3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization

Robert Marskar SINTEF Energy Research, Sem Sælands vei 11, 7034 Trondheim, Norway. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Streamer discharges are thin channels that precede and sparks. They usually evolve in bundles as stochastic tree-like structures and are inherently difficult to model due to their multiscale nature. In this paper, we perform a computer investigation of positive streamer discharges in air using contemporary photoionization models. We report on three-dimensional computer simulations under conditions that are available in laboratory spark-gap experiments. The solutions demonstrate a multiscale morphology consisting of streamer fluctuations, branching, and the formation of a discharge tree. Some branches are comparatively thick and noisy, while others are thin, smooth, and carry electric fields exceeding 250 kV/cm at their tips. Our results are consistent with past experiments and clarify the puzzling branching dynamics and stochastic morphology of positive streamer discharges. arXiv:2001.02072v2 [physics.plasm-ph] 9 Apr 2020 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 2

1. Introduction has been shown that the TGFs precede the lightning stroke, i.e. TGFs are associated with the lightning Streamer discharges are fast, filamentary plasma or streamer corona, and not the stroke [42]. Var- discharges. They evolve from avalanches, ious branching mechanisms based on hydrodynamic in- are driven by local field enhancement at their tips, stabilities [43, 44], gas impurities [45–47], and stochas- and can propagate with or against the electric field. tic fluctuations [33, 35, 48–50] have also been proposed Streamers that propagate with the electric field are and investigated by the gas discharge community. called positive streamers and the ones that propagate Positive streamers (the type that propagates from against the electric field are called negative streamers. the anode to the cathode) also require a source of Streamers are the natural precursor of lightning and in front of them. In air, which we study sparks, are used in a variety of industrial applications in this paper, the free electrons are supplied by [1–14], and also exist naturally as sprite discharges photoionization of molecular oxygen. For streamer in the upper atmosphere [15]. They usually do not discharges, photoionization can be modeled with appear in isolation but evolve inherently as three- continuum models [51–54] or discrete models [21, dimensional structures that often branch or form 23, 49, 50]. Beyond selecting discrete or continuum irregular tree structures [16–19]. The morphology of a photons, it is not clear which photoionization model streamer discharge is rich, and their structure is often one should use. In air, the classical Zheleznyak model reminiscent of the fractal-like structure of lightning, [55, 56] has been highly enabling for the streamer but the two are not the same nor do they share the discharge community, but it is derived under stationary same spatial and temporal scales. A review of streamer conditions which are not met for streamer discharges. discharges can be found in Ebert et al. [20]. More recently, Stephens et al. [24] has compiled a The three-dimensional multiscale structure of minimum model for photoionization in air. We remark streamer discharges restricts analytical treatment and that in fluid models the Zheleznyak model is often also makes them complicated to model. Streamer computed using a Helmholtz-based approach [51–54]. discharges are important in many aspects of plasma However, if the number of ionizing photons is not physics, but advanced computer modeling is required sufficiently high, continuum models lead to artificial in order to probe even elementary features. Streamer smoothing of the photoionization profile ahead of modeling mostly fits in two categories: Kinetic and the streamer. Recently, Bagheri and Teunissen fluid. Kinetic models evolve electrons as computational [50] compared the Zheleznyak model using discrete (super-)particles and contain all the ingredients for photons and continuum models. Although good describing streamer discharges. Various papers report agreement between the two approaches was found, the on particle modeling of streamer discharges, but results showed a strong sensitivity on the selection of all of these are limited to fairly short propagation photoionization parameters. The authors considered a lengths [21–25]. Fluid models, on the other hand, comparatively high and uniform background field and evolve truncated moments of the electron distribution did not include a field-dependent expression for the function. The computational cost of fluid models is emission efficiency [56]. lower than with kinetic models but they are also less Motivated by the broad applicability of streamer accurate, particularly in regions of low electron density. discharges and their inherent multiscale difficulties, we Fluid models for streamers are widely studied, see e.g. present a three-dimensional computer investigation of [26–35], but attempts to directly simulate e.g. spark- positive streamer discharges in atmospheric air using gap experiments in 3D have so far been unsuccessful state-of-the-art photoionization models [24]. Our goal due to the numerical effort involved. is to shed light on the fundamental multiscale structure Although widely studied in two spatial di- of streamer discharges when they are modeled by mensions, streamer discharges are inherently three- a fluid model, i.e. how they emerge, propagate, dimensional and are far from being completely un- and branch. In this paper we use a fluid model derstood. There is, for example, a current discus- for all charged species and include chemistry in sion regarding the production of X-rays and terrestrial the channel [57], which is important when modeling gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) in laboratory spark exper- timescales longer than some tens of nanoseconds. iments and lightning discharges [36–41]. Recently, it We also include supplemental results using the 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 3

Zheleznyak photoionization model, and remark on an abundance of literature on the plasma chemistry of + + some modeling uncertainties relating to the use of both air, we remark that ion conversion O2 → O4 together + photoionization models. Our numerical results are with electron-ion recombination e− + O4 → O2 + O2 computed for 15 mm pin-plane gaps with an applied is one of the main electron loss mechanism in the voltage of 15 kV, i.e. for an experimentally available channel, and occurs on the timescale of some tens configuration. The results demonstrate streamer of nanoseconds. Some electron loss processes, like morphologies that are consistent with experiments, and dissociative electron attachment, are not included in thus we are able to clarify the role of photoionization the present study. The overall role of incomplete on the evolution and branching of positive streamer reaction sets for streamer evolution in air is not discharges in air. known. We nonetheless remark that Pancheshnyi and Starikovskii [57] have investigated the role of the 2. Physical model electron loss processes summarized in table1. The authors found that although the conditions in the The fluid streamer model is described by a set of drift- channel are influenced by the inclusion or absence diffusion-reaction equations coupled to the Poisson of electron loss processes, the streamer discharge equation for the electric field: dynamics changed insignificantly.

∂ne 2.1. Photoionization = −∇ · (vene − De∇ne) + Se, (1) ∂t In air, ionizing photons are generated through electron ∂ni impact excitation of molecular nitrogen to energy levels = Si, (2) ∂t above the threshold of O , followed by ρ 2 ∇ · E = , (3) spontaneous emission. Photoionization of O2 provides 0 a source of free electron-ion pairs around the streamer where ne is the electron density, ve is the electron drift head. In this model, excited states of nitrogen are velocity, De is the electron diffusion coefficient, Se is first generated through collisions between electrons and the electron source term, and ni is the density of molecular nitrogen: of type i. E is the electric field where ρ is the density. The ions are assumed to be immobile. e− + N2 → e− + N2∗, (4) We consider air at standard atmospheric condi- where N∗ indicates an excited state of molecular tions T = 300 K, N = 2.45 × 1025 m 3 and use 2 − nitrogen. The excited nitrogen then the plasma chemistry as given by Pancheshnyi and terminate through one of three processes: Radiation, Starikovskii [57], which solves for seven species: elec- + + + + + predissociation, or collisional quenching, i.e. trons, N2 ,O2 ,N4 ,O4 ,O2 N2, and O2−. The reac- tions are outlined in table1. In this table, the bottom two reactions denote lumped photoionization reactions N2∗ → ∅ + γ, (5) which are discussed in detail in section 2.1. We also N∗ → ∅, (6) adopt the local field approximation and compute ki- 2 N∗ + M → , (7) netic coefficients by using BOLSIG+[58–60]. The com- 2 ∅ puted electron impact and attachment rates are shown where γ indicates an ionizing photon, M denotes either in figure1 as function of the electric field magnitude N2 or O2, and the target states ∅ are not of interest E = |E|. and are therefore not tracked further. Note that We incorporate the local electron energy correc- predissociation is a fundamental process of the excited tion due to [63] which accounts for diffusive cooling of state, whereas quenching occurs due collisions with electrons near positive streamer tips. This correction neutral molecules and is therefore a function of gas extends the validity of the local field approximation by pressure and temperature. compensating for a reduction in the average electron When ionizing photons are generated, they energy near strong electron gradients. The alternative lead to production of electron-ion pairs through of using an equation for the electron energy is less at- photoionization of molecular oxygen: tractive since it doubles the numerical cost of charged species transport, and also leads to even more strin- + γ + O2 → O2 + e−. (8) gent constraints on the numerical time steps that can be used. In this paper, radiative transport is treated Generally, the plasma chemistry of air is quite kinetically since the number of ionizing photons is too complicated, and the reaction set that is used here is low to justify the use of continuum radiative transport a minimum reaction set for air [57]. While there is models [51–54]. As mentioned above, we consider two 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 4

Table 1. Air reaction mechanism. Two-body reactions have units of m3s−1 and three-body reactions have units of m6s−1. Temperatures are in Kelvin. The notation M denotes O2 and N2. The electron impact rate coefficients and the electron temperature Te = Te(E/N) are obtained by use of BOLSIG+[59] using the PHELPS database [61] and the SIGLO databases [60]. Remaining reaction rates are taken from Kossyi et al. [62].

Reaction Rate Ref.

− + − − R1 e + N2 → N2 + e + e BOLSIG+ [59, 60] − + − − R2 e + O2 → O2 + e + e BOLSIG+ [59, 61] + + −41 R3 N2 + N2 + M → N4 + M 5 × 10 [62] + + −16 R4 N4 + O2 → O2 + N2 + N2 2.5 × 10 [62] + + −15 −1/2 R5 N2 + O2 → O2 + N2 1.05 × 10 T [62] + + −38 −2 R6 O2 + N2 + N2 → O2 N2 + N2 8.1 × 10 T [62] + + −5/3 (−2357/T ) R7 O2 N2 + N2 → O2 + N2 + N2 14.8T e [62] + + −15 R8 O2 N2 + O2 → O4 + N2 1 × 10 [62] + + −34 −3.2 R9 O2 + O2 + M → O4 + M 2.03 × 10 T [62] − + −11 −1/2 R10 e + O4 → O2 + O2 2.42 × 10 × Te [60–62] − + −11 −1 R11 e + O2 → O2 6 × 10 Te [60–62] − − −39 −1 R12 e + O2 + O2 → O2 + O2 6 × 10 Te [60–62] − + −13 R13 O2 + O4 → O2 + O2 + O2 1 × 10 [62] − + −31 −2.5 R14 O2 + O4 + M → O2 + O2 + O2 + M 3.12 × 10 T [62] − + −31 −2.5 R15 O2 + O2 + M → O2 + O2 + M 3.12 × 10 T [62] − − R16 e + N2 → e + N2 + γ See main text. See main text. − + R17 γ + O2 → e + O2 See main text See main text. photoionization models, the minimal model suggested transitions associated with the excited state. Then by Stephens et al. [24] and the classical Zheleznyak determine the final number of ionizing photons by model [55]. drawing Nr,γ trials from a binomial distribution with success probability (i.e. photoionization 2.1.1. Stephens et al. [24] photoionization model We efficiency) ξγ . Only these photons are tracked first outline the Stephens et al. [24] photoionization kinetically‡. model which includes eight radiative transitions from three excited states of molecular nitrogen. The elec- 1012 tronically excited states (N2∗) are the singlet states 1 + N2 c40 Σu , i.e. the Carrol-Yoshino band, and the 1 + 1011 Birge-Hopfield II band N2 b Πu . Evaluations of pre- dissociation lifetimes, radiative lifetimes, and excita- 10 tion probabilities [24] indicate that the vibrational ) 10 1

1 + 1 P+ − levels c40 Σu (ν0 = 0, 1) and b u (ν0 = 1) produce the (s

ν 9 majority of ionizing photons. Numerically, the number 10 Ionization of ionizing photons of type γ emitted by each excited Attachment 1 state in a computational discretization volume ∆V and 108 b excitation 1 time step ∆t is determined as follows: c40 excitation 107 (i) Determine the number Nr of radiative de- 0 200 400 600 800 excitations by drawing from a Poisson distribution E (Td) with mean νneζpr∆V ∆t, where ν is the excitation rate, ζ is the relative excitation probability, and pr = kr/(kq + kp + kr) where kr is the total Figure 1. Electron impact ionization, attachment, and excitation frequencies that are used in the Stephens et al. [24] radiation rate of the excited state, kp is the 1 model. predissociation rate, and kq is the collisional quenching rate. The excitation rates ν are field- The photoionization parameters required for this dependent and are computed using data from process have been summarized by Stephens et al. [24] Malone et al. [64] and are shown in figure1. in terms of cross sections for general O2-N2 mixtures. (ii) Determine the number Nr,γ of each photon type emitted by drawing N trials from a ‡ The process can be simplified by assuming that each photo- r generation process is independent, in which case the photons can multinomial distribution with probabilities pγ = be sampled directly from Poisson distributions with parameters P kγ /( γ kγ ) where the sum runs over the radiative νζξγ nekr,γ /(kq + kp + kr)∆V ∆t. 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 5

These cross-sections have been used to compute the 0.2 photoionization parameters for atmospheric air as discussed above, and they are presented in table2. The quenching rates for the singlet states of N2 0.15 are, unfortunately, not known with desired accuracy.

Pending an improvement in the measurement of )

1 + 1 E quenching rates for c40 Σu and b Πu, we have taken an ( 0.1 Z

16 3 ν approximate value kq/N = 10− m /s, or kq = 2.45 × 9 1 10 s− . We have taken a slightly lower value than suggested by Pancheshnyi [56] in order to compensate 0.05 for omission of other photoionization mechanisms. Note that the collisional quenching rate exceeds the predissociation rates by about one order of magnitude 0 1 + 1 1 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 for the c40 Σu (0) → X (0, 1) and b Πu(1) → X (0, 1) transitions. E (Td) The present photoionization model disregards radiation trapping through self-absorption. We remark Figure 2. Fit factor for the Zheleznyak model for that radiation trapping is primarily relevant for photoionization Pancheshnyi [561]. The curve indicates how many transitions where the emitted radiation is resonant ionizing photons are generated per electron impact ionization with a radiative re-excitation from highly populated event (in the absence of quenching). state. At room temperature only the ground state of molecular is populated so that trapping is most The propagation distance is then drawn from an 1 + 1 relevant for the c40 Σu (ν0 = 0, 1) → X (0) and exponential distribution with parameter 1 1 b Πu(1) → X (0) transitions. Although it would be f f − 1 desireable to incorporate radiation trapping, it also   f f K2 2− 1 requires invasive changes to our numerical approach µ = K1 , (12) K since the excited species of nitrogen must then be 1 1 4 1 tracked kinetically. We also ignore the time-of-flight where K1 = 530 m− and K2 = 3 × 10 m− . These of the photon, an approximation which is made for values are valid for atmospheric air only. For scaling simplicity rather than necessity. to other N2-O2 mixtures or different pressures, see e.g. [65]. 2.1.2. Zheleznyak photoionization model Next, we discuss the Zheleznyak model for photoionization with 2.1.3. Comparison between photoionization models discrete photons, using the improvements provided To obtain a quantitative understanding of the number by Pancheshnyi [56]. In this model the photons are of photoelectrons that are produced in a discharge, generated at an average volumetric rate of we compare the normalized photoionization rate predictions of the two models. The curves in figure3 pq RZ = νZ (E)αne|ve|, (9) show the photoionization rate, i.e. the curve for the p + pq Zheleznyak model shows Rz/ne and the curves for the where the quenching pressure pq = 40 mbar accounts Stephens et al. [24] model show νζξγ kr,γ /(kq +kp +kr). for collision quenching, νZ (E) is a lumped function We find that the two models agree quite well in terms of that accounts for both excitation efficiencies and the total number of photoelectrons that are produced. photoionization probabilities, and α is the Townsend Here, the model by Stephens et al. [24] produces ionization coefficient. Pancheshnyi [56] has provided a approximately a factor of two more photoelectrons fit of νZ (E) to experiments, which is shown in figure2 than the Zheleznyak model, but we remark that this for atmospheric air. factor depends on the selection of the quenching rate. In the Zheleznyak photoionization model discrete Although we have not undertaken a study that photons are drawn at every time step from a Poisson attempts to classify the importance of each radiative distribution with parameter RZ ∆V ∆t. The frequency transition in a streamer discharge, we observe that of each photon is drawn randomly from an interval a major fraction of photoelectrons appear due to 1 + f ∈ [f1, f2] where radiative de-excitations of the c40 Σu (ν0 = 0) state. 1 + The average absorption distances of the c40 Σu (0) → X1(0, 1) transitions are approximately 19 µm and f = 2.925 PHz, (10) 1 150 µm. In the Zheleznyak model the photons are f2 = 3.059 PHz. (11) more evenly distributed, with the average absorption 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 6

Table 2. Atmospheric air photoionization mechanism of molecular oxygen through excited states of molecular nitrogen (N2) using the Stephens et al. [24] model. Each row of the table represents one ionizing radiative transition. The quenching rate constant for 9 −1 atmospheric pressure air is taken as kq = 2.45 × 10 s .

8 −1 8 −1 −1 Transition γ kp (×10 s ) kr,γ (×10 s ) κ (µm) ξ ζ

01 + 1 c4 Σu (0) → X (0) 2.39 11.2 19 0.23 0.8 01 + 1 c4 Σu (0) → X (1) 1.89 146 0.77 01 + 1 c4 Σu (1) → X (0) 17.7 0.41 30 0.045 0.034 01 + 1 c4 Σu (1) → X (1) 6.97 21 0.10 01 + 1 c4 Σu (1) → X (2) 4.06 58 0.75 01 + 1 c4 Σu (1) → X (3) 1.45 158 0.69 1 1 b Πu(1) → X (0) 4.68 0.42 236 0.72 0.014 1 1 b Πu(1) → X (1) 0.80 298 0.69

[35]. Stephens models Zheleznyak model 1 1 1 1 Figure4 shows a classical cartoon of AMR c0 (0) X (0) c0 (0) X (1) 4 → 4 → 1 1 1 1 grids away from solid boundaries. With AMR, c0 (1) X (0) c0 (1) X (1) 4 → 4 → 1 1 1 1 grids simultaneously exist at multiple levels and the c0 (1) X (2) c0 (1) X (3) 4 → 4 → numerical discretization is matched at refinement b1(1) X1(0) b1(1) X1(1) → → boundaries. The use of AMR is mandatory for large 10 10 scale 3D simulations since covering the domain with a fine grid leads unrealistic demands on computational ) 1 8 hardware. Instead, AMR allows grids to be created and

− 10 s destroyed during the simulation in such a way that the grid dynamically adapts to the numerical solution as 106 it evolves. Following a previous paper [35], we use a second order spatial discretization using finite volumes. 104 Photoionization rate ( However, in this paper we use a (formally) first order Godunov splitting for advancing tk → tk + ∆t = tk+1 102 as follows: 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 E (kV/cm) k  k k+1/2 k k ψ = n − ∆t∇ · ve n − De ∇n , (13) Figure 3. Comparison between the photoelectron production k+1 rate in atmospheric air using the1 Stephens et al. [24] model and E = E(ψ), (14) the Zheleznyak model. The broken lines with markers show S,∆t k+1 individual contributions in the Stephens et al. [24] model. ψ −−−→ n , (15) where the divergence operators are now placeholders distance being approximately 500 µm in atmospheric for more complicated discretization procedures [35]. k k k air. The Zheleznyak model therefore overestimates the The coefficients ve and De are computing using E S,∆t number of long-range photons, and underestimates the and the symbolic notation −−−→ indicates a solution number of short-range photons. to the reactive problem ∂tn = S over a time step ∆t using a second order Runge-Kutta method with 2.2. Numerical discretization ψ as the initial solution. E(ψ) indicates the solution to the Poisson equation with space charge ρ = ρ(ψ). The above equations are solved with an embed- This solution is computed using a geometric multigrid ded boundary adaptive mesh refinement (EBAMR) method. Specifically, we use red-black Gauss-Seidel methodology by using Chombo [66, 67]. The EBAMR relaxation on each grid level and a biconjugate gradient technology uses a combination of Cartesian Adaptive stabilized solver in the bottom of the V-cycle. A solver Mesh Refinement (AMR) and embedded boundaries 10 tolerance of 10− on the max-norm for the electric (i.e. ”cut-cells”) that enable numerical representations potential is used as an exit criterion for the multigrid of electrodes and other internal boundaries. Special solver. discretization techniques are used to handle the spa- A beneficial side-effect of the splitting in (13) is tial and temporal discretization of Cartesian cut-cells the semi-implicit coupling to the plasma chemistry 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 7

direction on the unit sphere and the absorption distance is randomly drawn from an exponential distribution. Photoemission is disregarded in this paper, so if a photon trajectory intersects an internal boundary (e.g. an electrode) or a domain boundary, it is removed from the simulation. Photon generation and transport is instantaneous and the photons are deposited on the mesh with a cloud-in-cell (CIC) scheme. Generally, photons are deposited on the finest grid level that is available. An exception to this rule is made on the fine side of refinement boundaries. In order to prevent deposition clouds that hang into ghost cells over refinement boundaries, photons that live in the first strip of cells on the fine side of a refinement boundary are instead deposited on the coarse grid, and the result is then interpolated to the fine grid before depositing the rest of the fine-grid photons. Figure 4. Classic cartoon of AMR grids. The coarsest grid When discrete photons are used, photoionization 1 covers a domain of 16×16 cells with two-levels of properly nested events lead to appearance of patches of fluid densities refined grids. Bold lines represent grid boundaries. Note that on the grid. For the electrons, these patches the grids do not have unique parent-children relationships. For example, one of the finest-level grids has two parents. numerically and physically diffuse on the grid and become smeared out over several grid cells. The combined model therefore still understimates the terms since the chemistry step (15) does not generate spatial noise in electron distribution ahead of the  space charge and E(ψ) = E nk+1 . Our empirical streamer. experience indicates that splitting the transport and chemistry leads to favorable stability properties, also 2.3. Simulation conditions for cases that are not investigated here (such as propagation of streamers along dielectrics). The We consider a (2 cm)3 domain with a vertical plane- advective term is partially centered at time tk + ∆t/2, protrusion geometry. A 5 mm long cylindrical electrode which is done by extrapolating the face-centered states with a spherical cap at the end sticks out of the that are required for the finite-volume discretization to live electrode plane, whereas the opposite plane is half times. This reduces the advective discretization grounded. The electrode diameter is 500 µm, and the error and permits use of higher Courant-Friedrichs- distance between the live electrode and the ground Lewy (CFL) numbers without compromising the plane is 15 mm. Homogeneous Neumann boundary solution quality §. Expressions for the advective slopes conditions are placed on the side edges, and all are found in [68]. We include the source and diffusion simulations start from a voltage V0 = 15 kV on the terms in the time-extrapolation. This leads to a electrode. A cross section of the computational domain partial upwinding of the source term and enhances the and the boundary conditions are shown schematically stability of the scheme (see [69] for a related numerical in figure5. technique). The combination of Godunov splitting The electrode is numerically represented by a with state time-extrapolation yields a comparatively level-set function f(x) where f(x) = 0 indicates the stable scheme which is suitable even for simulating surface of the electrode. Positive and negative values near-stagnant streamers [70], which are numerically of this function indicate points inside and outside challenging. After updating (13) we deposit the of the object, respectively. Here, this function is photons on the mesh, and update boundary conditions created using constructive solid geometry by taking and kinetic coefficients. the union of a cylinder and sphere. At the beginning Time steps are limited by standard CFL con- of the simulation, the geometric quantities of the cut- straints on advection and diffusion. We have not made cells (e.g volume fraction) are found by computing efforts to eliminate the dielectric relaxation time, but the intersection of the Cartesian grid cells with this remark that this is possible by computing the transport function. step semi-implicitly [71]. For initial conditions, we disregard preionization Ionizing photons are given a random propagation and use a small quasi-neutral initial plasma patch of

§ Observe that for evolution in the Laplacian field and in the absence of diffusion and plasma chemistry, the discretization is second order accurate. 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 8

V = 15 kV and coarsened if

α∆x < 0.2 and |∇E|∆x/E < 2, (18) 5 mm where ∆x is the grid spacing. The first refinement criterion α∆x > 1 is used to trigger refinement where impact ionization occurs, and the second refinement 500 µm criterion |∇E|∆x/E > 5 is used in order to ensure that

∂ the electric field is resolved with a sufficient resolution. n V

= 0 We always include a buffer zone of 8 cells when refining 0 = V

n the grid. This means that if any cell is flagged for ∂ refinement within a tile, we also refine the neighboring 15 mm tiles. In the simulations the CFL number is set to 0.8. Although three-dimensional computer simulations of streamer discharges are generally speaking quite expensive, the use of AMR leads to drastic reductions 20 mm in simulation times. For example, the most time consuming simulation in this paper completed in just less than two days on 512 cores. The hardware V = 0 consisted of 16 nodes of dual Intel Xeon E5-2683v4 cores, which by current standards is fairly old Figure 5. 2D cross-sectional view of the simulation domain, also showing the electrostatic boundary1 conditions. The radius hardware. The simulation took around 28,000 time of the pin electrode is not to scale. steps using up to 100 million grid cells for a total simulation time of 42 ns, and generated about 60 TB of

+ + plot and checkpoint data. Regridding was performed electron-ion pairs (80% N2 and 20% O2 ), every ten time steps and accounts for approximately

2 ! 10% of the total simulation time. Parallel I/O with (x − x0) HDF5 was also performed every ten time steps, and ne = n0 exp − , (16) 2R2 accounted for around 20% for the simulation time. For our simulations, discrete photons are computationally where R is the patch radius and x is the electrode tip, 0 far cheaper than continuum models since there are n = 1016 m 3 and R = 100 µm. We have chosen to 0 − comparatively few photons generated at every time use smooth and symmetric initial conditions in order step, and there is no need to solve multiple elliptic to ensure that any stochasticity that develops is not a equations as is done with the Helmholtz approach [51– result of initial perturbations. Physically correct initial 54]. conditions could be provided by for example depositing initial electron particles on the grid as fluid densities. The equations are solved over an EBAMR grid 3. Results with the Stephens et al. [24] hierarchy with a base level of 1603 cells and 6 photoionization model refinement levels with factor two refinement between each level. The effective grid size is therefore (10240)3 First, we present results computed with the Stephens et al. and the finest possible grid resolution in the simulation [24] photoionization model. These results are domain is roughly 2 µm. The results in this paper use a presented in figure6 and demonstrate morphological tiled-based mesh generator [72] instead of the classical features that are observed in experiments, for example Berger-Rigoutsos algorithm [73]. Tiled patch-based streamer fluctuations and branching. Animations grids look similar to tree-based grids but are more of this simulation are provided in the supplemental general since the domain extensions are not restricted material. The animations provide a clearer picture of to being an integer power of 2 (e.g. 213 cells), and can the discharge morphology, as well as better illustrations also use refinement factors other than 2. The tile size is of the relative filament velocities and branching set to 16, i.e. on each AMR level the mesh represented processes. by a union of grids with 163 cells. We do not observe inception clouds [18] in our The mesh is refined if simulations, which we attribute to our use of a fairly blunt electrode tip. The use of a sharper electrode α∆x > 1 or |∇E|∆x/E > 5, (17) tip or other boundary conditions (e.g. grounded side walls) yields higher field strengths near the anode and can lead to appearance of inception clouds. Experimentally [18, 74], inception clouds are seen for 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 9

a) 0◦ b) 120◦ c)



180 B 6 mm 15 mm 35 280 210 160

170 0.0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3.0

20 3 10 m− 190 × 230



Figure 6. Rotated views of the electron density after 42 ns. The numbers in figure a) indicate the electric field at the streamer tips in units of kV/cm. The solid circles in a) indicate branches that1 failed to fully develop into streamers, but left behind a high-field region. Figure b) is rotated 120◦ degrees with respect to figure a). Figure c) views the streamers from below. sharp tips, high voltages, or low pressures, but none of in atmospheric air, so that after 1 cm propagation these conditions are met in our simulations. we obtain the estimate Emax ≈ 250-500kV/cm for In figure6 we observe 10 streamer branches. The Rs = 100 µm. In the simulations we observe transient thinnest streamers are about 100 µm in width whereas fields up to 300 kV/cm at the branching point and the thickest one is around 500 µm. The streamers sustained fields at the streamer tips up to 260 kV/cm. with the smallest radii propagate with velocities v ∼ Next, we turn to streamer branching which 0.15 mm/ns while the thickest streamer propagate with is computationally observed to occur as follows: velocity v ∼ 0.33 mm/ns. Streamer radii and velocities Photoionization around the streamer head yields agree with experimental observations performed at stochastically distributed electron avalanches that similar (but not identical) conditions [74]. propagate towards the streamer tip. As the electric The branching distance is significantly different for field gravitates towards higher plasma densities in front different branch thicknesses. For example, the ”main of the streamer, noise or uneven distributions in the stem” in figure6 has a branching distance D relative to incoming avalanches can result in a shift of the electric its diameter d of D/d ≈ 4, whereas the branch labeled field maximum slightly away from the streamer tip. B has in figure6a) has D/d ≈ 30. In experiments This leads to spatial variations in the electron density [74], thick streamers have D/d = 8 ± 4 while for thin inside the streamer, but can also lead to macroscopic (but not minimal) streamers D/d = 11 ± 4, but there variations such as fluctuations in streamer radius or are generally large variations in the experimentally deflection of the original trajectory. If the reaction observed branching distance. For example, streamers zone center is shifted and advances slightly further don’t branch below a certain diameter. (but off-axis), the space charge layer curvature and Thinner streamers have higher fields at their tips. electric field magnitude decreases at the point where The analytical model suggested by Chen et al. [75] the streamer changed trajectory. This essentially leads estimates a maximum electric field for a streamer with to a flattening of the space charge layer and a decrease radius Rs as Emax ≈ U/(kRs) where U is voltage in in the field magnitude where the layer is less curved. the streamer head and k = 2-4 is a correction factor for Ultimately, additional field maxima then appear in air. Voltage depletion in the channel is about 5 kV/cm the streamer head, and these act as nuclei for new 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 10

0.0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 t = 42 ns

20 3 10 m− × 3.0 3 ns 4 ns 5 ns 6 ns 7 ns 8 ns 1.5

4 mm 1.0

0.5 9 ns 10 ns 11 ns 12 ns 13 ns 14 ns 0.0 20 3 10 m− × 15 mm

Figure 7. Multiscale branching process and emergence of thin streamers in the main stem wake.1 The figure shows a closeup of the discharge evolution in figure6. Branching occurs due to a deflection of the streamer path that leaves behind a curved region in the space charge layer, particularly visible for times 4ns-8ns, from which a thin streamer develops. branches. The branching process is shown in figure7. Figure 8. (Color online) Electron densities computed using the We have not observed branching from filaments Stephens et al. [24] model with an1 artificially lowered collisional that do not fluctuate, further indicating that these quenching rate. two phenomena are linked. Also note that even when additional local field maxima emerge in the streamer head, there is no guarantee that they all lead to new lowered quenching rate. For the Stephens et al. [24] streamer branches. When fluctuations are strong but photoionization model we have kq  kr,γ for the 1 branches fail to grow, a ”kink” in the space charge b Πu(1) → X(0, 1) transitions whereas we have kq ∼ 1 + 1 layer in the streamer wake appears instead. The kink, kr,γ for the c40 Σu (0) → X (0) transitions. These or failed streamer branch, consists of a small cluster inequalities rely on the use of a single quenching of positive ions that sticks out from the space charge rate constant for both singlet states, but the trend is layer and outside of it we find a small-volume region nonetheless clear: Excited states with long radiative with an electric field well above the critical field. Such lifetimes are quenched more efficiently. We now set 17 3 kinks have been observed computationally. They are kq/N = 10− m /s which lowers the quenching rate by indicated by black circles in figure6a), and for both one order of magnitude such that the predissociation indicated regions the field in the streamer wake is above and quenching lifetimes have the same order of the ionization level of the gas but no streamers emerge. magnitude. Note that we artificially lower kq but leave Analogous structures probably exist also for negative the other reaction rates untouched. At lower quenching streamers. Whether or not the ”failed branches” emit levels less branching is expected since the noise in the any observable light after they stop, or if they develop ionization level in front of the streamer is reduced into highly latent branches, is an open question that due to appearance of more photoelectrons, particularly 1 + 1 1 will be investigated in the future. If they do emit light, from the c40 Σu (0) → X (0, 1) and b Πu(1) → 1 they may be related to streamer beads [76–80]. X (0, 1) transitions. The relative increase in the 1 + 1 number of photons from the c40 Σu (1) → X (0, 1, 2, 3) 3.1. Results with lower quenching rate constants is less since the excited state is already heavily predissociated. Figure8 shows the results computed To illustrate the role of collisional quenching, we using the Stephens et al. [24] model for photoionization now provide results computed with an artifically with the lowered quenching rate. The results show 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization 11 substantially less branching. We attribute this result which also leads to generation of fewer photons. Here, to suppression of stochastic fluctuations in front of although the average electric field in the discharge gap the streamer, which occurs due to an increase in the is 10 kV/cm, the field is much stronger near the anode photoionization rate. and correspondingly also even weaker further into the gap. Our current simulation model is a fairly realistic t = 35 ns representation of the conditions in laboratory discharge experiments. 3.0 Figure9 shows the simulation results computed with the Zheleznyak model, viewed from two different angles: From the side, and from below and looking 1.5 into the streamer. We observe 10 individual streamer branches, most of which have different thicknesses. 1.0 Qualitatively, we observe a comparatively similar discharge evolution as with the Stephens et al. [24] model. Both models lead to discharge trees, but 0.5 the smallest observed streamer diameter with the Zheleznyak model is slightly larger at 150 µm and 12 mm 0.0 the highest field at the (thinnest) streamer tip is 20 3 10 m− × approximately 250 kV/cm, which is in fair agreement with the simulations performed using the Stephens et al. [24] model. We remark that the computer results are stochastic and that it is currently not known if the observed streamers are minimum-width streamers.

5. Final remarks and conclusion

6 mm In summary, we have presented a three-dimensional computational study of positive streamer discharges in air under experimentally available conditions. Two photoionization models are used, a microscopically based model by Stephens et al. [24] and the classical Zheleznyak model [55] with corrections by Pancheshnyi [56]. Field-dependent excitation efficiencies were used for both models. The computer results are qualitatively consistent with experiments and demonstrate a multiscale morphology that includes streamer fluctuations and streamer branching. Our results demonstrate that streamer branching occurs Figure 9. Electron densities computed using the Zheleznyak stochastically, in agreement with previous results model [55, 56]. 1 [50]. Less branching was observed when artificially increasing the photoionization level. Branching also leads to formation of a discharge tree with 4. Results with the Zheleznyak thin streamers that carry electric fields exceeding photoionization model 250 kV/cm at their tips. Both radiative models still contain uncertainties Next, we provide a computer simulation which used that are presently difficult to quantify. The model the Zheleznyak photoionization model as discussed in by Stephens et al. [24] contains uncertainties due to section 2.1.2. The results are presented in figure9. the accumulated effect of neglected photoionization- Recently, a similar study was reported by Bagheri capable mechanisms, e.g. excited states where data is and Teunissen [50] and we would like to point out not available, and emission from atomic nitrogen and some important differences between that study and oxygen. Pending an improvement in the quantification the results in this section. 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