Stainton & Thornton Community Council

Minutes of the Community CouncilMeeting held in the Memorial Hall, Stainton on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 at 7.15pm

Chair: The meeting was chaired by Cllr. Angela Cooper

Present: The attendance list recorded 22people present at the meeting.

Apologies: H & C Wren, F.Rix, M.Holmes.

Officers/Councillors in attendance: P/Cllrs. A.Conroy,D.Coupe, C.Dean, D.Fewtrell,A.Liddle (Treasurer), J.Holmes (Secretary).

Police Report: PCSO 7725 Mark Ballingerwas in attendance to give the police report.Recorded crimes in May and June dropped significantly compared to the previous 2 months, as had the incidents of anti-social behaviour. In June there had been only 1 reported house burglary, 3 incidents of criminal damage and 3 minor thefts. There were only 4 incidents of anti-social behaviour, again all of a minor nature. No new concerns were raised by residents.

Visit and see the Crime Map for our area.

Speaker: Nathan Stanislawski, Operations Manager for Stagecoach NE talked to the meeting about the bus services 13 and 13a which operated through Stainton. He was pleased with the passenger figures and announced that service was to be extended from 3 September and would also run to the Parkway Centre at Coulby Newham. New timetables were available for distribution. Residents agreed that the bus service through Stainton was an asset and greatly appreciated by all users.

Minutes of Meeting held 8.5.18.The Minutes of the Community Council meeting on 8 May 2018 were agreed and accepted as a true record.

Matters Arising – nil

Ward Councillors report – Cllr David Coupe

I am pleased that 2 members of the Neighbourhood Police Team were able to be with us this evening. There have been break-ins in both , damage to the Badgers in Stainton Quarry as well as dumped rubbish near to Maelor’s Wood. There are changes coming up to how Neighbourhood Policing is carried out which may affect Stainton & Thornton of which I hope to have details shortly. As usual ring 101 if not urgent but 999 if it is more serious.

The perennial problem of speeding is still very much alive. I am sure we have all witnessed cars and bikes coming through the villages at ridicules speeds. To this end I have met with Council regarding the problem. We a going to have a site visit next week and hopefully speed checks will be carried out and proposals for possible traffic calming will be made. I have also spoked to the new Chief Constable on the matter and I am hopeful that the police will carry out their own checks in the not too distant future.

The new Cleveland Police Safety Hub is now open with more personal moving in shortly. I had a tour of the building and was very impressed. There is a café open to the public on the ground floor which should be fully operational shortly. There is also a meeting room available to use which does look very good.

I am pleased that Nathan Stanislawski, Operations Manager from Stagecoach on , was able to be with us this evening to answer questions regarding the proposed changes to the 13 and 13a Bus Service, due on 3rd September, which will see the village have an hourly link into the town and an hourly link to and Coulby Newham Centre. I will circulate the new timetables on my Facebook page.

The Environmental Committee AKA the Green Fingers Gang is there to help and encourage people to plant and maintain the flower beds and tubs throughout the villages. Can I especially thank all the hard-working dedicated residents who maintain and plant up the beds and tubs. I think it really adds to the character of the village. We always welcome any new members and volunteers to help out.

There is a tree in Cedarwood Glade which has been there for many years. An enquiry was made to the council regarding its possible removal. The reply stated that it could be cut back and Crowned to a given height but could not be removed. If you have a tree in or around your property and you wish to cut it back or remove it, you should contact first and they will happily give you the advice you may need.

The new Care Home now has its first residents and will be holding a summer fete at Montpellier Manor, 46 Strait Lane on the 14th July at 1:30pm. There is still no news on the Planning Application by Angela Silk Developments for 64 Apartments which was turned down. They still have a few months left to appeal.

The Neighbourhood Plan for Stainton & Thornton is still ongoing with a lot of hard work by its members. In the MBC Local plan one of the proposals is about 500 houses in and around the Sporting Lodge with all the traffic onto Low Lane. I was pleased that so many attended the Parish Council meeting last month and took the opportunity to quiz Paul Clarke, the Chief Planning Officer, and his team. There are ongoing talks with the Unicorn Centre, Riding for the Disabled, as their site is being looked at for building as Middlesbrough Council already own the land.

My Facebook page is Stainton & Thornton Community, which I try to keep it up to date with matters that affect our communities. I hope as many of you can view it and it is also available for comments concerning the villages. I try to attend the Saturday Coffee Morning in the Memorial Hall if anyone wishes to bring any problems or concerns, or you can e-mail or telephone me.

Neighbourhood Plan/ MBC Preferred Options – update: Alan Liddle (Chair of Parish Council) gave details of the response from the Parish Council to the Middlesbrough Council Preferred Options document. The content of the response document would be circulated to residents via the CC database. The Neighbourhood Plan Action Group had collected all its evidence and were now at the policy writing stage in order that the Neighbourhood Plan could be submitted to MBC by September.

Gala Day 2018 – To take place this coming Sunday (15 July) 1pm-4pm. There had been a surge of enthusiasm and with a lot of effort by a small group of people the event should be a success.

Green Finger Gang – Summer Planting. The planters and troughs throughout the villages had all been planted up with bedding plants on a red, white and blue theme and the subsequent floral displays were a colourful sight. Many thanks to all those residents who give up their time to tend to the displays – it is greatly appreciated.

Treasurers Report. Alan Liddle reported the annual grant (£750) to the Community Council from MBC had been received and after deducting hall hire and printing costs the balance in the current account stood at £2844.

Grant Applications – None

Planning Applications–2 recent planning applications had been received and were non- contentious and within permitted development. There were no objections for the Parish or Community Councils.

Any Other Business. Taylor Wimpey to be asked to tend the overgrown hedges on Strait Lane alongside Rose Cottage development.

Time and date of next meeting – Tuesday11 September 2018 at 7.15pm.

The meeting was formally closed by the Chair at 8.10pm

The Minutes of the Community Council meetings will be circulated by e-mail to all residents who have registered their e-mail address. Please encourage your friends/neighbours to register with me.

Send an email to [email protected] requesting to be added to the database.

Minutes taken by: Jim Holmes, 13 Strait Lane, Stainton TS8 9BB. Tel: 01642 296060 / 07980 572115