Tt Seems to Me The Indianapolis Times Second Section

Full Leased Wire Service of Entered n Second-Cla*e M*tfnr the United Press Association. INDIANAPOLIS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1535 Indianapolis. Ind. HEVWDMOtIN at Potoffice. T WANT to point out that almost a year ago I men- tlonerf Glenn Frank as a good long-shot bet in Fair Enough the winter book of the Republican national conven- tion. It is now announced that the president of the. University of Wisconsin is likely to be the Cleve- land keynoter. Accordingly, the odds against him will have to be shaved. According to tradition, every keynoter has a shot at the nomination if only he succeed in stam- WESntEOOK rEGLER peding the delegates. It is a little difficult for me TANARUS) OME. Dec. 21—After a while you begin to realize, to imagne my old friend Dr. perhaps with extreme reluctance, why the Frank sending anybody into a frenzy, although he is a good Italians regard Mussolini as the greatest man in the rough and tumble lyceum orator. world. Still poorer speakers have made Mussolini works. Mussolini is afraid of nothing. the grade and almost anything He takes full responsibility and makes no alibis, and may happen in an open race, his worst enemy can not claim that he ever took a particularly if the track happens cent of graft for himself or knowingly permitted any to be muddy. grafter in a subordinate position in his government But what interests me most is to get away with anything even remotely comparable the fact that the early promise to the notorious jobs of political of a real contest upon basic issues larceny which adorn the records of grows dimmer and dimmer. All the Tammany administrations in Republican candidates are gray New York, the Thompson regime at night, and the essential dif- in Chicago or Warren G. Hard- Heywood Broun ferences between Democrats are ing's rule in Washington. a good deal less than monumental. Ifany of his appointees wr ere to I do not mean that the onrushing campaign will undertake anything like that, and not include much loud shouting and fist-shaking. Mussolini were to catch him, there There will be speakers to assure us that Armaged- wouldn't be any long Seabury in- don was merely a little minor league world’s series vestigation or “hung” juries. Mus- compared to the battle between the New Deal and solini would send him off to some the Old. But any kind of careful analysis is likely island and keep him there as an to prove that the commotion upon the surface is enemy of Italy. In time of war not justified by any deep agitation among the waters Mussolini might shoot him. has under the earth. Mussolini no friend but Westbrook Pegler a a it Italy, and he sets a personal ex- Why Allthe Shooting? ample which, if it were follewed by every man and woman in the country, would make Italy the strong, cry Republican about economy grows fainter brave nation he wants her to be. He doesn’t smoke, and yet fainter and THE as the Townsendites display he has absolutely no use for alcohol, except an t. their strength in G. O. P. primaries. And if Glenn occasional glass of wine. He sleeps eight or nine Frank sounds the bugle for attack what becomes of hours a night, eats very little, gets plenty of exer- the famous fight, against, Tugweli and all the other cise in the park which surrounds his house and professors in politics? It is too late now for Dr. wastes neither time on social idling nor nervous en- Frank to hock his Phi Beta Kappa key and hide his ergy on hangovers. He absorbed about a pound of scrap cap and gown. After all, he can not appropriately iron in 50 some fragments in all in one burst make his address in overalls. when he was serving as a private in the big war, The tumult and the shouting are so well staged and he was shot right through the nose by a wild Irish this year that the melodrama for a moment almost woman who drew a bead on him from the cover of the uncd a slice of life. I blush to admit that for a crowd one day when he was giving the Catho- sow weeks or months I was so befuddled by the lic Church a bit of shoving around. excellent theatricalism of it all that I was begin- a a a to the hiss villain and applaud the hero. Finds Time for But if the Republicans and the Democrats are Baby-Kissing stand for fcOSfig to approximately the same things, When sorroiv drives us out our quiet gardens into open highway, we gallantly. must have been a terribly painful wound, es they have of the must accept it but always done in the past, it is fair to Mussolini gave the crowd a wave of his ask, ‘‘What's all the IT big hand, shooting for?’ adverting a wild riot or lynching and didn’t Indeed, the management even has been so excellent send the woman to jail. He just her that some of the boys in the shipped back cast are actually be- to Ireland. He didn’t go to bed to be sick, but went ginning to live their parts. There are Republicans on with his work. In the troupe who have spoken their prepared lines Mussolini makes a about being one-man band look like a Roosevelt's a dangerous red so many mildewed tramp scratching himself in the of times that by now they shade are actually beginning to MY RENDEZVOUS a water tank and waiting for the freight train to believe it. WITH LIFE come through. He is premier, foreign and tt minister a the last word in everything in Italy, and he finds time in addition important Gladiators Are Overtrained In (his, the article to his tasks to attend to concluding of a series of six, Miss Pickford Since an experience we his call for full and that it has its virtues. it is all baby-kissing and hand-shaking and to receive in upon a I great hopes na- sounds a a cultivation of self a gallant facing share, it one of the of all human the time had for the of life. becomes greatest bonds, cc urse of every year the most as- tional of 1936. exasperating ONCE election i had assumed that it CHAPTER VI one that makes us kinder to others who suffer. You see, sortment of foreign sighteers. souvenir hunters and would be the most bitter of any ever in MARY misunderstand each other so often muscle-feelers, held modern certain centers are now working in the average men because they sel- most of them bores, that would history. There it be was even the possibility that the man; others are In a perfect being dom feel the same emotions at the same time; but when possible to inflict on one man if you to and Republicans ONLY dormant. human they were comb Democrats might work themselves all the centers will function fully and will feel a similar emotion simultaneously, then and then the world for them. up to such a rage produce perfect that they would forget their scripts mental unfoldment and a perfect physical body. I believe only are they bound to understand each other. In fact, they do represent the combings of the and begin to tell the actual truth about each other. the man called Jesus was a tt tt world, particularly of the United States, and But was like that. He perfect PICKFORD they now I fear that the gladiators on both sides man, a Master who knew the power of thought. Because wriggle through his defense somehow for no more have their GOMEWHERE I have read that “Happy lives are little left fights in the gymnasium. They have He knew the truth about all things, He had dominion important purpose than to ask him stupid questions too and lives. They do not live beyond their trained hard spent an undue amount of over all things. When others spoke of death, He spoke Mama and went away one of my most rose-wreathed which have been answered a thousand times in his time in belaboring sparring partners. Senator Borah of life. He was a pattern for us to model ourselves after. agonizing thoughts was we ever walls.” And so, when sorrow drives us out of our quiet own speeches and writings and in his biography both hands upon WHEN whether should or broke the Blue Eagle, and about “Alone in all history He estimates the greatness of man,” meet again. And if we did, would we know each other? gardens into the open to ask for his autographed picture. He gives away the best he highway, we must accept it gallant- a that can do from now on is to jab and Emerson said of Him. “One was true to what is in At this moment I have no positive proof that we will. By lot of pictures, too—big ones on expensive paper get away. man r ly. For along the road to understanding we will find in- Asa matter of fact, that’s about the best me and you. He saw that God incarnates Himself in man, that I mean I any of my five senses about two feet square—charging it up to exploita- can’t show this will spiring and when Borah ever could do after the bell had actually rung. and evermore goes forth anew to take possession of the be so. But by a higher sense, the power of Intuition, I new scenes; even we are traveling tion like any ham in Hollywood. Alf (One Round) Landon world.” has begun to stiffen am sure that nothing can ever cut a of pure unselfed through the dark valley, we shall be able to see the shin- Fluttering, prattling the who *re up tie females, kind from too much roadwork. Every time a visiting Do you wonder what certain centers in are love. Love is God. And so long as you love any one, you ing mountain tops ahead. always going to carry a message back delegation ourselves to America to hits Topeka he has beert obliged to get not functioning fully? Well, here is an example. The are bound by God to that person, whether he has gone A message that brought me the greatest in second-string politicians who would have a into his exercise comfort my hard togs and run back and forth across history of the human race goes back many thousand on to another life or not. dark hours is called “The Ship.” I do not know the name time getting into a first-class hotel in Rome, and the Kansas plains years. to entertain the visiting firemen. But it is only- in the last few thousand years that God is not cruel. He would not let us dow’n. He would of the author. But though it has frequently been quoted, assorted dopes and imposters drawn from all nations They tell me he has slowed up to a walk. we have begun to perceive color. At first man knew only not let build a beautiful comradeship with someone I should like to says: who manage to get through to black us repeat it. It Mussolini somehow The more I think of it the better I like the and white. Then red. And finally, by slow develop- only to tear us apart forever. Sometimes there must be “Iam standing upon the seashore. at my side each consume from five minutes to half an hour of ment, he the A ship chances of Glenn Frank. He hasn’t boxed at all, saw primary colors and their combinations. separations, W'hich are necessary for our growth. In this spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts this busy man’s day. but he has punched the continuously. There Yet even now a large percentage of are color life bag people blind. we face them when we send our children away to for the blue lagoon. u tt convention, And there are of more has hardly been a from publishers to myriads glorious colors all around school—or -when we release them to set out on their own “She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand the eye Fascism 0. K. by school teachers, in the last six months at which us that even most sensitive human can’t detect. careers. and watch her until, at length, she is a ribbon of Italy of how many make only Glenn has not bobbed up to do his fancy stuff. Think no response to music. They Death is just another such separation; and one that I white cloud just where the sea and come to ND yet he gives are what is known as “tone-deaf.” They sky mingle A them civil treatment and sends If objection is made that he has worked out hear sounds, of truly believe will end in reunion. God arranged my meet- with each other. them course. Yet they listen to great, symphonies -TV away happy, futile and more garrulous against nothing but a leather spheroid inflated with inspiring ing with Mother and Jack to my satisfaction in this life. “Then someone at my side says, ‘There! She is gone!’ than ever when it without the slightest reaction. Music is a closed book to And so why must take the entire supply of his warm air I can only reply, “Well, what on earth do shouldn’t I believe He will do it as happily Gone where? Gone from my sight—that is all. self-control to refrain from punching think he’s going up against in Cleveland?” them. And so we know that certain centers in those men in the next? He has given the lower animals a sixth sense “She is the buzzer and you have just as large in mast and hull as when she left ordering one of his wrestlers to toss this pest down- not yet been aroused. called “the homing instinct.” A dog will travel hundreds my side and All great musical just as able to bear her load of living freight stairs and then lock the door. artists are striving to achieve pure of miles to find the master he loves. And so why shouldn’t to the of tone and to elevate man's place destination. To be sure. Fascism is wrong if you don’t like thoughts by its sheer beauty. a man, who is the highest manifestation of God’s thought, “Her diminished size is in me, not in her, and just The radio is doing much to young at Fascism. But this is Italy. There is abundant evi- educate people to an be drawn intuitively to his loved ones when they meet the moment when someone at my side says, ‘There! She that Your Health appreciation and understanding of may dence Italy likes it. In Italy, therefore, Musso- music and this again on other planes? is gone!’ there are other voices glad to take up the lini is a one day prove of priceless worth to mankind. Harmony i3 These things shout, great man. who knows he is great and who BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN—¦ are the that sorrow has taught me. And ‘There! She comes!’” has enough bland self-appreciation a powerful force for good. now that I am acquainted with grief, I have even learned to set himself up of the peculiarities of the average American (Copyright, 1935, by the Pickford Corp. Feature Syndicate.) as a model and to say to the Italians, “Be like me and ONEis his sweet tooth. And how that sweet tooth you are all right.” has grown! But the trouble is nobody can be like Mussolini. Back in 1825, the average American used only 15 Millions of them try, but the most that the very best of them pounds of sugar a year. The figure moved up to TVA Is Bold Attempt to Salvage Great can do is to resemble him slightly around Section of Country the edges. His From successor sight, 45 pounds in 1850. to 60 pounds in 1900, 115 pounds isn't even in and in 1925, and is back to 100 pounds today. But today's Mussolini knows it as well as anybody. So he is to is still proportionately sugar preparing succeed himself after he is amount more than is dead by setting up his eaten in any other nation in the world. Ravages of Soil own character as the ideal of Erosion, Ernie Discovers on Trip Through Valley the Italian nation—an ideal of true service, work There are many kinds of sugars, of course. The (Editor’s Note—This is the second of someone we know gets it. soil crops get self-denial, patriotism and commonest forms come from cane, Porn and beets, seven articles on TYA.) downhill. And once a gully whose worse and worse country that’s getting in a bad strength. although other substances, such as honey, sirups Erosion means that the soil is all gets started, it grows rapidly. each year, and the people get way from erosion and wearing out cf is and saccharins, are used to sweeten our foods. BY ERNIE PYLE washing away, and that pretty There are billions of gullies in poorer and poorer, and instead of soil. So our Midwest, and so are of Twenty-five years ago, corn sugar was not re- soon no human thing can on South, and rain is lots other places. ¦¦V" NOXVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 21. live the the wash- going forward they’re going back- If you fined to its present state.' result, we began you’ve read this through, Times Asa it. They say that in another ing millions of freight-train loads ward. have the Books using beet sugar and cane sugar exclusively. location, and the reason almost hundred years all this region of of soil away every year, and it goes There are of farmers for TVA. Tomorrow we’ll to Today it is difficult for any one but an expert to stand TVA (Tennessee Valley thousands begin melancholy story of how the the South would like on down and makes the in this region cash income tell you w’hat TVA actually is. charming state tell the difference between cane and corn sugar. Authority) at all, you’ve got to get be another rivers whose of Maine capital and finally is less than SSO a year. They live THE declined from the of a world- The States Food and Drugs Death Valley. muddy, is carried on NEXT—“ empire to United Administration it into your head first just where is poor Ve Fix Up the Valley.” wide a summer playground for people who requires sweetening of packaged foods, when Today, all these out to sea, wasted lorever. in huts, and their land so had that the Tennessee Valley is. Southern rivers it will hardly raise vegetables. If made their money elsewhere is told once more about by any other substance cane n n it in brought than ara muddy. But our early ex- something isn’t done, there’s noth- Mary Ellen Chase’s new novel, “Silas Crockett.’* sugar, must indicated on the But it no The “Valley.” as they call it HOSPITAL ARRANGES be label. plorers recorded how clear and means that the South is ing for their grandchildren to look (Macmillan; $2.50.) is necessary to tell down here, means the area longer whether cane or corn whole beautiful the rivers were then. THATgetting in worse shape all the forward to but the relief rolls. CKRISTMAS PROGRAM Miss Chase goes back to the early maritime his- That sugar is used for sweetening. that drains into the meandering means that before white time. Already hundreds of farms The TVA is a large, bold at- tory of the republic to begin her story. The great a a a Tennessee River, and that man came, the was covered have simply age of sail takes land been abandoned. tempt to salvage a whole big sec- Service ~ Entertainment Offered had just dawned, and Maine were in with trees seamen in the field of nutrition say a lot of territory. Also, the and shrubs which held Coudn’t make a Jiving on them tion of the United States. And if the kings of the sea. Every Maine seacoast town Tennessee River is the soil. But years of and Easthaven Inmates. that it is just as healthy to eat corn sugar as a crazy river. plowing, any more. it works here, maybe it’ll be done had its shipyard and its docks; pleasant little PHYSIOLOGISTS It starts up in eastern Tennes- planting crops without deep roots, And other Tim** Special coves sugar. hundreds of thou- elsewhere. For the Tennessee Val- harbored great ships from the ends of the earth, cane see. Since its have allowed the rains to wash the are occupied by people RICHMOND, Dec. 21.—Holi- The most common sugar used in medicine is glu- valley includes sands ley isn’t the only part of the Ind„ and salty Maine speech was heard in Singapore rivers that run into the Tennes- and cose, or dextrose. Its chief value lies in the fact that day program for inmates of the In- Sumatra, in Canton and Honolulu. see, TVA really starts way back it is absorbed rapidly and it does not require special diana State Hospital at Easthaven Then came change. Steam drove out sail, and east in Virginia and North Caro- America its digestion. lina. were announced by officials today. turned attention inward instead of out- fact, is prepared in such form OPPORTUNIST AT ward. greatness passed, In it now that The SUCCEEDS BRIDGE Maine’s and her people Tennessee River itself ac- At Christmas worship services to- left—not to deteriorate, doctors may inject it in a weak solution under the tually The same is true with many were for the New England gets started just above morrow Chaplain T. F. Tressel is to character too tough 6kin in those parts of the body where the skin is Knoxville, then Today’s Contract Problem other hands in which good play A J 9 is for that, but to face tre- it heads down special mendously loose. North is playing the con- w ill allow you to make a slam V 4 2 speak, with music by the difficult change and readjustment. through Chattanooga, toward. New r Reid It may also be injected directly into the vein if the tract at four . East which was not biddable. A good 4 AK J 10 8 7 6 4 2 Memorial United Presbyterian a an Orleans. It misses northwest Vested the person requires the effects of sugar rapidly. This corner of cashes the , , and player always will take plenty of A Void Choir, directed by Robert B. Georgia by about a mile. Dafler. Trees 'T'HE author tells her story by the for- is particularly the case when he has had an over- It enters in the of and then time to study a hand out be- are to be lighted and following Alabama north- AAQS4 7 6 5 2 sung J. tunes of a typical seafaring through dose of insulin, when he is in a condition of shock, east corner, a you figure fore playing to the first trick. |A carols by the Easthaven choir family changes its mind leads club. Can V Q the four generations. Silas Crockett, when his pancreas is sending too much insulin into about going to how declarer can Let us look at today's hand. wW fcc VK1093 following night. founder of the New Orleans and keep from 4 3 4 Q line, sailed his ships to the ends his blood, or when surgical operations are to be makes a big a trump Do North and South arrive at a Sc Christmas Day, in addition to a of the earth and swing back toward losing trick? not AQJ 9S 7 aKIO 3 2 chicken each prosperd mightily. performed on gallbladder or liver. the north, contract of six diamonds. You dinner, patient is to and comes out of Ala- be afraid to take a gamble. 6 i Dealer a A His son inherited a dying Saccharin, also used for sweetening, is bama right can see that, if a spade is opened, receive gift. snowball dance is business, and wound a chemical at the northeast cor- A J 10 7 6 4 to up on a fishing and does not provide calories, does ner of A the contract will be defated im- K 10 3 be held Thursday. Junior and schooner. product as sugar. Mississippi. It really forms A senior choirs His in turn, the of VJB mediately. 4AJS 7 6 5 of St. John’s Lutheran son. became skipper of a rickety boundary Mississippi for a 10 7 S are little coastwise few miles, but never 4 However, declarer receives a 4 9 5 Church to be featured at a New steam ferry; and his son. at last, actually en- Year's left the sea to ters the state. It is swinging 4KJ fortunate opening, the of A A 4 Chapel Sunday. entirely struggle for a shore-going job back in the 1929 depression. north now, you see, and has got I , but still the contract is Rubber—All vul. Today's Science AQ9S3 n A2 Its a book, back into again, 5 not made unless North takes ad- fine filled with a nostalgic apprecia- BY DAVID DIETZ Tennessee only V 9 6 *K743 South West North East AIR BUREAU APPROVES tion of a now it’s in western Tennessee. It w fc 8 vantage cf the opportunity given great era that is gone forever. (By Bruce 1 4.J93 4AK Q Catton.) year I '? brings to my desk a fat has decided it prefers the STOUT IMPROVEMENT mailman Ohio AS63S A 7 5 4 2 him by his opponents. Therefore, Pass 5 A 5 4 Pass EACHlittle volume which is a monument to the tri- river to the Gulf of Mexico, so it Dealer Pass 5 A Pass Pass umph of science. It right before playing to that first trick, Final Sanction Awaited From WPA is the annual edition of the keeps on going north, clear declarer Double 6 A 6 4 Pass “Handbook of and across and A K 3 should analyze the hand. for New Chemistry Physics.” Tennessee then Ken- reason 2 14 Runway. At this moment I have before me the tucky, pours V AQ 10 2 He should the hand out Opening lead —A twentieth till it into the Ohio along following lines: West Approval of a $98,3*5.50 improve- Literary Notes edition. As usual, it is edited by Prof. Charles D. at Paducah, Ky. 46 4 2 the of 10 9 has bid spades; undoubtedly he spades, and his best ment of Stout Field has been Hodgman Case School of Applied Science. nan A AQ defense is to airport Still S2OOO holds the ace of this suit. It try dummy by another: is offered jointly by Dodd, The book has now grown to 1951 pages—almost E. &W. vul. Opener—-4 K- to kill the return- given by the Bureau of Air Com- & TT never gets into the deep will be impossible to try to estab- Mead Cos., and Forum Magazine for the best de- 2000 pages of fine print all devoted to the tabulation ing the queen of . This is merce, a Washington press story -*¦ Solution in next issue. 14 lish the heart suit, because dispatch tective to reach them next July of facts. I remember my physics teacher at high South, although its tributaries, there won in dummy with the ace. before 31. science are not enough entries in dummy. states. The bureau’s action sanc- Manuscripts should be at least 50,000 words in length school defined as the orderly classification of which form the Tennessee Valley Therefore, Now that declarer has located and knowledge. the only hope to make tions the project from a technical the contest is open to every one who has not had and go a Solution to Previous the queen in the a detective a a a hence TVA. do about contract is to find West with the of spades west story published under the Red Badge * standpoint. Final approval must third of the way down into Contract Problem both ace and queen of spades. hand, the king of spades should imprint. Complete details are available from Dodd, this book, you have it. the tabulation of exact Most players be given by the Works Progress Ad- Mississippi and Alabama, BY W. E. M’KENNEY would make the be played from dummy. West Mead or Forum Magazine. INfacts, the facts upon which the scientific marvels and mistake of discarding ministration. Secretary American Bridge League the deuce covers with the ace and declarer a a a of the Twentieth Century are based. Here are the catch a corner of Georgia. of hearts on the ace of clubs, fig- trumps. The project consists of building a which make SUCCESSFUL bridge player facts possible skyscrapers and suspen- Now, it seems that this whole uring they are getting rid of a los- The ace concrete runway, and would give Simon A Schuster have Just received the manu- bridges, radios and must be an opportunist. of diamonds is cashed, sion trans-Atlantic telephones, Tennessee Valley region, for a A ing a heart. True enough, they which picks up the outstanding employment to 107 men, according script of ‘ Nothing Succeeds Like Success," by Doro- airships and airplanes, synthetic dyes plas- good years, Many times you will arrive at a and new many has been in a are. but how about the losing diamonds, and a small diamond to state WPA officials. thea Brande, which they will publish in January. In tics. bad way because of erosion. Don’t contract that could be defeated, spades? played and in this book Mrs. Brande. for many years a professional The handbook is an either by won dummy with invaluable aid to chemists think erosion is just some plati- a correct opening lead or The proper play is to discard the nine spot. Os course, dum- Seientech Club to Elect’ writer and editor, describes the philosophy which and engineers, research general, exceptionally workers in and to tudinous New Deal word either. some fine defensive the nine of spades on the ace of my’s ten of been Officers and directors revolutionized her life. college and high school It spades has es- are to be students. would make a It really is something actual; one play. That does not mean, how- clubs and immediately play a tablished and the losing heart is elected at the luncheon meeting of a a a fine Christmas present for any one these of insidious like B. that you in classifi- these things T. ever, were not in the small spade from dummy. West discarded on it. the Scientech Club Monday in the E. M. Delafleld’s new cations. until novel, “Faster! Faster!** that we don't take seriously right contract* lias to go in with the queen ol (Copyright, Service, Zac.) % * 1933. NEA L’loard of Trade Building, will be brought out Feb. 6 by Harper & Bros. [ v ( L