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Topic: SWIH Full Council Meeting Time: Jul 20, 2020 07:00 PM

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Amanda Barlow Clerk to Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Tel: 07495 962372

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 15 June 2020 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. 6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7.1 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge recreation ground and Ide Hill Football Club 7.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to the traffic issues on the A25 7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council bench policy 7.4 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge and Social Club 7.5 To discuss, if appropriate, to give permission to place six geocaches on land owned by the Parish Council 7.6 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions following the risk assessments on the Parish Council assets 7.7 To approve/note items payable and paid 7.8 To adopt minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 29 June (not yet approved) 2020 8.1 Items for report 8.1 Highways 8.1.1 To note final Highways Improvement Plan 8.2 Finance 8.2.1 To note Budget for 2020/21 8.2.2 To note the bank statement to 5 July 2020 8.2.3 To note CIL statement 8.3 Communications 8.3.1 Newsletter 9.0 Items for noting 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 To note general correspondence. 9.1.2 To note correspondence from Police 9.2 Meeting Dates 9.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2020/21 10. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. 11. Date of next meeting Monday (remote or location to be confirmed)

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AGENDA CONTENTS DOCUMENT 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence - none received to date 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 15 June 2020 – attached 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 7.2 Grant of £1,350 sent to Ide Hill Village Hall Trust 4.0 2019/20 Budget circulated

5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman.

6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7.1 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge recreation ground and Ide Hill Football Club – attached

7.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to the traffic issues on the A25 – paper to follow from Cllr Evans

7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council bench policy – attached

7.4 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge and Brasted Social Club – attached re fence To note date of meeting – Tuesday 28 July 2020 at 7.00 pm

7.5 To discuss, if appropriate, to give permission to place six geocaches on land owned by the Parish Council – attached

7.6 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions following the risk assessments on the Parish Council assets Risk assessments are being carried out on all assets on Thursday 16 July 2020 – Clerk will provide update.

7.7 To approve/note items payable and paid 7.8 To adopt minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 29 June (not yet approved) 2020 - attached 8.1 Items for report 8.1 Highways 8.1.1 To note final Highways Improvement Plan - attached 8.2 Finance 8.2.1 To note Budget for 2020/21 – attached 8.2.2 To note the bank statement to 5 July 2020 – sent to Members 8.2.3 To note CIL statement - no update 8.3 Communications 8.3.1 Newsletter – o/s 9.0 Items for noting 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 To note general correspondence – attached 9.1.2 To note correspondence from - attached 9.2 Meeting Dates 9.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2020/21 – attached 10. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. 11. Date of next meeting Monday 21 September 2020 (remote or location to be confirmed)

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Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 15 June 2020, 7.00 pm Remote meeting via Zoom

Present: Councillors Allgood, Baker, Banbrook, Darby, Evans (Chair), Jones, Miller, Nash, Kempster and Powell Attendance: Amanda Barlow (Clerk) and 1 member of the public

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Furse. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. Cllr Darby declared in Agenda Item 7.3 as he is a member of the Social Club. 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 18 May 2020 The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record. 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below Cllr Baker asked that the 2019/20 final budget was circulated to all Members. 5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. Keith McGinn, who had also made an email representation, requested use of pitch on Saturday afternoons for adult matches. He advised that the Club have £39,000 to improve facilities at Ide Hill and there are no caveats on the funds. Members asked to receive details of the work before they are undertaken. Mr McGinn asked if the Club could purchase a new padlock for the grounds. Members agreed. Mr McGinn advised that training will be commencing soon under the Covid19 regulations and guidelines issued by the Football Association. 6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 None. 7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7.1 To discuss and agree whether Members wish to hold an Annual General Meeting at the next Parish Council meeting. Members resolved to not hold an Annual General Meeting in 2020 which is in accordance with the new legalisation issued which came into force on April 4 2020 during the Covid19 pandemic. 7.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to annual grant to Ide Hill Village Hall Trust Members to award a grant of £1,350 to Ide Hill Village Hall resolved Trust. (Action: Clerk) 7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to the Sundridge and Brasted Social Club Members resolved that the Clerk and the Clerk of Brasted should agree between the Councils to appoint a contractor of up to £750. (Action: Clerk). The Clerk advised that a meeting is being arranged between both Councils and the Clerks of both Councils will be drawing up meeting guidelines. 7.4 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge recreation ground Members agreed to discuss further the request from Ide Hill Football Club at the Amenities Committee. (Action: Clerk) 7.5 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Sundridge village hall Members agreed that the opening of the village hall in Sundridge should be discussed at the Amenities Committee meeting. (Action: Clerk) 7.6 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to the Kent County Council Highways Improvement Plan Members agreed that all Members should email their comments to the Clerk by 29 June 2020. (Action: All Members). Members discussed speed watch and Cllr Nash agreed to look into it further. (Action: Cllr Nash).

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL 7.7 To approve/note items payable and paid Members resolved to agree the items payable and paid as at Appendix A. 7.8 To adopt minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 2 June (not yet approved) 2020 Members resolved to adopt the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 2 June 2020 (not yet approved). 8.1 Items for report 8.1 Highways 8.1.1 To receive update on Highways Discussed at Agenda item 7.6. 8.1.2. To discuss complaints regarding speeding Discussed at Agenda item 7.6. 8.2 Finance 8.2.1 To note Budget for 2020/21 The Clerk advised that the Chair of Finance and the Clerk are currently trying to recode the items so the 2020/21 budget is more detailed.. 8.2.2 To note the bank statement to 5 June 2020 Noted. 8.2.3 To note CIL statement No update. 8.3 Communications 8.3.1 Newsletter The Clerk asked for articles for the newsletter by 29 June 2020. 9.0 Items for noting 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 To note general correspondence. Noted at Appendix A. 9.2 Meeting Dates 9.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2020/21 Noted at Appendix C. 10. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. Cllr Evans on behalf of Sundridge with Parish Council thanked everyone involved in the Sundridge Community project. Cllr Darby gave an update on the community effort. 11. Date of next meeting Monday 20 July 2020 (to be held remotely via Zoom)

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.30.

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Appendix A

Cheque Payments up to 4 June 2020

Cheque Total Basic Contract / Cllr VAT No Payee Details Payable Amount Authorised £ £ £ 1114 Streetlights Repairs to Column 16 1,045.50 174.25 871.25 1115 Streetlights Repairs to Column 61 49.50 8.25 41.25 1116 EDF Energy Electricity Ide Hill Toilets 224.09 224.09 1117 Val & Sander Reytenbach Cleaning of Ide Hill Toilets £400 Supplies 11.99 411.99 411.99 1118 Principal Colour Distribution of Happier Times Sundridge 160.00 160.00 1119 Ide Hill Village Hall Management Commtitee Hire of Ide Hill Village Hall for meetings 40.00 40.00 1120 Tailored Wealth Management Ltd Pension provider 13.20 2.20 11.00 1121 Sudridge with Ide Hill and PCC Churchyard grant 1,965.00 1,965.00 1122 Ide Hill Village Hall Management Commtitee Grant for 2017/18 1,290.00 1,290.00 1123 G Barlow Salary for Clerk 1,002.16 1,002.16 1124 D Baker Reimbursement of printing costs for Ide Hill Toilets consultation 129.00 129.00 1125 G Barlow Expenses for Clerk 121.99 121.99 1126 GeoXphere Ltd Parish On line maps 96.00 16.00 80.00

Total 6,548.43 200.70 6,347.73

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Correspondence 20 05 15 to 20 06 14

1. SDC - District – Recovery Plan for businesses 2. Council: Council warning on Green Belt land sales 3. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 4. KALC CEO Bulletin - May 2020 5. The Rural Bulletin - 19 May 2020 6. KALC Letter to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government 7. SDC - Digital In Shape - May 2020 8. SDC - Development Control Committee - 21 May 2020 – Minutes 9. Sevenoaks District Council: Possible disruption to refuse and garden waste collections – put on website and Facebook 10. The Rural Bulletin - 27 May 2020 11. Sevenoaks District Council: Public space champions wanted 12. Sevenoaks District Council: New funding available for small businesses 13.  NALC OPEN LETTER TO ALL COUNCILLORS – sent to all Members 14.  NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 15. Sevenoaks District Council: ‘Sevenoaks District Communities Together’ appeal smashes target! 16. The Rural Bulletin - 1 June 2020 17. KALC NEWS MAY 2020 18. RSN Rural Funding Digest - June 2020 Edition 19. SDC - Promoting the district as a safe place to shop and do business,information for Parish and Town Councils 20. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 21. The Rural Bulletin - 9 June 2020 22. Laura Trott's May Newsletter 2020 – sent to all Members 23. SDC - Cabinet - 4 June – Minutes 24. KALC - NATIONAL CSSC Green Message - NCTPHQ Bulletin - 10 June 2020 25. SDC - Sevenoaks District Business pack 26. KALC COMMUNITY AWARDS 2020 27. Sevenoaks District Council: Towns gets ready to welcome back shoppers 28. SDC - ASB in Local Beauty Hotspots 29. KALC - ASB in Local Beauty Hotspots 30. KALC MPORTANT - FW:  NEW MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT CONSULTATION – sent to all Members

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Appendix C

2020-21 Parish Council Meeting Dates

Parish Council Meetings – Mondays at 7pm During the Covid19 pandemic all meetings will take place remotely via zoom 18 May via Zoom 15 June via Zoom 20 July via Zoom 21 September Ide Hill Village Hall 19 October Sundridge Village Hall 16 November Ide Hill Village Hall 2021 18 January Sundridge Village Hall 15 February Ide Hill Village Hall 15 March Sundridge Village Hall 19 April Ide Hill Village 17 May Sundridge Village Hall 2021 Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 12 May 2021 - Sundridge Village Hall Amenities Committee Meetings Finance Committee Meetings Mondays at 7pm

6 July TBC 5 October 7 December 2021 1 February 5 April Planning Committee Meetings

Monday 22 June at 7pm

Committee Meetings are subject to change and cancellation. Please confirm with the Clerk or check the website.

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Sundridge & Ide Hill Budget for 2019/20 Overview of Income and Expenditures

Code Description Actual Budget Actual vs Budget Recommendations Income Precept £63,000.00 £63,000.00 £0.00 0.00% Sevenoaks District Council £2,669.89 £4,000.00 £1,330.11 -33.25% Other £16,034.54 £8,100.00 £7,934.54 97.96% Sub-total £81,704.43 £75,100.00 £9,264.65 8.79%

Total Income £81,704.43 £75,100.00 -£6,604.43 8.79% Expenses Overhead: Clerk & RFO Expenses £20,900.85 £20,000.00 £900.85 4.5% Members Expenses & Election Costs £311.91 £2,565.00 -£2,253.09 -87.8% Administration Costs £4,711.64 £5,770.00 -£1,058.36 -18.3% Professional Services £5,420.79 £7,000.00 -£1,579.21 -22.6% Sub-total - Overhead £31,345.19 £35,335.00 -£3,989.81 -11.3% Asset costs: Street Lighting £7,986.65 £9,500.00 -£1,513.35 -15.9% Stubbs Wood £11,438.83 £3,000.00 £8,438.83 281.3% Highways £35.00 £1,700.00 -£1,665.00 -97.9% Grounds' Maintenance £11,198.20 £13,100.00 -£1,901.80 -14.5% Sundridge Village Hall £10,821.52 £6,050.00 £4,771.52 78.9% Sundridge Recreation & Pavilion £5,811.56 £6,750.00 -£938.44 -13.9% Ide Hill Car Park & Conveniences £12,280.15 £3,250.00 £9,030.15 277.9% Sub-total - Assets £59,571.91 £43,350.00 £16,221.91 37.4% Other Costs: Grants £4,750.37 £3,750.00 £1,000.37 26.7% Playground areas £225.00 £2,000.00 -£1,775.00 -88.8% Bowers meadow £850.00 £0.00 Miscellaneous £4,817.06 £300.00 £4,517.06 Sub-total - Other £10,642.43 £6,050.00 £4,592.43 75.9%

Total Expenditures £101,559.53 £84,735.00 £16,824.53 19.9%

Operating Balance (Surplus/Loss) -£19,855.10 -£9,635.00 -£23,428.96 106.1%

Outstanding income Yoga £672.00 Recreation Ground (SUJFC) £1,200.00 VAT £6,381.44 Village Hall (transfer from account) £9,612.16 Stubbs Wood (transfer from account) £8,498.83

Total £26,364.43

After outstanding income £6,509.33

Bank Accounts 05/04/2019 05/04/2020 With Outstanding income 4407 Sundridge Recreation Account £9,259.81 Closed 3008 Stubbs Wood £15,000.00 £15,000.00 3024 Sundridge Village Hall £9,612.16 £9,612.16 5553 Eliza charity Account £0.00 £0.00 7268 Current Account £69,251.22 £51,800.53 £78,164.96

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Sundridge & Ide Hill Budget for 2019/20 Income Code Description Expected Income Actual Budget Outstanding 100 Precept £63,000.00 £63,000.00 £63,000.00 £0.00 101 Grants £0.00 103 Sevenoaks District Council/CiL £2,669.89 £2,669.89 £4,000.00 £0.00 104 Evans/Catford Cycle £200.00 £200.00 £100.00 £0.00 105 Misc £0.00 1000 Hall hire £1,305.00 £1,305.00 £500.00 £0.00 1001 Puppy school £0.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 £0.00 1005 Yoga £672.00 £672.00 1002 Dance School £0.00 £2,430.00 £2,500.00 -£2,430.00 1007 Footie for Tots £0.00 £0.00 1008 Recreation Ground RADNOR £2,000.00 £2,000.00 £0.00 1006 Recreation Ground (Chipstead) £2,415.00 £2,415.00 £3,500.00 £0.00 1009 Recreation Ground (SUJFC) £2,000.00 £800.00 £1,200.00 106 VAT £13,265.98 £6,884.54 £6,381.44 Sub-total £87,527.87 £81,704.43 £75,100.00 £5,823.44

Transfer from other accounts Stubbs Wood 8438.83 £8,438.83 Village Hall £9,612.16 9.612.16 Payment from Precept TBC £0.00

Total Income £105,578.86 £81,704.43 £75,100.00 £14,262.27

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Sundridge & Ide Hill Budget for 2019/20 Final Year end Budget

Code Description Actual Budget Actual vs Budget Clerk & RFO Expenses 400 Clerks & RFO Salary £14,862.70 £15,000.00 £137.30 99.08% 401 Clerk's pension £698.31 402 Clerk & RFO Tax & NI £3,994.92 £4,000.00 £5.08 99.87% 403 Travel Expenses £1,344.92 £1,000.00 -£344.92 134.49% Totals £20,900.85 £20,000.00 -£900.85 104.50% Members Expenses 500 Members Expenses £0.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 0.00% 502 Election Expenses £311.91 £1,565.00 £1,253.09 19.93% Totals £311.91 £2,565.00 £2,253.09 12.16% Administration Costs 600 Insurance Main Policy £1,225.20 £1,350.00 £124.80 90.76% 601 Supplies for meetings £142.60 602 Postage & Delivery £96.40 £200.00 £103.60 48.20% 603 Printing £15.90 £50.00 £34.10 31.80% 604 Photocopying £709.63 £1,000.00 £290.37 70.96% 605 Stationery £115.03 £100.00 -£15.03 115.03% 606 Subscriptions £849.92 £1,000.00 £150.08 84.99% 607 Parish Mobile £857.28 £400.00 -£457.28 214.32% 608 Hire of Village Ide Hill hall £10.00 £50.00 £40.00 20.00% 609 Equipment Software £0.00 £325.00 £325.00 0.00% 610 Misc. Contingency £76.57 £300.00 £223.43 25.52% 611 Training £0.00 £170.00 £170.00 0.00% 612 Aviation Group Clerk £39.11 £125.00 £85.89 31.29% 613 Village Plans £0.00 £0.00 616 Website Maintenance £459.00 £700.00 £241.00 65.57% 617 Email hosting charge £55.00 #DIV/0! 618 Parish WiFi £60.00 #DIV/0! Totals £4,711.64 £5,770.00 £1,058.36 81.66%

Professional Services 6000 Legal £2,399.50 £6,000.00 £3,600.50 39.99% 6002 Pension enrolment package £1,858.96 6001 Payroll and Auditor £1,162.33 £1,000.00 -£162.33 116.23% Totals £5,420.79 £7,000.00 £1,579.21 77.44%

TOTAL OVERHEAD COSTS £31,345.19 £35,335.00 £3,989.81 88.71%

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL Street Lighting 700 Energy Cost £5,092.90 £5,000.00 -£92.90 101.86% 701 Maintenance Contract £2,256.50 £3,500.00 £1,243.50 64.47% 702 Repairs £637.25 £1,000.00 £362.75 63.73% Totals £7,986.65 £9,500.00 £1,513.35 84.07%

Stubbs Wood 800 Maintenance £9,173.83 £3,000.00 -£6,173.83 305.79% 801 Professional services £1,460.00 -£1,460.00 #DIV/0! 802 Tree Survey £805.00 Totals £11,438.83 £3,000.00 -£8,438.83 381.29%

Highways 1000 Bus shelters £500.00 £500.00 0.00% 1001 Village signs £400.00 £400.00 0.00% 1002 Notice boards £100.00 £100.00 0.00% 1003 Misc. Contingency £35.00 £700.00 £665.00 5.00% Totals £35.00 £1,700.00 £1,665.00 2.06%

Grounds' Maintenance 2001 Grass cutting £9,100.60 £9,300.00 £199.40 97.86% 2002 Tree Work £1,000.00 £1,000.00 0.00% 2003 Hedges £80.00 £550.00 £470.00 14.55% 2004 Contingency £500.00 £500.00 2005 Dog bins £2,017.60 £1,750.00 -£267.60 115.29% Totals £11,198.20 £13,100.00 £1,901.80 85.48%

Sundridge Village Hall 3000 Cleaning £1,960.00 £1,500.00 -£460.00 130.67% 3001 Maintenance £5,406.84 £2,000.00 -£3,406.84 270.34% 3002 Energy £1,883.22 £1,250.00 -£633.22 150.66% 3003 Water £300.00 £300.00 0.00% 3004 WiFi £694.72 3005 Insurance £526.94 £500.00 -£26.94 105.39% 3006 Return of Hire Depsoit £225.00 £500.00 £275.00 45.00% 3007 Music Licence £124.80 Totals £10,821.52 £6,050.00 -£4,771.52 178.87%

Sundridge Recreation & Pavilion 7000 Cleaning £747.00 £700.00 -£47.00 106.71% 7001 Pavilion Maintenance £2,000.00 £2,000.00 0.00% 7002 Ground Maintenance £3,789.00 £3,000.00 -£789.00 126.30% 7003 Energy £1,179.66 £250.00 -£929.66 471.86% 7004 Water £95.90 £300.00 £204.10 31.97% 7006 Miscellaneous £500.00 £500.00 0.00% Totals £5,811.56 £6,750.00 £938.44 86.10%

Ide Hill Car Park & Conveniences 5000 Ide Hill car Park £250.00 £250.00 0.00% 5001 Ide Hill Conveniences Cleaning £9,574.78 £3,000.00 -£6,574.78 319.16% 5002 Ide Hill Conveniences Maintenance £820.00 -£820.00 #DIV/0! 5003 Ide Hill Conveniences Energy £815.95 -£815.95 #DIV/0! 5004 Ide Hill Conveniences Water £101.53 -£101.53 #DIV/0! 5005 Ide Hill Conveniences Supplies £699.33 -£699.33 #DIV/0! 5006 Sevenoaks District Council Rates £268.56 -£268.56 #DIV/0! 5007 Contingency £250.00 £250.00 0.00% Totals £12,280.15 £3,250.00 -£9,030.15 377.85%

Bowsers Meadow 8000 Maintenance £850.00 £7,500.00 Others (grants, Playground,Misc) Total £850.00 £0.00

Play Areas 4,000 Playground, incl, maintenance & inspection £225.00 £2,000.00 £1,775.00 -88.8% Total £225.00 £2,000.00 £1,775.00

TOTAL ASSET COSTS £60,646.91 £43,350.00 £17,296.91 139.90%

Miscellaneous 614 Christmas festivities £2,230.16 £250.00 -£1,980.16 792.1% 615 Annual Parish Meeting £306.90 £50.00 -£256.90 905 Poppy wreath £70.00 906 Great British Spring Clean £60.00 -£60.00 #DIV/0! 907 Covid 19 £2,080.00 -£2,080.00 #DIV/0! 908 Operation London Bridge £70.00 -£70.00 #DIV/0! Totals £4,817.06 £300.00 -£4,517.06 1605.69%

Grants 900 Annual grants (Ide Hill Village Hall Trust) £1,290.00 £3,500.00 £2,210.00 -63.1% 901 Church grant £1,965.00 £250.00 -£1,715.00 686.0% 902 Other grants (Fundridge & SUJFC) £1,495.37 -£1,495.37 #DIV/0! Totals £4,750.37 £3,750.00 -£1,000.37 26.7%

Total Overhead £101,559.52 £82,735.00 -£18,824.52 122.8%

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1. Proposal attached separately

2. Finance

Quanity Price 1/3 Pitch 35

2/3 Pitch 70

3/3 Pitch 105 2 Hour Pitch booking for11 aisde game 110

Community Schools

Ide Hill

Hireable Hireable 11 aside slot Chipstead/

Slot for One Pitch Time Slots Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00 - 10:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10:00 - 11:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11:00 - 12:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12:00 - 13:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13:00 - 14:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14:00 - 15:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15:00 - 16:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16:00 - 17:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17:00 - 18:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18:00 - 19:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19:00- 20:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20:00 - 21:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21:00 - 22:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Site Location

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Site Option 1

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Site Option 2

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-----Original Message----- From: "john.evans" Sent: Thursday, 16 July, 2020 09:04 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Full Council 20 July 2020 - paper

Following the fiasco regarding the A25 closure , the following suggestions to be discussed . 1. An emergency committee to be formed possibly using volunteers from outside PC . 3 . To request equipment like signs and barriers to implement an emergency plan . 4 . This to be coordinated with all PCs affected by A25 problems . 5 . In conjunction with other PCs , to lobby for 40 mph speed restrictions to country lanes .. 6 . To lobby for average speed cameras for A25 - Brasted have already started this . 5 .to coordinate with other PCs to deal with issues like Covers farm .

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1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council supports the principle of allowing memorial benches within the Parish, and will manage and regulate the process.

2. LOCATION Parish Council Land: The Parish Council is prepared to maintain overall control of siting benches and will adopt those on Parish Council land.


3.1 All applications for memorial benches should be completed on the official request form and signed by the donor.

3.2 All benches and associated plaques should be paid for by the donor prior to installation.

3.3 An additional once only fee of 50% of the bench cost is also required by the Parish Council prior to installation to cover insurance, routine inspections and maintenance costs for the life of the bench.

3.4 Benches will be purchased by the Parish Council to ensure suitability for general public use and uniformity of design. The Parish Council may limit the number of benches in particular areas.

3.5 The inscription on memorial plaques to be approved by the Parish Council. Plaques will be ordered by the Parish Council from the bench supplier.

3.6 The Parish Council will undertake an annual assessment of all benches and reserves the right to remove any bench that is no longer considered safe and fit for purpose. In this event, the named persons on the request form will be informed. Any related inscribed plaque will be returned to the donor or disposed of if contact cannot be made.

3.7 The Parish Council retains the right to re-site a bench should this become necessary.

3.8 The Parish Council accepts no liability for damage to benches by a third party.

3.9 If the bench becomes damaged and the Parish Council can successfully claim for a replacement under the terms of its insurance, the donors will be contacted, if possible. If requested by the donor, the bench will be replaced at a cost to the donor which reflects any insurance excess payable.

3.10 The Parish Council will keep a record of donors and their contact details in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. It is the responsibility of the donor to update such details.

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Full Name:


Post Code:

Telephone: Email:

Please ensure that you notify us of any change in contact details so we can contact you if required.

Dedicated to:

Association with Sundridge or Ide Hill:

Preferred location:

Proposed inscription: Brass plaque (6” x 2”) with Roman Font lettering infilled with white. Maximum of 4 lines.

I agree that, once approval for a bench has been granted, I will be responsible for the costs detailed below (or as updated by the Clerk) and will forward payment to the Parish Council prior to installation.

Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Dated: …………………………………

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Members will need to amend their resolution as Brasted PC will not contribute to the fence.

-----Original Message----- From: "Brasted Clerk" Sent: Tuesday, 14 July, 2020 15:25 To: "[email protected]" Subject: Re: Fence - Social Club

Hi Amanda

Brasted Parish Council discussed this issue at their Council meeting last night. Brasted Parish Council's view is that the neighbour who encroached onto the Social Club land should pay for the fence to be returned to its original position and therefore Brasted Parish Council resolved not to fund the work on the fence.

Best wishes


18 May 2020

7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to the Sundridge and Brasted Social Club Members agreed to split the cost of the repairs to the fence between Brasted and Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Councils. The Clerk agreed to get a quote to have the work done and discuss it with the Clerk at Brasted Parish Council.

15 June 2020

7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to the Sundridge and Brasted Social Club

Members resolved that the Clerk and the Clerk of Brasted should agree between the Councils to appoint a contractor of up to £750. (Action: Clerk).

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Dear Amanda,

The attached document fully explains my request for permission to place six geocaches on land which I believe is owned by Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council.

If you or the Council require any further information please contact me.

The Reviewer will require the name and contact details of the person giving permission for the caches.

Your sincerely

Dr Trevor Griffiths

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL Geocaching is played all around the world, there are geocaches hidden in 190 countries which are found using the global positioning system (GPS). You can find more information at geocaching/. Geocaching is coordinated by Groundspeak, Inc.

I would like permission to place three geocaches in Brockhill Wood and three in Stubs Wood (Lady Amhurst Drive side of the wood), as these areas are classified as SSSI, the landowner has to grant permission before they can be placed. I understand the woods are owned by Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council.

Typically the caches will be visited once every two weeks. Three of the caches on the lower path (not shown on the map) through Stubbs Wood are Premium member only so they will receive fewer visits. The cache placement will be reviewed by an experienced Geo-cacher to ensure the requirements of Groundspeak are followed. For example, all of the caches must be at least 161 metes apart and the correct permissions have been sought. My intention is to leave the caches in place for several years.

The locations I have selected for the caches are around two meters from one of the footpaths or tracks that run through the woods, the cache containers are either micro (size of a 35 mm film container) or small (the size of an apple);. In addition to the GPS coordinates there is a clue which will make it easy for the host to be readily identified and the cache found. Typically the hiding places I have selected are a tree stump, the roots of fallen tree, inside of an existing hole in a tree. The caches will not be obvious to anyone passing by but they will be easily found by someone looking for them.

The approximate location are shown on the following map

If you are happy for me to hide the caches the reviewer will require the name and contact details of the person giving permission for the caches.

Many thanks

Trevor Griffiths

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Cheque Payments up to 4 July 2020

Cheque Total Basic Contract / Cllr VAT No Payee Details Payable Amount Authorised £ £ £ 1127 British Gas Electricity for Sundridge Village Hall 316.36 12.92 271.36 1128 Calor Gas Gas for Sundridge Pavilion 12.58 12.58 1129 KALC 2020-21 Subscription for NALC and LACL 853.37 142.23 711.14 1130 KCPFA Kent County playing fields association 20.00 20.00 1131 Val & Sander Reytenbach Ide Hill toilets cleaning £400 plus £24.75 supplies 424.75 424.75 1132 A Barlow Clerk's expenses 114.79 114.79 1133 Sevenoaks District Council April to June 2020 Dog bin emptying 605.28 100.88 504.40 1134 Vision ICT Hosting email account June 2020 to May 2021 21.60 3.60 18.00 1135 G Barlow Clerk's salary - A Barlow 1,026.20 1,026.20 1136 Ide Hill Village Hall Trust Ide Hill Village Hall Trust grant 20-21 1,350.00 1,350.00

4,744.93 259.63 4,453.22

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 7.8 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held remotely via Zoom on Monday 29 June 2020 at 7pm

Present: Councillors Allgood, Baker, Darby, Evans, Jones (Chair), Kempster and Powell Attendance: Amanda Barlow (Clerk)

Members noted that Cllrs Baker, Jones and Powell were Councillors when John Jolley was Chair of the Parish Council. 1. To approve as correct the Minutes of the last Planning Committee meeting Agreed. 2. To take Matters arising from those Minutes. None. 3. Public Forum Mr Viner had made representation via email which was circulated to Members prior to the meeting. Cllr Jones advised that he had received a telephone call from Mr Jolley regarding his application SE/20/01379/House. He explained that the cottages were all one development. Mr Jolley advised that the No1 and 3 Sakes Cottage were having their roof replaced but No 2 would not be having a new roof.

4. To consider the following planning applications requiring comments:

Application No: SE/ 20/01380/HOUSE Deadline: 6 July 2020 Site: Forge End 3 Sakers Cottage Church Road Sundridge KENT TN14 6DU Development: New roof Objection. The need to replace the roof covering and perhaps parts of the supporting construction are acknowledged, but the approach being taken and the materials proposed are in the opinion of the Parish Council not sympathetic with the appearance and/or original construction of this property.

There appears to be no proposal to salvage and re-use of any existing covering which appear to be, at least in part, salvageable. The proposed tiles are regular pressed machine-made clay tiles which would provide a very even and flat appearance, totally different to the current hand-made clay coverings. The piecemeal treatment of this and the remote property no 1, at the opposite end of the terrace with the intervening property no 2 unchanged would leave a patchwork appearance totally inappropriate for this historic cottage group.

Application No: SE/ 20/01378/HOUSE Deadline: 13 July 2020 Site: 1 Sakers Cottage Church Road Sundridge KENT TN14 6DU Development: New roof Objection. The need to replace the roof covering and perhaps parts of the supporting construction are acknowledged, but the approach being taken and the materials proposed are in the opinion of the Parish Council not sympathetic with the appearance and/or original construction of this property.

There appears to be no proposal to salvage and re-use of any existing covering which appear to be, at least in part, salvageable. The proposed tiles are regular pressed machine-made clay tiles which would provide a very even and flat appearance, totally different to the current hand-made clay coverings. The piecemeal treatment of this and the remote property no 3, at the opposite end of the terrace with the intervening property no 2 unchanged would leave a patchwork appearance totally inappropriate for this historic cottage group.

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL Application No: SE/ 20/01379/LBCALT Deadline: 13 July 2020 Site: 1 Sakers Cottage Church Road Sundridge KENT TN14 6DU Development: New roof Objection. The need to replace the roof covering and perhaps parts of the supporting construction are acknowledged, but the approach being taken and the materials proposed are in the opinion of the Parish Council not sympathetic with the appearance and/or original construction of this property.

There appears to be no proposal to salvage and re-use of any existing covering which appear to be, at least in part, salvageable. The proposed tiles are regular pressed machine-made clay tiles which would provide a very even and flat appearance, totally different to the current hand-made clay coverings. The piecemeal treatment of this and the remote property no 3, at the opposite end of the terrace with the intervening property no 2 unchanged would leave a patchwork appearance totally inappropriate for this historic cottage group.

Application No: SE/ 20/01553/HOUSE Deadline: 27 July 2020 Site: Pax Cottage 18 Church Road Sundridge KENT TN14 6DT Development: Erection of a double storey rear extension with juliete balcony and rooflights following demolition of existing single storey rear extension and existing chimney breast at lower ground and first floors and steps, enlargement of lower ground floor including changing floor levels at lower ground and ground floors, internal alterations, replacement of staircase and existing windows and doors, new steps and repairs to existing stone wall Objection. The Parish Council is of the opinion that the proposed extension is totally unsympathetic with the character and historic importance of this small cottage and that the size of this extension could in total exceed 50% of the original property size. The proposed internal alterations would destroy or substantially alter major parts of the original fabric and character of this property which were in part the basis of its listing. If repairs to the external flank retaining wall are necessary these should be addressed as a separate application.

Application No: SE/ 20/01554/LBCALT Deadline: 27 July 2020 Site: Pax Cottage 18 Church Road Sundridge KENT TN14 6DT Development: Erection of a double storey rear extension with juliete balcony and rooflights following demolition of existing single storey rear extension and existing chimney breast at lower ground and first floors and steps, enlargement of lower ground floor including changing floor levels at lower ground and ground floors, internal alterations, replacement of staircase and existing windows and doors, new steps and repairs to existing stone wall. Objection. The Parish Council is of the opinion that the proposed extension is totally unsympathetic with the character and historic importance of this small cottage and that the size of this extension could in total exceed 50% of the original property size. The proposed internal alterations would destroy or substantially alter major parts of the original fabric and character of this property which were in part the basis of its listing. If repairs to the external flank retaining wall are necessary these should be addressed as a separate application.

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL Application No: SE/ 20/01555/HOUSE Deadline: 27 July 2020 Site: Pax Cottage 18 Church Road Sundridge KENT TN14 6DT Development: Demolition of fire place, storage and storage door, partly stone garden stone wall only by the entrance with removal of wooden fence above stone wall. Objection. The Parish Council is of the opinion that the proposed extension is totally unsympathetic with the character and historic importance of this small cottage and that the size of this extension could in total exceed 50% of the original property size. If alterations to external fencing are necessary these should be addressed as a separate application and be sympathetic with the character and location of this property..

Application No: SE/ 20/01391/LDCEX Deadline: 6 July 2020 Site: Long Meadow Farm Yorks Hill Ide Hill KENT TN14 6HY Development: Certificate of Lawfulness of existing use or development for the continued use of the Bungalow at Long Meadow Farm, Ide Hill, as a residential dwelling (Use Class C3) with associated residential curtilage (driveway, parking area and garden) within its current position and without compliance with planning conditions. The Parish Council is concerned that in consideration of the historical events stated in the applicant’s agent’s covering letter attempts are being made to circumvent the agricultural tie, which was considered essential by the District Council to avoid non-agricultural development in this location.

Application No: SE/ 20/01524/HOUSE Deadline: 27 July 2020 Site: Chains Farm Ide Hill Road Ide Hill KENT TN14 6JY Development: Removal of all existing timber windows and associated lintels to the south elevation and replacement of both to match existing. Application No: SE/ 20/01525/LBCALT Deadline: 27 July 2020 Site: Chains Farm Ide Hill Road Ide Hill KENT TN14 6JY Development: Removal of all existing timber windows and associated lintels to the south elevation and replacement of both to match existing. No objection. The parish Council has no objections to this proposal provided the Conservation Officer is satisfied that the constructional and structural details are commensurate with the retention of the historical character and appearance of this property.

5. To Note Appeals, Dismissed or Allowed by District Council Dismissed: None Allowed: None

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SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL 6. To Note Applications Amended, Granted, Refused and Withdrawn by District Council

Amended: None


Site: Ide Cottage Church Road Ide Hill Development: Rear single storey extension.

Site: 8 Birchfield Sundridge KENT Development: Installation of timber sliding sash window in existing door opening infilled in 2002.

Site: Netherdowns New Road Sundridge Development: Rear ground floor garden room extension, 2nd floor extension over existing TV room with balcony and rooflights.

Site: 9 Camberwell Lane Ide Hill KENT Development: Loft conversion to provide additional bedroom including hip to barn end enlargement, rear dormer addition and the provision of front rooflights.

Site: Penn Farm Penn Lane Ide Hill Development: Variation of condition 2 (materials) and condition 3 (approved plans) to 19/02970/FUL for Conversion of existing farm building to Montreal Estate's Farm Office with amendment to the materials to be used and changes to the fenestration.

Refused: None Withdrawn: None Prior Action Not Required: None Not Valid: None

No Objection Lodged: None

7. To Note any Licence Applications: None 8. To Note any Tree Preservation Orders: None 9. To Note any Conservation work: None 10. To review any correspondence: 10.1 SDC – Local Plan 10.2 SDC - Delegated Decisions List - 11.05.20 to 07.06.20 10.3 Covers Farm 11. Date of next meeting: To be advised

The meeting closed at 19.38.

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HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PLAN – Stage 1 ACTION PLAN – Stage 2 Priority Location Problem and suggested Cost Funding Action/Programme remedy Estimate Source (Who/When) 1. Reduce speed limit on A25 Constant acceleration of traffic Not KCC from 40mph to 30mph from from change in limit to a higher known centre of bridge over A21 in speed than signed and then Westward direction from failing to reduce speed to Chipstead to Sundridge. A 30mph when entering distance of approximately Sundridge. 900m between 30mph limits in each village.

2. Provision of white ‘gates’ at As above. Traffic likely to Not PC may agree entrance to Sundridge form recognise it is approaching the Known to pay if at Chipstead. village and adhere to speed reasonable restriction. cost 3. Provide 30mph speed As above. Will draw attention Not KCC activated signs with ANPR at of speeding drivers to limit and Known each entrance to Sundridge. identify their vehicle, thus 1. from Chipstead facing stressing their transgression. traffic on A25 travelling Westward and 2. from Brasted facing traffic on A25 travelling Eastward. 4. Provision of speed camera Traffic often jumps the lights Not PC may agree signs at each approach to along the A25 to prevent being Known to pay if at Sundridge crossroads. The delayed and sometimes also reasonable signs themselves likely to act travelling Northwards down cost as a deterrent. Church Road toward A25. 5 Provision of additional 30mph As above. Not PC may agree signage along the A25 known to pay if at through the village in each reasonable direction. cost 6 Widening of first section of Lack of local parking causes Not KCC Chevening Road from cars to be parked here, thus known Sundridge traffic lights reducing the width of the road adjoining Coronation Gardens adjoining the traffic lights and across footpath toward bank slowing traffic filtering onto of river. A25 and often causing blockages. 7 Alteration of access into The tight turn often causes Not KCC Combe Bank Drive to widen coaches and cars delivering and known it and reduce the acute turn. collecting children at the school to be delayed in turning and this can cause blockages to occur in Chevening Road. 8 B 2042 through Goathurst Reduction of speed limit from Not KCC common and Ide Hill. National speed limit to 30mph known through this settlement where there is no footpath refuge for pedestrians and speeding often occurs. 9 Off road parking area on Marking of off carriageway Not PC may agree southern side of A25 between parking area for ‘RESIDENT’S known to pay if at Bishop’s Court and nos. 57 & PARKING ONLY’ as random reasonable 57a Main Road parking often obstructs sight cost lines from vehicles accessing A25 from adjoining properties or exiting parking area. 10 White line markings on White Lines to be Not PC to pay Sundridge Road, Ide Hill painted/marked directly known outside “Wheelwrights”. opposite 'Wheelwrights' 20 07 20 SWIH Full Council Meeting full set of papers Page 28 of 37

SUNDRIDGE WITH IDE HILL PARISH COUNCIL Sundridge Road to prevent parking in the narrow part of this country road when exiting the Village. There have been several damaged cars from passing lorries/tractors. The grass bank on the opposite side of the road has been eroded/poached by Farm Tractors etc who use the bank to pass the parked cars 11 Speed limit to 20 mph in Ide Speed limit changed around Ide Not know KCC/PC to Hill Village past the school Hill Village School for safety. consider from the entrance to the paying village in Sundridge Road between them pending on costs. 12 Speed limit reduced to 30 The national speed limit Not KCC/PC to mph in Nightingale Lane, Ide (60mph) in place currently for known consider Hill the narrow, residential street of paying Nightingale lane in Goathurst between them Common. Heavily used by pending on children, pets and dog walkers, costs. there is no pavement, wide enough only for one car in parts and with multiple properties and drives, with blind corners. It needs to be reclassified as a residential street and not a rural lane and the limit reduced to 30mph.

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Sundridge & Ide Hill Budget for 2020/21 Income 2020-21

Code Description 20-21 Actual 2020-21 Income 2019-20 Expected Income 100 Precept £32,500 £65,000.00 £63,000.00 101 Grants 103 Sevenoaks District Council/CiL £4,000.00 £2,669.89 104 Evans/Catford Cycle £200.00 £200.00 105 Misc 1000 Hall hire £1,000.00 £1,305.00 1005 Yoga £1,000.00 £672.00 1002 Dance School £2,600.00 £2,192.00 1006 Recreation Ground (Chipstead) £0.00 £2,400.00 1008 Recreation Ground (Radnor) £3,000.00 £2,000.00 1009 Recreation Ground (SUJFC) £2,500.00 £200.00 106 VAT £13,265.98 Sub-total

Total Income £79,300.00 £87,904.87

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Sundridge & Ide Hill Budget for 2020-21 Overhead costs

Code Description Actual 2020-21 Budget 2020-21 19-20 Budget Clerk & RFO Expenses 400 Clerks & RFO Salary 2,965.25 £16,000.00 £15,000.00 401 Clerk's pension £411.46 £1,000.00 402 Clerk & RFO Tax & NI £1,500.00 £4,000.00 403 Travel Expenses £97.20 £1,500.00 £1,000.00 Totals £3,473.91 £20,000.00 £20,000.00 Members Expenses 500 Members Expenses £1,000.00 £1,000.00 502 Election Expenses £1,000.00 £1,565.00 Totals £0.00 £2,000.00 £2,565.00 Administration Costs 600 Insurance Main Policy £1,350.00 £1,350.00 601 Supplies for meetings £150.00 602 Postage & Delivery £150.00 £200.00 603 Printing £50.00 £50.00 604 Photocopying £700.00 £1,000.00 605 Stationery £150.00 £100.00 606 Subscriptions £791.14 £850.00 £1,000.00 607 Parish Mobile £174.00 £850.00 £400.00 608 Hire of Village Ide Hill hall £40.00 £50.00 £50.00 609 Equipment Software £100.00 £325.00 610 Misc. Contingency £150.00 £300.00 611 Training £150.00 £170.00 612 Aviation Group Clerk £125.00 £125.00 613 Village Plans £0.00 616 Website Maintenance £500.00 £700.00 617 Email hosting charge £18.00 £55.00 618 Parish WiFi £30.00 £120.00 619 Parish Zoom £50.37 Totals £1,103.51 £5,500.00 £5,770.00

Professional Services 6000 Legal £1,000.00 £6,000.00 6002 Pension enrolment package £37.40 £500.00 6001 Payroll and Auditor £1,000.00 £1,000.00 Totals £37.40 £2,500.00 £7,000.00

TOTAL OVERHEAD COSTS £4,614.82 £30,000.00 £35,335.00

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Street Lighting 700 Energy Cost £5,000.00 £5,000.00 701 Maintenance Contract £1,153.07 £2,500.00 £3,500.00 702 Repairs £912.20 £500.00 £1,000.00 Totals £2,065.27 £8,000.00 £9,500.00

Stubbs Wood 800 Running Cost £3,000.00 £3,000.00 801 Professional services 802 Tree Survey Totals £0.00 £3,000.00 £3,000.00

Highways 1000 Bus shelters £400.00 £500.00 1001 Village signs £400.00 £400.00 1002 Notice boards £100.00 £100.00 1003 Misc. Contingency £100.00 £700.00 Totals £0.00 £1,000.00 £1,700.00

Grounds' Maintenance 2001 Grass cutting £9,300.00 £9,300.00 2002 Tree Work £1,000.00 £1,000.00 2003 Hedges £550.00 £550.00 2004 Contingency £500.00 £500.00 2005 Dog bins £504.40 £1,750.00 £1,750.00 Totals £504.40 £13,100.00 £13,100.00

Sundridge Village Hall 3000 Cleaning £1,800.00 £1,500.00 3001 Maintenance £1,000.00 £2,000.00 3002 Energy £271.36 £1,000.00 £1,250.00 3003 Water £300.00 £300.00 3004 WiFi £151.17 £600.00 3005 Insurance £550.00 £500.00 3006 Return of Hire Deposit £0.00 £500.00 3007 Music Licence Totals £422.53 £5,250.00 £6,050.00

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Sundridge Recreation & Pavilion 7000 Cleaning £1,000.00 £700.00 7001 Pavilion Maintenance £500.00 £2,000.00 7002 Ground Maintenance £3,500.00 £3,000.00 7003 Energy £25.18 £1,000.00 £250.00 7004 Water £300.00 £300.00 7006 Miscellaneous £20.00 £250.00 £500.00 Totals £45.18 £6,550.00 £6,750.00

Ide Hill Car Park & Conveniences 5000 Ide Hill car Park £250.00 £250.00 5001 Ide Hill Conveniences Cleaning £1,200.00 £3,000.00 £3,000.00 5002 Ide Hill Conveniences Maintenance £500.00 5003 Ide Hill Conveniences Energy £224.09 £400.00 5004 Ide Hill Conveniences Water £100.00 5005 Ide Hill Conveniences Supplies £54.72 £500.00 5006 Sevenoaks District Council Rates £300.00 5007 Contingency £129.00 £250.00 £250.00 Totals £1,607.81 £5,300.00 £3,250.00

Bowsers Meadow/Coronation Gradens 8000 Maintenance £1,000.00 £7,500.00 8001 War memorial at Coronation Gardens £500.00 Total £0.00 £1,500.00 £7,500.00

Play Areas 4,000 Playground, incl, maintenance & inspection £500.00 £2,000.00 Total £0.00 £500.00 £2,000.00

TOTAL ASSET COSTS £4,645.19 £44,200.00 £43,350.00

Miscellaneous 614 Christmas festivities £1,500.00 £250.00 615 Annual Parish Meeting £350.00 £50.00 905 Poppy wreath £70.00 906 Great British Spring Clean £100.00 907 Covid 19 £160.00 908 Operation London Bridge Totals £0.00 £2,020.00 £300.00

Grants 900 Annual grants (Ide Hill Village Hall Trust) £2,640.00 £1,300.00 £3,500.00 901 Church grant £1,965.00 £2,000.00 £250.00 902 Other grants £1,500.00 Totals £4,605.00 £4,800.00 £3,750.00

Total Overhead £13,865.01 £81,020.00 £82,735.00

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Correspondence 20 06 15 to 20 07 15

1. KALC - NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 2. The Rural Bulletin - 16 June 2020 3. SDC - Development Control Committee - 11 June 2020 – Minutes 4. Sevenoaks District Council: Parking charges reintroduced butSevenoaks Town Car Park remains free 5. KALC CEO Bulletin - June 2020 6. Update from Gatwick Airport 7. SDC - 24 (2019/21) – Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) COVID-19 Review June 2020 8. SDC -Housing & Health Advisory Committee – 9 June 2020 – Minutes 9. KALC - NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 10. SDC - 25 (2019/21) – Approval of Section 106 Affordable Housing Developer Contributions to fund a new programme of rural housing needs surveys 11. The Rural Bulletin - 23 June 2020 12. SDC _ 26 (2019/21) Authority Monitoring Report - 2018/19 13. Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership Newsletter - June2020 14. SDC - People & Places Advisory Committee – 16 June 2020 – Minutes 15. SDC - Digital In Shape - June 2020 16. KALC _ NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 17. KALC News June 2020 18. The Rural Bulletin - 30 June 2020 19. Sevenoaks District Council: District gets ready to reopen pubs, restaurants and hairdressers 20. Sevenoaks District Council: More businesses benefit from Coronavirus support funding 21. Sevenoaks District Council: Fly-tipping will not be tolerated 22. KALC - NHS Kent and Medway CCG - Community Bulletin Issue Six 23. SDC - Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee – 25 June 2020 – Minutes 24. KALC - NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 25. SDC - Scrutiny Committee – 14 July 2020 – Agenda Licensing Hearing – 1 July 2020 – Minutes Development Control Committee – 2 July 2020 – Minutes 26. The Rural Bulletin - 7 July 2020 27. RSN Rural Funding Digest - July 2020 Edition 28. SDC - Cabinet – 9 July 2020 – Supplementary (2) Agenda Finance & Investment Advisory Committee – 8 July 2029 – Minutes Development & Conservation Advisory Committee – 7 July 20202 – Minutes 29. Sevenoaks District Council: Sevenoaks District Council offers loan toTown Council to support The Stag 30. SDC - Cabinet – 9 July 2020 – Draft Minutes 31. The Rural Bulletin - 14 July 2020 32. Sevenoaks District Council: Cleaning company sanitises Sevenoaks town centre 33. KALC - KCC Budget consultation 2020-21 review 34. KALC - NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 35. Sevenoaks District Council: Look out for your annual canvass forms

For Covid19 updates visit:

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AGENDA ITEM 9.1.2 -Crag Report (Kent Police) – previously circulated AGENDA ITEM 9.1.2

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Parish Council Meetings – Mondays at 7pm During the Covid19 pandemic all meetings will take place remotely via zoom 18 May via Zoom 15 June via Zoom 20 July via Zoom 21 September Ide Hill Village Hall 19 October Sundridge Village Hall 16 November Ide Hill Village Hall 2021 18 January Sundridge Village Hall 15 February Ide Hill Village Hall 15 March Sundridge Village Hall 19 April Ide Hill Village 17 May Sundridge Village Hall 2021 Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 12 May 2021 - Sundridge Village Hall Amenities Committee Meetings Finance Committee Meetings Mondays at 7pm

6 July TBC 5 October 7 December 2021 1 February 5 April Planning Committee Meetings

Monday 22 June at 7pm Monday 20 July at 6.30pm Monday 3 August at 7pm

Committee Meetings are subject to change and cancellation. Please confirm with the Clerk or check the website.

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