Works Branch ilJZJl';f~lll! Planning and Lands Branch ~HilliU Il'%flf J;!H&ll!t!liiltf-:1 Government Secretariat Murray Building, Garden Road, l!}J!l::ltli!llll~MO;;';:IM

Ref. DEVB(CS) 1/1/1 Ref. . DEVB(PL)ITS 6-15/27 Group 1,17

11 January 2008

Development Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 2/2008 Technical Circular (Planning and Lands) No. 1/2008

Development Bureau Information Technology Committee


1. This Circular promulgates the Development Bureau Information Technology Committee (DEVB ITC), its terms of reference and membership.

Effective Date

2. This Circular shall take immediate effect.

Effect on Existing Circulars

3. This Circular replaces the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 16/2003 and Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau General Circular No. 2/2003 which are hereby cancelled.

DEVB TCW No. 212008 DEVB TCPL No. 1/2008 Page 1 of3 Background

4. On the restructuring of bureaux on 1 July 2007, the Development Bureau (DEVB) now comprises the Planning and Lands Branch (PLB) and the Works Branch (WB). A new DEVB ITC is formed to replace the former Environment, Transport and Works Information Technology Committee and Planning and Lands Branch Information Technology Committee.

5. The DEVB ITC will serve to steer the IT development of the DEVB, Works Group of Departments (WGD) and Planning and Lands Group of Departments (PLGD), and will not cover non-IT issues such as departmental business, resources, etc. in connection with their Departmental IT Plans.

Terms of Reference

6. The Terms of Reference ofDEVB ITC are:-

(a) To steer the IT development of the DEVB, WGD and PLGD.

(b) To ensure the proper formulation of departmental IT plans of DEVB, WGD and PLGD and to endorse or approve the same in line with the .IT direction of the DEVB, WGD and PLGD.

(c) To foster new ideas and exchange experience in IT strategies, implementation of systems, system maintenance, IT standards, asset management, IT security, staff training, etc.

(d) To promote sharing of data and interoperability of IT systems within the DEVB, WGD and PLGD.

DEVB TCW No. 212008 DEVB TCPL No. 112008 Page 2 of3 Membership

7. Chairman: Deputy Secretary (Works)2, DEVB, and Deputy Secretary (Planning and Lands)l, DEVB

Members: Chief Assistant Secretary (Works)?, DEVB Chief Executive Officer (IT&RM), DEVB

A senior professional representative or above from each of the following: Architectural Services Department Building Department Civil Engineering and Development Department Drainage Services Department Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Land Registry Planning Department Water Supplies Department Office of Govermnent Chief Information Officer Antiquities and Monuments Office (on need basis)

Secretary: Assistant Secretary (IT&SP)l, DEVB, and Senior Executive Officer (IT), DEVB

·~ ( MAK Chai-kwong ) (Raymond YOUNG) Permanent Secretary for Development Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (Planning and Lands)

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