Lago Maggiore

Bike Park

6 mountain bike routes over

Dirt Length Accumulated Difficulty Starting / Ending road/trail (km) climb (m) level (%)

1. Caronio 12,6 86,5 440

2. Caronio 8,6 94,2 300

3. SS. Trinity of Ghiffa 7,4 78,4 147

4. SS. Trinity of Ghiffa 13,9 87,8 440

5. Pollino 10,1 90,1 310

6. Pollino 8,1 83,9 246

Panoramic sunset from the lower part of the Mount Cargiago The Mount Cargiago rises immediately above Ghiffa and is included in the Special Natural Reserve of

Sacro Monte of SS. Trinity of Ghiffa, since 2003 included by UNESCO in the World Heritage List with other Sacred Mounts of . Its summit, at an altitude of 712 m, is not at all scenic, but the network of trails that covers it and the exposure on Lake Maggiore make Mount Cargiago a particularly popular destination for hiking in the mountains of the Upper Verbano. It'can be accessed, in the lower part, as well as Ghiffa, also by its fractions Cargiago, Caronio and Ceredo, while the upper part can be accessed from Pollino, fraction of . The Lago Maggiore Bike Park project was created with the aim of enhancing this land against those who practice mountain biking. In fact, the existing network of trails, almost all pedaled, provides the opportunity for riders of all levels, from beginner to expert, to ride in an environment of pre-Alpine character, giving him the opportunity to rediscover corners of unspoiled beauty.


hard Route difficulty level medium easy

Fork: turn to the right

Fork: turn to the left

Crossroads: turn to the left

Crossroads: go straight

Crossroads: turn to the right

Trail or dirt road

Asphalt road

Starting/ending point

The network of pedaled trails Route n. 1 Caronio - Chapel of Monte - Pollino’s Belvedere - Pond of Witches - SS. Trinity of Ghiffa - Ceredo - Cargiago - Caronio

Length 12,6 km Dirt road / trail 86,5 % Maximum height 790 m Accumulated climb 440 m Difficulty level GPS track


Km Reference point Direction Trail n.1 to Start from Caronio - Corso Dante 0 Pollino (dirt Alighieri road) 0,2 -

0,3 -

0,9 Chapel of Monte

1 -

1,4 -

2 -

2,3 Trail

2,9 -

3,1 -

3,3 Dirt road

3,4 Pollino’s Belvedere - Asphalt

3,8 Repeater - Trail

4 Pond of Witches - 4,1 -

4,6 -

4,7 -

5,6 -

5,7 -

5,9 Dirt road

6,1 Trail

6,8 -

7,3 Dirt road

7,6 -

7,8 Parking - Asphalt

8 -

8,2 SS. Trinity of Ghiffa - Dirt road - 8,4 Pic-nic area - 8,9 -

9 Fountain - 9,5 -

9,7 Trail

10,4 Ceredo’s church - Asphalt

11,3 Hairpin bend - Dirt road

11,6 Bridge - Trail

11,8 -

12 -

12,2 Asphalt

12,6 Caronio - Corso Dante Alighieri -

From Pollino’s Belvedere Route n. 2 Caronio - Chapel of Monte - Chapel of Porale - Cargiago - Caronio

Length 8,6 km Dirt road / trail 94,2 % Maximum height 645 m Accumulated climb 300 m Difficulty level GPS track


Km Riferimento Direzione Trail n.1 to Start from Caronio - Corso Dante 0 Pollino (dirt Alighieri road) 0,2 -

0,3 -

0,9 Chapel of Monte

1,8 -

2,4 -

2,5 -

2,7 -

3,3 -

3,5 -

3,9 Chapel of Porale

4,2 -

4,3 Fountain - 4,7 -

5,3 -

5,9 -

6,2 Belvedere

6,3 -

6,6 -

6,9 -

7,2 Asphalt

7,4 Hairpin bend - Dirt road

7,6 Bridge - Trail

7,8 -

8 -

8,2 Asphalt

8,6 Caronio - Corso Dante Alighieri -

Route n. 3 SS. Trinity of Ghiffa - Ceredo - Cargiago - Caronio - Chapel of Porale - SS. Trinity of Ghiffa

Length 7,4 km Dirt road / trail 78,4 % Maximum height 497 m Accumulated climb 147 m Difficulty level GPS track


Km Riferimento Direzione 0 Start from SS. Trinity of Ghiffa Dirt road to Ceredo 0,2 Pic-nic area - Fountain - 0,5 -

0,6 Fountain - 1,2 -

1,3 -

2 Ceredo’s Church - Asphalt

2,9 Hairpin bend - Dirt road

3,2 Bridge - Trail

3,4 -

3,6 -

3,8 Asphalt

4,2 Caronio

4,4 Parking - Fountain - 4,5 Hairpin bend - Dirt road

4,8 Bar

5,1 - next 5,5 Fountain

5,6 -

5,7 Chapel of Porale - 5,8 -

6,6 -

6,8 -

7 Parking - Asphalt

7,3 -

7,4 SS. Trinity of Ghiffa -

Route n. 4 SS. Trinity of Ghiffa - Chapel of Porale - Caronio - Pollino - Pollino’s Belvedere - Pond of Witches - Chapel of Porale - Ceredo - SS. Trinity of Ghiffa

Length 13,9 km Dirt road / trail 87,8 % Maximum height 790 m Accumulated climb 440 m Difficulty level GPS track


Km Riferimento Direzione 0 Start from SS. Trinity of Ghiffa Dirt road to Ceredo 0,2 Pic-nic area - Fountain - 0,4 -

1 -

1,2 Chapel of Porale - 1,3 Fountain - 1,8 - next 2,1 Bar

2,3 Caronio - Asphalt

2,4 Parking - Fountain - 2,6 Dirt road Trail n.1 to Pollino 2,8 -

2,9 -

3,5 Chapel of Monte

3,6 -

4 -

4,6 -

4,9 -

5,3 Pollino - Asphalt - 5,5 -

5,7 Fountain - Dirt road

6 -

6,1 Trail

6,2 -

6,3 -

6,4 -

6,5 Pollino’s Belvedere - Asphalt

7 Repeater - Trail

7,2 Pond of Witches - 7,3 -

7,8 -

7,9 -

8,8 -

8,9 -

9,1 Dirt road

9,3 Trail

9,9 -

10,4 -

10,5 Chapel of Porale - Dirt road

10,6 -

11,4 Ceredo - Asphalt - 11,7 Hairpin bend

11,9 Church - Trail

12,6 -

12,8 -

13,4 Fountain - 13,5 -

13,7 Pic-nic area - Fountain - 13,9 Start from SS. Trinity of Ghiffa -

The low part of Mount Cargiago

Route n. 5 Pollino - Pollino’s Belvedere - Usceno - Chapel of Monte - Caronio - Chapel of Monte - Pollino

Length 10,1 km Dirt road / trail 90,1 % Maximum height 755 m Accumulated climb 310 m Difficulty level GPS track


Km Reference point Direction Start from Pollino parking Dirt road to Pollino’s 0 (fountain) Belvedere 0,3 -

0,4 Trail

0,5 -

0,6 -

0,7 -

0,8 Pollino’s Belvedere - Asphalt

1,1 Trail

1,5 -

2 Usceno - Dirt road

2,1 Trail

2,3 -

2,4 Dirt road

3,1 Chapel of Monte - Trail

4 - next 4,2 -

4,6 Dirt road

4,7 -

5 -

6,1 - next 6,5 -

6,7 Caronio - Asphalt

6,8 Parking - Fountain - 7 Trail n.1 to Pollino - Dirt road

7,2 -

7,3 -

7,9 Chapel of Monte

8 -

8,4 -

9 -

9,3 -

9,7 Pollino - Asphalt - 9,9 -

10,1 Pollino - Parking (fountain) -


Route n. 6 Pollino - Le Australie - Pollino - Bagno - Pollino - Pollino’s Belvedere - Pollino

Length 8,1 km Dirt road / trail 83,9 % Maximum height 850 m Accumulated climb 246 m Difficulty level GPS track


Km Reference point Direction Start from Pollino parking 0 Asphalt road to belvedere (fountain) 0,1 -

1,1 Trail - 1,3 -

1,4 -

1,6 Dirt road

1,8 Church - Asphalt next 2 -

2,1 Dirt road - 2,6 - next 2,7 Le Australie - Trail next 2,8 -

2,9 -

3 -

3,5 -

3,6 -

4 -

4,1 Pollino - Asphalt

4,3 Pic-nic area - Fountain - 4,9 -

5,1 Dirt road

5,3 Bagno - Trail

5,9 -

6 - next 6,2 Dirt road

6,5 Trail

6,7 - next 7,1 - next 7,5 - next next

7,6 Pollino’s belvedere next 7,8 Dirt road

8,1 Pollino - Parking (fountain) -

The pinewood under Le Australie Rules of conduct

When you practice mountain biking, often follow paths CAI (Italian Alpine Club) normally frequented by hikers. For this reason you must always be careful and always give way to walker. The following is the behavior rules adopted in the U.S.A. and established by the National Off Road Bicycle Association, commonly called NORBA Code:

 I will yield the right of way to other non-motorized recreationists. I realize that people judge all cyclists by my actions.

 I will slow down and use caution when approaching or overtaking another and will make my presence well known in advance.

 I will maintain control of my speed at all times and will approach turns in anticipation of someone around the bend.

 I will stay on designated trails to avoid trampling native vegetation and minimize erosion to trails by not using muddy trails or short-cutting switchbacks.

 I will not disturb wildlife or livestock.

 I will not litter. I will pack out what I pack in, and pack out more than my share whenever possible.

 I will respect public and private property, including trail use signs, no trespassing signs, and I will leave gates as I have found them.

 I will always be self-sufficient and my destination and travel speed will be determined by my ability, my equipment, the terrain, the present and potential weather conditions.

 I will not travel solo when bikepacking in remote areas. I will leave word of my destination and when I plan to return.

 I will observe the practice of minimal impact bicycling by “taking only pictures and memories and leaving only waffle prints.”

 I will always wear a helmet whenever I ride. Useful informations


Caronio, Pollino, SS. Trinity of Ghiffa, Cargiago, Ceredo

Pic-nic areas

Caronio, SS. Trinity of Ghiffa (with pubblic toilets)


Caronio, Pollino, SS. Trinity of Ghiffa

Restaurants and accomodations

Ristorante ai Mulini Via Albagnano, 1 - (VB) Tel. 0323 550950

Ristorante SS. Trinità Via SS. Trinità, 73 - Ghiffa (VB) Tel. 0323 59300

Albergo Ristorante Canetta Via Belvedere, 21 - Pollino di Premeno (VB) Tel. 0323 587044 Email: [email protected]

Camping Incanti Via Incanti, 4 - Pollino di Premeno (VB) Tel. 0323 587288 Email: [email protected]

Pro Loco

Pro Loco Premeno c/o Villa Bernocchi, viale Marsaglia, 1 28818 Premeno (VB) Tel. 0323 587130 Email: [email protected]

Pro Loco Viale delle Magnolie, 1 28922 Verbania Tel. 0323 557676

Mountain bike renting service

Cadorna Bike Park Località Piancavallo - (VB)

Design and text: Amedeo Liguori ( Photos: Ivana Murace ( Cartography: “Carta escursionistica transfrontaliera” of the Verbano Cusio Ossola Province