THIS GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY, executed on 21" March, 2005 at ii KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT We, (1) MR. M. R. MUNl REDDY, son of Late Ramaiah Reddy, aged about 63 years; (2) MRS. SARASWATHAMMA, wife of Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy, aged about 51 years; (3) MRS. M. SUDHA, daughter of Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy and wife of Mr. T. Anand, aged about 33 years; (4) MRS. MANJULA, daughter of Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy and wife of Mr. M. Lokesh, aged about 31 years; (5) MR. RAMA REDDY, son of Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy, aged about 28 years; (6) MS. SHOBHA, daughter of Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy, aged about 23 years; and (7) MR. BHUVENDRA REDDY, son of Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy, aged about 21 years; all residing at CKB Compound, Marthahally Main Road, Nexl lo Bank of Canara, Post, Bangalore 560 037; do HEREBY SEND GREE'I-INGS:-

i WHEREAS we are the absolute owners of properties bearing (I) Survey No. 38 measuring 1 \ Acre 3 Guntas, (2) Survey No. 4211 measuring 2 Acres 10 Guntas, (3) Survey No. 4312 1 measuring 19 Guntas, (4) Survey No. 4213 measuring 5 Guntas, (5) Survey No. 4414 measuring 1 Acre 2 Guntas; (6) Survey No. 4411 measuring IAcres 18 Guntas, (7) Survey No. 4412 measuring 27 Guntas, (8) Survey No. 136 measuring 2 Acres (9) 50% undivided Ifll~llEIRIHiIC%

Print Date & Time - 2 1-03-2005 1 1 :36:23AM

3r Shyamaraju & Co () Fvt Ltd Rep by its Chairman & Managing Director Mr. P Shyamaraju . ~3bodm: &a" ey473


a,? Shyamaraju & Co (IIVDIA) Pvt Ltd Rep by its Chairman & Managing Director Mr. P Shyamaraju .


Shyamaraju & Co (INDIA) Pvt Ltd Rep by its Chairman & Managing

Director Mr. P Shyamaraju , .

Mr M R Muni Reddy . .

2 (wd&h&*d,) interest in the remaining land measuring 1 Acre situated in Survey no. 136 equivalent to an undivided interest of 20 guntas (10) Undivided share of land equivalent to 2 Acres 30.5 Guntas in Survey No. 96, (1 1) Survey No. 94 measuring 1 Acre 25 Guntas, (12) Survey No. 95 measuring 1 Acres 32 Guntas, (13) Survey No. 9711 measuring 16 Guntas, (14) Survey No. 10011 measuring 14 Guntas, (15) Survey No. 9712 measuring 18 Guntas. (16) Survey No. 10012 measuring 14 Guntas, (17) Survey No. 9713 measuring 14 Guntas, (18) Survey No. 10013 measuring 15 Guntas, (19) Survey No. 137 measuring 2 Acres 18 Guntas, and (20) Survey no. admeasuring 10 Guntas, aggregating to 20 Acres 30 '/2 Guntas situated at Village, K. R. Puram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, morefully described Schedule hereunder and hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'Schedule Property'.

WHEREAS we are desirous of developing the Schedule Property and have entered into a Development Agreement of even date (said Development Agreement) with Shyamaraju & Co. (India) Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Developer) to develop the Schedule Property for a mixed development which would include residential, commercial and industrial uses and hereinafter called the Integrated Complex.

WHEREAS it will not be possible for us to secure necessary clearances and to carry out various acts relating to development of the Schedule Property and as the Owners We do hereby constitute, nominate and appoint SHYAMARAJU & CO. (INDIA) PVT. LTD., a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Wing A, DivyaSree Chambers, No. 11, O'Shaugnessy Road, Bangalore 560 025, represented herein by its Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. P. Shyamaraju, (hereinafter referred to as the "ATTORNEY' which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context mean and include its successors in office, administrators, legal representatives and permitted assigns), the Attorney herein as our lawful Attorney to carry out the under noted acts, deeds and things and to exercise the following powers, pursuant to the said Development Agreement and do all Mrs. Saraswathamrna .


Mrs. M Sudha



Mr. Rama Reddy .



(wd&ho&33d3) necessary acts to develop the Schedule Property:-

1. To develop the Schedule Property in such a manner as our Attorney may deem it fit and to commence and put up any constructions on the Schedule Property as per the said Development Agreement.

2. To prepare plan and apply for approval of plans to the Bangalore Municipal Corporation, Bangalore Development Authority, City Municipal Council, Mahadevapura and other authorities for construction on the Schedule Property, and to sign plans, declarations, application and the like and to make such representation as may be required in securing approval and to file such applications, affidavits, representations, indemnities, undertakings as are required for the purpose or securing approval of plans.

3. To represent us before the Corporation of the City of Bangalore, City Municipal Council, Mahadevapura, Bangalore Development Authority, Income Tax Authorities, Appropriate Authority, Panchayat, Government and Semi-Government Offices, Judicial and Quasi Judicial, Statutory Offices, Bodies and other Authorities, Bangalore Electric Supply Company, Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Bangalore Telephones, Police Department, Airport Authorities, Fire Force Authorities, Cement Controller, Steel Controller and in all other offices and apply for the and obtain permission to hold, orders for change of land use or for grant of plans, licenses, sanctions, orders, etc., for the purpose of putting up construction of buildings in the Schedule Property to sign and execute necessary petitions, applications, forms and affidavits, declarations, indemnities, undertakings and other covenants as may be required for securing the aforesaid and to take all steps necessary to secure plans, licenses and other permissions, for construction purposes and/or making layout of the Ex& A+ 2nd S&

Jayaram s/o Late G Sudharashan A BEML Lyt B'lroe 66 Krishna Reddy S/o Munivenkata Reddy I BEML Lyt B'lroe 66

There is no diffrence between original & dupilcate

Designed and Developed by C-DAC. ACTS. Pune

file://C:\ Endorsement .html integrated complex on the Schedule Property and also apply for renewal thereof and also pay necessary deposits, charges and levies and sums therefor and to apply for and obtain refunds when the occasion arises and to appoint professionals and to grant them necessary authority to appear for the above purposes.

4. To enter into and execute any agreements for transfer, sale, lease, license, assignment, ratification, rectification or otherwise dispose off the Developer's Share of ! the Built up Space along with undivided interest in the Schedule Property, being the Attorney's share in the Schedule Property, in favour of prospective Agreement Holderls, Lesseels, Purchaserls or hislherltheir nomineels or assigneels on such terms and conditions as our Attorney deems it lit.

5. To deliver possession and to receive advances, earnest monies, rerlls, license fees, consideration for sale, transfer, license, lease, conveyance from the prospective TransfereeIPurchaserls or their nomine& or assigneels and issue valid receipts and discharges without seeing the application of the money in respect of the Developers' Share of Built up Space in the Schedule Property.

6. To present any Agreements to Sell, lease, license or Sale, Lease, License, assignment, ratification, rectification Deeds in respect of the Developers' Share of Built up Space in the Schedule Property for registration and also admit execution and receipt of consideration if necessary before the Sub-Registrar having authority for and to have the same registered and to do all acts, deeds and things which our said Attorney may deem fit as fully and effectually in all respects as We could do the same ourselves.

7. To sign and execute necessary documents, declarations, affidavits, undertakings and other documents required for completion of Agreement of sale in respect of the 8rn€f38 Smcd ;;lneocld mrin jucn,o8 Qma3 Department of Stamps and Registration

3r Shyamaraju & Co (INDIA) Pvt Ltd Rep by its Chairman & Managing Director Mr. P Shyamaraju . , ~dd,1000.00 dJJmdA3&13A8d 3ua3,od &mdaA m33~&3d&~

1.- ..-:. . .. ---.- 1 I ; ~ddzn,ois" Sr wd~+ : 1000.00 ' PO NO 484878 Dt 17/3/05 Drawn on ; I i The Bank Ltd B'lroe 1 ------.-2 bmu : 1000.00 I I !

Designed and Developed by C- DAC .ACTS Pune. daj cc/mo4 Developers' Share of the Built up space in the Schedule Property in respect of any matter relating to the property and to do all other acts, deeds and things that may be necessary for achieving the purposes mentioned herein.

8. To sign and execute necessary documents, declarations, affidavits, ondertakings, various agreements, mortgage deeds, deeds of hypothecation and other documents required to take loans, borrow monies from any Governmental Agencies, Banks, Financial Institutions or Private Persons against the security of the Schedule property along with the built up area by creating mortgages/chargesllien over the Schedl~le Property or any part thereof and to execute all necessary documents and do all necessary acts in that behalf on the terms and conditions for creating security contained in the said Development Agreement.

9. To appear for and represent us before the lncome Tax Department and its Offices and to apply for and obtain necessary lncome Tax Clearance Certificates and other permissions required for completion of Agreement of Sale1 Lease of the Developer's Share of the Built up space in the Schedule Property and for the said and other purposes sign and execute necessary documents, affidavits, declarations, indemnities etc.

2. Tc institute, defend and prosecute, enforce or resist or continue any suit or other acGons 2nd proceedings, appeals, in any Court anywhere in its Civil, Criminal, Re.ienc;e, Revision for before any Tribunal or Arbitration or Industrial Court, lncome Tax and Sales Tax Authorities, to execute Warrant of Attorney, Vakalathnama and other Authorities. to act and plead and to sign and verify plaints, written statements, petitions and other pleading including pleading under Article 226 of the Constitution of India and also to present any Memorandum of Appeal, Accounts, Inventories, to file://C:\.Endorsement .html accept services of summons, inventories, notices and other legal processes, enforce judgement, execute any decree or order, to appoint and engage advocate, auditors, tax practitioners and other legal agents etc. as my attorney thinks fit and proper and to adjust settle all accounts, to refer to arbitration all disputes and differences, to compromise the disputes and to settletwithdraw the same to be nonsuited and to receive delivery of documents or payments of any money or monies from any Court, Office or Opposite Party either in execution of decree or order or otherwise as he shall think fit and proper and to do all acts, deeds and things that may be necessary or required in connection therewith.

11. To appoint professionals and to grant them necessary authority to represent us before the Competent Authorities, Authorityties of State and Central Government and such other Statutory, Judicial, quasi-Judicial and other authorities.

12. To secure conversion and/or change in land use of the Schedule Property from its present status to the purpose required for the development and for this purpose to make and sign such application, indemnities, affidavits, undertakings as may be required in connection therewith and to present necessary documents for securing such change and/or conversion and to pay requisite fine, concession fees and the like on our behalf.

13. To deal and correspond with the Bangalore Electric Supply Company Limited for obtaining necessary power/ Electrical connection or connections including making and putting up a sub-station for and/or in respect of or relating to the said integrated Complexl Buildings which will be constructed hereafter on the Schedule Property and for the said and other purposes to sign all letters, applications, undertakings, terms and conditions, etc., as may from time to time be though necessary or may be required by Production of Records. Hence ordered for Registration

Designed and Developed by C-DAC, ACTS, Pu& -1 ~%;7d~$j& &I( 3 -*%A* the concerned authorities.

14. To make applications to the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board znd other Authorities for water and sanitary connections and other incidental requirements which may be required for the purposes of development of the Schedule Property.

15. To pay municipal taxes, property tax. betterment charge and other charges and dues on our behalf in respect of the Schedule Property.

16. To appear on our behalf and in ollr name and to represent our ~nterestbefore the City Survey Authorities, Land Revenue and Assessor of Municipal Rates and Taxes, Town Planning Authorities and Municipal Offices and otl~er Government and Serni- Government offices, for the renewal or grant of Licenses and permits or for any other purposes as may be necessary under any local act. Rule or Regulations and also to appcar before any Public or Government Office or any other Authorities whomsoever.

17. To apply for and obtain the Work Commencement Certificate, Occupation Certificate in respect of the integrated complex, buildings, units to be constructed and completed on the Schedule Property.

18. To construct the integrated complexlbuildingslflats and to enter into agreements with the Cor!tractors. appoint architects, laborers, skilled men and to do all things connected .:,

s. To dezl with the assessment department of Bangalore Municipal Corporation, City Idunicipal Council, Mahadevapura, Panchayat andlor the BDA and/or any authority and to dispose off and deal with all matters in connection with the assessment of the Schedule Property comprising of individual buildings or units. To apply for, demand, sue for, recover and receive from all and every or any person or persons whomsoever concerned or chargeable therewith all and every sum or sums of money, debts, goods, effects, securities, which shall or may belong to or be or become due or payable in respect of the Schedule Property;

This Power of Attorney shall not become redundant on death of any one of us and the same shall be binding on our respective legal representatives.

The Attorney is expressly authorized tolempowered to appoint, retain such number of employees, engage services of consullants or to replace, terminate in the best interest to discharge the powers and duties vested with the Attorney as our Attorney may deem fit.

And generally to do all such acts, deeds and things in connection with the management, maintenance, development of the Schedule Property without any restrictions, reservations or conditions in the same manner and to the like extent as We the owners personally present notwithstanding no express power or authority in that behalf is hereunder provided.

This Power of Attorney will be irrevocable and read along with the said Development Agreement of even date.

And We, the undersigned Owners do hereby and at all times hereafter shall ratify and confirm all and whatever other act or acts our said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.

We hereby declare that the powers hereby given to our Attorney shall be given in widest interpretation and shall be construed as an express authority to him to act for and deal with our affairs as fully and effectually as We ourselves could do:

27. This Power of Attorney is coupled with interest.

All that piece and parcel of the ~mmovable property being of the lands s~tuated at Kundalahalli Village, K.R. Purum Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk and demarcated In the plan attached hereto. -- SI. Sy. No. Extent: Kharab Extent _No. Ac. Gu. Ac.Gu. - - 1 38 1.03

2 4211 2 10 - 3 4 213 0 05 0 1 4 4312 0.19

5 4411 118 - 6 4412 0 27 7 4414 1 02 - -- 8 136 2 20 9 94 1.25 10 95 1.32 11 96 2.30% f 12 '9711 10.1 13 ; 9712 0.18 14 9713 10.14 0.1 . 15 10011 10.14 16 10012 f 0.14 i 17 10013 j 0.15 0.1 : 18 137 1 2.18 0.1 : 19 10.10 i Total 1 20.30% I j Less : I Owners retained area 1.OO (-5Gzz- 19.301/2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE, THE ABOVENAMED HAVE SIGNED AND EXECUTED THIS GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR FIRST HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED


Diafled by: I' " b-iaitan & co Advocates & Notaries Chairman$? M~naging Director S~nriseChambers 22, Ulscmr Rsad Bangaiore - 560 042. LEASE DEED


- (1.12.2006). \ BY AND BETWEEN:

SRI. P. SHYAMARAJU, aged about 56 years, Sto. Late. Narasaraju, residing at No. 343, 4th

Main, Bangalore - 560 080, hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR (which expression shall mean and include his heirs, successors, assigns, executors, administrators, or any one claiming through or under him) of the ONE PART;


MIS. SHYAMARAJU AND CO. (INDIA) PVT. LTD., a company incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at "DivyaSree Chambers", Wing 'A', No. 11, O'Shaugnessy Road, Bangalore - 560 025 represented by its Director, Mr. Umesh S Raju, hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the subject or context, mean and include its successors in interest, successors in title, assigns, executors, administrators, or any one claiming through or under it) of the OTHER PART;. For SHYAMARAJU & CO. (INQJAj.PY7.

DIRECTOR ' lllBlltlIlllRllil

Print Date & Tlme : 12-01 -2007 01 :01:59 PM

c@hSod6 : 3 1 264

2z.P de3-d d,~m~o6sdejrodq Bmod 12-01-2007 do& 12:51:28 PM doLj8 & 848 @3B%d&c&oe,8 J

SJr M/s Shyarnaraju & Co. (india) Pvt Ltd, Rep by its Director Umesh S Raju &Bod me;d hdqt3,d


3r M/s Shyarnaraju & Co. (India) Pvt Ltd. Rep by its Director Urnesh S Raju

MISShyamaraju & Co. andla) Pvt Ltd, Rep by Its Dlrector Umesh S Raju . 1 (&.%&xod*)

P Shyamaraju . /I (&&h&*) WHEREAS the LESSOR is the absolute owner of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 4413 measuring 05 guntas, Survey No. 4313 measuring 32 guntas and Survey No. 95 measuring 3 acres 38 guntas, totally measuring 4 acres 35 guntas situated at Kundalahalli -. Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore (more fully described as item no. 1, 2 and 3 in the Schedule hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "Schedule 4 Property").

I . WHEREAS the LESSOR has acquired the Schedule Property under 3 registered sale deeds # set out hereunder:-

1) Sale Deed dated 28.05.2004 executed by Mrs. Kalarnma and others in favour of Mr. P. Shyamaraju registered as Document No. KRI-1-05090-2004-05 in Book I and stored in CD No. KRID 53 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore in respect of Survey No. 4413 measuring 05 guntas. 2) Sale Deed dated 28.05.2004 executed by Mr. Muni Reddy and others in favour of Mr. P. Shyamaraju registered as Document No. KRI-1-05093-2004-05 in Book I and stored in CD No. KRID 53 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore in respect of Survey No. 4313 measuring 32 guntas. 3) Sale Deed dated 25.02.2005 executed by Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy and others by their duly constituted General Power of Attorney Holder, M~.'M.R. Munireddy registered . . as Document No. KRI-1-32352-2004-05 in Book-1 and stored in CD No. KRID 117 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore in respect of Survey No. 95 measuring 3 acres 38 guntas.

2 &dl d@ 5-s 2& n Kiran W/o Fazal Vora A No 11 0 Shaugnessy Rwd Bangalore Raju S/o Venkat 1 K R Pura Bangalore 36

1 de &$dd ~SWJ do~dKRI-1-3 1264-2006-07 WA %.a.doud KRID280 3e qdc amod 12-01 -2007 do& &XO~CCUA~ACJ

Deslgned and Developed by C-DAC. A WHEREAS the LESSOR is desirous of leasing the Schedule Property in favour of the LESSEE and the LESSEE is desirous of obtaining the same on lease for the purpose of development of the said land on the terms and conditions appearing hereunder.

NOW THIS DEED OF LEASE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the rent hereby reserved and of the covenants, conditions, stipulations and agreements hereinafter contained and on the part of the LESSEE to be paid, observed and performed, the LESSOR does hereby demise unto the LESSEE the Schedule Property admeasuring 4 acres 35 guntas morefully described in the item nos. 1, 2 and 3 of the Schedule hereunder written WITH right to the LESSEE to develop and construct building(s) thereon according to the building byelaws (hereinafter referred to as the Demised Premises) TO HOLD, POSSESS AND ENJOY the said Demised Premises and the income derived thereof unto the LESSEE for a period of 29 years commencing from 01.12.2006 YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR unto the

. LESSOR a monthly lease rent of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs only) payable in advance on or before the lothday of every month of lease term for which the same is due without any abatement or deduction whatsoever.

I AND the LESSEE to the intent that the obligations may continue throughout the term herein granted hereby agrees and covenants with the LESSOR as follows:

a. The LESSEE shall pay the said monthly rent hereby reserved to the LESSOR herein on the days and in the manner aforesaid. b. The LESSEE shall be entitled to develop and construct building at its own costs according to the Plan sanctioned by the competent authorities. c. The LESSEE shall bear and pay all Municipal taxes, rates, cess and any enhancement, fresh impositions, levy, as may be levied for the Schedule Property and the buildings that may be constructed. d. The LESSEE shall at its own costs repair and maintain the building to be constructed on the Demised Premises during the period of subsistence of this lease in good order and tenantable condition. e. The LESSEE shall yield and deliver possession of the Schedule Property 1 Demised Premises together with buildings and structures that will be erected thereon to the

For SI-IYAMARAJU 84 CO. (INDIA) PVT. LT;Z 3aFw-b 5mEb iihodd =&a ~mao3~md Department of Stamps and Registration

3~ M/s Shyamaraju & Co. (india) Pvt Ltd, Rep by its Director Umesh S Raju , QG?& 1800200.00dnmcz~dd*~ adad &mJod &%an mS3%d3dhd36365mAd - (dn.1 &&ad md30j) Odd 1800200.00 DD No 0 1 1 160 Dt 12/ 1 /06 Drawn on The Karanataka Bank Ltd, Bangalore

Designed and Developed by C- DAC ,ACTS Pune. LESSOR at the expiry of the term hereby created or earlier termination, if any TOGETHER WITH such tenancy, occupancy, and/or transfer as may be created by the LESSEE in pursuance of the right given to the LESSEE herein subject to clause IV (d) of this Deed. f. The LESSEE shall at its own costs comply with and carry out all requisitions notices and requirements of the Jurisdictional Authorities and/or any other authorised agencies of the Government andlor Semi-Government bodies whether such notices or requisitions are served on the LESSOR or LESSEE and observe the building rules and regulations, restrictions and directions of all lawful authorities and the LESSOR shall not be held responsible for any violation thereof. g. The LESSEE or sub-lessee shall use the building 1 Demised Premises I Schedule Property for office/commercial purposes and the Demised Premises shall not be used for any unlawful or illegal activities.

11. AND the LESSOR do hereby covenant with the LESSEE as follows:

a. That the LESSEE, on paying the monthly rent hereby reserved and observing and performing the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained and on its part to be observed and performed, shall and will peaceably and quietly hold possess and enjoy the Schedule Property 1 the Demised Premises including the construction thereon and every part thereof during the term hereby created without any eviction, interruption or disturbance from or by the LESSOR or any person or persons claiming from under or in trust for the LESSOR. b. The LESSEE has the power to lease out portionls or the entire commercial complexls/buildings constructed by them on the schedule property for a period not exceeding the term of the lease and Lessee shall be entitled to all income, gain and benefits of all kinds and description accruing, arising or flowing from or in relation thereto. For SWYAMARAJU & CO. (INOIA) TV4, LTD c. The LESSEE shall be entitled to create mortgage the leasehold rights on the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises including the buildings constructed thereon in favour of financial institutions or banks/individuals/firms or companies without reference to the LESSOR and is solely liable to discharge such charges created on the schedule property. d. The LESSOR hereby undertake to execute such other and further documents that may be necessary to enable the LESSEE to effectively enjoy the Schedule Property / Demised Premises / the buildings constructed thereon for the purpose of leasing, sub- leasing, mortgaging or conveying the leasehold rights of the Demised Premises and the buildings that may be constructed thereon in favour of the third parties. e. The LESSEE shall also have right to sell the leasehold rights, assign, lease, sub-lease, mortgage or alienate the lease hold rights and interest either in full or in part of the Demised Premises and the buildings to be constructed thereon to any person / individual / company / firm / association of persons / body of individuals / trust / societies at its sole discretion, on such conditions as they deem fit, without reference to the LESSOR, but subject to the terms of this Deed and without any violation of its covenants.

I11 AND the LESSOR represents and warrants to the LESSEE as follows:

a) That the LESSOR has authority to deal with the Schedule Property and execute this Deed of Lease together with right to the LESSEE to sub-lease in part or in whole of the Demised Premises upon such terms as it deem fit in respect of the Demised Premises. b) That the Demised Premises is free from all encumbrances and that the LESSOR has not entered into any agreement or arrangement with any persodpersons for the use and occupation of the Demised Premises to which the LESSEE is entitled to under this Lease.


a. The LESSOR simultaneously on execution of these presents has handed over the vacant and peaceful possession of the Demised Premises to the LESSEE. b. The LESSEE shall be entitled to develop the Schedule Property and construct such commercial complex/ built to suit campus projects thereon wholly or in part as they desire and shall be entitled to appoint architects and consultants for such projects. The LESSEE shall bear the entire cost of development and construction on the Schedule Property including providing all services. The T,ESSOR shall co- operate with the LESSEE in the construction of the commercial complex/s and by signing such applications, forms, indemnity bondls, affidavits, powers of attorney, plans, and other papers as may be required for sanction of plans from competent authorities, and the LESSEE shall be entitled to let out, grant lease with power to sub-lease the building so constructed on the Demised Premises. c. The LESSEE shall be entitled to appoint contractors and consultants at their own cost to execute the construction work on the Schedule Property and to entrust the development~constructionwork to such persods as the LESSEE may deem fit, provided the LESSEE alone shall be liable to fulfill the terms and conditions of such contracts/agreement. d. The LESSEE shall be entitled to renew the lease at its sole option for hrther period by execution and registration of fresh lease deed recording the renewed terms. e. The LESSOR shall on execution of these presents shall execute a General Power of Attorney authorizing and empowering the LESSEE and its authorised representatives to do all acts, deeds and things as may be required for the purpose of carrying out its activities with regard to the development and construction, granting lease, obtaining various sanctions, approvals for putting up the buildings, to obtain necessary amenities and facilities in connection therewith and to exercise all the powers to mortgage, lease, sub-lease, mortgage, assign or alienate the

Foi SHYAMARAJU CL CO. (INDIA)A PVT. LTD leasehold rights of the Lessee upon the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises / buildingls constructed thereon and such General Power of Attorney shall be automatically stand revoked on expiry of this lease or earlier termination as the case may be. f. The LESSEE shall apply for and obtain all permissions/licences/approvals as may be required for providing infrastructures such as power, communication, water and sewage etc. required for development, use and enjoyment of the Schedule Property 1 the Demised Premises. g. The LESSEE shall be entitled to sub-lease/assign/alienateany or all of its right in the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises in entirety or any part thereof to one or more persons together with all their rights herein subject to the condition that the sub- lessees andlor transferees will be bound by all the terms and conditions herein contained and provided that the LESSEE shall not execute any sub-lease except on the express terms that the sub-lease will come to an end on the expiry of this lease term or earlier termination , if any and the said sub-lessee shall be bound to handover vacant and peaceful possession of the Schedule Propewthe Demised Premises and any other structures constructed thereon at the expiry of the lease granted herein or earlier termination thereof. h. The LESSOR and all persons lawfully or equitably claiming any estate, right, title or interest whatsoever in the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request by and at the cost and expenses of the LESSEE unless prevented by fire, theft, burglary, mob violence, enemy operation or some other inevitable accident or circumstances beyond his 1 their control or power produce or cause to be produced unto the LESSEE or its attorney or attorneys or at any trial, hearing, examination or commission or otherwise as occasion shall require all deeds, and evidences of title relating to or concerning the said Demised Premises AND shall also at the like request by and at costs of the LESSEE deliver or cause to be delivered unto the LESSEE or his attorney or attorneys true copies of and from the said deeds, writings and evidences of title or any of them as the LESSEE or such other person or persons as aforesaid may require and shall and will in the meantime unless prevented as aforesaid keep the same saved, un-defaced, un-obliterated and un-cancelled.

For SHYAPL4ARAJU & CO. (INDIA) PVT. LTD j. If the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall remain unpaid for a period of six (6) months after the dates whereupon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid whether the same shall have been legally demanded or not, or if there shall be any breach or non-observation by the LESSEE of any of the covenants and conditions herein contained on the part of the LESSEE to be observed and performed it shall be lawful for the LESSOR at any time thereafter to give notice in writing to the LESSEE to pay such rent in arrears and to remedy the breach within the period therein mentioned. In the event of failure on the part of the said LESSEE to pay the said arrears of rent with interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum within a period of thirty (30) days after receiving the notice as aforesaid it shall be lawful for the LESSOR to determine the lease and to re-enter into and upon the said Demised Premises or any part thereof and the LESSEE shall be liable to make over vacant and peaceful possession of the said premises to the LESSOR. k. Any notice required to be served upon the LESSEE shall be sufficiently served and given if delivered to it by Registered Post with A. D. or left at the address first given above and at the Demised Premises duly acknowledged by the LESSEE. Any notice that may be required to be served upon the LESSOR shall be sufficiently served and given if delivered by Registered Post with A. D. or left at its respective address first given above and duly acknowledged by the LESSOR. It is hereby agreed that the address furnished in this deed shall be the address of the parties for the services of any notice to the parties. 1. All stamp duty and registration fee with regard to the lease deed shall be borne by the LESSEE only and the LESSEE shall be entitled to the custody of the original lease Deed. m. In the event of any dispute or differences between the parties relating to this Deed of Lease shall be referred to two arbitrators, one to be appointed by the LESSOR and other to be appointed by the LESSEE, who on their entering upon reference shall appoint an Umpire and the decision of the Umpire shall be final and binding on the parties. The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the venue of arbitration shall be at Bangalore, State of Karnataka, India and the language to be used in the arbitration

proceedings shall be English. For SI-IYAMARAJU & CO. (INDTA) PVT. LTa

8 Subject to the provisions of the foregoing clause, this lease shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Bangalore.


Item no. 1

All that piece and parcel of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 4413 measuring 05 guntas situated at Kundalahalli Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on; ;A& bh\lm - 2.P;, . h~~.ret~)lq@]. . ~003- East by Land bearing Survey No. 441 1, West by Item No.2, i.e., Land bearing Survey No. 4313, North by Private Property, and South by Land bearing Survey No. 4412.

Item no. 2

All that piece and parcel of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 4313 measuring 32 guntas situated at Kundalahalli Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore

East Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on; f&l &,;, ;dddhi,sew~2-@3F:J b 6 \ @ East by Item No. 1, i.e., Land bearing Survey No. 4413, West by Land bearing Survey No. 4311, North by Land bearing Survey No. 40, and South by Land bearing Survey No. 431 1.

Item no. 3

All that piece and parcel of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 95 measuring 3 acres 38 guntas situated at Kundalahalli Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore * East Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on; [&A bh~ 05d-t% kJ 0. R~,A~~oie TiJ 2 \4/ DQQ-~TJ%~# East by Land bearing Survey Nos. 49 and 57, West by Balance of Land bearing Survey No. 95, North by Land bearing Survey Nos. 136 and 137, and South by Lands bearing Survey Nos. 58 and 78.


Dl~-76% RECTO IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, the parties have fixed their signatures to this indenture of lease on the date, month and year first above written.


. LESSEE ~u~~d~~~LPP* .# I I, 0'~hauq~uryw. ..,.. ., ...... - . ­ Bruh.,t BcngaiUl'u M i'lhanagara < Pa lil~ e RCC EIPT (ticnc . al Purpose) I po,.., 22( 1) J

Receipt No RD/RDAROHUDI/09/ 2012 - J 3/0ct/OOI J


Nt)tf : ,. lubjecc 10 n=tlWiciun.

Kamataka Sank KOrar1WlQ ata, N.tjOnallSed 24383205.00 un . eangaror. e.nk

Total Amount • ~43"l205.00

~~MP. .• ...• ··A~9~~i AssIstant.ReVert ue

ThiS'S tzeUlg~ealte~"~' ,S:$irpOtaJlon 8an'k Bank Mahadevpura 6r~nch& , Aq: ,.o.~ ThI.lS "'m~uter geller.ted Rec"pit- F.rqm BBM~ ' qPM~-fkS 01-10"2012 11:24:2'1 U••r ! roorohoouPVOf1:ed'by Ipdl~n Cent~e for Soelal Transformation

L011I2011 ... Bangalore Maha nagara Palike

~@)~dd d ~~w , Office of th e COmmiSSjner. !50(;3;)cxb ~V";),x3.. d,1~.t3. .r:..~:.;..). ..dvo:t>,

Revenue Department...... Range

. . C) r I .:;) t507i~J.)c.t, tJ o.Y.lO~ . ..Q.,I;.. .. ~. .J ~ .. Bangalore, Date : ......

c~~t@ c;j~ /CERTIFICATE)

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$!(;i'lSi/iiiIl ...... ,.. "',...... ,••.•• 1' ... , ' • ...... -..-_ . ' ...... •••.• , •••••••••• "" ... .

In the' f~:{J:i'$te'r of tAts office.

f?, G N Q ' ~ - .3156 b1 oo!t _d- ~13) If



Sri/Smt...... ~ .... ;..:......

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\ ! \ '(t ~-- t., LEASE DEED


- (1.12.2006). \ BY AND BETWEEN:

SRI. P. SHYAMARAJU, aged about 56 years, Sto. Late. Narasaraju, residing at No. 343, 4th

Main, Sadashivanagar Bangalore - 560 080, hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR (which expression shall mean and include his heirs, successors, assigns, executors, administrators, or any one claiming through or under him) of the ONE PART;


MIS. SHYAMARAJU AND CO. (INDIA) PVT. LTD., a company incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at "DivyaSree Chambers", Wing 'A', No. 11, O'Shaugnessy Road, Bangalore - 560 025 represented by its Director, Mr. Umesh S Raju, hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the subject or context, mean and include its successors in interest, successors in title, assigns, executors, administrators, or any one claiming through or under it) of the OTHER PART;. For SHYAMARAJU & CO. (INQJAj.PY7.

DIRECTOR ' lllBlltlIlllRllil

Print Date & Tlme : 12-01 -2007 01 :01:59 PM

c@hSod6 : 3 1 264

2z.P de3-d d,~m~o6sdejrodq Bmod 12-01-2007 do& 12:51:28 PM doLj8 & 848 @3B%d&c&oe,8 J

SJr M/s Shyarnaraju & Co. (india) Pvt Ltd, Rep by its Director Umesh S Raju &Bod me;d hdqt3,d


3r M/s Shyarnaraju & Co. (India) Pvt Ltd. Rep by its Director Urnesh S Raju

MISShyamaraju & Co. andla) Pvt Ltd, Rep by Its Dlrector Umesh S Raju . 1 (&.%&xod*)

P Shyamaraju . /I (&&h&*) WHEREAS the LESSOR is the absolute owner of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 4413 measuring 05 guntas, Survey No. 4313 measuring 32 guntas and Survey No. 95 measuring 3 acres 38 guntas, totally measuring 4 acres 35 guntas situated at Kundalahalli -. Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore (more fully described as item no. 1, 2 and 3 in the Schedule hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "Schedule 4 Property").

I . WHEREAS the LESSOR has acquired the Schedule Property under 3 registered sale deeds # set out hereunder:-

1) Sale Deed dated 28.05.2004 executed by Mrs. Kalarnma and others in favour of Mr. P. Shyamaraju registered as Document No. KRI-1-05090-2004-05 in Book I and stored in CD No. KRID 53 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore in respect of Survey No. 4413 measuring 05 guntas. 2) Sale Deed dated 28.05.2004 executed by Mr. Muni Reddy and others in favour of Mr. P. Shyamaraju registered as Document No. KRI-1-05093-2004-05 in Book I and stored in CD No. KRID 53 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore in respect of Survey No. 4313 measuring 32 guntas. 3) Sale Deed dated 25.02.2005 executed by Mr. M. R. Muni Reddy and others by their duly constituted General Power of Attorney Holder, M~.'M.R. Munireddy registered . . as Document No. KRI-1-32352-2004-05 in Book-1 and stored in CD No. KRID 117 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore in respect of Survey No. 95 measuring 3 acres 38 guntas.

2 &dl d@ 5-s 2& n Kiran W/o Fazal Vora A No 11 0 Shaugnessy Rwd Bangalore Raju S/o Venkat 1 K R Pura Bangalore 36

1 de &$dd ~SWJ do~dKRI-1-3 1264-2006-07 WA %.a.doud KRID280 3e qdc amod 12-01 -2007 do& &XO~CCUA~ACJ

Deslgned and Developed by C-DAC. A WHEREAS the LESSOR is desirous of leasing the Schedule Property in favour of the LESSEE and the LESSEE is desirous of obtaining the same on lease for the purpose of development of the said land on the terms and conditions appearing hereunder.

NOW THIS DEED OF LEASE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the rent hereby reserved and of the covenants, conditions, stipulations and agreements hereinafter contained and on the part of the LESSEE to be paid, observed and performed, the LESSOR does hereby demise unto the LESSEE the Schedule Property admeasuring 4 acres 35 guntas morefully described in the item nos. 1, 2 and 3 of the Schedule hereunder written WITH right to the LESSEE to develop and construct building(s) thereon according to the building byelaws (hereinafter referred to as the Demised Premises) TO HOLD, POSSESS AND ENJOY the said Demised Premises and the income derived thereof unto the LESSEE for a period of 29 years commencing from 01.12.2006 YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR unto the

. LESSOR a monthly lease rent of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs only) payable in advance on or before the lothday of every month of lease term for which the same is due without any abatement or deduction whatsoever.

I AND the LESSEE to the intent that the obligations may continue throughout the term herein granted hereby agrees and covenants with the LESSOR as follows:

a. The LESSEE shall pay the said monthly rent hereby reserved to the LESSOR herein on the days and in the manner aforesaid. b. The LESSEE shall be entitled to develop and construct building at its own costs according to the Plan sanctioned by the competent authorities. c. The LESSEE shall bear and pay all Municipal taxes, rates, cess and any enhancement, fresh impositions, levy, as may be levied for the Schedule Property and the buildings that may be constructed. d. The LESSEE shall at its own costs repair and maintain the building to be constructed on the Demised Premises during the period of subsistence of this lease in good order and tenantable condition. e. The LESSEE shall yield and deliver possession of the Schedule Property 1 Demised Premises together with buildings and structures that will be erected thereon to the

For SI-IYAMARAJU 84 CO. (INDIA) PVT. LT;Z 3aFw-b 5mEb iihodd =&a ~mao3~md Department of Stamps and Registration

3~ M/s Shyamaraju & Co. (india) Pvt Ltd, Rep by its Director Umesh S Raju , QG?& 1800200.00dnmcz~dd*~ adad &mJod &%an mS3%d3dhd36365mAd - (dn.1 &&ad md30j) Odd 1800200.00 DD No 0 1 1 160 Dt 12/ 1 /06 Drawn on The Karanataka Bank Ltd, Bangalore

Designed and Developed by C- DAC ,ACTS Pune. LESSOR at the expiry of the term hereby created or earlier termination, if any TOGETHER WITH such tenancy, occupancy, and/or transfer as may be created by the LESSEE in pursuance of the right given to the LESSEE herein subject to clause IV (d) of this Deed. f. The LESSEE shall at its own costs comply with and carry out all requisitions notices and requirements of the Jurisdictional Authorities and/or any other authorised agencies of the Government andlor Semi-Government bodies whether such notices or requisitions are served on the LESSOR or LESSEE and observe the building rules and regulations, restrictions and directions of all lawful authorities and the LESSOR shall not be held responsible for any violation thereof. g. The LESSEE or sub-lessee shall use the building 1 Demised Premises I Schedule Property for office/commercial purposes and the Demised Premises shall not be used for any unlawful or illegal activities.

11. AND the LESSOR do hereby covenant with the LESSEE as follows:

a. That the LESSEE, on paying the monthly rent hereby reserved and observing and performing the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained and on its part to be observed and performed, shall and will peaceably and quietly hold possess and enjoy the Schedule Property 1 the Demised Premises including the construction thereon and every part thereof during the term hereby created without any eviction, interruption or disturbance from or by the LESSOR or any person or persons claiming from under or in trust for the LESSOR. b. The LESSEE has the power to lease out portionls or the entire commercial complexls/buildings constructed by them on the schedule property for a period not exceeding the term of the lease and Lessee shall be entitled to all income, gain and benefits of all kinds and description accruing, arising or flowing from or in relation thereto. For SWYAMARAJU & CO. (INOIA) TV4, LTD c. The LESSEE shall be entitled to create mortgage the leasehold rights on the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises including the buildings constructed thereon in favour of financial institutions or banks/individuals/firms or companies without reference to the LESSOR and is solely liable to discharge such charges created on the schedule property. d. The LESSOR hereby undertake to execute such other and further documents that may be necessary to enable the LESSEE to effectively enjoy the Schedule Property / Demised Premises / the buildings constructed thereon for the purpose of leasing, sub- leasing, mortgaging or conveying the leasehold rights of the Demised Premises and the buildings that may be constructed thereon in favour of the third parties. e. The LESSEE shall also have right to sell the leasehold rights, assign, lease, sub-lease, mortgage or alienate the lease hold rights and interest either in full or in part of the Demised Premises and the buildings to be constructed thereon to any person / individual / company / firm / association of persons / body of individuals / trust / societies at its sole discretion, on such conditions as they deem fit, without reference to the LESSOR, but subject to the terms of this Deed and without any violation of its covenants.

I11 AND the LESSOR represents and warrants to the LESSEE as follows:

a) That the LESSOR has authority to deal with the Schedule Property and execute this Deed of Lease together with right to the LESSEE to sub-lease in part or in whole of the Demised Premises upon such terms as it deem fit in respect of the Demised Premises. b) That the Demised Premises is free from all encumbrances and that the LESSOR has not entered into any agreement or arrangement with any persodpersons for the use and occupation of the Demised Premises to which the LESSEE is entitled to under this Lease.


a. The LESSOR simultaneously on execution of these presents has handed over the vacant and peaceful possession of the Demised Premises to the LESSEE. b. The LESSEE shall be entitled to develop the Schedule Property and construct such commercial complex/ built to suit campus projects thereon wholly or in part as they desire and shall be entitled to appoint architects and consultants for such projects. The LESSEE shall bear the entire cost of development and construction on the Schedule Property including providing all services. The T,ESSOR shall co- operate with the LESSEE in the construction of the commercial complex/s and by signing such applications, forms, indemnity bondls, affidavits, powers of attorney, plans, and other papers as may be required for sanction of plans from competent authorities, and the LESSEE shall be entitled to let out, grant lease with power to sub-lease the building so constructed on the Demised Premises. c. The LESSEE shall be entitled to appoint contractors and consultants at their own cost to execute the construction work on the Schedule Property and to entrust the development~constructionwork to such persods as the LESSEE may deem fit, provided the LESSEE alone shall be liable to fulfill the terms and conditions of such contracts/agreement. d. The LESSEE shall be entitled to renew the lease at its sole option for hrther period by execution and registration of fresh lease deed recording the renewed terms. e. The LESSOR shall on execution of these presents shall execute a General Power of Attorney authorizing and empowering the LESSEE and its authorised representatives to do all acts, deeds and things as may be required for the purpose of carrying out its activities with regard to the development and construction, granting lease, obtaining various sanctions, approvals for putting up the buildings, to obtain necessary amenities and facilities in connection therewith and to exercise all the powers to mortgage, lease, sub-lease, mortgage, assign or alienate the

Foi SHYAMARAJU CL CO. (INDIA)A PVT. LTD leasehold rights of the Lessee upon the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises / buildingls constructed thereon and such General Power of Attorney shall be automatically stand revoked on expiry of this lease or earlier termination as the case may be. f. The LESSEE shall apply for and obtain all permissions/licences/approvals as may be required for providing infrastructures such as power, communication, water and sewage etc. required for development, use and enjoyment of the Schedule Property 1 the Demised Premises. g. The LESSEE shall be entitled to sub-lease/assign/alienateany or all of its right in the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises in entirety or any part thereof to one or more persons together with all their rights herein subject to the condition that the sub- lessees andlor transferees will be bound by all the terms and conditions herein contained and provided that the LESSEE shall not execute any sub-lease except on the express terms that the sub-lease will come to an end on the expiry of this lease term or earlier termination , if any and the said sub-lessee shall be bound to handover vacant and peaceful possession of the Schedule Propewthe Demised Premises and any other structures constructed thereon at the expiry of the lease granted herein or earlier termination thereof. h. The LESSOR and all persons lawfully or equitably claiming any estate, right, title or interest whatsoever in the Schedule Property / the Demised Premises or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request by and at the cost and expenses of the LESSEE unless prevented by fire, theft, burglary, mob violence, enemy operation or some other inevitable accident or circumstances beyond his 1 their control or power produce or cause to be produced unto the LESSEE or its attorney or attorneys or at any trial, hearing, examination or commission or otherwise as occasion shall require all deeds, and evidences of title relating to or concerning the said Demised Premises AND shall also at the like request by and at costs of the LESSEE deliver or cause to be delivered unto the LESSEE or his attorney or attorneys true copies of and from the said deeds, writings and evidences of title or any of them as the LESSEE or such other person or persons as aforesaid may require and shall and will in the meantime unless prevented as aforesaid keep the same saved, un-defaced, un-obliterated and un-cancelled.

For SHYAPL4ARAJU & CO. (INDIA) PVT. LTD j. If the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall remain unpaid for a period of six (6) months after the dates whereupon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid whether the same shall have been legally demanded or not, or if there shall be any breach or non-observation by the LESSEE of any of the covenants and conditions herein contained on the part of the LESSEE to be observed and performed it shall be lawful for the LESSOR at any time thereafter to give notice in writing to the LESSEE to pay such rent in arrears and to remedy the breach within the period therein mentioned. In the event of failure on the part of the said LESSEE to pay the said arrears of rent with interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum within a period of thirty (30) days after receiving the notice as aforesaid it shall be lawful for the LESSOR to determine the lease and to re-enter into and upon the said Demised Premises or any part thereof and the LESSEE shall be liable to make over vacant and peaceful possession of the said premises to the LESSOR. k. Any notice required to be served upon the LESSEE shall be sufficiently served and given if delivered to it by Registered Post with A. D. or left at the address first given above and at the Demised Premises duly acknowledged by the LESSEE. Any notice that may be required to be served upon the LESSOR shall be sufficiently served and given if delivered by Registered Post with A. D. or left at its respective address first given above and duly acknowledged by the LESSOR. It is hereby agreed that the address furnished in this deed shall be the address of the parties for the services of any notice to the parties. 1. All stamp duty and registration fee with regard to the lease deed shall be borne by the LESSEE only and the LESSEE shall be entitled to the custody of the original lease Deed. m. In the event of any dispute or differences between the parties relating to this Deed of Lease shall be referred to two arbitrators, one to be appointed by the LESSOR and other to be appointed by the LESSEE, who on their entering upon reference shall appoint an Umpire and the decision of the Umpire shall be final and binding on the parties. The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the venue of arbitration shall be at Bangalore, State of Karnataka, India and the language to be used in the arbitration

proceedings shall be English. For SI-IYAMARAJU & CO. (INDTA) PVT. LTa

8 Subject to the provisions of the foregoing clause, this lease shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Bangalore.


Item no. 1

All that piece and parcel of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 4413 measuring 05 guntas situated at Kundalahalli Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on; ;A& bh\lm - 2.P;, . h~~.ret~)lq@]. . ~003- East by Land bearing Survey No. 441 1, West by Item No.2, i.e., Land bearing Survey No. 4313, North by Private Property, and South by Land bearing Survey No. 4412.

Item no. 2

All that piece and parcel of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 4313 measuring 32 guntas situated at Kundalahalli Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore

East Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on; f&l &,;, ;dddhi,sew~2-@3F:J b 6 \ @ East by Item No. 1, i.e., Land bearing Survey No. 4413, West by Land bearing Survey No. 4311, North by Land bearing Survey No. 40, and South by Land bearing Survey No. 431 1.

Item no. 3

All that piece and parcel of commercial converted lands bearing Survey No. 95 measuring 3 acres 38 guntas situated at Kundalahalli Village, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore * East Taluk, Bangalore, and bounded on; [&A bh~ 05d-t% kJ 0. R~,A~~oie TiJ 2 \4/ DQQ-~TJ%~# East by Land bearing Survey Nos. 49 and 57, West by Balance of Land bearing Survey No. 95, North by Land bearing Survey Nos. 136 and 137, and South by Lands bearing Survey Nos. 58 and 78.


Dl~-76% RECTO IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, the parties have fixed their signatures to this indenture of lease on the date, month and year first above written.


. LESSEE ~u~~d~~~LPP* .# I I, 0'~hauq~uryw. ..,.. ., ...... - . ­ Bruh.,t BcngaiUl'u M i'lhanagara < Pa lil~ e RCC EIPT (ticnc . al Purpose) I po,.., 22( 1) J

Receipt No RD/RDAROHUDI/09/ 2012 - J 3/0ct/OOI J


Nt)tf : ,. lubjecc 10 n=tlWiciun.

Kamataka Sank KOrar1WlQ ata, N.tjOnallSed 24383205.00 un . eangaror. e.nk

Total Amount • ~43"l205.00

~~MP. .• ...• ··A~9~~i AssIstant.ReVert ue

ThiS'S tzeUlg~ealte~"~' ,S:$irpOtaJlon 8an'k Bank Mahadevpura 6r~nch& , Aq: ,.o.~ ThI.lS "'m~uter geller.ted Rec"pit- F.rqm BBM~ ' qPM~-fkS 01-10"2012 11:24:2'1 U••r ! roorohoouPVOf1:ed'by Ipdl~n Cent~e for Soelal Transformation

L011I2011 ... Bangalore Maha nagara Palike

~@)~dd d ~~w , Office of th e COmmiSSjner. !50(;3;)cxb ~V";),x3.. d,1~.t3. .r:..~:.;..). ..dvo:t>,

Revenue Department...... Range

. . C) r I .:;) t507i~J.)c.t, tJ o.Y.lO~ . ..Q.,I;.. .. ~. .J ~ .. Bangalore, Date : ......

c~~t@ c;j~ /CERTIFICATE)

! ()'"

$!(;i'lSi/iiiIl ...... ,.. "',...... ,••.•• 1' ... , ' • ...... -..-_ . ' ...... •••.• , •••••••••• "" ... .

In the' f~:{J:i'$te'r of tAts office.

f?, G N Q ' ~ - .3156 b1 oo!t _d- ~13) If



Sri/Smt...... ~ .... ;..:......

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