Copyrighted Material
Index • A • banks. See also central banks Bank of England, 209 absolute PPP European Central Bank, 19, 234, Big Mac standard and, 161–164 260–262, 277 fi guring, 157 European System of Central Banks, accountability, ECB, 262 260, 270 Africa Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed), 218, international franchises in, 41 233–234 South African gold reserves, 249 International Bank for Reconstruction American-type options, 180 and Development, 215–216, 221 Andorra, 263 national central banks, 260 appreciation (revaluation) Swiss National Bank, 229–231 defi ned, 13 barter economy euro, 264 demand–supply framework, 71–75 exchange rate, 28–32 exchange rates, 22 Argentina, 235 beggar-thy-neighbor policies, 210 asset approach to exchange rate Belgium determination, 89, 99–102. See also in European monetary system, 258 MBOP in European Union, 263 asset markets, 282, 292 London Gold Pool, 222 Atlantic Charter, 214 monetary agreement, 206 Australia role in establishment of EEC, 256 dollar–dollar rate exchange, 114 bid–ask spread, exchange rate, 35–37 gold reserves, 249 Big Mac standard gold standard, 209 overview, 161–162 money market, 129–131 unrealistic expectations, 280 Austria, 205–206, 263 using to evaluate currencies, 162 autonomous monetary policy, 251 bimetallic era monetary system COPYRIGHTEDoverview, MATERIAL 204 • B • U.S. and, 204–205 world, 205–206 balance of payments (BOP), 88, 199–200. bonds, downgrading, 269 See also MBOP BOP (balance of payments), 88, 199–200. Bancor, 215 See also MBOP Bank of England, 209 226_9781118523896-bindex.indd6_9781118523896-bindex.indd
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