Applicant: MR AND MRS A HULL

Grid Ref: 508803 298378

Date of Registration: 06.10.2008




1.1 The proposal is to replace a modest hipped roof bungalow with a part-2-storey, part 1-storey dwelling. Panel will recollect refusing an application for a large two-storey replacement dwelling on this site in 2006.

1.2 The site is at one end of a small group of three dwellings in the open countryside. One of the dominant features of the existing group of dwellings is that the dwellings reduce in height from the road junction (to the south-west) to the open countryside around the application site in the north-east.

1.3 There are open fields to the north-east and south-east of the site and there is an open field with new perimeter trees on the opposite side of the road. Although there is a hedge around parts of the site and neighbouring field, the site is relatively exposed and visible from several viewpoints. The site and existing bungalow roof can be seen from the bridge over the A1.

1.4 The proposed two-storey element would have a footprint of approximately 6.5m x 10.1m. The ridgeline of the two-storey part would be parallel to the road and approximately 10.6m long.There would be a large single-storey element which would ‘wrap around’ the front, north-eastern side and rear of the building. The footprint would be much larger than the existing dwelling (168sqm, including a lean- to canopy, compared to approximately 98sqm).

1.5 The proposed dwelling includes a lounge, kitchen/diner, bedroom and ensuite, study, wc and utility on the ground floor and two large bedrooms, a landing and bathroom on the first floor.

1.6 The applicant advises that the existing accommodation is restricted with a small lounge and that a mobile unit has been erected to the rear to allow the operation of a business from home. It has also been noted that there are various outbuildings on the site and a mobile home which has had a large-lean-to extension added. Confirmation of the nature of the current use of the structures and the intended extent of site clearance if the current scheme is permitted is awaited.

1.7 The applicant advises that the proposed design was selected to reflect the design and scale of the adjoining 1960’s house to the south-west (63 Church Lane). The neighbouring property is a larger building than the bungalow and a planning application is currently under consideration to add a two-storey side extension between the properties, which would elongate its front elevation.


2.1 PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development (2005) provides advice on the plan-led system.

2.2 PPS3 Housing (2006) provides advice on the provision of new housing.

2.3 PPS7 Sustainable development in Rural Areas (2004) guides development in rural areas.

For full details visit the government website and follow the links to planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Policy.


Further information on the role of planning policies in deciding planning applications can also be found at the following website: then follow links Planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Information and Guidance, Planning Guidance and Advice and then Creating and Better Place to Live.

3.1 East of Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008)

East of England Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) Policies viewable at then follow links to Planning, Regional Planning then Related Documents

• ENV7 - quality in the built environment.

3.2 and Structure Plan (2003)

Saved policies from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003 are relevant and viewable at follow the links to environment, planning, planning policy and Structure Plan 2003.

None relevant

2 3.3 Local Plan (1995)

Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 are relevant and viewable at

The site is outside the environmental limits for Stibbington, as defined in the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 and is therefore deemed to be in the countryside. The following policies apply:

• H27 confirms that replacement dwellings may be acceptable provided the proposals involve only modest changes in building size, are of good design and are well related to their setting

• En18 protect hedges

• En25 seek appropriate scale, form, materials, design, landscaping

• En20 seek landscaping.

3.4 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002)

Saved policies from the Huntingdon Local Plan Alterations 2002 are relevant and viewable at - Then click on "Local Plan Alteration (2002)

HL5 Good design and layout

3.5 Huntingdonshire Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007

Policies from the Huntingdonshire Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007 are relevant and viewable at click on Environment and Planning, then Planning then Planning+Policy then Informal policy statements where there is a link to Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007

• G2 requires development to avoid introducing incongruous or intrusive elements into views (by virtue of siting, scale and form etc) and employ landscape treatments to minimise impact of any building on its setting

• G3 retain hedges

• B1 need demonstrate high quality design

• B4 avoid harm to amenity

• H4 the replacement dwelling should not result in a significantly increase of the height or mass of the dwelling, should not materially increase impact of dwelling on countryside.

• P8 Development in the countryside.

3 3.6 Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Submission Core Strategy 2008

Policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Submission Core Strategy 2008 are relevant and viewable at click on Environment and Planning then click on Planning and then click on Planning Policy where there is a link to the Local Development Framework Core Strategy.

• CS1 Sustainable development

3.7 Huntingdonshire Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document provides guidance on design of dwellings and schemes which are attractive and well related to the site and setting.

3.8 Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment Supplementary Planning Document includes the site in the Nene Valley Character Area.

3.9 Cambridgeshire Landscape Guidelines SPG provides guidance on landscape matters.


4.1 The bungalow has been extended to the rear.

4.2 In 2004 it was noted that a mobile unit used as an office appeared to be unauthorised. This is still in situ.

4.3 The reason for refusal for the previous application in 2006 related to the concern about the undue increase in the bulk and scale of the replacement building in an exposed location in the countryside, and the poor proportions and design and consequent harm to the appearance of the area (COPY REPORT AND PLANS ATTACHED).


5.1 Sibson-cum-Stibbington Parish Council: NO OBJECTION (COPY ATTACHED).


6.1 None received.


7.1 The erection of a-one-for-one replacement dwelling in the countryside is acceptable, subject to the proposal satisfying the requirements for high quality design in terms of policies H27 and H4. Policy H27 requires only modest changes in building size, good design and a development well related to its setting. Policy H4 seeks to avoid a significant increase in the height or mass of the dwelling, and avoid a material increase in the impact of the dwelling on the countryside.

7.2 The existing bungalow is modest in size and height. The development involves significant changes in building height and size, largely due to the introduction of first floor accommodation and the replacement of

4 the hipped roof with a gabled roof and long ridge-line. These changes will significantly increase the visual impact of the new dwelling compared to the existing dwelling.

7.3 It is noted that the two-storey element would be similar to, but longer than, the adjoining dwelling. However, it is not appropriate to replace a modest bungalow with a dwelling which would be significantly bulkier and more intrusive in its countryside setting, simply because there is a two-storey house next door and even though an application to extend the neighbouring house is under consideration. To protect the countryside from incremental development, planning policy makes clear that replacement dwellings should be judged against the dwellings they replace rather than neighbouring dwellings. The loss of space at the sides of the proposed dwelling, compared to the existing bungalow would also be particularly regrettable, especially since the site is clearly visible from various directions.

7.4 Furthermore, it is considered that the design of the proposed dwelling is not of a high enough standard to relate well to its surroundings or merit approval. The applicants’ proposals to landscape gaps in the existing perimeter planting do not outweigh the concerns. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies H27 and H4 and the guidance of the design guide and other policies and guidance.

7.5 The development would be contrary to policy En25 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995, HL5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration and policies B1 and G2 of the Huntingdonshire Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007, CS1 of the Submission Core Strategy 2008 and Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD, because the scheme would not make a positive contribution to the character of the surrounding area or promote local distinctiveness.

7.6 Having regard to applicable national and local policies and having taken all relevant material considerations into account, it is considered that planning permission should be refused in this instance.

If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs.

8. RECOMMENDATION - REFUSE for the following reason:

8.1 The proposal would, due to the undue increase in the bulk and scale of the replacement building in an exposed location in the countryside, and the design not being of the high quality sought by the policies and guidance, detract from the character and appearance of the area, which would be contrary to policies H27 and En25 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995, HL5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration, policies H4,G2 and B1 of the Huntingdonshire Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007, policy CS1 of the Submission Core Strategy 2008 and the guidance of PPS1, PPS3, PPS7 and the Huntingdonshire Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document 2007.


BACKGROUND PAPERS: Planning Application File Reference: 0802570FUL, 0600300FUL Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan, 2003 Huntingdonshire Local Plan, 1995 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration, 2002 Huntingdonshire Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007 Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Submission Core Strategy 2008 Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD

CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Sheila Lindsay Development Control Officer 01480 388407