain People,” a docu- Batea has named Mrs. Joseph The guidance ottloe has an- Junlora am urged to take this APR. 2t 1 Finol 31 ■DirilU 61 Friends nounoed the following BMlMdtda test, as pnaotioe for OoHege Perfeef Qualify m^itarvoitheUfeoltheAmlah Armstron* ^ MAY J1 2 New 32 Friend 62 Necessitate 7' ^ . Nuhfer to the Resource Oo*n- 3 Bubbling 33 Wrapped 63 And of teste for students ki the Bof- Board (Hheoma end am asked to \ 7. 8.38-39 64 Harmony and MemtnMe peoples, will be mlttee of the B2nd Assembly >'64-<8A1-8f 4 Lock 34 Up ton schoeds. mgtebeir bnm edM ely fei the REG. 79c Sq. Ft 5 Heort 35 Possible 65 Prospects The SchoIasUc Aptitude Test high school otnee. Them te a $1 held at the 'Riiland Agricultural D istrict OfMMI 6 Agreements 3d Up 66 Eligible UOITTARIUS 67 May Outer In Venwn at 8 p.m. to- The group, concerned with 7 Follow 37 Your NOV. 23 / | oC the College Board Exams fee. 8 Golden 38 Rule 68 In wW be administered at (he high The Metropolitan Reading niglil. legislation affecting each of four JUNEM 9 No 39 For 69Whot’s DEC 22 NOW 42c Sq. H . 70 Quietly school on the morning of Batur- Readlneas TM; w tl be admki- Idas Lois Clarke of Oolumbta towns in the district, met re­ ^-\42-43-S5-39 lOGood 40 Or 2- 5-22-35^ cently at the home of Jadt 11 You 41 And 71 Sociot 50-52-66 ^ day, Nov. 2, a month earlier tetered to chOdren in Mndeigar- and Mias Ros^ MoNish of ^«1-7&S3-9C 12 News 42 Aid 72 Going WethentMd, members of the Paonessa, candidate for state CANCR 13 Con 43 May 7 3 Appeor CAPMCORN (han usual. All seniors planning ten end Orade 1 Sapt. IT. representative from the district. 14 Help 44 Confidence 74 Chonges DEC. 23 on an education beyond high The Iowa Teste of Baste Skills ObMter Oak Slide Assodaiiaii, 45 Or 75 Due 15 Be JAN. 20 FLOOR COVERING were e a d i awarded a PSA Ckild O’Neal Night Tickets ^ JULY 23 16An 46 Eyes 76 Invites school am advised to take the will be administered to pupBs in Medal for the second place Oolumbia's quota for tickets 17 Matter 47 May 77 Things 1- 6-13-1S test at (tds time so that od- Orade 7 and 8 on (he momlngB V-" to the Wmiam O'Neal night to 18 Collections 48 Someone 78 Get 33-36-S4 leges wtH receive sooms a of Oot 10-18, and to children in award in the iOtn PSA Photo- j^CTA5-79-87 19 Elderly 49 Tough 79 Look OUTLET eaaay contest for the documen­ be held Saturday are nearly 20 Oldtime 50 If 80 On AQUAMUS month sooner than in (he past Orades 3.0. on (he-momkigp of liO 51 Relative 81 Yoor tary. MJsb CUrke attended the sold out, according to Paul Mer- 5 JULY 24 21 Of JAN. 21 Kelly Rood— Vernon 22 Interest 52 You're 82 Don't The AeWevement Teste of (he 21-R- ^ M«7 Seattle oonvenUon to re- rick DemocraUc town chalr- 83 And FEB.' 19 AU& 23 23 Open 53 Hormony Ootlege Boards wW be given at ^ Danang DKEOnONSt Rente 84 cast, to Exit 95. Proceed around oelve the awards in person. man. A few tickets are avall- 24 Romontic 54 Successfully 84 Argue 14-16-19-281 P)2(W2-iQ-51 85 On M aSiester High fiohooi on (he The pubkc is invited to at- eWe from either Merrick or 25 How 55 Come drole to Goodyear BuUdlBg. Ne«t to Ow Ihm i Shop. . 26 Pick 56 Confined 86 StotlOnshlpy ^ '^ ^ afternoon of Saturday, Deo. 7. ^ J .^ e r, 21, ^ D o^d P. James Carey, general chair- vaoo 27 Attroct 57 Money 87 Brighter mets The Pmltminary SoholasUc Si^er, 20, sona of Ifc'. Mw. VSEB 28 Person 58 To 88 Scer>o FEB., 2 0 ® Flremen Place Flrtt man. 89 Neorby Aptitude Test win be admlnls- Sauer of Rd.. E etn C A T E S 87M»73 29 Love 59 From ____ have played an Important role 647-1427 The local VolwJteer Fire De- Dandng is from 9 p.m. to 1 30 Self- 60.Are 90 Secretly MAR. 21 Z TMu*tni»ie muster team placed a.m. at the Moose Hall in Marl- 9/11 9-17-25-49/ *« thO cfistruotlon addl- 3-10-12-21 and sele^ sen^ « ^ g ^ ^ Hospital borough with musio supplied by cS'31-60-75 Good @ Averse ^N cut^ 77-78^j4(^ M in a trt-state muster com------Saturday momkig, Oot 38. All ^uaaajig. petiiUon at Quaddlok State Park the Jack-Tones from East Sunday in Hiompun. Hampton. As mMnbers of MobUe Con­ In addition to Columbia and Church Panel Named struction Battalion 08 they have ■PoiJajid, ropresantlng Oonneci- Oongregational Cihurch mem­ V ennon Helped construOt a virology cUn- Icut, there were two teams from bers who are having second lo for cMitroI research and a 8 out of 10 homes MBsaadnisetts and three from thoi«hU of the proposed renova­ xoonosls bidldlng lOr animal re­ Rhode Isdand. tion of the church sanctuary search. M rs. Adaiins is The local team took firtt have named a five-member Schools to Use Automation With these and other projects oommlttee to reccnalder the nearing completion, the officers hove a cold room I In two events, one second Price Is |B,0M board voted to pay the entire ahd one third place giving proposal. Neiw budget procedures and and men of the baCtEdlon will IS YOURS ONE OP THE 8?ft? but there’s anotter lead in t h e f w oom - CSialpman to Warren...______Soam- procedures of control to be in- The keypunch machine, Brls- cost, to keep the machine a t ______soon begin preparattons for the fc»* paissbook them men and other members are gututed in the school system son pointed out, is a 1)^9 return to the U.B. the kx»l Howard Bates, Stewart Tibblts, explained to the Board of of data processing. All in-put but make It available for uM hy BnOdlng Permits Axthur and members PhUip Isham and Mns. Marion Evjucation last night by CSiarles for further processing of data the town. CerUfleates of registration is­ Worm sp that kind of statement muster cap Huributt. Brlsson, the system’s first busl- must be punched on to cards Control on OaaoUne sued by the xonhig agent from The meeting rescinded a pre- j,ggg manager. with this machine, be said. Brlsson pointed out that the the first of July to date: kOchael vtoiK -vote proi»sing (he dlml- Making his first report to the The purchase'price of the madUne does an excellent Job Spetrtail, R iga L a., swimming hard4o-hoirt raon pod, $1,200; UftRConst. Co., six- f o r l X a L n e . rty, Fred Davis. Kevin ,yman, nation o f the archway In the )x>ard, Brlsson stated his Inten- machine is $0,000, Brlsson not- o f printing letter heads, choir loft and asked the new Unidement a planned ed. He said at a later date a brochures and such. Cltlrg the room raised ranch, Hebron Rd., willi the MW and James Purvis. «■#>«*#»e$i GOP Tooth Bally committee to present plans by program of automating certain sorting machine will definitely advantages of the machine, $18,000; John Andrydiowskl, -n. It^W can Town Oom- Oot.' 4 leaving the archway student accounting records and i)e required. These rent for Brlsson said it wUl definitely five-room ranch, Birch Mt Ext, CHIiL CHAfIR wm soMisor a rally for open. requested the board to lease a about $46 a month. lower printing costs caUIng at- $12,000; Haxel Furlong, Meadow YouM Repub- Holy Name Meeting keypunch machine. “We feel we will not require tention to the fact toat some Rd., greenhouse, $880; James BY IRON NRIMAN / ^ n s ^ Yeomans HaU Wednes- St Ootaimba’s Holy Name So- board approved the re- any additional hardware to in- ^,400 was expended for print- Geer, Gaylord Rd., addlUm and THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW DE­ dav af 8 pjn meeting Sept, quest, after Brlsson explained troduce data processing to the big during last year. He also patio, $5,000; Lawroice Flano, VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT­ Charles W e^ of Manchester, jilieglnnlng'wKhaTa.m. Maas, jjg advantages, with the pro- Vernon schools." Brlsson said, said the costs of stqjplies would apaoWwt complex containing C h ad crim a ING will keep your cold or chilly room '■ X state of the TGOP, followed by breakfast in the that he ask If the $60 a He explained that within the be lowered. 8$ imits, six one-story bufidlngs, oth/aafOQa$t wann and cozyj with filtered, dreolat- Peter Jr., Grotoi, re- <*urcb hall at 8 and then a butt- ^a^th rental charges could be next few years the feaslbnity of Another step to financial con- BaxtU Rd., $186,000; Sam JeweU, V (hwhlM WUftt wm ilr. Ini, therm orUtlctUy controlled beat. cruUment chairman for toe ness meeting. applied to the purchase price Jf a regional data procesttng een- trols was explained to the tx>ard Hebron Rd., patio, $125; George V tejl M wikr Operatbu coit up to 75% k a than It’s called Statement Savings. YOOP and Richard Dempsey, The giwq> is makbig Pfr » ” the board decides to buy it. ter will become more realistic Brlsson said the school Caponlgro, Llynwood Dr., addl- other add^n heaten. Heat* cold bath* Beoend District chairman, win go to the Immaculata R etiw Briaaon explained that the with state leadership. system wlU now get the gas for tiofi, $500, and Cail torentxen, VJjJJfSJlittiwte room, encloted p < ^ , attic room, or Statement Savings is an alternative to the ■MnMoiVf* that needi extra heat tmif. ^aak on TR club# and House In WHlmantlc Sept. 28. would be necessary to Brlsson continued, "At fiiiat all of its vtttlolea from the town abt-room ranch, Tinker Fond V M t-M HSau m mU w W|t any ipaoe that 1 ' ‘ DEMONfTRATION. comj^ete automatlaa of etudent time we will be prepared for pump and the town will be re- H withdrawals at any Hartford vlMe Rotailana yesterday what gj Oobbt and uncertainty all nto to be held Saturday at 8 ^ - he termed a ‘*nsw and eqult- young nun must now face." j trtbuted rooelvtag report# to aU ry*a Gian from 1 to B p.m., to •ohool offices. These forma are wMdi tha public 1# invited. National office. able drafL” . "it oould also end such prob- V e m o n ings to be made out for partial de------K May oentsods that under e uma euoh aa thnaa faced by M draft syttem, dlacretlonaiy ^ estimated 176,000 graduate llverlee againat purObaae order# Advertt#ement— Each statement you receive pewere ttmuld be left to the gtudsnta whom experts claim and «ent to the central office. Belton leeeona given my / Brieeon ejcpialned that the home. Small olaase#. 348- BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER will show every deposit and Preeideat “to defer those per- ^ ^ ^Us McCusker Rebuffs acna whoee studies or occi^- because of the draft,” May purpose of theee forms Is to 7034. ^ . withdrawal, the amount of interest ttons he'bttleve# to be In the gj, Rotarlani. verify that the items on every / invoice processed for payment Manchester Evening Herald netinnal (ntereot.” Newa of Bervloemen Panel Appointment / IC your savings have earned and the May charged that the preeent. airman l.C. Gregory A. Lath- have been accounted for by re­ Bolton oorrevondent, Oerne- iC ': sponsible school employes. wen Toong, t d . MS-SMl. ' current balance of your account at the aetootlve a ertice^ Byttem . 1. In- . ______Arthur___ Former Democratic Mayor y * equltaUe In ■ttut It does ^ h . Latbrop Jr. of 41 Dafley (Hr., Thomas McCusker, now a mem- MoOiekor questioned where | « f l time of the statement. Of course, if you treat afi young ^ertcaM ^ recenUy graduated from a UJ9. ber of the Board of Repreeenta- «** la now when, he P game. He pointed out that the ^ technical echool at Uvee, has Informed RepuWlcin «*»« Republican mayor WED.. THUIIS.. FM. ond SAT. still wish to keep your passbook, we’ll lottery eystem aa propoeed by jjj„ He la a Mayor John Grant he will not repeatedly n^ecte his duttes or many, Slio tresta mm unequal- gf RockvlUe High accept appointment to a com- attempta to thrust his axlminla- (SEfrlwmbM' 11i 12, l 3,aiid 14) V update it for you. ly by slowing tbose with m eau ggbool. Hla wife, EiUsabeth, Is mlttee to aolve (he rubbish (Bs- tratlvo dutiee onto others. EXPERT s m ^ ^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. voeal problem. McCusker, who was appolnt- So if you already have any of the x Amerloo Oalo of Crystal Lake McCuakor said (he mayor ed to (he board several monttis WHEEL ALIGNBIENT—WHEEL BALANONO 10 DALLON y IW- '•*®**^ P*"*" cimference ago to repteca Richard McCar- COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE IX different Hartford National savings plans Army Pvt. Lester R. KemWe that he had aome very definite thy who resigned, noted he has RADIATOR REPAIRING AND SERVICE SlaittlEii SM (4% regular savings; 5% Preferred Passbook Jr. whose parents Uve'at 8 *deaa for the solution of rub- and wlH continue to ooopemte IWE m i St., recently completed «ah disposal for commercial with Mayor Grant "However, savings; Automatic Check Savings), ask to adv^ed Infantry tralnSg at “«««. «eas he would discuss I have notified (be MAyor I wlU X h ^ tbi? t^ !«' McClellan. Ala. He i. a 1988 with the board. not serve on a oommittee to do CURKE MOTM s u e s AQUAMUM have it converted to Statement Savings. If you t^W ^lottory attoeage ____ _ Rockville______High The statement waa prompted work '(bait la bia atone. He has BT. Md 85. BOLTON~648.9S21 jo ich o rf. His wUe T.inA« U verjit ^ the fact that the town had the time And the staff paid tor 6 haven’t got a Hartford National savings account, ? ^^e^dtt^m t 88 Vernon______C ent^^S!__ tot® close ‘Mlvce to do his work.;’ dedication to excellenceTn modern education. fnore people are enrolled in back to when hg was Tot. <$$•) T4I-MM .A’ ' community programs at the Mayor, McOuaker recalled that SHADES schools than children attending asked board memban to Located in South Covbntry on thirty-one acres of Madt fo Ordor the eclKxris during the d a ^ . I T * * ^ * ® conunRtoes to bring to Central Connecticut fields and forests, Coventry ' lU YI^L PET OERBIU David Odegard, member of Mayor’s attention any faulta Day School for presc^hqol to eighth grade students Brttag fittr Md rollers k t a m the Board of Directors, said in- to various deportmeota, ' Jfocommwuhd by kedhif pet fandww, — the gafot, aave H o per ehsin. terest Is strong In such a pro- aa public works and police, is really a modern lyceum. Siiy:e 1939 its elMUM0t„ most odoriass pet a child can owni A gram In Manchester. He sat In hotod at that time he waa environment. . . its blending of fundamental and L JOHNSON on the film showing. told by Republican Board mem- baml of fun for the whole fomlly. I I ' L Tbe board's meeting ended bar Thomas 4Parruthen that modern education principles . , . has made for PAINT 00. weU post 11 p.m ., allowing n o . thOM dutUs were administrative ■ a stimulatinjg'learning atmosphere for hundreds Reg. 92.99. MMR I 7S8 IIAINST. time to tormaUy diecues the and bttonged to the mayor of students. *1.88 community school concept. atone. ) I , , . ' 1

•4. A'l- itK'.im-. / IdtiOB XIQBT MANCHESTER EVENlNiO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, •SBftTM BBR 10, 1068 Section Two TUBapAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 lEWtlltlJ TUESDAY, MJPTEMBER 10, 1968 Pages 9 to 16 V e m o i i , ford, ond ICn. K o f Om r o of nl|Jit at tha Prlnoo o f Paa4M V e m o n South Windsor CSilcaso, m .i and nine grand* Ltillioran CShureh. TTie Rev, Obituary ehlldreh.UlOrSH. .- ' WlUlatnTTIUIMII Wllkeni, TTdmwii»i paator, o(- W • B Jimwr Women Club PUing Water Firm CofC Names Bernard Crowl, 1 2 U i (S r e n lt Busing Suggested to Ease W. P . Quiah Funeral Home, » ManohertOr. Cburt Cases Main Bt., Mancheater, with a were Leonard Hoi- ‘Mini-Ball’ Saturday Night Assailed at Retired Diplomat, Director N Overcrowding at Keeney aolemn high Maea of requiem at m^n, W lU l^ B o ^ 1^. Maurlce’e CJhurch at 10. Ifolmseit, Gilbert Holmeen, R. Bernard Cnwl’, a retired merdal attache at The H^jpie. // aohool systam by dividing tham- An Informal "Mlnl-BaU” will tea tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Crowl was bom in Brooklyn, MANcraumiB gBgsnnr Aastetattt Supt. Ronald P. Igett, 70 Burial w ill be In St. Jamee* John Donahue, and Robert h ru uw W salvas Into nart olossroome of be held for membem and guests parish center on R t SO. AU le­ PUC Hearing ^ „?*^T S* £S : Cliaigas o f obtaining iqotaay Scott euggested last night to the O’Connor. 26 eaoh. The Holmea Funeral Home, af the Vernon Junior Women’s dies of the pariah are Invited to under false prstsnssa, lif oon- Board ot Education that some ^ v^STne wwi captain of tte " T t s question Is whether you 400 Main St., Manchester, was Club on Saturday at Redman’s attend. •d a r«qu6«t«d 10 per cent ri^ RookvlUe Area ChamW o i taotbaU team during his senSor nsctlon with worthless checks Kaeney St School children ba want your child ta a claesroom in charge of arrangements. Colonlal Hall. TlckeU wlU be ’Tha newly InstaUed president iBOrease by the ConnecUcut Wa- pa«*qd rt local department bused to other schools to ease available at the club’s first U Mm.1. John Swart Other of- ^ Co* *l aPubllcUtlUUesCom- Oommerce. stores, sdsre noQed against two crowding, and nearly a dosen of 80 or more ta your neighbor­ of the Federal Credit Union at Mrs. Florence Mathiau mission hearing In Hartford. The ahnouncement was made Hs later Joined ®. I* DuPont Harry Borreson meeting of the season tonight. flcem are Mm. niomas Crane, niHian neanzia m nflxuora. •.-.wa—ww-..—- —-— __ - rw of the ddidren’e parents at­ hood or whether you want htai Colt Flreanna, Hartford, and for SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. nd then woman In court ysrtsrday. ’Ihe dance Is being sponsored vice president; Mbs. Robert ’The' “quality and pressure of by the board of directow at a American K -The women are Daitona W. tending the meeting asked why. bused to a smoUar olaasroem many yeare an active member Florence Mathiau, 74, of Bast Funeral services ' for Harry Borreson of 1878 Manchester by the Ways and Means Com- Glennon, seorttary, and Mm. the water doea not warrant an chamber luncheon. Arm v Guttfw of Rookvllls and Ndttla Although the enrollment to­ oomewhara aloa. WKrt Is bent of ICaeonlc organlaatlona, died Hartford, mottier o f Mm. L il­ Increase,’ ’ Mayor Howard W tte Growl, who Uvea on Hunting- ^ yeeterday afternoon at Man- Rd., Glastonbury, formerly of mittee. Proceeds will be used to tiM Curtis, treasurer, D. Hooud of Boot HartfoM. tals as of last Friday were 9,- tor your dfildT" lian Atkins and Mrs. Arlene told commlselon membam. He ton Dr„ reconUy retired after diutag W o^ ^^r H. Ito saw Dr. Donald J. Hennlgan, lu- ohaator Memortal Hospital. He Manchester, were held Satur- purchase supplies arid materials Bulletin .Board Tha OHas ware not idUted. 769, which is much lees than MukuUiU, both o f Soum W l ^ day monUng at H^^ Funeral for the HoUday Stagic Basaar added the water had been dU- 20 yearn with the U.S. State De- perlntendent, promised tha par­ waa the faneband of Mm. Ruth 'Tonight at 8 at the TAO OSMO dtepossd ot Incladsd: the 1980 high o f 10427, oertata sor, (bed Sunday at a coloring clothing In the area partment. Ha served for a time oarw to gwem m^ ents, "No moves will ba mode Lanacn Leggett. Home, 400 Main St. ’r t e Rev. which wlU bb the com m ltt^’s Building a documentary elide Raynumd Btlooobettt, » , of eohools have bumttag oloee- area (xmvalescent home. "to r years.’ ’ . as a senior intamattonal aeon- started on Ws dlaonaq^a. » is by tu without full and open dis­ Mr. Leggett was born Dec. 8, C. Henry Anderson, pastor of major undertaking this fall. show about the Amish and Ken- PbM Labs Dr., Ooveotry, tdihira rooms according to standanb Survlvom also Include 4 Town Manager Terry * V.‘ omlst and latsr joined the dip- the author of a num ^ « ^ cussion." 1887 In Manchester, son of Emanuel Lutheran Church, of- ’The ways and maans commit- nlnlte sects, '"Ths Plain Peo­ todrivolntliaeataMtehsd lane, set by the board suid the Man­ sons, 2 other daughtera, S Spraikel charged company of- losnatto cespa, serving In Tehran ticiss on the doUiu criinaana naa NORTH MA!N STREET (Reoligned) Ha said a public session at Oeotge and Hannah McCann ficlated.. B ^ al waa in Falrvlew tea will meat at tha home of ple,’ ’ w ill be. shown fo r ttie pub­ fbtsd 886, aavl hod a cimigs of chester Education Aasoclatlon. brcflhem, a sister, 80 gmnd- Cemetery, Chicopee, Maas. Mm. Jamas R. Parry on Sept. flolala with "bad mannom and «nd Ankara. He was also com- been listed In Who s Wha____ If many of these olaearoome Kaeney St School will soon be chlldrm, and 2 great- grand­ lic. This is a servlee of Ota Tol­ evading responsIbUlty noUed; Bearem were Samuel Smith, 19 at 8 p jn . obnoodous atUtudsa in aiuswer- Leo Btohanty. 86, of Hgh St., are not reehuttled to spread out set up to fuHy discuss th e' children. land County Elxtenslon Oounofl. George O’Rourke, John Novack, 'Hm Garden Group of tha wom- ing comjdalnts. Ho asked the Coventry, Onad 826 tor one I the load, Scott warned, the crowding, and answan to it ’lire funeral will be held to­ ’Tomorrow at nooii Qia Rock- PUO to Invostlgato the firm's and W illiam McGowan. on’s club will have a gat ac* viUe United Moi Czech Hea^ in Moscow, oount o f ools o f liquor to a minor teacher oontracts requ ln the Scott reminded tha board and morrow at B:8io a.m. from the Snanolal etOolsnoy before CONSTRUCTION \ WHITON CONN^ BANK the parents that Friday’s en­ qualntod maotlng Sapt 17 at 8 commission on MlsMons win and bod a second oount noded; YMCA board to hire more teachers Benjamin J. Callahao Funeral Henry Looks granting the Increases.’’ ARCA >\-l^mporary library rollment is already out of date p.m. at 88 TumblebrcxSc Dr. hold a luncheon meettng. The Robert W. Cfaumh, 86, o f Mid­ TRUST CO to handle It. Thte could mean Home, 1602 Main St., East B^uneral servlcee for Henry W. R^roaontatlvos from Enfield Signs Natural Gas Pact Side^^alk aocordtag to reports yasterday Haittord, with a Maas of re­ Hoafesa fOr the evening will be administrative board o f the dletown, fined 810 tor llsUi« as much as 862,000 for another lA)^e of B64 Bush Hill Rd. wore ujj,, Lawrence Dean with Mm. and Windsor also spoke against morning. Usually there Is a quiem at S t Mary’s Ouxrch, church win also meet tomor­ without a Uosnse In Coventry; seven teachers, he said. g y jjjj held this morning at the John Charles A. Anssls as co-host- the Increase^ They askad th# In- (Oonttnoed from Page One) — — ^ Adrien esavette, 22, of Bart-, The Ideal maximum class alxe etaady climb until atout Oct. 1 BUtat Hartford, at 10. row at 7:80 p.m. croaae by withheld until what F. ,n em ey B^meral Home, 219 eas. saw Pact ttiat it Is not Moea- *ford, airestsd in Ashford, fined is 26 In the primary gradea, when enroUnaent Iev<^ out, ha wlU be In St. M ary’s Cemetery, oas. On Thursday at 8 p.m. at they call^ the "smelly and dU- cnly Cae^oslovak official so far W .<>nter S t.’The Rev. James ■ary tor thorn to Intarvana hi 890 for spssdhig. Scott said, and many schools said. Blast Hartford. Ladlaa’ Membership Tea ’Trinity Lutheran Churoht here colored’’ water Is topfwed. mention "oounterrevo- Bottoms of St. M ary’ s Episcopal Also, Joyoe Depaul, 18, and have classes at SO or above. BYiends may call at the fu­ The Ladies of the Seorad will be an adult information The company eays It needs an luUonary forces’ ’ In hla speech- our aMalm.’ ' NO RTH M AIN S T R E E T (Existing) Church officiated. Burial was in Sharon and WlUlain LsBoeuf, neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Heart wOl hold a membersh^ elaes planning sossion. extra 1288,000 In revenues to fl- -ni*_____ KpemHn______says Soviet Officials at Prague Airport Keeneyiv66JMy suS t ocnooiSchool huihas class*oIslm* g • Wapping Center Cemetery. both 22, aU toORi Soutttoridge, es of about 80 ta both sectlona irr s p ilO S Ilflly S lS Bearem w ere Lloyd Bldwards, nance pumping, chemical treat- Shops moved Into CJieohoslova- f\S Itm Altlawf #Aa«e»8W •awaA ^ ^ V Joeeph 0. White ment and taxes. Ma Aug. 20 to save eonununlsn fllpto wpuM resimia ioaay MiaaB., fined 836 earii tor sbop- o f Its second, third, fourth and OOVKNTRt — Joeeph O. Fred Klbbe, Frank Steiner, Don­ South Windsor Also speaking against the rate here from countermvoIuUon. ashed Western tirltow to W » Uftlng; I8Uliani Duprey, 26, of New York New Haven C Hertford Roilrood fifth grades, making It the most Course Plaim ea White of North Largo, Fla., ald Steiner, William Carlson, Increases were State Rep. Wll- Reports from the Austrian "extreme caution^ w l^ W W RIHD 1, Manchester, fined 898 crowded school, according .to son of Gilford White and broth­ and P eter PallcM. Uanv O. Leary and officials from Voider riiowod htoroasod CMch- over Cieohlomwaklfc Ths o o ^ tor brsooh ot peace; Robert Du­ last Eriday’s enrollment flguitos. The Rev. Frederick R. Bruoe of StaftordvUle, a maater certl- er o f Arthur Bruno and Mm. Women in Government Clinton and Stafford. oslovak security measures, and oa+lon troops, teis^ estabUabsd iane; Uoyd K. Bid­ rt Bowers, tha fifth at Buckley, Bay Plnea Veterans HOepltal, leea tor Mm. George Marks To Attend Parley Sept. 27 « -a -■ machine pistols to stop three loan World M rw ^ rtdd R dy, 16, of 87 Grand Ave., Rook- tha third rt Lli)c6ta, tha third writing starting tomorrow ait of. 70 Oaldand Rd. were hrid vlUe, fined 890 for q>aedlng. and tourth rt Vdiplanck and tha 12:80 p.m. in Tinker Hrtl, 791 St. Petemburg, Fla. WOODBRIDGE STREET Survlvom also Includa hie this afternoon at Wapping Several South Wlndeoy worn- School Board Bfeettng Rockefeller Aloo, Gerald J, Elite, 29, of filth rt WofidelL Mloln St., over Gletmey’a Men’ s tin. w ill attend the Inter-’Town The Board of Xlducatlon w ill Store. Herbert J. Leggett m oto.;. and another bn>ther O o m m ^ ^ ' w w e 1 J 11 J“»Jan Pelnar, the new now mienor Interior anoe« anoe of safrty. Broad Brook, arrestad in An­ BdboolmymVti olaseae cloear to Harold W. Rlchaittoon, paetor. Meeting of Women In Govern- meet tonight at 7 ;80 In the In Russian newspapem. H# dover, fined 860 tor speeding; The courae *wlU include eight and riMer. r ^ 1 d*ksi (T O O C le li minuter, toM a news c(»ference tlon In 20 chCUUm ta each Include Mar­ Leggett, and Uvod In Manchee- -in,» «Hii fw. biad to- officiated. Burial wae In Wai>- ment to be held on Sept. 27 school. -8* 1-S.yIhS VF Prague :"We are able to in- has adadvocated steps to prevent Ormand Gagnon, 48, of 406 W. tin, Wothan Hala, Robertson, two-hour sessions and is open tar until moving to Btdton IB m ^ ^ T s o ami. ftmn ^ P«”« Cemetery. at the Solomon WeUes House In The board wlU w ill hear Sup^* Wqxirin- - r s T n i T ' CJ a. ^ ^ a c e and quiet and thus Csechoelovak refugees from Middle ’l^ke., fined 826 tor fri- Sp^, Washington, Bentley, to the pubUc for a nominal fee. Dun- Wetherrtleld. loiwlng too cloeely, and had a eSasses are designed to give yearn ago. mu Funeral Home, 680 Elm St, Bearem were CarroU tendmt of S t f^ Charles Wsr- p q | . S c a f proved the troops of the War- fleeing the country and U tSe Buoktend and tha Green. High­ He had been employed for 83 John ’The day’s atitivltles wiU start fiAr ner giveffivA Aa MDtitTreport on nfiwnew tA&cn*teach* ^ ^ - -I ■ ~ oliaige of being fotmd intoxleat- land Faric Is the only school mothers a way o f better under* Cbrtstl Christensen, and Horwajd Mit- with registration and coffee at cm and on the opening of (Oonttiraed from Page One) ______*• ed noHed; Ronald O.' Godfrey, CO wttU an average near 26. * standing their chllikren, os the 9 *80 a.m. ThU wlU bo toUow- schex^. Ho w ill also present In- . . , 82, o f 6 Woodland B t, Rookj 'analysis of handwriting is valid at 9. ford. Registration Dates G old Card Q ub "Wa are really concerned,” Holmes Funeral Home, 400 ed by a dlacussion on how worn- formation on currioUlum de- “ P erh a ^ our g r e w ^ ^ vlUe, fined 816 tor towing an for children after tha ag« of mtired as its president four Burial wUl be In Rose HUl Me­ MANCHESTER RENEWAL PROJECT No. I Scott told the board. yearn ago. Main St., Manchester, was In en can be more etfecttve board velopment tor toe coming year, lenge is to renew ^ V*™ Registration* fo r toe Adult G ettin g Started unneidstered vehlcla and 816 for eight morial Park, Rocky IBU. membem. Guests paneUste wlU Under new business too boiud too people," he comlnueo. Soma of the parents are, too, Ho was a member of South miy ^ rt tte fu: ailments, Basic Bkhication (daases wUl dafaetl've equipment on a mo­ aoooEdlng to their oommenta. The Rev. Mr. Bruce, former Methodist Church, Manchester be David Bauer, town manager *wlU (Hscuea a topic to be chosen Javlte was . amwig toast rcyal patron of WUaon. enter free aU school activities land St* WiU continue to use Board chairman Atty. John Mm. O aodla Doyon Waiqdng, or Mm. David Evans, situation. She found that If she for adidts needing help wHfa rothy B. Hetatx ot MetcaUe Rd., final segment of road work oh aligned and newly paved N. Installation ot aU underground Chapman Court, Order of Ama- g^enda may call at toe fu- and win be enUUed to discounts the existing N. Main St. and S. Q. Rottner said, "Children WARD MUSIC GO. The fiskeral of Mm. 178 rtniit 8L, East Windsor Hill. Catherine B. May, tel. 644-zZBO. ^ pregnant fem ale mouse singiM i o r infannation on Tolland, fined 826 for failure to Main S t, from )the railroad Mata St. One-way traffic, south­ Mata S t utiUtles, from the r a ilr o a d s ranto, and eerved as Its grand tonight from 7 to 9. at participating stores and mov­ just don’t cooperate with the 860 MAIN ST. representative to Michigan. _____ L. Doyon o f 60 CUnton St. waa in toe same cage as toe American way of life. yield rtght of way. tracks north to the realigned bound only, 'WiU be permitted A temporary sidewalk has tracks to the realigned N. Mata "strange" mate (different from ie houses. Also, Bart H. HopUns, 24, of Intersectkm of N. Mata and been InstaUed adjacent to the He also was past watchman wUltam 8. Ross^ held this morning from toe John Classes cuid booits a n oH Crowding rt certain functions In the construction area on Mata St. Paving of the Mata St ex­ F. Tlemey Funeral Home, 219 toe one the female had mated toes. Bi Broad St, fined 860 for de- N. School Sts. St., at the railroad croestag. Manohester Surplus Store for tension vtW foUow. of toe ihepberds of toe WWte wuiiam 8. ..RusseU, 67, of with), the pregnancy came to such as home basketboU ganMs Uvety o t liquor to a minors Paid Shrine o f Jenislam In East ^Vestbrook, lormerty of Man- W. .Center St., with a M aes,of Dropping Chandler requiem at S t James’ Church. an end and the fetus wab ab­ at toe high school may be tak­ F. Bumason, 25, of 6 Trotter ————— ——— — —— — —— — —------Hartford; past veneraWe mas- cheater, died last night at Mld- sorbed in about four cases out en Into account, he said. Also, ter of toe Masonic Veterans ^ Memorial Hospital, Mid- The Rev. Thomas Barry was St, fined 826 for Wlura *o P ^ t vlUe. fined 860 for foUowing too and forgery. Sept. 16; Kenneth Manebestor, pleaded not guWg of five. 46 Senators the Gold Card holders may be right of w ay: Warren » e in - cOoeely; .Ctarta Reale. 16, of 142 Beaumont, 21, o f Pine Lake SOUTH SIDE BoclaUon o f Connecticut and jiatown. He waa the husband of Mra. l^ph ^ Wallace’s Decision invited to toe dress reHearaal to ttM charge o f failure to obey Board Delays for More Study ipne was organist and sololrt. sdhmldt, 17i o t R L 6 in P QiwOt Cooper HIH Bt,, fliiod $15 fo r Shores, Coventry; xdkarged with ENTfANCE past president of toe Double L Btauna Heim RueeeU. o f m ajor high s(dtooI play* due a atop sign, court trial co Bapt. Burial was in St James’ Cem­ ______^ ^ ------lorndtoaed from Page One) finea disregarding a stop sign; Juan breach of peace, Oct. 3.; Jeff- 26; Albert L . *Rowett, 18, o f 180 Association, Past Mstitma and k j . Russdl was born March Vernon Favor Fortas to toe crowded auditorium whan turn;' Robert KcUbeck, 26. of y/, Rodrlguex, 48, o f WUlijnan etery. The Rev. Joseph Vujs rey W. Bennett, 18, of 432 EHdrldge St., pleaded not guilty SchooLto-School Program Patrons of OES. He also was a 5^ 1901 In Manchester, son ef ^ choice o f a running mate at a (Oonttamed From Page One) toe plays run. Mansfield, arrerted ta Coventry, tic, arreated to Manchester, member of toe Maetmlc Ctoar- Ralph, and BUxabeto Robtason M commto Broad St., charged 'witti breach to ttie charge of reddens driv- were Jdm Buddy, U.S. Troops news conference In Watoington Jtdmson should leave ther fllUng The board unanimously _ . ^ ap- . ftaed 896 for failure to drive ta fined 826 tor unsafe backing. of peace, pleaded not guilty, The Board of Education voted two American schools ta Afriqa ter Oak Leaoe and reelSUng an qatlonalltles, and 192 are Amer­ IfU ever’ be on again— new building wlU be con- ipno XP poll turned’ vq> two Dr. Hennlgan urged toe card of failure to grant right of wiior of Kensington, arrested of a~ cieuncheck. aauv, Sept 16; B aivy »*J. . ciation o f Spnool Admtalstratom, Friends nay caU at toe fa- an of Manchester, and two ,leaving___ ,__ «ne Vletneun «>», iTnited tor toe *“* United ’'*’ ^ icans. toat remains to be seen.” structed on land purchased gwitchea from earilar positions, club due to toe Idea’s success noBed; Anthmy y . In ToUand, ftaed 880 tor s^ed - o d e , 26, of 187 K . Center Bt-, « * « « * '. Sept. 16; A n t h ^ said the J3 U.S. schools now in neral home tomorrow from 2 to nieces. Mm. James WUson of Navy divers Jotaed poUce and States, It waa toe 27to Marine The International School ot But it vras leaasned that ttiree about five yearn ago In Elltag- g^n. MUton R. Toung, B-N.D,. *®t Elmira, N.T., where he was of 162 Loomis ®**> ^*^ tag: Helm S. Sylvester of Weth- charaed with pn«atng on the ’*®> Hartford, ip with 63 American 4 and 7 to 9 p .m .. Manchester East Hartford, and_Mrs. Jean volunteera today In a search of Regiment, wWch waa sent to Lusaka ta Zambia, formeriy Such matters as phoning and fele- aides of toe Independent presi­ t(m at Orchard St. and Falrvlew ne changed Ms mind about assistant superintendent. faUure to yldd emfleld, a chaige of foUowlng L^SsCh^e, *“**»*« to-wear P**’***?»schools overseas spend about Lodge of Mmton. win conduct ^ V^lemporarily to Febru- Ave. The flm t phase wiU cost opposing Johnson’s nomination Steven G. Marino. 18, of 86 Bush cloeriy noUed. „ J HO^'ienwood St charged Protective hdad gear end failure part ot Rhodesia, has 61 U.S graphino to distant friends and -rela­ a Masonic memorial service Funeral services *wlU be held toe body of Raymond McKin- ary at toe height of the Viet dential <»ndldate flew to Ken­ 816,000 euid about 10 per cent children, 22 EamlUans and 149 tomorrow at 7 p.m. at toe fu- Thursday at 1 p.m. at Holmes bey, 26, of WUltaiantic. tucky Monday,___ _ went to 8210,000. CSian- Flans were drawn by ^„hen he found out who the ap- ““ "*>• *>«**«> Welle, 21. of ^ ’th * » y ^ l - of at least one administrator's tives will be attended to by us, if the M/auv*avw wo ■ *».•*». «•». ___ xaA 04 ww-v^j______Cong’ s Tet offensive. dler’s h ^ e^ ’rt nearby Ver- architects Lee and Crabtroe Ae* potatoes wet«. Hs originally had children from 12 other coun­ neral home. Funeral Home, 400 Mata St. McKinney disappeared Sun­ Taktn by Vernon, fined 816 for unneces- «>r, Sept. 26; BJarl R. Edwards, ^ time in the program. family wishes. These are among the sallies andheld apparently fu- eoclates of Hartford and W joined Griffin in crittolsliig the David C. NlcdetU, 18, of Bast, ^ at mantle, charged with three tries. The Rev. James Bottoms of St. day -when he went overboard mllHona The U.S. school would be ask­ M ary's Episcopal Church wiU while ridii^ in a motorboat. " ' expected to be put to bid within preetdent tor not allowing Ms money un- Wilcox warned the board they many responsibilities which we are Colum bia H eads ^ discussions o « unspecified fo ro v tr Sept. 28. ed to keep the overseas soh(x>l officiate. Burial wiU be in Ekist Wearing diving suits and tOpi06. a month. successor to flH any vacancy. . « . —------o ---- — > ----- ,— J..— » , r— —. ----- must moke a careful decision more than willing to assume. Joseph N egro, B*lrst Lutheran, which has 7 S y M n informed o f current changes In about becoming Involved be­ Cemetery. tanks o f a ir on toeir backs, ^ - 'I *wotiIdn’t change my record K Nrison 67 of White, 66, of RED 2, RockvUle, Grexel Jr., 16, of 16 Lawton Rd., Friends may caU at the fu­ Ask Len i^cy some 500 confirmed membem, In homM curriculum to keep them up to cause the partnership Is long era today probed toe bottom of If I could," Chandlsr said. “ T?ie 486^ r i o g 8t., fined 826 tor tan- 9*ned 820 for being found Intox- charged with fflegrt possession date. The overaeas school could D airy Farm er neral home tomorrow from 2 to the lake ebout 160 yards from now is lo(»ted In a century-old A leria Subm its Ilk* yours Icated, and had a charge of ta- range. moving finger has ■writ and UTS to drive’ In the established of narcotics,. Oct. 8. N azarene U nit nfaintaln teacher and student 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. the state landing. They were F or Students building on West Main Bt. In dsceht exposure ndled; Arthur Also, Robert El. Johnston, 68, Factors to consider before In B olton , D ies moved on.” lane; James H. Plriritto, 17, of exchanges to keep the overseas •aOiR OF TNI « 0UM|i Mk i hampered by debris floattag (Conttaoed from Page One) Rockville. The buBdlng waa LoneW alkBid F. Brainard, 21, o f 160 ToUand of 183 LydaU St., enlarged w ltt Opens Season * joining, he said, are whether purchased from ths Metoodteto East Hartford arrested ta Man­ school at least ta,contact with B M ttO li —Joseph Negro, 87, Alfred J. Dupuis Jr. several feet above the bottom, dents who were critical ot toe Only one bid was submitted T^ke., fined 896 for speeding. two counts of bring found, in­ Manchester has the skiUed peo­ Alfred J. Dupuis Jr., 66, in 1867. Too Special To Classify chester, lined 826 tor over­ their culture. )^^Un^iaCi4ome o f 1 ^86 , husband of Mm. Leon- madng It impoeslble to see any univemlty. today for the construction of Oases continued Included: toxicated, Sept. 23; Martin E. The Naxarm e Worid Mtealon*- ple to answer the overseas 27M Bluefleld Dr., died last objects ringfleld. ‘Neltoer of us glvea any more 27th Marines Preliminary clearing and Also James T. Rlohanknn, 26, Wtaaton Anthony, and Mka. rica, Offloe of Overseas School going to depend on you," WM- earthwork will be accomplished VIOLA Of East Haitford, arrMtsd in Grant Swank. Department of State, described cox said. . PRICE M TransferDecisionWmStand by town forces. of Vernon; a sister, Mra. Albert standing by a decision made the standards of the other " “ I** Mtonday night aboaiO his Leave Viet gpoosoied by The sidewalks, berms, dear- OUITAR Personal Notices L e t e ^ r i EUtagton, .and .10 umt June ooncerntag the trans- schools. campaign plane In a news (Oontlnned from Page One) tag, earthwork and landscaping "It’s time we stepped aside smd ***** **• under k 822,000 al- Prirats IttintHnna Manehester iOarden Club CUP AND MAIL TODAY • CLIP AND MAIL TODAY In Memoriam The funerrt wto be held Thurs- m R S^^Sld out*^*w K was caUed to Clarify re­ gave eome of toeea younger locaUon, voted by toe Board of lien and Advi • CHOICE OF DAY OR EVI- in smT s o l iovlna memory ot my day; at 8 a.m. from the; Leclerc o t Education last night turned curriculum is con- marks he mads earlier to Fhila- In just 12 weeks, H & R Block, America's troopem a chance.’’ ^ 1*®*??* month. UONAIIO SVmr Seasons Oardea Oub of East Haitford REQUEST FOR NIHO CLAUEt husband, Wesley...... Xociuln. Funeral Home, 28 Mata St, with cerned there U no difference delphla and Denver on toe pos- Largest Income Tax Service, will teach you how passed away Sept. 10, U67. a Mass of requiem at the enta o f a third grader that she ------The Marine commander ta SpeclfloaUons tor toe Job caU to prepare income tax returns . . and how • LOW COST TUITION IN- from any of the other newer slblllty of U.S. troop withdraw* ccnimT Laurel Gerden Club of Bast Hortfotrd CLUDIt ALL tU m iE t. Jtsst a ctoBter of beautiful memo- Church of toe Assumption at 9. be left at the Northeast School. Vietnam, L t Gen. Robert E. Iw w rk to begin within 10 day* YOU can make extra money as a trained tax schools. He said there Is no als and on hta stand bn the Cushman, was on hand, shaking ***® award of a contract with REGISTRATION • FULL OR PART-TIME EM- FUEL OIL 8p < ^ Wkh a miuion team. Burial wUl be In 8t. James’ Mr. and Mm. Richard Geiger 6 4 9 - M M consultant. An Ideal course for housewives, partiality ta assigning teacbem bombing of North Vietnam, hands all around, Ths man had completion within 46 days after Bast Hartford Garden Club FIOTMINT OFFORTmil- Wii£isc God oouM have spared you, Cemetery. of 30* McLean St. expressed die- to school staffs. then.- students, retired peopla— anyone wanting to T llt F o r at l««t a few m ore yearn. ^ may at havtag their daughter quick kisses for stewardess Fat South Windsor Gerden dub make EXTRA MONEY. No previous experience Turnlng to another question Bennett o f Auburn, N .T ., as' • 1 • TAUEHT lY IXFIAIINCED .Wife, Florence neral home tomorrow from 2 to transferred from'the Northeast raised by toe Geigers concern­ required. Enrollment open to anyone. ■LOCK TAX FIOFU School to the East School. M PH N A Oasseft they climbed aboard lha ptans. 4 and 7 to .9 p.m. ing a p r o at toe East Bchori, aniFFITH SCHOOL Coventry Gerden Club Card Of 'RiaiikB Because of a space problem We Wtm to thank our many Dr. RambdeU said up to tote Set to Start ENROLL NOW! 621 Farmington Ave., Hartford friends tor tbeb* klndnesa and sym­ ta the schools this year It was time toe parents had not been O F D M H n i n pathy, Oorat ood spiritual bouquets, F u n e r a ls necessary for toe Board fo. 819 Maple Ave., Hartford oars, drivers, messsces and various interested but toe administra­ About Town CLASSES START transfer some students from the The Manchester Public Health " A pome synonymoiM BsmedHt Connecticut Federation Scholarship 88gR Weat Middle Turnpike, Blanolieater oourteslea durinsr our recent b^ tion and teachem would fuUy Nursing Association’s (M PHNA) Daughters ot Liberty, No. 128, S TR M IL Y G jl reawement. We espeidally ttuuik tb« John Prlsfcwaldo Northeast, and the Maple bt. with Irish dancing" .0 nurses and idoctora at Monchester cooperate If such an organlxa* new series of riaraes for expect­ LOL, will meet tonight at 8 ta SEPTEMBER 16 Webatqr S«. Shopping Plasa, Beriln llemorisi______H ospital. , , Funeral services tor John Schools. ‘ The decision as to Uon were formed. ant mothera will start tomor­ Orange Hah. Delegates wUl rs- TAP. tALU T and The Family ot atm. Anna PUuhas pHajcwaldo Of 64 Blrch ®** Were w hiai students would be trans Dr. Ramsdell further pointed port on the recent convention Minlmiiiii Ddhrtry M ftallm Card Of Thanks ****** Saturday morning rt lerred was made by the prln- row from 1 to 8 p.m. r t the O out that at toe East Etehool there 1(1 Boston. Mm. Oaxl ly ie r is IRISH STfP I^ANCI^O 627 FARSONOTON AVB., HARTFORD, OONN. Ws wish to tbsric all of our Hrimes Funeral Home, 400 Mata oipals mainly on the baste of MPHNA office In the Andrews CONCORDU LUTHERAN win be parent-teacher confer- Building, 66 E. Center St. ta charge of refreshments. n il UP NOW! o f*^ *to 2 f‘ i S **• The Rev. Michael Dlrga of which areas the students Uved >ences the same as at toe other Please tend me a registration form and Information about tha H & R 1969 Block The four sessions w ill be held MAHCHRSTIR CHURCH HALL Basic Incoma Tax Covrxa. This Is a raquas't for Information’ only and placet me sympathy abown us In our rec«sit the Russian Orthodox Church, In add the most equitable as schools. He noted toat the buUd- . ___ , ^ „ "nie exscutive board of toe under no obligation to enroll. i Hartford, officiated. Burial waa to transportation, ______tag Itself is not as attractivs be «*®** combined Catholic Motoem Thursday Olasses 40 n T K I N 8 TRBBT—MANCHESTER rSndlribuSS" in East Cemetery. ■ The Gelgem expressed con- cause of its age but he said toe ****** «• * « f » ! * * 0 « Sej^, 18, ctrcles wUl meet tomorrow at RASIP NAME Starting Sept. Utb S S "sM r% L s Ruddeu „Be^«-* jr*« rooms are larger. *Ds. Jrim^ W. Nielson, insuruc- g p,ni. at the horns o f Mm. ADDRESS 1 . 1 ------F r a ^ Savino, Joseph Salat, a much riije r building (it U 98 Italian American Club i r i f m i i COOPERATIVE a w Assistant Superintendent Al- tor In the department of cfaUd Thomas Derby, 104 Perk St. Bfsry THURS., O TK . 12-1-9 P.m / Cgrd O f Thanks Dominick Cavanna, Raymond years old) and were affald the len Dresser noted that at toe welfare and family reiotfons at > _i_ IM KIdridga Stgeat Tsaobar CITY r Mary CPNell G rllfltb ih.a Vaaobar o f toaebsra, jro d u o sr o i nn- INCOME TAX -■ Wf wkti to tbo^ ^ of ^ Wexowitz and Joseph Ferrigno. facilities were not adequate, Blast' Sdtori there are toree the Univemlty o f Oonneottcut, nm Couples Club o f Center nelmhoia. Irieods and rttotivesfor T STATE ZIP c o o k Mrs. Marie Heihst, a member grades ^ d 69 third grade wlU discuss how babiaa grow Oxgrrogatlonal Church will tionol etaampion Irish danosm, form sr Mrs. Oonuscttcilt dad Contrlbuttioo 96o OIL COMPr UM nmto sots of kindness and sym------pathy abonm us In our recent bo- Mrs. Gfistove lindgreo of the board, in an effort to re- 'gm^jants wh6re at toe Northeast phywlcally, emotionally, and so- .meet Friday night at 7 p.m. ta tsoebss all classes harssif. She hiia stodlsd la Dsgry. BaUnst. COURSE TELEPHONE NUMBER iwovemant. Wa oKwcially thank ok Dublin and N .T. 315 M O A P $T. T M F H O N I i COVENTRY — Bhneral serv- assure them, sold an effort had School there is toe same num-. oU^y. Those wtabfeig mors tat- Woodruff Halt of the ch u i^ and ttaioo* wiio Mut me beautiful floral Spaoiol Class as fo r Boys, T s s m , and Adidto of \ *®** ^ ***’*• 0 *“ **v* Llndgren been made to update the Bast bar of itoird grades with 86 stu- formation about tha clsasss may nOt Saturday night as reported loi IIVIN QNV dlT3 * AVDOi IIVIN QNV dho ^ Muwrt LiGtrite Shore Dr., wer4 held Friday Sriiori so it would not be below dents. contact to# MPHNA olfloa. hi ysstsrday’s Herald. . I IU «ltl«r 529^336

’ \ \


THE Point Experiment Has Had Its Run irald Angle Ashe Still Not Happy,

B y EAR L YO ST And Proves Its Point in Football With the Pressure Point in use running attempts, 20 ware w o- Sporto kdltor Has Two More Goals NEW YORK (AP)—Pro players, coaches snd owners leagues for use In interleegue are beginning to line up with for exhibition games and abolished during the 28 exhlbftlon games, ceseful, 10 fslled-tor 07.1 per FOREST H ILlfl, N. Y. Football’s Press Point Ex­ or sgsthst the rule, bealesUy the tredftlonsl co^erston kick, there were 97 extrs-polnt et- cent. Nattooal Leagne, Innovation Added Interert (A!P)— Jr., is periment has had its run— alon g sim ilar knee. making It msuidatory tfasft tempta by running, or passing, And that’s where ft all atends W . Ifc P ci, O A . I h o M In favor of the rale feel teams either psM or ran from 66 euooeaeful and 43 that failed now. For the regular eeeaon, edl Greatest innovation at the successfully promoted the new titan

MANCHESTER EVENDJQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTE!MBER 10, M 68 BY SHORTEN tad WHIPPLE H e l p PAiOa TWBLVB THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW M o t b i ^ e l M — 3 5 3 5 OUR BOARDING HOUSB with MAJOR HOOPLB . i t e y e l M 11 A n d t o h e r j u g t - w k j g o n » s o m e t h in g BUOOS BUNNY \ M l?S CHAMffLEA'B ADVICE TO HER MEWLY WE ARE OPBNINO a 9 a.m. f r i e n d l y I os dream at 45 \ M^ R I ^ P A U ^ T E R IG o n e W IN G ....^ e l s e A G A IN - {ONDA SUPER Hawk, 805 cc, to 8 p.m. assembly line school Main Street la now taking ap- NO NEEPTOPOTAAE AMvtr H rraviMi rm tl^ . CLASSIFIED ^ e U e n t cohdiUon , many YEAH,A40M/ \ w h y c a n t s h e c o o n shift. Apply looa Mfg. Oo.. jUleaUons tor waltrsssss, 18 NXNUN6 rris LATE, DON’T B6WLLY » A UNDER IWEMICBOSCOPK extribk, Beat offor, oaU 848.C874. PLAaMA.'LET HIM TAKE' TRAUMA ANP / A DECENT MEAL Rkgent Strsqt, Manctastor, ysara or oldsr. ICbst bs avaU- TWlOGSf rPU-eBA I O I r t K m a m a ; 1 I ARE EATj<^PORYDUf I WSARN able svenlngs. No axpsrlsncs BOWL WHAT6 VflTHTHC ^ABIM BtT.POf ? BETTER S O YtoU OUT.' HUS0ANPA »n / N . D RAG BIGHT NOW, BUT HONDA, 168. 1985. N ew Ureo, iKiAmrrrV^ V m if YOU’RE necessary. Vnlforms and Ub- o r r v f i f THE WAV V(3U'VE BEEN CAN OM ’ h o m e AN DON'T EXPECT TOO ^ I'M GOIN'THERE TO AOKORS SOWN ADVERTISING engine overtidnlod. Very good ■MUdH FROM BRiPEG/ sral tood allowancs provided. OP A 6-®R»A EVERY Nt6HT 1 COOK PUT MV 0 o y IN g h a p b /; IC ooU nE condition. Muat ml], make of­ PONT l e t HIA4 GET CaU 649-7788 tor tnformatioa. OOTT «KC y o u A5 AVJILOER- IHIHippI Ip p ie ’i u tcn d li CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS d i n n e r THE BDARDERG a r e "dip' fer. 6494409. TO YOU Slaving Ne$$ Boy/ANC?l HEAR VtXJ'^E 2 M ine TRAIN p a r t -t i m e employss, prefer- , ROB COVER/ 4Castoff.asa 8 A Ji. to 4:80 PJI. PICKINC5 UP THE T A 6 / en tn n o* «U y With tranapcntatloii. Ap­ snake Its skin SVtrletjrof 8 Nucleus lu s iiM M Sm t I c m ply at Cafeteria Office. 45 COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. FOR THE 12 Prult drink •PPle ' . School Street 649-M35. 4Long-leUe/ / PAW W OULDNT t i n g VOOR GRANP- < 45 Aromatic YOU ARB A-1, truck ia A-1. VALUABLE SKILL many openings for steady AAAItyiTIP RCTHER UP UKE T > ^ / S' HERSELF. e c u - \ TOUCH ANY PIE garden herb M □ j 1 I Free to Heraid Readen Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ CARPENTRY — rec rooips plus work In healthy outdoor O O U S -\ BUT VeUR HOME- WHEN TOUR H4THCR 49 Orderly to 7 a.m.-shift. PROUPOH 3PRIMGSTHE SAS ^ iT ' ■ ■ t r a " ways sealed and small truck­ other carpentry Jobs. Also for And when you successfully com­ type work. "No experience TMISOHERR' 1 g im p lv I M APei PiPKrr 81 Feminine a Want Informatlan on one of our olaaolfled adverUBomentaT ing done A-1 right. Call. Tre- Friday and Saturday nights. required, year around work BY LBFF and MeWILLIAMS ' a t ts m ij PAD BRIMS THAT HIM, SRAMBRW WON’T . appellation sale, Colonial pine wall hutch­ plete the course and then D A V Y J O N E S PIR PICT/T BEPITTO LIVE WITH 40 41 No answer at the telephone Uatedf S im ^ can llie mano Trucking ' Service toll- L au rel M anor, 649-4619. CLERICAL SHE? ONE FROM THE 52 G rope □ ■ es planters and trestle coffee with overtime, top pay work IT'S DANGEROUS TO BE AROUND BAKERYT FORAWEEK7 fre e , T43-9487. rates, many benefits, union HMM... THIS _ 53 Dismounted r 41 41 S" ta bles. 849-7029. PART-TIME HELP wanted eve­ THESE t a l l t r e e s . I'VE GOT T i ‘IS" a A PERMANENT shop Equal opportunity QUITE A GROWTH 54 Masculine EDWARDS nings and weekends. Apply Pis- AND GET AWAY FROM .HERE, PRONTO^ nicknam e to iT em p loyer. CAN'T REMEMBER S“ 1 sa K ing, 438 M ain St. FULL-TIME POSITION IF 1 ALW AYS HAD A 55 One who S' ANSWERIND SERVICE Rooftiig and (su ffix ) 5 " 5T SEARD*. BUT IT DOESN'T Chbnntyt 16-A WANTED clerk typist tor truck­ TYPING APPLY 58 Essential S' 5T REPAIRS m a t t e r HERE/ being ST _ w 64IMiS00 875-2519 ing company. Diversified office 'ALLIED CASTING Corp. MM ROOFING — Specialising re­ duUee, pleasant working con­ 57 Observe POSITIONS FIRST NATIONAL 9eo Tolland Tpke., Manchester (Newspeptf futorpriie AiwJ and leave yodr meesage. Ton’U hear teem onr advertUer In Lawnmowers, snowblowers pairing itxtfs eff aU kinds, new ditions. Paid vaesdlon and hoU- |lg time witboot apendlng an evening at the telephone. roofs, gutter work, chimneys and garden tractors. Free days. EixeeUent benefit pro­ WE HAVE SEVERAL STORES, INC., 6464)124 pickup and delivery In Man­ cleaned and repaired, 80 years’ gram. CaU 2894376. experience. Free estlinatea. EXCELLENT POSITIONS PARK d OAKLAND AVES. Aiitem ebllM For Sol* 4 ch ester and' South Windsor CaU H ow ley 848-6861, 844- HAIRDRESSER — Experienced AVAILABLE IN OUR: - EAST HARTFORD, CONN. LE U A N S PONTIAC 1964, 2-dOOr part-time or fuU-tdme. Good WILLING worker needed for BY DICK TURNER c a r n i v a l H ER A LD hardtop, 4-speed. Take over ACCOUNTS PAYABLE growing oU burner buSlneM. paymmts. No money down. working oondMlons. Looking Mechanical abUlty, a must 644-0421 MfflhMry, DEPARTMENT DRIVERS for school buses, BOX LETTERS Can 288-8716 broker. G lass B eauty Salon, 648-4822, CaU 647-9732, 8T5-2649. Drosunoklng 1 9 ^ 044-2873. Manchester schoole, 7:804:45 BY KBN MUSE 1988 PONTIAC OTO, standard PAYROLL a.m., 3:16-8:46 p.m. ExceUent WANTED auto mechanics. AU WAYOUT F o r Y o u r transmiaaton. Good condition. FOR ALTERATIONS neaUy and CASHIER for cadi and carry DEPARTMENT part-time for third shift, house­ benefits. CoU Chorches Mbtora, WHYDOVtX) reasonably done in my home, lumberyard, experience prefer­ wives, retired persona. We I'M IN I NEED TWO Inform ation CaU 640-4624, betw een 10 and TREE removal-Trlnuntng. Re4- AND MAIN OFFICE 648-2791. REAL MILLION NEED SUCH Y-/0 2 p .m . sonable rates. Ctovered tor ca n 648-8750. red but not necessary. For ap­ train you. 643-3414. . dRAMFWW THE HERALD wlU not pointment call Mr. McIntyre TOP NOTCH carpenters and TROUBLE/ DOl;LARS/ A LARGE &MC8i property damage. Got a tree UNOERSnHDBIO disclose the Identity of I960 OLDSMOBIl S 98, con- problem? CaU Dana’s Tree at 6494186. All require the interest and , carpenter’s helpera. Good LOAN? any advertlaer using box LOANCOMPNtr vertlMe, power brakes, steer­ S erv ice, 622-8429. Mavino— Trucking— capacity to do figure Work. wages and benefits. CaU days, letters. Readers answer­ ing and windows. Engine, tap MATURE WOMEN needed for 378-1630 or nights, 742-9144. BY FRANK 07JBAL Storag* 20 Some WlU require the use of S H O R T R O B ing blind box ads who and bod y aH In g ood shape. SHARPENING Service — Saws, fuU or part-time work, hours adding or calculating ma­ OPERATORS V / desire td protect their I M ust sen , b est o ffe r. 872-3242. knives, axes, shears, skates, MANCHESTER DeUvery—Ught can be arranged. 'Air-condition­ chines. Typing is necessary FUIirTIMB service station at­ — — Identity can follow this trucking and package delivery. ed, pleasant working condi­ tendant, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ap­ seoomteveii rotsury blades. Quick service. In some cases. Either fuU- p roced u re: CHEVROLET Imp ala convert­ Refrigerators, washers and ply In person, R. Charest Es­ nsovdurname WH/cr A BEAUHRA. *IORNIN0.' Capitol Equipment Co., 88 tions. Apply in persmi. Dlno’s time or part-time work. WANTED MOM/ ible 1986, diarp, automatic, Main St., Manchester. Hours stove moving, specialty. Fold­ 660 E. Middle Tpke. You wlU find our company so R oute 30, V ernon. power steering. Take over pay­ daUy 7:804, Thursday, 7:80-9, in g ch a irs fo r rent. 649-0782. a pleasant one to work in FDR ments, no money down. CaU HAIRDRESSER — Do ^ MY feld Manager, Manchester Saturday 7:80-4. 648-7968. with above average fringe 388-8716 broker. want to make more money? benefits, convenient free AT Opportunity Unlimited Evening Herald, together Pointing— Paparing 21 SERVICE when you need It. Contact Anthony Hairdress­ parking and In-idant cafe­ B (E R C lS ^ with a memo listing the 1936 FO RD Coupe, red , O lds Complete sharpening service, e r, 129 C enter St., M anches­ Due to recent promotions, companies you do NOT | NAME YOUR own priOe. Palnt- teria. Apply, rear end, straight tubular front hand and power mowers. te r, 646-3404. we have an exceUent open­ ■rant to see your letter. end. Set iq> tor Chevy engine ing, paperhanging, paper re­ Home, garden and shop. We al­ S ing tor a man to be trained BY ROY CRANE Tour letter w in b e de­ and MUncie transmisslcHi. moval. Free estimates and dec­ RESPONSIBLE girl wanted BUZZ SAWYER so repair and service power FIRST NATIONAL In sales and management. stroyed if the advertiser | Complete minus engine and orating service'. QuiJlty work tor babysitting, Uve In. 828. Is one you've mentioned. and hand m ow ers. AU w ork Good salary whUe training 1 HAVE A BETTER PIAN . MY transmission, 8850. 742-7726. manshlp, neat, competent serv­ per week, plua room and SEE HERE, FRCND. THE JEFE DE POUCIA If n ot It w in be handled | guaranteed. For dependable STORES, INC. - N with salary and commission ic e . CaU 647-9664. board. C a ll b efore noon, 646- TRUBLOOIV WE RURAIJS PLACING ARIAEP In th e usual m anner. se rv ice ca ll Sharp-A ll, 686 after training period. Excel­ GMTHMIE-nWT —— ------:— 4388. o r 649-7826 a fter. PARKA OAKLAND Avea. lent opportunity tor ad­ GUARDS AT THE MINE AMP WILL 1858 PLYM OUTH , g ood condl- A dam s St., M anchester, 648- L. PELLETIER — Painting ------— NEPHEW OF mss vancement. Copipany vehi­ CUPHWA tirni, $75. CaU 228-8780. 8806. interior and exterior, papermgj b a BY SITTBR for 2 chUdren in EAST HAR'TFORD ULLY P1UY« WMEW/ NOW FDR cle furnished, all employe SNOOPING IH JAIL. « /r and paper removal, fuUy In­ my home, Vernon. Own trans­ TMEDTHeK evEUD t o t and Found ,1 1964 DODGE P ola ra , 4-door, LIGHT truokiiv. odd Jobs, also CONN. ben efits. For. this better m k h m o -tne sured. 648-9048, and 649-6326. portation . 646-1284. automalic, i>ower sfeering, '' moving large'appUances. Burn­ than average opportunity, MINE l o s t — TTiursday evening, new brakes, radio, heater, factory ing barrels deUvered, 84. 644- INSIDE-outside painting. Spe­ a n AMBITOUS sincere wo­ apply corduroy Levi's In Regal’s bag, eir-oonditloning, low mUeege, 1778 o r 289-8824. cial rates tor people over 66. m an, fifteen hours w eek ly. In WAITRESS needed tor l^ednes- You need no previous 649-0687. reasonable. CaU 647-1186 after CaU my competitors, then caU your area, 866, qualify for fi­ day and Thursday, 10 to 8 p.m. SINGER CO. CARPENTER — experienced, experience. We'U train m e. E stim ates given . 649-7863, nancial security, new car. Call Apj^y In person. The Treat LOST — Calico oat, yeUow face, 6 p .m . aU types of work. Reascmable. you at a good starting 866 M ain S t., M an ch ester M l wearing collar, named StnIky, 875-8401. Mrs. Tina, tor Interview only Shoppe, 848 M ain S treet, M an­ salary. Valuable bene­ PONTXAO G rand P rlx 1964, CaU anytim e, 648-1787. vldnlty Parkade Apartments. at 1-746-2375 between 2 cuid 4 ch ester. fits, pleasant working «mit>M»Lhi,Tki4.aiN tca automatic, power steering, PAINTINO — Interior and ex­ COMPLETE janltorlel services. P-m- I ______conditions, opportunity EXPERIENCED motel cleric, - 646-1289. very sharp. Takrf over pay­ terior, very reasonable, free 8-11 NURSE’S AIDE, fuU-time ‘That economics course he took last year didn’t help Residential, otunmerolal and tor advancement. middle aged man preferred, ments, no mxmey down. CaU estimates. CaU Richard d e n t a l Assistant for ortho­ and part-time. Laurel Manor, 1* ‘ l o s t — Passbook No. 25-012279- industrial. Windows washed, accommodatalons can be ar­ him aiiy! He's atili broke ail. the time!” M artin, 649-9286. 649-4411. dontic office. East Hartford, 649-4610. 6, Savings Deoartment of The 288-8715 broker. ' floors washed and waxed. Wise ex p erien ce required. 289-6169. Visit our employment ranged. Must be wUUng to BY LANK LEONARD exceUetit M aintenance, 648-2603. BAKERY saleslady, good hours, work weekends and oapablq of MICKEY FINN office at 62 East Center running condition, no rust, Floor Finisliing 24 HOUSEWIVES — Immediate good wages. Apply Parkade S treet, Manchester. doing ^ minor maintenonoe. I WAS ON MY BEAT tor payment n e ed s.b od y w ork. CaU 648-6484 Jobs for secretaries, typists, Bakery, Manchester Parkade. Contact W.A. JamleeOB In per­ ON FIFTH AND PINE BY MILTON CANIFF. MACHINE TOOL repairs. CaU Open Tuesday, Septem­ STEVE CANYON FLOOR SANDING and reflnlah- clerks. Work In your area, son, Connecticut Motor Lodge, n o t a g a in ! w h a t WHEN I SAW IT, PHIL' a fte r i . ’ 647-1648 anytim e. ber 10 and Wednesday, P H IL -I'M AFRAID WE CHARI»MAJW if BONBONk^ Ing (apeciallaing in older your hours, no fee. ExceUent September 11 from 8:80 400 Tolland Tpke., Manchester. HAVE SOME AAOKE BAD HAPPBNED NOW?J Pnnonob ^ALOR*.' A PfiRFBCrOIJ lANiARTMINdl PONglN>WE 1966 CHEVROLET, convertible, TREES cut and removed, land floora). Inside painting. Paper­ pay. Staff BuUders, 11 Asylum a.m. to 4:80 p.m., or MEWS FOR VOUJ TARdBTj THE dOtPSN^ EXPERIENCED custodian I-IT COULD NAVE ARB PEAtT g ood condition. C ail 649-7247 be­ cleared, reeisonahle. Free esti­ hanging. No Job too smaU. St., H artford, 278-7610. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE caU 648-4101, extension ONfi SHALL PW FORTbO RIDE wanted from Niles Dr., wanted for part-time woric ava- STRUCK H8R/. OUT/ITA»ET tween 4 cuid 6 only. m a te, Insured, 28^-8720. John V erfaiU e, 64941760. 368. MANY MBM9SR4 OP ^ B i N9Atr-0R Mdndiester to vicinity of Conn. nlngs^ Must be over 21. CaU THC UNPEMICOUNP WHO BOOKKEEPER WE DO NOT State Wrifars, 1000 Asylum 1969 FORD G ala xle convertible, 6494ittl. iO OURINd THE OCCU' Ave. in Hartford tor 8:80 ar­ baby blue, white top, V-8, auto­ PA-nOH OP FRANCS i Bond*— Stocks— ■ rival. CaU 648-094L______matic, radio, heater, very good HouMfioM SmrvicM REGISTER NOW FuU - time position. Must BOYS wanted fuH and part- condition. 649-8018. 648-1412. I Mortgogos 27 have knowledge of office time tor counter work. Good r i d e WANTED please, vicinity Offtrati 13-A THE machines. Salary |90.*up, working conditions. Apply In o f HUUard S t to a rea o f Con- 1991 b b L A IR , Chevrolet, SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ FOR 4 -d oo r LIGH T TRU CKING, buUt deUv^ depending upon background peraon. Bonenxa Steak House, sfitutlon Plata, worMng houw ^ cylinder, very good condition. limited funds available for sec­ ery, yards, attics, cellars clean- plus complete fringe bene­ SOUTHERN 387 W est M iddle Tpktf., M an­ 8:30-4:80. OaU 647-1648 any- ond mortgages, payments to 8176. 649-6867. Od and removed. Also odd jObs. MANCHESTER fits. Apply Personnel De­ ch ester. / tim e. suit your budget. Expedient JAGUAR 1966 XKB, reposses- 644-8962. service, J. D. Realty, 64841120. partm ent. NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL JANITORS — Part-time eve­ eion, 4-speed, beautiful condi­ NOW IS THE TIME to protect nings, Manchester areas. OaU Autom obil— Fw Sella 4 BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDOEWAY tion. NO m oney dow n. OaU 288- and restwre original appear­ 648-4463 from 8 to 6 pjoa. on ly . MR. A ^ n iA ' 8716 brok er. Busing Opportunity 28 MOTTS SUPER MARKET ENGLAND CART Credit very bad? ance of your ameadte driveway HAVE you Ncm ceo h e & MANCHESTER — Photography MAN to work on weU drUling h e u k e s t d BE Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ with a good coat of protecUve SPECIAL 59 Leggett Street WEARING HIG HAIR LONGER? studio for sale. Owner retiring machine. Stavens Bros.,- Ibo., MOOepN AND KE&> est Douglas accepts lowest sealer. Free estimates. 742- TELEPHONE Truck*— Troctow 5 after 80 years In business. Ex­ 643- 6970. UP WITH THE BY DICK CAVALU down, smaUist payments, any­ 9487. 8 WEEK East Hartford WINTHROP ceUent business reputation has ^ a CONTEAAPORAPy S C » C . where. Not smaU loan finance 1968 FORD baU-Um plok-uip. ICAN presently employed Ito r EWEAVINO of bums, moth- been establiahed. Owner wlU V|T TRSP’n A l D b , 289-1541 COMPANY company plan. Douglas Mo­ Runs good, new brake Job, work part-time in local retaU *r HEB^PomieeNELGZ holes, slppers repaired. Win­ stay on If requested to acquaint tvO D O (sSSSuj to rs , 846 M ain. 8225. C all a fter B'CSO, 849-7678. store. ObU 545-2888. I7HIN/«/VClUU- TOBBXrANVBOCWOP I HDflE WINTHBOPfe dow shades made to measure, buyer with business. J. D. Real 0E INTBCeSISP IN AGAIN, «EA»2TTNG'TS'I ABOUND... n e s n L U JBBF, CJ-8. 8 new tires, new aU s lie Venetian blinds. K eys E state Asscxslates, In c. 648- CARPENTER^, and Carpenter’s ^ 1966 VOUeSWAOEN, Uack sim- DENTAL HYGIENIST for perio­ WOMAN to oars tor Meriy THI6,6fOTl-ESS, eeooN O s naavA NOW. ^ oareix^ecoN D S vinyl top, C|iovy V-8 engine, made whUe you wait. Tape re­ 6129. TRAINING helpers, eoqpeneneed preferrea, rooL Red leather interior, ful­ dontal office. CaU 622-9187, 8:80 lady, meals plus Ught house­ L 0 = r . ly equipped including stainless 4-wheel drive, _Wern hubs BT>.d cord ers fo r rent. M arlow ’ s 867 steady work. OaU 545-2282 or STAFFORD AREA — Drive-In to 6 p.m . work, Uve In preferred but steel ski rack. Oxw fowa.oon- plow, excellent condition. 649- M ain St , 84941221. ______644- 8896 a fte r 6 p j n . ~ r restaurant, plus 6-room Uving PR(X5RAM not essential. CoU 648-6819 af­ d lttoo. 81|296. CljR 54941786. 7818.______■« LEGAL SECRETARY f6r Hart- VENETIAN blinds — reptdred. quarters, aU electric, excellent ter 6. ford law firm, fuU-time, ' wUl P A R T -n M B 8 eveninga and 1964 FALCON R a n oh eio, V-8, retaped and recorded. 8454)378, condition. A good growing busi­ CHEVROLET, 1988. Set up tor PHONE FOR train. CaU 622-1166. Saturday, |50. p e r w e e k . Col­ Cbevry V-8. ExceUent body. 4-speed, tonneau cover, new 649-2971. ness. Tom Minor, Broker, 1- lege students oonaldereff, A > WOMAN to clean one day a Best offer. 649-4788.______tires. 649-7818. 876-6042. ply 480 ToUand Bt, Booin AM, INFORMATION week. QaU 649-1437. 1. » - i East H&rttord, adjacent to Po­ BY AL VERMEER PON TIAC 1964, 4-door, radio, 1961 C H E VRO LET plCK-up i n t e r e s t , IN PJZSSA and SALESWOMEN PRISCILLA’S POP •F Building— PARTY PLAN Demonstrators: lice StatloiL Apply 10 a.m ., 2 power brakes, power, etoeripg, truck, very good' mechanical grinder estabUshment. Good GRADUATES OF TH IS 1 h o w C A N I 'M Abetdutriy guaranteed H80 in p.m„ 7:80 p.m. only* IGr. WHAT ARE you ^ good condition, 8926. 872-4120. condition, 8197. firm. 876-6878. Contracting 14 Income end you aTe your own SPECIAL TRAININO PRO- Looking tor matured sales­ O N *, h o l l y h o c k r j JOGOINO J O O O I N O toys and gifts free to you plus M UewsU. YES...TO t ; — boss. Peter F. Grady Real ORAM WILL BE OFFER­ women to work in lady’s IMPROVE IMPROVE T O T H E ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ |100 In ca sh fo r Just 20 nights YOUR LIBRARY; CH EVRO LET 1966 C h eW H IJstate, 648-2694. ED FULL-TIME EMPLOY­ and chUdren’s dqiartments, SERVICB abATION atteriBint, MV II Nova wagon, immaculate. Take Aula Aceostarlas— rage, reo -rooms, bathrooms wmdc during the next three J O O G lN d ^ MINDA, MIND MENT. A STIPEND WILL no experience necessary, p a rb tlm e aftarnocoe aad em»- over payments, no money T l r t f 4 tiled, Hitchens remodeled, ce­ months. Phone and car neces­ y . CAPTAIN BABY BY LESLIE TURNER BE PAID DURING THE full-time - or part^lme, days sa ry . CaU 2404)077 o r 489-1101 nlngs. Appliy Sunset Oarvioa dow n. OaU 288-8716 brok er. — 1.^— ------ment work, cellar floors, pa­ Idiisical— Dramatic 30 TRAININO P R O dR A M . or evenings. Ask for Mr. or write Laurene Co., Goshen, Station, 865 B . MUMDe 1p|M. tios, roofing. CaU Leon Cles- CLASSES WILL BEGIN ON 1 MBtELV WAMTBP .^HICR SHIN VOUV 5AIP TO CALL ON 1968 CHEVROLET Bel Air. verv 1993 CORVETTE hood. 830. <3aU PRIVATE Instructions— piano, Brandon. Conn. 06768. A PBEK. M gully ■ynsU, B uilder. 649-4291. SE PTE M B E R 16 . A N D APFUCATIONH now beh« Uk- YOU IP I NSePBO good condition, standdrd, 6 oyl- 048-8964. by London certified teacher, LEACOCK'S CA9TLB, PROTBCTIONl m i l LASl' UNTIL NOVEMBER KEYPUNCH ^operator. Alpha en tor three superlabeailiSBfo AMP TO CHAF-STDPI Inder, very low original — ------! — n e w t o n H. SMITH A BON — m y hom e. 648-2810. apd two day m aiafohuoe nun. mUeage, exoeUent second oar. 8TH. FOR INFORMA-nON and Numerloiru to 4:80 Monday UTMEOfP.OR Remodeling, repairing, addi­ TREASURE CitY ' FuU tim e . CNurden t j p s ' a p a rt­ ILL A i m B est o ffs r accep ted . 848-8819 PHONE THE PERSONNEL through Friday. CaU 622-1182. <5arag> Snrvlci tions, reo rooms, garages, ment Manriieater. M iij; be re­ PIANO tuning and repairs. D B P ARTMBNT, MAN­ MANCHESTER PARKADE after 5:80 p.m. Storago 10 porches and roofing. No Job TYPIST wanted for dictaphone liable, eome know|e e m luw W c A s e e hMds, pinned roritar studs, ahi- 1866 SCRAM BLER Honda 806, home management, care of Oobum, Pilgrim Mills, Hart­ L U l i , I AM FOR )ttJ candy apply red, high risers, no proMem. 848-4000. nalnum retainers, crane cam, HOMES, OARAGES, porches, ChUdren, the elderly and the ford Rd., Manchester, between TO SHOWAS. chrome fenders, $200., take T w o lalV Uftors, Mr. gasket push reo rooms, room additions, BABYSrUTER — 8-6 n.m., Mon- Blok. Part-time work at a good three and six p.m. on^. iwjR/wwEcr.' LITTLE SPORTS B Y R O U S O N over payments. CaU after 6, • a rv loe. rods, Wyand hlghriae manifold. kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ day through Friday, In my hourly rate plus the satisfac­ 688-0676. WOMAN tor general oloanlng, ■'-ewaCDCuT MaUery ignition. Never used. eral repair work. Mnanolng home near high sriiool. 546- tion ■ of community service. Sjxtm twice monthly or one half day ; 8560. OaU 743-7728.______available. No down ^yment. 8682 a fte r 6:80. Phone 648-9611 betw een 9-4. □ PHS»N 1956 HONDA 806 oq, v ery n ice weekly, own transportation ' E con om y BuUders, In o. 548- ' m u s t a n g 1968 rapoassmdon, 2- oondlthm, completely custom- GET MY FREE catalog, earn PARTY PLAN Manager — preferred. 648-4848. . 6108. door hardtop, automotlo, very iMd. Best otter accepted. OaU |60, $100—even m ore In nam e Show lateat Uea Jewelry. Earn 048-8819. WOMEN^ — Christdias sriUng > olaaa. N o xnotMy dc/wn. OaU ROBBINS Carpentry re­ brand merchandise. Help your high commlsslonB. Work with WES starte early with Avon OosmSt- 388-8716 broker. modeling speclollat. AddlUona, fiiemU shop at home, l^ te fuU kit and color catalog. Write TWO 1986 V E SPA scooteim 160 tos —part or fuU-tlme —valu­ reo roome, dormers, porches, me, Alice WtlUams, Popular U]. A. Botti, Pree.,. 666 Main Bt., 1950 CHEVROLET — good nm- o c ’ s. One ISO, one $70, 'need able ealee territory now avaU­ 217 cabinets, foirmtoa, jiuUt ■ Ins, Club Plan, Dept. U504, Lyn- Orange, N. J. or oaU coUect 201- 'M 0^ 1^ ,M Car^ oondltlOD, 1136. OaU 549- m inor rep a irs. DuCJatl m otor­ able. OaU 289-4922. brook, N.Y. 678-8877. 9685 after 5. c y c le 60 o o 't , ISO, 649-0486. bathrooms, kitobsna,'^ 548-8445. I I MANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., T W ^ A Y , SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 PAGE FUfTBEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 M m FOURTEEN 72 Hatwas For Sate 72 Out of Town - Out of Town Fonm For S d t t 75 Hospital Notes RMort fiop*rty Hoiwt For Soto 73 For Sola 75 For Sate 75 STAFFORD AREA — 61 acre ffnasasfWATTrws OONOOR P Roqd. area... .P rice Heralding Politics All evening vM Itog hooni art* farm , 10-room house, garage, « 3 For tout 67 oontbmporart Raneh, • 7 roosns, modem UtolMn, t o m fi Is MASHMID on this beautiful ------By SOL.R. CX)BEN at t p.m ., oad starts M Ute PLUMBBRa and plumbtr'a BEfiRrS WORLO- rooms oo one eore, bMUttfta- custom built home. Owners no BOUTON — fear room expand- VERNON. . .one of the cleanest bam , chicken coops, appnosd- al dbitng room, dm, loiige liv^' vaitoisi o M s, ati PeSMrilm 9 holpora awttod. Toar 'round WE HAVE ouatomara waitlni NIANTIO —Quiet oomtertaWe Ijr lendsoApedg modem kltoh* up, ranrti homes we’ve ever listed. mately 20 acres open land, tog room with flreplaoe, VA Vxiger can take owe of It, now aW« CaP*- Two unfinished Manchester Republicans wiU night by GOP senatorial hope- p.m.{ seif servloe nalC 14a-akt CLASSIFIED irork. Top wafoa, ovorUmo. Af­ for tho rental of your, apart- ^room an, larga Hvlng room, fom al btdhs, 3 large bedrooms, 3-oar sitting vaoant AU overeiaed Oannrenlent loeotlasi n fa r Throe bedrooms, finished base­ qntog brook, immedlato oe- klek 0 0 their louU cam paign fl*l M ay. IJ wlU be at the Tale m ast or homo. J. D. Baal Be- boattaf, teniida, foU . AyaUi*la ment, Ideal residential area. Crowell BhNssa, 5 p.m. wash- ter d p.m . ca ll 6464B28. dining room, family room 20x garage, ^,000. PhUbHok room s (tlx In all) hallways, way and Lake. OaU now, H6,- cupaitoy, Tom Minor, Bnkar, tilth tsro emts Uila week — Motor Inn, WaUIngford, with w< 1 tate Aaooclatea, Inc., 648-8129. Immediately, |100. weekly. OOv- Impo^ble to describe, so dayc, 9 P.IB., waekOsgs a t f 34 ovtrlooklng water fWmtaln, 'Agsswy, Reators; 9496347. olossts galore, fireplace, fuU 400. B ayes AgV>ey, 9464)181. 1-875-60U. y ^ drink Mid - —------entry, 742-601#. ‘ 106,500. By appointmant only. boeement with GE unit, patio. many extras and the over-all 8L headquarters Thursday NO BPBBCHES.' H*lp WotitMk- NBW ONB and two-bedroom do------———------—;— condition. Sensibly priced In a.i»».t oMm-pswats I ADVERTISING\ PhUbriok Agency, Raaltora 61A000 -SdMDDROOM Ranrti, two oar garage. Must he seen JT luxe garden type ap^enta AipTON L ^ .W d - - - you have this completely mod­ night, and a Chlcksn Bathecue ------__ , viaHins In IM. no. aal M d i i or Fomcrio 37 640-6847. pondi srltb wrought Iron lall- to be appreciated. Here is an the mid 20’s and weU worth It. Wonfad Baal Ertta 77 on Dennison Flsld, Highland Elinor HasWm^Mai^os- ^ toansedtoSe GLA80FIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS tog, fuU cellar, garage, 100x300 opportunity to make on excel­ ern 6-room ttaneh, 8 bedromns, T. J. Crockett, Realtor. 648- Bt, at 9:90 p.m. Saturday. ter dialrman for the May Cam- - - W. Dougan, Realtor. 64#-46«. RAISED RANCH —' bunt-tas, baseboard eradiation, aluminum 8 AJIL to 4:80 PJS. MAN o r w o m a n for counter lot, trees.' Hutchins Agasicy, lent purchase. Lot Is 180 x ISO.i 1677. a l l c a s h for your propwty Tho OOP___ headquarters______wfll be palgn. to no longer with Unit------work at new Dairy Queen Braa- IH batha, flre^aoe, reo room, Raaltoni, 0494824. rtdtog. Don’t wait, see it today. within 24 hours. Avow rwl ____ ^ t^so' p.m.______withsaa. a- ^ed Aircraft Atras>w#» R e s«^ T^AWMStofA.Laborato- nlllllfttMllenmiran^. AIB«1IO* fishing. Ice skating. Ice fleh- T.J, Orookett, R ealtor, 648-1577. COVENTRY —older 5 roam ler, 74>.m. to midnight. Apply 14x16' aundaek, garaga. Two Char Bon Agency, 6484)683 tape. Instant servlee. Hayss Candldatss” pro- riee. She now is working part- v OCMPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 80 LOCUST ST.-»Second floor, Ing and more. Many choice hoiiiie with acreage, barn and in person at Dairy Queein, 343 acres o f land. $34,000. CaU M t- WEST hU>B —older home, SEVEN ROOM Older homo, «x- Agency, 646-0181. gram, ft win be open to the time at Mary Caieney Library, 4-rooma, heated, $166. 646-2426. 'lota available |10. down, bud­ aU rooms large, 4 bedrooms, etaUs, approxim ately . 1,000’ 4tM P.M. DAT BEFORE PVBUOATION Broad St. tan R ealty Raaltora, 641-6080. oeUent oondlUon, on bus line. Buyer* public. RefreehmenU wUl be whUe attending Southern Con Vlsltois are asked net te i get terms. Amaton Lake 06. hot water boMboard heat, Property toolodaa 2 extra bund­ (COLUMBIA of frontage. $17,200. PliUbrlck usTn^iOS WANTED — ^ mIn naiionis' pirttaits’ roeaas.r--—**—- Ne DeMUne for Sotorday and Monday la 4:M p.m. Friday. NEW TWO bedroom townhouse on Route 86 between Ooldiaih MANCHBBTBB—IT Haoal Bt 8- apartment with exceptional good oondMton. Ideal fo r large ing lots. Marion E. ftobertson. Agency, Raaltora, 0494847. ^ SSi Tr^lTd^Jr:: ^ ter and Hebron, 687-3547 (open bedroom. Colonial, aluminum fam ily, |30,900. PhUbrick Agen­ service. Tour satisfaction ouatom tanant faatures. J. D. Realtor, 643-6968. New Listing. Immaculate 6- BOLTON —Just listed, 4-room «rvice. Tour sattofacUon u ^ j^eneherter rock ry Sdenee. per patteit. 7 d ays). aiding. BxeaUant oonditUm, on* cy, Realtors, 6494847. our concern. Call us now. C.J. BE AFFBEOIATED OPPORTUNITY Real Batata Aasoelates Inc., room Ranch, pine paneled DIALM3-2711 ly $15,000. H .K . SEraonatta BEAUTIFUL Cape — aluminum Ranch, very clean, oversized Morrison Agency, 648-1015. bawl- . , ------, Patlento Todayi 8SS 648-5130, 645-8770. PLYMOUTH LANE — 4-bed- kitchen, L-shaped living gsuage. A buy at $16,600. Quick A traditional Republican mo- Jamea Murphy, a Barry aide, »r«nTTBD TEStBBDMG; WoiifBd To Rout 68 R4»tow. 647-0005. rtdtog, fuU shed dorm er, T We need an ambitious high room Colonial. Owner moving nice large rooms, with 8 bed­ room, raised ttearth flre- occupatMy. Assumable TA torcade will form at 6:80 In aUo has changed Jobe. He now Andrews SI Brookfield school graduate who la will­ AVATTiABXiHl Sept# 1 — 5*roem ■ * uA N ninm TinR — OlroRt l®78i 'p la c e , 8 bedroom s, tUed mortgage. H. M. PYechette front of the headquarters and >» a ctoime adjuster with tho ^ mnrtno Bazim. B*f) Continuod From Procodhtg Pogo flrat floor apertmant, $180; WANTBD - aman ttoe or ftnw ^ out of state. Price drasficBUy rooms up, 4 down, fireplace, ing to accept re^nalblllty, reduced. Best buy In town. CaU bath and wash area, large Realtors, 647-9998. wlH parade through downtown Hartford Accident and Indemnl- D avid BaOB. 4-room first• floor apartment, room apartment with heat and large kitchen, overslaed ga- Why Hang Fire When $100. per week to start, owner for ^ppointmmt after 6 te g e , heavUy treed lot. Low dining room, open porch, Main 8L and the Shopping Par- ty Co. He formerty was employ- Hotp Wontod—Merit 36 Holp Wonttcl- -Mote 36 mtmy fringe benefits includ­ including heat, fuU basement Ideal for fu­ BOLTON ~ You Want to SELL? kade. ed by Circuit Court 12, to Us ^ erett Agency, 640-8586. sponsible single teacher from p.m., 6494487. 20’a. Won’t last Wolvertoi) ing free meals, uniforfhs, aohette Realtors, 647-0008. Agency, RealtMX, 649-3nS. ture family room, 2-car at­ The Saturdayjfte^ GOP tomUy relaUon. office. N-' Btal m Insurancjf. Opportunity to September to Jtme. Not over MANCHEUTEH r- 5 room 'cus- tached garage, 2% acres of ONE ACRE AND TREES f o u r ROOMS, heat hot wa- There’s a bigger demand Baihecue also wlU feature a ------nriunn aw Bohool OL: ntONT END man wanted for Ftni. TIME LABORERS for advance Into supervisory $U5. OaU after 4 p.m . 648-1400. qqi SCHOOL - Oatoi 6 tom built Raised Ranch, top BEST BUY IN town.. .six room land, qiUet suburban area, ter, centrally located, adults Surround this custom buUt for your house than you •Meet the Candidates” pro- «"»®brater Mayor N a ^ Auto Oare, Mancheater. landscaping. Ko experience capacity, room s \p]ilus paneled oiSlee, quality oonatruotlm, exceUent $27,900. necesaary. 42.26 per hour. Call no pats. 648-3171 tmtll 6 p.m. NBBK> HBLP NOW! Family cape with one car garage. Ranch )K>me. Inside—8*bed- ttilnkt Let us bring In quali­ gram ^'oT ha^nS^ E ^ AgortlnelH t^ y attended a 9 Contact Jim Brennan or Ken treed lot^garage,it x $31,SOO. Phll- location, treed lot. Mid 30’s. House centraUy locatad, in K. May, candidate tor the U.S. »-*n. to 4:80 p.m. seminar of C r ^ . « CMabenaen, between # a.m. Orantland Nursery, 843-0666. of eight, nine yean in M6n- rooma, 2 full batha, large fied prot^eots. ELLINOTON — Pinney Brook brlok Agrtmr. Realtors, 040- Bajres Agency, 6464031. pretty good condition. OU hot famUy room, double garage Senate; Roger Ladd, candidate the Connecticut Conference H ^ and B p.m . 64S-1880. Part - time positions also oheeter, forced to vacate, four available from 10-2 or 11 ;S0- n. Brand new brMc three 5847. water heat. No basement. Tre­ U & R REALTY Ck)., Inc. and more. Aluminum sid­ for U.8.^reeentaU vo from Mayors, tt was at the Hotel HU- 1>>«»^. PAINTERS —YEAR 'round bedrooms required. Please MANCHB18TER — dean 8-iam- 8, 3 or more days per week, room, one story gaMen apaz^ mendous value at only $15,600. ing, storms and screens. KEITH REAL ESTATE the First Ctongngatlonal Dto- ton. Hartford. Iw. 9# work, plenty of overtime,Man­ c a ll'648-0166. LARGB MOD] home plus Uy 6-44, la ^ lot, centnUly chester, South. Windsor area. starting at $2. per hour. Al­ menta. Total electric. Buflt-in Immediate occupancy. T.J. 648-2692 $34,900. Don Sisco, 649-6306. trict; Nathan AgostlnelU. can- The mayors are seeking new MAINTENANCE MAN 6 room older %oi located, St Jamea Parish. Ckockett, Realtor, 048-1577. 649-1922 dldate tor the State Senate; and ways to finance local budgetary Mr^ Experienced. Call after 6 p.m., so evening positions avail­ S R. D. MURDOCK, Realtor ^ dinxwal, alTKSondlUoner, base- 2; 6, 8,1 0 , 12 and 14 desperate- ^ ac™ . Lecoard Agesny, Realtors, 040- Donald Genovert, Robert Slav- needs, with less reltonce on ^ur^g Home. G e o r^ O ^ . WANTED 628-7449. able. 0169. 648-6472 B & W (C) IHI hr NEA, In. .1 laundiy and storage area, ly need a nice house or ihiplex MoSw”* nltoky and WUltam Forbes, can- town and; city property taxes “ Each unit h av^ an mterlor to rent by Oct. 1st, Manchester Agency Realtors, 640Meet the Candidates”Candldatea” pro- have been clianged. It will not view Dr., Vernon; Claudia BBer- time for third shifts, house­ WANTED good home to e male SEWING MACHINEB — singer 648-9882. SOUTH WINDSOR Large four HOSPITAL, 643-1141, EXT. 248. wives, retired persMW. lo 7 M room Ranch phis heated porch, worth doing your own fix­ NORTH OOVENTRT — near he be at 601 B. Middle Tpke. in- man, 87 Overtook Rd., wip- District managers, 12 noon to 4 two year old Welntaraner Good automatic stg-sag, excellent t WO-BBDROOM town house, For Solo bedroom Ranch. Two car ga- TWO OR THREE train you. 643-2414. full basement,. 16 x 80 rtc ing. SOUTH Wtodsor — BuUdtogdots Parlcway. Older three bedroom be aiead, It wlU be opened next ping; Beth Starieweathor, 80 ______p.m. Monday through Friday breeding, good with children. ctmditlon^ Makes buttoidioles, Includes heat hot water, ap- MANCHESTER Rooming rag^ ^ezevmy. Big weU ^referred.! M.a-che^r or S 5T i^ l^ «T ch ato week’at 621 E. Mld«VTpke., on FaiW on St; David 8ut> room, IH baths, dishwash­ fo r sale. $5,(X)0 and iq>. Weet- Cape. Three car garage, five MOVERS, helpers and packers, Sunday nwirnmgs to deliver CaU 648-0045. hems, embroiders, etc. Orig- pllances, private patio and cel­ house, good location between side Realty, 646-4842. landscaped yard. Reo room. East Hartford. CaU 7424«m. the second floor. Tbe original fllHe. 40 Phelps Rd.; M». er and disposal, trosd yard Four room apartment and acres, privacy. Only $16,500. Possible to-Iaw suite. Priced to experienced p ref^ d , 44 InaUy over $800., 6 monthly lar. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ redevelopment and proposed with patio. Immediate occu­ surprises. choice, vacant tor several Margaret Vasalonn!, 44T Oett- Manchester - Coventry area. 6 gar^ee. L a^ lot! Hayes A gency, 646-0181. sell. Paid W. Dougan Realtor, week. Austin A. Chambers Co., payments o f $8.60 each or pay- ciates, Inc., 648-6120. shopping center. Potential pancy. OaU owner 645-3806. MANCHESTE2R -E s t a t e stood CummiiHS. to a caU tor unity months, lias been rented. ter St.; Paul WWte, 87 Ptte Must have car. Excellent sal- POUR fluffy kittens, free 649-4685. Bolton, 648-5187. 861 cash. 622-0981 dealer. gross, $6,186 per year, $0,000 _____ lots on ths slopes of Cose $20,600 —1)4 acres. Old Colon- ______Logoi Noricos am oiK Dam oersta, ***" Invited ------St.; Mn. Elma Williams, OB COMPUTER ary. housebroken. CaU 640-1441. NEW one-bedroom, Includes down to rl^t buyer. Ample MANCHESTER — six room Mountain ov«rlooUng Hart­ CLEAN, USED refrigerators, ial, completely modernised, souiH Windsor Large 8 allmemben of tho Party to Unforgettable momentat the Stoney Rd., Bolton; jWlto MAN TO WORK on grounds of appliances and utUlUes, from parking, reflnished Inside and Ranch, fireplace, built-in range KEITH REAL ESTATE ford. Rood complete. OaU 648- CaU Hartford 249-8211 TWO AKC wtdte female toy ranges, automatic washers bright and clean, three ga­ room Split Level. Three or four Join with us at next Monday’s Democrafie National Oonven- lenskt, 66 Village Bt, RodevU#. large home, 8-4 mornings t- i . n - $145. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ out. ExceUent investment prop­ IH baths, 2-car garage, 160 x 5177 weekdays. ^ k ly . Permanent poslUon, Mr Camer or Mr. Daley 6 to poodles. EboceUent line and wlfli guarantees. See them at rages, nice view, trees, subur­ bedrooms. Ideal in-law ar- OaOEB OF NOTICE OPERATOR ciates, Inc., 648-5129. erty. CaU The R .F . Dlm ock 200 lot. Hutrtilns Agency, Real­ 649-1922 AT A eXJURT OP, PROBAra, ‘ ' l 2 Q&ys. temperament, $160. each. OaU B. D. Peart's Appliances, 640 ban. Hutchins Agency, Real- rangeiqrat. Modern kitchen, »t*MiJ5J*Ster.''witota'^'fS wm *S*State Sen. “ ^ da^tortok&M^^ spring to faU if satisfactory. Co. 640-5245. tors, 646-5324. NEAR BOtton Center, superb Write Box "U”, Manchester 648-1646 evenings. Main S t .Can 64S-21TL ' ______one acre wooded lot. Ideal to- tOTO) 64941834. formal >dinlngling room, famUy ti» jta iy m the David M . B arry,.running tor re- ^^bte Cervaiw Rd. 476 MAIN BT. — 6' room tene Excellent opportunity for an Herald, stating desired wage, PART-TIME HELP OP LOW 20’s — 8 room Colonial, . gUl,900 W n ^ PURCHASE this pogniphy. SeUlng for $7,800. room . 2)4 batha. gar- eXecUoa; and Mrs. Mary I^ I ' f , 45^ STda^S^to»^ experienced 860 and 1401 amem 8 g^OVE, refrigerator; large alr- ment, $120. 646-2426, 0 6 . age. ,23.900. PhUbrick Agency T age, and references. months old, unaltered male condlUmrlng unit, lawn mower. Land For Sal* 71 4 bedrooms, Uvlng room with 4)4 room R toi^ within walk- (JaU R.F. Dlmortc Go. 649-5345. IBM operator to work third Needed for food prepr.ra- cheater. In and female, raised with chll- ^ “ ^^^feaTOnaWr"oS^T*ac- THREE ROOM apartment, sec- cCIVENTRY — 48 acres of good tog dtotance to private beach at ;■ rr;;: ------;—;— BIRCH HILL ESTATES ReaKora, 646-6847. wtiou of luraaret re^eaenUUves. trying to take over the com^- shift. Salary commensurate HELP WANTED, second cook, tion and counter service 2-car garage, aluminum riding, Bolton Lake, aU nloely paneled Uponon thef StaiUo) from 11 a.m . untU 1 p.m . or dren. Quick sale, $85. for both, ^pted ond floor, garage, near bus toe. Id 8 C. JuMudd prayont ffor the appoint­ with ablUty. Above average salad nuui, kUchen utility possible 2-famlly conversion. with 2 bedl^)onm,^^lrtnl^^oom buUdtag 1 ^ ariUlaWe^Jurt ment of o fa---- guanuan or the estate ot man, and kltciim helpers. noon to 2 p.m. weekdays. 643-0791. ------„ adults only, referm cea. 648-7284. at $19,800. PhUbrick off the Tollabd Green, Route benefits, convenient free K e » Vacant. CaU now. Wolverton with fireplace, Utohe and dln- SOUTH WINDSOR said minor, it to OaU 640-2678 or 876-6291 E l­ Apply 16. E xit 99. P rices range from been scheduled for Thursday clear the gaUerles, parking, Interesting, diver­ *m w ef^S^yeaM *^*«cetorrt MANCHESTER SUburban-New Agency, Realtors, 640-6847. Agency, Realtors, 640-2818. tog area. MMt be Wol- SOUTH WINDSOR appUcatlon RockvUIe; a son to MP. iriO lington Ridge Country Club, $2,200-$1,OQO. Wyman — Lord the Ppotoete office in _ sified work. Apply, ETIEE to good homes, two cal­ condltUm $90. CaU after 6 p.m. Luge three room apartment In- b OLTON — 86 acres ideal for verton Agency Realt 649- M rs. Edward K elw y, BM Bu6S- ask' for Mr, McAUister. PEPE TACO PORTER ST. area, large over­ R ealty. Inc. 646-8786. M r. Glea­ One year old execufiye Swster^In^Cl • a** srtdMl H li DtatrirtTM 4AMtto 19th ico kittens. 646-7523. 646-1748. eludes appUances, e t o ^ ^ jhe peiaon that enjoys country 38U. day of September, ^ > . MS, . land Rd., Wapplng. 246 Broad Street sized Cape, 7 rooms, formal son, 872-0067. buUt, oversized 9 - room Value beyond compere in four o'cloefcta the ■ftemoon. and Tolland County garage. P rice $125, Call J.D . living *■ with . privacy,. 81^,600.—j.— FREE —Three darting playful OOLDSPOT refrigerator with dining room, family room or ROLUNO Parti — 6 room Caj Raised Ranch home, 3 or 4 fills 6-room Ranch home that notice be gilven to rtl DISCHARGED VEBTERDAT: FIRST NATIONAL 646-1978 R eal Ebitate A ssedates, In c., U C R Realty c o ., Inc. ,648- CHOICB half acre comer lot interested In said estate of th* COLONIAL BOARD Co. kittens, need good homes. 649- freezer top. Good condition. 643-6129, 643-8776. den, 2 full .baths, yard with in fine neighborhood, flreplaoe^ oversized bedrooms, family that otters 3 bedrooms, Uv­ pendency of etXrtcatleh Corrine Eclcherdt, 19 Winter S t; 2692, R.D . Murdock, 643-6472. privacy. ExceUent condition. on Lakewood Circle. Inchidea lng room, kitchen and fam­ Uk time and Ptone of faearins STORES, INC. 4880. ReasonaUe. CoU 648-4740. two fifll baths, Joods of closet styled kitchen with com­ thereon, toy puMtahlnaa taPY « ‘Need for New Leadership’ Nathan PerUna, 14 Lawton Rd.; Real Estate MAGNIFICENT NEW apart­ $24,900. PhUbrick Agency R eal­ 'rty trees, view of reservoir plete buUt-ins and a pantry, Uy room oU on the same thto \)nler to eome newspaper hav­ SkiUed and unsklUed. Ebccel- STAFFORD area — 172 acres apace, fuU rtied donner, fonn- Mrs. Agnes Rankl, Wethersfield; PARK & OAKLAND Aves. MUST GO, end of season clear­ ments avoUable on Center St. tors, 640-6847. aU utUifies. CaU owner. glass sUding doors, sun floor, plus an attached one ing a clroutotton In said dtotrlot, lent wages, fuU-time, 6 days Career land, several hundred feet al dtotog zoom or fourth bed­ at least seven days before ttw tty M n. AUce Llak, 76 VaUey Falls Liva Stock 42 ance sale. Famous 1968 zig-zag In Manchester. These one and deck, Uvlng room with red­ car garage, fuU basement, per week. Shift differential, borders or beautiful lake. room . Lots o f trees. $22,900. of said heartngTto appear if ^ y Stressed in Mariani Talk Rd., Vernon; M n. Dorothy Pelt- EAST HARTFORD \ sewing machines. You'll recog­ two bedroom apartments are RAISED RANCH — modem wood beamed cathedral cell­ almost completed Sauna see cause at said time and place Blue Cross, CMS, life insur­ Due to expanding business we ------Term s. Tom NQnor, Broker, 1- PhUbrick Agency Realtors, 649- and be heard retative thereto, and “Tho need for now leader- Other debate an>earances zer, Glaston^^; Louis GozUch, nize the famous quality manu­ the last word in modem equip-' kitchen with aU buUt-dns, ing and large rustic brick both, aluminum storms, CONN. ance, paid holidays, other 876-5042. 6647. make return to tWs court. ship” was stressed yesterday al- wiU be qxmeored by Die WUll- RTO 1, Manchester; Kathryn facturer immediately. Com­ ment for comfortable living. formal dining room, . family flreplaoe, formal dining well shrubbed yard. Assum­ JOiaf J. WAUL£TT. Judge. fringe benefits. Sbrss-ssxs'wS “““ — ternoon by Peter Mariani of manttc-ltansfieM area League Hansen, 129 Lenox ^ ; Mn. Ing real estate salespeoi^e. We uail ______plete sewing center with buUt- Im m ediate occupancy. F or In­ room, 4 bedrooms, 2H baths, MANCHESTER — Colonial, 74 room, . paneled recreation able 4% VA m ortgage In in button hole control, position 2 fireplaces, 2-car garage, $54,- rtx rooms, formal dtotog room. room \rtth huge stone fire­ the amount of $1Q,000 avaU­ AT A c»URT OP PHOB.1TE, Gioton, RepubUcon candidate of Women Voters on Got 23, San^ Bruggeaian^ E w Ha^ prefer fuU-Ume people, b\»t c a n ------formation can the Jarvis Real­ held at Manchester, witwn end for f— u .S . Congroasman from the and on Education televlflion de- ford; M n . Gertrude U 8K, 36 Progressive and expemding devise sews buttons on, blind ty Co. Realtors, 643-1121, 643- How« For Sola 72 900. PhUbrick Agency Realtors, large Uvlng room, three bed- b OUTON LAKE, Bolton — 6 place, separate study or able or refinance. Asking SERVICE station attendant iwe some on a parWtoe basis ArHclOS FOf Scri* 45 ^ D ls w ^ l^ e a Of meet- bate sponsored by the Cbnnec- ^ S t ; Dale Hooey 116 W a ^ company. If their available hours meet _____ :______hems, makes fancy stitches. 64041847. room s. New kitchen with buUt- room summer home aecluded guest room , 2 fuU baths, $21,600. ^ part-time. Apply at M A M 4112. TO BE SOLD — 4-4, two fam - Present, Hon. John J. WaHett. area RSpubUcan lead- ticut League o f Women Voters. ****• Shirley Russell and Service StaUen, Route 6, Bol­ our requirements. In addition CXEANINGEIST carpet cleaner Must unloaduni^a inventorymvemory newnow aiat _ r r h „ . Uy, A-1 condition, A-1 location. NEW 2-famlly, 10 room duplex, tos. Aluminum siding. Handy hldaway, near water, I bed­ wall to wall caipeting, alu­ ton, 640-2871. to our fuU-tlme staff we pres- you ever used, so easy too. Get $83. each or 6 paymente of MANCHESim -Three room ^ ctorrentl Agency, «,«h anartient 2 bsdro^. to shopping center and ertiools. room s, only $9,800. Hayes minum storms and screens, " " • ^ e of John Peoannd. late rt ^ MArtani to simklng election COLONIAL BOARD Co. apartment in two-family bouse. each apartment 3 bedrooms, U & R REALTY (Ho. Inc. iMstrict. de- incumbent State Sttiator from agalnrt Incumbent Oongfoss- Hartmann and daughter, Eultos^ ^ tly have several part-time Blue Lustre, Rent electric $6.80 per month to make room 14 X 14 master bedroom, living P rice, $25,900. PhUbrick Agen­ Agency, 6464)181. stone froijt, redwood siding, 61f Parker Bt., Manchester Includes appliances and heat. _648-6363.______' **The' admintatnatriz having ex- Tolland County, Andrew Repko, m an D em ocrat WHUam S t ton. *Waespeople (school teach- ohompooer, $1. The Sherwln- for new models. Free driivery room and formal dining room cy . 649-6$47. treed lot.- 'Im m ediate occu­ ere, housewives,. Industrial em- Williams Co. and home demonstratKms. CaU $126. CaU J.D. Real Estate As- MANCHESTER — four bed­ pancy. $40,900. 643-2692 accompanied Mariani on his Mrs. E. S. Loftus soclates In c., 648-6129, 643-8779. with waU to wall,, kitchen with A LITTLE Imagtoafion, a UtUe PART-TIME ployes) who find this work In- O ipitol manager, 246-2140 until room older Colonial. % acre electric ranges, separate fur­ aHowanoe,_it to _____ , rounds. UBgo Dinner teresting and flnanclaUy re- DARK rich stone-free loam. work, and $10,800 wUl get you Out of Town R. D. MURDOCK, Realtor ORDEmED:_That the aoth ^ ^ r t « . t a ntottorm l l i e odfictai k tok oft dinner for 9 p.m. ^ TWO-BEDROOM, first floor lot. Good condition. Modem naces, fuU waUc-out basement, . 643-6472 September, 1968. at aeven o^ock M arian! laid out a platform Evening employment, 6 warding. $10- Pool and patio heating system . CaU now, 0(aly a One Ufile older hom e. Five For Sate 75 U & R REALTY Co., Inc. forenoon et the' Probeto Office in hogAd on forelxn otUiCV, fisca l 1** held S ep t 31 FOR RENT stone, fiU, gravel, sand and HAND WOOL braided rugs, T2" apartment, all conveniences, large rear sundeck. Wolverton rooms on a tree shaded lot ------the•h. MunlctoeiU.mMnEl BuikNngnuikUnw Indn soldMid Man- __ uavw ^ FXltnam. p.m . to 10 p.m ., married $17,000. Hayes Agency, 6464)181. A gm y, Realtors, 649-28U. obeeter, be and the sAne to as- policies to govenunent and pree- S s a i U nm . Movie V w e- men only. Car necessary. Our spacious, attractively fur­ manure. 648-0604. X 6S 6’ 6” X 5’ , O' X 8' 0” . ' centraUy located, adults pre­ ilA t to Manchester. Wolverton TOLIiAND —New Georgian ' 643-2692 siamed for a healing on the allow- «a..a haala Amartonh Governor John Dempsey will laetora eiw d or rtilMt, olss LABORATORY ferred. 648^68. A gency, Realtors, 649-2818. Colonial, CJolonlal. with fuU front col- No experience required. $8. nished, alr-conditloned main ot- Gfeen anUque Windsor comb MODERN 6 room Ranch, base­ MANdHEsrim 6-room A W DOw n----- V rann, a^ rt saM admlntotiatjon account A m oncan return to Ua home town of Put- 88 mm. rtMe ptaJeeOoiv. flees are located in the Vernon TOBACCO BARN boards and ment garage, large lot umn design. Located on high, R. D. MURDOCK, Realtor per hour to start. CaU 646- TECHNICIAN FIVE ROOM duplex, first Ranch, double garage, in- Cape, 4 bedrooms,^ 2 full baths, yip-heirs and order rt dtotrifeutlon, and way noifa an the featured speaker of WaOON DRUG CO. Circle Sbofqring Center, which 160 year Old hand hewed bafn venlent location. Gerard Agen­ MANCHESTER Tree shaded cleared l . l acres. Large Uv­ 643-6472 ______"I wUl convince the votars of event Thia win the 4774 from 2 untU 7 p.m. floor, enclosed yard. Conven­ ground swimming pool, 2 fireplaces, jalousled porch |{|e tune^ direota that notice o TS7 Biatoi Bb—M S U -5 S n is adjacent to Exit 96 off the timbers. Call 875-1016 after 6. cy, 643-0366, 849-0688. 6-room Oarriaon Oolonial, large lng room with brick fireplace, fme end piece atotonrt for tmg dtotrlct that my Views r ^ only ient location. Security deposit meticulous condition Invites and garage, $28,000. PhUbrick said hearing bearing be g^engiven to all P«r-per- ___ i_.. ^d !L fourthWurth appeeranceappearance oof f tbe gov- ChaUenglng fuU-tlme oppor­ Wilbur Croes Parkway (Inter­ OLDER apiUiances, automatic Uytog room with fireplace, for- formal dining room, kitchen known to be Interested there- roscot Uioir inWJTCJJtSy til6 R g* a7Y>nas 4|v yvie oaiietiiAv SCREENED loam, processed your InspecUon. Low ' 20’ e. Agency, Realtors, 64941847. ^ capacity for 8t tunity for a high school grad­ state 84) and at the hub of the washer, $25; dryer, $16; wring­ required. $1$0. CaU 648-6927. MAN(3HESTER — seven room roal dtotog room, and a famUy with buUt-lns, fuU batti and ------gravel, also bank run gravel. . .we ------a byC^y ^to^lSS? party iMidero. onge. The 1»»e tradUlonaltradiU^ dinner uate, preferably with post- highway network for one of er wariter, $10; all In good Cape Cod in exceUent condi­ Hayes Agency, e4e-01Sl. sized kitchen, 8 generous bed­ laundry dowiistalre. Four bed- ANDOVER LAKE area, 4 WlU recognize that a man ^ Putnam High JOURNEYMAN electrician and George H. Grifflng, 742-7886. - FOUR ROOM tenement, fifst BOLTON LAKE —6)4 room Ih some FOR graduotse study, avaUable in New England's fastest growing condition. CaU 649-0047. tion. Three bedrooms, formal rooms, cloaeta solore, 1)4 rooms, and bath up. Attached have two properties list- in oald In trict, accUBtOlUGd t o ffottiiur OraWAAS helper, paid vacation and bene­ floor, heat, stove, rririgera- MANCHESTER and vietotyl ed here, both with lake privi­ Ranch, one ca r garage, )4 seven ttylavM s beforebefore thethe at an imtnunent purport- rection are clearly needed,” the AMDIMM IIIADIN9 wlthln 80 days. Take a loft Chambers n Realtor w m , mujayMLS,/ wOA- — 3 p.m., apply Medical Phar­ COLONIAL BOARD CO. LAVnr AGENCY Dairy Products 50 contents or whole estates. Fur- TWO ROOM office, 100 percent ily room on main level, car;^ room plus n^ly finished base- RepubUcan candidate otated. ..euTEiir ■••t A C A R ? m acy, 344 kfoln St. No phone nlture Repair Bsrvloe, 648-7440. Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ on Scott Dr, off of Vernon St. ______petlng, pat'.c, etc. $27,600. ment with bar, work room. ^ probate, as per appiioatian on He also pledged to discuss his e e .i. ciNTWi STw MSNCHenak oalls please. 616 Parker Street 648-2166 Realtors 876-6207 TOMATOES, pick In your own low’s, 867 Main St. and thm a right on Kennedy Hurry! J. Sledeeky, 649- Must oeu, mid 20’s. 644-2295. ^ ^ views polfolee in NM •! Cavaps, Side Pweew Manchester, Conn. Vernon Circle-Parkway Exit 96 ccotalners. 21 Angel Street^ WANTED — Restaurant equip- Rd. Follow Kennedy Rd. to 6806. rm. m m r Open 7 Days A Week Manchester. ment, store, tavern and bank- FOR RENT o r. sale-461 arein N o n m VERNON -cuBtom 6)4 room infe TELEVISION & RADIO Telephone: 649-4667 Hamilton. Peter F. Grady Real Ranch, buUt 1966. Fireplace, 3Sttp?^ta^Siidittt^S? th e ^ rtrong convictions about dlmate ruptcy equipment. OaU Street. BuUdlng and lot- next Estate, 048-2804. tU. (-nramlp batlis buUtJns of.Beptomber, A.D. 1968, sd ten in Which OUT economy can move SERVICEMAN CLERKIAL. trainees, figure uXl- PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, Fontaine . Reataurant E)qulp- At a meeting of the Ffamtog , B & W 1)4 C«^C Dams, .^ock ^ forenoon, end that affeeUvelv ” to Port O ffice. EbcceUent looa- ___ natural trim. Immaculate. $21,- notice be given to oU persons inter- Kwwaru enecuveiy. tude with automotive ware- !>«• haU buriiel.- CarroU ment, 478 Windsor Street) tlon for any use. 046-2428 from EXEOUTTVE seven rooni (Ur- and Zoning Oonunioslon of Mao- BARROWS and WALLACE Co. F m* RCA Regtonsl Distribu­ 6 0 0 MAver Arenow Realtora oateto rt the pendency "I wlU have a great deal to ENGINEER SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, abort house. Excellent beneflU. Call canning, $1 per Comer Canton Street, Hart- 0 to 6 p.m. rieon Colonial, Lakewood car- Chester, Conneotlout, held Manchester Parkade SOO^yer Agency; Realtoro, oj^-a^.pgk^-nd^tkne ^y p««,rvatlon of tor, Inride work only, ideal hours, good wages. Also 280-7006. bushel. Petersen Farms,. 440 Small motors. Familiar with fird . 627-6771. c cle area; Oversized two- car Wednesday evening, September Manchester 649-6306 publishing a com' rt this onier In qur Amesican way of life," Mar- working conditions, good mechanic, fuU or part-UmS. — 3 ------— Demlng Street, Wapplng. • BOLTON — Connecticut—Fully garage, breezewsy, two fire- O, lOM, the following official ac- on pltonee pf mawntactnring Why Not! salary, 6-day week, yaca- Post Road Stages, 644-1681. PTJtXER BRUSH Company HOUSEHOLD lota — Antiques equipped woodworking ehop for COVENTRY North — Brand TOLLAND select from 2 new Kn^in'ISS^JtowSf'^toSrt^n------_____ ^ «**»*«>. "because T 'believe and devetopment of frao- needs men, women, students TOMATOES — pick your own, places, lovely treed lot Call tions wane taken: naw all electric home Raised nearly completed Ranches, ttys before the tty of said hear^ eo firmly In free enterprise, in- Uoo, exceUent benefits. brio-a-brao, clocks, frames, lease. Approximately 1,000 ttoeial bors^ower. lUaiveneal OIL TRU ^ driver. Apply in to work from home by phone, l»1»g baskets, $1. half J.D. Real Estate Aasoelates, APPROVED: Heconunenda:, S^ 6 2^ ^ Three minutes ^ Route ^ dividualMfiattvelS^^:^ We have fuBy MR. M. NIMIROWSKI glassware. We buy estates. Vll- square feet of apace. 643-1111, tlon to Board ot Direotora to ac­ motor*. Grow with progree- person, Fogarty Brothera, $19 by appointment!, by planned toahel. 114 Buckland Rd. Wap- Inc., 048-6129, 648-8770, 640-16M. Irtied 2 fireriaces. acre lot. Bandi with 8 bedrooms, 1)4 relaUve therein apd by maiUi« on responslhility.” ■tva eleotrloal appUsnoe ooni- new can for root CALL 628-6661 lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 Ur. Lindsay. cept Hercules Drive from Nike Broad Street, Manchester. dsUvery. Call 247-1949. P*” F- ' <______privacy, 8 la^orlea, exceUent baths, epacloiw WttAm ^th ^ Mariani is schedtoed to par- Pm»y. day, week or ma Lake St., Bolton. 640-8247. —------^------Circle 1(0 Gacden Grove Drive. EASTOO biiv S24 900 caU buUder. H dining area and buUt-tos, dou- to EUwaboth h. Sunw, r .p .d . No. ticipate in several debatae, A PP L Y « fruit. FOR RENT — Broad Street, APPROVED: Recommenda­ very reaaonable n tes 90 Leggett St, East HarUord LEGAL 633-2188 after■ 6 p.m . * ble garage, fuft basement. $24,- some of whiob wUl be trie- When your oar te tied op tion to Board of Direotors to 900. Another Ronotao with 8 vised. He wUl appear in a de- An Equal Opportunity beets, carrots and canning Id oak pedestal table in good flee space. CaU 649-1807 or 644- JOHN J. WAUaSrrr. Jud«e. and apprentices. Company paid working oondltloni. Must be accept Wyendlng HUl Road as BOUTON — custom designed bedrooms, 1)4 baUis, Uvlng ibate on WTTC-TV Got. 1, and IONA for eervloe or repainL or Employer pears. 2I Angel Street, Man­ condition. 040-8689. ! 0208. NOTICE Oaodman, Atty. Insurance, excellerf beneflto. reliable. Write Box EE, Man- ______shown on a plan title "Subdtvl- home, 2U acres, nine roome, room, fleldstone fireplace, on- WNHC-TV Sept. 39. BisaiilRotarlng Oo. wdien yoa need an chester, Apply in person. Ah equal op- cheater Herald. ------— ------^------STORE or offices for rent 460 NoUce to oU creditora; From aton. Flan—MUek Farm—Devel- fiiree bams, two fireplaces, two walkout basement with fire­ Begent St., Maacbester tional cer... OAltPENTORS or C3q;>erlenced ORDER OF HEABINO portunity employer. Burroughs ------Room^ W ithout Board Main St. Aoroes from Friendly tM* Five room Ranch, fireplace, • INVITATION Conn. Scale l ” -30' Job No. 11068 Jalousled porch, recreation mal dining room, flrqplace, the Probate Office in the 7V>wn rt .REPORTERS . 'S in psrin^Sf porch, oil, stove, refrigerator, Pettern No. 5305 h ii full knit direc- 36-62 Bolton to Iwrrety aaslfiMd for a raancy, 409 Hartford Rd. ______®‘' ®ft«nioons. cast, blind hem dresses, make —June 8, 1956" with condMlons. room, half acre lot, 'many famUy room. ExceUent con­ lake privileges. 289-0989. TOBID tioni (or ilie i 42 thru 52 Inclusive. .hearing upon the seittement and al- ___ «#a%Ta/-«nsn nsrsB /’'SETTV r\DS*RrtO ^------I buttoidioles. Need responsible Ap p r o v e d : a subdiviston eiM_ set la aal extras. Owner after 8, 621-4668. dition, quick occupancy, as­ lowanca rt the admin tat latloo ac­ — &IANAGER FOR CHILDREN'S i.tfnnwa^Bn mother will care Stoll set «eealaiifTwsnWttt aaa* Vattam. FOR YOUR lingerie wirdroto, e nest sumable 6)4% mortgage. count, for the aaoeriadnment rt the You will find your office most OIL BURNER man, must ^ SPECIALTY SHOP party to aswme 10 payments Wqwf <1' Rooms— Sealed bids will be received at plan as Shown upon a certain dtatributeea ot said estate end for thoroughly experienced. High- to chUdren In her home. In­ the office of the Purchasing plan tMled "Ftoal SUbdtvMcn end trim, prineeii learned slip end goUTH.WV..W WINDSOR, — , ■ room Call Mr. Lewis, 649-6306. an order rt dlatrlbutlon, and it to pleasant, your co-reporters of $6.81 pen month or pay Board .62 SIX ROOM duplex, Inquire at matching pentlei. eat wages in ths area to the ExceUeM opportunKy for at- fants to pre-school. 640-9666. Ranch, unlimited view, 8 bed- ^ f ORDERED; That the edmlntotra- $68.10 cash. CaU Capitol man 09 Birch Street, after 6 p.m. Agsnt, 41 Center Street, Man- Plan—Hickory Ridge — Vernon No. 8200 with PHOTO-GUIDE is In trix of aold eatote exhibit aold ac­ very congenial and many light man. ExceUent fringe gressive and enthusiastic, person ager until 9 p.m.p.m If toll call WANTED — Room with or Chester, Conn., untU September St. Vicinity—Maneheeter, Conn. rooms, 1)4 baths, large kitch­ count in aaid Court at the day and Hit Naato, siertu wit! Ilf CODI aae ilzes 38 to 52, fault 38 to 54. Size 38, en, big Uving room, rec room B & W hour above nventloned and —- that -- no- fringe benefits. bsn^ ts, paid-hoUdays, etc. with retailing experience. Con- Dogg Bhdi Pats 41 c°»ect, 246-21l^ « . without board, Parkade area, 26,1968 at 11:00 a.m. for ELEC- Property of Irving L. Bayar et tile Haatow, 40 buit, illp, 5)4 yardi, 35-lnch| pin- with ban Extra room could BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ^ 'X e ^ S?en1reff Wyinan OU Co. Inc., 46i East tact, > for genUeman. Write P.O. Box TRICAL CONSTRUCTION — al-Scale 1"-8Q’ — Deo. 1967- Oely sot - the new ’H Fall t Wieter tiei, IH yardi. ------__ pei^ GE ELECTRIC stove, roUs- Out of Town be den, dfflce or fourth bed­ Maneheeter Parkade Sana known to lie Intoraatod tnaold Middls l^e.,'M anchester, 648- DACHSHUND —AKC puppies, 606, Manchester. NO. 8 WELL HOUSE, CHAR- Lawrence E. Hughes, Reg. L.B. AUUlWI Nisw CUSTOM COLLECTION de- sins M i la aaiai elat is* fwJlrit-elau APPLY IN PERSON MR. SEOALL serie, grlU, sensl-temp etc., ex- For Ronf 66 room, patio. A long list of ex­ M anchester 04941806 eatate \by oauaiiw a copy rt thta or­ 3464. 649-1889 blacks and cliocolate, $78 TER OAK FIELD. V(Mnon, Conn." ilg n i, as well1.11 eim ourZ regularraaulir festureifeatursi Stoll aaHF*H«l •" Httif.. der toMM pqUuhed oooa In aome qpUent condiUon $100. 'Hotpoint tras included. $31,900. OaU ------newapoper havina a c)rcula,tk>n tn up. Also Pekingese and Wei- ROCKVILLE — six roOms, sec- Bid forms, plans and spOclfl- Thf elective date of ' the $iid free dlrectloni In book (or 3 itam il , DRIVER —- part-tlms, light de- MALE production worker. portable dishwasher, m^le ApoftmonH Flat» RsUanoe Associates, O.B. Oo- TOLLAND —Rotoed Ranril,ntxl, aald ^^eiriot iRatrlot andOM iaehtiaM^ h by f »iall.moll, maraners, 1-628-6678. oiul floor, stove, and retrigere- cations are avaUaUt at the above actions vrUl be Septem- : m u FAVORITU. The Oerdan j o( ' hill voetase pTMtoJd, to WUtoni H. Uvetlae. A p ^ at lio y d e Auto Openings oo second and third chopping block, exceUent con­ vsng. Real Batata. 0i$-$574, or ouatom buUt, high on a BlackUrn. aRktoewood Eaat Tanomonts 63 tor $120. Three rooms, stova Eden, Crown of Therm end Itob l^eter JllaturljpBtpr lEttrning i^pntlii Ml Parts, 191 Center Street, Man- rttlft. Rate $2.67 per hour and GnoOMDtO arr- breeds. Ear- dition $76. Nprgie electric Iron- Purchasing Office, ^1 Center ber 13, 1986, to Pay Paul are Included in th li collec-c- rort NiiBt. Jft?*AMrtii wltk ZIP ceei, etyla 872-4106. with panoramio view, )4 acresore Hartrora, Conn.: «Seat rice U Anaal- and refrigerator; $100. Three Planning * BoUon Oonn.. ohsstsr. up. Interylm t daUy, 9 to 4 oMsiy HIU. H.C C9iaat, to b n s i er, $8., good c%dition. Owner LOOKING tpr anything in Street, Manrtieeter, Ocnnectlr ------woodtxl^t. many other HIshbrook Rd., 18 B I6 S B L L ST.-M AN CH BSTBB, OONN. >.m. CaU Marge Hampson, 64t- room s furnished, heat and uUl- Zoning Oosnmlssslon Diice?’*dlr«tloni®‘ THE NEW Fell & Winter '68 iiiu e ot ------turee. Twenty minutes to Hart- Bar Harbw, I, oH et leaat R d.. BoltoB. 9414417. 1 moving 649-8616. real estate rentals — apart- out. pltcet, .directippi tor u ««!«'« ,, „,„y bright PAlim M B gas stattonAttsod- eiat. Rogers Corporation, MIU lUes, $l$0.^CaU W2-476|. M. Adler Dobbin, qullte.' S«B$ 80$ tsUay ter 0101 date rt aald merits, homes, multiple dsraU- Town of Manchester, wardrobe Ideas. Send 504 tor your copy. TZ 1 ¥N 1 V A 1 **>**®®' C*»ar-Boai Real aat srtth some mechanical ok- and Oakland Strests, Manchss- MENMORE electric stove, 40", Ings, no fees. Call J. O. Real Connecticut Chairman K C & C l U c r o l d A d s estate, Ois-oess, 049-3420. " % r m a n j . p r Eubb, Judge PtriMM. Apply 370 Haitftwd. tsr. An equal opportunity em- FREE Idttens lookihg for good „vei7 good condition, $80. 649- Estate Associates, Inc., 648- Robert B. Weiss, cnorenoe W. WeW, Road, Ma ' ptoysr. hom es. Please 647-U06. 0982'.» 6129.; R e^ Herald Ads General Manager Secretary

♦ . ■( /■; ■«u ’ - V-

/ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 1 . • SIXTBBN mottrliieBt^r Eofttins li^raU) Aveeaffe Bally Net Prese Ron The Weather ‘ The Junior choir of Second Con- Flret Church of Chriet, Sci- The Marine Corps Auxiliary and that churches with small Bter Yhe WMk RMM grifational Church WUl rehearse enOst wUl have its regular will elect officers at its first Misfiioiiaries ^ beginnings of 60 or 60 members A B | i a i n ,u « Tonight pardy cloudy, oootor. A b o u t T ow u tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. and the Wedneedey Evening TesUmony meeting of the season tomor­ can Increase into the thousands BITUMINOUS Low 6840. TomoROw partly V B m Cherjrl Aitw Or««iM, row at 8 p.m. at the MaMne Plan S^ryices within a year. iHanrifTfitTr lEiiTntttg Bpralh eenior choir at 7:80 at the Meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Dr. Orjala, an accomplished cloudy. High In 70*.- 'te ig b ta r c€ Mr. and Mra. Vw- church. the church. ' Home, Parker St RefreshftiMiU 1 4 ,4 5 0 will be served. Tha Rev. and Mrs. Harry m usician and piarfst, wHl con­ ooKi OrMM'of aw Rmiy Bt., Rich, misslonaiilas to Haiti, and URIVEWAYS Mahehettor^A CUy of VUiage Charm w u aanMd to th» dMui’a Hat s. _ _ duct a teen and young adidt Parfclag Arens s dss Ststioiis s BssketbsO Ooorti The Bethany Oroup ot Center The Manchester Area Alum- br. Paul Orjala, professor of t a r toth aamaataia teat year at^ The AduM Choir a t S t Jam es’ choir which will be featured at Now Booktat^fyw Seasonal Week (OteMiftod Advwttoleg t a Page B8) PRICE TEN CENTS Ocngregatlanal Church will meet rtao CTub of Pi Beta Phi, mem­ missions at the Nasarene Saturday's service. Foiunerly VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 291 (lfl]R T Y -S K PAGES—TWO SECTIONB) MANCHESnER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1968 nocm Stioiia M atiier OoQtfe, ber of the National Panhellenlc Church will begin rehearsals to­ Theological Seminary, Kansas AU Work Personally SuperW^ed—We A re 199% tosured Oaaa Waatam Raaurva UMver- tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Fed­ morrow at 7:46 p.m. at the superintendent ot mteslons in eration Room and the Robbins Congress, will open its efogon City, Mo., Will participate in Haiti, he Is often q;K>ke of as alty, Clavtiaad, Ohio. with « potluck Monday, Sept. 16, church. Men or women wishing m issionary services BWBay, Room et the church. to Join the choir may attend the the best linguist in the Creole DeMAIO BROTHERS at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sept. 30, through Sunday, Sept. language living today. H ia Story OIrek o t South Bonnie Irvine, 72 Baldwin Rd. rehearsal, and for more infor­ 23, at the Church of the Nas­ IM PARK SraUBBP M athodlat camreh wlH m eat to- Officers and directors of The.program will Include a skit mation they may contact Ralph arene. SDIOE 1M6 «a-7Mn moRoar at 10 :S0 a.m. in Waalay Maccarohe, 83 Hawthome St. Political Omar Shrine Club will meet at and record of the 1967 conven­ The services are open to the Johnson Warns Russia H all Q( Qie church. 8 p.m. tomorrow at the home tion in musical form. The event of York Strangfeld, 168 Green­ The executive board of the public and w ill be held BYlday American T roops Repel la open to all area PI Phto, and Mra. Fraak Don from San M ahcbeator Republican Wom- and Saturday at 7:80 p.m. and Roundup wood Dr. reemwations may be made by Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. IteaiD, Calif., and her three contacting Miss Marcella H. sA'a Club wUl m eet tomorrow a t cNSMran are vtaWngr h er par- The Rev. and Mrs. Rtoh are B A R I S t. will lead devotions. Hosteeeee ter Power Squadron’s free boat­ in Europe is througih no- The B’nal B’rlth speech, Us The American Legion Junior sauK on Ms RapuMican preal- gon t(May Bs the Viet Oong are Mrs. Florence Okerfelt, ing course will be held tomor­ Tim Moriarty, PreprMtor . . . holde-beired hegotiftHon. " second of the day to dweti on dentia) opponent yet, queeUoned and North Vietnamese Memorial Temple, Pythian Fife and Drum Corps will begin hCss Anna Anderson, and Mrs. row at 7 p.m. at Manchester Llggiit Drug While urging the Soviet Union foreign policy and the quest for rehearsals tomorrow from 6:80 peace, appeared to be more of meanwhUe Tuesday bow IHxion drove deep into the city of Slaters, will have Its first meet­ Hedwlg Earn. Ifigh School, and the first class 270 HARTFORD ROAD • 643-6217 to accept earlier pivpoMte for would reewt under the sfoain ot ing of the season tonight at 8 at to 7:80 p.m. at the Post Home, hfgb-levri talka on' arme and the same rather than being Tay Ninh, and American Leonard St Membership in the will start id 8. at th« Parkaia the presidency. Odd Fellows Hall. Hostessee are The ptopeity committee of troop reduotlonv In Europe, pronspted by any fresb Soviet “WUl the new coating wear forces killed % enemy Mrs. WlBlam Toiler, Mrs. Ed­ corps Is open to boys and girls Center Congregational Church Jbhnaoq^iwanMa that the United actions. troops in repelling a ni|At from 10 to 16 years. off end the old substonoe come w ard WiUdnson, and Mrs. will meet tomorrow at 7:80 Statea never will tolerate the But, Johnson told his enthu- ithroughT” Humphrey said in atta^ on a unit of the 26th Blanche Leycur. p.m. in the church 'office, and uae or threat of foroo In area* of slasUe audience, the Chech inva­ Los Angeles. “O r wUl the thtn Infantry Division. Temple Chapter, OES, will the board of Christian educa­ ‘'common reeponribUlty like sion has given rise to “new mili­ veneer of the most recent poUU- Fariher noriHwest along ihe Jehovah’a Witnesses wlH have meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tion will meet at 7:80 in the B eriln.” carefully orcheatrated U.S. re- tary and poUtlool rishe ... cal cosmetic treatment re- Oambodlan border. North Viet­ groiQt diecussions of a Bible aid which demand even closer 4oop- Masonic Temple. Robert Morris library. “A m 1 Midi the other day In apoiue to the Soviet-led inVaalon mainT” namese gunners shelled a dosen tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at 281 Night will be Observed and / eration among Western alUee.” Humphrey did not name Mix­ allied caonpo, but casualties and Woodbrldge St., 18 Chambers San Antonio, 'Let no one un- of Cxechoalovakia 10 daya ear­ Frederick H. Gaal win cooddct The Percy Smith Circle of learii the do^ of war.’ Europe lier. Referring to earlier U.S. pro­ on but maxle it clear he waa rs- damage were reported Ugdit. S t, 726 N. Main St., 144 Grifffo the program. Mrs. Frank H. South Methodist Church will posals for talks with Russia, ferritig to hto opponent U.S. intelligence officera fore­ Rd. in South Windsor, and haa niffered enough hi thte cen­ The ptibUc p a rt of th a t re- Gakeler is' chairman of the re­ meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. in tury,”, he added. oponee haa Included canoellation Johnsoir said "In the discussion Nixon mode 1^ comment on saw no immediate attack cn French Rd., Bolton. freshment committee. Cfflcers cooper Hall ot the church for a JOhHaon'a San Antonio apeech of some featurea of the Oultuiral we have pn^xMed for the reduc­ the Democrats’ Vietnam record SaJgtm. ^ . remliided to wear colored Fair Workshop. Bet More 1/nth The^Times Aug 80 waa the atrongeat he haa exchange program with Ruoala, tion of tension in E u rt^ no top­ when he noticed some antiwar Moving vmder cover of a gowns. aimed at Moacow in montba and ordera that work proceed on ic would be barred These pro­ I^aoardB in White Ftaino, N. T. ’ heavy mortar attack, enemy in­ Manchester Jaycee Wives win aeentod to repraaent part of a mlaalle development and de- posals represent the only sound It is "ttitie to send in a new fantrymen charged toe 3Stti Di- The Hartford County Ama­ open the season with a dinner Starting Sunday Morning, September 15 approach to the problem of team,” he said. viefon camp 14 miles southeast WE CABBY AUL teur Radio Association wlU m eet meeting tomoiTOw a t 7:80 p.m . peace and security In Europe.” Rei^blican vice preoldedtisd of Tty Ninh. They were driven at Winie’B Steak House. off after nearly three faoura by a THE TOP UDIES Thursday at Veterans Memorial Johnson drew aj^lause 28 nominee Agnew said Humphrey Clubbouse, Sunset Ridge Dr., times In the speech that covered aeema to be “trying to cast Mpi- massive barrage from armored ARTHUR DRUB Bast Hartford. There will be a HUlstowh Orange will meet i Czech Leader Cheered unrest in E a st Etux>pe end ten­ self in the role of NevUle Cham- personnel carriers, helicaptor code practice and a tiieory dis- Thursday at 8 p.m. at the sion in the Mid-East. Some ot beriain—peace a t cmy price.” gunships and arUUeiy. Six cuseian from 7 to 8 p.m. before Orange Hall, 617 Hills St, Bast the response was mild, but “Humphrey Is getting pretty Americana were reported kWed the meeting opens. The event is Hartford. The Booster Night mnioh of It' iiioluded cheers, taialeable on thto (Vietnomi) is­ and 33 wounded. open to those interested in ama­ program is open to the public. Dubcek-Kuznetsov .whistles and the claiddng of sil­ sue,” Agnew told a Worriilngton MeamriiUe, South! Vlehnamese teur radio. R efredunents wlB be served. / verware on glasses, news conference,^ "He is trying paratroopers and mlUUamen A W A R M Johnson told the Jewlrii serv­ >to placate the forces In bis party oUrmtohed with hundreds ot en­ ice organteatio there is an ur­ that want to disengage in VM- emy aridiors who invaded Tay WELCOME Meetings Continue gent need for an international nam at any cost.” Nhih, a key provincial capMal 48 understanding on limiting arms Humphrey’s ranning mate. miles northwest of Saigon. te e a tm M l to everyane «6 CLASS ENCLOSURES PRAGUE (AP) — Ckedioolo- on the further development” In two other bottles 15 and 19 vak Oommuntot party chief Al­ Apparently he referred to the In the area. But he stopped Sen. Edmund S. MueMe, said he ■tteod epeotelMcvleee > * FOR BATHTUBS ehoirt of the stance taken by ttie would favor a North Vietnam miles south ot the oepUal U.S. CALVARY CUVECB, exander Dtdxek mat again to­ reimposlUon of preae cenaoraUp Infantrymen of the 9th Dtvtelon Oraeo, and SH O W ERS day with Moocowfa man in and a bon on formation of new (Bee Page Eighteen) (see Page Seventeen) repot(ed IdUlng 60 enem y emd Wednesday Prague amid report# of furtiur political oiganteatlons. These finding a weapons oadie con­ 8e^ XL Oneet Glass does a beautiful job for such Ruorian com pb^ta that Dub- meaaurea aw»U the certain ap­ taining 90 rifles. American foss­ wiB be Evnofelbt purposes in your bathrocan. Elasy to oek*n regime to not doing proval of the National Aaaembly es were two IdUed and seven of N. Y. a clew. Never wears out. enough to oheok "oouuterrevo- Friday. wounded. Don’t ndes Implied BINe taiUonailea.” The country’s reformist liber* AP correspondent Jbhn T. _ tlMt wm apeak to OPEN 8 AJd. to 5 PJH. A amall crowd that had Wait­ al leaderabip haa atreeaed, how­ your h e i^ An added Meee SATURDAYS 8 A.M. to 12 NOON Rdieeler reported from the U.S. ed for houn cheered Ihibcek oa ever, that the measures win be Navy Admits Failures oomhat center In Tay Ninh that lag In each aervloe wm be he entered the meeting with So­ temporary and reassured the th e a l B |^ ef h y n aa of leMh a Oonununtof defector told In- byM is.Mai- LAROGHELLE & WHITE viet Deputy Foreign Mlnlater population there wlU be ito de­ tervogotors there were three re­ Is also a ooaeeii Vaally Kumetaov, who came to parture from what one newspa­ Behind DASH Losses giments—about 7,000—in and (Benricee each BLASS CO. INC. per termed "DUbcek soclaUam around the city. Premier Gldrich Oemik laid with a human face.” egraept Mon. and Sat.) 31 Bioall St. — PKona 649-7322 By FRED HOFFMAN Fbur years ago, the Navy Is­ V/heeler said that by late oft- Biae eadi night Is TtSS pm Tuaaday night ha Informed So­ In Oommuntot Romania, AP BfOltary Writer sued a "fact sheet” on antisub­ Vietiuunese boy peers throagb barbed wire fence which surrounds his fam­ enioan fireflghts were raging on Come and biteg a Mead! viet teadara in Moacow thkt whose Independent-nalnded lead­ tiw noribweet, southern end “certain effective meaaurea wIU WASHINGTON (AP) — The marine warfare in wMch It list­ ers have backed OXecboelova- If avy has acknowledged the loss ed the .DABH emoi« “slgnUl- ily’s o u tp ^ home norUi of Ssigon. (AP Photofax) souUieastem fringes ot the city. be realised In our oountiy which kte, Brltlrii Foreign Secretary • casualties on both atdes were GO O D NEW S wUl have a lavcrable Intluenoe of about $28 million worth of tai- cant achievements” In the field. MlriuMl Stewart ended a three- manhed helloopters once given At that time, the fact riieet mowting, but tbs main battle FOB day visit today. He and Roma­ a elgmfioaxit^jUte in anttsuhma- (Racribed the drone helicopter for the city of 200;000.stlil ap­ nian Preeidant Ntoototo Oeause*- rine warfare. as “a preclOe, dOUberate, lc«g peared yet to come. ou urged an East-West detente Alihougb soma U.S. units out- MODERN M A N for the sake of worM peace. In r oM pom o to pentotent in­ range weapon delivery oapohlU- OMChodovmk goverranent quiries, me Navy acknowledged ty” to oomplcanent aiictfaer anti- Tay Ninh Chief’s Dismissal aide' the city blocking leaders aasured their people th a t 288 of the amaH, radio oon- sUb weapon, the ASROC. The posMions and U.S. eulvtoers were etin Tuesday mgbt that due process troHed dronie ohopi^, coiled ASROO is a anttouhniarine m is­ with the South 'Vietnamese of law will be observed despite DASH, have been lost for var­ sile vdilch can be fired fram tioopa, the ground action was JUUUSHARTT the Soviet ocoupatiw and aj;>- ious electnmic, meohanlcal and Navy-surface craft and uses ci­ Infuriates U.S. Military being fought almost enttrriy by 12 BNMIIHGHT SECTIONS MCLUDIIIG... Vote on Fortas pealed for tine retum m refugees h u n ^ faidts over the past sev­ ther an acoustic homing torpedo South 'Vletnameso paratroopers, from abroad. en years. or depth chaxges. ' mtittiamen and poUM (oroeo. SCHOOL tf M IS IC Set fo r Tuesday ’The major causes fOr the leas­ Navy antisubmarine experts EDITOR’^ NOTE: AF ooirre- Ool. Ho Due Trung, for three Japanese, Ihe French, the Oom- Theheavieri battle was on the There Have been rumors of ar­ spondent Peter Arnett, a vetor- years fl»e chief of Thy Ninh m uniste and thO Salgim govern­ ACCENT WASaiNOTON (AP) — The rests since the Soviet bloc es, which came In fleet opera­ 'had high hopes for the DASH, northwestern edge of the city .junior and Adult Dtvtelon tions, resulted from the failure an reporter of the Vietnam vrar, Provlnoe and a man who had ment, all to varying degrees. where an enemy battalion held H artt College of Mnelo Brand-new locally produced, Connecticut oriented magazine with a fresh approach to people, placet, Senate Judiciary Committee troops invaded Aug. 30, but the which waa designed to be sent There are one million Oao •greed nnanlmoaely today to of the DASHes aviation elec­ out from deetroyers after a spent last weekend In Tay Nln^ U»e complete confidence of the atubbonily to the hamlet of Cnivenity of Hartford leaden’ proclamation said; which now to imder heavy at- • Amerlcam there, Daiste In aU of South Vietnam. and things in our state. Full color photos and quali^ offset printing. vote next Tneeday on Presi­ "We reiterate that we shall nev­ tronics system, the Navy said. “fix” was made on an eitemy Ttwnh All despite South Viet­ Lento g. PeOetaert, Director Under consideration now to tack. Here to bis report: The order firing the crionrt Tnrung w as a Cao D al resia- namese oounterattooks wppori- dent JoteMon’e nomination of er allow deforinatlona of viola- sub. The DASH would be or- tance leader, to a high member Abe Foxtas to encooed CRlef replace tiie dienes is a new, By PETER ARNETT was received late teat week. ed by armored cars, and air (See Page Eighteen) manned lightweight hellccpter. (See Page Eighteen) Frees Writer Within a few days he waa sched- of the senior councils of the pre­ strikes. HUSICSIWV TV T IM ES Jasttoe Bail Warren. dominant progovernment fac- SAIGON (AP) — “They’ve tiled to go to Saigon to l>e tried 'Wheeler said some NOrth FOR Handy size for the most convenient reference to complete TV listings, and highlights. Organized emasculated ua... They've cut for corruption. - tlon in the church, and In hto Vietnamese troops coming into the ground from under us... “He was about the best prov- three years running the prov­ for easy.use. The TV Viewer's best friend, Quality offset printing. ince chief in the whole Srd Ince Ironed out most of its refu- the city ariisd dkrectloos fropi YOONO PEOPLE ’lUe couldn’t have happened at local residents, parUculariy to a worse time.” Ooipe^” a senior American com- gee proUenu and worked closo- ^ Backed by Sen. Ribicoff mented. “He was the' last one ly with U.S. military forces and the Ug church vfdch to the AND ADULTS •These were the bitter com­ headqtiartera of the Cho Dai re- VENTURE ments of American military and the U.S. mission wanted to go. the, advtoers. SAVE ON r x i r REVERSIBLE A m erlcaiu ligloua sect. P riv ate I Wide coverage of travel newt. civilian advisers last weekend He was sacrificed for poUtlcq, Several senior Some enemy troops entered voice m a aD instruments at Tay Ninh, home of the un- for the Saigon Intriguers. We’ll were particularly Incensed titot National River Park Proposed Tkung was fired on chages of the cathedral, where hundreds Clasaes incliide COLONIAL RUGS winking eye ibnt symiboltees the have