Pucca Aiiowec
463 AIaIIars Under RcAe 377 MARCH 12, 1992 RIy. ~,1192-113- 464 G8n-DIscuIII; Res",. ~ of R/y. Con.. Comm.; Dam. for GtanIIs (RlySJ, '1IS2-113; lind SuppI. Dem. for ".". (RIys.), (vI) Need to formulate an In... formulates some scheme for '119'-92constructing grated National Education pucca roads, the scheme Is left hal way due Pollcytocheckthedeteriorat- to paucity of funds with the Govenment of Ing standard of hlghareduca- Bihar. The youths of both the districts are tlon. preparing themselves for taking to extrem- Ism. [ Ttanslallon) Therefore, I urge upon the Central SHRI RAM BADAN (Lalganj): Mr. Govemment to sanction an amount of Rs. Deputy Speaker, Sir. even after 42 years of 10 crore for providing roads and a building independence, our present education sys- for primary school and Irrigation facilities in tem is stiD based on the colonial approach of Buxar and Bhojpur districts so that both the British Raj. For bringing about improve- these districts may get an opportunity for ments In our education system their development. Radhakrishnan Commission was applnted in 1949, Secondary Education Commission (vIII) Need to giver clearance to the was appinted In 1958, Mudaliar Commis- propoaalto State Govemment sion in 1960 and SafrlJOomanda Education of Kerala regarding Patta Committee was appointed in 1962. Thereaf- right. to the fanners of that ter, All India Council of Secondary Educa- State. tion and Kothari Commission were consti- [English) tuted. All the Commissions submitted their reports but these were not implemented SHRI P.C. THOMAS(Muvattupuzha); even after their consideration. There is a Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I wish to raise the continuous deterioration in the standard of following matter under Rule 377: education In nearly 150 universities and S500 coUeges in the country.
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