Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report

Semi-Annual Report No. 4

Loan Number: 3260 NEP July 2018

Nepal: Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (Roads, School and Office Buildings)

Prepared by the Government of for the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental Compliance Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018


Currency unit - Nepalese Rupee (NRs) NRs. 1.00 = $ 0.0091 US $ 1.00 = NRs. 109.25

Source: Nepal Rastra Bank, 30 June, 2018

NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Nepal and its agencies ends on 15 July. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY 2017 ends on 16 July 2018. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

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ADB Asian Development Bank BoQ Bill of Quantity BS Bikram Sambat (Nepali Calendar) CFUG Community Forest Users Group CISC Central Implementation Support Consultant CLPIU Central Level Project Implementation Unit DCC District Coordination Committee DDR Due Diligence Report DFO District Forest Officer DSC Design and Supervision Consultant DISC District Implementation Support Consultant DLPIU District Level Project Implementation Unit DoR Department of Roads DUDBC Department of Urban Development and Building Construction DTO District Technical Office EEAP Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project EMP Environmental Management Plan FY Fiscal Year GoN Government of Nepal GRC Grievance Redress Committee GMaLI Grant Management and Local Infrastructure IEE Initial Environmental Examination MoE Ministry of Education MoFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs & Local Development MoUD Ministry of Urban Development MoFSC Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation NRA National Reconstruction Authority NRs Nepali Rupees PD Project Directorate SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

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Table of Contents

1. Project Background 1 2. Impact and Outcome 1 3. Environmental Safeguards in EEAP 2 4. Overall Environmental Safeguard Status 2 5. Semi-annual Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report 2 Part 1: District Roads 3 Part 2: Strategic Roads 51 Part 3: School Buildings 117 Part 4: Government Buildings 170

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1. PROJECT BACKGROUND 1. Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is a project being implemented by covenant loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and counterpart funding from Government of Nepal (GoN). The goal of the project is to support Government of Nepal to accelerate rehabilitation and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the major aftershock of 12 May 2015. The project will support the rebuilding of schools, roads, and district-level government buildings, and strengthen resilience to future disasters.

2. EEAP, Loan 3260 for $200 M was approved on 24 June 2015, signed on 21 August 2015 and became effective on 10 September 2015 with the objective of supporting the GoN.

2. IMPACT AND OUTCOME 3. The impact of the project is accelerated economic and social recovery in Nepal’s earthquake affected districts. The outcome will be critical economic and social services resumed with disaster-resilient infrastructure.

4. The project has following four outputs:

(i) Output 1: Schools are rebuilt and upgraded. At least 700 schools will be rebuilt or retrofitted in line with school reconstruction plans to disaster-resilient standards and equipped with water and sanitation facilities, including sex-disaggregated toilets. About five will be model schools built with information and communication technology equipment, science laboratories, and improved learning spaces. However, target has been reduced 154 school buildings (MTR, October 2017). (ii) Output 2: Roads and bridges are rehabilitated and/or reconstructed. About 135 km of strategic roads and about 450 km of rural roads damaged by the earthquake and landslides will be rehabilitated. Target for strategic and district roads has been reduced to 123.9 km and 525 km respectively (MTR, October 2017). Project roads and bridges will have built back better features for road safety and climate resilience. Construction and maintenance equipment will also be procured. (iii) Output 3: District-level government facilities constructed and/or rebuilt. About 300 district-level government buildings will be rebuilt or retrofitted to disaster resilient standards with basic utilities, and furnished. This target has been reduced to 123 buildings (MTR, October 2017). Transitional district-level government offices will also be established to enable services to continue throughout the reconstruction period. (iv) Output 4: Disaster preparedness and management capacities strengthened. All outputs are assured to be disaster risk resilient. Engineering divisions of all implementing agencies will be strengthened.

5. The district roads components has received technical assistance grant from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Also, the scope of output 1 was increased in December 2016 to include 15 additional schools to be rebuilt following the additional $ 10 million financing from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID – Grant 0529).

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3. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS IN EEAP 6. An Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) was prepared in accordance with ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement 2009. Initial environmental examinations (IEEs) and environmental management plans (EMPs) were required for district and strategic roads where as due diligence report (DDR) with EMP were required for school and office building sub-projects along with incorporating EMP into bidding and contract documents to be implemented by contractors.

7. The Central Level Project Implementation Units (CLPIUs) are assisted by Design and Supervision Consultants (DSCs) which will include Environment Specialists engaged during project implementation. CLPIUs prepare environmental safeguard documents for approved sub-projects which receive concurrence from ADB and approval from concerned agencies of GoN. CLPIUs obtain all clearances and fulfill government requirements. The District Level Project Implementation Units (DLPIUs) have a safeguards focal person who is responsible for data required for safeguards plan preparation, monitoring and progress reports, and coordination with relevant organizations like Ministry of Forest, Soil and Conservation (MoFSC) to consult and/or obtain endorsement if necessary. CLPIUs and DLPIUs are supported by DSCs/Central Implementation Support Consultant (CISC)/District Implementation Support Consultants (DISCs).

4. OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD STATUS 8. The overall environmental safeguard status of EEAP in reference to its output is listed below:

(i) Output 1- School Buildings: For school building sub-projects, DDRs with EMP preparation are in progress and will be completed shortly. (ii) Output 2a- District Roads: All IEE reports of 17 road sub-projects have been approved from the Government of Nepal (GoN) and concurrence has been given by ADB. (iii) Output 2b- Strategic Roads: IEE of all three roads sub-project namely, Dolakha-Singati Road, Dhading –Gorkha Road and Pachakhal-Melamchi Road has been approved by the GoN and ADB. (iv) Output 3- Office buildings: For government office buildings, DDRs with EMP for the sub-projects are under preparation.

5. SEMI-ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT 9. According to EARF, each CLPIUs with DSC support has to prepare and submit semi- annual monitoring reports (SMRs) to ADB, one from January-June and other July-December of each year by the 15th of next month.

10. This semi-annual environmental compliance monitoring report for EEAP has been compiled on the basis of SMR prepared by the CLPIU GMaLI as given in Part 1, Project Directorate (PD) Office of Department of Roads (DOR) as given in Part 2, CLPIU of the Ministry of Education (MOE) as given in Part 3 and CLPIU of Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD) as Part 4.

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Table of Contents 1. BACKGROUND 6 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS IN EEAP 8 3. OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD STATUS 8 4. CONSTRUCTION APPROACH 8 5. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS 9 6. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD MEASURES 9 6.1. EMP Implementation Budget in Districts 9 6.2. Orientation Program 10 6.3. Forestry Clearance 12 6.4. Plantation 14 6.5. Slope Stabilization and Bioengineering Activities 18 6.6. Camp Site Management 18 6.7. Occupational Health and Safety 19 6.8. Signboard Placing 19 6.9. Spoil Management 19 6.10. Grievances Received and Addressed 19 6.11. EMP Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting and Field Visit 19 7. ISSUES AND WAY FORWARD 20 8. ACHIEVEMENT ON MAJOR ITEMS OF FOCUS ON PREVIOUS REPORT 20 9. MAJOR ITEMS OF FOCUS FOR NEXT REPORT 22

List of Tables Table 1: List of Events on Orientation on Environmental Safeguard and Awareness ...... 10 Table 2: List of Events on Orientation on Waste Management ...... 12 Table 3: Estimated, Revised and Carried out Compensatory Plantation Activities 15 Table 4: Status on Revised Target and Achieved Plantation in Different Sub-projects 15 Table 5:Detail on Roadside Plantation 17 Table 6: Date and Name of Districts Visited by CISC Environmental Team ...... 20 Table 7: Issues and Way Forward ...... 20 Table 8: Status on Items of Focus of Previous Report ...... 21 Table 9: Item of Focus for Next Report ...... 22

List of Figures Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing District of EEAP ...... 7 Figure 2: Map showing Road Sub-projects in Districts of EEAP ...... 7

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Figure 3: Estimated, Revised, Allocated and Spent budget in District ...... 10 Figure 4: Types of Forest with Number of Vegetation Loss and Area ...... 13 Figure 5: Revised (DFO) and Targeted (IEE) Compensatory Plantation in Sub-projects ..... 14

List of Annexes Annex 1: Environmental Safeguard Planning Status ...... 24 Annex 2: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status ...... 25 Annex 3: Status of Compliance with Relevant Covenants ...... 26 Annex 4: Environmental Management Cost (NRs) ...... 29 Annex 5: Status of Environmental Safeguard Compliances ...... 31 Annex 6: Detail on Forestry Clearance ...... 38 Annex 7: Detail on Tree Loss, Targeted Plantation and Cost (NRs.) with Forest Name ...... 40 Annex 8: Spoil management Disposal Format ...... 41 Annex 9: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format ...... 42 Annex 10: Photographs ...... 45

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1. Background

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is a project being implemented by loan assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), technical assistance from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and counterpart funding from Government of Nepal (GoN). EEAP has been supporting GoN to accelerate recovery and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the major aftershock of 12 May 2015. The project covers 12 affected districts in eastern, middle and western development region of Nepal1.

The Project will restore and strengthen the resiliency of critical public and social infrastructure and services and has four outputs; Output 1: Schools are rebuilt and upgraded, Output 2: Roads and bridges are rehabilitated and/or reconstructed, Output 3: District-level government facilities constructed and/or rebuilt, Output 4: Disaster preparedness and management capacities strengthened.

Under Output 2, strategic roads and district roads damaged by the earthquake and landslides are under rehabilitation. Project roads and bridges will have built back better features for road safety and climate resilience. The initial target of district roads component was rehabilitation and reconstruction of 450 km. A total of 25 potential road sub-projects (474.7 km) had been identified for rehabilitation and reconstruction in 12 sub-projects districts under EEAP2. However, 17 road sub-projects (325 km) has been prioritized for rehabilitation and reconstruction due to budget constraint (please refer Figure 1 and 2 for project location).

National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) is executing agency for EEAP. NRA has established Central Level Project Implementation Unit-Grant Management and Local Infrastructure (CLPIU-GMaLI) in Kathmandu, headed by a project director to coordinate all project activities. At the district level, project implementation will be the responsibility of the District Level Project Implementation Unit-Grant Management and Local Infrastructure (DLPIU-GMaLI) of each district. CLPIU/DLPIU (GMaLI) will be supported by District Implementation Support Consultants (DISC) which is headed by District Team Leader, technical and social staff. Overall back stopping support to the district will be provided by Central Implementation Support Consultants (CISC).

1The 12 project districts are Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kavrepalanchok, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu, Sindhuli, Gorkha, Lamjung, Chitwan

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Source: DRILP-III Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing District of EEAP

District Road Sub-projects in EEAP

Source: DRILP-III Figure 2: Map showing Road Sub-projects in Districts of EEAP

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2. Environmental Safeguards in EEAP

EEAP falls in category B project according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009. Also, the road sub-projects of EEAP belong to District Road Core Network (DRCN) according to Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055) first Revision, September 2012 of the Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR). Therefore, it is a legal requirement to carry out Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) according to Working Procedure relating with Environmental Impact Assessment for Reconstruction of the Earthquake Affected Structures 2016.

Environmental assessment is essential to integrate environmental considerations into development project in order to minimize negative environmental impacts. In this context, IEE reports have been prepared for road sub-projects under EEAP to satisfy legal provision of GoN and ADB’s environmental procedures.

During the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the road sub-projects, environmental monitoring is an important tool to ensure the compliance of mitigation measures and implementation of environmental management plan (EMP). Monthly, Quarterly and Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Monitoring Report have been prepared on the basis of report received from DISC team and environmental field visit made by Environmental Safeguard Unit of CISC, EEAP.

3. Overall Environmental Safeguard Status

IEE reports of all 17 road sub-projects have been approved by GoN and have been duly endorsed by ADB. 14 IEE reports are approved from NRA and 3 IEE reports Bysai-Jhaukhel- Changu-Telkot-Bhattedanda-Nagarkot Road, Bhaktapur; Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road, Lalitpur and -Dhungakharka-Chyamranbesi--Borang Road, Kavrepalnchok) are approved by then Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development).

Total 3 IEE reports (-Phulasipokhari Section of Devitar-Doramba-Paseban-Kolibagar Road, Ramechhap; Okhaldunga-Rumjatar Road, Okhaldhunga and Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar- Netrakali Road, Sindhuli) were updated due to variation in forest area and trees to be removed from forest area and re-approved from NRA. The forestry clearance process has been initiated in all required sub-project. Simultaneously, implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring is ongoing. Please refer Annex 1 and Annex 2 for status of environmental safeguards.

4. Construction Approach

EEAP applies National Competitive Bidding (NCB) approach for construction of road. Contractors have been using equipment and human resources to execute the contract within the stipulated deadline. Spoil disposal has been tried to balance with cutting and filling as far as possible. There will be use of bio-engineering techniques with integrated use of vegetation, simple civil engineering structures and proper water management systems for slope protection. Overall, construction activities will follow the environment friendly approach as much as possible.

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Environmental safeguard related project activities are in compliance with loan covenants as regular follow up actions are being taken according to approved IEE report (Please refer Annex 3 for details).

6. Compliance with Environmental Safeguard Measures

Tender has been awarded for all sub-projects under EEAP and construction work has already been started. For better environmental safeguard compliance of the project, implementation of EMP should be done strictly.

6.1. EMP Implementation Budget in Districts IEE reports suggest that NRs. 31,213,538 (of which NRs. 27,429,538 is for EMP implementation and NRs. 3,784,000 is for central level and third party monitoring) is required for 17 road sub-projects, in addition to environmental management cost covered under civil activities.

NRA has allocated NRs. 16,507,000 under the heading “Environmental Management and Roadside Plantation in Upgrading and Reconstruction of Road” for this fiscal year 2074/075. The available budget is 52.88 % of estimated budget and 30.09 % of revised required budget. Therefore, CLPIU has already written a letter to NRA regarding budget deficiency of NRs. 38,346,833.83. However, it has been reported that NRs. 5,634,963.35 (34.13% of available budget) has been spent/process of spending to implement EMP. Please refer, Figure 3 for estimated, revised, allocated and disbursed budget in the districts. Inclusion of sapling and seedling number (trees to be cut) in few DFO’s “tippani “and additional provision of In addition, there is provisional sum of budget plantation against the loss of forest ranging from NRs. 300,000 to NRs. 350,000 in land has cause the increase in required BoQ for environment mitigation. Please refer budget (NRs. 54,853,834) for EMP Annex 4 for details about budget estimated for implementation by 75.74 %. the implementation of environmental management plan for all road sub-projects. Following is summary of environmental compliances and details are given in Annex 5.

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Figure 3: Estimated, Revised, Allocated and Disbursed Budget in District

6.2. Orientation Program a. Environmental Safeguard and Awareness Environmental safeguard awareness training was conducted in different sub-project as recommended by IEE report to raise the environmental conservation and awareness amongst local people as well as to familiarize contractor, field staff and local community about implementation of environmental management plan and its compliance. The participants were CFUG members, members of women group, youth club, teacher, contractor and contractor’s staff & workers, field staff and local authorities etc. Till date, 26 events (1,412 participants) has been conducted in 14 road sub-project of 10 districts, please refer Table 1 for detail. The estimated budget (IEE) for conducting environment safeguard and awareness orientation is NRs. 3,085,000.

Table 1: List of Events on Orientation on Environmental Safeguard and Awareness

S.N Name of Sub-Project Events Participants Remarks District (No.) (No.) 1 Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari-Nagarkot 1 83 Road

2 Bhaktapur Bysai-Jhaukhel-Changu- - - Not included in Telkot-Bhattedanda-Nagarkot EMP Road

3 Lalitpur Thaiba-Godamchaur Road - - Godamchour-Godabari- 1 73 Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road

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S.N Name of Sub-Project Events Participants Remarks District (No.) (No.) 4 Kavrepalanchok Kuntabesi-Nayagaun- 1 38 Nagarkot Road Khopasi-Dhungakharka- Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road 5 Dolkha Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa Section 3 180 of Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa-Jiri Road Sunkhani-Lamidanda- 3 180 Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road 6 Gorkha Ghympesal-Balkot-Palkhu- 1 118 Swara-Saurpani-Barpak Road Luitel-Aappipal- 2 144 Harmibhanjyang-Thalajung- Bhachek Road 7 Lamjung Belghari-Archalbot- 2 70 Lamabagar-Serabazaar- Lituere-Pachok Road 8 Chitwan Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar- 2 93 Thakurivanjyang Road 9 Sindhuli Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar- 2 122 Netrakali Road 10 Ramechhap Haldebesi-Dhobi-Dhandebesi 3 119 Road Devitar-Phulasipokhari 3 92 Section of Devitar-Doramba- Paseban-Kolibagar Road 11 Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga-Rumjatar Road 2 100 12 Solukhumbu Garma-Nele-Bogal Road - - Budget deficiency Total 26 1,412

b. Waste Management and Awareness Orientation on waste management and awareness has to be conducted in 5 road sub-projects (Sankhu-Palubari-Nagarkot Road, Thaiba-Godamchaur Road, Godamchour-Godabari- Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road, Khopasi-Dhungakharka-Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road, Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar-Thakurivanjyang Road) as per approved IEE with estimated budget of NRs. 950,000. Till date, 2 events (101 participants) have been conducted in road sub-project of Kathmandu and Lalitpur districts; please refer Table 2 for detail. The orientation had made awareness among the participants to reduce waste at source, segregate the waste, concept of 3R, making fertilizer from biodegradable waste and responsible waste disposal.

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Table 2: List of Events on Orientation on Waste Management S.N Name of Sub-Project Total Participants Remarks District (No.) 1 Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari- 41 2 Day Program with Nagarkot Road practical 2 Lalitpur Thaiba-Godamchaur 60 1 Day Program with Road practical Godamchour- - Godabari-Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road 3 Kavrepalanchok Khopasi- - Dhungakharka- Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road 4 Chitwan Khurkhure (Highway)- - Samitar-Thakuri vanjyang Road Total 101

6.3. Forestry Clearance According to Forest Act, 2049 BS (1993) and Government of Nepal: Working Procedure to Use National Forest Area for National Priority Projects, 2074 BS (2017), forestry clearance has to be obtained from the GoN (cabinet) through Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoFE), if the road sub-projects passes from the forest area.

Approved IEE reports of 17 road sub-projects show that total 15 road sub-projects pass through 53 Community Forests (CFs), 4 Government Managed Forests (GMFs), 5 Leasehold Forests (LHFs) and 2 Religious Forests (RFs). However, there is no tree loss from 3 CFs in Garma-Nele-Bogal Road of Solukhumbu District and 4 LHFs of Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar- Netrakali Road of Sindhuli District.

Field assessment by personnel of forest office shows that 13 road sub-project passes through 49 CFs, 5 GMFs, 7 LHFs and 2 RFs with permanent loss of 30.97 ha of forest area. However, DFO’s tree cutting plan report has seeked for 40.38 ha land as forest (consideration of barren land as forest in Sunkhani- Tree cutting approval plan prepared and Lamidanda-Kalinchowk section of submitted by DFO has seeked the approval Sunkhani Sangwa Road, Dolkha and of more vegetation to be cleared and area overall agriculture,barren and build up area of forest. There is over all increment in forest area loss by 30.40% and 4.5 times for also in Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar- vegetation, requiring additional huge Thakurivanjyang Road of Chitwan). These budget for mitigation. road sub-projects need to clear 1,322 trees and poles; 1,664 saplings and 3,279 seedlings. Therefore, tree cutting approval had to be seeked for 1,322 trees and poles only. However, tree cutting approval plan prepared by DFO specified to remove overall 5,960 vegetation (trees, poles, saplings & seedlings) from the forest. There is no tree loss from 2 CFs in Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa Section of Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa-Jiri Road of Dolkha District, 5 CFs in Haldebesi-Dhobi-Dhandebesi Road of Ramechhap and 4 LHFs of Pipal Bhanjyang-

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Haitar-Netrakali Road of Sindhuli District. More than 80% trees and poles will be lost from CF, with more than 80% of total affected forest land. Please refer Annex 6 and Figure 4 for detail.

Forestry clearance process has already been initiated in all required 13 road sub-projects of 10 districts. Out of which, all concerned ilaka forest office has already completed tree loss inventory listing as per schedule 7 of Forest Regulation, 1995. Collection/preparation of all the field level documents (mass meeting minute and consent letter of affected forest user groups, GPS coordinate maps, “char killa” data etc.) were facilitated by DISC team and submitted to DFO. All concerned DFO has already submitted tree cutting file to Department of Forest (DoF). DoF has forwarded 12 files after assessment to MoFE and MoFE has submitted it to cabinet for approval. However, one file of Kuntabesi-Nayagaun-Nagarkot Road is under assessment in DoF.

Figure 4: Types of Forest with Number of Vegetation Loss and Area

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6.4. Plantation a. Compensatory Plantation According to approved IEE, there will be 3,624 tree loss from forest area and 4,039 from private land. Therefore, compensatory plantation (CP) of 94,639 plants (90,600 in forest area and 4,039 in private land) has been targeted against the loss of 7,663 tree The actual no. of target for compensatory plantation at the ratio of 1:25 plants in forest area had to be 33,050 (63.52% less than estimated in (CF/GMF/LHF/RF) and 1:1 plants in approved IEE). There was inclusion of 1359 sapling private land with total estimated cost of and 3,279 seedlings in DFO’s Tippani in sub-project of NRs. 16,014,538 in approved IEE Chitwan, Sunkhani-Sangwa Road of Dolkha and both sub-projects of Gorkha, requires additional 115,950 (please refer Annex 7 for detail). leading total target of 149,000 plants. Tippani from However, the target in forest area has DoF was returned to districts for more than a time, been revised as per DFO’s official with a single issue at a time. Since it was already report in tree cutting approval plan. delayed in the forestry clearance process, it was decided to move forward the files from DoF with There is overall 64.46 % increment in inclusion of no. of plants less than 5 inch diameter at compensatory plantation target in breast height, to speed-up the process. forest area; 58,400 plants more than estimated in approved IEE report, please refer Figure 5 and Table 3 also. Area wise, approximately 93.12 ha of plantation will be done in forest area according to the plantation norms of then Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC, 2070).

Figure 5: Revised (DFO) and Targeted (IEE) Compensatory Plantation in Sub-projects

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Table 3: Estimated, Revised and Carried out Compensatory Plantation Activities

Forest Type (by Compensatory Plantation Management)/ Estimated Target Revised Variation Carried Remarks Private Land (Approved IEE) Target (%) Out Community Forest 59,900 104,875 75.08  2000 6,310 (process) Government 29,200 22,525 22.86  Managed Forest Leasehold Forest 175 20,475 11,600.00  Religious Forest 1,325 1,125 15.09  Total (Forest) 90,600 149,000 64.46  2000 Private Land 4,039 4,039 N/A 0 Total 94,639 153,039 61.71  2000

CISC has been providing backstopping support to district teams for carrying out compensatory plantation works. Revised plantation plan had been sent to all districts. Despite the effort by DISC team, there is very less achievement in compensatory plantation. Only, Sakhu-Palubari- Nagarkot Road has carried out plantation and Belghari-Archalbot-Lamabagar-Serabazaar- Lituere-Pachok Road is in process. Similarly, there will be partial plantation activities in Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road and Okhaldunga-Rumjatar Road soon. The plantation activity in private land is nill. Among the forest land also, there is plantation in CFs only. Please refer Table 3 and 4 for detail.

Table 4: Status on Revised Target and Achieved Plantation in Different Sub-projects

Districts Road Targeted Achieved Remarks Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari- 1,800 2000 Carried in both CF Nagarkot Road Bhaktapur Bysai-Jhaukhel- - - N/A Changu-Telkot- Bhattedanda- Nagarkot Road Lalitpur Thaiba- - - N/A Godamchaur Road Godamchour- 5,200 875 * * DFO recommend FUGs to Godabari-Badikhel- come along with plantation Lelebhanjyang plan (place and species) Road approved from board meeting; only 3 CFUGs (Jayabhadre, Godamchaur and Bistachhap CF came to receive budget with required documents)

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Districts Road Targeted Achieved Remarks Kavre Kuntabesi- 3,800 - DLPIU hesitate to proceed Nayagaun-Nagarkot the process of plantation as Road tree cutting approval plan has not been approved from cabinet Khopasi- - N/A Dhungakharka- - Chyamranbesi- Milche-Borang Road Dolkha Bhirkot-Sahare- 1,650 All necessary arrangement Hawa Section of and agreement was done by Bhirkot-Sahare- PM with DFO, account Hawa-Jiri Road section refuses to give advance to DFO. Sunkhani- 3,875 Lamidanda- Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road Gorkha Ghympesal-Balkot- 9,100 DFO denied for involvement Palkhu-Swara- in plantation activities, and Saurpani-Barpak clearly recommend in Road bringing tree cutting approval from cabinet before Luitel-Aappipal- 34,000 compensatory plantation. Harmibhanjyang- Thalajung-Bhachek Road Lamjung Belghari-Archalbot- 4,100 4,885 ** ** Required budget for Lamabagar- plantation of target (17 % Serabazaar-Lituere- more) handed over to DFO. Pachok Road DFO will release budget to 3 CFs in 40%, 20 % and 30% with work progress. Chitwan Khurkhure 75,500 Meeting among PM, FUGs (Highway)-Samitar- and DFO held: denied for Thakurivanjyang involvement in plantation Road activities, and clearly recommend in bringing tree cutting approval from cabinet before compensatory plantation. Sindhuli Pipal Bhanjyang- 3,225 DFO denied for involvement Haitar-Netrakali in plantation activities, and Road clearly recommend neither to cut, nor to plant before in tree cutting approval from cabinet Ramechhap Haldebesi-Dhobi- DLPIU hesitate to proceed Dhandebesi Road the process of plantation as

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Districts Road Targeted Achieved Remarks Devitar- 4,800 tree cutting approval plan has Phulasipokhari not been approved from Section of Devitar- cabinet Doramba-Paseban- Kolibagar Road Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga- 1,950 550*** ***All necessary arrangement Rumjatar Road was done by PM with clause to draw back money, if plantation is not done within time frame. Only one CF came to collect the advance, plantation activities is under process Solukhumbu Garma-Nele-Bogal - - N/A Road

b. Roadside Plantation Roadside plantation has been planned in approved IEE of every sub-project, with budget ranging from NRs. 100,000 to NRs. 300,000. Total estimated budget for roadside plantation is NRs. 4,150,000. Till date, only 6 road sub-projects of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Solukhumbu, Lalitpur (both) and Okhaldhunga has carried roadside plantation activities. Total 1,009 plants of different species have been planted along or nearby road section. The average height of plants is 5 feet in most of sub-project and they have been protected with bamboo/iron guards. Few sub-projects have made agreement with local community/organization for protection of plants. please refer Table 5 for detail.

Table 5: Detail on Roadside Plantation

S.N Sub-project Plant Detail Remarks (No.)

1 Sankhu-Palubari- 195 Kapur-20, Asoka-15, In collaboration with Nagarkot Road Rudrakchhya-60, Madhavnarayan Mandir/ Lapsi-80, Dhupi-20 Swosthanimata Mandir Bewasthpan Samiti, Salinadi for plantation and protection

2 Bysai-Jhaukhel- 205 Kapur-50, Kaiyo-41, Plantation by Chamatkar Nirman Changu-Telkot- Lapsi-10, Dhupi-42, Sewa, provision of conservation of Bhattedanda-Nagarkot Rudrakchhya-20, trees for two years through school Road Kalki Bottle Brush-42 management committee

3 Thaiba-Godamchaur 55 Kapur, Kaiyo, Dhupi, In collaboration with Road Rudrakchhya, Kalki Bisankhunarayan Ma. Bi, Bottle Brush Godamchaur for protection

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 17 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

S.N Sub-project Plant Detail Remarks (No.)

4 Godamchour- 22 Kapur, Kaiyo, Dhupi, Godabari-Badikhel- Rudrakchhya, Kalki Lelebhanjyang Road Bottle Brush

5 Garma-Nele-Bogal 325 Salla (325) Road

6 Okhaldunga - Rumjatar 207 Dhupi, Gulmohar In collaboration with Maha Road chandeswori krishak samuha for plantation and protection

Total 1009

c. Plantation against Loss of Forest Area According to section 10 (2) of Government of Nepal: Working Procedure to Use National Forest Area for National Priority Projects, 2074 BS (2017), project has to carry out plantation equivalent to forest area lost at the rate of 1600 plants/ha and protect it for five years. Therefore, 64,608 plants have to be planted for the loss of 40.38 ha forest area, with additional cost of NRs. 10,906,527.52, please refer Annex 4 for detail on sub-project wise.

6.5. Slope Stabilization and Bioengineering Activities There are major slides in Dolakha (Sunkhani-Lamidanda-Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road), Kavrepalchok (Khopasi-Dhungakharka-Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road) and Okhaldhunga. Geologist has already visited the site and recommended the measures for protection; recently, bio-engineering expert has also visited these districts. Unstable slopes area has been identified in IEE as well as detail design report and total NRs. 47,800,469 have been estimated for bioengineering activities on actual cost estimate basis. Solukhumbu District has reported the construction of 1,090 m3 of breast wall at Ch 4+120, Ch 5+700 to control land slide. Similarly, Sunkhani-Lamidanda-Kalinchok Road of Dolakha has reported construction of 2 retaining wall (length 70 m and volume 1290 m3), 2 check wall (length 70 m and volume 265 m3 ) and 2 breast wall (length 20 m and volume 140 m3 ) to control landslide at Ch 4+660-4+810. Similarly, 2 retaining walls (length 100 m and volume 490 m3)to control landslide at Ch 4+120 and Ch 5+700 has been constructed along Sunkhani-Lamidanda- Kalinchok Road.

Similarly, Solukhumbu, Kavrepalanchok (Khopasi-Dhungakharka-Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road) has started plantation activities related to bio-engineering and Sunkhani- Lamidanda-Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road is in process.

6.6. Camp Site Management Drinking water and sanitary facilities (toilets) are provided in the camps by contractor. Few contractors have rented local house for labours in camps. Workers use kerosene, LPG as well as firewood for cooking.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 18 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

6.7. Occupational Health and Safety Occupational health and safety measures have been partially followed. Workers have been provided with safety gears like helmet, facemasks, jackets etc. in most of the districts. However, these items are in limited quantity and not sufficient for all the workers in few districts. They need to be educated about the importance and use of safety gears. Group accidental insurance has been done for all the workers in all the project districts. Two injuries and 1 casualty (non-working hours) have been reported so far. Please refer Annex 5 for detail.

6.8. Signboard Placing Total 49 signboards at various places along the road with project information and safety has been erected. Number of signboards ranges from 2 to 8 per sub-project. NRs. 2,160,000 budget has been allocated for informative, safety and environmental awareness signboards. Lalitpur, Lamjung, Okhaldhunga District is in process of erecting environment related boards.

6.9. Spoil Management Spoil disposal sites have been identified and provision of toe walls are given in the detail project design report. Spoils are being managed in specified disposal sites as far as possible. Nearly, 954,548.41 m3 spoil (62.48%) of spoil has been reported to be managed safely. So far, 7 districts (Sindhuli, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Dolakha, Gorkha, Okhaldhunga and Solukhumbu) have reported construction of toe walls with volume of 1864.32 m3. Template of spoil management plan has been prepared and circulated to all districts, please refer Annex 8.

6.10. Grievances Received and Addressed GRM mechanism has been established in all sub-projects. So far, 1,264 grievances have been reported, 873 solved and 391 are under process. Most of the grievances are related to missing plots, mismatch in name, area etc.

6.11. EMP Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting and Field Visit Environmental monitoring format has been sent to districts as given in Annex 9. Environmental monitoring is also done by the CISC team during field visits. A sum of NRs. 3,784,000 budget has been allocated for monitoring activities. Following Table 6 gives the list of sub-projects visited by CISC environmental team on chronological order.

Table 6: Date and Name of Districts Visited by CISC Environmental Team

S.N Date District Road 1 2-4 Jan, 2018 Chitwan Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar-Thakurivanjyang Road 2 7 Jan, 2018 Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari-Nagarkot Road 3 25-28 Jan, Lamjung Belghari- Archalbot-Lamabagar-Serabazaar-Lituere-Pachok 2018 Road Gorkha Luitel-Aappipal-Harmibhanjyang-Thalajung-Bhachek Road Ghyampesal-Balkot-Palkhu-Swara-Saurpani-Barpak Road 4 Chitwan Khurkhure (Highway) - Samitar - Thakurivanjyang Road

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 19 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

S.N Date District Road 8-14 Feb, Sindhuli Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - Netrakali Road 2018 5 10-May, 2018 Lalitpur Thaiba - Godamchaur Road; Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road 6 11-May, 2018 Bhaktapur Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot-Bhattedanda -Nagarkot Road 7 25-June, Kathmandu Sankhu -Palubari -Nagarkot Road 2018 8 26-June, Bhaktapur Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot-Bhattedanda -Nagarkot 2018 Road 9 29 June, Lalitpur Thaiba - Godamchaur Road 2018


With approval of IEE reports, forestry clearance has been initiated and has reached cabinet. Also, despite of allocation of budget (NRs. 16,507,000), only around one third of budget was spent by DLPIU for implementation of EMP. The large portion of budget was for compensatory plantation which could not be accelerated due to delay in forestry clearance process. Major issues and way forward for the effective implementation of environmental safeguard measures are discussed below in Table 7.

Table 7: Issues and Way Forward

S.N Issues Way forward

1 Obtaining forestry clearance Regular follow-up by CLPIU for cabinet decision.

2 Budget to carry augmentation, Use of PS budget (BoQ) immediately and mitigation and compensation activities follow-up at NRA for releasing additional (remaining activities) budget

3 Environmental compliance monitoring There should be regular field visits from CISC and supervision to provide backstopping support to DLPIU and DISC and monitor compliance of environmental safeguards


Most of the items focused for this semi-annual period have been achieved partially. Detail on status and suggested corrective actions are presented in Table 8 below.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 20 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Table 8: Status on Items of Focus of Previous Report

S.N Item of Focus Status Description Corrective action plan, if any

1 Tree cutting File at File has already reached Follow-up by CLPIU approval from Cabinet cabinet (except Kuntabesi – cabinet decision (Waiting Nayagaon - Nagarlot Road); for waiting for turn decision)

2 Frequent field visit Achieved CISC/CLPIU has been vising Achieved to facilitate and field frequently monitor EMP implementation activities as per approved IEE

3 Conduction of Achieved DLPIU with support of DISC Achieved awareness raising conducted different activities at field awareness raising activities

4 Coordination for Partially  Bio-engineering  Mobilization of carrying out achieved (plantation related) expert hired by compensatory and activities are ongoing in CLPIU among the roadside few subprojects, under districts, seeking process and planning in support for bio- plantation, other subprojects engineering activities including bioengineering (for  Roadside plantation was  Carrying the Planting upcoming carried in only 6 sub- activities with PS monsoon) projects; despite of DISC item of BoQ facilitation, DLPIU did not prefer to carry out as earthwork is still ongoing  Compensatory plantation  Seeking for done along road of additional budget for Kathmandu, in process in plantation activities few but despite of from NRA; handing availability of budget; it over the cost to DFO could not be achieved as DFO/DLPIU waited for approval from cabinet to cut the trees before planting

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 21 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018


The major items of focus for January-December of 2018 are listed below in Table 9.

Table 9: Item of Focus for Next Report

SN Item of Focus Remarks

1 Tree cutting approval from cabinet decision

2 Frequent field visit to facilitate and monitor EMP implementation activities as per approved IEE

3 Coordination for carrying out roadside plantation, including bioengineering (for ongoing monsoon) and payment to DFO for carrying out compensatory plantation and plantation against loss of forest land and plantation in private land; conduting remaining training mentioned in EMP

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 22 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018


Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 23 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 1: Environmental Safeguard Planning Status

SN District Name of Subproject Environm Environmen EARF is EIA/IEE/DDR ADB Government Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost in Remarks ental t category prepared with EMP is approved approved monitoring establishe safeguard approved screening of the (if prepared EIA/IEE with EIA/IEE with and d monitoring document is is project / applicable) (Yes/No) EMP EMP coordination (Yes/No) system included in carried subproject (Yes/No) (Yes / Under (Yes / Under mechanism customized BOQ as an out? (Yes (A/B/C/FI) Review / Not Review / Not established individual item or No) Yet Yet (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Due/Over Submitted) (Yes/No) 1 Kathmandu Sankhu -Palubari -Nagarkot RoadYes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu 2 Bhaktapur –Telkot-Bhattedanda -Nagarkot Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Road Thaiba - Godamchaur Road Yes B Yes Yes Yes * Approved Yes No yes (PS) Approved 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - Nagarkot Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Road 4 Kavre Khopasi-Dhungakharka - Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved BhirkotRoad - Sahare- Hawa Section of Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-LamidandaRoad - Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Swara-Saurpani- Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - Thalajung – Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Bhachek Road Belghari – Archalbot - 7 Lamjung Lamabagar- Serabazaar - Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approval Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - Samitar - 8 Chitwan Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Thakurivanjyang Road Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - Approved (Updated IEE 9 Sindhuli Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Netrakali Road approved) Haldebesi -Dhobi- Dhandebesi Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Road Devitar – Phulasipokhari Section 10 Ramechhap Approved (Updated IEE of Devitar – Doramba – Paseban Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) approved) – Kolibagar Road Approved (Updated IEE 11 OkhaldhungaOkhaldunga - Rumjatar Road Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) approved) 12 Solukhumbu Garma - Nele -Bogal Road Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Note: EIA-Environmental Impact Assessment; IEE-Initial Environmental Examination; DDR-Due Diligence Report; EMP-Environmental Management Plan, GRC-Grievance Redress Committee; BOQ-Bill of Quantity

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 24 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 2: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status

SN Districts Name of Subproject Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances Corrective Env Remarks Physical Biological Socio-economic Action Plans compliance Spoil Landslide Other as Compensatory Plantation Firewood Other as Occupational Health and Safety Community structures are Other as Nos of No of No of are prepared reporting is Management protection per EMP is used for per EMP compensated/reconstructed per EMP grievances grievances grievances and maintained (compliance in with Bio- (specify)* cooking (specify)* (Progress in % of tota (specify)* documented resolved under implemented (Y/N) %)** eng and estimated work )*** processing (Y/N) (compliance in Initial Actual Target Target Revised Planted heating Roadside Safety Labors Labor and work Community Community %)** Total Target (Private (Forest- Total (Nos.) (Y/N) Plantation Gears are are camps are structure 1 structure 2 Target ( (Pole and Land); DFO Target ; sufficient insured healthy and IEE- Tree loss (Nos.) Tippani); (Nos.) and used (Y/N) have sanitary Private + at Forest); (Nos.) (Y/N) facilities (Y/N) Forest) (Nos.) (Nos.) Sankhu -Palubari - 1 Kathmandu 90 20 1,922 1,800 122 1,800 1,922 2000 N 195 N Y Y N/A N/A 154 154 - N Y Nagarkot Road

Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu 2 Bhaktapur –Telkot-Bhattedanda - 50 10 115 - 115 - 115 0 N 205 Y Y Y N/A N/A 24 24 - N Y Nagarkot Road

Thaiba - Godamchaur 80 70 - - - - 0 N 55 Y Y Y N/A N/A 55 55 - N Y Road 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang 90 70 5,501 5,200 76 5,200 5,276 0 N 22 Y Y Y N/A N/A 55 55 - N Y Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 50 10 7,687 3,800 1,187 3,800 4,987 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 123 45 78 N Y Nagarkot Road 4 Kavre Khopasi-Dhungakharka - Chyamranbesi-Milche- 50 70 600 - - - 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 23 5 18 N Y Borang Road Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Section of Bhirkot - Sahare- 90 70 2,544 1,650 69 1,650 1,719 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 16 16 - N Y Hawa -Jiri Road 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Kalinchowk section of 90 80 2,375 625 3,875 3,875 0N0Y YY N/A N/A - - - N Y Sunkhani Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Swara-Saurpani- 40 20 5,563 475 188 9,100 9,288 0 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 6 6 - N Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - 60 20 18,644 1,500 519 34,000 34,519 0 Y 0 N Y Y N/A N/A 149 66 83 N Y Thalajung – Bhachek Road

Belghari – Archalbot - 7 Lamjung Lamabagar- Serabazaar - 80 10 7,344 4,100 519 4,100 4,619 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 75 55 20 N Y Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - 8 Chitwan Samitar - Thakurivanjyang 90 10 11,756 3925 106 75,500 75,606 N 0 Y Y N/A N/A N/A 26 26 - N Y Road Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - 9 Sindhuli 30 60 22,523 3,225 373 3,225 3,598 0 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 147 140 7 N Y Netrakali Road Haldebesi -Dhobi- 30 10 2,625 - - - 0 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 100 17 83 N Y Dhandebesi Road Devitar – Phulasipokhari 10 Ramechhap Section of Devitar – 90 10 3,142 4,800 417 4,800 5,217 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 76 61 15 N Y Doramba – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Okhaldunga - Rumjatar 11 Okhaldhunga 90 30 2,298 1,950 348 1,950 2,298 0 N 207 Y Y Y N/A N/A 113 26 87 N Y Road

12 Solukhumbu Garma - Nele -Bogal Road 80 60 - - - - 0 N 325 Y Y Y N/A N/A 122 122 - N Y Total 94,639 33,050 4,039 149,000 153,039 2,000 1,009 1,264 873 391 Note: * Added field as guided by EMP in IEE/DDR, ** Written in percentage of compliance in a scale of 100%, *** type of community structures mentioned

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 25 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 3: Status of Compliance with Relevant Covenants

Schedule Covenants Type Complied (Yes or Not Progress Status/Remarks Yet Due or On-going or Partially Complied or Not Applicable) Schedule Conditions for Award of Contracts Environmental Yes 4-7 The Borrower shall not award any Works Safeguard contract for a Subproject which involves environmental impacts until the EA or the IAs has: (a) Obtained the final approval of the  IEE reports are prepared and EIA/IEE from the Ministry of Science, approved by concerned agencies Technology and Environment (for (NRA/MoFALD). EIAs)/concerned sector agency (for IEEs) (b) Incorporated the relevant provisions  Provisional sum of money for from the EMP into the Works EMP is allocated in work contracts/ contract. GoN has allocated budget. Schedule Project is implemented in accordance with Administrative Yes Noted and considered. 5-1 PAM. Schedule Preparation, design, implementation, and Environmental Ongoing IEE prepared as per applicable law 5-4 operation of each sub-project comply with Safeguard and EARF. EMP of approved IEE applicable laws; the Environmental are under implementation. Safeguards; the EARF; and IEE and EMP. Schedule Necessary budgetary and human resources Safeguard Ongoing  NRA has allocated NRs. 5-7 made available to fully implement the EMPs, 16,507,000 for EMP and the RPs. implementation. In addition, there is provisional sum of 300,000.00 to

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 26 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Schedule Covenants Type Complied (Yes or Not Progress Status/Remarks Yet Due or On-going or Partially Complied or Not Applicable) 350,000.00 for EMP implementation in BoQ per subproject.  Focal persons for IEE and RP in CLPIU/DLPIUs have been assigned Schedule All bidding documents comply with IEE, Safeguard Ongoing Noted and considered. 5-8 EMP, and RP; budget is made available for environmental and social measures; any unanticipated environmental, resettlement or indigenous peoples risks notified by a written notice; and condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure recorded prior to construction. Schedule (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Yes Noted and being followed. Semi- 5-9 Reports submitted to ADB and disclose annual environmental safeguard relevant information; (b) any unanticipated monitoring report prepared and environmental and/or social risks and submitted along with quarterly impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) report any actual or potential breach of compliance reported. Schedule No proceeds of the Loan are used to finance Safeguard Yes No activities listed in Appendix 5 of 5-10 any activity included in the list of prohibited SPS are carried under EEAP. investment activities provided in Appendix 5 of the SPS.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 27 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Schedule Covenants Type Complied (Yes or Not Progress Status/Remarks Yet Due or On-going or Partially Complied or Not Applicable) Schedule The core labor standards and applicable Safeguard Yes Noted and considered. 5-11 laws are complied. Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association. Schedule Within 6 months after the Effective Date, the Safeguard Ongoing First level of GRM is active at field. 5-15 Borrower shall prepare a Grievance Redress Mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The special committee will (a) make public of the existence of this Grievance Redress Mechanism, (b) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to either the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (c) proactively and constructively responding to them.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 28 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 4: Environmental Management Cost (NRs) a. Estimated Budget in Approved IEE

Total Awareness Tourism Compensatory Road-side Solid Waste Skill Mitigation Cost Env. Bio- EMP with Bio- Name of Raising Signboards Development Total EMP S.N Sub-Project Plantation Plantation Management Enhancem (1= A +B+ C+ Monitoring engineering engineering District Training Cost (D) / Homestay Cost (1+2) Cost (A) Cost (B) Cost (E) ent (H) D+ E+ F+ G + Cost (2) Cost Cost Cost (C) Cost (F) H) Sankhu -Palubari - 1 Kathmandu 322,668 350,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 1,172,668 323,000 1,495,668 4,776,116 6,271,783.31 Nagarkot Road Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot- 2 Bhaktapur 775,000 50,000 825,000 323,000 1,148,000 1,148,000.00 Bhattedanda - Nagarkot Road Thaiba - Godamchaur - 250,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 650,000 100,000 750,000 565,445 1,315,444.88 Road 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- 895,132 100,000 100,000 50,000 250,000 100,000 1,495,132 240,000 1,735,132 1,471,313 3,206,444.62 Lelebhanjyang Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 1,057,002 250,000 150,000 100,000 1,557,002 150,000 1,707,002 2,576,114 4,283,115.91 Nagarkot Road Khopasi- 4 Kavrepalanchok Dhungakharka - 300,000 250,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 950,000 323,000 1,273,000 1,273,000.00 Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Section of 358,955 350,000 250,000 360,000 60,000 150,000 1,528,955 200,000 1,728,955 8,381,976 10,110,931.09 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Road 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Kalinchowk section of 340,480 350,000 250,000 190,000 60,000 150,000 1,340,480 200,000 1,540,480 4,186,148 5,726,628.48 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Swara- 871,058 250,000 150,000 100,000 - - 1,371,058 150,000 1,521,058 863,911 2,384,968.11 Saurpani- Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - 2,929,671 200,000 150,000 100,000 3,379,671 200,000 3,579,671 1,336,644 4,916,315.20 Thalajung – Bhachek Road Belghari – Archalbot - Lamabagar- 7 Lamjung 1,124,609 250,000 250,000 150,000 1,774,609 250,000 2,024,609 1,214,627 3,239,236.36 Serabazaar - Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - 8 Chitwan Samitar - 2,479,243 200,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 3,129,243 200,000 3,329,243 716,308 4,045,551.17 Thakurivanjyang Road Pipal Bhanjyang - 9 Sindhuli 3,370,788 450,000 350,000 100,000 4,270,788 325,000 4,595,788 5,827,260 10,423,048 Haitar - Netrakali Road Haldebesi -Dhobi- 412,519 200,000 250,000 200,000 50,000 150,000 1,262,519 200,000 1,462,519 5,188,739 6,651,257.37 Dhandebesi Road Devitar – 10 Ramechhap Phulasipokhari Section of Devitar – 455,448 200,000 250,000 160,000 150,000 1,215,448 200,000 1,415,448 3,583,155 4,998,602.80 Doramba – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Okhaldunga - 11 Okhaldhunga 321,966 150,000 235,000 100,000 806,966 150,000 956,966 908,404 1,865,369.75 Rumjatar Road Garma - Nele -Bogal 12 Solukhumbu 350,000 250,000 100,000 700,000 250,000 950,000 6,204,310 7,154,309.55 Road Total 16,014,538 4,150,000 3,085,000 2,160,000 1,120,000 750,000 150,000 27,429,538 3,784,000 31,213,538 47,800,469 79,014,006.81

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 29 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 b. Allocated and Revised Budget Sheet

S.N Name of Sub-Project Compensatory Compensatory Tree Revised Revised Cost Tree Compensatory District Area Additional Additional Road-side Awareness Signboards Solid Waste Tourism Skill Total Env. Total EMP Revised Cost Allocated District Plantation Cost Plantation Loss Plantation (Forest) Loss Plantation Rate (Ha) Cost Plantation Raising Cost (D) Management Development Enhancem Mitigation Cost Monitoring Cost (1+2) Budget (IEE); Private Cost No. No. (IEE); Cost Plantation Cost (B) Training Cost (E) / Homestay ent (H) (1= A +B+ C+ Cost (2) +Forest (IEE);Forest (Forest) Private (IEE);Private (No.) Cost (C) Cost (F) D+ E+ F+ G + H) Sankhu -Palubari - 1 Kathmandu 322,668 313,902.00 72 1,800 313,902.00 122 8,765.70 174.39 1.81 2,896 505,033.44 350,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 1,172,668 323,000 1,495,668 2,000,701 898,000 Nagarkot Road Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot- 2 Bhaktapur 775,000 115 775,000.00 50,000 825,000 323,000 1,148,000 1,148,000 646,000 Bhattedanda - Nagarkot Road Thaiba - Godamchaur - 250,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 650,000 100,000 750,000 750,000 Road 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- 1,492,000 Godabari- Badikhel- 895,132 889,971.25 208 5,200 853,060.00 76 5,160.40 164.05 2.18 3,488 572,206.40 100,000 100,000 50,000 250,000 100,000 1,495,132 240,000 1,735,132 2,270,427 Lelebhanjyang Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 1,057,002 982,280.00 152 3,800 574,256.00 1,187 74,721.65 151.12 0.52 832 125,731.84 250,000 150,000 100,000 1,557,002 150,000 1,707,002 1,424,709 Nagarkot Road Khopasi- 4 Kavrepalanchok 1,801,000 Dhungakharka - 300,000 300,000.00 - 250,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 950,000 323,000 1,273,000 973,000 Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Section of 358,955 354,816.00 66 1,650 236,544.00 69 4,139.31 143.36 4.40 7,040 1,009,254.40 350,000 250,000 360,000 60,000 150,000 1,528,955 200,000 1,728,955 2,619,938 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Road 5 Dolkha 1,962,000 Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Kalinchowk section of 340,480 340,480.00 155 3,875 555,520.00 143.36 5.20 8,320 1,192,755.20 350,000 250,000 190,000 60,000 150,000 1,340,480 200,000 1,540,480 2,948,275 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Swara- 871,058 858,602.50 364 9,100 1,453,634.00 188 12,455.00 159.74 2.47 3,952 631,292.48 250,000 150,000 100,000 - - 1,371,058 150,000 1,521,058 2,747,381 Saurpani- Barpak Road 6 Gorkha 3,061,000 Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - 2,929,671 2,895,287.50 1,360 34,000 5,431,160.00 519 34,383.75 159.74 3.32 5,312 848,538.88 200,000 150,000 100,000 3,379,671 200,000 3,579,671 6,964,083 Thalajung – Bhachek Road Belghari – Archalbot - Lamabagar- 7 Lamjung 1,124,609 1,090,225.50 164 4,100 654,934.00 519 34,383.75 159.74 0.91 1,456 232,581.44 250,000 250,000 150,000 1,774,609 250,000 2,024,609 1,821,899 1,215,000 Serabazaar - Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - 8 Chitwan Samitar - 2,479,243 2,473,062.00 3,020 75,500 16,027,140.00 106 6,180.86 212.28 9.20 14,720 3,124,761.60 200,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 3,129,243 200,000 3,329,243 20,008,082 1,998,000 Thakurivanjyang Road Pipal Bhanjyang - 9 Sindhuli 3,370,788 3,347,308.00 129 3,225 487,362.00 373 23,480.35 151.12 4.50 7,192 1,086,855.04 450,000 350,000 100,000 4,270,788 325,000 4,595,788 2,822,697 423,000 Haitar - Netrakali Road Haldebesi -Dhobi- 412,519 412,518.75 157.15 1.63 2,608 409,847.20 200,000 250,000 200,000 50,000 150,000 1,262,519 200,000 1,462,519 1,459,847 Dhandebesi Road Devitar – 10 Ramechhap Phulasipokhari 1,728,000 Section of Devitar – 455,448 428,233.75 192 4,800 832,944.00 417 27,213.42 173.53 3.90 6,240 1,082,827.20 200,000 250,000 160,000 150,000 1,215,448 200,000 1,415,448 2,902,985 Doramba – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Okhaldunga - 11 Okhaldhunga 321,966 299,715.00 78 1,950 299,715.00 348 22,251.12 153.70 0.345 552 84,842.40 150,000 235,000 100,000 806,966 150,000 956,966 1,041,809 1,050,000 Rumjatar Road Garma - Nele -Bogal 12 Solukhumbu - 350,000 250,000 100,000 700,000 250,000 950,000 950,000 233,000 Road Total 16,014,538 14,986,402.25 5,960 149,000 27,720,171.00 4,039 1,028,135.31 40.38 64,608 10,906,527.52 4,150,000 3,085,000 2,160,000 1,120,000 750,000 150,000 27,429,538 3,784,000 31,213,538 54,853,834 16,507,000

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 30 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 5: Status of Environmental Safeguard Compliances

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

1 Kathmandu Sankhu- Approved  GRM established Palubari-  3 sign board erected at Ch 0+000, Ch 1+500 and Ch 10+000 Nagarkot Road  21474.00 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch. 3+ 250 to 3+300 Right Side, 3+800 along right side, 4+280 Right Side, 7+300 along left side, 7+600 along left side and 8+100 along left side  Quarry of 8578 m3 of stone bought from Roshi khola  Campsite established at Ch 5+500, Ch 6+800 and at rented house ( Ch 5+000)  Firewood is used for cooking at campsite  Safety gears are partially used (20 helmets, 20 masks and 20 boots distributed to 80 labours)  GPA insurance for 30 labours.  NRs. 60,000 compensated for affected tap along the road  Roadside plantation carried out (195 plants)  Compensatory plantation carried by both CF (2000 trees + 1000 amriso)  2 days waste management training for 41 participants conducted  Awareness training for 83 participants conducted

2 Bhaktapur Bysai-Jhaukhel- Approved  GRM established Changu-Telkot-  6000 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 1+400, Ch 1+900, Ch 2+650 and Ch 3+000 Bhattedanda-  Roadside plantation carried out (205 plants) Nagarkot Road  3178.3 m3 of stone bought by contractor from quarry site  Local house rented for labours at Ch 2+700 and 6+700  Sanitation at labour camp is maintained, LPG is used for cooking at campsite  100 helmets, 100 masks provided to workers and GPA insurance of labour done

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 31 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

3 Lalitpur Thaiba- Approved  GRM established Godamchaur  5823.44 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 0+950, Ch 0+120 and Ch 0+600 Road  95 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management  Local house rented for labours at Ch 1+750  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 15 helmets and 15 jackets distributed to 15 labours  GPA insurance for 10 labours  Roadside plantation done (55 plants) carried out  Agreement with CF (Godamchaur CF, Bistachhap CF and Jayabhadre CF) done for plantation  Waste management training for 60 participants conducted

Godamchour- Approved  GRM established Godabari-  27145.5 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 0+810, 1+340 Badikhel-  154 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management Lelebhanjyang  Local house rented for labours at Ch 4+100 and temporary campsite established in Road Ch 0+250  Total 2 temporary toilet constructed  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 70 helmets and 70 jackets distributed to 70 labours  GPA insurance for 15 labours  Roadside plantation done (22 plants) carried out  Agreement with 3 CF done for plantation

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 32 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

4 Kavrepalanchok Kuntabesi- Approved  GRM established Nayagaun-  137,000 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 15+400-15+550, Ch 15+650-15+800 Nagarkot Road  Local house rented for labours at Ch 1 4+330  Total 2 temporary toilet constructed  Firewood, kerosene, LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 50 helmets, 50 masks, 50 boots and 6 jackets distributed to labours  GPA insurance for labours  Environmental Awareness Training conducted

Khopasi- Approved  GRM established Dhungakharka-  51,700 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 2+095, Ch 2+350 Chyamranbesi-  16.5 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management Milche-Borang  Contractor bought the material from private quarry for near to Ch 3+000 Road  Temporary campsite established in Ch 1+600, Ch 3+800, Ch 6+000 and Ch 9+000  Several landslides along the road, controlled at Ch 4+600 with gabion retaining wall  3 First aid kit provided to labour  Total 3 temporary toilet constructed  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Brush layering under bioengineering ongoing  Total 300 helmets, 300 masks, 300 boots and 10 jackets distributed to labours  1 accident occurred  GPA insurance for labours

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 33 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

5 Dolakha Bhirkot-Sahare- Approved  GRM established Hawa Section of  76298.26 m3 spoil disposed safely Bhirkot-Sahare-  3 sign board erected at Ch 0+000 and different working sites Hawa-Jiri Road  118.47 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management  LPG, Wood, Electricity is used for cooking at campsite  2 temporary toilets constructed  50 personal protective equipment (helmet, mask) provided to workers  Total 2 first aid kit given to labours  GPA insurance for 45 labours  3 Events of awareness training conducted for 180 participants

Sunkhani- Approved  GRM established Lamidanda-  71524.67 m3 spoil disposed safely Kalinchowk  8 sign board erected at Ch 0+000, Ch 8+200 (Lapilang), Ch 16+000 (Lamidanda), Ch section of 27+000 (Kalinchowk) Sunkhani  Protection of huge landslide at Ch 4+660-4+810 with 2 retaining wall of length 70 m Sangwa Road and volume 800 m3, 2 check wall of length 70 m and volume 265 m3 and 2 breast wall of length 20 m and volume 140 m3  Similarly, there is protection of landslide at Ch 2+630-2+730 with 2 retaining wall of Length 100m and volume 490 m3  LPG, Wood, Electricity is used for cooking at campsite  5 temporary toilets constructed  400 personal protective equipment (helmet, mask) provided to workers  GPA insurance for 20 labours  Total 4 first aid kit given to labours  3 Events of awareness training conducted for 180 participants

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 34 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

6 Gorkha Ghympesal- Approved  GRM established Bakot-Palkhu-  Local house rented for campsite Swara-Saurpani-  Firewood (collected from CF) for cooking at campsite Barpak Road  Awareness training for 118 participants

Luitel-Aappipal- Approved  GRM established Harmibhanjyang  143000 m3 of spoil disposed safely different chainage (5+450, 7+500, 9+350,12+300, -Thalajung- 19+740,19+900, 17+920, 18+100 to 18+140, 18+770 to 18+820, 18+980 to 19+020, Bhachek Road 19+180 to 19+220, 19+720 to 19+760, 19+830 to 19+970, 20+680 to 20+740, 22+490 to 22+550, 24+080 to 24+140, 25+280 to 25+320, 27+780 to 27+820, 28+680 to 28+720, 30+430 to 30+480)  Quarry of 6,500 m3 of stone from Ch 5+690-5+730, Ch 20+900, Ch 25+500 and Ch 34+000  6 camps established (3 rented house and 3 temporary) with toilet facility  1 injury (finger) recorded  Firewood (collected from CF) for cooking at campsite  Awareness training for 144 participants

7 Lamjung Belghari- Approved  GRM established Archalbot-  92816 m3 of spoil disposed safely at Ch 0+920, Ch 0+980, Ch 0+000 Signboard Lamabagar- erected at Ch 0+000 and Ch 0+900 Serabazaar-  Private house rented for campsite Lituere-Pachok  50 helmets, 50 mask, 50 gloves and 50 jacket are provided to workers Road  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Awareness training for 70 participants (2 events)  Required budget for compensatory plantation in Raniswara CF, Kerabari CF and Sikhra CF deposited in DFO’s account.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 35 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

8 Chitwan Khurkhure Approved  GRM established (Highway)-  Spoil generated from cutting are taken by concerned local Samitar-  Contractor has employed local people as labour, therefore, there is no campsite Thakurivanjyang  70 boots and 70 jackets distributed to workers Road  GPA insurance of 25 labour , 1 casualty occurred (Sanchamaya Praja) while returning home  Environmental Training for 93 participants (2 events)

9 Sindhuli Pipal Approved  GRM established Bhanjyang-  6000 m3 of spoil disposed safely Haitar-Netrakali  29 m long and 2 m high toe wall constructed to manage spoil at Ch 15+880 Road  Temporary campsite established at Ch 16+600, 4+100, 14+600  20 helmets and 50 masks provided to 65 workers  4 signboard erected  2 awareness raising training conducted (122 participants)

10 Ramechhap Haldebesi- Approved  GRM established Dhobi-  14000 m3 of spoil disposed at Ch 22+350, 21+450, 22+000, 21+300, 27+300 Dhandebesi  6 signboard erected Road  3 awareness raising training conducted (119 participants)  Safety gears provided partially

Devitar- Approved  GRM established Phulasipokhari  150,500 m3 of spoil disposed safely at Ch Road 15+430,15+100,12+540,11+100,10+590,10+170, 9+480, 9+030 and 8+940  House rented for labour camp  3 awareness raising training conducted (92 participants)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 36 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

11 Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga- Approved  GRM established Rumjatar Road  4000 m3 of spoil disposed safely at Ch 1+640  600 m3 of toe wall constructed  Chetre landslide at Ch 3+620 and geologist visited the site. The slide area is stable but geologist has suggested for shifting 10 m towards hill side, for safety against any earthquake in future.  Houses rented for campsite at Ch 1+340, Ch 2+680, Ch 4+680 and Ch 6+000  LPG and firewood used for cooking  71 helmet and mask provided to workers  2 first aid kit provided  GPA insurance of labour  2 events of awareness training conducted  8 signboard erected  207 plants in roadside plantation, one CF in in process of plantation

12 Solukhumbu Garma-Nele- Approved  GRM established Bogal Road  954,548.41 m3 spoil disposed safely  Quarry of 3,500 m3 of stone from Ch 5+400  Safety gears are partially supplied by contractor  83 helmets provided to 200 workers  Labours are insured, Sanitation at labours camp is maintained  1090 m3 of breast wall constructed at Ch 4+120, Ch 5+700 to control land slide  Campsite established at Ch 2+000, Ch 4+000, Ch 6+000, Ch 8+000 (house rented)  Firewood is used in campsite for cooking  Roadside plantation carried out (325 plants)  Plantation activities under bio-engineering ongoing

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 37 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 6: Detail on Forestry Clearance a. Current Status on Forestry Clearance Progress

MoFSC sending Tree marking with Preparation Submission Approval of Agreement letter to DFO Submission of Submission of hammer seal, of TC by DFO of TC forestry between through TC request to TC request at felling, sectioning, Main problems and planned actions to address the problems with forest request to clearance & Project & Name of Sub- Department of MoFE by DoF Cabinet stacking & District Plan vs Atual inventory DoF by DFO tree cutting DoF Current Status project Forest (DoF) for transportation DFO with DFO with DoF with MoFE with DFO with DLPIU MoFSC/DoF DLPIU DLPIU Cabinet DoF/ Project Issues Planned Action CLPIU support CLPIU support support support support Sankhu -Palubari - Plan 15-Dec-17 25-Dec-17 31-Dec-17 5-Jan-18 5-Feb-18 11-Feb-18 22-Feb-18 Kathmandu Nagarkot Road Actual 26-Dec-17 19-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 2-Apr-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Plan Bhaktapur Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot- Actual Thaiba - Plan Godamchaur Road Actual Lalitpur Godamchour- Plan 1-Dec-17 15-Dec-17 22-Dec-17 29-Dec-17 31-Jan-18 7-Feb-18 20-Feb-18 Godabari- Badikhel- Actual 1-Dec-17 21-Jan-18 17-Mar-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Kuntabesi- Plan 8-Dec-17 15-Dec-17 22-Dec-17 22-Jan-18 1-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 Nayagaun - File: DoF: ready to be Actual 28-Jan-18 File under assessment at DoF Follow-up at DoF Nagarkot Road forward at MoFE Khopasi- Kavrepalanchok Plan 1-Dec-17 15-Dec-17 22-Dec-17 29-Dec-17 31-Jan-18 7-Feb-18 20-Feb-18 Dhungakharka - Chyamranbesi- AFO visited the site and the tree loss (DBH>5 Milche-Borang Actual 3-Dec-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A inch) seems to be nill. No further action N/A Road recommended Bhirkot - Sahare- Plan 5-Dec-17 11-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 18-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 Hawa Section of Actual 24-Dec-17 2-Jan-17 2-Apr-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Dolkha Sunkhani- Plan 29-Nov-17 6-Dec-17 8-Jan-18 21-Jan-18 2-Feb-18 Lamidanda - Actual 10-Nov-17 2-Jan-17 22-May-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Ghympesal - Plan 15-Dec-17 22-Dec-17 29-Dec-17 31-Jan-18 7-Feb-18 20-Feb-18 Balkot- Palkhu- Actual 4-Mar-18 2-Apr-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Plan 5-Dec-17 11-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 18-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 Harmibhanjyang - Actual 4-Mar-18 17-Mar-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Plan 15-Dec-17 22-Dec-17 29-Dec-17 31-Jan-18 7-Feb-18 20-Feb-18 Lamjung Belghari – Archalbot - Actual 21-Feb-18 22-May-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Khurkhure Plan 5-Dec-17 11-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 18-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 Chitwan (Highway) - Actual 15-Oct-17 5-Dec-17 14-Mar-17 22-May-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Pipal Bhanjyang - Plan 15-Dec-17 30-Dec-17 5-Jan-18 10-Feb-18 10-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 27-Feb-18 Sindhuli Haitar - Netrakali Actual 28-Dec-17 14-Mar-17 17-Mar-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Plan 5-Dec-17 11-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 18-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 Haldebesi -Dhobi- Dhandebesi Road Actual 25-Feb-17 22-May-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Ramechhap Devitar – Plan 5-Dec-17 11-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 18-Jan-18 26-Jan-18 6-Feb-18 Phulasipokhari Actual 25-Feb-17 17-Mar-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Okhaldunga - Plan 15-Dec-17 30-Dec-17 5-Jan-18 10-Feb-18 10-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 27-Feb-18 Okhaldhunga Rumjatar Road Actual 7-Feb-18 17-Mar-18 17-Jun-18 File: Cabinet Waiting for cabinet decision Follow-up at cabinet Garma - Nele - Plan Solukhumbu Bogal Road Actual

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 38 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

b. Approval Seeking for Trees to be Removed (As per DFO Report)

S.N. Name of Road Sub-projName of Forest Actual Sapling Seedling Total (Reported by Remarks DFO for Tree Cutting Approval ) 1 Sankhu -Palubari - Kusum CF 37 Nagarkot Road Lambodanda CF 35 Sub-total 72 - - 72 2 Godamchour- Godabari- Godamchaur CF 2 Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Bistachhap CF 13 Road Jayabhadre CF 36 Golintaha CF 54 Kumari CF 8 Bandevi CF 22 Chandol CF 39 Mankamna RF 14 GMF 20 Sub-total 208 - - 208 3 Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - Dudepakha CF 76 135 Nagarkot Road Naulo Danda CF 9 24 Ratmate Chihandanda CF 40 85 Seti Devi CF 20 48 Gairidhara Manedanda 7 13 Chyanguhi CF Sub-total 152 305 - 152 4 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Chanaute Salghari CF 24 Section of Bhirkot - CF 20 Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Seti Devi Muladyang CF 2 Road Khahare Bhirpakha CF 4 Kalikagidde CF 9 Salleshwari CF 2 Lamachaur CF 3 Jyamte Dobhan CF - Dandapari CF 2 Jukepani Kadeni CF - Sub-total 66 - - 66 5 Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Jana Ekata CF 17 34 Kalinchowk section of Ramche CF 2 47 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Hilepani CF 6 49 Sub-total 25 130 - 155 6 Ghympesal - Balkot- Dovandanda GMF 12 50 150 212 No. of seedling and sapling Palkhu- Swara-Saurpani- Thampakha CF 7 22 123 152 included in tree cutting approval Barpak Road Sub-total 19 72 273 364 report, requiring 1:25 plantation 7 Luitel - Aappipal - Sisneri CF 10 46 134 190 No. of seedling and sapling Harmibhanjyang - Aam Danda CF 17 10 500 527 included in tree cutting approval Thalajung – Bhachek Andheri CF 6 13 41 60 report, requiring 1:25 plantation Road GMF 5 1 6 GMF (proposed CF) 22 55 500 577 Sub-total 60 125 1,175 1,360 8 Belghari – Archalbot - Raniswara CF 33 Lamabagar- Kerabari CF 1 Serabazaar - Lituere - Sikhra CF 130 Pachok Road Sub-total 164 - - 164 9 Khurkhure (Highway) - Kalika CF 95 428 780 1,303 No. of seedling and sapling Samitar - Satya Devi CF 13 333 533 879 included in tree cutting approval Thakurivanjyang Road Parbat CFUG 19 2 - 21 report, requiring 1:25 plantation Ratamate LHF 28 269 518 815 Kharbari LHF 2 - - 2 Sub-total 157 1,032 1,831 3,020 10 Pipal Bhanjyang - Kalika CF 3 Haitar - Netrakali Road Jhalkane CF 19 Ranibas CF 19 Hariyali LHF - Pragatisil LHF - Lalupate LHF - Laliguras LHF - Manebhanjyang LHF 2 GMF 86 Sub-total 129 - - 129 11 Haldebesi -Dhobi- Bhringeshwor CF No tree loss along the road Dhandebesi Road Jhateswari CF Poku Salghari CF (Saipu CF) Taruke Salleri CF Sipu CF Sub-total - - - - 12 Devitar – Phulasi Shree Sheradevi CF 65 pokhari Section of Setidevi Saunepani CF 96 Devitar – Doramba – Shree Hari Siddhi RF 31 Paseban – Kolibagar Road Sub-total 192 - - 192 13 Okhaldunga - Rumjatar Megapatal CF 56 Road Simdhara Pakha CF 22 Sub-total 78 - - 78 Total 1,322 1,664 3,279 5,960

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 39 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 7: Detail on Tree Loss, Targeted Plantation and Cost (NRs.) with Forest Name

Compensatory Plantation (Government Compensatory Plantation (Religious Compensatory plantation Compensatory Plantation (Community Forest) Total (Forest Land) Total Managed Forest) Forest/Leasehold Forest) (Private Land) Name of SN Name of Sub-Project Name Remarks District Tree Trees for Estimated Tree Trees for Name of Tree Trees for Estimated Trees for Tree Trees for Estimated Tree Trees for Name of CF of Estimated Cost Tree Loss Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Loss Plantation Cost Loss Plantation RF/LHF Loss Plantation Cost Plantation Loss Plantation Cost Loss Plantation GMF Kusum CF 37 925 161,311 Sankhu -Palubari -Nagarkot 1 Kathmandu Lambodanda CF 35 875 152,591 72 1,800 313,902 122 122 8,766 194 1,922 322,668 Road Sub-total 72 1,800 313,902 Bysai –Jhaukhel – Changu 2 Bhaktapur –Telkot-Bhattedanda - 115 115 775,000 115 115 775,000 Nagarkot Road Thaiba - Godamchaur Road Godamchaur CF 2 50 8,203 Bistachhap CF 13 325 53,316 Jayabhadre CF 36 900 147,645 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Golintaha CF 63 1,575 258,379 Manakamana GF 20 500 82,025 14 350 57,418 217 5,425 889,971 76 76 5,160 293 5,501 895,132 Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road Kumari CF 8 200 32,810 RF Bandevi CF 22 550 90,228 Chandol CF 39 975 159,949 Sub-total 183 4,575 750,529 Dudhepakha CF 138 3,450 521,364 Dhami Chaur CF 23 575 86,894 Naulodanda CF 9 225 34,002 Ratmate Chihandanda Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 63 1,575 238,014 CF 260 6,500 982,280 1,187 1,187 74,722 1,447 7,687 1,057,002 Nagarkot Road Gairidhara Chyankuti 7 175 26,446 4 Kavre CF Seti Devi CF 20 500 75,560 Sub-total 260 6,500 982,280 Patikhola Pakha Ban 19 475 CF Khopasi-Dhungakharka 24 600 300,000 24 600 300,000 Janajagriti CF 5 125 Sub-total 24 600 300,000 Chanaute Salghari CF 20 500 71,680 Pashupati CF 18 450 64,512 Seti Devi Muladyang CF 4 100 14,336 Khahare Bhirpakha CF 4 100 14,336 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Pokharipakha CF 6 150 21,504 Section of Bhirkot - Sahare- Kalikagidde CF 9 225 32,256 99 2,475 354,816 69 69 4,139 168 2,544 358,955 Hawa -Jiri Road Salleshwari CF 8 200 28,672 5 Dolkha Lamachaur CF 5 125 17,920 Jyamte Dobhan CF 25 625 89,600 Sub-total 99 2,475 354,816 Jana Ekata CF 43 1,075 154,112 Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Ramche CF 42 1,050 150,528 Kalinchowk section of 95 2,375 340,480 95 2,375 340,480 Hilepani CF 10 250 35,840 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Sub-total 95 2,375 340,480

Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Thampakha CF 41 1,025 163,734 GF 174 4,350 694,869 215 5,375 858,603 188 188 12,455 403 5,563 871,058 Swara-Saurpani- Barpak Road

6 Gorkha Amdanda CF 18 450 71,883 Luitel - Aappipal - Andheri CF 19 475 75,877 Harmibhanjyang - Thalajung – GF 142 3,550 567,077 725 18,125 2,895,288 519 519 34,384 1,244 18,644 2,929,671 Tarkedanda CF 546 13,650 2,180,451 Bhachek Road Sub-total 583 14,575 2,328,211 Raniswara CF 143 3,575 571,071 Belghari – Archalbot - Kerabari CF 3 75 11,981 7 Lamjung Lamabagar- Serabazaar - 273 6,825 1,090,226 519 519 34,384 792 7,344 1,124,609 Lituere - Pachok Road Sikhra CF 127 3,175 507,175 Sub-total 273 6,825 1,090,226 Khurkhure (Highway) - Kalika CF 347 8,675 1,841,529 8 Chitwan Samitar - Thakurivanjyang Satya Devi CF 119 2,975 631,533 466 11,650 2,473,062 106 106 6,181 572 11,756 2,479,243 Road Sub-total 466 11,650 2,473,062 Kalika CF 3 75 11,334 Hariyali LHF Jhalkane CF 41 1,025 154,898 Pragatisil LHF Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - Ranibas CF 3 75 11,334 Lalupate LHF 9 Sindhuli GF 832 20,800 3,143,296 886 22,150 3,347,308 373 373 23,480 1,259 22,523 3,370,788 Netrakali Road Laliguras LHF Sub-total 47 1,175 177,566 Manebhanjyang 7 175 26,446 LHF Bhringeshwor CF 5 125 19,644 Jhateswari CF 8 200 31,430 Poku Salghari CF Haldebesi -Dhobi- 15 375 58,931 (Saipu CF) 105 2,625 412,519 105 2,625 412,519 Dhandebesi Road Taruke Salleri CF 30 750 117,863 10 Ramechhap Sipu CF 47 1,175 184,651 Sub-total 105 2,625 412,519 Devitar – Phulasipokhari Shree Sheradevi CF 20 500 78,575 Shree Hari Section of Devitar – Doramba Setidevi Saunepani CF 50 1,250 196,438 39 975 153,221 109 2,725 428,234 417 417 27,213 526 3,142 455,447 Siddhi RF – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Sub-total 70 1,750 275,013 Megapatal CF 56 1,400 215,180 11 Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga - Rumjatar Road Simdhara Pakha CF 22 550 84,535 78 1,950 299,715 348 348 22,251 426 2,298 321,966 Sub-total 78 1,950 299,715 Ghumnepani CF 12 Solukhumbu Garma - Nele -Bogal Road Mukle Maidel CF Kordap CF Total 2,396 59,900 10,262,051 1,168 29,200 4,487,267 60 1,500 237,085 3,624 90,600 14,986,402 4,039 4,039 1,028,135 7,663 94,639 16,014,538

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 40 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 Annex 8: Spoil management Disposal Format

SN Road Earthwork Earthwork Remaining Disposal Toe-wall Lead Section Cutting Filling Spoil to be Site Provision Distance (Chainage) (m3) (m3) Managed Location (m) From To (m3) Ch Volume (m3)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 41 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 9: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks Monthly Cumulative

1 Forestry Obtained/ongoing/not initiated clearance for using forest area and tree cutting 2 Stock piling and Obtaining written permission for spoil disposal stockpiling (Y/N) management Preparation of spoil disposal management plan (Y/N) Location of disposal site near the water courses (Y/N) Location of spoil disposal site Volume of spoil generated (m3) Volume of safely disposed spoil (m3) Spoil falling or being washed on to forest and farm land (Y/N) Spoil disposal work affecting public interest, locals and their properties (Y/N) 3 Toe walls for Number and volume (m3) of toe safe disposal of wall constructed excavated materials 4 Bioengineering Location (chainage) works Area (Rm/m2) Type of measures taken Amount spent (NRs.) 5 Dust emission Covering of delivery vehicles during transportation (Y/N) Spray of water for suppressing dust emission (Y/N) and time interval 6 Water quality Water quality observed near road 7 Quarry site Location management Volume of aggregates/stones/other materials supplied (m3 ) Rehabilitation of site (Y/N) 8 Campsite Supply of safe drinking water (Y/N) management Temporary toilets constructed in camp sites (no.)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 42 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks Monthly Cumulative

Energy used for cooking (fuel wood, kerosene, LPG, electricity) Proper management of waste disposal (Y/N) Separation of waste disposal in biodegradable and non- biodegradable (Y/N) 9 Drainage Drain water discharged into farm management land/ risky areas (Y/N) Cross drainage structure (no.) & volume (m3) 10 Bitumen Fuel wood being used for bitumen management heating (Y/N) Bitumen drums stored in dedicated areas and not scattered along the road (Y/N) Provision for leakage and spills in storage & service yards (Y/N) 11 Land slide and Location (Ch) erosion control measures Type of measures taken Number and volume of structure (m3)

12 Compensatory Exact tree loss (No.) plantation in forest area Establishment of nursery (number & location) Plantation carried out (number of plants & area in ha) Name & location of forest Plantation survival rate (%) Amount spent (NRs.) 13 Compensatory Number of plants felled plantation in private land Plantation carried out (number of plants) Plantation survival rate (%) Amount spent (NRs.) 14 Road side Plantation carried out (number of plantation plants) Location Plantation survival rate (%) Amount spent (NRs.)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 43 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks Monthly Cumulative

15 Rehabilitation of 1. Name & Location public infrastructure, 2. Name & Location culturally & religiously sensitive spot 16 Occupational Number of Personal Protective health & safety Equipment (PPE) provided Use of PPE by workers (%) First aid kit provided with medicines (number) Replacement of medicines (Y/N) Accidental insurance (number of workers) Type & number of accident occurred Compensation provided Number of workers fallen sick Coordination with nearby health center (Y/N) 17 Informative/ Number safety /environmental Location awareness signboard erected 18 Training/campai 1. Name of Event ( location, no. of gn/event as per participants) EMP of IEE report 2. Name of Event ( location, no. of participants)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 44 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex 10: Photographs a. Plantation Activities

Roadside plantation in sub-project, Kathmandu Roadside plantation in sub-project, Bhaktapur

Roadside plantation in sub-project, Solukhumbu

Roadside plantation in sub-project, Lalitpur Compensatory plantation in sub-project, Kathmandu

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 45 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

b. Orientation Activities

Waste management training (vermin composting) in Thaiba- Godamchaur Road, Lalitpur

Waste management training (sa:ga) in Sakhu-Palubari-Nagarkot Road, Kathmandu

Environmental awareness orientation in Ramechhap Environmental awareness orientation in Kavrepalanchok

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 46 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 c. Slope Stability, Spoil Disposal and Bio-engineering

Landslide along Sunkhani-Lamidanda -Kalinchowk Landslide along Khopasi-Dhungakharka - section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road

Bio-engineering along Khopasi-Dhungakharka - Bio-engineering along Garma-Nele Road Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road

Spoil disposed safely in tipping site

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 47 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 d. Occupational Health and Safety

Use of safety gears while working

Workers without safety gears Labour camps established

Informative board along the road Lack of precautionary board and improper storage of fuel near the storage site

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 48 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 e. Miscellaneous

Need of coordination with concerned stakeholder Alignment shift to avoid pipal tree cutting to collect trees cut

Waiting for tree cutting approval

EMP board along Thaiba-Godamchaur Road Roadside plantation board along Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 49 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Part 2: Strategic Roads

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 51

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Table of Contents 1. THE PROJECT BACKGROUND 53 1.1 Background 53 1.2 Sub-project and Physical Progress of the Project Activities 56 1.3 Objective, Approach and Scope of Semi-annual Monitoring 56 2. CHANGES IN THE PROJECT SCOPE & ADJUSTED SAFEGUARD MEASURES 56 3. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD IN EEAP 56 4. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS 56 5. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT 56 6. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD MEASURES 57 6.1 Safety Management 57 6.2 Camp Site Management 57 6.4 Operation of Quarry site and Crusher Plant 58 6.5 Spoil Disposal Management 59 6.6 Bioengineering Works 59 6.7 Removal of Trees and Plantation 59 6.8 Community Infrastructure 60 6.9 EMP Implementation Monitoring and Reporting 61 6.10 Workshop/Training Program for Safeguard 61 7. GRIEVANCES REDRESS 61 8. ISSUES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 61 9. PROPOSED MAJOR ITEM OF FOCUS FOR NEXT REPORT 62

List of Figure Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing subproject 54 List of Tables Table No. 1.1: List of Sub project Under EEAP 53 Table No. 1.2 Detail of trees to be cut 60 Table No. 1.2 Issues and way forward 62 List of Annexes Annex 1: Planning & Implementing Environmental Safeguards Activities 65 Annex 2: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants 68 Annex 3: Environmental Management Plan 69 Annex 4: Photographs 111

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 52

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

1. THE PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Background The proposed loan (No. 3260-NEP) under Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is financing improvements of three feeder roads, a total of 99.741 km, in the central and western regions of Nepal. While the Project will contribute to development and expansion of the Strategic Road Network (SRN), it will include an institutional capacity assessment in the areas of road safety and road maintenance, which will form the basis for a capacity development program. Gender and social inclusion through a livelihood program will be targeting women involved in road construction activities in the project-affected area.

The project roads are: (i) Dolakha – Singati Road (34.49 Km), (ii) Dhading Gorkha Road (42.274 Km) excluding 25 km overlap with Mid-Hill highway in total of 87.274 km and (iii) – Melamchi Road (22.977 Km).The Department of Roads (DoR) intends to improve these roads to an all-weather bituminous Feeder Road Standard. Project roads have been selected based on environment, resettlement, social and economic impacts; and project readiness. The Project is relevant to achieving results of the Country Strategy and Program (2013-2017), enhancing global- local connectivity to facilitate regionally balanced economic growth. The detail of sub project is listed below

Table No. 1.1: List of Sub project Under EEAP

Length S. No. Road Road Classification (Km)

1 Dolakha – Singati 34.490 Feeder Road

2 Dhading – Gorkha 42.274 Feeder Road

3 Panchkhal – Melamchi 22.977 Feeder road

99.741 Total (Revised) Source: Project data sheet, 2016

* Length of Dhading – Gorkha Road for upgrading has been shortened as 4.00 km has been already upgraded by DoR, Division Road Office.

* Length of previously planned Panchkhal - Melamchi – Tibmu Road Section has been revised by covering only Panchkhal – Melamchi Section due to budgetry Constraints. Thus scope of work for upgrading has been reduced to 99.741 km only as against of previously planned length of 122 km.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 53

Environmental Compliance Monitoring ReportJanuary-June, 2018

Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing the sub-project

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 54

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 1.2 Sub-project and Physical Progress of the Project Activities Up-to the reporting time, contract award for all the road sub projects has been completed and construction works in Dolakha - Singati Road, in and package No.1, 2, 3 and 4 for Dhading - Gorkha Road and in Panchkhal – Melamchi Road Section is in progress. 1.3 Objective, Approach and Scope of Semi-annual Monitoring 1.1.1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this semi-annual monitoring is to assess the progress on safeguard implementation including; status of air quality, noise and vibration, quarry site operation, stockpiling of the materials, construction waste and well managed construction camp, labor camps and bioengineering work etc. 1.1.2 APPROACH OF SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING This safeguard implementation monitoring report has been prepared through the approach of monthly progress report of contractor and field visit conducted during reporting period. 1.1.3 SCOPE OF SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING This s e mi - annual report includes the status of safeguard implementation activities in Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project covering the period from January to June 2018. 2. CHANGES IN THE PROJECT SCOPE AND ADJUSTED SAFEGUARD MEASURES The scope of project has not changed as its original scope. In case of Dhading - Gorkha Road, and Panchkhal - Melamchi Road supplementary IEE has been prepared and approved from MoPIT to accommodate the variation in tree cutting numbers from earlier stated in approved IEE report. The project has been categorized as “B” in terms of Environmental impact. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD IN EEAP

Environmental assessment is the primary administrative tool to integrate environmental considerations into decision making to ensure that proposed development intervention will have minimum environmental impacts. EEAP falls in category “B” project according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) (2009). As per Environment Protection Act 1997 and Environment Protection Rule, 1997, IEE is mandatory before the implementation of the project. Accordingly IEE report has been prepared and approved by the concerned authority. Further, monitoring is being done to ensure the compliance of mitigation measures and implementation of Environmental Management Plan. Planning and Implementation status of the sub-projects are presented in Annex 1. 4. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS

Environmental safeguard related project activities are in compliance with covenants as regular follow up actions are being taken according to the approved detail project report (refer Annex 2 for detail). 5. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) is executive agency (EA) and Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport (MOPIT) the Project Management Unit (PMU) has authorized Department of Roads (DOR), Project Road Directorate (ADB) as key Implementing Agency (IA) & has formed Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The project Directorate on behalf of DOR, is monitoring safeguard compliance, deploying safeguard focal person. Besides, to administer the overall project construction activities including the monitoring of safeguard issues local level, Department of Roads has established the Project Manager’s office for each Road Sub Project.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 56

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 The PIU has appointed Construction Supervision Consultant, which has the provision of Environment Specialist for assisting & reporting of safeguard compliance as per provision in EMP. Assistant Resident Engineer (ARE) of supervising consultant in each Road Sub Project has been nominated as a focal person for safeguard related activities. Thus, the Government has sufficient capacity in implementing ADB safeguard requirements. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD MEASURES Almost all contractors have appointed Environmental Focal person in all the sub-project roads. Grievance Redress Mechanisms have been established in all the sub-project roads. CSC Environmental Specialist has been visiting the project sites in intermittent basis. Adequate cautionary signboards have been placed in all the construction sites and working area has been barricaded with appropriate measures. Compliance with safeguard (based on the Annex 3) measures is presented below.

6.1 Safety Management In Dolakha - Singati Road construction activities are progressing. Contractor has submitted environmental management action plan (EMAP) and has been approved from CSC. Based on the approved EMAP, environmental monitoring is being carried out. Assistant Resident Engineer (ARE) of the supervising staff has been nominated as a focal person for environment safeguard implementation on behalf of CSC in each Road section. In this road, occupational health and safety measures have been followed. Sufficient number of PPE like helmet, face mask, boot, gloves have been provided by the contractor to labors including supervision consultant staff at site. Workers have been provided also with first aid kit with medicine in their camp. Proper precautionary signboard, temporary barricades / ribbons are used to provide safety to road users, vehicles while construction activities are going on. Sometimes while bituminous is in progress, flagman are deputed in order to control/stop the traffic as per the requirement. Insurance cover for contractor's employee and labors has been done. So far no accident during construction has been reported.

In Dhading - Gorkha Road consisting of 4 contract packages, construction work is also in progress. Contractor has submitted EMP for package No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 and these has been approved by CSC. ARE of the Supervising Consultant Team has been nominated as a focal person for safeguard monitoring and reporting. In this road sub project, contractors of all 4 packages have provided required safety gears to labors including supervision consultants. Insurance cover for contractor’s employee and labor has been already done by all contractors. Labor camps are facilitated with required medicine kit in all contract packages. During this reporting period no accident has been reported at construction site.

In Panchkhal - Melamchi Road, construction work is also progressing. Contractor has submitted EMP and the same has been approved. Accordingly compliance of safety measures as mentioned in environmental management plan is being carried out. ARE of the Supervising Consultant Team has been nominated as a focal person for safeguard monitoring and reporting. In this road sub project, contractor has provided required safety gears to labors including supervision consultants. Insurance cover for contractor’s employee and labors has been already done by contractor. Labor camp is facilitated with first aid kit with requires medicine. During this reporting period no accident has been reported at construction site.

6.2 Camp Site Management In Dolakha- Singati Road, previously established labor camp and site laboratory at Ch: 2+600 km, the labor camp has been shifted to Ch: 21+900 km as construction activities are mainly carried out around this area. Site laboratory has also been shifted at Ch: 16+100 km. Beside this some labor camps are located at Ch: 4+900, 8+750, 21+200, 22+450, 23+080, 24+900, 26+050, 28+700 km in rented house. LPG is being provided

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 57

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 by purchasing from the market to all these camps. In these labor camps facilities like toilet, drinking water are available. Some of the labors working in these sub-projects are locals. Contractor has put fire safety measures at the camp site.

Contractor’s work camp for DG/01 & DG/02 is set up at Ch: 12+700 km in private rented house. Beside this, some variable labor camps are also being established as per the requirement considering the work activities. For DG/03, workers camp has been established at 56+050 km at crusher plant yard. In this package also contractor has managed some various labor camps as per the work activities. For DG/04, labor camp has been established at Ch: 62+180 km. LPG is being provided to all these camps for cooking purpose. In these labor camps facilities like toilet, drinking water are available. Some of the labors working in this sub-project are locals. Contractor has put fire safety measures at the camp site.

In Panchkhal – Melamchi Road, labor camp is located at Ch: 6+900 km at the left side of road alignment. LPG is being provided by purchasing from the market. In these camp facilities like toilet, drinking water are available. Some of the labors working in this sub- project are locals. Contractor has put fire safety measures at the camp site. Another labor camp is also being established at Ch: 16+800 km.

6.3 Management of Stockpile of Construction Materials In Dolakha - Singati Road, at Ch: 22+050 required construction materials are being stockpiled. Small stock yard at Ch: 8+000 and at 16+100 km have also been managed at site. All the measures to keep the stocked material safe (fencing of the area) has been applied. Contractor has made agreement with land owner for stockpiling construction material. Once the construction work completes, the land used by the contractor shall be reinstated in its original condition. In Dhading - Gorkha Road, major stock of materials is kept at crusher yard, at Ch: 27+000 km Ankhu Khola and minor stock yards for concrete aggregate has been established at Km 11+600, Km 11+800 for package 1 and package 2. In package 3, stock yard has been established at Ch; 56+150 km for stock piling of the construction materials. Measures to keep the stocked material safe have been adopted. Contractors have made agreement with the land owners for stockpiling construction materials. For Contract No. DG/04, no stock yard has been established so far.

In Panchkhal - Melamchi Road, at Ch. 6+900 required construction materials are being stockpiled. All the measures to keep the stocked material safe (fencing of the area) has been applied. Contractor has made agreement with land owner for stockpiling construction material. Once the construction work completes, the land used by the contractor shall be reinstated in its original condition 6.4 Operation of Quarry site and Crusher Plant In Dolakha - Singati Road, quarry site is located at Ch. 3+100, 3 km upwards from Ch: 16+050, 500 m upwards from Ch: 21+300 and 500 m downside from Ch: 31+200 km for stone quarry. Required quantity of sand is being collected from the river Tama Koshi and transported to the site. Crusher plants have been installed and are in operation at Melkhet (About 8 km from Ch: 18+500 downside at the bank of the Tamakoshi River) and at Koshikhet (About 6 Km from Ch: 21+750 downside at the bank of the Tamakoshi River.

In Dhading - Gorkha Road, for contract package No. 1, Stone quarry is operated at Pakhare Khola (Km 6+500) Bajhopalpa Danda (500 m from Km 6+100), Kalika Danda Jhaghare for stone quarry. For contract package No. 2, Stone quarry is operated at Km 19+150 and boulders are transported from Ankhu Khola also. Required quantity of sands for contract package No 1 & 2 is collected and transported from Ankhu Khola. For contract

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 58

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 package No. 1 & 2 crusher plant has been established at the right bank of Ankhu Khola at Ch: 27+000 km.

For contract package No. 3, Stone quarry is located at Km 61+600 and boulders are transported from the Daraudi River. Crusher plant for this contract has been established at Ch: 56+050 km. For contract package No. 4, the quarry is being use as mentioned for package No. 3. For contract package No. 4 no crusher plant has been installed.

In Panchkhal – Melamchi Road, quarry site have been located at Gairi Bisaune approx 1 km from Ch: 7+000, Aap khola quarry source 3 km away from Ch: 7+000, Ghatte Danda quarry site at near Ch; 15+950 and Jarke Khola 1 km away from road corridor. Sand is collected and transported from Indrawoti River. Crusher plant is established 2 km away from Ch: 6+800 km. 6.5 Spoil Disposal Management Extra cut earth materials have been disposed properly. As of now the details of the disposal area are presented below.

Dolakha - Singati Road Location for Tipping: Ch: 3+100, 4+800, 5+800, 8+750, 15+100, 16+050, 20+180, 21+175, 22+500, 29+500 km. Required Agreement papers with respective private land owners for tipping site are already furnished.

Dhading - Gorkha Road Contract No. DG/01. Ch: 1+940, 3+310, 3+530, 4+500, 4+820, 5+160, 7+240, 7+750, 10+450, 10+950, 13+500 km

Contract No. DG/02. Ch: 12+630, 12+770, 14+200, 16+950, 21+480, 25+100 km

Contract No. DG/03. Ch: 58+350, 61+080, 62+170 km

Contract No. DG/04. Ch: 65+580, 67+070, 67+930 km Required Agreement papers with respective private land owners for tipping site are already furnished for all 4 contract packages.

Panchkhal – Melamchi Road Location for Tipping: Ch: 0+800, 1+500, 2+220, 2+620, 7+100, 7+420, 7+990, 11+200, 11+760, 17+350 km Required Agreement papers with respective private land owners for tipping site are already furnished.

Contractors have submitted the plan as per the requirement for the reinstatement of tipping site including slope protection with toe wall and Bioengineering works. Since, the disposal sites are still in use, contractor have not started the construction of toe wall for the reinstatement.

6.6 Bioengineering Works In Dolakha - Singati Road bio-engineering work has been started at Ch. 3+260. Slope Preparation and Rip Rap Channel construction work is ongoing. In Dhading - Gorkha Road bio-engineering work has not been started yet. In Panchkhal – Melamchi Road

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 contractor is planning to start bio-engineering works and identification of locations is under process.

6.7 Removal of Trees and Plantation In Dolakha - Singati Road there is no issue of tree cutting. In case of Dhading - Gorkha Road and Panchkhal - Melamchi Road total number of trees required to be cut have considerably increased from the number identified during the design phase. So, supplementary IEE was prepared and to get tree clearance approval from the Ministry of Forest and Environment. Supplementary IEE reports for tree cutting in both road projects have already been approved. In Dhading - Gorkha Road, total number of trees to be cut have been marked by the local authority of forest department. Shorty the tree cutting shall be started. In case of Panchkhal - Melamchi Road identification of species of trees to be cut is in progress. Shortly the species of trees and covering area will be submitted to concerned authority for approval. Once it is approved and marked, cutting of trees shall be started. Detail of trees to be cut is given below:

Table No. 1.2 Detail of trees to be cut

S. No. of trees need to Already cut till Road Name No. be cut Date

1 Dolakaha – Singati Road 137 30

2 Dhading – Gorkha Road 2483 1431 3 Panchkhal - Melamchi Road 1007 414

Total 3627 1875

Compensatory plantation of trees has not been started. Regarding the road side plantation, so far there is no such plan.

6.8 Community Infrastructure During the reporting period (Jan-Jun 2018) in Dolakha - Singati Road, 8 No. of footsteps (approx 20 cu m of masonry works) to the access of 12 private houses have been constructed. Relocation of water supply pipe by providing 700 PVC pipe has also been carried out. Similarly, irrigation crossings at four locations by providing 45 dia of hume pipe have also been constructed. Regarding the relocation of utilities 4 No. of electric poles have been relocated, two numbers of telephone poles and fourteen numbers of electric poles are yet to be relocated which is under process.

Likewise, detail of community infrastructure progress in Dhading – Gorkha Road contract wise is as follows:

Contract No. DG/01: One RCC water tank (capacity 11000 lit. has been constructed at Ch: 2+500. Approx 1580 m of PVC pipe for water supply has been laid out as a relocation of existing water supply pipe at different locations. 12 No. of footsteps (stone masonry-approx 50 cu m) at different places have been constructed to facilitate to local residents along road corridor). 25 No. of electric poles have been relocated by NEA, 5 No. is yet to be relocated. Similarly 3 telephone poles have to be shifted yet.

Contract No. DG/02: 10 No. of footsteps (approx 30 cu m of stone masonry) at different places have been constructed to provide easy access to local house owners. Relocation of water supply pipe by providing 1500 PVC Pipe has also been carried out at different locations. 30 No.

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 of electric poles have already been shifted by NEA from the road alignment, 5 No. are still remaining to be shifted.

Contract No. DG/03: Relocation of water supply pipe by providing 500 PVC Pipe has also been carried out at different locations. 15 No. of electric poles are to be relocated, NEA has not started yet.

Contract No. DG/04: Approximately 100 m of water supply pipe at different places has been relocated by providing PVC pipe as a replacement. Ten electric poles are to be shifted from the road alignment which has not been started yet.

Similarly, in Panchkhal – Melamchi Road Section at different places relocation of existing water supply pipe has been carried out by providing 250 m PVC pipe as a replacement. Twelve footsteps (stone masonry- 10 cu m) have been constructed to provide access to local house owners. Altogether 66 electric poles (Kavre Palanchok and Sindhupalchowk districts) are required to be relocated, which is under process.

6.9 EMP Implementation Monitoring and Reporting Environmental monitoring is being carried out through environment specialist. Supervision staff at site has been provided environmental monitoring checklist. Supervision staff are regularly checking the status at site. Details of the compliance of safeguard measures by the contractor are being submitted to the Resident Engineer’s office and is verified. Process for grievance redress mechanism is implemented. Each month along with monthly progress report, environmental safeguard status is being included. Besides status of safeguard are reported fortnightly on regular basis. Besides this Quarterly Progress status for safeguard is also reported. In every year two semiannual reports regarding safeguard status are prepared & submitted. 6.10 Workshop/Training Program for Safeguard During this reporting period, training/workshop program for Environmental safeguard including Road Safety was conducted on 01 & 02 February 2018 in Gorkha. The participants included the representative from DOR, Supervising Consultant, Contractor’s of DG/03 & DG/04. Local stakeholders & also from the project affected families. Altogether 53 participants (18 female & 35 male) attended the workshop /training program.

Similarly, the training/workshop program for Environmental safeguard & Road safety was also conducted on 05 & 06 April 2018 in Panchkhal - Melamchi Road in which altogether 56 participants (19 female & 37 male) attended the program.

7. Grievances Redress The project has conceptualized three stages of grievance redress mechanism (GRM) to receive, evaluate, and facilitate the resolution of affected people’s concerns, complaints, and grievances about the environmental performance at the level of the project. Grievance Redress Committee in Dolakha- Singati, Dhading - Gorkha and Panchakhal - Melamchi Roads has been established and started handling the grievance in field level. It is expected that GRC helps to minimize, ease to solve the grievances, and facilitate the compensation distribution process. Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) at district level and project affected ward wise sub committees have been formed in Dolakha- Singati, Dhading – Gorkha and Panchkhal- Melamchi subprojects. So far no substaincial grievances to be addressed has been recorded. 8. ISSUES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Since the completion of the contract of the Dolakha - Singati Road and all 4 contract ackages of Dhading – Gorkha Road is going to be over in between September 2018 to May 2019, so

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 Bio-engineering work under these two roads is necessarily has to be completed within the present monsoon period. Due to increase of considerable number of trees to be cut as against of reported number of trees during design phase took long period to get approval of supplementary IEE in Dhading – Gorkha and Panchkhal – Melamchi Road. Therefore, process for forest clearance has to be started without further delay. So far no major environmental issues as such has been recorded. However, some issues and corrective measures required are given below: Table 1.3: Corrective Action and Way Forward

SN Issues Way Forward Spoil disposal at designated sites and provision of 1 Spoil disposal sufficient toe walls and preparation and strict enforcement of spoil disposal management plan Identification of bioengineering locations and Implementation of carrying out bioengineering activities at identified 2 bioengineering work for slope sites. Bio-Engineering works shall be completed protection at land slide areas within September 2018. Use of safety gears like helmet, Enforce the workers at site for using the safety 3 boot, gloves and mask gears, as some labors are found reluctant to use. Active follow up for the remaining process for tree cutting in Dhading Gorkha and Panchkhal 4 Forestry clearance process – Melamchi Road. So, that construction work could not be hampered. Environmental Management Monitor the activities as per approved EMAP 5 Action Plan

9. PROPOSED MAJOR ITEM OF FOCUS FOR NEXT REPORT Completion of the bioengineering work in Dolakha - Singati Road, Dhading – Gorkha Road and also for Panchkhal – Melamchi Road and progress of the tree clearance activity of Dhading-Gorkha Road and Panchkhal–Melamchi Road is the main item of focus for next report.

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Annex 01

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Annex 02

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Annex 2: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants

Covenants Status June, 2018

Schedule 4-7 Conditions for Award of Contracts The Borrower shall not award any Complied Works contract for a Subproject which involves environmental impacts until the EA

or the IAs has: Obtained the final approval of the EIA/IEE from the Ministry of Population and Environment (for EIAs) / concerned sector agency (for IEEs incorporated the relevant provisions from the EMP into the Works contract Schedule 5-1. Project is implemented in accordance with PAM. Being complied with

Schedule 5-3. Subprojects are selected and approved in accordance with the Complied selection criteria set out in the PAM.

Schedule 5-4. Preparation, design, implementation, and operation of each Subproject Complied comply with applicable laws; the Environmental Safeguards; the EARF; and IEE and EMP.

Schedule 5-7. Necessary budgetary and human resources made available to fully Complied implement the EMPs, and the RPs.

Schedule 5-8. All bidding documents comply with IEE and EMP, budget is made Complied available for environmental measures; any unanticipated environmental impacts,

Schedule 5-9. (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Reports submitted to ADB Complied and disclosed relevant information; (b) any unanticipated environmental risks and impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) any actual or potential breach of compliance reported.

Schedule 5-11. The core labor standards and applicable laws are complied. Bidding Complied documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association. Schedule 5-15. Within 6 months after the Effective Date, the Borrower shall prepare Complied a Grievance Redress Mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The special committee will (a) make public of the existence of this Grievance Redress Mechanism, (b) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to either the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (c) proactively and constructively responding to them.

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Annex 03

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Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, Kathmandu Nepal

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project ADB LOAN NO: 3260-NEP

Dolakha-Singati Road Contract No. EEAP/ICB/DS/01

Chainage 0+000.00 – 34+490.00

Environment Management Plan


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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 1. INTRODUCTION

1.1 Background The site specific Environmental Management Action Plan (SS-EMAP) is an action plan aimed to averting or reducing potential environmental impacts associated with the upgrading works of Dolakha–Singati Road from fair weather to a Surface of sealed bituminous standards. 1.2 Purpose of the Site Specific Environmental Management Action Plan In order to mitigate foreseen environmental impacts, it requires a practical management plan generally referred as Environmental Management Action Plan. This plan suggests appropriate environmental safeguard against foreseeable adverse environmental impacts likely to cause by the proposed road works with responsibility. Main purpose of the SS-EMAP is to:

 Identify mitigation measures that will be implemented on road upgrading to prevent or mitigate environmental impacts.  Promote compliance of the implementation of environmental protection measures.  Provide timely warning of potential damage.


Incorrect and reckless excess material disposal is common phenomenon in road works that should not surface up in the road which is under construction. Instead, it should be eliminated and its correct disposal method should be in place. If correct method and safe disposal methods are not applied, it induces slope failure due to spoil disposed over it. To overcome such environmental risks, we will ensure spoil disposal activity with full care to avoid littering of arable land and carry out plantation over soil disposed slope prior to pre-monsoon. For such activity, we will select appropriate locations and obtain full approval from the concerned authorities. As per agreement and Clauses related to Social Safeguard and Environmental protection works, we will use legally approved quarry sites which will be maintained and left in a stable condition without steep slopes and be either refilled or drained and be landscaped by appropriate planting. Rock or gravel taken from a river will be removed over some distance so as to limit the depth of material removed at any location, not disrupt the river flow or damage or undermine the river banks. In addition, we will not deposit excavated material on land in government or private ownership except as directed by the Project Manager in writing or by permission in writing of the authority responsible for such land in government ownership or of the owner or responsible representative of the owner of such land in private ownership and only then in those places and under such condition as the authority, owner or responsible representative may prescribe and or agree with. Further, we will not dump spoil in grazing lands, forest and environmentally sensitive areas like protected areas, unstable hill slope, Local River, pond, lake, area supporting rare plants/animal species etc. It will be dumped in environmentally safe tipping sites that are approved by the Project Manager. In the Dolakha-Singati Road, tipping, borrow/quarry sites and crusher plant have agreement paper with land owner. In this package, mitigation measures shown in restoration plant are carried out by which impacts are not expected. In the context of tree loss from government or community forest, only minimal number of trees are needed to be cut. Impacts on wildlife nearby road site are also not expected.

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 Details of reinstatement plan for Dolakha-Singati Road Project are presented below: 2.1 Restoration Plan of Dolakha-Singati Road (Ch.: Km. 0+000 to Ch.: Km. 35+490) Under this road project, restoration plan has been submitted which is being presented as topic wise as follows: 2.1.1 Dolakha-Singati Road Quarry Area: Base Line Information: The quarry site is located at Ch: Km. 3+050 from where all materials had been extracted. For the remaining portion of the work, the proposed quarry site is located at Ch: Km. 21+330. There are huge materials available of which the details of the location of the quarry site are presented below:

 Site is located on private land and has made agreement with land owner.  The existing site is far from archeological, religious, cultural sites and public areas like school, hospital and health posts.  It is far from the settlement area, source of drinking water, stream, cultivated land and natural drainage and  Location in structurally stable.

Quarry Site at Ch: Km. 21+330

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Material Sampling by Lab at Ch: Km. 21+330 Restoration of Quarry Sites: So far the materials are being extracted fromquarry site (22+430). Due to excavation, a vertical slope is formed for which the slope is maintained to eliminate land slide. Details of the quarry sites with its restoration plan are already submitted which are presented as below:

Pic: Quarry After Extraction with maintained slope

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Fig: Reinstatement Plan for quarry site at Ch: Km. 3+050

Fig: Reinstatement Plan for quarry site at Ch: Km. 21+330

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 Disposal Area/Tipping Site: Baseline Information: The proposed disposal area/tipping site is located at Ch: Km 6+620, Ch: Km. 8+800 and Ch: 19+200.The tipping area is far from the settlement areas with no drainage problems. Most of the suitable cut earth materials have already been used for filling the road structures. The sites used for tipping is a flat land and vegetation clearance is not required as well.

Pic: Disposal Area with slope formation Restoration of the Tipping Area: For restoration of tipping site, gentle fill slope including grass plantation is required. Thus the details of tipping site with its restoration plan are presented below:

Pic: Disposal Site Crusher Plant Operation Plan Details of operation plan are presented below:

 All materials i.e. boulders, gravels etc. will be collected from TamaKoshiRiver which is on the right side of the road.  Materials will be collected using excavator and dump truck form the access point on the river bank with maintaining the river morphology.  Local royalty will be paid to the district development committee.  Collected materials will be transported to the crusher yard and will be used as per the need of the site.

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018  Materials will be fed in the crusher plant mechanically and trained work force will be deployed on the crusher plant.  Safety in the crusher plant will be of higher importance and the entire requirements for safety of crusher plant will be provided.  There will be backup power supply system for smooth operation of crusher plant.  Dust control will be done using water.  Aggregate from crusher plant will be stocked at approved stockpile site and quality test will be done jointly with the team from the consultant in order to maintain the best quality of aggregate to meet the specification.  Traffic movement nearby the road will be made smooth by placing caution sign at the end and start of the crusher plant.

Pic: Crusher Plant Location Area Restoration of the Crusher Plant Area: We will fulfill the requirement made in the agreement. Unused materials at site will be removed and will be properly disposed along with its reinstatement. Details of Crusher Plant is as follows:

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Work Camp Baseline Information Contractor’s camp is located at Ch: Km. 2+360 to Ch: Km. 2+600 and Ch: Km.8+890 to Ch: Km.19+100 of which the agreement with house owner has already been performed. Details of Work Camp is as follows:

 It is far from water supply intake with good enough to accommodate all unit office and maintenance unit.  Location is low impact area. Potable water facility, toilets and fire safety measures along with first aid medicines are available. Restoration of the Work Camp Area All the wastes generated from the camp will be disposed properly. All liquid wastes arising on the sites/camp area will be collected and disposed off at a location no to cause pollution. Labor Camp In this contract package, some of the labors are local with some labors are from adjoining districts. Drinking water, along with toilets, sleeping cot and fuel woods are provided in every camp.

Labour Camp at Ch.: 2+610 and Ch.: 16+600

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018 Occupational Health and Safety of Workers Proposed road upgrading requires a large numbers of labor forces for undertaking its activities of various natures. These activities amongst others include risk prone ones like quarry, rock breakup works, etc. When undertaken without safety measures, helmet, gloves, boots and ear guards, labors may get injured or even death. Safety equipment’s will be provided to workers.

First Aid Box at Contractor’s Camp 3. Conclusion:

In this package, less removal of vegetation is only expected with following protective measures against environment.  All necessary measures and precautions will be taken ensuring that the execution of the work and all associated operations on sites are carried out with environmental management plan.  Precaution measures will be carried out to avoid disturbance to inhabitants arising from the execution of the work.  All liquid waste products arising on the sites will be collected and disposed off at a location not to cause contamination.  All existing water course, drains within and adjacent to the sites will be ensured to keep safe and free from any related contamination.  Overburden waste dump will be sprayed with water as they are the major source of air borne particulate matter.  All necessary measures and precautions will be carried out to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons entitled to be on site.  First aid and related kit will be kept intact.

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Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, Kathmandu


Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP), ADB Loan No.: 3260, SRN Upgrading of Dhadingbesi-AnkhuKhola Section

Contract No.: EEAP/NCB/DG/01

Submitted By: Lama Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. Maharajgunj, Kathmandu

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

1. Description of Works The contract between DOR, Project Directorate (ADB) and M/S Lama construction Company Pvt. Ltd. was signed on December 29, 2016 for the "Upgrading of Dhading- Gorkha Road, Dhadingbesi-Ankhukhola Section from 0+000 to 12+000". The chainage 0+000 is the junction point at Puchhar Bazaar along the Malekhu-Dhadingbesi highway close to ThopalKhola Bridge. The existing earthen road about 3 to 5 m wide has very poor drainage, steep slope, sharp bends and random gradient. The project consists of series of the work starting from the back cutting, grade maintaining, cross & longitudinal drainage, bend improvement, retaining and breast structure with gabion and masonry structures. The work also includes the back filling, embankment filling, relocation of services and felling down of the trees on the road alignment. Moreover, the work follows with the series of the activities of the pavement works like base, sub-base and surfacing dressing work. Since, the work consist of the widening of the existing narrow road to the DOR feeder road standard, the volume of cutting, embankment filling, structures, pavement work will be in substantial quantity. According to work nature and volume, 3 nos. of excavators, 1 nos. of backhoe loader, more than 7 nos. of trippers, 1 nos. of crusher, bitumen plant, grader, heavy roller etc. The work started on the January2017 and lasted upto 24 months for the completion. 2. Site Specific Environmental Issues

2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion and the release of sediment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Throughout Slope Protection of the Site Engineer and construction excavated alignment Sub-engineer works Managing the stockpiling at Throughout Site Engineer and Site secured and minimal construction In-charge disturbances location works Maintain the existing drainage Throughout system with clean inlet points to Site Engineer and Site construction the extend reasonable and In-charge works practicable and within the scope Managing low disturbances and proper drain out nearby Throughout Site Engineer and Site sensitive area. The sensitive construction In-charge area to be instructed by the works Engineer/Employer

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Monitoring Daily visual inspections of works Throughout Contract Manager and site and all erosion and construction Site Engineer sediment controls works Reporting Throughout Reporting to contract manager All staff construction works Throughout Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager construction works Corrective Throughout Corrective actions and Actions Contract Manager construction implementation time frame works

2.2 Borrow Pits and Quarry Sites Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion and the release of sediment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Slope Protection stabilization of Site Engineer and Sub- Throughout the quarry sites engineer quarry works Reinstate of the quarry site with Site Engineer and Site After extract of backfilling of the pits and In-charge Stone disturbed surfaces if instructed Monitoring Visual inspections of quarry site Contract Manager and Throughout after completion Site Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to contract manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.3 Water Quality Objective To appropriately manage stormwater and groundwater quality during construction activities Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Excavation of drains where Site Engineer and Prior to construction instructed as per design Site In-charge commencing Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works upon instruction of the Engineer

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2.4 Air Quality Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to impact on air quality Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Covering of the truck/tippers Site In-charge Throughout while transporting materials construction works Routine maintenance of vehicle Site In-charge Throughout and equipment for lowering air construction works pollution Performance No complaints regarding dust Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators from workers / neighbours / Site In-charge construction works community members and minimise the dust control in settlement area Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.5 Noise Objective To appropriately manage noise during construction activities to minimise impact to workers, neighbours and community members. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All significant noise generating Site Engineer and Throughout activities will be undertaken Site In-charge construction works between Sun-Sat 7.00am to 7.00pm Routine maintenance of vehicle Site In-charge Throughout and equipment for lowering construction works noise level Minimizes the equipment use in Site Engineer and Throughout night shift Site In-charge construction works Performance No complaints regarding noise Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators from workers / neighbours / Site In-charge construction works community members Monitoring Noise monitoring program or Site Engineer and Throughout complaint based monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.6 Hazardous Substances Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause contaminated soil.

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Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All chemicals will be stored in Site Engineer and Throughout bunded, roofed areas with Site In-charge construction works MSDS’s (Material Safety Data Sheet) kept nearby Refuelling will be done with Site Engineer and Throughout standard process with account Site In-charge construction works all safety precautions Monitoring Chemical storage areas Contract Manager. Throughout Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.7 Contaminated Soil Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause or disturb contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No fill material will be imported Site Engineer and Throughout to or removed from site Site In-charge construction works Monitoring Visual Inspection of Site Engineer and Throughout contaminated area. Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.8 Waste Management Objective To appropriately manage waste during construction activities. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Appropriate waste receptacles Site In-charge Prior to works will be provided on camps. commencing Performance No waste deliberately or Site In-charge Throughout Indicators unintentionally released remediation works Monitoring Waste receptacles will be Site In-charge Throughout inspected daily and emptied remediation works weekly Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

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2.9 Biological Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential to disturb flora and fauna.

Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No terrestrial vegetation will be Site Engineer and Throughout disturbed without prior approval Site In-charge construction works No trees will be clearances Site Engineer and Throughout without the prior approval Site In-charge construction works Biological stabilization of slope Site Engineer and Throughout with locally available plants Site In-charge construction works Performance No injury / harm to local flora Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators and fauna Site In-charge construction works Monitoring Visual monitoring and complaint Site Engineer and Throughout base monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation timeframe construction works

2.10 Socio-economic Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential socio- economic environment

Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All contractors will be educated Contract Throughout in house staff and labour on Manager/Site construction works their socio-economic duty Engineer Avoid to damage the public Site Engineer and Throughout utilities and facilities to utmost Site In-charge construction works possibility Performance No public utilities and facilities e.g. Site Manager Throughout Indicators heritage artefacts uncovered construction works Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract Manager All staff Throughout construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame and Engineer construction works

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Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, Kathmandu


Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP), ADB Loan No.: 3260, SRN Upgrading of Dhadingbesi-AnkhuKhola Section

Contract No.: EEAP/NCB/DG/02

Submitted By: Lama Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. Maharajgunj, Kathmandu

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 85

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

1. Description of Works The contract between DOR, Project Directorate (ADB) and M/S Lama construction Company Pvt. Ltd. was signed on December 29, 2016 for the "Upgrading of Dhading-Gorkha Road, Dhadingbesi-Ankhukhola Section from 12+000 to 26+774". The chainage 12+000 located 1.4km away along the alignment from Jyamire Market. The existing earthen road about 3 to 5 m wide has very poor drainage, steep slope, sharp bends and random gradient. The project consists of series of the work starting from the back cutting, grade maintaining, cross & longitudinal drainage, bend improvement, retaining and breast structure with gabion and masonry structures. The work also includes the back filling, embankment filling, relocation of services and felling down of the trees on the road alignment. Moreover, the work follows with the series of the activities of the pavement works like base, sub- base and surfacing dressing work. Since, the work consist of the widening of the existing narrow road to the DOR feeder road standard, the volume of cutting, embankment filling, structures, pavement work will be in substantial quantity. According to work nature and volume, 3 nos. of excavators, 1 nos. of backhoe loader, more than 7 nos. of trippers, 1 nos. of crusher, bitumen plant, grader, heavy roller etc. The work started on the January, 2017 and lasted upto 24 months for the completion. 2. Site Specific Environmental Issues 2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control

2.2 Borrow Pits and Quarry Sites Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion and the release of sediment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Slope Protection stabilization Site Engineer and Throughout quarry of the quarry sites Sub-engineer works Reinstate of the quarry site with backfilling of the pits and Site Engineer and After extract of Stone disturbed surfaces if Site In-charge instructed Monitoring Visual inspections of quarry Contract Manager Throughout site after completion and Site Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to contract Throughout All staff manager construction works Throughout Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Throughout Contract Manager Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.3 Water Quality To appropriately manage stormwater and groundwater quality during Objective construction activities Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing

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Excavation of drains where Site Engineer and Prior to construction instructed as per design Site In-charge commencing Reporting to Contract Throughout All staff Manager construction works Reporting Throughout Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager construction works Corrective actions and Corrective implementation time frame Throughout Contract Manager Actions upon instruction of the construction works Engineer

2.4 Air Quality Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to impact on air quality Requirements Responsibility Timing Covering of the truck/tippers Throughout Site In-charge while transporting materials construction works Actions Routine maintenance of Throughout vehicle and equipment for Site In-charge construction works lowering air pollution No complaints regarding dust from workers / Performance neighbours / community Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators members and minimise the Site In-charge construction works dust control in settlement area Reporting to Contract Throughout All staff Manager construction works Reporting Throughout Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Throughout Contract Manager Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.5 Noise To appropriately manage noise during construction activities to minimise Objective impact to workers, neighbours and community members. Requirements Responsibility Timing All significant noise generating activities will be Site Engineer and Throughout undertaken between Sun- Site In-charge construction works Sat 7.00am to 7.00pm Actions Routine maintenance of Throughout vehicle and equipment for Site In-charge construction works lowering noise level Minimizes the equipment Site Engineer and Throughout use in night shift Site In-charge construction works Performance No complaints regarding Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators noise from workers / Site In-charge construction works

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neighbours / community members Noise monitoring program or Site Engineer and Throughout Monitoring complaint based monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting to Contract Throughout All staff Manager construction works Reporting Throughout Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Throughout Contract Manager Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.6 Hazardous Substances To manage construction activities with the potential to cause contaminated Objective soil. Requirements Responsibility Timing All chemicals will be stored Site Engineer and Throughout in bunded, roofed areas with Site In-charge construction works MSDS’s (Material Safety Actions Data Sheet) kept nearby Refuelling will be done with Site Engineer and Throughout standard process with Site In-charge construction works account all safety precautions Chemical storage areas Contract Manager. Throughout Monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Reporting Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.7 Contaminated Soil To manage construction activities with the potential to cause or disturb Objective contaminated soil. Requirements Responsibility Timing No fill material will be Site Engineer and Throughout Actions imported to or removed from Site In-charge construction works site Visual Inspection of Site Engineer and Throughout Monitoring contaminated area. Engineer construction works Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Reporting Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

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2.8 Waste Management Objective To appropriately manage waste during construction activities. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Appropriate waste Prior to works receptacles will be provided Site In-charge commencing on camps. Performance No waste deliberately or Throughout Site In-charge Indicators unintentionally released remediation works Monitoring Waste receptacles will be Throughout inspected daily and emptied Site In-charge remediation works weekly Reporting Reporting to Contract Throughout All staff Manager construction works Throughout Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Throughout Contract Manager Actions implementation time frame construction works 2.9 Biological Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential to disturb flora and fauna. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No terrestrial vegetation will Site Engineer and Throughout be disturbed without prior Site In-charge construction works approval No trees will be clearances Site Engineer and Throughout without the prior approval Site In-charge construction works Biological stabilization of Site Engineer and Throughout slope with locally available Site In-charge construction works plants Performance No injury / harm to local Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators flora and fauna Site In-charge construction works Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation timeframe construction works

2.10 Socio-economic Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential socio- economic environment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All contractors will be Contract Throughout educated in house staff and Manager/Site construction works Engineer

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labour on their socio- economic duty Avoid to damage the public Site Engineer and Throughout utilities and facilities to Site In-charge construction works utmost possibility Performance No public utilities and e.g. Site Manager Throughout Indicators facilities heritage artefacts construction works uncovered Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame and Engineer construction works

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, Kathmandu



Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP), ADB Loan No.: 3260, SRN Upgrading of Ghyampesal-Gorkha Section

Contract No.: EEAP/NCB/DG/03

Submitted By: Nepal Adarsha Tamang JV Basundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 91

1. Description of Works

The contract between DOR, Project Directorate (ADB) and Nepal Adarsha Tamang JV. was signed on April 26, 2017 for the "Upgrading of Dhading-Gorkha Road, Ghyampesal - Gorkha Section from 54+300 to 64+500". The chainage 54+300 is the starting point at Pipal Dada. The existing earthen road about 3 to 5 m wide has very poor drainage, steep slope, sharp bends and random gradient. The project consists of series of the work starting from the back cutting, grade maintaining, cross & longitudinal drainage, bend improvement, retaining and breast structure with gabion and masonry structures. The work also includes the back filling, embankment filling, relocation of services and felling down of the trees on the road alignment. Moreover, the work follows with the series of the activities of the pavement works like base, sub-base and surfacing dressing work. Since, the work consist of the widening of the existing narrow road to the DOR feeder road standard, the volume of cutting, embankment filling, structures, pavement work will be in substantial quantity. According to work nature and volume, 2 nos. of excavators, 1 nos. of backhoe loader, more than 6 nos. of trippers, 1 nos. of crusher, bitumen distributor, grader, heavy roller etc. The work started on the May, 2017 and lasts up to 24 months for the completion. 2. Contractor Details

Information regarding contractor’s key personnel. Table No. 01

Name Position Contact Number/s Remarks Keshav Thokar Contract Manager 9851034744 Rinjen Tamang Site Incharge 9860882219 MD Mahabul Rayeen Site Engineer 9812187207 Quality Control Prem Raj Tamang 9843562393 Engineer Binit Ratna Sthapit Sub-Engineer 9841136542 Bharat Sahi Sub-Engineer 9815058765 Senior Laboratory Raju Tamang 9825715638 Technician

3. Site Specific Environmental Issues

3.1 Erosion and Sediment Control To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion Objective and the release of sediment Requirements Responsibility Timing Slope Protection of the Site Engineer and Throughout Actions excavated alignment Sub-engineer construction works

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Managing the stockpiling Site Engineer and Throughout at secured and minimal Site In-charge construction disturbances location works Maintain the existing Site Engineer and Throughout drainage system with Site In-charge construction clean inlet points to the works extend reasonable and practicable and within the scope Managing low Site Engineer and Throughout disturbances and proper Site In-charge construction drain out nearby works sensitive area. The sensitive area to be instructed by the Engineer/Employer Daily visual inspections Contract Manager Throughout of works site and all and Site Engineer construction Monitoring erosion and sediment works controls Reporting to contract All staff Throughout Reporting manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Corrective implementation time construction Actions frame works

3.2 Borrow Pits and Quarry Sites Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion and the release of sediment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Slope Protection Site Engineer and Throughout quarry stabilization of the quarry Sub-engineer works sites Reinstate of the quarry Site Engineer and After extract of site with backfilling of the Site In-charge Stone pits and disturbed surfaces if instructed

Monitoring Visual inspections of Contract Manager Throughout quarry site after and Site Engineer construction works completion Reporting Reporting to contract All staff Throughout manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works

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Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction works frame

3.3 Water Quality Objective To appropriately manage stormwater and groundwater quality during construction activities Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Excavation of drains Site Engineer and Prior to where instructed as per Site In-charge construction design commencing Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction works frame upon instruction of the Engineer

3.4 Air Quality Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to impact on air quality Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Covering of the Site In-charge Throughout truck/tippers while construction transporting materials works Routine maintenance of Site In-charge Throughout vehicle and equipment construction for lowering air pollution works Performance No complaints regarding Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators dust from workers / Site In-charge construction neighbours / community works members and minimise the dust control in settlement area Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction frame works 3.5 Noise Objective To appropriately manage noise during construction activities to minimise impact to workers, neighbours and community members. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing

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All significant noise Site Engineer and Throughout generating activities will Site In-charge construction be undertaken between works Sun-Sat 7.00am to 7.00pm Routine maintenance of Site In-charge Throughout vehicle and equipment construction for lowering noise level works Minimizes the equipment Site Engineer and Throughout use in night shift Site In-charge construction works Performance No complaints regarding Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators noise from workers / Site In-charge construction neighbours / community works members Monitoring Noise monitoring Site Engineer and Throughout program or complaint Site In-charge construction based monitoring works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction frame works

3.6 Hazardous Substances Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All chemicals will be Site Engineer and Throughout stored in bunded, roofed Site In-charge construction works areas with MSDS’s (Material Safety Data Sheet) kept nearby Refuelling will be done Site Engineer and Throughout with standard process Site In-charge construction works with account all safety precautions Monitoring Chemical storage areas Contract Manager. Throughout Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction works frame

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3.7 Contaminated Soil Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause or disturb contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No fill material will be Site Engineer and Throughout imported to or removed Site In-charge construction works from site Monitoring Visual Inspection of Site Engineer and Throughout contaminated area. Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction works frame

3.8 Waste Management Objective To appropriately manage waste during construction activities.

Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Appropriate waste Site In-charge Prior to works receptacles will be commencing provided on camps. Performance No waste deliberately or Site In-charge Throughout Indicators unintentionally released remediation works Monitoring Waste receptacles will be Site In-charge Throughout inspected daily and remediation works emptied weekly Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction works frame

3.9 Biological Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential to disturb flora and fauna.

Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No terrestrial vegetation Site Engineer and Throughout will be disturbed without Site In-charge construction works prior approval No trees will be Site Engineer and Throughout clearances without the Site In-charge construction works prior approval

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Biological stabilization of Site Engineer and Throughout slope with locally Site In-charge construction works available plants Performance No injury / harm to local Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators flora and fauna Site In-charge construction works Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base Site In-charge construction works monitoring Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation construction works timeframe

3.10 Socio-economic Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential socio-economic environment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All contractors will be Contract Throughout educated in house staff Manager/Site construction and labour on their socio- Engineer works economic duty Avoid to damage the Site Engineer and Throughout public utilities and Site In-charge construction facilities to utmost works possibility Performance No public utilities and e.g. Site Manager Throughout Indicators facilities heritage construction artefacts uncovered works Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base Site In-charge construction monitoring works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time and Engineer construction frame works

3.11 Hazardous Substances Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All chemicals will be Site Engineer and Throughout stored in bunded, roofed Site In-charge construction works

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areas with MSDS’s (Material Safety Data Sheet) kept nearby Refuelling will be done Site Engineer and Throughout with standard process Site In-charge construction works with account all safety precautions Monitoring Chemical storage areas Contract Manager. Throughout Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction works frame

3.12 Contaminated Soil Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause or disturb contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No fill material will be Site Engineer and Throughout imported to or removed Site In-charge construction from site works Monitoring Visual Inspection of Site Engineer and Throughout contaminated area. Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

3.13 Waste Management Objective To appropriately manage waste during construction activities. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Appropriate waste Site In-charge Prior to works receptacles will be commencing provided on camps. Performance No waste deliberately or Site In-charge Throughout Indicators unintentionally released remediation works Monitoring Waste receptacles will be Site In-charge Throughout inspected daily and remediation works emptied weekly

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Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time construction frame works

3.14 Biological Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential to disturb flora and fauna. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No terrestrial vegetation will Site Engineer and Throughout be disturbed without prior Site In-charge construction approval works No trees will be clearances Site Engineer and Throughout without the prior approval Site In-charge construction works Biological stabilization of Site Engineer and Throughout slope with locally available Site In-charge construction plants works Performance No injury / harm to local flora Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators and fauna Site In-charge construction works Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation timeframe construction works

3.15 Socio-economic Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential socio-economic environment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All contractors will be Contract Throughout educated in house staff Manager/Site construction and labour on their socio- Engineer works economic duty

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Avoid to damage the Site Engineer and Throughout public utilities and Site In-charge construction facilities to utmost works possibility Performance No public utilities and e.g. Site Manager Throughout Indicators facilities heritage artefacts construction uncovered works Monitoring Visual monitoring and Site Engineer and Throughout complaint base monitoring Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to Contract All staff Throughout Manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout implementation time and Engineer construction frame works

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 100

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, Kathmandu

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) (ADB Loan No.: 3260-NEP)

Upgrading of Dhading-Gorkha Road Ghyampesal – Gorkha Section Contract No.: EEAP/NCB/DG/04

[Km 64+500 to Km 69+700]


Submitted By: M/s Bajraguru – Synergy JV Kuleshwor, Kathmandu

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 100

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

1. Description of Works

The contract between DOR, Project Directorate (ADB) and M/sBajraguru – Synergy JVwassigned on September 22, 2017 for the "Upgrading of Dhading-Gorkha Road, Ghyapesal-Gorkha Section from Km 64+500 to 69+700".The project duration is 18 months stating from 5 October 2017. The existing earthen road about 3 to 5 m wide has very poor drainage, steep slope, sharp bends and random gradient. The project consists of series of the work starting from the earthwork excavation for widening, grade cutting as per design, cross & longitudinal drainage, curve improvement, retaining and breast structure with gabion and masonry structures. The work also includes the back filling, embankment filling, relocation of services and felling down of the trees on the road alignment. Moreover, the work follows with the series of the activities of the pavement works like base, sub-base and surfacing dressing work. Since, the work consist of the widening of the existing narrow road to the DOR feeder road standard, the volume of cutting, embankment filling, structures, pavement work will be in substantial quantity. According to work nature and volumeapproximately2-excavators, 1- backhoe loader, 4-tippers, 1-crusher plants, bitumen plant, grader, heavy roller etc. is require for the execution of the work. The work physical work will be commenced from last week of October 2017 after completion of joint verification of drawings and quantities. 2. Site Specific Environmental Issues

2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion and the release of sediment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Slope Protection of the Site Engineer and Throughout excavated alignment Sub-engineer construction works Managing the stockpiling at Site Engineer and Throughout secured and minimal Site In-charge construction disturbances location works Maintain the existing drainage Site Engineer and Throughout system with clean inlet points Site In-charge construction to the extend reasonable and works practicable and within the scope Managing low disturbances Site Engineer and Throughout and proper drain out nearby Site In-charge construction sensitive area. The sensitive works area to be instructed by the Engineer/Employer Monitoring Daily visual inspections of Contract Manager Throughout works site and all erosion and and Site Engineer construction sediment controls works

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Reporting Reporting to contract All staff Throughout manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.2 Borrow Pits and Quarry Sites Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause erosion and the release of sediment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Slope Protection stabilization Site Engineer and Throughout of the quarry sites Sub-engineer quarry works Reinstate of the quarry site Site Engineer and After extract with backfilling of the pits and Site In-charge of Stone disturbed surfaces if instructed Monitoring Visual inspections of quarry Contract Manager Throughout site after completion and Site Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to contract All staff Throughout manager construction works Any reporting to Engineer Contract Manager Throughout construction works Corrective Corrective actions and Contract Manager Throughout Actions implementation time frame construction works

2.3 Water Quality To appropriately manage stormwater and groundwater quality Objective during construction activities Requirements Responsibility Timing Excavation of drains Site Engineer and Prior to construction Actions where instructed as Site In-charge commencing per design Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Reporting Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works Corrective Actions time frame upon instruction of the Engineer

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2.4 Air Quality Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to impact on air quality Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Covering of the Site In-charge Throughout truck/tippers while construction works transporting materials Routine Site In-charge Throughout maintenance of construction works vehicle and equipment for lowering air pollution Performance No complaints Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators regarding dust from Site In-charge construction works workers / neighbours / community members and minimise the dust control in settlement area Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works time frame

2.5 Noise Objective To appropriately manage noise during construction activities to minimise impact to workers, neighbours and community members. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All significant noise Site Engineer and Throughout generating activities Site In-charge construction works will be undertaken between Sun-Sat 7.00am to 7.00pm Routine Site In-charge Throughout maintenance of construction works vehicle and equipment for lowering noise level Minimizes the Site Engineer and Throughout equipment use in Site In-charge construction works night shift Performance No complaints Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators regarding noise from Site In-charge construction works

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workers / neighbours / community members Monitoring Noise monitoring Site Engineer and Throughout program or Site In-charge construction works complaint based monitoring Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works time frame

2.6 Hazardous Substances Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All chemicals will be Site Engineer and Throughout stored in bunded, Site In-charge construction works roofed areas with MSDS’s (Material Safety Data Sheet) kept nearby Refuelling will be Site Engineer and Throughout done with standard Site In-charge construction works process with account all safety precautions Monitoring Chemical storage Contract Manager. Throughout areas Site In-charge construction works Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works time frame

2.7 Contaminated Soil Objective To manage construction activities with the potential to cause or disturb contaminated soil. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No fill material will be Site Engineer and Throughout imported to or Site In-charge construction works removed from site

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Monitoring Visual Inspection of Site Engineer and Throughout contaminated area. Engineer construction works Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works time frame

2.8 Waste Management Objective To appropriately manage waste during construction activities.

Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing Appropriate waste Site In-charge Prior to works receptacles will be commencing provided on camps. Performance No waste Site In-charge Throughout Indicators deliberately or remediation works unintentionally released Monitoring Waste receptacles Site In-charge Throughout will be inspected remediation works daily and emptied weekly Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works time frame

2.9 Biological Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential to disturb flora and fauna. Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing No terrestrial Site Engineer and Throughout vegetation will be Site In-charge construction works disturbed without prior approval No trees will be Site Engineer and Throughout clearances without Site In-charge construction works the prior approval Biological Site Engineer and Throughout stabilization of slope Site In-charge construction works with locally available plants

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Performance No injury / harm to Site Engineer and Throughout Indicators local flora and fauna Site In-charge construction works Monitoring Visual monitoring Site Engineer and Throughout and complaint base Site In-charge construction works monitoring Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation construction works timeframe

2.10 Socio-economic Environment Objective To appropriately manage construction activities with the potential socio-economic environment Actions Requirements Responsibility Timing All contractors will Contract Throughout be educated in Manager/Site construction works house staff and Engineer labour on their socio-economic duty Avoid to damage the Site Engineer and Throughout public utilities and Site In-charge construction works facilities to utmost possibility Performance No public utilities e.g. Site Manager Throughout Indicators and facilities construction works heritage artefacts uncovered Monitoring Visual monitoring Site Engineer and Throughout and complaint base Site In-charge construction works monitoring Reporting Reporting to All staff Throughout Contract Manager construction works

Any reporting to Contract Manager Throughout Engineer construction works

Corrective Actions Corrective actions Contract Manager Throughout and implementation and Engineer construction works time frame

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Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, Kathmandu Nepal

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project ADB LOAN NO: 3260-NEP

Panchkhal – Melamchi Road Contract No. EEAP/NCB/PM/01 Chainage 0+000.00 – 22+977.00 km

Environment Management Plan


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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The site specific Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) is an action plan aimed to averting or reducing potential environmental impacts associated with the upgrading works of Panchkhal – Melamchi Road. 1.2 Purpose of the Site Specific Environmental Management Action Plan In order to mitigate foreseen environmental impacts, it requires a practical management plan generally referred as Environmental Management Action Plan. This plan suggests appropriate environmental safeguard against foreseeable adverse environmental impacts likely to cause by the proposed road works with responsibility. Main purpose of the EMAP is to:

 Identify mitigation measures that will be implemented on road upgrading to prevent or mitigate environmentalimpacts.  Promote compliance of the implementation of environmental protectionmeasures.  Provide timely warning of potential damage.

2. STATUS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITY Incorrect and reckless excess material disposal is common phenomenon in road works that should not surface up in the road which is under construction. Instead, it should be eliminated and its correct disposal method should be in place. If correct method and safe disposal methods are not applied, it induces slope failure due to spoil disposed over it. To overcome such environmental risks, we will ensure spoil disposal activity with full care to avoid littering of arable land and carry out plantation over soil disposed slope prior to pre-monsoon. For such activity, we will select appropriate locations and obtain full approval from the concerned authorities. As per agreement and Clauses related to Social Safeguard and Environmental protection works, we will use legally approved quarry sites which will be maintained and left in a stable condition without steep slopes and be either refilled or drained and be landscaped by appropriate planting. Rock or gravel taken from a river will be removed over some distance so as to limit the depth of material removed at any location, not disrupt the river flow or damage or undermine the river banks. In addition, we will not deposit excavated material on land in government or private ownership except as directed by the Project Manager in writing or by permission in writing of the authority responsible for such land in government ownership or of the owner or responsible representative of the owner of such land in private ownership and only then in those places and under such condition as the authority, owner or responsible representative may prescribe and or agree with. Further, we will not dump spoil in grazing lands, forest and environmentally sensitive areas like protected areas, unstable hill slope, Local River, pond, lake, area supporting rare plants/animal species etc. It will be dumped in environmentally safe tipping sites that are approved by the Project Manager. In the context of tree loss from government or community forest, only minimal number of trees needed to be cut. Impacts on wildlife nearby road site are also not expected.

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Labor Work Camp Baseline Information Contractor's camp is located at Ch.: Km. 07+000 area of which the agreement with house owner has already been performed. Details of Work Camp are as follows:

 It is far from water supply intake with good enough to accommodate all unit office and maintenance unit.  Location is low impact area. Potable water facility, toilets andfire safety measures along with first aid medicines are available.

Restoration of the Work Camp Area All the wastes generated from the camp will be disposed properly. All liquid wastes arising on the sites/camp area will be collected and disposed off at a location no to cause pollution. Labor Camp In this contract package, some of the labors will be local with some labors are from adjoining districts. Drinking water, along with toilets, sleeping cot and fuel woods will be provided in every camp. Restoration of the Laboratory Office All the wastes generated from the lab office will be disposed properly. All solid and liquid wastes generated on the lab area will be collected and disposed off at a location no to cause pollution. Laboratory Office In this contract package, the laboratory office will be established as per clause 101.03" Provision of Site Laboratory'' at Chainage 7+000 km of project road near the labor camp. All the maintenance and management will be full responsibility of the Contractor. Occupational Health and Safety of Workers Proposed road upgrading requires a large numbers of labor forces for undertaking its activities of various natures. These activities amongst others include risk prone ones like quarry, rock breakup works, etc. When undertaken without safety measures, helmet, gloves, boots and ear guards, labors may get injured or even death. Safety equipment will be provided to workers.

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Figure: Safety First Measure Box at Contractor's Camp 3. CONCLUSION In this package, less removal of vegetation is only expected with following protective measures against environment.

 All necessary measures and precautions will be taken ensuring that the execution of the work and all associated operations on sites are carried out with environmental management plan.  Precaution measures will be carried out to avoid disturbance to inhabitants arising from the execution of the work.  All liquid waste products arising on the sites will be collected and disposed off at a location not to cause contamination.  All existing water course, drains within and adjacent to the sites will be ensured to keep safe and free from any related contamination.  Overburden waste dump will be sprayed with water as they are the major source of air borne particulate matter.  All necessary measures and precautions will be carried out to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons entitled to be onsite.  First aid and related kit will be kept intact.

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Annex 04

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Photograph of Dolakha- Singati Road

Photo No. 01: Construction of new tap in Soti Photo No. 02: Gabion support to provide wooden Bazaar area at 16+450 km. bridge for local people at 11+170 km.

Photo No. 03: Irrigation canal for water supply in local Photo No. 04: Watering to remove dust at 10+800 water mill over the masonry breast wall at 11+030 km. km.

Photo No. 05: Levelling the tipping site at Photo No. 06: Crusher plant at Nagdaha. 15+230 km.

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Photo No. 08: Fencing of Bitumen decanter at Photo No. 07: Crusher plant at Koshikhet. 22+450 km.

Photo No. 09: Bio-Engineering photos at 3+280 Photo No. 10: Bio-Engineering photos at 3+280 km. km.

Photo No. 11: Labor camp at 25+900 km. Photo No. 12: Labor camp at 25+700 km.

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Progress Photographs of Dhading-Gorkha Road

Photo No. 01: Crusher Plant at AnkhuKhola for DG- Photo No. 02: Crusher Plant at AnkhuKhola for DG- 1 & DG-02 1 & DG-02

Photo No. 04: Natural Material Quarry at Photo No. 03: Base course at 25+200 km. AnkhuKhola

Photo No. 05: Amarawati Community Forest Photo No. 06: Amarawati Community Forest member

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Photo No. 07: Gadhidanda National Forest Photo No. 08: Tree marking

Photo No. 09: Tree marking. Photo No. 10: Tree marking

Photo No. 11: Community Forest members Photo No. 12: SattaleTappu Community Forest

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Progress Photographs of Panchkhal - Melamchi Road

Photo No. 01: Ghatte Danda Quarry site at near Ch Photo No. 02: Gairi Bisaune Quarry site nearly 15+950 JarkeKhola (1km away from road corridor) 1km from Ch 7+000

Photo No. 03: Establishment of sand wash crusher Photo No. 04: Labor camp, laboratory and plant 2km away from CH 6+800 material yards at CH 6+950 right side of road

Photo No. 05: Tipping Area near ch 7+900 at R/S Photo No. 06: Tipping Area near ch 11+250 (400m from road corridor at R/S)

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Part 3: School Buildings

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LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants 122 Table 2: Issues and Corrective Actions 124 LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing EEAP outcome 1, sub-projects 120

LISTS OF ANNEXES Annex 1 Status of Environmental Safeguard Planning 126 Annex 2 Status of Environmental Safeguard Implementation 138 Annex 3 Detail of Plantation 151 Annex 4 Status of Grievances Related To Environmental Safeguard 152 Annex 5 Monitoring Reporting Format 153 Annex 6 List of Training Participants and Schedule 154 Annex 7 Photographs Showing Environmental and Safeguards Issues 167

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

1 BACKGROUND Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is being implemented by covenant loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and counterpart funding from Government of Nepal (GoN). The goal of the project is to support GoN to accelerate rehabilitation and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the major aftershock of 12 May 2015. The project will support the rebuilding of schools, roads, and district-level government buildings, and strengthen resilience to future disasters. EEAP, Loan 3260 for $200 M was approved on 24 June 2015, signed on 21 August 2015 and became effective on 10 September 2015. A) IMPACT AND OUTCOME

The impact of the project is accelerated economic and social recovery in Nepal’s earthquake affected districts. The outcome will be critical economic and social services resumed with disaster- resilient infrastructure. The project has following four outputs: (i) Output 1: Schools are rebuilt and upgraded. At least 700 schools will be rebuilt or retrofitted in line with school reconstruction plans to disaster-resilient standards and equipped with water and sanitation facilities, including sex-disaggregated toilets. About five will be model schools built with information and communication technology equipment, science laboratories, and improved learning spaces. This target has been reduced to 154 school buildings (MTR, October 2017). (ii) Output 2: Roads and bridges are rehabilitated and/or reconstructed. About 135 km of strategic roads and about 450 km of rural roads damaged by the earthquake and landslides will be rehabilitated. Target for strategic and district roads has been reduced to 123.9 km and 525 km respectively (MTR, October 2017). Project roads and bridges will have built back better features for road safety and climate resilience. Construction and maintenance equipment will also be procured. (iii) Output 3: District-level government facilities constructed and/or rebuilt. About 300 district-level government buildings will be rebuilt or retrofitted to disaster resilient standards with basic utilities, and furnished. This target has been reduced to 123 buildings (MTR, October 2017). Transitional district-level government offices will also be established to enable services to continue throughout the reconstruction period. (iv) Output 4: Disaster preparedness and management capacities strengthened. All outputs are assured to be disaster risk resilient. Engineering divisions of all implementing agencies will be strengthened. In December 2016, output 1 was adjusted to 715 schools rebuilt following the agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to provide co-financing in the amount of $ 10 million (USAID – Grant 0529). However, in view of the updated cost estimates based on the completed designs and bid price reviewed, this output may not be feasible. The output target, therefore, has been reduced to 154 schools as agreed during the MTR, October 2017.

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1.1 Project Locations Project Locations: The EEAP is being implemented in 8 districts as Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Kavreplanchowk, Sindhupalchowk, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, and Sindhuli. Additionally, there are two model schools under reconstruction, one in each district, as Dolakha and Ramechhap financed by JFPR grant. Furthermore, 6 model schools are being reconstructed, one in each district, as Lalitpur, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Gorkha, Dhading and Makawanpur also financed JFPR grant.

Additional Focused Districts: Districts: Gorkha, Kathmandu, Dhading, Bhaktapur, Makwanpur, Kavre, Rasuwa, Sindhupalchok Nuwakot & Sindhuli, Lalitpur Dolakha, Ramechap & Okhaldhunga

Figure 6: Map of Nepal showing EEAP outcome 1, sub-projects

1.2 Purpose of Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Report The purpose of this Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report is to fulfill the environmental safeguard requirements of the GoN and the ADB. The main purpose of the Semiannual Monitoring Report is to assess the progress on environment and safeguard implementation at the construction sites which includes status of air quality, noise and vibration, quarry site management, spoil management, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), management of construction waste materials and camp site management covering from January to June 2018. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD IN EEAP An Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) was prepared in accordance with ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement 2009. Due diligence report (DDR) with EMP were required for school and office building sub-projects along with incorporating Environmental Management Plan (EMP) into bidding and contract documents to be implemented by contractors.

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Environmental assessment is the primary administrative tool to integrate environmental considerations into decision making to ensure that proposed development intervention will have minimal environmental impacts. The project falls in category “C” on the basis of rapid environmental and social assessment check lists prepared as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS, 2009). Based on the SPS, 2009 DDRs were also prepared for each sub projects.

3 OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD STATUS The overall environmental safeguard status of EEAP in reference to output 1, DDRs reports of all 154 school sub-projects have been prepared and submitted to CLPIU. The status of Environmental Safeguard Planning and Implementation of all sub-projects is presented in Annex 1 and 2.

4 CONSTRUCTION APPROACH EEAP applies National Competitive Bidding (NCB) approach for reconstruction of schools. Contractors have been mobilizing equipment and human resources to execute the contract and complete it within the stipulated time. Spoil disposal has been planned to balance with cutting and filling as far as possible. There will be use of bio-engineering techniques with integrated use of vegetation, civil engineering structures and proper water management systems for slope protection such as retaining walls, breast walls. Overall construction activities will follow the environment friendly approach as much as possible.

The school building blocks are designed and executed as per the motto “Built –Back –Better” formulated by the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA). The approach taken in design and construction includes the following features:  Design incorporates earthquake resistant features.  Design foresees maximum use of local materials and manpower as far as possible.  Design includes environmental friendly measures such as locations of building without risk of landslide, flood etc. It also includes energy saving design, environmental enhancement measures such as trees plantations, landscaping, rain water harvesting etc. where feasible.  Most of the constructions are manual and labour intensive with occasional use of small equipment such as concrete mixture, small backhoe for excavation, tractors and small trucks for transportation of materials.  No child labour is permitted.  Labour safeguard is focused.

5 COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS The environment Safeguards related project activities are generally in compliance with loan covenants. The detail of environment covenants is presented in Table 1.

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Table 10: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants Covenants Status, June 2018 Schedule 4-7 Conditions for Award of Contracts: The Borrower shall not Being complied award any works contract for a subproject which involves environmental impacts until the Executing Agency or the Implementing Agencies has: (c) obtained the final approval of the DDR from the concerned agency (d) Incorporated the relevant provisions from the EMP into the Works contract. Schedule 5-4. Preparation, design, implementation, and operation of each Being complied subproject comply with applicable laws; the Environmental Safeguards; the EARF; DDR and EMP. Schedule 5-7. Necessary budgetary and human resources made available to Being complied fully implement the EMPs. Schedule 5-8. All bidding documents comply with DDR and EMP, budget is Being complied made available for environmental measures; any unanticipated environmental impacts, Schedule 5-9. (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Reports submitted to Being complied ADB and disclose relevant information; (b) any unanticipated environmental risks and impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) any actual or potential breach of compliance reported. Schedule 5-11. The core labor standards and applicable laws are complied. Being complied Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association.

6 COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENT SAFEGUARD MEASURES Contracts have been awarded for all sub-projects under EEAP and construction works have already been started in all 154 sub-projects. Total 10 schools; 5 schools in Kavreplanchowk and 5 schools in Ramechhap, have been handed over to the respective School Management Committees after completion of the reconstruction works.

For better environmental safeguard compliance of the project, implementation of EMP has been strictly carried out. The summary of environmental compliances are as follows (see Annex 1 & 2 for details). i) Awareness Raising Training A training on Social, Environment, GESI and Technical Aspects for Engineers and Sub- engineers working in District Level Project Implementation Units has been conducted to enhance the technical skills of personnel involved in implementation and supervision of earthquake resilience school building reconstruction. The second regular two days training programme was organized by DSC in collaboration with Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLPIU) at different district headquarters of the project districts from February 8 through 28, 2018. The course was attended by the Engineers and Sub-engineers of earthquake affected 14 districts (all 8 project districts and 6 additional districts). The total trainees, attended the training programme, from 14 DLPIUs, were 207 in numbers including chiefs. (refer Annex 6; Attachment 1 & 2).

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ii) Occupational Health and Safety Occupation health and safety have been partially followed. PPE like, helmet, gloves, boots, and jackets have been provided by the contractors to workers, but these PPE were not sufficient in number to the workers. Some workers involved in the reconstructions were found reluctant to use PPE. So they were oriented to use PPE during site visits. Insurance of each worker had been done. So far, no accident during construction had been reported. First aid kit with medicines has been maintained at each construction site. iii) Tree Loss and Plantation Work Due to the space constraints in some schools, felling of trees was unavoidable. During site visit, it was observed that some of the trees were felled during construction. Contractors and SMCs were advised to protect the trees and avoid the felling of trees as far as possible. In Kuseshwor Vidhya Peeth Secondary School in Sindhuli district, a number of trees and Humanteshwor SS four trees were felled. Contractor and SMC both were advised to plant trees within the school premises and submit the list of plants for plantation. Till the reporting period in few schools, plantation has been done. The detail of plantation in school is presented in Annex-3. iv) Camp Site Management Drinking water and toilet facilities were provided to the workers. Temporary toilets were constructed for the workers, but in some sites, workers were using the existing school toilets. Most of the workers are from outside the village. Therefore, contractors have built temporary camps for the workers near the construction sites as required by the labors. Some contractors have rented local house for workers in the vicinities. Workers use LPG as well as firewood for cooking at camp site.

v) Signboard placing Contractors have placed sign boards for contract information at most of the construction sites. Nearly 60 sign boards having contract information have placed at different schools.

vi) Grievance Redress Mechanism GRM mechanism has been established in all sub-projects. So far, 2 grievances have been reported from Kathamndu district. The grievance, at Sitapaila SS, Package no-2 Kathmandu district was about the safety concern due to deep excavation of foundation for school building and impact to adjacent local houses. It was resolved at local level. Similarly, another grievance was raised in Ratna Rajya School Package no-2, Kathmandu district where there is a historic temple on the east side of the school premises which is being worshiped by local community since long time and local devotees are opposing the construction work. Grievance detail is presented in Annex-4.

vii) Spoil Management Spoil disposal sites have been identified and are being managed in specified disposal sites as far as possible. In Krishna Ratna Ganga SS in Sindhupalchowk, spoil was carried and disposed in the nearby village due to the insufficient land to fill the cut materials within the school premise. The spoil is disposed at location where there is the requirement of the fill material as requested by community and there is no protection work required.

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viii) Air and Water Qualities Air quality within the reconstruction site has been maintained in tolerable level as the reconstruction works of schools generate insignificant amount of dust. Similarly, water quality is not degraded since spoils are managed within the site and stabilized by reinstating natural drainage system.

ix) Slope Stability The master planning of the school is prepared conserving natural land scape of the site. In some unavoidable cases, earthwork in excavation and filling were carried out considering self- slope stabilization of the soil in uphill and downhill of the site with least requirement of breast and retaining walls. Spoils were managed within the site by filling them on the area with gentle contour of the site as far as possible. Slope surfaces created out of the cutting and filling of soil are provisioned with turf.

7 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS The executing agency is the NRA. The implementing agency is CLPIU. Each DLPIU has designated a focal person for environmental safeguards. The focal person has been assisted in conducting environmental assessment, and implementation of EMPs and compliance monitoring by projects consultants. The IA is currently implementing ADB project under this institutional arrangement. Thus, the GoN has sufficient capacity in implementing ADB requirements and strengthening of capacity.

8 ISSUES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION The contractors and DLPIUs should apply following corrective measures:

Table 2. Issues and Way Forward S.N. Issues Way Forward 1 Use of safety gears like helmet, boot, Enforce the workers at site for using the safety gloves and mask. gears. 2 Implementation of bioengineering Identification of bioengineering locations and work for slope protection at land slide carrying out bioengineering activities at areas recommended sites 3 Spoil disposal management Spoil disposal at designated sites and provision of sufficient toe walls and preparation and strict enforcement of spoil disposal management plan 4 Implementation of Environmental Monitor the activities as per approved EMPs Management Plans

9 MAJOR ITEMS FOCUSED FOR NEXT REPORT Progress monitoring on spoil disposal, use of PPE, bioengineering and plantation works for soil stabilization in the construction of all school sites are the major items focused for next report.

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Annenx-1 Environmental Safeguard Planning Status

S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 1 K-1 Kalika SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 2 Jaya Sarswati Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 3 Kalika Devi PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 4 K-2 Janta PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 5 Khadgeshwari Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 6 Mahankal PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 7 Raktkali PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 8 Seti Devi PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 9 K-3 Jansewa PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 10 Jana jagriti PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 11 Mahankal PS, Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Tukucha submitted 12 K-4 Arunodya SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 13 Saraswati SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 14 Srinjansil janta Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 15 K-5 Bagdevi SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 16 Shankeshwor Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS Mahalaxmi submitted 17 Satmul SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 18 K-6 Baluwa SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 19 Mahakali SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 20 Prakash HS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 21 Radha Krishna Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 22 Setidevi SS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 23 K-7 Prabha Ss Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 24 Sanjivani HS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 25 Kaliaka HS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 26 Srinjansil janta Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 27 S-1 Dibya Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Sishushyhar PS alchowk submitted 28 Jaya Ganesh Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR PS alchowk submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 29 Harisidhi PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 30 Stakanya PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 31 S-2 Bhimsen PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 32 Kalika PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 33 Jalpaa Devi PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 34 Janajaagraran Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR PS alchowk submitted 35 S-3 B.P Smriti PS Sindhup C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk Yes submitted 36 Shivs Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Shankareshwar alchowk submitted 37 Loktanta PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 38 S-4 Bal Shikha SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 39 Dakshinkali SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 40 Kalika Devi SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 41 S-5 BagBhairab SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 42 S-6 Krishna Ratna Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Ganga SS alchowk submitted 43 S-7 GolmaDevi SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 44 SetiDevi Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Sharada SS alchowk submitted 45 S-8 Krishna SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 46 Haibung Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Mahadevsthan alchowk submitted SS 47 Sindhupuranoga Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR on SS alchowk submitted 48 Chhetrapaleshw Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ori SS alchowk submitted 49 S-9 Kalika Devi SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 50 S- Koldaung Devi Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 11 SS alchowk submitted 51 Kalika SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 52 Mahendraodaya Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS alchowk submitted 53 S- Siddhi Kamala Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 12 Devi alchowk submitted 54 Kamala Devi Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 55 Simpaleshwori Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS alchowk submitted 56 S- Selang SS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 13 alchowk submitted 57 S- Thangpaldhap Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 14 SS alchowk submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 58 R-1 Jhatteshwor SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 59 Nawadarsan SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 60 Nag Kanya SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 61 R-2 Rudrakshyasho Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR wr SS hap submitted 62 Bhimeshwor Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Prasun Kandel hap submitted SS 63 Bhairavi SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 64 R-3 Siddheshwor Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR HSS hap submitted 65 R-4 Siddheshwor SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 66 Seti Devi SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 67 Bishnu Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Janajyoti SS hap submitted 68 Kalika SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 69 R-5 Bhimeshwor SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 70 Khakling SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 71 Khadadevi SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 72 Kharpanee SS Ramech Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 73 O- Baljyoti SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 1 unga submitted 74 Chautara SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 75 Manakamana Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS unga submitted 76 O- Kalika SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 2 unga submitted 77 Kuibhir SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 78 Yasam SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 79 O- Golma Devi SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 3 unga submitted 80 Gyanjyoti SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 81 O- Bigutar HS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 4 unga submitted 82 Punyamata SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 83 Jantarkhani Ss Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 84 Saraswati SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 85 0-5 Gyanprakash Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS unga submitted 86 Sunkeshari SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 87 Narmadeshwor Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS unga submitted 88 O- Prabuddha HSS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 6 unga submitted 89 Shivaduti SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 90 O- Baruneshwor Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 7 SS unga submitted 91 Rumjatar SS Okhaldh Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR unga submitted 92 S-1 Hirathumki SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 93 Prakasodya SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 94 Chandibhajyang Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 95 S-2 kusheshwor Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Bidya Pith submitted 96 Shree SS, Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Kholagaun submitted 97 Mahakali SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 98 S-3 Baruneshwar Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 99 Janta Higher Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 100 Jana Jagriti SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 101 Sindhure SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 102 S-4 Kamala SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 103 Janajagriti, SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Bhiman submitted 104 Uchha SS Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 105 Sindhuli Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 106 K-1 Jana Sewa HSS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 107 Kunchipwakal Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS ndu submitted 108 Gyanodaya SS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 109 Viswa Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Niketan,SS ndu submitted 110 K-2 Geeta Mata SS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 111 Padmodaya SS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 112 Sitapilla SS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 113 Ratna Rajya SS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 114 K-3 Nepal Yubak Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS ndu submitted D-1 Baiteshwori SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR 115 submitted 116 Nilkantheswor Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 117 Sitapila SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 118 Tribhuvan SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 119 D-2 e Bhangeri SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 120 Dhungeswori SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 121 Garjandhunga Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 122 Kalika SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 123 D-3 Birendra SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 124 Heem Bharati Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 125 Kallabari SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 126 Surke SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 127 D-4 Himalaya SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 128 Nikobhume SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 129 Amar SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 130 Golmashwor Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 131 D-5 Kalika SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 132 Dad Kharkha Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 133 Laxmi Uchha Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 134 D-6 Bhumi Gumba Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS submitted 135 Haleshwor SS Dolakha Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 136 B-1 Mahendragram Bhaktpu Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS r submitted 137 Kalika SS Bhaktpu Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR r submitted USAID funded Schools 1 k-1 Janajagaran PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 2 K-1 Ganga Devi PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 3 K-1 Mahaadev PS Kavre Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted 4 Chandeshwari Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR PS alchowk submitted 5 Jalpa Devi PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 6 Namuna Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Sunkhani PS alchowk submitted 7 Panchakanya Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR PS alchowk submitted 8 Panchakanya Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR PS alchowk submitted

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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

S.N. Pa Name of District Environ Environm DDR ADB Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost Remarks ck Subproject mental ental with approved monitoring establishe safeguard in ag screenin Category EMP is DDR and d monitoring approved e g is of the prepare (Yes/Und Coordinatio (Yes/No) system documen No. carried project/su d er Review n customized t is out? bproject (Yes/No) / Not Yet established (Yes/No) including (Yes/No) (A/B/C/F) Due) (Yes /No) in BOQ as an individual 9 Shree PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 10 Surya Kiran PS Sindhup Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR alchowk submitted 11 R-1 Sharada Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR Sanskrit HS hap submitted 12 Chandeshwori Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR HS hap submitted 13 Sitala Devi SS Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR hap submitted 14 R-2 Prayageshwor Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR HS hap submitted 15 Gauri Shankar Ramech Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR SS hap submitted 16 K-1 Sahayogi HS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted 17 Nagarjun HS Kathma Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR ndu submitted

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 136

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex: 2 Status of Environmental Safeguard Implementation

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan Corr Grievance ecti ve Physical Biological Socio-economic Envir acti onme Occupational Health & on Safety No nt Fire plan Labor of comp woo Oth No s Pac Landsl Safety and Gri lianc Name of Distri d is ers Oth Grie of are S.N. kage ide Mana Gears work eva e Remark Subproject ct Drain Pla used as ers van Gri pre No. Protec geme are Labo camps nce repor s Spoil age ntat for per as ces eva pare tion nt of Sufficie rs are s ting Manag Mana ion cook EM per doc nce d with constr nt and are healthy un is ement geme Yes ing P EMP um s and Bioen uction used / Insur and der maint nt /No and (Sp (Spe ent res impl gineeri waste Used ed have pro ained heati ecif cify) ed olv eme ng Not (Y/N) sanitar ces (Y/N) ng y) ed nted sufficie y sin (Y/N) (Y/N nt facilitie g ) s (Y/N) Ready Compli Compli Compl Compl Not for 1 K-1 Kalika SS Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient Handed over Jaya Compli compli compli Compl Not Handed 2 Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Sarswati SS ed ed ed ied sufficient over Kalika Devi Compli compli compli Compl Not Handed 3 Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes PS ed ed ed ied sufficient over Compli Compli Compl Compl Not Handed 4 K-2 Janta PS Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient over Ready

Compli Compli Compl Compl Not for 5 Khadgeshwa Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient Handed ri SS over Ready Compli Compli Compl Compl Not for 6 Mahankal PS Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes _ No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient Handed over

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 137

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compli Compli Compl Compl Not Handed 7 Raktkali PS Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes _ No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient over

Compli Compli Compl Compl Not Handed 8 Seti Devi PS Kavre Yes N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient over

Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 9 K-3 Jansewa PS Kavre Yes N Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Jana jagriti Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 10 Kavre Yes N Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Mahankal Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 11 Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc PS, Tukucha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 12 K-4 Arunodya SS Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Saraswati Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 13 Kavre No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Srinjansil Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 14 Kavre No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc janta ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 15 K-5 Bagdevi SS Kavre No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Shankeshwo Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 16 r SS Kavre No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient Mahalaxmi tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 17 Satmul SS Kavre No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 18 K-6 Baluwa SS Kavre No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 19 Mahakali SS Kavre No Y - Yes Yes _ No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 138

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 20 Prakash HS Kavre No N - Yes Yes _ No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Radha Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 21 Kavre No N - Yes Yes _ No - - Yes Yes Construc Krishna SS ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 22 Setidevi SS Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under construc Compli Compli Compl Compl Not tion 23 K-7 Prabha Ss Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient under construc tion Under construc Compli Compli Compl Compl Not tion 24 Sanjivani HS Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient under construc tion Under construc Compli Compli Compl Compl Not tion 25 Kaliaka HS Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes ed ed ied ied sufficient under construc tion Dibya Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 26 S-1 Sishushyhar upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient PS howk tion

Sindh Under Jaya Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 27 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc Ganesh PS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 28 Harisidhi PS upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 29 Stakanya PS upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 139

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 30 S-2 Bhimsen PS upalc No Y - Yes Yes _ No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 31 Kalika PS upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion

Sindh Under Jalpaa Devi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 32 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion

Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 33 Janajaagrara upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient n PS howk tion Sindh Under B.P Smriti Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 34 S-3 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Shivs Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 35 Shankaresh upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient war howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 36 Loktanta PS upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Bal Shikha Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 37 S-4 upalc No N - Yes Yes - NO - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Dakshinkali Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 38 upalc No N - Yes Yes N0 - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Kalika Devi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 39 upalc No N - Yes Yes - N0 - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under BagBhairab Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 40 S-5 upalc No N - Yes Yes - N0 - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Krishna Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 41 S-6 Ratna Ganga upalc No N - Yes Yes - N0 - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient SS howk tion Sindh Under GolmaDevi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 42 S-7 upalc No N - Yes Yes - N0 - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 140

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Sindh Under SetiDevi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 43 upalc No N - Yes Yes - N0 - - Yes Yes Construc Sharada SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 44 S-8 Krishna SS upalc No N - Yes Yes - N0 - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Haibung Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 45 Mahadevsth upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient an SS howk tion Sindh Under Sindhupuran Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 46 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ogaon SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 47 Chhetrapales upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient hwori SS howk tion Sindh Under Kalika Devi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 48 S-9 upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Koldaung Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 49 S-11 upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc Devi SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 50 Kalika SS upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Mahendraod Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 51 upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc aya SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under siddhi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 52 S-12 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc Kamala Devi ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 53 Kamala Devi upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Simpaleshwo Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 54 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ri SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion

Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 55 S-13 Selang SS upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 141

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Sindh Under Thangpaldha Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 56 S-14 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc p SS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Under Jhatteshwor Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 57 R-1 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Nawadarsan Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 58 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Nag Kanya Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 59 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Rudrakshyas Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 60 R-2 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc howr SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Bhimeshwor Under Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 61 Prasun No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient Kandel SS tion Shree Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not Handed 62 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Bhairavi SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient over Under Siddheshwor Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 63 R-3 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc HSS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Siddheshwor Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 64 R-4 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 65 Seti Devi SS No N - Yes Yes - Yes Yes Construc chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Bishnu Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 66 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc Janajyoti SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 67 Kalika SS No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Bhimeshwor Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 68 R-5 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 142

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Under Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 69 Khakling SS No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Khadadevi Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 70 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Kharpanee Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 71 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Okhal Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 72 O-1 Baljyoti SS dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Chautara Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 73 dhung No Y Yes Yes - No -- - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Manakaman Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 74 dhung No Y Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc a SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 75 O-2 Kalika SS dhung No N Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 76 Kuibhir SS dhung No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 77 Yasam SS dhung No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Golma Devi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 78 O-3 dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Gyanjyoti Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 79 dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 80 O-4 Bigutar HS dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 143

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Okhal Under Punyamata Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 81 dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Jantarkhani Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 82 dhung No Y -- Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc Ss ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Saraswati Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 83 dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Okhal Under Gyanprakash Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 84 0-5 dhung No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes Construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Sunkeshari Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 85 dhung No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Narmadeshw Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 86 dhung No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc or SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Prabuddha Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 87 O-6 dhung No N Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc HSS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Shivaduti Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 88 dhung No N Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Baruneshwor Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 89 O-7 dhung No N Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion Okhal Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 90 Rumjatar SS dhung No N Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient a tion

Under Hirathumki Sindh Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 91 S-1 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS uli ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Prakasodya Sindh Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 92 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS uli ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Chandibhajy Sindh Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 93 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc ang SS uli ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 144

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- - - Under kusheshwor Sindh Not 94 S-2 - Comp Compli Compl Compl No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc Bidya Pith uli sufficient ed ied ied tion Under Shree SS, Sindh Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 95 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc Kholagaun uli ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Sindh Compli Compli compli Compl Not 96 Mahakali SS No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc uli ed ed ed ied sufficient tion Under Baruneshwar Sindh Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 97 S-3 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS uli ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Janta Higher Sindh Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 98 No Y - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS uli ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Jana Jagriti Sindh compli Compli compli Compl Not 99 No Y - Yes Yes No No - Yes Yes construc SS uli ed ed ed ied sufficient tion Shree SS, Sindh Compli Compl 100 No Y Sindhure uli ed ied Construc Sindh Compli Compli compli Compl Not tion 101 S-4 kamala SS No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes uli ed ed ed ied sufficient under going Construc janajagriti, Sindh compli Compli compli Compl Not tion 102 No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes SS Bhiman uli ed ed ed ied sufficient under going Construc Sindh Comlie Compli compli Compl Not tion 103 Uchha SS No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes uli d ed ed ied sufficient under going Construc Kath Jana Sewa Compli Compli Compl Compl Not tion 104 K-1 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes HSS ed ed ied ied sufficient under u going Kath Under Sahayogi Compli Compli compli compli Not 105 mand No N - Yes Yes - Yes - - Yes Yes construc HS ed ed ed ed sufficient u tion Kath Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 106 Nagarjun SS mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 145

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Kath Under Kunchipwaka Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 107 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc l SS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Kath Under Gyanodaya Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 108 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Kath Under Viswa Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 109 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc Niketan,SS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Kath Under Geeta Mata Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 110 K-2 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Kath Under Padmodaya Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 111 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Kath Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not Sol 112 Sitapilla SS mand No N - Yes Yes - Yes - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient ved u tion Bei Kath Under Ratna Rajya Compli Compli Compl Compl Not ng 113 mand No N - Yes Yes - Yes - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient solv u tion ed Kath Under Nepal Yubak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 114 K-3 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc SS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Under Baiteshwori Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 115 D-1 No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Nilkantheswo Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 116 No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc r SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 117 Sitapila SS No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Tribhuvan Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 118 No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 119 D-2 Bhangeri SS No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 146

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Under Dhungeswori Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Sufficien 120 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied t tion

Under Garjandhung Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Sufficien 121 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc a SS ha ed ed ied ied t tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 122 Kalika SS No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 123 D-3 Birendra SS No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Heem Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 124 No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc Bharati SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 125 Kallabari SS No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 126 Surke SS No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Himalaya Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 127 D-4 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Nikobhume Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 128 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 129 Amar SS No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Golmashwor Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 130 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 131 D-5 Kalika SS No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 147

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Under Dad Kharkha Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 132 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Laxmi Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 133 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes construc Uchha SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Bhumi Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 134 D-6 No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes construc Gumba SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion

Under Haleshwor Dolak Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 135 No N Yes Yes No - Yes construc SS ha ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Mahendragra Bhakt Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 136 B-1 No N - Yes Yes - Yes No - Yes Yes construc m SS pur ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Bhakt Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 137 Kalika SS No N - Yes Yes - No - - Yes Yes construc pur ed ed ied ied sufficient tion USAID

Schools Under Janjagaran Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 138 K-1 Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Gangadevi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 139 Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 140 Mahadev PS Kavre No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 141 S-1 Chandeshwa upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient ri PS howk tion Sindh Under Jalpa Devi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 142 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Sindh Under Namuna Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 143 upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc Sunkhani PS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Panchakany Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 144 a PS, upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient Tinghare howk tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 148

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Panchkanya Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 145 PS, upalc No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient Ghumthang howk tion Shree Sindh Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 146 Primary upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient School howk tion Sindh Under Suryakiran Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 147 upalc No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc PS ed ed ied ied sufficient howk tion Under Sharada Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 148 R-1 No Y Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc Sanskrit HS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Chandeshwo Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 149 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ri HS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 150 Sitala Devi No Y - yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Prayageshw Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 151 R-2 No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc or HS chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient tion Under Rame Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 152 Gaurishanka No Y - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc chhap ed ed ied ied sufficient r HS tion Kath Under Sahayogi Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 153 K-1 mand No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc HS ed ed ied ied sufficient u tion Nagarjun Kath Under Compli Compli Compl Compl Not 154 Thulogaon mand No N - Yes Yes - No - Yes Yes construc ed ed ied ied sufficient HS u tion

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 149

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Annex - 3 Plantation details

No of Species Pack SN District Sub Project Plants of Status age Planted Plants 1 K-1 Kavrepalanchowk Jaya Saraswati PS, Jyamdi - Handover 2 K-1 Kavre Palanchok Kali Devi PS, Naubise 300 Handover 3 K-2 Kavre Palanchok Janta PS, Mathurapti 160 Handover 4 Kavre Palanchok 99% Khadgeshwari PS, K-2 - construction Chapkhori work completed 5 Kavre Palanchok 100% K-2 Mahankal PS, 40 construction work completed 6 K-2 Kavre Palanchok Raktakali PS, Kottimal - Handover 7 K-2 Kavre Palanchok Seti Devi PS, Kanpur - Handover 8 R-1 Ramechhap Nawadarshan SS, Tilplung - Handover 9 R-1 Ramechhap Nagkanya SS, Manthali - Handover 10 Ramechhap Rudrakshyashowr SS, R-1 507 Handover Bhatauli 11 Ramechhap Bhimeshowr Prasun Kadel R-1 202 Handover SS, Pakabas 12 R-1 Ramechhap Bhairavi SS, Sunarpani 102 Handover 13 R-1 Ramechhap 96% Sarada Sanskrit HS, (US - construction Babiyakharka AID) work completed 14 R- Ramechhap 81% Prayageshwor HS, 2(US - construction Pakarbas AID) work completed 15 Ramechhap 92% Gauri Shankar HS, - construction Ramechhap work completed

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Annex 4: Status of Grievances related to Environmental Safeguard Description of SN Package District Sub Project Action taken Status Grievance Received Shear wall has been Safety concern of two constructed and insurance of 1 K-2 Kathmandu Sitapaila Secondary School houses by local Resolved. both the houses have been residence done Temple management Rounds of meeting with committee not providing Being 2 Kathmandu Ratna Rajya Secondary School CLPIU, DLPIU, SMC and the the area for construction solved local devotees held (local devotee)

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Annex 5: Monitoring Reporting Format

Reporting Period: ……………. District:…………………………. Name of Subproject/Contract:…………….…… Name of staff: ………………………………… Designation:………………………………………

Present status SN Description Indicator 1 DDR Completed / ongoing / proposed Awareness raising 2 Number of events and participants orientation training3 Spoil disposal management plan (Y/N) Stock piling and spoil Volume of safely disposed spoil (m3) 3a disposal management (if Remaining excavated materials (m3) required) Spoil disposal work affecting public interest, locals

and their properties(Y/N) Toe walls for safe disposal Number and volume (m3) of toe walls constructed 3b of excavated materials (if to manage spoil required) Location Bioengineering works (if 4 Area (m2) required) Type of measures taken Covering of delivery vehicles during transportation (Y/N) 5 Dust emission Spray of water for suppressing dust emission (Y/N), if yes time interval Vehicles and equipment's used fitted with silencer 6 Noise pollution and maintained to keep noise at minimum levels(Y/N) 7 Water contamination Contamination of water supply or source (Y/N) Location of quarry site 8 Quarry site management (if Volume of stones/aggregates collected (m3) required) Restoration of site done (Y/N) Supply of safe drinking water (Y/N) Temporary toilets constructed in camp sites (no.)

Campsite management Energy used for cooking (fuel wood, kerosene, 9 LPG, electricity) Proper management of sewerage and waste disposal(Y/N) Separation of waste disposal in biodegradable and non-biodegradable(Y/N) 10 Construction wastes Safe disposal of construction waste materials done (Y/N) Provision for leakage and spills in storage & service yards (Y/N) 11 Storage management Provision for safety measures like fire extinguisher (Y/N) Plantation in school Plantation carried out (number of plants) 12 Premises Plantation survival (%)

3 Descriptive: no. of participants (male/female) per events and photographs

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Present status SN Description Indicator Interruption of services Protection/rehabilitation of services (Y/N), if yes (water, electricity, telephone 13 give the name etc.) Number of safety gears provided (helmet, jackets, facemasks, goggles, boots, ear plugs, gloves) Use of safety gears by workers (%) First aid kit provided with medicines (no.) 14 Occupational health & safety Replacement of medicines (Y/N)

Accidental insurance (no. of workers)

Type & number of accident occurred Compensation to affected workers (no.) Coordination with nearby health center (Y/N) Informative/safety signboard Signboards erected (no.) 15 & cautionary Location ribbons/barricades Cautionary ribbons/barricades placed (Y/N) Cleaning site after Site cleaning after the construction works done construction and disposing 16 (Y/N) waste properly Grievances received and Received number 17 addressed4 Addressed number 18 Photographs Attached photographs with caption

4 Descriptive: types of grievances received, status of grievances, how it was solved or why it is not solved

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Annex 6 Attachment 1 List of Training Participants and Schedule Working Schedule of Training/Orientation (2 Days) February 8 to 28, 2018 (8 Districts in Different Dates)

Day 1 27-Feb-18 Time Topic Facilitator Remarks 8:15 – 9:00 AM Registration/Tea and Snacks Inauguration Session Introduction of Participants 9:00 – 10:00 AM Ms. Sweta Pokharel/DSC Welcome & Objective Opening Remarks Mr. Maheshwar Prasad 10:00 11:00 AM GESI Concept, Activities, Monitoring Mechanism and Reporting – Yadav/DSC 11:00–11:15 AM Tea Break

11:15 – 12:00 Noon Environment Safeguard Mr. Lalit Joshi/DSC

12:00-13:00 PM Lunch Break 13:00 –13:45 PM Social Safeguard Mr. Prakash Pandey/DSC Mr. Suraj Kunwar/DSC 13:45-14:30 PM Monitoring & Evaluation of School Building Reconstruction Mr. N. Gurung

14:30-15:15 PM Wash Engineering Planning, Monitoring and Water Source Information Mr. Min B. Ranabhat/DSC

15:15-15:30 PM Tea Break 15:30-17:00 PM Contract Management: Implementation and Issues Mr. Birendra Mahaseth/DSC

Annex-6 Attachment 2

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List of Training Participants and Schedule Training/Orientation on Social, Environment, GESI and Technical Aspects for Engineers and Sub-engineers of EEAP (Output-1)

Total Training Participants District: Sindhupalchowk Date: February 8 & 9, 2018 Number S.N. Ethnic Group Participants = 33 Male Female Total S. Name Position Organization Remarks 1 B/C 115 6 121 N. 1 Er. Gokarna Dhoj karki DLPIU Chief DLPIU 1 2 Janajati 45 9 54 2 Er. Sher bahadur Pujara Engineer DLPIU 1 3 OBC 36 2 38 3 Er. Shyam Sundar yadav Sub- Engineer DLPIU 3 4 Dalit 3 0 3 4 Er. Hriday Kumar Yadav Sub- Engineer DLPIU 3 5 Musalman 0 0 0 5 Er. Udit Narayan Macato Sub- Engineer DLPIU 2 6 Other 0 0 0 6 Er. Nabendra K. Chaudhary Sub- Engineer DLPIU 2 Total 199 17 216 7 Er. Bharat Panta Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 Training Participants (Engineers & Sub- 8 DLPIU 3 Er. Ashok Kumar Yadav Sub- Engineer engineers) 9 Er. Sunil Kumar Yadav Sub- Engineer DLPIU 3 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 10 Er.Raj Bahadur Budha Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 Male Female Total 11 Er. Bhakta raj Giri Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 1 B/C 107 2 109 12 Er. Min PD Bhatta Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 2 Janajati 40 7 47 13 Er. Ishwori Sharma Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 3 OBC 34 2 36 14 Er. Santosh Gurajai Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 4 Dalit 3 0 3 15 Er. Santosh Kumar Mishra Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 5 Musalman 0 0 0 16 Er. Ganesh raj Puri Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 6 Other 0 0 0 17 Er. Dharmendra Yadav Sub- Engineer DLPIU 3 Total 184 11 195 18 Er. Devendra Shiwakoti Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 Trainer cum Participants/CLPIU & DSC 19 Er. Hareram kumar Yadav Sub- Engineer DLPIU 3 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 20 Er. Nipendra Sharma Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 M F T 21 Er. Monika Joshi Sub- Engineer DLPIU 2 1 B/C 8 4 12

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22 Er. Amrit Khanal Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 2 Janajati 5 2 7 23 Er. Harish Kumar Joshi Sub- Engineer DLPIU 2 3 OBC 2 0 2 24 Er. Prajwol Kathayat Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 4 Dalit 0 0 0 25 Er. Bhagawan Shrestha Sub- Engineer DLPIU 2 5 Musalman 0 0 0 26 Er. Prem Bahadur Rawat Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 6 Other 0 0 0 27 Er. Pradeep Bhattarai Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 Total 15 6 21 28 Er Tej Prasad Sharma Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 District: Sindhupalchowk 29 Er. Sabin Kayastha Sub- Engineer DLPIU 1 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 30 Er. Maheshwor Shrestha CSE DSC 2 Male Female Total 31 Er. Sailesh Budhathoki Site Engineer DSC 1 1 B/C 20 0 20 32 Er. Nirkant Chaudhary Site Engineer DSC 2 2 Janajati 6 1 7 33 Er. Saroj Basnet Site Engineer DSC 1 3 OBC 6 0 6 4 Dalit 0 0 0 District: Kavreplanchowk Date: February 11 & 12, 2018 5 Musalman 0 0 0 Participants = 34 6 Other 0 0 0 S. Organization 32 1 33 N. Name Position Remarks Total 1 Sharad K. Bhandari DLPIU Chief DLPIU 1 2 Sovit Shrestha Engineer DLPIU 2 3 Ganesh Pd Mainalee Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 4 Shriya Jha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 5 Neera Ghale Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 6 Dhara Prakash Joshi Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 7 Tej Manandhar Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 8 Ashish Gautam Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 9 Deepak Khadka Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 10 Ram Hari Budhathoki Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 11 Rajin Sapkota Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 12 Nandkishor Das Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 13 Ubrash Sah Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 District: Kavre

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14 Purushottam Katwal Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 15 Jagadish Pd. Badu Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 Male Female Total 16 Nirjal Bohara Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 1 B/C 23 1 24 17 Nabaraj Chaulahain Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 2 Janajati 5 1 6 18 Anil Shrestha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 3 OBC 4 0 4 19 Dev Krishna yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 4 Dalit 0 0 0 20 Pritesh Kumar yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 5 Musalman 0 0 0 21 Rakesh Kumar Deo Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 6 Other 0 0 0 22 Lokendra Mahat Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 Total 32 2 34 23 Sushant Jha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 24 Subodh K Shrestha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 25 Min Raj Shahi Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 26 Rajendra Kr. Shrestha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 27 Tara B. Bhandari Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 28 Sabin Kayastha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 29 Kumar Thapa Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 30 Prajwol KC CSE DSC 1 31 Bipin KR Jha Site Engineer DSC 1 32 Aayukta Raman Aryal Site Engineer DSC 1 33 Pawan Bhatta Site Engineer DSC 1 34 Anish Gautam Site Engineer DSC 1

District: Okhaldhunga Date: February 14 & 15, 2018 Participants = 16 S. Organization N. Name Position Remarks 1 Rebika Amatya DLPIU Chief DLPIU 2

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2 Sabin Lama Engineer DLPIU 2 3 Ajay Kumar Thakur Sub Engineer DLPIU 1 District: Okhaldhunga 4 Ram Dongol Sub Engineer DLPIU 2 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 5 Sushil Shah Sub Engineer DLPIU 3 Male Female Total 6 Ram Swarup Majhi Sub Engineer DLPIU 2 1 B/C 3 1 4 7 Ram Pukar Chaudhary Sub Engineer DLPIU 2 2 Janajati 7 0 7 8 Saroj Kumar Mandal Sub Engineer DLPIU 2 3 OBC 4 0 4 9 Sandesh Chaudhary Sub Engineer DLPIU 2 4 Dalit 1 0 1 10 Ajay Kumar Yadav Sub Engineer DLPIU 3 5 Musalman 0 0 0 11 Suman Karki Sub Engineer DLPIU 1 6 Other 0 0 0 12 Sanjeev Kumar Goit CSE DSC 3 Total 15 1 16 13 Raju Sunar Site Engineer DSC 4 14 Krishna Kumar Singh Site Engineer DSC 1 15 Ravi Kumar Thakur Site Engineer DSC 1 16 Bibek Kumar Yadav Site Engineer DSC 3 District: Dolkha Date: February 20 & 21, 2018 Participants = 21 S. Organization N. Name Position Remarks 1 Govinda Raj Sedhai DLPIU Chief DLPIU 1 2 Yogesh Joshi Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 3 Rajesh Sharma Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 4 Dilip Karki Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 5 Shyam Sundar Shah Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 6 Rajan Neupane Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 7 Gyanu Prasad Sharma Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 8 Bikram Deo Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 District: Dolkha 9 Sumit Chaudhary Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 10 Bhakta B. Dangi Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 Male Female Total 11 Deep Chand Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 1 B/C 9 0 9

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12 Pratik Raj Karki Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 2 Janajati 6 0 6 13 Bijay Ghimire Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 3 OBC 5 1 6 14 Barun Prasad Acharya Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 4 Dalit 0 0 0 15 Rajendra Shrestha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 5 Musalman 0 0 0 16 Koshi Kumar Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 6 Other 0 0 0 17 Prem Lal Jaiswal Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 Total 20 1 21 18 Pavan Kumar Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 19 Chinti Gupta CSE DSC 3 20 Safal Shrestha Site Engineer DSC 2 21 Indrahang Tamang Site Engineer DSC 2

District: Ramechhap Date: February 22 & 23, 2018 Participants = 20 S. Organization N. Name Position Remarks 1 Hemant Kumar Budhathoki DLPIU Chief DLPIU 1 2 Sunder Shyam Ghimire Engineer DLPIU 1 3 Prithvi Thapa Magar Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 4 Ram Ashish Mandal Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 5 Surya B. Shahi Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 6 Bikram Ghising Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 7 Khagendra B. K. Sub. Engineer DLPIU 4

8 DLPIU 2 Suman Shrestha Sub. Engineer District: Ramechhap 9 Bhabi Kumari Salami Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 10 Hom B. Shrestha Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 Male Female Total 11 Jitendra Kr. Shah Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 1 B/C 8 0 8 12 Binod B. Shahi Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 2 Janajati 7 0 7 13 Surendra Raut CSE DSC 3 3 OBC 4 0 4 14 Abisyak Shrestha Site Engineer DSC 2 4 Dalit 1 0 1

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15 Prachanda Prasad Upadhyaya Site Engineer DSC 1 5 Musalman 0 0 0 16 Roshan k. Shah Site Engineer DSC 3 6 Other 0 0 0 17 R. S. Singh Site Engineer DSC 3 Total 20 0 20 18 Amit Karki Engineer Contractor 1 19 Narayan Ghimire Sub Engineer Contractor 1 20 Kusal Baral Sub Engineer Contractor 1

District: Sindhuli Date: February 25 & 26, 2018 Participants = 20 S. Organization N. Name Position Remarks 1 Kedar Kumar Giri DEO DEO 1 2 Bharat Babu Subedi DLPIU Chief DLPIU 1 3 Anil Kumar Yadav Engineer DLPIU 3 4 Sanjeev Kumar Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 5 Indrajeet Sah Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 6 Srijana Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 District: Sindhuli 7 Sachin Kr. Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 8 Rajesh Pandey Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 Male Female Total 9 Pramod Kumar Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 1 B/C 8 0 8 10 Surendra Prasad Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 2 Janajati 2 0 2 11 Suresh Prasad Sah Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 3 OBC 9 1 10 12 Birendra Kumar Yadav Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 4 Dalit 0 0 0 13 Amar Kadhayat Sub. Engineer DLPIU 1 5 Musalman 0 0 0 14 Purshottam Mandal Sub. Engineer DLPIU 2 6 Other 0 0 0 15 Hari B. Singh Sub. Engineer DLPIU 3 Total 19 1 20 16 Navaraj Karki CSE DSC 1 17 Sikin Shrestha Sub. Engineer DSC 2 18 Madan Paudel Site Engineer DSC 1 19 Bikalpa Aryal Site Engineer DSC 1

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20 Rabin Subedi Site Engineer DSC 1

District: Kathmandu Date: February 27 & 28, 2018 Participants = 51 S. Organization N. Name Position Remarks DLPIU 1 Bhagwan Paudel DLPIU Chief Lalitpur 1 DLPIU 2 1 Ganesh P Dhakal DLPIU Chief Kathmandu DLPIU 3 1 Deb Kumar Baral DLPIU Chief Bhaktapur DLPIU 4 1 Sandip Adhikari Engineer Makwanpur DLPIU 5 2 Inchalal Maharjan Engineer lalitpur DLPIU 6 1 Pradeep Sharma Engineer Rasuwa 7 Sagar Poudel Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 8 Tara Pd Pandey Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 9 Swarna Poudel Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 10 Rina Rai Lama Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 2 11 Omhari Subedi Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 12 Indra Bdr Rokaya Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 13 Samana Shrestha Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 2 14 Sameer Lama Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 2 15 Ramesh B. Pal Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 16 Ganesh Pariyar Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 4 District: Kathmandu 17 Kapil Bhattarai Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 S.N. Ethnic Group Number 18 Suresh B. Saud Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 Male Female Total 19 Ram Vinod Pandit Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 1 B/C 36 0 36 20 Indra B Thakur Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 2 Janajati 7 5 12

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21 Bishnu B Shahi Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 3 OBC 2 0 2 22 Mahendra Man Karmacharya Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 2 4 Dalit 1 0 1 23 Suresh Sapkota Sub Engineer DLPIU KTM 1 5 Musalman 0 0 0 DLPIU 24 2 6 0 0 0 Yogesh Joshi Sub Engineer Bhaktapur Other DLPIU 25 1 46 5 51 Bishal Phuyal Sub Engineer Bhaktapur Total DLPIU 26 1 Binod Karki Sub Engineer Bhaktapur DLPIU 27 1 Hiramani Khanal Sub Engineer Bhaktapur DLPIU 28 2 Kanchan Chaudhary Sub Engineer Bhaktapur DLPIU 29 1 Bhairav Dhital Sub Engineer Bhaktapur DLPIU 30 3 Sunil Kumar yadav Sub Engineer Bhaktapur DLPIU 31 1 Dasharath Nepal Sub Engineer Rasuwa DLPIU 32 1 Prakash B. Jagri Sub Engineer Nuwakot DLPIU 33 1 Suman Pokharel Sub Engineer Nuwakot DLPIU 34 2 Satya Narayan Chaudhary Sub Engineer Makwanpur DLPIU 35 1 Nirmal Bogati Sub Engineer Dhading DLPIU 36 1 Ananda Bhandari Sub Engineer Dhading DLPIU 37 1 Baburam Devkota Sub Engineer Gorkha DLPIU 38 2 Suroj Shrestha Sub Engineer Gorkha

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DLPIU 39 1 Pd. Pandey Sub Engineer Lalitpur 40 Arun Lama Sub Engineer DLPIU 2 41 Naresh Prasad Ojha Sub Engineer DLPIU 1 42 Dron Kadel Sub Engineer DLPIU 1 43 Prekshya Singh CSE DSC 1 44 Ganga Pd. Sedhain Sub Engineer DSC 1 45 Usha Khatiwada Site Engineer DSC 1 46 Bhagwati Nepal Site Engineer DSC 1 47 Sabina Niraula Site Engineer DSC 1 48 Ramita Mahapoo Site Engineer DSC 2 49 Puja Rai Site Engineer DSC 2 50 Dandi Keshar Bastola Site Engineer DSC 1 51 Binod Kr. Shah Site Engineer DSC 3

B) Guests and Trainners

S. Name Position Organization Remarks N. 1 Mr. Ima Narayan Shrestha Project Director CLPIU 2 Mr. Dilip Shekhar Shrestha Deputy Project CLPIU Director 3 Mr. Udhab Nepal Civil engineer CLPIU 4 Mr. Ishwory Pd. Kharel Design Engineer CLPIU 5 Mr. Kiran Lekhak Section Officer CLPIU 6 Susmita Kshetri Sub Engineer CLPIU 7 Mr. Uddhab Raj Chaulagain Managing Director ERMC 8 Mr. Buddhi Sagar Thapa Team Leader DSC 9 Mr. Prem Aryal SCSE DSC 10 Mr. Maheshwar Prasad Yadav GESI Expert DSC 11 Mr. Birendra Mahaseth PCMS DSC

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12 Mr. Min B. Ranabhat Wash Expert DSC 13 Mr. Prakash Pandey R & S Expert DSC 14 Mr. Lalit P. Joshi Env. Expert DSC 15 Mr. Suraj Kunwar M & E Specialist DSC 16 Mr. Sudeep Shakya Civil Engineer DSC 17 Mr. Salin Shrestha Architect DSC 18 Ms. Srishti Paudel Architect DSC 19 Ms. Sadikchha Shrestha Architect DSC 20 Ms. Garima Nakarmi Architect DSC 21 Mr. Salin Shrestha Civil Engineer DSC 22 Ms. Sweta Pokharel Accountant DSC

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Annex 7: Photographs Showing Environmental and Safeguards

Workers using PPE at construction site, Dhungeshwori Unmanaged drainage at Viswa Niketan School School, Dolakha district

Sign board placed at Narayan Jan SS, Macchegaun, Safety concern of the adjacent houses due to Kathmandu excavation of foundation at Sitapila School, Kathmandu

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Fencing with CGI sheets for safety concern for Information Board about construction, Jana school students Jana Sewa SS, Kritipur Sewa School, Kathmandu Kathmandu

Female worker at Jana Sewa School, Awareness raising Training organized by DSC Kritipur Kathamndu

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Workers using helmets at Dhungeshwori School Workers without PPE at Jai Ganesh PS Dolakha Sindhupalchowk

Ornamental plants planted at Rudraksheshwor Labour camp at Sharda Sanskrit SS, SS, Ramechhap Ramechhap

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Part 4: Office Buildings

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1 Background 172 2 Environmental Safeguards in EEAP 177 3 Overall Environmental Safeguard Status 177 4 Construction Approach 181 5 Compliance Status with Environmental Covenants 181 6. Institutional Arrangement 181 6 Corrective actions and way forward 181 7 Major Items Focused for Next Report 183

List of Tables

Table 2: Overall Construction Status of Sub-Projects 173 Table 3 : Overall Compliance Status of Safeguard Issues 178

List of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP 176 Figure 2: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP 176

List of Appendices

Appendix 1: Planning and implementing environmental safeguards activities 185 Appendix 1.A: Status of Environmental Safeguard Planning Status 186 Appendix 1.B: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status 194 Appendix 2: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format 206 Appendix 3: Compliances with Loan Covenants 209 Appendix 4: Photographs 211

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1. Background

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake of shallow depth struck central Nepal with an epicenter approximately 77 km northwest of Kathmandu on April 25th causing widespread destruction. On May 12, a large aftershock of a magnitude 7.3 hit Nepal and caused further causalities and damage. As of 3 June 2015, the reported casualties include: 8,702 deaths and 22,493 people injured. According to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) undertaken jointly by the Government and its development partners, the earthquakes have caused damages in the order of $7 billion, equivalent to about 35% of the country’s gross domestic product. Considering the scale of the disaster, a major recovery effort is required.

The Government of Nepal (GoN) has requested support from a number of development partners, including the ADB, to address the immediate and medium term impacts of the damage inflicted by the earthquake in Nepal. In response to this, ADB approved a $200 million loan to finance the Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) approved on 24 June 2015. The project will support for four outputs which are: a) Output 1: Rebuilding of schools, b) Output 2: Roads c) Output 3: District- Level Government Buildings, and d) Output 4: Strengthening Resilience to Future Disasters. The EAAP is to be completed by 23rd June, 2019.

The National Reconstruction Authority is the project’s executing agency (NRA) on an interim basis until the GON has established a new special purpose agency for the purpose of coordinating and implementing the post-disaster reconstruction program. For output 3, NRA\Central Level Project Implementation Unit (Building) is designated as an implementing agency for rebuilding of district level government buildings.

To implement the output 3 component, a Central Level Project Implementation Unit (Building) has been established based at Kathmandu and District Level Project Implementation Units (DLPIUs) at districts. The CLPIU will be responsible for guiding and monitoring the constructions of government building projects funded by ADB. The consultants will assist the CLPIU and the DLPIUs. The consultants’ support include, among others, overall project management, financial management, construction supervision and environmental monitoring.

CLPIU had engaged joint venture of TAEC-SILT-TSE to execute environmental monitoring of the construction of various government office building projects in 11 earthquake affected districts of Nepal namely Gorkha, Lamjung, Dhading, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Kavrepalanchowk, Sindhupalchowk, Dolakha, Sindhuli, Ramechhap and Okhaldhunga presented in Figures 1 and 2. The overall construction status of Sub-projects is presented in Table 1.

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Table 1: Overall Construction Status of Sub-Projects

Lot in Contract Id. No. , Contract SN Title of Contract No. Packa Remarks (Lot in package) Signed on ge 1. Sindhuli District 1.1 Construction of an integrated office building (District Attorney Office, District 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/202 28-Sep-16 Under construction Postal Office, Division office of Department of Water Supply & Sanitation and 2-023/NCB-05 DUDBC Division Office) 1.2 Construction of two Office Buildings (District Forest Office and Irrigation Division 2 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 25-May-17 Under construction Office) 2-073/NCB-06 1.3 Maintenance of four Office Buildings (Agriculture Development Office, Tuber 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 11-Jun-17 Completed Vegetable Development Center, Land Revenue Office and Chief District Officer's 2-073/NCB-07 Quarter) 2. Ramechhap District 2.1 Construction of three office Buildings (District Water Supply & Sanitation Office, 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 3-Oct-16 Under construction DUDBC Division Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 2-073/NCB-08 2.2 Construction of One Office Building (District Forest Office) 1 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 31-May-17 Under Construction 2-073/NCB-09 2.3 Maintenance of 11 Office Buildings (Soil Conservation Office, Post Office, 11 MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 25-May-17 Completed Treasury Comptroller Office, Agriculture Development Office, Irrigation Division 2-073/NCB-11 Office, District Education Office, District Court Office, District Livestock Office, District Administration Office, District Attorney Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 3. Dhading District 3.1 Construction of three office buildings (District Court Office, District Forest Office 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 26-Sep-16 Under construction and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 2-073/NCB-30 3.2 Construction of three Office Buildings (DUDBC Division Office, District Post 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 29-Dec-16 Under construction Office and District Agriculture Development Office) 2-073/NCB-31 3.3 Construction of 2 Office Buildings (District Attorney Office and District Technical 2 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 25-May-17 Under Construction Office) 2-073/NCB-33 3.4 Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings (District Treasury Comptroller Office, Irrigation 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 28-Apr-17 Completed Division Office, District Small Cottage Office and CDO Office) 2-073/NCB-32 4. Nuwakot District 4.1 Construction of Six Office Buildings (District Court Office, Department of Water 6 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 2-Dec-16 Under construction Supply and Sanitation Division Office, District Soil Conservation Office, District 2-073/NCB-23 Post Office, District Agriculture Development Office and District Education Office)

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Lot in Contract Id. No. , Contract SN Title of Contract No. Packa Remarks (Lot in package) Signed on ge 4.2 Maintenance of 8 office Buildings (Subtropical Horticulture Development Centre, 8 Single MOUD/CLPIU/Works/20 27-Apr-17 Completed District Forest Office, DUDBC Division Office, Fish Investigation Centre, Disaster 72-073/NCB-24 Preventive Technical Centre, Road Division Office, District Small & Cottage Industry Office and Division Irrigation Office) 5. Lamjung District 5.1 Construction of Four Office Buildings (DUDBC Division Office, Treasury 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 3-Dec-16 Under construction Comptroller Office, Irrigation Division Office and National Investigation Office) 2-073/NCB-37 5.2 Maintenance of 5 Office Buildings (District Court Office, District Agriculture Office, 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 19-Apr-17 Completed District Administration Office, District Soil Conservation Office and Department 2-073/NCB-38 of Water supply and Sanitation Office) 6. Sindhupalchowk District 6.1 Construction of Three Office Building (Chief District Officer's Quarter, District 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 29-Dec-16 Under construction Forest Office Annex Building and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 2-073/NCB-16 6.2 Construction of Four Office Buildings (District Soil Conservation Office, District 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 26-Mar-17 Under construction Agriculture Office, District Livestock Office and District Judge Quarter) 2-073/NCB-17 6.3 Maintenance of 8 Office Building (District Administration Office, Women 8 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 23-May-17 Completed Development, DEO, District Treasury Comptroller Office, District Agriculture 2-073/NCB-20 Development Office , District Attorney Office, DUDBC Division office & District Court) 6.4 Construction of Five Office Buildings (Irrigation Development Division Office, 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 30-June-17 Under Construction District Election Office, DUDBC Division Office including Annex, National 2-073/NCB-18 Investigation District Office and District Cottage & Small Industry Committee Office) 7. Dolakha District 7.1 Construction of four Office Buildings (Irrigation Division Office, District Forest 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 26-Mar-17 Under construction Office, Chief District Officer's Quarter with annex and Water Induced Disaster 2-073/NCB-12 Management Division Office) 8. Gorkha District 8.1 Construction of 5 Office Buildings (District Post Office, District Agriculture 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 21-May-17 Under construction Development Office, National Investigation District Office, District Attorney Office 2-073/NCB-34 & District Soil Conservation Office) 8.2 Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings (Department of Water Supply and Sanitation 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 12-May-17 Completed Division Office, Women Development Office, DUDBC Division Office and District 2-073/NCB-36 Treasury Comptroller Office)

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Lot in Contract Id. No. , Contract SN Title of Contract No. Packa Remarks (Lot in package) Signed on ge 8.3 Construction of District Court Office Building 1 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 12-May-17 Under construction 2-073/NCB-35 9. Rasuwa District 9.1 Construction of 7 Office Buildings (Chief District Officer's Quarter, District Post 7 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 23-May-17 Under construction Office, District Agriculture Development Office, Division Irrigation Office, District 2-073/NCB-27 Livestock Development Office and Integrated Building of DUDBC Division Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 10. Kavrepalanchowk District 10. Maintenance of 7 Office Building (District Advocate Office, District Post Office, 7 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 30-Apr-17 Completed 1 Irrigation Division Office, District Agriculture Development Office, DUDBC 2-073/NCB-22 Division Office, District Treasury Comptroller Office & Land Revenue Office) 11. Okhaldhunga District 11. Construction of five Office Buildings (District Soil Conservation Office, DWSS 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 13 Under Construction 1 Division Office, National Investigation Office, District Livestock Service Office 2-073/NCB-01 November, and District Attorney office) 2017 11. Repair/Retrofitting of 8 Government Office Buildings (District Livestock Office, 8 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 - Under Construction 2 Land Revenue Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Forest Office, Eastern 2-073/NCB-02 Region Climate Field Office, Higher Court Office, District Court & DUDBC Division Office)

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Figure 7: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP

Figure 8: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP

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2. Environmental Safeguards in EEAP

Environmental assessment is essential to integrate environmental considerations into development project in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. EEAP falls in category C project according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009. During the construction and rehabilitation of the building sub-projects, environmental monitoring is an important tool to ensure the compliance of mitigation measures and implementation of environmental management plan (EMP). Monthly, Quarterly and semi- annual Environmental safeguard monitoring report have to be prepared on the basis of report received from DSC (District Supervision Consultant) team and environmental field visit carried out by Environmental Safeguard Unit of CSE (Construction Supervision Consultant) recruited by EEAP. Moreover, due diligence report has been prepared for the sub-projects. Considering the progress status of construction of government buildings in 11 districts, the contract has been awarded to the government buildings and they have started the construction works. Generally, they have been implementing safeguard measures satisfactory. However, trainings need to be conducted to the workers and supervision staffs regarding implementation of safeguard measures.

3. Overall Environmental Safeguard Status

The safeguard compliance status recorded during field observation (based on environmental safeguard compliance monitoring format as presented in Appendix 2 and discussion with the employees of project and contractor are enlisted as under in Table 2.

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Table 2: Overall Compliance Status of Safeguard Issues

SN Issue Compliance Status Remarks 1 Awareness raising/ Partially complied . The construction workers as well as contactor were instructed regularly about the Orientation training safety requirements in the sites . Both construction workers as well as the representatives of contractors will be provided with safety trainings in the coming months 2 Stockpiling and spoil disposal Partially complied . The generated spoil has been unsystematically kept within the site as well as nearby management stream bank (DUBDC Building, Lamjung) in spite of regular instruction to the contractor during every site visit . The generated spoil needs to be managed in District Water Supply and Sanitation Annex Building, Ramechhap District; District Livestock Office & District Soil Conservation Office, Okhaldhunga District; District Soil Conservation Office, Gorkha; District Soil Conservation Office, Sindhupalchowk District . Stockpiling of Construction Material along road side nearby District Investigation Office, Gorkha District . Haphazard Stockpiling of Construction brick along the public road side, District Technical Office and District Court Office, Dhading District . Haphazard stockpiling of construction materials such as brick, sand and stones within the premises of DUBDC Building, Ramechhap . Construction debris of dismantled building of Irrigation Division Office, Sindhuli has not been cleared 3 Grievance redress mechanism Not complied . The project will have to establish grievance redress committee 4 Dust emission management Not complied . No provision of spraying of water for suppressing dust emission . Most of the vehicles carrying construction material have not been covered with tarpaulin or plastic sheets in many sites 5 Noise Pollution management Complied . The construction activities are carried out during day time only . The noise generation is limited to use of small equipment and machinery generating low noise . No complaints from the nearby community regarding construction noise 6 Camp site management Partially complied . In some sites, firewood is used cooking instead of LPG and kerosene. However, LPG has been used by the construction workers in many sites. . The labor residences have been haphazardly managed within the newly constructed buildings showing inhuman residential condition; . Many of the construction camps and labor camps are deprived of safe drinking water facility. Moreover, filtration facility for drinking water has not practiced in many camp sites

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SN Issue Compliance Status Remarks . However, some construction workers have arranged their own residence in some of the construction sites . Mosquito nets have been used in most of the residential sites of labor during for summer . Toilet facility has been provided in most of the construction sites but some sites don't have proper sanitation facility 7 Construction waste Partially complied . Most of the construction sites had not managed construction waste such as broken management bricks, reinforcement rod, timber etc, which are haphazardly kept within the available space of the construction site 8 Quarry site management Not applicable . The construction materials such as sand, boulder, gravel, etc have been obtained from approved quarry sites 9 Storage Management Partially compiled . The construction materials have been stored in the newly constructed buildings where as some construction materials have been still stockpiled nearby public land or road side due to lack of proper space 10 Plantation and protection of Partially compiled . In some constriction sites, space has been allocated for plantation of trees; however trees tree planation has not been carried out . The trees of construction site has been conserved as far as possible in majority of construction sites 11 Cleanliness in and around Partially complied . In most of the construction wastes, the left out constructions materials have not been construction sites managed and have been dispersed randomly . Dustbins or waste collecting containers have not been managed in many of the construction sites 12 Occupational Health and Safety Partially complied . All the workers have been covered by accidental insurance policy management . In majority of constriction sites, the construction workers are not provided with adequate numbers of personnel protective equipment such as boot, helmet, gloves, mask, etc; . In many construction sites, the construction workers don't use PPE although provided. Thus, they shall be provided with safety trainings in coming months . As per the contractors, BoQ and Contract Agreement don't include Item wise cost regarding occupational health and safety. However, the contractors are obliged to maintain occupational health and other safety measures as mentioned in the contract document (GCC, Clause 24.1 and PCC, Clause 24.2). Thus, they are not serious regarding implementation of PPE . The construction sites have not been barricaded in some of the construction sites 13 Shifting of electricity lines Partially complied . 33 kV Transmission line located within the premises of District Forest Office, Dolakha located within construction sites district has been shifted

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SN Issue Compliance Status Remarks . The electricity distribution lines located within the construction sites of District Soil Conservation Office & District Attorney Office, Okhaldhunga District; District Court Office, Gorkha District needs to be shifted for the safety of the workers 14 Hill Slope Protection Measures Not Complied . Possibility of hill slope failure has been observed in the construction sites namely National Investigation Office, Sindhupalchowk District; District Court Office, Gorkha District 15 Management of interrupted Not Applicable . No disruption of service and supply due to construction activities in any of the service and supply construction sites 16 Water logging Management Partially complied . Water logging has been still observed in Integrated Office Building, Sindhuli District; Retaining wall has been partially constructed and drainage management needs to be carried out as the earliest. 17 Availability of less space Not Complied . The construction sites (Integrated DUBDC and DWSS as well as Post Office) of resulting in damage of nearby Rasuwa district are very congested site due to existing temporary structures, which structures during excavation has caused difficulty in managing construction materials works . Damage to nearby structures by excavation work such that retaining wall needs to be appropriately constructed. 18 Tree clearance for the safety of Not Complied . Few trees (about 6 Nos.) needs to be cleared from the site located at DUDBC Office, site Lamjung (3 Nos.) and National Investigation Office (Okhaldhunga) for the safety of the workers as well as the adjoining buildings

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4. Construction Approach

The Government Buildings are designed and executed as per the motto "Built-back-better" formulated by the National Reconstruction Authority. The approach taken in design and construction include the following features:

 Design incorporates earthquake resistant features  Design foresees maximum use of local materials and labour as far as possible  Design includes environment friendly measures such as location of building without risk of landslide, flood etc. It also includes energy saving designs, environmental enhancement measures such as tree plantation, landscaping, rain water harvesting etc.  Most of the construction is manual and labour intensive with occasional use of small equipment such as concrete mixtures, small back hoe for excavation, tractors and small truck for transportation of materials  No child labour is permitted

5. Compliance Status with Environmental Covenants

The environmental safeguards related to project activities are generally in compliance with covenants. The detail of environmental covenants is presented in Appendix 3.

6. Institutional Arrangement

The project has not established grievance redress committee so far. However, DLPIU has been instructed to form the grievance redress committee to the soonest, and is in the process of establishment in all project districts. However, an engineer is deployed by DLPIU in all 11 project districts to implement and monitor safeguard issues associated with environment and social aspects. But no grievance has been received so far in any sub-projects.

7. Corrective actions and way forward

The contractor and DLPIU should apply following corrective measures for the compliance of safeguard: a. Spoil Management . The haphazard disposal of generated waste within construction sites should be prevented and properly managed . Disposal of excess material immediately after filling and compaction of the trench is necessary . Dumping of spoil within construction sites and nearby riverside should be prohibited [for e.g. the generated spoil has to be properly managed to avoid the movement of spoils into the stream (DUBDC Office Site, NCB 37, Lamjung District) . The spoil generated from foundation excavation works has been thrown downhill in some of the construction sites. Thus, the generated spoil needs to be properly managed.

b. Slope Protection and Management . The instable slopes nearby the construction site should be properly manage by construing retaining and breast wall to avoid falling down of nearby buildings as

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well as to prevent accidents (NCB 35, Gorkha District; NCB 18, Sindhupalchowk District and NCB 27, Rasuwa District)

c. Occupational health and Safety . Arrangement of light, fencing by ribbon or bamboo barricades, warning signs, caution board in the construction sites . Adequate number of PPE along with first aid kit with medicines should be provided to workers by contractor at all work sites. In most of the sites, PPE has not been strictly implemented . PPE should be used by all the staffs involved in the project . The construction workers should be made aware of using PPE through awareness training . Coordination with nearby health institution or hospital in case of medical emergency or accidents . The high tension line of 11 kV capacity within the site of District Court Office, Gorkha District (NCB-35) and District Soil Conservation Office & District Attorney Office, Okhaldhunga District (NCB-01) should be properly managed during construction by providing insulation provisions . About 6 trees of the construction sites needs to be felled for the safety of the site

d. Campsite management . Use of firewood in the construction camps still persist (Irrigation Division Office, Sindhuli District, DUBDC Office, Lamjung) and should be prohibited . Provision of cooking gas or kerosene, electricity, water supply, clean drinking water, waste management and medical facilities . Proper sleeping arrangement for labor . Use of proper toilet faculties in each camp . Regular Health check-up of all the construction workers . Prohibition of alcohol consumption and gambling in the construction camps to avoid conflict with local people

e. Dust emission . Sprinkling of water at spoil disposal sites as well as the construction sites consisting loose soil. . Open storage and spillage of loose soil in and around the construction site should not be allowed . Truck loads carrying spoils or construction material such as sand, gravel, etc should be properly covered during transportation to prevent blowing off loose construction materials.

f. Water Logging . Proper management of drainage in and around construction site to avoid water logging in construction sites

g. Construction Waste Management . Prohibition of haphazard disposal of construction debris . Establishment of appropriate construction waste management system for collection, segregation and disposal of construction debris within construction site

h. Cleanliness in Construction Site . Proper and systematic stockpiling of construction materials . Proper disposal of construction debris at designated site

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. Many construction sites needs to manage construction debris as well as proper stockpiling of construction materials

i. Tree Planation and Conservation . Felling of tree in the construction site should be avoided as far as possible . Proper space should be allocated for the plantation of the tree at building site . For greenery and landscape management, ornamental plants (>5ft tall) should be planted after the completion of construction works.

j. Shifting of electricity transmission and distribution lines within the construction sites

. The shifting of electricity transmission and distribution lines should be carried out for the safety of the workers . The approval for shifting if electricity lines should be taken with the concerned authority to the soonest

k. Hill Slope Management

. Hill slope stability management during and after excavation works through the construction of retaining wall and proper drainage management

8. Major Items Focused for Next Report

The major work planned for the next report comprises of providing safety training for construction work force as well as contractors and frequent field visit for the implementation of safe and healthy work environment.

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Appendix 1: Planning and implementing environmental safeguards activities

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Appendix 1.A: Status of Environmental Safeguard Planning Status EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) 1 MoUD/CLPI Construction of an Sindhuli Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 integrated office building EMP has 22- (District Attorney Office, been 023/NCB- District Postal Office, prepared 05 Division office of Department of Water Supply & Sanitation and DUDBC Division Office) 2 MoUD/CLPI Construction of two Office Sindhuli Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Forest EMP has 72- Office and Irrigation been 073/NCB- Division Office) prepared 06 3 MoUD/CLP Maintenance of four Sindhuli ------IU/Works/2 Office Buildings 072- (Agriculture Development 073/NCB- Office, Tuber Vegetable 07 Development Center, Land Revenue Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 4 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three Ramechap Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 office Buildings (District EMP has 72- Water Supply & Sanitation been 073/NCB- Office, DUDBC Division prepared 08 Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) 5 MoUD/CLPI Construction of One Ramechap Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Building (District EMP has 72- Forest Office) been 073/NCB- prepared 09 6 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 11 Office Ramechap ------U/Works/20 Buildings (Soil 72- Conservation Office, Post 073/NCB- Office, Treasury 11 Comptroller Office, Agriculture Development Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Education Office, District Court Office, District Livestock Office, District Administration Office, District Attorney Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 7 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three Dhading Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 office buildings (District EMP has 72- Court Office, District been 073/NCB- Forest Office and Chief prepared 30 District Officer's Quarter) 8 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three Dhading Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (DUDBC EMP has 72- Division Office, District been 073/NCB- Post Office and District prepared 31 Agriculture Development Office) Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 187

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) 9 MoUD/CLPI Dhading Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Construction of 2 Office EMP has 72- Buildings (District been 073/NCB- Attorney Office and prepared 33 District Technical Office) 10 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 4 Office Dhading ------U/Works/20 Buildings (District 72- Treasury Comptroller 073/NCB- Office, Irrigation Division 32 Office, District Small Cottage Office and CDO Office)

11 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Six Office Nuwakot Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Court EMP has 72- Office, Department of been 073/NCB- Water Supply and prepared 23 Sanitation Division Office, District Soil Conservation Office, District Post Office, District Agriculture Development Office and District Education Office)

12 MOUD/CLP Maintenance of 8 office Nuwakot ------IU/Works/2 Buildings (Subtropical 072- Horticulture Development 073/NCB- Centre, District Forest 24 Office, DUDBC Division Office, Fish Investigation Centre, Disaster Preventive Technical Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 188

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) Centre, Road Division Office, District Small & Cottage Industry Office and Division Irrigation Office 13 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Four Lamjung Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (DUDBC EMP has 72- Division Office, Treasury been 073/NCB- Comptroller Office, prepared 37 Irrigation Division Office and National Investigation Office) 14 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 5 Office Lamjung ------U/Works/20 Buildings (District Court 72- Office, District Agriculture 073/NCB- Office, District 38 Administration Office, District Soil Conservation Office and Department of Water supply and Sanitation Office) 15 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Three Sindhupalchowk Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Building (Chief EMP has 72- District Officer's Quarter, been 073/NCB- District Forest Office prepared 16 Annex Building and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 16 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Four Sindhupalchowk Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (District EMP has 72- Soil Conservation Office, been District Agriculture Office, prepared Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 189

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) 073/NCB- District Livestock Office 17 and District Judge Quarter) 17 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 8 Office Sindhupalchowk ------U/Works/20 Building (District 72- Administration Office, 073/NCB- Women Development, 20 DEO, District Treasury Comptroller Office, District Agriculture Development Office , District Attorney Office, DUDBC Division office & District Court) 18 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Five Sindhupalchowk Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (Irrigation EMP has 72- Development Division been 073/NCB- Office, District Election prepared 18 Office, DUDBC Division Office including Annex, National Investigation District Office and District Cottage & Small Industry Committee Office) 19 MoUD/CLPI Construction of four Office Dolakha Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (Irrigation EMP has 72- Division Office, District been 073/NCB- Forest Office, Chief prepared 12 District Officer's Quarter with annex and Water Induced Disaster Management Division Office) Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 190

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) 20 MoUD/CLPI Construction of 5 Office Gorkha Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Post EMP has 72- Office, District Agriculture been 073/NCB- Development Office, prepared 34 National Investigation District Office, District Attorney Office & District Soil Conservation Office) 21 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 4 Office Gorkha ------U/Works/20 Buildings (Department of 72- Water Supply and 073/NCB- Sanitation Division Office, 36 Women Development Office, DUDBC Division Office and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 22 MoUD/CLPI Construction of District Gorkha Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Court Office Building EMP has 72- been 073/NCB- prepared 35 23 MoUD/CLPI Construction of 7 Office Rasuwa Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (Chief District EMP has 72- Officer's Quarter, District been 073/NCB- Post Office, District prepared 27 Agriculture Development Office, Division Irrigation Office, District Livestock Development Office and Integrated Building of DUDBC Division Office Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 191

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office)

24 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 7 Office Kavrepalanchowk ------U/Works/20 Building (District Advocate 72- Office, District Post Office, 073/NCB- Irrigation Division Office, 22 District Agriculture Development Office, DUDBC Division Office, District Treasury Comptroller Office & Land Revenue Office) 25 MoUD/CLPI Construction of five Office Okhaldhunga Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Soil EMP has 72- Conservation Office, been 073/NCB- DWSS Division Office, prepared 01 National Investigation Office, District Livestock Service Office and District Attorney office) 26 MoUD/CLPI Repair/Retrofitting of 8 Okhaldhunga ------U/Works/20 Government Office 72- Buildings (District 073/NCB- Livestock Office, Land 02 Revenue Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Forest Office, Eastern Region Climate Field Office, Higher Court

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EMP cost in Automate Environm ADB Safeguard approved d ental Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document GRC is safeguard screening category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and is Contract establishe monitorin SN Name of Subproject District is carried project / is Under coordination included Remarks No. d g system out? subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism in BOQ as (Yes/No) customize (Yes or (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an d No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual (Yes/No) item (Yes/No) Office, District Court & DUDBC Division Office)

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Appendix 1.B: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

1 MoUD/CLPI Construction of an integrated office Sindhuli 90 90 95 90 - Yes No Yes Yes No No - - - - Yes Yes U/Works/20 building (District Attorney Office, 22- District Postal Office, Division office 023/NCB- of Department of Water Supply & 05 Sanitation and DUDBC Division Office) 2 MoUD/CLPI Sindhuli 75 90 70 90 - Yes No Yes Yes No No - - - - Yes Yes U/Works/20 72- Construction of two Office Buildings 073/NCB- (District Forest Office and Irrigation 06 Division Office) 3 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of four Office Sindhuli ------U/Works/20 Buildings (Agriculture Development

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Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

72- Office, Tuber Vegetable 073/NCB- Development Center, Land 07 Revenue Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 4 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three office Ramechap 92 92 95 85 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Buildings (District Water Supply & 72- Sanitation Office, DUDBC Division 073/NCB- Office and Chief District Officer's 08 Quarter 5 MoUD/CLPI Construction of One Office Building Ramechap 80 94 95 80 - Yes No Yes Yes No No - - - - Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Forest Office) 72- 073/NCB- 09

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 195

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

6 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 11 Office Buildings Ramechap 95 92 95 85 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (Soil Conservation Office, Post 72- Office, Treasury Comptroller Office, 073/NCB- Agriculture Development Office, 11 Irrigation Division Office, District Education Office, District Court Office, District Livestock Office, District Administration Office, District Attorney Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 7 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three office Dhading 90 90 95 90 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 buildings (District Court Office, 72- District Forest Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 196

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

073/NCB- 30 8 MoUD/CLPI Dhading 90 90 95 90 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Construction of three Office 72- Buildings (DUDBC Division Office, 073/NCB- District Post Office and District 31 Agriculture Development Office) 9 MoUD/CLPI Dhading 90 90 95 90 - No U/Works/20 72- Construction of 2 Office Buildings 073/NCB- (District Attorney Office and District 33 Technical Office) 10 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings Dhading - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Treasury Comptroller 72- Office, Irrigation Division Office, Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 197

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

073/NCB- District Small Cottage Office and 32 CDO Office) 11 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Six Office Buildings Nuwakot 80 85 95 85 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Court Office, Department 72- of Water Supply and Sanitation 073/NCB- Division Office, District Soil 23 Conservation Office, District Post Office, District Agriculture Development Office and District Education Office) 12 MOUD/CLP Maintenance of 8 office Buildings Nuwakot - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes IU/Works/2 (Subtropical Horticulture 072- Development Centre, District 073/NCB- Forest Office, DUDBC Division 24 Office, Fish Investigation Centre, Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 198

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

Disaster Preventive Technical Centre, Road Division Office, District Small & Cottage Industry Office and Division Irrigation Office 13 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Four Office Lamjung 80 95 95 90 - Yes No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Buildings (DUDBC Division Office, 72- Treasury Comptroller Office, 073/NCB- Irrigation Division Office and 37 National Investigation Office) 14 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 5 Office Buildings Lamjung - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Court Office, District 72- Agriculture Office, District 073/NCB- Administration Office, District Soil 38 Conservation Office and

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 199

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

Department of Water supply and Sanitation Office) 15 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Three Office Sindhupalchowk 90 80 85 90 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Building (Chief District Officer's 72- Quarter, District Forest Office 073/NCB- Annex Building and District 16 Treasury Comptroller Office) 16 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Four Office Sindhupalchowk 70 90 95 85 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Buildings (District Soil 72- Conservation Office, District 073/NCB- Agriculture Office, District 17 Livestock Office and District Judge Quarter) 17 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 8 Office Building Sindhupalchowk - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Administration Office, Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 200

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

72- Women Development, DEO, 073/NCB- District Treasury Comptroller 20 Office, District Agriculture Development Office , District Attorney Office, DUDBC Division office & District Court) 18 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Five Office Sindhupalchowk 95 95 95 85 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Buildings (Irrigation Development 72- Division Office, District Election 073/NCB- Office, DUDBC Division Office 18 including Annex, National Investigation District Office and District Cottage & Small Industry Committee Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 201

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

19 MoUD/CLPI Construction of four Office Dolakha 90 95 95 80 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 Buildings (Irrigation Division Office, 72- District Forest Office, Chief District 073/NCB- Officer's Quarter with annex and 12 Water Induced Disaster Management Division Office) 20 MoUD/CLPI Construction of 5 Office Buildings Gorkha 80 70 90 85 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Post Office, District 72- Agriculture Development Office, 073/NCB- National Investigation District 34 Office, District Attorney Office & District Soil Conservation Office) 21 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings Gorkha - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (Department of Water Supply and 72- Sanitation Division Office, Women Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 202

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

073/NCB- Development Office, DUDBC 36 Division Office and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 22 MoUD/CLPI Construction of District Court Office Gorkha ------Constructio U/Works/20 Building n not 72- started 073/NCB- 35 23 MoUD/CLPI Construction of 7 Office Buildings Rasuwa 80 80 95 70 No - No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (Chief District Officer's Quarter, 72- District Post Office, District 073/NCB- Agriculture Development Office, 27 Division Irrigation Office, District Livestock Development Office and Integrated Building of DUDBC Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 203

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

Division Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 24 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 7 Office Building Kavrepalanchow ------Yes Yes constructio U/Works/20 (District Advocate Office, District k n 72- Post Office, Irrigation Division completed 073/NCB- Office, District Agriculture 22 Development Office, DUDBC Division Office, District Treasury Comptroller Office & Land Revenue Office) 25 MoUD/CLPI Construction of five Office Buildings Okhaldunga 80 80 80 80 - No - No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (District Soil Conservation Office, 72- DWSS Division Office, National Investigation Office, District Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 204

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic

Communit (Y/N)

y services are (Y/N)

(Y/N) compensa

ted/recon Occupational structed Health and Safety (progress in % of


(specify) estimated (specify)

Contract Name landscaping Plantation for work)*** SN District incompliance %)** No. of Subproject

compliance in %)** in compliance



(compliance in in (compliance %)**

(compliance in %)** %)** in (compliance


(Y/N) No of resolved grievances No of

Others as per per as Others EMP per as Others EMP Plant documented grievances No of

Landslide protection with Bio-engg Bio-enggwith protection Landslide of waste Management construction

No of grievances under processing grievances No of

Spoil Management Spoil Management

used used

Drainage Management Management ( Drainage

facilities facilities

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained reporting is Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2Community Structure

Labors are insured insured are Labors

healthy and have sanitary sanitary healthy and have

Labor and work camps are are camps work Labor and

Firewood is used for cooking and heating for cooking Firewood is and heating used

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and Actionimplemented prepared are Corrective Plans

Safety Gears Gears sufficient and are Safety

073/NCB- Livestock Service Office and 01 District Attorney office) 26 MoUD/CLPI Repair/Retrofitting of 8 Government Okhaldhunga ------U/Works/20 Office Buildings (District Livestock 72- Office, Land Revenue Office, 073/NCB- Irrigation Division Office, District 02 Forest Office, Eastern Region Climate Field Office, Higher Court Office, District Court & DUDBC Division Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 205

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Appendix 2: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 206

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

S.N Description Indicator Present status 1 DDR Completed / ongoing / proposed Awareness raising 2 Number of events and participants orientation trainingi Spoil disposal management plan (Y/N) Stock piling and spoil Volume of safely disposed spoil (m3) 3a disposal management (if Remaining excavated materials (m3) required) Spoil disposal work affecting public

interest, locals and their properties (Y/N) Toe walls for safe Number and volume (m3) of toe walls 3b disposal of excavated constructed to manage spoil materials (if required) Location Bioengineering works (if 4 Area (m2) required) Type of measures taken Covering of delivery vehicles during transportation (Y/N) 5 Dust emission Spray of water for suppressing dust emission (Y/N), if yes time interval Vehicles and equipment's used fitted 6 Noise pollution with silencer and maintained to keep noise at minimum levels (Y/N) Contamination of water supply or source 7 Water contamination (Y/N) Location of quarry site 8 Quarry site management Volume of stones/aggregates collected (if required) (m3 ) Restoration of site done (Y/N) Supply of safe drinking water (Y/N) Temporary toilets constructed in camp sites (no.) Campsite management 9 Energy used for cooking (fuel wood, kerosene, LPG, electricity) Proper management of sewerage and waste disposal (Y/N) Separation of waste disposal in biodegradable and non-biodegradable 10 Construction wastes (Y/N) Safe disposal of construction waste materials done (Y/N) Provision for leakage and spills in storage & service yards (Y/N) 11 Storage management Provision for safety measures like fire extinguisher (Y/N) Plantation around Plantation carried out (number of plants) 12 buildings Plantation survival (%) Interruption of services Protection/rehabilitation of services (water, electricity, 13 (Y/N), if yes give the name telephone etc.) Number of safety gears provided 14 Occupational health & (helmet, jackets, facemasks, goggles, safety boots, ear plugs, gloves) Use of safety gears by workers (%)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 207

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

S.N Description Indicator Present status First aid kit provided with medicines (no.) Replacement of medicines (Y/N) Accidental insurance (no. of workers) Type & number of accident occurred Compensation to affected workers (no.) Coordination with nearby health center (Y/N) Signboards erected (no.) Informative/safety

15 signboard & cautionary Location ribbons/barricades Cautionary ribbons/barricades placed (Y/N) Cleaning site after Site cleaning after the construction construction and 16 works done (Y/N) disposing waste properly Grievances received and Received number 17 addressed Addressed number 18 Photographs Attached photographs with caption

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 208

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Appendix 3: Compliances with Loan Covenants

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 209

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Covenants Status as of 30 June 2018

Schedule 5-4. Preparation, design, implementation, and Being complied operation of each Subproject comply with applicable laws; the Environmental Safeguards; the EARF; and IEE and EMP. Schedule 5-5. Land acquisition and resettlement activities Does not apply – building subprojects comply with laws; the Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards; identified until now do not require land the RF; and the respective RP. acquisition/ resettlement Schedule 5-6. No physical or economic displacement takes Does not apply – building subprojects place until (a) compensation has been provided in identified until now do not involve accordance with the RP; and (b) income and livelihood displacement restoration program has been established in accordance with the RP. Schedule 5-7. Necessary budgetary and human resources Being complied – made available to fully implement the EMPs, and the RPs. (i) the building subprojects identified until now do not require RPs; (ii) the civil works contracts include EMPs but considering the nature of the works, implementing these EMPs require minimum interventions; the implementation of the EMPs by the contractors will be ensured through construction supervision Schedule 5-8. All bidding documents comply with IEE, EMP, Being complied – buildings subprojects and RP; budget is made available for environmental and identified until now are classified as social measures; any unanticipated environmental, Category C resettlement or indigenous peoples risks notified by a written notice; and condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure recorded prior to construction. Schedule 5-9. (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Being complied Reports submitted to ADB and disclose relevant information; (b) any unanticipated environmental and/or social risks and impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) any actual or potential breach of compliance reported. Schedule 5-11. The core labor standards and applicable Being complied laws are complied. Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 210

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Appendix 4: Photographs

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 211

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Photograph 1: 11 Kv Transmission Line along the Photograph 2: Precaution Measure Necessary South Boundary of District Court Office, Lamjung against landslide in District Court Office, Lamjung, District District

Photograph 3: PPE not used by construction Photograph 4: Trees to be felled at the southern side workers, District Soil Conservation Office, Gorkha of DUBDC Building, Lamjung District

Photograph 5: Critical Hill Slope, District Photograph 6: Safety Instruction to Contractors at Investigation Office Sindhupalchowk District DUBDC Office, Dhading District

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 213

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Photograph 7: Shifting of 33 kV Transmission line Photograph 8: Poor Sleeping arrangement within located within the premise of District Forest Office, the Site of District Forest Office, Dolakha District Dolakha District

Photograph 9: PPE properly used by the worker in Photograph 10: Providing instruction to shift the District Attorney Office, Okhaldhunga District Electricity Distribution Line located within District Soil Conservation Office, Okhaldhunga District

Photograph 11: Retaining wall to be constructed Photograph 12: Electricity Distribution to be shifted along the eastern boundary to avoid road from the construction Site, District Attorney Office, collapse, District Soil Conservation Office, Okhaldhunga District Okhaldhunga District

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 214

Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report January-June, 2018

Photograph 13: Tree clearance required as a part Photograph 14: PPE not used in rod cutting works, of Site Clearance, District Investigation Office, Okhaldhunga District

Photograph 15: Conservation of Trees within the Photograph 16: Retaining wall to be constructed site by constructing retaining wall, District Forest soon, Annex Water Supply, Ramechhap District Office, Ramechhap District

Photograph 17: Water Logging at Integrated Photograph 18: Construction Debris to be cleared Office Building and needs proper Management, to the soonest, Irrigation Division Office, Sindhuli Integrated, Sindhuli District District

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 215