1 World Masterpieces I Exam I Name: ______25 February 2015

Identification + Multiple Choice + Short Answer + Essay = ______/250 = ______%

IDENTIFICATION (5 points each, 50 total) Write the term that best answers the questions below.

1. __URUK______Identify the city whose walls were built by , depicted here.


2. __ISHTAR______Identify the goddess who tries to marry Gilgamesh and calls down the Bull of when Gilgamesh refuses (and insults) her.

3. __ATHENA______Identify the cross-dressing goddess who impersonates Deiphobus to trick Hector.

4. __ANDROMACHE______Identify the character who character who makes this speech. a. “Reckless one,/my Hector – your own fiery courage will destroy you!/Have you no pity for him, our helpless son? Or me,/ and the destiny that weighs me down, your widow,/ now so soon.” (6.482-86)

5. __ACHILLES______Identify the character whose rage is celebrated in the opening book of The ? a. “Rage – Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son ---.” (1.1)

6. __ZEUS______Which deity laments Hector’s immanent demise with this speech? a. “My heart grieves for Hector./ Hector who burned so many oxen in my honor… Come, you immortals, think this through. Decide. /Either we pluck the man from death and save his life/ or strike him down at last, here at Achilles hands - / for all his fighting heart.” (22.203, 206-09)

7. ___“SNAKE GODDESS/PRIESTESS”______& ____MINOAN______Identify this figure (2 points) and the culture (3 points) that produced it.


2 World Masterpieces I Exam I

8. ____ODYSSEUS______Identify the Greek hero depicted here.


9. __GHETTY KOUROS______Identify this famous statue.


10. __AGAMEMNON______Identify legendary Mycenaean king who is associated with this Mycenaean death mask.


3 World Masterpieces I Exam I MULTIPLE CHOICE: (5 points each/50 points total) Choose the answer that best answers the question.

11. B What feat does Utanapishtim accomplish to merit eternal life on the edge of the world? a. He built a box that survived the eruption of a volcano. b. He built a box that survived a world-wide flood. c. He built a box that survived a cataclysmic earth-quake. d. He built an ark that survived a world-wide flood.

12. A Who fights Gilgamesh in the divine in Tablet V of The ? a. Humbaba b. The Bull of Heaven c. The Scorpion Monster d. Siduri

Consider the passage here for the next three questions

Mother, I had a dream last night: There were stars of heaven around me, Like the force of heaven, something kept falling upon me! I tried to carry it but it was too strong for me, I tried to move it but I could not budge it. The whole of was standing by it… I fell in love with it, like a woman I caressed it, I carried it off and laid it down before you, Then you were making it my partner

13. C Who is speaking in this passage? a. Shamhat b. c. Gilgamesh d. Achilles

14. B Who is represented by the fallen star in this dream? a. Shamhat b. Enkidu c. Gilgamesh d. Achilles

15. D Who is the mother identified here? a. b. Ishtar c. Venus d. Ninsun

16. B What action separates Enkidu from the beasts he helped on the steppe? a. He is seduced by Ishtar and the have sex for six days and seven nights. b. He is seduced by Shamhat and they have sex for six days and seven nights. c. He kills of wolf and wears the pelt. d. He kills a divine bull.

17. D What scares Astyanax when Hector tries to pick him up and kiss him? a. Hector’s sword. b. Hector’s shield. c. Hector’s breast-plate. d. Hector’s bronze helmet.

4 World Masterpieces I Exam I 18. B Who are the main members of the embassy to Achilles? a. Agamemnon and Thrasymedes b. Ajax and Odysseus c. Menelaus and Agamemnon d. Nestor and Patroclus

19. B Where is Odysseus’ home? a. Mycenaea b. Ithaca c. Athens d. Troy

20. C Who is the eternal wife of Cupid a. Venus b. c. Psyche d. Helen

5 World Masterpieces I Exam I

SHORT ANSWER: (25 points each/100 total) Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph. 21. How do the Achaean kings use women to illustrate or negotiate their power in The Iliad? How is the war between the Trojans and the Greeks (Achaeans) framed as a marital spat? a. War over Helen b. Fight over Bresies and Chryses c. Fight between Hera and d. All these things illustrate that the Achaean kings use women as pawns and excuses to go to war with each other. Like the land around Troy, the female body becomes a place where male power and dominance is contested.

22. How does this statue visually reflect the narrative of “Cupid and Psyche”? What ideals does this statue convey about heroism and gender roles? a. It demonstrates the mutual love that Cupid (or Eros) and Psyche share (a type of love that the ancient Greeks did not have a word to describe). These two figures symbolize the union of lust (eros) and soul (psyche). b. It positions that love within a traditional gendered hierarchy, which Cupid in the dominant active position and Psyche in the prone, passive position (ignoring Psyche’s early activity within the narrative).

6 World Masterpieces I Exam I 23. How does Odysseus outwit in “Book Nine” of The ? How do these characteristics function to illustrate the ideal Greek citizen as Ancient Greece emerges from the Dark Ages? a. Odysseus uses words and wit (techne) to defeat the superior brute strength of the giant cycolops. b. Odysseus adheres to the rules of hospitality, which made emergence from the Dark Ages possible for Greek citizens, particularly merchants who were traveling to new places and relying on the rules of hospitality to enable their safe travel.

24. Compare and contrast these two statues? How do they reflect Classical and Hellenistic heroic values (what heroic ideals are depicted here)? a. The Classical ideal in the metope from the Parthenon reflects an appreciation for naturalism in art. It also celebrates human (masculine) stoicism and contrasts it with the animal rage of the centaur. b. The Lacoon Group demonstrates stylistic (rather than naturalistic) humans and it also demonstrates human emotions. The human bodies contort, writhing like the snakes that are devouring them. c. The heroic ideal has evolved from naturalistic and stoic to stylistic and emotional in the Helenistic era.

7 World Masterpieces I Exam I ESSAY QUESTIONS: (50 points) Choose ONE of the following prompts to answer for this section. Responses should be based on the texts and class lectures. Be sure to address all parts of the prompt. Essays should have a clear thesis (10pts) and use evidence (15 pts) from the images and texts that we have studied in this course to make an argument that embraces all points of the prompt (25pts). Essays should be 2-4 paragraphs in length.

25. Analyze the importance of homosocial bonding in The Epic of Gilgamesh. What examples of homosocial bonding do we see? What is the function of homosocial bonding (for the individuals, for the city)? How does homosocial bonding allow the epic to explore the questions of what it means to be human?

8 World Masterpieces I Exam I 26. Home is a very important ideal in all the text we have analyzed for this class (so far). Compare and contrast the meaning of “home” created by two or more of these texts? What is home? Who is trying to get home? Why is this important (how is this a part of the culture’s larger world-view)?

9 World Masterpieces I Exam I 27. The Parthenon was a temple to the goddess in the Athenian Acropolis. Construction began around 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at its zenith. The interior of the temple would have contained a statue of the goddess, which would probably have been viewed by priests and priestess. However, the sculpture on the outside of the building would have been familiar to all Athenians. How does the Parthenon illustrate the High Classical ideals that came out of Athens during the Golden age? How does this metope illustrate the ideal Greek hero? Compare this illustration of ideal masculinity with representations of masculinity in The Odyssey.

10 World Masterpieces I Exam I 28. Compare and contrast these two statues of ancient Greek athletes. Analyze their use of visual rhetoric. How do these two images convey the ideals of masculinity and heroism also found in The Iliad?

11 World Masterpieces I Exam I 323-31BC Achilles 27Bc-476AD Hector Second Century AD Priam 1580-1550 BC Thetis Peleus Chryseis Uruk Briseis Troy Utanapishtim Enkidu Ninsun Pederasty Humbaba Games Ishtar Armor Ur-Shanabi Kouros Siduri Metopes Zeus Pediment Hera Frieze Aphrodite Acropolis Apollo Lion Gates Ares Mask of Agamemnon Artemis The Seated Boxer Athena Parthenon Demeter Kritios Boy Dionysus Laocoon Hephaestus Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss Hermes Eros Poseidon Philo Cupid and Psyche Agape Lugalbanda Kore Statues Polyphemus Classical Patroclus Minoan Crete Agamemnon Mycenaean Age Deiphobus Stamnos Hesiod Calyx Krater Cronus Mentuemher Menelaus Panathenaic Amorpha Ajax Phrasikleia

Homer Lucius Apulcius Hesiod

The Iliad The Odyssey Gilgamesh Theogony and Works and Days “Cupid and Psyche” “Seated Boxer”

1700 BC 1100 BC 1100-700BC