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E- AUCTION SALE NOTICE Bank of Baroda Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and ROSARB II, Denalaxmi Bhavan, Second Floor, , Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Ahmedabad-380009. Ph. 079 26594121, E-mail : [email protected] Security Interest Act. 2002 (hereinafter referred to as the Act.) E-auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act. 2002 read with proviso to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rule, 2002. Notice is hereby given to the public general and in particular to the Borrower (s) and Guarantor (s) that the below described immovable property hypothecated/pledged/mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the possession of which has beentaken by the Authorized Officer of Bank, will be sold on “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” on 07/02/2020.The auction will be online e-auction through website https://bob.auctiontiger.net on 07/02/2020 between 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM. Date/Time of E-auction of following properties 07/02/2020 at 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (with unlimited extension of 5 minutes duration each) SR BRANCH Details of Borrower/ Description of the property to be Possession Secured debt for recovery RESERVE Earnest Money Deposit Contact No of the NO Morgagor / Guarantors sold with known encumbrances Type As per Demand notice PRICE (EMD)/Account number Branch Manager/ (Rs. In lakhs) where EMD to be deposited Authorised officer 1 ROSARB 2 Dahyabhai Shamjibhai Patel Mortgaged Property Situated at All that Piece and Parcel of immovable Rs. 18.35 lakhs +Uncharged Rs. 2.15 Lakh Vijay Mishra (Chief (ACR 2) (Borrower)/ Vijaykumar property bearing City Survey No. 2143 F.P. No. 49/A/1, TPS No. 1 of interest + legal & Other A/c No. Manager) 9687671985 Dhayabhai Patel (Guarantor) Jamalpur Ward, situated lying and being at Village , Taluka Symbolic Expenses as per 13(2) notice 21.49 110411999999 & Ashok Kumar Maurya City, Registration District Ahmedabad and Sub District Ahmedabad – 5 dated 01.07.2019 (Less IFSC Code: (Chief Manager) (Narol), Flat No. 304, Park Avenue, 3rd Floor, Besides Recovery made after issuance BKDN0111104 9838076904 Mukti Foj Church, Behind AMTS Work Shop, Behrampura, Ahmedabad of 13(2) demand notice) 2 ROSARB 2 Pritiben Vijaykumar Patel Mortgaged Property Situated at All that Piece and Parcel of Rs. 17.72 lakhs + Uncharged Rs. 2.06 Lakh Vijay Mishra (Chief (ACR 2) (Borrower)/ Vijaykumar immovable property bearing City Survey No. 2143 F.P. No. 49/A/1, TPS interest + legal & Other A/c No. Manager) 9687671985 Dhayabhai Patel (Guarantor) No. 1 of Jamalpur Ward, situated lying and being at Village Behrampura, Symbolic Expenses as per 13(2) notice 20.55 110411999999 & Ashok Kumar Maurya Taluka City, Registration District Ahmedabad and Sub District dated 24.01.2019 (Less IFSC Code: (Chief Manager) Ahmedabad – 5 (Narol), Flat No. 310, Park Avenue, 3rd Floor, Besides Recovery made after issuance BKDN0111104 9838076904 Mukti Foj Church, Behind AMTS Work Shop, Behrampura, Ahmedabad of 13(2) demand notice) 3 Mr. Chetan Vallabhbhai All piece & parcel of Residential Flat no F-101 & F-102, Rs.10.31 lakhs + uncharged Rs. 2.20 Lakh BM Alpesh Parmar (eVijaya) Kathiriya (Borrower & First Floor of Building Scheme Known as " Gokul Gold" Land revenue interest + legal Exp & costs A/c No. 730400301000572 9962080218, AO Rohan (ACR 2) Mortgagor) Mrs. Jignasha survey no 125, TPScheme no 45 of Khokhra Mehmdabad - - 1, Symbolic as per demand notice of 13(2) 21.77 IFSC CODE - VIJB0007304 kumar 9899087156 & Chetankumar Kathiriya Final Plot no 100 Paiki Sub Plot no 1 admeasuring 3437 Sq Mtrs dated 01.11.2018 Sanjeev Sambyal (Guarantor) of Mouje - Ghodasar, Ta : City : Dist - SUb - District Ahmedabad 7574892034 Last Date of Deposit of EMD & BID- 06/02/2020 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFE-AUCTION SALE AVAILABLE ON BANK’S WEBSITE : www.bankofbaroda.com 1. For detailed terms and conditions of the sale. please refer to the link provided in our banks website at : www.bankofbaroda.com. 2. The auction sale will be Online e-auction / Bidding through website https://bob.auctiontiger.net (property also available on Auction Tiger Mobile App) on date and time mentioned above with unlimited extensions of 5 minutes duration each. 3. Incaseo f technical assistance, bidders may contact Shri Chintan Bhatt (Contact No. 99785 91888, 079-61200511) or bidder support at 92655 62821, (079) 61200 594/598/568/587/538 E-mail : [email protected], Website : https://bob.auctiontiger.net STATUTORY 30 DAYS SALE NOTICE UNDER SARFAESI ACT TO THE BORROWER & GUARANTORS The borrowers/Guarantors are hereby given notice to pay the sum mentioned as above along with uncharged interest and legal expenses before the date of auction, failing which the property will be auctioned and balance, if any, will be recovered with interest and cost incurred from them by legal avenues. Date : 04-01-2020 Authorized Officer Place : Ahmedabad Bank of Baroda