Marmite Vs : Who won the Mite-iest Victory? Whenever Ausies and Brits meet there is only one contest on people’s minds, and it’s not the Ashes… Which is better, or Vegemite? International courier ParcelHero now has the official answer! We all know some people love Marmite, and some people hate it – but did you know that there’s a whole nation that claims to hate it? Australians love their own spread, Vegemite, and scorn the UK’s (and New Zealand’s!) beloved Marmite. Leading up to Day ParcelHero – specialists in obtaining the best prices sending parcels to Australia – noticed many customers were shipping Marmite to Oz; and many others were sending Vegemite to the UK from Australia. So ParcelHero decided to open a ‘friendly’ UK-Australia social media competition to find the most popular recipes. It asked five well known UK food blog sites to share their favourite Marmite-based recipes, and five leading Australian food bloggers to give their favourite Vegemite dishes. Would a Vegemite or a Marmite recipe win? The result has led to a Twitter exchange between the ‘mite’y duo… Says David Jinks, Head of ParcelHero Consumer Research: ‘I am very happy to be able to spread the word about the winning spread. From the ten entries there was a winner, with a huge 43% of the public vote: a Marmite recipe for that old favourite, Welsh rarebit (or melted cheese on for the uninitiated). The winning recipe, posted by London sisters Claire and Lucy McDonald, of the popular food web site, features a desert spoon of Marmite and a splash of Worcester sauce to give it that winning tang. There’s now a year’s supply of Marmite on its way to Claire and Lucy!’ Australians may hate the Marmite victory; but they love the most popular Vegemite recipe, Vegemite and cheese puffy scrolls. Of the ten hotly-contested recipes, 8.25% of voters thought this puff-pastry based savoury was unbeatable: making it the best scoring Vegemite dish. A good score, but not enough to beat the classic Marmite winner. Claire says their winning Marmite rarebit is an easy dish to make: ‘This doesn’t take much more time than cheese on toast, but it feels more substantial which in turn makes me feel like a better mum! And I like anything with Marmite – even chocolate!’ And she and Lucy are delighted with her prize of a year’s supply of their favourite spread: ‘As huge Marmite fans we're thrilled to win this - more Marmite to experiment with in our cooking!’ Adds David: ‘We’ve tried the Marmite rarebit here at ParcelHero and it’s delicious. There were some other really tasty ideas too. Marmite is certainly great for more than just spreading on toast – winning combo though that is! The most unusual recipe was undoubtedly Marmite and caramel cupcakes. And clearly Claire’s not the only person who likes Marmite and chocolate. There was a recipe for a Marmite and chocolate cake that attracted quite strong support… though I must admit we’ve not tried that one yet ourselves!’ Would the Pommy Victor Marmite gloat to the vanquished Vegemite? Of course! Marmite soon took to Twitter to say: ‘@parcelhero @crumbsfood I reign victorious once again!! @Vegemite, another one bites the 'crust'’ To which Vegemite conceded: ‘@marmite @parcelhero @crumbsfood even we thought that was a little punny Marmite!’ And the crumbsfood McDonald sisters added: ‘@marmite @parcelhero @vegemite what can we say? 'Cept our delicious Marmite Rarebit makes 'toast' of our competitors’! Find out all the top bloggers recipes and results at: vs-vegemite-voting-competition

For more information please contact David Jinks, Head of PR, on [email protected] or by phone on 0208 7584962 (07772 055748 out of office hours) Leading international online courier ParcelHero® strategically partners with the world's leading logistics companies, including DHL, UPS and DPD, to provide a flexible, cost-effective range of parcel delivery services to over 220 countries worldwide. Huge bulk purchasing power allows ParcelHero® to offer highly competitive pricing with no compromise in service quality.