Ι∆ΡΥΜΑ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ & ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΕΡΕΥΝΩΝ FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 11 Tsami Karatassou, 117 42 Athens, Greece, Tel.: +30 210-9211 200-10, Fax: +30210-9233 977 The impact of the 2004 Olympic Games on the Greek economy January 2015 2 The research for this study was conducted by N. Zonzilos, E. Demian, E. Papadakis, N. Paratsiokas and S. Danchev, under the supervision of the Director General of IOBE, Professor N. Vettas. The researchers would like to thank C. Katsiardis for his research assistance and all the individuals who offered their assistance with data and insight on the Games. IOBE would like to thank Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki for the financial support of this study. The judgments on policy issues and the proposals contained in this study express the opinions of the researchers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the members or the management of IOBE. The Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) is a private, non-profit, public-benefit research organisation. It was established in 1975 with the dual purpose of promoting research on current problems and prospects of the Greek economy and its sectors and of generating reliable information, analysis and proposals for action that can be of high value in economic policy making. ISBN 978-960-7536-61-7 Copyright 2015 Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research This study may not be reproduced in any form or for any purpose without the prior knowledge and consent of the publisher. Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE) 11, Tsami Karatassou St, 117 42 Athens, Tel. (+30210 9211200-10), Fax:(+30210 9233977) E-mail:
[email protected] – URL: http://www.iobe.gr Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research IOBE The impact of the 2004 Olympic Games on the Greek economy 3 FOREWORD Without a doubt, the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and in the other four Olympic cities had a multiple impact on the Greek economy, on many levels and at various time periods.