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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-28-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 05-28-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 05-28-1906." (1906). lvdo_news/1534

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They visit ail of the Seven ChatUnooa H:r:denta Iflist Show great esterwdsea of eer4tl aad prartpaj etuea ta that cowry aai Twenty aa4 pointed out ike tl"atsl mw .11 Cause w . ot Punished ous OF at the pten geaersSy , Wby Tbey Bacul be exavpte of MarbsU FkM c4 a inTekKi. Tbey m Vera. For Defeating Justio-Qth- er News fhe love aad veaeratka that wss DIME ant corded hint the erf Chic .Ajnericana everywhere, and eve by people aumbtr erf Xcw Mexicans, From Wtsbl on. doling bis life. Atea be drew enn- - They '' i Cbsrlrs Weld, of this ty. at f sjj iiiii mi j Jarisoae from other fret characters Two Ftant of Govern iWles Baden, aad reeetvwd U tori Special ta The Optic ahile the matter wsa ta the "The greatest ineaae to rttftitatloM, Cxtrictinf JIjmW 1 HL-- ke nned. Is sorts TsabJiutoB. Mar Tb pontefte j l'aii4 tkttea 8upreaM Court, aad th ronf that etaset men rrom i iciuim wiuon w tttU from asks defeaJ- - aMrh doee not think but followal city, Frankfurt. They depataaelsHazle4 to know what atutraey gvaeral that the . e Arc Stlfftsttd Is4 the ef meeting Laa Vegae ar.U ba puaished for eoateiiipi Jk,Jae1y. Ui by motloa, Aproooa,nf wrtea. jrinn esiiea4toMauseet tbo some li f e v.OtiOia to OM Decieteav ho aaade remarks aboat l Wkrs Badea. neat offif KdU. The protons I Laa dtvlduallty. kevae doobt aa U howeUber Vegaa TV. w a r-- VT .fcTW,.L. I Vert ck It adlress lib Z o7, 7 taasat-i- ri Lasa Their Lves 0m OeOee Ceealestg te vara hnara it can be aalieted. a .."IrVerewc to the dtffVumee the class Cbi tzi miu v,4. kmknm" Ull looreasea tha hersted Ha decUSoa of the last term GrewC--f Wife tuvts set 'Aarasta Victoria as aever to win bate as individuals after tttv H we Dlfau Wm. to the PbiHppieca eaase of Warner yCsrsast fc4.13i fee for ottea, Tbe amevter ateaBMhla mkmm of Jaaslta MoBtawo aad have begun tlfe fa eamest. "Th . I Tat aad company, aad Frederick J la TI fae TT M MaUer. CaaaaJope Usee I aMaWaa may be made the atoaea loag feet w. tavoivto tba --of stepping ' It fcaa oWka raated aaaamad Baawlnsj from uaeois, validity suaaeaa. be declared, vbe you t aaUehipe. elglit aa4 itarsY, ta the Phnipatoee a feaRMager eleaatsr whtoka etatttV B. of 3erttoa a eoaceatrated aad botiefu) St. Petershurg, "Bay St. fessimrsr tuy Jaarph BhaJey 'lanasr the eaecutlre order of IsX purure. vCUw 9i atar J.--Aa i rera aa4 oowm. will oVUara saoatb Doot let the song go out ef Aatoog the W rewire elm Fe The tlAOO.OOO. k 1 saasenawr frwsa the outlook continues to gr trees involve about - trata EaeavtUe furea of the glgantte sew of votif life, , . - Ooatlag frurn the aiith January. ' Cevetvtiea ia Guatemala. oa The government aa ual la every aalaco la a dally newspaper, which K ring fa your aoul while bew , Teas the Louisville NuaviUe W. Guatemala ! crista seems to be fcelttlng aa to H eaHed tba Attoafle Dally News, Pettish WJgton, May And When yea go bence, let ft follow railroad was derailed at teveatb aad Nigra Lyachera. m match course xursue. The Cer-un- . threcaed with revolution wbkb . la emperor FTibUbe4 la both aViglish sad Mi The you tbeaee, . Hill strseta today aa it waa backtmc Washington,' y goverw sc-co- r 4' refuses to yield to the counsels of lumi--a Jl may eadaager Ajuerkas Interests, And on another It la erery Cif and " slag ja sphere. through the yards into the LoatsvtUe" meat baa takes slept to puaUh the T to a received by the tha eoait Camarilla, but hi attitude rmetlieei extra edlUofta era printed dispatch Union stattoa. to be H seems oea who are responsible, for the etat, vartmeat today. The aceaa ef, Then oa(iaaa negative. etTraoraiaary aws la received persons 44 not dacposd' and say that tbs Eight persoas were killed aad j irtHL ' - Me a oa la Is ta the northern ef.tbe Sua it . f to cling to Ua Utat comprom The vessel is equipped witk wireless lynching la Chattanooga. Teas part twelve or lajured. one pro- - U21 wear the Mexican iff ise is 'possible, telegraph aprtrataa and measagea are March II last, of the negro Ed. John- repr'le, frostarn. tweet eons of your life have flown, bly fataUy. Aaaoac the dead Several official notes have been le- acroaa bat cause to Internal for tf ever know wss rpaa fse wide eipaase of son, Wbo wsa aader sentence of death U r you a song that Howard & Colesaaa a traveling acisa. aved that tha as , Aksebel Bill New Law. - drnylnf government wafer accurately aa br wire. allowed true. . . . maa of Buafori, Ky, aad Wsa. Pru- the for rape.' lie had bee aa Xs. to raaort to force, but at Ia addttkm to Its of rotation. May The signatur it's ftusle is an your own." . , Itt of Lebaaoa. . v- .t v army aeamea, Btatea Ky wame tint there la ao evidence that rabfs attendaata and ether attaches appeal by the Called supreme ed alaol bills with aeaate amend' There are six aaieeaUfied badlea the! waa tha emperor la ready to yield to the the Kalserla Animate Victoria carries court from the circuit court of meoti, agreed to la the bouse "T JewHh peopla wr bold soectsl at aa undertaking eUMehaaeat aad demand for tha succession of tha pres a vrs band and orchestra eompoaed States for tba eastern district; day a motloa of Payne of New services tomorrow night at Temi.le according to the coroaer so badly ent ministry, with oaa from tha ma or irtmi mm Austria. Band of Tennessee, la the supreme court' Tor, e author of the bill, and sow Moatefior. Id celebration of the fee- - mangled it will be soase time ber jority fa tha lower house. The rs are held erery and General Moody fltod to the president for his s!gna tivsl of.Shebnnth. The service, for tbetr names are learned. J f' evening the today Attorney " . . a. a - .L.ft. - ...... la tlrtnal deadlock, tha onrhestra plsya at dinner, and for the Information requesting that m cow- - tme. j niro a snecisi musical pros ram Dl The train waa acoceeCj at't of which eaa only eerve to esneea la the spacious ban room sideratkm of the acta committed by Pert Arthur Wine Contest. betwi, arrsnted. w'n commence st ate rate of speed whea a P' raa ' dlmlnUh the chancre of a peaceftil icere h a conservatory a hnnrH the persona named tt issued s rule Weahlngton, Msy SiThe house ent o'clock shorn, Pr. Lefkowln the wheel of the aasoklas viit. settlement mat would ba a rrodlt to sar of the upoa each of them to show cause committee on waya and means today wl preart en Tb Ttree Fun1mft- - causing tbs car to leave tV (rack ( W .'nila'fim. Two plana estricttlnc the govern- cities and passengera are able to why they should not be punished for settled the port of entry contest be tals Tb renersl nuhltc and uncoupled the smoker from e ) ment direct tame pnrensse a Hdbina- - Is Invited , without meeting a frefli ent flower every day. contempt of court, Twenty-sete- per- tween Port Arthur aad Pass, cordially ttnd. . Sine, baggage au,tress ears, T ' ire uggeeted. One la aimplr to ai among otaer tblncs are a short sons are nsmed aa defendants. The Texss, la favor of Port Arthur. The smoker and tw c y ooacbee Juc low the lower hone to talk until the oer restaurant, a avmaaafnm ruit caoe was appealed to the supreme federal government thus secures the the track crtJied lntrt..a tre' summer Raton Tourists - fl - end of June, when the newsstand and library. court on the plea that Johnson had; control of the Port Arthur tidewater tram oa a wing.' Occu- i f cstlnna will be scheduled. The other I illtlllnT Irm anutnaf act received a fair trial. Johnson wss esaal. sleepers wye not Injur ; Is to dhwdve the present parliament meiiino llrst day out from Hamburg, Guests at La Romero and to order a new election. But la ana two Lngiish sailors were atab either course la the opinion of the Wd to death. None of Election Fraud Dr. Edmund J. Vert ' the passen ' . i 'v v. t "best situation will knew . Judged, the only gers of the uprising until after "Mah came is William Smlf pp Increase the danger of aa explosion tt. ! orr The guilty sailors . Ca$cs in Denver JalksOptimistically hlans o's in tha country. er left behind at the next nort Sporlia rttlllips, Jedgean! bof The peasantry is profoundly stirred On the ay across to New York the frum Raton," Smith stated this lip, and many people expect to see boat at rraace. morning is , jwik-- court wien the stopped Cherbourg, 23. In the At Normal Hilt Where BiccaJ Far.Muts the destruction of their hopes fol tnd Dover. England, I'pon Its srri Denver, Colo., May Iwain was arraigned m n (lucsa I teyhor At-tom- " hfeiis of lowed by an uprising". A. correspon vaj at Fsnrty Hook It was Criminal court fexlay District ey Exercises are Attend1' vagrancy. "We'a tof a Cecils. greeted by aurcte ington street, last !knVTuesday afteraoua dent of the Associated Press has talk a brass band and thousands of Xew Sheriff travella fru an eioimel . off fctigw. Xisbct and Persons. without the knowledge aad consent ed with a number of landlord n Torkers thronged aboard to cdby300- 'bean lookin' oh wok," be co islud Inspect Coroner Rollins made answtr to f -- of Mr.. Browne, Eugene Carnea, a line rtou of the who de tne crart was " " " " .'-. ed whea Judge Dope tnqtflred the parts country, when It moored at Its waBBBBsaaaasBK Jf Elec i man for the Las Vegas clare that the peasants are fanatical!' whaft. k the application of the Honest purpose of their visit to Laa Vegna. Telephone j waa fined 120.00 la attached to parliament and between Mr. Bacharaeh tion that be set aside Three hundred persons beard Dr, Tou have bo ostensible means Company, Judge placed an order for League they court this ;or the dictum of the emperor and parlia- some elbow kid Edmund 4. Vert, of the of procuring a livelihood and you Bope's morning. length gloves, which and ttnpTvjudked men appointed president was with Jhe - ment they will stick to the latter. he New Mexico were acting in a suspicious manner 'charged entering brought along with him, white at in to conduct the nmd Normal, deliverable of another without bis eonsei The hope: of sarin Russia It was their places down In the Santa Fe freight yards " only Ber'yi. Impossible for the address, "AdjusinMsnt to declared the evk. from a revolution is the formation of Ann of Bacharach n jury investigation of frand iaihe " said night officer II. EL Peeler, who Judge Bupe Bros., of which Environment," laat evening, to the did not disclose malicious ministry of constitutional demo- is member In late election. answer enters class of which be made the arrest of both and locked any a partnership with Their l0d, win formally tentioa on Carnes' He ft1 crats, which would throw upon the Isaac secure them la this from the Institution on them in the city jail. part a central denial of the league graduatad the the complaint" to dlsonT dominant party of the lower house the country h time. He went to one of evening of June first "Lawd mlstah Ah 'dare to good cnarses. . Mallis set the ' Mr, Browne testified responsibility of fighting the extreme the glove factories there and In threr jodge Dr. M.T. Lefkovlts, rabbi at ness Ah doan know what you tmftiia; Vt lor 31. " am trance to bis borne bad been f elements. dys the goods complete were deliv- hearing May Monteflore, was unable to be jpresent dat good to eatf Inquired 1 through a small window ln" iv. Count Witts Lssve Russia. ered to him. the court Dis st the lieccalaureate eserclHes, and Smith who has more color than Phil In supreme today and the telephone removed num Las Vecans are Dr. ' , Jk glad to wi trict Judge Frank T. Johnson filed U. H. Treat, pastor of 1be Bap Hp. . erous articles of brio a brae which to and his wife have rone ahroad. - Af Mr. Mrs. tMs lead "Five days for each of you sal If aM Bacharadi bar to tist church, the congregation in were on the table. The accused ad- tar a visit to their daughter at Brus e sfter their an answer to the writ of prohibi you are really1 In search of work the pm'ond abe' !p prayer. mitted the VImpw which 1 sels they Intend to take the hatha la and Pleased know tion issued him a week ago The ceremonies were held at. Nor sheriff will give ea of you .a situa entering Europ. that against declared was open. He entered, he derm any. The county spoke to exceed" n"harsch waa much benelltte.1 was from mal hall, which was orettlly decorat tion at the business end of a number ". byVhfcbfee prevented said, because the company seeded the . Ingly pessimistic vela to friends be- ed with flowers the teachers and two shovel," replied the "jedse and confinninff an investigation into by telephone and Mr. Browne bad or- fore h left St Petersburg. stunta. Though the blare wss the prisoners were transferred to the - - dered it removed. . Terrorist Kills Detective.' the recent election. The Supreme crotrded with the the llotel La Romero. - t congregations of Mr, Browne's la absent and Odessa, Way 28. An agent of the Nelson Won Est court asied brief be filed and Philips bad on two anil of clothes family that different churches united, including the house is not in the secret police was shot dead In the and two shirts when he was searched occupied day gave the attorneys until June 9. the parents and friends of the class. ' r . street here The assasin e Whcn'.Cofa , this morning. dont suppose there's time. today. , Called habeas Dr. Vert addressed his remarks (Direct 1 fine1 There Is :( The bearing of the corpus any use to send down to the station Jn Imposing the Judge. Bops caped. increasing publie ly to the graduates, whom Tie appsr . " said to Carnes': "I think over ac- -- case of H. Officer you apprehension as the result of the V L, Dohcrty. president ently had In mind . throughout the for your trunks," said Peeler. the the purpose i' Electric You appear to be wearing your stepped your anthority when jrou f tivity of terrorists, ,'ir.and Louis had of the Denver Gas and trend of hm thought He spoke for - - Sw wbose to believed, to George Kill Nelson wardrobe on your back and you tered the house without j- yertnfs- of campaign - sentenced to nearly an hour and. his discourse was aad'-i-J- aa International disagreemenr over a company who was slon of Mr. Browne o sot , compel the granting of amnesty to followed attentively. wont need a change of oa the matter of seven odd" dollars jail by Judge Johnson for refusing think your employers would (auction . Saturday num rock anyway." - political prisoners. St Paul's choir sang several such a visit to take out the - afternoon, which Nedson claims Hill to testify, has been set for .Thurs In some which Both tourists arrived here on a telephone bers acceptable ct ' no -- even if be did say he had for for - ; : - were lolned the freight train. v) Return oweatira labor had and performed. day . ;' they by congregation ft and left orders at the office Tourists ,-. . i ";;- ..I standing. UjJlve Both parties are painters. Nelson CHINESE EMPEROR It removed. There is so evidence ' St. Louis Weal. "The speaker's remarks were snr 7 went to collect, and 'it Is alleged, AUDIENCES. here to show that you took anytft-- , From Germany St. Louis, aiou. May 28. Weal charged with optimism. He drew trite , POSTPONES used In the of -- besides and I do not persuasion shape a big medi- Pekln, May , 28. The customary the phone steady. Territory aad western comparisons to illustrate bis theme at - pistol. Hill, who resides at the cor audience has been to fine you fifty dollars, and sentsaes fine several which . were , well spring diplomatic ti ums, 14; ner of Twelfth street and National 25930; nedlums, ZlQiS periods you to JhII for dsys which 188J0. - rounded. The address waa Indefinitely postponed owiug to the ninety is. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bacharach avenue, where the disagreement oc- fine, extempore the minimum of punShment foe ih f mom , Dr. Vert begun bis sfldress Illness of the emperor. . Utile bis curred, made formal omplalnt against crime with which you are : Come Liaci on health hai been bad for months and c"" ., Biggest -- with the remark that be was not go n T ft nit Ana ' Nelson charging-hi- with1 assault Miners rumors .recently have will fh.nva Woild. Western ing to deliver a sermon, but. if he many alarming 1 Stcanuhip in , with a deadly weapon. The warrant Is- dlsifrderlv cdwduct i V f ;' should choose a text it would be, "Go been circulated bis coodiiion not y,' waa issued from Judge 'Bope's court Denver believed to ta critical. . Carnes paid rTC. . Meet in ye into all the orld and the ' - ' this morning, and City Marshal Colas preach wl t Mr. nd Mrs. Simon Bacharach have gospei. . j ne gospel oe must nav? c;:-t- wtnt la quest of Nelson, wbo resides - PENITENT!'. : .2 home ia Lbs. had reference to "was: t- retyned to their Vegas at National hotel! He waa unable Ojrtlmlftm, of ' six months in the draw deductions from followed.. nsanc Sheep' Uerder J after an absence find to Nelson ISO dele- what, was undertaken to him, and It supposed. Denver, May " of ' Germany. The trip Gist the Addrese. ,, 4 KanWs Cf U-- Wl"' haa made tracks for other pastures.! gates are in attendance at the open- .y,a, Cry , health God -ty. for the benefit of the tetter's In the plan of there is , S d g-'- In the . meanwhile Hill Is BontfTV todcy t5 comes her exceeding ing session of the thirteenth annual and work for human soul aad he back after sojourn place every nfT. to r--l at : f wroth. Federation test ' Cecily r:r" abroad greatly improved. They spent convention of the Western The supreme la the individual elloB and WM sentenced to assembled here to--j found and successful Pedro an Insane ut to most of their time at Vies Baden, of Miners, which having, happy Mesta, pstltmt years 1st the penltefetiary, - which ta one of the Boost anions Schooner Sinks day, and many of them hold proxies service.' tha ttrrltodal asylum. wrenched un curative spring resorts and winter from unions which sent no delegates. The world wants men and women Irou bar from hte vtndew . infl. o - wftn He 4';- ing places In Europe. With One Sailor J. C. WllUama,'.of Grass Valley. raith end hope, and the greater caped last night. v" call- in world l 3d few Inter Of , - The tourists arrived home Saturday. California, the acting president,- tagev the a rfliadire a hours by Special TRIPLE TKAftXDV . landed in New York a week pre- ed the convention to order. , The life r Tie majority of..mankind are a' ficer' Paris of the flante FV who AT TIU2, TSX. They Pe having made the return voy- sessions will be executive, as in pre- heart honest and tme. Much that an found Mesta In the Santa yards. T vious, r ' -- age across the Atlantic on board the Cleveland, May 58. Buffeted by a vious years, unless otherwise ordered Tvi-- evil it not s'ich. Th w Office Paris incarcerated Mesta In Fort Worth, R. Aus-ust- o Lake ear socb.knows no "jmr, the palatial new steamship Raiserta fierce storm that swept Erie by the convention Itself. hontsn'stas ench thins tha city where be spent night. 'Warren, a ranc j,'tta wt: - . schooner Mabel . the as nor does the r authorities at hos Victoria. . They were fortunate ly today, the Wilson, It Is tacftly agreed among a wed, This morning the and a Mr. Pie'ae, r 'haa ta secure passage on the maiden trip sprang a leak and sank Just outside members that Mover and" Haywood, siirb, now such thing as a venorone pital were notified and the put lent was been visiting CeT, r -- found of the msgnlfleent vessel which ts of the Cleveland breaker. One un- who are in prison at Butte, Wilt be re- wtile, and so it is In the sight of taken back to the institution In a ho dead, fran tu" A VoU(fa .1 ; re- God. the largest craft afloat The big boat known sailor was drowned. Seven elected president and secretary , pltal .conveyance by so attendance 8tlles t ;".lt Is believed Is one of the wonders of the pres other members of the crew were res- spectively. "The ouallties that are epndueivf a. native sbeepherder. He that vr:-ir- i, willed Pierce and - ent century, oas nearly an me an cued after a hard fight Capt. Goth- At the opening session this morn- to a successful life are: Educat'on is short Tn ftfltare and slender. V Jimt bis t: end then committed - wrere JL of abilltv to earn a livelihood a'n how he auk-'.-'-' vintaces of a large city and Is capa- am and Mate Gunnison badly ing, Frank Pullvei president and Op- siiceeedd 'in removing the . i ' - assem- timistic is : v ble of four thousand passen- hurt while being takes from the slnkr the Denver Trades and Leber spirit; one that looks out np bar puzsllng'the attendants at the ,. . . carrying ' J ers. On account of Its immense size ing vessel. bly, delivered- - an address of welcome. on life and sees a, promise. BIoo4 asylum. f if" if v ;,j t

r mondat. mat at. wc at ArkrMi. hot k fmmmt to tk y to t th rutoi ilvbtaK ( t.b fM ft to f Tep tut town. ' fmt - u. fcUMk. mcus ! r r imat6C vmm uw far Us XaAss KetMs ha ttra4 te BAKERY mi fci kens to this tvr trm Rew3. wjr. whet h k be mmtimg attaot Full list d Home Made Asd Baicrr 4Tod freah You will never pet well and strong, bright, hajv t tbe Sw htoxta Military tsU , and free from until build ." " - f hearty pain, you up your m ttod-maKi- C&sbMt w mm Q constitution witfi a nerve refreshing, nj Mr. Charlr, fpi to tovarte am to Kmt4u vrf it eer Full like . aiaortmrat cf regeUtlea zrurieg tonic, t lor fMtttl port to V kll via ft mat tietb t!of aSvtoc G frVtjf ftrao) hMaor f Mr A-- eIS4 t t Stur tnbw4 R,Silh Who kte tihOftJy It It IN tfefc ! Vttl IB iCt tWtltt Atmtk-- , can rric M ecta wr tel. teii if all .1 Potle4 UsU and cut Cower for Decoration V aad Sin. K. B. Shaw M day. UVUiiUvLr 4cV RNmm to tit etrf fU tt VvJorW Writ tlbto hrmm tfnVy til dov MMt. Urm t!) It Pde Qeelifl Finl: ( tk rufl vturM U1 clo M aoua - - rr I ftM rt . raer kt (t rnf lo? M Dov&con & ft li puaa, t" FwriEctcal fcsie. frera wrfrtall Bleed, 0 t Motiatfcw l la rccr. , lw4eO. wtich 1 te ! pis aad distress, such u htvLicU. bcvtl -- c&Ss - Hciach, ,' scittj cr prcix tnesstra- l aad Mr. B. D. Black. DISCRIMINATING LAOltt. r' a, etc. inugtim dcr paaied by tb latter another, Mr. -' af It to bur- Aftb-ps- mtictM for vcr&ea, th obJv -- Marsamtft r. Vaa f Treatoft. fata ifoed Try tt. X. J, left tkl arteraoo) for tk cast. tta AUttka. Dr. and Mrs. kt!rk0,go to Boatoa to aaad Xetrteon VimnrlAm mtmmk tt attend tk coatcatloa) at tb aitoal if S f i toraw, for tta sct SB esmaam N wtO Ladies nL to An nuxx&s awdlcal society. Tketr Itinerary nm at SamSmtm ui alaa tee tts Fine Low Shoes ftnA trtni.iy, at fttidMt r tf Mnr.TtUMnb.f. L ensbrar ft trip wa tk St. Lawrence auaac.has aai sJr-ein- r I ner. jwra. vaa cieat go naant tn aesto feat fwaa aad M a1r ana ; Aim Far vq ennaa. j . mti taking Cerdid I haw straight turn. Sb k tb tnat ttcalag wtJrfc adtwV wrfS puts tea V to (airasj J .,, an turtxm twattk Kewtww' tmnm - n Haeninoa arrwnr I(M i fca- aj cf bcr kjfinr near LMra: IW ary uwa v a, yean. I ts my get 4angktr br Sftaftmff. ft ftaiueya tb gwrae tMl . tfcrt to won ly year, aad to stark wttk eaaaaa aaJft cssom t DR(..TbClMtMtacai.. .C.,,buiii4 DnU m ' t4ead tt. Ts trm nn Umommm. ?wt, v . Las Vefma. tall t s4 lstar saMaaan k kmta . Ifyou want ,lttMMhrliaM. Harswtd stop fSBtmr aabr and aeavaata - - If hi aa Mm hair J ik class-fittin- g ; A MUSICAL LEGtNa fug. ft H lane as rkwoeretl rnarat U a first tb baa that ta aait swtiacuw. mm toadiB We. otam r 1 Tk CltiMM of hi cnxrta. fa ta " f wia for fttvr tk KIM rtts Pa-trs- hr rfBi far aapi to TV Bwstrid Co, shoo-- Go:p2l Tent vttfks Mtklag Hkw auau rtatv4 fcat ate. V TbCkloa Man tstrMrdlaary O. MUflfHCV. tftwetal AfSfti, Dras3 Ore aaoalc. Ac- I. kflU UllUft CoWataa to HI of toa anpetwtiuoa retetlng to made in the cordlug to tketr tb Cre- kaa 1 Brr noOotx, IL EL Ko. S14L niti a4 coafts4 to ator tb bid sonad to ka f ttalten tight NOTICl POK fUSUCATION. Ui aovaral day. tb aartb tb ttornoa of nt f all m for nprat cre&tt gner coopeUlng naa t Sad thorn ant. O tfc swrn- - Dr. to latest ibiK R. left at tt yntrty Tlptoa today tb mm riacipiev tt a preaeuMd. Ju- Department cf tk Interior. tt toad tbo nootliif of tbo Anerkaa styles and ). ETtetdut SUtcrt rc4 th 13tb piter, according to Virgil btde fire to Land Ofle at CUytoa, N. it--' of Coriatttlan a Madteftl oortoty at Boatoa. 8!at and boa? to tree to JMt. ftptef Uoo, i. MtyZI. ' i. ( whet tb ardor of anaa rdi toes, call on for hto tkt lut'vefM of lodmtry t Kotlc la berely give that th kttaa Boa GoUm!tk taa koaa etm ta bis effort to iwdiacwvef fonowing named settler ao-U-o tttoSovf bow 4raerr hat ttot tkUr A4 to fcr bona by Utot for e tbkldde treaaarm of bis IntMtioft to saakft final us. Mrt toJtA, aopo, lovt; tbrM, "' tiral daja witk a bik According to tb Crieatlal Idea, tb proof ta supnort kis claim, aad Cm of fvr. aonnd to tt tntMt Uso ft far. ftgbt prtmitlT ar bkldea that said proof b tsad befor tftto bo Oft wrrj 'm Hr of the A marrUc Uoraa fca bc graat stoaaa, siata. wood of tarloua klad. R. L kf. conrt bambo to Rota, ratted Sutes Vot toqaat NraoH that all audi to BarbartU Havttt aad Aatoelo tb plant, pomckina, tb ConnnlMlooer kis effloa to tor httm too tlto i skins of saimala, la certain rtb aad m Lu We can fit and We have them in Wrd ntlar Cordoba, both of tfcla rtty. Vegas, K kf em S XK. tU.t please jou, bosaa. To Illmstraia lovo Ui eon la tb air Itself. A ay eo wbo baierer July Marto Per d SUneroa, deserted k to tho late bad tb pleoaur t?) f aeeing and Patent Leathers, Vici K'td. Tan retml Vastar Jama lUysold of Saata wlf of Emerejlldo SUeero. cf Tr Irrf f CJ!fonI. to t ft Cbin rcbetra will "rtW '"a ftaor4 r. vlaiti&r bit rraadpartata, Mr. BanUaa. Nww Mexico, for the 8. I t and , and Gibson to J U at IB for mil aad Mr. that their soaakal laetrsbents Ij4 lit jfffraoa Raynolda. ex-ce- N. E. ot soc. T. IS a wer Bad f all Uww attauilal pt M. I. K R "P a Ooilar, 1-- 1-- tl laat that combined ef- IS E. and 8. E. 8. E. Sea Ties, Low heels Cuban beels and vt v Ci kelovod tad only aoa. Tk rsltad SUta kaa dla-- and tb roart fort of tb other soeaied better SL T. It. N. R. . laad. la Italy k wa fMnar4 artih th of toart aetea 44 arnic calculated to tb rtboreal oond 8b Barnes th following French beels. iwdy to dwi IJrtftOO.000 of balllffa B. Moor Pedro Ta drtt lit J. aad away tbta to coat it from tb air. to provs her continnous residue to do SC for aoa foya. 1 aoatr" kit wblrb Is tb Ch-fte- a and cultivation ho resly object of all apoti of said land. hrt4 N Uland. moic efforts. When band vls.t Pedro A. aad Dtonldo 01 B to 4 P. tb Marquee freat A C3.BO Bftvatr for ir;.wa..V but kai BrnjamtB Ollrrr, ft llaotyp ope- play, tb of tb Vega, f TreaenUaa. N. ton rator from kaa In alt credulity eoplv Jot to do orofthlBi Clilfffn, artltrd tha both old and young, bear la tn thads Ortis aad Estcbaa of -- fSo and ft Tb Ortlt, Chat, hi J4. th eonqnertn; fty sheared poaltloa vltk of th gongs a ud tb whistling of tb K At V ttaa to trfffii th pipe; $ tone of tb eternal ooads EDAWRD W. FOX, Sporlcder Shoe Co., s .fraatnt taatltatinai ' Of balurr tl.t were originally depart- Regtater. Jr I toe Stanford aaltrraitT Mr. M. A. Boyrt. of Philadelphia. ed ty tb tarloa salami and lnaui V f Cals hlav."k rllmas, kamr,irM Pas anil br am. 3. TK Boypr. of'AI ntat oli)ect by tb all wis father. actiH at ttto rroaa. toHia. arrived la La Vrcat tbla kra Inw fa Cicbaag.- ... praytd for lla ractntet act, tho bv morttntv a. i mfcatHaaile Meaat. 4a " UtAA V fr. aM 'Mrt. naatnira Vtll Vat Tkottcb tb rkxrttwh guard of Franc Softkr; Ki k for XJndabnr bad hmt kmt Its natural cbaractcr. ft y,thl retained era C JSttwa at, afght t KaDMa, wbtr Utry will rrsd th Jealouely astl) tb rit of prarhM XTJstf all a l.trta auaienro on the TVachlnr anmmer. Its carious old privilege, wblrb, iboUEh tbey led to conatant & th Ctstiro Son' i4 bf CbrUt, kfr. Waka E.:.senwak! 4tne4 b Carl raleraoa of tb wrangle with other regiment, bad to fully looter J and aang of. RAwtl. bee allowed Loul XIV. U h t'nlted Rtatea rectamatloa duly by olo nttt4, "Xrw Loa Slffbt erttc. It waa la th to meaitir water to actually obliged to interten at city tb bl wa to ft th atreama. wedding compos dlsput "PLAZA" Srmnt trrr triad for th anrroaadtng a to th precedence of tb Scots oolgrit tb 1U br and tb Cent ubjrt ? guard! gentintbommea. Tim' and tomorrow Aaeltaat Tatted State Attorney "Proud s a Scotrbmsn waa a old tptd.- J. ha left 'Mother- Mr. Wak will alnj a Leahy tbl city for proverb la rranc. and their successor acn aerrle, Alatnogordo, wker conrt for th In th bodyguard did their beat to Jus- Sixth district opened to day. tify It. But th mtwt enrkms survival, long after a word or Scotch bad been JtzRf A daac will b Com Brevitits. , glrea at tk beard ta tb rorpa, wa tb prsctic of mercial club tonight la honor of Mia tiamir1 (a for "I EFORE the public f auawering corrnptioa nearly fifty years, doing busV Allc Smith, who wfll ahortly tak op am here") when the roll waa called, waa the same her mldenee In Lot Angeles. . wblrb retlgtowly maintained, at nes at stand. of W. U has 1 Every piece goods rurttytDan arrirrd all events, dowa to tb revolution. B' th from Kanaa& city lola, Deputy, raltad State Martha! Har- kf acmiltaa a Magailn. or any article you buy from us is guaranteed returned N. ry Cooper to Albuquerqn V Hudson of Catlap, N. after th Dtoa ta to give entire sausfaction. Wa handle visitor La Saturday. valng attending Ttamtli. only la Vega today. teutons of th district court la ttilt la traveling ta Venesoda tt 1 not to bow the best of tslty. . . enough ask far dlatant a plac everything. . Ve never purchase any JOB VJdal Tmjmo aa to th city 8ato? ta. but akto bow far np or downs la other from LOTS SECONDS 4ay Trvmolln on busi&e. Th Normal ttnlTeralty graduatea words, what Its altitude to, and. ft lea or in any line, therefore can not offer ar their thra week Important, what bills and valleys bav Vrinum'"r hkttng Innlnga them to the and family arrited to when th anaual contrnencement ex to t erased. Thus It to sot only public Ve pride oorselTes la saying that tb ctty yeaterday rrom Wichita, Kaa- - errlaea of Inatltutkm ar neceaatry to know that Caracas ta sit that being to we have thousands of satisfied wld. miles distant a straight tin from La customers. Our prices ; Goayra. Its seaport, but that tt He at - aa Jevtioa of half a mil are whether we in , of Dearer, a form- Dr. II. M. Smith and who nearly abate always right mark our goods plain ,'Clrklw bride, sea level and that to reach tt on baa ,rr Ui V an, la la th city for a va formerly Ml Jeasl are " si llfeld, to cross a or Value is . ' mooataln wall far figures not what far day. , welcomed back from their boner rising you want, and value is mooo abovthcloods. Tbla,totbcxperfenc tourney. They retained kon - wb wa d traveler, mean that h moat pro- what you get at our store. We will meet f. IV Hamlck, until . any price, and Sunday, k , . ' par ror sa different with tk : Mlaaourt-lAncol- entirely cllaite. Georg M. L Brew la St Nicholas. even go so far as to say, will do better than Trunt company of St, Lonl. Deputy Vnlted State Mawhal any of our h ev axrital at th Romero ranch Raaemaa spent at bl bom For Sunday A Vaaehla Loataot. competitors. TUESDAY we off offer the following Addreaalng a Dotitlcat Catherine tha Other day, a speaker gav bis bearers valuesi a touch f tb pathetic. --I sntoa." be ESTABLISHED, 1S70. said, brwhing away a not unmanly -- V ier- &us many of th old face I oaca to thak bands with." London - , r . , t Globe.

- - THE rarsaintae With tn aVaaat, . "Tea." - n . remarked the profceor. I aV'I. . J . s rather pride myself oa tb discovery of another hrpotbenia." necune "ladeed." rcphed Mrs. Cnmros. lit- - UiMri ams -- doobtfaliy. I bad an idea they wert ijaite extinct" Washington Star. Pepptrel Bleached ToileDuNorde...... " "1 vrttmat MlMOwrtan. ,...,oc Whoa I was A drngglat. at LIv Bates or Kin- - io-4- ,...... oftta. Mo," writ T. J. Dwyer, now ..33c ' -v; s&c of Craytrill. Mo, "thre of my cus aic tomer wer permanently cured of 94,.... -- consumptioft by Dr. Ktnga new dis- 4, 10c ' . s covery, and ar well and strong to- " day. Os was trying to swQ kt A I .... cAurrnixrn c v property sad move to Arizona, but af- PepptrelUnbltachtd ALL ABOVE THIS SPRING'S ter using New Discovery ft abort tlx k found tt nnncsaary to do so. I i 3IC STYLES AND GUARANTEED Dr. New as ' regard Ktngi Wacovary 9-- 4 .. . lkjraat toiapoarta. th moat wonderful medlcla to exist-- ; 10c BEST QUALITY. " t flanMaanMaaaasV - - x" ence." Surest Oonga aad Cold ; ear' 8--4.- aad Throat aad Luag healer. Gear 17c , , . . yatrvaaira.' anteed an a. SOa L I by druggist and . . Trial bottl frwa.

x f THE BEST IN TOMN ft mi (?vr m THC OIOirTAL HQ 0 v i i. wv inn.. ... iisifflimat. ) LAXATIVE pnnn r HONEY tnd TAR I Cures Coughs. Colds. La uvH7LS vl5u ELM Croup, Grippe, Asthma, Throat Mike sLJj tad Lung Troubles. Pmests Pneumonia tnd Cotuumptioa DELIVERED TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. OLD IYO.O. CHAgrgH. - 1 " - w Per Oilkn $2.C0 ;i Qut 5CcPcr SinU He Timt Table. Sir 1PKINS BROS.. Bridge St. Wet-Colo- red Vesaa 411 jVj 34, krMi 4- A gjurraveva ft , IMMMIMMIMlimilMlMOlMMIIMIMIMIIIIIIIM Uajam-wSS- t. at - 4 ' l weatpuaa, theana- - K ai I JfeS A iJIs-aa-. Dm.l aas .Mar.njs.L twim i j n RAILROAD NEWS ntKna K.I 4 s as. I tiaarai 'Va m. Man .tm. Hlit.lSaa. P-- Of ut to a. at. j Otmnm t Ccoodmj jola our pret-io- f I.farJtt J js.ak MILLm Cluh, We l.r.Sa.ab gMearai p. w. clean: pres Kav 4. Chicago UssUsd. olld 11 ana repair roar clothe oce naa trala with dining, brvtloa month for aad buffet library oars, asarpassad elpment aad servtos. S2.00 No. f, AtlaaU Express, has Pan maa ! aad tourist sleeping cars for Cat ANTAT0RIUM. THt; cago aad Kansas City, aad a tourist ' Cli Douglas Ar. car tor Denver. A FvUmaa car for Deaver la also added at Trtaidad., A Aeaoetus 4n, Pres. nvM at La junta at l:N p. bl. coav stcck of frcrJi xnillintry hzz cr-riv- ed ascttag wiu No. t, leavtag La Jaau ! a, My uAr-'JX- 2 Tb Nisses Carol aad alar Bom f;l bl. arrlvtnc attraeblo l:M opened ready a. bl. Colorado Springs a. ax. 7" entertained ft company of young tsdlet t;l for business 28- Dearer 9:30 a. u. M: 7w. - Marked lmprtvtmn rm teuthwetta with th nervous fores, energy and st luncheon Saturday afternoon com 0 3tU No. , Kaaaaa City and Chicago Ex W. H. Moore of th bank-lo- t .utelllgeac of th people. plimentary to Alice Smith, who Judge e Pullma "W weat to a circus at Tend L witk pet la a few days press, has aad tourist sleep TO Tt:S LAC'.mmJ houa of Moor Brothers of New greats ers for aad Kaaaaa Cr 3 T to take a look at th people. I to aisk aer borne In Los Angeles. Cblcsg CTty. Ar which holds on of con- - rive at La Junta 10:11 a. conaect York city, the caa .tar for them that th general Calif. m, I. with No., La wish to tlut while stock wiftJ trolling interests l to Chicago, cUs of th peopl higher aad lag tog, leavtag JuaU ay my u Mr. U:10 at Puebl 2;00 Hock bland A Pacific property, and nor Intelligent tbsa would be Bernard Appel of this city agj p. bl, arrirtag Miss Rosa Stem were mar-- p. aa, Colorado Sprlaga t:M a. not be as who a over round l i"ji,r eatertainmeot any. united la hrge 23 come, it will be vc recently completed trip rise this sfternoon at Hotel Braun Denver s:oo p. m. " the Uaea of the Rock Ialaad aad Frls-- her , scwelg. Hamburg; Germany. win No. 10, Mall, baa co to la ea- -' "Oklahoma l a marvel, for They Chicago rasf Fall is systems la southwest, City sail for America on man pretty and well selected rl?; thustaatlc over tb coadltloaa a be a new town. vTh pavements la the Jua (. on board sleeper. El Paso to Kaaaaa tuts tb Kaiser wtlnetm II. snd is th coaasctloa all found them la that section of lad business portion and a good of expect to from points south part arrlv in thU about Jan 1J. of Does I . H says: tb resident portion are city Albuqssrqn. th local work would be pleased to have country asphalt from to Baton. you cc "The whole region ahoira marked Tb town has 10,000 or SS.00O peopl, Albuquerque Th talk of tb towa. No. S. ' i Improvement over IMS. la tb ladlaa aad tb bmtness ami are a a very California' Uoutaa, has same ind sec the stock. newer a Tb aaa elect rto HAWHAN WHItKtV equipment as No. 4. "Territory, Oklahoma, aad tb lot, city lights It oa ears keeps tasting goad. Daaaa-naa..l- parte of Texas aad western Kansas atreet aad excellent building. No. 1 has rallmsa aad tourist Bleep Vaaaa.a l.. we found a 20 to 25 cent la I "On this w did sot touch a ears for soatbera California. per trip lag This mi r cress la vbat acreage. Tb wheat aingl city nor a aingl sectloa of tb trala doe th local work from Baton stand Is strong, tb color Is good country that was sot growing fast Heme From Mora. to Albuquersu. St. Kansas and there Is plenty of moisture, la j Louis. Chicago, and City No. T. Mexico and Calforala Express, C"ra are substantial the vicinity of Dallas, if anything, making very growth has PuUmaa aad tourist aleeplng can la aa of rata. "A that struck me la tb there ioesa thing The fine fruit Is be for Borthera California polata, aad "On tb southern part of oar trip Southwest Is that farming Is scien crop going to Cx to V) very light here thli year, the frost PuUmaa car for El Paso sad City of out aad Tb lad out what - KM...J w ter. A.-.- . found tb vbeat beading peopl just t1-- JI 4k. B. Mexico, connection for Dsn next wn D Paso, they arm be cutting la tb two tb soil will produce before they Silver aad an Mex- W 1- - lag, city points la 3 will It. Tb and" . 4 webea ball tait f ...... or three weeks. la Kaaaaa they plant government tb ico. Southem New Mexico aad Art JO. but nothing was hurt, cat about June IS to Jua railroads bar don a splendid work ""t. sons, a deal of work It for that country la placing tb farm- 1 Wheat, oats aad other amall crops Although tmt . No. t. California Fast Mafi, has Pale being don la west Kansas, Texas, lag oa this basis. (are in (In condition. Our atreami semi-ari- maa cars for all .California Oklahoma and tb ladlaa Territory, "Out la tb d lands of west bar an abundance of water this year sleeping d This trala Is "coosoUdstsd will b muck mor rap-i- 'Ifanu.e anil KnliMikl and a. hla laailil la mwnmMaA points. development M Mta w as soon as tb country can be they ar raising oa what wr tb Mr. Btlnch. the sewing machine TO v . up and titles can be semlHtrld laads .two crops of alfalfa, agent and his chape rone. Necolas Or-- I V'.TS.ft BATCBSLOB. Agsat better opened w aaaBaaBaBBaBBBaaaaaaBBBal obtained to land. Tb class of komr and ar making fairly successful f tls. arrived tb last i , u city alght CAR SCHEDULE. seekers going Into thos regions Is forts la' wheat eultarw. only a lew on of our popular young men will STRICT wery high, Tb work of tb rail, years sgo una u tnsi region soia si toon bend for Iowa, to blmaelf get In Effect 0 way bureaus during tb psst yesr ii.wj aa acre, m same isnas now k jif0 partner. May'; has been decidedly effective In thU sen rrora fso to 40 per acre. .Tnai OLD RAQS. respect I was particularly Impressed apeakt for Itself. HAWHAN WHIlKIY Th street ear company has aow la W pay 5c per lb, fee clean aSanU Fe Branch. Perfect Without aa Equal unrated a schedule that alma to Old RagL Th Open C. flaat taaia Ma. It who com back to oa 1 Brevities. daughters spend It keeps tasting good.' meet th demands of Las Vsgsa peo- aSaoMVs Dumber I1 1. Itm, Breezy their vacations. ple to th fullest xtat Trains tea i! points aamed vsry fifteen minutes. lift soowa Miss Mildred Brown will give a a fact a car oaa b found at any Clerenc tilery of Roswetl baa been k. ea Mih si oa Tte Bat at .. P moonlight plctnle Saturday evening Kaerl4. given oa th track every fifteen a few In La it:a)a11 U V.Jaaai fcw Some ca- point pending days Vegas.V a 1 men think that the tin ' J June S, la honor of Miss Alice Smith, an minutes, SaWaBiiBBBBmaaaaaSBBaBBataaM ' 1 11 aaa Lv non knowl-edg- e, jab4o of curiosity Is tb end of .Banaaoa. , pu- who wilt leave this city shortly to ' Th Ulk of th x, I,. Lai Vegas hat a school some the love of som Plaxa. Castaneda. St Anthony, towa, l)baJl --SanllM. L - make her future horn In Los An- fame, the HAWHAN with a record. He is Orrta some :4S :2f WHItKir JSpSrJli pil , pleasure of dispute, the necessity ;S7 12 am. am. I I am. old son geles, California. - . It keeps oa taxtlag good. Blood, the sixteen year i of supporting themselves by their Thes ears coo For - of F. O. Blood, postmaster. knowledge, but nse of all tlnu every Cfteea I a m VcCJLnljMM aJTC school Hundred, of peopl nocked to th. f am Sat .Oaavar 4 fire consecutive years ."I'Z' minutes alt day aa . Jk. Jf. canyon yesterday In .earch c. a shady, . he has been neither sbsent til evening, when , aa. nor which Is nook to escape the hot tun. It was a tttoZZtt'wZTZGod to use If yoor neighborhood is tardy at school, by the snd advantage of , th last car caa b Train .etap al BnbadO roUiaaar . i perfect day for an outing and an Ideal man.-lU- vn : a record that any pupil might had at . rlBaaUanarrad. nia iut ii. i ue canyon cars were . ooaaaoeieM envy. This fall be will entes Plaxa, Castaneda, Anthony, At Aaanaito for Daiaaso. Mlvartoa, aad In school crowded nearly alt day long. It palaat bis second year high V.ry Rare, 1-- At Uaa-a- r, 10:37 11 m.ll:00 11:07 1 p.m. AUaaaaa far PaaM. aaa hMar and bis friend bellv be will Dealer In Antiques Hum are tws p p.m. Mdlaa. puteto rla abator ttj. aavaaarSaaaM Mrs. Hsrry Lewis, slater of Ben very rare revolvers. Th car from th Sani- Fcr Yen ; Una rla Cajata Paai ar taa aarraa faaaa TW ndd another term to his excep- returning SaJlda. aattra V- - Lewis, of Mrs. Mo- aaaMat ta. trip la .i aaa and daughter Customer What Is their at . V kaa Bmmit tional performance. . history tarium reaches th Castaneda f your r' araafV r.i.ia. MSwS del Friedman. Is visiting with rela- were carried tty fr tUo tor ail main am Cnwoakraawa. "They by Columbus." 11:18 and goes direct to the barn. Frttutt DACXKAS1? aC.BOoraa..r.A tives la Las Vegas. She waa In 8an "What! Revol vers weren't Invented ' 5--- This schedule It so complete and - ' Oaatai. Oolo In 'r The Francisco during the awful earth Columbus' time." takes la so many hours of th day quake and fir and for some time her "I kuow. That's what mskes them attend - Albert Denton and Frank Cutler are that citizens desiring to parties many friends In this city were great- - """' or do so Id from cutler's ranch resort They functions la th evening may ly alarmed. and b sure of a car horn. It le have flattering reports of the mining Alware of coun- hoped the people will take advantage interests In that part th The Century gun club held .t.. ui.i viaiiiiduiMim K7U DOITdoifc - their of this effort to serve them." - ,u mu un IR1U ' " try. , . ."''' 7- resular shoot at their emunrf. ,. ?vm l"1 ta ivur i. m en 7 eatrn nnrtin. Vka. V . a " Has be received many isagoodcre'O to- . Dr. M. Cunningham leaves Ch USE ALLEN'S FOOT EASE andwith the aid of , morrowt for Boston to attend the an !! no! iZi a-r- -" M Why, be ha. received 0 h ..h". A to b shaken Into the G7 Med-- 1 powder nual convention of lbs American three out e of a possible twenty-fiv- nan tbermometer."-Chlca- go leal and also to visit mean- Newa. shoes. Tour feet feet swollen, aer society, blrda; Llpset. aecured twenty out of, n will help to ; T f get them started while with his daughters, the Misses twenty-live- ; vous and damp, and get tired easily a possible Kamner nlne-- . . ; Southwest if will . been j swaeraaa. you give as Marguerite and Helen, who have teen; Passwater, elKhteen: KimmeLl th inHia. vhA Mn. If you have aching feet, try Allen's names aud addresses. to-da- school In the Hub He Foot-Eas- e. Write ns ADVERTISING attending city." etgnteen, and Johnson, seventeen, the l leave cards Brldgef-Th-ey wanted It rests th feet and will be accompanied home by bis two club - K ' ? shoots every Sunday afternoon, to, ma'am, but I tow led thlm ye bad makes new or shoes easy. Address. i u m tight Cm. Celenlutlea I 'I', " . jplinty sv yer own, snd better ones Cures Attat A T. 4 $. f Ry. Yon are usually able aching, swollen, sweating feet, . . ; A. la I ta Ji blisters and callous spots. Relieves wilwylUehMj,Chlcaja, . , io practise u. illc. Chilblains, corns and bunyona of all j, large fields, but cultivate pain and gives rest and comfort Try THE ones-Vlrgt- l, FOR DL001 , fiimall It today. Sold by all Druggists snd 1 Verr Trlala. Shoe 25c. Don't accept any action and curative of this remedv have! Store, Thepurifyin? properties rreat re-- substitute. Trial paokage FREE. made "S. S. S. For The Blood " a household l and thousands who are t . vt sayinff. ha.M.i nimit N- - Loo owe t.. n.. Address, Allen S Olmsted, Le Roy, Vczs today enjoyinjr perfect health their recovery from, blood or akin diseases you'd better We're aolna? to irtve that Sahitan a this used blood medicine. is to universally 8. S.S. madeentirely from root, Bew a trial. Jess-Ca- n't anu hymn lam actus oaiits wuicu possess noi umy cleansing una to a new him a my- - neaiing inreutcnis, going give trial O. C. Shlets. of. Rocky Ford, Colo., a oraer. , iso one can oe weu wnen me Diooa is impure ; they lack the energy representative of the American Su and that is natural with health, the becomes and gar Beet company, la in the gath-- . " strength complexion pale , . Postmaster Robbed. city Offlcoat . callow, the is weakened and suffer from a broken down erlng laborers to work In the sugar vitality they general 0. W. Pouts. Postmaster River condition. When the waste or refuse matter, which nature intends shall be at beet fields near Rocky Ford. - ; voct ; thrown off, is left in the system because of a sluggish, torpid condition of toa nearly lost his life and was the members, is absorbed into robbed of expelling it the) all comfort, according; t fNot If ,aa Rich a Rockefeller. GUARANTEED blood, making this vital stream wesky sour and hi,' letter, which asys: "For twnty send and its condition ia manifested j !f yon had all th wealth of Rocke- by boils, I had chronic liver FREE FROM pimple9, mhcSt blotcherf and other ep(ions Dj Tears complaint, feller, the Standard OH magnst, yon L.VetM 3 I N E R A L G. th kin & S S- - J into the circulation which led to such a sever case of could not buy a better medicine for Phon Ib9 . and removes every particle of blood taint or Jaundice that even my finger Bails bowel complaint than Chamberlain's makestheblood fresh and and Coloraslo fisMof everhsracter. strong gives energy tnrDea Tlow. hea my doctor ptw Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.' to the entire body. When the blood has been cleansed S. S. S. all skin u. T, T" The most eminent caa not by laectnc wnicn cure physician JIJ. diseases and eruptions pass away and the smooth, clear skin, glowing with p5"64 Bittsrs, prescribe a better preparation for col- snows the is nourished Rhea-- me ana nav at weu lor Ncvaa 4 kealUi, that body rich, blood.. '.'xept ic both for . chtldrea being by pure j and diarrhoea, r xnatism. Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., years." Bur ear for BUloasa, and adults. Tb uniform success of are all deep-seate- d blood disorders, and for their cure S. S. S. nothing equals Neuralgia,-Weakaes- and all Stonv this remedy has shown it to be super- Vt Anmm. mrit affM--t t!:v mnat 1ati.t narfa rj tVi Iwulw mA mm ha ior to all others. It never falls, and . CesMMd, to tutl-tar- y taken with perfect safety by old or young. Book oa the blood aad ch' L,Ter ?a Bladder do Oeaspook aad vwlu Dimaiec' i Mt Thorough any, when reduced with water and sweet- esassta snedkal advic dasired without charge. A wonderful Toaio. , At atascaoa. W f , igjagm rsagemAta. ened, is pleasant to taks. Every fam- awcii - ' CtTLTT CZm, Al.mmZTJL CSm all dnur stores. coots. i U ily should be euppUed with it Sold by all druggists. - -

:i) : ., O- - ... LA VttAS eAJLVoms.

rwk? CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS hAn wwki 9 ahcwejih ACV4-NC- Hair ALL OASSfiSt ASSUVZZltSHZTi fAYASLC W C Hungry feAri If wmm Mil Atf4 Wir.wtiMiMi. fswd fc wwh t wpl 4adAr He jsr. OPTIC COW1Y imm Mfca I mil a4 Mi imm Im Hi WAMTtO Till - - - tan. . - . "' - V w k... www It.iv IWI r n ivm t WAKTETYwA4; la4ie to toara ros RBiT Tw Utoast ladle tjuteiag, AW aeaae amaiitse" LHHma. tSl fJbsr!&. No ten!! CANAOAt grurvitc 4 he!. Coe nay. ateady aaV)y-- anewt. Appiy t ttarrte Jaeoa , U7 HoiAtb;Eit,a icuoma ru Tk Kew affiles; UUbes'n 4n( 0TtCAl ILLUtiOMt. DongSa Atena. r7 RENT Bue4 Ar tk 4y. Ia7 'jatjigeA ink), pertly wtenaf, partly prk 4 WAATtrOsrt lor"gerl ka-work- . nua, Cadi T Grand eve. Cot triii to the VwtiurM' rM(. deal X. tUy 'Iter. Beat waa. Apply Sirs. li peon. Kl Unci. IZ lag l:k th fetwre ( l"4a. Tie V Ciwen. 7th at. t--l rOB. RENT Two (cracked rooact. 4AAUAAAA la aaad toat ln sttcwt tUt the i Hello! Hello! tor feev fceeeekeeptae. tk L Src MUJ3, At-- aerial haa feet a will WANTCTUrt general lot turltM DiAaoed Lorl itWwA in a work, in faasCy ef 1192 Cotaas-bU- . RENT ra tr&m Canal. A nann o txf Wr TewvL uaiqoclj -te. FOR KwaUy farnib4 fii (t fblvkit . S1S w ;. ad form of roonu with pieaaaat fart tk bt lutiwrUl rrlu rpmxiKK tm twem ict briltUot raluMe foar withdrawn from Canada dwrfaf the .aattthKt frB tk rubtw port. TW of tcaotr, but one frogt WA.VTtrA eboejnaker U do re laws AAA swrdea apoc ; Tmmmkfl iat-mcn- UL Lincoln. Bow war and all rreaj portions WMar of Tfc to ft f rtk ibiclt in puritic detract lr. pair wort Sporleder Skoe Co. lit? Ivm Eapwir 111 " kav bee Canal Tl - '" aiac by iift it' ld a. WAimCD Ctrl nw woman to tak n inrmW Tfce refer to nrebably to tk ltUt m C ib gfwat T RENr-TureU- hed room r - .. Accord warn cat hAbjr ftooa IT to 4, OQcilr FOR at few aa4 rjr ioy! electioc ' 'w. itkdrawl of Ik oritvrt f rir (hat lam thm 10AB. (ik ac HOT DottglaA, -- our sremn are look forouilitT Ettarr foetrwrter nke have t-- Xa fe 1" rrttbn; , reporitr. RENT 5sit of finely far. )m la tn mtatag rbnoU rf Ik !! fcr ktM4f Wt?k Ih an4 iunist on paritr. Wr WANTED Te bay good reatkbl roa tf bare tbea tor properly, frank Prfperd. 494 Nv Alabed beuaekeeptag room with bath, ill r your tcspec CxcwUent locaUoa. Eighth at it Bfiiik Qjdrw. wklrk tar Iioo4rc1af fc klmtf to ki pn tton. . fit fc rl4 w' kM aitiUl4 ta CkM t 4totiaMrt1o kf fo!kif rka. - CALL AND BEE WAXTKD Hka. anas 84 (aula. 1U ' M ta rkttcrtral US4 (a Car peraaaa-n- AnArewa -- tp vnunvi aai.ljr r! otSce. ator and rancbas; t won per-DidU- k salc Drtegat f J C'a4 to, t s hiMt t4 kto kto am mm m4 k4 low aaiariea. ktUla fUnch k4 also, SALE At 1 iV4 g!mry: Resert Co, Bprtafwr, K. K. HZi roa a bargain; Surrey, A-- i--ii minded people, , Tk focB report r koal4 Robt J Taupertt r. c Bop, cwy I Butimag; WANTa3k--T- w e r ltr nratt-r- BritUk rrtM'nbf-- av bar-nea- 5oktmaa t4 tU that nw Maulas iprlence4 roa SALfWlorae, baggy And a. It I, PrtK!7 , t ki5f of V JEWELER AND OPTICIAN seen At th alvrckaAta CAM At aaoa. l, , jr.t.riiK-n- ara fj.fc!rk. w , tria Cbeap if Uses ac owe Kv kf NcwMdxico mi tetr At OpUA Affic. I-- ea. New X ---si t fwr'aM tarrfi .UtYcjis. Mtca ( klgkw amHat komtf. WANTIU-rutia- aa At Mr kei BALE-Wrttm- 1,01 ,hM Br"u J Tka roa g deskand book an iK- of tk 4aaka aa4 41tr4rlr BtandUh. MSI - B..MfMr. V"1" caa combined; cheap, 713 fifth &. MISCCIXANCOUSk S 4ryfMrHa, afrttoa. . Every avtMolboy kawa tkat tb U W aa? tb fg and tk aonr grape tt roa HBaaLTU wrder Water Itttar roa SALE Pedestal chalra good - aaaeeajrat fraai a aatnral A tout hit Mckaaca v . btttory pla from & P: FUnf. CkAtral coodUloA. cheap. Enqair at Hodges o a of mrr rmn TEUt C awL w(rraiiiPBt 4Wat par iu Btl!tirlaa vtovt view, aay A Uando awwapaper second hand ator near tl lso tk pa) r-Ja- fc brtdg USt hf TW to , Hstst alr V blU w rr art of th oppoaltfoa ltk and, aa now I. erery arbooiboy 8TRATED OS fcTCLEN Sorrl this rat aa4 a Jee-ae- y. ftoaad for anrk aa Caa-- " 8ALB One fuU blooded aump(kA. Urta. . wrwttg. An ealoeat Oxford profeaaa mare, wltk foal, atrtpa tn face, roa " I weigba Freah tw moo lbs. la rittK!)r frt4iy in Tkat k aoiafa to tk a bearing tb point 4iruaed tb orb About Moo, Lbcral reward If re Apply It U JCnf-- n ow pmditt earn GaUUiaa. 1 1 H tk tacaat l ait4 suta a4 xia kta arfjr vitk arid. r day attosliy krwgbt grspe turned to P. em Oonlevard. .Wtoa "Wlo taa4 a Her and uiea went t tb wbere he I. Ceyw ji muibiImIo? kf lacbr. 'kff, That, ary mtraao of praek ao. ai ob th rat itiof U. triad tbem wb tbeaa roa 8ALC Horse, surrey and har tberator. maanr, manr (4 fcf r.4a m ot of varelmr. " a a fax, at kr . aeea. for family, good bargain. (22 euctotna, fcr 4eatUmal bodUv. That a boat graaditjrl- ? , . oo traaanortlat lady ao 7 Vfr ar or own ttaa br Railroad Avenue. -- fc Biatory, ar tk Eacttah of England. keagera la loaded with orerkw ,n a fc ooa't am to ab! .. M OlSSralt IWllM. aw i.aaaaua oeata vans ror s . a oc ntia wker Scaau Kor krt rrriiht "If yon ar to remain In FOR SALE Franklin Typewriter. )ut England. But all Ignw .fall That a baU toaia going pab t at nla alwaya antil Ike Be lif yon moat 4 aometblaf ta at-tra- First class condition. Prk very Vw .rUr '" - th futnr of Canada I Isdepradeae? Se ma koarc 2I Grand or ofBc. Call i , atteotloa." , . Ave, Optlo ta S-- of Bdrar Allaa Po'a book twenty yera mor. ea akould . Tbat kayloed poet to alwaVa "If I don't attract attention I don't for Tbraaber. ft, tn ratio or not ak y Aid for at aortJna Ik Urr growth larrea, equipped with a quaint anil. get reelected, aad If I da attract at tlo bar A of million roa BAJLEV-Dn- ck eggn lAqntrA ad 1Hm Iiiioat tar?4 to nhIB till, iartf po That aa off kaad apeakr alwaya 4 tention ifa ten to on I'll be Investigat- AdaT'fl . pU. Deeper tka loyalty to Cnglaad llvera A few welf rewarkal ed. A w dor-llooa- iow J. Goldstein, tb tailor. w-- r-i- i vmilda't bttjf' ! eaotea haras I guia' ta - ' - H- or to th nlte mate A 3am A POSt.. ; ' T k - rrinjnii! t t That aortety th book ..,-"'- la th of LOAT. lor Canada la th Canadian to punUk Alwaya rcelva sway gal Atlweeaaw fcearu Tk Caaadlana aetther : f TK Lat aaytklnx tbt tk peapU glerlng offer. "Ar yen ready, dearr LOST Ladies gold watch - chain. to nor reeelT from Great Britain any And Aot ar aOr illln to wr tkat eery rltlaea who la "In oe mlSBta, darllnr ? Miaa ! Tilden. LaaVaa t- - AT Reward. Boring. J nnanemi Tba coBneetloa B J II la VaA, Voa fcer than tb Pklp-Cii- pnnt. cither renreaeatatlf or "SfatrittMoy doe not dispel all war f-l- twa the two omintrlea la on-- L.. tooka a they r already popular or both. Cluslona." h maMered aa b lit it lVutj aentlmenial. bond to kar tk :cc. too. ly ..UTien tb la a tb tkiC n tb young report rlgtr. "Befor wr were married I A A wnony evrei ia ;in wp tr r kaa A ld rang of pitlfe. thougbt erery moment I had to watt Jao Papcn ' tHAWHAN- - WMIAKty that proclaim Cknadlaa Independent At a aoclal function anything that ta for ber wa en eternity, and a Ita Contalaa mor liquid hall float from U srfV-oT'r- a thouaaad polea. calculated to to'th Inme4 Mt to b."Blrimorw AmarV than donbl th of ether y by erbuloa appeal rpetlt1a ' ouanUty Pi, win o arier no war, ao naianu rap-- 5 . - And ( V, 1' Colons ka atlrr1 .lwtjr. deatxna4 by on of the tan,' whiskey. tur with BiothHT Tk a - Afe I motloo.tfcat, a. ml tb cmintry. bountiful renaat: tootbMMn reTreah- tt keepi on tastlog fnai. child "''Tb Ate lee4s4U iai Mlv ah bail oa HanSr baa, grown to maa'a maata, A.dellcJoua collation, a choice Tklan r" Kyf4 tare, little iai Mr. fVnbaot Ar yon afraid to die? s 4 ani tMta,inewutni ntmer. delectable vlaada. A' datntr 4k i croa th e and cmr own nation a Benbam- -I wouldn't be If I anr 4v billiard table at Alwaya - Ionch( pr,tenUo8 pred. and theae - e .. Gregory'a will welcom- ah that I wouUIat asert your mother. 0 TrtaMa4 ia aa Canada wben akait ar partaken At th teatal , . OLD BACS. e In first class condition. Jut faiha)tle Bra Kw Tartarean. ' - - '.' aboM. tk aurreaa of dry farmloK appiy ror a aeat at tn council aoara hoard, f W pay bo. per la. for tiean 4 - - om Th of, ftatlnni Xellher. tor "Canada, or, Old . The Ok Macbeth Water la th tenln Cr "A to tb Rage. Optlo w.t akm.ajr0 mL'B a e laHed State dnea a tin Inn or n. additional doctor ware friendly tbongbt pnrest gift should Ukn In th spring oftbA year. roarlyuar nian.-Cari- yle. t anaa ma afford t - - tne flrtt crop to w rnlHTW wo cfiutriea tn pomtcaf Honda aeem traiitd llcena to practla trivdtcta Ordera ffiled at P. Roth. 44A " ; . ' dealral,! or b aprtog wheat. ? . i adilbl. r fo the territory at th recent meeb of th medical board. It la ' jlng a MIGHT 40IRIT. ' . - 8o rraoclaco baa bn caftlrat Tut I hoped tb general healtk of tb peo- lnf th rq.ulatt amonnt of fatth aad (w will atand tn additional atrala Join .flooth- - of Drake MUSL1I1 UNDERWEAR SALE. S opv and sow that th aamher of nnlvaralty. to b fed baa r4uc4 to Oca Moines, woo th Interstate ora ba tet The Markets. t ' k ret of th world caa torical content, at Topeka, KanaaA Dozens of white undermuslins are opened and ready for your inspec ltd on th greatest of tne And thereby banga'a tat. ' tion and selection. Each garment Is soft, fluffy and so daintily made and irtu. , t Two year, mo Booth repreaented J a ' NEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS trimmed as to cause admiration from; ail The line is low NrT - th university tn tk atat contest i unusually unipiner it airrnaia. tur ' priced and marked In plain figures. ' J )old aa the hill and aa Th jndgea on comparison threw bl MONDAT, MAY t.ftofi, li,2 . II..M ..... it llU oration out.' that b w.a charging foltowina: qttotatlona otartt of abaolutely tm. it of aa to. of from P. 4t reird . being 4 . guilty tflagarlsm ioni bt J. Graf Co Albuquerque, A tr witnont... an exception ana entencea. Booth had followed th Nw Meiico. trrwipoodiat for "Logan u It will Ha Jiut an-tr- whq applM , Bryan, long distance pbon. baiilt of bla high achool days In an-- j, , . ex to Vegaa aa in any other La ca. ' ' propriating literary matter and , did Atcbtaoo 1 8! F not reaJlix h ' The! The petals of Santa ar making what bad ooo. PM - u M a. deturmlned effort to acnr the of Aha - public disgrace posnr,Plfkr- ....I'T7 Mary Jatnea MUalon achool for bo) brouaht blm up with a ahort turn. BAO-Com- of r .107H which will mean th expendltwr unt awotk waa piitcny. He mane a b. R Wa at least $50,000 la building . alone. to the atudenta at chapel In Colvrael .. !" 64 4 It la necewary for th capital folk which ha pledged bltnaetf to ilv U. . W.Uom. 19fa MX) anr KrteOom.. 1t) to ftiit 1K 1 1. to nak ofthe down th mlataka. And bo rowed to "IT ' ' 3t.' cbaoL" v them bo wootd yet bring credit to tb Mo pic. - - - . i - 1r,;'. oi , . fhool that bad backed hlra, " Thejew York Antral Gowns, or trimmed With lv! A New Mexico exchange nay thai young man went to work on a. new! Norfolk Com. ,' Drawers, trimmed or, embroidery II-- of U - prima need th nation oration, "Th Power of . Conviction ". Innaylrania"3Z . lace, embroidery And ribbons, in many -t- several and G-- rimmed, patterns, pretty tn ti Yceaa or the democracy, rew It waa every bit bla own. He wrot - and full . . fc.".lttd 65 pretty styles long 1.00 to. .. 3.BC desirable 1.00 MexlUTtan't a part of th nation and and rewrote. He Inserted, cut , so"! to...... 3,CQ Hon-a- rT t " in endless , It needa Juat honest government. polished and perfected bla compol-- j TetinfcoaJ'' ' " Petticoats, variety, while the great-ra- t Corset ribbon: drawn aOTernment. however, la th And n . ones are in covers, very fulf tion. practice constantly tn' Steel.. cheaper perfect every way '' of any nation. No merely J ' hand-mad- -- "ted tta delivery. After two years of bard p"fd: 105, the beter ones are e and corset covers, lace insertion; and edging ; ataoda for aa muck. Cnion Pacido Are t!fUcl prtnclpl tnbor on thl jpeerh he again offered .19 " m , particularly pleasing 75 cents, to. ... . afCTt used on most. 50c,: I.CSP , " J i himself a a candidate to reprasent t.. of nation baa more ex '- So flrt the his achool. , 4 '' or rtehor allver ' mine than aai. Booth's new oration was not an or- "Woowo ar more artistic Mealeo. Th fact that l naturally j Nw llvr dinary effort By some means there than mea." - " V now aclllax at 67 renta. Mr. Guggen waa woven Into' It something of the "Ves," aMrwered tb natter of fact Cl'Zp, CO CO. to wben he rfcayacT? v'; w la undoubtedly right trnVall of a proud spirit cut to the peraoa; "thar why ao many wf gla vl; la worth at ,hat at 67 centa silver quick, something, too. of the Ore of ; look fuuny when w area r our Christ t(vve wprt 0ow a It W his bovtsh 4tecgitnatloaito ;mJeenu niaa necktttw and smoking Jackets. : v wa worth it tT-- . 1b It rn potency Our wlvea want to bk.k artistic." , OsJfoMs. nrIi;atVr.eir-"Jt:fi'- KP.lSeed-;-- Shoes 'of A( g tr on thi? , -- J. .aitS)." aj .The yonni; ' beUevea that -- .1 L :zzz3iZ9 oraior Wto4 KU chstice t go A Pale DIvIbIm. L i A' better ' ral t" aaala ft' J f" .e rnteet.iMTbn "If a boue ciiutaina all bureaus, n ; Ox- ir" , F taut" fbi Ils;ht-hal"e- ttevco armotre. seven vbirfonler and , This Spring's line of Beed 'Shoes and rr4 cr'U, soul in Afty tucce whkTllaneoua drawers, bow cufA. w fords te.qtrite-uptothe- V BEST wttti te l. rJi r class aUr tv btw)-- t many of atn ia the husband entltwd to w W , . V.U1 i. fti KJ fort pe.,lk. , Mean... k worked,' practiced and ani bow juaay U th witvT aiked tbe SHOE MAKING. make t'-- A (tew komea m Rl Pa Shoes, your tkar Xb toaced for his greater chance, AtTrf-pek- yunacctubuiHti. L The f.t: t:i w btv beard thl way taroe tb supreme test of the second twbosaw laupbed harshly. pocket book heavier and your feet feel bet- 4 "Yon ar yoatAgr And bava tumh to ( t tr.i . y boyfefcj, vow. Nine aiate represent i ' hi - - i .. . : ii a Uvea Booth fount,' he said. "Yon may a well un- . ter. , t hart- - spoken.- of Iowa I - derstand Brat aa last Tin Tltf cr" dwaocrac', was tb tenth, next to last. It that if tber wnr , th. lu your tiou a inUe oC three . .Tk etwJict la between the wa Toe audfenc was bureaus, Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, Slippers, all leathers (Cr.i ntkjouthU acre of artooires and 17,009 drawers T. oW. Tk aettler worn and tired. Bnt Is l.'Ci nw bo thle ail tkea would still k atwffad of the best Prices moderate. ' taut fall styles. -- a tba oW votrng different from th other7 .1 Oraakicgvkto vclA rucking, hatpins. rCbonv ailk " K -, There la a sufctlc winsomeness in bis ;- la and noetnated atocklns. and Beed Shoc3 eold tirrtrtea bo - petticoats, powder pafi ': hre only J t isk presence, something that ao and tba beat conra . , ,.1 th ?c3 axec-?- Probat Jodg aatety pin, for yoc twwls... The peoptV alt np straight to pnrsw won Id be to oarr white tan tmd grey oxfords for JLaata who kstia kl of- - wrap your ' k away them. 'Wins A 0a, pot them, cap thlajayour ablrta. nnderclothe and T7EAR NOW , rtrht of ture tkem hoMa them In bol o $1.60toC2.60 by T zttry. Tbtrag" and the ia a nwwapapet and keep tbedi a If V ew i reveakt tk 'J rrrrrw tk low of kta band., - Power, poise, pa iw tb bad.--N- Tort rreaa. . t lower Pecoa valley' 4 U nui&: - 1T aeroratlon Is . Lj la tb way of atV x It alac t. i voraa tsortcy.cwfr tb awaytag U that fans lata at la a gaao; k abowa wher tk rw . "a ar go rwa. "Bootl. of .Iowa: irat n that grtevea at it I a aamt; okat - tax to bar a good -- .cf carry rtLt gret la coecsosKV). rat 1 ttb of U la a sviL-r- ar. r " "IS 3 ;i - A I X S' .. yoaour. mat a. 19. las vioas daily emc.

CLOTH tS IN KOREA, occ o !0 oj o w' , j t o e A ctrauruiv mt flao Kareaa San" wblcb baa brsod a. rvr awnlMac a o IVJiusI IMationai ) .. Emli a aartae) era ta fat feat (bey ware o ) 1 Davidsoo & Blood hive dlacoat lotted Klliojj Mr gakW wteRy by mm a o Made Bread. Leave your ordr at TWoblil'. aew mmthm yrwMfct.cttre- - 44 swt o Hojae at ta T & Blood' old oa rarw wbb ta b(S4 the 4y o atiad St. ea-taw-ty DougUa Arc., Rjaa tih. Caey were lirUtg. awt r gwU4 o CtCD,C03XD Las Ike Diria sod Jao-- A-- Pa pea. by ta mU m sad ta aartrwt o Vegas ' atastaa of wi" awa ' w ba4 bee Repectfa!!j. deed a tbeaaaad A A BS. CVNNINOMAIi, rx frrt area etna 8 r. Neaxista, at faa. Paatratlua a ta aaiaaaal trait rRANK BetiNcsjM r, v jAMUAarr, IV? flMM a,aasgj waa ferautwd to Ca aMtuw of taar o earing jtpparet, wfckb waa g Interest PeJd on Tim Dpos!U sotanUag aa a aarteat raanadarreg4aad witlMt aay regard ie tb tatpratara o ef toe say, .. o - rOR BENT I1 Third at, I ma akorea ta a mad as .great eitonaea ef o THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS RANK v0 0 ooooo ooo brack with UtV Cae lawa, . beat aad id, aa4 ta maa waa draft, o a, ad ta caleadar by waka aa cMblag o Sociil aitndcfi O TT o Na, Craad aveea. room frame Is rbaage4. taowgb a Uhlans aag. It o PAID VP CAPITAL, S0.00O.0O s boas, vttbfetb. tlUe. Is aaU, was aat a aaerew aa a weatawr o O Ccx:n Evtris o aad room faratabed aesfbet. wakw, aa a aaatataia. ta Sava your aaralnca by efepoaida taem ta the La Vagaa Sariac Beak. wiBbiloyvr Tn teata, o Krrv aavwam two doUar aaada." rwcwtrwd v rtlowr ta cwara baadrwl b' depoaiu r UmH totacwat' , 1 o o complete. EWtrle light, eater aad la f ta aU of 9& aad ovar. J 5J a o deposita ooooooooooo ttepaoaa all foratah. Price ef year wbkb have etapand aaa caaag-a- till to KtM. rWbea to eebwdar aaacnMa aew oococoooooccoccccccccocccccooc Tuesday. May St, Seoul eaiveralty laecttoieot A Aaaacy Coraorativ begtM ta period ad greatewt rU the cUes play and Junior recrpttaa at ' Thoae 454. eMaerratJv Eaewaa. sttbagb tb air Normal aaJL may b awft aad balmy, aauU eat his Wednesday. Mir i Bannal ban- - watt ganaeais wtth ata r ava tak-kaeaa- SAKE , , of alamel of Normal aalverelty af cattoa waddmg, autil w Strawberry aad Ice creaai aorUI at tb tola maa aeoaww a maa aad m ' ' S at CutUfd boWL fat Odd renowa" baQ Tbaraday aweniag. lb stoat swell aa to awa rear-Btt- s r7 Thursday, Kay JU recital party Fir room bouse, fire lota, two Pae May Hat Uc Aaspicaa (Ubekaha. ais a to block aa tb atraet mi iUm 4 sercisea la eoaaeetlo good ea Graad aveau. "...1 vaea a ar. rather, rottc abread. well, Spec eommeacemeat t tha Normal walk, ial IT take at oac vita Again. ttwagh aiwtag aad early sum- eargata a' nl 4 varsity. No boslaeaa mer bar com aad beat pra-- Four room aowaa, three lots. good U eommeacemeat atemaUle oa tank may ta Friday. Jm waa erer buDded Its be alatoat tb Koreaa local toe. part 11 eer cent oa invert Normal at to fall sum re vailmg tnmkal, relate of the eaiveralty until ta owaer bad "ADVERT1SF.D Bwettera about la ale wadded aieat. Price. . ...f L200 addreae Prof. Geo. clothing Normal aall by MORB THAM HE THOUGHT HE la veweraUea of bta berU Sevea room aoaae. bath. hot wa . aerspirug I. rtaiay. COULD .- eateodar. New Terfc HeraU. two choice AITORD- tary ter, heat, good bara, etc, . comer lots oa Lincoln aveau. Price 1 1 , i c I Communications for tbe Society , FOR SALE New modera brlrk TREACHEROUS RIVER BEOS. foluma ebould bo ta or mailed ant fcottse, with bare: location fin Mt Inter tha Friday morning of aaea large good Bis room cottage, bath, lawa. Mast be sold at oace. Call at fvt A ! Wh caaaat shad desirable location week. It you m lb telepbon art lh JeaaaaMl. trees, bara. 8aaaer,a second hand store. la Price ILSOO for the Society Editor, wno wro ae The mom's" wsgoa, caa raa covered to receive aaythlnf of aortal travel worn. Is We have special sale oa lots pluN Blys every; day. both 5C. ad always aictaraatiu. ' - 'phoeea, week. v latcrcat , . , ;'" lb traveling bae fur a family and all their worklty goods, front furniture Made of 'gun meUl, cub&i with grrJ m familiar a high hU FOR A A 100 to poultry, still a atgut 8 IX good foot cor . gTain VSuroftia'' A weal era nada. spirit of dUaatia. bow, make. ihoo of indinduatitr f aer, with frame caa ' la large bara that factloa and loagtng for newer fleUs H.rri$ Real EsUtt Co. women who act the nace in at via. Print be remodeled Into a bouse at al!rht that lurks under that broa4 brimmed Base Ball. Of DOUGLAS AVENUE eipease; oaly $100..;. hat I a spark of tb satue Br that ha a JUST ONE OF THE KANY The Investment eV Agency Corporation been tba tbetn ef eur biatory. By , Tnonea 150. aouWatream vnder the cottoa woods of Tweaty-tw- e ride for tOe, That la LEAGUE STANDING. a you may sometimes sea this eveaing the oa commutation Begin to be bnstaeaa HUe la the half and tb fire, with It ac price book. Ap gypsy, Car office or from ClttUa, Woe. tort ret treatment of your advertising a von companying amaU of bacoa and bean ply at the Street . .suss are for conductors. . Itfeldt la caring other feature la or the song aad accordion, will suggest m iwrir) the conduct of aa drive tbe baa al Optica i your store. yea by why roving . If Mooareba X JB00 ways Its fascination, Sea those aew ( hole steel range A - Troo A 1 I 1 Mi Do you want a aew root? See Pat There are, bowwer, tbe long dusty for t:S. Big bargaina. Jobatea " l-- travel aore backed hones. next to Roaeawald'a. . ; fiaau Faa ... . .OM day of and Son, the caskMial swotlea fonla, and al- AH classified ways present, though seldom encoun- There ta anly aaa way ta which yea advartiaiag la the Numerous tastlmoaial of tb aoknowi are the of the know that there la ao waat ad. la 4 edged Troc A. t3; Baota Fea, 1 Dallr Optia wfit aoreafter be charged tered, quleksaoda dry may a... ,a bottom streams. Indistin- , , , anVacy of tb J for la advance. The Optle. baa adopt- They are today's paper whicb vitally lataraeU u' ru and The abattow rib- J i va. Manaraha. ed thta rule because the amount Is too guishable allent you aad that la to read, them aad Optica ever . ,1-4- 4 iwall to be carried to books. TbU bon of wtter flow aver then at The aaa Honarcaa croatea the rest but once SHAWHAN WHICT'vi n Optlci will only apply to person who have all tbe ef tbe river bed, y a . A bata at the Driving fark ywtrrd-i- ao fairly ta their grasp there la a remorse, Tweaty-tw- o ridea tor 90a That la J'tTKatgtr-a- on ledger account taovins, y eerttila which a , L . nit tha former tram, vent dowa to Gehrtug'B Is headaoartera for ie, settling, struggle the price oa commutation books. Ap liu iii l i I,... ga hasten sad which ends In aa ever aacond defeat of aeaaoa by bose t-1- only tha Street Car office or from .. , . their tha dea and laws mower. ; ply at ,. - .raqaired. 1 testing disappearance, Cattle and - 00 I , ; tha score of fifteen o nine. , from conductor. TPW IT IT I horse are caught to It ofteaest and. If TRY ... It raa a cood tame for tha flrat Skating afternoon and at Ro a, r- - night en a time, raa be pujled out with a Wa..!.. An4 1 seatbal halL HA WHAN WHISKEY aiwiaiiiaa rvrl w- - Vi K . ' U- : , rope and: bat into Its bnngry V- - xne bars,, Oa tola at the Cosy Bar, Opera Bar, ks r to two la faror of the printer i maw have gon bones, wagon and the-aUth- aaa River -- . but In that For a pleasant shav go to Greg Annex, Lobby, Optimo f "beginning of - men, and area, a locomotive, going ;1 tk KnttAAit wnn n mA ffh - Ida Bar. ory'a.. im through a bridge, bat beea knowa te nwin iwurra iwciic niuh disappear In this bottomleas mystery. , MORNING UN DAIRY. eur atw toft lamp coaL Bril Alloa True fa Outing. Try o in a liant. XX W. Condon, phone SL MS Tho Hyrjoiri-De- least opportunity, ino linger . became rattled after a couple of er Nad from Pure Diarlltod Wat-- ral Oaaiklera. Tha talk of tba towa, rors' bad been made and would The which of fasdnatloa game SHAWHAN WHISKEY bare beea able to stop a pumpkin chance bare eterctaed aver geutle and keep oa taaUng good. , bad some one rolled It across the dia simple Is well Illustrated In the de- It 2.000 lbs. or more eacll deliver. 30c ner huV Pure Milk and Cream. Sani- SHAWHAN WHISKEY . AAA M AAA a k . :i nSk.v . . 8trlctly by Stow of the entertainment ' UUU mond. Phone 839 scription Thert'a better. . l.UUU to IDS, " ' JOC ' In tha last half nf the alxth. the tary, Vagaa. Uvea by Henry Plcard. mayor of Lou aothmg i l. GCYER. v ' 1135 200 to 1,000 lbs, 40c " tried to sare the day and suc f. Freprieter. don, la 1357, when tb king of Francs Optics 50 200 . 50c C fire runs. The ad Scotland, being prisoners In Eng. to lbs, " ceeded la landing Grant e-i- rS" - repair clocks. teas 50 lba. 75c archs sot another- run in the dm land, aad tbe king of Cyprus on a visit than "r. A JA ' bait of the serenth, and the Optics to Edward HL, the mayor "kept his swaww(iaww t Tour to Grant for halt all comers that were will- CRYSTAL ICE CO.. rsCulrwaX. last at bat went down one, two, three. watches repair. against - V J ing ta play at dice and basard. The UW UUai WWiaj uiuw aw wavwH ucius) bis keene awful was due to orer Lady Margaret, wife, did her DRY. GOODS DEPART- - 5 The slaughter chamber to aaute o The aaddest thing la life la a poor the Intent" Tbe connaence, and vrpwi; iuu woa 00 j th loam Thn MnnareliB anit the old age, yet thousands experience It mayor, bavreg marks from tba to save toward com- king of Cyprus, returned him tbe mon THE VEGAS CUEN HOUSES are now nea tor ewuiia by aegiectlng a US uptics pir petence la the golden of ey. saying. "Sly ford and king, be not Struck out Bennett 11. by Phll-Tfp-s day youth, by rhe Plaza Trust and bank ; for covet not PKRKT ONION. Prop. oft Saving aggrieved, I your gold, BUM oft 8; bits Bennett 8, Phillips 4 t--u : pay per cent Interest. . bat your play Journal. Rosenthal Bros.; mrmr Ontlra 11. Monarch 13 j A vs. aanta Pea. din-ae-r. fin . Troop Famous Coffee House. Regular A Diet: aaattaaeat. Fins Aatera,50c per dot. 3 dot tXO 10c Give us a triaL Table for Little 1 okL ' Agnea twelve yean She Good farming land . under , aew Pansiea, 50o per awa. S or baseball In Las Vegas ladles. Short orders. S14 to fC3 , the history Douglas a poetess. She has, maybe, a sense SO dox. doiaea. at IViA - ; - . ' ' Camatloaa, par a tJCO AAAiastM jlflvtnev nnrlr' toatstv street."- , (go of faumor she did a Mtmtmr tmotiom ditch, IIS par acre, bear Damlag, 'pV and, positively, not Verbena, par doc - like ber stepmother. On tbe latter' ' fa 0 Cheap alfalfa and fruit laadi near Oataninaaa, per do s .th Rflnta f team dt tn score 01 .The beat fruits at Gregory' birthday tbe youthful rhymer put forth to become am a ' nffa introv vicinity aqualntet v ' Old Koaabusbaa , r.; a. at cm J Iha. Iw VUD) a uv aawa toim all ber power to please tbe lady who v Crucea. U 50; nuirv I with the fact, that wa carry an -1- Lu 4 ,. ' would bare beea unable to score bad We have beea Informed that out of had usurped ber awa mother place. a. " . - . lUIIUVUH 1HIMn. t , rMl . right-fielde- V, t..uM."V, not the r of the troopers generosity to the public, a merchant Tbe quatrain ran aa follows: ,, if MUse i near ren'a and . Vaaaa Pbaao ISA C as easy fly. The soldiers play-- the depot will soon advertise t thank you for your , t drooped kindness,, ' : A ttvAaltant ho 11 anil tha Ranta Fea 2 cent stamp for 2 cent. Adv. 1 thank you for your iov utrarcDiTrh'i. " . And bop Ood will reward yea uiuirr ; - 6191 did not know a ball when they saw; By taking you above. j . - 17. O. . to the lack of prac- GOUT, one, due greatly tier stepmother hardly knew whether wnvi.lire uvvk.nF t Tht rt ' . Thornhill, , FOR SALE Comblnatjon go-ca- . i ' at this was to be taken premsturely or j Room 13 Crockett Bldg. P. O. Bos 111 ... a am ... a 1 Flcrrmt - ' and baby carriage, 614 National A few of the atytea wa carry ta' 4) c t i 7 nrsi inning, inree in ins eaiuu; anu, at not 8be "hot. New i'ork tjat iower Aiwaysa ' eupposed -- - ' - avenue. - " - V - , eleven la the fourth, and three In the 4473 rress.' - . . . etock: ,' Floral Deatgne For v r aiTtn i n raiirnanAra rishd iniir Ladles' White Seamless Hose a wnwras, io. - - 9.'w mm. fain, lone score in in mvntt uuiws. a Battles ! ta Ba. 9 iv nd SJtM LAWN MOWERS Foreign i and DomaeHc . F" ' - ' . The acorekeeeer was no mark- ( .. 1 w Fights between sharks and porpoises Ladle' White Lace La Phone' 137 Cot' busy ' -- Imported Vegas 1 : V- - , ne--mi- OLD RAGS. , 4 ar said to be' common tbe . 60o . tng scores xnai bo time to la ,waters ; Hose at ana BOO mf n Coray f I. - We Be around tbe Florida Dsh-erm- SH a Veen of errors and strtke- pay per lb. for clean keys; and the' s PtKtD tvxaajj track the Mlases' White tare , Hcwe, - Old Ran. The Co. thereabout declare por-pol- outs. Optie tliat the DropStltcb at and 2flWlfM. always wins and sends tbe shark, r "; MUaeaCWbite Plain Hose . Pictures framed to ordar at 8. which usually begins the fight, curry- J kir' jt:r' ' , Mercerized at . r ld-2- 6 ing away. Tbe ah ark has to turn 00 its 9 tBOpfm e Ait uxos C7, : ccods Dearths' the undertaker. '. side to bite, and the nimble Chikireu's . Lace ; and Fluin . - porpoise ' n' out of reach of at ' Mis Ruth Grant of 1008. Sulzbacher elitecanzsn easily keeps Itesnapi ?. atop ping Jaws and then Jump In ana deals CLlIdren Wbita Sot la all ' arenue, will leave In" a few days for Polite, First Class Service. the shark tremendous slap with Its 9) alzeaat So JUS I a xistt with her grandparents at - - Lot Ma Your Hoof talL . Paint j . III WALSEN BLOCK. r Qulncy, y.-..,- m Tfltb - r - . , ' ' Face Massage Specialty. Wet Brr. . V ' "Tea, Indeed; be' tbe homeliest maa PAnAPHiNC paimt! v"i y T Mmy$mrm tX . ta public life today. Haven't you aver TCSCZZI FSST ;.?tBrT$C2A0Y.Prop. ' v 4 pen een hlmT 4 .' - f Two weaW wrlttea raraatoi. I ',' . . M i t, I - - "No. , but I've seen caricatures of visit Lea Vagaa one a avaith. 5 a pair of our i i f ' Try him." y T him.' Tlppd Oh, they flatter Ton should Ladies' SilkatiL4arGlovea Doubl ' . T see WaL" Catholic Standard - Souvenirs and Tipped C3 JM". Times. - ' ' ' a..v.. dIVwaVaajaaVya1 THE l&IST L4NF. '' r'r f I t Vttat Oaanra ' y'. A avwat 0 C FITTEKGEH ' aV) or tOe SOVVCRIXS Sateettv. xfavaa ' . - a has waaaaar V . - Xtli A "Too asy grawo . steal tS (wWrwNMBaV arVaWa 4" ttVCB EXEN IN THIS amce test yea aaw klmr ' FICTURtarmFSAT' 2, - - Cleaa AMry "Tea.'' . . Rosbnthal Oros- rrttilr r&raLtl, " v i CITY AT THE - -- ; wall How did yea raeeaalaa hter . fattest 014 Dooftiaa Avenue, "By my awibf U.'-b-Ul wsakw Saa. ;rioor.To ' Cicra V. FJEDGCOCB ; Premrietor. Saving Canls CrJCJ7wT7C 4 - tl .ai - s.

- 1 . 1 : i .t o

.. a. a, t A A S- - tMUw tanrag Hil I t M tMi e&li a:,jME. gry. PC AAAAAAAAAA ''AAAAA ft im. ttt mmUm 14 1 mm mnsmtr. I Ut. a iivr. IS - Mv tlawtrsMtat acartat. 84. o T. K. M. r IK gat Mt dm KI t 8. MnOr 4rf f (.J. at. mmmms. a B. Uv ' V -- wa ml 19 mm. mMm, It bora. r ia rc ir, it awiwf 0 19 Iba. & :.. M swhii. thrash 3 m, ajuasa astra. o i Ma .1 .- - I i'jlc tfsnr.. Una sala a Seufrtae4at. a bi-- aaa M tS iba. saaaia liatoMaaiHl. ' wateg. 0 1 fir. g tof . - tulimn. IS IVa gtwav A t. asl . 0 4 1 4ome fcwi i ' Sr Silwai. goaf a. 1 k Wr,ti 19 is tasattv. x But all looks the same when oa t klt4t trtoL 8 work written m M ti Bo KAY no.t- - ai. a. ... tbfSt I u rry 3 Iba. Mart., drr- - f (Miwni. a -- n4rfit seat & gcu twttaf 8l'. 10 fktt !; fcSlsar 1 8a sl,. 0 lypewniwr. t -- Pj t " am t SMi ta CM. t ? cioaw 9499 tfa. tlaa aVy 14 lb slSi. . 0 a, WDm - f ! li. pr.ia bis, 1. X, - aecotW. arth- M $4 la. 4rl3 x4p O m - . 9 mi e'KUsgia 0 0- JJS $m as. m t 1 fet ? ta. rta at4 II !U. Va!ts wa, 4rf fjowger. l at aauraapartSa t. . gal aw. taw ata mm. Sw " aU Iba, Atar. mmia & 7 t ..,.a. !!! tt rsalr4 of I, I gat, aiisr. toaga cat. i . 8-- lasMfc--- ," 4k l rwena. lit awtftt. a ffi 99. gg afaaak fU 9ar tt 1 ctl. Oi. I gait. ' sL CA. trMaa. 0 ' ta gtea so, CoTacr o Kama trf titU. N B,tt 1st mtoaife If te. a, 3 U. U c4 livac HA. th. OL ctovetw 0 I... w (l - et tit gst amootkv DM. to. tntwtaa. 1 m. wrw X e- f Sweats, latoffar ." i.'lr.i - I lav 1 uc. 0 IS bastard tat lie Iba. fctl Ot (raiapat. o '. iwrty. a ' ! ti 1 oa. OL tavea4er. tuu, g b!f 4. 3 fcatvaa. ro4 ta. patty - 0 S vo , UXt roaad fi!" II t apatalaa, 3 ta, IM.OL wteergrfa- o Tvzcvjritcr 19 la. 1 II es. OL SBttstard. M rB4 tkt lbs, chalk tiae. ... 1 Ul OL eottoa aeedL 0 u I,V -- I l7 g thr eoowrH IJ I. g wail brbea 3 la. O : t il.Ilea. xms tfthfeta codeuia aatpn. cr. . o pU-- ' IS tbr h I. C wall aratbta. 4 la. b -- a iitr sauaro m 9 to. tabteta foraiaa fcvyd. gr. 1L 0 0 VlU 0erC t 19 ac&Ixf. nrvnxrinor buaiSMa -- -- 7 tool. roa4 loaf Mstla. Will. rna in xoat Correa- A, NMtniMt ream - g tbr aar m file 8 la tf ab 109 tablet H. awwva. ana atrop 0 , ..r o rf w ex IS long arlatla s faithful famUmaat 9 dottbl rat wood1 9W ta t!&. pondenc-- 90 that you need not be ashamed of it The txi I ol tl IS sham tithograph board. 1thlB t day & dot. tboel fcaadiea, ttwg. ubleta atrrtaaiaa auipa. gr g in (rartt MqCd gta. OHrer h the best typewriter the world. It ta only ,' t V., toa. 0 jj swar. rv 36x24. nt 8 gtaa ooe-eig- lb- - fra co. 11, D. the number of part the ordinary Typewriter 99,600 fretb br J I do. fiek handle, I at 3?4. 9 tabMa atrphantk P, 0 fj, esH p, glass oae-eig- ht 41 mad abash t fcnrtf fthoriac banmer. Co nat, therefore ha only the opportunity to 1 ib. II pes. glats 34x14. get 0 . flow. t rnatrB tasnnef. 1908 tebleta aitrogljeartaa a S9,4 V7" giaaa JSx29.' o. S out of repair. , 1 8 ta. blado. 9 Seeds 10,909 potato. hatchet. t,jfoca nbua 32x18. got. dnr dry Plate. 0 tba. tx- - hora bntabM. i IzS. t.m9 plato t go, 3 gtaaa 11x19. ary beans. f hark a bladea, IS la. pf 8 lbs. kyposttlpbita fit soda, S l.20 lb. 9 0 Pcteia - 7.m lb, granulated ewe Jf(9 fttet 84 la- - gardea ho peg gtaaa iTm, 11 grains gold cniorwe 0 Cea Qcd . 4 pea gtaaa ISxS, i-- 0 3.606 lbs. 4ry salt wiero. fhosa ieader ta. tf t ib. acta rrocanie. 0 8-- 4 '4 13x39, writes more more more 1 ,0t0 WD meat ho clamHi la. pra glass 9 mat holders. 8x8. with 4(S tit It easily, surely, clearly ? !, li 14 1x39. 0 30 re 6 hoa 89 pea giaa Th Boar of New Mexico Penltea than other will stand fire time the ei . acim claeip. !. 17 O any typewriter. It 8.4 la. pes gUag reserve the k 75 lbs, bw PW IS ttoa bo roapUag. Hirv ijtnmbuiloaers O hard w-nr- ant! mr nerfWt K.itiifxrtinn fire time & 4 10 31 la. ateara tmm. 3 pea gtaaa lJxJ4. any and alt hid. . t5 It. Kpper. fet right to reject: F - X rJ K . 89 ...... lAner aa Ih hmit all thw .. mm Ifmw ia 9 19 bbl. lt v JS lb. bor ahoa aatla. pc glass ItxS,, IB BUMBHUBS BIOS "T W'f ...17I ""B IV wwv tru.pitef- wl. r 49 rMM toP. taT- - lha ttnn hhna aalla. NO, . 79 we glaaa UxSS. nltea bidders should wrlta plainly a rnned hw th. fnratnr for it iMxen trie work and make. T ' Iba! No. t. SI lSxtS, . $3 bora aboa BaO. pc glass eavekipa tba following: Blda for snpl tt .f , X m It 14 hU. troiJ. ; I keg No. fcoraa ahoea. 4 m gtaag 19x90, pllea for Now Mexico Penitentiary, l' bee No. 8 hora ah.. I glaaa 33x10. tth nana or Btmea of bidder or biI 0 rM Cat 8 keg So. bor tboea. 1 pc giaea ders. to avoid the opening of asraa by l.r,fW) lln. hominy. 8 keg No. 4 horn aboe. 87 pes Khasa HxSl, , mlataka. ; ! jmp. t kg No. hor ahoe. 2 pea glaaa 18x19. Br order of the Hoard of New Mext ' 1X50 n otakefc t keg No. I tjorae hoe. I pc glaaa SSxl. co Penitentiary Cnmmiaatonar. 0 lb, rtce. keg No. mala aboes. 1 pet glaaa 36x34.. ARTHUR TRrXFORD, 0 0 , nU lb. drt fwrrsali. 8 keg No. 8 mala shoea. t pes g!ae SxtS. Superintendent 0 M lbi. prow 8 No. 4 mule aboe. CA.009 iba. at. Ramniea enav be aent anarately da Ompi ar ar keg. - 0 lbfc 18 lb . 60 feet Norway Iron I S ta. TO.ftoO Iba. alfalfa. ly tnsrkd and nnmbertd. to tha sn- tl . U,.... . itt f 0 jbocu 0 nnpm 90 feet Norway Iroa 88 la. 10.009 Iba. chopped fead. pertntendent. inoM iooso 4 0 0 ) ; n r 1 kottip fti irt SS feet Norway Iroa 3 la. 3,009 iba. bran. 0 O f ttniiipi Umoo titract. SO tbet Norway Iroa 78 la. 8.909 lbs. bedding. A Mountain f Gatsl t 1.1 romooand. lb-- 1-- 4 0 0 iw ia (9 IS Iroa la. 73 nca. soft plna 3x8x13, a 1' I Norway could not bring 99 much bpptoet to O Accountingill'" inn System111 mi 3S ftfeet Norway Iroa. 81 la. 73 aca aoft plna 3x3x13. 0 3-- Urs. Carolina, as 90 tet Norway troa ta. IS aca aoft nlna 3x13x13. LucUWUk,of Wla, S ( - 7 1 la. aort noara did ona tsa box of Bucklen'9 Arnica 0 Is No Lonrfer on Q. U0 lb. rtUlni- 35 feet Norway Iroa . 1.009 feet 1x10x13, pint, - Innovtxtlon MU flalva tie It Mtmnlatatw enrad a 0 O I 'Vl lbs. bokrr t 0 feet flat Iroa m. meatnr. . board! . ,0 , ... ranalna aora- oa- - bar lea.- which had O SS feet flat Iroa l ist 14. 6A9 soft plna. w - - 0 ftlsi:xt3, twenty-tnrt- a U . It ta reoognlxeb! as an absolute naoaasfty by all 80 feet flat Iron l.txl. . tneaaura. tortured liar tor long of progressive aooonctanta, auditors. mantifactr- - 0 0 V SAO feat 1x12x13. aoft plna. full years. Graatest anUaeptio haaltr 0 . ilM " all era, banker and business men ganaraUy . T hundip cat: Iroa No. 17. 309t etoelt. Plies, Wounds gad Bores, tin at 0 " t " V 1 r fork 1.P09 wblta Plna Ixl3xi9. ! grout knUe and t grata feet druggist, 5iIFBFR TRI1UFI !. MANUFACTURING ibyndrdU.i 1 handlo aod blad ona aand 1 Son feet whit plna 1x10x1. 0 THE & CO S Miss Ruth Grant of 1008 Solxbacher 1 :b .trut BOO feet whit plna 1x8x18. ir' r Itm bean. t lawn nwivee. hind, larca se. 900 feet wblts plna 3X9X19. avenua, will lesva la 9 few days for 0 MAKERS OF 0 8 canwater" mall4ar It'ngth la 809 feet oak 1x10x13. a vlait wua her granaparants at i Hi, 0 0 SO Iba. blank aaia 18 In. 300 feet oak 1x4x13. Qulncy, 4' 0 -- r.lir aodat. do. SO 3-- In 48 nca 8x9x3 8 In. long. ' " " lb, blank nuti oak ft. 0 LEAF DEVICES g Aftar Ysars . . IS blank auU 111 In 8M feet Oregon pine, IxCj Sciatica Cured Twsnty ; . . ... tea iba fioo.lng, or O 1 aoaale. J la-- ; . 11. Tortara, U moat 1. 0 rrKTtR PtXPnVAt ItSCCI tha powerful, - 13 Pn mnra than twantv rears lir. 0 ,100- Mr tteei ., 80 feet ateeL 7 8 In. m most durable and lightest on tha market. It has fet IB. 3323 Clinton Mia-- 0 ttn vice, combination. 8 III. lengths. Matter, of St, no aharp corners or edges that mar tba desk, it 0 l was act-- oloeee Vm. BUtard. 1 nlumbera' caaoltno to S9 feet drill steel. 1 ta. neapolla, Minn, tortured by 0 opens and quicker than any other. Ita compact- 0 100 which ness the when In use, to lie cluser comblaattoa wlra fat 13 feet 1-- In. pipe. atlca. Tha pain and auffertng 0 permit writing surface, 0 f Breoller. be- to the desk than any other binder. By Ita Improved 1-- 4 14 ha endured during thin time la 0 t00 lh: al aod. bulfc. ting. ; v. , 68 feet In. round Iron. ft clamping and expanding mechanism tha round back al- 0 txwea.candlei 6"a. - 4 iMietha. yond comprehension. Nothing gars 0 ways renalm la the tenter whether th book is used at 0 1 htm any relief until he tnatchea. l wt corrngarpd, plane, rarpent 60 feet ateet for repolntlnf picks, permanent 0 Its maximum or minimum capacity of leaves, thus giving 0 wrt med Chamberlain's Pain Bain. Ona It a beautiful and The binder ) houw broom. 5 do, shore!, long nanaie. 0 aymmetrical appearance. 0 application of that liniment relieved can be firmly locked on one or one thousand leaves, and Jot. UM fcrooma. 1 do rarpenter' pencltt. 3 pinch bar. 0 ona or more leavea be 0 8-- !tha nala and nade aleeo and rest can Inserted or removed without IA drift DM! In. 9 axes. IN, 40 fwt wrought Iroa pipe. 0 the other. Farther Information aeut on ap- 0 tobacco. 3 hoes, possible, and less than ona bottls hu disturbing Duke'a amokln . 40 wrought iron r'Pa grubbing or oar will ceil and show S lb. fft effected a permanent cure, if troub plication, representative you the 0 CO feet wrought Iroa pipe 54. 600 lbs, black powder. 0 JtOOdS. led wita sciatic or rnenmauam wny 0 chewln tobacco. 4 9 wrought Iroa pip I M 800 lbs. giant powder. ' o fet not s twenty-fiv- e cent bottle of 0 ah buckle 40 feet Iron S. 8.000 feet fuse. try 0 T f.nnJ wrought pile Pala Balm and aea for yourself how 0 CO Iron 3 IS. 8 boxes caps, feet wrought pip It relieves tha For sal 0 0 burolnh 1 horao ahoe 1 In. 4 dot. handles. quickly pain. - t Wkln (trani. do, rasp. pick 0 X?rS-iw- i --Tfaforr-i FTWVr- - by alt druggists 0 1 AnaJhvAiat botft. r 8 half round wood raapt. 14 In. 1 dox. drill handles. www - 0 ,w 8 SS - ' - - g 6.000 J. N. large), 6 Quarter round flle. attacking plugs, w.aar.j. ' .- eyeteti ' Mrs. Morris Reggensburg will leave 0 9 . 4 bound 3 ft 5 ibt. Manaon tane. t doi.fta, aewlut commw,", bran rule. Hatter Dart of this week, on a visit to 0 Aod. leather peg. , , I without bed, 4 In. tire. 100 Incandescent 110 volt Uirta. top wagon lamps, I folks In Iowa. lishment for of .O j 3-- her home making' Rubber all aU. SM In. p n. - tamps descriptions 18 lbs. 68 lr clinching feet roie, ' - ll mm In. 75 Incandescent lam U0 volt 15 notarial etc. 13 lb. 6 ir cllncblng nail.; WO ten rope, l i pa. Osaths from seals, g j A.J - Apptnaleltlt 0 , 15 5 1 Iron heel nail. i v Iba, older, halt and half, tinner. C P- lb. "3-- t decrease tha ratio that th T-- No, 11 110 Volt, 32 la tame " 9 lb, 8 trott beet nail. :S8 groaa wood screw. i 3S Incandescent lamps. 0 Fine Stencil Markers, complete CZfm 8-- 8 e. ate 01 Dr. s iww in. f1f . 55 lb. iron heel nail. P. King uia ruis ' 0 needle No. 1 wood screw. No. 8 7 9 -- Ac. rsrboHc savo for...... bQ"4 Singer machine , gross t lb, cryat creases. They yon from danger ...;v...... v.y-2- 0 1 No. 78. ' 3 gro woo screws lbs. Ac boraclc . snd bring autck and, painless release n?eI 1 wood acrewa. No. 7 3 4. 12 Ac tannic. 0 Tfto FltTcotJcb -Flan In CcztZvcol g 1 No 8 Singer machlnt grot lb, Ills ' ite - - - i boi ' 8 3 4. from conitlpgtlon and th growing No. l-- t gross wood acrewa. No, , .1 lb, amnion, chloride, 0 je ., out and ,0 machine oil. 1 wood acrewa, No. 10 I lb. ammon. carb. of tt Strength vigor always 0 5 V ewog grot - .... 0 Ko. 18 8 1 . ' follow their use. Guaranteed by all 0- Call on or address I Tione, ivu"u 1 groaa wood screws. li ib. bromide potass 0 j - 1 VTHo. 8 Plnew CTlmmon a.) brirklayer trowel JRoce.) ,1 lb. bromlda soxML druggists, 25c Try them. sr. No. . XXX S0xJ. . .1 sub. 1 julr tnnd papr f 3 boxes tin Plata. lb, bismuth ntt ' . 4 tackle blocks doubta 34 In. rope 1 lb. cerium oralate. llarrv Bowman of Laa Vena, who 8 ahank laater tKeytone). - 8 1 la the of alicm- 19 ib. No, 1 tasting tack. 3 tackte Mocks single. tn, top. lb, cdpra. aulph. attending university ST r 4k . and had the misfortune several ' iba. No. 8 Usttng tack. 3 dot. labia spoon, heavy. ; 1 lb, dover't powder. (tan, ' weeks to his It now o 2 Meyer' aho t' 8 Wagon tongusa. 1 lb. mustard powd. i ago fracture leg. lxe - ' on limb. wax 'C neck r 1 lb. talcnm powd. able to walk tha injured I t0 tJM heavy ktp. yokea " 9 wax kip. . .1 single trea. - 10 Iba. msgntsii sulptu C light WAIT FOR HUNGER. 4 heavy' No. I oakwood har 8 front houoda. , . 1 lb. pot. at sodll tart. ; 1 hind hounds, , lb. pot cblor. 1 1 , coo iso. 1 ahrlnker...... 1 lb. lodlL ' Good Advice From Murphey as V b. ny tno awei BeaTf wagon tlr , pot C a 3 ft. oHeWta-Crsate- a jiii woo Jflptbef. ( IS wagon akelna, steel right. 1 lb, arnica ax. t n Appeme. 11. 1949a H i 4 "V .11 nkelnt. ateet; 3 14x5 left, 1 lb. tola ex. W4w4ww9 1 wajoa U,muu - l , - '1 black threan. f shwett, tona; handled. 1 lbs. wild cherry fl.' x. Any phylclan will tell you that It is . a a . t. y 4."Vjoa 6 fl. ex. unwise to eat unless ona is really ; " 4 s . H wbHA threAt hels. abort handle, , pts, cr.fcara sag, IJ Wtfw K J.( ' JArT IJTW7tr 1T(6 I aho-et- a, v fl. : It is far better to miss t J t: C . J 1 whit thread '?! jjia coal 5 pta. trifollum co, ex. hunary. at J I411B9 No. w!sJhlt' thread. wtcxS irea 1 1 pt. licorice fl. ex. . meal than to cat without appetite. a whrs, ft.. --., taL. m. Anjh a Imu a 9 V 9 das. No. .t : 1 nux vomica. Dm w uufc iwuh Tlrt Ifnnw tVinf C(1l K 1- - cpooh Jrfl.. ..a. " pt EL 4 wmi wlin trmi xratif - 1. 1 or annetlxer to make You . . . . 1 r- Ma T DoMMtti 4 "wa- - vitv.1 tra waabara r. oxli camiih. co. hungry. v " - , - , r 3 4. d. sla . Iron waahera ri.roo tablet nmiralgtc headache. JMurphey says that the best way anythingr, want help or want work, want to let ' KMe. 3-- -- s Yt . Iron and to create an appetite ia to restore the ;, S Canx har J neC Wrought wsera .1,000 tablet, pepela bismuth, . , or to rent rooms or in fact want 1 ft. o. 4 2) lbs' wrouaht Iron wnahaTi M. charcoaL- . digestion to health by the vse of anythingthai 8 hat'j aewtlea. j f tr Crp Srt 3-- a stomach a reliable . the best oa earth to it is ia a t: jrioth. prlapner'a unlfarm, lb. wrtnaht Iron waabars tablet pot. permanganese gr. V tablets, place get i yt " ' 1 wrench," 8 tn." oiled UK. , remedy that be has osed with the iek th wouW 5 In. atlHsoa open. toil ' oottn. 1 Reamtt Call" wrench, com 1 rool 2 In. adhesive' best of satisfaction. CiS bla gray. a1 " plaMer. y4, lb, - Mi-o-n- a . mon, 19 In. ," , 4 In. adhesive When ia used, tha Irritation fcidi Wld ' . ; , l.roll plaater. Newspaper's Want Column t 1C . 1 Banilt awd CalJ"a wrench, com 1 roll 1-- 3 in. adhesive plaster. and Inflammation of tha . stomach s yd. Mnoakog prfprre! t n"3 gii. an:u moo. 19 In. . .-'- 4 rolls ballafonna plasters, 1 coating will be soothed, tha gaatrlc Peonle hive, of lat vexr crnlten ntn tli liaKlf f ' "S".-wrench- . follicles so J raatftn tannel. , 1 Basger's adjustable 9 rolls mustard pasters. will be strengthened that -- this column I'ftamlftoi in. . 3 gal. alcohol." they will poor out the natural diges- looking1 up every day and advertising ahlrttag, " i; ji and s :,ft. 1 Coa's wrench, 6 tn. y t dot. 3 In. bandage. V tive fluids with regularity, the in t bring-- big returns for the money expended. 1 Coe's wrench 13 In. 1 dot. 3 In. bandages. food you eat be perfectlyy digest- J yardiiawlte. " rill 1 wrreach Nft. 4. 1 1 in. ' ' ed without dbtraas. , 5 reft Casml aJJlgator dot, bandages. ydt. " 1 1-- 3 " A a atomach tab- i0ft yrda kkottiag. 1.0O9 lbs. white lead. dox. in. bandage. large box 9 1. Is" sold 89. cents K. O. An Want V" l 00 yd, llmng, 190 gal, para Unseed oil euthymoU lets hr by Optic Ad " v" ao a grout lOfck. 1 kt aapbalttttn paiat. 9 ox. qnlnlne eulph. Murphey, and It ta eucoessfut and H IS 1 1 cat. witch haxel. reliable la curing iaCjesttoa and oth- J groa pant butoa. Urge. turpentia ' is sure to bring results. .Rates ate only 5c 8 , 1 . ' er stomach trouble that ha tt per i 1! grots 04flti b.'.Ma SUL , r Japaa dryer. th. ichthyoid stilt ' . line of six words or 20c line week. 1 at . 3 leaf. J lb. creaante. Beechwood. under a guarantee that tha money per Der Lea 9 grrts e 'ttsg I gold t I 1 SO lbs. will oe refunded aalets does all groai ahtrt buttftaa. tb. gilt broate. . , vaseline, It than lc per word. Try one today. t 0. that 0 groaa drawer buttScm. . , ) S xira aaad paper. No. .1 gal. glycerine. . jT; is claimed for It . 99t9499t9U99t9S4499ttwU9t99t MOXMT. MT If, 1V LAS VEGAS OAILV Omc A PUGtT SOUND NAME. STCjYS5 Professional Directory reran m4 taa BUi tmm mm Mto) tMI. I Browne & Manzanares Co SS SmsmnIMv asw Say- ''r SOCitTltS. ATTOSMCYaV. Tb nsa r?aSey la sd Udias) rV LOU gto. aa t$a WCiMVJF' ad lb WTSVto l a a r, u v utss. n. 4, (ieara K. ttwaawr. AHorary at last. sua, la "II- jfcur iUntUtamtr r mHm rt Monday at tbatr OfOc. Vacdar Mack. La VagsaV St Facrf gawij- tbe ABitMr. Mr. Marker, 4T baa. itstS atrm. AQ viatitoc bmb-- M , fee C to iMIttf tbat exrt lb adtaa ftt rm eordUDy tarttad to La ajs ra- attoad. r. Frank AUarwry at anouno gjrtia' CUt uw a artBg pa. K CLi W. Ward. Staae tw, wholesale few fclarte tend C a OfCos to Cewtsrtt t as. f s ft by plattlfcg f V. T. - 'itODE !.G.: H. Caad. aacrotar: W., M. W 1st riiUf hte aad raracdiim hm Mit.aucs E. Crttea, m traaaarar; C T. tiadfeock. muAtt th MM l"7I2o. ll lura-Um- V, Uka ASMraey at law. tX3c NOTICC F0K PDSUCAriON traatra. f, tocUUI!jr that to baa eaffared rary I Wysaasj biet. La Tecsa, St. Cms ML -- C37. P.O.&. aoMta aaceai aaa fanrtk W.A. Wood Mowers ' Horse Hakes TW Srt tlm I mi . aft1 tbe . Heaaattaad t try Mt. , waa end said to frtrad Tday cratafa ab taoatb. at Cftaa. W. a. WaraV a4asialaw7 ta unH at HaO. Cultivators 8ack9 I New that r taw was hast- c tb latrrior. Land agitata rytbtea VbOUag Sic Wyi Las St, l Trk Prfrtst ara - Vagaav Shears Presses ed layaBsf be aresved startled, at Saau Fa. NrW aSealon, Atr l atbra rordUCy larltrd. M. Sheep bay XaSaed What 7 . IULLETT RATNOUDS. ' ki Harvesters Binders atiup.-a- L r Eialttd Allots, Reapers, and. raj r- VaiU U bortby gt that thW Rtt!r. re-tp--j. E. aywataiw, Thar a Jawbreake- the lovtag-asi- T. BLACVAXT. . anUrr baa fUd scKIm or--r Ksjtiar cfe yaa etwlt ttt to -- Ili of bla tstratioa to auika flaaj prou CaaawNM ! y-- l seat Udsa, Na. 2, A. A A, as. CooapiaVe lift of ASM) Soap AJwaya m Bud am"! tjpport of bla claim, tad tbat aaid f. aue . bw did ye aay y b anado Regalar cxmssaaleaUoaa tat aad Srd X proof wtQ bfora CoUed to Tbaraday rack SBoafb. Vtohtog ... m. 11, State Oovrt , Commlaaioaor at Laa r ' j kk Uk Tfriuttt arotbera D. rwniBc my Cp Vrgaa. N. U. tm S, via.: cordially tsvlted. C &4 h 10. w. SC.: - act vtvtt Es. . 4adi etui&auiinc rtnf lHtr Garcia, 8aa Mlcud Boucher, Cbartoa 2L Sooe- ';: On Railrcstt Track. Las New Mexico ! t Um Dcmrto Carct, euer. - Vtjas, a4 tyltoU tribf NVw Mrxlco. for tba B 1 1, S Becreury. vaa4 earveys snad. bdtac Mngb-UMito- roaaty, I'ruw for a4 tb truuf 1-- 1-- aa work of an atod rnjr W t, W N E aad 8 E atKl murkix lipa I I K H Rebekaii L O. O. phs&H N 1-- Ladg. F. meets aaperteteaaed. CeXc. 4 W Oe. IS. T IS N, R St B. ffUtwr t mt off tb tap, I Snallyj drill-- eeeoad aad fonrtb S4. saaaaa tha foUoartes wttacaaH TburMay vralays r.a' Fbon wjr friHhl that b ull pro. lit or aaca snootk st the L O O. F. ball to prOTO bla coattaaoaa . axMM( ttw word, abort f lb rMara Mrs, Mattl 8. noble ,.XNT1STS jtrt ftt s and aald Csrllrk. graad: f tti artrntiSe wonBvi- - ealtlratioaj f lasd, rlct Mra. Lids Hedgrerk. vtearaad: Mra Nrw.bjri-too- ; . Eatabllshel tkfr Orvforto Garcia, of Camo, tiar Ben, aecreury; Mrs. Sarah 1M1 The 90m 1 vrmmi lb Atla atie Catartao Atcado, of Caraaoa, Roberts, tmsarer. - r r. ft. LORD. PeaUst, Kaw ., , Soeceaaor a&4 tarwwlnvd tbt factora of tba bop Uazko; Crea Garrta, of Caraton. to mUm to LmmKni ad aa bitblra aa a Kw ataxlco: Baatllo Calltcoa, of Car-ato- Easter Star, Reaxtar omaia.x: . B. M. Wliuama. St. to rw Ifexko. , star Bik, Laa Vegas. rwt to Owr to tottwiat m $' do second aad fonrtb Tbaraday . tl 7fo tea tbt aataMr4 bop ntrMtanta, br t MANUEL R, OTERO. Kcflatr. toga of each snout. AO PcrroTJczjatdn ' etottlag bie aaw troolMl kmk rrsbalw tb Ml era sad slsten ar cordially tnvCad. i etorw staeaa t Cvaa far t if fria4 b waa to iBtra-tfo- c Mra. J. B. Read, worthy ajatraw; 1 bOdtoc. Baara! l:tt km I kaaw wbat waa tnmMtBff . NOTICE FOR PUIUCAT10N S'R-- Dearth. W. p.j Mra, Kmaaa a S. JSotSi pkoaes si atTio aad rss Sin. and ayaspttbf want Mt to Beard kt. Sac; Mrs. A. SL Howell, : ' - - biaa. Homaataad Entry No, S1M. : Treaa v- - - r -- aar A marl-r- ai LH btrdr to y DR. O. U from"--b aad JgNKINS, frirad toca boklly LVpartmeat of tbo Iotartor, Lasd Ofr RedMea meet ia Ftatarval Brothe tbm "my frinwl from Aaarr-kt- - flea at Santa Fa, Now AprU brtutd blaxlco, hood Hall, every aeeoad and fourth a-- b footiBtwd. tad tarard to . IMS. 0 tbra Tharsdsy sleep at tha eighth run cot bwk aad NMJca fob Rooms with M taplorlni blurt! la Saroby gfvta tbat tbs Waiting brothers always welcom to t sad 4. new Hedajeeck RETAIL PRICES at: - kaa 14 k loving aamed aetUer Clad sotics th wigwam. B. I Corey, sachet to. Dewgtoa Aveaa...... , . Mr. Mrrkrr. I cawal of bla tatoaUoa to malt flaal la w ' , ri raqv proof S. B. Barnes, chief of records; F, D. . brr aj.tkauM. Per tbat Wbatlaltr support of bis claim, and tbat, aald collector of ASSAVINSL " r 100 lbs. Fries, wampum. " But wbrs brfta to to tnadt torero Valtoi ; .'.". lttra-- tw proof "'K 1 ...... Wly-ap.- " - eddrratwd Ifok Stataa Court CominIaalbaea at Laa Fraternal Unlaw W. -- - af America. Maato a A.Comaa. W. MM aocats or after aaek Salivary ..lit rull Twl tad BaaJ- Now Maxlco, oa Jon 4, ltOC, CORSET COLLIN aop." aorrow Vega. first aad third Tneaday evenings af 4 y WlyU.Bp,, tbr my cap af !. Caclllo R. Garola. of Coraaoa, each ssoath fa tha Woodaaaa ban Assaytov 1 - waa ana aura, aowtrw. m ( Ml to MM poaada, eaca delivery ...... Mt iuil I wai 8as Migoal eoonty. Maw Mostco, for Stxtk atraat, at I o'etoek. s.StoUB Ctvfl, trrtgatioa aad ITaln r tbtrt will bat om Pnyailup. tha B 1-- U. 8. Depaty MbMral if dttit 8 3 B See. St, S W 14. Berrlngtr, T. at; W. Xoogtor, t .t. 1-- a Santa Fa, . a . HUM youd, each Hvery...... Ms 8 W 84. SS, T IS N. R SS B. aad reUry. r. i POINTED PARAGRAPHS. lot 4, Sea S, and lot 1, Sea. t, T 14 K, 0: RtSE, The fraternal Bret her eod, No. 102, Information bss also beea reortfwt Lnt than II poanda. Met delivery...... ,.4St Wbtft abaalng uaa to fun don't c Ha names tha wltseasea following meets, svery rndsy algbt at ttelr here that fore I too , n tha far, , to prora bis continuous mldenea tip-o- ball la th Schmidt building, west of eurvtr'g iko wrdlfU- -a been ordered bsrk II PWao aad ( Adkw la lltttt gora aad cultivation of said land, vt.t Fountain square, at S o'clock. Vtaltlni tp t A - - IndcaUona sorv- - fros hug way. Manuel Gurula." Eduardo Gonealea members art- a)s?s welcome, , , aiwtt'C M Vm ...W Dawsos WM ".. V UIU uvu...c Anj.iiujw g,. ' , JAMXS N. COOK. to Torc Qt rough r' but It la dlffrmit wlUl billa and acan-- 1 an of Kaw wllf now ) t Corason, Vaslea Cv- - ' ' v" Presldeat b completed. i 1 dak I ' " f x ' 1 y 11 MANUEL R. OTERO, IglrteT. Miss Katla Rurebell Secretary. Tim 8Ira so faat aa a man growa US older tbat It areoia to bim ba baa bla, Knighta af Catofnaua NOTICE aVafV . Sunday clotbra oa all tha time. FOR FU6UCATICM second snd foarth Tuesday of tbe U do tMnga to broad dayltgbt OfTica 20 Avanva. ttopla monk' at th. Pratarnal Erotherbood DusM to maka tbemaelvaa rldlcufotts and tba Homestead Entry No. 4820. .... hall Visitors welcomed. J. B. Mo at a 11 blame a paper fur nentionlug IU Mshsn. O. K.5 Prank Straaa. p. 8. Toa bear "Ho waa on of too bet Department of th Interior, Land Of-.fle-a e- -f 'jtajsU r N mm tbat over lived" Oftener tban "Ha at Banta Fe, New Maxlco, April PHYSICIAN. la on of tha beat men tbat trer U!" t. 1908. - follo- XVhrU that people wb aay die- . Notice Is hereby given tbat the DR. H. W. HOUF It Ostecraibic phy 1 tgreeabl tbluga to one's face art fail- wing-named settler has filed notlct sman, omce. oiney block: hours. ed boneat and people wbo aay pleaaant of his Intention to mala final proof la to 12; 1:30 to MONUMENTS t '4; pbonee.UAal AND thluice ara called flattererat Attiblaoo support of his claim, and that said Vegts ITS. - Suoday UlUqUEIQUE Globe. - will b mads befor United proof hours If Sppolntment , MONUMENT States Court Commissioner at Las Ma la tbe Saw. Vegas, New Mexico, on Jun S, 1S0S, ' Ton should get your order aeema almoet luiiwaaibla tbat there KELLY & GO. It vis.: Senon Martinet, of Sanchex, 6aa , , to now so that th work GROSS, Should Sowers Las Iron" Works ' 0 - bt a plant tbat naturally Miguel conty, New (Mexico, for the Vejas ; eaa b ': bad ' completed or tsut 1-- - (INCORPORATED) outdoors la tbe deptb winter, 8 I S, 8 B 14, See. S. N Vf N E erected to tlm tor It la a fact Tlta Cbrlatmaa roat as 1-- and N B 1-- N W 1-- See, 11, T Foundry & Michine Shops DECORATION DA awers tbla deacrlpUon. From tbe end of October anui Its white 1IN.RS4B, Li February H names tha following witnesses VfAISeAVE O V-aT- Inches ' V VltOLECALt Sowera (about three arrow) may to bis continuous residence Union Oaaollne Engine, the . Vsgat rum IU TIWIDsB I and prora tip be gathered at almoat any time, . Most Desirable Power. on and cultivation of aald land, vls.t x La Kjw Mkloo. r.iaxiiiAnra ma when tbe ground la covered with Itover Gasolln for Va, Josa A. Quintans, Bbntura Quintans, Engines " enow roae to ili, in a 5 tbe CbrUtmaa producing Ramos A. Tru- - Running? Presses i Its flowers. We don't often see them Alejandro Rodarto, Printing JlUo, all of Sanchex, New Mexico.' Grlndlnr AND PELTS A SPECIALTY to because we Mills, Paanplng Out J WOOL) HIDES, December snd January MANUEL R. Wood faattetas lUaaist never think or brushing off tbe anow OTERO, RegUter. tlta. SawUig, Electric ,v LauDdriea. - : tala Afiifarth to look at tbe plant that la growing Light PlanU, , lu Vis liX flowera ara of a das-slin- g underneath. Tbe FOR PUBLICATION be- , NOTICE : 'd, . SMITH. Pre) vC'"BAIN:VAGON wblteneaa when young, but ' E$ i. , '3aawaaais J.C. ADLON. ti come tinged with pink after Prop. faintly' Homestsad Entry No. 62?7. .' WkolaaUa aad SetaU la I . I 1 MCSt r IMAM week.-Coun- try la Amer- E about S Lift ' aaaasaaaaaai ' ' a ica. , , car Department of tha Interior, Land Of iicrjiitoi-s g- , . WMgav , V. The lreparallea. '.9 flea at 8anta Fe, New Mexico, April O00Ofc&OOOOOC3OOO0OOO000OO00OO Wllilam O'Brien la bla "Recollec- 1 Who goto the. of Dr. tbe J8.1M6. SSaCniuiaawwt O tions" telle this atory Coke, Notmt once go always. OoloraOo aaaS Waast or halt la ssaer'A c . o archbishop of Castwl: "Once on one of Notice Is hereby given that th fol Luxurious Rooms, Plus d vcaa's si. SS, o o bis examinations of tbe children for lowing-name- aettler has filed notice Mela, Good BervioeJta tan o o confirmation tha archbishop put to a of bis Intention to mak final proof In o o little girt the question from the cate- support of his claim, and tbat said o o chism. 'What is the preparation for proof will be made befor United ScaberfJ Hotel o J" The little on blushed States Court Commissioner at Las WM. BAASCH o matrimony . ,J ,"5 . f a o and and the corner of her Vegas, New Mexico, on Jun 4, 1906, giggled put ' , i - bib In her mouth by way of answer. is.: Tomas A. Medina, of Comaon, I ' o "Jr8 , Wa o The question was repeated. Oh, sure, San Miguel county New Mexico, for CUTLER.Y t 1-- 1-- 1-- PHONE 77 ATIOMAL AVE o your lordship knows. It youraelf.'waa tha 8 W N W N W 3 W POCKET KNIVES and RAZORS 0 1-- 1-- o tbe timid reply. 'Yes, but yoa must tell 1-- 8ec 21. 8 B N ifi 14, N E : . 25o o cheap noucjo 0 la 1-- 20. 22 B. Knives from to f.100 me, my child. What 8 B Sea T IS N. R ' 0 Razors from 11. U0 to U.0Q 0 TRIP RATED EAQT. for matrimony 1" 'Well, my lordf a lit- He names the following witnesses o 0 tle courting, of course.' at toil came to prove bis continuous restaenoamn H. C YOUNG. 6 520 Sixth St. o o the reluctant answer from adfld a on and cultivation of aald land, vis.: Cutler Ranch Rerrt. - 30th. Good to rosary of bluRbee." , . , Jose Crtado, Alejandro 0 June 1st to September return October ' Fresquez, ' I Pablo Teleator X bt. IvOUiS 143.00. ; " r Fresques, Montoya, Dell ) 31st;Chicagro50.3Uf 0 Oeellalaa; freseat. u vi wruuu, ivrw mcsivu. Cl2ZZC - leautUttt-- ' . 1' O un 1st ana znci, also vtn to lbta ana 1st to w Sir Henry Irving made it a rule sot MANUEL R. OTERO. Register. A jane jui from and g moubt CZJ.J to accept presents strangers M4 , , , 10th'. one to ;v .... I 0 cheap tickets fare tlus $5.30. points waa often bard for enfficient a. 'vTx:cz'i tlce to C::3 ... ( pressed 1 pviUv jmtt. o - the.Rua-ao-Japanea- e r-- ,lr in Kansas, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebras- excusee for declining. During NOTICE FOR "PUBLICATION ; a ). tjits far tlrtb t war a admirer of : i'a 0 v North and South Dakota, Wisconsin and wealthy one vlsb theQ. arria;s. rxa t) Lcs Ta ka, 0 the great actor approached bim with: dad 0 . Homestead Entry No. S944. gaa for the prosent Zsa to return October 1906. . k;::zry. 0 Wyoming", good 31sV Tardon me, Sir Henry, but t want Calls promptly attended to at all to give yon a " boors. in Regular trip wfll ha tCii tta; 0 x present" of tha Interior, Land Ot OQc rear of Scbaefar'a ; 0 "What to Itr asked the actor. Department Pharmacy, 004 Sixth Sreet. Both Colorado CzSa 43 i flee at Santa Fe,New Mexico, April tel,"jaia 0 "A Russian wolf bound." Bona43. Us Vegaa. or "Cm wCa : - re- 26. 1908. . f "Awfully sorry I cant accept It" Plana w4 rVattars a - June 25th to July 7th, return September , 15th, one 0 ' fol MaVaf Sgdaty phone Cuttor Ranch, 0 plied Sir Henry. "But I'm a lover of Notice Is hereby given that the 9Z.W tor ronna lowlng-name- d settler has filed notice tare plus trip. ' ' peace, and I bav a Japanese valet" AL-a- r 0 his to flaal In FrsST This will be a good chance to tisit friends in ot Intention maka proof 0 jour 0 ' The ; 1 support of his claim, and. that said .' ; la.tlart. , A?41f , the East. , All information cheerfully given. , , All , will, be madet befor ; United 0 our firogresa la an nnokling ilka proof TtQXZTS 80GA0H the bud. ' You bav first en States Court Commissioner at 'Las , Dm vegetable I. C&CttOJOa, ' Acsst. 0 instinct then an opinion, then a knowl- Vegas, N. oa June 4, 190S, vis.; Wa bava Inaugurated our, new - " - ' : ' T Gp2n as tbe baa bud ana Mary E. Taylor, mother of Iaaac Tay- system 'of SS cash In advaaea - "0 0 edge, plant root i , y- r . t San . GUESTS O00000OO0S00000OOOOOO0CO00O0OCf fruit Trust the Instinct to the end. lor deceased, of. Cuervo, Miguel for mesl tickets. . f . F0 J though can render no reason. county. New Mexico, for tha N V , SINOLE MEALS SS "yon - ' . - Emerson. Sec 27, T 12 N, R 23 E. , This enables us to famish bet f " Ho. Ha names the following wltnesei ter meals aad better servic. ffixSSS Jewelry feteloi 24 MI.aaarr.tM.' to prove his continuous residence Mr Tov can gat tha worth of yoar ' He- -I bave a sweet Uttle borne. lit and sare on Our on and cultivation of said land, viz.: money at ; MOUNTAIN BOMB. money your purchase. guarantee of , which I to inrtall J "f and" would like you as Its W. L, Ro-- - ; correct will cost Kirkpatrlck, Euloglo Ortiz. a Leave . ; high quality style you nothing. mlatreas. Kbe Indeed, air, I'll go Into orfsrs at Murph)V or ; V; CATALOG IS FREE. WJUTB FOR TOOAT. ' sario Alderete, Bernardo all of IT no borne oa the Installment Oriego, pr K. B. rSctcanmaker plan. 1 Cuervo, New Mexico. & Baltimore American. R. PHILLIPS A SON, PR0F& , 4Oolorr Jo rbone Red 168. BROCK FEAGANS, Jewelers , , MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. FOURTH & BR0ADWAT CAL. -- . LOf ESCLES, cQwt)4 Au a. . 9 1 ); MO.VDAT. MAT St. 1.

Le S. AmIK cf Bwrtf f u a blmml aad w. . ta tbe Sajtrtrt rWrk't aCtee. iarBd (M,T. at arfy5 DIJILVG PErXOLATOX fwbtac td tba fftwaMaw FtHFECT COFEEE SawwetL wberw be baa be BV r af tb fKBertal rrawtearM waa fell is tba Bowaw for SQa aadk, tbia obJy wraaad a Ewrj f wk COFf taafllBeT M the N XesKe TVy teaa baavilr mlawidarad oa wtka Iwa; la wtita aactvar-tr- 4 MAKES TERFCrT pe. UMKOt. H fcB " befa. aa4 twa OlUrr rm food itfe baebb-- ; torn dark. oWJa xl re- Moa wporte Icm ts f fM la qaality Frr from Uxvet Ute erial a aiifto twa diartpte at hftvtac big la mt miw tba od with tain H the dtlkiotai tf tb aia iir?k iiUufeataUatkaarlt08 ru feat t)UNk CKkber rrtara. r44 i4l4 tnrfcJa. rvflre Ua. Made A putt Alnminara. ! ' : ItEAirJHE EVANGUSTS LUDVIG Wm. ILFEU), The Laut llouac At the Gctfel Tftt. rurwr Vryaa Baivala Sixth and 3J:n ftnet.

irncrisl Day Jbw dOyC Do you expect to put Berries this Church Strvices SUBJECTS up year? We are anxious to have for - d . "Tbe Acer Time, plenty every MOB tonal eervtree la memory MtnAiy nifikt, ie4 klii,iaiaa a. be ik. auldiere and aallor p wju"" "Jiothem. one and should .:V... ::...( TvuUyt J a Ruge. - n4 who Jo V I a. I - HwlSwfcMltjf- - ;, M- tjt civil war to were pleased (five your CI fih bivouac cf the dead order l4 FMyttniajr frwnooa at tba ftrat cSi early. p. idlt rbarrb. . , , $b end Qood Jliulc at each service. Rk-kar- d a. Mortar, aaator J.lJ.Ctczrco, lwMbed tba aaaaat O o o o yfK waa r r o4 a ir( coagrccailoa a mac tba voraalpeara war at tu oadfCw V af Port. No, 1. nut r - ' aiaiara gbrpbard BtCtrt. Bjeeafcer f Artny of tba Itaaawuc ' it h ban tba cttatom for aaana tuminiiuifHiimiiiimnminniiiii paat to biva aarrltaa wbw LAS VEGAS EXaUSIVE DRY GOODS . umm has beea granted lara woo STOE urfu. Oelllnae d orattva cf tba vatcraaa ionia llpe Boybal of Ui Of OahMI 4 th hrMrltJoa tba -- Urta Urtad ot tbla cltr. .w. r rf-, .. . . ? FERNDALE Honey cured are by far tl We csrry everything cu nttd In Dry Goods end cur I" - aiewwrwi BBBBjBBBBaBBBBBBBBBO tba Buadajr pracaaota l0" i. ma r th ProtaaUnt chuff ba who ena mere Tf will t PW Bl(1 belt thlRs en th Harket today. Thot siccm trc ccn.pisz k Mr. MorWnr waa rea.aatad io da lodge, A. F. and itr a Chapaun R. iha aanaoa lata rear ana mi ' Stcf c in Us Vegn. TrT Work r. C degree. nr know, cay & For sale only at laba mm unixi tha iavttatloa. dlarooraa waa ftf Traoa A tonight. Every Tba nlnlctar'i not ' ' " of tenor and ba did - i - aa there rnr patriotic r , WW la arced to be present OVIObI' i ft CreajaMobalreS.75,lSayard 38 inch Black uj th ODBOrtUBlty f 1 w. BM'imi drill preparatory or nrnk All Wool Cream Batfat 00 yd. tboaa aaHaat patriot wbo rtaked KUk LOO yard. A aad laatractwaa for lar AU Wool Cream U0 wifbt 38 Inch Black Taffeta Money-- thrir llraa thtt thy pwh fard. v. mrhmi fMtn ticina rant la twain. backSilk . All Wool Cream l.ecrard. Memorial DecoratkMI d eomai 15 yard. 19 Taffeta BUk Wo ' i P 'v . marine tbt or lock Coao wMtnMtiv and It will M ni-- All Wool Cream Albatrooa 6Se yd. i Via oa Brldaa yard. ia,. ctooarjr aa lfl V All Wool Craam ISO yd. oa XVraglat ln1 nhard limit irMt tli aw )ocaon A. wba ar -- j mo- - aaa. Tba 0. R. vftwana. T- . Tba tntlra atock fBl ba mi in it iiiad or tba urina win :k trat af, a. , The uKxpcrScoeed Standard Patterns. , w riiarca of tba fsarrlaM, wblrb buyer' Solo Agent For orar can with cuuee -- Mra. Includer tba placiwt f wflowr safety W v - of k I o fStpl.. iw - a of their $ora- chase here. 517 If' who 111 at th the TBT.g departed" I HENRY LEVY. 6th St Hj t4 have nothing to sell but -- '5., r, - .f r' atlflf rpldlT from reliable goods, so you could buy yMTydTXCarSSaVSSSaSSS SlSSStSStSa. and '.J riortly ba net ,jk t. ti.t rtftii Hatirh for tbe with your eyes shut and go urtwn anfortunata Wf w 1 - ...i oog. , -,- ...-i aet bta rlaM baa badly for on of bo t it special T1e lffM rrowd, am .... ii ..1Imi wa i ai n Ak prices, da waa A. A. Waterman, Fountain (EL n,pVd.' KHgora J. C. JOHNSEN SON ; :'. Pens. '? l-;- - ". UNDERTAKERS AND LICENSED EMBALMERS jkii.Atr1.:'!i win v -- a L. " . A.ii' . r'r Tm ...... ! IMm ular thfa roues ptmnrjiACY I 5 CTa COfilDlete Stoclt in Las VejraS. (.i it th member aa Maiy torn. t errv trie larctaf and most A bulldog fight wm held In He to thle ttf lor meaicm caskets and bodies' on atreet Sunday for a cap We the lowest price on embalming Brldga Bad It la th Opinion ot give v and an admlMlon waa rnritei treatment for shipment Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Thirty fiye nre bla that the bana can ue fs-ftaton.'.- ',H tnrned out to ba phiirtn inthis line. ' aved. with wwalhly one or two attif the years experience more tno wrertllng matcn Dress Above I aimer, t t' ber 6oA aa hurt 258 l: : Ordinary Sixth St. Opposite Citv Hall. Colo. Phone R.-- I. Blanche, the government 111 at Pr. eIUana Pran la aerloiuly '. inn naa wr "7 j tbla rlty aa the result t..jn in vicinity of rrmi' j . .ik the p fait ierarnl daya ago Wenare ana man wbo kcows rald a of Chawrlto. Mi The already .he i arendlng bort flight .... tht aotth , la general n aPber boma vA little hopes are In that of the V. the value of "Personal Appear y. among the iheep part ntertMned for ber.-nrrer- She it ite tntec lon la lounq a his 'otber e tnce". in reinforcing rbetwUi eighty-fiv- yara .... h. flihar localltlea It ts elhyd will i - the i probable that the government Ja- Ijood qualities, appreciates tt .- - aue.R general nipping wun. C-i- and of "the HART,! . T)r. AoUm.'lor tba'paat two n tha'flnrhii In the country nerfection mi e. v.. hen nhvilelan- - fi tba . ui nnt. ne anown " SCHAFFXER & MARX CLOTHES. Vnlted 8tatea naval atatloa ; tt: ..ii. -, J Jl In July." . at Same i will be in good American conceislon il I You always for bla boma In ' Alamog ordo L .1 .lVVi'."l at II a pamenger 7 forrtet court opened at ir-i:' if vrm will wear one of a Aa--.- .. 'hi i It yeaterday, wberf ha will aixr Baft" docket 4a quite heavy. tbe - i.rirv- -v .nf thirty davn. ' Dr. Aolen ittnrneva Medlar of Ainu- their New Spring Suits. , COo czd 01.00 of tbla per mJt D J Leahy city. .be Dr. J. will' Let their Guaranteed Label former claMmate, ferey farm HIV ftftt Mator Llewellyn er at Denver, iv.v.n. ihnt . aa .aooa aa tna eity .v I your guide, Alt correct dressers Cif TcZZpisCO GrrMzj dzlty toe C?flVrr31 ' v- araad ttiry 'adjonrna for io?nu - - ktMnw thev" have! . . tbe " . Juanlia Rogera, eight dlatalcV, r ? ,je '.N'hM m.ue' old ca'id or Mr, ana wre. 4. to them. can-- and Beauty M. died Friday from bronchial nf neonle vlfltad the Snap, Style Rogere, unrAt. - trouble at the bUe at li Eleventh vfitertay Hud the returning efen- v Their Two- - Piece Sum too, ; r".--t The funeral aervlcea la.a- Meaai WabraS erowded with people. chaff. tbla city. above the and a G CJosrcjdircJa ' 4ote held at tbe renldence Saturday The canyon 1 very beautiful at tbla are far ordinary " at vlewa o'clock. Rev. M. H. Treat .ha tha entire vane; anaortnient to select from. ' Tr a large bay lirge of the aervlcea. Tht v.i.-- .inihi in ereen. There waa Tenv were aent back to Blrmlag (.light ahower In the upper part of the last ' ..." ' -- canyon night. . - st. . n k.f ; Tba Op- - jflhn Krtrs who aentenced V6 jia.' 0. McNary; editor of At from I year ir ine penneniiary ior a tie, returned Saturday evening unda at ee s ta fftfeam In tba latereMs 01 --- 1- GREENBERGER'S. n, e-- i-- - ' Asaoelv .- -t i JhiatUn Copyright 90 f nt : Hart Schtffncr W Marx REO AUTOMOBILES VP, O. ,t. HOTICE. v- tt.f .Jf t'. rr -x rtentbera of tba been heat 1 i The automobile that baa proven tba rt.i V -- (TC 1 wct.yjr.rac1! . Tinning and Plumbiag. Barnaaa m at loda rova tor tbe - A t t ai;'.;.: .a v- - - 14 vi preaent xnd SaaUlary t t t i i t t. i wl awl- - of out tor Uaraortal at:i avuwaay purpoa turning ILiEfflE - ) J r IsdieiBaat THC3. X. ELAtTtTLT. , K with Sooretarj . Havrdwara) Jj ia v ? t::i . FRESH STRAWBERRIES E . GEHIUNG. Daator J.. naMnieTamrto.DovglaB.Ava. :tC0OOOOOC3rD000OOOO0O0OS)Ot ' O ; ," :: .EVERY DAY THIS WEEK 4a4eae4vvv 4 (1 " i:: o r-t c. Jj crisr' tat our 34 o ' 7 t t b S t.jr tmwaitkxi andit O fc t fa When will be beat tie affords v Ct i ttirc shape. They C ciL'tt O con: of the aYon Hardware- - 7c!l o tj w3 kar'onc rrt and prices will bi right til c.'rer good Scrh, Doers. Builders' Pcptr o .mo at the store of o GL3, Peinto, Vcrnichcs, o lncr o 3 O Wood o rhotc; O r Coal and o o 4 . o , . I r o or. CO. CO ol oooooor ,!Uo6ooooos soea. t - . ,v